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Page 1: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4
Page 2: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


Richard W. Baker

Membrane Technology and Research, Inc.Menlo Park, California

Page 3: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


Page 4: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


Richard W. Baker

Membrane Technology and Research, Inc.Menlo Park, California

Page 5: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4

First Edition published by McGraw-Hill, 2000. ISBN: 0 07 135440 9

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Baker, Richard W.Membrane technology and applications / Richard W. Baker.—2nd ed.

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ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper)1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title.

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Page 6: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


Preface ix

Acknowledgments for the first edition xiAcknowledgments for the second edition xiii

1. OVERVIEW OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1Introduction 1Historical Development of Membranes 1Types of Membranes 3Membrane Processes 6References 14

2. MEMBRANE TRANSPORT THEORY 15Introduction 15Solution-diffusion Model 18Structure–Permeability Relationships in Solution-diffusionMembranes 48Pore-flow Membranes 66Conclusions and Future Directions 83References 84

3. MEMBRANES AND MODULES 89Introduction 89Isotropic Membranes 90Anisotropic Membranes 96Metal Membranes and Ceramic Membranes 128Liquid Membranes 132Hollow Fiber Membranes 133Membrane Modules 139Conclusions and Future Directions 154References 155

4. CONCENTRATION POLARIZATION 161Introduction 161Boundary Layer Film Model 164

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Determination of the Peclet Number 172Concentration Polarization in Liquid Separation Processes 176Concentration Polarization in Gas Separation Processes 178Cross-flow, Co-flow and Counter-flow 182Conclusions and Future Directions 189References 189

5. REVERSE OSMOSIS 191Introduction and History 191Theoretical Background 193Membranes and Materials 196Reverse Osmosis Membrane Categories 205Membrane Selectivity 212Membrane Modules 214Membrane Fouling Control 215Membrane Cleaning 220Applications 221Conclusions and Future Directions 231References 232

6. ULTRAFILTRATION 237Introduction and History 237Characterization of Ultrafiltration Membranes 238Concentration Polarization and Membrane Fouling 241Membrane Cleaning 251Membranes and Modules 253System Design 258Applications 262Conclusions and Future Directions 272References 272

7. MICROFILTRATION 275Introduction and History 275Background 277Applications 295Conclusions and Future Directions 299References 299

8. GAS SEPARATION 301Introduction and History 301Theoretical Background 303Membrane Materials and Structure 309Membrane Modules 317

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Process Design 317Applications 327Conclusions and Future Directions 349References 351

9. PERVAPORATION 355Introduction and History 355Theoretical Background 357Membrane Materials and Modules 363Process Design 369Applications 372Conclusions and Future Directions 388References 389

10. ION EXCHANGE MEMBRANEPROCESSES–ELECTRODIALYSIS 393Introduction and History 393Theoretical Background 397Chemistry of Ion Exchange Membranes 400Transport in Electrodialysis Membranes 404System Design 411Applications 415Conclusions and Future Directions 422References 422

11. CARRIER FACILITATED TRANSPORT 425Introduction and History 425Coupled Transport 431Facilitated Transport 444Conclusions and Future Directions 459References 460

12. MEDICAL APPLICATIONS OF MEMBRANES 465Introduction 465Hemodialysis 465Blood Oxygenators 470Controlled Drug Delivery 472References 489

13. OTHER MEMBRANE PROCESSES 491Introduction 491Dialysis 491Donnan Dialysis and Diffusion Dialysis 493

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Charge Mosaic Membranes and Piezodialysis 496Membrane Contactors and Membrane Distillation 500Membrane Reactors 509Conclusions and Future Directions 518References 519

Appendix 523

Index 535

Page 10: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


My introduction to membranes was as a graduate student in 1963. At that timemembrane permeation was a sub-study of materials science. What is now calledmembrane technology did not exist, nor did any large industrial applicationsof membranes. Since then, sales of membranes and membrane equipment haveincreased more than 100-fold and several tens of millions of square meters ofmembrane are produced each year—a membrane industry has been created.

This membrane industry is very fragmented. Industrial applications are dividedinto six main sub-groups: reverse osmosis; ultrafiltration; microfiltration; gas sep-aration; pervaporation and electrodialysis. Medical applications are divided intothree more: artificial kidneys; blood oxygenators; and controlled release phar-maceuticals. Few companies are involved in more than one sub-group of theindustry. Because of these divisions it is difficult to obtain an overview of mem-brane science and technology; this book is an attempt to give such an overview.

The book starts with a series of general chapters on membrane preparation,transport theory, and concentration polarization. Thereafter, each major mem-brane application is treated in a single 20-to-40-page chapter. In a book of thissize it is impossible to describe every membrane process in detail, but the majorprocesses are covered. However, medical applications have been short-changedsomewhat and some applications—fuel cell and battery separators and membranesensors, for example—are not covered at all.

Each application chapter starts with a short historical background to acknowl-edge the developers of the technology. I am conscious that my views of whatwas important in the past differ from those of many of my academic colleagues.In this book I have given more credit than is usual to the engineers who actuallymade the processes work.

Readers of the theoretical section (Chapter 2) and elsewhere in the bookwill see that membrane permeation is described using simple phenomenologi-cal equations, most commonly, Fick’s law. There is no mention of irreversiblethermodynamics. The irreversible thermodynamic approach to permeation wasvery fashionable when I began to work with membranes in the 1960s. Thisapproach has the appearance of rigor but hides the physical reality of even simpleprocesses behind a fog of tough equations. As a student and young researcher, Istruggled with irreversible thermodynamics for more than 15 years before finallygiving up in the 1970s. I have lived happily ever after.

Page 11: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


Finally, a few words on units. Because a great deal of modern membrane tech-nology originated in the United States, the US engineering units—gallons, cubicfeet, and pounds per square inch—are widely used in the membrane industry.Unlike the creators of the Pascal, I am not a worshipper of mindless uniformity.Metric units are used when appropriate, but US engineering units are used whenthey are the industry standard.

Page 12: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


As a school boy I once received a mark of 12 out of a possible 20 in an end-of-term

spelling test. My spelling is still weak, and the only punctuation I ever reallymastered was the period. This made the preparation of a polished final draft frommy yellow notepads a major undertaking. This effort was headed by Tessa Ennalsand Cindi Wieselman. Cindi typed and retyped the manuscript with amazingspeed, through its numerous revisions, without complaint. Tessa corrected myEnglish, clarified my language, unsplit my infinitives and added every semicolonfound in this book. She also chased down a source for all of the illustrations usedand worked with David Lehmann, our graphics artist, to prepare the figures. It isa pleasure to acknowledge my debt to these people. This book would have beenfar weaker without the many hours they spent working on it. I also received helpfrom other friends and colleagues at MTR. Hans Wijmans read, corrected andmade numerous suggestions on the theoretical section of the book (Chapter 2).Ingo Pinnau also provided data, references and many valuable suggestions inthe area of membrane preparation and membrane material sciences. I am alsograteful to Kenji Matsumoto, who read the section on Reverse Osmosis and madecorrections, and to Heiner Strathmann, who did the same for Electrodialysis. Theassistance of Marcia Patten, who proofed the manuscript, and Vivian Tran, whochecked many of the references, is also appreciated.

Page 13: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


Eighteen months after the first edition of this book appeared, it was out of print.Fortunately, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd agreed to publish a second edition, andI have taken the opportunity to update and revise a number of sections. TessaEnnals, long-time editor at Membrane Technology and Research, postponed herretirement to help me finish the new edition. Tessa has the standards of an earliertime, and here, as in the past, she gave the task nothing but her best effort. I amindebted to her, and wish her a long and happy retirement. Marcia Patten, EricPeterson, David Lehmann, Cindy Dunnegan and Janet Farrant assisted Tessa bytyping new sections, revising and adding figures, and checking references, as wellas helping with proofing the manuscript. I am grateful to all of these colleaguesfor their help.

Page 14: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4



Membranes have gained an important place in chemical technology and are usedin a broad range of applications. The key property that is exploited is the abilityof a membrane to control the permeation rate of a chemical species through themembrane. In controlled drug delivery, the goal is to moderate the permeationrate of a drug from a reservoir to the body. In separation applications, the goalis to allow one component of a mixture to permeate the membrane freely, whilehindering permeation of other components.

This book provides a general introduction to membrane science and technology.Chapters 2 to 4 cover membrane science, that is, topics that are basic to allmembrane processes, such as transport mechanisms, membrane preparation, andboundary layer effects. The next six chapters cover the industrial membraneseparation processes, which represent the heart of current membrane technology.Carrier facilitated transport is covered next, followed by a chapter reviewing themedical applications of membranes. The book closes with a chapter that describesvarious minor or yet-to-be-developed membrane processes, including membranereactors, membrane contactors and piezodialysis.

Historical Development of Membranes

Systematic studies of membrane phenomena can be traced to the eighteenth cen-tury philosopher scientists. For example, Abbe Nolet coined the word ‘osmosis’to describe permeation of water through a diaphragm in 1748. Through the nine-teenth and early twentieth centuries, membranes had no industrial or commercialuses, but were used as laboratory tools to develop physical/chemical theories. Forexample, the measurements of solution osmotic pressure made with membranesby Traube and Pfeffer were used by van’t Hoff in 1887 to develop his limit law,which explains the behavior of ideal dilute solutions; this work led directly to the

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

Page 15: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


van’t Hoff equation. At about the same time, the concept of a perfectly selectivesemipermeable membrane was used by Maxwell and others in developing thekinetic theory of gases.

Early membrane investigators experimented with every type of diaphragmavailable to them, such as bladders of pigs, cattle or fish and sausage casingsmade of animal gut. Later, collodion (nitrocellulose) membranes were preferred,because they could be made reproducibly. In 1907, Bechhold devised a techniqueto prepare nitrocellulose membranes of graded pore size, which he determinedby a bubble test [1]. Other early workers, particularly Elford [2], Zsigmondy andBachmann [3] and Ferry [4] improved on Bechhold’s technique, and by the early1930s microporous collodion membranes were commercially available. Duringthe next 20 years, this early microfiltration membrane technology was expandedto other polymers, notably cellulose acetate. Membranes found their first signif-icant application in the testing of drinking water at the end of World War II.Drinking water supplies serving large communities in Germany and elsewherein Europe had broken down, and filters to test for water safety were neededurgently. The research effort to develop these filters, sponsored by the US Army,was later exploited by the Millipore Corporation, the first and still the largest USmicrofiltration membrane producer.

By 1960, the elements of modern membrane science had been developed, butmembranes were used in only a few laboratory and small, specialized industrialapplications. No significant membrane industry existed, and total annual sales ofmembranes for all industrial applications probably did not exceed US$20 millionin 2003 dollars. Membranes suffered from four problems that prohibited theirwidespread use as a separation process: They were too unreliable, too slow, toounselective, and too expensive. Solutions to each of these problems have beendeveloped during the last 30 years, and membrane-based separation processesare now commonplace.

The seminal discovery that transformed membrane separation from a labora-tory to an industrial process was the development, in the early 1960s, of theLoeb–Sourirajan process for making defect-free, high-flux, anisotropic reverseosmosis membranes [5]. These membranes consist of an ultrathin, selective sur-face film on a much thicker but much more permeable microporous support,which provides the mechanical strength. The flux of the first Loeb–Sourirajanreverse osmosis membrane was 10 times higher than that of any membrane thenavailable and made reverse osmosis a potentially practical method of desaltingwater. The work of Loeb and Sourirajan, and the timely infusion of large sumsof research and development dollars from the US Department of Interior, Officeof Saline Water (OSW), resulted in the commercialization of reverse osmosis andwas a major factor in the development of ultrafiltration and microfiltration. Thedevelopment of electrodialysis was also aided by OSW funding.

Concurrently with the development of these industrial applications of mem-branes was the independent development of membranes for medical separation

Page 16: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


processes, in particular, the artificial kidney. W.J. Kolf [6] had demonstratedthe first successful artificial kidney in The Netherlands in 1945. It took almost20 years to refine the technology for use on a large scale, but these developmentswere complete by the early 1960s. Since then, the use of membranes in artifi-cial organs has become a major life-saving procedure. More than 800 000 peopleare now sustained by artificial kidneys and a further million people undergoopen-heart surgery each year, a procedure made possible by development of themembrane blood oxygenator. The sales of these devices comfortably exceed thetotal industrial membrane separation market. Another important medical applica-tion of membranes is for controlled drug delivery systems. A key figure in thisarea was Alex Zaffaroni, who founded Alza, a company dedicated to develop-ing these products in 1966. The membrane techniques developed by Alza andits competitors are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry to improve theefficiency and safety of drug delivery.

The period from 1960 to 1980 produced a significant change in the statusof membrane technology. Building on the original Loeb–Sourirajan technique,other membrane formation processes, including interfacial polymerization andmultilayer composite casting and coating, were developed for making high-performance membranes. Using these processes, membranes with selective layersas thin as 0.1 µm or less are now being produced by a number of compa-nies. Methods of packaging membranes into large-membrane-area spiral-wound,hollow-fine-fiber, capillary, and plate-and-frame modules were also developed,and advances were made in improving membrane stability. By 1980, micro-filtration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and electrodialysis were all establishedprocesses with large plants installed worldwide.

The principal development in the 1980s was the emergence of industrial mem-brane gas separation processes. The first major development was the MonsantoPrism membrane for hydrogen separation, introduced in 1980 [7]. Within a fewyears, Dow was producing systems to separate nitrogen from air, and Cynara andSeparex were producing systems to separate carbon dioxide from natural gas.Gas separation technology is evolving and expanding rapidly; further substantialgrowth will be seen in the coming years. The final development of the 1980s wasthe introduction by GFT, a small German engineering company, of the first com-mercial pervaporation systems for dehydration of alcohol. More than 100 ethanoland isopropanol pervaporation dehydration plants have now been installed. Otherpervaporation applications are at the early commercial stage.

Types of Membranes

This book is limited to synthetic membranes, excluding all biological structures,but the topic is still large enough to include a wide variety of membranes that dif-fer in chemical and physical composition and in the way they operate. In essence,a membrane is nothing more than a discrete, thin interface that moderates the

Page 17: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4






coo- coo-




Isotropic microporousmembrane

Nonporous densemembrane

Electrically chargedmembrane

Anisotropic membranes Supported liquidmembrane

Thin-film compositeanisotropic membrane Polymer



Loeb-Sourirajananisotropic membrane

Symmetrical membranes

Figure 1.1 Schematic diagrams of the principal types of membranes

permeation of chemical species in contact with it. This interface may be molecu-larly homogeneous, that is, completely uniform in composition and structure, orit may be chemically or physically heterogeneous, for example, containing holesor pores of finite dimensions or consisting of some form of layered structure. Anormal filter meets this definition of a membrane, but, by convention, the termfilter is usually limited to structures that separate particulate suspensions largerthan 1 to 10 µm. The principal types of membrane are shown schematically inFigure 1.1 and are described briefly below.

Isotropic Membranes

Microporous Membranes

A microporous membrane is very similar in structure and function to a conven-tional filter. It has a rigid, highly voided structure with randomly distributed,interconnected pores. However, these pores differ from those in a conventionalfilter by being extremely small, on the order of 0.01 to 10 µm in diameter. Allparticles larger than the largest pores are completely rejected by the membrane.

Page 18: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


Particles smaller than the largest pores, but larger than the smallest pores arepartially rejected, according to the pore size distribution of the membrane. Par-ticles much smaller than the smallest pores will pass through the membrane.Thus, separation of solutes by microporous membranes is mainly a function ofmolecular size and pore size distribution. In general, only molecules that differconsiderably in size can be separated effectively by microporous membranes, forexample, in ultrafiltration and microfiltration.

Nonporous, Dense Membranes

Nonporous, dense membranes consist of a dense film through which permeantsare transported by diffusion under the driving force of a pressure, concentra-tion, or electrical potential gradient. The separation of various components of amixture is related directly to their relative transport rate within the membrane,which is determined by their diffusivity and solubility in the membrane material.Thus, nonporous, dense membranes can separate permeants of similar size if theirconcentration in the membrane material (that is, their solubility) differs signifi-cantly. Most gas separation, pervaporation, and reverse osmosis membranes usedense membranes to perform the separation. Usually these membranes have ananisotropic structure to improve the flux.

Electrically Charged Membranes

Electrically charged membranes can be dense or microporous, but are most com-monly very finely microporous, with the pore walls carrying fixed positivelyor negatively charged ions. A membrane with fixed positively charged ions isreferred to as an anion-exchange membrane because it binds anions in the sur-rounding fluid. Similarly, a membrane containing fixed negatively charged ionsis called a cation-exchange membrane. Separation with charged membranes isachieved mainly by exclusion of ions of the same charge as the fixed ions of themembrane structure, and to a much lesser extent by the pore size. The separationis affected by the charge and concentration of the ions in solution. For example,monovalent ions are excluded less effectively than divalent ions and, in solutionsof high ionic strength, selectivity decreases. Electrically charged membranes areused for processing electrolyte solutions in electrodialysis.

Anisotropic Membranes

The transport rate of a species through a membrane is inversely proportional tothe membrane thickness. High transport rates are desirable in membrane separa-tion processes for economic reasons; therefore, the membrane should be as thin aspossible. Conventional film fabrication technology limits manufacture of mechan-ically strong, defect-free films to about 20 µm thickness. The development of

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novel membrane fabrication techniques to produce anisotropic membrane struc-tures was one of the major breakthroughs of membrane technology during thepast 30 years. Anisotropic membranes consist of an extremely thin surface layersupported on a much thicker, porous substructure. The surface layer and itssubstructure may be formed in a single operation or separately. In compositemembranes, the layers are usually made from different polymers. The separationproperties and permeation rates of the membrane are determined exclusively bythe surface layer; the substructure functions as a mechanical support. The advan-tages of the higher fluxes provided by anisotropic membranes are so great thatalmost all commercial processes use such membranes.

Ceramic, Metal and Liquid Membranes

The discussion so far implies that membrane materials are organic polymers and,in fact, the vast majority of membranes used commercially are polymer-based.However, in recent years, interest in membranes formed from less conventionalmaterials has increased. Ceramic membranes, a special class of microporousmembranes, are being used in ultrafiltration and microfiltration applications forwhich solvent resistance and thermal stability are required. Dense metal mem-branes, particularly palladium membranes, are being considered for the separationof hydrogen from gas mixtures, and supported liquid films are being developedfor carrier-facilitated transport processes.

Membrane ProcessesSix developed and a number of developing and yet-to-be-developed industrialmembrane technologies are discussed in this book. In addition, sections areincluded describing the use of membranes in medical applications such as theartificial kidney, blood oxygenation, and controlled drug delivery devices. Thestatus of all of these processes is summarized in Table 1.1.

The four developed industrial membrane separation processes are microfiltra-tion, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, and electrodialysis. These processes are allwell established, and the market is served by a number of experienced companies.

The range of application of the three pressure-driven membrane water sep-aration processes—reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration and microfiltration—is illus-trated in Figure 1.2. Ultrafiltration (Chapter 6) and microfiltration (Chapter 7)are basically similar in that the mode of separation is molecular sieving throughincreasingly fine pores. Microfiltration membranes filter colloidal particles andbacteria from 0.1 to 10 µm in diameter. Ultrafiltration membranes can be usedto filter dissolved macromolecules, such as proteins, from solutions. The mech-anism of separation by reverse osmosis membranes is quite different. In reverseosmosis membranes (Chapter 5), the membrane pores are so small, from 3 to5 A in diameter, that they are within the range of thermal motion of the polymer

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Table 1.1 Membrane technologies addressed in this book

Category Process Status

Developed industrialmembrane separationtechnologies

MicrofiltrationUltrafiltrationReverse osmosisElectrodialysis

Well-established unitoperations. No majorbreakthroughs seemimminent

Developing industrialmembrane separationtechnologies

Gas separationPervaporation

A number of plants have beeninstalled. Market size andnumber of applicationsserved are expanding

To-be-developedindustrial membraneseparationtechnologies

Carrier facilitatedtransport

Membrane contactorsPiezodialysis, etc.

Major problems remain to besolved before industrialsystems will be installed ona large scale

Medical applications ofmembranes

Artificial kidneysArtificial lungsControlled drug delivery

Well-established processes.Still the focus of research toimprove performance, forexample, improvingbiocompatibility




1 Å 10 Å 100 Å 1000 Å 1 µm 10 µm 100 µm

H2O(2 Å)

Sucrose(10 Å)

Hemoglobin(70 Å)


(1000 Å)

Pseudomonasdiminuta(0.28 µm)

Na+(3.7 Å) Staphylococcus

bacteria(1 µm)

Starch(10 µm)

Pore diameter

Figure 1.2 Reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, microfiltration, and conventional filtrationare related processes differing principally in the average pore diameter of the membranefilter. Reverse osmosis membranes are so dense that discrete pores do not exist; transportoccurs via statistically distributed free volume areas. The relative size of different solutesremoved by each class of membrane is illustrated in this schematic

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chains that form the membrane. The accepted mechanism of transport throughthese membranes is called the solution-diffusion model. According to this model,solutes permeate the membrane by dissolving in the membrane material anddiffusing down a concentration gradient. Separation occurs because of the dif-ference in solubilities and mobilities of different solutes in the membrane. Theprincipal application of reverse osmosis is desalination of brackish groundwateror seawater.

Although reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration and microfiltration are conceptuallysimilar processes, the difference in pore diameter (or apparent pore diameter)produces dramatic differences in the way the membranes are used. A simplemodel of liquid flow through these membranes is to describe the membranes asa series of cylindrical capillary pores of diameter d . The liquid flow through apore (q) is given by Poiseuille’s law as:

q = πd4

128 µ· p (1.1)

where p is the pressure difference across the pore, µ is the liquid viscosity and is the pore length. The flux, or flow per unit membrane area, is the sum of allthe flows through the individual pores and so is given by:

J = N · πd4

128 µ· p (1.2)

where N is the number of pores per square centimeter of membrane.For membranes of equal pore area and porosity (ε), the number of pores per

square centimeter is proportional to the inverse square of the pore diameter.That is,

N = ε · 4


It follows that the flux, given by combining Equations (1.2) and (1.3), is

J = pε

32 µ· d2 (1.4)

From Figure 1.2, the typical pore diameter of a microfiltration membraneis 10 000 A. This is 100-fold larger than the average ultrafiltration pore and1000-fold larger than the (nominal) diameter of pores in reverse osmosis mem-branes. Because fluxes are proportional to the square of these pore diameters, thepermeance, that is, flux per unit pressure difference (J/p) of microfiltrationmembranes is enormously higher than that of ultrafiltration membranes, which inturn is much higher than that of reverse osmosis membranes. These differencessignificantly impact the operating pressure and the way that these membranes areused industrially.

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The fourth fully developed membrane process is electrodialysis (Chapter 10),in which charged membranes are used to separate ions from aqueous solutionsunder the driving force of an electrical potential difference. The process utilizesan electrodialysis stack, built on the filter-press principle and containing severalhundred individual cells, each formed by a pair of anion and cation exchangemembranes. The principal application of electrodialysis is the desalting of brack-ish groundwater. However, industrial use of the process in the food industry, forexample, to deionize cheese whey, is growing, as is its use in pollution-controlapplications. A schematic of the process is shown in Figure 1.3.

Table 1.1 shows two developing industrial membrane separation processes: gasseparation with polymer membranes (Chapter 8) and pervaporation (Chapter 9).Gas separation with membranes is the more advanced of the two techniques; atleast 20 companies worldwide offer industrial, membrane-based gas separationsystems for a variety of applications. Only a handful of companies currently offerindustrial pervaporation systems. In gas separation, a gas mixture at an elevatedpressure is passed across the surface of a membrane that is selectively permeableto one component of the feed mixture; the membrane permeate is enriched in thisspecies. The basic process is illustrated in Figure 1.4. Major current applications


Salt solutionPick-up solution

To positive pole of rectifier



Demineralized productConcentrated effluent


To negative poleof rectifier




Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl−






Figure 1.3 Schematic diagram of an electrodialysis process

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Feed Residue



Figure 1.4 Schematic diagram of the basic membrane gas separation process

of gas separation membranes are the separation of hydrogen from nitrogen, argonand methane in ammonia plants; the production of nitrogen from air; and theseparation of carbon dioxide from methane in natural gas operations. Membranegas separation is an area of considerable current research interest, and the numberof applications is expanding rapidly.

Pervaporation is a relatively new process that has elements in common withreverse osmosis and gas separation. In pervaporation, a liquid mixture contactsone side of a membrane, and the permeate is removed as a vapor from the other.The driving force for the process is the low vapor pressure on the permeateside of the membrane generated by cooling and condensing the permeate vapor.The attraction of pervaporation is that the separation obtained is proportionalto the rate of permeation of the components of the liquid mixture through theselective membrane. Therefore, pervaporation offers the possibility of separatingclosely boiling mixtures or azeotropes that are difficult to separate by distilla-tion or other means. A schematic of a simple pervaporation process using acondenser to generate the permeate vacuum is shown in Figure 1.5. Currently,the main industrial application of pervaporation is the dehydration of organicsolvents, in particular, the dehydration of 90–95 % ethanol solutions, a diffi-cult separation problem because of the ethanol–water azeotrope at 95 % ethanol.Pervaporation membranes that selectively permeate water can produce more than99.9 % ethanol from these solutions. Pervaporation processes are also being devel-oped for the removal of dissolved organics from water and for the separation oforganic mixtures.

A number of other industrial membrane processes are placed in the category ofto-be-developed technologies in Table 1.1. Perhaps the most important of these iscarrier facilitated transport (Chapter 11), which often employs liquid membranescontaining a complexing or carrier agent. The carrier agent reacts with one com-ponent of a mixture on the feed side of the membrane and then diffuses acrossthe membrane to release the permeant on the product side of the membrane. Thereformed carrier agent then diffuses back to the feed side of the membrane. Thus,the carrier agent acts as a shuttle to selectively transport one component fromthe feed to the product side of the membrane.

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Figure 1.5 Schematic diagram of the basic pervaporation process

Facilitated transport membranes can be used to separate gases; membrane trans-port is then driven by a difference in the gas partial pressure across the membrane.Metal ions can also be selectively transported across a membrane, driven by aflow of hydrogen or hydroxyl ions in the other direction. This process is some-times called coupled transport. Examples of carrier facilitated transport processesfor gas and ion transport are shown in Figure 1.6.

Because the carrier facilitated transport process employs a reactive carrierspecies, very high membrane selectivities can be achieved. These selectivitiesare often far larger than the selectivities achieved by other membrane pro-cesses. This one fact has maintained interest in facilitated transport for the past30 years, but no commercial applications have developed. The principal problemis the physical instability of the liquid membrane and the chemical instability ofthe carrier agent. In recent years a number of potential solutions to this prob-lem have been developed, which may yet make carrier facilitated transport aviable process.

The membrane separation processes described above represent the bulk of theindustrial membrane separation industry. Another process, dialysis, is not usedindustrially but is used on a large scale in medicine to remove toxic metabolitesfrom blood in patients suffering from kidney failure. The first successful artificialkidney was based on cellophane (regenerated cellulose) dialysis membranes andwas developed in 1945. Over the past 50 years, many changes have been made.Currently, most artificial kidneys are based on hollow-fiber membranes formedinto modules having a membrane area of about 1 m2; the process is illustratedin Figure 1.7. Blood is circulated through the center of the fiber, while isotonic

Page 25: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


O2 O2

O2 + HEM [HEM O2] [HEM O2] HEM + O2


Coupled transport

Facilitated transport


Cu++ + 2HR CuR2 + 2H+




[HEM O2]





CuR2 + 2H+ Cu++ + 2HR

Figure 1.6 Schematic examples of carrier facilitated transport of gas and ions. The gastransport example shows the transport of oxygen across a membrane using hemoglobinas the carrier agent. The ion transport example shows the transport of copper ions acrossa membrane using a liquid ion-exchange reagent as the carrier agent






Figure 1.7 Schematic of a hollow fiber artificial kidney dialyser used to remove ureaand other toxic metabolites from blood. About 100 million of these devices are usedevery year

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saline, the dialysate, is pumped countercurrently around the outside of the fibers.Urea, creatinine, and other low-molecular-weight metabolites in the blood diffuseacross the fiber wall and are removed with the saline solution. The process isquite slow, usually requiring several hours to remove the required amount of themetabolite from the patient, and must be repeated one or two times per week.In terms of membrane area used and dollar value of the membrane produced,artificial kidneys are the single largest application of membranes.

Following the success of the artificial kidney, similar devices were developed toremove carbon dioxide and deliver oxygen to the blood. These so-called artificiallungs are used in surgical procedures during which the patient’s lungs cannotfunction. The dialysate fluid shown in Figure 1.7 is replaced with a carefullycontrolled sweep gas containing oxygen, which is delivered to the blood, andcarbon dioxide, which is removed. These two medical applications of membranesare described in Chapter 12.

Another major medical use of membranes is in controlled drug delivery(Chapter 12). Controlled drug delivery can be achieved by a wide range oftechniques, most of which involve membranes; a simple example is illustratedin Figure 1.8. In this device, designed to deliver drugs through the skin, drugis contained in a reservoir surrounded by a membrane. With such a system,



g re


e ra


Initial high release ofagent that has migrated

into membrane on storage

Constant release as long asa constant concentration

is maintained in depot

Release rapidly declines whendevice approaches exhaustion



Diagram and release curve for a simple reservoir system


Drug reservoir

Foil backing



Figure 1.8 Schematic of transdermal patch in which the rate of delivery of drug to thebody is controlled by a polymer membrane. Such patches are used to deliver many drugsincluding nitroglycerine, estradiol, nicotine and scopalamine

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the release of drug is constant as long as a constant concentration of drugis maintained within the device. A constant concentration is maintained if thereservoir contains a saturated solution and sufficient excess of solid drug. Systemsthat operate using this principle are used to moderate delivery of drugs such asnitroglycerine (for angina), nicotine (for smoking cessation), and estradiol (forhormone replacement therapy) through the skin. Other devices using osmosis orbiodegradation as the rate-controlling mechanism are also produced as implantsand tablets. The total market of controlled release pharmaceuticals is comfortablyabove US$3 billion per year.

References1. H. Bechhold, Kolloidstudien mit der Filtrationsmethode, Z. Physik Chem. 60, 257

(1907).2. W.J. Elford, Principles Governing the Preparation of Membranes Having Graded

Porosities. The Properties of ‘Gradocol’ Membranes as Ultrafilters, Trans. FaradaySoc. 33, 1094 (1937).

3. R. Zsigmondy and W. Bachmann, Uber Neue Filter, Z. Anorg. Chem. 103, 119 (1918).4. J.D. Ferry, Ultrafilter Membranes and Ultrafiltration, Chem. Rev. 18, 373 (1936).5. S. Loeb and S. Sourirajan, Sea Water Demineralization by Means of an Osmotic

Membrane, in Saline Water Conversion–II, Advances in Chemistry Series Number 28,American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, pp. 117–132 (1963).

6. W.J. Kolf and H.T. Berk, The Artificial Kidney: A Dialyzer with Great Area, ActaMed Scand. 117, 121 (1944).

7. J.M.S. Henis and M.K. Tripodi, A Novel Approach to Gas Separation Using CompositeHollow Fiber Membranes, Sep. Sci. Technol. 15, 1059 (1980).

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The most important property of membranes is their ability to control the rate ofpermeation of different species. The two models used to describe the mechanismof permeation are illustrated in Figure 2.1. One is the solution-diffusion model, inwhich permeants dissolve in the membrane material and then diffuse through themembrane down a concentration gradient. The permeants are separated becauseof the differences in the solubilities of the materials in the membrane and thedifferences in the rates at which the materials diffuse through the membrane.The other model is the pore-flow model, in which permeants are transported bypressure-driven convective flow through tiny pores. Separation occurs becauseone of the permeants is excluded (filtered) from some of the pores in the mem-brane through which other permeants move. Both models were proposed in thenineteenth century, but the pore-flow model, because it was closer to normalphysical experience, was more popular until the mid-1940s. However, duringthe 1940s, the solution-diffusion model was used to explain transport of gasesthrough polymeric films. This use of the solution-diffusion model was relativelyuncontroversial, but the transport mechanism in reverse osmosis membranes wasa hotly debated issue in the 1960s and early 1970s [1–6]. By 1980, however,the proponents of solution-diffusion had carried the day; currently only a fewdie-hard pore-flow modelers use this approach to rationalize reverse osmosis.

Diffusion, the basis of the solution-diffusion model, is the process by whichmatter is transported from one part of a system to another by a concentrationgradient. The individual molecules in the membrane medium are in constant ran-dom molecular motion, but in an isotropic medium, individual molecules haveno preferred direction of motion. Although the average displacement of an indi-vidual molecule from its starting point can be calculated, after a period of timenothing can be said about the direction in which any individual molecule willmove. However, if a concentration gradient of permeate molecules is formedin the medium, simple statistics show that a net transport of matter will occur

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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Microporous membranesseparate by molecularfiltration

Dense solution-diffusionmembranes separate becauseof differences in the solubilityand mobility of permeantsin the membrane material

Figure 2.1 Molecular transport through membranes can be described by a flow throughpermanent pores or by the solution-diffusion mechanism

from the high concentration to the low concentration region. For example, whentwo adjacent volume elements with slightly different permeant concentrationsare separated by an interface, then simply because of the difference in the num-ber of molecules in each volume element, more molecules will move from theconcentrated side to the less concentrated side of the interface than will movein the other direction. This concept was first recognized by Fick theoreticallyand experimentally in 1855 [7]. Fick formulated his results as the equation nowcalled Fick’s law of diffusion, which states

Ji = −Di



where Ji is the rate of transfer of component i or flux (g/cm2 · s) and dci/dx is theconcentration gradient of component i. The term Di is called the diffusion coef-ficient (cm2/s) and is a measure of the mobility of the individual molecules. Theminus sign shows that the direction of diffusion is down the concentration gradi-ent. Diffusion is an inherently slow process. In practical diffusion-controlled sep-aration processes, useful fluxes across the membrane are achieved by making themembranes very thin and creating large concentration gradients in the membrane.

Pressure-driven convective flow, the basis of the pore flow model, is mostcommonly used to describe flow in a capillary or porous medium. The basicequation covering this type of transport is Darcy’s law, which can be written as

Ji = K ′ci



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where dp/dx is the pressure gradient existing in the porous medium, ci is theconcentration of component i in the medium and K ′ is a coefficient reflecting thenature of the medium. In general, convective-pressure-driven membrane fluxesare high compared with those obtained by simple diffusion.

The difference between the solution-diffusion and pore-flow mechanisms lies inthe relative size and permanence of the pores. For membranes in which transportis best described by the solution-diffusion model and Fick’s law, the free-volumeelements (pores) in the membrane are tiny spaces between polymer chains causedby thermal motion of the polymer molecules. These volume elements appearand disappear on about the same timescale as the motions of the permeantstraversing the membrane. On the other hand, for a membrane in which transportis best described by a pore-flow model and Darcy’s law, the free-volume elements(pores) are relatively large and fixed, do not fluctuate in position or volume on thetimescale of permeant motion, and are connected to one another. The larger theindividual free volume elements (pores), the more likely they are to be presentlong enough to produce pore-flow characteristics in the membrane. As a roughrule of thumb, the transition between transient (solution-diffusion) and permanent(pore-flow) pores is in the range 5–10 A diameter.

The average pore diameter in a membrane is difficult to measure directly andmust often be inferred from the size of the molecules that permeate the membraneor by some other indirect technique. With this caveat in mind membranes can beorganized into the three general groups shown in Figure 2.2:

• Ultrafiltration, microfiltration and microporous Knudsen-flow gas separationmembranes are all clearly microporous, and transport occurs by pore flow.

• Reverse osmosis, pervaporation and polymeric gas separation membranes havea dense polymer layer with no visible pores, in which the separation occurs.These membranes show different transport rates for molecules as small as2–5 A in diameter. The fluxes of permeants through these membranes arealso much lower than through the microporous membranes. Transport is bestdescribed by the solution-diffusion model. The spaces between the polymerchains in these membranes are less than 5 A in diameter and so are withinthe normal range of thermal motion of the polymer chains that make up themembrane matrix. Molecules permeate the membrane through free volumeelements between the polymer chains that are transient on the timescale of thediffusion processes occurring.

• Membranes in the third group contain pores with diameters between 5 Aand 10 A and are intermediate between truly microporous and truly solution-diffusion membranes. For example, nanofiltration membranes are intermediatebetween ultrafiltration membranes and reverse osmosis membranes. Thesemembranes have high rejections for the di- and trisaccharides sucrose and raffi-nose with molecular diameters of 10–13 A, but freely pass the monosaccharidefructose with a molecular diameter of about 5–6 A.

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Gas separationwith polymer films

Reverseosmosis Pervaporation

Liquid permeation



NanofiltrationFinely microporousceramic/carbonmembranes

Intermediate pore-flowsolution-diffusion


Homogeneousdense membranessolution-diffusion



Gas permeation

1 000







e di


er (



Figure 2.2 Schematic representation of the nominal pore size and best theoretical modelfor the principal membrane separation processes

In this chapter, permeation through dense nonporous membranes is coveredfirst; this includes permeation in reverse osmosis, pervaporation, and gas separa-tion membranes. Transport occurs by molecular diffusion and is described by thesolution-diffusion model. The predictions of this model are in good agreementwith experimental data, and a number of simple equations that usefully rational-ize the properties of these membranes result. In the second part of the chapter,transport in microporous ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes is coveredmore briefly. Transport through these membranes occurs by convective flow withsome form of sieving mechanism producing the separation. However, the abilityof theory to rationalize transport in these membranes is poor. A number of fac-tors concurrently affect permeation, so a simple quantitative description of theprocess is not possible. Finally, a brief discussion of membranes that fall intothe ‘intermediate’ category is given.

Solution-diffusion ModelMolecular Dynamics Simulations

The solution-diffusion model applies to reverse osmosis, pervaporation and gaspermeation in polymer films. At first glance these processes appear to be very

Page 32: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


different. Reverse osmosis uses a large pressure difference across the membraneto separate water from salt solutions. In pervaporation, the pressure differenceacross the membrane is small, and the process is driven by the vapor pressuredifference between the feed liquid and the low partial pressure of the permeatevapor. Gas permeation involves transport of gases down a pressure or concentra-tion gradient. However, all three processes involve diffusion of molecules in adense polymer. The pressure, temperature, and composition of the fluids on eitherside of the membrane determine the concentration of the diffusing species at themembrane surface in equilibrium with the fluid. Once dissolved in the membrane,individual permeating molecules move by the same random process of molecu-lar diffusion no matter whether the membrane is being used in reverse osmosis,pervaporation, or gas permeation. Often, similar membranes are used in verydifferent processes. For example, cellulose acetate membranes were developedfor desalination of water by reverse osmosis, but essentially identical membraneshave been used in pervaporation to dehydrate alcohol and are widely used in gaspermeation to separate carbon dioxide from natural gas. Similarly, silicone rubbermembranes are too hydrophobic to be useful in reverse osmosis but are used toseparate volatile organics from water by pervaporation and organic vapors fromair in gas permeation.

The advent of powerful computers has allowed the statistical fluctuations inthe volumes between polymer chains due to thermal motion to be calculated.Figure 2.3 shows the results of a computer molecular dynamics simulation cal-culation for a small-volume element of a polymer. The change in position ofindividual polymer molecules in a small-volume element can be calculated atshort enough time intervals to represent the normal thermal motion occurring ina polymeric matrix. If a penetrant molecule is placed in one of the small-free-volume microcavities between polymer chains, its motion can also be calculated.The simulated motion of a carbon dioxide molecule in a 6FDA-4PDA polyimidematrix is shown in Figure 2.3 [8]. During the first 100 ps of the simulation,the carbon dioxide molecule bounces around in the cavity where it has beenplaced, never moving more than about 5 A, the diameter of the microcavity.After 100 ps, however, a chance thermal motion moves a segment of the poly-mer chains sufficiently for the carbon dioxide molecule to jump approximately10 A to an adjacent cavity where it remains until another movement of the poly-mer chains allows it to jump to another cavity. By repeating these calculationsmany times and averaging the distance moved by the gas molecule, its diffusioncoefficient can be calculated.

An alternative method of representing the movement of an individual moleculeby computational techniques is shown in Figure 2.4 [9]. This figure shows themovement of three different permeate molecules over a period of 200 ps in asilicone rubber polymer matrix. The smaller helium molecule moves more fre-quently and makes larger jumps than the larger methane molecule. Helium, witha molecular diameter of 2.55 A, has many more opportunities to move from one

Page 33: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


Simulation time (picoseconds)





20 40

Movement in cavity

Jump length


Cavity size

From Smit et al. (1992)

Movement in cavity

8060 100 120 140 160 180 200

Jump length l








Figure 2.3 Motion of a carbon dioxide molecule in a 6FDA-4PDA polymer matrix [8].Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci. 73, E. Smit, M.H.V. Mulder, C.A. Smolders, H. Kar-renbeld, J. van Eerden and D. Feil, Modeling of the Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide inPolyimide Matrices by Computer Simulation, p. 247, Copyright 1992, with permissionfrom Elsevier

position to another than methane, with a molecular diameter of 3.76 A. Oxygen,with a molecular diameter of 3.47 A, has intermediate mobility. The effect ofpolymer structure on diffusion can be seen by comparing the distance moved bythe gas molecules in the same 200-ps period in Figures 2.3 and 2.4. Figure 2.3simulates diffusion in a glassy rigid-backbone polyimide. In 200 ps, the perme-ate molecule has made only one large jump. Figure 2.4 simulates diffusion insilicone rubber, a material with a very flexible polymer backbone. In 200 ps, allthe permeants in silicone rubber have made a number of large jumps from onemicrocavity to another.

Molecular dynamics simulations also allow the transition from the solution-diffusion to the pore-flow transport mechanism to be seen. As the microcavitiesbecome larger, the transport mechanism changes from the diffusion process

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20 Å



From Charati and Stern (1998)

Figure 2.4 Simulated trajectories of helium, oxygen and methane molecules during a200-ps time period in a poly(dimethylsiloxane) matrix [9]. Reprinted with permission fromS.G. Charati and S.A. Stern, Diffusion of Gases in Silicone Polymers: Molecular DynamicSimulations, Macromolecules 31, 5529. Copyright 1998, American Chemical Society

simulated in Figures 2.3 and 2.4 to a pore-flow mechanism. Permanent poresform when the microcavities are larger than about 10 A in diameter.

However, molecular dynamics calculations are at an early stage of devel-opment. Current estimates of diffusion coefficients from these simulations aregenerally far from matching the experimental values, and enormous computingpower and a better understanding of the interactions between the molecules ofpolymer chains will be required to produce accurate predictions. Nonetheless,the technique demonstrates the qualitative basis of the solution-diffusion modelin a very graphic way. Currently, the best quantitative description of perme-ation uses phenomenological equations, particularly Fick’s law. This descriptionis given in the section that follows, which outlines the mathematical basis of thesolution-diffusion model. Much of this section is adapted from a 1995 Journalof Membrane Science article written with my colleague, Hans Wijmans [10].

Concentration and Pressure Gradients in Membranes

The starting point for the mathematical description of diffusion in membranesis the proposition, solidly based in thermodynamics, that the driving forces ofpressure, temperature, concentration, and electrical potential are interrelated andthat the overall driving force producing movement of a permeant is the gradientin its chemical potential. Thus, the flux, Ji(g/cm2 · s), of a component, i, is

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described by the simple equation

Ji = −Li



where dµi/dx is the chemical potential gradient of component i and Li is a coeffi-cient of proportionality (not necessarily constant) linking this chemical potentialdriving force to flux. Driving forces, such as gradients in concentration, pres-sure, temperature, and electrical potential can be expressed as chemical potentialgradients, and their effect on flux expressed by this equation. This approach isextremely useful, because many processes involve more than one driving force,for example, both pressure and concentration in reverse osmosis. Restricting theapproach to driving forces generated by concentration and pressure gradients, thechemical potential is written as

dµi = RT d ln(γini) + υidp (2.4)

where ni is the mole fraction (mol/mol) of component i, γi is the activity coef-ficient (mol/mol) linking mole fraction with activity, p is the pressure, and υi isthe molar volume of component i.

In incompressible phases, such as a liquid or a solid membrane, volume doesnot change with pressure. In this case, integrating Equation (2.4) with respect toconcentration and pressure gives

µi = µoi + RT ln(γini) + υi(p − po

i ) (2.5)

where µoi is the chemical potential of pure i at a reference pressure, po

i .In compressible gases, the molar volume changes with pressure. Using the

ideal gas laws in integrating Equation (2.4) gives

µi = µoi + RT ln(γini) + RT ln




To ensure that the reference chemical potential µoi is identical in Equations (2.5)

and (2.6), the reference pressure poi is defined as the saturation vapor pressure

of i, pisat . Equations (2.5) and (2.6) can then be rewritten as

µi = µoi + RT ln(γini) + υi(p − pisat) (2.7)

for incompressible liquids and the membrane phase, and as

µi = µoi + RT ln(γini) + RT ln




for compressible gases.Several assumptions must be made to define any permeation model. Usually,

the first assumption governing transport through membranes is that the fluids on

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either side of the membrane are in equilibrium with the membrane material at theinterface. This assumption means that the gradient in chemical potential from oneside of the membrane to the other is continuous. Implicit in this assumption is thatthe rates of absorption and desorption at the membrane interface are much higherthan the rate of diffusion through the membrane. This appears to be the case inalmost all membrane processes, but may fail in transport processes involvingchemical reactions, such as facilitated transport, or in diffusion of gases throughmetals, where interfacial absorption can be slow.

The second assumption concerns the pressure and concentration gradients in themembrane. The solution-diffusion model assumes that when pressure is appliedacross a dense membrane, the pressure throughout the membrane is constant at thehighest value. This assumes, in effect, that solution-diffusion membranes transmitpressure in the same way as liquids. Consequently, the solution-diffusion modelassumes that the pressure within a membrane is uniform and that the chemicalpotential gradient across the membrane is expressed only as a concentrationgradient [5,10]. The consequences of these two assumptions are illustrated inFigure 2.5, which shows pressure-driven permeation of a one-component solutionthrough a membrane by the solution-diffusion mechanism.

In the solution-diffusion model, the pressure within the membrane is constantat the high-pressure value (po), and the gradient in chemical potential across themembrane is expressed as a smooth gradient in solvent activity (γini). The flowthat occurs down this gradient is expressed by Equation (2.3), but because nopressure gradient exists within the membrane, Equation (2.3) can be rewritten bycombining Equations (2.3) and (2.4). Assuming γi is constant, this gives

Ji = −RT Li


· dni


Chemical potential mi

Pressure p

Solvent activity gi ni

Solution-diffusion model


Membrane Low-pressuresolution

Figure 2.5 Pressure driven permeation of a one-component solution through a mem-brane according to the solution-diffusion transport model

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In Equation (2.9), the gradient of component i across the membrane is expressedas a gradient in mole fraction of component i. Using the more practical termconcentration ci (g/cm3) defined as

ci = miρni (2.10)

where mi is the molecular weight of i (g/mol) and ρ is the molar density(mol/cm3), Equation (2.9) can be written as

Ji = −RTLi


· dci


Equation (2.11) has the same form as Fick’s law in which the term RT Li/ci canbe replaced by the diffusion coefficient Di . Thus,

Ji = −Di



Integrating over the thickness of the membrane then gives1

Ji = Di(cio(m)− ci(m)



By using osmosis as an example, concentration and pressure gradients accordingto the solution-diffusion model can be discussed in a somewhat more complexsituation. The activity, pressure, and chemical potential gradients within this typeof membrane are illustrated in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6(a) shows a semipermeable membrane separating a salt solution fromthe pure solvent. The pressure is the same on both sides of the membrane. Forsimplicity, the gradient of salt (component j ) is not shown in this figure, but themembrane is assumed to be very selective, so the concentration of salt withinthe membrane is small. The difference in concentration across the membraneresults in a continuous, smooth gradient in the chemical potential of the water(component i) across the membrane, from µi on the water side to µio on thesalt side. The pressure within and across the membrane is constant (that is,po = pm = p) and the solvent activity gradient (γi(m)

ni(m)) falls continuously

from the pure water (solvent) side to the saline (solution) side of the membrane.Consequently, water passes across the membrane from right to left.

Figure 2.6(b) shows the situation at the point of osmotic equilibrium, whensufficient pressure has been applied to the saline side of the membrane to bringthe flow across the membrane to zero. As shown in Figure 2.6(b), the pressure

1In the equations that follow, the terms i and j represent components of a solution, and the termso and represent the positions of the feed and permeate interfaces, respectively, of the membrane.Thus the term cio represents the concentration of component i in the fluid (gas or liquid) in contactwith the membrane at the feed interface. The subscript m is used to represent the membrane phase.Thus, cio(m)

is the concentration of component i in the membrane at the feed interface (point o).

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Chemical potential mi

Pressure p

Solvent activity gini



gi ni



gi ni

(a) Osmosis

(b) Osmotic equilibrium

(c) Reverse osmosis

Salt solution Membrane Water

Dense solution-diffusion membrane

∆p = ∆p

∆(gini) = ∆pui



Figure 2.6 Chemical potential, pressure, and solvent activity profiles through an osmoticmembrane following the solution-diffusion model. The pressure in the membrane is uni-form and equal to the high-pressure value, so the chemical potential gradient within themembrane is expressed as a concentration gradient

within the membrane is assumed to be constant at the high-pressure value (po).There is a discontinuity in pressure at the permeate side of the membrane, wherethe pressure falls abruptly from po to p, the pressure on the solvent side of themembrane. This pressure difference (po − p) can be expressed in terms of thechemical potential difference between the feed and permeate solutions.

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The membrane in contact with the permeate-side solution is in equilibriumwith this solution. Thus, Equation (2.7) can be used to link the two phases interms of their chemical potentials, that is

µi(m)= µi (2.14)

and soRT ln(γi(m)

ni(m)) + υipo = RT ln(γini) + υip (2.15)

On rearranging, this gives

RT ln(γi(m)ni(m)

) − RT ln(γini) = −υi(po − p) (2.16)

At osmotic equilibrium (γini) can also be defined by

(γini) = γini − γi(m)ni(m)


and, since γini ≈ 1, it follows, on substituting Equation (2.17) into (2.16), that

RT ln[1 − (γini)] = −υi(po − p) (2.18)

Since (γini) is small, ln[1 − (γini)] ≈ (γini), and Equation (2.18) reduces to

(γini) = −υi(po − p)

RT= −υiπ


Thus, the pressure difference, (po − p) = π , across the membrane balancesthe solvent activity difference (γini) across the membrane, and the flow is zero.

If a pressure higher than the osmotic pressure is applied to the feed side of themembrane, as shown in Figure 2.6(c), then the solvent activity difference acrossthe membrane increases further, resulting in a flow from left to right. This is theprocess of reverse osmosis.

The important conclusion illustrated by Figures 2.5 and 2.6 is that, althoughthe fluids on either side of a membrane may be at different pressures and con-centrations, within a perfect solution-diffusion membrane, there is no pressuregradient—only a concentration gradient. Flow through this type of membrane isexpressed by Fick’s law, Equation (2.13).

Application of the Solution-diffusion Model to Specific Processes

In this section the solution-diffusion model is used to describe transport in dialy-sis, reverse osmosis, gas permeation and pervaporation membranes. The resultingequations, linking the driving forces of pressure and concentration with flow, arethen shown to be consistent with experimental observations.

The general approach is to use the first assumption of the solution-diffusionmodel, namely, that the chemical potential of the feed and permeate fluids are

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in equilibrium with the adjacent membrane surfaces. From this assumption, thechemical potential in the fluid and membrane phases can be equated using theappropriate expressions for chemical potential given in Equations (2.7) and (2.8).By rearranging these equations, the concentrations of the different species in themembrane at the fluids interface (cio(m)

and ci(m)) can be obtained in terms of the

pressure and composition of the feed and permeate fluids. These values for cio(m)

and ci(m)can then be substituted into the Fick’s law expression, Equation (2.13),

to give the transport equation for the particular process.


Dialysis is the simplest application of the solution-diffusion model because onlyconcentration gradients are involved. In dialysis, a membrane separates two solu-tions of different compositions. The concentration gradient across the membranecauses a flow of solute and solvent from one side of the membrane to the other.

Following the general procedure described above, equating the chemical poten-tials in the solution and membrane phase at the feed-side interface of the mem-brane gives

µio = µio(m)(2.20)

Substituting the expression for the chemical potential of incompressible fluidsfrom Equation (2.7) gives

µoi + RT ln(γ L

ionio ) + υi(po − pisat) = µo

i + RT ln(γio(m)nio(m)

) + υio(m)(po − pisat)


which leads to2

ln(γ Lionio ) = ln(γio(m)

nio(m)) (2.22)

and thus

nio(m)= γ L



· nio (2.23)

or from Equation (2.10)

cio(m)= γioρm


· cio (2.24)

Hence, defining a sorption coefficient KLi as

KLi = γioρm



Equation (2.24) becomescio(m)

= KLi · cio (2.26)

2The superscripts G and L are used here and later to distinguish between gas phase and liquid phaseactivity coefficients, sorption coefficients and permeability coefficients.

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00 4 8 12 141062



Progesterone flux x

membrane thickness, Ji •

[10−11 × (g •cm/cm2•s)]






00 200 400 600 700500300100

Dow 360



Progesterone flux x

membrane thickness, Ji •

[10−11 × (g •cm/cm2•s)]






00 5000 2000015000

PEG 600




Progesterone flux x

membrane thickness, Ji •

[10−11 × (g •cm/cm2•s)]







00 0.4 0.8

Fractional progesterone saturation, ∆c/csat


WaterSilicone oil (Dow 360)Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG 600)


Progesterone flux x

membrane thickness, Ji •

[10-11 x (g•cm/cm2•s)]

Progesterone concentration, ∆c(µg/ml)

Progesterone concentration, ∆c(µg/ml)

Progesterone concentration, ∆c(µg/ml)

From Theeuwes et al. (1978)

Page 42: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


On the permeate side of the membrane, the same procedure can be followed,leading to an equivalent expression

ci(m)= KL

i · ci (2.27)

The concentrations of permeant within the membrane phase at the two interfacescan then be substituted from Equations (2.26) and (2.27) into the Fick’s lawexpression, Equation (2.13), to give the familiar expression describing permeationthrough dialysis membranes:

Ji = DiKLi

(cio − ci) = P L


(cio − ci) (2.28)

The product DiKLi is normally referred to as the permeability coefficient, P L

i .For many systems, Di , KL

i , and thus P Li are concentration dependent. Thus,

Equation (2.28) implies the use of values for Di , KLi , and P L

i that are averagedover the membrane thickness.

The permeability coefficient P Li is often treated as a pure materials constant,

depending only on the permeant and the membrane material, but in fact the natureof the solvent used in the liquid phase is also important. From Equations (2.28)and (2.25), P L

i can be written as

P Li = Di · γ L

i /γi(m) · ρm



The presence of the term γ Li makes the permeability coefficient a function

of the solvent used as the liquid phase. Some experimental data illustratingthis effect are shown in Figure 2.7 [11], which is a plot of the product of theprogesterone flux and the membrane thickness, Ji against the concentrationdifference across the membrane, (cio − ci). From Equation (2.28), the slope ofthis line is the permeability, P L

i . Three sets of dialysis permeation experimentsare reported, in which the solvent used to dissolve the progesterone is water,silicone oil and poly(ethylene glycol) MW 600 (PEG 600), respectively. Thepermeability calculated from these plots varies from 9.5 × 10−7 cm2/s for waterto 6.5 × 10−10 cm2/s for PEG 600. This difference reflects the activity term γ L


in Equation (2.28). However, when the driving force across the membrane is

Figure 2.7 Permeation of progesterone through polyethylene vinyl acetate films. Thethickness-normalized progesterone flux (Ji · ) is plotted against the progesterone con-centration across the membrane, c [11]. The solvents for the progesterone are (a) water,(b) silicone oil and (c) poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG 600). Because of the different solu-bilities of progesterone in these solvents, the permeabilities calculated from these datathrough Equation (2.28) vary 1000-fold. All the data can be rationalized onto a singlecurve by plotting the thickness-normalized flux against fractional progesterone saturationas described in the text and shown in (d). The slope of this line, P L

i csat or Dimiρm/γi(m)

is a materials property dependent only on the membrane material and the permeant andindependent of the solvent

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represented not as a difference in concentration but as a difference in fractionalsaturation between the feed and permeate solution, all the data fall on a singleline as shown in Figure 2.7(d). The slope of this line is the term P L

i csat. Thisresult is also in agreement with Equation (2.29), which when combined withthe approximation that, for dilute solutions, the activity of component i can bewritten as

γ Li = 1


= miρo




P Li cisat = Dimiρm



The terms Dimiρm/γi(m)and, therefore, P L

i csat are determined solely by the per-meant and the membrane material and are thus independent of the liquid phasesurrounding the membrane.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis and normal osmosis (dialysis) are directly related processes.In simple terms, if a selective membrane (i.e., a membrane freely permeable towater, but much less permeable to salt) separates a salt solution from pure water,water will pass through the membrane from the pure water side of the membraneinto the side less concentrated in water (salt side) as shown in Figure 2.8. Thisprocess is called normal osmosis. If a hydrostatic pressure is applied to the saltside of the membrane, the flow of water can be retarded and, when the appliedpressure is sufficient, the flow ceases. The hydrostatic pressure required to stop


Water Saltsolution


Osmotic equilibrium


(∆p)Hydrostaticpressure(∆p > ∆p)

Reverse osmosis

Figure 2.8 A schematic illustration of the relationship between osmosis (dialysis), os-motic equilibrium and reverse osmosis

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the water flow is called the osmotic pressure (π). If pressures greater than theosmotic pressure are applied to the salt side of the membrane, then the flow ofwater is reversed, and water begins to flow from the salt solution to the purewater side of the membrane. This process is called reverse osmosis, which is animportant method of producing pure water from salt solutions.

Reverse osmosis usually involves two components, water (i) and salt (j ).Following the general procedure, the chemical potentials at both sides of themembrane are first equated. At the feed interface, the pressure in the feed solutionand within the membrane are identical (as shown in Figure 2.6c). Equating thechemical potentials at this interface gives the same expression as in dialysis [cf.Equation (2.26)]

cio(m)= KL

i · cio (2.32)

A pressure difference exists at the permeate interface (as shown in Figure 2.6c)from po within the membrane to p in the permeate solution. Equating the chem-ical potentials across this interface gives

µi = µi(m)(2.33)

Substituting the appropriate expression for the chemical potential of an incom-pressible fluid to the liquid and membrane phases [Equation (2.7)] yields

µoi + RT ln(γ L

ini) + υi(p − pisat) = µo

i + RT ln(γi(m)ni(m)

) + υi(po − pisat)


which leads to

ln(γ Lini) = ln(γ L


) + υi(po − p)


Rearranging and substituting for the sorption coefficient, KLi [Equations (2.10)

and (2.25)], gives the expression

ci(m)= KL

i · ci · exp

[−υi(po − p)



The expressions for the concentrations within the membrane at the interface inEquations (2.32) and (2.36) can now be substituted into the Fick’s law expression,Equation (2.13), to yield

Ji = DiKLi

cio − ci exp

[−υi(po − p)



Equation (2.37) and the equivalent expression for component j give the waterflux and the salt flux across the reverse osmosis membrane in terms of thepressure and concentration difference across the membrane. There is an analyticalexpression for Equation (2.37) for a two-component feed mixture that allows theperformance of the membrane to be calculated for known permeabilities, DiK

Li /

and DjKLj /, and feed concentrations, cio and cjo

. However, more commonly

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Equation (2.37) is simplified by assuming that the membrane selectivity is high,that is, DiK

Li / DjK

Lj /. This is a good assumption for most of the reverse

osmosis membranes used to separate salts from water. Consider the water fluxfirst. At the point at which the applied hydrostatic pressure balances the wateractivity gradient, that is, the point of osmotic equilibrium in Figure 2.6(b), theflux of water across the membrane is zero. Equation (2.37) becomes

Ji = 0 = DiKLi

cio − ci exp




and, on rearranging

ci = cio exp




At hydrostatic pressures higher than π , Equations (2.37) and (2.39) can becombined to yield

Ji = DiKLi cio

(1 − exp

−υi[(po − p) − π]




Ji = DiKLi cio

1 − exp

[−υi(p − π)



where p is the difference in hydrostatic pressure across the membrane (po −p). A trial calculation shows that the term −υi(p − π)/RT is small underthe normal conditions of reverse osmosis. For example, in water desalination,when p = 100 atm, π = 10 atm, and υi = 18 cm3/mol, the term υi(p −π)/RT is about 0.06.

Under these conditions, the simplification 1 − exp(x) → x as x → 0 can beused, and Equation (2.41) can be written to a very good approximation as

Ji = DiKLi cioυi(p − π)


This equation can be simplified to

Ji = A(p − π) (2.43)

where A is a constant equal to the term DiKLi cioυi/RT . In the reverse osmosis

literature, the constant A is usually called the water permeability constant.Similarly, a simplified expression for the salt flux, Jj , through the membrane

can be derived, starting with the equivalent to Equation (2.37)

Jj = DjKLj


− cjexp

[−υj (po − p)



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Because the term −υj (po − p)/RT is small, the exponential term in Equa-tion (2.44) is close to one, and Equation (2.44) can then be written as

Jj = DjKLj


− cj) (2.45)

orJj = B(cjo

− cj) (2.46)

where B is usually called the salt permeability constant and has the value

B = DjKLj


Predictions of salt and water transport can be made from this application ofthe solution-diffusion model to reverse osmosis (first derived by Merten and co-workers) [12,13]. According to Equation (2.43), the water flux through a reverseosmosis membrane remains small up to the osmotic pressure of the salt solutionand then increases with applied pressure, whereas according to Equation (2.46),the salt flux is essentially independent of pressure. Some typical results are shownin Figure 2.9. Also shown in this figure is a term called the rejection coefficient,R, which is defined as

R =(

1 − cj


)× 100 % (2.48)

The rejection coefficient is a measure of the ability of the membrane to separatesalt from the feed solution.

For a perfectly selective membrane the permeate salt concentration, cj= 0

and R = 100 %, and for a completely unselective membrane the permeate saltconcentration is the same as the feed salt concentration, cj

= cjoand R = 0 %.

The rejection coefficient increases with applied pressure as shown in Figure 2.9,because the water flux increases with pressure, but the salt flux does not.


By convention, the term reverse osmosis is used to describe the separation ofan aqueous salt solution by pressure-driven flow through a semipermeable mem-brane. Recently, the same type of process has been applied to the separation oforganic mixtures. For example, Mobil Oil has installed a large plant to separatemethyl ethyl ketone (MEK) from MEK–oil mixtures created in the production oflubricating oil [14] as described in Chapter 5. Separation of this type of mixtureis probably best called hyperfiltration.

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Applied pressure (psig)






00 400 600 1000 1200800


t rej


n (%

















er fl

ux (


2 •h)


t flu

x (g

/m2 •


Osmoticpressure ∆p



From Wijmans and Baker (1995)

Figure 2.9 Flux and rejection data for a model seawater solution (3.5 % sodium chloride)in a good quality reverse osmosis membrane (FilmTec Corp. FT 30 membrane) as afunction of pressure [10]. The salt flux, in accordance with Equation (2.44), is essentiallyconstant and independent of pressure. The water flux, in accordance with Equation (2.43),increases with pressure, and, at zero flux, meets the pressure axis at the osmotic pressureof seawater ∼350 psi

The mathematical description of this process is identical to that of reverseosmosis given in Equations (2.37) and (2.44) and leads to expressions for thesolute and solvent fluxes

Ji = DiKLi

cio − ci exp

[−υi(po − p)



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Jj = DjKLj


− cjexp

[−υj (po − p)



With the advent of the personal computer, the numerical solution to theseequations is straightforward even for multicomponent mixtures. Figure 2.10shows an example calculation for the separation of a 20 wt% solution of n-decane in MEK. In these calculations, the ratio of the permeabilities of MEK














500 1000 1500 2000

Applied pressure (psig)








e re




500 1000 1500 2000



K fl

ux (


2 •h)



e flu

x (k


2 •h)

Figure 2.10 Flux and rejection curves calculated using Equations (2.49) and (2.50) fora 20 wt % n-decane solution in methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). MEK is assumed to be 10times more permeable than n-decane

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and n-decane, DiKi/DjKj , is set at 10. The curves have essentially the sameform as the salt solution flux data in Figure 2.9. At high pressures, the rejectionapproaches a limiting value of 90 %, and the limiting Equations (2.43) for thesolvent (MEK) flux and (2.47) for the solute flux apply.

Gas Separation

In gas separation, a gas mixture at a pressure po is applied to the feed side of themembrane, while the permeate gas at a lower pressure (p) is removed from thedownstream side of the membrane. As before, the starting point for the derivationof the gas separation transport equation is to equate the chemical potentials oneither side of the gas/membrane interface. This time, however, the chemicalpotential for the gas phase is given by Equation (2.8) for a compressible fluid,whereas Equation (2.7) for an incompressible medium is applied to the membranephase. Substitution of these equations into Equation (2.20) at the gas/membranefeed interface yields3

µoi + RT ln(γ G

ionio ) + RT ln



= µoi + RT ln(γio(m)

nio(m)) + υi(po − pisat)


which rearranges to

nio(m)= γ G



· po


· nio exp

[−υi(po − pisat)



Because the exponential term is again very close to one,4 even for very highpressures (po), Equation (2.52) reduces to

nio(m)= γ G



· po



The term niopo is the partial pressure of i in the feed gas, pio . Equation (2.53)then simplifies to

nio(m)= γ G



· pio




cio(m)= miρm

γ Gio




3At this point the superscript G is introduced to denote the gas phase. For example γ Gi , the activity

of component i in the gas phase, and KGi , the sorption coefficient of component i between the gas

and membrane phases [Equation (2.56)].4In evaluating this exponential term (the Poynting correction), it is important to recognize that υi isnot the molar volume of i in the gas phase, but the molar volume of i dissolved in the membranematerial, which is approximately equal to the molar volume of liquid i.

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By defining a gas phase sorption coefficient KGi as

KGi = miρmγ G




the concentration of component i at the feed interface of the membrane can bewritten as

cio(m)= KG

i · pio (2.57)

In exactly the same way, the concentration of component i at the membrane/permeate interface can be shown to be

ci(m)= KG

i · pi (2.58)

Combining Equations (2.57) and (2.58) with the Fick’s law expression, Equa-tion (2.13), gives

Ji = DiKGi (pio − pi)


The product DiKGi is often abbreviated to a permeability coefficient, P G

i , to givethe familiar expression

Ji = P Gi (pio − pi)


Equation (2.60) is widely used to accurately and predictably rationalize the prop-erties of gas permeation membranes.

The derivation of Equation (2.60) might be seen as a long-winded way of arriv-ing at a trivial result. However, this derivation explicitly clarifies the assumptionsbehind this equation. First, a gradient in concentration occurs within the mem-brane, but there is no gradient in pressure. Second, the absorption of a componentinto the membrane is proportional to its activity (partial pressure) in the adjacentgas, but is independent of the total gas pressure. This is related to the approxi-mation made in Equation (2.52), in which the Poynting correction was assumedto be 1.

The permeability coefficient, P Gi , equal to the product DiK

Gi can be expressed

from the definition of KGi in Equation (2.56) as

P Gi = γ G

i Dimiρm

γi(m)· pisat


In Equation (2.60) the membrane flux, Ji , is a mass flux (g/cm2 · s), whereasthe gas separation literature predominantly uses a molar flux, typically expressedin the units cm3(STP)/cm2 · s. The molar flux, ji , can be linked to the mass flux,Ji , by the expression

ji = Ji




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where υGi is the molar volume of gas i (cm3(STP)/mol). Similarly the mass

permeability unit P Gi , defined in Equation (2.60), can be linked to the molar gas

permeability PGi , usually in the units cm3(STP) · cm/cm2 · s · cmHg, as

PGi = P G

i υGi



Equation (2.60) can then be written as

ji = PGi

(pio − pi) (2.64)

and combining Equations (2.61) and (2.63) gives

PGi = γ G

i DiυGi ρ(m)



Equation (2.65) is not commonly used as an expression for gas-phase mem-brane permeability, but is of interest because it shows that large permeabilitycoefficients are obtained for compounds with a large diffusion coefficient (Di),a limited affinity for the gas phase (large γ G

i ), a high affinity for the membranematerial (small γi(m)), and a low saturation vapor pressure (pisat). The molar gaspermeation permeability (PG

i ) is close to being a materials constant, relativelyindependent of the composition and pressure of the feed and permeate gases.This is in sharp contrast to the permeability constant for liquids as described inthe discussion centered on Figure 2.7 earlier, but, even for gases, the concept ofpermeability as a materials constant must be treated with caution. For example,the permeability of vapors at partial pressures close to saturation often increasessubstantially with increasing partial pressure. This effect is commonly ascribedto plasticization and other effects of the permeant on the membrane, changingDi and γi(m)

in Equation (2.65). However, significant deviations of the vapor’sactivity coefficient, γ G

i , from ideality can also occur at high partial pressures.Equation (2.65) is also a useful way to rationalize the effect of molecular

weight on permeability. The permeant’s saturation vapor pressure (pisat) and dif-fusion coefficient both decrease with increasing molecular weight, creating com-peting effects on the permeability coefficient. In glassy polymers, the decreasein diffusion coefficient far outweighs other effects, and permeabilities fall sig-nificantly as molecular weight increases [15]. In rubbery polymers, on the otherhand, the two effects are more balanced. For molecular weights up to 100, per-meability generally increases with increasing molecular weight because pisat isthe dominant term. Above molecular weight 100, the molecular weight termgradually becomes dominant, and permeabilities fall with increasing molecularweight of the permeant. Some data illustrating this behavior for permeation ofsimple alkanes in silicone rubber membranes are shown in Figure 2.11. As themolecular weight increases from CH4 to C5H12, the effect of the decrease in pisat

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Permeant saturationvapor pressure, pisat


100 000

10 000









0.01 0.1 100 1000101









Increasing diffusion coefficient

Increasing molecular weight

From Wijmans and Baker (1995)

Figure 2.11 Permeability coefficient, PGi , of n-alkanes in poly(dimethylsiloxane) as a

function of saturation pressure (pisat)

is larger than the effect of increasing size or Di . Above pentane, however, thetrend is reversed.


Pervaporation is a separation process in which a multicomponent liquid is passedacross a membrane that preferentially permeates one or more of the components.A partial vacuum is maintained on the permeate side of the membrane, so thatthe permeating components are removed as a vapor mixture. Transport throughthe membrane is induced by maintaining the vapor pressure of the gas on thepermeate side of the membrane at a lower vapor pressure than the feed liquid.The gradients in chemical potential, pressure, and activity across the membraneare illustrated in Figure 2.12.

At the liquid solution/membrane feed interface, the chemical potential of thefeed liquid is equilibrated with the chemical potential in the membrane at thesame pressure. Equation (2.7) then gives

µoi + RT ln(γ L

ionio ) + υi(po − pisat) = µo

i + RT ln(γio(m)nio(m)

) + υi(po − pisat)


which leads to an expression for the concentration at the feed side interface

cio(m)= γ L



· cio = KLi · cio (2.67)

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gi ni

Feed solution Membrane Permeate vapor


gj nj

Figure 2.12 Chemical potential, pressure, and activity profiles through a pervaporationmembrane following the solution-diffusion model

where KLi is the liquid-phase sorption coefficient defined in Equation (2.26) in

the dialysis section.At the permeate gas/membrane interface, the pressure drops from po in the

membrane to p in the permeate vapor. The equivalent expression for the chem-ical potentials in each phase is then

µoi + RT ln(γ G

ini) + RT ln



)= µo

i + RT ln(γi(m)ni) + υi(po − pisat)


Rearranging Equation (2.68) gives

ni(m)= γ G



· p


· ni · exp

[−υi(po − pisat)



As before, the exponential term is close to unity; thus, the concentration at thepermeate side interface is

ni(m)= γ G



· ni · p



The product nip can be replaced by the partial pressure term pi , thus

ni(m)= γ G



· pi



or, substituting concentration for mole fraction from Equation (2.10),

ci(m)= miρm · γ G



= KGi pi (2.72)

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where KGi is the gas-phase sorption coefficient defined in Equation (2.56) in the

gas separation section.The concentration terms in Equations (2.67) and (2.72) can be substituted into

Equation (2.13) (Fick’s law) to obtain an expression for the membrane flux.

Ji = Di(KLi cio − KG

i pi)


However, the sorption coefficient in Equation (2.67) is a liquid-phase coefficient,whereas the sorption coefficient in Equation (2.72) is a gas-phase coefficient. Theinterconversion of these two coefficients can be handled by considering a hypo-thetical vapor in equilibrium with a feed solution. This vapor–liquid equilibriumcan then be written

µoi + RT ln(γ L

i nLi ) + υi(p − pisat) = µo

i + RT ln(γ Gi nG

i ) + RT ln




where the superscripts L and G represent the liquid and the gas phases. By follow-ing the same steps as were taken from Equation (2.68) to (2.72), Equation (2.74)becomes

nLi = γ G

i pi

γ Li pisat


Substituting for concentration with Equation (2.10) gives

cLi = miρ

γ Gi pi

γ Li pisat


and so

cLi = KG



· pi (2.77)

This expression links the concentration of component i in the liquid phase, cLi

with pi , the partial vapor pressure of i in equilibrium with the liquid. Substitutionof Equation (2.77) into Equation (2.73) yields

Ji = DiKGi (pio − pi)


where pio and pi are the partial vapor pressures of component i on either sideof the membrane. Equation (2.67) can also be written as

Ji = P Gi

(pio − pi) (2.79)

This equation explicitly expresses the driving force in pervaporation as the vaporpressure difference across the membrane, a form of the pervaporation process

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derived first by Kataoka et al. [16]. Equation (2.77) links the concentration of asorbed vapor in the liquid phase (cL

io) with the equilibrium partial pressure of the

vapor. This is known as Henry’s law and is usually written as5

Hi · cLi = pi (2.80)

From Equations (2.77) and (2.80) it follows that the Henry’s law coefficient, Hi ,can be written as

Hi = KLi


= γ Li pisat

miργ Gi


These expressions can be used to write Equation (2.73) as

Ji = P Gi

(cioHi − pi) (2.82)


Ji = P Li

(cio − pi/Hi) (2.83)

Equation (2.79) expresses the driving force in pervaporation in terms of the vaporpressure. The driving force could equally well have been expressed in termsof concentration differences, as in Equation (2.83). However, in practice, thevapor pressure expression provides much more useful results and clearly showsthe connection between pervaporation and gas separation, Equation (2.60). Also,P G

i , the gas phase coefficient, is much less dependent on temperature than P Li .

The reliability of Equation (2.79) has been amply demonstrated experimentally[17,18]. Figure 2.13, for example, shows data for the pervaporation of water as afunction of permeate pressure. As the permeate pressure (pi) increases, the waterflux falls, reaching zero flux when the permeate pressure is equal to the feed-liquid vapor pressure (pisat) at the temperature of the experiment. The straightlines in Figure 2.13 indicate that the permeability coefficient (P G

i ) of water insilicone rubber is constant, as expected in this and similar systems in which themembrane material is a rubbery polymer and the permeant swells the polymeronly moderately.

Greenlaw et al. [18] have studied the effect of feed and permeate pressureon pervaporation flux in some detail; some illustrative results are shown in

5In Equation (2.80), the Henry’s law coefficient Hi has the units atm · cm3/g. More commonly,Henry’s law is written in terms of mole fraction:

H ′i · nL

i = pi

where H ′i has the units atm/mol fraction. Using Equation (2.10), the two coefficients are linked by

the expression

Hi = H ′i

mi · pi

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00 5

Permeate pressure (cmHg)



te fl

ux (


2 •h)

10 15




15.3106.8 pisat

From Wijmans and Baker (1993)

Figure 2.13 The effect of permeate pressure on the water flux through a silicone rubberpervaporation membrane. The arrows on the lower axis represent the saturation vaporpressures of the feed solution at the temperature of these experiments as predicted byEquation (2.79) [15]

Figure 2.14. As Figure 2.14(a) shows, the dependence of flux on permeate pres-sure in pervaporation is in accordance with Equation (2.79). The flux decreaseswith increasing permeate pressure, reaching a minimum value when the perme-ate pressure equals the saturation vapor pressure of the feed. The curvature ofthe line in Figure 2.14(a) shows that the permeability coefficient decreases withdecreasing permeate pressure, that is, P G

hexane decreases as hexane concentration inthe membrane decreases. This behavior is typical of membranes that are swollensignificantly by the permeant. If, on the other hand, as shown in Figure 2.14(b),the permeate pressure is fixed at a low value, the hydrostatic pressure of the feedliquid can be increased to as much as 20 atm without any significant changein the flux. This is because increased hydrostatic pressure produces a minimalchange in the partial pressure of the feed liquid partial pressure (pio ), the true

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Permeate pressure (cmHg)


0 5 10 15 25





m2 •

h )






pressureof hexane

Feed pressure (atm)

From Greenlaw et al. (1977)

0 5 10 15 2520


Figure 2.14 The effect of feed and permeate pressure on the flux of hexane througha rubbery pervaporation membrane. The flux is essentially independent of feed pres-sure up to 20 atm but is extremely sensitive to permeate pressure [18]. The explanationfor this behavior is in the transport equation (2.79). Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci. 2,F.W. Greenlaw, W.D. Prince, R.A. Shelden and E.V. Thompson, Dependence of Diffu-sive Permeation Rates by Upstream and Downstream Pressures, p. 141, Copyright 1977,with permission from Elsevier

driving force shown in Equation (2.79). Thus, the properties of pervaporationmembranes illustrated in Figures 2.13 and 2.14 are easily rationalized by thesolution-diffusion model but are much more difficult to explain by a pore-flowmechanism, although this has been tried.

Evidence for the Solution-diffusion Model

In the discussion above, the solution-diffusion model was used to derive equationsthat predict the experimentally observed performance of the membrane processesof dialysis, gas separation, reverse osmosis, and pervaporation. It was not nec-essary to resort to any additional process-specific model to obtain these results.This agreement between theory and experiment is good evidence for the validityof the solution-diffusion model. Moreover, the large body of permeability, dif-fusion, and partition coefficient data obtained over the past 20 years for thesemembrane processes are in good numerical agreement with one another. Thisuniversality and the simplicity of the solution-diffusion model are its most usefulfeatures and are a strong argument for the validity of the model. Finally, a num-ber of direct experimental measurements can be made to distinguish between thesolution-diffusion model and other models, such as the pore-flow model.

One prediction of the solution-diffusion model, controversial during the 1970s,is that the action of an applied pressure on the feed side of the membrane is to

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decrease the concentration of the permeant on the low pressure side of the mem-brane. This counterintuitive effect is illustrated by Figures 2.5 and 2.6. A numberof workers have verified this prediction experimentally with a variety of polymermembranes, ranging from diffusion of water in glassy cellulose acetate mem-branes to diffusion of organics in swollen rubbers [19–21]. Convincing examplesof this type of experiment are the results of Rosenbaum and Cotton shown inFigure 2.15 [20]. In these experiments, four thin cellulose acetate films werelaminated together, placed in a high pressure reverse osmosis cell, and subjected

Membrane thickness (cm)





e w




n (m



0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05



136 atm

68 atm



From: Rosenbaum andCotton (1969)

Figure 2.15 Measurements of Rosenbaum and Cotton [20] of the water concentrationgradients in a laminated reverse osmosis cellulose acetate membrane under applied pres-sures of 68 and 136 atm. Reprinted from Steady-state Distribution of Water in CelluloseAcetate Membrane, S. Rosenbaum and O. Cotton, J. Polym. Sci. 7, 101; Copyright 1969. This material is used by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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to feed pressures of 68 or 136 atm. The permeate was maintained at atmosphericpressure. After permeation through the membrane laminate had reached a steadystate, the membrane was quickly removed from the cell, and the water concen-tration in each laminate measured. As predicted by the solution-diffusion modeland shown in Figure 2.15, the applied pressure decreases the concentration ofwater on the permeate side of the membrane. Also, the concentration differenceacross the membrane at 136 atm applied pressure is about twice that observed at68 atm, and the measured concentration on the permeate side is within 20 % ofthe expected value calculated from Equation (2.36).

Another series of papers by Paul and co-workers [4–6,19,22] focuses on thesame phenomenon using rubbery membranes and permeation of organic solventssuch as hexane, benzene and carbon tetrachloride. Such membranes are highlyswollen by the organic solvents and, when operated in reverse osmosis mode,

Applied pressure (psi)






00 100 200 300 400





3 /cm

2 day


Membrane concentration gradients

Methyl ethyl ketone


Limiting flux

Limiting flux

Concentration Concentration Concentration

0 0 0

From: Paul and Ebra-Lima(1970)

Figure 2.16 Pressure permeation (reverse osmosis) of iso-octane and methyl ethyl ketonethrough crosslinked 265-µm-thick natural rubber membranes. The change in the concen-tration gradient in the membrane as the applied pressure is increased is illustrated by theinserts. At high applied pressures, the concentration gradient and the permeation fluxesapproach their limiting values [4]. Reprinted from Pressure-induced Diffusion of OrganicLiquids Through Highly Swollen Polymer Membranes,” D.R. Paul and O.M. Ebra-Lima,J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 14, 2201; Copyright 1970. This material is used by permission ofJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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large concentration gradients develop through the membrane even at relativelymodest applied pressures. This means that the concentration in the membrane onthe permeate side approaches zero and the flux through the membrane reaches alimiting value as the feed pressure is increased. Representative data are shownin Figure 2.16.

