mastering workforce through hrmis

Submitted to Prof. Anupama Murali Krishnan Mastering Workforce through HRMIS An End Term project report on MIS M ASTERING W ORKFORCE THROUGH HRMIS Submitted By : Ranjan Shankar Shetty

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Page 1: Mastering Workforce Through HRMIS

Submitted to

Prof. Anupama Murali Krishnan

M a s t e r i n g W o r k f o r c e t h r o u g h

H R M I S An End Term project report on MIS


Submitted By :

Ranjan Shankar Shetty

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First we would extend our honest thank to our faculty Prof. Anupama Murali KrishnanProf. Anupama Murali KrishnanProf. Anupama Murali KrishnanProf. Anupama Murali Krishnan

for giving us the opportunity to conduct this project

A special thanks to a friend Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. VishwanathVishwanathVishwanathVishwanath (Ops Manager, Accenture) who is most

responsible for allowing one of us to have a practical overview of the topic in the industry and

interact with his staff, and Mr Girish RamchandranMr Girish RamchandranMr Girish RamchandranMr Girish Ramchandran for expressing their views and thoughts.

We also thank one and allone and allone and allone and all who have helped in making key decisions and discussion

which allowed me to complete this project in time successfully.

Last but not least my families for extending their support.

While the project was taking its form, we realized how true the below quote is

: : : : Ranjan Shankar ShettyRanjan Shankar ShettyRanjan Shankar ShettyRanjan Shankar Shetty

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This document is strictly prohibited from publishing other than this Project

due to written agreement Between Ranjan Shetty and Accenture.

This document is strictly prohibited from publishing other than this Project,

If published necessary legal actions will be taken by Accenture in the country

the publication is published, according to copyright act.

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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) .......................................................................................... 6

Performance Appraisal .............................................................................................................................. 7

Employee Viewpoint ............................................................................................................................. 7

Organisational viewpoint ...................................................................................................................... 8

Performance Management Goals .............................................................................................................. 8

Inputs to the Human Resource MIS .......................................................................................................... 9

Human Resource MIS Subsystems and Outputs ....................................................................................... 9

How to Develop a Performance Management System ................................................................................ 10

Track and Manage Your Most Valuable Asset - Your Employees. ........................................................ 11

How to Structure a Performance Management System ............................................................................... 11

Performance Appraisal Software’s .............................................................................................................. 12

Benefits of using Performance appraisal software’s ........................................................................... 12

Employee Relationship Management (ERM) ............................................................................................. 13

Five Steps to a Human Resources Software Technology System ............................................................ 13

Employee Performance Management Software Solution ........................................................................ 14

How does your solution help me manage employee performance in my organization? ..................... 14

Challenge ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 15

Accenture .................................................................................................................................................... 16

At Accenture ............................................................................................................................................ 16

HRMIS at Accenture ................................................................................................................................ 17

Performance appraisal form of Customer Service associate for swift cover insurance process through

Accenture (BPO) ................................................................................................................................. 17

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 17

BIBILORAPHY ............................................................................................................................................... 19

Annexure ..................................................................................................................................................... 20

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The rapid developments in the information technology have not left any sphere of

the human work life untouched. The organizations are growing in size, functions, are working

across nations and thus are becoming more and more complex to handle. More and more

organizations are integrating information technology (IT) in their human resource (HR) activities

to improve their effectiveness.

Technology helps to measure and manage the employee performance. It helps to

automate the processes of HR and save time and cost and reduce the efforts required and the

paperwork. According to a survey, more than 30 percent of the respondent organizations are

already using or are planning to buy software for the performance management in the


To help and automate the processes of Performance appraisal management, organizations

are increasingly taking the help of various performance management software’s like:

• workforce performance management (WPM) suite systems and

• Talent management software’s

Which help to systematically record all the data about the employee performance, pre-

determined targets and the results achieved, compensation, succession planning and other related

HR systems? The various forms can be filled online and can be submitted to the HR.

