mass schedule - immaculate heart of mary parish


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Page 1: Mass Schedule - Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish
Page 2: Mass Schedule - Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

Monday the 7th

MI Prayer Village 1 pm Church Office Spirit & Bride Charismatic Prayer 7 pm Church

Ecell 7 pm Parish Office

Tuesday the 8th

Stewardship Meeting 5:30 pm Parish Office High School Youth Group 6:30 pm Youth Center

Ecell 7 pm Church

Wednesday the 9th

Moms’ Group 9:30 pm Parish Office Shawl Ministry 2 pm Parish Office PTO/School Committee: 5:30 pm/6:30 pm E/W room 7th/8th Grade Faith Formation 6:30 pm Youth Center St. Vincent de Paul 7 pm South Cedar Street unit RCIA 7 pm Parish Office Middle School Youth Group 6:30 pm Youth Center

Ecell 7 pm Church

Thursday the 10th

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Ecell 7:30 pm Parish Office

Friday the 11th

Reconciliation after 8 am Mass Bible Study 10 am Parish Office

Saturday the 12th

St. Monica Sodality 9 am Parish Office Reconciliation 3 pm to 4 pm Church Game Night! 7 pm Parish Family Center

Sunday the 13th

Pancake Breakfast after 7:30 & 9:30 am Masses Alpha/Confirmation 11 am Youth Center Family Faith Formation 11 am Parish Family Center High School Youth Group 5 pm Youth Center

Mass Schedule The Week Ahead

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Lansing, MI (517) 393-3030 Sunday, January 6, 2019

Page 2 website:

Sunday the 6th: The Epiphany of the Lord

4:30 pm (Saturday) Steve Gauss —Jo Sheehan

7:30 am For the People of the Parish 9:30 am (Choir sings) Judy Rittenburg —Herdus Family

11:30 am Paul & Ruth Reid and Carl & Vedetta Nichols by Family

Monday the 7th

8 am Joe Gauthier —Pat & Nan O’Meara

Tuesday the 8th

8 am Ana Artadi & Family —Lorraine Gray

Wednesday the 9th

8 am Intentions of Nany Murphy — IHM School

Thursday the 10th

8 am Intentions of Frank & Sharon Pancino by Mark & Mary Johnston

Friday the 11th

8 am James Byers —Byers Family

Saturday the 12th

8 am The St. Monica Sodality —IHM Parish 4:30 pm A. D. Thelen —Ken & Char Thelen

Sunday the 13th: The Baptim of the Lord

7:30 am Intentions of Angela Sullivan, Alexander Gray and Christine Thoma by Lorraine Gray

9:30 am For the People of the Parish

11:30 am Intentions of Miranda, Oruga, Pecayo and Verhelle Families by Lydia & Dennis Verhelle

Readings for next Sunday The Baptism of the Lord:

Is 40:1-5, 9-11, Ti 2:11-14, 3:4-7, Lk 3:15-16. 21-22

Parish Financial Stewardship

Sunday, December 23, 2018:

Loose $ 817.30 Envelopes $ 24,168.33 Total $ 24,985.63

Total December 24, 2017: $29,449.68

Christmas: Loose $ 2,045.22 Envelopes $ 14,459.00 Total $ 16,504.22

Total Christmas 2017 $ 16,107.25

Building Together with Christ Campaign Goal: $ 1,774,600.00

Total Pledged: $ 1,199,507.65

Cash Received: $ 1,146,081.31

Number of Gifts: 547 (47%) (1,150 families)

Reminder: The “Blue” colored payment envelopes are included in your Sunday bi-monthly packets.

Ministry to the Sick and Grieving Call the parish office to request a hospital visit, sacrament of the sick, communion, or prayers listed in the bulletin. You may also let us know of someone who is sick to be prayed for by our prayer circle team.