Paul and Paciotti [19] took this work a step further by measuring the flux ofa liquid (hexane) through a membrane both in pervaporation experiments withatmospheric pressure on the feed side of the membrane and a vacuum on the per-meate side, and in reverse osmosis experiments with liquid at elevated pressureson the feed side and at atmospheric pressure on the permeate side. The hexaneflux obtained in these two sets of experiments is plotted in Figure 2.17 againstthe hexane concentration difference in the membrane (cio(m)

− ci(m)). The concen-

trations, cio(m)and ci(m)

, were calculated from Equations (2.26), (2.36) and (2.72).

Hexane concentration difference in membrane,cio(m) − ci (m)







00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4



e flu

x, J


3 /cm

2 ·da


PervaporationReverse osmosis

From: Paul and Paciotti (1975)

ci (m) = 0

Figure 2.17 Flux of n-hexane through a rubbery membrane as a function of the hexaneconcentration difference in the membrane. Data taken from both reverse osmosis (ž) andpervaporation (Ž) experiments. Feed-side and permeate-side membrane concentrations,cio(m)

and ci(m), calculated from the operating conditions through Equations (2.26), (2.36)

and (2.76). Maximum flux is obtained at the maximum concentration difference, when thepermeate-side membrane concentration (ci(m)

), equals zero [19]. Reprinted from DrivingForce for Hydraulic and Pervaporation Transport in Homogeneous Membranes, D.R. Pauland D.J. Paciotti, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed. 13, 1201; Copyright 1975. Thismaterial is used by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Sorption data were used to obtain values for KLi . As pointed out by Paul and

Paciotti, the data in Figure 2.17 show that reverse osmosis and pervaporation obeyone unique transport equation—Fick’s law. In other words, transport followsthe solution-diffusion model. The slope of the curve decreases at the higherconcentration differences, that is, at smaller values for ci(m)

because of decreasesin the diffusion coefficient, as the swelling of the membrane decreases.

The results illustrated in Figure 2.16 show that the solvent flux tends towardsa limiting value at very high pressures. This value is reached when the concen-tration of sorbed solvent at the permeate side of the membrane reaches zero, thelimiting value.

Structure–Permeability Relationships in Solution-diffusionMembranes

In the preceding section the effect of concentration and pressure gradient drivingforces on permeation through membranes was described in terms of the solution-diffusion model and Fick’s law. The resulting equations all contain a permeabilityterm, P , that must be experimentally determined. This section describes how thenature of the membrane material affects permeant diffusion and sorption coeffi-cients, which in turn determine membrane permeability. This is a difficult subject.By analyzing the factors that determine membrane permeability, useful corre-lations and rules of thumb can be derived to guide the selection of membranematerials with the optimum flux and selectivity properties. Most of the experimen-tal data in this area have been obtained with gas-permeable membranes. However,the same general principles apply to all polymeric solution-diffusion membranes.

The problem of predicting membrane permeability can be divided into twoparts because permeability is the product of the diffusion coefficient and thesorption coefficient:

P = D · K (2.84)

The sorption coefficient (K) in Equation (2.84) is the term linking the concen-tration of a component in the fluid phase with its concentration in the membranepolymer phase. Because sorption is an equilibrium term, conventional thermo-dynamics can be used to calculate solubilities of gases in polymers to withina factor of two or three. However, diffusion coefficients (D) are kinetic termsthat reflect the effect of the surrounding environment on the molecular motion ofpermeating components. Calculation of diffusion coefficients in liquids and gasesis possible, but calculation of diffusion coefficients in polymers is much moredifficult. In the long term, the best hope for accurate predictions of diffusion inpolymers is the molecular dynamics calculations described in an earlier section.However, this technique is still under development and is currently limited tocalculations of the diffusion of small gas molecules in amorphous polymers; the

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Gas sorption coefficient, K (10−3cm3(STP)/cm2cmHg)





n co



, D(c

m2 /


1 10 100











Figure 2.18 Diffusion and sorption coefficients plotted for gases in a family of 18 relatedpolyimides. Data of Tanaka et al. [23]

agreement between theory and experiment is modest. In the meantime, simplecorrelations based on polymer free volume must be used.

As a general rule, membrane material changes affect the diffusion coefficientof a permeant much more than the sorption coefficient. For example, Figure 2.18shows some typical gas permeation data taken from a paper of Tanaka et al. [23].The diffusion and sorption coefficients of four gases in a family of 18 relatedpolyimides are plotted against each other. Both sorption and diffusion coefficients

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are fairly well grouped for each gas. However, for any one gas the differencein diffusion coefficient from the highest to lowest value is approximately 100-fold, whereas the spread in sorption coefficient is only 2- to 4-fold. Changesin polymer chemistry affect both the sorption and diffusion coefficients, but theeffect on the diffusion coefficient is much more profound.

More detailed examination of the data shown in Figure 2.18 shows that therelative position of each polymer within the group of 18 is approximately thesame for all gases. That is, the polymer with the highest diffusion coefficient formethane also has the highest diffusion coefficient for nitrogen, carbon dioxide andhydrogen. The trend for the solubility coefficients is similar. As a general rule,changes in polymer chemistry and structure that change the diffusion coefficientor sorption coefficient of one gas change the properties of other gases in thesame way. This is why membrane permeabilities can be easily varied by ordersof magnitude by changing the membrane material, whereas changing membraneselectivities (proportional to the ratio of permeabilities) by more than a factor oftwo or three is difficult.

In the following sections the factors that determine the magnitude of diffusionand solubility coefficients in polymers are discussed.

Diffusion Coefficients

The Fick’s law diffusion coefficient of a permeating molecule is a measure ofthe frequency with which the molecule moves and the size of each movement.Therefore, the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient is governed by the restrain-ing forces of the medium on the diffusing species. Isotopically labeled carbonin a diamond lattice has a very small diffusion coefficient. The carbon atoms ofdiamond move infrequently, and each movement is very small—only 1 to 2 A.On the other hand, isotopically labeled carbon dioxide in a gas has an extremelylarge diffusion coefficient. The gas molecules are in constant motion and eachjump is of the order of 1000 A or more. Table 2.1 lists some representative valuesof diffusion coefficients in different media.

Table 2.1 Typical diffusion coefficients in various media (25 C)

Permeant/material Diffusion coefficient, D(cm2/s)

Oxygen in air (atmospheric pressure) 1 × 10−1

Salt in water 1.5 × 10−5

Albumin (MW 60 000) in water 6 × 10−7

Oxygen in silicone rubber 1 × 10−5

Oxygen in polysulfone 4 × 10−8

Sodium atoms in sodium chloride crystals 1 × 10−20

Aluminum atoms in metallic copper 1 × 10−30

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The main observation from Table 2.1 is the enormous range of values ofdiffusion coefficients—from 10−1 to 10−30 cm2/s. Diffusion in gases is wellunderstood and is treated in standard textbooks dealing with the kinetic theoryof gases [24,25]. Diffusion in metals and crystals is a topic of considerable inter-est to the semiconductor industry but not to membrane permeation. This bookfocuses principally on diffusion in liquids and polymers in which the diffusioncoefficient can vary from about 10−5 to about 10−10 cm2/s.

Diffusion in Liquids

Liquids are simple, well defined systems and provide the starting point for moderntheories of diffusion. An early and still fundamentally sound equation was derivedby Einstein who applied simple macroscopic hydrodynamics to diffusion at themolecular level. He assumed the diffusing solute to be a sphere moving in acontinuous fluid of solvent, in which case it can be shown that

D = kT


where k is Boltzmann’s constant, a is the radius of the solute and η is thesolution viscosity. This is known as the Stokes–Einstein equation. The equationis a good approximation for large solutes with radii greater than 5–10 A. But,as the solute becomes smaller, the approximation of the solvent as a continuousfluid becomes less valid. In this case there may be slip of solvent at the solutemolecule’s surface. A second limiting case assumes complete slip at the surfaceof the solute sphere; in this case

D = kT


Thus, the Stokes–Einstein equation is perhaps best expressed as

D = kT

nπaη4 ≤ n ≤ 6 (2.87)

An important conclusion to be drawn from the Stokes–Einstein equation is thatthe diffusion coefficient of solutes in a liquid only changes slowly with molec-ular weight, because the diffusion coefficient is proportional to the reciprocal ofthe radius, which in turn is approximately proportional to the cube root of themolecular weight.

Application of the Stokes–Einstein equation requires a value for the soluteradius. A simple approach is to assume the molecule to be spherical and tocalculate the solute radius from the molar volume of the chemical groups makingup the molecule. Using values for the solute radius calculated this way alongwith measured and known diffusion coefficients of solutes in water, Edward [26]

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Molecular radius (Å)












n co




1 2 3 654 7 8

From Edward (1970)

Figure 2.19 Value of the coefficient n in the Stokes–Einstein equation [Equation (2.87)]required to achieve agreement between calculation and experimental solute diffusion coef-ficients in water. [26]. Reprinted with permission from the Journal of Chemical Education47, No. 4, 1970, pp. 261–270, Figure 12, copyright 1970, Division of Chemical Edu-cation, Inc.

constructed the graph of the coefficient n in the Stokes–Einstein equation, Equa-tion (2.87), as a function of solute radius as shown in Figure 2.19. With largesolutes, n approaches 6, that is, Einstein’s application of normal macroscopicfluid dynamics at the molecular level is a valid approximation. However, whenthe solute radius falls below about 4 A water can no longer be regarded as acontinuous fluid, and n falls below 6. Nonetheless, that an equation based onmacroscopic hydrodynamic theory applies to molecules to the 4 A level is aninteresting result.

The Stokes–Einstein equation works well for diffusion of solutes in simpleliquids but fails in more complex fluids, such as a solution of a high-molecular-weight polymer. Dissolving a polymer in a liquid increases the solvent’s viscosity,but the solute’s diffusion coefficient is not significantly affected. For example, asthe concentration of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) dissolved in water is changed from 0to 20 wt %, the viscosity of the solution increases by several orders of magnitude.However, the diffusion coefficient of sucrose in these solutions only changes by afactor of four [27]. The long polymer chains of dissolved poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)molecules link distant parts of the aqueous solution and change the viscosity of the

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fluid substantially, but, in the fluid immediately surrounding the diffusing sucrosemolecule, the effect of polymer chain length is much less noticeable. This resultillustrates the difference between the microscopic viscosity in the immediateenvironment of the diffusing solute and the macroscopic viscosity measured byconventional viscometers. In simple liquids the macroscopic and microscopicviscosities are the same, but in liquids containing dissolved macromolecules,or in gels and polymer films, the microscopic viscosity and the macroscopicviscosity differ significantly.

Diffusion in Polymers

The concept that the local environment around the permeating molecule determinesthe permeate’s diffusion coefficient is key to understanding diffusion in polymermembranes. Polymers can be divided into two broad categories—rubbery andglassy. In a rubbery polymer, segments of the polymer backbone can rotate freelyaround their axis; this makes the polymer soft and elastic. Thermal motion of thesesegments also leads to high permeant diffusion coefficients. In a glassy polymer,steric hindrance along the polymer backbone prohibits rotation of polymer seg-ments; the result is a rigid, tough polymer. Thermal motion in this type of materialis limited, so permeant diffusion coefficients are low. If the temperature of a glassypolymer is raised, a point is reached at which the increase in thermal energy issufficient to overcome the steric hindrance restricting rotation of polymer back-bone segments. At this temperature, called the glass transition temperature (Tg),the polymer changes from a glass to a rubber.

Figure 2.20 shows a plot of diffusion coefficient as a function of molecu-lar weight for permeants diffusing through a liquid (water), two soft rubberypolymers (natural rubber and silicone rubber), and a hard, stiff glassy polymer(polystyrene) [28]. For very small molecules, such as helium and hydrogen, thediffusion coefficients in all of the media are comparable, differing by no morethan a factor of two or three. These very small molecules only interact withone or two atoms in their immediate proximity. The local environment for thesesmall solutes in the three polymers is not radically different to that in a liquidsuch as water. On the other hand, larger diffusing solutes with molecular weightsof 200 to 300 and above have molecular diameters of 6 to 10 A. Such solutesare in quite different local environments in the different media. In water, theStokes–Einstein equation applies, and the resistance to movement of the soluteis not much larger than that of a very small solute. In polymer membranes, how-ever, several segments of the polymer chain are involved in each movement ofthe diffusing species. This type of cooperative movement is statistically unlikely;consequently, diffusion coefficients are much smaller than in liquid water. More-over, the differences between the motion of polymer segments in the flexiblerubbery membranes and in the stiff polystyrene membrane are large. The poly-mer chains in rubbers are considerably more flexible and rotate more easily than

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100 101 102 103

Permeant molecular weight




n co



, D(c

m2 /



Baker and Lonsdale (1974)

Figure 2.20 Permeant diffusion coefficient as a function of permeant molecular weightin water, natural rubber, silicone rubber and polystyrene. Diffusion coefficients of solutesin polymers usually lie between the value in natural rubber, an extremely permeablepolymer, and the value in polystyrene, an extremely impermeable material [28]

those in polystyrene. One manifestation of this difference in chain flexibility is thedifference in elastic properties; another is the difference in diffusion coefficient.

An example of the change in diffusion coefficient as the matrix materialchanges is illustrated by Figure 2.21. In this example, the polymer matrix materialis changed by plasticization of the polymer, ethyl cellulose, by the perme-ant, dichloroethane [29]. The resulting change in the diffusion coefficient isshown in the figure. The concentration of dichloroethane in the polymer matrixincreases from very low levels (<1 % dichloroethane) to very high levels (>90 %dichloroethane). As the concentration of dichloroethane increases, the polymerchanges from a glassy polymer to a rubbery polymer, to a solvent-swollen gel,and finally to a dilute polymer solution. Ethyl cellulose is a glassy polymer witha glass transition of about 45–50 C. At low concentrations of dichloroethane(below about 5 vol %) in the polymer, the ethyl cellulose matrix is glassy, andthe dichloroethane diffusion coefficient is in the range 1 to 5 × 10−9 cm2/s. As

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Volume fraction, dichloroethane0 0.2 0.4 0.6




From Artsis et al. (1972)


0.8 1.0













ent (

cm2 /


Figure 2.21 Changes in the diffusion coefficient of dichloroethane in ethyl cellulose asa function of the volume fraction of dichloroethane dissolved in the polymer matrix. Dataof Artsis et al. [29]

the dichloroethane concentration increases to above 5 vol %, enough solvent hasdissolved in the polymer to reduce the glass transition temperature to below thetemperature of the experiment. The polymer chains then have sufficient freedomto rotate, and the polymer becomes rubbery. As the dichloroethane concentrationincreases further, the polymer chain mobility also increases as does the diffusioncoefficient of dichloroethane. At 20 % dichloroethane, the diffusion coefficientis 1 × 10−7 cm2/s, 100 times greater than the diffusion coefficient in the glassypolymer. Above 20 vol % dichloroethane, sufficient solvent is present to allowrelatively large segments of the polymer chain to move. In this range, between 20and 70 vol % dichloroethane, the matrix is best characterized as a solvent-swollen

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gel, and the diffusion coefficient of dichloroethane increases from 1 × 10−7 to2 × 10−6 cm2/s. Finally, at dichloroethane concentrations above 70 vol %, suffi-cient solvent is present for the matrix to be characterized as a polymer solution.In this final solvent concentration range, the increase in diffusion coefficient withfurther increases in dichloroethane concentration is relatively small.

Figures 2.20 and 2.21 show the significant difference between diffusion inliquids and in rubbery and glassy polymers. A great deal of work has beenperformed over the last two decades to achieve a quantitative link between thestructure of polymers and their permeation properties. No such quantitative struc-ture–property relationship is at hand or even in sight. What has been achievedis a set of semiempirical rules that allow the permeation properties of relatedfamilies of polymers to be correlated based on small changes in their chemicalstructures. The correlating tool most generally used is the polymer’s fractionalfree volume vf (cm3/cm3), usually defined as

vf = v − vo


where v is the specific volume of the polymer (cm3/g), that is, the reciprocal ofthe polymer density, and vo is the volume occupied by the molecules themselves(cm3/g). The free volume of a polymer is the sum of the many small spacesbetween the polymer chains in these amorphous, noncrystalline materials.

The free volume of a polymer can be determined by measuring the polymer’sspecific volume, then calculating the occupied volume (vo) of the groups thatform the polymer. Tables of the molar volume of different chemical groups havebeen prepared by Bondi [30] and Van Krevelen [31]. By summing the molarvolume of all the groups in the polymer repeat unit, the occupied molar volumeof the polymer can be calculated. The occupied volume obtained in this wayis about 1.3 times larger than the Van der Waals volume of the groups. Thefactor of 1.3 occurs because some unoccupied space is inevitably present even incrystals at 0 K. The fractional free volumes of a number of important membranematerials are given in Table 2.2.

The concept of polymer free volume is illustrated in Figure 2.22, which showspolymer specific volume (cm3/g) as a function of temperature. At high tem-peratures the polymer is in the rubbery state. Because the polymer chains donot pack perfectly, some unoccupied space—free volume—exists between thepolymer chains. This free volume is over and above the space normally presentbetween molecules in a crystal lattice; free volume in a rubbery polymer resultsfrom its amorphous structure. Although this free volume is only a few percent ofthe total volume, it is sufficient to allow some rotation of segments of the poly-mer backbone at high temperatures. In this sense a rubbery polymer, althoughsolid at the macroscopic level, has some of the characteristics of a liquid. Asthe temperature of the polymer decreases, the free volume also decreases. At theglass transition temperature, the free volume is reduced to a point at which the

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Table 2.2 Calculated fractional free volume for representative membrane materials atambient temperatures (Bondi method)

Polymer Polymertype

Glass transitiontemperature, Tg

( C)

Fractional freevolume


Silicone rubber Rubber −129 0.16Natural rubber Rubber −73 0.16Polycarbonate Glass 150 0.16Poly(phenylene oxide) Glass 167 0.20Polysulfone Glass 186 0.166FDA-ODA polyimide Glass 300 0.16Poly(4-methyl-2-pentyne) (PMP) Glass >250 0.28Poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) (PTMSP) Glass >250 0.34







free volumefor glass


Glass Rubber






3 /g)

Figure 2.22 The change in specific volume as a function of temperature for a typi-cal polymer

polymer chains can no longer rotate freely. Segmental motion then ceases, andthe remaining free volume elements between the polymer chains are essentiallyfrozen into the polymer matrix. As the polymer temperature is reduced further,its occupied volume will continue to decrease as the vibrational energy of thegroups forming the polymer decreases, but the free volume elements remainessentially constant. Therefore, a glassy polymer contains both the normal freevolume elements caused by the incomplete packing of the groups making up thepolymer chains and the excess free volume elements frozen into the polymermatrix because the polymer chains cannot rotate.

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Figure 2.23 Structure of two high-free-volume substituted polyacetylenes, PTMSP andPMP. The carbon–carbon double bond is completely rigid, and depending on the sizeof the substituents, rotation around the carbon–carbon single bond can be very restrictedalso. The result is very stiff-backboned, rigid polymer chains which pack very poorly,leading to unusually high fractional free volumes

The fractional free volume of most materials is quite small and the valuedepends on the methods used for the calculation. For rubbers, the volume calcu-lated by the Bondi method is generally about 10 to 15 % and for glassy polymersslightly higher, generally in the range 15 to 20 % because of the excess free vol-ume contribution. Recently, a number of substituted polyacetylene polymers withextraordinarily rigid polymer backbones have been prepared. The structures oftwo such polymers are shown in Figure 2.23. Their glass transition temperaturesare very high, and their free volumes are correspondingly unusually high—asmuch as 25 to 35 % of the polymers’ volume is unoccupied space.

Correlation of the permeation properties of a wide variety of polymers withtheir free volume is not possible [32]. But, within a single class of materials,there is a correlation between the free volume of polymers and gas diffusioncoefficients; an example is shown in Figure 2.24 [33]. The relationship betweenthe free volume and the sorption and diffusion coefficients of gases in polymers,particularly glassy polymers, has been an area of a great deal of experimen-tal and theoretical work. The subject has recently been reviewed in detail byPetropoulos [34] and by Paul and co-workers [35,36].

Sorption Coefficients in Polymers

The second key factor determining permeability in polymers is the sorption coef-ficient. The data in Figure 2.18 show that sorption coefficients for a particular gasare relatively constant within a single family of related materials. In fact, sorp-tion coefficients of gases in polymers are relatively constant for a wide rangeof chemically different polymers. Figure 2.25 plots sorption and diffusion coeffi-cients of methane in Tanaka’s fluorinated polyimides [23], carboxylated polyvinyltrimethylsiloxane [37] and substituted polyacetylenes [38], all amorphous glassypolymers, and a variety of substituted siloxanes [39], all rubbers. The diffusion

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1/uf (cm3/cm3)

















6.0 7.0

Aitken et al. (1992)


Figure 2.24 Correlation of the oxygen permeability coefficient for a family of relatedpolysulfones with inverse fractional free volume (calculated using the Bondi method)[33]. Reprinted with permission from C.L. Aitken, W.J. Koros and D.R. Paul, Effect ofStructural Symmetry on Gas Transport Properties of Polysulfones, Macromolecules 25,3424. Copyright 1992, American Chemical Society

coefficients of methane in the different polymers vary by more than 100 000,showing the extraordinary sensitivity of the permeant diffusion coefficients tochanges in the packing of the polymer chains and to their flexibility. In contrast,sorption coefficients vary by only a factor of 10 around a mean value of about15 × 10−3 cm3(STP)/cm3 · cmHg.

The sorption coefficients of gases in polymers remain relatively constant be-cause sorption in polymers behaves as though the polymers were ideal fluids.Gas sorption in a polymer is expressed from Equation (2.57) as

ci(m)= KG

i pi (2.89)

By substituting for the sorption coefficient KGi from Equation (2.56), Equa-

tion (2.89) can be written as

ci(m)= miρm

γ Gi pi



From the conversion of concentration to mole fraction [Equation (2.10)], it fol-lows that

ci(m)= miρmni(m)


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Methane solubility (10−3 cm3(STP)/cm3cmHg)





n co




2 /s)

1 10 100












Figure 2.25 Diffusion and sorption coefficients of methane in different families of poly-mer materials. Diffusion coefficients change over a wide range but sorption coefficientsare relatively constant. Data from references [23,35–37]

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and so Equation (2.90) can be written as



= ni(m)= γ G

i pi



For an ideal gas dissolving in an ideal liquid, γ Gi and γi(m)

are both unity, soEquation (2.92) can be written as

ni(m)= pi



where ni(m)is the mole fraction of the gas sorbed in the liquid, pi is the partial

pressure of the gas, and pisat is the saturation vapor pressure at the pressure andtemperature of the liquid. To apply Equation (2.93), the gas saturation vapor pres-sure must be determined. This can be done by extrapolating from available vaporpressure data to the ambient range using the Clausius–Clapeyron equation. Forsome gases the vapor pressure thereby obtained does not correspond to a stablegas–liquid equilibrium because the gas is supercritical at ambient temperatures.However, the calculated value is adequate to calculate the sorption coefficientusing Equation (2.93) [40]. At 25 C the saturation vapor pressure of methaneextrapolated in this way is 289 atm. Thus, from Equation (2.93) the mole fractionof methane dissolved in an ideal liquid is 1/289 or 0.0035. The ideal solubilityand measured solubilities of methane in a number of common liquids are given inTable 2.3. Although there is some spread in the data, particularly for small polarsolvent molecules such as water or methanol, the overall agreement is remarkablygood. A more detailed discussion of the solubility of gases in liquids is given inthe book by Fogg and Gerrard [41].

To apply the procedure outlined above to a polymer, it is necessary to use theFlory–Huggins theory of polymer solution, which takes into account the entropyof mixing of solutes in polymers caused by the large difference in molecular size

Table 2.3 Mole fraction of methane in vari-ous solvents at 25 C and 1 atm. The solubil-ity of methane in an ideal liquid under theseconditions is 0.0035 [40]

Liquid Methane solubility(mole fraction)

Ethyl ether 0.0045Cyclohexane 0.0028Carbon tetrachloride 0.0029Acetone 0.0022Benzene 0.0021Methanol 0.0007Water 0.00002

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between the two components. The Flory–Huggins expression for the free energyof mixing of a gas in polymer solution can be written [42]

G = RT lnpi


= RT

[ln Vi +

(1 − υi


)(1 − Vi)


where υi and υj are the molar volumes of the gas i and the polymer j respec-tively, and Vi the volume fraction of the polymer j occupied by the sorbed gasi. When υi ≈ υj , that is, the gas and polymer molecules are approximately thesame size, Equation (2.94) reduces to Equation (2.93), the ideal liquid case. Whenυi υj , that is, when the molar volume of a gas (υi) is much smaller than themolar volume of the polymer (υj ), then υi/υj → 0 and Equation (2.94) becomes



= ln Vi + (1 − Vi) (2.95)

Equation (2.95) can be rearranged to

Vi = pi/pisat

exp(1 − Vi)(2.96)

and since Vi is small, exp(1 − V1) is approximately exp(1) ≈ 2.72, Equation(2.95) then becomes

Vi = pi/pisat


Comparing Equations (2.93) and (2.97), we see that the volume fraction of gassorbed by an ideal polymer is 1/2.72 of the mole fraction of a gas sorbed in anideal liquid.6

The results of such a calculation are shown in Table 2.4. In Figure 2.26, thecalculated sorption coefficients in an ideal polymer from Table 2.4 are plot-ted against the average sorption coefficients of the same gases in Tanaka’spolyimides [23]. The calculated values are within a factor of two of the experi-mental values, which is extremely good agreement considering the simplicity ofEquation (2.97). A more detailed discussion of sorption of gases in polymers isgiven in a review by Petropoulos [34].

As shown above, thermodynamics can qualitatively predict the sorption ofsimple gases in polymers to within a factor of two. Moreover, Equation (2.97)predicts that all polymers should have about the same sorption for the same gasand that sorption is inversely proportional to saturation vapor pressure.

Another way of showing the same effect is to plot gas sorption against someconvenient measure of saturation vapor pressure, such as the gas boiling point

6Vi is the volume fraction of the gas sorbed in the polymer. To calculate the amount of gas sorbedin cm3 (STP)/cm3, the molar density of the sorbed gas must be known. We assume this density is1/MW (mol/cm3).

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Table 2.4 Solubility of gases in an ideal liquid and an ideal polymer (35 C)

Gas Calculated saturationvapor pressure,

pisat (atm)

Ideal solubility in aliquid at 1 atm(mole fraction)

[Equation (2.93)]

Ideal solubility in a polymer[10−3 cm3(STP)/cm3 · cmHg]

[Equation (2.97)]

N2 1400 0.0007 2.6O2 700 0.0014 4.8CH4 366 0.0027 18.4CO2 79.5 0.0126 29.5



d ga

s so




3 (S



3 ·cm


Gas solubility in an ideal polymer(10-3cm3(STP)/cm3·cmHg)



1101 100





Figure 2.26 Average sorption coefficients of simple gases in a family of 18 relatedpolyimides plotted against the expected sorption in an ideal polymer calculated usingEquation (2.97). Data from Tanaka et al. [23]

or critical temperature. Figure 2.27 shows a plot of this type for a typical glassypolymer (polysulfone), a typical rubber (silicone rubber), and the values for theideal solubility of a gas in a polymer calculated using Equation (2.97) [43]. Thefigure shows that the difference in gas sorptions of polymers is relatively smalland the values are grouped around the calculated value.

Although all of these predictions are qualitatively correct, the differencesbetween the behavior of an ideal polymer and an actual polymer are importantin selecting the optimum material for a particular separation. The usual startingpoint for this fine-tuning is the dual-sorption model originally proposed by Bar-rer et al. [44]. This model has since been extended by Michaels et al. [45], Paulet al. [46], Koros et al. [47] and many others.

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Tc (K)






0 100

H2 N2 O2 CO2CH4 C3H8



Freeman and Pinnau (1999)

Ideal polymer solubility(Eq. 2.97)


200 300 400 500



ty (

cm3 (



cm3 •



Figure 2.27 Solubilities as a function of critical temperature (Tc) for a typical glassypolymer (polysulfone) and a typical rubbery polymer (silicone rubber) compared withvalues for the ideal solubility calculated from Equation (2.97)[43]

According to the dual-sorption model, gas sorption in a polymer (cm) occurs intwo types of sites. The first type is filled by gas molecules dissolved in the equi-librium free volume portion of material (concentration cH ). In rubbery polymersthis is the only population of dissolved gas molecules, but in glassy polymersa second type of site exists. This population of dissolved molecules (concentra-tion cD) is dissolved in the excess free volume of the glassy polymer. The totalsorption in a glassy polymer is then

cm = cD + cH (2.98)

The number of molecules (cD) dissolved in the equilibrium free volume por-tion of the polymer will behave as in normal sorption in a liquid and can berelated to the pressure in the surrounding gas by a linear expression equivalentto Equation (2.89)

cD = KDp (2.99)

This fraction of the total sorption is equivalent to the value calculated in Equa-tion (2.97). The other fraction (cH ) is assumed to be sorbed into the excess

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free volume elements, which are limited, so sorption will cease when all thesites are filled. Sorption in these sites is best approximated by a Langmuir-typeabsorption isotherm

cH = c′Hbp

1 + bp(2.100)

At high pressures cH → c′H , where c′

H is the saturation sorption concentration atwhich all excess free volume sites are filled.

From Equations (2.99) and (2.100) it follows that the total sorption can bewritten as

cm = KDp + c′Hbp

1 + bp(2.101)

The form of the sorption isotherm predicted from the dual sorption model isshown in Figure 2.28. Because the expressions for sorption contain three ad-justable parameters, good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained.

Often, much is made of the particular values of the constants c′H , b, and K .

However, these constants should be treated with caution because they dependtotally on the starting point of the curve-fitting exercise. That is, starting withan arbitrary value of c′

H , the other constants b and K can usually be adjusted toobtain good agreement of Equation (2.101) with experiment. If the starting valuefor c′

H is changed, then equally good agreement between theory and experimentcan still be obtained but with different values of b and K [48].

Gas pressure (p)




n (c


Henry's law sorption cD = kDp

Total sorption

Langmuir sorption

cH =cH bp

1+ bp


Figure 2.28 An illustration of the two components that contribute to gas sorption in aglassy polymer according to the dual sorption model. Henry’s law sorption occurs in theequilibrium free volume portion of the polymer. Langmuir sorption occurs in the excessfree volume between polymer chains that exists in glassy polymers

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Permeation of gases in glassy polymers can also be described in terms of thedual sorption model. One diffusion coefficient (DD) is used for the portion ofthe gas dissolved in the polymer according to the Henry’s law expression anda second, somewhat larger, diffusion coefficient (DH ) for the portion of the gascontained in the excess free volume. The Fick’s law expression for flux throughthe membrane has the form

J = −DD


dx− DH



Pore-flow Membranes

The creation of a unified theory able to rationalize transport in the dense mem-branes used in reverse osmosis, pervaporation and gas separation occurred overa 20-year period from about 1960 to 1980. Development of this theory was oneof the successes of membrane science. The theory did not form overnight as theresult of one single breakthrough but rather as the result of a series of incre-mental steps. The paper of Lonsdale et al. [12] applying the solution-diffusionmodel to reverse osmosis for the first time was very important.7 Also importantwas the series of papers by Paul and co-workers showing the connection betweenhydraulic permeation (reverse osmosis) and pervaporation [4–6, 19] and provid-ing the experimental support for the solution-diffusion model as applied to theseprocesses. Unfortunately no equivalent unified theory to describe transport inmicroporous membranes has been developed. Figure 2.29 illustrates part of theproblem, namely the extremely heterogeneous nature of microporous membranes.All of the microporous membranes shown in this figure perform approximatelythe same separation, but their porous structure and the mechanism of the sep-aration differ significantly. The nucleation track membrane (Figure 2.29a) andthe asymmetric Loeb–Sourirajan membrane (Figure 2.29d) both separate par-ticles by molecular sieving. The cellulose acetate/cellulose nitrate membrane(Figure 2.29c) is a depth filter which captures particles within the interior of themembrane by adsorption. The expanded film membrane (Figure 2.29b) capturesparticles by both methods. The materials from which these membranes are madealso differ, ranging from polyethylene and polysulfone, both hydrophobic, low-surface-energy materials, to cellulose acetate, a hydrophilic material that oftencarries charged surface groups.

The parameters available to characterize the complexity of microporousmembranes are also imperfect. Some widely used parameters are illustrated inFigure 2.30. The membrane porosity (ε) is the fraction of the total membrane

7This paper was initially submitted by its three industrial authors for publication to the Journal ofPhysical Chemistry and was rejected as insufficiently fundamental. More than 30 years after it wasfinally published in the Journal of Applied Polymer Science, it remains one of the most cited paperson membrane transport theory.

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(a) Track etch

(c) Phase separation

(b) Expanded film

(d) Loeb−Sourirajan

Figure 2.29 Scanning electron micrographs at approximately the same magnificationof four microporous membranes having approximately the same particle retention.(a) Nuclepore (polycarbonate) nucleation track membrane; (b) Celgard (polyethylene)expanded film membrane; (c) Millipore cellulose acetate/cellulose nitrate phase separationmembrane made by water vapor imbibition (Courtesy of Millipore Corporation, Billerica,MA); (d) anisotropic polysulfone membrane made by the Loeb–Sourirajan phaseseparation process

volume that is porous. Typical microporous membranes have average porositiesin the range 0.3–0.7. This number can be obtained easily by weighing themembrane before and after filling the pores with an inert liquid. The averageporosity obtained this way must be treated with caution, however, because theporosity of a membrane can vary from place to place. For example, anisotropicmembranes, such as the Loeb–Sourirajan phase separation membrane shown inFigure 2.29(d), often have an average porosity of 0.7–0.8, but the porosity ofthe skin layer that performs the actual separation may be as low as 0.05.

The membrane tortuosity (τ ) reflects the length of the average pore compared tothe membrane thickness. Simple cylindrical pores at right angles to the membranesurface have a tortuosity of one, that is, the average length of the pore is the

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dddaverage pore size

Surface views of porous membranes of equal porosity (e)but differing pore size

t = 1.0 t = 1.5 t ~ 1.5 − 2.5

Cross-sections of porous membranes of different tortuosity


Figure 2.30 Microporous membranes are characterized by their tortuosity (τ ), theirporosity (ε), and their average pore diameter (d)

membrane thickness. Usually pores take a more meandering path through themembrane, so typical tortuosities are in the range 1.5–2.5.

The most important property characterizing a microporous membrane is thepore diameter (d). Some of the methods of measuring pore diameters are describedin Chapter 7. Although microporous membranes are usually characterized by asingle pore diameter value, most membranes actually contain a range of poresizes. In ultrafiltration, the pore diameter quoted is usually an average value, butto confuse the issue, the pore diameter in microfiltration is usually defined interms of the largest particle able to penetrate the membrane. This nominal porediameter can be 5 to 10 times smaller than the apparent pore diameter based ondirect microscopic examination of the membrane.

Permeation in Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Membranes

Microporous ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes used to filter particu-lates from liquids fall into the two general categories illustrated in Figure 2.31.The first category (a) is the surface or screen filter; such membranes contain sur-face pores smaller than the particles to be removed. Particles in the permeating

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(a) Screen filtration (b) Depth filtration

Figure 2.31 Separation of particulates can take place at the membrane surface accordingto a screen filtration mechanism (a) or in the interior of the membrane by a capturemechanism as in depth filtration (b)

fluid are captured and accumulate on the surface of the membrane. These mem-branes are usually anisotropic, with a relatively finely microporous surface layeron a more open microporous support. Particles small enough to pass through thesurface pores are not normally captured in the interior of the membrane. Mostultrafiltration membranes are screen filters.

The second category of microporous membranes is the depth filter (b), whichcaptures the particles to be removed in the interior of the membrane. The averagepore diameter of a depth filter is often 10 times the diameter of the smallestparticle able to permeate the membrane. Some particles are captured at smallconstrictions within the membrane, others by adsorption as they permeate themembrane by a tortuous path. Depth filters are usually isotropic, with a similarpore structure throughout the membrane. Most microfiltration membranes aredepth filters.

Screen Filters

The mechanism of particle filtration by screen filters has been the subject ofmany studies because it is relatively easily described mathematically; Bungayhas published a review of this work [49]. Ferry [50] was the first to modelmembrane retention by a screen filter; in his model pores were assumed to beequal circular capillaries with a large radius, r , compared to the solvent moleculeradius. Therefore, the total area of the pore is available for transport of solvent.A solute molecule whose radius, a, is an appreciable fraction of the pore radiuscannot approach nearer than one molecular radius of the pore overall. The modelis illustrated in Figure 2.32.

The area, A, of the pore available for solute transport is given by the equation



= (r − a)2


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Areaavailablefor solutetransportp(r - a)2


for solventtransport


Figure 2.32 Illustration of the Ferry mechanical exclusion model of solute transport insmall pores

where Ao is the area of the pore available for solvent molecules. Later, Renkin[51] showed that Equation (2.103) has to be modified to account for the parabolicvelocity profile of the fluid as it passes through the pore. The effective fractionalpore area available for solutes in this case is



)′= 2

(1 − a


)2 −(

1 − a



where (A/Ao)′ is equal to the ratio of the solute concentration in the filtrate (c)

to the concentration in the feed (co), that is,







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It follows that from Equation (2.105) and the definition of solution rejection[Equation (2.48)] that the rejection of the membrane is

R =[

1 − 2(

1 − a


)2 +(

1 − a



× 100 % (2.106)

The Ferry–Renkin equation can be used to estimate the pore size of ultrafiltra-tion membranes from the membrane’s rejection of a solute of known radius. Therejections of globular proteins by four typical ultrafiltration membranes plottedagainst the cube root of the protein molecular weight (an approximate measureof the molecular radius) are shown in Figure 2.33(a). The theoretical curves

Protein molecular weight (1000s)



























g G



Molecular radius of protein, a (Å)














r = 25 Å

r = 50 Å

r = 100 Å


Figure 2.33 (a) Rejection of globular proteins by ultrafiltration membranes of increasingpore size; (b) calculated rejection curves from the Ferry–Renkin equation (2.106) plottedon the same scale [52]

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Table 2.5 Marker molecules used to characterize ultrafiltration membranes

Species Molecular weight(×1000)

Estimated moleculardiameter (A)

Sucrose 0.34 11Raffinose 0.59 13Vitamin B12 1.36 17Bacitracin 1.41 17Insulin 5.7 27Cytochrome c 13.4 38Myoglobin 17 40α-Chymotrysinogene 25 46Pepsin 35 50Ovalbumin 43 56Bovine albumin 67 64Aldolase 142 82γ -Globulin 150 84

calculated from Equation (2.106) are shown directly in Figure 2.33(b) [52]. Theabscissae of both figures have been made comparable because the radius of gyra-tion of albumin is approximately 30 A. A pore size that appears to be reasonablecan then be obtained by comparing the two graphs. This procedure for obtain-ing an approximate pore size from membrane retention measurements shown inFigure 2.33 has been widely used. Globular proteins are usually the basis forthis work because their molecular weights and molecular diameter can be cal-culated precisely. A list of some commonly used molecular markers is given inTable 2.5.

Depth Filters

The mechanism of particle capture by depth filtration is more complex than forscreen filtration. Simple capture of particles by sieving at pore constructions inthe interior of the membrane occurs, but adsorption of particles on the interiorsurface of the membrane is usually at least as important. Figure 2.34 shows fourmechanisms that contribute to particle capture in depth membrane filters. Themost obvious mechanism, simple sieving and capture of particles at constrictionsin the membrane, is often a minor contributor to the total separation. The threeother mechanisms, which capture particles by adsorption, are inertial capture,Brownian diffusion and electrostatic adsorption [53,54]. In all cases, particlessmaller than the diameter of the pore are captured by adsorption onto the internalsurface of the membrane.

In inertial capture, relatively large particles in the flowing liquid cannot followthe fluid flow lines through the membrane’s tortuous pores. As a result, suchparticles are captured as they impact the pore wall. This capture mechanism is

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Fiber cross-section






Figure 2.34 Particle capture mechanism in filtration of liquid solutions by depth micro-filters. Four capture mechanisms are shown: simple sieving; electrostatic adsorption;inertial impaction; and Brownian diffusion

more frequent for larger diameter particles. In experiments with colloidal goldparticles and depth filtration membranes with tortuous pores approximately 5 µmin diameter, Davis showed that 60 % of 0.05-µm-diameter particles were captured[55]. Nucleation track membranes with 5-µm, almost straight-through pores andno tortuosity retained less than 1 % of the particles. The retention of the smallparticles by the depth filter was caused by the greater tortuosity which led toinertial capture.

The second mechanism is capture by Brownian diffusion, which is more ofa factor for smaller particles. Small particles are easily carried along by themoving fluid. However, because the particles are small, they are subject to randomBrownian motion that periodically brings them into contact with the pore walls.When this happens, capture by surface adsorption occurs.

The third mechanism is capture of charged particles by membranes havingsurface-charged groups. Many common colloidal materials carry a slight nega-tive charge, so membranes containing an excess of positive groups can provideenhanced removals. Several microfiltration membrane manufacturers produce thistype of charged membrane. One problem is that the adsorption capacity of thecharged group is exhausted as filtration proceeds, and the retention falls.

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Particle diameter (µm)0.01 0.10



nal p






Capture byBrowniandiffusion

Capture byinertial








Figure 2.35 Gas-borne particle penetration through an ultrathin PVDF membrane [55,56]

In filtration of gas-borne aerosol particles by microfiltration membranes, cap-ture by adsorption is usually far more important than capture by sieving. Thisleads to the paradoxical result that the most penetrating particle may not be thesmallest one. This is because capture by inertial interception is most efficient forlarger particles, whereas capture by Brownian motion is most efficient for smallerparticles. As a result the most penetrating particle has an intermediate diameter,as shown in Figure 2.35 [55,56].

Knudsen Diffusion and Surface Diffusion in Microporous Membranes

Essentially all industrial gas separation membranes involve permeation throughdense polymeric membranes. But the study of gas permeation through finelymicroporous membranes has a long history dating back to Graham’s work in the1850s. To date, the only application of these membranes has been the separationof U235F6 and U238F6 in the Manhattan project. More recently finely microporousmembranes made by carbonizing poly(vinylidene chloride) and other polymershave been developed and taken to the pilot plant scale.

If the pores of a microporous membrane are 0.1 µm or larger, gas permeationwill take place by normal convective flow described by Poiseuille’s law. As

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the pore radius (r) decreases it can become smaller than the mean free path(λ) of the gas. (At atmospheric pressure the mean free path of common gasesis in the range 500–2000 A.) When this occurs the ratio of the pore radius tothe gas mean free path (r/λ) is less than one. Diffusing gas molecules thenhave more collisions with the pore walls than with other gas molecules. Gaspermeation in this region is called Knudsen diffusion. At every collision with thepore walls, the gas molecules are momentarily adsorbed and then reflected in arandom direction. Molecule–molecule collisions are rare, so each gas moleculemoves independently of all others. Hence with gas mixtures in which the differentspecies move at different average velocities, a separation is possible. The gas flowin a membrane made of cylindrical right capillaries for Knudsen diffusion is givenby Equation (2.103)

j = 4rε





· po − p

· RT(2.107)

where m is the molecular weight of the gas, j is the flux in gmol/cm2 · s, ε isthe porosity of the membrane, r is the pore radius, is the pore length and po

and p are the absolute pressures of the gas species at the beginning of the pore(x = 0) and at the end (x = ).

The equivalent equation for permeation by Poiseuille flow is

j = r2ε

8η· [po − p][po + p]

· RT(2.108)

where η is the viscosity of the gas. Equation (2.108) differs from the more famil-iar Poiseuille equation for liquids by the additional term [po + p] which arisesfrom the expansion of a gas as it moves down the pressure gradient.

Figure 2.36 shows the effect of the ratio r/λ on the relative proportions ofKnudsen to Poiseuille flow in a cylindrical capillary [57]. When r/λ is greaterthan one, Poiseuille flow predominates. Because the mean free path of gasesat atmospheric pressure is in the range of 500–2000 A, for Knudsen flow topredominate and a separation to be obtained, the membrane pore radius must beless than 500 A.

It follows from Equation (2.107) that the permeability of a gas (i) through aKnudsen diffusion membrane is proportional to 1/

√mi . The selectivity of this

membrane (αi/j ), proportional to the ratio of gas permeabilities, is given bythe expression

αi/j =√




This result was first observed experimentally by Graham and is called Graham’slaw of diffusion. Knudsen diffusion membranes have been used to separate gasisotopes that are difficult to separate by other methods, for example tritium from

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r /l














1 2 3

Total flow

Poiseuille flow

Knudsen flow

7654 8

Figure 2.36 Illustration of the proportion of Knudsen to Poiseuille flow as a functionof r/λ (after Barrer) [57]

hydrogen, C12H4 from C14H4 and most importantly U235F6 from U238F6. Themembrane selectivity for U235F6/U238F6 mixtures is only 1.0043, so hundreds ofseparation stages are required to produce a complete separation. Nevertheless, atthe height of the Cold War, the US Atomic Energy Commission operated threeplants fitted with microporous metal membranes that processed almost 20 000tons/year of uranium.

When the pore diameter of a microporous membrane decreases to the 5–10 Arange, the pores begin to separate gases by a molecular sieving effect. Thedifficulty of making these membranes defect-free has so far prevented theirapplication to industrial separations. However, in the laboratory, spectacular sep-arations have been reported for gases that differ in size by only 0.1 A. Figure 2.37shows some data for permeation through microporous silica membranes [58]. Nopolymeric membranes can match this separation.

Surface adsorption and diffusion add a second contribution to gas permeationthat can occur in small-pore-diameter membranes. This phenomenon is shownschematically in Figure 2.38. Adsorption onto the walls of the small poresbecomes noticeable when the pore diameter drops below about 100 A. At thispore diameter the surface area of the pore walls is in the range 100 m2/cm3 ofmaterial. Significant amounts of gas then adsorb onto the pore walls, particularlyif the gas is condensable. Often the amount of gas sorbed on the pore walls ismuch greater than the amount of nonsorbed gas. Sorbed gas molecules are mobileand can move by a process of surface diffusion through the membrane according

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Kinetic diameter (Å)














2.9 3.4

Shelekhin et al. (1992)







Figure 2.37 Permeability coefficients as a function of the gas kinetic diameter in micro-porous silica hollow fine fibers [58]. Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci. 75, A.B. Shelekhin,A.G. Dixon and Y.H. Ma, Adsorption, Permeation, and Diffusion of Gases in MicroporousMembranes, 233, Copyright 1992, with permission from Elsevier

to a Fick’s law type of expression

Js = −Ds



where Js is the contribution to permeation by surface diffusion of the sorbedgas cs and Ds is a surface diffusion coefficient. At room temperature, typicalsurface diffusion coefficients are in the range 1 × 10−3 –1 × 10−4 cm2/s, inter-mediate between the diffusion coefficients of molecules in gases and liquids [59].Although these coefficients are less than the diffusion coefficients for nonsorbedgas, surface diffusion still makes a significant contribution to total permeation.

Some typical results illustrating the effect of surface diffusion are shown inFigure 2.39 for permeation of gases through microporous glass [60]. The expectedpermeability normalized for gas molecular weight, P√

m, is constant, but onlythe very low boiling gases, helium, hydrogen and neon, approach this value. Asthe condensability of the gas increases (as measured by boiling point or criticaltemperature) the amount of surface adsorption increases and the contribution ofsurface diffusion to gas permeation increases. For butane, for example, 80 % ofthe total gas permeation is due to surface diffusion.

In experiments with mixtures of condensable and noncondensable gases, ad-sorption of the condensable gas component can restrict or even completely blockpermeation of the noncondensable gas [61,62]. This effect was first noticed byBarrer and Pope in experiments with sulfur dioxide/hydrogen mixtures [63]; someof the data are shown in Figure 2.40. Sorption of sulfur dioxide on the pore walls

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(a) Knudsen diffusion

Mixtures of noncondensable gases

(b) Molecular sieving

(c) Knudsen diffusion and surface diffusion

Mixtures of condensable and noncondensable gases

(d) Surface diffusion and capillary condensation

Figure 2.38 Permeation of noncondensable and condensable gas mixtures through finelymicroporous membranes. With noncondensable gases molecular sieving occurs when thepore wall reaches the 5- to 10-A diameter range. With gas mixtures containing condensablegases surface diffusion increases as the pore diameter decreases and the temperaturedecreases (increasing adsorption)

of the microporous carbon membrane inhibits the flow of hydrogen. If adsorptionis increased by increasing the sulfur dioxide partial pressure or by lowering thetemperature, sufficient sulfur dioxide is adsorbed to cause capillary condensationof sulfur dioxide in the membrane pores, completely blocking permeation ofhydrogen. At this point the membrane only permeates sulfur dioxide.

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Gas critical temperature (K)







00 100

Hwang and Kammermeyer (1975)

200 300 400

Knudsengas diffusioncontribution


contributionH2 Ne













ar w


t nor








3 (S




2 ·s·



Figure 2.39 Molecular-weight-normalized permeability of gases through Vycor microp-orous glass membranes [60]. Reprinted from Techniques of Chemistry, Vol. VII, Membranesin Separations, S.T. Hwang and K. Kammermeyer; A. Weissberger (ed.); Copyright 1975. This material is used by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Microporous carbonized hollow fibers were developed over a period of 20 yearsby Soffer, Koresh, and others (64) at Carbon Membranes Ltd. and were broughtto the small module scale. Spectacular separations were reported, but the mem-branes were difficult to make defect-free and were relatively sensitive to foulingand breaking. More recently, Rao, Sirkar, and others at Air Products tried touse microporous membranes to separate hydrogen/light hydrocarbon gas mix-tures found in refinery waste gas streams [65,66]. They also used microporouscarbon membranes, this time formed by vacuum carbonization of polymer filmscast onto microporous ceramic supports. The adsorbed hydrocarbons permeatethe membranes by surface diffusion while permeation of hydrogen in the gasphase is blocked by capillary condensation in the membrane pores. The processwas tried at the pilot-plant scale, but eventually abandoned in part because ofblocking of the membranes by permanently adsorbed higher hydrocarbons in thefeed gas.

Despite these failures, microporous carbon membranes continue to be a sub-ject of research by a number of groups [67–70]. The selectivities obtained areoften very good, even for simple gas mixtures such as oxygen/nitrogen or carbondioxide/methane. However long-term, it is difficult to imagine carbon membranes

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Amount of SO2 sorbed(cm3(STP)/g)









n pe





e to


e ga

s va


50 100 150

Ash, et al. (1963)

Figure 2.40 Blocking of hydrogen in hydrogen/sulfur dioxide gas mixture permeationexperiments with finely microporous membranes [63] as a function of the amount of sulfurdioxide adsorbed by the membrane. As sulfur dioxide sorption increases the hydrogenpermeability is reduced until at about 140 cm3(SO2)(STP)/g, the membrane is completelyblocked and only sulfur dioxide permeates. Data obtained at several temperatures fallon the same master curve (ž, 0 C; , −10 C; , −20.7 C; , −33.6 C). Reprintedfrom R. Ash, R.M. Barrer and C.G. Pope, Flow of Adsorbable Gases and Vapours inMicroporous Medium, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 271, 19 (1963) with permission fromThe Royal Society

competing with polymeric membranes for these separations. Carbon membranesare likely to be 10 to 100 times more expensive than equivalent polymericmembranes. This cost differential can only be tolerated in applications in whichpolymeric membranes completely fail to make the separation. Such applicationsmight be the high-temperature separation of hydrocarbon vapor/vapor mixtures;the chemical and physical stability of ceramic and carbon membranes is a realadvantage in this type of separation.

Although the literature of gas separation with microporous membranes is domi-nated by inorganic materials, polymer membranes have also been tried with somesuccess. The polymers used are substituted polyacetylenes, which can have anextraordinarily high free volume, on the order of 25 vol %. The free volume is sohigh that the free volume elements in these polymers are probably interconnected.Membranes made from these polymers appear to function as finely microporousmaterials with pores in the 5 to 15 A diameter range [71,72]. The two most

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widely studied polyacetylenes are poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) (PTMSP) andpoly(4-methyl-2-pentyne) (PMP), with the structures shown in Figure 2.23. Gaspermeabilities in these materials are orders of magnitude higher than those ofconventional, low-free-volume glassy polymers, and are even substantially higherthan those of poly(dimethylsiloxane), for many years the most permeable polymerknown. The extremely high free volume provides a sorption capacity as much as10 times that of a conventional glassy polymer. More dramatically, diffusion coef-ficients are 103 to 106 times greater than those observed in conventional glassypolymers. This combination of extraordinarily high permeabilities, together withthe very high free volume, hints at a pore-flow contribution. Nonetheless, theratio of the diffusion coefficients of oxygen and nitrogen (DO2/DN2) is 1.4, asmall value for a glassy polymer membrane but still more than would be expectedfor a simple Knudsen diffusion membrane.

These high-free-volume polymers also have unusual permeability characteris-tics with mixtures of condensable and noncondensable gases. For example, inthe presence of as little as 1200 ppm of a condensable vapor such as the per-fluorocarbon FC-77 (a perfluoro octane-perfluoro decane mixture), the nitrogenpermeability of PTMSP is 20 times lower than the pure nitrogen permeability[71], as shown in Figure 2.41. When the condensable vapor is removed from thefeed gas the nitrogen permeability rapidly returns to its original value. The best

Time (min)














e to


e ni



10 20 30 8070605040

N2 N2in N2


PTMSP film1200 ppm FC-77

Figure 2.41 The change in nitrogen flux through a PTMSP membrane caused by thepresence of a condensable vapor in the feed gas [71]. This behavior is characteris-tic of extremely finely porous microporous ceramic or ultrahigh-free-volume polymericmembranes such as PTMSP. The condensable vapor adsorbs in the 5- to 15-A-diameterpores of the membrane, blocking the flow of the noncondensable nitrogen gas

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explanation for these unusual vapor permeation properties is that PTMSP, becauseof its very high free volume, is an ultra-microporous membrane in which pore-flow transport occurs. The FC-77 vapor causes capillary condensation in whichthe pores are partially or completely blocked by the adsorbed vapor, preventingthe flow of noncondensed gases (nitrogen) through the membrane.

The Transition Region

The transition between pore-flow and solution-diffusion transport seems to occurwith membranes having very small pores. Ultrafiltration membranes that rejectsucrose and raffinose but pass all micro-ions are clearly pore-flow membranes,whereas desalination-grade sodium-chloride-rejecting reverse osmosis membranesclearly follow the solution-diffusion model. Presumably, the transition is in thenanofiltration range, with membranes having good rejections to divalent ions andmost organic solutes, but rejection of monovalent ions in the 20–70 % range. Theperformance of a family of nanofiltration membranes of this type is illustrated inTable 2.6 [73]. The FT30 membrane is clearly a good reverse osmosis membrane,whereas the XP-20 is a very small pore flow ultrafiltration membrane. The XP-45membrane is intermediate in character.

The transition between reverse osmosis membranes with a salt rejection ofmore than 95 % and molecular weight cutoffs below 50 and ultrafiltration mem-branes with a salt rejection of less than 10 % and a molecular weight cutoffof more than 1000 is shown in Figure 2.42 [74]. The very large change in thepressure-normalized flux of water that occurs as the membranes become moreretentive is noteworthy. Because these are anisotropic membranes, the thick-ness of the separating layer is difficult to measure, but clearly the permeability of

Table 2.6 Rejection of microsolutes by nanofiltration mem-branes (FilmTec data) [73]. Reprinted from Desalination, 70,J. Cadotte, R. Forester, M. Kim, R. Petersen and T. Stocker,Nanofiltration Membranes Broaden the Use of Membrane Sepa-ration Technology, p. 77, Copyright 1988, with permission fromElsevier

Solute Solute rejection (%)

FT-30 XP-45 XP-20

NaC1 99.5 50 20MgCl2 >99.5 83 —MgSO4 >99.5 97.5 85NaNO3 90 <20 0Ethylene glycol 70 24 11Glycerol 96 44 15Glucose 99 95 60Sucrose 100 100 89

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Water pressure-normalized flux(m3/m2·bar·day)






00.01 0.1

Reverseosmosisregion Ultrafiltration



1.0 10 100


l rej


n (%




ar w


t cut











Figure 2.42 Diagram of the region of nanofiltration membrane performance relative toreverse osmosis and ultrafiltration membranes [74]

water through the pores of ultrafiltration membranes is orders of magnitude higherthan permeability through dense solution-diffusion reverse osmosis membranes.Gas permeation also places high-free-volume substituted polyacetylene polymermembranes in the transition area between solution-diffusion and pore flow.

Conclusions and Future Directions

During the last 30 years the basis of permeation through membranes has becomemuch clearer. This is particularly true for reverse osmosis, gas permeation andpervaporation for which the solution-diffusion model is now almost universallyaccepted and well-supported by a body of experimental evidence. This modelprovides simple equations that accurately link the driving forces of concentrationand pressure with flux and selectivity. The solution-diffusion model has beenless successful at providing a link between the nature of the membrane materialand the membrane permeation properties. This link requires an ability to cal-culate membrane diffusion and sorption coefficients. These calculations requireknowledge of the molecular level of interactions of permeant molecules and theirmotion in the polymer matrix that is not yet available. Only semiempirical corre-lations such as the dual sorption model or free volume correlations are available.The best hope for future progress towards a priori methods of calculating perme-ant sorption and diffusion coefficients lies in computer-aided molecular dynamicsimulations, but accurate predictions using this technique are years—perhapsdecades—away.

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The theory of permeation through microporous membranes in ultrafiltrationand microfiltration is much less developed and it is difficult to see a clear pathforward. Permeation through these membranes is affected by a variety of hard-to-compute effects and is also very much a function of membrane structure andcomposition. Measurements of permeation through ideal uniform-pore-diametermembranes made by the nucleation track method are in good agreement withtheory. Unfortunately, industrially useful membranes have nonuniform tortuouspores and are often anisotropic as well. Current theories cannot predict the per-meation properties of these membranes.

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57. R.M. Barrer, Diffusion in Porous Media, Appl. Mater. Res. 2, 129 (1963).58. A.B. Shelekhin, A.G. Dixon and Y.H. Ma, Adsorption, Permeation, and Diffusion of

Gases in Microporous Membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 75, 233 (1992).59. R. Ash, R.M. Barrer and P. Sharma, Sorption and Flow of Carbon Dioxide and Some

Hydrocarbons in a Microporous Carbon Membrane, J. Membr. Sci. 1, 17 (1976).60. S.T. Hwang and K. Kammermeyer, Techniques of Chemistry, Vol. VII, Membranes in

Separations, Wiley, New York (1975).61. K. Keizer, A.J. Burggraaf, Z.A.E.P. Vroon and H. Verweij, Two Component Perme-

ation Through Thin Zeolite MFI Membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 147, 159 (1998).62. M.H. Hassan, J.D. Way, P.M. Thoen and A.C. Dillon, Single Component and Mixed

Gas Transport in a Silica Fiber Membrane, J. Membr. Sci. 104, 27 (1995).63. R. Ash, R.M. Barrer and C.G. Pope, Flow of Adsorbable Gases and Vapours in

Microporous Medium, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 271, 19 (1963).64. A. Soffer, J.E. Koresh and S. Saggy, Separation Device, US Patent 4,685,940, August


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65. M.B. Rao and S. Sirkar, Nanoporous Carbon Membranes for Separation of Gas Mix-tures by Selective Surface Flow, J. Membr. Sci. 85, 253 (1994).

66. M.B. Rao and S. Sirkar, Performance and Pore Characterization of Nanoporous Car-bon Membranes for Gas Separation, J. Membr. Sci. 110, 109 (1996).

67. D.Q. Vu, W.J. Koros and S.J. Miller, High Pressure CO2/CH4 Separations UsingCarbon Molecular Sieve Hollow Fiber Membranes, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 41, 367(2002).

68. N. Tanihara, H. Shimazaki, Y. Hirayama, N. Nakanishi, T. Yoshinaga and Y. Kusuki,Gas Permeation Properties of Asymmetric Carbon Hollow Fiber Membranes Preparedfrom Asymmetric Polymer Hollow Fibers, J. Membr. Sci. 160, 179 (1999).

69. A.B. Fuertes, Adsorption-selective Carbon Membranes for Gas Separation, J. Membr.Sci. 177, 9 (2000).

70. H. Kita, H. Maeda, K. Tanaka and K. Okamoto, Carbon Molecular Sieve MembranesPrepared from Phenolic Resin, Chem. Lett. 179 (1997).

71. I. Pinnau and L.G. Toy, Transport of Organic Vapors through Poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne], J. Membr. Sci. 116, 199 (1996).

72. R. Srinivasan, S.R. Auvil and P.M. Burban, Elucidating the Mechanism(s) of GasTransport in Poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne] (PTMSP) Membranes, J. Membr. Sci.86, 67 (1994).

73. J. Cadotte, R. Forester, M. Kim, R. Petersen and T. Stocker, Nanofiltration Mem-branes Broaden the Use of Membrane Separation Technology, Desalination 70, 77(1988).

74. S. Egli, A. Ruf and F. Widmer, Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Komposit-membranen fur die Nano- und Ultrafiltration, Swiss Chem. 11(9), 53 (1989).

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The surge of interest in membrane separation processes that began in the late1960s was prompted by two developments: first, the ability to produce high flux,essentially defect-free membranes on a large scale and second, the ability toform these membranes into compact, high-surface-area, economical membranemodules. These breakthroughs in membrane technology took place in the 1960sto early 1970s, as part of the development of reverse osmosis and ultrafiltra-tion. Adaptation of the technology to other membrane processes took place inthe 1980s.

Several factors contribute to the successful fabrication of a high-performancemembrane module. First, membrane materials with the appropriate chemical,mechanical and permeation properties must be selected; this choice is veryprocess-specific. However, once the membrane material has been selected, thetechnology required to fabricate this material into a robust, thin, defect-freemembrane and then to package the membrane into an efficient, economical, high-surface-area module is similar for all membrane processes. Therefore, this chapterfocuses on methods of forming membranes and membrane modules. The criteriaused to select membrane materials for specific processes are described in thechapters covering each application.

In this chapter membrane preparation techniques are organized by membranestructure: isotropic membranes, anisotropic membranes, ceramic and metal mem-branes, and liquid membranes. Isotropic membranes have a uniform compositionand structure throughout; such membranes can be porous or dense. Anisotropic(or asymmetric) membranes, on the other hand, consist of a number of layers eachwith different structures and permeabilities. A typical anisotropic membrane hasa relatively dense, thin surface layer supported on an open, much thicker micro-porous substrate. The surface layer performs the separation and is the principalbarrier to flow through the membrane. The open support layer provides mechani-cal strength. Ceramic and metal membranes can be either isotropic or anisotropic.

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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However, these membranes are grouped separately from polymeric membranesbecause their preparation methods are so different.

Liquid membranes are the final membrane category. The selective barrier inthese membranes is a liquid phase, usually containing a dissolved carrier thatselectively reacts with a specific permeant to enhance its transport rate through themembrane. Liquid membranes are used almost exclusively in carrier facilitatedtransport processes, so preparation of these membranes is covered in that chapter(Chapter 11).

The membrane classification scheme described above works fairly well. How-ever, a major membrane preparation technique, phase separation, also known asphase inversion, is used to make both isotropic and anisotropic membranes. Thistechnique is covered under anisotropic membranes.

Isotropic MembranesIsotropic Nonporous Membranes

Dense nonporous isotropic membranes are rarely used in membrane separationprocesses because the transmembrane flux through these relatively thick mem-branes is too low for practical separation processes. However, they are widelyused in laboratory work to characterize membrane properties. In the laboratory,isotropic (dense) membranes are prepared by solution casting or thermal melt-pressing. The same techniques can be used on a larger scale to produce, forexample, packaging material.

Solution Casting

Solution casting is commonly used to prepare small samples of membrane forlaboratory characterization experiments. An even film of an appropriate polymersolution is spread across a flat plate with a casting knife. The casting knifeconsists of a steel blade, resting on two runners, arranged to form a precise gapbetween the blade and the plate onto which the film is cast. A typical hand-heldknife is shown in Figure 3.1. After casting, the solution is left to stand, and thesolvent evaporates to leave a thin, uniform polymer film. A detailed descriptionof many types of hand casting knives and simple casting machines is given inthe book by Gardner and Sward [1].

The polymer solution used for solution casting should be sufficiently viscousto prevent it from running over the casting plate, so typical polymer concen-trations are in the range 15–20 wt%. Preferred solvents are moderately volatileliquids such as acetone, ethyl acetate and cyclohexane. Films cast from thesesolutions are dry within a few hours. Solvents with high boiling points such asdimethyl formamide or N -methyl pyrrolidone are unsuitable for solution casting,because their low volatility requires long evaporation times. During an extendedsolvent evaporation time, the cast film can absorb sufficient atmospheric water to

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Wet wedgefilm



05 5


05 5

Figure 3.1 A typical hand-casting knife. (Courtesy of Paul N. Gardner Company, Inc.,Pompano Beach, FL)

precipitate the polymer, producing a mottled, hazy surface. Very volatile solventssuch as methylene chloride can also cause problems. Rapid evaporation of thesolvent cools the casting solution, causing gelation of the polymer. The resultis a film with a mottled, orange-peel-like surface. Smooth films can be obtainedwith rapidly evaporating solvents by covering the cast film with a glass plateraised 1 to 2 cm above the film to slow evaporation. When the solvent has com-pletely evaporated the dry film can be lifted from the glass plate. If the cast filmadheres to the plate, soaking in a swelling non-solvent such as water or alcoholwill usually loosen the film.

Solution-cast film is produced on a larger scale for medical applications, batteryseparators, or other specialty uses with machinery of the type shown in Figure 3.2[2]. Viscous film is made by this technique. The solution is cast onto the surfaceof a rotating drum or a continuous polished stainless steel belt. These machinesare generally enclosed to control water vapor pickup by the film as it dries andto minimize solvent vapor losses to the atmosphere.

Melt Extruded Film

Many polymers, including polyethylene, polypropylene, and nylons, do not dis-solve in appropriate solvents at room temperature, so membranes cannot bemade by solution casting. To prepare small pieces of film, a laboratory press

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Stainlesssteel belt

Solvent-laden air Solvent-




Dry film to take-up

Dry filmto


Stainlesssteel belt

Figure 3.2 Machinery used to make solution-cast film on a commercial scale

as shown in Figure 3.3 can be used. The polymer is compressed between twoheated plates. Typically, a pressure of 2000–5000 psi is applied for 1–5 min, ata plate temperature just below the melting point of the polymer. Melt extrusionis also used on a very large scale to make dense films for packaging appli-cations, either by extrusion as a sheet from a die or as blown film. Detaileddescriptions of this equipment can be found in specialized monographs. A goodoverview is given in the article by Mackenzie in the Encyclopedia of ChemicalTechnology [2].

Isotropic Microporous Membranes

Isotropic microporous membranes have much higher fluxes than isotropic densemembranes and are widely used as microfiltration membranes. Further significantuses are as inert spacers in battery and fuel cell applications and as the rate-controlling element in controlled drug delivery devices.

The most important type of microporous membrane is formed by one of thephase separation techniques discussed in the next section; about half of theisotropic microporous membrane used is made in this way. The remaining typesare made by various proprietary techniques, the more important of which aredescribed below.

Track-etch Membranes

Track-etch membranes were developed by the General Electric CorporationSchenectady Laboratory [3]. The two-step preparation process is illustrated inFigure 3.4. First, a thin polymer film is irradiated with fission particles from anuclear reactor or other radiation source. The massive particles pass through thefilm, breaking polymer chains and leaving behind a sensitized track of damagedpolymer molecules. These tracks are much more susceptible to chemical attackthan the base polymer material. So when the film is passed through a solution

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Figure 3.3 A typical laboratory press used to form melt-pressed membranes. (Courtesyof Carver, Inc., Wabash, IN)

that etches the polymer, the film is preferentially etched along the sensitizednucleation tracks, thereby forming pores. The exposure time of the film toradiation determines the number of membrane pores; the etch time determinesthe pore diameter [4]. A feature of the track-etch preparation technique is thatthe pores are uniform cylinders traversing the membrane at right angles. The

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Step 1: Polycarbonate film is exposed to charged particles in a nuclear reactor


Etch bath

Step 2: The tracks left by the particles are preferentially etched into uniform, cylindrical pores

10 µm

Figure 3.4 Diagram of the two-step process to manufacture nucleation track membranes[4] and photograph of resulting structure. (Photograph courtesy of Whatman plc, Maid-stone, Kent, UK)

membrane tortuosity is, therefore, close to one, and all pores have the samediameter. These membranes are almost a perfect screen filter; therefore, theyare widely used to measure the number and type of suspended particles in air orwater. A known volume of fluid is filtered through the membrane, and all particleslarger than the pore diameter are captured on the surface of the membrane so theycan be easily identified and counted. To minimize the formation of doublet holesproduced when two nucleation tracks are close together, the membrane porosityis usually kept relatively low, about 5 % or less. This low porosity results in lowfluxes. General Electric, the original developers of these membranes, assignedthe technology to a spin-off company, the Nuclepore Corporation, in 1972[5]. Nuclepore membranes remain the principal commercially available track-etch membranes. Polycarbonate or polyester films are usually used as the basemembrane material and sodium hydroxide as the etching solution. Other materialscan also be used; for example, etched mica has been used in research studies.

Expanded-film Membranes

Expanded-film membranes are made from crystalline polymers by an orientationand annealing process. A number of manufacturers produce porous membranes

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by this technique. The original development was due to a group at Celanese,which made microporous polypropylene membranes by this process under thetrade name Celgard [6]. In the first step of the process, a highly oriented filmis produced by extruding polypropylene at close to its melting point coupledwith a very rapid drawdown. The crystallites in the semi-crystalline polymerare then aligned in the direction of orientation. After cooling and annealing,the film is stretched a second time, up to 300 %. During this second elongationthe amorphous regions between the crystallites are deformed, forming slit-likevoids, 200 to 2500 A wide, between the polymer crystallites. The pore size ofthe membrane is controlled by the rate and extent of the second elongation step.The formation process is illustrated in Figure 3.5. This type of membrane isalso made from poly(tetrafluoroethylene) film by W.L. Gore and sold under the



Melt extrusion die


Direction ofuniaxial stretching





1 µm

Figure 3.5 (a) Preparation method of a typical expanded polypropylene film membrane,in this case Celgard. (b) Scanning electron micrograph of the microdefects formed onuniaxial stretching of films [6]

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trade name Gore-Tex [7]. Expanded film membrane was originally producedas rolled flat sheets. More recently the process has also been adapted to theproduction of hollow fibers [8]; Membrana produces this type of fiber on alarge scale for use in blood oxygenator equipment (Chapter 12) and membranecontactors (Chapter 13). Gore-Tex poly(tetrafluoroethylene) film is widely usedas a water-vapor-permeable (that is, breathable) but liquid-water-impermeablefabric. The commercial success of these membranes has motivated a number ofother companies to produce similar materials [9,10].

Template Leaching

Template leaching is another method of producing isotropic microporous mem-branes from insoluble polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene and poly(tet-rafluoroethylene). In this process a homogeneous melt is prepared from a mixtureof the polymeric membrane matrix material and a leachable component. To finelydisperse the leachable component in the polymer matrix, the mixture is oftenhomogenized, extruded, and pelletized several times before final extrusion as athin film. After formation of the film, the leachable component is removed witha suitable solvent, and a microporous membrane is formed [11–13]. The leach-able component can be a soluble, low-molecular-weight solid, a liquid such asliquid paraffin, or even a polymeric material such as polystyrene. A drawing ofa template leaching membrane production machine is shown in Figure 3.6.

Anisotropic MembranesAnisotropic membranes are layered structures in which the porosity, pore size,or even membrane composition change from the top to the bottom surface ofthe membrane. Usually anisotropic membranes have a thin, selective layer sup-ported on a much thicker, highly permeable microporous substrate. Because theselective layer is very thin, membrane fluxes are high. The microporous substrate







WindupGuide rolls

Figure 3.6 Flow schematic of a melt extruder system used to make polypropylene mem-branes by template leaching [13]

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provides the strength required for handling the membrane. The importance ofanisotropic membranes was not recognized until Loeb and Sourirajan preparedthe first high-flux, anisotropic reverse osmosis membranes by what is now knownas the Loeb–Sourirajan technique [14]. Hindsight makes it clear that some ofthe membranes produced in the 1930s and 1940s were also anisotropic. Loeband Sourirajan’s discovery was a critical breakthrough in membrane technol-ogy. Their anisotropic reverse osmosis membranes were an order of magnitudemore permeable than the isotropic membranes produced previously from thesame materials. For a number of years the Loeb–Sourirajan technique was theonly method of making anisotropic membranes, but the demonstrated bene-fits of the anisotropic structure encouraged the development of other methods.Improvements in anisotropic membrane preparation methods and properties wereaccelerated by the availability in the late 1960s of the scanning electron micro-scope (SEM), which allowed the effects of changes in the membrane formationprocess on structure to be assessed easily.

Membranes made by the Loeb–Sourirajan process consist of a single mem-brane material, but the porosity and pore size change in different layers of themembrane. Anisotropic membranes made by other techniques and used on a largescale often consist of layers of different materials which serve different functions.Important examples are membranes made by the interfacial polymerization pro-cess discovered by Cadotte [15] and the solution-coating processes developed byWard [16], Francis [17] and Riley [18]. The following sections cover four typesof anisotropic membranes:

• Phase separation membranes. This category includes membranes made bythe Loeb–Sourirajan technique involving precipitation of a casting solutionby immersion in a nonsolvent (water) bath. Also covered are a variety ofrelated techniques such as precipitation by solvent evaporation, precipitationby absorption of water from the vapor phase, and precipitation by cooling.

• Interfacial polymerization membranes. This type of anisotropic membrane ismade by polymerizing an extremely thin layer of polymer at the surface of amicroporous support polymer.

• Solution-coated composite membranes. To prepare these membranes, one ormore thin, dense polymer layers are solution coated onto the surface of amicroporous support.

• Other anisotropic membranes. This category covers membranes made by avariety of specialized processes, such as plasma deposition, in the laboratoryor on a small industrial scale to prepare anisotropic membranes for specificapplications.

Phase Separation Membranes

The Loeb–Sourirajan technique is now recognized as a special case of a moregeneral class of membrane preparation process, best called the phase separation

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Table 3.1 Phase separation membrane preparation procedures

Procedure Process

Water precipitation (theLoeb–Sourirajanprocess)

The cast polymer solution is immersed in a nonsolvent bath(typically water). Absorption of water and loss of solventcause the film to rapidly precipitate from the top surfacedown

Water vapor absorption The cast polymer solution is placed in a humid atmosphere.Water vapor absorption causes the film to precipitate

Thermal gelation The polymeric solution is cast hot. Cooling causesprecipitation

Solvent evaporation A mixture of solvents is used to form the polymer castingsolution. Evaporation of one of the solvents after castingchanges the solution composition and causes precipitation

process, but sometimes called the phase inversion process or the polymer pre-cipitation process. The term phase separation describes the process most clearly,namely, changing a one-phase casting solution into two separate phases. In allphase separation processes, a liquid polymer solution is precipitated into twophases: a solid, polymer-rich phase that forms the matrix of the membrane anda liquid, polymer-poor phase that forms the membrane pores.

Precipitation of the cast liquid polymer solution to form the anisotropic mem-brane can be achieved in several ways, as summarized in Table 3.1. Precipitationby immersion in a bath of water was the technique discovered by Loeb and Souri-rajan, but precipitation can also be caused by absorption of water from a humidatmosphere. A third method is to cast the film as a hot solution. As the cast filmcools, a point is reached at which precipitation occurs to form a microporousstructure; this method is called thermal gelation. Finally, evaporation of one ofthe solvents in the casting solution can be used to cause precipitation. In thistechnique the casting solution consists of a polymer dissolved in a mixture of avolatile good solvent and a less volatile nonsolvent (typically water or alcohol).When a film of the solution is cast and allowed to evaporate, the volatile goodsolvent evaporates first, the film then becomes enriched in the nonvolatile non-solvent, and finally precipitates. Many combinations of these processes have alsobeen developed. For example, a cast film placed in a humid atmosphere can pre-cipitate partly because of water vapor absorption but also because of evaporationof one of the more volatile components.

Polymer Precipitation by Water (the Loeb–Sourirajan Process)

The first phase separation membrane was developed at UCLA from 1958 to 1960by Sidney Loeb, then working on his Master’s degree, and Srinivasa Sourirajan,then a post-doctoral researcher. In their process, now called the Loeb–Sourirajantechnique, precipitation is induced by immersing the cast film of polymer solution

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in a water bath. In the original Loeb–Sourirajan process, a solution containing20 to 25 wt% cellulose acetate dissolved in a water-miscible solvent was cast asa thin film on a glass plate. The film was left to stand for 10–100 s to allowsome of the solvent to evaporate, after which the film was immersed in a waterbath to precipitate the film and form the membrane. The membrane was usuallypost-treated by annealing in a bath of hot water. The steps of the process areillustrated in Figure 3.7.

The Loeb–Sourirajan process remains by far the most important membrane-preparation technique. The process is part of the overall membrane preparationprocedure for almost all reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration and for many gasseparation membranes. Reverse osmosis and gas separation membranes madeby this technique consist of a completely dense top surface layer (the skin)on top of a microporous support structure. Ultrafiltration membranes, supportmembranes for solution coating, and interfacial polymerization membranes havethe same general anisotropic structure, but the skin layer is very finely microp-orous, typically with pores in the 10- to 200-A diameter range. Also, the poroussubstrate of ultrafiltration membranes is usually more open, often consisting oflarge finger-like cavities extending from just under the selective skin layer tothe bottom surface of the membrane. Scanning electron micrographs of typi-cal sponge-structure reverse-osmosis type and finger-structure ultrafiltration-typemembranes are shown in Figure 3.8 [19]. These photographs show how small





Figure 3.7 Process scheme used to form Loeb–Sourirajan water precipitation phaseseparation membranes [14]

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(a) Sponge structure cast from 22 wt% Nomex in dimethylacetamide

(b) Finger structure cast from 18 wt% Nomex in dimethylacetamide

Structure withinthe membrane

5 µ

20 µBottom skin cross-section

Top skin cross-section

Top skin cross-sectionTop skin

Structure withinthe membrane

20 µ

5 µ

Figure 3.8 Scanning electron micrographs of aromatic polyamide (Nomex, Du Pont)Loeb–Sourirajan membranes cast from 22 and 18 wt% Nomex in dimethylacetamide [19]

changes in the casting solution can produce major differences in membraneproperties. Both membranes are prepared from a Nomex (DuPont, Wilmington,DE) polyamide-dimethylacetamide casting solution, but the polymer concentra-tion in the solutions is different.

The Loeb–Sourirajan water precipitation membranes shown in Figure 3.8 weremade by casting the membranes onto glass plates. This procedure is still usedin the laboratory, but for commercial production large casting machines producerolls of membrane up to 5000 m long and 1 to 2 m wide. A diagram of a smallcasting machine is shown in Figure 3.9. The polymer solution is cast onto amoving nonwoven paper web. The cast film is then precipitated by immersionin a water bath. The water precipitates the top surface of the cast film rapidly,

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Tap Water Overflow


Rinse tankGel tank


Solution trough

Doctor blade Squeegee wiper blade


Tensioning rollerFabric rollSpreader roller

Figure 3.9 Schematic of Loeb–Sourirajan membrane casting machine used to preparereverse osmosis or ultrafiltration membranes. A knife and trough are used to coat thecasting solution onto a nonwoven paper web. The coated web then enters the water-filledgel tank, where the casting solution precipitates. After the membrane has formed, it iswashed thoroughly to remove residual solvent before being wound up on the take-up roll

forming the dense, selective skin. This skin slows entry of water into the under-lying polymer solution, which precipitates much more slowly and forms a moreporous substructure. Depending on the polymer, the casting solution, and otherparameters, the thickness of the dense skin varies from 0.1 to 1.0 µm. Castingmachine speeds vary from as low as 1 to 2 m/min for slowly precipitating castingsolutions, such as cellulose acetate, to 10 m/min for rapidly precipitating castingsolutions, such as polysulfone. A listing of some typical casting solutions andprecipitation conditions for membranes made by the Loeb–Sourirajan techniqueis given in Table 3.2 [14,20–23].

Since the discovery of the Loeb–Sourirajan technique in the 1960s, devel-opment of the technology has proceeded on two fronts. Industrial users of thetechnology have generally taken an empirical approach, making improvements inthe technique based on trial and error experience. Concurrently, theories of mem-brane formation based on fundamental studies of the precipitation process havebeen developed. These theories originated with the early industrial developers ofmembranes at Amicon [19,22,24] and were then taken up at a number of aca-demic centers. Unfortunately, much of the recent academic work is so complexthat many industrial producers of phase separation membranes no longer followthis literature.