The information is systematically stored in metrics where the current employee

performance can be compared with the targets and the standards. These systems also help to

analyze the training needs of the employees, systematically monitor their progress and their

review and feedback and the improvement in the performances. Such software systems are

provided by IT companies which they help to implement and integrate in the processes of the

organizations. The organizations today have the choice of buying a ready to use licensed

software package or can get a customized software system prepared according to its own needs

and requirements.

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To complete the Performance appraisal subjectively and fairly, it is advised to consult the

previous supervisor or manager. If this is not possible, consult the supervisor’s superior to get his

views and inputs.

Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

Human Resource Management Information System (MIS) is concerned with all of the

activities related to employees and potential employees of the organization.

Typically, the better The Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) increasingly higher

administrative control of such systems. Currently Human Resource Management Systems


1. Payroll

2. Work Time

3. Benefits Administration

4. HR management Information system

5. Recruiting

6. Training/Learning Management System

7. Performance Record

8. Employee Self-Service

An effective HRIS provides information on just about anything the company needs to track

and analyze about employees, former employees, and applicants. Your company will need to

select a Human Resources Information System and customize it to meet your needs.

With an appropriate HRIS, Human Resources staff enables employees to do their own

benefits updates and address changes, thus freeing HR staff for more strategic functions.

Additionally, data necessary for employee management, knowledge development, career growth

and development, and equal treatment is facilitated. Finally, managers can access the information

they need to legally, ethically, and effectively support the success of their reporting employees.

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After understanding most of the functions of HRMIS We are focusing on Performance

appraisal. Before we move no to the technical aspects of Performance Appraisal we will

understand what Performance appraisal is?

Performance Appraisal

The employee performance appraisal helps to identify, evaluate, and develop an

individual's performance. It is a motivation tool that encourages employees to have high

performance levels.

� Validations of hiring practices - are the right people in the right positions?

� Provision of an objective measuring tool on which compensation decisions, and

promotions can be based

� Identification of training needs - individually, departmentally and organizationally

� Identification of employees who have the potential for advancement or who might be

better suited in other areas of the organization

Managing employee performance is an integral part of the work that all managers and rating

officials perform throughout the year. It is as important as managing financial resources and

program outcomes because employee performance or the lack thereof, has a profound effect on

both the financial and program components of any organization.

One of the best ways to appreciate the purposes of performance appraisal is to look at it from

the different viewpoints of the main stakeholders: the employee and the organization.

Employee Viewpoint

From the employee viewpoint, the purpose of performance appraisal is four-fold:

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Organisational viewpoint

One of the principal aims of performance appraisal is to make people accountable. The

objective is to align responsibility and accountability at every organizational level.

Performance Management Goals

Document individual, unit performance objectives for committed work

• Discuss performance and identify actions to improve

• Manage performance problems

• Recognize and reward outstanding performance

• Institutionalise Performance Management practices

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Inputs to the Human Resource MIS

• Strategic plan or corporate policies

• The TPS:

o Payroll data

o Order processing data

o Personnel data

• External sources

Human Resource MIS Subsystems and Outputs

• Human resource planning

• Personnel selection and recruiting

• Training and skills inventory

• Scheduling and job placement

• Wage and salary administration

The regulatory requirements for planning an employee’s performance include

establishing the elements and standards in their EPAP (EPAP). An EPAP outlines the specific

elements and standards that the employee is expected to accomplish during the rating cycle.

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Performance elements and standards should be measurable, understandable, verifiable, equitable,

and achievable.


How to Develop a Performance Management System

A performance management system gives business leaders a way to tie project selection

and employee assessment to core processes and key metrics. By ensuring that everyone is clear

about the company's goals and that decisions are made based on those goals, managers can create

a culture of accountability and optimize business results. Establishing this type of system

involves a focus on process management and improvement, in line with methodologies such as

Six Sigma and Lean manufacturing.