Pray for the sick of our parish: Barbara Carroll, Ross Dingman, Helen Draminski, Shirley Gearhart, Julie Gordon, Al Grill, Chloe Harrison, Theresa Hefty, Ray Mulvaney, Nancy Murphy, Erin Poletti, Patricia Treanor, Lila Tkaczyk, Kurt VanSteel, Dennis Verhelle, and Jeremy Zielaskowski

Page 3: Mass Schedule - Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Sunday, January 6, 2019

517-393-3030 Website: Page 3

The twelfth day of Christmas is the solemn feast of the Epiphany, this year on January 6. Epiphany is known as the Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi who followed a star. Their following of the star represented their credence to the virtues of faith, hope, and charity.

The term epiphany means "to show" or "to make known" or even "to reveal." It remembers the coming of the wise men bringing gifts to visit the Christ child, who by so doing "reveal" Jesus to the world as Lord and King.

This act of worship by the Magi, which corresponded to Simeon’s blessing that this child Jesus would be "a light for revelation to the Gentiles" (Luke 2:32), was one of the first indications that Jesus came for all people, of all nations, of all races, and that the work of God in the world would not be limited to only a few.

Pope Benedict, at the time, noted that with the Magi, “something new has begun.” The Wise Men from the East were the first, but not the last, “of the great procession of those who through all the periods of history, know to recognize the message of the star.”

Those who follow the star, he continued, “are able to encounter him who is apparently weak and fragile, but who is able to give the greatest and most profound joy to man’s heart.”

“In the course of history, he said, “there have always been persons illuminated by the light of the star, who find the way and reach him. All of them live, in their own way, the experience of the Magi.”

Have you found the star and are you following it?

Follow the Star

Copyright © 2002 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, Chicago IL. Text by David Philippart.

Edited by the IHM Worship Commission.

Copyright © Dennis Bratcher. Edited by the IHM Worship Commission.

The magi who had been led on their way by a divine star

stood before you in wonder at your marvelous birth;

and bearing gifts they see the sun

who rose from the virgin cloud.

Let the people who sat in darkness

see shining forth the light that knows no evening,

him whom the stars once manifested

to the fire-worshiping Persian kings.

—Orthodox verse on Feast of the Epiphany

Page 4: Mass Schedule - Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish


Handing on the with Jen Brown

Epiphany For most of us, Epiphany has long been associated with “We Three Kings” and moving the three stately looking characters of our nativity sets closer to and inside the set itself. I have friends with kids who like to place the kings a distance away and let the kids move them a little closer each day. I’m not sure if this is particularly catechetical, but it sure is fun for the kids.

But what, really, is “Epiphany”? Have you ever wondered why it is titled such and why we celebrate these guys coming when we don’t necessarily have a feast day for the Shepherds?

The word epiphany means “revelation” or a moment of sudden realization or insight. If something has dawned on you as you are driving down Cedar street, that is an “epiphany” – the light bulb goes on, the penny drops, you put two and two together, something suddenly makes sense. Epiphany.

These “kings”, these “wise men” were scholars and philosophers who were not of the Jewish faith or religion. They were students of philosophy but in essence, pagans, as they did not follow God as he had been revealed to the Jews. They had been following other “gods”.

Pope Benedict XVI in his book, Jesus of Nazareth, The Infancy Narratives, explains “In Hellenistic culture they were regarded as “rulers of a distinctive religion,” but at the same time their religious ideas were thought to be “strongly influenced by philosophy,” so that the Greek philosophers have often been portrayed as their pupils… Even if they were not exactly members of the Persian priesthood, they were nevertheless custodians of religious and philosophical knowledge that had developed in that area and continued to be cultivated there”.

Being students of philosophy, and apparently astrology, they had heard that a King would be born in the land of Judah. It was a common belief that when such a person was born a new star would appear at the time of the rulers’ birth. I know we like to think that they followed the star TO Bethlehem, but they merely put two and two together: there was a king that was supposed to be born in Judea and then a star appeared in the sky, so they made their way to King Herod to welcome this new prince. Can you see now, why King Herod got

nervous? He didn’t have a new child in his household. Who was this new King?