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Table 3.2 Historically important examples of conditions for preparation of solution-precipitation (Loeb–Sourirajan) membranes

Casting solutioncomposition

Precipitation conditions Application andcomments

22.2 wt% cellulose acetate(39.8 wt% acetylpolymer)

66.7 wt% acetone10.0 wt% water1.1 wt% magnesium


3 min evaporation,precipitate into0 C water, annealfor 5 min at65–85 C

The first Loeb–Sourirajanreverse osmosismembrane [14]

25 wt% cellulose acetate(39.8 wt% acetylpolymer)

45 wt% acetone30 wt% formamide

0.5–2 minevaporation, castinto 0 C water,anneal for 5 min at65–85 C

The Manjikian formulationwidely used in early1970s for reverseosmosis membranes[20]

8.2 wt% cellulose acetate(39.8 wt% acetylpolymer)

8.2 wt% cellulose triacetate(43.2 wt% acetylpolymer)

45.1 wt% dioxane28.7 wt% acetone7.4 wt% methanol2.5 wt% maleic acid

Up to 3 minevaporation at−10 C,precipitation intoan ice bath, annealat 85–90 C for3 min

A high-performancereverse osmosiscellulose acetate blendmembrane [21]

15 wt% polysulfone (UdellP 1700)

85 wt%N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone

Cast into 25 C waterbath. Noevaporation orannealing stepnecessary

An early ultrafiltrationmembrane formulation[22]. Similarpolysulfone-basedcasting solutions arestill widely used

20.9 wt% polysulfone33.2 wt% dimethyl

formamide33.2 wt% tetrahydrofuran12.6 wt% ethanol

Forced evaporationwith humid air10–15 s.Precipitate into20 C water

A high-performance gasseparation membranewith a completely densenonporous skin ∼1000Athick [23]

Empirical Approach to Membrane Formation by Water Precipitation

Over the years several rules of thumb have developed to guide producers ofsolution precipitation membranes. These rules can be summarized as follows:

Choice of Polymer. The ideal polymer is a tough, amophorous, but not brittlethermoplastic with a glass transition temperature more than 50 C above theexpected use temperature. A high molecular weight is important. Commercialpolymers made for injection molding have molecular weights in the 30 000

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to 40 000 Dalton range, but, for solution precipitation, polymers with highermolecular weights are usually preferable. If the polymer is crystalline or a rigidglass, the resulting membrane may be too brittle and will break if bent during laterhandling. The polymer must also be soluble in a suitable water-miscible solvent.Polymers that meet these specifications include cellulose acetate, polysulfone,poly(vinylidine fluoride), polyetherimide and aromatic polyamides.

Choice of Casting Solution Solvent. Generally the best casting solution sol-vents are aprotic solvents such as dimethyl formamide, N -methyl pyrrolidoneand dimethyl acetamide. These solvents dissolve a wide variety of polymers, andcasting solutions based on these solvents precipitate rapidly when immersed inwater to give porous, very anisotropic membranes. Casting solutions using low-solubility-parameter solvents, such as tetrahydrofuran, acetone, dioxane and ethylformate, are generally not appropriate. Such casting solutions precipitate slowlyand give relatively nonporous membranes. However, small amounts of these sol-vents may be added as casting solution modifiers (see below). Figure 3.10 illus-trates the apparent correlation between solvent solubility parameter and membraneporosity as demonstrated by So et al. [25].

Solvent solubility parameter














e w






9 10 11

propylene oxideethyl formate



acetic acid

dimethyl acetamide










From So et al. 1970

Figure 3.10 The porosity of cellulose acetate membranes cast from 15-wt% solutionswith various solvents. The same trend of high porosity and rapid precipitation with highsolubility-parameter solvents was seen with a number of other membrane materials [25]

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Increasing the polymer casting solution concentration always reduces the poros-ity and flux of the membrane. Typical concentrations for porous ultrafiltrationmembranes are in the range 15–20 wt%. Polymer casting solution concentra-tions for reverse osmosis or gas separation membranes are higher, generallyabout 25 wt%, and casting solutions used to make hollow fiber membranes byspinning a hot solution at 60 to 80 C may contain as much as 35 % polymer.

Precipitation Medium. Water is almost always the casting solution precipitationmedium. Some work has been done with organic solvents, particularly to formhollow fiber membranes for which the mechanical and safety problems of han-dling an organic solvent precipitation bath and limiting atmospheric emissions aremore easily controlled than in flat sheet casting. In general, the results obtainedwith nonaqueous precipitation baths have not justified the increased complex-ity of the process. Organic-based solvent precipitation media such as methanolor isopropanol almost always precipitate the casting solution more slowly thanwater, and the resulting membranes are usually denser, less anisotropic, and lowerflux than membranes precipitated with water.

The temperature of the water used to precipitate the casting solution is impor-tant; this temperature is controlled in commercial membrane plants. Generallylow-temperature precipitation produces lower flux, more retentive membranes.For this reason chilled water is frequently used to prepare cellulose acetate reverseosmosis membranes.

Casting Solution Modifiers. Membrane properties are often tailored by addingsmall amounts of modifiers to the casting solution. The casting solutions shownin Table 3.2 contain two to four components, but modern commercial castingsolutions may be more complex. Even though the solution may contain only5 to 20 wt% modifiers, these modifiers can change the membrane performancesignificantly. This aspect of membrane preparation is a black art, and most prac-titioners have their preferred ingredients. Addition of low solubility solvents suchas acetone, tetrahydrofuran or dioxane will normally produce denser, more reten-tive membranes. Increasing the polymer concentration of the casting solutionwill also make the membrane more dense. Addition of salts such as zinc chlorideand lithium chloride usually gives more open membranes. Polymeric additivesmay also be used—commonly poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) and poly(ethylene glycol);generally these polymers make the membrane more porous. Also, although mostof these water-soluble polymers and salts are removed during precipitation andwashing of the membrane, a portion remains trapped, making the final membranemore hydrophilic.

When developing membranes from a new polymer, practitioners of the empir-ical approach usually prepare a series of trial casting solutions based on pastexperience with similar polymers. Membrane films are made by casting ontoglass plates and precipitation in a water bath. The casting solutions most likely

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to yield good membranes are often immediately apparent. The rate of precipitationis important. Slow precipitation produces dense, more isotropic membranes;rapid precipitation produces porous, anisotropic membranes. The appearance andmechanical properties of the membrane surface—shine, brittleness and thick-ness—compared to casting solution thickness also provide clues to the membranestructure. Based on these trials one or more casting solutions will be selected forsystematic parametric development.

Theoretical Approach to Membrane Formation

Over the years several approaches have been used to rationalize the formation ofLoeb–Sourirajan (solution precipitation) and other phase inversion membranes.Most have involved the polymer–solvent–precipitation medium phase diagramspopularized by Michaels [22], Strathmann [19,24,26] and Smolders [27–29]. Inthis approach the change in composition of the casting solution as membrane for-mation takes place is tracked as a path through the phase diagram. The path startsat a point representing the original casting solution and finishes at a point repre-senting the composition of the final membrane. The casting solution compositionmoves to the final membrane composition by losing solvent and gaining water.

A typical three-component phase diagram for the components used to pre-pare Loeb–Sourirajan membranes is shown in Figure 3.11. The corners of the



One-phasestable solution


Typical initialcasting solution


One-phasegel region




Tie lines




Figure 3.11 Schematic of the three-component phase diagram often used to rationalizethe formation of water-precipitation phase separation membranes

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triangle represent the three pure components—polymer, solvent, and nonsolvent(water); points within the triangle represent mixtures of the three components.The diagram has two principal regions: a one-phase region, in which all compo-nents are miscible; and a two-phase region, in which the system separates intoa solid (polymer-rich) phase and a liquid (polymer-poor) phase. During precip-itation of the membrane casting solution, the solution loses solvent and gainswater. The casting solution moves from a composition in the one-phase regionto a composition in the two-phase region.

Although the one-phase region in the phase diagram is thermodynamicallycontinuous, for practical purposes it can be conveniently subdivided into a liq-uid polymer solution region, a polymer gel region, and a glassy solid polymerregion. Thus, in the low-polymer-concentration region, typical of the originalcasting solution, the compositions are viscous liquids. But, if the concentrationof polymer is increased, the viscosity of compositions in the one-phase regionincreases rapidly, reaching such high values that the system can be regarded asa solid gel. The transition between the liquid and gel regions is arbitrary but canbe placed at a polymer concentration of 30 to 40 wt%. If the one-phase solutioncontains more than 90 wt% polymer, the swollen polymer gel may become sorigid that the polymer chains can no longer rotate. The polymer gel then becomesa solid polymer glass.

During the precipitation process, the casting solution enters the two-phaseregion of the phase diagram by crossing the so-called binodal boundary. Thisbrings the casting solution into a metastable two-phase region. Polymer solu-tion compositions in this region are thermodynamically unstable but will notnormally precipitate unless well nucleated. The metastable region in the phasediagrams of low-molecular-weight materials is very small, but can be large forhigh-molecular-weight materials. As more solvent leaves the casting solution andwater enters the solution, the composition crosses into another region of the phasediagram in which a one-phase solution is always thermodynamically unstable. Inthis region, polymer solutions spontaneously separate into two phases with com-positions linked by tie lines. The boundary between the metastable and unstableregions is called the spinodal boundary.

Thus, the membrane precipitation process is a series of steps. First, solventexchange with the precipitation medium occurs. Then, as the composition entersthe two-phase region of the phase diagram, phase separation or precipitationbegins. The time taken for solvent–water exchange before precipitation occurscan be measured because the membrane turns opaque as soon as precipitationbegins. Depending on the casting solution composition, the time to first precipi-tation may be almost instantaneous to as long as 30–60 s. Initially, the polymerphase that separates on precipitation may be a liquid or semi-liquid gel, andthe precipitation domains may be able to flow and agglomerate at this point.In the final step of the precipitation process, desolvation of the polymer phaseconverts the polymer to a relatively solid gel phase, and the membrane structure

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is fixed. The solid polymer phase forms the matrix of the final membrane, andthe liquid solvent–nonsolvent phase forms the pores. The precipitation behav-ior of polymer–solvent mixtures is further complicated by slow kinetics causedby the viscosity of polymer solutions and by thermodynamic effects that allowmetastable solutions to exist for a prolonged time without precipitating. Muchhas been made of these effects in a number of theoretical papers, but applicationto concretely predicting membrane permeation properties has proved difficult.

The original approach of Strathmann et al. [24] was to present the processof membrane formation as a line through the phase diagram. This approach isshown in Figure 3.12. During membrane formation, the composition changesfrom a composition A, which represents the initial casting solution composi-tion, to a composition D, which represents the final membrane composition. Atcomposition D, the two phases are in equilibrium: a solid (polymer-rich) phase,which forms the matrix of the final membrane, represented by point S, and aliquid (polymer-poor) phase, which constitutes the membrane pores filled withprecipitant, represented by point L. The position of composition D on the lineS-L determines the overall porosity of the membrane. The entire precipitationprocess is represented by the path A-D, along which the solvent is exchangedby the precipitant. The point B along the path is the concentration at which the



Initialcastingsolution Two-phase


Point ofsolidification





L Non-solvent(water)

Point ofprecipitation


Figure 3.12 Membrane formation in water-precipitation membranes was first rational-ized as a path through the three-component phase diagram from the initial polymer castingsolution (A) to the final membrane (D) [24]

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polymer initially precipitates. As precipitation proceeds, more solvent is lost, andprecipitant is imbibed by the polymer-rich phase, raising the viscosity. At somepoint, the viscosity is high enough for the precipitated polymer to be regarded asa solid. This composition is at C in Figure 3.12. Once the precipitated polymersolidifies, further bulk movement of the polymer is hindered.

The precipitation path in Figure 3.12 is shown as a single line representing theaverage composition of the whole membrane. In fact, the rate of precipitation andthe precipitation path through the phase diagram differ at different points in themembrane. When the cast film of polymer solution is exposed to the precipitationmedium, the top surface begins to precipitate first. This surface layer precipitatesrapidly, so the two phases formed on precipitation do not have time to agglom-erate. The resulting structure is finely microporous. However, the precipitatedsurface layer then becomes a barrier that slows further loss of solvent and imbi-bition of nonsolvent by the cast film. The result is increasingly slow precipitationfrom the top surface to the bottom surface of the film. As precipitation slows, theaverage pore size increases because the two phases formed on precipitation havemore time to separate. The differences between the precipitation rates and thepathway taken by different places in the casting solution mean that the precipi-tation process is best represented by the movement of a line through the phasediagram rather than a single point. This concept was developed in a series ofpapers on phase-separation membranes by Smolders and co-workers at TwenteUniversity [27–29]. The movement of this line is illustrated in Figure 3.13 [27].At time t2, for example, a few seconds after the precipitation process has begun,the top surface of the polymer film has almost completely precipitated, and thecomposition of this surface layer is close to the polymer nonsolvent axis. On theother hand, at the bottom surface of the film where precipitation has only justbegun, the composition is close to that of the original casting solution.

In Figure 3.13 the precipitation pathway enters the two-phase region of thephase diagram above the critical point at which the binodal and spinodal linesintersect. This is important because it means that precipitation will occur as aliquid droplet in a continuous polymer-rich phase. If dilute casting solutions areused, in which the precipitation pathway enters the two-phase region of the phasediagram below the critical point, precipitation produces polymer gel particles ina continuous liquid phase. The membrane that forms is then weak and powdery.

The simplified treatment of membrane formation using the three-componentphase diagram given above is about as far as this approach can be usefully taken.Experimental measurement of the path taken by the membrane during the forma-tion process is difficult. Recently, much effort has been made to calculate thesepathways through the phase diagrams and to use them to predict the effect ofmembrane formation variables on the fine membrane structure. As quantitativepredictors of membrane performance this approach has failed. However, as a toolto qualitatively rationalize the complex interplay of factors determining mem-brane performance, the phase diagram approach has proved useful. Many of the

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Precipitationpath taken by

bottom surfaceof membrane

Precipitationpath taken bytop surface

of membrane


Critical point

Figure 3.13 The surface layer of water-precipitation membranes precipitates faster thanthe underlying substrate. The precipitation pathway is best represented by the movementof a line through the three-component phase diagram [27]

recent papers describing the application of the phase diagram approach to mem-brane formation are a heavy read for industrial membrane producers faced withreal-world problems. This literature is reviewed in detail elsewhere [27,30–32].

Polymer Precipitation by Cooling

Perhaps the simplest solution-precipitation membrane preparation technique isthermal gelation, in which a film is cast from a hot, one-phase polymer/solventsolution. As the cast film cools, the polymer precipitates, and the solution sepa-rates into a polymer matrix phase containing dispersed pores filled with solvent.Because cooling is usually uniform throughout the cast film, the resulting mem-branes are relatively isotropic microporous structures with pores that can becontrolled within 0.1–10 µm.

The precipitation process that forms thermal gelation membranes can be repre-sented by the phase diagram shown in Figure 3.14 and described in an early Akzopatent of Castro [33]. This is a simplified drawing of the actual phase diagram,which was described later in papers by Lloyd et al. [34], Vadalia et al. [35]and Caneba and Soong [36]. The phase diagram shows the metastable region

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Initial temperature and composition of

casting solution

Compositionof membranepore phase

0 20 40 60 80 100






One-Phase Liquid Region

Solid–Liquid region

Compositionof polymer

matrix phase

Solution composition (% of solvent)

Figure 3.14 Phase diagram showing the composition pathway traveled by the castingsolution during precipitation by cooling

between the binodal and spinodal phase boundaries discussed in reference toFigure 3.11, with additional complications caused by the crystalline nature ofmany of the polymers used to form thermal phase-separation membranes. Thepore volume in the final membrane is determined mainly by the initial compo-sition of the solution, because this determines the ratio of the polymer to liquidphase in the cooled film. However, the spatial distribution and size of the poresare determined largely by the rate of cooling and hence, precipitation of the film.In general, more rapid cooling produces smaller membrane pores and greatermembrane anisotropy [37,38]. Membrane preparation by thermal gelation is pos-sible with many polymers, but the technique is used mainly to make membranesfrom polyethylene and polypropylene, which cannot be formed into microporousmembranes by standard solution-casting methods.

Polymer precipitation by cooling to produce microporous membranes wasfirst developed and commercialized by Akzo [33,37], which continues to mar-ket microfiltration polypropylene and poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes pro-duced by this technique under the trade name Accurel. Flat sheet and hol-low fiber membranes are made. Polypropylene membranes are prepared from asolution of polypropylene in N,N -bis(2-hydroxyethyl)tallowamine. The amine

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and polypropylene form a clear solution at temperatures above 100–150 C.Upon cooling, the solvent and polymer phases separate to form a microporousstructure. If the solution is cooled slowly, an open cell structure of the typeshown in Figure 3.15(a) results. The interconnecting passageways between cellsare generally in the micrometer range. If the solution is cooled and precipitated



50 µm

20 µm

Figure 3.15 Polypropylene structures. (a) Type I: open cell structure formed at lowcooling rates. (b) Type II: fine structure formed at high cooling rates [37]. Reprinted withpermission from W.C. Hiatt, G.H. Vitzthum, K.B. Wagener, K. Gerlach and C. Josefiak,Microporous Membranes via Upper Critical Temperature Phase Separation, in MaterialsScience of Synthetic Membranes, D.R. Lloyd (ed.), ACS Symposium Series Number 269,Washington, DC. Copyright 1985, American Chemical Society and American Pharma-ceutical Association

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Water-cooledchill roll

Extraction andafter-treatment




Figure 3.16 Equipment to prepare microporous membranes by the polymer precipitationby cooling technique [37]. Reprinted with permission from W.C. Hiatt, G.H. Vitzthum,K.B. Wagener, K. Gerlach and C. Josefiak, Microporous Membranes via Upper CriticalTemperature Phase Separation, in Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes, D.R. Lloyd(ed.), ACS Symposium Series Number 269, Washington, DC. Copyright 1985, AmericanChemical Society and American Pharmaceutical Association

rapidly, a much finer structure is formed, as shown in Figure 3.15(b). The rateof cooling is, therefore, a key parameter determining the final structure of themembrane. The anisotropy of the membranes can be increased by cooling thetop and bottom surface of the cast film at different rates.

A schematic diagram of a commercial-scale thermal gelation polymer precip-itation process is shown in Figure 3.16. The hot polymer solution is cast ontoa water-cooled chill roll, which cools the solution, causing the polymer to pre-cipitate. The precipitated film is passed through an extraction tank containingmethanol, ethanol or isopropanol to remove the solvent. Finally, the membraneis dried, sent to a laser inspection station, trimmed and rolled up.

Polymer Precipitation by Solvent Evaporation

This technique, one of the earliest methods of making microporous membranes,was used by Bechhold, Elford, Pierce, Ferry and others in the 1920s and 1930s[39–43]. In the simplest form of the method, a polymer is dissolved in a two-component solvent mixture consisting of a volatile solvent, such as methylenechloride or acetone, in which the polymer is readily soluble, and a less volatilenonsolvent, typically water or an alcohol. The polymer solution is cast onto a glassplate. As the volatile solvent evaporates, the casting solution is enriched in thenonvolatile solvent, so the polymer precipitates, forming the membrane structure.The process can be continued until the membrane has completely formed, or it

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can be stopped, and the membrane structure fixed, by immersing the cast film ina precipitation bath of water or other nonsolvent. The precipitation process usedto form these membranes is much slower than precipitation by immersion intoliquid water (the Loeb–Sourirajan process). As a result membranes formed bysolvent evaporation are only modestly anisotropic and have large pores. Scanningelectron micrographs of some membranes made by this process are shown inFigure 3.17 [44].

Many factors determine the porosity and pore size of membranes formedby the solvent evaporation method. As Figure 3.17 shows, if the membrane isimmersed in a nonsolvent after a short evaporation time, the resulting structurewill be finely microporous. If the evaporation step is prolonged before fixing thestructure by immersion in water, the average pore size will be larger. In gen-eral, increasing the nonsolvent content of the casting solution, or decreasing thepolymer concentration, increases porosity. It is important for the nonsolvent tobe completely incompatible with the polymer. If partially compatible nonsolvents

1 min 3 min

10 min 26 min

10 µm

Figure 3.17 SEM photomicrographs of the bottom surface of cellulose acetate mem-branes cast from a solution of acetone (volatile solvent) and 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol(nonvolatile nonsolvent). The evaporation time before the structure is fixed by immersionin water is shown [44]. Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci., 87, L. Zeman and T. Fraser, For-mation of Air-cast Cellulose Acetate Membranes, p. 267, Copyright 1994, with permissionfrom Elsevier

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are used, the precipitating polymer phase contains sufficient residual solvent toallow it to flow, and the pores will collapse as the solvent evaporates. The resultis a dense rather than a microporous film.

Polymer Precipitation by Absorption of Water Vapor

Preparation of microporous membranes by solvent evaporation alone is not widelypracticed. However, a combination of solvent evaporation and absorption of watervapor from a humid atmosphere is an important method of making microfiltrationmembranes. The processes involve proprietary casting formulations not normallydisclosed by membrane developers. However, during the development of com-posite membranes at Gulf General Atomic, Riley et al. prepared this type ofmembrane and described the technology in some detail in a series of Officeof Saline Water Reports [45]. These reports remain the best published descrip-tion of the technique. Casting solutions used to prepare these membranes arecomplex and often contain 5 to 10 components. For example, a typical castingsolution composition taken from Riley’s report [45] comprises 8.1 wt% cellulosenitrate, 1.3 wt% cellulose acetate, 49.5 wt% acetone (a volatile good solvent),22.3 wt% ethanol and 14.7 wt% n-butanol (nonvolatile poor solvents), 2.6 wt%water (a nonsolvent), 0.5 wt% Triton X-100 (a surfactant solution modifier), and1.2 wt% glycerin (a polymer plasticizer).

The type of equipment used by Riley et al. is shown in Figure 3.18. The cast-ing solution is cast onto a moving stainless steel belt. The cast film then passesthrough a series of environmental chambers. Warm, humid air is usually cir-culated through the first chamber, where the film loses the volatile solvent byevaporation and simultaneously absorbs water. A key issue is to avoid formationof a dense surface skin on the air side of the membrane. Dense skin formation is






Stainless steel belt

Figure 3.18 Schematic of casting machine used to make microporous membranes bywater vapor absorption. A casting solution is deposited as a thin film on a moving stainlesssteel belt. The film passes through a series of humid and dry chambers, where the solventevaporates from the solution, and water vapor is absorbed. This precipitates the polymer,forming a microporous membrane that is taken up on a collection roll [45]

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generally prevented by incorporating sufficient polymer nonsolvent in the cast-ing solution. Polymer precipitation and formation of two phases then occur wheneven a small portion of the volatile solvent component in the mixture evaporates.The total precipitation process is slow, taking about 10–30 min to complete.Typical casting speeds are of the order of 1 to 5 ft/min. To allow higher castingspeeds the casting machine must be very long—commercial machines can beup to 100 feet. The resulting membrane structure is more isotropic and moremicroporous than membranes precipitated by immersion in water. After precip-itation in the environmental chambers, the membrane passes to a second oven,through which hot, dry air is circulated to evaporate the remaining solvent anddry the film. The formed membrane is then wound onto a take-up roll. Thistype of membrane is widely used in microfiltration. Membranes made by thewater vapor absorption-solvent evaporation precipitation process often have thecharacteristic nodular form shown in Figure 3.19. A discussion of some of the

10 µm

Figure 3.19 Characteristic structure of a phase-separation membrane made by watervapor absorption and solvent evaporation. (Courtesy of Millipore Corporation, Biller-ica, MA)

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practical considerations involved in making this type of membrane is given in arecent book by Zeman and Zydney [46].

Interfacial Polymerization Membranes

The production by Loeb and Sourirajan of the first successful anisotropic mem-branes spawned numerous other techniques in which a microporous membraneis used as a support for a thin, dense separating layer. One of the most impor-tant of these was interfacial polymerization, an entirely new method of makinganisotropic membranes developed by John Cadotte, then at North Star Research.Reverse osmosis membranes produced by this technique had dramatically improv-ed salt rejections and water fluxes compared to those prepared by the Loeb–Souri-rajan process. Almost all reverse osmosis membranes are now made by theinterfacial polymerization process, illustrated in Figure 3.20. In this method,an aqueous solution of a reactive prepolymer, such as a polyamine, is firstdeposited in the pores of a microporous support membrane, typically a polysul-fone ultrafiltration membrane. The amine-loaded support is then immersed in awater-immiscible solvent solution containing a reactant, such as a diacid chloridein hexane. The amine and acid chloride react at the interface of the two immiscible

Surface of polysulfonesupport film Amine

coating Reactedzone





Figure 3.20 Schematic of the interfacial polymerization process. The microporous filmis first impregnated with an aqueous amine solution. The film is then treated with a mul-tivalent crosslinking agent dissolved in a water-immiscible organic fluid, such as hexaneor Freon-113. An extremely thin polymer film forms at the interface of the two solutions[47]. Reprinted from L.T. Rozelle, J.E. Cadotte, K.E. Cobian, and C.V. Knopp, Jr, Non-polysaccharide Membranes for Reverse Osmosis: NS-100 Membranes, in Reverse Osmosisand Synthetic Membranes, S. Sourirajan (ed.), National Research Council Canada, Ottawa,Canada (1977) by permission from NRC Research Press

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solutions to form a densely crosslinked, extremely thin membrane layer. The firstmembrane made by Cadotte was based on polyethyleneimine crosslinked withtoluene-2,4-diisocyanate, to form the structure shown in Figure 3.21 [47]. Theprocess was later refined by Cadotte et al. at FilmTec Corp. [15,48], Riley et UOP [49], and Kamiyama et al. [50] at Nitto in Japan.

Membranes made by interfacial polymerization have a dense, highly cross-linked polymer layer formed on the surface of the support membrane at theinterface of the two solutions. A less crosslinked, more permeable hydrogel layerforms under this surface layer and fills the pores of the support membrane.The dense, crosslinked polymer layer, which can only form at the interface, isextremely thin, on the order of 0.1 µm or less, so the membrane permeabil-ity is high. Because the polymer is highly crosslinked, its selectivity is alsohigh. Although the crosslinked interfacial polymer layer determines membraneselectivity, the nature of the microporous support film affects membrane flux









CH2CH2 groups represented by



































Figure 3.21 Idealized structure of polyethyleneimine crosslinked with toluene 2,4-diiso-cyanate. This was called the NS-100 membrane. The chemistry was first developed byCadotte to make interfacial reverse osmosis membranes with almost twice the water fluxand one-fifth the salt leakage of the best reverse osmosis membranes then available. Evenbetter membranes have since been developed by Cadotte and others [47]

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significantly. The film has to be very finely porous to withstand the high pres-sures applied but must also have a high surface porosity so it is not a barrier toflow. The first reverse osmosis membranes made by the interfacial polymeriza-tion method were five times less salt-permeable than the best cellulose acetateLoeb–Sourirajan membranes but had better water fluxes. Since then interfa-cial polymerization chemistry has been refined. The first membrane producedby this method (and shown in Figure 3.21) was based on the reaction of apolyethyleneimine (in water) and toluene-2,4-diisocyanate or isophthaloyl chlo-ride (in hexane). These NS-100 membranes had very good permeation propertiesbut were very sensitive to even trace amounts (ppb levels) of chlorine commonlyused as an antibacterial agent in water. The chlorine caused chain cleavage ofthe polymer at the amide bonds resulting in loss of salt rejection. A numberof other chemistries have been developed over the years; the FT-30 membraneproduced by reaction of phenylenediamine with trimesoyl chloride, also devel-oped by Cadotte when at FilmTec (Dow Chemical), is particularly important.This membrane, which has a high water flux and consistent salt rejections ofgreater than 99.5 % with seawater [51], made single-pass seawater desalinationwith anisotropic membranes possible. A more detailed description of the chem-istry of interfacial composite membranes is given in the discussion of reverseosmosis membranes in Chapter 5 and in a review by Petersen [48].

Production of interfacial polymerization membranes in the laboratory is rel-atively easy, but development of equipment to produce these membranes on alarge scale required some ingenuity. The problem is the fragility of the inter-facial surface film, which cannot be handled once formed. One solution to thisproblem is illustrated in Figure 3.22. The polysulfone or other material used asthe support film is first immersed in an aqueous amine bath. On leaving this baththe membrane passes to a second organic acid chloride bath and then through adrying/curing oven. The transfer rollers are arranged so that the surface layer ofthe polymer on which the membrane forms never contacts a roller. On leavingthe oven, the interfacial membrane is completely formed. This membrane is thencoated with a protective solution of a water-soluble polymer such as poly(vinylalcohol). When this solution is dried, the membrane is wound onto a take-uproll. The poly(vinyl alcohol) layer protects the membrane from damage duringsubsequent handling as it is formed into spiral-wound modules. When the moduleis used for the first time, the feed water washes off the water-soluble poly(vinylalcohol) layer to expose the interfacial polymerized membrane, and the moduleis ready for use.

Interfacial polymerization membranes are widely used in reverse osmosis andnanofiltration but not for gas separation because of the water-swollen hydro-gel that fills the pores of the support membrane. In reverse osmosis, this layer ishydrated and offers little resistance to water flow, but when the membrane is driedfor use in gas separation the gel becomes a rigid glass with very low gas perme-ability. This glassy polymer fills the membrane pores and, as a result, defect-free

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Composite supportmembrane feed roll

Aqueous amine

Organic acidchloride phase



Protectivecoating solution

Figure 3.22 Schematic of the type of machinery used to make interfacial compos-ite membranes

interfacial composite membranes usually have low gas fluxes, although theirselectivities can be good.

Solution-coated Composite Membranes

Another important group of anisotropic composite membranes is formed bysolution-coating a thin (0.5–2.0 µm) selective layer on a suitable microporoussupport. Membranes of this type were first prepared by Ward, Browall, and oth-ers at General Electric [52] and by Forester and Francis at North Star Research[17,53] using a type of Langmuir trough system. In this system, a dilute poly-mer solution in a volatile water-insoluble solvent is spread over the surface of awater-filled trough.

The apparatus used to make small sections of water-cast composite mem-branes is shown in Figure 3.23. The dilute polymer solution is cast on the surfacebetween two Teflon rods. The rods are then moved apart to spread the film. Thethin polymer film formed on the water surface is picked up on a microporoussupport. The main problem with this method is the transfer of the fragile, ultrathinfilm onto the microporous support. This is usually done by sliding the support

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Movable teflon rodsWater bath

Layer ofpolymersolution

Figure 3.23 Schematic of the apparatus developed by Ward et al. [52] to prepare water-cast composite membranes. Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci., 1, W.J. Ward, III, W.R.Browall and R.M. Salemme, Ultrathin Silicone Rubber Membranes for Gas Separations,p. 99, Copyright 1976, with permission from Elsevier

membrane under the spread film. With care, small pieces of membrane as thinas 200 A can be made.

The water-casting procedure was scaled up to produce continuous compositemembrane films at General Electric. Figure 3.24 shows a schematic of the sys-tem used to produce composite polycarbonate-silicone copolymer membranes forsmall air separation units to produce oxygen-enriched air for medical use. Thepolymer casting solution added to the surface of the water bath spreads as a thinfilm and is picked up on the moving microporous support membrane. Membranesas thin as 0.1–0.2 µm can be made. This water-casting technique was used atGeneral Electric and its spinoff, the Oxygen Enrichment Company, to make gasseparation membranes for several years in the 1970s. The technique has also beenadapted to coat hollow fiber membranes for gas separation applications [54,55].

Currently, most solution-coated composite membranes are prepared by themethod first developed by Riley and others [45,56,57]. In this technique, a poly-mer solution is cast directly onto the microporous support. The support mustbe clean, defect-free and very finely microporous, to prevent penetration of thecoating solution into the pores. If these conditions are met, the support can becoated with a liquid layer 50–100 µm thick, which after evaporation leavesa thin selective film 0.5–2 µm thick. A schematic drawing of the meniscus-coating technique is shown in Figure 3.25 [58]. Obtaining defect-free films bythis technique requires considerable attention to the preparation procedure andthe coating solution.

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Polymerdisolvedin water-



Figure 3.24 Method developed by Ward, Browall and others at General Electric to makemultilayer composite membranes by the water casting technique [55]

The characteristics of the microporous support are very important. Because theselective layer is extremely thin, the support layer can contribute significantly tothe total resistance to transport through the membrane. Not only does the resis-tance of the support decrease the flux through the membrane, but it can affectthe separation [32,59]. To achieve the intrinsic selectivity of the selective mem-brane layer, the flux of the uncoated support material must be at least 10 timesthat of the coated support. This ensures that more than 90 % of the resistanceto flow lies within the selective coating layer. As well as having a high flux,the surface layer of the microporous support material must also be very finelymicroporous. The pores must be small enough to support the thin selective layerunder high pressure, and must also be close together so the permeating com-ponents do not take a long tortuous path to reach the pore. When the selectivelayer is only a few tenths of a micrometer thick this requirement may be difficultto meet. One solution to the problem is an intermediate gutter layer of a highlypermeable polymer between the microporous support and the selective layer. Thegutter layer material is much more permeable than the thin selective layer andacts as a conduit to transport material to the support membrane pores. Finally,because the selective layer of the composite membrane is often very thin andcorrespondingly delicate, such membranes are often protected by a sealing layer,also formed from a highly permeable material, to protect the membrane fromdamage during handling. A schematic of a multilayer composite membrane ofthis type is shown in Figure 3.26 together with a scanning electron micrograph.A discussion of the issues involved in preparing this type of membrane is foundin the review by Koros and Pinnau [32].

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Variable speedmotor-driventake-up roll








Figure 3.25 Schematic diagram of a film coating apparatus [58]

Other Anisotropic Membranes

Most anisotropic membranes are produced by solution precipitation, interfacialpolymerization or solution coating. A number of other techniques developed inthe laboratory are reviewed briefly below; none are used on a large scale.

Plasma Polymerization Membranes

Plasma polymerization of films was first used to form electrical insulation andprotective coatings, but a number of workers have also prepared selective mem-branes by this method [60–63]. A simple plasma polymerization apparatus is

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Porous support

Selective layer0.05 − 0.2 µm

High-flux protectivesurface layer

1 − 2 µm

High-fluxgutter layer1 − 2 µm

Permeate flow

5 µm

Selective layer


Figure 3.26 Schematic and scanning electron micrograph of a multilayer compositemembrane on a microporous support. (Courtesy of Membrane Technology and Research,Inc.)

shown in Figure 3.27. Most workers used radio frequency fields at frequenciesof 2–50 MHz to generate the plasma. In a typical plasma experiment helium,argon, or another inert gas is introduced at a pressure of 50–100 mTorr and aplasma is initiated. Monomer vapor is then introduced to bring the total pressureto 200–300 mTorr. These conditions are maintained for a period of 1–10 min,during which a thin polymer film is deposited on the membrane sample held inthe plasma field.

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To vacuum pump

Bell jar



Porous film

Figure 3.27 Simple bell jar plasma coating apparatus

Monomer polymerization proceeds by a complex mechanism involving ionizedmolecules and radicals and is completely different from conventional polymer-ization reactions. In general, the polymer films are highly crosslinked and maycontain radicals that slowly react on standing. The stoichiometry of the filmmay also be quite different from the original monomer due to fragmentation ofmonomer molecules during the plasma polymerization process. The susceptibilityof monomers to plasma polymerization or the characteristics of the resulting poly-mer film are difficult to predict. For example, many vinyl and acrylic monomerspolymerize very slowly, whereas unconventional monomers such as benzene andhexane polymerize readily. The vapor pressure of the monomers, the power andvoltage used in the discharge reaction, and the type and temperature of the sub-strate all affect the polymerization reaction. The inert gas used in the plasmamay also enter into the reaction. Nitrogen and carbon monoxide, for example,are particularly reactive. In summary, the products of plasma polymerizationare ill-defined and vary according to the experimental procedures. However, theresulting films can be very thin and have been shown to be quite selective.

The most extensive studies of plasma-polymerized membranes were performedin the 1970s and early 1980s by Yasuda, who tried to develop high-performancereverse osmosis membranes by depositing plasma films onto microporous poly-sulfone films [60,61]. More recently other workers have studied the gas perme-ability of plasma-polymerized films. For example, Stancell and Spencer [62] wereable to obtain a gas separation plasma membrane with a hydrogen/methane selec-tivity of almost 300, and Kawakami et al. [63] have reported plasma membranes

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with an oxygen/nitrogen selectivity of 5.8. Both selectivities are good comparedto those of other membranes, and the plasma films were also quite thin. How-ever, in both cases the plasma film was formed on a substrate made from a thick(25–100 µm), dense polymer film, so the flux through the composite membranewas still low. Scale-up of plasma polymerization is likely to prove difficult, sothe process will remain a laboratory technique until membranes with uniqueproperties are produced.

Dynamically Formed Membranes

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, much attention was devoted to preparingdynamically formed anisotropic membranes, principally by Johnson, Kraus andothers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory [64,65]. The general procedure is toform a layer of inorganic or polymeric colloids on the surface of a microporoussupport membrane by filtering a solution containing suspended colloid throughthe support membrane. A thin colloidal layer is laid down on the membranesurface and acts as a semipermeable membrane. Over time the colloidal surfacelayer is lost, and membrane performance falls. The support membrane is thencleaned, and a new layer of colloid is deposited. In the early development ofthis technique a wide variety of support membranes were used. Recently, micro-porous ceramic or porous carbon tubes have become the most commonly usedmaterials. Typical colloidal materials used to make the selective membrane layerare polyvinyl methyl ether, acrylic acid copolymers or hydrated metal oxidessuch as zirconium hydroxide.

Dynamically formed membranes were pursued for many years for reverseosmosis because of their high water fluxes and relatively good salt rejection,especially with brackish water feeds. However, the membranes proved to beunstable and difficult to reproduce reliably and consistently. For these reasons,and because high-performance interfacial composite membranes were developedin the meantime, dynamically formed reverse osmosis membranes fell out offavor. A small application niche in high-temperature nanofiltration and ultrafil-tration remains, and Rhone Poulenc continues their production. The principalapplication is poly(vinyl alcohol) recovery from hot wash water produced intextile dyeing operations.

Reactive Surface Treatment

Recently several groups have tried to improve the properties of anisotropic gasseparation membranes by chemically modifying the surface selective layer. Forexample, Langsam at Air Products and Paul et al. at the University of Texas,Austin have treated films and membranes with dilute fluorine gas [66–71]. Inthis treatment fluorine chemically reacts with the polymer structure. By careful

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Table 3.3 Effect of fluorination on the carbon dioxide/methane selectivity of variousglassy membrane materials

Base polymer Carbon dioxide/methane selectivity

Before fluorination After fluorination

Poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne)(PTMSP) [69]

2.0 48

Poly(phenylene oxide) [71] 15 50–60Poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) [70] 5.4 30–40

control of the process conditions, the reaction can be limited to a 100- to 200-Asurface layer. The dramatic improvements in selectivity produced by this surfacetreatment are illustrated by the data in Table 3.3. Scaling up this process for safeoperation on a large scale will be difficult, but several groups are studying theapproach. Ozone has also been suggested as a possible reactive surface treatmentagent [72].

Repairing Membrane Defects

In preparing anisotropic membranes, the goal is to make the selective layer thatperforms the separation as thin as possible, but still defect free. Over the past20 years, a great deal of work has been devoted to understanding the factorsthat determine the properties and thickness of the selective layer. The selectivelayer can be dense, as in reverse osmosis or gas separation membranes, or finelymicroporous with pores in the 100- to 500-A diameter range, as in ultrafiltra-tion membranes. In good quality membranes a thickness as low as 500–1000 Acan be achieved, but with layers as thin as this, formation of minute membranedefects is a problem. The defects, caused by gas bubbles, dust particles andsupport fabric imperfections, can be very difficult to eliminate. Such defectsmay not significantly affect the performance of anisotropic membranes usedin liquid separation processes, such as ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis, butcan be disastrous in gas separation applications. Browall [55] solved this prob-lem by overcoating defective solution-cast composite membranes with a secondthin coating layer of a highly permeable polymer to seal defects, as shown inFigure 3.28.

Later Henis and Tripodi [73] showed that membrane defects in anisotropicLoeb–Sourirajan membranes could be overcome in a similar way by coating themembrane with a thin layer of a relatively permeable material such as siliconerubber. A sufficiently thin coating does not change the properties of the under-lying selective layer but does plug defects, through which simple convective gasflow can occur. Henis and Tripodi’s membrane is illustrated in Figure 3.29. Thesilicone rubber layer is many times more permeable than the selective layer and

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Dust particles causingmembrane defect

Dust particles

Figure 3.28 Method developed by Ward, Browall and others at General Electric to sealmembrane defects in composite membranes made by the water coating technique [55]

(a) Defective Loeb-Sourirajan anisotropic membrane

(b) Henis and Tripodi silicone rubber-coated membrane

Porous supportlayer

Selective layer


Porous supportlayer

Selective layer


Defect sealing layer

Figure 3.29 Schematic of (a) Loeb–Sourirajan and (b) Henis and Tripodi gas separationmembranes [73]

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does not function as a selective barrier but rather plugs defects, thereby reducingnon-diffusive gas flow. The flow of gas through the portion of the silicone rub-ber layer over the pore is high compared to the flow through the defect-freeportion of the membrane. However, because the area of membrane defects isvery small, the total gas flow through these plugged defects is negligible. Whenthis coating technique is used, the polysulfone skin layer of the Loeb–Sourirajanmembrane no longer has to be completely defect free; therefore, the membranecan be made with a thinner skin than is possible with an uncoated membrane.The increase in flux obtained by decreasing the thickness of the selective skinlayer more than compensates for the slight reduction in flux due to the siliconerubber sealing layer.

Metal Membranes and Ceramic Membranes

Metal Membranes

Metal membranes, particularly palladium-based, have been considered for hydro-gen separation for a long time. In the 1950s and 1960s, Union Carbide installedand operated a palladium membrane plant to separate hydrogen from a refineryoff-gas stream [74]. The plant produced 99.9 % pure hydrogen in a single passthrough 25-µm-thick palladium membranes. However, even at a feed pressure of450 psi, the membranes had to be operated at 370 C to obtain a useful trans-membrane hydrogen flux. A further problem was the very high membrane cost;a 25-µm-thick palladium membrane requires approximately 250 g palladium/m2

of membrane. At current palladium costs of US$20/g, the metal cost alone isUS$5000/m2 of membrane, which is 50 times the total cost of typical polymericmembranes used for gas separations. Small-scale palladium membrane systems,to produce ultrapure hydrogen for specialized applications, are marketed by John-son Matthey and Company. These systems use palladium/silver alloy membranesbased on those developed by Hunter [75,76].

If noble metal membranes are ever to be used on a large scale their costmust be reduced. One approach [77,78] is to sputter-coat a 500- to 1000-Afilm of the metal on a polymer support. Because the film is extremely thinthese membranes have extremely high hydrogen fluxes even at room temperature.Another approach, used by Buxbaum [79,80], is to coat a thin layer of palladiumon a tantalum or vanadium support film. Tantalum and vanadium are also quitepermeable to hydrogen and much less expensive than palladium. These metalscannot be used alone because they easily form an impenetrable oxide surfacefilm. However, protected by a thin palladium layer, these membranes are quitepermeable at high temperatures. Edlund [81,82] is pursuing a similar approach.A detailed discussion of hydrogen permeation in metals is given in the book byAlefeld and Volkl [83].

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Ceramic Membranes

Metal Oxide Membranes

Several companies have developed inorganic ceramic membranes for ultrafiltra-tion and microfiltration. These microporous membranes are made from aluminum,titanium or silica oxides. Ceramic membranes have the advantages of being chem-ically inert and stable at high temperatures, conditions under which polymermembranes fail. This stability makes ceramic microfiltration/ultrafiltration mem-branes particularly suitable for food, biotechnology and pharmaceutical applica-tions in which membranes require repeated steam sterilization and cleaning withaggressive solutions. Pore diameters in ceramic membranes for microfiltrationand ultrafiltration range from 0.01 to 10 µm; these membranes are generallymade by a slip coating-sintering procedure. Other techniques, particularly sol-gelmethods, are used to produce membranes with pores from 10 to 100 A. Sol-gelmembranes are the subject of considerable research interest particularly for gasseparation applications, but so far have found only limited commercial use. Anumber of reviews covering the general area of ceramic membrane preparationand use have appeared recently [84,85].

In the slip coating-sintering process a porous ceramic support tube is made bypouring a dispersion of a fine-grain ceramic material and a binder into a mold andsintering at high temperature. The pores between the particles that make up thissupport tube are large. One surface of the tube is then coated with a suspension offiner particles in a solution of a cellulosic polymer or poly(vinyl alcohol) whichacts as a binder and viscosity enhancer to hold the particles in suspension. Thismixture is called a slip suspension; when dried and sintered at high temperatures,a finely microporous surface layer remains. Usually several slip-coated layersare applied in series, each layer being formed from a suspension of progressivelyfiner particles and resulting in an anisotropic structure. Most commercial ceramicultrafiltration membranes are made this way, generally in the form of tubes orperforated blocks. A scanning electron micrograph of the surface of this type ofmultilayer membrane is shown in Figure 3.30.

The slip coating-sintering procedure can be used to make membranes with porediameters down to about 100–200 A. More finely porous membranes are madeby sol-gel techniques. In the sol-gel process slip coating is taken to the colloidallevel. Generally the substrate to be coated with the sol-gel is a microporousceramic tube formed by the slip coating-sintering technique. The solution coatedonto this support is a colloidal or polymeric gel of an inorganic hydroxide. Thesesolutions are prepared by controlled hydrolysis of metal salts or metal alkoxidesto hydroxides.

Sol-gel methods fall into two categories, depending on how the colloidal coat-ing solution is formed. The processes are shown schematically in Figure 3.31

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Alumina is sinteredto form a monolithic

porous element.

Feed Stream

The feed stream flowsthrough the channels.


The permeate produced bythe membrane passes relatively

unimpeded through theporous layers.

Feed stream channelswithin the porous aluminastructure are lined with a

selective membrane layer.Pore diameters range from

0.2 to 5 µm.

Figure 3.30 Cross-sectional scanning electron micrograph of a three-layered aluminamembrane/support (pore sizes of 0.2, 0.8 and 12 µm, respectively). (Courtesy of PallCorporation, Filterite Division, Timonium, MD)

[86–88]. In the particulate-sol method a metal alkoxide dissolved in alcohol ishydrolyzed by addition of excess water or acid. The precipitate that results ismaintained as a hot solution for an extended period during which the precipitateforms a stable colloidal solution. This process is called peptization from the Greekpep—to cook (not a misnomer; many descriptions of the sol-gel process havea strong culinary flavor). The colloidal solution is then cooled and coated ontothe microporous support membrane. The layer formed must be dried carefully toavoid cracking the coating. In the final step the film is sintered at 500–800 C.The overall process can be represented as:


γ -AI2O3 · H2O γ -AI2O3 + H2O

oAI(OH)3 γ -AI2O3 · H2O (Böhmite) or -AI2O3 · 3H2O (Bayerite)



AI(OR)3 + H2O AI(OH)3

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Alkoxidein alcohol

Particulate sols

Sol-gel methodsSlip coating- sintering

Alkoxidein alcohol

Polymeric sols








CoatHeat 85-95°C


Acid Coat

Dry Coat


Inorganic membrane


Figure 3.31 Slip coating-sintering and sol-gel processes used to make ceramic membranes

In the polymeric sol-gel process, partial hydrolysis of a metal alkoxide dis-solved in alcohol is accomplished by adding the minimum of water to the solution.The active hydroxyl groups on the alkoxides then react to form an inorganic poly-mer molecule that can then be coated onto the ceramic support. On drying andsintering, the metal oxide film forms. Chemically the polymeric sol-gel processcan be represented as:

Ti(OR)4 + H2O Ti(OR)2(OH)2 + ROH Hydrolysis:

nTi(OR)2(OH)2 Ti(OR)2 O n + H2OPolymerization:

Crosslinking: Ti(OR)2 Ti(OH)2 OO Ti(OH)


n O

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Depending on the starting material and the coating procedure, a wide rangeof membranes can be made by the sol-gel process. The problem of crackingthe films on drying and sintering can be alleviated by adding small amountsof a polymeric binder to the coating solution. The coating process may also berepeated several times to give a defect-free film. With care, membranes with poresizes in the 10- to 100-A range can be made by this method. In principle thesemembranes could be useful in a number of processes—membrane reactors, forexample. Currently the technology is still at the laboratory stage.

Microporous Carbon Membranes

The first microporous carbon membranes were produced by Barrer in the 1950sand 1960s by compressing high-surface-area carbon powders at very high pres-sures [89,90]. The resulting porous plugs had pores of 5- to 30-A diameter andwere used to study diffusion of gases and vapors. More recently, practical waysof producing microporous carbon membranes have been developed by Koreshand Soffer [91], Hayashi et al. [92] and at Air Products by Rao and Sirkar [93].All three groups are producing extremely finely microporous carbon membranesby pyrolizing preformed polyimide or polyacrylonitrile membranes in an inertatmosphere or vacuum at 500 to 800 C. Under these conditions the polymeris converted to carbon. Permeation properties show that the carbon membraneshave pores from 10 to 20 A diameter. The Air Products membranes are madeas thin films coated onto a ceramic support. The membranes of Koresh and Sof-fer are made as hollow fine fibers. These membranes are brittle and difficult toproduce on a large scale, but have exceptional separation properties for somegas mixtures.

Microporous Glass Membranes

Microporous glass membranes in the form of tubes and fibers have been madeby Corning, PPG, and Schott. Currently only the Corning membranes are stillavailable, under the trade name Vycor. The leaching process used to make thistype of membrane has been described by Beaver [94]. The starting material isa glass containing 30–70 % silica, as well as oxides of zirconium, hafnium ortitanium and extractable materials. The extractable materials comprise one ormore boron-containing compounds and alkali metal oxides and/or alkaline earthmetal oxides. Glass hollow fibers produced by melt extrusion are treated withdilute hydrochloric acid at 90 C for 2–4 h to leach out the extractable materials,washed to remove residual acid, and then dried.

Liquid MembranesLiquid membranes containing carriers to facilitate selective transport of gases orions were the subject of a considerable research effort in the 1970s and 1980s.

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A number of published reviews summarize this work [95,96]. Although thesemembranes are still being studied in a number of laboratories, improvementsin selective conventional polymer membranes have diminished interest in pro-cesses using liquid membranes. The preparation and use of these membranes aredescribed in Chapter 11.

Hollow Fiber Membranes

The membrane preparation techniques described so far were developed to pro-duce flat-sheet membranes. However, these techniques can be adapted to producemembranes in the form of thin tubes or fibers. An important advantage of hollowfiber membranes is that compact modules with very high membrane surface areascan be formed. However, this advantage is offset by the generally lower fluxes ofhollow fiber membranes compared to flat-sheet membranes made from the samematerials. Nonetheless, the development of hollow fiber membranes by Mahonand the group at Dow Chemical in 1966 [97] and their later commercializationby Dow, Monsanto, Du Pont, and others represents one of the major events inmembrane technology. A good review of the early development of hollow fibermembranes is given by Baum et al. [98]. Reviews of more recent developmentsare given by Moch [99] and McKelvey et al. [100].

The diameter of hollow fibers varies over a wide range, from 50 to 3000 µm.Fibers can be made with a uniformly dense structure, but preferably are formedas a microporous structure having a dense selective layer on either the outside orthe inside surface. The dense surface layer can be either integral with the fiberor a separate layer coated onto the porous support fiber. Many fibers must bepacked into bundles and potted into tubes to form a membrane module; moduleswith a surface area of even a few square meters require many kilometers offibers. Because a module must contain no broken or defective fibers, hollowfiber production requires high reproducibility and stringent quality control.

The types of hollow fiber membranes in production are illustrated in Figure3.32. Fibers of 50- to 200-µm diameter are usually called hollow fine fibers. Suchfibers can withstand very high hydrostatic pressures applied from the outside, sothey are used in reverse osmosis or high-pressure gas separation applications inwhich the applied pressure can be 1000 psig or more. The feed fluid is appliedto the outside (shell side) of the fibers, and the permeate is removed down thefiber bore. When the fiber diameter is greater than 200–500 µm, the feed fluidis commonly applied to the inside bore of the fiber, and the permeate is removedfrom the outer shell. This technique is used for low-pressure gas separations andfor applications such as hemodialysis or ultrafiltration. Fibers with a diametergreater than 500 µm are called capillary fibers.

Two methods are used to prepare hollow fibers: solution spinning and meltspinning [98,99]. The most common process is solution spinning or wet spin-ning, in which a 20–30 wt% polymer solution is extruded and precipitated

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1000 − 3000 µmdiameter

500 − 2000 µmdiameter

300 − 400 µmdiameter

50 − 200 µmdiameter

High-pressuregas separation orreverse osmosishollow fine fiber,shell-side feed

500 − 2000 psig

Medium-pressuregas separation fiber,

bore-side feed100 − 150 psig

Hemodialysiscapillary fiber,bore-side feed

0 − 5 psig

Ultrafiltrationcapillary fiber,bore-side feed10 − 50 psig

1000 µm

Figure 3.32 Schematic of the principal types of hollow fiber membranes

into a nonsolvent, generally water. Fibers made by solution spinning have theanisotropic structure of Loeb–Sourirajan membranes. This technique is generallyused to make relatively large, porous hemodialysis and ultrafiltration fibers. Inthe alternative technique of melt spinning, a hot polymer melt is extruded froman appropriate die and is then cooled and solidified in air prior to immersion ina quench tank. Melt-spun fibers are usually denser and have lower fluxes thansolution-spun fibers, but, because the fiber can be stretched after it leaves thedie, very fine fibers can be made. Melt-spun fibers can also be produced at highspeeds. The technique is usually used to make hollow fine fibers for high-pressurereverse osmosis and gas separation applications and is also used with polymerssuch as poly(trimethylpentene), which are not soluble in convenient solvents andare difficult to form by wet spinning. The distinction between solution spinningand melt spinning has gradually faded over the years. To improve fluxes, sol-vents and other additives are generally added to melt spinning dopes so spinningtemperatures have fallen considerably. Many melt-spun fibers are now producedfrom spinning dopes containing as much as 30 to 60 wt% solvent, which requiresthe spinner to be heated to only 70–100 C to make the dope flow. These fibersare also often cooled and precipitated by spinning into a water bath, which alsohelps to form an anisotropic structure.

The first hollow fiber spinneret system was devised by Mahon at Dow [97].Mahon’s spinneret consists of two concentric capillaries, the outer capillary

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having a diameter of approximately 400 µm, and the central capillary havingan outer diameter of approximately 200 µm and an inner diameter of 100 µm.Polymer solution is forced through the outer capillary, while air or liquid is forcedthrough the inner one. The rate at which the core fluid is injected into the fibersrelative to the flow of polymer solution governs the ultimate wall thickness ofthe fiber. Figure 3.33 shows a cross-section of this type of spinneret, which iswidely used to produce the large-diameter fibers used in ultrafiltration. Exper-imental details of this type of spinneret can be found elsewhere [101–103]. Acomplete hollow fiber spinning system is shown in Figure 3.34.

Polymer solutioninjection port


Injectionport for

bore-formingfluid (water,oil, air, etc.)

Figure 3.33 Twin-orifice spinneret design used in solution-spinning of hollow fibermembranes. Polymer solution is forced through the outer orifice, while bore-formingfluid is forced through the inner capillary


Heat treatmentWashing

Coagulation bath

Evaporation gap


Figure 3.34 A complete hollow fiber solution-spinning system. The fiber is spun into acoagulation bath, where the polymer spinning solution precipitates forming the fiber. Thefiber is then washed, dried, and taken up on a roll

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The evaporation time between the solution exiting the spinneret and enteringthe coagulation bath is a critical variable, as are the compositions of the borefluid and the coagulation bath. The position of the dense anisotropic skin can beadjusted by varying the bath and bore solutions. For example, if water is used asthe bore fluid and the coagulation bath contains some solvent, precipitation willoccur first and most rapidly on the inside surface of the fiber. If the solutions arereversed so that the bore solution contains some solvent and the coagulation bathis water, the skin will tend to be formed on the outside surface of the fiber, asshown in Figure 3.35. In many cases precipitation will begin on both surfaces ofthe fiber, and a dense layer will form on both inside and outside surfaces. Thisability to manipulate the position of the dense skin is important because the skinshould normally face the feed fluid.

Generally, the spinning dope used in solution spinning has a higher polymerconcentration and is more viscous than the casting solutions used to form equi-valent flat sheet membranes. This is because hollow fiber membranes must beable not only to perform the separation required but also to withstand the appliedpressure of the process without collapsing. The mechanical demands placed on themicroporous substructure of hollow fiber membranes are more demanding thanfor their flat-sheet equivalents. Consequently, a finer, stronger, and higher densitymicroporous support structure is required. Because more concentrated castingsolutions are used, the thickness of the skin layer of hollow fiber membranesis also greater than their flat-sheet equivalents. Usually lower membrane fluxesresult. However, the low cost of producing a large membrane area in hollow fiberform compensates for the poorer performance.

Hollow fiber spinning dopes and preparation procedures vary over a widerrange than their flat-sheet equivalents, but some representative dopes and spinningconditions taken from the patent literature [98,103,104] are given in Table 3.4.

Recently some interest in forming more complex hollow fibers has developed;for example, composite hollow fibers in which the microporous shell of thefiber provides the mechanical strength, but the selective layer is a coating of a

Inside precipitation Outside precipitation Outside and inside precipitation

Figure 3.35 Depending on the bore fluid and the composition of the coagulation bath,the selective skin layer can be formed on the inside, the outside or both sides of thehollow fiber membrane

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Table 3.4 Preparation parameters for various hollow fiber membranes

Casting dope Bore fluid Precipitation bath Membrane type

37 wt% polysulfone(Udel P3500)

36 wt% N-methylpyrrolidone

27 wt% propionic acid(spun at 15–100 C)

Water Water 25–50 C Gas separation fiberαO2/N2 5.2,≈50 µm diameter,anisotropicoutside-skinnedfibers, finelymicroporoussubstrate [103]

25 wt%polyacrylonitrile-vinylacetate copolymer

68 wt% dimethylformamide

7 wt% formamide (spunat 65 C)

10 wt% dimethylformamide inwater

40 wt% dimethylformamide inwater 4 C

Ultrafiltrationcapillarymembrane, insideskin, 98 % rejectionto 110 000 MWdextran [104]

69 wt% cellulosetriacetate (spun at200 C)

17.2 wt% sulfolane13.8 wt% poly(ethylene

glycol) (MW 400)

Air No precipitationbath used; fiberforms oncooling.Solventsremoved in laterextraction step

Early (Dow)80-µm-diameterfine fiber reverseosmosis membrane[98]

different material. Ube, Praxair, Air Products and Medal all produce this typeof fiber for gas separation applications. Various techniques are described in thepatent literature [105–107]. A device proposed by Air Products is shown inFigure 3.36. The preformed hollow fiber support membrane is drawn through avolatile solution of the coating polymer. The thickness of the film formed on theouter surface of the fiber is controlled by the concentration of polymer in thecasting solution and the diameter of the orifice in the coating die. The solvent isevaporated and the fiber wound up.

Another method of producing composite hollow fibers, described by Kusukiet al. at Ube [108] and Kopp et al. at Memtec [109], is to spin double-layeredfibers with a double spinneret of the type shown in Figure 3.37. This systemallows different spinning solutions to be used for the outer and inner surfaceof the fibers and gives more precise control of the final structure. Often, twodifferent polymers are incorporated into the same fiber. The result is a hollow fibercomposite membrane equivalent to the flat sheet membrane shown in Figure 3.26.A reason for the popularity of composite hollow fiber membranes is that differentpolymers can be used to form the mechanically strong support and the selectivelayer. This can reduce the amount of selective polymer required. The tailor-made polymers developed for gas separation applications can cost as much as

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Hollow fiberdelivery spool







Figure 3.36 Apparatus to make composite hollow fiber membranes by coating a hollowfiber support membrane with a thin selective coating [105]


Spinneret head:section view





Figure 3.37 A double capillary spinneret sometimes used to produce two-layer hollowfibers. After Kopp et al. [109]

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US$5–10/g. Single-layer hollow fiber membranes contain 10–20 g of polymerper square meter of membrane, for a material cost alone of US$50–200/m2. Thus,using a composite structure consisting of a relatively inexpensive core polymermaterial coated with a thin layer of the expensive selective polymer reduces theoverall membrane material cost significantly.

Membrane ModulesIndustrial membrane plants often require hundreds to thousands of square metersof membrane to perform the separation required on a useful scale. Before amembrane separation can be performed industrially, therefore, methods of eco-nomically and efficiently packaging large areas of membrane are required. Thesepackages are called membrane modules. The development of the technology toproduce low-cost membrane modules was one of the breakthroughs that led tocommercial membrane processes in the 1960s and 1970s. The earliest designswere based on simple filtration technology and consisted of flat sheets of mem-brane held in a type of filter press: these are called plate-and-frame modules.Membranes in the form of 1- to 3-cm-diameter tubes were developed at aboutthe same time. Both designs are still used, but because of their relatively high costthey have been largely displaced in most applications by two other designs—thespiral-wound module and the hollow fiber module.

Despite the importance of membrane module technology, many researchersare astonishingly uninformed about module design issues. In part this is becausemodule technology has been developed within companies, and developments areonly found in patents, which are ignored by many academics. The followingsections give an overview of the principal module types, followed by a sectionsummarizing the factors governing selection of particular types for different mem-brane processes. Cost is always important, but perhaps the most important issuesare membrane fouling and concentration polarization. This is particularly true forreverse osmosis and ultrafiltration systems, but concentration polarization issuesalso affect the design of gas separation and pervaporation modules.

Plate-and-frame Modules

Plate-and-frame modules were one of the earliest types of membrane system. Aplate-and-frame design proposed by Stern [110] for early Union Carbide plantsto recovery helium from natural gas is shown in Figure 3.38. Membrane, feedspacers, and product spacers are layered together between two end plates. Thefeed mixture is forced across the surface of the membrane. A portion passesthrough the membrane, enters the permeate channel, and makes its way to acentral permeate collection manifold.

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Metalspacer Wire screen



Heat seal


Feed gas passedthrough shellProduct




Septa stacked and spacedby internal metal strip.

Stack joined by staybolts

Figure 3.38 Early plate-and-frame design developed by Stern et al. [110] for the separa-tion of helium from natural gas. Reprinted with permission from S.A. Stern, T.F. Sinclaire,P.J. Gareis, N.P. Vahldieck and P.H. Mohr, Helium Recovery by Permeation, Ind. Eng.Chem. 57, 49. Copyright 1965, American Chemical Society and American PharmaceuticalAssociation

Plate-and-frame units have been developed for some small-scale applications,but these units are expensive compared to the alternatives, and leaks throughthe gaskets required for each plate are a serious problem. Plate-and-frame mod-ules are now only used in electrodialysis and pervaporation systems and in alimited number of reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration applications with highlyfouling feeds. An example of one of these reverse osmosis units is shown inFigure 3.39 [111].

Tubular Modules

Tubular modules are now generally limited to ultrafiltration applications, forwhich the benefit of resistance to membrane fouling due to good fluid hydrody-namics outweighs their high cost. Typically, the tubes consist of a porous paperor fiberglass support with the membrane formed on the inside of the tubes, asshown in Figure 3.40.

The first tubular membranes were between 2 and 3 cm in diameter, but morerecently, as many as five to seven smaller tubes, each 0.5–1.0 cm in diameter,are nested inside a single, larger tube. In a typical tubular membrane system alarge number of tubes are manifolded in series. The permeate is removed fromeach tube and sent to a permeate collection header. A drawing of a 30-tubesystem is shown in Figure 3.41. The feed solution is pumped through all 30tubes connected in series.

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Support plate


O-ring seal Tension rod

End platePermeatechannel


Figure 3.39 Schematic of a plate-and-frame module. Plate-and-frame modules providegood flow control on both the permeate and feed side of the membrane, but the largenumber of spacer plates and seals lead to high module costs. The feed solution is directedacross each plate in series. Permeate enters the membrane envelope and is collectedthrough the central permeate collection channel [111]

Spiral-wound Modules

Spiral-wound modules were used in a number of early artificial kidney designs,but were fully developed for industrial membrane separations by Gulf GeneralAtomic (a predecessor of Fluid Systems, Inc.). This work, directed at reverseosmosis membrane modules, was carried out under the sponsorship of the Officeof Saline Water [112–114]. The design shown in Figure 3.42 is the simplest,consisting of a membrane envelope of spacers and membrane wound around aperforated central collection tube; the module is placed inside a tubular pressurevessel. Feed passes axially down the module across the membrane envelope.A portion of the feed permeates into the membrane envelope, where it spiralstowards the center and exits through the collection tube.

Small laboratory spiral-wound modules consist of a single membrane envelopewrapped around the collection tube, as shown in Figure 3.42. The membranearea of these modules is typically 0.2 to 1.0 m2. Industrial-scale modules containseveral membrane envelopes, each with an area of 1–2 m2, wrapped around thecentral collection pipe. The multi-envelope design developed at Gulf GeneralAtomic by Bray [113] and others is illustrated in Figure 3.43. Multi-envelope

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Figure 3.40 Typical tubular ultrafiltration module design. The membrane is usually caston a porous fiberglass or paper support, which is then nested inside a plastic or steelsupport tube. In the past, each plastic housing contained a single 2- to 3-cm-diametertube. More recently, several 0.5- to 1.0-cm-diameter tubes, nested inside single housings,have been introduced. (Courtesy of Koch Membrane Systems)

designs minimize the pressure drop encountered by the permeate fluid travelingtowards the central pipe. If a single membrane envelope were used in a large-membrane-area module, the path taken by the permeate to reach the centralcollection pipe would be several meters long, depending on the module diameter.Such a long permeate path would result in a large pressure drop in the permeatecollection channel. By using multiple short envelopes the pressure drop in anyone envelope is kept at a manageable level. The standard industrial spiral-woundmodule has an 8-in. diameter and is 40 in. long. Twelve-inch-diameter modulesup to 60 in. long have been made and offer some economy of scale. Thereis, therefore, a trend towards increasing the module diameter for larger plants.The approximate membrane area and number of membrane envelopes used inindustrial 40-in.-long spiral-wound modules are given in Table 3.5.

Four to six spiral-wound membrane modules are normally connected in seriesinside a single pressure vessel (tube). A typical 8-in.-diameter tube containing sixmodules has 100–200 m2 of membrane area. An exploded view of a membranetube containing two modules is shown in Figure 3.44 [115]. The end of eachmodule is fitted with an anti-telescoping device (ATD) which is designed to

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Support tube





Figure 3.41 Exploded view of a tubular ultrafiltration system in which 30 tubes areconnected in series. Permeate from each tube is collected in the permeate manifold

prevent the module leaves shifting under the feed-to-residue pressure differencerequired to force feed fluid through the module. The ATD is also fitted witha rubber seal to form a tight connection between the module and the pressurevessel. This seal prevents fluid bypassing the module in the gap between themodule and the vessel wall.

In some applications of reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration spiral-wound mod-ules in the food industry, it may be desirable to allow a small portion of thefeed solution to bypass the module to prevent bacteria growing in the otherwisestagnant fluid. One way of achieve this bypass is by perforating the ATD asillustrated in Figure 3.45 [115].

Hollow Fiber Modules

Hollow fiber membrane modules are formed in two basic geometries. The first isthe shell-side feed design illustrated in Figure 3.46(a) and used, for example, byMonsanto in their hydrogen separation systems and by Du Pont in their reverseosmosis systems. In such a module, a loop or a closed bundle of fibers is containedin a pressure vessel. The system is pressurized from the shell side; permeatepasses through the fiber wall and exits through the open fiber ends. This designis easy to make and allows very large membrane areas to be contained in aneconomical system. Because the fiber wall must support considerable hydrostaticpressure, the fibers usually have small diameters and thick walls, typically 50-µminternal diameter and 100- to 200-µm outer diameter.

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Permeatecollection tube


Arrows indicatepermeate flow




Spiral-Wound Module Cross Section

Spiral-Wound Module











te flo


Figure 3.42 Exploded view and cross-section drawings of a spiral-wound module. Feedsolution passes across the membrane surface. A portion passes through the membrane andenters the membrane envelope where it spirals inward to the central perforated collectionpipe. One solution enters the module (the feed) and two solutions leave (the residue andthe permeate). Spiral-wound modules are the most common module design for reverseosmosis and ultrafiltration as well as for high-pressure gas separation applications in thenatural gas industry

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Glue line



Membrane envelope


Glue line

Glue line

Collection pipe


Figure 3.43 Multi-envelope spiral-wound module [113], used to avoid excessive pres-sure drops on the permeate side of the membrane. Large-diameter modules may have asmany as 30 membrane envelopes, each with a membrane area of 1–2 m2

Table 3.5 Typical membrane area and number of membrane envelopes for 40-in.-long industrial spiral-wound modules. The thickness of the membrane spacers used fordifferent applications causes the variation in membrane area

Module diameter (in.) 4 6 8 12Number of membrane envelopes 4–6 6–10 15–30 30–40Membrane area (m2) 3–6 6–12 20–40 30–60

The second type of hollow fiber module is the bore-side feed type illustratedin Figure 3.46(b). The fibers in this type of unit are open at both ends, and thefeed fluid is circulated through the bore of the fibers. To minimize pressure dropinside the fibers, the diameters are usually larger than those of the fine fibers usedin the shell-side feed system and are generally made by solution spinning. Theseso-called capillary fibers are used in ultrafiltration, pervaporation, and some low-to medium-pressure gas applications. Feed pressures are usually limited to below150 psig in this type of module.

In bore-side feed modules, it is important to ensure that all of the fibershave identical fiber diameters and permeances. Even fiber variation as small as±10 % from the average fiber can lead to large variations in module performance[116,117]. The flow of fluid through the fiber bore is proportional to the fiber

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Spiral modulewith ATD

Adaptor frommodule to end cap



Figure 3.44 Schematic of a spiral-wound module [115] installed in a multimodule pres-sure vessel. Typically four to six modules are installed in a single pressure vessel.Reprinted from Reverse Osmosis Technology, B.S. Parekh (ed.), Marcel Dekker, NewYork (1988), p. 81, by courtesy of Marcel Dekker, Inc.


Directionof feed







RO cartridge


Figure 3.45 By perforating the antitelescoping device, a small controlled bypass offluid past the module seal is achieved to eliminate the stagnant area between the reverseosmosis module and the pressure vessel walls. This device is used in food and othersanitary applications of spiral-wound modules [115]. Reprinted from Reverse OsmosisTechnology, B.S. Parekh (ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York (1988), p. 359, by courtesy ofMarcel Dekker, Inc.

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(a) Shell-side feed

(b) Bore-side feed




Figure 3.46 Two types of hollow-fiber modules used for gas separation, reverseosmosis, and ultrafiltration applications. Shell-side feed modules are generally used forhigh-pressure applications up to 1000 psig. Fouling on the feed side of the membrane canbe a problem with this design, and pretreatment of the feed stream to remove particulatesis required. Bore-side feed modules are generally used for medium-pressure feed streamsup to 150 psig, for which good flow control to minimize fouling and concentrationpolarization on the feed side of the membrane is desired

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diameter to the fourth power, whereas the membrane area only changes by thesecond power. The effect is particularly important in the production of nitrogenfrom air and in hollow-fiber kidney modules, in which high levels of removal ofthe permeable component in a single pass are desired. If the fibers have differentdiameters, a few overly large or overly small fibers can significantly affect theremoval achieved by the module.

Concentration polarization is well controlled in bore-side feed modules. Thefeed solution passes directly across the active surface of the membrane, andno stagnant dead spaces are produced. This is far from the case in shell-sidefeed modules in which flow channeling and stagnant areas between fibers, whichcause significant concentration polarization problems, are difficult to avoid [118].Any suspended particulate matter in the feed solution is easily trapped in thesestagnant areas, leading to irreversible fouling of the membrane. Baffles to directthe feed flow have been tried [119,120], but are not widely used. A more commonmethod of minimizing concentration polarization is to direct the feed flow normalto the direction of the hollow fibers as shown in Figure 3.47. This produces across-flow module with relatively good flow distribution across the fiber surface.Several membrane modules may be connected in series, so high feed solutionvelocities can be used. A number of variants on this basic design have beenpatented [121,122] and are reviewed by Koros and Fleming [123].

A second problem in shell-side feed hollow fine fibers is permeate side par-asitic pressure drops. The permeate channel in these fibers is so narrow, andpresents such a resistance to fluid passage, that a significant pressure drop devel-ops along the length of the permeate channel, reducing the pressure differenceacross the membrane that provides the driving force for permeation. In appli-cations involving separation of mixtures of relatively impermeable components,such as oxygen and nitrogen in air, the pressure drop that develops is small

Hollow fiberO-ring


Feed water

Vessel Resinlayer

End plate

End plate



Figure 3.47 A cross-flow hollow fiber module used to obtain better flow distributionand reduce concentration polarization (the Tyobo Hollosep reverse osmosis module). Feedenters through the perforated central pipe and flows towards the module shell

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and unimportant. But in separations of more permeable gas mixtures, such ashydrogen or carbon dioxide from methane, the pressure drop can be a signifi-cant fraction of the total applied pressure. Permeate-side pressure drops also tendto develop in spiral-wound modules. However, because the permeate channelsare wider in this type of module, pressure drops are usually smaller and lesssignificant.

The greatest single advantage of hollow fiber modules is the ability to pack avery large membrane area into a single module. The magnitude of this advantagecan be gauged by the membrane area per module data shown in Table 3.6. Thistable shows the calculated membrane area contained in an 8-in.-diameter, 40-in.-long module; a spiral-wound module of this size would contain about 20–40 m2

of membrane area. The equivalent hollow fiber module, filled with fibers with adiameter of 100 µm, will contain approximately 300 m2 of membrane area, 10times the area in a spiral-wound module. As the diameter of the fibers in the mod-ule increases, the membrane area decreases. Capillary ultrafiltration membranemodules have almost the same area as equivalent-sized spiral-wound modules.

Table 3.6 also shows the huge numbers of hollow fibers required for high-surface-area modules. A hollow fine fiber module with an area of 300 m2 willcontain 1000 km of fiber. Expensive, sophisticated, high-speed automated spin-ning and fiber handling and module fabrication equipment is required to producethese modules. A typical hollow fiber spinning operation will have 50–100 spin-nerets. In general the capital investment for a hollow fine fiber production plantis so large that the technology can only be considered when large numbersof modules are being produced on a round-the-clock basis. The technology ismaintained as a trade secret within the handful of companies that produce thistype of module. A clue to the type of machinery involved can be obtainedfrom the patent literature. Figure 3.48, for example, shows a module windingmachine from an old Du Pont patent [124]. Fibers from several bobbins arewound around a porous paper sheet, laying down the bundle that ultimatelybecomes the module insert.

Table 3.6 Effect of fiber diameter on membrane area and the number of fibers in amodule 20 cm (8 in.) in diameter and 1 m (40 in.) long. Twenty-five percent of the modulevolume is filled with fiber. A spiral-wound module of this size contains approximately20–40 m2 of membrane area and has a packing density of 6–13 cm2/cm3

Module use High-pressurereverse osmosis

and gasseparation

Low-pressuregas separation


Fiber diameter (µm) 100 250 500 1000 2000Number of fibers/module (thousands) 1000 250 40 10 2.5Membrane area (m2) 315 155 65 32 16Packing density (cm2/cm3) 100 50 20 10 5

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Resinapplicator Web



Figure 3.48 Hollow fiber module winding apparatus from a 1972 Du Pont patent [124].Machines of this general type are still used to produce hollow fiber modules

Vibrating and Rotating Modules

In all of the module designs described thus far, the fluid to be separated (gas orliquid) is pumped across the surface of the membrane at high velocity to con-trol concentration polarization. A few vibrating or rotating modules, in whichthe membrane moves, and moves much faster than the fluid flowing acrossits surface, have been developed. One such design, a vibrating module, fromNew Logic International, is shown in Figure 3.49 [125,126]. Vibration of themembrane at high speed creates interior agitation directly at the membrane sur-face. These modules have proved to be able to ultrafilter extremely concentrated,viscous solutions that could not be treated by conventional module designs. Cur-rently the modules are extremely expensive—in the range US$2000–5000/m2

membrane—compared to alternative designs. This limits their application tohigh-value separations that cannot be performed by other processes.

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Feed fluidin

Plate-and-framemodule stack


Torsionspring (bar)

Seismic mass

Rubber isolationmount

Direction ofmovement

1 − 2 inches

Permeate fluid out

Process out

Process out

Figure 3.49 New Logic International vibrating plate-and-frame module design [125]. Amotor taps a metal plate (the seismic mass) supported by a rubber mount at 60 times/s.A bar that acts as a torsion spring connects the vibrating mass to a plate-and-framemembrane module, which then vibrates by 1–2 in. at the same frequency. By shakingthe membrane module, high turbulence is induced in the pressurized feed fluid flowingthrough the module. The turbulence occurs directly at the membrane surface, providinggood control of membrane fouling

Module Selection

The choice of the most suitable membrane module type for a particular mem-brane separation must balance a number of factors. The principal module designparameters that enter into the decision are summarized in Table 3.7.

Cost, always important, is difficult to quantify because the actual selling priceof the same module design varies widely, depending on the application. Gen-erally, high-pressure modules are more expensive than low-pressure or vacuum

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Table 3.7 Parameters for membrane module design

Parameter Hollow finefibers


Spiral-wound Plate-and-frame Tubular

Manufacturing cost(US$/m2)

5–20 10–50 5–100 50–200 50–200

Concentrationpolarization foulingcontrol

Poor Good Moderate Good Very good

Permeate-sidepressure drop

High Moderate Moderate Low Low

Suitability forhigh-pressureoperation

Yes No Yes Yes Marginal

Limited to specifictypes of membranematerial

Yes Yes No No No

modules. The total volume of product likely to be produced to satisfy a particularapplication is a key issue. For example, spiral-wound modules for reverse osmosisare produced by three or four manufacturers in large volumes, resulting in severecompetition and low prices. Similar modules used in ultrafiltration are producedin much lower numbers and so are much more expensive. Hollow fiber modulesare significantly cheaper, per square meter of membrane, than spiral-wound orplate-and-frame modules but can only be economically produced for very highvolume applications that justify the expense of developing and building the spin-ning and module fabrication equipment. This cost advantage is often offset bythe lower fluxes of the membranes compared with their flat-sheet equivalents. Anestimate of module manufacturing cost is given in Table 3.7; the selling price istypically two to five times higher.

Two other major factors determining module selection are concentration polar-ization control and resistance to fouling. Concentration polarization control is aparticularly important issue in liquid separations such as reverse osmosis andultrafiltration. In gas separation applications, concentration polarization is moreeasily controlled but is still a problem with high-flux, highly selective membranes.Hollow fine fiber modules are notoriously prone to fouling and concentrationpolarization and can be used in reverse osmosis applications only when extensive,costly feed solution pretreatment removes all particulates. These fibers cannot beused in ultrafiltration applications at all.

Another factor is the ease with which various membrane materials can befabricated into a particular module design. Almost all membranes can be formedinto plate-and-frame, spiral-wound and tubular modules, but many membranematerials cannot be fabricated into hollow fine fibers or capillary fibers. Finally,the suitability of the module design for high-pressure operation and the relative

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magnitude of pressure drops on the feed and permeate sides of the membranecan be important factors.

The types of modules generally used in some of the major membrane processesare listed in Table 3.8.

In reverse osmosis, the commonly used modules are spiral-wound. Plate-and-frame and tubular modules are limited to a few applications in which membranefouling is particularly severe, for example, in food applications or processingheavily contaminated industrial wastewater. The hollow fiber reverse osmosismodules used in the past have now been almost completely displaced by spiral-wound modules, which are inherently more fouling resistant, and require lessfeed pretreatment.

For ultrafiltration applications, hollow fine fibers have never been seriouslyconsidered because of their susceptibility to fouling. If the feed solution isextremely fouling, tubular systems are still used. Recently, however, spiral-woundmodules with improved resistance to fouling have been developed; these modulesare increasingly displacing the more expensive tubular systems. This is partic-ularly the case with clean feed solutions, for example, in the ultrafiltration ofboiler feed water or municipal water to make ultrapure water for the electronicsindustry. Capillary systems are also used in some ultrafiltration applications.