The function of Human Resources departments is generally administrative and not

common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and

payroll processes. Efficient and effective management of "Human Capital" has progressed to an

increasingly imperative and complex process. The HR function consists of tracking existing

employee data which traditionally includes personal histories, skills, capabilities,

accomplishments and salary. To reduce the manual workload of these administrative activities,

organizations began to electronically automate many of these processes by introducing

specialized Human Resource Management Systems. HR executives rely on internal or external

IT professionals to develop and maintain an integrated HRMS. Before the "client-server"

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architecture evolved in the late 1980s, many HR automation processes were relegated to

mainframe computers that could handle large amounts of data transactions. In consequence of

the low capital investment necessary to buy or program proprietary software, these internally-

developed HRMS were unlimited to organizations that possessed a large amount of capital. The

advent of client-server, Application Service Provider, and Software as a Service or SaaS.

Track and Manage Your Most Valuable Asset - Your Employees.

Utilizing a Web-based platform allows you to streamline the entire HR lifecycle

from recruitment and training to payroll and benefits administration. Consolidating these

processes into once system allows small and medium sized businesses to proactively manage HR

operations and improve efficiency. Most Web-based HRMS platforms offer much more than HR

and employee benefits services. Look for a solution that offers a wide range of service offerings

including payroll, talent management, applicant tracking, recruiting tools, pre-employment

testing, background checks, labor law resources and skills training. Robust and user-friendly

reporting tools are also critical.

While employee access to a wide range of HR lifecycle services is helpful in streamlining

HR processes, it is extremely important to choose a Web-based HRMS platform that is easy to

use. Employees are less likely to embrace these services if they are too complex. Keep it simple.

The key to finding the right HRMS system is selecting an HR business solution that is secure,

well-supported, and equipped to help you reach your goals. With a centralized Web-based

HRMS platform to support your HR department, you have the ability to successfully track,

manage, and control your most valuable asset, your employees.

How to Structure a Performance Management System

A performance management system is a holistic way of managing employees in

accordance with their skills, training and motivation levels for optimal performance of an

organization. It is a technique of measuring, evaluating, training, mentoring and rewarding

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employees, teams and departments within an organization, agency or corporation. It is based on

the principle that human resources are the only continuous developing asset within an

organization. The principle dictates that an organization can perform effectively if its employees

are job-enriched, motivated and satisfied. The system of performance management is a technique

of achieving this human resource standard.

Performance Appraisal Software’s

The growing size of the organizations, the competition in the labour market and the

importance of the performance management and appraisals have given way to the use of

performance appraisal software’s. Many companies providing the HR services and the software

companies provide the performance appraisal software’s. The performance appraisals

software’s automate the appraisal processes and assist the HR by adding online capacities to the

processes. The performance appraisal software can be customized according to the needs of the

organization. The various forms and other processes can be designed in accordance to the

practices being followed in the organization.

The software standardizes the appraisal process. The software applications also have

guidelines for the users to guide them throughout the process, alerting the users about the errors

and mistakes (if any), suggesting the appropriate language to be used, provides a systematic

records of the necessary documents to the rater and the HR Department.

Several software packages are available which also provide the 360 degree review program so

that employees can get a multi-rater feedback about their performance.

Benefits of using Performance appraisal software’s

By using the performance appraisal software’s, an organization can reap the following benefits:

• The performance appraisal software can be implemented organization wide, covering all

the employees at the levels (from lowest rank to top management) and across all the

branches of the organization throughout the world.

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• Designed with the latest technologies, they are easy to understand and make things

structured, organized and standardized throughout the organization.

• Performance Measures, KPI and KRA’s, goals and objectives for each employee, team

and department can be weighted and listed according to their importance and priority.

• Use of the standard performance appraisal software’s can help to reduce the subjectivity

and the bias in the ratings of the appraisers.

• It facilitates the calculations and adjustments of the performance related pay and other

related HR decisions.

• Automatic reminders can be sent to the employees and the concerned authorities for the

due appraisals.

• It helps the HR department in appraising the performance and to manage the performance

of the employees efficiently and effectively.