It was after their visit with King Herod that the star they had seen guided them to the home where Jesus was living with Mary and Joseph. Whether the star moved by God’s hand or it only seemed to move for the wise men, we have to ask the question why God brought them to this holy place.

The Catechism gives us some clues: “The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Savior of the world… In the magi, representatives of the neighboring pagan religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of salvation

through the Incarnation. The magi's coming to Jerusalem in order to pay homage to the king of the Jews shows that they seek in Israel, in the messianic light of the star of David, the one who will be king of the nations. Their coming means that pagans can discover Jesus and worship him as Son of God and Savior of the world only by turning towards the Jews and receiving from them the messianic promise as contained in the Old Testament.” (Catechism #528)

Jesus Christ did not just come for the Jews. Jesus came for every human on

earth. It is a popular, though incorrect belief that there are many ways to heaven. Jesus Christ himself said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). The Catechism tells us in the above passage that those from pagan nations and beliefs need the Good News of Salvation - Christ wanted them to have an epiphany, the opportunity to follow Him. Indeed, some today may still be seeking to find the peace and joy that we find in Christ. Jesus Christ is for them just as much as he is for us.

The Feast of the Magi reminds us that Christ is the light for ALL nations and peoples for all times in all places. He is the true Light that enlightens every man and that every heart seeks and needs Him, no matter how far away they are from Him. God created in every human heart a desire for Himself, but not everyone has been given a sign or an invitation. You and I are called upon to be used by God so that every other unbeliever might find Christ and have light through Him. The Feast of the Magi asks us this: What can you do to be the star that leads others to seek Christ?

Page 5: Mass Schedule - Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Page 5

3815 South Cedar St. Lansing, Michigan 48910 517 393-3030 FAX 393-0855

Children's Stewardship Corner

Donations benefit St. Vincent Catholic Charities Children’s Home

Last Sunday: $ 8 Total to Date: $ 557.48

Pick up a box of Children’s envelopes available in the gathering space of church

or parish office, free of charge.

Adult Faith Formation/RCIA Are you interested in knowing more about what Catholics believe? Are you interested in what Jesus taught? Come and see, the RCIA journey meets on Wednesdays at 7pm in the Parish Office. Contact Leah Hinman at 517-393-3030 or [email protected].

Handing on the Faith with CDs Recorded live at two of Life Teen's XLT events, Mark Hart and Matt Smith reveal the depth of God's infinite love for each of us, and challenge us to find out what happens when we abandon everything to Him.

CD’s are located in the gathering space near the magazine rack. We ask that a $3 donation be placed in the slot on the display.

Health Ministry News Children with gastroenteritis, or the stomach flu, are not improved by the use of probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in the digestive tract. Gastroenteritis is an infection by a bacterium or virus that causes inflammation of the digestive tract. In a trial, children were given 5 days of lactobacillus (a probiotic) or usual care. Researchers observed the length and severity of symptoms. There was no difference in symptoms in children who received the probiotics and children who did not receive probiotics.

The Rosary Book & Gift Shoppe Please Note: When you shop at the Rosary Book & Gift Shoppe, 3320 W. Saginaw, please mention The Hands of Mary Rosary Makers and we will receive 10% of your purchase. Thank you!

Job Posting The Diocese of Lansing is accepting applications for a Director of Communications. Applications will be accepted through January 18, 2019. To learn more about the position and apply, please go to

Focus on Youth

January 17-19

8th - 12th graders are invited to journey with the Diocese of Lansing as we join thousands of others in the March for Life 2019! Cost is $70 plus meals. Spots are limited, contact Toni Watters: [email protected] or Jay Jong: [email protected] for more details!

Page 6: Mass Schedule - Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

Page 6 Website: Sunday, January 6, 2019

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish 3815 South Cedar Street Lansing MI 48910 517-393-3030

Immaculate Heart of Mary School Preschool, K — 8th Grade, 882-6631

Family Faith Formation

Preschool, K—8th Grade, 393-3030

Faith Formation 7th/8th Grades & High School

Cane Ministry Please bring your donated cane to the gathering space of church where you will find a container.

