marie's corner today 2010

have a seat Yearly newsletter by Marie’s Corner. Marie’s Corner, who we are and what we do! N° 1

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Post on 18-Nov-2014




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Marie’s Corner produce handcrafted furniture, focused on the design and manufacturing of handmade, top-quality seating solutions. All furniture marketed by Marie’s Corner is characterised by its comfort and high level of quality and materials.


have a seat

Yearly newsletter by Maries Corner. Maries Corner, who we are and what we do!

TodayN 1

sum 6 mary2 6 8 9new Models Dakota TexTile and ChoiCe Knowhow

8 13

10 16




10 Overview 12 worldwide 13 Showroom 14 California

16 ConTraCTs 17 Collaborations 18 CoMMuniCaTion 19 Designers TodaY


Over 15 yearS Of handCrafTed seaTingMaries founded Corner in the was early business substantially, through both international expansion, and by refocusing its activities from private decoration to projects and collaborations with interior designers and decorators. Still, Maries Corners core business is the manufacturing of handcrafted leading-quality furniture, tailored to the specific requirements of its clients. Recently, the business expanded Nineties by Laetitia Low, who entered the seating market with handcrafted furniture. Since the early days, the business has focused on the design and manufacturing of handmade, top-quality seating


solutions. All furniture marketed by Maries Corner is characterised by its comfort and high level of quality and materials. After a few years Laetitias husband, Alain Low, joined the business. Thanks to his involvement, they managed to grow the

its global activities into the US market, with local production facilities in North Carolina.Sacramento



Orlando Pittsburgh with loose cover

ArmchAirsCOMfOrT aND ND CONveNieNCe TodaY NCe odaY odaNext to the existing range of chairs, sofas, tables, etc., this year, Maries Corner introduces a New raNge of sofas aNd seats, some of them with loose covers. These sofas and seats offer the traditional comfort and quality in combination with coNveNieNt covers, which allow for further customisation and easy cleaning. These covers are available in a wide selection of plain fabrics and colours. n

new models








new modelsOldson

sof sofAs sofAs



in addition, there is also a new extensive n selection of Natural textured fabrics, as well as new accessories, such as cushioNs, plaids and a bookshelf. n


The popular dakota range introduces a modular sofa coNcept. The range includes a selection of different units, from one-seater to lounge units, with or without armrests.

dakoTa, 100 wayS TO CoMforTThese different units can be combined into one set-up. The Dakota range offers excelleNt comfort, and is available with fixed upholstering and loose covers. The Dakota ranges modular concept allows clients to compose their own sofa setup, completely tailored to their persoNal desire aNd Needs. n




QualiTy aND ChOiCe iN TexTilesNext to the seating solutions, Maries Corner also offers a wide variety of textiles, with over 40 different fabrics, as well as different types of leather. The fabrics can be used for all the furniture manufactured by Maries Corner, but can also be bought separately. Over recent years, there has been a clear shift towards more natural fibres, such as linen, bamboo and cotton, and orgaNic colours. There is also a good selection of textured fabrics. whats more, at Maries Corner, all fabrics are available in stock at all times. For those clients with more specific needs, Maries Corner can also use fabrics brought in by the client for the furniture. n

a TraDiTiON iN CrafTsManship

The success of Maries Corner is based on a combination of expert craftsmanship and meeting the persoNal requiremeNts of clients. every unit of furniture is created by hand with top material and a great eye for detail. They all make for special and most personal creations. The frames are made of solid beech wood. The cushions are made of feather and fibre, or foam, and offer excellent seating comfort. for the tables, a selection of three types of wood is available for any exposed woodwork, namely veneer olive, american walnut and oak. The seats have either beech wood or oak legs. every year, Maries Corner manufactures over 10,000 handcrafted units. also, because of the persoNal approach to the uNits, most units can be manufactured in any size required. n



Today43models of sofas

54 33 3916

models of armchairs

models of chairs

models of poufs

models of tables

range of handcrafted items, with some 200 differeNt models of seats and sofas, chairs and tables high and low, fabric and leather, buttoned or smooth n


Maries Corner presents an exteNsive




MarieS COrNer aCross The globeToday, Maries Corner is active in 45 couNtries, ranging from its european home market to emerging markets, like russia and the Middle east. Maries Corner covers all corners of the globe, from hong Kong to australia, from Morocco to venezuela. The collections by Maries Corner can be found in the most prestigious shops across the globe, encluding le Bon March in Paris, aBC in New york. To find a dealer or shop near to you, please visit the website: n


at the global headquarters in wavre, just south of Brussels, a team of experts welcome professionals, as well as private individuals to the showroom. The showroom offers a most complete overview of all models and fabrics. in addition, clients are supported with professional advice and services. To visit the showroom, please contact us to make an appointment. n

showrooma glOBal ShOwCaseTwice a year, Maries Corner exhibits at maisoN & object in Paris, the leading global trade fair for interior decoration professionals. in January and September, Maries Corner uses the trade fair as a platform to introduce new models, meet up with partNers aNd professioNals, and to showcase its collection. n

a MOST COMPleTe ShowrooM



Sacramento Clayton Burbank

Pouf California

TodayCarmel Belmont Carson Fillmore

CONTeMPOrary vinTage DeSigNBrentwood

The California collection is Maries Corners contemporary take on a traditional vintage design. This collection of sofas and seats offers a complete range of furniture with an exposed oak frame, clean lines and quality detail stitching. The California collection makes for a more masculine approach to furniture. These sofas and seats are only


available in standard sizes. n


El Monte

El Paso


glOBal ConTraCTsOver recent years, Maries Corner has focused more of its activities on partial or complete coNcept collaboratioNs with interior decoration professionals and architects. The results of the collaborations can be found on all continents, in four- and fivestar hotels, in restaurants, golf clubs, wellness centres, embassies, etc. n

le laNa - courchevel

le craNs - craNs moNtaNa

heritage - lisboNNe

htel de la poste - roNchiNNe




SPeCial CollaboraTionsupon request, Maries Corner also works with leadiNg desigNers and event organisers to collaborate on special projects. These result in striking, unexpected products, such as the sofa designed by charles kaisiN in rosewood. n









online reSOurCeSOn the website of Maries Corner, professionals and private individuals can find a wide variety of iNformatioN, such as product information and technical details, downloads and points of sale. visit us at n


glOBal press COverageacclaimed for its top-quality design and quality, Maries Corner and its products are regularly featured in prestigious local and international magazines and other publications for both professionals and the general public. n


laetitia Zichy-low

jacques deNeef

The design TeaMThe inspiration and driving force behind Maries Corner is laetitia Zichy-low, who founded the business in the early Nineties. To date, she still designs the collection together with the designer jacques deNeef, who joined the company after a successful experience at Delvaux. n



recently, Maries Corner exhibited at the ihfC, the leading global furniture trade fair for professionals at high Point in North Carolina. The success lead to Maries Corner venturing into the uS market. laetitia and alain low set up their activities in North Carolina, including production facilities, to further the brand in North america. On the home market, the general management in Belgium has been entrusted to Philippe vanhemelen, who joined the business over three years ago as finance Director. he is supported by Marie van Durme, the Commercial and Marketing Director, and Jacques Deneef, the Product Director. n


eNTeriNg The us MarKeT

have a seat

Maries Corner - avenue edison, 20 - 1300 wavre - Belgium - tel.: +32 10 84 96 80 - fax: +32 10 84 94 80 MC america llC - 2021 english road - NC 27262 - high Point uSa [email protected] -