Table 3.8 Module designs most commonly used in the major membrane separationprocesses

Application Module type

Reverse osmosis: seawater Spiral-wound modules. Only one hollow fiberproducer remains

Reverse osmosis: industrialand brackish water

Spiral-wound modules used almost exclusively; finefibers too susceptible to scaling and fouling

Ultrafiltration Tubular, capillary and spiral-wound modules all used.Tubular generally limited to highly fouling feeds(automotive paint), spiral-wound to clean feeds(ultrapure water)

Gas separation Hollow fibers for high volume applications with lowflux, low selectivity membranes in whichconcentration polarization is easily controlled(nitrogen from air)

Spiral-wound when fluxes are higher, feed gasesmore contaminated and concentration polarizationa problem (natural gas separations, vaporpermeation)

Pervaporation Most pervaporation systems are small soplate-and-frame systems were used in the firstsystems

Spiral-wound and capillary modules being introduced

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For high-pressure gas separation applications, hollow fine fibers have a majorsegment of the market. Hollow fiber modules are clearly the lowest cost designper unit membrane area, and their poor resistance to fouling is not a problemin many gas separation applications because gaseous feed streams can easily befiltered. Also, gas separation membrane materials are often rigid glassy polymerssuch as polysulfones, polycarbonates and polyimides, which are easily formedinto hollow fine fibers. Spiral-wound modules are used to process natural gasstreams, which are relatively dirty, often containing oil mist and condensablecomponents that would foul hollow fine fiber modules rapidly.

Spiral-wound modules are much more commonly used in low-pressure or vac-uum gas separation applications, such as the production of oxygen-enriched airor the separation of organic vapors from air. In these applications, the feed gasis at close to ambient pressure, and a vacuum is drawn on the permeate side ofthe membrane. Parasitic pressure drops on the permeate side of the membraneand the difficulty in making high-performance hollow fine fiber membranes fromthe rubbery polymers used to make them both work against hollow fine fibermodules for such applications.

Pervaporation operates under constraints similar to those for low-pressure gasseparation. Pressure drops on the permeate side of the membrane must be small,and many pervaporation membrane materials are rubbery, so both spiral-woundmodules and plate-and-frame systems are in use. Plate-and-frame systems arecompetitive in this application despite their high cost, primarily because theycan be operated at high temperatures with relatively aggressive feed solutions,conditions under which spiral-wound modules might fail.

Conclusions and Future Directions

The technology to fabricate ultrathin high-performance membranes into high-surface-area membrane modules has steadily improved during the modern mem-brane era. As a result the inflation-adjusted cost of membrane separation processeshas decreased dramatically over the years. The first anisotropic membranes madeby Loeb–Sourirajan processes had an effective thickness of 0.2–0.4 µm. Cur-rently, various techniques are used to produce commercial membranes with athickness of 0.1 µm or less. The permeability and selectivity of membrane mate-rials have also increased two to three fold during the same period. As a result,today’s membranes have 5 to 10 times the flux and better selectivity than mem-branes available 30 years ago. These trends are continuing. Membranes withan effective thickness of less than 0.05 µm have been made in the laboratoryusing advanced composite membrane preparation techniques or surface treat-ment methods.

As a result of these improvements in membrane performance, the major fac-tors determining system performance have become concentration polarization andmembrane fouling. All membrane processes are affected by these problems, so

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membrane modules with improved fluid flow to minimize concentration polar-ization and modules formed from membranes that can be easily cleaned if fouledare likely to become increasingly important development areas.

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In membrane separation processes, a gas or liquid mixture contacts the feedside of the membrane, and a permeate enriched in one of the components ofthe mixture is withdrawn from the downstream side of the membrane. Becausethe feed mixture components permeate at different rates, concentration gradientsform in the fluids on both sides of the membrane. The phenomenon is calledconcentration polarization. Figure 4.1 illustrates a dialysis experiment in whicha membrane separates two solutions containing different concentrations of dis-solved solute. Solute (i) diffuses from right to left; solvent (j) diffuses from leftto right. Unless the solutions are extremely well stirred, concentration gradientsform in the solutions on either side of the membrane. The same phenomenonoccurs in other processes that involve transport of heat or mass across an inter-face. Mathematical descriptions of these processes can be found in monographson heat and mass transfer, for example, the books by Carslaw and Jaeger [1],Bird et al. [2] and Crank [3].

The layer of solution immediately adjacent to the membrane surface becomesdepleted in the permeating solute on the feed side of the membrane and enrichedin this component on the permeate side. Equivalent gradients also form for theother component. This concentration polarization reduces the permeating com-ponent’s concentration difference across the membrane, thereby lowering itsflux and the membrane selectivity. The importance of concentration polariza-tion depends on the membrane separation process. Concentration polarization cansignificantly affect membrane performance in reverse osmosis, but it is usuallywell controlled in industrial systems. On the other hand, membrane performancein ultrafiltration, electrodialysis, and some pervaporation processes is seriouslyaffected by concentration polarization.

Figure 4.1 also shows the formation of concentration polarization gradients onboth sides of the membrane. However, in most membrane processes there is a bulkflow of liquid or gas through the membrane, and the permeate-side composition

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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Feed Permeate

Component(i )


J( i )

J( j )

Figure 4.1 Concentration gradients formed when a dialysis membrane separates twosolutions of different concentrations

depends only on the ratio of the components permeating the membrane. When thisis the case, concentration gradients only form on the feed side of the membrane.

Two approaches have been used to describe the effect of concentration polar-ization. One has its origins in the dimensional analysis used to solve heat transferproblems. In this approach the resistance to permeation across the membrane andthe resistance in the fluid layers adjacent to the membrane are treated as resis-tances in series. Nothing is assumed about the thickness of the various layers orthe transport mechanisms taking place.

Using this model and the assumption that concentration polarization occursonly on the feed side of the membrane, the flux Ji across the combined resistancesof the feed side boundary layer and the membrane can be written as

Ji = kov(cib − cip ) (4.1)

where kov is the overall mass transfer coefficient, cib is the concentration ofcomponent i in the bulk feed solution, and cip is the concentration of componenti in the bulk permeate solution. Likewise, the flux across the boundary layer isalso Ji and can be written as

Ji = kb(cib − cio) (4.2)

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where kb is the fluid boundary layer mass transfer coefficient, and cio is theconcentration of component i in the fluid at the feed/membrane interface, andthe flux across the membrane can be written as

Ji = km(cio − cip ) (4.3)

where km is the mass transfer coefficient of the membrane.Since the overall concentration drop (cib − cip ) is the sum of the concentration

drops across the boundary layer and the membrane, a simple restatement of theresistances-in-series model using the terms of Equations (4.1–4.3) is



= 1


+ 1



When the fluid layer mass-transfer coefficient (kb) is large, the resistance 1/kb ofthis layer is small, and the overall resistance is determined only by the membrane.When the fluid layer mass-transfer coefficient is small, the resistance term 1/kb

is large, and becomes a significant fraction of the total resistance to permeation.The overall mass transfer coefficient (kov) then becomes smaller, and the fluxdecreases. The boundary layer mass transfer coefficient is thus an arithmeticalfix used to correct the membrane permeation rate for the effect of concentrationpolarization. Nothing is revealed about the causes of concentration polarization.

The boundary layer mass-transfer coefficient is known from experiment todepend on many system properties; this dependence can be expressed as anempirical relationship of the type

kb = constant QαhβDγ T δ . . . .. (4.5)

where, for example, Q is the fluid velocity through the membrane module, h

is the feed channel height, D is the solute diffusion coefficient, T is the feedsolution temperature, and so on. Empirical mass-transfer correlations obtainedthis way can be used to estimate the performance of a new membrane unit byextrapolation from an existing body of experimental data [4–7]. However, thesecorrelations have a limited range of applicability and cannot be used to obtaina priori estimates of the magnitude of concentration polarization. This approachalso does not provide insight into the dependence of concentration polarizationon membrane properties. A more detailed and more sympathetic description ofthe mass-transfer approach is given in Cussler’s monograph [8].

The second approach to concentration polarization, and the one used in thischapter, is to model the phenomenon by assuming that a thin layer of unmixedfluid, thickness δ, exists between the membrane surface and the well-mixed bulksolution. The concentration gradients that control concentration polarization formin this layer. This boundary layer film model oversimplifies the fluid hydrodynam-ics occurring in membrane modules and still contains one adjustable parameter,

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the boundary layer thickness. Nonetheless this simple model can explain most ofthe experimental data.

Boundary Layer Film Model

The usual starting point for the boundary layer film model is illustrated inFigure 4.2, which shows the velocity profile in a fluid flowing through the chan-nel of a membrane module. The average velocity of the fluid flowing down thechannel is normally of the order 1–5 m/s. This velocity is far higher than theaverage velocity of the fluid flowing at right angles through the membrane, whichis typically 10–20 µm/s. However, the velocity in the channel is not uniform.Friction at the fluid–membrane surface reduces the fluid velocity next to themembrane to essentially zero; the velocity increases as the distance from themembrane surface increases. Thus, the fluid flow velocity in the middle of thechannel is high, the flow there is often turbulent, and the fluid is well mixed. Thevelocity in the boundary layer next to the membrane is much lower, flow is lami-nar, and mixing occurs by diffusion. Concentration gradients due to concentrationpolarization are assumed to be confined to the boundary layer.

Figure 4.1 shows the concentration gradients that form on either side of adialysis membrane. However, dialysis differs from most membrane processes inthat the volume flow across the membrane is usually small. In processes suchas reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and gas separation, the volume flow throughthe membrane from the feed to the permeate side is significant. As a resultthe permeate concentration is typically determined by the ratio of the fluxes ofthe components that permeate the membrane. In these processes concentrationpolarization gradients form only on the feed side of the membrane, as shown inFigure 4.3. This simplifies the description of the phenomenon. The few membraneprocesses in which a fluid is used to sweep the permeate side of the membrane,


Laminar boundary layer

Laminar boundary layerMembrane

Turbulent region


Figure 4.2 Fluid flow velocity through the channel of a membrane module is nonuni-form, being fastest in the middle and essentially zero adjacent to the membrane. In thefilm model of concentration polarization, concentration gradients formed due to transportthrough the membrane are assumed to be confined to the laminar boundary layer

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to change the permeate-side concentration from the value set by the ratio ofpermeating components, are discussed in the final section of this chapter.

In any process, if one component is enriched at the membrane surface, thenmass balance dictates that a second component is depleted at the surface. Byconvention, concentration polarization effects are described by considering theconcentration gradient of the minor component. In Figure 4.3(a), concentrationpolarization in reverse osmosis is represented by the concentration gradient ofsalt, the minor component rejected by the membrane. In Figure 4.3(b), whichillustrates dehydration of aqueous ethanol solutions by pervaporation, concentra-tion polarization is represented by the concentration gradient of water, the minorcomponent that preferentially permeates the membrane.

Bulk offeed




Volume flow


cip < cib

cip > cib


(a) Component enriched at membrane surface(for example, salt in desalination of water by reverse osmosis)

(b) Component depleted at membrane surface(for example, water in dehydration of ethanol by pervaporation)







Figure 4.3 Concentration gradients formed as a result of permeation through a selec-tive membrane. By convention, concentration polarization is usually represented by thegradient of the minor component—salt in the reverse osmosis example and water in thepervaporation example (dehydration of an ethanol solution)

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In the case of desalination of water by reverse osmosis illustrated in Fig-ure 4.3(a), the salt concentration cio adjacent to the membrane surface is higherthan the bulk solution concentration cib because reverse osmosis membranespreferentially permeate water and retain salt. Water and salt are brought towardthe membrane surface by the flow of solution through the membrane Jv .1 Waterand a little salt permeate the membrane, but most of the salt is rejected bythe membrane and retained at the membrane surface. Salt accumulates at themembrane surface until a sufficient gradient has formed to allow the salt todiffuse to the bulk solution. Steady state is then reached.

In the case of dehydration of ethanol by pervaporation illustrated in Fig-ure 4.3(b), the water concentration cio adjacent to the membrane surface is lowerthan the bulk solution concentration cib because the pervaporation membranepreferentially permeates water and retains ethanol. Water and ethanol are broughttowards the membrane surface by the flow of solution through the membrane.Water and a little ethanol permeate the membrane, but most of the ethanol isretained at the membrane surface. Ethanol accumulates at the membrane surfaceuntil a sufficient gradient has formed to allow it to diffuse back to the bulksolution. An equal and opposite water gradient must form; thus, water becomesdepleted at the membrane surface.

The formation of these concentration gradients can be expressed in mathe-matical form. Figure 4.4 shows the steady-state salt gradient that forms across areverse osmosis membrane.

The salt flux through the membrane is given by the product of the permeatevolume flux Jv and the permeate salt concentration cip . For dilute liquids thepermeate volume flux is within 1 or 2 % of the volume flux on the feed sideof the membrane because the densities of the two solutions are almost equal.This means that, at steady state, the net salt flux at any point within the boundarylayer must also be equal to the permeate salt flux Jvcip . In the boundary layer thisnet salt flux is also equal to the convective salt flux towards the membrane Jvci

minus the diffusive salt flux away from the membrane expressed by Fick’s law(Didci /dx). So, from simple mass balance, transport of salt at any point withinthe boundary layer can be described by the equation

Jvci − Didci/dx = Jvcip (4.6)

where Di is the diffusion coefficient of the salt, x is the coordinate perpendicularto the membrane surface, and Jv is the volume flux in the boundary layer gener-ated by permeate flow through the membrane. The mass balance equation (4.6)can be integrated over the thickness of the boundary layer to give the well-knownpolarization equation first derived by Brian [9] for reverse osmosis:

cio − cip

cib − cip

= exp(Jvδ/Di) (4.7)

1In this chapter, the term Jv is the volume flux (cm3/cm2 · s) through the membrane measured atthe feed-side conditions of the process.

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Turbulentwell mixed

bulk solution

Laminarmass-transferboundary layer







In the boundary layer Jvci − Di dci = Jvcipdx

Figure 4.4 Salt concentration gradients adjacent to a reverse osmosis desalination mem-brane. The mass balance equation for solute flux across the boundary layer is the basisof the film model description of concentration polarization

In this equation, cio is the concentration of solute in the feed solution at themembrane surface, and δ is the thickness of the boundary layer. An alternativeform of Equation (4.7) replaces the concentration terms by an enrichment factorE, defined as cip /cib . The enrichment obtained in the absence of a boundary layerEo is then defined as cip /cio , and Equation (4.7) can be written as

1/Eo − 1

1/E − 1= exp(Jvδ/Di) (4.8)

In the case of reverse osmosis, the enrichment factors (E and Eo) are less than1.0, typically about 0.01, because the membrane rejects salt and permeates water.For other processes, such as dehydration of aqueous ethanol by pervaporation,the enrichment factor for water will be greater than 1.0 because the membraneselectively permeates the water.

The increase or decrease of the permeate concentration at the membrane sur-face cio , compared to the bulk solution concentration cib , determines the extent ofconcentration polarization. The ratio of the two concentrations, cio /cib is called the

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concentration polarization modulus and is a useful measure of the extent of con-centration polarization. When the modulus is 1.0, no concentration polarizationoccurs, but as the modulus deviates farther from 1.0, the effect of concentrationpolarization on membrane selectivity and flux becomes increasingly important.From the definitions of E and Eo, the concentration polarization modulus is equalto E/Eo and, from Equations (4.7) and (4.8), the modulus can be written as



= exp(Jvδ/Di)

1 + Eo[exp(Jvδ/Di) − 1](4.9)

Depending on the enrichment term (Eo) of the membrane, the modulus canbe larger or smaller than 1.0. For reverse osmosis Eo is less than 1.0, and theconcentration polarization modulus is normally between 1.1 and 1.5; that is, theconcentration of salt at the membrane surface is 1.1 to 1.5 times larger than itwould be in the absence of concentration polarization. The salt leakage throughthe membrane and the osmotic pressure that must be overcome to produce aflow of water are increased proportionately. Fortunately, modern reverse osmosismembranes are extremely selective and permeable, and can still produce usefuldesalted water under these conditions. In other membrane processes, such aspervaporation or ultrafiltration, the concentration polarization modulus may beas large as 5 to 10 or as small as 0.2 to 0.1, and may seriously affect theperformance of the membrane.

Equation (4.9) shows the factors that determine the magnitude of concentrationpolarization, namely the boundary layer thickness δ, the membrane enrichmentEo, the volume flux through the membrane Jv , and the diffusion coefficient ofthe solute in the boundary layer fluid Di . The effect of changes in each of theseparameters on the concentration gradients formed in the membrane boundarylayer are illustrated graphically in Figure 4.5 and discussed briefly below.

Of the four factors that affect concentration polarization, the one most easilychanged is the boundary layer thickness δ. As δ decreases, Equation (4.9) showsthat the concentration polarization modulus becomes exponentially smaller. Thus,the most straightforward way of minimizing concentration polarization is toreduce the boundary layer thickness by increasing turbulent mixing at the mem-brane surface. Factors affecting turbulence in membrane modules are describedin detail in the review of Belfort et al. [10]. The most direct technique to pro-mote mixing is to increase the fluid flow velocity past the membrane surface.Therefore, most membrane modules operate at relatively high feed fluid veloci-ties. Membrane spacers are also widely used to promote turbulence by disruptingfluid flow in the module channels, as shown in Figure 4.6 [11]. Pulsing the feedfluid flow through the membrane module is another technique [12]. However, theenergy consumption of the pumps required and the pressure drops produced placea practical limit to the turbulence that can be obtained in a membrane module.

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Membrane enrichment (Eo)

Increasing Eo



Membrane flux (Jv)

Solute diffusioncoefficient (Di)

Increasing Jv

Increasing Di

Increasing turbulence, reduces d decreases concentration polarization

Increasing membraneenrichment (Eo) increasesconcentration polarization

Increasing fluxincreases concentrationpolarization

Increasing solutediffusion coefficientdecreases concentrationpolarization


Figure 4.5 The effect of changes in boundary layer thickness δ, membrane enrichmentEo, membrane flux Jv , and solute diffusion Di on concentration gradients in the stagnantboundary layer

The membrane’s intrinsic enrichment Eo also affects concentration polariza-tion. If the membrane is completely unselective, Eo = 1. The relative concen-trations of the components passing through the membrane do not change, soconcentration gradients are not formed in the boundary layer. As the differencein permeability between the more permeable and less permeable componentsincreases, the intrinsic enrichment Eo achieved by the membrane increases, andthe concentration gradients that form become larger. As a practical example, inpervaporation of organics from water, concentration polarization is much moreimportant when the solute is toluene (with an enrichment Eo of 5000 over water)than when the solute is methanol (with an enrichment Eo less than 5).

Another important characteristic of Equation (4.9) is that the enrichmentEo produced by the membrane, not the intrinsic selectivity α, determines the

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Figure 4.6 Flow dynamics around the spacer netting often used to promote turbulencein a membrane module and reduce concentration polarization

membrane separation performance and the concentration polarization modulus.Enrichment and intrinsic selectivity are linked but are not identical. Thisdistinction is illustrated by the separation of hydrogen from inert gases inammonia plant purge gas streams, which typically contain 30 % hydrogen.Hydrogen is 100 to 200 times more permeable than the inert gases nitrogen,methane, and argon, so the intrinsic selectivity of the membrane is very high.The high selectivity means that the membrane permeate is 97 % hydrogen; evenso, the enrichment Eo is only 97/30, or 3.3, so the concentration polarizationmodulus is small. On the other hand, as hydrogen is removed, its concentrationin the feed gas falls. When the feed gas contains 5 % hydrogen, the permeatewill be 90 % hydrogen and the enrichment 90/5 or 18. Under these conditions,concentration polarization can affect the membrane performance.

Equation (4.9) shows that concentration polarization increases exponentially asthe total volume flow Jv through the membrane increases. This is one of the rea-sons why modern spiral-wound reverse osmosis membrane modules are operatedat low pressures. Modern membranes have two to five times the water perme-ability, at equivalent salt selectivities, of the first-generation cellulose acetatereverse osmosis membranes. If membrane modules containing these new mem-branes were operated at the same pressures as early cellulose acetate modules,two to five times the desalted water throughput could be achieved with the same

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number of modules. However, at such high fluxes, spiral-wound modules sufferfrom excessive concentration polarization, which leads to increased salt leak-age and scale formation. For this reason, modern, high permeability modules areoperated at about the same volume flux as the early modules, but at lower appliedpressures. This reduces energy costs.

The final parameter in Equation (4.9) that determines the value of the concen-tration polarization modulus is the diffusion coefficient Di of the solute awayfrom the membrane surface. The size of the solute diffusion coefficient explainswhy concentration polarization is a greater factor in ultrafiltration than in reverseosmosis. Ultrafiltration membrane fluxes are usually higher than reverse osmosisfluxes, but the difference between the values of the diffusion coefficients of theretained solutes is more important. In reverse osmosis the solutes are dissolvedsalts, whereas in ultrafiltration the solutes are colloids and macromolecules. Thediffusion coefficients of these high-molecular-weight components are about 100times smaller than those of salts.

In Equation (4.9) the balance between convective transport and diffusive trans-port in the membrane boundary layer is characterized by the term Jvδ/Di . Thisdimensionless number represents the ratio of the convective transport Jv anddiffusive transport Di /δ and is commonly called the Peclet number. When thePeclet number is large (Jv Di /δ), the convective flux through the membranecannot easily be balanced by diffusion in the boundary layer, and the concentra-tion polarization modulus is large. When the Peclet number is small (Jv Di /δ),convection is easily balanced by diffusion in the boundary layer, and the con-centration polarization modulus is close to unity.

Wijmans et al. [13] calculated the concentration polarization modulus usingEquation (4.9) as a function of the Peclet number Jvδ/Di that is, the varyingratio of convection to diffusion. The resulting, very informative plot is shownin Figure 4.7. This figure is divided into two regions depending on whetherthe concentration polarization modulus, cio /cib , is smaller or larger than 1. Thepolarization modulus is smaller than 1 when the permeating minor componentis enriched in the permeate. In this case, the component becomes depleted inthe boundary layer, for example, in the dehydration of ethanol by pervaporationshown in Figure 4.3(b). The polarization modulus is larger than 1 when the per-meating minor component is depleted in the permeate. In this case, the componentis enriched in the boundary layer, for example, in the reverse osmosis of salt solu-tions shown in Figure 4.3(a). As might be expected, the concentration polarizationmodulus deviates increasingly from unity as the Peclet number increases. At highvalues of the ratio Jvδ/Di , the exponential term in Equation (4.9) increases towardinfinity, and the concentration polarization modulus cio /cib approaches a limitingvalue of 1/Eo.

A striking feature of Figure 4.7 is its asymmetry with respect to enrichmentand rejection of the minor component by the membrane. This means that, undercomparable conditions, concentration polarization is much larger when the minor

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Peclet number, Jvd/Di

10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 10110−110−2

Eo = 105







Wijmans et al. (1996)

Intrinsic enrichmentEo

Componentrejected bymembrane

Componentenriched bymembraneC









(c i

o/ci b











104 10−4



Figure 4.7 Concentration polarization modulus cio /cib as a function of the Peclet numberJvδ/Di for a range of values of the intrinsic enrichment factor Eo. Lines calculated throughEquation (4.9). This figure shows that components that are enriched by the membrane(Eo > 1) are affected more by concentration polarization than components that are rejectedby the membrane (Eo < 1) [13]

component of the feed is preferentially permeated by the membrane than whenit is rejected. This follows from the form of Equation (4.9). Consider the casewhen the Peclet number Jvδ/Di is 1. The concentration polarization modulusexpressed by Equation (4.9) then becomes



= exp(1)

1 + Eo[exp(1) − 1]= 2.72

1 + Eo(1.72)(4.10)

For components rejected by the membrane (Eo ≤ 1) the enrichment Eo producedby the membrane lies between 1 and 0. The concentration polarization moduluscio /cib then lies between 1 (no concentration polarization) and a maximum valueof 2.72. That is, the flux of the less permeable component cannot be more than2.72 times higher than that in the absence of concentration polarization. In con-trast, for a component enriched by the membrane in the permeate (Eo ≥ 1), nosuch limitation on the magnitude of concentration polarization exists. For dilutesolutions (cib small) and selective membranes, the intrinsic enrichment can be100 to 1000 or more. The concentration polarization modulus can then changefrom 1 (no concentration polarization) to close to zero (complete concentrationpolarization). These two cases are illustrated in Figure 4.8.

Determination of the Peclet NumberEquation (4.9) and Figure 4.7 are powerful tools to analyze the importance ofconcentration polarization in membrane separation processes. However, before

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Component rejectedby membrane

cip< cib

Eo < 1

Eo = 0

Eo = 1



Component enrichedby membrane

Eo = ∞

cip> cib

Eo > 1

Eo = 1


Figure 4.8 Concentration gradients that form adjacent to the membrane surface forcomponents (a) rejected or (b) enriched by the membrane. The Peclet number, character-izing the balance between convection and diffusion in the boundary layer, is the sameJvδ/Di = 1. When the component is rejected, the concentration at the membrane sur-face cio cannot be greater than 2.72 cib , irrespective of the membrane selectivity. Whenthe minor component permeates the membrane, the concentration at the membrane sur-face can decrease to close to zero, so the concentration polarization modulus becomesvery small

these tools can be used, the appropriate value to be assigned to the Peclet num-ber Jvδ/Di must be determined. The volume flux Jv through the membrane iseasily measured, so determining the Peclet number then becomes a problem ofmeasuring the coefficient Di /δ.

One approach to the boundary layer problem is to determine the ratio Di /δexperimentally. This can be done using a procedure first proposed by Wilson [14].The starting point for Wilson’s approach is Equation (4.8), which can be writ-ten as


(1 − 1


)= ln

(1 − 1


)− Jvδ/Di (4.11)

The boundary layer thickness δ in Equation (4.11) is a function of the feedsolution velocity u in the module feed flow channel; thus, the term δ/Di can beexpressed as


δ= kou

n (4.12)

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where u is the superficial velocity in the feed flow channel and ko and n areconstants. Equation (4.11) can then be rewritten as


(1 − 1


)= ln

(1 − 1


)− Jv


Equation (4.13) can be used to calculate the dependence of pervaporation systemperformance on concentration polarization. One method is to use data obtainedwith a single module operated at various feed solution velocities. A linear regres-sion analysis is used to fit data obtained at different feed velocities to obtain anestimate for ko and Eo; the exponent n is adjusted to minimize the residual error.Figure 4.9 shows some data obtained in pervaporation experiments with diluteaqueous toluene solutions and silicone rubber membranes [15]. Toluene is con-siderably more permeable than water through these membranes. In Figure 4.9,when the data were regressed, the best value for n was 0.96. The values of Eo,the intrinsic enrichment of the membrane, and ko obtained by regression analysisare 3600 and 7.1 × 10−4, respectively. The boundary layer coefficient, Di /δ isgiven by


δ= 7.1 × 10−4u0.96 (4.14)

where u is the superficial velocity in the module.

JT/u0.96 × 107

0 1 2 3 4 98765

60°C data45°C data


× ln




















Figure 4.9 Derivation of the mass transfer coefficient by Wilson’s method. Toluene/waterenrichments are plotted as a function of feed solution superficial velocity in pervaporationexperiments. Enrichments were measured at different feed solution superficial velocitieswith spiral-wound membrane modules [15]

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A second method of determining the coefficient (Di /δ) and the intrinsic enrich-ment of the membrane Eo is to use Equation (4.11). The term ln(1 − 1/E) isplotted against the permeate flux measured at constant feed solution flow ratesbut different permeate pressures or feed solution temperatures. This type of plotis shown in Figure 4.10 for data obtained with aqueous trichloroethane solutionsin pervaporation experiments with silicone rubber membranes.

The coefficients Di /δ obtained at each velocity in Figure 4.10 can then beplotted as a function of the feed superficial velocity. The data show that the ratioDi /δ varies with the superficial velocity according to the equation

Di/δ = 9 × 10−4u0.8 (4.15)

From Equations (4.14) and (4.15), the value of the term Di /δ at a fluid velocity of30 cm/s is 1.6–1.8 × 10−2 cm/s. Based on a trichloroethane diffusion coefficientin the boundary layer of 2 × 10−5 cm2/s, this yields a boundary layer thicknessof 10–15 µm. This boundary layer thickness is in the same range as valuescalculated for reverse osmosis with similar modules.

0.0 0.2 0.4Permeate flux, Jv (10−5 cm3/cm2•s)

0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

15 cm/s

30 cm/s





45 cm/s








× ln












Figure 4.10 Trichloroethane enrichment [ln(1 − 1/E)] as a function of permeate fluxJv in pervaporation experiments with silicone rubber membranes in spiral-wound modulesusing solutions of 100 ppm trichloromethane in water [15]. Feed solution flow rates areshown

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Concentration Polarization in Liquid Separation Processes

The effect of concentration polarization on specific membrane processes is dis-cussed in the individual application chapters. However, a brief comparison ofthe magnitude of concentration polarization is given in Table 4.1 for processesinvolving liquid feed solutions. The key simplifying assumption is that the bound-ary layer thickness is 20 µm for all processes. This boundary layer thickness istypical of values calculated for separation of solutions with spiral-wound modulesin reverse osmosis, pervaporation, and ultrafiltration. Tubular, plate-and-frame,and bore-side feed hollow fiber modules, because of their better flow velocities,generally have lower calculated boundary layer thicknesses. Hollow fiber moduleswith shell-side feed generally have larger calculated boundary layer thicknessesbecause of their poor fluid flow patterns.

Table 4.1 shows typical enrichments and calculated Peclet numbers for mem-brane processes with liquid feeds. In this table it is important to recognize thedifference between enrichment and separation factor. The enrichments shown arecalculated for the minor component. For example, in the dehydration of ethanol,a typical feed solution of 96 % ethanol and 4 % water yields a permeate con-taining about 80 % water; the enrichment, that is, the ratio of the permeate tofeed concentration, is about 20. In Figure 4.11, the calculated Peclet numbersand enrichments shown in Table 4.1 are plotted on the Wijmans graph to showthe relative importance of concentration polarization for the processes listed.

Table 4.1 Representative values of the concentration polarization modulus calculated fora variety of liquid separation processes. For these calculations a boundary layer thicknessof 20 µm, typical of that in most spiral-wound membrane modules, is assumed

Process Typicalenrichment,


Typical flux[in engineeringunits and as Jv

(10−3 cm/s)]


(10−6 cm2/s)



modulus[Equation (4.9)]

Reverse osmosis


0.01 30 gal/ft2 · day(1.4) 10 0.28 1.3

Brackish waterdesalination

0.01 50 gal/ft2 · day(2.3) 10 0.46 1.5


Protein separation 0.01 30 gal/ft2 · day(1.4) 0.5 5.6 70



20 0.1 kg/m2 · h(0.003) 20 0.0003 1.0

VOC from water 2000 1.0 kg/m2 · h(0.03) 20 0.003 0.14

Coupled transport

Copper from water 1000 60 mg/cm2 · min(0.001) 10 0.0002 0.8

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Peclet number, Jvd/Di





Pervaporation(VOC from water)








10−5 10−4 10−3











c en




(ci p/c

i o)




n po



n m


us, (

c io/c

i b)

Figure 4.11 Peclet numbers and intrinsic enrichments for the membrane separation pro-cesses shown in Table 4.1 superimposed on the concentration polarization plot of Wijmanset al. [13]

In coupled transport and solvent dehydration by pervaporation, concentrationpolarization effects are generally modest and controllable, with a concentrationpolarization modulus of 1.5 or less. In reverse osmosis, the Peclet number of0.3–0.5 was calculated on the basis of typical fluxes of current reverse osmosismembrane modules, which are 30- to 50-gal/ft2 · day. Concentration polarizationmodulus values in this range are between 1.0 and 1.5.

Figure 4.11 shows that ultrafiltration and pervaporation for the removal oforganic solutes from water are both seriously affected by concentration polar-ization. In ultrafiltration, the low diffusion coefficient of macromolecules pro-duces a concentration of retained solutes 70 times the bulk solution volumeat the membrane surface. At these high concentrations, macromolecules pre-cipitate, forming a gel layer at the membrane surface and reducing flux. Theeffect of this gel layer on ultrafiltration membrane performance is discussed inChapter 6.

In the case of pervaporation of dissolved volatile organic compounds (VOCs)from water, the magnitude of the concentration polarization effect is a functionof the enrichment factor. The selectivity of pervaporation membranes to dif-ferent VOCs varies widely, so the intrinsic enrichment and the magnitude ofconcentration polarization effects depend strongly on the solute. Table 4.2 showsexperimentally measured enrichment values for a series of dilute VOC solutionstreated with silicone rubber membranes in spiral-wound modules [15]. Whenthese values are superimposed on the Wijmans plot as shown in Figure 4.12,the concentration polarization modulus varies from 1.0, that is, no concentrationpolarization, for isopropanol, to 0.1 for trichloroethane, which has an enrichmentof 5700.

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Table 4.2 Enrichment factors measured for thepervaporation of VOCs from dilute solutions withsilicone rubber spiral-wound modules

Solute Enrichment (Eo)

Trichloroethylene 5700Toluene 3600Ethyl acetate 270Isopropanol 18

Peclet number, Jvd/Di












n po



n m


us, c

i o/c

i b

Eo = 100 000

Eo = 10 000

Eo = 1000

Eo = 100

10−3 10−2

Figure 4.12 A portion of the Wijmans plot shown in Figure 4.7 expanded to illus-trate concentration polarization in pervaporation of dilute aqueous organic solutions. Withsolutes such as toluene and trichloroethylene, high intrinsic enrichments produce severeconcentration polarization. Concentration polarization is much less with solutes such asethyl acetate (enrichment 270), and is essentially eliminated with isopropanol (enrichment18) [15]

Concentration Polarization in Gas Separation Processes

Concentration polarization in gas separation processes has not been widely stud-ied, and the effect is often assumed to be small because of the high diffusion coef-ficients of gases. However, the volume flux of gas through the membrane is alsohigh, so concentration polarization effects are important for several processes.

In calculating the expression for the concentration polarization modulus ofgases, the simplifying assumption that the volume fluxes on each side of the

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membrane are equal cannot be made. The starting point for the calculation is themass-balance Equation (4.6), which for gas permeation is written

Jvfci − Didci

dx= Jvp

cip (4.16)

where Jvfis the volume flux of gas on the feed side of the membrane and Jvp

is the volume flux on the permeate side. These volume fluxes (cm3/cm2 · s) canbe linked by correcting for the pressure on each side of the membrane usingthe expression

Jvfpo = Jvp

p (4.17)

where po and p are the gas pressures on the feed and permeate sides of themembrane. Hence,




= Jvfϕ = Jvp


where ϕ is the pressure ratio po/p across the membrane. Substituting Equation(4.18) into Equation (4.16) and rearranging gives



dx= Jvf

(ϕ cip − ci) (4.19)

Integrating across the boundary layer thickness, as before, gives

cio/ϕ − cip

cib/ϕ − cip

= exp





For gases, the enrichment terms, E and Eo, are most conveniently expressed involume fractions, so that

Eo = cip




= cip


ϕ (4.21)


E = cip


· po


= cip


· ϕ (4.22)

Equation (4.20) can then be written as





)= 1 − 1/Eo

1 − 1/E(4.23)

which on rearranging gives

E/Eo = cio/cib = exp(Jvfδ/Di)

1 + Eo[exp(Jvfδ/Di) − 1]


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Peclet number (Jvfd/Di) × 104






0.110 100 10 0001000

Eo = 1000

Eo = 100






Eo = 10

Eo = 1C









ci o/c

i b

Figure 4.13 A portion of the Wijmans plot shown in Figure 4.7 expanded to illustrateconcentration polarization in some important gas separation applications

Equation (4.24) has the same form as the expression for the concentration polar-ization modulus of liquids, Equation (4.9).

Equation (4.24) can be used to calculate the expected concentration polar-ization modulus for some of the better-known gas separation applications. Theresults of the calculations are tabulated in Table 4.3 and shown on a Wijmansplot in Figure 4.13. To obtain agreement between these calculations and indus-trial experience [16,17], it is necessary to assume the boundary layer thicknessin gases is far greater than in liquids. In the calculations of Peclet numbers listedin Table 4.3 a boundary layer thickness of 2000 µm is used, 100 times largerthan the value used in similar calculations for the Peclet number for liquid sep-aration processes given in Table 4.1. A boundary layer thickness this large doesnot seem physically reasonable and in some cases is more than the membranechannel width. The reason for this huge difference between gases and liquidsmay be related to the difference in the densities of these fluids. Channeling,in which a portion of the feed gas completely bypasses contact with the mem-brane through some flow maldistribution in the module, can also reduce moduleefficiency in a way that is difficult to separate from concentration polarization.Channeling is much more noticeable in gas permeation modules than in liquidpermeation modules.

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2· s

· cm




















2· s)






















































































































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Cross-flow, Co-flow and Counter-flowIn the discussion of concentration polarization to this point, the assumption ismade that the volume flux through the membrane is large, so the concentration onthe permeate side of the membrane is determined by the ratio of the componentfluxes. This assumption is almost always true for liquid separation processes,such as ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis, but must be modified in a few gasseparation and pervaporation processes. In these processes, a lateral flow of gasis sometimes used to change the composition of the gas on the permeate sideof the membrane. Figure 4.14 illustrates a laboratory gas permeation experimentusing this effect. As the pressurized feed gas mixture is passed over the membranesurface, certain components permeate the membrane. On the permeate side of themembrane, a lateral flow of helium or other inert gas sweeps the permeate fromthe membrane surface. In the absence of the sweep gas, the composition of thegas mixture on the permeate side of the membrane is determined by the flowof components from the feed. If a large flow of sweep gas is used, the partial

Permeategas activity







Sweep gas(helium)



No sweep gas flow

Some sweep gas flow

Large sweep gas flow



Figure 4.14 (a) Flow schematic of permeation using a permeate-side sweep gas some-times used in laboratory gas separation and pervaporation experiments. (b) The concen-tration gradients that form on the permeate side of the membrane depend on the volume ofsweep gas used. In laboratory experiments a large sweep-gas-to-permeate-gas flow ratiois used, so the concentration of permeate at the membrane surface is very low

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pressure of the permeating components on the permeate side of the membrane isreduced to a low value. The difference in partial pressure of the permeating gasesfrom the feed to the permeate side of the membrane is thereby increased, and theflow across the membrane increases proportionately. Sweep gases are sometimesused in gas permeation and pervaporation laboratory experiments. The sweepgas is generally helium and the helium/permeate gas mixture is fed to a gaschromatograph for analysis.

The drawback of using an external permeate-side sweep gas to lower the partialpressure on the permeate side of the membrane for an industrial process is thatthe sweep gas and permeating component must subsequently be separated. Insome cases this may not be difficult; some processes that have been suggestedbut rarely used are shown in Figure 4.15. In these examples, the separation ofthe sweep gas and the permeating component is achieved by condensation. If thepermeating gas is itself easily condensed, an inert gas such as nitrogen can be usedas the sweep [18]. An alternative is a condensable vapor such as steam [19–21].

In the examples illustrated in Figures 4.14 and 4.15, the sweep gas is an inertgas that is unlike the permeating components. However, the sweep gas could be amixture of the permeating components at a different composition. An example ofthis type of process is shown schematically in Figure 4.16, which illustrates theseparation of nitrogen from air using a membrane that preferentially permeatesoxygen. The feed air, containing approximately 20 vol% oxygen, is introducedunder pressure at one end of the module. The permeate gas at this end of themodule typically contains about 50 vol% oxygen (at a lower pressure). As thefeed gas travels down the membrane module it becomes increasingly depleted inoxygen (enriched in nitrogen) and leaves the module as a residue gas containing99 % nitrogen. The permeate gas at this end of the module contains about 5 vol%oxygen and 95 vol% nitrogen. If this gas is directed to flow counter to the incom-ing feed gas, as shown in Figure 4.16, the effect is to sweep the permeate sideof the membrane with a flow of oxygen-depleted, nitrogen-enriched gas. This isbeneficial because the oxygen gradient through the membrane is increased, whichincreases its flux through the membrane. Simultaneously the nitrogen gradient isdecreased, which decreases its flux through the membrane. An opposite negativeresult would result if the permeate gas were moved in the same direction as thefeed gas (that is co-flow). This would have the effect of sweeping the permeateside of the membrane with oxygen-enriched gas.

The cross-, co- and counter-flow schemes are illustrated in Figure 4.17, togetherwith the concentration gradient across a median section of the membrane. It fol-lows from Figure 4.17 that system performance can be improved by operatinga module in an appropriate flow mode (generally counter-flow). However, suchimprovements require that the concentration at the membrane permeate surfaceequals the bulk concentration of the permeate at that point. This condition cannotbe met with processes such as ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis in which the per-meate is a liquid. In these processes, the selective side of the membrane faces the

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Gas mixture(A,B) Component B

Component A



Inert gas(N2)

Separation of a condensablevapor (A) from a mixture usingan inert gas sweep (e.g. N2) [18]

Gas mixture(A,B) Component B

Gas A





Separation of a noncondensablegas (A) from a mixture using acondensable vapor sweep(e.g. steam) [19]

Organic mixture(A,B) Component B

Liquid A





Separation of an organic vapormixture with an immiscible sweepgas (e.g. steam) [20,21]

Figure 4.15 Sweep gas systems proposed for industrial processes

feed solution, and a microporous support layer faces the permeate. Concentra-tion gradients easily build up in this boundary layer, completely outweighing thebenefit of counter-flow. Thus, counter-flow (sweep) module designs are limitedto gas separation and pervaporation processes. In these processes the permeateis a gas, and permeate-side concentration gradients are more easily controlledbecause diffusion coefficients in gases are high.

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20% O280% N2

Mole fraction O2: 0.5Mole fraction N2: 0.5

Mole fraction O2: 0.05Mole fraction N2: 0.95

1% O299% N2

Figure 4.16 An illustration of a counter-flow module for the separation of nitrogenfrom air. Directing the permeate to flow counter to the feed sweeps the permeate side ofthe membrane with a flow of oxygen-depleted gas. This increases the oxygen flux anddecreases the nitrogen flux through the membrane







(a) Cross-flow

Feed Residue


(b) Co-flow

Feed Residue


(c) Counter-flow

Feed Residue



Concentration gradientsof the more permeable



Figure 4.17 (a) Cross-, (b) co- and (c) counter-flow schemes in a membrane moduleand the changes in the concentration gradients that occur across a median section of themembrane

The benefit obtained from counter-flow depends on the particular separa-tion, but it can often be substantial, particularly in gas separation and per-vaporation processes. A comparison of cross-flow, counter-flow, and counter-flow/sweep for the same membrane module used to dehydrate natural gas isshown in Figure 4.18. Water is a smaller molecule and much more condens-able than methane, the main component of natural gas, so membranes with awater/methane selectivity of 400–500 are readily available. In the calculationsshown in Figure 4.18, the membrane is assumed to have a pressure-normalized

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1MMscfd1000 psia

1000 ppm H2O

Dry gas100 ppm H2O

(a) Cross-flow module

Permeate gas50 psia

6 140 ppm H2O

114 m2

1MMscfd1000 psia

1000 ppm H2O

Dry gas100 ppm H2O

(b) Counter-flow module

61 m2

Permeate gas50 psia

13 300 ppm H2O

Dry gas100 ppm H2O

(c) Counter-flow/sweepmodule

20 m2

Permeate gas50 psia

13 000 ppm H2O

1 MMscfd1000 psia

1000 ppm H2O

Figure 4.18 Comparison of (a) cross-flow, (b) counter-flow and (c) counter-flow sweepmodule performance for the separation of water vapor from natural gas. Pressure-normalized methane flux: 5 × 10−6cm3(STP)/cm2 · s · cmHg; membrane selectivity,water/methane: 200

methane flux of 5 × 10−6 cm3(STP)/cm2 · s · cmHg and a water/methane selec-tivity of 200. Counter-flow/sweep modules have a substantial advantage in thisseparation because the separation is completely pressure-ratio-limited.2

2The importance of the pressure ratio in separating gas mixtures can be illustrated by considering theseparation of a gas mixture with component concentrations (mol%) nio and njo

at a feed pressure ofpo. A flow of component across the membrane can only occur if the partial pressure of componenti on the feed side of the membrane, niopo, is greater than the partial pressure of component i on thepermeate side of the membrane, nip. That is

niopo > nip

It follows that the maximum enrichment achieved by the membrane can be expressed as



≤ po


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In the cross-flow module illustrated in Figure 4.18(a) the average concentrationof water on the feed side of the membrane as it decreases from 1000 to 100 ppmis 310 ppm (the log mean). The pooled permeate stream has a concentrationof 6140 ppm. The counter-flow module illustrated in Figure 4.18(b) performssubstantially better, providing a pooled permeate stream with a concentration of13 300 ppm. Not only does the counter-flow module perform a two-fold betterseparation, it also requires only about half the membrane area.

In the case of the counter-flow/sweep membrane module illustrated inFigure 4.18(c) a portion of the dried residue gas stream is expanded across avalve and used as the permeate-side sweep gas. The separation obtained dependson how much gas is used as a sweep. In the calculation illustrated, 5 % of theresidue gas is used as a sweep; even so the result is dramatic. The concentrationof water vapor in the permeate gas is 13 000 ppm, almost the same as the perfectcounter-flow module shown in Figure 4.18(b), but the membrane area requiredto perform the separation is one-third of the counter-flow case. Mixing separatedresidue gas with the permeate gas improves the separation! The cause of thisparadoxical result is illustrated in Figure 4.19 and discussed in a number ofpapers by Cussler et al. [16].

Figure 4.19(a) shows the concentration of water vapor on the feed and perme-ate sides of the membrane module in the case of a simple counter-flow module.On the high-pressure side of the module, the water vapor concentration in thefeed gas drops from 1000 ppm to about 310 ppm halfway through the moduleand to 100 ppm at the residue end. The graph directly below the module drawingshows the theoretical maximum concentration of water vapor on the permeateside of the membrane. This maximum is determined by the feed-to-permeatepressure ratio of 20 as described in the footnote to page 186. The actual calcu-lated permeate-side concentration is also shown. The difference between thesetwo lines is a measure of the driving force for water vapor transport across themembrane. At the feed end of the module, this difference is about 1000 ppm,but at the permeate end the difference is only about 100 ppm.

Figure 4.19(b) shows an equivalent figure for a counter-flow module in which5 % of the residue gas containing 100 ppm water vapor is expanded to 50 psiaand introduced as a sweep gas. The water vapor concentration in the permeate gasat the end of the membrane then falls from 1900 ppm to 100 ppm, producinga dramatic increase in water vapor permeation through the membrane at theresidue end of the module. The result is a two-thirds reduction in the size ofthe module.

This means that the enrichment can never exceed the pressure ratio of po/p, no matter howselective the membrane. In the example above, the maximum water vapor enrichment across themembrane is 20 (1000 psia/50 psia) even though the membrane is 200 times more permeable towater than methane.

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w w

ith s





e th


h m















er v












er v







er v






20 0


2000 200


Permeate water vapor concentration (ppm)








00 p

pm H





3 M



00 p









5 M






7 M








20 m








— n

o sw















00 p

pm H





32 M



00 p







te 0




50 p


13 3

00 p

pm H


61 m




e th


h m









er v











er v






0x fe

ed c





er v






20 0


2000 200

Permeate water vapor concentration (ppm)





















































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Conclusions and Future Directions

Few membrane processes are unaffected by concentration polarization, and theeffect is likely to become more important as membrane materials and mem-brane fabrication techniques improve. As membrane flux and selectivity increaseconcentration polarization effects become exponentially larger. In the laboratory,concentration polarization is controlled by increasing the turbulence of the feedfluid. However, in industrial systems this approach has practical limits. In ultra-filtration and electrodialysis, for example, liquid recirculation pumps are alreadya major portion of the plant’s capital cost and consume 20 to 40 % of the powerused for the separation. The best hope for minimizing concentration polarizationeffects lies in improving membrane module design, understanding the basis forthe choice of channel spacer materials, and developing methods of controllingthe feed fluid flow in the module. Unfortunately, this type of work is generallyperformed in membrane system manufacturing companies and is not well coveredin the open literature.

References1. H.S. Carslaw and J.C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, Oxford University Press,

London (1947).2. R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart and E.N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, Wiley, New York

(1960).3. J. Crank, The Mathematics of Diffusion, Oxford University Press, London (1956).4. M.C. Porter, Concentration Polarization with Membrane Ultrafiltration, Ind. Eng.

Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 11, 234 (1972).5. J.V. Lepore and R.C. Ahlert, Fouling in Membrane Processes, in Reverse Osmosis

Technology, B.S. Parekh (ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 141–184 (1988).6. S.R. Wickramasinghe, M.J. Semmens and E.L. Cussler, Mass Transfer in Various

Hollow Fiber Geometries, J. Membr. Sci. 69, 235 (1992).7. L. Mi and S.T. Hwang, Correlation of Concentration Polarization and Hydrodynamic

Parameters in Hollow Fiber Modules, J. Membr. Sci. 159, 143 (1999).8. E.L. Cussler, Diffusion Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems, 2nd Edn, Cambridge Univer-

sity Press, New York, NY and Cambridge, UK (1997).9. P.L.T. Brian, Mass Transport in Reverse Osmosis, in Desalination by Reverse Osmo-

sis, U. Merten (ed.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 161–292 (1966).10. G. Belfort, R.H. Davis and A.L. Zydney, The Behavior of Suspensions and Macro-

molecular Solutions in Cross Flow Microfiltration, J. Membr. Sci. 1, 96 (1994).11. A.R. Da Costa, A.G. Fane and D.E. Wiley, Spacer Characterization and Pressure

Drop Modeling in Spacer-filled Channels for Ultrafiltration, J. Membr. Sci. 87, 79(1994).

12. M.Y. Jaffrin, B.B. Gupta and P. Paullier, Energy Savings Pulsatile Mode CrossflowFiltration, J. Membr. Sci. 86, 281 (1994).

13. J.G. Wijmans, A.L. Athayde, R. Daniels, J.H. Ly, H.D. Kamaruddin and I. Pinnau,The Role of Boundary Layers in the Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds fromWater by Pervaporation, J. Membr. Sci. 109, 135 (1996).

14. E.E. Wilson, A Basis for Rational Design of Heat Transfer Apparatus, Trans. ASME37, 47 (1915).

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15. R.W. Baker, J.G. Wijmans, A.L. Athayde, R. Daniels, J.H. Ly and M. Le, The Effectof Concentration Polarization on the Separation of Volatile Organic Compounds fromWater by Pervaporation, J. Membr. Sci. 137, 159 (1997).

16. K.L. Wang, S.H. McCray, D.N. Newbold and E.L. Cussler, Hollow Fiber Air Drying,J. Membr. Sci. 72, 231 (1992).

17. O. Ludtke, R.D. Behling and K. Ohlrogge, Concentration Polarization in Gas Perme-ation, J. Membr. Sci. 146, 145 (1998).

18. F.E. Frey, Process for Concentrating Hydrocarbons, US Patent 2,159,434 (May, 1939).19. R.J. Walker, C.J. Drummond and J.M. Ekmann, Evaluation of Advanced Separation

Techniques for Application to Flue Gas Cleanup Processes for the SimultaneousRemoval of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides, Department of Energy Report,DE85102227 (May, 1985).

20. A.E. Robertson, Separation of Hydrocarbons, US Patent 2,475,990 (July, 1969).21. R.W. Baker, E.L. Cussler, W. Eykamp, W.J. Koros, R.L. Riley and H. Strathmann,

Membrane Separation Systems, Noyes Data Corp., Park Ridge, NJ, p. 155 (1991).

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Introduction and HistoryReverse osmosis is a process for desalting water using membranes that are per-meable to water but essentially impermeable to salt. Pressurized water containingdissolved salts contacts the feed side of the membrane; water depleted of salt iswithdrawn as a low-pressure permeate. The ability of membranes to separatesmall solutes from water has been known for a very long time. Pfeffer, Traubeand others studied osmotic phenomena with ceramic membranes as early as the1850s. In 1931 the process was patented as a method of desalting water, and theterm reverse osmosis was coined [1]. Modern interest dates from the work of Reidand Breton, who in 1959 showed that cellulose acetate films could perform thistype of separation [2]. Their films were 5–20 µm thick so fluxes were very lowbut, by pressurizing the feed salt solution to 1000 psi, they obtained salt removalsof better than 98 % in the permeate water. The breakthrough discovery that madereverse osmosis a practical process was the development of the Loeb–Sourirajananisotropic cellulose acetate membrane [3]. This membrane had 10 times the fluxof the best membrane of Reid and Breton and equivalent rejections. With thesemembranes, water desalination by reverse osmosis became a potentially practicalprocess, and within a few years small demonstration plants were installed. Thefirst membrane modules were tubular or plate-and-frame systems, but Westmore-land, Bray, and others at the San Diego Laboratories of Gulf General Atomics(the predecessor of Fluid Systems Inc.) soon developed practical spiral-woundmodules [4,5]. Later, Du Pont [6], building on the earlier work of Dow, intro-duced polyaramide hollow fine fiber reverse osmosis modules under the namePermasep.

Anisotropic cellulose acetate membranes were the industry standard throughthe 1960s to the mid-1970s, until Cadotte, then at North Star Research, developedthe interfacial polymerization method of producing composite membranes [7].Interfacial composite membranes had extremely high salt rejections, combinedwith good water fluxes. Fluid Systems introduced the first commercial interfacialcomposite membrane in 1975. The construction of a large seawater desalinationplant at Jiddah, Saudi Arabia using these membranes was a milestone in reverse

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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osmosis development [8]. Later, at FilmTec, Cadotte developed a fully aromaticinterfacial composite membrane based on the reaction of phenylene diamine andtrimesoyl chloride [9,10]. This membrane has become the new industry standard.The most recent development, beginning in the mid-1980s, was the introductionof low-pressure nanofiltration membranes by all of the major reverse osmosiscompanies [11,12]. These membranes are used to separate trace amounts of saltsand other dissolved solutes from already good-quality water to produce ultra-pure water for the electronics industry. An important recent advance by GraceDavison working with Mobil Oil, now ExxonMobil, is the development of areverse osmosis (hyperfiltration) process to separate a solution of methyl ethylketone and lube oil. A plant installed at a Beaumont, Texas, refinery in 1998was the first large-scale use of pressure-driven membranes to separate organicsolvent mixtures.

Currently, approximately one billion gal/day of water are desalted by reverseosmosis. Half of this capacity is installed in the United States, Europe, and Japan,principally to produce ultrapure industrial water. The remainder is installed inthe Middle East and other desert regions to produce municipal drinking waterfrom brackish groundwater or seawater. In recent years, the interfacial com-posite membrane has displaced the anisotropic cellulose acetate membrane inmost applications. Interfacial composite membranes are supplied in spiral-woundmodule form; the market share of hollow fiber membranes is now less than


Desalination capability of cellulose acetate film demonstratedBreton and Reid - 1959

Asymmetric cellulose acetate membrane developedLoeb and Sourirajan - 1962

First practical spiral-wound moduleGeneral Atomics - 1963

First commercially successful hollow fiber moduleDu Pont - 1967

Interfacial composite membrane developedCadotte - 1972

First commercialinterfacial compositeRiley at Fluid SystemsJiddah seawater plantinstalled - 1975

First fully aromatic thinfilm composite (FT-30)Cadotte - 1978

Grace-Davison andMobil install first largehyperfiltration solventseparation plantBeaumont Texas refinery - 1998

Low pressure nanofiltration membrane widely available Fluid Systems, Nitto Denko, FilmTec - 1986

1970 1980 1990 2000

Figure 5.1 Milestones in the development of reverse osmosis

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10 % of new installed capacity and shrinking [13]. Tubular and plate-and-framesystems, which are only competitive for small niche applications involving par-ticularly highly fouling water, have less than 5 % of the market. Some of themilestones in the development of the reverse osmosis industry are summarizedin Figure 5.1.

Theoretical BackgroundSalt and water permeate reverse osmosis membranes according to the solution-diffusion transport mechanism are described in Chapter 2. The water flux, Ji ,is linked to the pressure and concentration gradients across the membrane bythe equation

Ji = A(p − π) (5.1)

where p is the pressure difference across the membrane, π is the osmoticpressure differential across the membrane, and A is a constant. As this equationshows, at low applied pressure, when p < π , water flows from the dilute tothe concentrated salt-solution side of the membrane by normal osmosis. Whenp = π , no flow occurs, and when the applied pressure is higher than theosmotic pressure, p > π , water flows from the concentrated to the dilutesalt-solution side of the membrane.

The salt flux, Jj , across a reverse osmosis membrane is described by the equation

Jj = B(cjo− cj

) (5.2)

where B is the salt permeability constant and cjoand cj

, respectively, are thesalt concentrations on the feed and permeate sides of the membrane. The con-centration of salt in the permeate solution (cj

) is usually much smaller than theconcentration in the feed (cjo

), so equation (5.2) can be simplified to

Jj = Bcjo(5.3)

It follows from these two equations that the water flux is proportional to theapplied pressure, but the salt flux is independent of pressure. This means thatthe membrane becomes more selective as the pressure increases. Selectivity canbe measured in a number of ways, but conventionally, it is measured as the saltrejection coefficient R, defined as

R =[

1 − cj


]× 100 % (5.4)

The salt concentration on the permeate side of the membrane can be related tothe membrane fluxes by the expression

cj= Jj


× ρi (5.5)

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where ρi is the density of water (g/cm3). By combining equations (5.1) to (5.5),the membrane rejection can be expressed as

R =[

1 − ρi · BA(p − π)

]× 100 % (5.6)

The effects of the most important operating parameters on membrane waterflux and salt rejection are shown schematically in Figure 5.2 [14]. The effectof feed pressure on membrane performance is shown in Figure 5.2(a). As pre-dicted by Equation (5.1), at a pressure equal to the osmotic pressure of the feed(350 psi), the water flux is zero; thereafter, it increases linearly as the pressureis increased. The salt rejection also extrapolates to zero at a feed pressure of350 psi as predicted by Equation (5.6), but increases very rapidly with increasedpressure to reach salt rejections of more than 99 % at an applied pressure of700 psi (twice the feed solution osmotic pressure).

The effect of increasing the concentration of salt in the feed solution on mem-brane performance is illustrated in Figure 5.2(b). Increasing the salt concentrationeffectively increases the osmotic pressure term in Equation (5.1); consequently,at a constant feed pressure, the water flux falls with increasing salt concentrationat a feed pressure of 1000 psi. The water flux approaches zero when the salt con-centration is about 10 wt%, at which point the osmotic pressure equals the appliedhydrostatic pressure. The salt rejection also extrapolates to zero rejection at thispoint but increases rapidly with decreasing salt concentration. Salt rejections ofmore than 99 % are reached at salt concentrations below 6 %, corresponding toa net applied pressure of about 400 psi.

The effect of temperature on salt rejection and water flux illustrated in Fig-ure 5.2(c) is more complex. Transport of both salt and water represented by Equa-tions (5.1) and (5.3) is an activated process, and both increase exponentially withincreasing temperature. As Figure 5.2(c) shows, the effect of temperature on thewater flux of membranes is quite dramatic: the water flux doubles as the temper-ature is increased by 30 C. However, the effect of temperature on the salt flux iseven more marked. This means that the salt rejection coefficient, proportional to theratio B/A in Equation (5.6), actually declines slightly as the temperature increases.

Measurements of the type shown in Figure 5.2 are typically obtained withsmall laboratory test cells. A typical test system is illustrated in Figure 5.3. Suchsystems are often used in general membrane quality control tests with a numberof cells arranged in series through which fluid is pumped. The system is usuallyoperated with a test solution of 0.2 to 1.0 % sodium chloride at pressures rangingfrom 150 to 600 psi. The storage tank and flow recirculation rate are made largeenough that changes in concentration of the test solution due to loss of permeatecan be ignored.

Some confusion can occur over the rejection coefficients quoted by membranemodule manufacturers. The intrinsic rejection of good quality membranes mea-sured in a laboratory test system might be in the range 99.5 to 99.7 %, whereas

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Feed pressure (psi)










960 200

(a) 25°C, 3.5% NaCl



er fl

ux (



t rej


n (%


600 800 1000

NaCl concentration (%)










960 2

(b) 25°C, 1000 psi



er fl

ux (



t rej


n (%


6 8 10

Feed water temperature (°C)










9610 20

(c) 3.5% NaCl, 1000 psi



er fl

ux (



t rej


n (%


40 50 60


Figure 5.2 Effect of pressure, feed salt concentration and feed temperature on the prop-erties of good quality seawater desalination membranes (SW-30) [14]

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Membranetest cells





Freshfeed water



Figure 5.3 Flow schematic of a high-pressure laboratory reverse osmosis test system

the same membrane in module form may have a salt rejection of 99.4 to 99.5 %.This difference is due to small membrane defects introduced during module pro-duction and to concentration polarization, which has a small but measurableeffect on module rejection. Manufacturers call the module value the nominalrejection. However, manufacturers will generally only guarantee a lower figure,for example, 99.3 % for the initial module salt rejection to take into accountvariations between modules. To complicate matters further, module performancegenerally deteriorates slowly during the 1- to 3-year guaranteed module lifetimedue to membrane compaction, membrane fouling, and membrane degradationfrom hydrolysis, chlorine attack, or membrane cleaning. A decrease in the mem-brane flux by 20 % over the 3-year lifetime of typical modules is not unusual, andthe rejection can easily fall by 0.2–0.3 %. Reverse osmosis system manufacturersallow for this decline in performance when designing systems.

Membranes and Materials

A number of membrane materials and membrane preparation techniques havebeen used to make reverse osmosis membranes. The target of much of the earlywork was seawater desalination (approximately 3.5 wt% salt), which requiresmembranes with salt rejections of greater than 99.3 % to produce an acceptablepermeate containing less than 500 ppm salt. Early membranes could only meet

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this target performance when operated at very high pressures, up to 1500 psi. Asmembrane performance has improved, this pressure has dropped to 800–1000 psi.Recently, the need for desalination membranes has shifted more to brackish waterfeeds with salt concentrations of 0.2–0.5 wt%. For this application, membranesare typically operated at pressures in the 150–400 psi range with a target saltrejection of about 99 %. With the growth of the electronics industry the demandfor ultrapure water to wash silicon wafers has increased. The feed to an ultra-pure water reverse osmosis plant is often municipal drinking water, which mayonly contain 100 to 200 ppm dissolved salts, mostly divalent ions. The targetmembrane performance in this case may be 98–99 % sodium chloride rejectionbut more than 99.5 % divalent ion rejection. These membranes are operated atlow pressures, typically in the 100–200 psi range. Many manufacturers tailorthe properties of a single membrane material to meet the requirements of dif-ferent applications. Invariably a significant trade-off between flux and rejectionis involved.

A brief description of the commercially important membranes in currentuse follows. More detailed descriptions can be found in specialized reviews[13,15,16]. Petersen’s review on interfacial composite membranes is particularlyworth noting [17].

Cellulosic Membranes

Cellulose acetate was the first high-performance reverse osmosis membrane mate-rial discovered. The flux and rejection of cellulose acetate membranes have nowbeen surpassed by interfacial composite membranes. However, cellulose acetatemembranes still maintain a small fraction of the market because they are easy tomake, mechanically tough, and resistant to degradation by chlorine and otheroxidants, a problem with interfacial composite membranes. Cellulose acetatemembranes can tolerate up to 1 ppm chlorine, so chlorination can be used tosterilize the feed water, a major advantage with feed streams having significantbacterial loading.

The water and salt permeability of cellulose acetate membranes is extremelysensitive to the degree of acetylation of the polymer used to make the membrane[2,18,19]. The effect of degree of acetylation on salt and water permeabilityis illustrated in Figure 5.4 [20]. Fully substituted cellulose triacetate (44.2 wt%acetate) has an extremely high water-to-salt permeability ratio, reflecting its veryhigh selectivity. Unfortunately the water permeability is low so these mem-branes have low water fluxes. Nonetheless, cellulose triacetate hollow fine fibermembranes are still produced for some seawater desalination plants because saltrejections of about 99.5 % with a seawater feed are attainable. However, mostcommercial cellulose acetate membranes use a polymer containing about 40 wt%acetate with a degree of acetylation of 2.7. These membranes generally achieve98–99 % sodium chloride rejection and have reasonable fluxes. The permeability

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Acetyl content (wt%)







Lonsdale et al. (1965)

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44


er p








er to


t per




tio (


3 )

Figure 5.4 Permeabilities of cellulose acetate to water and sodium chloride as a functionof acetyl content at 25 C. Data from Lonsdale et al. [20]

data shown in Figure 5.4 can be replotted to show expected salt rejections, asshown in Figure 5.5.

The data in Figure 5.5 show that thick films of cellulose acetate made from39.8 wt% acetate polymer should reject 99.5 % sodium chloride. In practice, thistheoretical rejection is very difficult to obtain with practical thin membranes [21].Figure 5.6 shows the salt rejection properties of 39.8 wt% acetate membranesmade by the Loeb–Sourirajan process [22]. The freshly formed membranes havevery high water fluxes of almost 200 gal/ft2 · day (gfd) but almost no rejection ofsodium chloride. The membranes appear to have a finely microporous structureand are permeable to quite large solutes such as sucrose. The rejection of thesemembranes can be greatly improved by heating in a bath of hot water for a fewminutes. Apparently, this annealing procedure, used with all cellulose acetatemembranes, modifies the salt rejection layer of the membrane by eliminatingthe micropores and producing a denser, more salt-rejecting skin. The water fluxdecreases, and the sodium chloride rejection increases. The temperature of this

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Sodium chloride permeability (g/cm•s)


er p


















Figure 5.5 Water permeability as a function of sodium chloride permeability for mem-branes made from cellulose acetate of various degrees of acetylation. The expected rejectioncoefficients for these membranes, calculated for dilute salt solutions using Equation (5.6),are shown

Salt rejection (%)












40 60 80 100



te fl

ux (






te fl

ux (




Sourirajan (1970)



Figure 5.6 The effect of annealing temperatures on the flux and rejection of celluloseacetate membranes. The anealing temperature is shown on the figure. (Cellulose diacetatemembranes tested at 1500 psig with 0.5 M NaCl) [22]. Reprinted with permission fromElsevier

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annealing step determines the final properties of the membrane. A typical rejec-tion/flux curve for various annealed membranes is shown in Figure 5.6. Becausetheir properties change on heating, cellulose acetate membranes are generally notused above about 35 C. The membranes also slowly hydrolyze over time, so thefeed water is usually adjusted to pH 4–6, the range in which the membranes aremost stable [23].

Throughout the 1960s considerable effort was expended on understanding theLoeb–Sourirajan membrane production process to improve the quality of themembranes produced. The casting solution composition is critically important.Other important process steps are the time of evaporation before precipitation,the temperature of the precipitation bath, and the temperature of the annealingstep. Most of the early membranes were made of 39.8 wt% acetate polymerbecause this material was readily available and had the most convenient solubilityproperties. By the 1970s, however, a number of workers, particularly Saltonstalland others at Envirogenics, had developed better membranes by blending the39.8 wt% acetate polymer with small amounts of triacetate polymer (44.2 wt%acetate) or other cellulose esters such as cellulose acetate butyrate [24]. Theseblends are generally used to form current cellulose acetate membranes. Good-quality blend membranes with seawater salt rejections of 99.0–99.5 %, closeto the theoretical salt rejection determined by thick film measurements, can bemade, but the flux of these membranes is modest. However, most applicationsof cellulose acetate membranes do not require such high salt rejections, so thetypical commercial cellulose acetate membrane has good fluxes and a sodiumchloride rejection of about 96 %.

Noncellulosic Polymer Membranes

During the 1960s and 1970s the Office of Saline Water sponsored developmentof noncellulosic reverse osmosis membranes. Many polymers were evaluated asLoeb–Sourirajan membranes but few matched the properties of cellulose acetate.Following the development of interfacial composite membranes by Cadotte, thisline of research was abandoned by most commercial membrane producers.

Nonetheless a few commercially successful noncellulosic membrane materialswere developed. Polyamide membranes in particular were developed by severalgroups. Aliphatic polyamides have low rejections and modest fluxes, but aromaticpolyamide membranes were successfully developed by Toray [25], Chemstrad(Monsanto) [26] and Permasep (Du Pont) [27], all in hollow fiber form. Thesemembranes have good seawater salt rejections of up to 99.5 %, but the fluxes arelow, in the 1 to 3 gal/ft2 · day range. The Permasep membrane, in hollow finefiber form to overcome the low water permeability problems, was produced underthe names B-10 and B-15 for seawater desalination plants until the year 2000.The structure of the Permasep B-15 polymer is shown in Figure 5.7. Polyamidemembranes, like interfacial composite membranes, are susceptible to degradationby chlorine because of their amide bonds.

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Figure 5.7 Aromatic polyamide used by Du Pont in its Permasep B-15 hollow finefibers [27]













Figure 5.8 Membranes based on sulfonated polysulfone and substituted poly(vinyl alco-hol) are produced by Hydranautics (Nitto) for nanofiltration applications

Loeb–Sourirajan membranes based on sulfonated polysulfone and substitutedpoly(vinyl alcohol) produced by Hydranautics (Nitto) have also found a commer-cial market as high-flux, low-rejection membranes in water softening applicationsbecause their divalent ion rejection is high. These membranes are also chlorine-resistant and have been able to withstand up to 40 000 ppm · h of chlorine expo-sure without degradation.1 The structures of the polymers used by Hydranauticsare shown in Figure 5.8.

Interfacial Composite Membranes

Since the discovery by Cadotte and his co-workers that high-flux, high-rejectionreverse osmosis membranes can be made by interfacial polymerization [7,9,10],this method has become the new industry standard. Interfacial composite mem-branes have significantly higher salt rejections and fluxes than cellulose acetatemembranes. The first membranes made by Cadotte had salt rejections in tests with3.5 % sodium chloride solutions (synthetic seawater) of greater than 99 % andfluxes of 18 gal/ft2 · day at a pressure of 1500 psi. The membranes could also beoperated at temperatures above 35 C, the temperature ceiling for Loeb–Sourirajancellulose acetate membranes. Today’s interfacial composite membranes are signif-icantly better. Typical membranes, tested with 3.5 % sodium chloride solutions,

1The ability of a reverse osmosis membrane to withstand chlorine attack without showing significantloss in rejection is measured in ppm · h. This is the product of chlorine exposure expressed in ppmand the length of exposure expressed in hours. Thus, 1000 ppm · h is 1 ppm chlorine for 1000 h or10 ppm chlorine for 100 h or 1000 ppm chlorine for 1 h, and so on.

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have a salt rejection of 99.5 % and a water flux of 30 gal/ft2 · day at 800 psi; thisis less than half the salt passage of the cellulose acetate membranes and twice thewater flux. The rejection of low-molecular-weight dissolved organic solutes byinterfacial membranes is also far better than cellulose acetate. The only drawbackof interfacial composite membranes, and a significant one, is the rapid, perma-nent loss in selectivity that results from exposure to even ppb levels of chlorineor hypochlorite disinfectants [28]. Although the chlorine resistance of interfacialcomposite membranes has been improved, these membranes still cannot be usedwith feed water containing more than a few ppb of chlorine.

The chemistry and properties of some of the important interfacial compos-ite membranes developed over the past 25 years are summarized in Table 5.1[10,12,29,30]. The chemistry of the FT-30 membrane, which has an all-aromaticstructure based on the reaction of phenylene diamine and trimesoyl chloride,is widely used. This chemistry, first developed by Cadotte [9] and shown inFigure 5.9, is now used in modified form by all the major reverse osmosis mem-brane producers.

For a few years after the development of the first interfacial composite mem-branes, it was believed that the amine portion of the reaction chemistry had to bepolymeric to obtain good membranes. This is not the case, and the monomericamines, piperazine and phenylenediamine, have been used to form membraneswith very good properties. Interfacial composite membranes based on urea oramide bonds are subject to degradation by chlorine attack, but the rate of degra-dation of the membrane is slowed significantly if tertiary aromatic amines are usedand the membranes are highly crosslinked. Chemistries based on all-aromatic orpiperazine structures are moderately chlorine tolerant and can withstand verylow level exposure to chlorine for prolonged periods or exposure to ppm levels







Figure 5.9 Chemical structure of the FT-30 membrane developed by Cadotte using theinterfacial reaction of phenylene diamine with trimesoyl chloride

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Table 5.1 Characteristics of major interfacial polymerization reverse osmosis membranes

Membrane Developer Properties

NS100Polyethyleniminecrosslinked withtoluene2,4-diisocyanate

Cadotte [29] NorthStar Research

The first interfacialcomposite membraneachieved seawaterdesalinationcharacteristics of >99 %rejection, 18 gal/ft2 · dayat 1500 psi with seawater

PA 300/RC-100Epamine(epichlorohydrin-ethylenediamineadduct) crosslinkedwith isophthalylor toluene2,4-diisocyanate

Riley et al. [30] FluidSystems, SanDiego

The PA 300, based onisophthalyl chloride, wasintroduced first butRC-100, based on toluene2,4-diisocyanate, provedmore stable. Thismembrane was used atthe first large reverseosmosis seawaterdesalination plant (Jiddah,Saudia Arabia)

NF40 and NTR7250Piperazine crosslinkedwith trimesoylchloride

Cadotte FilmTec [10]and KamiyamaNitto Denko [12]

The first all-monomericinterfacial membrane.Only modest seawaterdesalination propertiesbut is a good brackishwater membrane. Morechlorine-tolerant thanearlier membranesbecause of the absence ofsecondary amine bonds

FT-30/SW-30m-Phenylenediaminecrosslinked withtrimesoyl chloride

Cadotte FilmTec [10] An all-aromatic, highlycrosslinked structuregiving exceptional saltrejection and very highfluxes. By tailoring thepreparation techniques,brackish water orseawater membranes canbe made. Seawaterversion has a rejection99.3–99.5 % at 800 psi.Brackish water versionhas >99 % salt rejectionat 25 gal/ft2 · day and225 psi. All the majorreverse osmosiscompanies producevariations of thismembrane

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for a few days. Early interfacial composite membranes such as the NS100 orPA300 membrane showed significant degradation at a few hundred ppm · h. Cur-rent membranes, such as the fully aromatic FilmTec FT-30 or the HydranauticsESPA membrane, can withstand up to 1000 ppm · h chlorine exposure. A numberof chlorine tolerance studies have been made over the years; a discussion of theliterature has been given by Glater et al. [31]. Heavy metal ions such as ironappear to strongly catalyze chlorine degradation. For example, the FT-30 fullyaromatic membrane is somewhat chlorine resistant in heavy-metal-free water, butin natural waters, which normally contain heavy metal ions, chlorine resistanceis low. The rate of chlorine attack is also pH sensitive.

Other Membrane Materials

An interesting group of composite membranes with very good properties is pro-duced by condensation of furfuryl alcohol with sulfuric acid. The first membraneof this type was made by Cadotte at North Star Research and was known asthe NS200 membrane [32]. These membranes are not made by the interfacialcomposite process; rather a polysulfone microporous support membrane is con-tacted first with an aqueous solution of furfuryl alcohol and then with sulfuricacid. The coated support is then heated to 140 C. The furfuryl alcohol formsa polymerized, crosslinked layer on the polysulfone support; the membrane iscompletely black. The chemistry of condensation and reaction is complex, but apossible polymerization scheme is shown in Figure 5.10.

These membranes have exceptional properties, including seawater salt rejec-tions of up to 99.6 % and fluxes of 23 gal/ft2 · day at 800 psi. Unfortunately,they are even more sensitive to oxidants such as chlorine or dissolved oxygenthan the polyamide/polyurea interfacial composites. The membranes lose theirexcellent properties after a few hundred hours of operation unless the feed wateris completely free of dissolved chlorine and oxygen. A great deal of work wasdevoted to stabilizing this membrane, with little success.

Later, Kurihara and co-workers [33] at Toray produced a related membrane,using 1,3,5-tris(hydroxy ethyl) isocyanuric acid as a comonomer. A possible reac-tion scheme is shown in Figure 5.11. This membrane, commercialized by Torayunder the name PEC-1000, has the highest rejection of any membrane developed,






Figure 5.10 Formation of the NS200 condensation membrane

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Figure 5.11 Reaction sequence for Toray’s PEC-1000 membrane

with seawater rejections of 99.9 % and fluxes of 12 gal/ft2 · day at 1000 psi.The membrane also shows the highest known rejections to low-molecular-weightorganic solutes, typically more than 95 % from relatively concentrated feed solu-tions [34]. Unfortunately these exceptional selectivities are accompanied by thesame sensitivity to dissolved oxidants as the NS200 membrane. This problem wasnever completely solved, so the PEC-1000 membrane, despite its unsurpassedproperties, is no longer commercially available.

Reverse Osmosis Membrane CategoriesReverse osmosis membranes can be grouped into three main categories:

• Seawater and brackish water desalination membranes operated with 0.5 to5 wt% salt solutions at pressures of 200–1000 psi.

• Low-pressure nanofiltration membranes operated with 200–5000 ppm salt solu-tions at pressures of 100–200 psi.

• Hyperfiltration membranes used to separate solutes from organic solventsolutions.

Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination Membranes

The relative performances of membranes produced for the desalination marketare shown in Figure 5.12, a plot of sodium chloride rejection as a function of

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Flux (m3/m2•day)




l rej


n (%


0.1 1.0 10










Linear fullyaromatic




(Toray PEC-1000)

Crosslinked fullyaromatic polyamide

(SWC, SW-30)

Other thin-filminterfacialcomposite

membranes(NS100, PA 300 type)

Asymmetric cellulosediacetate membranes

Minimumrejection forsingle-stage


Riley (1991)

Figure 5.12 Performance characteristics of membranes operating on seawater at 56 kg/cm2

(840 psi) and 25 C [13]

membrane flux. The figure is divided into two sections by a dotted line at arejection of 99.3 %. This salt rejection is generally considered to be the mini-mum sodium chloride rejection that can produce potable water from seawaterin a practical single-stage reverse osmosis plant. Membranes with lower sodiumchloride rejections can be used to desalinate seawater, but at least a portion of theproduct water must be treated in a second-stage operation to achieve the targetaverage permeate salt concentration of less than 500 ppm. Two-stage operationis generally not competitive with alternative desalination technologies.

As Figure 5.12 shows, Toray’s PEC-1000 crosslinked furfuryl alcohol mem-brane has by far the best sodium chloride rejection combined with good fluxes.This explains the sustained interest in this membrane despite its extreme sen-sitivity to dissolved chlorine and oxygen in the feed water. Hollow fine fibermembranes made from cellulose triacetate by Toyobo or aromatic polyamides byPermasep (Du Pont) are also comfortably in the one-stage seawater desalinationperformance range, but the water fluxes of these membranes are low. However,because large-surface-area, hollow fine fiber reverse osmosis modules can be

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produced very economically, these membranes remained competitive until 2000,when DuPont finally ceased production. Currently, all new seawater desalinationplants are based on interfacial composite membranes of the fully aromatic type,such as the SW-30 membrane of FilmTec (Dow) or the SWC membrane of Hydra-nautics (Nitto). Even the best Loeb–Sourirajan cellulose acetate membranes arenot suitable for one-stage seawater desalination because their maximum salt rejec-tion is less than 99 %.

Brackish water generally has a salt concentration in the 2000–10 000 ppmrange. Groundwater aquifers with these salt levels must be treated to make thewater useful. The objective of the desalination plant is to convert 80–90 % ofthe feed water to a desalted permeate containing 200–500 ppm salt and a con-centrated brine that is reinjected into the ground, sent to an evaporation pond, ordischarged to the sea. In this application, membranes with 95–98 % sodium chlo-ride rejection are usually adequate. For this reason some brackish water plantsstill use cellulose acetate membranes with salt rejections of 96–98 %, althoughinterfacial composite membranes are more common. The fluxes and rejectionsof the composite membranes at the same operating pressures are usually greaterthan those of cellulose acetate membranes. Therefore, composite membranes arealways preferred for large operations such as municipal drinking water plants,which can be built to handle the membrane’s chlorine sensitivity. Some smallsystem operators, on the other hand, still prefer cellulose acetate membranesbecause of their greater stability. The membranes are often operated at higherpressures to obtain the required flux and salt rejection.

The comparative performance of high-pressure, high-rejection reverse osmosismembranes, medium-pressure brackish water desalting membranes, and low-pressure nanofiltration membranes is shown in Table 5.2. Generally, the per-formance of a membrane with a particular salt can be estimated reliably once the

Table 5.2 Properties of current good-quality commercial membranes

Parameter Seawatermembrane(SW-30)

Brackish watermembrane (CA)



Pressure (psi) 800–1000 300–500 100–150Solution concentration (%) 1–5 0.2–0.5 0.05Rejection (%)

NaCl 99.5 97 60MgCl2 99.9 99 89MgSO4 99.9 99.9 99Na2SO4 99.8 99.1 99NaNO3 90 90 45Ethylene glycol 70 — —Glycerol 96 — —Ethanol — 20 20Sucrose 100 99.9 99.0

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performance of the membrane with one or two marker salts, such as sodium chlo-ride and magnesium sulfate, is known. The rejection of dissolved neutral organicsolutes is less predictable. For example, the PEC-1000 membrane had rejectionsof greater than 95 % for almost all dissolved organics, but the rejections of eventhe best cellulose acetate membrane are usually no greater than 50–60 %.

Nanofiltration Membranes

The goal of most of the early work on reverse osmosis was to produce desalina-tion membranes with sodium chloride rejections greater than 98 %. More recentlymembranes with lower sodium chloride rejections but much higher water per-meabilities have been produced. These membranes, which fall into a transitionregion between pure reverse osmosis membranes and pure ultrafiltration mem-branes, are called loose reverse osmosis, low-pressure reverse osmosis, or morecommonly, nanofiltration membranes. Typically, nanofiltration membranes havesodium chloride rejections between 20 and 80 % and molecular weight cutoffs fordissolved organic solutes of 200–1000 dalton. These properties are intermediatebetween reverse osmosis membranes with a salt rejection of more than 90 % andmolecular weight cut-off of less than 50 and ultrafiltration membranes with a saltrejection of less than 5 %.