Need One? Take One. Done With One? Donate One!

High School Youth Group: We resume today, Sunday, January 6th from 5 - 7:30 pm in the St. John Paul II Youth Center. Join our Lansing Regional High School Youth Group Facebook Page to stay updated! Contact Jay Jong [email protected] or call 517-393-3030 x221 for more information.

2018-2019 Confirmation Candidates: Our next session will be Sunday, January 13th! Please keep working on any make-up work and/or discussion questions due! For further information contact Toni at [email protected] or call 517-393-3030.

7th/8th Grade Faith Formation: We resume today, Sunday, January 6th from 11am -12:30 pm in the Parish Family Center. Youth Group for 6th-8th graders continues Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 pm throughout the year! For further information contact Toni Watters [email protected] or call 517-230-7670.

We are back today for Family Faith Formation: Sunday, January 6 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in the Parish Family Center. Let’s glorify our Lord with good attendance.

Upcoming Family Faith Formation Dates: January 27, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm, PFC February 3, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm, PFC

Join us today for the movie Power in My Hands: A Story of Hope and the Power of Prayer (Sunday, January 6th) from 11 am to 12:30 pm in the Parish Family Center. All are invited and encouraged to attend this powerful 81 minute movie.

We will also present a two-part series on prayer with keynote speaker Taylor Feldpausch, founder of Enthroned Ministries, on January 27 & February 3, 11 am to 12:15 pm in the Parish Family Center. All are invited! These powerful presentations on prayer will take you on a journey to discover the life of prayer you were made for. Through practical application of the knowledge we have gained through the saints, Enthroned

seeks to give you an easy-to-follow process to work prayer into your life and the life of your family.

Position Opening Immaculate Heart of Mary's after school program is in the process of taking resumes for an after school supervisor. The supervisor would assist the director with supervision for children ages 3-13 for the after school program. You would provide a clean, safe and fun program along with assisting the children in different science, math, pretend play, games and arts and craft activities. Previous child care experience and education desired. This is a part time afternoon position and could possibly lead to full time. Please send resume to [email protected].

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School challenges students to discover God's gifts, spiritually,

intellectually, socially and physically all within a community that nurtures, honors and respects the

unique person.

School resumes tomorrow, January 7! We are all excited to come back rested and rejuvenated and ready to finish up the first semester!

Our virtues for January are: ORDERLINESS and INDUSTRIOUSNESS. What a great way to start a year!

January 18 is the end of the first semester. Parents, please review the Powerschool site with your children and make sure that all is turned in and redos are completed!

Boys’ Basketball Tourneys will take place at LCHS currently. We are privileged to be able to host this year. By providing workers we are able to make a profit for our Athletic Fund. Parents, please check out the Sign Up Genius in the December 23 bulletin to take a shift and help make this a profitable event!

PTO and School Committee meet this week. PTO meets at 5:30 pm on Wednesday and all parents are encouraged to attend. Many activities are scheduled in the next couple of months and additional parent support is very much appreciated!

Lansing Catholic High School is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 school year. Acceptance letters are mailed on a weekly basis. If you have questions about admissions at Lansing Catholic High School or would like an application please contact the admissions office at 517-267-2102 or [email protected].

Page 7: Mass Schedule - Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday: 8:30 - 5 pm, Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Closed weekends Page 7

Website: Sunday, December 30, 2018

Divine Life in the Parish Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am

Weekday Masses: Monday - Saturday, 8 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 3 - 4 pm, and after 8 am Masses (except for Wednesdays). Also by appointment.

Sick and Homebound: Call the parish office to request a hospital visit, sacrament of the sick, communion, or prayers.

Infant Baptism: Please arrange through the parish office in advance. Preparation class is required.

Sacrament of Marriage: Please make arrangements with the pastor or deacon at least nine months in advance of the proposed wedding date.