• Helps to improve the productivity of the employees and employee retention in the


• Keeps a detailed record of the past performances and the Performance Reviews of the


Employee Relationship Management (ERM)

Employee Relationship Management (ERM) is not a technology, or a product or an

application but a strategy that aims to bring conversation into newer avenues within an


We deliver ERM solutions using intranet and knowledge management solutions that can

improve communication in your organization, cut costs and unite a decentralized workforce. We

can help implement employee relationship management in your organization through

collaborative tools like:

Five Steps to a Human Resources Software Technology System

Interested in a game plan for finding a Human Resources Software Technology system that fits

your needs, budget, and company growth? These five steps will help you select a Human

Resources Software Technology system.

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1. Determine your Human Resources technology needs.

2. Find the Human Resources software system vendors who match your needs.

3. Set up Human Resources Software Technology system demonstrations.

4. Research your short list of potential Human Resources Software Technology systems.

5. Select your Human Resources Software Technology system and obtain approval.

Employee Performance Management Software Solution

Thinking how you can manage performance of your employees without affecting their

morale? Make it simple! That's the easiest way. And how do you make it simple? Give a

scientific thought, understand the behavioral characteristics of employees and then automate

your performance management system.

Performance is qualitative in nature and also depends on many factors like compensation,

assessment, learning and motivation. This interdependency calls for a scientific design of the

performance management solution.

We are building our performance management solution on the foundation of a strong

competency improvement plan. This will also include mentoring and learning solutions.

How does your solution help me manage employee performance in my organization?

We take an approach of analyzing your specific and designing a tailor made solution for

your specific requirements. You can also get the consultancy services of our partners who will

help us in designing and developing the right kind of solution for you.

Get to know the basic features:

• Individual performance management

• Group performance management

• Process management reports

• Goal management reports

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• Competency management and improvement reports

• Business Intelligence reports and reviews

• Peer to peer appraisal and multiple appraisal processes

• 365 day performance management with daily updates

• Custom defined scoring and rating system


Motivational workforce practices do not work effectively in an organization that lacks an

objective performance measurement system. At Accenture India performance management

system, gaps were observed in effective discussion of employee’s Individual Development Plans

(IDPs) and regular feedback on Key Result Areas (KRAs). Also, individuals felt a lack of clarity

in their roles and the eligibility criteria for career growth. To address the employee concerns,

CSC in India enhanced its performance management system, to provide the employees with

greater opportunities to develop their career potential and align their performance with the

organization’s objectives.


Employee performance management includes planning work and setting expectations,

developing the capacity to perform, continuously monitoring performance, and evaluating it.

Figure 1 shows the process, which guides the performance management activities in CSC in


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Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing

company. Committed to delivering innovation, Accenture collaborates with its clients to help

them become high-performance businesses and governments. With deep industry and business

process expertise, broad global resources and a proven track record, Accenture can mobilize the

right people, skills, and technologies to help clients improve their performance. With

approximately 95,000 people in 48 countries, the company generated net revenues of US$28.8

billion for the fiscal year.

The Accenture Institute for High Performance Business creates strategic insights into key

management issues through original research and analysis. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts,

its management researchers combine world-class reputations with Accenture's extensive

consulting, technology and client experience to conduct innovative research and analysis into

what makes great companies and high performing organizations

At Accenture

The Performance appraisal is one of the important aspect taken care at Accenture, the

performance appraisal sheet or the grading Sheet is done in the Microsoft excel and based on

the performance or the appraisal scores one will have differences in Variable pay, which

employees get in the salary it is a contention that high-performance business gets superior

results from their employees both as the individuals and teams. The Performance appraisal

form is based on the Service level agreements or popularly known as SLA’s and the aspects

relating to the current SLA’s are agreed upon the service promised by Accenture and Swift

Cover Insurance PLC, which is a leading Motor insurance company in the United Kingdome, who

have intern have outsourced the Customer service to Accenture and there are currently 183

employees working for the process and whose performance appraisal would be done at the end

of every month and based on it the incentives would be received by the employee.

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HRMIS at Accenture

The Appraisal form is done in the Microsoft Excel (Annexure)1 This is a replica of the actual

performance appraisal form at Accenture, and the second sheet talks about the grading system on

which an employee is rated and at the end of the month all the reports from the file would be

consolidated in one Microsoft excel file and sent to the Human Resource department.