Although some nanofiltration membranes are based on cellulose acetate, mostare based on interfacial composite membranes. The preparation procedure usedto form these membranes can result in acid groups attached to the polymericbackbone. Neutral solutes such as lactose, sucrose and raffinose are not affectedby the presence of charged groups and the membrane rejection increases in pro-portion to solute size. Nanofiltration membranes with molecular weight cut-offsto neutral solutes between 150 and 1500 dalton are produced. Typical rejectioncurves for low molecular weight solutes by two representative membranes areshown in Figure 5.13 [35].

The rejection of salts by nanofiltration membranes is more complicated anddepends on both molecular size and Donnan exclusion effects caused by theacid groups attached to the polymer backbone. The phenomenon of Donnanexclusion is described in more detail in Chapter 10. In brief, charged groupstend to exclude ions of the same charge, particularly multivalent ions while beingfreely permeable to ions of the opposite charge, particularly multivalent ions.

Some results obtained by Peters et al. that illustrate the type of results that canbe produced are shown in Figure 5.14 [36], in which the permeation propertiesof neutral, positively charged and negatively charged membranes are compared.

The neutral nanofiltration membrane rejects the various salts in proportion tomolecular size, so the order of rejection is simply

Na2SO4 > CaCl2 > NaCl

The anionic nanofiltration membrane has positive groups attached to the poly-mer backbone. These positive charges repel positive cations, particularly divalent

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Solute molecular weight (MW)











n (%


50 100 150




Figure 5.13 Rejection of neutral solutes by two membrane types spanning the range ofcommonly available nanofiltration membranes [35]

cations such as Ca2+, while attracting negative anions, particularly divalent anionssuch as SO4

2−. The result is an order of salt rejection

CaCl2 > NaCl > Na2SO4

The cationic nanofiltration membrane has negative groups attached to the poly-mer backbone. These negative charges repel negative anions, such as SO4

2−,while attracting positive cations, particularly divalent cations such as Ca2+. Theresult is an order of salt rejection

Na2SO4 > NaCl > CaCl2

Many nanofiltration membranes follow these rules, but oftentimes the behavioris more complex. Nanofiltration membranes frequently combine both size andDonnan exclusion effects to minimize the rejection of all salts and solutes. Theseso-called low-pressure reverse osmosis membranes have very high rejections andhigh permeances of salt at low salt concentrations, but lose their selectivity at saltconcentrations above 1000 or 2000 ppm salt in the feed water. The membranesare therefore used to remove low levels of salt from already relatively clean water.The membranes are usually operated at very low pressures of 50–200 psig.

Hyperfiltration Organic Solvent Separating Membranes

A promising new application of reverse osmosis in the chemical industry is theseparation of organic/organic mixtures. These separations are difficult becauseof the high osmotic pressures that must be overcome and because they require

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Salt concentration (mol/L)


t rej


n (%





200 0.005 0.01

Neutral membrane

• Simple size discrimination

• Rejection is Na2SO4 > CaCl2 > NaCl

Anionic membrane(fixed positive charges)

• Rejects Ca2+

• Preferentially permeates SO42−

• Rejection is CaCl2 > NaCl > Na2SO4

Cationic membrane(fixed negative charges)

• Rejects SO42−

• Preferentially permeates Ca2+

• Rejection is Na2SO4 > NaCl > CaCl2

0.015 0.02




Salt concentration (mol/L)


t rej


n (%








0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02




Salt concentration (mol/L)


t rej


n (%








0 0.005 0.01 0.015




Figure 5.14 Salt rejection with neutral, anionic and cationic nanofiltration membranesshowing the effect of Donnan exclusion and solute size on relative rejections. Data ofPeters et al. [36]

membranes that are sufficiently solvent-resistant to be mechanically stable, but arealso sufficiently permeable for good fluxes to be obtained. Nonetheless this is anarea of keen industrial interest, and from 1988 to 2002 more than 70 US patentscovering membranes and membrane systems for these applications were issued.

Developing membranes for processing organic solvent solutions is more dif-ficult than conventional reverse osmosis because different membranes must be

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developed for each category of solvent. In the 1980s, Nitto Denko developedpolyimide-based ultrafiltration membranes that found a small use in the recoveryof acetone, toluene, ethyl acetate and hexane and other solvents from waste paintand polymer solutions [37]. These were microporous membranes with a molecu-lar weight cut-off of 2000–6000. The first dense, solution-diffusion, hyperfiltra-tion membranes did not appear until the late 1990s. Kiryat Weitzman, Ltd, nowpart of Koch (Abcor), produced crosslinked silicone composite membranes thathave some uses in the hyperfiltration of nonpolar solvents [38,39]. The flux of dif-ferent simple solvents through these membranes is shown in Figure 5.15. Thesemembranes can be used as nanofiltration membranes to separate large dyes orcatalyst solutes from solvents. However, because the membranes are made fromrubbers that are easily swollen and plasticized by most solvents, they show poorselectivity when used to separate simple solvent mixtures.

The first, and currently only, successful solvent-permeable hyperfiltration mem-brane is the Starmem series of solvent-resistant membranes developed by W.R.Grace [40]. These are asymmetric polyimide phase-inversion membranes pre-pared from Matrimid (Ciba-Geigy) and related materials. The Matrimid poly-imide structure is extremely rigid with a Tg of 305 C and the polymer remainsglassy and unswollen even in aggressive solvents. These membranes found theirfirst large-scale commercial use in Mobil Oil’s processes to separate lube oilfrom methyl ethyl ketone–toluene solvent mixtures [41–43]. Scarpello et al. [44]have also achieved rejections of >99 % when using these membranes to separatedissolved phase transfer catalysts (MW ∼ 600) from tetrahydrofuran and ethylacetate solutions.

Number of carbon atomsin solvent











2 4





6 8 10




Figure 5.15 Normalized flux of homologous solvent series versus the number of carbonatoms in the solvent molecules (MFP-60 Kiryat Weitzman membranes) [39]

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13



n (%

)n -Butyric acid


Adipic acid




Figure 5.16 Effect of pH on rejection of organic acids. Solute rejection increases at thepKa as the acid converts to the ionized form. Data from Matsuura and Sourirajan [46,47]











n (%









e gl







tic a










Figure 5.17 Organic rejection data for the PEC-1000 membrane compared to FT-30,anisotropic aramide and anisotropic cellulose membranes [28]

Membrane SelectivityRautenbach and Albrecht [45] have proposed some general guidelines for mem-brane selectivity that can be summarized as follows:

1. Multivalent ions are retained better than monovalent ions. Although the abso-lute values of the salt rejection vary over a wide range, the ranking for the

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different salts is the same for all membranes. In general, the order of rejectionof ions by reverse osmosis membranes is as shown below.For cations:

Fe3+ > Ni2+ ≈ Cu2+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > Na+ > K+ (5.7)

For anions:

PO43− > SO4

2− > HCO3− > Br− > Cl− > NO3

− ≈ F− (5.8)

2. Dissolved gases such as ammonia, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, oxygen,chlorine and hydrogen sulfide always permeate well.

3. Rejection of weak acids and bases is highly pH dependent. When the acid orbase is in the ionized form the rejection will be high, but in the nonionizedform rejection will be low [46,47]. Data for a few weak acids are shown inFigure 5.16. At pHs above the acid pKa, the solute rejection rises signifi-cantly, but at pHs below the pKa, when the acid is in the neutral form, therejection falls.

4. Rejection of neutral organic solutes generally increases with the molecularweight (or diameter) of the solute. Components with molecular weights above100 are well rejected by all reverse osmosis membranes. Although differ-ences between the rejection of organic solutes by different membranes aresubstantial, as the data in Figure 5.17 show, the rank order is generally con-sistent between membranes. Caprolactam rejection, for example, is better thanethanol rejection for all reverse osmosis membranes. The dependence of soluterejection on molecular weight is shown for three different membranes inFigure 5.18.

5. Negative rejection coefficients, that is, a higher concentration of solute in thepermeate than in the feed are occasionally observed, for example, for phenoland benzene with cellulose acetate membranes [48].

Membrane Modules

Currently, 8-in.-diameter, 40-in.-long spiral-wound modules are the type mostcommonly used for reverse osmosis. Five to seven modules are housed inside afilament-wound, fiber-glass-reinforced plastic tube. Larger modules, up to 12 in.diameter and 60 in. length, are produced by some manufacturers but have notbeen widely adopted. The module elements can be removed from the pressurevessels and exchanged as needed. A photograph of a typical skid-mounted systemis shown in Figure 5.19. A typical spiral-wound 8-in.-diameter membrane modulewill produce 8000–10 000 gal/day of permeate, so the 75-module plant shownin Figure 5.19 has a capacity of about 700 000 gal/day.

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Molecular weight









n (%



Rautenbach and Albrecht (1989)



6 8













15 16





31 5


100 150 200

Number Name

1 Formaldehyde2 Methanol3 Acetonitrile4 Acetaldehyde5 Formic acid6 Ethanol7 Acetic acid8 Urea9 Ethylene glycol

10 Methyl ethyl ketone11 Glycine

Number Name

12 Ethyl acetate13 Phenol14 n-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone15 e-Caprolactam16 D,L-aspartic acid17 Tetrachloroethylene18 o-Phenyl phenol19 Butyl benzonate20 Trichlorobenzene21 Dimethyl phthalate22 Citric acid

Figure 5.18 Organic solute rejection as a function of solute molecular weight for threerepresentative reverse osmosis membranes [45]: the interfacial composite membranes,(Ž) PA300 (UOP) and () NTR 7197 (Nitto), and the crosslinked furfuryl alcohol mem-brane (ž) PEC-1000 (Toray). Reprinted from R. Rautenbach and R. Albrecht, MembraneProcesses, Copyright 1989. This material is used by permission of John Wiley &Sons, Inc.

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Figure 5.19 Skid-mounted reverse osmosis plant able to produce 700 000 gal/day ofdesalted water. Courtesy of Christ Water Technology Group

Hollow fine fiber modules made from cellulose triacetate or aromaticpolyamides were produced in the past for seawater desalination. These modulesincorporated the membrane around a central tube, and feed solution flowedrapidly outward to the shell. Because the fibers were extremely tightly packedinside the pressure vessel, flow of the feed solution was quite slow. As muchas 40–50 % of the feed could be removed as permeate in a single pass throughthe module. However, the low flow and many constrictions meant that extremelygood pretreatment of the feed solution was required to prevent membrane foulingfrom scale or particulates. A schematic illustration of such a hollow fiber moduleis shown in Figure 3.47.

Membrane Fouling Control

Membrane fouling is the main cause of permeant flux decline and loss of productquality in reverse osmosis systems, so fouling control dominates reverse osmosissystem design and operation. The cause and prevention of fouling depend greatlyon the feed water being treated, and appropriate control procedures must be

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devised for each plant. In general, sources of fouling can be divided into fourprincipal categories: scale, silt, bacteria, and organic. More than one categorymay occur in the same plant.

Fouling control involves pretreatment of the feed water to minimize foulingas well as regular cleaning to handle any fouling that still occurs. Fouling byparticulates (silt), bacteria and organics such as oil is generally controlled bya suitable pretreatment procedure; this type of fouling affects the first modulesin the plant the most. Fouling by scaling is worse with more concentrated feedsolutions; therefore, the last modules in the plant are most affected because theyare exposed to the most concentrated feed water.


Scale is caused by precipitation of dissolved metal salts in the feed water onthe membrane surface. As salt-free water is removed in the permeate, the con-centration of ions in the feed increases until at some point the solubility limitis exceeded. The salt then precipitates on the membrane surface as scale. Theproclivity of a particular feed water to produce scale can be determined by per-forming an analysis of the feed water and calculating the expected concentrationfactor in the brine. The ratio of the product water flow rate to feed water flowrate is called the recovery rate, which is equivalent to the term stage-cut used ingas separation.

Recovery Rate = product flow rate

feed flow rate(5.9)

Assuming all the ions remain in the brine solution, the concentration factor isgiven by

Concentration factor = 1

1 − recovery rate(5.10)

The relationship between brine solution concentration factor and water recov-ery rate is shown in Figure 5.20. With plants that operate below a concentrationfactor of 2, that is, 50 % recovery rate, scaling is not normally a problem. How-ever, many brackish water reverse osmosis plants operate at recovery rates of 80or 90 %. Salt concentrations on the brine side of the membrane may then be farabove the solubility limit. In order of importance, the salts that most commonlyform scale are:

• calcium carbonate;

• calcium sulfate;

• silica complexes;

• barium sulfate;

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Recovery rate (%)















n fa


1000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Figure 5.20 The effect of water recovery rate on the brine solution concentration factor

• strontium sulfate;

• calcium fluoride.

Scale control is complex; the particular procedure depends on the composi-tion of the feed water. Fortunately, calcium carbonate scale, by far the mostcommon problem, is easily controlled by acidifying the feed or by using anion exchange water softener to exchange calcium for sodium. Alternatively, anantiscalant chemical such as sodium hexametaphosphate can be added. Antis-calants interfere with the precipitation of the insoluble salt and maintain the saltin solution even when the solubility limit is exceeded. Polymeric antiscalantsmay also be used, sometimes in combination with a dispersant to break up anyflocs that occur.

Silica can be a particularly troublesome scalant because no effective antiscalantor dispersant is available. The solubility of silica is a strong function of pH andtemperature, but in general the brine should not exceed 120 ppm silica. Onceformed, silica scale is difficult to remove.


Silt is formed by suspended particulates of all types that accumulate on themembrane surface. Typical sources of silt are organic colloids, iron corrosionproducts, precipitated iron hydroxide, algae, and fine particulate matter. A goodpredictor of the likelihood of a particular feed water to produce fouling by silt isthe silt density index (SDI) of the feed water. The SDI, an empirical measurement(ASTM Standard D-4189-82, 1987), is the time required to filter a fixed volume of

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Shutoff valve

Pressure regulator

Pressure gauge(test run at 30 psig)

Millipore filter holder(0.45 µm - 47 mm diameter

Millipore filter)

Graduated cylinder(measure rate with

stop watch)

Feed supply


(1) Measure the amount of time required for 500 ml of feed water to flowthrough a 0.45 micrometer Millipore filter (47 mm in diameter) at apressure of 30 psig.

(2) Allow the feed water to continue flowing at 30 psig applied pressureand measure the time required for 500 ml to flow through the filterafter 5, 10 and 15 minutes.

(3) After completion of the test, calculate the SDI by using the equationbelow.

where SDI = Silt Density Index Tt = Total elapsed test time (either 5, 10 or 15 minutes) Ti = Initial time in seconds required to collect the 500 ml

sample Tf = Time in seconds required to collect the second 500 ml

sample after test time Tt (normally after 15 minutes).

SDI = 100 (1 − Ti/Tf)


Figure 5.21 The silt density index (SDI) test [49]. Reprinted with permission fromNoyes Publications

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water through a standard 0.45-µm pore size microfiltration membrane. Suspendedmaterial in the feed water that plugs the microfilter increases the sample filtrationtime, giving a higher SDI. The test procedure is illustrated in Figure 5.21 [49].

An SDI of less than 1 means that the reverse osmosis system can run for severalyears without colloidal fouling. An SDI of less than 3 means that the system canrun several months between cleaning. An SDI of 3–5 means that particulatefouling is likely to be a problem and frequent, regular cleaning will be needed.An SDI of more than 5 is unacceptable and indicates that additional pretreatmentis required to bring the feed water into an acceptable range. The maximumtolerable SDI also varies with membrane module design. Spiral-wound modulesgenerally require an SDI of less than 5, whereas hollow fine fiber modules aremore susceptible to fouling and require an SDI of less than 3.

To avoid fouling by suspended solids, some form of feed water filtration isrequired. All reverse osmosis units are fitted with a 0.45-µm cartridge filter infront of the high-pressure pump, but a sand filter, sometimes supplemented byaddition of a flocculating chemical such as alum or a cationic polymer, may berequired. The target SDI after filtration is normally less than 3–5. Groundwatersusually have very low SDI values, and cartridge filtration is often sufficient. How-ever, surface or seawater may have an SDI of up to 200, requiring flocculation,coagulation, and deep-bed multimedia filtration before reverse osmosis treatment.


Biological fouling is the growth of bacteria on the membrane surface. Thesusceptibility of membranes to biological fouling is a strong function of themembrane composition. Cellulose acetate membranes are an ideal nutrient forbacteria and can be completely destroyed by a few weeks of uncontrolled bac-terial attack. Therefore, feed water to cellulose acetate membranes must alwaysbe sterilized. Polyamide hollow fibers are also somewhat susceptible to bacterialattack, but thin-film composite membranes are generally quite resistant. Periodictreatment of such membranes with a bactericide usually controls biological foul-ing. Thus, control of bacteria is essential for cellulose acetate membranes anddesirable for polyamides and composite membranes. Because cellulose acetatecan tolerate up to 1 ppm chlorine, sufficient chlorination is used to maintain0.2 ppm free chlorine. Chlorination can also be used to sterilize the feed waterto polyamide and interfacial composite membranes, but residual chlorine mustthen be removed because the membranes are chlorine-sensitive. Dechlorination isgenerally achieved by adding sodium metabisulfate. In ultrapure water systems,water sterility is often maintained by UV sterilizers.

Organic Fouling

Organic fouling is the attachment of materials such as oil or grease onto themembrane surface. Such fouling may occur accidentally in municipal drinking

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activated carbon orNaHSO3 shock




Sea wellintake NaHSO3



RO plantCartridge

filter1-5 µm

Figure 5.22 Flow scheme showing the pretreatment steps in a typical seawater reverseosmosis system [50]

water systems, but is more common in industrial applications in which reverseosmosis is used to treat a process or effluent stream. Removal of the organicmaterial from the feed water by filtration or carbon adsorption is required.

An example of a complete pretreatment flow scheme for a seawater reverseosmosis plant is shown in Figure 5.22 [50]. The water is controlled for pH, scale,particulates and biological fouling. The feed water is first treated with chlorineto sterilize the water and to bring it to a pH of 5–6. A polyelectrolyte is addedto flocculate suspended matter, and two multilayer depth filters then remove sus-pended materials. The water is dechlorinated by dosing with sodium bisulfitefollowed by passage through an activated carbon bed. As a final check the pHis adjusted a second time, and the water is filtered through a 1- to 5-µm car-tridge filter before being fed to the reverse osmosis modules. Obviously, suchpretreatment is expensive and may represent as much as one-third of the oper-ating and capital cost of the plant; however, it is essential for reliable long-termoperation.

Membrane Cleaning

A good pretreatment system is essential to achieve a long reverse osmosismembrane life, but pretreatment must be backed up by an appropriate clean-ing schedule. Generally this is done once or twice a year, but more often ifthe feed is a problem water. As with pretreatment, the specific cleaning proce-dure is a function of the feed water chemistry, the type of membrane, and thetype of fouling. A typical cleaning regimen consists of flushing the membranemodules by recirculating the cleaning solution at high speed through the mod-ule, followed by a soaking period, followed by a second flush, and so on. The

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chemical cleaning agents commonly used are acids, alkalis, chelatants, detergents,formulated products, and sterilizers.

Acid cleaning agents such as hydrochloric, phosphoric, or citric acids effec-tively remove common scaling compounds. With cellulose acetate membranes thepH of the solution should not go below 2.0 or else hydrolysis of the membranewill occur. Oxalic acid is particularly effective for removing iron deposits. Acidssuch as citric acid are not very effective with calcium, magnesium, or bariumsulfate scale; in this case a chelatant such as ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid(EDTA) may be used.

To remove bacteria, silt or precipitates from the membrane, alkalis combinedwith surfactant cleaners are often used. Biz and other laundry detergents con-taining enzyme additives are useful for removing biofoulants and some organicfoulants. Most large membrane module producers now distribute formulated prod-ucts, which are a mixture of cleaning compounds. These products are designedfor various common feed waters and often provide a better solution to membranecleaning than devising a cleaning solution for a specific feed.

Sterilization of a membrane system is also required to control bacterial growth.For cellulose acetate membranes, chlorination of the feed water is sufficient tocontrol bacteria. Feed water to polyamide or interfacial composite membranesneed not be sterile, because these membranes are usually fairly resistant tobiological attack. Periodic shock disinfection using formaldehyde, peroxide orperacetic acid solutions as part of a regular cleaning schedule is usually enoughto prevent biofouling.

Repeated cleaning gradually degrades reverse osmosis membranes. Most man-ufacturers now supply membrane modules with a 1- to 2-year limited warrantydepending on the application. Well designed and maintained plants with goodfeed water pretreatment can usually expect membrane lifetimes of 3 years, andlifetimes of 5 years or more are not unusual. As membranes approach the endof their useful life, the water flux will normally have dropped by at least 20 %,and the salt rejection will have begun to fall. At this point operators may tryto ‘rejuvenate’ the membrane by treatment with a dilute polymer solution. Thissurface treatment plugs microdefects and restores salt rejection [51]. Typicalpolymers are poly(vinyl alcohol)/vinyl acetate copolymers or poly(vinyl methylether). In this procedure the membrane modules are carefully cleaned and thenflushed with dilute solutions of the rejuvenation polymer. The exact mechanismof rejuvenation is unclear.

ApplicationsApproximately one-half of the reverse osmosis systems currently installed aredesalinating brackish or seawater. Another 40 % are producing ultrapure water forthe electronics, pharmaceutical, and power generation industries. The remainderare used in small niche applications such as pollution control and food processing.A review of reverse osmosis applications has been done by Williams et al. [52].

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Salt concentration (g/L)








n co

st (


00 g






5 10 50 100

Strathmann (1991)

Figure 5.23 Comparative costs of the major desalination technologies as a function ofsalt concentration. These costs should be taken as a guide only; site-specific factors canaffect costs significantly [53]

The relative cost of reverse osmosis compared with other desalting technolo-gies (ion exchange, electrodialysis, and multi-effect evaporation) is shown inFigure 5.23. The operating costs of electrodialysis and ion exchange scale almostlinearly in proportion to the salt concentration in the feed. Therefore, these tech-nologies are best suited to low-salt-concentration feed streams. On the other hand,the cost of multi-effect evaporation is relatively independent of the salt concen-tration and is mainly proportional to the mass of water to be evaporated. Thus,desalination by evaporation is best performed with concentrated salt solutionfeeds. Reverse osmosis costs increase significantly with salt concentration but ata lower rate than electrodialysis does. The result is that reverse osmosis is thelowest-cost process for streams containing between 3000 and 10 000 ppm salt.However, site-specific factors or plant size often make the technology the bestapproach for more dilute feed water or for streams as concentrated as seawater(35 000 ppm salt).

The approximate operating costs for brackish and seawater reverse osmosisplants are given in Table 5.3. These numbers are old, but improvements inmembrane technology have kept pace with inflation so the costs remain rea-sonably current.

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Table 5.3 Operating costs for large brackish water and seawater reverse osmosis plants[49]. Capital costs are approximately US$1.25 per gal/day capacity for the brackish waterplant and US$4–5 per gal/day capacity for the seawater plant

Brackish water(US$/1000 gal product)

Seawater(US$/1000 gal product)

Energy (US$0.06/kWh) 0.36 1.80Chemicals 0.09 0.14Labor 0.12 0.19Maintenance 0.05 0.22Membrane replacement 0.10 0.90Amortization (12 %/20 years) 0.48 1.75

Total 1.20 5.00

Brackish Water Desalination

The salinity of brackish water is usually between 2000 and 10 000 mg/L. The WorldHealth Organization (WHO) recommendation for potable water is 500 mg/L, soup to 90 % of the salt must be removed from these feeds. Early cellulose acetatemembranes could achieve this removal easily, so treatment of brackish water wasone of the first successful applications of reverse osmosis. Several plants wereinstalled as early as the 1960s.

The osmotic pressure of brackish water is approximately 11 psi per 1000 ppmsalt, so osmotic pressure effects do not generally limit water recovery signifi-cantly. Limitations are generally due to scaling. Typical water recoveries are inthe 70–90 % range, which means the brine stream leaving the system is up to 10times more concentrated in calcium, sulfate and silica ions present in the feed.If scaling occurs, the last modules in the system must be replaced first.

A simplified flow scheme for a brackish water reverse osmosis plant is shownin Figure 5.24. In this example, it is assumed that the brackish water is heavilycontaminated with suspended solids, so flocculation followed by a sand filter anda cartridge filter is used to remove particulates. The pH of the feed solution mightbe adjusted, followed by chlorination to sterilize the water to prevent bacterialgrowth on the membranes and addition of an anti-scalant to inhibit precipitationof multivalent salts on the membrane. Finally, if chlorine-sensitive interfacialcomposite membranes are used, sodium sulfite is added to remove excess chlorinebefore the water contacts the membrane. Generally, more pretreatment is requiredin plants using hollow fiber modules than in plants using spiral-wound modules.This is one reason why hollow fiber modules have been displaced by spiral-woundsystems for most brackish water installations.

A feature of the system design shown in Figure 5.24 is the staggered arrange-ment of the module pressure vessels. As the volume of the feed water is reducedas water is removed in the permeate, the number of modules arranged in parallelis also reduced. In the example shown, the feed water passes initially through

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Feedwater Settler

Treated water





Pump400-600 psig





Figure 5.24 Flow schematic of a typical brackish water reverse osmosis plant. Theplant contains seven pressure vessels each containing six membrane modules. The pressurevessels are in a ‘Christmas tree’ array to maintain a high feed velocity through the modules

four modules in parallel, then through two, and finally through a single module inseries. This is called a ‘Christmas tree’ or ‘tapered module’ design and providesa high average feed solution velocity through the modules. As the volume of thefeed water is reduced by removing water as permeate, the number of modulesarranged in parallel is reduced also.

The operating pressure of brackish water reverse osmosis systems has graduallyfallen over the past 20 years as the permeability and rejections of membraneshave steadily improved. The first plants operated at pressures of 800 psi, buttypical brackish water plants now operate at pressures in the 200- to 300-psirange. Capital costs of brackish water plants have stayed remarkably constant foralmost 20 years; the rule of thumb of US$1.00 per gal/day capacity is still true.Accounting for inflation, this reflects a very large reduction in real costs resultingfrom the better performance of today’s membranes.

Seawater Desalination

Seawater has a salt concentration of 3.2–4.0 %, depending on the region ofthe world. Because of this high salinity, only membranes with salt rejectionsof 99.3 % or more can produce potable water in a single pass. Application toseawater desalination of the first-generation cellulose acetate membranes, withrejections of 97–99 %, was limited. With the development of the polyamide hol-low fine fibers and interfacial composites, suitable seawater membranes becameavailable, and many plants have been installed. In general, membranes are not

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Recovery (%)








e (p


10 20 30

Net driving



Figure 5.25 Effect of water recovery on the seawater feed osmotic pressure and netdriving pressure of a plant operating at 1000 psi

competitive for large seawater desalination plants—multistage flash evaporationis usually used for plants larger than 10 million gal/day capacity. Often theseplants are powered by waste steam from an adjacent electric power generationunit. A number of these very large plants have been installed in the MiddleEast. In the 1–10 million gal/day range membranes are more competitive, andthe flexibility of membrane systems as well as their easy start-up/shut-down andturndown capability are advantages.

Early seawater reverse osmosis plants operated at very high pressures, upto 1500 psi, but as membranes improved, operating pressures dropped to800–1000 psi. The osmotic pressure of seawater is about 350 psi, and the osmoticpressure of the rejected brine can be as much as 600 psi, so osmotic pressureaffects the net operating pressure in a plant markedly. This effect is illustrated inFigure 5.25. Typical seawater plants do not operate at a recovery rate of more than35–45 % because of the high brine osmotic pressure; at this modest recovery rate,more than half of the feed water leaves the plant as pressurized brine. Becauseof the high pressures involved in seawater desalination, recovery of compressionenergy from the high-pressure brine stream is almost always worthwhile. This canbe achieved with a hydro-turbine linked to the high-pressure feed water pump,lowering total power costs by as much as 30 %.

Raw seawater requires considerable pretreatment before it can be desalinated(Figure 5.22), but these pretreatment costs can be reduced by using shallow sea-front wells as the water source. The SDI of this water is usually quite low, andlittle more than a sand filter may be required for particulate control. However,sterilization of the water and addition of antiscalants will still be necessary.

Ultrapure Water

Production of ultrapure water for the electronics industry is an established andgrowing application of reverse osmosis [54,55]. The usual feed is municipal

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Table 5.4 Ultrapure water specifications for typical wafer manufacturing process andlevels normally found in drinking water

Ultrapure water Typical drinking water

Resistivity at 25 C (megohm-cm) 18.2 —TOC (ppb) <5 5000Particles/L by laser >0.1 µm <100 —Bacteria/100 mL by culture <0.1 <30Silica, dissolved (ppb) <3 3000Boron (ppb) <1 40Ions (ppb)

Na+ <0.01 3000K+ <0.02 2000Cl− <0.02 10 000Br− <0.02 —NO3

− <0.02 —SO4

2− <0.02 15 000Total ions <0.1 <100 000

drinking water, which often contains less than 200 ppm dissolved solids. How-ever, the electronics industry requires water of extraordinarily high purity forwafer production, so extensive treatment of municipal water is required. Table 5.4shows the target water quality required by a modern electronics plant comparedto that of typical municipal drinking water.

The first ultrapure water reverse osmosis system was installed at a Texas Instru-ments plant in 1970 as a pretreatment unit to an ion exchange process. Thesesystems have increased in complexity as the needs of the industry for betterquality water have increased. The flow scheme for a typical modern ultrapurewater treatment system is shown in Figure 5.26. The plant comprises a complexarray of operations, each requiring careful maintenance to achieve the necessarywater quality. As the key part of the process, the reverse osmosis plant typi-cally removes more than 98 % of all the salts and dissolved particulates in thefeed water. Because the feed water is dilute, these systems often operate at veryhigh recovery rates—90 % or more. Carbon adsorption then removes dissolvedorganics, followed by ion exchange to remove final trace amounts of ionic impu-rities. Bacterial growth is a major problem in ultrapure water systems; sterilityis maintained by continuously recirculating the water through UV sterilizers andcartridge microfilters.

Wastewater Treatment

In principle, pollution control should be a major application for reverse osmosis.In practice, membrane fouling, causing low plant reliability, has inhibited itswidespread use in this area. The most common applications are special situations

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30 ppmrinsewater

Part conveyor belt

Rinse tanks

Drag out

Nickel concentrate~5 wt%

Hot nickelplating bath

27 wt% nickel

Rinse Tanks


Figure 5.27 Flow scheme showing the use of a reverse osmosis system to control nickelloss from rinse water produced in a countercurrent electroplating rinse tank

in which the chemicals separated from the water are valuable. An example isthe recovery of nickel from nickel-plating rinse tanks, shown schematically inFigure 5.27. Watts nickel-plating baths contain high concentrations of nickel andother plating chemicals. After plating, a conveyor belt moves the parts througha series of connected rinse tanks. Water circulates through these tanks to rinsethe part free of nickel for the next plating operating. A typical countercurrentrinse tank produces a waste stream containing 2000–3000 ppm nickel; the wateris a pollution problem and valuable material is lost. This is an ideal applicationfor reverse osmosis because the rinse water is at nearly neutral pH, in contrastto many plating rinse waters which are very acidic [56,57]. The reverse osmosisunit produces permeate water containing only 20–50 ppm nickel that can bereused and a small nickel concentrate stream that can be sent to the platingtank. Although the concentrate is more dilute than the plating tank drag-out,evaporation from the hot plating bath tank compensates for the extra water.

In the early days of membrane development, membranes were expected to bewidely used in the tertiary treatment of water to produce drinking water fromsewage. At a cost of US$2–3 per 1000 gal, this idea makes good economic sensein many water-limited regions of the world. However, psychological barriers haveinhibited its widespread adoption. A few small plants have been introduced inJapan and at least one large plant in the US. This plant, called Water Factory 21,

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is in Orange County, California, an arid region where the principal local surfacewater source, the Colorado River, has a total salinity of 750 ppm. Operationof this 5-million-gal/day system is described in detail by Nusbaum and Argo[58]. The system treats secondary sewage to produce good-quality water, whichis reinjected into the aquifer below the county. The water is then mixed withnatural groundwater before being removed and used as a drinking water supplyelsewhere in the county. Apparently, confusing the source of the water supply inthis way makes the process acceptable.


Nanofiltration membrane usually have high rejections to most dissolved organicsolutes with molecular weights above 100–200 and good salt rejection at saltconcentrations below 1000–2000 ppm salt. The membranes are also two- tofive-fold more permeable than brackish and sea water reverse osmosis mem-branes, so they can be operated at pressures as low as 50–150 psig and stillproduce useful fluxes. For these reasons, their principal application has been inthe removal of low levels of contaminants from already relatively clean water.For example, nanofiltration membranes are widely used as point-of-use drinkingwater treatment units in southern California and the southwestern United States.The water in this region contains on the order of 700 ppm dissolved salt and traceamounts of agricultural run-off contaminants. Many households use small 0.5-m2

spiral-wound nanofiltration modules (under-the-sink modules) to filter this waterusing the 30- to 50-psig tap water pressure to provide the driving force. On alarger scale, similar membranes are used to soften municipal water by removingsulfate and divalent cations or as an initial pretreatment unit for an ultrapurewater treatment plant.

Organic Solvent Separation

The use of membranes to separate organic solvent solutions is still at a very earlystage. One application that has already become commercial is the separation ofsmall solvent molecules from larger hydrocarbons in mixtures resulting fromthe extraction of vacuum resid oil in refineries [41–43]. Figure 5.28(a) shows asimplified flow diagram of a refining lube oil separation process–these operationsare very large. In a 100 000–200 000-barrel/day refinery, about 15 000–30 000barrels/day of the oil entering the refinery remain as residual oil. A large fractionof this oil is sent to the lube oil plant, where the heavy oil is mixed with 3–10volumes of a solvent such as methyl ethyl ketone and toluene. On cooling themixture, the heavy wax components precipitate out and are removed by a drumfilter. The light solvent is then stripped from the lube oil by vacuum distillationand recycled through the process. The vacuum distillation step is very energyintensive because of the high solvent-to-oil ratios employed.

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Reverse osmosismodules

Residual oil


Lube oil






Dewaxed lube oil/solvent mixture

(a) Conventional solvent dewaxing process

Lube oil





(b) Mobil Oil's solvent dewaxing process

Figure 5.28 Simplified flow schemes of (a) a conventional and (b) Mobil Oil’s mem-brane solvent dewaxing processes. Refrigeration economizers are not shown. The first 3million gallon/day commercial unit was installed at Mobil’s Beaumont refinery in 1998.Polyimide membranes in spiral-wound modules were used [41–43]

A hyperfiltration process developed by Mobil Oil, now ExxonMobil, for thisseparation is illustrated in Figure 5.28(b). Polyimide membranes formed intospiral-wound modules are used to separate up to 50 % of the solvent from thedewaxed oil. The membranes have a flux of 10–20 gal/ft2 day at a pressure of450–650 psi. The solvent filtrate bypasses the distillation step and is recycleddirectly to the incoming oil feed. The net result is a significant reduction in therefrigeration load required to cool the oil and in the size and energy consumptionof the solvent recovery vacuum distillation section.

ExxonMobil is now licensing this technology to other refineries. Developmentof similar applications in other operations is likely. Initially, applications willprobably involve relatively easy separations such as the separation of methylethyl ketone/toluene from lube oil described above or soybean oil from hexane infood oil production. Long-term, however, the technology may become sufficientlyadvanced to be used in more important refining operations, such as fractionation

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of linear from branched paraffins, or the separation of benzene and other aromaticsfrom paraffins and olefins in the gasoline pool.

Conclusions and Future DirectionsThe reverse osmosis industry is now well established. The market is dividedbetween three or four large manufacturers, who between them produce 70 % ofthe membrane modules, and a much larger number of system builders. The systembuilders buy modules almost as commodities from the various suppliers accordingto their particular needs. A handful of companies serving various niche marketsproduce both modules and systems. Total membrane module sales in 1998 wereabout US$200 million worldwide; system sales were another US$200 million.Short-term prospects for future growth are good. The demand for reverse osmo-sis systems to produce ultrapure water for the electronics and pharmaceuticalindustries is very strong. Municipalities in arid regions of the world are alsocontinuing to buy brackish water and some seawater desalination units.

The industry is extremely competitive, with the manufacturers producing sim-ilar products and competing mostly on price. Many incremental improvementshave been made to membrane and module performance over the past 20 years,resulting in steadily decreasing water desalination costs in inflation-adjusted dol-lars. Some performance values taken from a paper by Furukawa are shown inTable 5.5. Since 1980, just after the introduction of the first interfacial compositemembranes, the cost of spiral-wound membrane modules on a per square meterbasis has decreased seven-fold. At the same time the water flux has doubled, andthe salt permeability has decreased seven-fold. Taking these improvements intoaccount, today’s membranes are almost 100 times better than those of the 1980s.This type of incremental improvement is likely to continue for some time.

The key short-term technical issue is the limited chlorine resistance of inter-facial composite membranes. A number of incremental steps made over the past10–15 years have improved resistance, but current chlorine-resistant interfacialcomposites do not have the rejection and flux of the best conventional membranes.

Table 5.5 Advances in spiral-wound module reverse osmosis performance

Year Cost normalized(1980 US$)

Productivitynormalized(to 1980)

Reciprocal saltpassage normalized

(to 1980)

Figure ofmerita

1980 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01985 0.65 1.10 1.56 2.61990 0.34 1.32 2.01 7.91995 0.19 1.66 3.52 30.82000 0.14 1.94 7.04 99.3

a Figure of merit = (productivity) × (reciprocal salt passage/cost).Source: Dave Furukawa.

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All the major membrane manufacturers are working on this problem, which islikely to be solved in the next few years. Three longer-term, related techni-cal issues are fouling resistance, pretreatment, and membrane cleaning. Currentmembrane modules are subject to fouling by particulates and scale; this foulingcan only be controlled by good (and expensive) feed water pretreatment andby membrane cleaning. In some large potential reverse osmosis markets, suchas municipal wastewater reclamation and industrial process water treatment, thecomplexity, expense, and low reliability due to membrane fouling limit expansionsignificantly.

A further long-term area of research is likely to be the development of reverseosmosis membranes to recover organic solutes from water. This chapter hasfocused almost entirely on the separation of ionic solutes from water, but somemembranes (such as the PEC-1000 membrane) have excellent organic soluterejections also. The PEC-1000 membrane was chemically unstable, but it demon-strated what is achievable with membranes. A stable membrane with similarproperties could be used in many wastewater applications.


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29. J.E. Cadotte, Reverse Osmosis Membrane, US Patent 4,039,440 (August, 1977).30. R.L. Riley, C.E. Milstead, A.L. Lloyd, M.W. Seroy and M. Takami, Spiral-wound

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32. J.E. Cadotte, Reverse Osmosis Membrane, US Patent 3,926,798 (December, 1975).33. M. Kurihara, N. Harumiya, N. Kannamaru, T. Tonomura and M. Nakasatomi, Develop-

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35. B. Van der Bruggen, J. Schaep, D. Wilms and C. Vandecasteele, Influence of Molecu-lar Size, Polarity and Charge on the Retention of Organic Molecules by Nanofiltration,J. Membr. Sci. 156, 29 (1999).

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57. A. Golomb, Applications of Reverse Osmosis to Electroplating Waste Treatment, AESResearch Project 31, 376 (1970).

58. I. Nusbaum and D.G. Argo, Design and Operation of a 5-mgd Reverse Osmosis Plantfor Water Reclamation, in Synthetic Membrane Processes, G. Belfort (ed.), AcademicPress, Orlando, FL, pp. 377–436 (1984).

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Introduction and HistoryUltrafiltration uses a finely porous membrane to separate water and microsolutesfrom macromolecules and colloids. The average pore diameter of the membraneis in the 10–1000 A range. The first synthetic ultrafiltration membranes wereprepared by Bechhold from collodion (nitro cellulose) [1]. Bechhold was prob-ably the first to measure membrane bubble points, and he also coined the term‘ultrafilter’. Other important early workers were Zsigmondy and Bachmann [2],Ferry [3] and Elford [4]. By the mid-1920s, collodion ultrafiltration and micro-filtration membranes were commercially available for laboratory use. Althoughcollodion membranes were widely used in laboratory studies, no industrial appli-cations existed until the 1960s. The crucial breakthrough was the development ofthe anisotropic cellulose acetate membrane by Loeb and Sourirajan in 1963 [5].Their goal was to produce high-flux reverse osmosis membranes, but others, par-ticularly Michaels at Amicon, realized the general applicability of the technique.Michaels and his coworkers [6] produced ultrafiltration membranes from cellu-lose acetate and many other polymers including polyacrylonitrile copolymers,aromatic polyamides, polysulfone and poly(vinylidene fluoride). These materialsare still widely used to fabricate ultrafiltration membranes.

In 1969, Abcor (now a division of Koch Industries) installed the first commer-cially successful industrial ultrafiltration system equipped with tubular membranemodules [7] to recover electrocoat paint from automobile paint shop rinse water.The economics were compelling, and within a few years many similar systemswere installed. Shortly thereafter (1970), the first cheese whey ultrafiltration sys-tem was installed. Within a decade, 100 similar systems had been sold worldwide.These early systems used tubular or plate-and-frame modules, which were rela-tively expensive, but lower cost designs were gradually introduced. Hollow fiber(capillary) modules were first sold by Romicon in 1973, and spiral-wound mod-ules, adapted to ultrafiltration applications by Abcor, became a commercial itemby 1979–1980. Over the last 20 years, the ultrafiltration industry has grownsteadily. The principal problem inhibiting wider application of the technologyis membrane fouling. The problem is controlled, but not eliminated, by module

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

Page 249: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


1900 1910 1920 1930 1940

Bechhold prepares collodionmembranes of graded pore size,

measures bubble points anduses the term ultrafilter - 1907

Membrane Filter GmbHcommercializes UF membranes - 1926

Zsigmondy andBachmann patent

collodion filters - 1918

Loeb-Sourirajandevelop anisotropic

RO membranes - 1963

Amicon makesfirst UF

hollow fibers - 1967

Romicon introduces hollow fiber capillary

UF plants - 1973

Amicon markets laboratory-scaleUF membranes, develops polysulfone,

PVDF membranes - 1966Abcor installs

commercial tubular UF plant(electrocoat paint) - 1969

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

First commerciallysignificant ceramic

membrane introduced - 1988

Abcor commercializesspiral-wound

UF modules - 1980

Figure 6.1 Milestones in the development of ultrafiltration

and system design and by regular membrane cleaning protocols. Development ofmembranes with surface properties designed to minimize fouling has also helped.Recently, several companies have developed ceramic-based ultrafiltration mem-branes. Although much more expensive than their polymeric equivalents, thesehave found a place in applications that require resistance to high temperatures orrequire regular cleaning with harsh solutions to control membrane fouling. Someof the milestones in the development of ultrafiltration membranes are chartedin Figure 6.1.

Characterization of Ultrafiltration Membranes

Ultrafiltration membranes are usually anisotropic structures made by theLoeb–Sourirajan process. They have a finely porous surface layer or skinsupported on a much more open microporous substrate. The finely porous surfacelayer performs the separation; the microporous substrate provides mechanicalstrength. The membranes discriminate between dissolved macromolecules ofdifferent sizes and are usually characterized by their molecular weight cut-off,a loosely defined term generally taken to mean the molecular weight of theglobular protein molecule that is 90 % rejected by the membrane. Ultrafiltrationand microfiltration are related processes—the distinction between the two lies inthe pore size of the membrane. Microfiltration membranes have larger pores andare used to separate particles in the 0.1–10 µm range, whereas ultrafiltration isgenerally considered to be limited to membranes with pore diameters from 10to 1000 A.

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Heat exchanger








Reservoir Magneticstirrer




Safety valve

Batch stirred cell

Flow recirculation system: flow-through cells


Bleed Pressuregauge


Figure 6.2 Laboratory ultrafiltration test systems

Laboratory-scale ultrafiltration experiments are performed with small, stirredbatch cells or flow-through cells in a recirculation system. Diagrams of the twotypes of system are shown in Figure 6.2. Because ultrafiltration experiments aregenerally performed at pressures below 100 psi, plastic components can be used.Stirred batch cells are often used for quick experiments, but flow-through systemsare preferred for systematic work. In flow-through systems, the feed solutioncan be more easily maintained at a constant composition, and the turbulence atthe membrane surface required to control membrane fouling is high and easilyreproducible. This allows reliable comparative measurements to be made.

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The cut-off of ultrafiltration membranes is usually characterized by solutemolecular weight, but several other factors affect permeation through thesemembranes. One important example is the shape of the molecule to be retained.When membrane retention measurements are performed with linear, water-soluble molecules such as polydextran, poly(ethylene glycol) or poly(vinylpyrrolidone), the measured rejection is much lower than the rejection measuredfor proteins of the same molecular weight. It is believed that linear, water-soluble polymer molecules are able to snake through the membrane pores, asillustrated in Figure 6.3. Protein molecules, however, exist in solution as tightlywound globular coils held together by hydrogen bonds. These globular moleculescannot deform to pass through the membrane pores and are therefore rejected.Some results showing the rejection of different molecules for a polysulfoneultrafiltration membrane are listed in the table accompanying Figure 6.3 [8]. Themembrane shows significant rejection to globular protein molecules as small aspepsin (MW 35 000) and cytochrome c (MW 13 000) but is completely permeableto a flexible linear polydextran, with an average molecular weight of more than100 000.

The pH of the feed solution is another factor that affects permeation throughultrafiltration membranes, particularly with polyelectrolytes. For example,

Skin ofUF membrane




Solute Pepsin Cytochrome c Polydextran

Globular Proteins Linear Polymer

MW (1000s) 35 13 100Rejection (%) 90 70 0

Figure 6.3 Ultrafiltration membranes are rated on the basis of nominal molecular weightcut-off, but the shape of the molecule to be retained has a major effect on retentivity.Linear molecules pass through a membrane, whereas globular molecules of the samemolecular weight may be retained. The table shows typical results obtained with globularprotein molecules and linear polydextran for the same polysulfone membrane [8]

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poly(acrylic acid) is usually very well rejected by ultrafiltration membranes atpH 5 and above, but is completely permeable through the same membrane at pH 3and below. This change in rejection behavior with pH is related to the change inconfiguration of the polyacid. In solutions at pH 5 and above, poly(acrylic acid)is ionized. In the ionized form, the negatively charged carboxyl groups along thepolymer backbone repel each other; the polymer coil is then very extended andrelatively inflexible. In this form, the molecule cannot readily permeate the smallpores of an ultrafiltration membrane. At pH 3 and below, the carboxyl groupsalong the poly(acrylic acid) polymer backbone are all protonated. The resultingneutral molecule is much more flexible and can pass through the membrane pores.

Concentration Polarization and Membrane FoulingA key factor determining the performance of ultrafiltration membranes isconcentration polarization, which causes membrane fouling due to depositionof retained colloidal and macromolecular material on the membrane surface.A number of reviews have described the process in detail [9–13]. The purewater flux of ultrafiltration membranes is often very high—greater than1 cm3/cm2 · min (350 gal/ft2 · day). However, when membranes are used toseparate macromolecular or colloidal solutions, the flux falls within seconds,typically to 0.1 cm3/cm2 · min. This immediate drop in flux is caused by theformation of a gel layer of retained solutes on the membrane surface due toconcentration polarization. This gel layer forms a secondary barrier to flowthrough the membrane, as illustrated in Figure 6.4 and described in detail below.This first decline in flux is determined by the composition of the feed solution andits fluid hydrodynamics. Sometimes the resulting flux is constant for a prolongedperiod, and when the membrane is retested with pure water, its flux returnsto the original value. More commonly, however, a further slow decline in fluxoccurs over a period of hours to weeks, depending on the feed solution. Mostof this second decrease in flux is caused by slow consolidation of the secondarylayer formed by concentration polarization on the membrane surface. Formationof this consolidated gel layer, called membrane fouling, is difficult to control.Control techniques include regular membrane cleaning, back flushing, or usingmembranes with surface characteristics that minimize adhesion. Operation of themembrane at the lowest practical operating pressure also delays consolidation ofthe gel layer.

A typical plot illustrating the slow decrease in flux that can result from con-solidation of the secondary layer is shown in Figure 6.5 [14]. The pure waterflux of these membranes is approximately 50 gal/min but, on contact with anelectrocoat paint solution containing 10–20 % latex, the flux immediately fallsto about 10–12 gal/min. This first drop in flux is due to the formation of thegel layer of latex particles on the membrane surface, as shown in Figure 6.4.Thereafter, the flux declines steadily over a 2-week period. This second drop influx is caused by slow densification of the gel layer under the pressure of the

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Colloidal orparticulate material


Figure 6.4 Schematic representation of fouling on an ultrafiltration membrane. Sur-face fouling is the deposition of solid material on the membrane that consolidates overtime. This fouling layer can be controlled by high turbulence, regular cleaning and usinghydrophilic or charged membranes to minimize adhesion to the membrane surface. Sur-face fouling is generally reversible. Internal fouling is caused by penetration of solidmaterial into the membrane, which results in plugging of the pores. Internal membranefouling is generally irreversible

system. In this particular example, the densified gel layer could be removed byperiodic cleaning of the membrane. When the cleaned membrane is exposed tothe latex solution again, the flux is restored to that of a fresh membrane.

If the regular cleaning cycle shown in Figure 6.5 is repeated many times, themembrane flux eventually does not return to the original value on cleaning. Partof this slow, permanent loss of flux is believed to be due to precipitates onthe membrane surface that are not removed by the cleaning procedure. A furthercause of the permanent flux loss is believed to be internal fouling of the membraneby material that penetrates the membrane pores and becomes lodged in the interiorof the membrane, as illustrated in Figure 6.4. Ultrafiltration membranes are oftenused to separate colloids from water and microsolutes. In this case the tendencyis to use relatively high-molecular-weight cut-off membranes, but the higherfluxes of these membranes can be transitory because they are more susceptibleto internal fouling. A membrane with a lower molecular weight cut-off, even

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Time (days)










te fl

ux (



10 20

Membranes cleaned

30 40

Figure 6.5 Ultrafiltration flux as a function of time of an electrocoat paint latex solu-tion. Because of fouling, the flux declines over a period of days. Periodic cleaning isrequired to maintain high fluxes [14]. Reprinted from R. Walker, Recent Developmentsin Ultrafiltration of Electrocoat Paint, Electrocoat 82, 16 (1982) with permission fromGardner Publications, Inc., Cincinnati, OH

though it may have a lower pure water flux, often provides a more sustained fluxwith the actual feed solutions because less internal fouling occurs.

As described above, the initial cause of membrane fouling is concentrationpolarization, which results in deposition of a layer of material on the membranesurface. The phenomenon of concentration polarization is described in detail inChapter 4. In ultrafiltration, solvent and macromolecular or colloidal solutes arecarried towards the membrane surface by the solution permeating the membrane.Solvent molecules permeate the membrane, but the larger solutes accumulate atthe membrane surface. Because of their size, the rate at which the rejected solutemolecules can diffuse from the membrane surface back to the bulk solution isrelatively low. Thus their concentration at the membrane surface is typically20–50 times higher than the feed solution concentration. These solutes becomeso concentrated at the membrane surface that a gel layer is formed and becomesa secondary barrier to flow through the membrane. The formation of this gellayer on the membrane surface is illustrated in Figure 6.6. The gel layer modelwas developed at the Amicon Corporation in the 1960s [8].

The formation of the gel layer is easily described mathematically. At any pointwithin the boundary layer shown in Figure 6.6, the convective flux of solute tothe membrane surface is given by the volume flux, Jv , of the solution through themembrane multiplied by the concentration of the solute, ci . At steady state, this

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Laminarboundary layer(thickness d)



Jv ci




Js (= Jv ci)

MembraneTurbulent,well mixed

bulk solution


Figure 6.6 Illustration of the formation of a gel layer of colloidal material on the surfaceof an ultrafiltration membrane by concentration polarization

convective flux within the laminar boundary layer is balanced by the diffusiveflux of retained solute in the opposite direction. This balance is expressed bythe equation

Jvci = Di



where Di is the diffusion coefficient of the macromolecule in the boundary layer.Once the gel layer has formed, the concentrations of solute at both surfaces ofthe boundary layer are fixed. At one surface the concentration is the feed solutionconcentration cib ; at the other surface it is the concentration at which the soluteforms an insoluble gel (cgel). Integration of Equation (6.1) over the boundarylayer thickness (δ) then gives



= exp




where cgel is the concentration of retained solute at the membrane surface wherethe solute gels and cib is the concentration in the bulk solution. In any particularultrafiltration test, the terms cib , cgel, Di and δ in Equation (6.2) are fixed becausethe solution and the operating conditions of the test are fixed. From Equation (6.2)this means that the volume flux Jv through the membrane is also fixed and quiteindependent of the intrinsic permeability of the membrane. In physical terms, thisis because a membrane with a higher intrinsic permeability only causes a thicker

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gel layer to form on the surface of the membrane. This lowers the membrane fluxuntil the rate at which solutes are brought toward the membrane surface and therate at which they are removed are again balanced, as expressed in Equation (6.1).

The formation of a gel layer of colloidal material at the ultrafiltration mem-brane surface produces a limiting or plateau flux that cannot be exceeded at anyparticular operating condition. Once a gel layer has formed, increasing the applied

Applied pressure, p

Membranepure water flux

Membrane fluxwith a macromolecular







e flu

x J






cgel cgel

Membrane Gel layer


Figure 6.7 The effect of pressure on ultrafiltration membrane flux and the formation ofa secondary gel layer. Ultrafiltration membranes are best operated at pressures betweenp2 and p3 at which the gel layer is thin. Operation at high pressures such as p4 leadsto formation of thick gel layers, which can consolidate over time, resulting in permanentfouling of the membrane

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pressure does not increase the flux but merely increases the gel thickness. This isalso shown in Equation (6.2), which contains no term for the applied pressure.

The effect of the gel layer on the flux through an ultrafiltration membrane atdifferent feed pressures is illustrated in Figure 6.7. At a very low pressure p1,the flux Jv is low, so the effect of concentration polarization is small, and a gellayer does not form on the membrane surface. The flux is close to the pure waterflux of the membrane at the same pressure. As the applied pressure is increasedto pressure p2, the higher flux causes increased concentration polarization, andthe concentration of retained material at the membrane surface increases. If thepressure is increased further to p3, concentration polarization becomes enoughfor the retained solutes at the membrane surface to reach the gel concentration cgel

and form the secondary barrier layer. This is the limiting flux for the membrane.Further increases in pressure only increase the thickness of the gel layer, notthe flux.

Experience has shown that the best long-term performance of an ultrafiltra-tion membrane is obtained when the applied pressure is maintained at or justbelow the plateau pressure p3 shown in Figure 6.7. Operating at higher pres-sures does not increase the membrane flux but does increase the thickness anddensity of retained material at the membrane surface layer. Over time, materialon the membrane surface can become compacted or precipitate, forming a layerof deposited material that has a lower permeability; the flux then falls from theinitial value.

A series of experimental results obtained with latex solutions illustrating theeffect of concentration and pressure on flux are shown in Figure 6.8. The pointat which the flux reaches a plateau value depends on the concentration of thelatex in the solution: the more concentrated the solution, the lower the plateauflux. The exact relationship between the maximum flux and solute concentrationcan be obtained by rearranging Equation (6.2) to obtain

Jmax = −D

δ(ln cib − ln cgel) (6.3)

where Jmax is the plateau or limiting flux through the membrane.Plots of the limiting flux Jmax as a function of solution concentration for latex

solution data are shown in Figure 6.9 for a series of latex solutions at variousfeed solution flow rates. A series of straight line plots is obtained, and theseextrapolate to the gel concentration cgel at zero flux. The slopes of the plots inFigure 6.9 are proportional to the term D/δ in Equation (6.3). The increase influx resulting from an increase in the fluid recirculation rate is caused by thedecrease in the boundary layer thickness δ.

Plots of maximum flux as a function of solute concentration for differentsolutes using the same membrane under the same conditions are shown inFigure 6.10 [15]. Protein or colloidal solutions, which easily form precipitatedgels, have low fluxes and extrapolate to low gel concentrations. Particulate

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Applied pressure (psi)










n flu

x (g



a y)

20 40 60

1% latexconcentration





80 100

Pure water flux

Figure 6.8 The effect of pressure on membrane flux for styrene–butadiene polymerlatex solutions in a high-turbulence, thin-channel test cell [13]

Latex concentration (vol%)

Recirculation rate:40 gpm

20 gpm

10 gpm

5 gpm












n flu

x (g



a y)

5 732 10 20 30 50 70 100


Figure 6.9 Ultrafiltration flux with a latex solution at an applied pressure of 60 psi (inthe limiting flux region) as a function of feed solution latex concentration. These resultswere obtained in a high-turbulence, thin-channel cell. The solution recirculation rate isshown in the figure [13]

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Electro depositionprimer





Solids concentration (wt%)












n flu

x (g



a y)

5 732 10 20 30 50 80

Figure 6.10 Effect of solute type and concentration on flux through the same typeof ultrafiltration membrane operated under the same conditions [15]. Reproduced fromM.C. Porter, Membrane Filtration, in Handbook of Separation Techniques for Chemi-cal Engineers, P.A. Schweitzer (ed.), p. 2.39, Copyright 1979, with permission ofMcGraw-Hill, New York, NY

suspensions, pigments, latex particles, and oil-in-water emulsions, which do noteasily form gels, have higher fluxes at the same concentration and operatingconditions and generally extrapolate to higher gel concentrations.

Studies of concentration polarization such as those illustrated inFigures 6.8–6.10 are usually performed during the first few hours of themembrane use. Compaction of the secondary membrane layer has then onlyjust begun, and membrane fluxes are often high. Fluxes obtained in industrialprocesses, which must operate for days or weeks without cleaning, are usuallymuch lower.

The gel layer model described above is very appealing and is widely used torationalize the behavior of ultrafiltration membranes. Unfortunately a number ofissues cannot be easily explained by this simple form of the model:

• The flux of many macromolecular colloidal and particulate solutions is too high(sometimes by an order of magnitude) to be rationalized by a reasonable valueof the diffusion coefficient and the boundary layer thickness in Equation (6.2).

• In the plateau region of the flux–pressure curves of the type shown inFigure 6.8, different solutes should have fluxes proportional to the value

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of their diffusion coefficients D in Equation (6.3). This is not the case, asshown in Figure 6.10. For example, latex and particulate solutes with verysmall diffusion coefficients typically have higher ultrafiltration limiting fluxesthan protein solutions measured with the same membranes under the sameconditions. This is the opposite of the expected behavior.

• Experiments with different ultrafiltration membranes and the same feed solu-tion often yield very different ultrafiltration limiting fluxes. But according tothe model shown in Figure 6.6 and represented by Equation (6.2), the ultrafil-tration limiting flux is independent of the membrane type.

Contrary to normal experience that falling bread always lands jam-side down,the trend of these observations is that experiment produces a better result thantheory predicts. For this reason the observations are lumped together and calledthe flux paradox [9]. The best working model seems to be that, in addition tosimple diffusion, solute is also being removed from the membrane surface asundissolved gel particles by a scouring action of the feed fluid [16]. This explainswhy protein solutions that form tough adherent gels have lower fluxes underthe same conditions than pigment and latex solutions that form looser gels. Themodel also explains why increasing the hydrophilicity of the membrane surface orchanging the charge on the surface can produce higher limiting fluxes. Decreasedadhesion between the gel and the membrane surface allows the flowing feedsolution to remove gel particles more easily.

Figure 6.11 illustrates how turbulent eddies caused by the high velocity of thesolution passing through the narrow channel of a spiral-wound module mightremove gel particles from the membrane surface. Because of the high velocity ofthe feed solution and the feed spacer netting used in ultrafiltration modules, thefeed liquid is normally very turbulent. Although a relatively laminar boundarylayer may form next to the membrane surface, as described by the film model,periodic turbulent eddies may also occur. These eddies can dislodge gel from themembrane surface, carrying it away with the feed solution.

The most important effect of concentration polarization is to reduce themembrane flux, but it also affects the retention of macromolecules. Retentiondata obtained with dextran polysaccharides at various pressures are shown inFigure 6.12 [17]. Because these are stirred batch cell data, the effect of increasedconcentration polarization with increased applied pressure is particularly marked.A similar drop of retention with pressure is observed with flow-through cells,but the effect is less because concentration polarization is better controlledin such cells. With macromolecular solutions, the concentration of retainedmacromolecules at the membrane surface increases with increased pressure, sopermeation of the macromolecules also increases, lowering rejection. The effectis particularly noticeable at low pressures, under which conditions increasing theapplied pressure produces the largest increase in flux, and hence concentrationpolarization, at the membrane surface. At high pressure, the change in flux with

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1000 µm

Feed spacer material


Gel layer (5 –10 µm)

Apparent laminarboundary layer (20 µm)

Figure 6.11 An illustration of the channel of a spiral-wound module showing howperiodic turbulent eddies can dislodge deposited gel particles from the surface ofultrafiltration membranes

Pressure (psi)









n (%


20 40 60 80




Figure 6.12 Rejection of 1 % dextran solutions as a function of pressure using Dextran20 (MW 20 000), Dextran 40 (MW 40 000), and Dextran 80 (MW 80 000). Batch cellexperiments performed at a constant stirring speed [17]

increased pressure is smaller, so the decrease in rejection by the membrane isless apparent.

Concentration polarization can also interfere with the ability of an ultrafiltrationmembrane to fractionate a mixture of dissolved macromolecules. Figure 6.13 [8]shows the results of experiments with a membrane with a molecular weight

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(Concentration of g -globulin)−1 (wt%)−1









l rej


n of


an s




10 10050 500

Figure 6.13 The retention of albumin (MW 65 000) in the presence of varying concen-trations of γ -globulin (MW 156 000) by a membrane with a nominal molecular weightcut-off based on one-component protein solutions of MW 200 000. As the concentrationof γ -globulin in the solution increases, the membrane water flux decreases, and the albu-min rejection increases from 25 % at 0.01 wt% γ -globulin to 80 % rejection at 0.1 wt%γ -globulin [8]

cut-off of about 200 000 used to separate albumin (MW 65 000) from γ -globulin(MW 156 000). Tests with the pure components show that albumin passes throughthe membrane almost completely unhindered, but rejection of γ -globulin is sig-nificant. However, addition of even a small amount of γ -globulin to the albumincauses almost complete rejection of both components. The increased rejectionis accompanied by a sharp decrease in membrane flux, suggesting that rejectedglobulin forms a secondary barrier layer. The secondary layer is eliminated onlyat very low γ -globulin concentrations, resulting in partial fractionation of thetwo proteins. Unfortunately, at such low dilutions the separation is no longer ofcommercial interest.

Because of the effect of the secondary layer on selectivity, ultrafiltration mem-branes are not commonly used to fractionate macromolecular mixtures. Mostcommercial ultrafiltration applications involve processes in which the membranecompletely rejects all the dissolved macromolecular and colloidal material inthe feed solution while completely passing water and dissolved microsolutes.Efficient fractionation by ultrafiltration is only possible if the species differ inmolecular weight by a factor of 10 or more.

Membrane Cleaning

Several cleaning methods are used to remove the densified gel layer of retainedmaterial from the membrane surface. The easiest is to circulate an appropri-ate cleaning solution through the membrane modules for 1 or 2 h. The mostcommon ultrafiltration fouling layers—organic polymer colloids and gelatinous

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materials—are best treated with alkaline solutions followed by hot detergentsolutions. Enzymatic detergents are particularly effective when the fouling layeris a proteinaceous gel. Calcium, magnesium, and silica scales, often a problemwith reverse osmosis membranes, are generally not a problem in ultrafiltrationbecause these ions permeate the membrane (ultrafiltration of cheese whey, inwhich high calcium levels can lead to calcium scaling, is an exception). Becausemany feed waters contain small amounts of soluble ferrous iron salts, hydratediron oxide scaling is a problem. In the ultrafiltration system these salts are oxi-dized to ferric iron by entrained air. Ferric iron is insoluble in water, so aninsoluble iron hydroxide gel forms and accumulates on the membrane surface.Such deposits are usually removed with a citric or hydrochloric acid wash.

Regular cleaning is required to maintain the performance of all ultrafiltrationmembranes. The period of the cleaning cycle can vary from daily for food appli-cations, such as ultrafiltration of whey, to once a month or more for ultrafiltrationmembranes used as polishing units in ultrapure water systems. A typical cleaningcycle is as follows:

1. Flush the system several times with hot water at the highest possible circula-tion rate.

2. Treat the system with an appropriate acid or alkali wash, depending on thenature of the layer.

3. Treat the system with a hot detergent solution.

4. Flush the system thoroughly with water to remove all traces of detergent; mea-sure the pure water flux through the membrane modules under standard testconditions. Even after cleaning, some degree of permanent flux loss over timeis expected. If the restoration of flux is less than expected, repeat steps 1–3.

Ultrafiltration systems should never be taken off line without thorough flushingand cleaning. Because membrane modules are normally stored wet, the final rinsesolutions should contain a bacteriostat such as 0.5 % formaldehyde to inhibitbacterial growth.

In addition to regular cleaning with chemical solutions, mechanical cleaningof the membrane may be used, particularly if chemical cleaning does not restorethe membrane flux. Early electrocoat paint systems used 1-in.-diameter tubularmembrane modules. These tubes could be effectively cleaned by forcing spongeballs with a slightly larger diameter than the tube through the tube—the ballsgently scraped the membrane surface, removing deposited material. Sponge-ballcleaning is an effective but relatively time-consuming process, so it is performedrather infrequently. However, automatic equipment for sponge-ball cleaning hasbeen devised and has found a limited use.

Backflushing is another way of cleaning heavily fouled membranes. Themethod is widely used to clean capillary and ceramic membrane modules thatcan withstand a flow of solution from permeate to feed without damaging the

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membrane. Backflushing is not usually used for spiral-wound modules becausethe membranes are too easily damaged. In a backflushing procedure a slightover-pressure is applied to the permeate side of the membrane, forcing solutionfrom the permeate side to the feed side of the membrane. The flow of solutionlifts deposited materials from the surface. Backflushing must be done carefullyto avoid membrane damage. Typical backflushing pressures are 5–15 psi.

One method of achieving a backflushing effect used with capillary ultrafil-tration modules is initiated by closing the permeate port from the membranemodule, as shown in Figure 6.14 [18]. In normal operation a pressure drop of5–10 psi occurs between the feed and residue side of a membrane module. Thispressure difference is required to drive the feed solution through the module. Ifthe permeate port from the module is closed, the pressure on the permeate side ofthe membrane will increase to a pressure intermediate between those of the feedand residue streams. This produces a slight positive pressure difference at oneend of the module and a slight negative pressure difference on the other end ofthe module, as shown in Figure 6.14(b). The pressure difference sets up a back-flushing condition in which permeate-quality water that has permeated one-halfof the module becomes a backflushing solution in the other half of the mod-ule. Deposited materials lifted from the membrane surface in the back-flushedarea are swept away by the fast feed flow. If the direction of the feed flow isreversed, as shown in Figure 6.14(c), the other half of the module is then back-flushed. This in-situ backflushing technique is used in capillary ultrafiltrationmodules in which the feed-to-residue pressure drop is quite large. An advantageof the procedure is that it can be done without stopping normal operation of theultrafiltration system.

Because of the challenging environment in which ultrafiltration membranesare operated and the regular cleaning cycles, membrane lifetime is significantlyshorter than that of reverse osmosis membranes. Ultrafiltration module lifetimesare rarely more than 2–3 years, and modules may be replaced annually incheese whey or electrocoat paint applications. In contrast, reverse osmosis mem-branes are normally not cleaned more than once or twice per year and can last4–5 years.

Membranes and Modules

Membrane Materials

Most of today’s ultrafiltration membranes are made by variations of theLoeb–Sourirajan process. A limited number of materials are used, primarilypolyacrylonitrile, poly(vinyl chloride)–polyacrylonitrile copolymers, polysulfone,poly(ether sulfone), poly(vinylidene fluoride), some aromatic polyamides, andcellulose acetate. In general, the more hydrophilic membranes are more fouling-resistant than the completely hydrophobic materials. For this reason water-soluble

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Pressure (psi)

0 5 101520






Pressure (psi)


(a) Normal operation


0 5 10152025

Pressure (psi)

0 5 10152025












(b) Normal flow back flushing



of membrane

(c) Reverse flow back flushing



of membrane

0 5 10152025

0 5 10152025

0 5 10152025

Figure 6.14 Backflushing of membrane modules by closing the permeate port. Thistechnique is particularly applicable to capillary fiber modules

polymers such as poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) or poly(vinyl methyl ether) are oftenadded to the membrane casting solutions used for hydrophobic polymers such aspolysulfone or poly(vinylidene fluoride). During the membrane precipitation step,most of the water-soluble polymer is leached from the membrane, but enoughremains to make the membrane surface hydrophilic.

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Time (weeks)












nt fl

ux (


t2 ·d a

y )

42 6

Slightly positivelycharged surface

Negatively chargedmembrane surface

8 10 12

Figure 6.15 Effect of membrane surface charge on ultrafiltration flux decline. Thesemembranes were used to ultrafilter cathodic electrocoat paint, which has a net negativecharge. Electrostatic repulsion made the negatively charged membrane significantly moreresistant to fouling than the similar positively charged membrane [13]

The charge on the membrane surface is important. Many colloidal materialshave a slight negative charge from carboxyl, sulfonic or other acid groups. If themembrane surface also has a slight negative charge, adhesion of the colloidalgel layer to the membrane is reduced, which helps to maintain a high flux andinhibit membrane fouling. The effect of a slight positive charge on the membraneis the opposite. Charge and hydrophilic character can be the result of the chemicalstructure of the membrane material or can be applied to a preformed membranesurface by chemical grafting or surface treatment. The appropriate treatmentdepends on the application and the feed solution.

The importance of membrane surface characteristics on performance is illus-trated by Figure 6.15. The feed solution in this example was a cathodic electrocoatpaint solution in which the paint particulates had a net positive charge. As a result,membrane flux declined rapidly with the positively charged membranes but muchmore slowly with essentially identical membranes that had been treated to givethe surface a net negative charge [13].

Ultrafiltration Modules

The need to control concentration polarization and membrane fouling domi-nates the design of ultrafiltration modules. The first commercially successful

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ultrafiltration systems were based on tubular and plate-and-frame modules. Overthe years, many improvements have been made to these module designs, andthey are still used for highly fouling solutions. The lower cost of spiral-woundand capillary modules has resulted in a gradual trend to replace tubular andplate-and-frame systems with these lower-cost modules. In relatively non-foulingapplications, such as the use of ultrafiltration as part of a treatment train to pro-duce ultrapure water, spiral-wound modules are universally used. Spiral-woundand capillary modules are also used in some food applications, such as ultrafil-tration of cheese whey and clarification of apple juice.

Because of their large diameter, tubular ultrafiltration modules can be usedto treat solutions that would rapidly foul other module types. In a number ofdemanding applications, such as treatment of electrocoat paint, concentration oflatex solutions, or separation of oil–water emulsions, the fouling resistance andease of cleaning of tubular modules outweighs their high cost, large volume, andhigh energy consumption. In a typical tubular module system, 5- to 8-ft-longtubes are manifolded in series. The feed solution is circulated through the mod-ule array at velocities of 2–6 m/s. This high solution velocity causes a pressuredrop of 2–3 psi per module or 10–30 psi for a module bank. Because of thehigh circulation rate and the resulting pressure drop, large pumps are required,so tubular modules have the highest energy consumption of any module design.Most tubular ultrafiltration plants use 30–100 kWh of energy per 1000 gallonsof permeate produced. At an electrical energy cost of US$0.06/kWh, this cor-responds to an energy cost of US$2–6 per 1000 gallons of permeate, a majorcost factor.

The diameter of the early tubular membrane modules was 1 in. Later, moreenergy-efficient, higher-membrane-area modules were produced by nesting fourto six smaller-diameter tubes inside a single housing (see Chapter 3). Typicaltubular module costs vary widely but are generally from US$200 to 500/m2.Recently ceramic tubular modules have been introduced; these are more expen-sive, typically from US$1000 to 2000/m2. This high cost limits their use to afew applications with extreme feed operating conditions.

Plate-and-frame units compete with tubular units in some applications. Thesemodules are not quite as fouling resistant as tubular modules but are less expen-sive. Most consist of a flat membrane envelope with a rubber gasket around theouter edge. The membrane envelope, together with appropriate spacers, forms aplate that is contained in a stack of 20–30 plates. Typical feed channel heightsare 0.5–1.0 mm, and the system operates in high-shear conditions. Plate-and-frame systems can be operated at higher pressures than tubular or capillarymodules—operating pressures up to 150 psi are not uncommon. This can be anadvantage in some applications. The compact design, small hold-up volume, andabsence of stagnant areas also makes sterilization easy. For these reasons plate-and-frame units are used in several types of food industry operations, particularly

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Figure 6.16 Horizontal DDS plate-and-frame ultrafiltration system. Courtesy of AlfaLaval Nakskov A/S, Naksvov, Denmark

in Europe where Rhone Poulanc and De Danske Sukkerfabrikker (DDS) [nowAlfa Laval] pioneered these applications in the 1970s. A photograph of an AlfaLaval plate-and-frame system is shown in Figure 6.16.

Capillary hollow fiber modules were introduced by Romicon in the early1970s. A typical capillary module contains 500–2000 fibers with a diameterof 0.5–1.0 mm housed in a 30-in.-long, 3-in.-diameter cartridge. Modules havea membrane area of 2–10 m2. Feed solution is pumped down the bore of thefibers. Operating pressures are quite low, normally not more than 25 psi (to avoidbreaking the fibers). This low operating pressure is a disadvantage in the treat-ment of some clean feed solutions for which high-pressure operation would beadvantageous. The normal feed-to-residue pressure drop of a capillary module is10–15 psi. Under these conditions, capillary modules achieve good throughputswith many solutions. High-temperature sanitary systems are available; this, com-bined with the small hold-up volume and clean flow path, has encouraged theuse of these modules in biotechnology applications in which small volumes of

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expensive solutions are treated. A major advantage of capillary fiber systems isthat the membrane can be cleaned easily by backflushing. With capillary modulesit is important to avoid ‘blinding’ the fibers with particulates caught at the fiberentrance. Prefiltration to remove all particulates larger than one-tenth of the fiber’sinside diameter is required to avoid blinding.

The use of spiral-wound modules in ultrafiltration applications has increasedrecently. This design was first developed for reverse osmosis modules in whichthe feed channel spacer is a fine window-screen material. In ultrafiltration acoarser feed spacer material is used, often as much as 45 mil thick. This coarsespacer prevents particulates from lodging in the spacer corners. However, pre-filtration of the ultrafiltration feed down to 5–10 µm is still required for long-termoperation. In the past, spiral-wound modules were limited to ultrafiltration ofclean feed waters, such as preparation of ultrapure water for the electronics orpharmaceutical industries. Development of improved pretreatment and modulespacer designs now allows these modules to be used for more highly foulingsolutions such as cheese whey. In these food applications, the stagnant volumebetween the module insert and the module housing is a potentially unsterile area.To eliminate this dead space, the product seal is perforated to allow a smallbypass flow to continuously flush this area.

In the last few years a number of companies, most notably New Logic Interna-tional (Emeryville, CA), have introduced plate-and-frame modules in which themembrane plate is vibrated or rotated. Thus, control of concentration polariza-tion at the membrane surface is by movement of the membrane rather than bymovement of the feed solution [19]. Moving the membrane concentrates mostof the turbulence right at the membrane surface, where it is most needed. Thesemodules achieve very high turbulence at the membrane surface at a relatively lowenergy cost. The fluxes obtained are high and stable. Vibrating–rotating modulesare considerably more expensive than cross-flow modules so the first applicationshave been with high-value, highly fouling feed solutions that are difficult to treatwith standard modules.

System Design

Batch Systems

The simplest type of ultrafiltration system is a batch unit, shown in Figure 6.17.In such a unit, a limited volume of feed solution is circulated through a mod-ule at a high flow rate. The process continues until the required separation isachieved, after which the concentrate solution is drained from the feed tank, andthe unit is ready to treat a second batch of solution. Batch processes are par-ticularly suited to the small-scale operations common in the biotechnology andpharmaceutical industries. Such systems can be adapted to continuous use butthis requires automatic controls, which are expensive and can be unreliable.

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Feed tank

Figure 6.17 Flow schematic of a batch ultrafiltration process

The easiest way to calculate the performance of a batch system is to assumethe membrane is completely retentive for the solute of interest. That is,

R =(

1 − cp


)= 1 (6.4)

where cp is the solute concentration in the permeate and cb is the solute concen-tration in the feed. It follows that the increase in concentration of the solute inthe feed tank from the initial concentration cb(o), to the concentration at time t ,cb(t) is proportional to the volume of solution remaining in the feed tank, that is,


cb(o)= V(o)



where the volume of solution removed in the permeate is V(o) − V(t). If, as isoften the case, the membrane is slightly permeable to the solute (R < 1), theconcentration ratio achieved can be written as




]= R ln




When the rejection coefficient equals one, Equation (6.6) reduces toEquation (6.5). A plot of the concentration ratio of retained solute as a function ofthe volume reduction for membranes with varying rejection coefficients is shownin Figure 6.18. This figure illustrates the effect of partially retentive membraneson loss of solute.

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Volume reduction (1−V(t)/V(o))%







10 20 40 60 80

R= 1.0

R = 0.8

R = 0.6

R = 0.4

R = 0.2


c b(t






c b(o


Figure 6.18 Increase in concentration of the retained feed solution as a function ofvolume reduction of the feed for membranes of different solute rejections. The differencebetween these lines and the R = 1 line represents loss of solute through the membrane

Continuous Systems

Continuous ultrafiltration processes, in which modules are arranged in series toobtain the separation required in a single pass, are relatively common. This isbecause high feed solution flow rates are required to control concentration polar-ization; a single-pass process would not achieve the required removal under theseconditions. Solution velocities in ultrafiltration modules are 5–10 times higherthan in reverse osmosis. For these reasons, feed-and-bleed systems are commonlyused in large ultrafiltration plants. Figure 6.19 shows one-, two- and three-stagefeed-and-bleed systems. In these systems a large volume of solution is circulatedcontinuously through a bank of membrane modules. Concurrently, a small vol-ume of feed solution enters the recirculation loop just before the recirculationpump, and an equivalent volume of more concentrated solution is removed (orbled) from the recirculation loop just after the membrane module. The advantageof feed-and-bleed systems is that a high feed solution velocity through the mod-ules is easily maintained independent of the volume of solution being treated.In most plants the flow rate of solution in the recirculation loop is 5–10 timesthe feed solution flow rate. This high circulation rate means that the concentra-tion of retained material in the circulating solution is close to the concentrationof the bleed solution and is significantly higher than the feed solution concen-tration. Because the flux of ultrafiltration membranes decreases with increasingconcentration, more membrane area is required to produce the required separa-tion than in a batch or a once-through continuous system operated at the samefeed solution velocity.

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Permeate Permeate

Permeate Permeate Permeate




Figure 6.19 One-, two- and three-stage feed-and-bleed systems. In general, the mostefficient design is achieved when all stages have approximately the same membrane area.As the number of stages is increased, the average concentration of the solution circulatingthrough the membrane modules decreases, and the total membrane area of the system issignificantly less than for a one-stage design

To overcome the inefficiency of one-stage feed-and-bleed designs, industrialsystems are usually divided into multiple stages, as shown in Figure 6.19. Byusing multiple stages, the difference in concentration between the solution cir-culating in a stage and the feed solution entering the stage is minimized. Thefollowing numerical values illustrate this point. In this example, the membrane isassumed to be completely retentive and the goal is to concentrate the feed solution

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from 1 to 8 %. If this is done in a one-stage feed-and-bleed system, the averageconcentration of the solution passing through the modules is 8 %, and the fluxis proportionately low. In a more efficient two-stage feed-and-bleed system, thefirst stage concentrates the solution from 1 to 3 %, and the second stage concen-trates the solution from 3 to 8 %. Approximately three-quarters of the permeate isremoved in the first stage, and the rest in the second stage. Because the modulesin the first stage operate at a concentration of 3 % rather than 8 %, these moduleshave a higher membrane flux than in the one-stage unit. In fact, the membranearea of each stage is about equal although the volume of permeate produced byeach stage is very different. The two-stage feed-and-bleed design has about 60 %of the area of the one-stage system. The three-stage system, which concentratesthe solution in three equal-area stages—from 1 to 2 % in the first stage, from 2to 4 % in the second stage, and from 4 to 8 % in the third stage—is even moreefficient. In this case the total membrane area is about 40 % of the area of aone-stage system performing the same separation.

Because of the significantly lower membrane areas of multistage feed-and-bleed systems, most large plants have between three and five stages. The limitto the number of stages is reached when the reduction in membrane area doesnot offset the increase in complexity of the system. Also, because of the highfluid circulation rates involved in feed-and-bleed ultrafiltration plants, the cost ofpumps can rise to 30 to 40 % of the total cost of the system. Electricity to powerthe pumps is a significant operating expense.