Welcome New parishioners! Please register by calling or stopping by the Parish Office. We encourage you to be an active member by attending Sunday Mass weekly and supporting your parish in gratitude for what God has given you.

Mission Statement: As a Christ-centered, Spirit-led faith community, fed by Word and Sacrament,

we bring the “Good News” of God’s love into all areas of our lives, that we may lead others to Christ.

Parish Staff Contact Information Parish Office/Staff: 517-393-3030 FAX: 393-0855

Rev. John Byers, Pastor [email protected] Rev. George Daisy, In Residence Deacon John Cameron

Business Mgr. Barry Marsh [email protected]

Bookkeeper Ann Schadler [email protected]

Secretaries Anita Sandel [email protected]

Bulletin Barb Smith [email protected]

Immaculate Heart of Mary School (3830 Rosemont Ave) 882-6631 Karen Hicks, Interim Principal

Coordinator of Evangelization & Discipleship…...393-3030 Jennifer Brown [email protected]

Family Faith Formation Director …………………...393-3030 Aaron Epkey [email protected]

Faith Formation 7th/8th grades/High School/Young Adults: Jay Jong (Youth Group) [email protected]…...393-3030 Toni Watters (7th/8th, Confirm.) [email protected]

RCIA/Adult Faith Formation ….……………………..393-3030 Leah Hinman [email protected]

Music & Liturgy………………………………………….393-3030 Dave Wiseman [email protected]

Social Ministry/Health Ministry Barry Marsh ..........393-3030

Restorative Justice/Change of Heart Bob Heriford......243-8605

St. Vincent de Paul Don Quillan…...…………..….....253-8163

Knights of Columbus, Grand Knight: Paul Mapes……393-3030 website: email: [email protected]

ICAP (Counseling Assistance Program) ..……….......393-3030

[email protected]…..393-3030

Holy Spirit Oratory Jack Chan……………..…..….…668-8113

Save The Date!

Pancake Breakfast: Our next Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast will be held Sunday, January 13, after the 7:30 and 9:30 am Masses in the Parish Family Center.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend: Jesus was and is the world's most perfect gift. Experience that gift anew in your marriage and grow closer than ever before on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. Upcoming weekends will be held Jan. 25-27 at Holiday Inn -Troy and March 15-17 at St. Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt. Apply online at: or contact Chris & Darla Vinton at 734-531-9191.

Adult Game Night! Join us for fun and fellowship in the new year! Join us in the Parish Family Center, 7 pm - 9 pm on Saturday, January 12. Feel free to bring your favorite game and a snack to share. Some games and cards are provided. For more information contact Becky, 882-0167.

Blood Drive at Immaculate Heart of Mary: Monday, January 14, 2 pm to 7:45 pm at the Parish Family Center. You may sign up to donate at and enter the sponsor code: Immaculate or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). We also welcome volunteer workers to assist during the drive —Sign up sheets are available in the gathering space.

Annual Men's Retreat: January 18-20, 2019 St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt. "From Chaos to Order: A Scriptural Guide" Join us to gain new scriptural insights on ways to bring order into your own life and community. The suggested donation for the weekend is $175 - retreat begins with check in at 6:00 pm on Friday and ends after lunch on Sunday. Men of all ages are welcome! Register by calling Pete Droste, 896-8222 or St. Francis Retreat Center, 517-669-8321; or online at Set aside time for this encounter opportunity!

THE MAN EVENT 2019: February 23. Men, come to grow in your faith at the annual Diocese of Lansing’s Catholic Men’s Conference. In carrying out the tradition of providing an atmosphere of support and helping the Catholic men among us to courageously live a Christ-centered life in today’s world, this year’s theme will focus on how to 'wear the armor of God'. -Eph. 6:10-18. The event, takes place at Our Lady of Fatima, Michigan Center. Register Online:

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: Rachel's Vineyard is a place to renew, rebuild, and redeem hearts broken by abortion. February 15 -17, weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential, and non-judgmental, environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal, and healing. or contact Della Seeley/New Life Center 517-993-0291, [email protected].