Performance appraisal form of Customer Service associate for swift cover insurance

process through Accenture (BPO)2

Accenture India, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the $28.8-billion global management

consulting and outsourcing firm Accenture with more than 35,000 employees working in India

which is more than its US headcount of 30,000 employees.

“I learn new things every day as I try to understand the requirements of the industry. The

most exciting thing is the encouragement I receive to take up new assignments, which helps me

grow professionally and personally. This is because Accenture encourages cross-functional

movements to help one gain diverse domain expertise across the various lines of business. The

Internal Job Programme provides employees the support needed to achieve their career

advancement through a transparent and predictable selection process, robust feedback and more

choice in terms of opportunities.”

Girish Ramchandran (Data Validation Associate, Accenture Delivery Centre for BPO



By carefully developing, documenting and communicating performance appraisal

procedures and criteria, pioneering organizations build a solid foundation for human capital

development, especially in areas such as recruiting and selection, rewards and recognition and

1 This document is strictly prohibited from publishing other than this Project due to written agreement Between

Ranjan shetty and Accenture. 2 This document is strictly prohibited from publishing other than this Project, If published necessary legal actions

will be taken by Accenture in the country the publication is published, according to copyright act

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succession planning. Organizations with pioneering performance appraisal systems also protect

themselves from litigation around discrimination. Recent Accenture research has even linked the

maturity of organizations' performance appraisal systems with enhanced employee engagement.

As we shift to a competitive global marketplace where intellectual capital and workforce

proficiency are important drivers of shareholder value, human capital development grows even

more crucial to achieving high performance. Because of its links to many other human capital

processes and business outcomes, an effective performance appraisal process is wise investments

that will help organizations attain high performance, and the use of information technology in the

area of Performance appraisal the transformation have occurred on how to optimize the level of

service level agreement in their operations through which they have attained the efficiency and

the make profits with high level of employee satisfaction and this can be achieved for 95,000

people through Management information system.

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• Performance Apprisal and End term Project from Ranjan Shetty –PGDM-IB Term 1. (HRM)





• : performance standards

• Google scholar

• Girish Ramchandran (Data Validation Associate, Accenture Delivery Centre for BPO


• Management of Human Resources, Gary Dessler.

• Blau, Gary E. Human Resource Accounting, 1st ed. Scarsdale,

• Peter Drucker, "Management Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices”.


• 'The practice of Management'. By Peter Drucker.

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Attendance : Grading

Call Quality : Grading

100% attendance 5

> or = 95% 10

<100% but >95% attendance 3

>90% but <95% 7

< 95% attendance 0

> or = 85% but <90% 3

>85% 0

On Time Login : Grading

0 defect 5

Data Quality : Grading

<3 but > 0 defects 3

> or = 98% 10

> 3 defects 0

>90% but <98% 5

<90% 0

Break Defects : Grading

0 defect 5

Talk Time : Grading

<3 but > 0 defects 3

up to 00:06:00 5

> 3 defects 0

> 00:06:00 0

Monthly Test : Grading

Hold Time : Grading

> or = 98% 10

up to 00:00:45 5

>90% but <98% 5

> 00:00:45 0

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<90% 2

Wrap time : Grading

Org Participation : Grading

Up to 00:01:00 5

Upon the Discretion of the Team


> 00:01:00 0

Leadership Quality : Grading

NCAD*Errors : Grading

Upon the Discretion of the Team


Up to 4% 10

> 4% 0

Note :

> 1 FAIL CALL The Associate will be sent

CAD* (FAIL CALL) Grading

back to training for 3 weeks, and also cut in


Performance pay for the same month.

> or = 1 FAIL CALL 0

NCAD* - Non Customer affecting Defects,

(procedure error)

CAD* - Customer affecting Defects

Overall Performance Grading

> = 80 % but < 87% C

> =98% A+

> = 70% but < 60% D

> = 93% but < 98% A

Below or = 60% E

> = 87% but <93% B