In the 1960s and early 1970s it was thought that ultrafiltration would be widelyused to treat industrial wastewater. This application did not materialize. Ultrafil-tration is far too expensive to be generally used for this application, however, itis used to treat small, concentrated waste streams from particular point sourcesbefore they are mixed with the general sewer stream. Ultrafiltration is also used ifthe value of the components to be separated is sufficient to offset the cost of theprocess. Examples exist in food processing, in which the ultrafiltered concentrateis used to produce a high-value product, or in the production of ultrapure waterin the electronics industry.

The cost of ultrafiltration plants varies widely, depending on the size of theplant, the type of solution to be treated, and the separation to be performed.In general, ultrafiltration plants are much smaller than reverse osmosis systems.Typical flow rates are 10 000–100 000 gal/day, one-tenth that of the averagereverse osmosis plant. Rogers [20] compiled the costs shown in Figure 6.20that, adjusted for inflation, still seem reasonable. For typical plants treating10 000–100 000 gal/day of feed solution, the capital cost is in the rangeUS$2–5 gal/day capacity. The typical breakdown of these costs is shown inTable 6.1 [21]. Operating costs will normally be US$3–4/1000 gal/day capacity,

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Plant capacity (1000 gal/day of feed)







e pr



pd o

f fee



High solids loadinglow flux

Low solids loadinghigh flux

100 1000 10 000

Figure 6.20 Purchase price in 2003 US dollars for ultrafiltration plants as a function ofplant capacity. Data of Rogers corrected for inflation [20]. Reprinted from Synthetic Mem-brane Processes, A.N. Rogers, Economics of the Application of Membrane Processes,p. 454, G. Belfort (ed.), Copyright 1984, with permission from Elsevier

Table 6.1 Typical ultrafiltration capitaland operating cost breakdown [21]

Capital costs %

Pumps 30Membrane modules 20Module housings 10Pipes, valves, frame 20Controls/other 20Total 100

Operating costs

Membrane replacement 30–50Cleaning costs 10–30Energy 20–30Labor 15Total 100

with membrane module replacement costs about 30–50 %, and energy costs forthe recirculation pumps 20–30 %, depending on the system design.

The current ultrafiltration market is approximately US$200 million/year butbecause the market is very fragmented, no individual segment is more than aboutUS$10–30 million/year. Also, each of the diverse applications uses membranes,modules, and system designs tailored to the particular industry served. The resultis little product standardization, many custom-built systems, and high costs com-pared to reverse osmosis. The first large successful application was the recovery

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of electrocoat paint in automobile plants. Later, a number of significant applica-tions developed in the food industry [22,23], first in the production of cheese,then in the production of apple and other juices and, more recently, in the pro-duction of beer and wine. Industrial wastewater and process water treatment isa growing application, but high costs limit growth. Early plants were all tubularor plate-and-frame systems, but less expensive capillary and specially configuredspiral-wound modules are now used more commonly. An overview of ultrafil-tration applications is given in Cheryan and Alvarez’s review article [23] andCheryan’s book [24].

Electrocoat Paint

In the 1960s, automobile companies began to use electrodeposition of paint ona large scale. The paint solution is an emulsion of charged paint particles. Themetal piece to be coated is made into an electrode of opposite charge to the paintparticles and is immersed in a large tank of the paint. When a voltage is appliedbetween the metal part and the paint tank, the charged paint particles migrateunder the influence of the voltage and are deposited on the metal surface, forminga coating over the entire wetted surface of the metal part. After electrodeposition,the piece is removed from the tank and rinsed to remove excess paint, after whichthe paint is cured in an oven.

The rinse water from the washing step rapidly becomes contaminated withexcess paint, while the stability of the paint emulsion is gradually degradedby ionic impurities carried over from the cleaning operation before the painttank. Both of these problems are solved by the ultrafiltration system shown inFigure 6.21. The ultrafiltration plant takes paint solution containing 15–20 %solids and produces a clean permeate containing the ionic impurities but no paintparticles, which is sent to the counter-current rinsing operation, and a slightlyconcentrated paint to be returned to the paint tank. A portion of the ultrafiltrationpermeate is bled from the tank and replaced with water to maintain the ionicbalance of the process.

Electrocoat paint is a challenging feed solution for an ultrafiltration process.The solids content of the solution is high, typically 15–20 wt%, so a gel layereasily forms on the membrane. The gel formation results in relatively low fluxes,generally 10–15 gal/ft2 · day. However, the value of the paint recovered from therinse water and elimination of other rinse-water cleanup steps made the ultrafiltra-tion process an immediate success when introduced by Abcor. Tubular moduleswere used in the first plants [7] and are still installed in many electrocoat oper-ations, although capillary and some spiral-wound modules are used in newerplants. The first electrocoat paint was anionic because the latex emulsion parti-cles carried a negative charge. These emulsions were best treated with membraneshaving a slight negative charge to minimize fouling. Cationic latex paints carrying

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Electro paint tank

Chromate/phosphatecleaning steps Rinse tanks



Figure 6.21 Flow schematic of an electrocoat paint ultrafiltration system. The ultra-filtration system removes ionic impurities from the paint tank carried over from thechromate/phosphate cleaning steps and provides clean rinse water for the counter-currentrinsing operation

a positive charge were introduced in the late 1970s. Ultrafiltration of these paintsrequired development of membranes carrying a slight positive charge.

Food Industry

Cheese Production

Ultrafiltration has found a major application in the production of cheese; thetechnology is now widely used throughout the dairy industry. During cheeseproduction the milk is coagulated (or curdled) by precipitation of the milk pro-teins. The solid that forms (curd) is sent to the cheese fermentation plant. Thesupernatant liquor (whey) represents a disposal problem. The compositions ofmilk and whey are shown in Table 6.2. Whey contains most of the dissolvedsalts and sugars present in the original milk and about 25 % of the original pro-tein. In the past, whey was often discharged to the sewer because its high saltand lactose content makes direct use as a food supplement difficult. Now abouthalf of the whey produced in the United States is processed to obtain additionalvalue and avoid a troublesome waste disposal problems. The traditional cheeseproduction process and two newer processes using ultrafiltration membranes areshown in Figure 6.22.

The objective of the two membrane processes shown in Figure 6.22 is toincrease the fraction of milk proteins used as cheese or some other useful productand to reduce the waste disposal problem represented by the whey. In the MMV

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Table 6.2 Composition of milk and cheese whey

Component (wt%) Milk Whey

Total solids 12.3 7.0Protein 3.3 0.9Fat 3.7 0.7Lactose/other carbohydrates 4.6 4.8Ash 0.7 0.6















Filtrate saltsdischarge

Ultrafiltration/reverse osmosis






Whey separationprocess

MMV process

Pre-cheeseconcentrate~30% solids


Figure 6.22 Simplified flow schematic showing the traditional cheese productionmethod, and two new methods using ultrafiltration to increase the recycle of useful product

process, named after the developers Maubois, Mocquot and Vassal [25], wholeor skimmed milk is concentrated three- to five-fold to produce a pre-cheese con-centrate that can be used directly to produce soft cheeses and yogurt. Typically,the total solids level of the concentrate is about 30–35 %, containing 12–17 %protein. This protein concentration is sufficient for soft cheeses (Camembert,Mozzarella and Feta) but cannot be used directly to produce hard cheeses (Ched-dar and Swiss), for which protein levels of 25 % are required. When ultrafiltrationcan be used, increased milk protein utilization increases cheese production byapproximately 10 %, so the process is widely used.

The second whey separation process uses both ultrafiltration and reverse osmo-sis to obtain useful protein from the whey produced in the traditional cheesemanufacturing process. A flow schematic of a combined ultrafiltration–reverseosmosis process is shown in Figure 6.23. The goal is to separate the whey intothree streams, the most valuable of which is the concentrated protein fractionstripped of salts and lactose. Because raw whey has a high lactose concentration,before the whey protein can be used as a concentrate, the protein concentrationmust be increased to at least 60–70 % on a dry basis and the lactose content

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to evaporator



Protein fractionto evaporator2−3 wt%



Reverse osmosis/nanofiltration


Whey(~1.0% protein)

Water, somedissolved salts

Figure 6.23 Simplified flow schematic of an ultrafiltration/reverse osmosis process toextract valuable components from cheese whey

reduced by 95 %. The objective of the ultrafiltration membrane step is to concen-trate the protein as much as possible to minimize evaporator drying costs and tosimultaneously remove the lactose. These two objectives are difficult to meet in asingle ultrafiltration step because of the reduction in flux at the very high volumereduction required to achieve sufficient lactose removal. Therefore, whey plantscommonly use an ultrafiltration step to achieve a 5- to 10-fold volume reductionand remove most of the lactose, after which the feed is diluted with water andreconcentrated in a second step which removes the remaining lactose. Most wheyplants use spiral-wound ultrafiltration modules in multistage feed-and-bleed sys-tems. Sanitary spiral-wound module designs are used to eliminate stagnant areasin the module housing, and the entire plant is sterilized daily with hot high- andlow-pH cleaning solutions. This harsh cleaning treatment significantly reducesmembrane lifetime.

Although whey protein products have several food uses, the lactose containedin the permeate is less valuable, and many plants discharge the permeate to abiological wastewater treatment plant. A few plants recover lactose as dry lactosesugar, as shown in Figure 6.23. Some plants also ferment the lactose concentrateto make ethanol. An introduction to membrane ultrafiltration in cheese productionis given by Kosikowski [26].

Clarification of Fruit Juice

Apple, pear, orange and grape juices are all clarified by ultrafiltration. Ultra-filtration of apple juice is a particularly successful application. Approximately200 plants have been installed, and almost all US apple juice is clarified by thismethod. In the traditional process, crude filtration was performed directly aftercrushing the fruit. Pectinase was added to hydrolyze pectin, which reduced theviscosity of the juice before it was passed through a series of decantation and

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Volumetric concentration factor (feed to residue)












, Jv




10 100

Figure 6.24 Ultrafiltration flux in apple juice clarification as a function of the volumetricfeed-to-residue concentration factor. Tubular polysulfone membranes at 55 C [27].Reprinted from R.G. Blanck and W. Eykamp, Fruit Juice Ultrafiltration, in RecentAdvances in Separation Techniques-III, N.N. Li (ed.), AIChE Symposium Series Number250, 82 (1986). Reproduced by permission of the American Institute of ChemicalEngineers. Copyright 1986 AIChE. All rights reserved

diatomaceous filtration steps to yield clear juice with a typical yield of about 90 %.By replacing these final filtration steps with ultrafiltration, a very good-quality,almost-sterile product can be produced with a yield of almost 97 % [26,27].

Ultrafiltration membranes with a molecular weight cut-off of 10 000–50 000,packaged as tubular or capillary hollow fiber modules, are generally used. Theinitial feed solution is quite fluid, but in this application almost all of the feedsolution is forced through the membrane, and overall concentration factors of 50are normal. This means that the final residue solution is concentrated and viscousso the solution is usually filtered at 50–55 C. Operation at this temperature alsoreduces bacterial growth. A flux versus concentration factor curve produced inthis type of application is shown in Figure 6.24. As the concentration of theresidue rises, the flux falls dramatically.

Oil–Water Emulsions

Oil–water emulsions are widely used in metal machining operations to providelubrication and cooling. Although recycling of the fluids is widely practiced,spent waste streams are produced. Using ultrafiltration to recover the oil com-ponent and allow safe discharge of the water makes good economic sense, and

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this application covers a wide volume range. In large, automated machiningoperations such as automobile plants, steel rolling mills, and wire mills, a cen-tral ultrafiltration system may process up to 100 000 gal/day of waste emulsion.These are relatively sophisticated plants that operate continuously using severalultrafiltration feed-and-bleed stages in series. At the other end of the scale arevery small systems dedicated to single machines, which process only a few gal-lons of emulsion per hour. The principal economic driver for users of smallsystems is the avoided cost of waste hauling. For larger systems the value of therecovered oil and associated chemicals can be important. In both cases, tubularor capillary hollow fiber modules are generally used because of the high foul-ing potential and very variable composition of emulsified oils. A flow diagramof an ultrafiltration system used to treat large machine oil emulsions is shownin Figure 6.25. The dilute, used emulsion is filtered to remove metal cuttingsand is then circulated through a feed-and-bleed ultrafiltration system, producinga concentrated emulsion for reuse and a dilute filtrate that can be dischargedor reused.


UF unit

Fine filter


Band filterFlush water

Dilutedused emulsion

Emulsion for reuse


Concentrated emulsion cycle

Filtrate for reuseas process fluid

Figure 6.25 Flow diagram of a feed-and-bleed ultrafiltration unit used to concentrate adilute oil emulsion

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Process Water and Product Recycling

Ultrafiltration has been applied to a number of process and product recyclingoperations. Typical applications include cleaning and recycling hot water usedin food processing applications, recovery of latex particles contained in waste-water produced in production of latex paints [28,29] and recovery of poly(vinylalcohol) sizing agents used as process aids in synthetic fabric weaving opera-tions [28]. The economic driving force for the applications can come from anumber of sources:

• Water recovery. Depending on the plant’s location, reduced municipal watercosts can produce savings in the US$1.00–2.00/1000 gal range.

• Heat recovery. Many process streams are hot. Ultrafiltration usually worksbetter with hot feeds so hot feed solutions are not a problem. If the hot,clean permeate can be recycled without cooling, the energy savings can beconsiderable. If the water is 50 C above ambient temperature, the energysavings amount to about US$4.00/1000 gal.

• Avoided water treatment costs. These costs will vary over a wide rangedepending on the process. For a food processing plant they are likely to be rela-tively modest—perhaps only US$1/1000 gal or less—but treating latex emul-sion plant effluents (called white water) can cost as much as US$10/1000 galor more.

• Product recovery value. If the product concentrated by the ultrafiltration pro-cess can be recovered and reused in the plant, this is likely to be the mostimportant credit.

A typical example of a process water and product recycling application, shownin Figure 6.26, is the recovery of poly(vinyl alcohol) sizing agent. In this appli-cation, all the above economic drivers contribute to the total plant economics.The feed stream is produced in fabric weaving when the fiber is dipped in a solu-tion of poly(vinyl alcohol) to increase its strength. After weaving, the poly(vinylalcohol) is removed in a desizing wash bath. The solution produced in this bathis hot (55 C) and contains 0.5–1.0 % poly(vinyl alcohol). The purpose of theultrafiltration unit is to concentrate the poly(vinyl alcohol) so it can be recycledto the sizing bath and to send the reclaimed, hot clean permeate stream backto the desizing step. After filtration the poly(vinyl alcohol) solution is relativelyparticulate-free and quite viscous, so spiral-wound modules are used to reducecosts. For very small plants with flows of less than 5 gal/min, batch systems areused. However, most plants are in the 10- to 100-gal/min range and are multistagefeed-and-bleed systems, as shown in Figure 6.26. The environment is challeng-ing for the membranes, which must be cleaned weekly with detergents to removewaxy deposits and with citric acid to remove iron scale. Even so, modules mustbe replaced every 12–18 months, representing a major operating cost.

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FeedPVA 1%

ConcentratePVA 8%


To drain Concentrate


CartridgefilterTo drain




Desizing bath

Yarn to further processing

Vibratingscreen filter

Mixing tank


PermeatePVA 0.05%

PVA recoverycontinuous treatment

Overall Process Flow Scheme

Ultrafiltration Plant Detail

Weaving& other



Figure 6.26 Flow schematic of a three-stage feed-and-bleed ultrafiltration system used torecover poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) sizing agents used in the production of cotton/syntheticblend fabrics [28]


Many applications exist for ultrafiltration in the biotechnology industry. A typ-ical application is the concentration and removal of products from fermentationoperations used in enzyme production, cell harvesting, or virus production. Mostof the systems are small; the volume processed is often only 100 to 1000 gal/day,but the value of products is often very high. Batch systems are commonly used.

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Because of the glamour of biotechnology, these applications have received adisproportionate interest by academic researchers. However, this is not a majormarket for ultrafiltration equipment, and many of the plants use little more thanbench-scale equipment.

Conclusions and Future Directions

The high cost per gallon of permeate produced limits the expansion of ultra-filtration into most large wastewater and industrial process stream applications.Costs are high because membrane fluxes are modest, large amounts of energy areused to circulate the feed solution to control fouling, membrane modules mustbe cleaned frequently, and membrane lifetimes are short. These are all differentaspects of the same problem—membrane fouling.

Unfortunately, membrane fouling and gel layer formation are inherent featuresof ultrafiltration. Only limited progress in controlling these problems has beenmade in the last 20 years and, barring an unexpected breakthrough, progress islikely to remain slow. Development of inherently fouling-resistant membranes bychanging the membrane surface absorption characteristics or charge is a promis-ing approach. By reducing adhesion of the deposited gel layer to the surface, thescrubbing action of the feed solution can be enhanced. Another approach is todevelop inherently more fouling-resistant modules. In principle, bore-side-feedcapillary fiber modules offer high membrane areas, good flow distribution, andthe potential for simple automatic flushing to clean the membrane. The capillaryfibers used to date have generally been limited to relatively small diameters andlow operating pressures. Development of economical ways to produce 2- to 3-mm-diameter capillary fiber modules, able to operate at 50–100 psi, could leadto lower energy consumption and higher, more stable membrane fluxes. Mono-lithic ceramic membrane modules have all of these features, but for these to bewidely accepted, costs must be reduced by an order of magnitude from today’slevels, that is, to less than US$100–200/m2. If this cost reduction were achieved,ceramics might replace polymeric membranes in many applications. Vibratingmembrane modules have been introduced recently and, although costs are high,their performance is very good. Cost reductions could make this type of modulemore generally applicable in the future.

References1. H. Bechhold, Kolloidstudien mit der Filtrationsmethode, Z. Physik Chem. 60, 257

(1907).2. R. Zsigmondy and W. Bachmann, Uber Neue Filter, Z. Anorg. Chem. 103, 119 (1918).3. J.D. Ferry, Ultrafilter Membranes and Ultrafiltration, Chem. Rev. 18, 373 (1936).4. W.J. Elford, Principles Governing the Preparation of Membranes Having Graded

Porosities. The Properties of ‘Gradocol’ Membranes as Ultrafilters, Trans. FaradaySoc. 33, 1094 (1937).

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5. S. Loeb and S. Sourirajan, Sea Water Demineralization by Means of an OsmoticMembrane, in Saline Water Conversion-II, Advances in Chemistry Series Number38, Washington, DC (1963).

6. A.S. Michaels, High Flow Membrane, US Patent 3,615,024 (October, 1971).7. R.L. Goldsmith, R.P. deFilippi, S. Hossain and R.S. Timmins, Industrial Ultrafiltra-

tion, in Membrane Processes in Industry and Biomedicine, M. Bier (ed.), PlenumPress, New York, pp. 267–300 (1971).

8. R.W. Baker and H. Strathmann, Ultrafiltration of Macromolecular Solutions withHigh-Flux Membranes, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 14, 1197 (1970).

9. G. Belfort, R.H. Davis and A.L. Zydney, The Behavior of Suspensions and Macro-molecular Solutions in Crossflow Microfiltration, J. Membr. Sci. 1, 96 (1994).

10. M.C. Porter, Concentration Polarization with Membrane Ultrafiltration, Ind. Eng.Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 11, 234 (1972).

11. G. Jonsson and C.E. Boesen, Polarization Phenomena in Membrane Processes, inSynthetic Membrane Processes, G. Belfort (ed.), Academic Press, Orlando, FL, pp.100–130 (1984).

12. C. Kleinstreuer and G. Belfort, Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Flow and Solute Dis-tribution in Pressure-driven Membrane Modules, in Synthetic Membrane Processes,G. Belfort (ed.), Academic Press, Orlando, FL, pp. 131–190 (1984).

13. M.C. Porter, Ultrafiltration, in Handbook of Industrial Membrane Technology,M.C. Porter (ed.), Noyes Publication, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 136–259 (1990).

14. R. Walker, Recent Developments in Ultrafiltration of Electrocoat Paint, Electrocoat82, 1 (1982).

15. M.C. Porter, Membrane Filtration, in Handbook of Separation Techniques for Chem-ical Engineers, P.A. Schweitzer (ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, pp. 2.3–2.103(1979).

16. R.M. McDonogh, T. Gruber, N. Stroh, H. Bauser, E. Walitza, H. Chmiel andH. Strathmann, Criteria for Fouling Layer Disengagement During Filtration of FeedContaining a Wide Range of Solutes, J. Membr. Sci. 73, 181 (1992).

17. R.W. Baker, Method of Fractionating Polymers by Ultrafiltration, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.13, 369 (1969).

18. B.R. Breslau, A.J. Testa, B.A. Milnes and G. Medjanis, Advances in HollowFiber Ultrafiltration Technology, in Ultrafiltration Membranes and Applications,A.R. Cooper (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, NY, pp. 109–128 (1980).

19. B. Culkin, A. Plotkin and M. Monroe, Solve Membrane Fouling Problems with High-shear Filtration, Chem. Eng. Prog. 94, 29 (1998).

20. A.N. Rogers, Economics of the Application of Membrane Processes, in SyntheticMembrane Processes, G. Belfort (ed.), Academic Press, Orlando, FL, pp. 437–477(1984).

21. W. Eykamp, Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration, in Membrane Separation Technology:Principles and Applications, R.D. Noble and S.A. Stern (eds), Elsevier Science, Ams-terdam, pp. 1–40 (1995).

22. B.R. Breslau, P.H. Larsen, B.A. Milnes and S.L. Waugh, The Application of Ultrafil-tration Technology in the Food Processing Industry, The 1988 Sixth Annual MembraneTechnology/Planning Conference, Cambridge, MA (November, 1988).

23. M. Cheryan and F.R. Alvarez, Food and Beverage Industry Applications, in Mem-brane Separation Technology: Principles and Applications, R.D. Noble and S.A. Stern(eds), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 415–460 (1995).

24. M. Cheryan, Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook, Technomic Publishing Co.,Lancaster, PA (1998).

25. J.L. Maubois, G. Mocquot and L. Vassal, Preparation of Cheese Using Ultrafiltration,US Patent 4,205,080 (1980).

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26. F.V. Kosikowski, Membrane Separations in Food Processing, in Membrane Sep-arations in Biotechnology, W.C. McGregor (ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York, pp.201–254 (1986).

27. R.G. Blanck and W. Eykamp, Fruit Juice Ultrafiltration, in Recent Advances in Sepa-ration Techniques-III, N.N. Li (ed.), AIChE Symposium Series Number 250, AIChE,New York, NY, p. 82 (1986).

28. L. Mir, W. Eykamp and R.L. Goldsmith, Current and Developing Applications forUltrafiltration, Indust. Water Eng. May/June, 1 (1977).

29. B.R. Breslau and R.G. Buckley, The Ultrafiltration of ‘Whitewater’, An ApplicationWhose Time Has Come!, The 1992 Tenth Annual Membrane Technology/SeparationsPlanning Conference, Newton, MA (October, 1992).

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Introduction and History

Microfiltration refers to filtration processes that use porous membranes to separatesuspended particles with diameters between 0.1 and 10 µm. Thus, microfiltrationmembranes fall between ultrafiltration membranes and conventional filters. Likeultrafiltration, microfiltration has its modern origins in the development of collo-dion (nitrocellulose) membranes in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1926 MembranfilterGmbH was founded and began to produce collodion microfiltration membranescommercially. The market was very small, but by the 1940s other companies,including Sartorius and Schleicher and Schuell, were producing similar mem-brane filters.

The first large-scale application of microfiltration membranes was to culturemicroorganisms in drinking water; this remains a significant application. The testwas developed in Germany during World War II, as a rapid method to monitorthe water supply for contamination. The existing test required water samples tobe cultured for at least 96 h. Mueller and others at Hamburg University deviseda method in which a liter of water was filtered through a Sartorius microfiltrationmembrane. Any bacteria in the water were captured by the filter, and the mem-brane was then placed on a pad of gelled nutrient solution for 24 h. The nutrientsdiffused to the trapped bacteria on the membrane surface, allowing them to growinto colonies large enough to be easily counted under a microscope. After thewar there was no US supplier of these membranes, so in 1947 the US Armysponsored a program by Goetz at CalTech to duplicate the Sartorius technology.The membranes developed there were made from a blend of cellulose acetateand nitrocellulose, and were formed by controlled precipitation with water fromthe vapor phase. This technology was passed to the Lowell Chemical Company,which in 1954 became the Millipore Corporation, producing the Goetz mem-branes on a commercial scale. Over the next 40 years Millipore became thelargest microfiltration company. Membranes made from a number of noncellu-losic materials, including poly(vinylidene fluoride), polyamides, polyolefins, andpoly(tetrafluoroethylene), have been developed over the last 40 years by Millipore

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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and others. Nonetheless, the cellulose acetate/cellulose nitrate blend membraneremains a widely used microfilter.

Until the mid-1960s, the use of microfiltration membranes was confined to lab-oratory or to very small-scale industrial applications. The introduction of pleatedmembrane cartridges by Gelman in the 1970s was an important step forwardand made possible the use of microfiltration membranes in large-scale industrialapplications. In the 1960s and 1970s, microfiltration became important in bio-logical and pharmaceutical manufacturing, as did microfiltration of air and waterin the production of microelectronics in the 1980s. The production of low-cost,single-use, disposable cartridges for pharmaceutical and electronics processesnow represents a major part of the microfiltration industry. In most applicationsof microfiltration in these industries, trace amounts of particles are removedfrom already very clean solutions. The most widely used process design, illus-trated in Figure 7.1(a), is dead-end or in-line filtration, in which the entire fluidflow is forced through the membrane under pressure. As particles accumulateon the membrane surface or in its interior, the pressure required to maintain therequired flow increases, until at some point the membrane must be replaced. In

Particle-free permeate

(b) Cross-flow filtration

(a) In-line filtration

Particle-free permeate


Feed Retentate

Particle build-up onmembrane surface

Figure 7.1 Schematic representation of (a) in-line and (b) cross-flow filtration withmicrofiltration membranes. The equipment used for in-line filtration is simple, but retainedparticles plug the membrane rapidly. The equipment required for cross-flow filtration ismore complex, but the membrane lifetime is longer

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the 1970s, an alternative process design known as cross-flow filtration, illustratedin Figure 7.1(b), began to be used.

In cross-flow systems, the feed solution is circulated across the surface of thefilter, producing two streams: a clean particle-free permeate and a concentratedretentate containing the particles. The equipment required for cross-flow filtrationis more complex, but the membrane lifetime is longer than with in-line filtration.The commercial availability of ceramic tubular cross-flow filters from Membralox(now a division of US Filter), starting in the mid-1980s, has increased the appli-cation of cross-flow filtration, particularly for solutions with high particle con-centrations. Streams containing less than 0.1 % solids are almost always treatedwith in-line filters; streams containing 0.5 % solids are almost always treated withcross-flow filters. Between these two limits, both in-line and cross-flow systemscan be used, depending on the particular characteristics of the application.

In the last few years, a third type of microfiltration operating system calledsemi-dead-end filtration has emerged. In these systems, the membrane unit isoperated as a dead-end filter until the pressure required to maintain a useful flowacross the filter reaches its maximum level. At this point, the filter is operatedin cross-flow mode, while concurrently backflushing with air or permeate solu-tion. After a short period of backflushing in cross-flow mode to remove materialdeposited on the membrane, the system is switched back to dead-end operation.This procedure is particularly applicable in microfiltration units used as final bac-terial and virus filters for municipal water treatment plants. The feed water hasa very low loading of material to be removed, so in-line operation can be usedfor a prolonged time before backflushing and cross-flow to remove the depositedsolids is needed.

Beginning in 1990–1993, the first microfiltration/ultrafiltration systems beganto be installed to treat municipal drinking water obtained from surface water.The US EPA and European regulators are implementing rules requiring thiswater to be treated to control giardia, coliform bacteria, and viruses. Large plantsusing back-flushable hollow fiber membrane modules are being built by a num-ber of companies: US Filter (Memtec), Norit (X-Flow), Koch (Romicon), andHydranautics.

Some of the important milestones in the development of microfiltration arecharted in Figure 7.2.


Types of Membrane

The two principal types of microfiltration membrane filter in use—depth filtersand screen filters—are illustrated in Figure 7.3. Screen filters have small poresin their top surface that collect particles larger than the pore diameter on thesurface of the membrane. Depth filters have relatively large pores on the top

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1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

Zsigmondy and Bachmann patentcollodion membranes - 1918

Membranfilter GmbHfounded - 1926

Millipore Corporationfounded - 1954

Cross-flow filtration described - 1971

Goetz produces celluloseacetate-cellulose nitratemicrofiltration membranesat CalTech - 1947

Cold sterilization ofbeer introduced - 1963

Membralox ceramic tubularmicrofiltration modulesproduced - 1985

Pleated cartridge membranefilters introduced - 1972


Membrane test to screenwater for bacterialcontamination developedin Germany - 1944

First municipalwater treatment plantsinstalled - 1993

Figure 7.2 Milestones in the development of microfiltration

surface so particles pass to the interior of the membrane. The particles are thencaptured at constrictions in the membrane pores or by adsorption onto the porewalls. Screen filter membranes rapidly become plugged by the accumulation ofretained particles at the top surface. Depth filters have a much larger surface areaavailable for collection of the particles, providing a larger holding capacity beforefouling. The mechanism of particle capture by these membranes is described inmore detail in Chapter 2.

Depth membrane filters are usually preferred for in-line filtration. As particlesare trapped within the membrane, the permeability falls, and the pressure requiredto maintain a useful filtrate flow increases until, at some point, the membranemust be replaced. The useful life of the membrane is proportional to the particleloading of the feed solution. A typical application of in-line depth microfiltrationmembranes is final polishing of ultrapure water just prior to use. Screen mem-brane filters are preferred for the cross-flow microfiltration systems shown inFigure 7.1(b). Because screen filters collect the retained particles on the surfaceof the membrane, the recirculating fluid helps to keep the filter clean.

Membrane Characterization

Microfiltration membranes are often used in applications for which penetration ofeven one particle or bacterium through the membrane can be critical. Therefore,membrane integrity, that is, the absence of membrane defects or oversized pores,

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10 µm

Screen filter0.45 µm pore size

Depth filter0.45 µm pore size

Cross-sectional Comparison

Figure 7.3 Surface scanning electron micrograph and schematic comparison of nominal0.45-µm screen and depth filters. The screen filter pores are uniform and small and capturethe retained particles on the membrane surface. The depth filter pores are almost 5–10times larger than the screen filter equivalent. A few large particles are captured on thesurface of the membrane, but most are captured by adsorption in the membrane interior

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is extremely important. Several tests are used to characterize membrane pore sizeand pore size distribution.

Characterizing the pore size of microfiltration membranes is a problem formanufacturers. Most microfiltration membranes are depth filters, so electronmicrographs usually show an image similar to that in Figure 7.3. The averagepore diameter of these membranes appears to be about 5 µm, yet the mem-branes are complete filters for particles or bacteria of about 0.5-µm diameter.Therefore, most manufacturers characterize their membranes by the size of thebacteria that are completely filtered by the membrane. The ability of a membraneto filter bacteria from solutions depends on the pore size of the membrane, thesize of the bacteria being filtered, and the number of organisms used to chal-lenge the membrane. Some results of Elford [1] that illustrate these effects areshown in Figure 7.4. Elford found that membranes with relatively large porescould completely filter bacteria from the challenge solution to produce a sterilefiltrate, providing the challenge concentration was low. If the organism concen-tration was increased, breakthrough of bacteria to the filtrate occurred. However,if the membrane pore size was small enough, a point was reached at which nobreakthrough of bacteria to the filtrate occurred no matter how concentrated thechallenge solution. This point is taken to be the pore size of the membrane.

Pore diameter (µm)



m c






2 )

0.5 1.0

0.75 µm end pointB. prodigiosus

1.5 2.0












Figure 7.4 Membrane pore diameter from bubble point measurements versus Bacillusprodigiosus concentration [1]. Reprinted from W.J. Elford, The Principles of Ultrafiltra-tion as Applied in Biological Studies, Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. B 112, 384 (1933) withpermission from The Royal Society, London, UK

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The industry has adopted two bacterial challenge tests to measure pore size andmembrane integrity [2]. The tests are based on two bacteria: Serrata marcescens,originally thought to have a diameter of 0.45 µm, and Pseudomonas diminuta,originally thought to have a diameter of 0.22 µm. In fact, both organisms areellipsoids with an aspect ratio of about 1.5:1. These tests have changed severaltimes over the years, but by convention a membrane is designated 0.45-µm poresize if it is completely retentive when challenged with 107 S. marcescens organ-isms per cm2 and 0.22-µm pore size if it is completely retentive when challengedwith 107 P. diminuta organisms per cm2. Most commercial microfiltration mem-branes are categorized as 0.22- or 0.45-µm-diameter pore size based on thesetests. Membranes with larger or smaller pore sizes are classified by the pene-tration tests with latex particle or bubble point measurements described below,relative to these two primary standard measurements.

Currently, most bacterial challenge tests are performed with P. diminuta. Thisorganism has an average size of 0.3–0.4 µm, although the size varies signifi-cantly with the culture conditions. In a rich culture medium, the cells can formmuch larger clumps. Thus, to obtain consistent results, the culture characteris-tics must be carefully monitored and control experiments performed with alreadyqualified 0.45- and 0.22-µm filters to confirm that no clumping has occurred.The ASTM procedure is illustrated in Figure 7.5 [2]. Factors affecting this testare discussed in detail by Meltzer [3].

1 liter flask



under test

Clamp 1

Clamp 2

Bacterialair vent


Figure 7.5 Apparatus for testing the microbial retention characteristics of membranefilters. The whole apparatus is sterilized, and initially the flask contains 140 mL of dou-ble-strength culture medium. The culture to be tested (100 mL) is passed through the filterwith clamp 1 open and clamp 2 closed. The sides of the filter apparatus are washed withtwo 20 mL portions of sterile broth. Clamp 2 is then opened, the vacuum released, andclamp 1 closed. The filter apparatus is replaced by a sterile rubber stopper and the flaskincubated. Absence of turbidity in the flask indicates that the filter has retained the testorganism. From Brock [4]. Courtesy of Thomas D. Brock

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The performance of membranes in bacterial challenge tests is often quantifiedby a log reduction value (LRV), defined as

LRV = log10




where cf is the concentration of bacteria in the challenge solution and cp is theconcentration in the permeate. It follows that at 99 % rejection, cf /cp is 100 andthe LRV is 2; at 99.9 % rejection, the LRV is 3; and so on. In pharmaceuticaland electronic applications, an LRV of 7 or 8 is usually required. In municipalwater filtration, an LRV of 4 or 5 is the target.

Latex Challenge Tests

Bacterial challenge tests require careful, sterile laboratory techniques and anincubation period of several days before the results are available. For this reason,secondary tests based on filtration of suspensions of latex particles of precisediameters have been developed. In such a test, a monodisperse latex suspensionwith particle diameters from 0.1 to 10 µm is used. The test solution is filteredthrough the membrane, and the number of particles permeating the membrane isdetermined by filtering the permeate solution a second time with a tight mem-brane screen filter. The membrane screen filter captures the latex particles for easycounting. Although the latex challenge test has been used in fundamental studiesof microfiltration membrane properties, it is not widely used by membrane pro-ducers. The bubble point test described below, backed by correlating the bubblepoint to the primary bacterial challenge test results, is more commonly used.

Bubble Point Test

The bubble point test is simple, quick and reliable and is by far the most widelyused method of characterizing microfiltration membranes. The membrane is firstwetted with a suitable liquid, usually water for hydrophilic membranes andmethanol for hydrophobic membranes. The membrane is then placed in a holderwith a layer of liquid on the top surface. Air is fed to the bottom of the mem-brane, and the pressure is slowly increased until the first continuous string of airbubbles at the membrane surface is observed. This pressure is called the bubblepoint pressure and is a characteristic measure of the diameter of the largest porein the membrane. Obtaining reliable and consistent results with the bubble pointtest requires care. It is essential, for example, that the membrane be completelywetted with the test liquid; this may be difficult to determine. Because this test isso widely used by microfiltration membrane manufacturers, a great deal of workhas been devoted to developing a reliable test procedure to address this and otherissues. The use of this test is reviewed in Meltzer’s book [3].

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The bubble point pressure can be related to the membrane pore diameter, r ,by the equation

p = 2γ cos θ


where p is the bubble point pressure, γ is the fluid surface tension, and θ isthe liquid–solid contact angle. For completely wetting solutions, θ is 0 so cos θ

equals 1. Properties of liquids commonly used in bubble point measurements aregiven in Table 7.1.

Microfiltration membranes are heterogeneous structures having a distributionof pore sizes. The effect of the applied gas pressure on the liquid in a bubbletest is illustrated schematically in Figure 7.6. At pressures well below the bubblepoint, all pores are completely filled with liquid so gas can only pass throughthe membrane by diffusion through the liquid film. Just below the bubble pointpressure, liquid begins to be forced out of the largest membrane pores. Thediffusion rate then starts to increase until the liquid is completely forced out ofthe largest pore. Bubbles of gas then form on the membrane surface. As thegas pressure is increased further, liquid is forced out of more pores, and generalconvective flow of gas through the membrane takes place. This is sometimescalled the ‘foam all over pressure’ and is a measure of the average pore size ofthe membrane.

The apparatus used to measure membrane bubble points is shown in its simplestform in Figure 7.7 [4]. Bubble point measurements are subjective, and differentoperators can obtain different results. Nonetheless the test is quick and simpleand is widely used as a manufacturing quality control technique. Bubble pointmeasurements are also used to measure the integrity of filters used in criticalpharmaceutical or biological operations.

Bubble point measurements are most useful to characterize sheet stock or smallmembrane filters. The technique is more difficult to apply to formed membranecartridges containing several square feet of membrane because diffusive flow of

Table 7.1 Properties of liquids commonly used in bub-ble point measurements. The conversion factor divided bythe bubble pressure (in psi) gives the maximum pore size(in µm)


Surface tension(dyn/cm)


Water 72 42Kerosene 30 17Isopropanol 21.3 12Silicone fluida 18.7 11Fluorocarbon fluidb 16 9

a Dow Corning 200 fluid, 2.0 cSt.b3M Company, Fluorochemical FC-43.

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Log P applied differential pressure


Area ofbubblepoint

Area ofcritical diffusion

Area of marginal diffusion

Robustbulk air flow

Curve shapedepends upon

pore sizedistribution








Figure 7.6 Schematic of the effect of applied gas pressure on gas flow through a wettedmicroporous membrane in a bubble pressure test (Meltzer) [3]. Reprinted from Meltzer [3]by courtesy of Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Normal bubble point

Bubble point withfaulty filter seal

False bubbleRegulator






(a) (b) (c)





Figure 7.7 Bubble point measurements; (a) exploded view of filter holder; (b) test appa-ratus; and (c) typical bubble patterns produced. From Brock [4]. Courtesy of ThomasD. Brock

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gas through the liquid film masks the bubble point. To test cartridges, the appliedpressure is set at a few psi below the bubble point, typically at 80 % of the bubblepoint pressure. The diffusive flow of gas through the wetted cartridge filter is thenmeasured [5]. This provides a good integrity test of large-area cartridge filtersbecause even a small membrane defect increases gas flow significantly above thenorm for defect-free cartridges.

Although bubble point measurements can be used to determine the pore diam-eter of membranes using Equation (7.1), the results must be treated with caution.Based on Equation (7.1), a 0.22-µm pore diameter membrane should have abubble point of about 200 psig. In fact, based on the bacterial challenge test, a0.22-µm pore diameter membrane has a bubble point pressure of 40–60 psig,depending on the membrane. That is, the bubble point test indicates that themembranes has a pore diameter of about 1 µm.

Figure 7.8 shows typical results comparing microbial challenge tests using0.22-µm P. diminuta with membrane bubble points for a series of relatedmembranes [6]. In these tests at a microbial reduction factor of 108 –109, themembrane has a bubble point pressure of only 40 psig, far below the theoretical

Bubble point (psi)





n va


2010 30 40 50





Figure 7.8 Correlation of P. diminuta microbial challenge and bubble point test data fora series of related membranes [6]. Reprinted from T.J. Leahy and M.J. Sullivan, Validationof Bacterial Retention Capabilities of Membrane Filters, Pharm. Technol. 2, 65 (1978)with permission from Pharmaceutical Technology, Eugene, OR

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value of 200 psig for a 0.22-µm pore diameter membrane. Such discrepanciesare sometimes handled by a correction factor in Equation (7.1) to account for theshape of the membrane pores, but no reasonable shape factor can account for thefour-fold discrepancy seen here. There are two possible reasons why the bubblepoint test overestimates the minimum pore size of the membrane. First, the test isa measure of the pore size of the membrane. However, a one-to-one relationshipbetween the diameter of the bacteria able to penetrate the membrane and the porediameter assumes that the only method of bacterial capture is direct filtration ofthe test organism somewhere in the membrane. If no organisms penetrate themembrane even at a high concentration, the conclusion is that no pores larger thanthe organism’s diameter exist. However, this ignores other capture mechanisms,such as adsorption and electrostatic attraction, that can remove the organism eventhough the pore diameter is larger than the particle. As a result, although a smallfraction of the membrane pores may be larger than 0.22 µm, leading to a lowbubble point pressure, bacteria still cannot travel through these pores in a normalchallenge test.

A second explanation, proposed by Williams and Meltzer [7], is illustratedin Figure 7.9. In liquid flow, all flow through the membrane is from the high-pressure (top) to the low-pressure (bottom) side of the membrane. In a bubblepoint test the membrane is filled with liquid, and gas is used to displace liquidfrom the large pores. The bubble point is reached when the first contiguousseries of large pores through the membrane is formed. This path can be long andtortuous and may not follow the path taken by liquid flow.

(a) Liquid flow in a microbial challenge test

(b) Gas flow at the bubble point of a wet membrane

Figure 7.9 An illustration of the model of Williams and Meltzer [7] to explain thediscrepancy between membrane pore diameter measurements based on the microbial chal-lenge test and the bubble point test. Reprinted from R.E. Williams and T.H. Meltzer,Membrane Structure, the Bubble Point and Particle Retention, Pharm. Technol. 7 (5), 36(1983) with permission from Pharmaceutical Technology, Eugene, OR

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Microfiltration Membranes and Modules

The first major application of microfiltration membranes was for biological test-ing of water. This remains an important laboratory application in microbiologyand biotechnology. For these applications the early cellulose acetate/cellulosenitrate phase separation membranes made by vapor-phase precipitation withwater are still widely used. In the early 1960s and 1970s, a number of othermembrane materials with improved mechanical properties and chemical stabilitywere developed. These include polyacrylonitrile–poly(vinyl chloride) copoly-mers, poly(vinylidene fluoride), polysulfone, cellulose triacetate, and variousnylons. Most cartridge filters use these membranes. More recently poly(tetrafluo-roethylene) membranes have come into use.

In the early 1960s and 1970s, the in-line plate-and-frame module was the onlyavailable microfiltration module. These units contained between 1 and 20 separatemembrane envelopes sealed by gaskets. In most operations all the membraneenvelopes were changed after each use; the labor involved in disassembly andreassembly of the module was a significant drawback. Nonetheless these systemsare still widely used to process small volumes of solution. A typical plate-and-frame filtration system is shown in Figure 7.10.

Figure 7.10 Sterile filtration of a small-volume pharmaceutical solution with a 142 mmplate-and-frame filter used as a prefilter in front of a small disposable cartridge final filter.From Gelman Science

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More recently, a variety of cartridges that allow a much larger area of mem-brane to be incorporated into a disposable unit have become available. Disposableplate-and-frame cartridges have been produced, but by far the largest portion ofthe market is for pleated cartridges, first introduced in the early 1970s. A dis-posable cartridge filter of this type is shown in Figure 7.11. A typical cartridgeis 10 in. long, has a diameter of 2–2.5 in., and contains about 3 ft2 of mem-brane. Often the membrane consists of several layers: an outer prefilter facingthe solution to be filtered, followed by a finer polishing membrane filter.

In these units, the membrane is pleated and then folded around the permeatecore. The cartridge fits inside a specially designed housing into which the feedsolution enters at a pressure of 10–120 psi. Pleated membrane cartridges, whichare fabricated with high-speed automated equipment, are cheap, disposable, reli-able, and hard to beat if the solution to be filtered has a relatively low particlelevel. Ideal applications are production of aseptic solutions in the pharmaceuticalindustry or ultrapure water for wafer manufacture in the electronics industry. Thelow particle load of these feed solutions allows small in-line cartridges to filterlarge volumes of solution before needing replacement. Manufacturers producecartridge holders that allow a number of cartridges to be connected in series

Melted seal(top and bottom)

End cap

Protectiveouter sleeve



Support net


0.2 µmmembrane filter

Figure 7.11 Cut-away view of a simple pleated cartridge filter. By folding the membranea large surface area can be contacted with the feed solution producing a high particleloading capacity. (From Membrana product literature)

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Figure 7.12 Standard-size disposable cartridges can be connected in series or parallel tohandle large flows. This unit consists of nine cartridges arranged in a 3 × 3 array. (FromSartorius product literature)

or in parallel to handle large solution flows. A multicartridge unit is shown inFigure 7.12.

However, the short lifetime of in-line cartridge filters makes them unsuitable formicrofiltration of highly contaminated feed streams. Cross-flow filtration, whichoverlaps significantly with ultrafiltration technology, described in Chapter 6, isused in such applications. In cross-flow filtration, long filter life is achieved bysweeping the majority of the retained particles from the membrane surface beforethey enter the membrane. Screen filters are preferred for this application, and anultrafiltration membrane can be used. The design of such membranes and modulesis covered under ultrafiltration (Chapter 6) and will not be repeated here.

Process Design

A typical in-line cartridge filtration application is illustrated in Figure 7.13. Apump forces liquid through the filter, and the pressure across the filter is measuredby a pressure gauge. Initially, the pressure difference measured by the gauge issmall, but as retained particles block the filter, the pressure difference increasesuntil a predetermined limiting pressure is reached, and the filter is changed.

To extend its life, a microfiltration cartridge may contain two or more mem-brane filters in series, or as shown in Figure 7.13, a coarse prefilter cartridge

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Vent Vent

0.2 µm nominalFinal membranecartridge filter


1–10 µm nominalPrefilter membrane

cartridge filterhousing

Figure 7.13 Typical in-line filtration operation using two cartridge filters in series. Theprefilter removes all of the large particles and some of the smaller ones. The final polishingfilter removes the remaining small particles

before the final polishing filter. The prefilter captures the largest particles, allow-ing smaller particles to pass and be captured by the following finely porousmembrane. The use of a prefilter extends the life of the microfiltration car-tridge significantly. Without a prefilter the fine microfiltration membrane wouldbe rapidly blinded by accumulation of large particles on the membrane surface.The correct combination of prefilter and final membrane must be determinedfor each application. This can be done by placing the prefilter on top of therequired final filter membrane in a small test cell, or better yet, with two testcells in series. With two test cells the pressure drop across each filter can bemeasured separately.

The objective of a prefilter is to extend the life of the final filter by removing thelarger particles from the feed, allowing the final filter to remove the smaller par-ticles. The results obtained with different prefilters are shown in Figure 7.14 [8].Figure 7.14(a) shows the rate of pressure rise across the fine filter alone. Thelimited dirt-holding capacity of this filter means that it is rapidly plugged by asurface layer of large particles. Figure 7.14(b) shows the case when a too coarseprefilter is used. In this case, the pressure difference across the prefilter remainssmall, whereas the pressure difference across the final filter increases as rapidly asbefore because of plugging by particles passing the prefilter. Little improvementin performance is obtained. Figure 7.14(c) shows the case where the prefilter istoo fine. This situation is the opposite of 7.14(a)—the pressure difference across

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Filtrate volume10

(a) No prefilter





Filtrate volume10





Filtrate volume10





Filtrate volume10





Final filter



(b) Prefilter too coarse

Final filter



(c) Prefilter too fine

Final filter



(d) Optimum prefilter

Figure 7.14 The pressure difference across the prefilter, the final filter and the combinedfilters for various combinations of prefilter and final filter. The optimum prefilter distributesthe particle load evenly between the two filters so both filters reach their maximum particleload at the same time. This maximizes the useful life of the combination

the prefilter increases rapidly, and the lifetime of the combination filter is limitedby this filter. Figure 7.14(d) shows the optimum combination in which the pres-sure difference is uniformly distributed across the prefilter and final filter. Thiscondition maximizes the lifetime of the filter combination.

Recently, some membrane manufacturers have attempted to produceanisotropic microfiltration membranes in which the open microporous support is abuilt-in prefilter. Unlike most other applications of anisotropic membranes, thesemembranes are oriented with the coarse, relatively open pores facing the feedsolution, and the most finely microporous layer is at the bottom of the membrane.The goal is to increase filter life by distributing the particle load more evenlyacross the filter than would be the case with an isotropic porous membrane.

Cartridge microfiltration is a stable area of membrane technology—fewchanges in cartridge design or use have occurred in the past 20 years. Mostchanges have focused on improving resistance to higher temperatures, solvents

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and extremes of pH, to allow application of these filters in more challengingenvironments.

Recent innovation in microfiltration has mainly concerned the development ofcross-flow filtration technology and membranes. The design of these processingsystems closely follows that of ultrafiltration described in Chapter 6. In cross-flowfiltration, the membrane must retain particles at the membrane surface; therefore,only asymmetric membranes or screen filters with their smallest pores facingthe feed solutions can be used. Ceramic filters of the type made by Membralox(now part of US Filter) and others are being used increasingly in this type ofapplication. A ceramic microfiltration cross-flow filter is shown in Figure 7.15.Capillary hollow fiber membrane modules similar to those originally developedfor ultrafiltration applications are also now being widely used for cross-flowmicrofiltration applications.

The key innovation that has led to the increased use of cross-flow microfil-tration membrane modules in the last few years has been the development ofback-pulsing or backflushing to control membrane fouling [9–11]. In this proce-dure, the water flux through the membrane is reversed to remove any particulateand fouling material that may have formed on the membrane surface. In micro-filtration several types of backflushing can be used. Short, relatively frequentflow reversal lasting a few seconds and applied once every few minutes is called

Figure 7.15 Monolithic ceramic microfilter. The feed solution passes down the boresof the channels formed in a porous ceramic block. The channel walls are coated with afinely porous ceramic layer

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back-pulsing. Longer flow reversal, lasting 1 or 2 min and applied once every1 or 2 h, is called backflushing. The balance between the duration of back pulsesand their frequency depends on the particular application.

Direct observations illustrating the efficiency of back-pulsing have been madeby Mores and Davis [9] using a transparent test cell and cellulose acetate micro-filtration membranes fouled with yeast cells. Figure 7.16(a) shows a photographof the membrane surface after 2 h of operation with a yeast solution. The mem-brane surface is completely covered with yeast cells. Figure 7.16(b–d) shows theeffect of back-pulsing for different times. Back-pulsing for 0.1 s removes abouthalf the yeast, back-pulsing for 1 s removes about 90 %, and back-pulsing for180 s removes all but a few yeast cells.

Microfiltration cross-flow systems are often operated at a constant appliedtransmembrane pressure in the same way as the reverse osmosis and ultrafiltra-tion systems described in Chapters 5 and 6. However, microfiltration membranestend to foul and lose flux much more quickly than ultrafiltration and reverseosmosis membranes. The rapid decline in flux makes it difficult to control sys-tem operation. For this reason, microfiltration systems are often operated asconstant flux systems, and the transmembrane pressure across the membraneis slowly increased to maintain the flow as the membrane fouls. Most com-monly the feed pressure is fixed at some high value and the permeate pressure

10 µm


Back pulse0.1s

Back pulse1s

Back pulse180 s

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 7.16 An illustration of the efficiency of back-pulsing in removing fouling mate-rials from the surface of microfiltration membranes. Direct microscopic observations ofMores and Davis [9] of cellulose acetate membranes fouled with a 0.1 wt% yeast suspen-sion. The membrane was backflushed with permeate solution at 3 psi for various times.Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci. 189, W.D. Mores and R.H. Davis, Direct Visual Obser-vation of Yeast Deposition and Removal During Microfiltration, p. 217, Copyright 2001,with permission from Elsevier

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is set at a value just below the feed pressure. As the membrane is used, itspermeability slowly decreases because of fouling. This decrease in permeabil-ity is compensated for by lowering the permeate pressure and so increasing thepressure driving force. When the permeate pressure reaches some predeterminedvalue, the module is taken off-line and cleaned or backflushed to restore itspermeability.

Some results illustrating the operation of microfiltration membranes using theconstant-flux procedure are illustrated in Figure 7.17 [12]. The target flux of themodule was set by choosing the initial pressure difference across the membrane.As the membrane fouled, the pressure difference increased until it reached thelimiting pressure difference of 6–9 psi. In the example shown, modules set toproduce a flux of 50 L/m2 · h were completely fouled within 20 h. Reducingthe flux to 40 L/m2 · h increased the useful lifetime of the membrane three-fold;reducing the flux to 30 L/m2 · h achieved a very long lifetime. Just as in ultrafiltra-tion, the membranes perform best when operated at conditions where membranefouling is controlled by the flow of liquid across the surface. Operating at highflux or high transmembrane pressure leads to deposition of a thick compactedfouling layer.

The advantages and disadvantages of in-line microfiltration and cross-flowfiltration are compared in Table 7.2. In general, in-line filtration is preferred asa polishing operation for already clean solutions, for example, to sterilize water

Time (h)






00 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

50 L/m2 •h

40 L/m2 •h

30 L/m2 •h

Constant flux









Figure 7.17 Experiments showing the rate of fouling of 0.22-µm microfiltration mem-branes used to treat dilute biomass solutions. The membranes were operated at the fluxesshown, by increasing transmembrane pressure over time to maintain this flux as the mem-branes fouled [12]. Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci. 209, B.D. Cho and A.G. Fane, FoulingTransients in Nominally Sub-critical Flux Operation of a Membrane Bioreactor, p. 391,Copyright 2002, with permission from Elsevier

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Table 7.2 Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of in-line and cross-flowmicrofiltration

In-line microfiltration Cross-flow microfiltration

Low capital cost High capital cost

High operating costs—membrane mustbe replaced after each use anddisposal can be a problem

Operating costs modest—membraneshave extended lifetimes if regularlycleaned

Operation is simple—no moving parts Operation is complex—filters requireregular cleaning

Best suited to dilute (low solid content)solutions. Membrane replacementcosts increase with particleconcentrations in the feed solution

Best suited to high solid contentsolutions. Costs are relativelyindependent of feed solution particleconcentrations

Representative applications: Representative applications:Sterile filtration Continuous culture/cell recycleClarification/sterilization of beer andwine

Filtration of oilfield produced water

in the pharmaceutical and electronics industries. Cross-flow filtration is moreexpensive than in-line filtration in this type of application but, if the water has ahigh particle content, cross-flow filtration is preferred.

ApplicationsThe microfiltration market differs significantly from that of other membrane sep-aration processes in that membrane lifetimes are often measured in hours. In afew completely passive applications, such as treating sterile air vents, membranesmay last several months; in general the market is dominated by single-use car-tridges designed to filter a relatively small mass of particles from a solution. Thevolume of solution that can be treated by a microfiltration membrane is directlyproportional to the particle level in the water. As a rough rule of thumb, theparticle-holding capacity of a cartridge filter in a noncritical use is between 100and 300 g/m2 of membrane area. Thus, the volume of fluid that can be treatedmay be quite large if the microfilter is a final safety filter for an electronics plantultrapure water system, but much smaller if treating contaminated surface wateror a food processing stream. The approximate volume of various solutions thatcan be filtered by a 5-µm filter before the filter is completely plugged is givenin Table 7.3 [13].

Despite the limited volumes that can be treated before a filter must be replaced,microfiltration is economical because the cost of disposable cartridges is low.Currently, a 10-in.-long pleated cartridge costs between US$10 and US$20 andcontains 0.3–0.5 m2 of active membrane area. The low cost reflects the largenumbers that are produced.

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Table 7.3 Approximate volume of fluid that canbe filtered by 1 m2 of a 5-µm membrane beforefouling [13]

Solution Volume filtered(m3/m2)

Water from deep wells 1000Solvents 500Tap water 200Wine 50Pharmaceuticals for ampoules 5020 % glucose solution 20Vitamin solutions 10Parenterals 10Peanut oil 5Fruit juice concentrate 2Serum (7 % protein) 0.6

The primary market for the disposable cartridge is sterile filtration for thepharmaceutical industry and final point-of-use polishing of ultrapure water for themicroelectronics industry. Both industries require very high-quality, particle-freewater. The cost of microfiltration compared to the value of the products is smallso these markets have driven the microfiltration industry for the past 15 years.

Sterile Filtration of Pharmaceuticals

Microfiltration is used widely in the pharmaceutical industry to produce injectabledrug solutions. Regulating agencies require rigid adherence to standard prepa-ration procedures to ensure a consistent, safe, sterile product. Microfiltrationremoves particles but, more importantly, all viable bacteria, so a 0.22-µm-ratedfilter is usually used. Because the cost of validating membrane suppliers is sub-stantial, users usually develop long-term relationships with individual suppliers.

A microfilter for this industry is considered sterile if it achieves a log reductionfactor of better than 7. This means that if 107 bacteria/cm2 are placed on the filter,none appears in the filtrate. A direct relationship exists between the log reductionfactor and the bubble point of a membrane.

Microfiltration cartridges produced for this market are often sterilized directlyafter manufacture and again just prior to use. Live steam, autoclaving at 120 C,or ethylene oxide sterilization may be used, depending on the applications. Aflow schematic of an ampoule-filling station (after material by Schleicher andSchuell) is shown in Figure 7.18.

In this process, feedwater is first treated by a deionization system consisting ofreverse osmosis, followed by mixed bed ion exchange, and a final 5-µm filtra-tion step. The requirements of water for injection are a good deal less stringent

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Mixed bedion exchange



Ampoule rinsingmachine

5 µm 0.2 µm







Process airStarting materials



0.2 µm

0.2 µm

0.2 µm

0.2 µm

0.5 µm Teflon

0.5 µmTeflon

1.0 µm Teflon

Depth filter(prefilter)

Figure 7.18 Flow diagram illustrating the use of microfiltration sterilization filters in aproduction line used to prepare ampoules of injectable drug solutions

than the requirements of ultrapure water for the electronics industry, so the watertreatment system is relatively straightforward. The water is first sterilized witha 0.2-µm final filter before being mixed with the drug solution, then sent to astorage tank for the ampoule-filling station. Before use, the solution is filteredat least twice more with 0.2-µm filters to ensure sterility. Because pharmaceu-ticals are produced by a batch process, all filters are replaced at the end ofeach batch.

Sterilization of Wine and Beer

Cold sterilization of beer using microfiltration was introduced on a commercialscale in 1963. The process was not generally accepted at that time, but hasrecently become more common. Sterilization of beer and wine is much lessstringent than pharmaceutical sterilization. The main objective is to remove yeastcells, which are quite large, so the product is clear and bright. Bacterial removalis also desirable; a 106 reduction in bacteria is equivalent to the best depth filters.The industry has found that 1-µm filters can remove essentially all the yeast aswell as provide a 106 reduction in the common bacteria found in beer and wine.Because the cost structure of beer and wine production is very different from that

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of pharmaceuticals, the filtration system typically involves one or more prefiltersto extend the life of the final polishing filter.

Microfiltration in the Electronics Industry

Microfilters are used in the electronics industry, principally as final point-of-usefilters for ultrapure water. The water is already very pure and almost completelyparticle- and salt-free, so the only potential problem is contamination in thepiping from the central water treatment plant to the device fabrication area.Although fine filters with 0.1 µm pore diameter or less may be used, lifetimesare relatively long.

The electronics industry also uses a variety of reactive gases and solvents whichmust be particle free. Teflon microfilters are widely used to treat these materials.

Microfiltration for Drinking Water Treatment

Beginning in about 1990, the first microfiltration/ultrafiltration plants were instal-led to treat municipal surface water supplies [14,15]. The driver was implemen-tation of an EPA surface water treatment rule requiring all utilities in the United

Figure 7.19 Photograph of a 25 million gal/day capillary hollow fiber module plant toproduce potable water from a well, installed by Norit (X-Flow) in Keldgate, UK. Courtesyof Norit Membrane Technology BV

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States to provide an LRV of 3 for giardia and an LRV of 4 for viruses. Europeanregulators have adopted similar rules.

The plants installed have all been equipped with hollow fiber membrane mod-ules. The feed water is generally fairly clean, so the modules are operated in adead-end mode for 10–20 min and then backflushed with air or filtered water for20–30 s. During backflushing, the modules are swept with water to remove theaccumulated solids, after which the cycle is repeated. It is estimated that 40 000water works in the United States are affected by the EPA ruling, so the potentialmarket is very large. Many of these water works are small, but several large plantsequipped with hundreds of modules have also been installed. A photograph ofone such plant is shown in Figure 7.19. Similar plants are also being consideredto prefilter and sterilize feed water for reverse osmosis desalination plants or fortertiary treatment and ultimate reuse of water from sewage treatment plants.

Conclusions and Future Directions

The main microfiltration market is for in-line disposable cartridge filters. Thesecartridges are sold into two growing modern industries—microelectronics andpharmaceuticals—so prospects for continued market growth of the industry arevery good. In addition to these existing markets, significant potential marketsexist for microfiltration in bacterial control of drinking water, tertiary treatmentof sewage, and replacement of diatomaceous earth depth filters in the chemi-cal processing and food industries. The particle load of all these waters is farhigher than that presently treated by microfiltration and has required develop-ment of cross-flow filtration systems able to give filter lifetimes of months oreven years. Such systems are now being installed in municipal water treatmentplants. The units can be cleaned by backflushing and offer reliable performance.Municipal water treatment is likely to develop into a major future application ofmicrofiltration technology.

References1. W.J. Elford, The Principles of Ultrafiltration as Applied in Biological Studies, Proc.

R. Soc. London, Ser. B, 112, 384 (1933).2. Determining Bacterial Retention of Membrane Filters Utilized for Liquid Filtration,

ASTM F838-83, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia (1983).3. T.H. Meltzer, Filtration in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Marcel Dekker, New York

(1987).4. T.D. Brock, Membrane Filtration: A User’s Guide and Reference, Science Tech.,

Madison, WI (1983).5. F. Hofmann, Integrity Testing of Microfiltration Membranes, J. Parenteral Sci. Tech-

nol. 38, 148 (1984).6. T.J. Leahy and M.J. Sullivan, Validation of Bacterial Retention Capabilities of Mem-

brane Filters, Pharm. Technol. 2, 65 (1978).

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7. R.E. Williams and T.H. Meltzer, Membrane Structure, the Bubble Point and ParticleRetention, Pharm. Technol. 7 (5), 36 (1983).

8. M.C. Porter, Microfiltration, in Handbook of Industrial Membrane Technology,M.C. Porter (ed.), Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 61–135 (1990).

9. W.D. Mores and R.H. Davis, Direct Visual Observation of Yeast Deposition andRemoval During Microfiltration, J. Membr. Sci. 189, 217 (2001).

10. R. Sondhi and R. Bhave, Role of Backpulsing in Fouling Minimization in CrossflowFiltration with Ceramic Membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 186, 41 (2001).

11. P. Srijaroonrat, E. Julien and Y. Aurelle, Unstable Secondary Oil/Water EmulsionTreatment using Ultrafiltration: Fouling Control by Backflushing, J. Membr. Sci. 159,11 (1999).

12. B.D. Cho and A.G. Fane, Fouling Transients in Nominally Sub-critical Flux Opera-tion of a Membrane Bioreactor, J. Membr. Sci. 209, 391 (2002).

13. W. Hein, Mikrofiltration. Verfahren fur kritische Trenn-unde Reinigungsprobleme beiFlussigkeiter und Gasen, Chem. Produkt. November (1980).

14. R.A. Cross, Purification of Drinking Water with Ultrafiltration, The 1993 EleventhAnnual Membrane Technology/Separations Planning Conference, Newton, MA (Octo-ber 1993).

15. M. Kolega, G.S. Grohmann, R.F. Chiew and A.W. Day, Disinfection and Clarifica-tion of Treated Sewage by Advanced Microfiltration, Water Sci. Technol. 23, 1609(1991).

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Introduction and HistoryGas separation has become a major industrial application of membrane technol-ogy only during the past 20 years, but the study of gas separation has a longhistory. Systematic studies began with Thomas Graham who, over a period of20 years, measured the permeation rates of all the gases then known throughevery diaphragm available to him [1]. This was no small task because his exper-iments had to start with synthesis of the gas. Graham gave the first descriptionof the solution-diffusion model, and his work on porous membranes led to Gra-ham’s law of diffusion. Through the remainder of the nineteenth and the earlytwentieth centuries, the ability of gases to permeate membranes selectively hadno industrial or commercial use. The concept of the perfectly selective mem-brane was, however, used as a theoretical tool to develop physical and chemicaltheories, such as Maxwell’s kinetic theory of gases.

From 1943 to 1945, Graham’s law of diffusion was exploited for the firsttime, to separate U235F6 from U238F6 as part of the Manhattan project. Finelymicroporous metal membranes were used. The separation plant, constructed inKnoxville, Tennessee, represented the first large-scale use of gas separation mem-branes and remained the world’s largest membrane separation plant for the next40 years. However, this application was unique and so secret that it had essen-tially no impact on the long-term development of gas separation.

In the 1940s to 1950s, Barrer [2], van Amerongen [3], Stern [4], Meares [5]and others laid the foundation of the modern theories of gas permeation. Thesolution-diffusion model of gas permeation developed then is still the acceptedmodel for gas transport through membranes. However, despite the availabilityof interesting polymer materials, membrane fabrication technology was not suf-ficiently advanced at that time to make useful gas separation membrane systemsfrom these polymers.

The development of high-flux anisotropic membranes and large-surface-areamembrane modules for reverse osmosis applications in the late 1960s and early1970s provided the basis for modern membrane gas separation technology.The first company to establish a commercial presence was Monsanto, which

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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launched its hydrogen-separating Prism membrane in 1980 [6]. Monsanto hadthe advantage of being a large chemical company with ample opportunities totest pilot- and demonstration-scale systems in its own plants before launchingthe product. The economics were compelling, especially for the separation ofhydrogen from ammonia-plant purge-gas streams. Within a few years, Prismsystems were installed in many such plants [7].

Monsanto’s success encouraged other companies to advance their own mem-brane technologies. By the mid-1980s, Cynara, Separex and Grace MembraneSystems were producing membrane plants to remove carbon dioxide from methanein natural gas. This application, although hindered by low natural gas prices inthe 1990s, has grown significantly over the years. At about the same time, Dowlaunched Generon, the first commercial membrane system for nitrogen separa-tion from air. Initially, membrane-produced nitrogen was cost-competitive in onlya few niche areas, but the development by Dow, Ube and Du Pont/Air Liquide ofmaterials with improved selectivities has since made membrane separation muchmore competitive. This application of membranes has expanded very rapidly andis expected to capture more than one-half of the market for nitrogen separationsystems within the next few years. To date, approximately 10 000 nitrogen systems

1850 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Graham'sLaw of Diffusion

van Amerongen,Barrer make

first systematicpermeability measurements

Spiral-wound andhollow-fiber modules

developed forreverse osmosis

Henis and TripodiPRISM® membranes

introduced - 1980

Advanced membranematerials for

N2/O2; H2/N2 and H2/CH4separations launched byUbe, DuPont, Dow - 1987

First propylene/N2separation plantsinstalled - 1996

Loeb and Sourirajan makethe first anisotropic membrane - 1961

Dried CA membranesfor CO2/CH4

natural gas separationsSeparex, Cynara, Grace

Polyimidehollow-fiber membrane

for CO2/CH4separation installed - 1994Dow (Generon)

produces first N2/airseparation system - 1982

First commercial vaporseparation plantsinstalled by MTR,

GKSS, Nitto Denko - 1988

Figure 8.1 Milestones in the development of gas separation

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have been installed worldwide. Gas separation membranes are also being used fora wide variety of other, smaller applications ranging from dehydration of air andnatural gas to organic vapor removal from air and nitrogen streams. Applicationof the technology is expanding rapidly and further growth is likely to continue forthe next 10 years or so. Figure 8.1 provides a summary of the development of gasseparation technology.

Theoretical Background

Both porous and dense membranes can be used as selective gas separation bar-riers; Figure 8.2 illustrates the mechanism of gas permeation. Three types ofporous membranes, differing in pore size, are shown. If the pores are relativelylarge—from 0.1 to 10 µm—gases permeate the membrane by convective flow,and no separation occurs. If the pores are smaller than 0.1 µm, then the porediameter is the same size as or smaller than the mean free path of the gasmolecules. Diffusion through such pores is governed by Knudsen diffusion, andthe transport rate of any gas is inversely proportional to the square root of itsmolecular weight. This relationship is called Graham’s law of diffusion. Finally,if the membrane pores are extremely small, of the order 5–20 A, then gasesare separated by molecular sieving. Transport through this type of membrane iscomplex and includes both diffusion in the gas phase and diffusion of adsorbedspecies on the surface of the pores (surface diffusion). These very small-poremembranes have not been used on a large scale, but ceramic and ultramicroporous

Porous membranes

Convective flow

Knudsen diffusion

Molecular sieving(surface diffusion)


Dense membranes

Figure 8.2 Mechanisms for permeation of gases through porous and dense gas separa-tion membranes

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glass membranes with extraordinarily high selectivities for similar molecules havebeen prepared in the laboratory.

Although these microporous membranes are topics of considerable researchinterest, all current commercial gas separations are based on the dense polymermembrane shown in Figure 8.2. Separation through dense polymer films occursby a solution-diffusion mechanism.

In Chapter 2 [Equation (2.59)], it was shown that gas transport through densepolymer membranes is governed by the expression

Ji = DiKGi (pio − pi)


where Ji is the flux of component i (g/cm2 · s), pio and pi are the partial pressureof the component i on either side of the membrane, is the membrane thickness,Di is the permeate diffusion coefficient, and KG

i is the Henry’s law sorptioncoefficient (g/cm3 · pressure). In gas permeation it is much easier to measure thevolume flux through the membrane than the mass flux and so Equation (8.1) isusually recast as

ji = DiKi(pio − pi)


where ji is the volume (molar) flux expressed as [cm3(STP) of componenti]/cm2 · s and Ki is a sorption coefficient with units [cm3(STP) of componenti/cm3 of polymer]·pressure. The product DiKi can be written as Pi , which iscalled the membrane permeability, and is a measure of the membrane’s abilityto permeate gas.1 A measure of the ability of a membrane to separate two gases,i and j , is the ratio of their permeabilities, αij , called the membrane selectivity

αij = Pi



The relationship between polymer structure and membrane permeation wasdiscussed in detail in Chapter 2 and is revisited only briefly here. Permeabilitycan be expressed as the product DiKi of two terms. The diffusion coefficient,Di , reflects the mobility of the individual molecules in the membrane material;the gas sorption coefficient, Ki , reflects the number of molecules dissolved inthe membrane material. Thus, Equation (8.3) can also be written as

αij =[



] [Ki



1The permeability of gases through membranes is most commonly measured in Barrer, defined as10−10 cm3(STP)/cm2 · s · cmHg and named after R.M. Barrer, a pioneer in gas permeability mea-surements. The term ji/(pio − pi ), best called the pressure-normalized flux or permeance, is oftenmeasured in terms of gas permeation units (gpu), where 1 gpu is defined as 10−6 cm3(STP)/cm2 ·s · cmHg. Occasional academic purists insist on writing permeability in terms of mol · m/m2 · s · Pa(1 Barrer = 0.33 × 10−15 mol · m/m2 · s · Pa), but fortunately this has not caught on.

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The ratio Di/Dj is the ratio of the diffusion coefficients of the two gases andcan be viewed as the mobility selectivity, reflecting the different sizes of thetwo molecules. The ratio Ki/Kj is the ratio of the sorption coefficients of thetwo gases and can be viewed as the sorption or solubility selectivity, reflectingthe relative condensabilities of the two gases. In all polymer materials, the diffu-sion coefficient decreases with increasing molecular size, because large moleculesinteract with more segments of the polymer chain than do small molecules. Hence,the mobility selectivity always favors the passage of small molecules over large

log 1

0 D










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

van der Waals molar volume (cm3/mol)













iso-C4H10 C4H10C5H12
























Figure 8.3 Diffusion coefficient as a function of molar volume for a variety of permeantsin natural rubber and in poly(vinyl chloride), a glassy polymer. This type of plot was firstdrawn by Gruen [8], and has been used by many others since

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ones. However, the magnitude of the mobility selectivity term depends greatly onwhether the membrane material is above or below its glass transition temperature(Tg). If the material is below the glass transition temperature, the polymer chainsare essentially fixed and do not rotate. The material is then called a glassy poly-mer and is tough and rigid. Above the glass transition temperature, the segmentsof the polymer chains have sufficient thermal energy to allow limited rotationaround the chain backbone. This motion changes the mechanical properties of thepolymer dramatically, and it becomes a rubber. The relative mobility of gases, ascharacterized by their diffusion coefficients, differs significantly in rubbers andglasses, as illustrated in Figure 8.3 [8]. Diffusion coefficients in glassy materialsdecrease much more rapidly with increasing permeate size than diffusion coef-ficients in rubbers. For example, the mobility selectivity of natural rubber fornitrogen over pentane is approximately 10. The mobility selectivity of poly(vinylchloride), a rigid, glassy polymer, for nitrogen over pentane is more than 100 000.

The second factor affecting the overall membrane selectivity is the sorptionor solubility selectivity. The sorption coefficient of gases and vapors, which is ameasure of the energy required for the permeant to be sorbed by the polymer,increases with increasing condensability of the permeant. This dependence oncondensability means that the sorption coefficient also increases with moleculardiameter, because large molecules are normally more condensable than smallerones. The gas sorption coefficient can, therefore, be plotted against boiling pointor molar volume as shown in Figure 8.4 [9]. As the figure shows, sorption selec-tivity favors larger, more condensable molecules, such as hydrocarbon vapors,over permanent gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen. However, the differencebetween the sorption coefficients of permeants in rubbery and glassy polymersis far less marked than the difference in the diffusion coefficients.

It follows from the discussion above that the balance between the mobil-ity selectivity term and the sorption selectivity term in Equation (8.4) [10] isdifferent for glassy and rubbery polymers. This difference is illustrated by thedata in Figure 8.5. In glassy polymers, the mobility term is usually dominant,permeability falls with increasing permeate size, and small molecules permeatepreferentially. Therefore, when used to separate organic vapors from nitrogen,glassy membranes preferentially permeate nitrogen. In rubbery polymers, thesorption selectivity term is usually dominant, permeability increases with increas-ing permeate size, and larger molecules permeate preferentially. Therefore, whenused to separate organic vapor from nitrogen, rubbery membranes preferentiallypermeate the organic vapor. The separation properties of polymer membranes fora number of the most important gas separation applications have been summarizedby Robeson [11]. A review of structure/property relations has been give by Stern[12]. Properties of some representative and widely used membrane materials aresummarized in Table 8.1.

Calculating the selectivity of a membrane using Equation (8.3) and using thepermeabilities listed in Table 8.1 must be done with caution. Permeabilities in

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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

van der Waals molar volume (cm3/mol)




n co




3 (S



3 •cm















Figure 8.4 Gas sorption coefficient as a function of molar volume for natural rubbermembranes. Larger permeants are more condensable and have higher sorption coeffi-cients [9]

Table 8.1 are measured with pure gases; the selectivity obtained from the ratio ofpure gas permeabilities gives the ideal membrane selectivity, an intrinsic prop-erty of the membrane material. However, practical gas separation processes areperformed with gas mixtures. If the gases in a mixture do not interact stronglywith the membrane material, the pure gas intrinsic selectivity and the mixed

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y (B












0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

van der Waals molar volume (cm3/mol)





200 220 240













Figure 8.5 Permeability as a function of molar volume for a rubbery and a glassy poly-mer, illustrating the different balance between sorption and diffusion in these polymertypes. The natural rubber membrane is highly permeable; permeability increases rapidlywith increasing permeant size because sorption dominates. The glassy polyetherimidemembrane is much less permeable; the permeability decreases with increasing perme-ant size because diffusion dominates [10]. Reprinted from R.D. Behling, K. Ohlrogge,K.-V. Peinemann and E. Kyburz, The Separation of Hydrocarbons from Waste VaporStreams, in Membrane Separations in Chemical Engineering, A.E. Fouda, J.D. Hazlett,T. Matsuura and J. Johnson (eds), AIChE Symposium Series Number 272, Vol. 85, p. 68(1989). Reproduced by permission of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.Copyright 1989 AIChE. All rights reserved

gas selectivity will be equal. This is usually the case for mixtures of oxygenand nitrogen, for example. In many other cases, such as a carbon dioxide andmethane mixture, one of the components (carbon dioxide) is sufficiently sorbedby the membrane to affect the permeability of the other component (methane).The selectivity measured with a gas mixture may then be one-half or less ofthe selectivity calculated from pure gas measurements. Pure gas selectivities aremuch more commonly reported in the literature than gas mixture data because

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Table 8.1 Permeabilities Barrer [10−10 cm3(STP) · cm/cm2 · s · cmHg] measured withpure gases, at the temperatures given, of widely used polymers

Gas Rubbers Glasses

Silicone rubberat 25 C

(Tg − 129 C)

Natural rubberat 30 C

(Tg − 73 C)

Cellulose acetateat 25 C

(Tg 40 − 124 C)

Polysulfoneat 35 C

(Tg 186 C)

Polyimide(Ube Industries)

at 60 C(Tg > 250 C)

H2 550 41 24 14 50He 300 31 33 13 40O2 500 23 1.6 1.4 3N2 250 9.4 0.33 0.25 0.6CO2 2700 153 10 5.6 13CH4 800 30 0.36 0.25 0.4C2H6 2100 — 0.20 — 0.08C3H8 3400 168 0.13 — 0.015C4H10 7500 — 0.10 — —

they are easier to measure. Neglecting the difference between these two values,however, has led a number of workers to seriously overestimate the ability of amembrane to separate a target gas mixture. Figure 8.6 [13] shows some data forthe separation of methane and carbon dioxide with cellulose acetate membranes.The calculated pure gas selectivity is very good, but in gas mixtures enoughcarbon dioxide dissolves in the membrane to increase the methane permeabilityfar above the pure gas methane permeability value. As a result the selectivitiesmeasured with gas mixtures are much lower than those calculated from puregas data.

Membrane Materials and Structure

Metal Membranes

Although almost all industrial gas separation processes use polymeric membranes,interest in metal membranes continues, mostly for the high-temperature mem-brane reactor applications discussed in Chapter 13 and for the preparation of purehydrogen for fuel cells. For completeness, the background to these membranesis described briefly here. The study of gas permeation through metals began withGraham’s observation of hydrogen permeation through palladium. Pure palladiumabsorbs 600 times its volume of hydrogen at room temperature and is measurablypermeable to the gas. Hydrogen permeates a number of other metals includingtantalum, niobium, vanadium, nickel, iron, copper, cobalt and platinum [14]. Inmost cases, the metal membrane must be operated at high temperatures (>300 C)to obtain useful permeation rates and to prevent embrittlement and cracking of

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Applied pressure (atm)











Pure gas data

Lee et al. (1988)

30.6% CO2 in feed

70.6% CO2 in feed

5 10 15



e se






Figure 8.6 The difference between selectivities calculated from pure gas measurementsand selectivities measured with gas mixtures can be large. Data of Lee et al. [13] for car-bon dioxide/methane with cellulose acetate films. Reprinted from S.Y. Lee, B.S. Minhasand M.D. Donohue, Effect of Gas Composition and Pressure on Permeation through Cel-lulose Acetate Membranes, in New Membrane Materials and Processes for Separation,K.K. Sirkar and D.R. Lloyd (eds), AIChE Symposium Series Number 261, Vol. 84, p. 93(1988). Reproduced with permission of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.Copyright 1988 AIChE. All rights reserved

the metal by sorbed hydrogen. Poisoning of the membrane surface by oxida-tion or sulfur deposition from trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide also occurs. Abreakthrough in metal permeation studies occurred in the 1960s when Hunter atJohnson Matthey discovered that palladium/silver alloy membranes showed nohydrogen embrittlement even when used to permeate hydrogen at room tempera-ture [15]. Although most work on gas permeation through membranes has focusedon hydrogen, oxygen-permeable metal membranes are also known; however, thepermeabilities are low.

Hydrogen-permeable metal membranes are extraordinarily selective, being ex-tremely permeable to hydrogen but essentially impermeable to all other gases. Thegas transport mechanism is the key to this high selectivity. Hydrogen permeationthrough a metal membrane is believed to follow the multistep process illustratedin Figure 8.7 [16]. Hydrogen molecules from the feed gas are sorbed on themembrane surface, where they dissociate into hydrogen atoms. Each individualhydrogen atom loses its electron to the metal lattice and diffuses through thelattice as an ion. Hydrogen atoms emerging at the permeate side of the membranereassociate to form hydrogen molecules, then desorb, completing the permeation

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Hydrogen molecules

1 2



Hydrogen atoms


1. Sorption2. Dissociation3. Diffusion4. Reassociation5. Desorption

Figure 8.7 Mechanism of permeation of hydrogen through metal membranes

process. Only hydrogen is transported through the membrane by this mechanism;all other gases are excluded.

If the sorption and dissociation of hydrogen molecules is a rapid process, thenthe hydrogen atoms on the membrane surface are in equilibrium with the gasphase. The concentration, c, of hydrogen atoms on the metal surface is given bySievert’s law:

c = Kp1/2 (8.5)

where K is Sievert’s constant and p is the hydrogen pressure in the gas phase.At high temperatures (>300 C), the surface sorption and dissociation processesare fast, and the rate-controlling step is diffusion of atomic hydrogen throughthe metal lattice. This is supported by the data of Holleck and others, who haveobserved that the hydrogen flux through the metal membrane is proportionalto the difference of the square roots of the hydrogen pressures on either sideof the membrane. At lower temperatures, however, the sorption and dissocia-tion of hydrogen on the membrane surface become the rate-controlling steps,and the permeation characteristics of the membrane deviate from Sievert’s lawpredictions.

Palladium-alloy membranes were studied extensively during the 1950s and1960s, and this work led to the installation by Union Carbide of a full-scaledemonstration plant to separate hydrogen from a refinery off-gas stream con-taining methane, ethane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide [17]. The plantcould produce 99.9 % or better pure hydrogen in a single pass through the mem-brane. The plant operated with 25-µm-thick membranes, at a temperature of370 C and a feed pressure of 450 psi. The high cost of the membranes and

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the need to operate at high temperatures to obtain useful fluxes made the processuncompetitive with other hydrogen recovery technologies. In the 1970s and early1980s, Johnson Matthey built a number of systems to produce on-site hydrogenby separation of hydrogen/carbon dioxide mixtures made by reforming methanol[18]. This was not a commercial success, but the company still produces smallsystems using palladium–silver alloy membranes to generate ultrapure hydrogenfrom 99.9 % hydrogen for the electronics industry.

Recently, attempts have been made to reduce the cost of palladium metal mem-branes by preparing composite membranes. In these membranes a thin selectivepalladium layer is deposited onto a microporous ceramic, polymer or base metallayer [19–21]. The palladium layer is applied by electrolysis coating, vacuumsputtering or chemical vapor deposition. This work is still at the bench scale.

Polymeric Membranes

Most gas separation processes require that the selective membrane layer be ex-tremely thin to achieve economical fluxes. Typical membrane thicknesses are lessthan 0.5 µm and often less than 0.1 µm. Early gas separation membranes [22]were adapted from the cellulose acetate membranes produced for reverse osmosisby the Loeb–Sourirajan phase separation process. These membranes are producedby precipitation in water; the water must be removed before the membranes can beused to separate gases. However, the capillary forces generated as the liquid evap-orates cause collapse of the finely microporous substrate of the cellulose acetatemembrane, destroying its usefulness. This problem has been overcome by a solventexchange process in which the water is first exchanged for an alcohol, then for hex-ane. The surface tension forces generated as liquid hexane is evaporated are muchreduced, and a dry membrane is produced. Membranes produced by this methodhave been widely used by Grace (now GMS, a division of Kvaerner) and Separex(now a division of UOP) to separate carbon dioxide from methane in natural gas.

Experience has shown that gas separation membranes are far more sensitive tominor defects, such as pinholes in the selective membrane layer, than membranesused in reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration. Even a single small membrane defectcan dramatically decrease the selectivity of gas separation membranes, especiallywith relatively selective membranes such as those used to separate hydrogen fromnitrogen. For example, a good polymeric hydrogen/nitrogen separating membranehas a selectivity of more than 100. A small defect that allows as little as 1 %of the permeating gas to pass unseparated doubles the nitrogen flux and halvesthe membrane selectivity. The sensitivity of gas separation membranes to defectsposed a serious problem to early developers. Generation of a few defects is verydifficult to avoid during membrane preparation and module formation.

From 1978 to 1980, Henis and Tripodi [6,23], then at Monsanto, devised aningenious solution to the membrane defect problem; their approach is illustrated inFigure 8.8. The Monsanto group made Loeb–Sourirajan hollow fiber membranes

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Defect sealing layer

Selective layer


Porous supportlayer


Figure 8.8 The technique devised by Henis and Tripodi [23] to seal defects in theirselective polysulfone Loeb–Sourirajan membrane

(principally from polysulfone), then coated the membranes with a thin layer ofsilicone rubber. Silicone rubber is extremely permeable compared to polysulfonebut has a much lower selectivity; thus, the silicone rubber coating did not sig-nificantly change the selectivity or flux through the defect-free portions of thepolysulfone membrane. However, the coating plugged membrane defects in thepolysulfone membrane and eliminated convective flow through these defects. Thesilicone rubber layer also protected the membrane during handling. The devel-opment of silicone rubber-coated anisotropic membranes was a critical step inthe production by Monsanto of the first successful gas separation membrane forhydrogen/nitrogen separations.

Another type of gas separation membrane is the multilayer composite structureshown in Figure 8.9. In this membrane, a finely microporous support membraneis overcoated with a thin layer of the selective polymer, which is a differentmaterial from the support. Additional layers of very permeable materials suchas silicone rubber may also be applied to protect the selective layer and to sealany defects. In general it has been difficult to make composite membranes with

Selective layer

Porous supportlayer

Figure 8.9 Two-layer composite membrane formed by coating a thin layer of a selectivepolymer on a microporous support that provides mechanical strength

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glassy selective layers as thin and high-flux as good-quality Loeb–Sourirajanmembranes. However, composites are the best way to form membranes fromrubbery selective materials; the microporous support layer can be a tough glassymaterial to provide strength. Rubbery composite membranes of this type canwithstand pressure differentials of 1500 psi or more.

Ceramic and Zeolite Membranes

During the last few years, ceramic- and zeolite-based membranes have begun tobe used for a few commercial separations. These membranes are all multilayercomposite structures formed by coating a thin selective ceramic or zeolite layeronto a microporous ceramic support. Ceramic membranes are prepared by thesol–gel technique described in Chapter 3; zeolite membranes are prepared bydirect crystallization, in which the thin zeolite layer is crystallized at high pressureand temperature directly onto the microporous support [24,25].

Both Mitsui [26] and Sulzer [27] have commercialized these membranes fordehydration of alcohols by pervaporation or vapor/vapor permeation. The mem-branes are made in tubular form. Extraordinarily high selectivities have beenreported for these membranes, and their ceramic nature allows operation athigh temperatures, so fluxes are high. These advantages are, however, offsetby the costs of the membrane modules, currently in excess of US$3000/m2

of membrane.

Mixed-matrix Membranes

The ceramic and zeolite membranes described above have been shown to haveexceptional selectivities for a number of important separations. However, themembranes are not easy to make and consequently are prohibitively expensivefor many separations. One solution to this problem is to prepare membranes frommaterials consisting of zeolite particles dispersed in a polymer matrix. Thesemembranes are expected to combine the selectivity of zeolite membranes withthe low cost and ease of manufacture of polymer membranes. Such membranesare called mixed-matrix membranes.

Mixed-matrix membranes have been a subject of research interest for morethan 15 years [28–33]. The concept is illustrated in Figure 8.10. At relativelylow loadings of zeolite particles, permeation occurs by a combination of diffusionthrough the polymer phase and diffusion through the permeable zeolite particles.The relative permeation rates through the two phases are determined by theirpermeabilities. At low loadings of zeolite, the effect of the permeable zeoliteparticles on permeation can be expressed mathematically by the expression shownbelow, first developed by Maxwell in the 1870s [34].

P = Pc

[Pd + 2Pc − 2(Pc − Pd)

Pd + 2Pc + (Pc − Pd)


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Permeating gas

(a) Diffusion below the percolation threshold

Permeating gas

(b) Diffusion above the percolation threshold

Figure 8.10 Gas permeation through mixed-matrix membranes containing differentamounts of dispersed zeolite particles

where P is the overall permeability of the mixed-matrix material, is the volumefraction of the dispersed zeolite phase, Pc is the permeability of the continuouspolymer phase, and Pd is the permeability of the dispersed zeolite phase.

At low loadings of dispersed zeolite, individual particles can be consideredto be well separated. At higher loadings, some small islands of interconnectedparticles form; at even higher loadings, these islands grow and connect to formextended pathways. At loadings above a certain critical value, continuous chan-nels form within the membrane, and almost all the zeolite particles are connectedto the channels. This is called the percolation threshold. At this particle loading,the Maxwell equation is no longer used to calculate the membrane permeability.The percolation threshold is believed to be achieved at particle loadings of about30 vol %.

Figure 8.11, adapted from a plot by Robeson et al. [35], shows a calculatedplot of permeation of a model gas through zeolite-filled polymer membranes inwhich the zeolite phase is 1000 times more permeable than the polymer phase.At low zeolite particle loadings, the average particle is only in contact withone or two other particles, and a modest increase in average permeability occursfollowing the Maxwell model. At particle loadings of 25–30 vol % the situation isdifferent—most particles touch two or more particles, and most of the permeatinggas can diffuse through interconnected zeolite channels. The percolation thresholdhas been reached, and the Maxwell model no longer applies. Gas permeationis then best described as permeation through two interpenetrating, continuousphases. At very high zeolite loadings, the mixed-matrix membrane may be bestdescribed as a continuous zeolite phase containing dispersed particles of polymer.The Maxwell model may then again apply, with the continuous and the dispersedphases in Equation (8.6) reversed.

The figure also shows that the highly permeable zeolite only has a large effecton polymer permeability when the percolation threshold is reached. That is, useful

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Volume fraction of zeolite

1 000






e pe





Maxwell modelzeolite continuous

Maxwell modelpolymer continuous

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 8.11 Change in membrane permeabilities for mixed-matrix membranes contain-ing different volume fractions of zeolite. Adapted from Robeson et al. [35]

membranes must contain more than 30 vol % zeolite. This observation is borneout by the limited experimental data available.

Despite the great deal of recent research on mixed-matrix membranes, theresults to date have been modest. Two general approaches have been used. Thefirst, investigated by Koros [31–33] and Smolders [29], is to use the expecteddifference in the diffusion coefficients of gases in the zeolite particles. Koros, inparticular, has focused on zeolites with small aperture sizes, for example, Zeolite4A, with an effective aperture size of 3.8–4.0 A, which has been used to separateoxygen (Lennard-Jones (LJ) diameter 3.47 A) from nitrogen (LJ diameter 3.8 A).The oxygen/nitrogen selectivity of the Zeolite 4A membrane has been calculatedto be 37, with an oxygen permeability of 0.8 Barrer—an exceptional membrane.To maximize the effect of the zeolite in his mixed-matrix membrane, Koros usedrelatively low-permeability polymers, such as Matrimid and other polyimides,or poly(vinyl acetate).

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The second type of zeolite mixed-matrix membrane relies on relative sorptionof different permeants to obtain an improved separation. For example, Smolderset al. [28] at the University of Twente, and Peinemann at GKSS, Geesthacht [30],showed that silicalite-silicone rubber mixed-matrix membranes had exceptionalselectivities for the permeation of ethanol (kinetic diameter 4.5 A) over water(kinetic diameter 2.6 A). These zeolites separate by virtue of their higher sorptionof ethanol compared to water on the hydrophobic silicalite surface. Differencesin diffusion coefficients favor permeation of water, but this effect is overcomeby the sorption effect. The net result is a more than seven-fold increase in therelative permeability of ethanol over water, compared to pure silicone rubbermembranes. Because the aperture diameter of the silicalite particles is relativelylarge, permeabilities through the zeolite phase are also high, allowing rubbery,relatively high-permeability polymers to be used as the matrix phase.

Membrane ModulesGas separation membranes are formed into spiral-wound or hollow fiber modules.Particulate matter, oil mist, and other potentially fouling materials can be com-pletely and economically removed from gas streams by good-quality coalescingfilters, so membrane fouling is generally more easily controlled in gas separationthan with liquid separations. Therefore, the choice of module design is usuallydecided by cost and membrane flux. The hollow fiber membranes used in gasseparation applications are often very fine, with lumen diameters of 50–200 µm.However, the pressure drop required on the lumen side of the membrane for thesesmall-diameter fibers can become enough to seriously affect membrane perfor-mance. In the production of nitrogen from air, the membrane pressure-normalizedfluxes are relatively low, from 1 to 2 gpu, and parasitic pressure drops are nota problem. However, in the separation of hydrogen from nitrogen or methaneor carbon dioxide from natural gas, pressure-normalized fluxes are higher, andhollow fine fiber modules can develop excessive permeate-side pressure drops.The solution is to use capillary fibers or spiral-wound modules for this type ofapplication. Nonetheless, these disadvantages of hollow fiber membranes may bepartially offset by their lower cost per square meter of membrane. These factorsare summarized for some important gas separation applications in Table 8.2.

Process DesignThe three factors that determine the performance of a membrane gas separationsystem are illustrated in Figure 8.12. The role of membrane selectivity is obvious;not so obvious are the importance of the ratio of feed pressure (po) to permeatepressure (p) across the membrane, usually called the pressure ratio, ϕ, anddefined as

ϕ = po



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Table 8.2 Module designs used for various gas separation applications

Application Typicalmembranematerial


Average pressure-normalized flux

[10−6 cm3(STP)/cm2 · s · cmHg]

Module designcommonly used

O2/N2 Polyimide 6–7 1–2 Hollow fiberH2/N2 Polysulfone 100 10–20 Hollow fiberCO2/CH4 Cellulose acetate 15–20 2–5 Spiral or hollow fiberVOC/N2 Silicone rubber 10–30 100 SpiralH2O/Air Polyimide >200 5 Capillary

—bore-side feed

and of the membrane stage-cut, θ , which is the fraction of the feed gas thatpermeates the membrane, defined as

θ = permeate flow

feed flow(8.8)

Pressure RatioThe importance of pressure ratio in the separation of gas mixtures can be illus-trated by considering the separation of a gas mixture with component concen-trations of nio and njo

at a feed pressure po. A flow of component i across themembrane can only occur if the partial pressure of i on the feed side of themembrane (niopo) is greater than the partial pressure of i on the permeate sideof the membrane (nip), that is,

niopio > nip (8.9)

It follows that the maximum separation achieved by the membrane can beexpressed as



≤ po



Feedpressure po

composition nio, njo


Membrane selectivity(a) =



=permeate flow

feed flowStage-cut


Pressure ratio(j)


Permeatepressure p

composition ni , nj

Figure 8.12 Parameters affecting the performance of membrane gas separation systems

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That is, the separation achieved can never exceed the pressure ratio ϕ, no matterhow selective the membrane:



≤ ϕ (8.11)

The relationship between pressure ratio and membrane selectivity can be de-rived from the Fick’s law expression for the fluxes of components i and j

ji = Pi (pio − pi)



jj = Pj (pjo− pj



The total gas pressures on the feed and permeate side are the sum of the partialpressures. For the feed side

po = pio + pjo(8.14)

and for the permeate sidep = pi + pj


The volume fractions of components i and j on the feed and permeate side arealso related to partial pressures. For the feed side

nio = pio


njo= pjo



and for the permeate side

ni = pi


nj= pj



while from mass balance considerations



= ni


= ni

1 − ni

= 1 − nj



Combining Equations (8.14–8.18) yields an expression linking the concentrationof component i on the feed and permeate sides of the membrane

ni = ϕ


nio + 1

ϕ+ 1

α − 1−

√(nio + 1

ϕ+ 1

α − 1


− 4αnio

(α − 1)ϕ


This somewhat complex expression breaks down into two limiting cases depend-ing on the relative magnitudes of the pressure ratio and the membrane selectivity.First, if the membrane selectivity (α) is very much larger than the pressure ratio(ϕ), that is,

α ϕ (8.20)

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then Equation (8.20) becomesni = nioϕ (8.21)

This is called the pressure-ratio-limited region, in which the performance is deter-mined only by the pressure ratio across the membrane and is independent of themembrane selectivity. If the membrane selectivity (α) is very much smaller thanthe pressure ratio (ϕ), that is,

α ϕ (8.22)

then Equation (8.19) becomes

ni = αnio

1 − nio(1 − α)(8.23)

This is called the membrane-selectivity-limited region, in which the membraneperformance is determined only by the membrane selectivity and is independentof the pressure ratio. There is, of course, an intermediate region between thesetwo limiting cases, in which both the pressure ratio and the membrane selectivityaffect the membrane system performance. These three regions are illustrated inFigure 8.13, in which the calculated permeate concentration (ni) is plotted versuspressure ratio (ϕ) for a membrane with a selectivity of 30 [36]. At a pressure ratioof 1, feed pressure equal to the permeate pressure, no separation is achieved by themembrane. As the difference between the feed and permeate pressure increases,



te v





n (%

) 25





010 100 1000

Pressure-ratio-limited region,

Equation (8.21)

Equation (8.19)

Selectivity-limitedregion, Equation (8.23)

1Pressure ratio, j

Figure 8.13 Calculated permeate vapor concentration for a vapor-permeable membranewith a vapor/nitrogen selectivity of 30 as a function of pressure ratio. The feed vaporconcentration is 1 %. Below pressure ratios of about 10, separation is limited by thepressure ratio across the membrane. At pressure ratios above about 100, separation islimited by the membrane selectivity [36]

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the concentration of the more permeable component in the permeate gas beginsto increase, first according to Equation (8.21) and then, when the pressure ratioand membrane selectivity are comparable, according to Equation (8.19). At veryhigh pressure ratios, that is, when the pressure ratio is four to five times higherthan the membrane selectivity, the membrane enters the membrane-selectivity-controlled region. In this region the permeate concentration reaches the limitingvalue given by Equation (8.23).

The relationship between pressure ratio and selectivity is important because ofthe practical limitation to the pressure ratio achievable in gas separation systems.Compressing the feed stream to very high pressure or drawing a very hard vacuumon the permeate side of the membrane to achieve large pressure ratios both requirelarge amounts of energy and expensive pumps. As a result, typical practicalpressure ratios are in the range 5–20.

Because the attainable pressure ratio in most gas separation applications islimited, the benefit of very highly selective membranes is often less than mightbe expected. For example, as shown in Figure 8.14, if the pressure ratio is20, then increasing the membrane selectivity from 10 to 20 will significantlyimprove system performance. However, a much smaller incremental improvementresults from increasing the selectivity from 20 to 40. Increases in selectiv-ity above 100 will produce negligible improvements. A selectivity of 100 isfive times the pressure ratio of 20, placing the system in the pressure-ratio-limited region.



te v





n (%







010 100 10 0001000

Selectivity-limited region,

Equation (8.23) Equation (8.19)

Pressure-ratio-limitedregion, Equation (8.21)


Membrane selectivity, a

Figure 8.14 Calculated permeate vapor concentration as a function of selectivity. Thefeed vapor concentration is 1 %; the pressure ratio is fixed at 20. Below a vapor/nitrogenselectivity of about 10, separation is limited by the low membrane selectivity; at selec-tivities above about 100, separation is limited by the low pressure ratio across themembrane [36]

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Another factor that affects membrane system design is the degree of separationrequired. The usual target of a gas separation system is to produce a residue streamessentially stripped of the permeable component and a small, highly concentratedpermeate stream. These two requirements cannot be met simultaneously; a trade-off must be made between removal from the feed gas and enrichment in thepermeate. The system attribute that characterizes this trade-off is called the stage-cut. The effect of stage-cut on system performance is illustrated in Figure 8.15.

In the example calculation shown in Figure 8.15, the feed gas contains 50 %of a permeable gas (i) and 50 % of a relatively impermeable gas (j ). Underthe assumed operating conditions of this system (pressure ratio 20, membraneselectivity 20), it is possible at zero stage-cut to produce a permeate stream con-taining 94.8 % of component i. But the permeate stream is tiny and the residuestream is still very close to the feed gas concentration of 50 %. As the fraction ofthe feed gas permeating the membrane is increased by increasing the membranearea, the concentration of the permeable component in the residue and permeatestreams falls. At a stage-cut of 25 %, the permeate gas concentration has fallenfrom 94.8 % (its maximum value) to 93.1 %. The residue stream concentration ofpermeable gas is then 35.5 %. Increasing the fraction of the feed gas that perme-ates the membrane to 50 % by adding more membrane area produces a residue




93.1% 83.0%


88.1% 23.8%

66.7 %










Relativemembrane area

Figure 8.15 The effect of stage-cut on the separation of a 50/50 feed gas mixture (pres-sure ratio, 20; membrane selectivity, 20). At low stage-cuts a concentrated permeateproduct, but only modest removal from the residue, can be obtained. At high stage-cutsalmost complete removal is obtained, but the permeate product is only slightly moreenriched than the original feed

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stream containing 11.8 % of the permeable gas. However, the gas permeating theadded membrane area only contains 83.0 % of the permeable component, so theaverage concentration of permeable component in the permeate stream is reducedfrom 93.1 to 88.1 %. If the fraction of the feed gas that permeates the membraneis increased to 75 % by adding even more membrane area, the concentration ofthe permeable component in the residue stream is reduced to only 0.04 %. How-ever, the gas permeating the added membrane area only contains 23.8 % of thepermeable component, less than the original feed gas. The average concentrationof the permeable component in the feed gas is, therefore, reduced to 66.7 %.This means that one-half of the less permeable component has been lost to thepermeate stream.

The calculations shown in Figure 8.15 illustrate the trade-off between recoveryand purity. A single-stage membrane process can be designed for either maxi-mum recovery or maximum purity, but not both. The calculations also show thatmembranes can produce very pure residue gas streams enriched in the less per-meable component, although at low recoveries. However, the enrichment of themore permeable component in the permeate can never be more than the mem-brane selectivity, so a membrane with low selectivity produces an only slightlyenriched permeate. This is why membranes with an oxygen/nitrogen selectivity of4–6 can produce very pure nitrogen (>99.5 %) from air on the residue side of themembrane, but the same membranes cannot produce better than 50–60 % oxy-gen on the permeate side. If the more permeable component must be pure, veryselective membranes are required or multistage or recycle membrane systemsmust be used.

Finally, the calculations in Figure 8.15 show that increasing the stage-cut toproduce a pure residue stream requires a disproportionate increase in membranearea. As the feed gas is stripped of the more permeable component, the averagepermeation rate through the membrane falls. In the example shown, this meansthat permeating the first 25 % of the feed gas requires a relative membrane areaof 1, permeating the next 25 % requires a membrane area increment of 1.8, andpermeating the next 25 % requires an increment of 6.7.

Multistep and Multistage System Designs

Because the membrane selectivity and pressure ratio achievable in a commercialmembrane system are limited, a one-stage membrane system may not providethe separation desired. The problem is illustrated in Figure 8.16. The target ofthe process is 90 % removal of a volatile organic compound (VOC), which isthe permeable component, from the feed gas, which contains 1 vol % of thiscomponent. This calculation and those that immediately follow assume a feedgas mixture VOC and nitrogen. Rubbery membranes such as silicone rubberpermeate the VOC preferentially because of its greater condensability and hencesolubility in the membrane. In this calculation, the pressure ratio is fixed at 20

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1% VOC 0.1% VOC

4.1% VOC


Figure 8.16 A one-stage vapor separation operation. The performance of this systemwas calculated from a crossflow model using a vapor/nitrogen selectivity of 20 and apressure ratio of 20

by compressing the feed gas, and the permeate is maintained at atmosphericpressure. The membrane VOC/nitrogen selectivity is assumed to be 20.

Figure 8.16 shows that when 90 % of the VOC in the feed stream is removed,the permeate stream will contain approximately 4 % of the permeable component.In many cases, 90 % removal of VOC from the feed stream is insufficient toallow the residue gas to be discharged, and enrichment of the component in thepermeate is insufficient also.

If the main problem is insufficient VOC removal from the feed stream, a two-step system as shown in Figure 8.17 can be used. In a two-step system, theresidue stream from the first membrane unit is passed to a second unit, wherethe VOC concentration is reduced by a further factor of 10, from 0.1 to 0.01 %.Because the concentration of VOC in the feed to the second membrane unit islow, the permeate stream is relatively dilute and is recirculated to the feed stream.

A multistep design of this type can achieve almost complete removal of the per-meable component from the feed stream to the membrane unit. However, greaterremoval of the permeable component is achieved at the expense of increases inmembrane area and power consumption by the compressor. As a rule of thumb,the membrane area required to remove the last 9 % of a component from the feedequals the membrane area required to remove the first 90 %.

Sometimes, 90 % removal of the permeable component from the feed streamis acceptable for the discharge stream from the membrane unit, but a higher

1% VOC 0.01% VOC



3.9% VOC

0.42% VOC


Figure 8.17 A two-step system to achieve 99 % vapor removal from the feed stream.Selectivity, 20; pressure ratio, 20

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1% VOC

1% VOC

0.1% VOC

20.8% VOC

4.1% VOC



Figure 8.18 A two-stage system to produce a highly concentrated permeate stream.Selectivity, 20; pressure ratio, 20

concentration is needed to make the permeate gas usable. In this situation, a two-stage system of the type shown in Figure 8.18 is used. In a two-stage design,the permeate from the first membrane unit is recompressed and sent to a secondmembrane unit, where a further separation is performed. The final permeate isthen twice enriched. In the most efficient two-stage design, the residue streamfrom the second stage is reduced to about the same concentration as the originalfeed gas, with which it is mixed. In the example shown in Figure 8.18, the perme-ate stream, concentrated a further five-fold, leaves the system at a concentrationof 21 %. Because the volume of gas treated by the second-stage membrane unitis much smaller than in the first stage, the membrane area of the second stage isrelatively small. Thus, incorporation of a second stage only increases the overallmembrane area and power requirements by approximately 15–20 %.

Multistage/multistep combinations of two-step and two-stage processes can bedesigned but are seldom used in commercial systems—their complexity makesthem uncompetitive with alternative separation technologies. More commonlysome form of recycle design is used.

Recycle Designs

A simple recycle design, sometimes called a two-and-one-half-stage system, pro-posed by Wijmans [37] is shown in Figure 8.19. In this design, the permeatefrom the first membrane stage is recompressed and sent to a two-step secondstage, where a portion of the gas permeates and is removed as enriched product.The remaining gas passes to another membrane stage, which brings the gas con-centration close to the original feed value. The permeate from this stage is mixedwith the first-stage permeate, forming a recycle loop. By controlling the relativesize of the two second stages any desired concentration of the more permeablecomponent can be achieved in the product. In the example shown, the permeable

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1% VOC

1% VOC

0.1% VOC

50% VOC

25.7% VOC 4.1% VOC



Figure 8.19 Two-and-one-half-stage system: by forming a recycle loop around the sec-ond stage, a small, very concentrated product stream is created. Selectivity, 20; pressureratio, 20 [37]

component is concentrated to 50 % in the permeate. The increased performanceis achieved at the expense of a slightly larger second-stage compressor and moremembrane area. Normally, however, this design is preferable to a more complexthree-stage system.

Figure 8.20 shows another type of recycle design in which a recycle loopincreases the concentration of the permeable component to the point at which itcan be removed by a second process, most commonly condensation [38]. Thefeed stream entering the recycle loop contains 1 % of the permeable compo-nent as in Figures 8.16–8.19. After compression to 20 atm, the feed gas passesthrough a condenser at 30 C, but the VOC content is still below the condensa-tion concentration at this temperature. The membrane unit separates the gas intoa VOC-depleted residue stream and a vapor-enriched permeate stream, whichis recirculated to the front of the compressor. Because the bulk of the vapor isrecirculated, the concentration of vapor in the loop increases rapidly until thepressurized gas entering the condenser exceeds the vapor dew point of 6.1 %. At

1% VOC 0.1% VOC6.1%VOC


11.8% VOC



Figure 8.20 Recycle system design using one membrane stage, preceded by a compres-sor and condenser: feed stream, 1 % vapor in nitrogen; selectivity, 20; pressure ratio, 20

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this point, the system is at steady state; the mass of VOC entering the recircu-lation loop is equal to the mass discharged in the residue stream plus the massremoved as liquid condensate.

Recycle designs of this type are limited to applications in which the com-ponents of the gas mixture, if sufficiently concentrated, can be separated fromthe gas by some other technique. With organic vapors, condensation is oftenpossible; adsorption, chemical scrubbing or absorption can also be used. Theprocess shown in Figure 8.20 is used to separate VOCs from nitrogen and airor to separate propane, butane, pentane and higher hydrocarbons from naturalgas (methane).


The membrane gas separation industry is still growing and changing. Most of thelarge industrial gas companies now have membrane affiliates: Air Products (Per-mea), MG (Generon), Air Liquide (Medal) and Praxair (IMS). The affiliates focusmainly on producing membrane systems to separate nitrogen from air, but alsoproduce some hydrogen separation systems. Another group of companies, UOP(Separex), Natco (Cynara), Kvaerner (GMS) and ABB Lummus Global (MTR),produces membrane systems for natural gas separations. A third group of smallerindependents are focusing on the new applications, including vapor separation,air dehydration and oxygen enrichment. The final size and form of this industryare still unknown. The following section covers the major current applications.Overview articles on the main gas separation applications can be found in Pauland Yampol’skii [39], in Koros and Fleming [40] and elsewhere [41].

Hydrogen Separations

The first large-scale commercial application of membrane gas separation was theseparation of hydrogen from nitrogen in ammonia purge gas streams. The process,launched in 1980 by Monsanto, was followed by a number of similar applications,such as hydrogen/methane separation in refinery off-gases and hydrogen/carbonmonoxide adjustment in oxo-chemical synthesis plants [7]. Hydrogen is a small,noncondensable gas, which is highly permeable compared to all other gases. Thisis particularly true with the glassy polymers primarily used to make hydrogen-selective membranes; fluxes and selectivities of hydrogen through some of thesematerials are shown in Table 8.3. With fluxes and selectivities as high as these, itis easy to understand why hydrogen separation was the first gas separation processdeveloped. Early hydrogen membrane gas separation plants used polysulfoneor cellulose acetate membranes, but now a variety of specifically synthesizedmaterials, such as polyimides (Ube, Praxair), polyaramide (Medal) or brominatedpolysulfone (Permea), are used.

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Table 8.3 Hydrogen separation membranes

Membrane Selectivity Hydrogen(developer) pressure-normalized

H2/CO H2/CH4 H2/N2 flux [10−6 cm3(STP)/cm2 · s · cmHg]


100 >200 >200 —


40 80 80 100


30–40 60–80 60–80 200


50 100–200 100–200 80–200

4 3 12



Feed gasAmmoniareactor

(135 atm)




Hydrogen-rich permeate



H2 Recovery 87.5%

Stream Composition (%)

MembraneFeed 1

MembraneVent 2

High-PressurePermeate 3

Low-PressurePermeate 4

Hydrogen 62 21 87.3 84.8Nitrogen 21 44 7.1 8.4Methane 11 23 36 4.3Argon 6 13 2.0 2.5

Pressure (atm) 135 132 70 28Flow (scfm) 2000 740 830 430

Figure 8.21 Simplified flow schematic of the PRISM membrane system to recoverhydrogen from an ammonia reactor purge stream. A two-step membrane system is usedto reduce permeate compression costs

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A typical membrane system flow scheme for recovery of hydrogen from anammonia plant purge gas stream is shown in Figure 8.21. A photograph of sucha system is shown in Figure 8.22. During the production of ammonia from nitro-gen and hydrogen, argon enters the high-pressure ammonia reactor as an impuritywith the nitrogen stream and methane enters the reactor as an impurity with thehydrogen. Ammonia produced in the reactor is removed by condensation, sothe argon and methane impurities accumulate until they represent as much as15 % of the gas in the reactor. To control the concentration of these compo-nents, the reactor must be continuously purged. The hydrogen lost with thispurge gas can represent 2–4 % of the total hydrogen consumed. These plants arevery large, so recovery of the hydrogen for recycle to the ammonia reactor iseconomically worthwhile.

In the process shown in Figure 8.21, a two-step membrane design is used toreduce the cost of recompressing the hydrogen permeate stream to the very high

Figure 8.22 Photograph of an Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. PRISM membranesystem installed at an ammonia plant. The modules are mounted vertically

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pressures of ammonia reactors. In the first step, the feed gas is maintained at thereactor pressure of 135 atm, and the permeate is maintained at 70 atm, givinga pressure ratio of 1.9. The hydrogen concentration in the feed to this first stepis about 45 %, high enough that even at this low pressure ratio the permeatecontains about 90 % hydrogen. However, by the time the feed gas hydrogenconcentration has fallen to 30 %, the hydrogen concentration in the permeateis no longer high enough for recycle to the reactor. This remaining hydrogenis recovered in a second membrane step operated at a lower permeate pressure



90% hydrogenrecovery






Fuel gas3

Recoveredhydrogen 2


Stream Composition

Untreated Purge1

Recovered Hydrogen2

Treated Purge3

Hydrogen 82 96.5 34.8Methane 12 2.6 43.3Ethane 4.6 0.7 17.1Propane 1.2 0.2 4.8

Pressure (psig) 1800 450 1450Flow (MMscfd) 18.9 14.5 4.4

Figure 8.23 Hydrogen recovery from a hydrotreater used to lower the molecular weightof a refinery oil stream. Permea polysulfone membranes (PRISM) are used [42]

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of 28 atm and a pressure ratio of 4.7. The increased pressure ratio increases thehydrogen concentration in the permeate significantly. By dividing the process intotwo steps operating at different pressure ratios, maximum hydrogen recovery isachieved at minimum recompression costs.

A second major application of hydrogen-selective membranes is recovery ofhydrogen from waste gases produced in various refinery operations [7,42,43].A typical separation—treatment of the high-pressure purge gas from ahydrotreater—is shown in Figure 8.23. The hydrogen separation process isdesigned to recycle the hydrogen to the hydrotreater. As in the case of theammonia plant, there is a trade-off between the concentration of hydrogen inthe permeate and the permeate pressure and subsequent cost of recompression.In the example shown, a permeate of 96.5 % hydrogen is considered adequate ata pressure ratio of 3.9.

Another example of the use of highly hydrogen-selective membranes in thepetrochemical industry is the separation of hydrogen from carbon monoxide/hydrogen mixtures to obtain the correct ratio of components for subsequent syn-thesis operations.

Oxygen/Nitrogen Separation

By far the largest gas separation process in current use is the production of nitro-gen from air. The first membranes used for this process were based on poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) (TPX) and ethyl cellulose. These polymer materials haveoxygen/nitrogen selectivities of 4; the economics of the process were marginal.The second-generation materials now used have selectivities of 6–7, providingvery favorable economics, especially for small plants producing 5–500 scfm ofnitrogen. In this range, membranes are the low-cost process, and most new smallnitrogen plants use membrane systems.

Table 8.4 lists the permeabilities and selectivities of some of the materials thatare used or have been used for this separation. There is a strong inverse relation-ship between flux and selectivity. Membranes with selectivities of 6–7 typicallyhave 1 % of the permeability of membranes with selectivities of 2–3. This selec-tivity/permeability trade-off is very apparent in the plot of selectivity as a functionof oxygen permeability shown in Figure 8.24, prepared by Robeson [11]. Thisplot shows data for a large number of membrane materials reported in the lit-erature. A wide range of selectivity/permeability combinations are provided bydifferent membrane materials; for gas separation applications only the most per-meable polymers at a particular selectivity are of interest. The line linking thesepolymers is called the upper bound, beyond which no better material is currentlyknown. The relative positions of the upper bound in 1991 and in 1980 show theprogress that has been made in producing polymers specifically tailored for thisseparation. Development of better materials is a continuing research topic at the

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Table 8.4 Permeabilities and selectivities of polymers of interest in air separation

Polymer Oxygenpermeability






Poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) (PTMSP) 7600 5400 1.4Teflon AF 2400 1300 760 1.7Silicone rubber 600 280 2.2Poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) (TPX) 30 7.1 4.2Poly(phenylene oxide) (PPO) 16.8 3.8 4.4Ethyl cellulose 11.2 3.3 3.46FDA-DAF (polyimide) 7.9 1.3 6.2Polysulfone 1.1 0.18 6.2Polyaramide 3.1 0.46 6.8Tetrabromo bis polycarbonate 1.4 0.18 7.5

Oxygen permeability (Barrer)








1.00.001 0.01 10 000100010010

Upper bound1991

− Glass− Rubber







Upper bound1980

Figure 8.24 Oxygen/nitrogen selectivity as a function of oxygen permeability. Thisplot by Robeson [11] shows the wide range of combination of selectivity and perme-ability achieved by current materials. Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci. 62, L.M. Robeson,Correlation of Separation Factor Versus Permeability for Polymeric Membranes, p. 165.Copyright 1991, with permission from Elsevier

major gas separation companies and in some universities, so further but slowermovement of the upper bound may be seen in the future.

High oxygen/nitrogen selectivity is required for an economical nitrogen pro-duction process. The effect of improved membrane selectivities on the efficiencyof nitrogen production from air is illustrated in Figure 8.25. This figure shows the

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Oxygen-enrichedpermeate15 psia



Compressor150 psia

O2/N2 membraneselectivity

Product nitrogen concentration (%)
















y (%


96 97 98 99 100

Figure 8.25 Nitrogen recovery as a function of product nitrogen concentration for mem-branes with selectivities between 2 and 20

trade-off between the fraction of nitrogen in the feed gas recovered as nitrogenproduct gas as a function of the nitrogen concentration in the product gas. Alloxygen-selective membranes, even membranes with an oxygen/nitrogen selec-tivity as low as 2, can produce better than 99 % nitrogen, albeit at very lowrecoveries. The figure also shows the significant improvement in efficiency thatresults from an increase in oxygen/nitrogen selectivity from 2 to 20.

The first nitrogen production systems used membranes made from TPX with aselectivity of about 4. These membranes were incorporated in one-stage designsto produce 95 % nitrogen used to render flammable-liquid storage tanks inert.As the membranes improved, more complex process designs, of the type shownin Figure 8.26, were used to produce purer gas containing >99 % nitrogen. The

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Air79% N2

Nitrogen product99% N2

Oxygen-enriched permeate69% N2


Air79% N2



92% N2

87.4% N2

Nitrogenproduct99% N2


Air79% N2


82% N2

Nitrogenproduct99% N2


Design Relative Membrane Area Relative Compressor HP

One-Step 1.0 1.0Two-Step 0.94 0.94Three-Step 0.92 0.92

Figure 8.26 Single-, two- and three-step designs for nitrogen production from air

first improvement was the two-step process. As oxygen is removed from the airpassing through the membrane modules, the concentration in the permeating gasfalls. At some point the oxygen concentration in the permeate gas is less than theconcentration in normal ambient feed air. Mixing this oxygen-depleted gas per-meate with the incoming air then becomes worthwhile. The improvement will bemost marked when the system is used to produce high-quality nitrogen contain-ing less than 1 % oxygen. In the example shown in Figure 8.26, the second-steppermeate gas contains 12.5 % oxygen, and recycling this gas to the incoming feedair reduces the membrane area and compressor load by about 6 %. This relativelysmall saving is worthwhile because it is achieved at essentially no cost by makinga simple piping change to the system. In the two-step design, the 12.5 % oxygenpermeate recycle stream is mixed with ambient air containing 21 % oxygen. A

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more efficient design would be to combine the recycle and feed gas where thefeed gas has approximately the same concentration. This is the objective of thethree-step process shown in Figure 8.26. This design saves a further 2 % in mem-brane area and some compressor power, but now two compressors are needed.Three-step processes are, therefore, generally limited to large systems in whichthe energy and membrane area savings compensate for the extra complexity andhigher maintenance cost of a second compressor. A discussion of factors affectingthe design of nitrogen plants is given by Prasad et al. [44,45].

Membrane nitrogen production systems are now very competitive with alter-native technologies. The competitive range of the various methods of obtain-ing nitrogen is shown in Figure 8.27. Very small nitrogen users generally pur-chase gas cylinders or delivered liquid nitrogen, but once consumption exceeds5000 scfd of nitrogen, membranes become the low-cost process. This is partic-ularly true if the required nitrogen purity is between 95 % and 99 % nitrogen.Membrane systems can still be used if high quality nitrogen (up to 99.9 %) isrequired, but the cost of the system increases significantly. Very large nitrogenusers—above 10 MMscfd of gas—generally use pipeline gas or on-site cryo-genic systems. Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) systems are also sometimes usedin the 1–10 MMscfd range.

A membrane process to separate nitrogen from air inevitably produces oxygen-enriched air as a by-product. Sometimes this by-product gas, containing about35 % oxygen, can be used beneficially, but usually it is vented. A market foroxygen or oxygen-enriched air exists, but because oxygen is produced as thepermeate gas stream it is much more difficult to produce high-purity oxygen than

Nitrogen use (1000 scfd)











ity (


1 10


100 1000 10 000



On-sitecryogenicor pipeline


Figure 8.27 Approximate competitive range of current membrane nitrogen productionsystems. Many site-specific factors can affect the actual system selection

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te o


n co






2 3 4 5 2010987





Oxygen/nitrogen selectivity (a)

Pressure ratio ∞

Figure 8.28 The maximum possible oxygen concentration in the permeate from a one-step membrane process with membranes of various selectivities (assumes zero stage-cut).Even the best current membrane materials, with a selectivity of 8, only produce 68 %oxygen in the permeate at an infinite pressure ratio

high-purity nitrogen with membrane systems. Figure 8.28 shows the maximumpermeate oxygen concentration that can be produced by a one-step membraneprocess using membranes of various selectivities. Even at zero stage-cut andan infinite pressure ratio, the best currently available membrane, with an oxy-gen/nitrogen selectivity of 8, can only produce 68 % oxygen. At useful stage-cutsand achievable pressure ratios this concentration falls. These constraints limitmembrane systems to the production of oxygen-enriched air in the 30–50 %oxygen range.

Oxygen-enriched air is used in the chemical industry, in refineries, and invarious fermentation and biological digestion processes, but it must be producedvery cheaply for these applications. The competitive technology is pure oxygenproduced cryogenically then diluted with atmospheric air. The quantity of pureoxygen that must be blended with air to produce the desired oxygen enrichmentdetermines the cost. This means that in membrane systems producing oxygen-enriched air, only the fraction of the oxygen above 21 % can be counted as acredit. This fraction is called the equivalent pure oxygen (EPO2) basis.

A comparison of the cost of oxygen-enriched air produced by membranes andby cryogenic separation shows that current membranes are generally uncompet-itive. The only exception is for very small users in isolated locations, where the

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logistics of transporting liquid oxygen to the site increase the oxygen cost toUS$80–100/ton.

Development of better membranes for producing oxygen-enriched air has been,and continues to be, an area of research because of the potential application of thegas in combustion processes. When methane, oil, and other fuels are burned withair, a large amount of nitrogen passes as an inert diluent through the burners andis discarded as hot exhaust gas. If oxygen-enriched air were used, the energy lostwith the hot exhaust gas would decrease considerably. Use of oxygen-enrichedair also improves the efficiency of diesel engines [46]. The useful energy thatcan be extracted from the same amount of fuel increases significantly even if airis enriched only from 25 to 35 % oxygen. But to make this process worthwhile,the fuel savings achieved must offset the cost of the oxygen-enriched air used.Calculations show that the process would be cost-effective for some applica-tions at an EPO2 cost as high as US$60/ton and, for many applications, at anEPO2 cost of US$30–40/ton. Bhide and Stern [47] have published an interesting












101 3 5 7 9





$/tonof EPO2

Position ofupper bound


Bhide and Stern (1991)








0 cm

3 (S



/ cm

2 ·s·



O2/N2 selectivity (a)

Figure 8.29 Cost of oxygen-enriched air produced by membrane separation on an EPO2basis as a function of the oxygen permeability and oxygen/nitrogen selectivity of themembrane. The performance of today’s best membranes is represented by the upperbound performance line from Robeson’s plot (Figure 8.24) [35,47]. Reprinted from J.Membr. Sci. 62, B.O. Bhide and S.A. Stern, A New Evaluation of Membrane Processesfor the Oxygen-enrichment of Air, p. 87. Copyright 1991, with permission from Elsevier

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analysis of this problem, the results of which are shown in Figure 8.29. Thefigure shows the cost of oxygen-enriched air produced by a membrane pro-cess for membranes of various permeabilities and selectivities. The assumptionswere optimistic–low-cost membrane modules (US$54/m2) and membranes withextremely thin selective separating layers (1000 A). Also shown in Figure 8.29 isthe portion of the upper-bound curve obtained from the permeability/selectivitytrade-off plot shown in Figure 8.24. As the figure shows, a number of materialsat the upper-bound limit, with oxygen/nitrogen selectivities of 3–4 and perme-abilities of 50–500, are within striking distance of the US$30–40/ton target.Production of these very high-performance membrane modules is at the outerlimit of current technology but improvements in the technology could open upnew, very large applications of membranes in the future.

Natural Gas Separations

US production of natural gas is about 20 trillion scf/year; total worldwide pro-duction is about 40 trillion scf/year. All of this gas requires some treatment,and approximately 20 % of the gas requires extensive treatment before it canbe delivered to the pipeline. As a result, several billion dollars’ worth of naturalgas separation equipment is installed annually worldwide. The current membranemarket share is about 2 %, essentially all for carbon dioxide removal. However,this fraction is expected to increase because applications of membranes to otherseparations in the natural gas processing industry are under development [48].

Raw natural gas varies substantially in composition from source to source.Methane is always the major component, typically 75–90 % of the total. Naturalgas also contains significant amounts of ethane, some propane and butane, and1–3 % of other higher hydrocarbons. In addition, the gas contains undesirableimpurities: water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen sulfide. Although rawnatural gas has a wide range of compositions, the composition of gas deliveredto the pipeline is tightly controlled. Typical US natural gas specifications areshown in Table 8.5. The opportunity for membranes lies in the processing of gasto meet these specifications.

Table 8.5 Composition of natural gas required for deliv-ery to the US national pipeline grid

Component Specification

CO2 <2 %H2O <120 ppmH2S <4 ppmC3+ 950–1050 Btu/scfContent Dew point, −20 CTotal inerts (N2, CO2, He, etc.) <4 %

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Natural gas is usually produced from the well and transported to the gasprocessing plant at high pressure, in the range 500–1500 psi. To minimize recom-pression costs, the membrane process must remove impurities from the gas intothe permeate stream, leaving the methane, ethane, and other hydrocarbons in thehigh-pressure residue gas. This requirement determines the type of membranesthat can be used for this separation. Figure 8.30 is a graphical representation of thefactors of molecular size and condensability that affect selection of membranesfor natural gas separations.

As Figure 8.30 shows, water is small and condensable; therefore, it is easilyseparated from methane by both rubbery and glassy polymer membranes. Bothrubbery and glassy membranes can also separate carbon dioxide and hydrogensulfide from natural gas. However, in practice carbon dioxide is best separated byglassy membranes (utilizing size selectivity) [49,50], whereas hydrogen sulfide,which is larger and more condensable than carbon dioxide, is best separatedby rubbery membranes (utilizing sorption selectivity) [51,52]. Nitrogen can beseparated from methane by glassy membranes, but the difference in size is small,so the separations achieved are small. Finally, propane and other hydrocarbons,because of their condensability, are best separated from methane with rubberysorption-selective membranes. Table 8.6 shows typical membrane materials andthe selectivities that can be obtained with good-quality membranes.

4.3 3.8 2.65

Low Permeability High Permeability

Glassy polymers separate gases principally by size

C3H8 CH4 N2 H2S CO2 H2O

−196 −161

Low Permeability High Permeability

Rubbery polymers separate gases principally by condensability

N2 CH4 CO2 H2S C3H8 H2O



(°C) 100

Figure 8.30 The relative size and condensability (boiling point) of the principal compo-nents of natural gas. Glassy membranes generally separate by differences in size; rubberymembranes separate by differences in condensability

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Table 8.6 Membrane materials and selectivities for separation of impurities from natu-ral gas

Componentto bepermeated

Category ofpreferred polymer


Typical polymerused


over methane

CO2 Glass Cellulose acetate, polyimide 10–20H2S Rubber Ether-amide block copolymer 20–40N2 Glass Polyimide, perfluoro polymers 2–3H2O Rubber or glass Many >200Butane Rubber Silicone rubber 7–10

Carbon Dioxide Separation

Removal of carbon dioxide is the only membrane-based natural gas separationprocess currently practiced on a large scale—more than 200 plants have beeninstalled, some very large. Most were installed by Grace (now Kvaerner-GMS),Separex (UOP) and Cynara and all use cellulose acetate membranes in hollowfiber or spiral-wound module form. More recently, hollow fiber polyaramide(Medal) membranes have been introduced because of their higher selectivity.

The designs of two typical carbon dioxide removal plants are illustrated inFigure 8.31. One-stage plants, which are simple, contain no rotating equipment,and require minimal maintenance, are preferred for small gas flows. In such plantsmethane loss to the permeate is often 10–15 %. If there is no fuel use for thisgas, it must be flared, which represents a significant revenue loss. Nonetheless,for gas wells producing 1–2 MMscfd, one-stage membrane units with their lowcapital and operating costs may still be the optimum treatment method.

As the natural gas stream increases in size, the methane loss from a one-stage system becomes prohibitive. Often the permeate gas is recompressed andpassed through a second membrane stage. This second stage reduces the methaneloss to a few percent. However, the recompression cost is considerable, and themembrane system may no longer compete with amine absorption, the alternativetechnology. In general, membrane systems have proved to be most competitive forgas streams below 30 MMscfd containing high concentrations of carbon dioxide.Spillman [48] and McKee et al. [53] have reviewed the competitive positionof membrane systems for this application. Currently the market for membranecarbon dioxide gas separation systems can be summarized as follows:

1. Very small systems (less than 5 MMscfd). At this flow rate, membrane unitsare very attractive. Often the permeate is flared or used as fuel, so the systemis a simple bank of membrane modules.

2. Small systems (5–30 MMscfd). Two-stage membrane systems are used toreduce methane loss. In this gas flow range, amine and membrane systems

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One-stage plant

Methane loss: 12.7%

Methane loss: 1.9%

2% CO2

42% CO2use for fuel or flare

10% CO2

83% CO2to flare

42% CO210% CO2

Two-stage plant

2% CO210% CO2

Figure 8.31 Flow scheme of one-stage and two-stage membrane separation plants toremove carbon dioxide from natural gas. Because the one-stage design has no movingparts, it is very competitive with other technologies especially if there is a use for thelow-pressure permeate gas. Two-stage processes are more expensive because a large com-pressor is required to compress the permeate gas. However, the loss of methane with thefuel gas is much reduced

compete; the choice between the two technologies depends on site-specificfactors.

3. Medium to large systems (greater than 30 MMscfd). In general, membranesystems are too expensive to compete head-to-head with amine plants. How-ever, a number of large membrane systems have been installed on offshoreplatforms, at carbon dioxide flood operations, or where site-specific factorsparticularly favor membrane technology. As membranes improve, their marketshare is increasing.

In principle, the combination of membranes for bulk removal of the carbondioxide with amine units as polishing systems offers a low-cost alternative toall-amine plants for many streams. However, this approach has not been gener-ally used because the savings in capital cost are largely offset by the increasedcomplexity of the plant, which now contains two separation processes. Theone exception has been in carbon dioxide flood enhanced oil-recovery projects[49,54], in which carbon dioxide is injected into an oil formation to lower theviscosity of the oil. Water, oil and gas are removed from the formation; the car-bon dioxide is separated from the gas produced and reinjected. In these projects,

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30% CO270% methane


100% CO2

2% CO2

80% CO2to fuel for

amine plant


Methane loss6.5%


Figure 8.32 A typical membrane/amine plant for the treatment of associated natural gasproduced in carbon dioxide/enhanced oil projects. The membrane permeate gas is oftenused as a fuel for the amine absorption plant

the composition and volume of the gas changes significantly over the lifetimeof the project. The modular nature of membrane units allows easy retrofittingto an existing amine plant, allowing the performance of the plant to be adjustedto meet the changing separation needs. Also, the capital cost of the separationsystem can be spread more evenly over the project lifetime. An example of amembrane/amine plant design is shown in Figure 8.32. In this design, the mem-brane unit removes two-thirds of the carbon dioxide, and the amine plant removesthe remainder. The combined plant is usually significantly less expensive thanan all-amine or all-membrane plant.


All natural gas must be dried before entering the national distribution pipelineto control corrosion of the pipeline and to prevent formation of solid hydrocar-bon/water hydrates that can choke valves. Currently glycol dehydrators are widelyused; approximately 50 000 units are in service in the United States. However,glycol dehydrators are not well suited for use on small gas streams or on offshoreplatforms, increasingly common sources of natural gas. In addition, these unitscoextract benzene, a known carcinogen and trace contaminant in natural gas, andrelease the benzene to the atmosphere. The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) has announced its intention to require benzene emission control systemsto be fitted to large glycol units.

Membrane processes offer an alternative approach to natural gas dehydrationand are being developed by a number of companies. Membranes with intrin-sic selectivities for water from methane of more than 500 are easily obtained,but because of concentration polarization effects, actual selectivities are typicallyabout 200. Two possible process designs are shown in Figure 8.33. In the first

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2 MMscfd1000 psig


1200 ppm Sales gas to pipeline1.9 MMscfd

120 ppm water vapor

To fuel line~5% methane loss

2 MMscfd1000 psig


1200 ppm Sales gas to pipeline2.0 MMscfd

120 ppm water vapor

Compressor~50 hpWatera = 200

Feed = 1000 psigPermeate = 15 psig

Figure 8.33 Dehydration of natural gas is easily performed by membranes but high costmay limit its scope to niche applications

design, a small one-stage system removes 90 % of the water in the feed gas, pro-ducing a low-pressure permeate gas representing 5–6 % of the initial gas flow.This gas contains the removed water. If the gas can be used as low-pressure fuelat the site, this design is economical and competitive with glycol dehydration.In the second design, the wet, low-pressure permeate gas is recompressed andcooled, so the water vapor condenses and is removed as liquid water. The naturalgas that permeates the membrane is then recovered. However, if the permeategas must be recompressed, as in the second design, the capital cost of the sys-tem approximately doubles, and membranes are then only competitive in specialsituations where glycol dehydration is not possible.

Dew Point Adjustment, C3+ Recovery

Natural gas usually contains varying amounts of ethane, propane, butane, andhigher hydrocarbons. The gas is often close to its saturation point with respectto some of these hydrocarbons, which means liquids will condense from thegas at cold spots in the pipeline transmission system. To avoid the problemscaused by condensation of liquids, the dew point of US natural gas is loweredto about −20 C before delivery to the pipeline by removing portions of thepropane and butane and higher hydrocarbons. For safety reasons the Btu ratingof the pipeline gas is also usually controlled within a narrow range, typically

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950–1050 Btu per cubic foot. Because the Btu values of ethane, propane andpentane are higher than that of methane, natural gas that contains significantamounts of these hydrocarbons may have an excessive Btu value, requiring theirremoval. Of equal importance, these higher hydrocarbons are generally morevaluable as recovered liquids than their fuel value in the gas. For all of thesereasons almost all natural gas is treated to control the C3+ hydrocarbon content.

The current technology used to separate the higher hydrocarbons from naturalgas streams is condensation, shown schematically in Figure 8.34. The natural gasstream is cooled by refrigeration or expansion to between −20 C and −40 C.The condensed liquids, which include the higher hydrocarbons and water, areseparated from the gas streams and subjected to fractional distillation to recoverthe individual components. Because refrigeration is capital-intensive and useslarge amounts of energy, there is considerable interest in alternative techniques,such as membrane gas separation.

A typical flow diagram of a membrane system for C3+ liquids recovery isalso shown in Figure 8.34. The natural gas is fed to modules containing ahigher-hydrocarbon-selective membrane, which removes the higher hydrocarbonsas the permeate stream. This stream is recompressed and cooled by a cold-water exchanger to condense higher hydrocarbons. The non-condensed bleed

CondensedC3+ hydrocarbon



feed gas


product gas

Membrane system using C3+ hydrocarbon-selective membranes

Current technology

Cooling byrefrigerationor expansion

(−20 to −40°C)

Compressednatural gas

C3+ hydrocarbonlean gas to pipeline

after reheating

Figure 8.34 Recovery of C3+ hydrocarbons from natural gas

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stream from the condenser to the inlet will normally still contain more heavyhydrocarbons than the raw gas, so prior to returning the gas to the feed stream,the condenser bleed stream is passed through a second set of membrane mod-ules. The permeate streams from the two sets of modules are combined, creatinga recirculation loop around the condenser, which continuously concentrates thehigher hydrocarbons [37].

The competitiveness of membrane systems in this application is very sensitiveto the selectivity of the membranes for propane, butane and higher hydrocarbonsover methane. If the membranes are very selective (propane/methane selectivityof 5–7, butane/methane selectivity of 10–15), the permeate stream from themain set of modules will be small and concentrated, minimizing the cost of therecompressor. Currently, silicone rubber membranes are being considered for thisapplication, but other, more selective materials have been reported [55].

Vapor/Gas Separations

In the separation of vapor/gas mixtures, rubbery polymers, such as silicone rub-ber, can be used to permeate the more condensable vapor, or glassy polymers canbe used to permeate the smaller gas. Although glassy, gas-permeable membraneshave been proposed for a few applications, most installed plants use vapor-permeable membranes, often in conjunction with a second process such as con-densation [36,38] or absorption [56]. The first plants, installed in the early 1990s,were used to recover vapors from gasoline terminal vent gases or chlorofluorocar-bon (CFC) vapors from the vents of industrial refrigeration plants. More recently,membranes have begun to be used to recover hydrocarbons and processing sol-vents from petrochemical plant purge gas. Some of these streams are quite largeand discharge vapors with a recovery value of US$1–2 million/year.

One of the most successful petrochemical applications is treatment of resindegassing vent gas in polyolefin plants [57,58]. Olefin monomer, catalyst, sol-vents, and other co-reactants are fed at high pressure into the polymerizationreactor. The polymer product (resin) is removed from the reactor and separatedfrom excess monomer in a flash separation step. The recovered monomer is recy-cled to the reactor. Residual monomer is removed from the resin by strippingwith nitrogen. The composition of this degassing vent stream varies greatly, butit usually contains 20–50 % of mixed hydrocarbon monomers in nitrogen. Themonomer content represents about 1 % of the hydrocarbon feedstock enteringthe plant. This amount might seem small, but because polyolefin plants are largeoperations, the recovery value of the stream can be significant.

Several membrane designs can be used; two are shown in Figure 8.35 [59].The two-step, two-stage system shown in Figure 8.35(a) achieves the target sepa-ration by linking several membrane units together, each unit performing a partialseparation. The first unit removes a portion of the propylene from the feed gas toproduce a concentrated permeate. The residue gas from this step is then sent to a

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99% nitrogen15% propylene85% nitrogen

Liquid propylene >99.8%



Propylene recycle stream

Feed15% propylene85% nitrogen

99% nitrogen

Nitrogen purification step





(a) Multi-stage membrane separation system design

(b) Hybrid compression-condenser-membrane Design

Figure 8.35 Vapor separation process designs able to achieve high vapor recovery andhigh-purity product streams

second membrane unit which produces a nitrogen gas stream containing less than1 % propylene. The permeate from this second step is only partially enriched inpropylene, so it is mixed with the incoming feed gas.

To increase the propylene concentration in the permeate gas from the firststep, a second-stage membrane unit is used. The permeate gas from the firststage is compressed and then passed through the second stage to produce afinal permeate stream containing 95 % propylene. The partially depleted secondstage residue stream is recycled back to the feed. By linking together the threemembrane separation units, the target recovery for both propylene and nitrogencan be achieved.

A number of multistep vapor separation systems of the type shown inFigure 8.35(a) have been installed. These systems have the advantage ofoperating at ambient temperatures and having as the main rotating equipmentgas compressors with which petrochemical plant operators are very familiar.

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However, if very good removal of the nitrogen from the recycle gas is required,the hybrid process combining condensation and membrane separation shown inFigure 8.35(b) is preferred. In this design, the compressed feed gas is sent to acondenser. On cooling the feed gas, a portion of the propylene content is removedas a condensed liquid. The remaining, uncondensed propylene is removed by themembrane separation system to produce a 99 % nitrogen stream. The permeategas is recycled to the incoming feed gas from the purge bin.

Because the gas sent to the membrane stage is cooled, the solubility of propy-lene in the membrane is enhanced, and the selectivity of the membrane unit isincreased. The propylene condensate contains some dissolved nitrogen so theliquid is flashed at low pressure to remove this gas, producing a better than99.5 % pure hydrocarbon product. A photograph of a propylene/nitrogen ventgas treatment system is shown in Figure 8.36.

Vapor/Vapor Separations

A final group of separations likely to develop into a major application area formembranes is vapor/vapor separations, such as ethylene (bp −103.9 C) from

Figure 8.36 Photograph of a membrane unit used to recover nitrogen and propylenefrom a polypropylene plant vent gas

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ethane (bp −88.9 C), propylene (bp −47.2 C) from propane (bp −42.8 C),and n-butane (bp −0.6 C) from isobutane (bp −10 C). These close-boilingmixtures are separated on a very large scale in the synthesis of ethylene andpropylene, the two largest-volume organic chemical feedstocks, and in the syn-thesis of isobutane in refineries to produce high-octane gasoline. Because themixtures are close-boiling, large towers and high reflux ratios are required toachieve good separations.

If membranes are to be used for these separations, highly selective materialsmust be developed. Several groups have measured the selectivities of poly-meric membranes for ethylene/ethane and propylene/propane mixtures. Burnsand Koros have reviewed these results [60]. The data should be treated withcaution. Some authors report selectivities based on the ratio of the permeabilitiesof the pure gases; others use a hard vacuum or a sweep gas on the permeateside of the membrane. Both procedures produce unrealistically high selectivities.In an industrial plant, the feed gas will be at 100–150 psig and a temperaturesufficient to maintain the gas in the vapor phase; the permeate gas will be at apressure of 10–20 psig. Under these operating conditions, plasticization and lossof selectivity occur with even the most rigid polymer membranes, so selectivitiesare usually low. Because of these problems, this application might be one forwhich the benefits of ceramic or carbon fiber membranes can justify their highcost. Caro et al. have recently reviewed the ceramic membrane literature [24].

Dehydration of Air

The final application of gas separation membranes is dehydration of compressedair. The competitive processes are condensation or solid desiccants, both of whichare established, low-cost technologies. Membranes with water/air selectivities ofmore than 500 are known, although actual selectivities obtained in membranemodules are less because of concentration polarization effects. Nonetheless, exist-ing membranes are more than adequate for this separation. The problem inhibitingtheir application is the loss of compressed feed air through the membrane. Com-pressed air is typically supplied at about 7 atm (105 psi), so the pressure ratioacross the membrane is about 7. Because air dehydration membranes have aselectivity of more than 200, these membranes are completely pressure-ratio-limited. Based on Equation (8.10), this means that the permeate gas cannot bemore than seven times more concentrated than the feed. The result is that a sig-nificant fraction of the feed gas must permeate the membrane to carry away thepermeate water vapor. Typically 15–20 % of the pressurized feed gas permeatesthe membrane, which affects the productivity of the compressor significantly.Counterflow-sweep designs of the type discussed in Chapter 4 are widely usedto reduce permeant loss. For this reason, membrane air dehydration systemshave not found a wide market except where the reliability and simplicity of themembrane design compared to adsorbents or cooling are particularly attractive.

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Conclusions and Future Directions

The application of membranes to gas separation problems has grown rapidlysince the installation of the first industrial plants in the early 1980s. The currentstatus of membrane gas separation processes is summarized in Table 8.7, in whichthe processes are divided into four groups. The first group consists of the estab-lished processes: nitrogen production from air, hydrogen recovery and air drying.These processes represent more than 80 % of the current gas separation membranemarket. All have been used on a large commercial scale for 10 years, and dramaticimprovements in membrane selectivity, flux and process designs have been madeduring that time. For example, today’s hollow fine fiber nitrogen productionmodule generates more than 10 times the amount of nitrogen, with better qualityand at a lower energy consumption, than the modules produced in the early1980s. However, the technology has now reached a point at which, barring acompletely unexpected breakthrough, further changes in productivity are likelyto be the result of a number of small incremental changes.

Developing processes are the second group of applications. These include car-bon dioxide separation from natural gas, organic vapor separation from air andnitrogen, and recovery of light hydrocarbons from refinery and petrochemicalplant purge gases. All of these processes are performed on a commercial scale,and in total several hundred plants have been installed. Significant expansion inthese applications, driven by the development of better membranes and processdesigns, is occurring. For example, carbon dioxide removal from natural gashas been practiced using cellulose acetate membranes for more than 15 years.Introduction of more selective and higher-flux membranes has begun and, intime, is likely to make membrane processes much more competitive with amineabsorption. The application of silicone rubber vapor separation membranes inpetrochemical and refinery applications is currently growing.

The ‘to be developed’ membrane processes represent the future expansionof gas separation technology. Natural gas treatment processes, including dehy-dration, natural gas liquids (C3+ hydrocarbons) recovery, and hydrogen sulfideremoval, are currently being studied at the field testing and early commer-cial stage by several companies. The market is very large, but the fractionthat membranes will ultimately capture is unknown. The production of oxygen-enriched air is another large potential application for membranes. The market sizedepends completely on the properties of the membranes that can be produced.Improvements of a factor of two in flux at current oxygen/nitrogen selectivi-ties would probably produce a limited membrane market; improvements by afactor of five to ten would make the use of oxygen-enriched air in natural gascombustion processes attractive. In this case the market could be very largeindeed. The final application listed in Table 8.7 is the separation of organicvapor mixtures using membranes in competition, or perhaps in combination,with distillation.

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Table 8.7 Status of membrane gas separation processes

Process Application Comments

Established processesOxygen/nitrogen Nitrogen from air Processes are all well

developed. Onlyincrementalimprovements inperformance expected


Hydrogen recovery;ammonia plants andrefineries

Water/air Drying compressed air

Developing processesVOC/air Air pollution control

applicationsSeveral applications being

developed. Significantgrowth expected as theprocess becomes accepted

Light hydrocarbons fromnitrogen or hydrogen

Reactor purge gas,petrochemical processstreams, refinery wastegas

Application is expandingrapidly

Carbon dioxide/methane Carbon dioxide fromnatural gas

Many plants installed butbetter membranes arerequired to change marketeconomics significantly

To-be-developed processesC3+ hydrocarbons/methane NGL recovery from

natural gasField trials and

demonstration systemtests under way. Potentialmarket is large

Hydrogen sulfide,water/methane

Natural gas treatment Niche applications, difficultfor membranes tocompete with existingtechnology

Oxygen/nitrogen Oxygen enriched air Requires better membranesto become commercial.Size of ultimate marketwill depend on propertiesof membranes developed.Could be very large

Organic vapor mixtures Separation of organicmixtures in refineriesand petrochemicalplants

Requires better membranesand modules. Potentialsize of application is large

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36. R.W. Baker and J.G. Wijmans, Membrane Separation of Organic Vapors from GasStreams, in Polymeric Gas Separation Membranes, D.R. Paul and Y.P. Yampol’skii(eds), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 353–398 (1994).

37. R.W. Baker and J.G. Wijmans, Two-stage Membrane Process and Apparatus, USPatents 5,256,295 and 5,256,296 (October, 1993).

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Introduction and HistoryThe pervaporation process to separate liquid mixtures is shown schematically inFigure 9.1. A feed liquid mixture contacts one side of a membrane; the permeateis removed as a vapor from the other side. Transport through the membraneis induced by the vapor pressure difference between the feed solution and thepermeate vapor. This vapor pressure difference can be maintained in severalways. In the laboratory, a vacuum pump is usually used to draw a vacuumon the permeate side of the system. Industrially, the permeate vacuum is mosteconomically generated by cooling the permeate vapor, causing it to condense;condensation spontaneously creates a partial vacuum.

The origins of pervaporation can be traced to the nineteenth century, butthe word itself was coined by Kober in 1917 [1]. The process was first stud-ied in a systematic fashion by Binning and co-workers at American Oil in the1950s [2–5]. Binning was interested in applying the process to the separation oforganic mixtures. Although this work was pursued at the laboratory and benchscales for a number of years and several patents were obtained, the process wasnot commercialized. Membrane technology at that time could not produce thehigh-performance membranes and modules required for a commercially com-petitive process. The process was picked up in the 1970s at Monsanto by EliPerry and others. More than a dozen patents assigned to Monsanto issued from1973 to 1980 cover a wide variety of pervaporation applications [6], but none ofthis work led to a commercial process. Academic research on pervaporation wasalso carried out by Aptel, Neel and others at the University of Toulouse [7,8].By the 1980s, advances in membrane technology made it possible to prepareeconomically viable pervaporation systems.

Pervaporation systems are now commercially available for two applications.The first and most important is the removal of water from concentrated alco-hol solutions. GFT, now owned by Sulzer, the leader in this field, installedthe first pilot plant in 1982 [9]. The ethanol feed to the membrane containsabout 10 % water. The pervaporation process removes the water as the perme-ate, producing a residue of pure ethanol containing less than 1 % water. All

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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Figure 9.1 In the pervaporation process, a liquid mixture contacts the membrane, whichpreferentially permeates one of the liquid components as a vapor. The vapor enriched inthe more permeable component is cooled and condensed, spontaneously generating avacuum that drives the process

the problems of azeotropic distillation are avoided. More than 100 plants havesince been installed by Sulzer (GFT) and its licensees for this application [10].The current largest plant was installed at Bethenville, France in 1988; this unitcontains 2400 m2 of membranes and processes 5000 kg/h of ethanol. The sec-ond commercial application of pervaporation is the removal of small amountsof volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from contaminated water. This technol-ogy was developed by Membrane Technology and Research [11–13]; the firstcommercial plant was sold in 1996.

Both of the current commercial pervaporation processes concentrate on theseparation of VOCs from contaminated water. This separation is relatively easy,because organic solvents and water have very different polarities and exhibitdistinct membrane permeation properties. No commercial pervaporation sys-tems have yet been developed for the separation of organic/organic mixtures.However, current membrane technology makes pervaporation for these appli-cations possible, and the process is being actively developed by a number ofcompanies. The first pilot-plant results for an organic–organic application, theseparation of methanol from methyl tert-butyl ether/isobutene mixtures, wasreported by Separex in 1988 [14,15]. This is a particularly favorable application

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1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

Neel and Aptelat Toulouse

continue laboratorypervaporation studies

Binning and Leeat American Oilpublish the first

systematic studies

Separex operates a1-2 gpm methanol/MTBE

pilot plant - 1988

GFT constructs theBethenville 5000 kg/hethanol dehydration

plant - 1988GFT constructs thefirst commercial

pervaporation plant fordehydration of ethanol - 1982


First commercial VOC-from-waterpervaporation plant installed - 1996

Figure 9.2 Milestones in the development of pervaporation

because available cellulose acetate membranes achieve a good separation. Morerecently, Exxon, now ExxonMobil, started a pervaporation pilot plant for theseparation of aromatic/aliphatic mixtures, a separation problem in refineries; poly-imide/polyurethane block copolymer membranes were used [16,17]. A time lineillustrating some of the key milestones in the development of pervaporation isshown in Figure 9.2.

Theoretical Background

In Chapter 2 it was shown that the flux of a component i through a pervaporationmembrane can be expressed in terms of the partial vapor pressures on either sideof the membrane, pio and pi , by the equation

Ji = P Gi

(pio − pi) (9.1)

where Ji is the flux, is the membrane thickness and P Gi is the gas separation

permeability coefficient. A similar equation can be written for component j . Theseparation achieved by a pervaporation membrane is proportional to the fluxesJi and Jj through the membrane.

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Equation (9.1) is the preferred method of describing membrane performancebecause it separates the two contributions to the membrane flux: the membranecontribution, P G

i / and the driving force contribution, (pio − pi). Normalizingmembrane performance to a membrane permeability allows results obtained underdifferent operating conditions to be compared with the effect of the operating con-dition removed. To calculate the membrane permeabilities using Equation (9.1),it is necessary to know the partial vapor pressure of the components on bothsides of the membrane. The partial pressures on the permeate side of the mem-brane, pi and pj

, are easily obtained from the total permeate pressure and thepermeate composition. However, the partial vapor pressures of components i

and j in the feed liquid are less accessible. In the past, such data for common,simple mixtures would have to be found in published tables or calculated froman appropriate equation of state. Now, commercial computer process simulationprograms calculate partial pressures automatically for even complex mixtureswith reasonable reliability. This makes determination of the feed liquid partialpressures a trivial exercise.

Having said this, the bulk of the pervaporation literature continues to reportmembrane performance in terms of the total flux through the membrane and aseparation factor, βpervap, defined for a two-component fluid as the ratio of thetwo components on the permeate side of the membrane divided by the ratio ofthe two components on the feed side of the membrane. The term βpervap can bewritten in several ways.

βpervap = ci/cj


= ni/nj


= pi/pj



where ci and cj are the concentrations, ni and nj are the mole fractions, and pi

and pj are the vapor pressures of the two components i and j .The separation factor, βpervap, contains contributions from the intrinsic perme-

ation properties of the membrane, the composition and temperature of the feedliquid, and the permeate pressure of the membrane. The contributions of thesefactors are best understood if the pervaporation process is divided into two steps,as shown in Figure 9.3 [18]. The first step is evaporation of the feed liquid toform a saturated vapor in contact with the membrane; the second step is diffusionof this vapor through the membrane to the low-pressure permeate side. This two-step description is only a conceptual representation; in pervaporation no vaporphase actually contacts the membrane surface. Nonetheless, the representation ofthe process shown in Figure 9.3 is thermodynamically completely equivalent tothe actual pervaporation process shown in Figure 9.1.

In the process illustrated in Figure 9.3, the first step is evaporation from thefeed liquid to form a saturated vapor phase in equilibrium with the liquid. Thisevaporation step produces a separation because of the different volatilities of thecomponents of the feed liquid. The separation can be defined as βevap, the ratioof the component concentrations in the feed vapor to their concentrations in the

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Liquid feed

Saturated vapor

Low pressure vapor

To vacuumsystem



pio, p jo

n io, n jo

bevap =

bmem =

nio n jobpervap =

bpervap = bevap• bmem

pi p j

p i p j

p i p j

n io n jo

p io p jo

p io p jo

Figure 9.3 The pervaporation process shown in Figure 9.1 can be described by the ther-modynamically equivalent process illustrated here. In this model the total pervaporationseparation βpervap is made up of an evaporation step followed by a membrane permeationstep [18]

feed liquid:

βevap = pio/pjo



The second step in the process is permeation of components i and j throughthe membrane; this step is equivalent to conventional gas separation. The drivingforce for permeation is the difference in the vapor pressures of the componentsin the feed and permeate vapors. The separation achieved in this step, βmem, canbe defined as the ratio of the components in the permeate vapor to the ratio ofthe components in the feed vapor

βmem = pi/pj



Equation (9.4) shows that the separation achieved in pervaporation is equalto the product of the separation achieved by evaporation of the liquid and theseparation achieved by selective permeation through the membrane.1

βpervap = βevap · βmem (9.5)

1Figure 9.3 illustrates the concept of permeation from a saturated vapor phase in equilibrium with thefeed liquid as a tool to obtain Equation (9.5). A number of workers have experimentally comparedvapor permeation and pervaporation separations and have sometimes shown that permeation from the

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The first application of pervaporation was the removal of water from anazeotropic mixture of water and ethanol. By definition, the evaporative separationterm βevap for an azeotropic mixture is 1 because, at the azeotropic concentration,the vapor and the liquid phases have the same composition. Thus, the 200- to500-fold separation achieved by pervaporation membranes in ethanol dehydrationis due entirely to the selectivity of the membrane, which is much more perme-able to water than to ethanol. This ability to achieve a large separation wheredistillation fails is why pervaporation is also being considered for the separationof aromatic/aliphatic mixtures in oil refinery applications. The evaporation sepa-ration term in these closely boiling mixtures is again close to 1, but a substantialseparation is achieved due to the greater permeability of the membrane to thearomatic components.

The βpervap term in Equation (9.2) and Equation (9.5) can be derived in termsof βevap, membrane permeabilities, and membrane operating conditions using thestandard solution-diffusion model from Chapter 2. The membrane fluxes can bewritten as

Ji = P Gi (pio − pi)



Jj = P Gj (pjo

− pj)


where J is the permeation flux through the membrane, P G is the permeabilitycoefficient of the vapors i and j , and is the thickness of the separating layerof the membrane. Dividing Equation (9.6) by Equation (9.7) gives



= P Gi

P Gj

(pio − pi)

(pjo− pj


The fluxes Ji and Jj in Equation (9.8) are weight fluxes (g/cm2 · s); simi-larly the permeabilities P G

i and P Gj are weight-based (g · cm/cm2 · s · cmHg).

Equation (9.8) is more conveniently written in molar terms as



= PGi


(pio − pi)

(pjo− pj


where ji and jj are molar fluxes with unit mols/cm2 · s or cm3(STP)/cm2 · s andPi and Pj are molar permeabilities with units mol · cm/cm2 · s · unit pressure

liquid is faster and less selective than permeation from the equilibrium vapor. This is an experimentalartifact. In vapor permeation experiments the vapor in contact with the membrane is not completelysaturated. This means that the activities of the feed components in vapor permeation experimentsare less than their activity in pervaporation experiments. Because sorption by the membrane in thisrange is extremely sensitive to activity, the vapor permeation fluxes are lower than pervaporationfluxes. Kataoka et al. [19] have illustrated this point in a series of careful experiments.

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or more conventionally cm3(STP) · cm/cm2 · s · cmHg. The ratio of the molarmembrane permeability coefficients PG

i /PGj is the conventional gas membrane

selectivity, αmem [see Equation (8.3)].The ratio of the molar fluxes is also the same as the ratio of the permeate

partial pressuresji


= pi



Combining Equations (9.4), (9.5), (9.9) and (9.10) yields

βpervap = βevapαmem(pio − pi)

(pjo− pj



Equation (9.11) identifies the three factors that determine the performance ofa pervaporation system. The first factor, βevap, is the vapor–liquid equilibrium,determined mainly by the feed liquid composition and temperature; the sec-ond is the membrane selectivity, αmem, an intrinsic permeability property of themembrane material; and the third includes the feed and permeate vapor pres-sures, reflecting the effect of operating parameters on membrane performance.This equation is, in fact, the pervaporation equivalent of Equation (8.19) thatdescribes gas separation in Chapter 8.

As in gas separation, the separation achieved by pervaporation is determinedboth by the membrane selectivity and by the membrane pressure ratio. Theinteraction of these two factors is expressed in Equation (9.11). Also, as in gasseparation, there are two limiting cases in which one of the two factors dominatesthe separation achieved. The first limiting case is when the membrane selectivityis very large compared to the vapor pressure ratio between the feed liquid andthe permeate vapor:

αmem po



This means that for a membrane with infinite selectivity for component i, thepermeate vapor pressure of component i will equal the feed partial vapor pressureof i. That is,

pi = pio (9.13)

Equation (9.13) combined with Equation (9.4) gives

βmem = pjo



which, combined with Equation (9.5), leads to the limiting case

βpervap = βevap · pjo


when αmem po



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Similarly, in the case of a very large membrane selectivity in favor of component j

βpervap = βevappio



For the special case in which component i is the minor component in the feedliquid, pjo

approaches po, pjapproaches p, and Equation (9.15) reverts to

βpervap = βevappo



where po/p is the feed-to-permeate ratio of the total vapor pressures.The second limiting case occurs when the vapor pressure ratio is very large

compared to the membrane selectivity. This means that the permeate partialpressure is smaller than the feed partial vapor pressures, and pi and pj

→ 0.Equation (9.11) then becomes

βpervap = βevap αmem when αmem po



The relationship between the three separation factors, βpervap, βevap and βmem, isillustrated in Figure 9.4. This type of plot was introduced by Shelden and Thomp-son [20] to illustrate the effect of permeate pressure on pervaporation separation

Ethanol concentration (wt%)







Permeate,Equation (9.11)

Pressure ratioapproximation,Equation (9.15)

Selectivityapproximation,Equation (9.18)


d va






e to




or p



20 40 60











amem = 250

Figure 9.4 The effect of permeate pressure on the separation of ethanol/water mix-tures with a poly(vinyl alcohol) membrane. The feed solution contains 20 wt% water and80 wt% ethanol. The line drawn through the experimental data points is calculated fromEquation (9.11)

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and is a convenient method to represent the pervaporation process graphically.When the permeate pressure, p = pi + pj

, approaches the feed vapor pressure,po = pio + pjo

, the vapor pressure ratio across the membrane shown on the right-hand axis of the figure approaches unity. The composition of the permeate vaporthen approaches the composition obtained by simple evaporation of the feed liq-uid, shown by the point at which βpervap equals βevap. As the permeate pressureis decreased to below the feed vapor pressure, the vapor pressure ratio increases.The overall separation obtained, βpervap, is then the product of the separation dueto evaporation of the feed liquid, βevap, and the separation due to permeationthrough the membrane, βmem. The line labeled ‘permeate’ in Figure 9.4 can becalculated from Equation (9.11). Two limiting cases are also shown on the figure.The first limiting case, when the membrane selectivity αmem is much larger thanthe pressure ratio po/p, is calculated from Equation (9.15). The second limitingcase, for the region in which the membrane selectivity is much smaller than thepressure ratio, is calculated from Equation (9.18). Figure 9.4 is the pervaporationequivalent of Figure 8.13 for gas separation discussed in Chapter 8.

The example shown in Figure 9.4 includes experimental data from GFT, whichshow the effect of permeate pressure on the pervaporation separation of an80 wt% aqueous ethanol solution using a highly selective poly(vinyl alcohol)membrane. The line obtained from Equation (9.11) passes through all the datapoints when the water/ethanol membrane selectivity (αmem) is assumed to be250. Although this membrane is very selective, a good separation between thefeed solution and the permeate vapor is only achieved at low permeate pres-sures when a high vapor pressure ratio exists across the membrane and the highintrinsic selectivity of the GFT membrane is utilized. For this reason, in practicalapplications of this membrane the feed solution is heated to about 120 C (raisingthe feed vapor pressure to 2–4 atm), and the permeate vapor is condensed at −10to −20 C (to lower the vapor pressure of the permeate to about 1 cmHg). Thiscombination achieves the vapor pressure ratio of more than 200 required for agood separation.

Membrane Materials and ModulesMembrane Materials

The selectivity (αmem) of pervaporation membranes critically affects the overallseparation obtained and depends on the membrane material. Therefore, mem-brane materials are tailored for particular separation problems. As with othersolution-diffusion membranes, the permeability of a component is the product ofthe membrane sorption coefficient and the diffusion coefficient (mobility). Themembrane selectivity term αmem in Equation (9.11) can be written as

αmem = PGi








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(see Equation (8.3) in Chapter 8). This expression shows that membrane selectiv-ity is the product of the mobility selectivity (Di/Dj ) of the membrane material,generally governed by the relative mobility of the permeants, and the solubilityselectivity (Ki/Kj), generally governed by the chemistry of the membrane mate-rial. In gas permeation the total sorption of gases by the membrane material isusually low, often less than 1 wt%, so the membrane selectivity measured withgas mixtures is often close to the selectivity calculated from the ratio of the puregas permeabilities. In pervaporation the membrane is in contact with the feedliquid, and typical sorptions are 2–20 wt%. Sorption of one of the componentsof the feed can then change the sorption and diffusion of the second compo-nent. As a rule of thumb, the total sorption of the feed liquid by the membranematerial should be in the range 3–15 wt%. Below 3 wt% sorption, the mem-brane selectivity may be good, but the flux through the material will be too low.Above 15 wt% sorption, fluxes will be high, but the membrane selectivity willgenerally be low because the mobility selectivity will decrease as the materialbecomes more swollen and plasticized. The sorption selectivity will also tendtowards unity.

By manipulating the chemistry of membrane materials, either sorption- ordiffusion-selectivity-controlled membranes can be made. The range of resultsthat can be obtained with different membranes with the same liquid mixture isillustrated in Figure 9.5 for the separation of acetone from water [21]. The figureshows the concentration of acetone in the permeate as a function of the con-centration in the feed. The two membranes shown have dramatically differentproperties. The silicone rubber membrane, made from a hydrophobic rubberymaterial, preferentially sorbs acetone, the more hydrophobic organic compound.For rubbery materials the diffusion selectivity term, which would favor perme-ation of the smaller component (water), is small. Therefore, the silicone rubbermembrane is sorption-selectivity-controlled and preferentially permeates acetone.In contrast, the poly(vinyl alcohol) membrane is made from a hydrophilic, rigid,crosslinked material. Because poly(vinyl alcohol) is hydrophilic, the sorptionselectivity favors permeation of water, the more hydrophilic polar component.Also, because poly(vinyl alcohol) is glassy and crosslinked, the diffusion selec-tivity favoring the smaller water molecules over the larger acetone moleculesis substantial [22]. As a result, poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes permeate waterseveral hundred times faster than acetone.

In any membrane process, it is desirable for the minor components to permeatethe membrane, so the acetone-selective silicone rubber membrane is best usedto treat dilute acetone feed streams, concentrating most of the acetone in a smallvolume of permeate. The water-selective poly(vinyl alcohol) membrane is bestused to treat concentrated acetone feed streams, concentrating most of the water ina small volume of permeate. Both membranes are more selective than distillation,which relies on the vapor–liquid equilibrium to achieve separation.

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00 20 40 60 80 100

GFT-PVA membrane


Silicone rubbermembrane

Feed acetone concentration (wt%)



te a


ne c






Figure 9.5 Pervaporation separation of acetone–water mixtures achieved with awater-selective membrane poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), and an acetone-selective membrane(silicone rubber) [21]. Reprinted from Hollein et al. [21], p. 1051 by courtesy of MarcelDekker, Inc.

Most pervaporation membranes are composites formed by solution-coating theselective layer onto a microporous support. Some of the more commonly usedmembranes are listed in Table 9.1. For dehydration of organic solvents, suchas ethanol, isopropanol and acetone, several excellent membrane materials areavailable. The technical and economic feasibility of these processes is controlledby membrane module and system engineering issues rather than by membraneflux and selectivity. Chemically crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol), formed as acomposite membrane by solution casting onto a polyacrylonitrile microporoussupport, was developed by GFT and has been used for a long time. The poly(vinylalcohol) layer is crosslinked by heat or addition of crosslinking agents such asgluteraldehyde. This membrane has a water/alcohol selectivity (αmem) of morethan 200 [18] and can achieve extremely good separation of water from ethanolor isopropanol solutions. However, the membrane is swollen and even dissolvedby hot acid or base solutions such as hot acetic acid or hot aniline. Membranesstable to such feed solutions can be prepared by plasma polymerization [23].

For separating VOCs from water, silicone rubber composite membranes are thestate-of-the-art material. Silicone rubber is easy to fabricate, is mechanically and

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Table 9.1 Widely used pervaporation membrane materials

Dehydration of organicsWater/ethanolWater/isopropanolWater/glycol, etc.

Microporous polyacrylonitrile coated with a 5–20 µmlayer of crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) is the mostcommonly used commercial material [10].Chitosan [24] and polyelectrolyte membranes suchas Nafion [25,26] have equivalent properties

VOC/water separationToluene/waterTrichloroethylene/waterMethylene chloride/water

Membranes comprising silicone rubber coated ontopolyimides, polyacrylonitrile or other microporoussupports membranes are widely used [12,27]. Otherrubbers such as ethylene-propylene terpolymers havebeen reported to have good properties also [28].Polyamide-polyether block copolymers have alsobeen used for pervaporation of some polarVOCs [29,30]

Organic/organic separationThe membrane used depends on the nature of the

organics. Poly(vinyl alcohol) and celluloseacetate [14] have been used to separate alcoholsfrom ethers. Polyurethane-polyimide blockcopolymers have been used for aromatic/aliphaticseparations [17]

Table 9.2 Typical silicone rubber membrane module pervaporation separation factors(VOC removal from water)

Separation factor forVOC over water

Volatile organic compound (VOC)

200–1000 Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylenes, TCE, chloroform,vinyl chloride, ethylene dichloride, methylene chloride,perchlorofluorocarbons, hexane

20–200 Ethyl acetate, propanols, butanols, MEK, aniline, amyl alcohol5–20 Methanol, ethanol, phenol, acetaldehyde1–5 Acetic acid, ethylene glycol, DMF, DMAC

TCE, trichloroethylene; MEK, methyl ethyl ketone; DMF, dimethyl formamide; DMAC, dimethylacetamide.

chemically strong, and has good separation factors for many common organiccompounds, as shown in Table 9.2. These representative data were obtained withindustrial-scale modules under normal operating conditions. The performance ofsilicone membranes in laboratory test cells operated under ideal conditions isusually better.

A number of academic studies have produced rubbery hydrophobic membranematerials with far higher selectivities than silicone rubber [27]. For example,

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20 000

40 000

60 000

80 000



on e






te ru

















e ru







e ru







e ru
















e ru











e ru




















Figure 9.6 Comparative separation factors for toluene and trichloroethylene from waterwith various rubbery membranes [28]. These experiments were performed with thick filmsin laboratory test cells. In practice, separation factors obtained with membrane modulesare far less because of concentration polarization effects. Reprinted from Nijhuis et al.[28], p. 248 with permission of Bakish Materials Corporation, Englewood, NJ

Figure 9.6 shows the separation factors measured by Nijhuis et al. [28] for var-ious membranes with dilute toluene and trichloroethylene solutions. The sepa-ration factor of silicone rubber is in the 4000–5000 range, but other materialshave separation factors as high as 40 000. However, in practice, an increasein membrane separation factor beyond about 1000 provides very little addi-tional benefit. Once a separation factor of this magnitude is obtained, otherfactors, such as ease of manufacture, mechanical strength, chemical stability,and control of concentration polarization become more important. This is whysilicone rubber remains prevalent, even though polymers with higher selectivitiesare known.

Membranes with improved separation factors would be useful for hydrophilicVOCs such as ethanol, methanol and phenol, for which the separation fac-tor of silicone rubber is in the range 5–10. As yet, no good replacement forsilicone rubber has been developed. The most promising results to date have

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been obtained with silicone rubber membranes containing dispersed zeolite par-ticles [31]. Apparently, ethanol preferentially permeates the pores of the zeoliteparticles; membranes have been produced in the laboratory with ethanol/waterselectivities of 40 or more. Membranes with these properties could be applied infermentation processes and solvent recovery if they can be made on a large scale.

Polyamide-polyether block copolymers (Pebax, Elf Atochem, Inc., Philadel-phia, PA) have been used successfully with polar organics such as phenol andaniline [32–34]. The separation factors obtained with these organics are greaterthan 100, far higher than the separation factors obtained with silicone rubber.The improved selectivity reflects the greater sorption selectivity obtained with thepolar organic in the relatively polar polyamide-polyether membrane. On the otherhand, toluene separation factors obtained with polyamide-polyether membranesare below those measured with silicone rubber.

For the separation of organic/organic mixtures, current membranes are onlymoderately selective, generally because the differences in sorption between differ-ent organic molecules are small, and many membrane materials swell excessivelyin organic solvent mixtures, especially at high temperatures. One approach is touse rigid backbone polymers to control swelling, for example, the Matrimid

polyimides developed by Grace [35]. However, the permeability of these mate-rials is often very low. Another approach, used by Exxon [17], is to use blockcopolymers consisting of rigid polyimide segments that provide a strong net-work and softer segments formed from more flexible polymers through whichpermeant transport occurs. The permeation properties of the polymer were var-ied by tailoring the size and chemistry of the two blocks. Notwithstandingthis work, development of more selective membranes is required for applica-tion of pervaporation to other important organic/organic separations, such asseparation of aromatics from aliphatics, olefins from paraffins, and branchedhydrocarbons.

Membrane Modules

Pervaporation applications often involve hot feed solutions containing organicsolvents. Such solutions can degrade the seals and plastic components of mem-brane modules. As a result, the first-generation commercial pervaporation mod-ules used a stainless steel plate-and-frame design. Recently attempts have beenmade to switch to lower-cost module designs. Texaco, Membrane Technologyand Research (MTR) and Separex (UOP) have all used spiral-wound modules forpervaporation, and Zenon developed hollow fiber modules. One particular issueaffecting pervaporation module design is that the permeate side of the membraneoften operates at a vacuum of less than 100 torr. The pressure drop required todraw the permeate vapor to the permeate condenser may then be a significantfraction of the permeate pressure. Efficient pervaporation modules must haveshort, porous permeate channels to minimize this permeate pressure drop.

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Process DesignTransport through pervaporation membranes is produced by maintaining a vaporpressure gradient across the membrane. As in gas separation, the flux through themembrane is proportional to the vapor pressure difference [Equation (9.1)], butthe separation obtained is determined by the membrane selectivity and the pres-sure ratio [Equation (9.11)]. Figure 9.7 illustrates a number of ways to achievethe required vapor pressure gradient.

In the laboratory, the low vapor pressure required on the permeate side of themembrane is often produced with a vacuum pump, as shown in Figure 9.7(a).In a commercial-scale system, however, the vacuum pump requirement wouldbe impossibly large. In the early days of pervaporation research, the calculatedvacuum pump size was sometimes used as proof that pervaporation would neverbe commercially viable. An attractive alternative to a vacuum pump, illustrated inFigure 9.7(b), is to cool the permeate vapor to condense the liquid; condensationof the liquid spontaneously generates the permeate side vacuum. The feed solutionmay also be heated to increase the vapor pressure driving force. In this process,sometimes called thermo-pervaporation, the driving force is the difference invapor pressure between the hot feed solution and the cold permeate liquid at thetemperature of the condenser. This type of design is preferred for commercialoperations, because the cost of providing the required cooling and heating ismuch less than the cost of a vacuum pump, and the process is operationallymore reliable.

A third possibility, illustrated in Figure 9.7(c), is to sweep the permeate sideof the membrane with a counter-current flow of carrier gas. In the exampleshown, the carrier gas is cooled to condense and recover the permeate vapor,and the gas is recirculated. This mode of operation has little to offer comparedto temperature-gradient-driven pervaporation, because both require cooling waterfor the condenser. However, if the permeate has no value and can be discardedwithout condensation (for example, in the pervaporative dehydration of an organicsolvent with an extremely water-selective membrane), this is the preferred modeof operation. In this case, the permeate would contain only water plus a trace oforganic solvent and could be discharged or incinerated at low cost. No permeaterefrigeration is required [36].

An alternative carrier-gas system uses a condensable gas, such as steam, as thecarrier sweep fluid. One variant of this system is illustrated in Figure 9.7(d). Low-grade steam is often available at low cost, and, if the permeate is immiscible withthe condensed carrier, water, it can be recovered by decantation. The condensedwater will contain some dissolved organic and can be recycled to the evaporatorand then to the permeate side of the module. This operating mode is limitedto water-immiscible permeates and to feed streams for which contamination ofthe feed liquid by water vapor permeating from the sweep gas is not a problem.This idea has been discovered, rediscovered, and patented a number of times, butnever used commercially [37,38]. If the permeate is soluble in the condensable

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sweep generated, then the sweep gas is best obtained by evaporating a portionof the residue liquid as shown in Figure 9.7(e). The final pervaporation process,illustrated in Figure 9.7(f), is a system of particular interest for removing lowconcentrations of dissolved VOCs from water. The arrangement shown is usedwhen the solubility of the permeating solvent in water is limited. In this case, thecondensed permeate liquid separates into two phases: an organic phase, whichcan be treated for reuse, and an aqueous phase saturated with organic, which canbe recycled to the feed stream for reprocessing.

In the process designs shown in Figures 9.1 and 9.7, the permeate vapor iscondensed to yield a single liquid permeate condensate. A simple improvement

(a) Two-stage fractional condensation [40]



~ 50 %ethanol

5 % ethanol

0.5 % ethanol residue

20 % ethanollow-pressure vapors

6 % ethanolfeed


(b) Dephlegmator condensation [39]








90 %ethanol


5 % ethanol bottoms

0.5 % ethanol residue

20 % ethanollow-pressure vapors

6 %ethanol


Figure 9.8 The use of permeate vapor fractional condensation systems to improve theseparation achieved in pervaporation of dilute ethanol solutions: (a) Two-stage fractionalcondensation [40] and (b) Dephlegmator condensation [39]

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to the pervaporation process is to use fractional condensation of the permeatevapor to achieve an improved separation. Two process designs are shown inFigure 9.8. In Figure 9.8(a), the permeate vapor is condensed in two condensersin series. In the example shown, the recovery of ethanol from water, the first(higher temperature) condenser produces a first condensate containing about 5 %ethanol that is recycled to the incoming feed. The second (lower temperature)condenser condenses the remaining vapor to produce an ethanol product streamcontaining about 50 % ethanol. This design has not been widely used becausethe increase in product quality usually does not compensate for the increasedcomplexity of the process.

The condensation system shown in Figure 9.8(b) uses a dephlegmator toachieve the separation required [39]. A dephlegmator in its simplest form isa vertical heat exchanger. Warm, low-pressure permeate vapor from the per-vaporation unit enters the dephlegmator at the bottom. As the vapor rises upthe column, some condenses on the cold tube wall. The resultant liquid flowsdownward within the feed passage countercurrent to the rising feed vapor. Masstransfer between the liquid and vapor enriches the liquid in the less volatile com-ponents as the more volatile components are revaporized. As a result, severaltheoretical stages of separation are achieved. The degree of separation achievedcan be impressive. In the example shown, the 20 wt% ethanol permeate vapor isseparated into 5 wt% bottoms, which is recycled to the pervaporation unit, anda 90–95 wt% overhead ethanol product stream.


The three current applications of pervaporation are dehydration of solvents, waterpurification, and organic/organic separations as an alternative to distillation. Cur-rently dehydration of solvents, in particular ethanol and isopropanol, is the onlyprocess installed on a large scale. However, as the technology develops, theother applications are expected to grow. Separation of organic mixtures, in par-ticular, could become a major application. Each of these applications is describedseparately below.

Solvent Dehydration

Several hundred plants have been installed for the dehydration of ethanol by per-vaporation. This is a particularly favorable application for pervaporation becauseethanol forms an azeotrope with water at 95 % and a 99.5 % pure product isneeded. Because the azeotrope forms at 95 % ethanol, simple distillation doesnot work. A comparison of the separation of ethanol and water obtained by vari-ous pervaporation membranes and the vapor–liquid equilibrium line that controlsseparation obtained by distillation is shown in Figure 9.9 [40]. The membranes

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Ethanol feed concentration (%)











te c





20 40 60




Vapor−liquid equilibrium


80 100


Figure 9.9 Comparison of separation of ethanol/water mixtures by distillation and bythree pervaporation membranes: cellulose triacetate (CTA), an anionic polyelectrolytemembrane, and GFT’s poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) membrane [40]

all achieve a good separation, but the GFT poly(vinyl alcohol) membrane perfor-mance is the best. Most pervaporation dehydration systems installed to date havebeen equipped with this membrane, although Mitsui is producing zeolite tubu-lar modules [41,42]. Because an ethanol/water azeotrope forms at 95 % ethanol,the concentration of ethanol from fermentation feeds to high degrees of purityrequires rectification with a benzene entrainer, some sort of molecular-sieve dry-ing process, or a liquid–liquid extraction process. All of these processes areexpensive. However, the availability of extremely water-selective pervapora-tion membranes allows pervaporation systems to produce almost pure ethanol(>99.9 % ethanol from a 90 % ethanol feed). The permeate stream containsapproximately 50 % ethanol and can be returned to the distillation column.

A flow scheme for an integrated distillation–pervaporation plant operating ona 5 % ethanol feed from a fermentation mash is shown in Figure 9.10. The dis-tillation column produces an ethanol stream containing 80–90 % ethanol, whichis fed to the pervaporation system. To maximize the vapor pressure differenceand the pressure ratio across the membrane, the pervaporation module usually

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Condenser5 %



Slops Water


20−40 % ethanol

Product99.5 %ethanol


80 % ethanol

Figure 9.10 Integrated distillation–pervaporation plant for ethanol recovery fromfermentors

operates in the temperature range 105–130 C with a corresponding feed streamvapor pressure of 2–6 atm. Despite these harsh conditions, the membrane lifetimeis good and manufacturers give qualified guarantees of up to 4 years.

Figure 9.10 shows a single-stage pervaporation unit. In practice, three to fivepervaporation units are usually used in series, with additional heat supplied tothe ethanol feed between each stage. This compensates for pervaporative coolingof the feed and maintains the feed temperature. The heat required is obtainedby thermally integrating the pervaporation system with the condenser of the finaldistillation column. Therefore, most of the energy used in the process is low-gradeheat. Generally, about 0.5 kg of steam is required for each kilogram of ethanolproduced. The energy consumption of the pervaporation process is, therefore,about 500 Btu/L of product, less than 20 % of the energy used in azeotropicdistillation, which is typically about 3000 Btu/L.

Reliable capital and operating cost comparisons between pervaporation and dis-tillation are not available. Pervaporation is less capital and energy intensive thandistillation or adsorption processes for small plants treating less than 5000 L/hof feed solution. However, because of the modular nature of the process, thecosts of pervaporation are not as sensitive to economies of scale as are the costsof distillation and adsorption processes. Distillation costs, on the other hand,scale at a rate proportional to 0.6–0.7 times the power consumption. Thus, dis-tillation remains the most economical process for large plants. The cross-overpoint at which distillation becomes preferable to pervaporation from an energyand economic point of view currently appears to be 5000 L/h processing capac-ity. Bergdorf has made an analysis of the comparative costs of pervaporation,distillation and other processes [43].

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Because most of the installed pervaporation alcohol dehydration plants arerelatively small, in the 500–5000 L/h range, the membrane module cost is gen-erally only 15–40 % of the total plant cost [44] even when relatively high-coststainless steel plate-and-frame modules of the type originally developed by GFTare used. Cost savings could undoubtedly be achieved by using more econom-ical spiral-wound or capillary fiber modules, but Sulzer (GFT) apparently doesnot regard these savings sufficient to cover the significant development costsinvolved in producing such modules able to operate at 100 C with hot ethanolsolutions. Photographs of the Sulzer (GFT) plate-and-frame module and of anethanol dehydration system are shown in Figure 9.11 [44].

There is an increasing trend to replace liquid pervaporation with vapor per-meation in some dehydration applications, particularly dehydration of ethanoland isopropanol. The main disadvantage of vapor permeation is that energy isused to evaporate the liquid, only a portion of which can be recovered when thevapor streams are ultimately recovered. On the other hand, by evaporating theliquid feed, any dissolved salts and solid contaminants are left in the evaporator,giving a purer product, important in the recovery of isopropanol, for example,in the electronics industry. More importantly, pervaporation requires the feedliquid to be repeatedly reheated to supply the latent heat of evaporation removedby the permeating vapor. The need for interstage reheating complicates the sys-tem design and leads to lower average fluxes, as the example calculations ofSander [45] show in Figure 9.12. In liquid pervaporation, the feed stream mustbe reheated five times as the water concentration drops from 6 to 1 % and theaverage temperature of the fluid is at about 95 C. The vapor feed stream, how-ever, requires no reheating and remains at about the initial feed temperature. High

Figure 9.11 Photograph of a 50-m2 GFT plate-and-frame module and an ethanol dehy-dration system fitted with this type of module. The module is contained in the largevacuum chamber on the left-hand side of the pervaporation system [44]

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Ethanol concentration (wt%)





092 94



Isothermal vaporpermeation



96 98 100



te fl

ux (

kg H


2 •h)

Figure 9.12 Isothermal vapor permeation and multistage pervaporation with intermedi-ate heating. GFT poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes [45]

feed temperatures are needed to produce a high vapor pressure driving force toimprove membrane separation performance and flux. The improvement in mem-brane flux achieved by increasing the average feed temperature as little as 5 or10 C is significant.

Most of the early solvent dehydration systems were installed for ethanol dehy-dration. More recently pervaporation has been applied to dehydration of othersolvents, particularly isopropanol used as a cleaning solvent. Dehydration ofother solvents, including glycols, acetone and methylene chloride, has been con-sidered. Schematics of pervaporation processes for these separations are shownin Figure 9.13.

Dewatering of glycol is a difficult separation by distillation alone, so a hybridprocess of the type shown in Figure 9.13(a) has been proposed. The product ofthe distillation step is approximately 90 % glycol/10 % water. This mixture isthen sent to a pervaporation unit to remove most of the water as a discharge-able product. The glycol concentrate produced by the pervaporation unit contains1–2 wt% water and can be sent to an optional adsorption dryer if further dehy-dration is required.

Figure 9.13(b) shows the use of pervaporation to dry a chlorinated solvent,in this case water-saturated ethylene dichloride containing 2000 ppm water. Apoly(vinyl alcohol) dehydration membrane can easily produce a residue contain-ing less than 10 ppm water and a permeate containing about 50 wt% water. Oncondensation the permeate vapor separates into two phases, a very small water

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(a) Glycol/water separation process



Adsorptiondrying tower



WaterRecycle water

(b) Dehydration of Ethylene Dichloride (EDC)





90°CWater saturatedEDC (0.2% H2O

99.8% EDC)

Dehydrated EDC(10 ppm H2O) Water stream

99.2% H2O0.8% EDC

Permeate45–55% H2O

EDC recycle

Figure 9.13 Other solvent dehydration processes under investigation

phase that can be discharged and an ethylene dichloride phase that can be recycledto the incoming feed.

A final interesting application of dehydration membranes is to shift the equi-librium of chemical reactions. For example, esterification reactions of the type

acid + alcohol −−−−−− ester + water

are usually performed in batch reactors, and the degree of conversion is limitedby buildup of water in the reactor. By continuously removing the water, theequilibrium reaction can be forced to the right. In principle, almost completeconversion can be achieved. This process was first suggested by Jennings and

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Binning in the 1960s [46]. A number of groups have since studied this type ofprocess, and at least one commercial plant has been installed [47–49].

Separation of Dissolved Organics from Water

A number of applications exist for pervaporation to remove or recover VOCsfrom water. If the aqueous stream is very dilute, pollution control is the principaleconomic driving force. However, if the stream contains more than 1–2 % VOC,recovery for eventual reuse can enhance the process economics.

Several types of membrane have been used to separate VOCs from water andare discussed in the literature [11,28]. Usually the membranes are made fromrubbery polymers such as silicone rubber, polybutadiene, natural rubber, andpolyamide-polyether copolymers. Rubbery pervaporation membranes are remark-ably effective at separating hydrophobic organic solutes from dilute aqueoussolutions. The concentration of VOCs such as toluene or trichloroethylene (TCE)in the condensed permeate is typically more than 1000 times that in the feed solu-tion. For example, a feed solution containing 100 ppm of such VOCs yields apermeate vapor containing 10–20 % VOC. This concentration is well above thesaturation limit, so condensation produces a two-phase permeate. This permeatecomprises an essentially pure condensed organic phase and an aqueous phasecontaining a small amount of VOC that can be recycled to the aqueous feed. Theflow scheme for this process is shown in Figure 9.7(f). The separations achievedwith moderately hydrophobic VOCs, such as ethyl acetate, methylene chlorideand butanol, are still impressive, typically providing at least 100-fold enrichmentin the permeate. However, the separation factors obtained with hydrophilic sol-vents, such as methanol, acetic acid and ethylene glycol, are usually modest, at5 or below [8].

Some data showing measured pervaporation separation factors for dilute aque-ous VOC solutions are shown in Figure 9.14, in which the total separation factor,βpervap, is plotted against the theoretical evaporative separation factor, βevap,obtained from the equation of state. Two sets of data, both obtained with siliconerubber membranes, are shown. One set was obtained with thick membranes inlaboratory test cells under very well stirred conditions [33] that largely eliminateconcentration polarization. The other set was obtained with high-flux membranesin spiral-wound modules [12]. The difference between the curves is due to theconcentration polarization effects discussed in Chapter 4. With VOCs such asacetone, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and ethyl acetate, the difference betweenseparation factors measured in the laboratory test cells and in spiral-wound mod-ules is relatively small. The difference becomes very large for more hydrophobicVOCs with high separation factors. Concentration polarization effects reduce theseparation factor for VOCs such as toluene or TCE 5- to 10-fold.

The data in Figure 9.14 also allow determination of the relative contributionsof the evaporative separation term βevap and the membrane selectivity term βmem

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Evaporation separation factor, bevap




n se




or, b



103 104 105102

Ethyl acetate

1,1,2-trichloroethaneButyl acetate






bmem = 1

Cell data


Figure 9.14 Pervaporation separation factor, βpervap, as a function of the VOC evapo-ration separation factor, βevap. Data obtained with laboratory-scale spiral-wound modulescontaining a composite silicone rubber membrane and in laboratory cells with thickmembranes

to the total separation achieved by pervaporation βpervap [Equation (9.5)]. Earlierit was shown that membranes used to dehydrate ethanol achieved almost all of thetotal pervaporation separation as a result of a high membrane selectivity term, inthe 100–500 range. With these membranes the evaporative separation term wasusually close to 1. In the case of the separation of VOCs from water, the relativecontribution of evaporation and membrane permeation to the separation is quitedifferent. For example, MEK has a pervaporation separation factor of approxi-mately 280. In this case, the evaporation contribution βevap is 40; therefore, fromEquation (9.5), the membrane contribution βmem is 7. For more hydrophobicVOCs, the total separation factor increases, because the evaporative separationterm is larger. For example, the separation factor βpervap for toluene measuredin cell experiments is an impressive 10 000, but most of the separation is dueto the evaporation step βevap, which is 8000. The membrane contribution βmem

is only 1.2, and the approximate selectivity of the membrane falls to 0.3 whenconcentration polarization effects are taken into account.

Concentration polarization plays a dominant role in the selection of mem-brane materials, operating conditions, and system design in the pervaporation ofVOCs from water. Selection of the appropriate membrane thickness and permeatepressure is discussed in detail elsewhere [50]. In general, concentration polariza-tion effects are not a major problem for VOCs with separation factors less than100–200. With solutions containing such VOCs, very high feed velocities through

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Membrane modules





Figure 9.15 Once-through pervaporation system design. This design is most suitable forremoval of VOCs with modest separation factors for which concentration polarization isnot a problem

the membrane modules are not needed to control concentration polarization, soa once-through process design as illustrated in Figure 9.15 can be used. In theonce-through design, the membrane modules are arranged in series, and the feedsolution only passes through the modules once. The velocity of the solution inthe modules is determined by the number of modules in series and the feed flowrate. With VOCs having modest separation factors, such a system can provideboth adequate fluid velocities to control concentration polarization and sufficientresidence time within the module to remove the required amount of VOC fromthe feed. With VOCs having large separation factors, such as toluene and TCE,it is difficult to balance the fluid velocity required to control concentration polar-ization with the residence time required to achieve the target VOC removal in asingle pass.

For treating water containing VOCs with separation factors of more than 500,for which concentration polarization is a serious problem, feed-and-bleed systemssimilar to those described in the chapter on ultrafiltration can be used. For smallfeed volumes a batch process as illustrated in Figure 9.16 is more suitable. Ina batch system, feed solution is accumulated in a surge tank. A portion of thissolution is then transferred to the feed tank and circulated at high velocity throughthe pervaporation modules until the VOC concentration reaches the desired level.At this time, the treated water is removed from the feed tank, the tank is loadedwith a new batch of untreated solution, and the cycle is repeated.

Applications for VOC-from-water pervaporation systems include treatment ofcontaminated wastewaters and process streams in the chemical industry, removalof small amounts of VOCs from contaminated groundwater, and the recovery ofvolatile flavor and aroma elements from streams produced in the processing offruits and vegetables. A number of factors enter into the selection of pervaporationover a competing technology:

• VOC type. Pervaporation is best applied to recovery of VOCs with medium tohigh volatility, for which separation factors of 50 or more can be achieved.

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Feed tank


Surge tank

Time (min)

Discharge-fill Discharge-fill







of t


ne r



in fe

ed (







Start StartStop

StartStop Stop

150 350300250200

Figure 9.16 Flow diagram and typical performance for a 50-gal cyclic batch pervapora-tion system. The treatment time for the first 50-gal batch was set at 120 min because theunit was cold; thereafter, the cycle time was set at 90 min. The system achieved 99.8 %removal of toluene from the feed water [13]

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These VOCs are normally more hydrophobic than acetone and have a Henry’slaw coefficient of greater than about 2 atm/mol fraction.

• VOC concentration. In general, the optimum VOC concentration range forpervaporation is 200–50 000 ppm (5 wt%). In this range, the conventionaltechnology is steam stripping. Generally streams containing more than 5 wt%organic are better treated by distillation or, if the organic has no recovery value,simply incinerated. If the water contains less than 100 ppm VOC, recovery ofthe VOC is not an objective, so a destructive technology such as UV oxidationis used, or the stream is treated by air stripping followed by carbon adsorptionto remove the VOC from the effluent air stream.

• Stream flow rate. The costs of pervaporation, like other membrane processes,increase linearly with increasing system size, whereas processes such as steamstripping scale to the 0.6–0.7 power. This makes pervaporation most competi-tive for small- to medium-sized streams. For streams containing highly volatileVOCs with Henry’s law coefficients greater than 100 atm/mol fraction, per-vaporation will generally be limited to streams smaller than 100 gal/min. Formoderately volatile VOCs (0.5–100 atm/mol fraction), pervaporation is pre-ferred for streams smaller than 10–20 gal/min. Steam stripping is preferredfor very large streams or for those containing VOCs with a poor pervaporationVOC/water separation factor.

• VOC thermal stability. Separation of VOCs from water by pervaporation gen-erally requires heating the feed water to only 50–70 C. This is significantlylower than the temperatures involved in distillation or steam stripping, a con-siderable advantage if the VOCs are valuable, thermally labile compounds.This feature is important in applications such as flavor and aroma recovery inthe food industry.

Commercial development of pervaporation for VOC removal/recovery hasbeen slower than many predicted; only a few plants have been installed. Thefirst significant applications are likely to be in the food industry, processingaqueous condensate streams generated in the production of concentrated orangejuice, tomato paste, apple juice and the like. These condensates contain a com-plex mixture of alcohols, esters and ketones that are the flavor elements of thejuice. Steam distillation could be used to recover these elements, but the hightemperatures involved would damage the product. Pervaporation recovers essen-tially all of these components, producing a concentrated, high-value oil withoutexposing the flavor elements to high temperatures [51,52]. Figure 9.17 showsgas chromatography (GC) traces of the feed and permeate streams produced bypervaporation of an orange juice evaporator condensate stream.

Another potential pervaporation application is removing small amounts ofVOCs from industrial wastewaters, allowing the water to be discharged to thesewer and concentrating the VOCs in a small-volume stream that can be sent to ahazardous waste treater [13]. Without a treatment system such as pervaporation,

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0Feed Permeate

Figure 9.17 GC traces showing recovery of flavor and aroma components from orangejuice evaporator condensate

the entire waste stream would have to be trucked off site. The avoided truckingcost can be considerable; a photograph of a batch pervaporation system installedfor this purpose is shown in Figure 9.18.

Separation of Organic Mixtures

The third application area for pervaporation is the separation of organic/organicmixtures. The competitive technology is generally distillation, a well-establishedand familiar technology. However, a number of azeotropic and close-boilingorganic mixtures cannot be efficiently separated by distillation; pervaporationcan be used to separate these mixtures, often as a combination membrane-distillation process. Lipnizki et al. have recently reviewed the most importantapplications [53].

The degree of separation of a binary mixture is a function of the relative volatil-ity of the components, the membrane selectivity, and the operating conditions.For azeotropic or close-boiling mixtures, the relative volatility is close to 1, soseparation by simple distillation is not viable. However, if the membrane perme-ation selectivity is much greater than 1, a significant separation is possible usingpervaporation. An example of such a separation is given in Figure 9.19, whichshows a plot of the pervaporation separation of benzene/cyclohexane mixtures

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Figure 9.18 Photograph of a 300–500 gal/day pervaporation system installed to treatwastewater contaminated with methylene chloride. This system has been operating atApplied Biosystems in Redwood City, California since 1995 [13]

using a 20-µm-thick crosslinked cellulose acetate-poly(styrene phosphate) blendmembrane [54]. The vapor–liquid equilibrium for the mixture is also shown; thebenzene/cyclohexane mixture forms an azeotrope at approximately 50 % benzene.A typical distillation stage could not separate a feed stream of this composition.However, pervaporation treatment of this mixture produces a vapor permeatecontaining more than 95 % benzene. This example illustrates the advantagesof pervaporation over simple distillation for separating azeotropes and close-boiling mixtures.

It would be unusual for a pervaporation process to perform an entireorganic/organic separation. Rather, pervaporation will be most efficient whencombined with distillation in a hybrid process [55]. The two main applicationsof pervaporation–distillation hybrid processes are likely to be in breakingazeotropes and in removing a single-component, high-purity side stream froma multicomponent distillation separation. Figure 9.20 shows some potentialpervaporation–distillation combinations. In Figure 9.20(a) pervaporation iscombined with distillation to break an azeotrope that is concentrated in onecomponent (>90 %). This approach is used in the production of high-purityethanol. The ethanol/water azeotrope from the top of the distillation column isfed to a pervaporation unit where the water is removed as the permeate andreturned to the column as a reflux.

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00 20 40 60 80 100



in p






Benzene in feed (wt%)


(Cabasso 1983)

Figure 9.19 Fraction of benzene in permeate as a function of feed mixture compositionfor pervaporation at the reflux temperature of a binary benzene/cyclohexane mixture. A20-µm-thick crosslinked blend membrane of cellulose acetate and poly(styrene phosphate)was used [54]. Reprinted with permission from I. Cabasso, Organic Liquid MixturesSeparation by Selective Polymer Membranes, Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 22, 313.Copyright 1983 American Chemical Society

Figure 9.20(b) illustrates the use of pervaporation with two distillation columnsto break a binary azeotrope such as benzene/cyclohexane. The feed is suppliedat the azeotropic composition and is split into two streams by the pervaporationunit. The residue stream, rich in cyclohexane, is fed to a distillation columnthat produces a pure bottom product and an azeotropic top stream, which isrecycled to the pervaporation unit. Similarly, the other distillation column treatsthe benzene-rich stream to produce a pure benzene product and an azeotropicmixture that is returned to the pervaporation unit.

Pervaporation can also be used to unload a distillation column, thereby reducingenergy consumption and operating cost and increasing throughput. The exampleshown in Figure 9.20(c) is for the recovery of pure methanol by pervaporationof a side stream from a column separating a methanol/isobutene/methyl tertiarybutyl ether (MTBE) feed mixture [14,15].

The principal problem hindering the development of commercial systems fororganic/organic separations is the lack of membranes and modules able to with-stand long-term exposure to organic compounds at the elevated temperaturesrequired for pervaporation. Membrane and module stability problems are not

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Pervaporation Process before Debutanizer








Pervaporation on Debutanizer Sidedraw


CH3OH + C = CH2





Methanol Isobutene MTBE

MTBE Reaction Chemistry

Figure 9.21 Methods of integrating pervaporation membranes in the recovery of metha-nol from the MTBE production process [15]. Courtesy of Air Products and Chemicals,Inc., Allentown, PA

insurmountable, however, as shown by the successful demonstration of a perva-poration process for the separation of methanol from an isobutene/MTBE mixture.This mixture is generated during the production of MTBE; the product from thereactor is an alcohol/ether/hydrocarbon mixture in which the alcohol/ether andthe alcohol/hydrocarbon both form azeotropes. The product stream is treated by

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pervaporation to yield a methanol-enriched permeate, which can be recycled tothe etherification process. Two alternative ways of integrating the pervaporationprocess into a complete reaction scheme are illustrated in Figure 9.21.

The process shown in Figure 9.21 was first developed by Separex, using cel-lulose acetate membranes. The separation factor for methanol from MTBE ishigh (>1000) because the membrane material, cellulose acetate, is relativelyglassy and hydrophilic. Thus, both the mobility selectivity term and the sorptionterm in Equation (9.5) significantly favor permeation of the smaller molecule,methanol, because methanol is more polar than MTBE or isobutene, the otherfeed components. These membranes are reported to work well for feed methanolconcentrations up to 6 %. Above this concentration, the membrane is plasticized,and selectivity is lost. More recently, Sulzer (GFT) has also studied this separationusing their plasma-polymerized membrane [56].

Another application that has developed to the pilot scale is the separation of aro-matic/aliphatic mixtures in refining crude oils into transportation fuels [16,17,57].For hydrocarbons with approximately the same boiling point range, the perme-ability is generally in the order aromatics > unsaturated hydrocarbons > saturatedhydrocarbons. For aliphatic hydrocarbons in approximately the same boiling pointrange, the order of permeabilities is straight chain > cyclic chain > branchedchain. The goal in these processes is to perform a bulk separation of the hydrocar-bon mixture by pervaporation; therefore, the membrane must be highly permeableand selective. The general approach [17,58] is to prepare segmented block copoly-mers consisting of hard segments not swollen by the hydrocarbon oil, to control theswelling of the soft segments through which the oil would permeate. Crosslinkingwas also used to control swelling of the membrane materials, polyester-polyimideand polyurea-polyurethane polymers.

Recently Sulzer, working with Grace Davison [35,59] and using polyimide,polysiloxane or polyurea urethane membranes, and ExxonMobil [60], usingNafion or cellulose triacetate membranes, have described processes to separatesulfur compounds from various refinery streams.

Conclusions and Future Directions

During the 10 years after GFT installed the first commercial pervaporation plantin 1982, there was a surge of interest in all types of pervaporation. Much ofthis interest has now ebbed, and the number of companies involved in develop-ing pervaporation has decreased considerably. The oil companies Texaco, BritishPetroleum and Exxon, all of which had large research groups working on per-vaporation problems in the 1980s, with the exception mentioned above, seem tohave abandoned this approach. The key problem seems to be economic. Pervapo-ration is a competitive technology on a small scale, but current membranes andmodules are insufficiently selective and economical to compete with distillation,steam stripping, or solvent extraction in larger plants. As a result, most of the

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systems sold are small, and the total value of new systems installed annually isprobably less than US$5 million/year. This market is likely to expand over thenext few years, particularly if recovery of high-value aroma and flavor elementsin food processing operations meets the developers’ expectations.

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40. J. Kaschemekat, B. Barbknecht and K.W. Boddeker, Konzentrierung von Ethanoldurch Pervaporation, Chem. -Ing. -Tech. 58, 740 (1986).

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42. D. Shah, K. Kissick, A. Ghorpade, R. Hannah and D. Bhattacharyya, Pervaporationof Alcohol–Water and Dimethylformamide–Water Mixtures using Hydrophilic Zeo-lite NaA Membranes: Mechanisms and Results, J. Membr. Sci. 179, 185 (2000).

43. J. Bergdorf, Case Study of Solvent Dehydration in Hybrid Processes With and With-out Pervaporation, in Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on PervaporationProcesses in the Chemical Industry, R. Bakish (ed.), Bakish Materials Corp., Engle-wood, NJ, pp. 362–382 (1991).

44. R. Abouchar and H. Bruschke, Long-Term Experience with Industrial PervaporationPlants, in Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Pervaporation Processesfor the Chemical Industry, R. Bakish (ed.), Bakish Materials Corp., Englewood, NJ,pp. 494–502 (1992).

45. U.H.F. Sander, Development of Vapor Permeation for Industrial Applications, inPervaporation Membrane Separation Processes, R.Y.M. Huang (ed.), Elsevier, Ams-terdam, pp. 509–534 (1991).

46. J.F. Jennings and R.C. Binning, Organic Chemical Reactions Involving Liberation ofWater, US Patent 2,956,070 (October, 1960).

47. A. Dams and J. Krug, Pervaporation Aided Esterification—Alternatives in PlantExtension for an Existing Chemical Process, in Proceedings of Fifth InternationalConference on Pervaporation Processes in the Chemical Industry, R. Bakish (ed.),Bakish Materials Corp., Englewood, NJ, pp. 338–348 (1991).

48. H.E.A. Bruschke, G. Ellinghorst and W.H. Schneider, Optimization of a CoupledReaction—Pervaporation Process, in Proceedings of Seventh International Confer-ence on Pervaporation Processes in the Chemical Industry, R. Bakish (ed.), BakishMaterials Corp., Englewood, NJ, pp. 310–320 (1995).

49. Y. Zhu, R.G. Minet and T.T. Tsotsis, A Continuous Pervaporation Membrane Reac-tor for the Study of Esterification Reactions Using a Composite Polymeric/CeramicMembrane, Chem. Eng. Sci. 51, 4103 (1996).

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Introduction and History

Ion exchange membranes are used in a number of separation processes, themost important of which is electrodialysis. In ion exchange membranes, chargedgroups are attached to the polymer backbone of the membrane material. Thesefixed charge groups partially or completely exclude ions of the same chargefrom the membrane. This means that an anionic membrane with fixed positivegroups excludes positive ions but is freely permeable to negatively charged ions.Similarly a cationic membrane with fixed negative groups excludes negative ionsbut is freely permeable to positively charged ions, as illustrated in Figure 10.1.

In an electrodialysis system, anionic and cationic membranes are formed intoa multicell arrangement built on the plate-and-frame principle to form up to 100cell pairs in a stack. The cation and anion exchange membranes are arranged in analternating pattern between the anode and cathode. Each set of anion and cationmembranes forms a cell pair. Salt solution is pumped through the cells while anelectrical potential is maintained across the electrodes. The positively chargedcations in the solution migrate toward the cathode and the negatively chargedanions migrate toward the anode. Cations easily pass through the negativelycharged cation exchange membrane but are retained by the positively chargedanion exchange membrane. Similarly, anions pass through the anion exchangemembrane but are retained by the cation exchange membrane. The overall resultof the process is that one cell of the pair becomes depleted of ions while theadjacent cell becomes enriched in ions. The process, which is widely used toremove dissolved ions from water, is illustrated in Figure 10.2.

Experiments with ion exchange membranes were described as early as 1890by Ostwald [1]. Work by Donnan [2] a few years later led to development ofthe concept of membrane potential and the phenomenon of Donnan exclusion.These early charged membranes were made from natural materials or chemically

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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Na+ Cl−

Figure 10.1 This cationic membrane with fixed carboxylic acid groups is permeable tocations such as sodium but is impermeable to anions such as chloride


Salt solutionPick-up solution

To positive poleof rectifier



Demineralized productConcentrated effluent


To negative poleof rectifier




Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl− Cl−

Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+






Figure 10.2 Schematic diagram of a plate-and-frame electrodialysis stack. Alternatingcation- and anion-permeable membranes are arranged in a stack of up to 100 cell pairs

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treated collodion membranes–their mechanical and chemical properties were verypoor. Nonetheless, as early as 1939, Manegold and Kalauch [3] suggested theapplication of selective anionic and cationic exchange membranes to separate ionsfrom water, and within another year Meyer and Strauss [4] described the conceptof a multicell arrangement between a single pair of electrodes. The advances inpolymer chemistry during and immediately after the Second World War led to theproduction of much better ion exchange membranes by Kressman [5], Murphyet al. [6] and Juda and McRae [7] at Ionics. With the development of thesemembranes, electrodialysis became a practical process. Ionics was the principalearly developer and installed the first successful plant in 1952; by 1956 eightplants had been installed.

In the United States, electrodialysis was developed primarily for desalinationof water, with Ionics being the industry leader. In Japan, Asahi Glass, AsahiChemical (a different company), and Tokuyama Soda developed the process toconcentrate seawater [8]. This application of electrodialysis is confined to Japan,which has no domestic salt sources. Electrodialysis membranes concentrate thesalt in seawater to about 18–20 % solids, after which the brine is further con-centrated by evaporation and the salt recovered by crystallization.

All of the electrodialysis plants installed in the 1950s through the 1960s wereoperated unidirectionally, that is, the polarity of the two electrodes, and hencethe position of the dilute and concentrated cells in the stack, were fixed. In thismode of operation, formation of scale on the membrane surface by precipitationof colloids and insoluble salts was often a severe problem. To prevent scale, pHadjustment and addition of antiscaling chemicals to the feed water was required,together with regular membrane cleaning using detergents and descaling chem-icals. Nevertheless, scaling and membrane fouling remained major problems,affecting plant on-stream time and widespread acceptance of the process. In theearly 1970s, a breakthrough in system design, known as electrodialysis polarityreversal, was made by Ionics [9]. In these systems the polarity of the DC powerapplied to the membrane electrodes is reversed two to four times per hour. Whenthe electrode polarity is reversed, the desalted water and brine chambers are alsoreversed by automatic valves that control the flows in the stack. By switchingcells and reversing current direction, freshly precipitated scale is flushed fromthe membrane before it can solidify. The direction of movement of colloidalparticulates drawn to the membrane by the flow of current is also reversed, socolloids do not form a film on the membrane. Electrodialysis plants using thereverse polarity technique have been operating since 1970 and have proved morereliable than their fixed polarity predecessors.

Electrodialysis is now a mature technology, with Ionics remaining the world-wide industry leader except in Japan. Desalting of brackish water and the produc-tion of boiler feed water and industrial process water were the main applicationsuntil the 1990s, but electrodialysis has since lost market share due to stiffcompetition from improved reverse osmosis membranes. Beginning in the 1990s,

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electrodeionization, a combination process using electrodialysis and ion exchange,began to be used to achieve very good salt removal in ultrapure water plants. Thisis now a major use of electrodialysis. Other important applications are control ofionic impurities from industrial effluent streams, water softening and desaltingcertain foods, particularly milk whey [10,11]. Over the last 20 years a numberof other uses of ion exchange membranes have been found. Perhaps the mostimportant is the development by Asahi, Dow and DuPont of perfluoro-based ionexchange membranes with exceptional chemical stability for membrane chlor-alkali cells [12]. More than 1 million square meters of these membranes havebeen installed. Ion exchange membranes are also finding an increasing marketin electrolysis processes of all types. One application that has received a greatdeal of attention is the use of bipolar membranes to produce acids and alkalisby electrolysis of salts. Bipolar membranes are laminates of anionic and cationicmembranes. The first practical bipolar membranes were developed by K.J. Liuand others at Allied Chemicals in about 1977 [13]; they were later employed inAllied’s Aquatech acid/base production process [14]. A final, growing use of ionexchange membranes is in advanced fuel cells and battery systems in which themembranes regulate ion transport from various compartments in the cells [15].A time line illustrating the major milestones in the development of ion exchangemembranes is shown in Figure 10.3.

1900 1920 1940 1960

Ostwald, Donnan and othersstudy the first ion exchange membranes

Ionics installs the first successfulelectrodialysis plant - 1952

Manegold and Kalauch - 1939and Meyer and Strauss - 1940describe electrodialysis

Liu at Allied develops the firstpractical bipolar membrane - 1977

Diamond Shamrock/DuPontintroduce perfluoromembranesfor chlor-alkali plants - 1979

Ionics introduces the reversepolarity process, a breakthroughin electrodialysis plant reliability - 1970

Kressman, Murphy et al. andJuda and McRae producethe first practical ion exchangemembranes

Asahi Chemical starts firstcommercial sea saltproduction plant - 1961

1910 1930 1950 1970 1980 1990 2000

Figure 10.3 Milestones in the development of ion exchange membrane processes

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Theoretical BackgroundTransport Through Ion Exchange Membranes

In electrodialysis and the other separation processes using ion exchange mem-branes, transport of components generally occurs under the driving forces of bothconcentration and electric potential (voltage) gradients. However, because thetwo types of ion present, anions and cations, move in opposite directions underan electric potential gradient, ion exchange membrane processes are often moreeasily treated in terms of the amount of charge transported than the amount ofmaterial transported. Consider, for example, a simple univalent–univalent elec-trolyte such as sodium chloride, which can be considered to be completely ionizedin dilute solutions. The concentration of sodium cations is then c+, and the con-centration of chloride anions is c−. The velocity of the cations in an externallyapplied field of strength, E, is u (cm/s), and the velocity of the anions mea-sured in the same direction is −v (cm/s). Each cation carries the protonic charge+e and each anion the electronic charge of −e, so the total amount of chargetransported per second across a plane of 1 cm2 area is


F= c+(u)(+e) + c−(−v)(−e) = ce(u + v) (10.1)

where I is the current and F is the Faraday constant to convert transport ofelectric charge to a current flow in amps. This equation links the electric currentwith the transport of ions.

It has been found that the fractions of the current carried by the anions andcations do not necessarily have to be equal. The fraction of the total currentcarried by any particular ion is known as the transport number of that ion. Thus,the transport number for the cations is t+ and the transport number for the anionsis t−. It follows that

t+ + t− = 1 (10.2)

Combining Equations (10.1) and (10.2), the transport number of the cations inthe univalent–univalent electrolyte described above is given as

t+ = c+ue

ce(u + v)= u

u + v(10.3)

and similarly for the anion

t− = v

u + v(10.4)

Transport numbers for different ions, even in aqueous solutions, can vary overa wide range, reflecting the different sizes of the ions. Ions with the same chargeas the fixed charge groups in an ion exchange membrane are excluded from themembrane and, therefore, carry a very small fraction of the current through themembrane. In these membranes the transport number of the excluded ions is

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very small, normally between 0 and 0.05. Counter ions with a charge oppositeto the fixed charged groups permeate the membrane freely and carry almost allof the current through the membrane. The transport numbers of these ions arebetween 0.95 and 1.0. This difference in transport number, a measure of relativepermeability, allows separations to be achieved with ion exchange membranes.

Equation (10.1) shows that, as in other transport processes, the flux of the per-meating component is the product of a mobility term (u or v) and a concentrationterm (c+ or c−). In ion exchange transport processes, most of the separation isachieved by manipulating the concentration terms. When the membrane carriesfixed charges, the counter ions of the same charge will tend to be excludedfrom the membrane. As a result, the concentration of ions of the same chargeis reduced, while the concentration of ions of opposite charge is elevated. Thismakes the membrane selective for ions of the opposite charge.

The ability of ion exchange membranes to discriminate between oppositelycharged ions was put on a mathematical basis by Donnan in 1911 [2]. Figure 10.4shows the distribution of ions between a salt solution and an ion exchange mem-brane containing fixed negative charges, R−.

The equilibrium between the ions in the membrane (m) and the surroundingsolution (s) can be expressed as

c+(m) · c−

(m) = kc+(s) · c−

(s) (10.5)

where k is an equilibrium constant. Charge balance considerations lead tothe expression

c+(m) = c−

(m) + cR-(m)(10.6)

Na+ Na+



Membrane interface


Membrane (m) Solution (s)

Mobile counterion

Excluded counterion

Fixed chargegroups


c+(m) ; c−

(m) ; cR− (m)c+

(s) ; c−(s)

Figure 10.4 An illustration of the distribution of ions between a cationic membranewith fixed negative ions and the surrounding salt solution

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For a fully dissolved salt, such as sodium chloride, the total molar concentrationof the salt c(s) is equal to the concentration of each of the ions, so

c(s) = c+(s) = c−

(s) (10.7)

Combining these three equations and rearranging gives the expression



= [c−(m) + cR−



Because the membrane is cationic (fixed negative charges), the concentration ofnegative counter-ions in the membrane will be small compared to the concentra-tion of fixed charges, that is,


c−(m) (10.9)

Salt solution concentration (meq/g)

Salt solution concentration (wt%)






00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

0 1 2 3 4 65 7



e so


to c




c− (m


c+ (m


Figure 10.5 The sodium-to-chloride ion concentration ratio inside a negatively chargedion exchange membrane containing a concentration of fixed negative groups of 3 meq/gas a function of salt concentration. At salt concentrations in the surrounding solution ofless than about 1 wt% sodium chloride (0.2 meq/g), chloride ions are almost completelyexcluded from the membrane

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so it can be assumed that

c−(m) + cR−

(m)≈ cR−


Equation (10.8) can then be written



= 1


(cR− (m)




This expression shows that the ratio of sodium to chloride ions in the mem-brane (c+


(m)) is proportional to the square of the ratio of the fixed chargegroups in the membrane to the salt concentration in the surrounding solution(cR−(m)/c(s)). In the commonly used ion exchange membranes, the fixed ionconcentration in the membrane is very high, typically at least 3–4 milliequiv-alents per gram (meq/g). Figure 10.5 shows a plot of the sodium-to-chlorideconcentration ratio in a cationic membrane calculated using Equation (10.11)The ion exchange membrane is assumed to have a fixed negative charge con-centration of 3 meq/g. The plot shows that, at salt solution concentrations ofless than 0.2 meq/g (∼1 wt% sodium chloride), chloride ions are almost com-pletely excluded from the ion exchange membrane. This means that in thisconcentration range the transport number for sodium is close to one and for chlo-ride is close to zero. Only at high salt concentrations–above about 0.6 meq/g(3 wt% sodium chloride)–does the ratio of sodium to chloride ions in themembrane fall below 30, and the membrane becomes measurably permeableto chloride ions.

Chemistry of Ion Exchange Membranes

A wide variety of ion exchange membrane chemistries has been developed.Typically each electrodialysis system manufacturer produces its own membranetailored for the specific applications and equipment used. An additional com-plication is that many of these developments are kept as trade secrets or areonly described in the patent literature. Korngold [16] gives a description of ionexchange membrane manufacture.

Current ion exchange membranes contain a high concentration of fixed ionicgroups, typically 3–4 meq/g or more. When placed in water, these ionic groupstend to absorb water; charge repulsion of the ionic groups can then cause themembrane to swell excessively. This is why most ion exchange membranes arehighly crosslinked to limit swelling. However, high crosslinking densities makepolymers brittle, so the membranes are usually stored and handled wet to allowabsorbed water to plasticize the membrane. Most ion exchange membranes are

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produced as homogenous films 50–200 µm thick. Typically the membrane isreinforced by casting onto a net or fabric to maintain the shape and to mini-mize swelling.

Ion exchange membranes fall into two broad categories: homogeneous andheterogeneous. In homogeneous membranes, the charged groups are uniformlydistributed through the membrane matrix. These membranes swell relatively uni-formly when exposed to water, the extent of swelling being controlled by theircrosslinking density. In heterogeneous membranes, the ion exchange groups arecontained in small domains distributed throughout an inert support matrix, whichprovides mechanical strength. Heterogeneous membranes can be made, for exam-ple, by dispersing finely ground ion exchange particles in a polymer support matrix.Because of the difference in the degree of swelling between the ion exchange por-tion and the inert portion of heterogeneous membranes, mechanical failure, leadingto leaks at the boundary between the two domains, can be a problem.

Homogeneous Membranes

A number of early homogeneous membranes were made by simple condensa-tion reactions of suitable monomers, such as phenol–formaldehyde condensationreactions of the type:






The mechanical stability and ion exchange capacity of these condensationresins were modest. A better approach is to prepare a suitable crosslinked basemembrane, which can then be converted to a charged form in a subsequentreaction. Ionics is believed to use this type of membrane in many of their systems.In a typical preparation procedure, a 60:40 mixture of styrene and divinyl benzeneis cast onto a fabric web, sandwiched between two plates and heated in an oven toform the membrane matrix. The membrane is then sulfonated with 98 % sulfuricacid or a concentrated sulfur trioxide solution. The degree of swelling in thefinal membrane is controlled by varying the divinyl benzene concentration in theinitial mix to control crosslinking density. The degree of sulfonation can also bevaried. The chemistry of the process is:

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Anion exchange membranes can be made from the same crosslinkedpolystyrene membrane base by post-treatment with monochloromethyl ether andaluminum chloride to introduce chloromethyl groups into the benzene ring,followed by formation of quaternary amines with trimethyl amine:




CH CH2 CH2CHStyrene








(CH3)3N +






A particularly important category of ion exchange polymers is the perfluoro-carbon type made by DuPont under the trade name Nafion [17,18]. The base

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polymer is made by polymerization of a sulfinol fluoride vinyl ether with tetraflu-oroethylene. The copolymer formed is extruded as a film about 120 µm thick,after which the sulfinol fluoride groups are hydrolyzed to form sulfonic acidgroups:


CF3 m = 1–3


Asahi Chemical [8] and Tokuyama Soda [19] have developed similar chem-istries in which the –CF2SO2F groups are replaced by carboxylic acid groups.In these perfluoro polymers, the backbone is extremely hydrophobic whereas thecharged acid groups are strongly polar. Because the polymers are not crosslinked,some phase separation into different domains takes place. The hydrophobicperfluoro-polymer domains provide a nonswelling matrix, ensuring the integrityof the membrane. The ionic hydrophilic domains absorb water and form as smallclusters distributed throughout the perfluoro-polymer matrix. This configuration,illustrated in Figure 10.6, minimizes both the hydrophobic interaction of ions andwater with the backbone and the electrostatic repulsion of close sulfonate groups.These perfluorocarbon membranes are completely inert to concentrated sodiumhydroxide solutions and have been widely used in membrane electrochemicalcells in the chlor-alkali industry.




SO3− SO3







SO3− SO3








40 Å

50 Å

10 Å

Figure 10.6 Schematic of the cluster model used to describe the distribution of sulfonategroups in perfluorocarbon-type cation exchange membranes such as Nafion [18]

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Heterogeneous Membranes

Heterogeneous membranes have been produced by a number of Japanese manu-facturers. The simplest form has very finely powdered cation or anion exchangeparticles uniformly dispersed in polypropylene. A film of the material is thenextruded to form the membrane. The mechanical properties of these membranesare often poor because of swelling of the relatively large—10–20 µm diam-eter—ion exchange particles. A much finer heterogeneous dispersion of ionexchange particles, and consequently a more stable membrane, can be made witha poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) plastisol. A plastisol of approximately equal partsPVC, styrene monomer and crosslinking agent in a dioctyl phthalate plasticizingsolvent is prepared. The mixture is then cast and polymerized as a film. The PVCand polystyrene polymers form an interconnected domain structure. The styrenegroups are then sulfonated by treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid or sulfurtrioxide to form a very finely dispersed but heterogeneous structure of sulfonatedpolystyrene in a PVC matrix, which provides toughness and strength.

Transport in Electrodialysis Membranes

Concentration Polarization and Limiting Current Density

Transport of ions in an electrodialysis cell, in which the salt solutions in thechambers formed between the ion exchange membranes are very well stirred, isshown in Figure 10.7. In this example, chloride ions migrating to the left easily





Conc. Dilute


Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

Cl− Cl−Cl−Cl−



Figure 10.7 Schematic of the concentration and potential gradients in a well-stirredelectrodialysis cell

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permeate the anionic membranes containing fixed positive groups and are stoppedby the cationic membranes containing fixed negative groups. Similarly, sodiumions migrating to the right permeate the cationic membranes but are stopped bythe anionic membranes. The overall result is increased salt concentration in alter-nating compartments while the other compartments are simultaneously depletedof salt. The drawing shown implies that the voltage potential drop caused by theelectrical resistance of the apparatus takes place entirely across the ion exchangemembrane. This is the case for a very well-stirred cell, in which the solutionsin the compartments are completely turbulent. In a well-stirred cell the flux ofions across the membranes and hence the productivity of the electrodialysis sys-tem can be increased without limit by increasing the current across the stack.In practice, however, the resistance of the membrane is often small in propor-tion to the resistance of the water-filled compartments, particularly in the dilutecompartment where the concentration of ions carrying the current is low. In thiscompartment the formation of ion-depleted regions next to the membrane placesan additional limit on the current and hence the flux of ions through the mem-branes. Ion transport through this ion-depleted aqueous boundary layer generallycontrols electrodialysis system performance.

Concentration polarization controls the performance of practical electrodialysissystems. Because ions selectively permeate the membrane, the concentration ofsome of the ions in the solution immediately adjacent to the membrane surfacebecomes significantly depleted compared to the bulk solution concentration. Asthe voltage across the stack is increased to increase the flux of ions throughthe membrane, the solution next to the membrane surface becomes increasinglydepleted of the permeating ions. Depletion of the salt at the membrane surfacemeans that an increasing fraction of the voltage drop is dissipated in transportingions across the boundary layer rather than through the membrane. Therefore theenergy consumption per unit of salt transported increases significantly. A pointcan be reached at which the ion concentration at the membrane surface is zero.This represents the maximum transport rate of ions through the boundary layer.The current through the membrane at this point is called the limiting currentdensity, that is, current per unit area of membrane (mA/cm2). Once the limitingcurrent density is reached, any further increase in voltage difference across themembrane will not increase ion transport or current through the membrane. Nor-mally the extra power is dissipated by side reactions, such as dissociation of thewater in the cell into ions, and by other effects. Concentration polarization canbe partially controlled by circulating the salt solutions at high flow rates throughthe cell chambers. But even when very turbulent flow is maintained in the cells,significant concentration polarization occurs.

The formation of concentration gradients caused by the flow of ions through asingle cationic membrane is shown in Figure 10.8. As in the treatment of concen-tration polarization in other membrane processes, the resistance of the aqueoussolution is modeled as a thin boundary layer of unstirred solution separating the

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Cation membrane




c+ c+


c(o)+ c( )


Figure 10.8 Schematic of the concentration gradients adjacent to a single cationic mem-brane in an electrodialysis stack. The effects of boundary layers that form on each sideof the membrane on sodium ion concentrations are shown

membrane surface from the well-stirred bulk solution. In electrodialysis the thick-ness (δ) of this unstirred layer is generally 20–50 µm. Concentration gradientsform in this layer because only one of the ionic species is transported throughthe membrane. This species is depleted in the boundary layer on the feed sideand enriched in the boundary layer on the permeate side.

Figure 10.8 shows the concentration gradient of univalent sodium ions nextto a cationic membrane. Exactly equivalent gradients of anions, such as chlorideions, form adjacent to the anionic membranes in the stack. The ion gradientformed on the left, dilute side of the membrane can be described by Fick’s law.Thus the rate of diffusion of cations to the surface is given by:

J+ = D+ (c+ − c(o)+)


where D+ is the diffusion coefficient of the cation in water, c+ is the bulkconcentration of the cation in the solution, and c+

(o) is the concentration of thecation in the solution adjacent to the membrane surface (o).

The rate at which the cations approach the membrane by electrolyte transportis t+I/F . It follows that the total flux of sodium ions to the membrane surface(J+) is the sum of these two terms

J+ = D+(c+ − c(o)+)

δ+ t+I


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Transport through the membrane is also the sum of two terms, one due to thevoltage difference, the other due to the diffusion caused by the difference in ionconcentrations on each side of the membrane. Thus, the ion flux through themembrane can be written

J+ = t(m)+I

F+ P +(c(o)

+ − c()+)


where P + is the permeability of the sodium ions in a membrane of thickness .The quantity P +(c(o)

+ − c+())/ is much smaller than transport due to the voltage

gradient, so Equations (10.13) and (10.14) can be combined and simplified to

D+(c+ − c(o)+)

δ+ t+I

F= t(m)



For a selective cationic ion exchange membrane for which t(m)+ ≈ 1,

Equation (10.15) can be further simplified to

I = F

1 − t+· D+

δ(c+ − c(o)

+) (10.16)

This important equation has a limiting value when the concentration of the ionat the membrane surface is zero (c(o)

+ ≈ 0). At this point the current reaches itsmaximum value; the limiting current is given by the equation

Ilim = D+Fc+

δ(1 − t+)(10.17)

This limiting current, Ilim, is the maximum current that can be employed inan electrodialysis process. If the potential required to produce this current isexceeded, the extra current will be carried by other processes, first by transportof anions through the cationic membrane and, at higher potentials, by hydrogenand hydroxyl ions formed by dissociation of water. Both of these undesirableprocesses consume power without producing any separation. This decreases thecurrent efficiency of the process, that is, the separation achieved per unit of powerconsumed. A more detailed discussion of the effect of the limiting current densityon electrodialysis performance is given by Krol et al. [20].

The limiting current can be determined experimentally by plotting the electricalresistance across the membrane stack against the reciprocal electric current. Thisis called a Cowan–Brown plot after its original developers [21]; Figure 10.9shows an example for a laboratory cell [22]. At a reciprocal current of 0.1/A,the resistance has a minimum value. When the limiting current is exceeded, theexcess current is not used to transport ions. Instead the current causes waterto dissociate into protons and hydroxyl ions. The pH of the solutions in thecell chambers then begins to change, reflecting this water splitting. This changein pH, also shown in Figure 10.9, can be used to determine the value of the

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Reciprocal current (A−1)



al r



e (Ω









0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0



n pH

Figure 10.9 Cowan–Brown plots showing how the limiting current density can be deter-mined by measuring the stack resistance or the pH of the dilute solution as a functionof current [22]. Redrawn from R. Rautenbach and R. Albrecht, Membrane Processes,Copyright 1989. This material is used by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

limiting current density. In industrial-scale electrodialysis systems, determiningthe limiting current is not so easy. In large membrane stacks the boundary layerthickness will vary from place to place across the membrane surface. The limitingcurrent, where the boundary layer is relatively thick because of poor fluid flowdistribution, will be lower than where the boundary layer is thinner. Thus, themeasured limiting current may be only an approximate value. In practice, systemsare operated at currents substantially below the limiting value.

The limiting current density for an electrodialysis system operated at thesame feed solution flow rate is a function of the feed solution salt concentra-tion, as shown in Equation (10.17). As the salt concentration in the solutionincreases, more ions are available to transport current in the boundary layer, so

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Feed water salt concentration (ppm as NaCl)




103 104

Operating cu

rrent d



g curre

nt densit









m2 )

Figure 10.10 Limiting current density and operating current density as a function offeed water salt concentration. The change in slope of the curves at about 3000 ppm saltreflects the change in the activity coefficient of the ions at high salt concentrations [23]

the limiting current density also increases. For this reason large electrodialysissystems with several electrodialysis stacks in series will operate with differentcurrent densities in each stack, reflecting the change in the feed water concen-tration as salt is removed. The normal range of limiting current densities andactual operating current densities used in an electrodialysis system is shownin Figure 10.10[23]. These values may change depending on the particular celldesign employed.

Current Efficiency and Power Consumption

A key factor determining the overall efficiency of an electrodialysis process is theenergy consumed to perform the separation. Energy consumption E in kilowatts,is linked to the current I through the stack and the resistance R of the stack bythe expression

E = I 2R (10.18)

The theoretical electric current Itheor required to perform the separation is directlyproportional to the number of charges transported across the ion exchange

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membrane and is given by the expression

Itheor = z∆CFQ (10.19)

where Q is the feed flow rate, ∆C is the difference in molar concentrationbetween the feed and the dilute solutions, z is the valence of the salt and F isthe Faraday constant. Thus the theoretical power consumption Etheor to achieve agiven separation is given by substituting Equation (10.19) into Equation (10.18)to give:

Etheor = IRz∆CQF (10.20)

orEtheor = V z∆CQF (10.21)

where V is the theoretical voltage drop across the stack. In the absence of con-centration polarization and any resistance losses in the membrane or solutioncompartments, the energy required to achieve a separation and a flow of ions outof the concentrated feed solution into the dilute solution for any cell pair is asshown in Figure 10.11.

Feed solution concentration (ppm)
















00 g


40 00020 000






10 00040002000

Actual energyconsumption

Theoretical energyconsumption

Figure 10.11 Comparison of the theoretical energy consumption and the actual energyconsumption of electrodialysis desalination systems. Most of the difference results fromconcentration polarization effects [24]

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The actual voltage drop and hence the energy consumed are higher thanthe theoretical value for two reasons [24]. First, as shown in Figure 10.8, theconcentrations of ions in the solutions adjacent to the membrane surfaces aresignificantly lower than the bulk solution values. That is, the actual voltagedrop used in Equation (10.21) is several times larger than the voltage drop inthe absence of polarization. The result is to increase the actual energy con-sumption five to ten times above the theoretical minimum value. In commercialelectrodialysis plants, concentration polarization is controlled by circulating thesolutions through the stack at a high rate. Various feed spacer designs are usedto maximize turbulence in the cells. Because electric power is used to powerthe feed and product solution circulation pumps, a trade-off exists between thepower saved because of the increased efficiency of the electrodialysis stackand the power consumed by the pumps. In current electrodialysis systems, thecirculation pumps consume approximately one-quarter to one-half of the totalpower. Even under these conditions concentration polarization is not fully con-trolled and actual energy consumption is substantially higher than the theoreti-cal value.

Most inefficiencies in electrodialysis systems are related to the difficulty incontrolling concentration polarization. The second cause is current utilizationlosses, arising from the following factors [10]:

1. Ion exchange membranes are not completely semipermeable; some leakageof co-ions of the same charge as the membrane can occur. This effect isgenerally negligible at low feed solution concentrations, but can be seriouswith concentrated solutions, such as the seawater treated in Japan.

2. Ions permeating the membrane carry solvating water molecules in their hydra-tion shell. Also, osmotic transport of water from the dilute to the concentratedchambers can occur.

3. A portion of the electric current can be carried by the stack manifold, bypass-ing the membrane cell. Modern electrodialysis stack designs generally makelosses due to this effect negligible.

System Design

An electrodialysis plant consists of several elements:

• a feed pretreatment system;

• the membrane stack;

• the power supply and process control unit;

• the solution pumping system.

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− +




Figure 10.12 Flow diagram of a typical electrodialysis plant [10]

Many plants use a single electrodialysis stack, as shown in Figure 10.12. Mani-folding may be used to allow the feed and brine solutions to pass through severalcell pairs, but the entire procedure is performed in the single stack.

In large systems, using several electrodialysis stacks in series to perform thesame overall separation is more efficient [25]. The current density of the firststack is higher than the current density of the last stack, which is operating on amore dilute feed solution. As in the single-stack system, the feed solution maypass through several cell pairs in each stack. Because concentration polarizationbecomes more important as the solution becomes more dilute, the solution veloc-ity increases in the stacks processing the most dilute solution. The velocity iscontrolled by the number of cell pairs through which the solution passes in eachstack. The number of cell pairs decreases from the first to the last stack; this isknown as the taper of the system. The flow scheme of a three-stage design isshown in Figure 10.13.

Feed Pretreatment. The type and complexity of the feed pretreatment systemdepends on the content of the water to be treated. As in reverse osmosis, most feedwater is sterilized by chlorination to prevent bacterial growth on the membrane.

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Feed1.429 mgd4500 ppm

Diluate feed1.000 mgd4500 ppm

Concentrate1.000 mgd9944 ppm

Concentrate recycle0.571 mgd 14 034 ppm

1.000 mgd2025 ppm

1.000 mgd911 ppm

Product1.000 mgd410 ppm

To waste0.429 mgd

14 034 ppm


Figure 10.13 Flow scheme of a three-stage electrodialysis plant [25]. Reprinted fromA.N. Rogers, Design and Operation of Desalting Systems Based on Membrane Processes,in Synthetic Membrane Processes, G. Belfort (ed.), Academic Press, Copyright 1977, withpermission from Elsevier

Scaling on the membrane surface by precipitation of sparingly soluble saltssuch as calcium sulfate is usually controlled by adding precipitation inhibitorssuch as sodium hexametaphosphate. The pH may also be adjusted to main-tain salts in their soluble range. Large, charged organic molecules or colloidssuch as humic acid are particularly troublesome impurities, because they aredrawn by their charge to the membrane surface but are too large to permeate.They then accumulate at the dilute solution side of the membrane and precip-itate, causing an increase in membrane resistance. Filtration of the feed watermay control these components, and operation in the polarity reversal mode isoften effective.

Membrane Stack. After the pretreatment step, the feed water is pumped throughthe electrodialysis stack. This stack normally contains 100–200 membrane cellpairs each with a membrane area between 1 and 2 m2. Plastic mesh spacers formthe channels through which the feed and concentrate solutions flow. Most man-ufacturers use one of the spacer designs shown in Figure 10.14. In the tortuouspath cell design of Figure 10.14(a), a solid spacer grid forms a long open channelthrough which the feed solution flows at relatively high velocity. The channelis not held open by netting, so the membranes must be thick and sturdy to pre-vent collapse of the channels. In the sheet flow design of Figure 10.14(b), thegap between the membrane leaves is maintained by a polyolefin mesh spacer.The spacer is made as thin as possible without producing an excessive pres-sure drop.

Two membranes and two gasket spacers form a single cell pair. Holes in thegasket spacers are aligned with holes in the membrane sheet to form the manifold

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Feed solutionflow path

Feed solutioninlet

Feed solutioninlet


Product solutionoutlet



(a) Tortuous path spacers (b) Sheet flow spacers

Figure 10.14 The two main types of feed solution flow distribution spacers used inelectrodialysis [10]

channels through which the dilute and concentrated solutions are introduced intoeach cell. The end plate of the stack is a rigid plastic frame containing theelectrode compartment. The entire arrangement is compressed together with boltsbetween the two end flow plates. The perimeter gaskets of the gasket spacersare tightly pressed into the membranes to form the cells. A large electrodialysisstack has several hundred meters of fluid seals around each cell. Early units oftendeveloped small leaks over time, causing unsightly salt deposits on the outsideof the stacks. These problems have now been largely solved. In principle, anelectrodialysis stack can be disassembled and the membranes cleaned or replacedon-site. In practice, this operation is performed infrequently and almost never inthe field.

Power Supply and Process Control Unit. Electrodialysis systems use largeamounts of direct current power; the rectifier required to convert AC to DC andto control the operation of the system represents a significant portion of a plant’scapital cost. A typical voltage drop across a single cell pair is in the range 1–2 Vand the normal current flow is 40 mA/cm2. For a 200-cell-pair stack containing1 m2 of membrane, the total voltage is about 200–400 V and the current about

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400 A per stack. This is a considerable amount of electric power, and care mustbe used to ensure safe operation.

Solution Pumping System. A surprisingly large fraction of the total power usedin electrodialysis systems is consumed by the water pumps required to circulatefeed and concentrate solutions through the stacks. This fraction increases asthe average salt concentration of the feed decreases and can become dominantin electrodialysis of low-concentration solutions (less than 500 ppm salt). Thepressure drop per stack varies from 15 to 30 psi for sheet flow cells to as muchas 70–90 psi for tortuous path cells. Depending on the separation required, thefluid will be pumped through two to four cells in series, requiring interstagepumps for each stack.


Brackish Water Desalination

Brackish water desalination is the largest application of electrodialysis. Thecompetitive technologies are ion exchange for very dilute saline solutions,below 500 ppm, and reverse osmosis for concentrations above 2000 ppm. In the500–2000 ppm range electrodialysis is often the low-cost process. One advantageof electrodialysis applied to brackish water desalination is that a large fraction,typically 80–95 % of the brackish feed, is recovered as product water. However,these high recoveries mean that the concentrated brine stream produced is fiveto twenty times more concentrated than the feed. The degree of water recoveryis limited by precipitation of insoluble salts in the brine.

Since the first plants were produced in the early 1950s, several thousand brack-ish water electrodialysis plants have been installed around the world. Modernplants are generally fully automated and require only periodic operator attention.This has encouraged production of many small trailer-mounted plants. However,a number of large plants with production rates of 10 million gal/day or morehave also been installed.

The power consumption of an electrodialysis plant is directly proportionalto the salt concentration of the feed water, varying from 4 kWh/1000 gal for1000 ppm feed water to 10–15 kWh/1000 gal for 5000 ppm feed water. Aboutone-quarter to one-third of this power is used to drive the feed water circula-tion pumps.

Salt Recovery from Seawater

The second major application of electrodialysis is the production of table saltby concentration of seawater [8]. This process is only practiced in Japan, whichhas no other domestic salt supply. The process is heavily subsidized by the

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Seawater intake

Seawater filter


Producedconcentrated brine















Figure 10.15 Flow scheme of the electrodialysis unit used in a seawater salt concentra-tion plant [8]

government, and total production is approximately 1.2 million tons/year of salt.In total, these plants use more than 500 000 m2 of membrane.

A flow scheme of one such seawater salt production plant is shownin Figure 10.15. A cogeneration unit produces the power required for theelectrodialysis operation, which concentrates the salt in sea water to about 18–20wt%. The waste stream from the power plant is then used to further concentratethe salt by evaporation.

Seawater contains relatively high concentrations of sulfate (SO42−), calcium

(Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+) and other multivalent ions that can precipitate inthe concentrated salt compartments of the plant and cause severe scaling. Thisproblem has been solved by applying a thin polyelectrolyte layer of oppositecharge to the ion exchange membrane on the surface facing the seawater solu-tion. A cross-section of a coated anionic membrane is shown in Figure 10.16.

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Thin cationic divalent ion

rejection layer





Figure 10.16 Polyelectrolyte-coated ion exchange membranes used to separate multiva-lent and monovalent ions in seawater salt concentration plants [8]

Because the Donnan exclusion effect is much stronger for multivalent ions thanfor univalent ions, the polyelectrolyte layer rejects multivalent ions but allowsthe univalent ions to pass relatively unhindered.

Other Electrodialysis Separation Applications

The two water desalination applications described above represent the majorityof the market for electrodialysis separation systems. A small application existsin softening water, and recently a market has grown in the food industry todesalt whey and to remove tannic acid from wine and citric acid from fruitjuice. A number of other applications exist in wastewater treatment, particularlyregeneration of waste acids used in metal pickling operations and removal ofheavy metals from electroplating rinse waters [11]. These applications rely on theability of electrodialysis membranes to separate electrolytes from nonelectrolytesand to separate multivalent from univalent ions.

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The arrangement of membranes in these systems depends on the application.Figure 10.17(a) shows a stack comprising only cation exchange membranes tosoften water, whereas Figure 10.17(b) shows an all-anion exchange membranestack to deacidify juice [26]. In the water-softening application, the objective isto exchange divalent cations such as calcium and magnesium for sodium ions. Inthe juice deacidification process, the all-anion stack is used to exchange citrateions for hydroxyl ions. These are both ion exchange processes, and the saltconcentration of the feed solution remains unchanged.

Continuous Electrodeionization and Ultrapure Water

Electrodeionization systems were first suggested to remove small amounts ofradioactive elements from contaminated waters [27], but the principal currentapplication is the preparation of ultrapure water for the electronics and pharma-ceutical industries [28]. The process is sometimes used as a polishing step afterthe water has been pretreated with a reverse osmosis unit.

In the production of ultrapure water for the electronics industry, salt concen-trations must be reduced to the ppb range. This is a problem with conventionalelectrodialysis units because the low conductivity of very dilute feed waterstreams generally limits the process to producing water in the 10 ppm range.This limitation can be overcome by filling the dilute chambers of the electrodial-ysis stack with fine mixed-bed ion exchange beads as shown in Figure 10.18.The ions enter the chamber, partition into the ion exchange resin beads and areconcentrated many times. As a result ion and current flow occur through the resinbed, and the resistance of the cell is much lower than for a normal cell operatingon the same very dilute feed. An additional benefit is that, towards the bottom ofthe bed where the ion concentration is in the ppb range, a certain amount of watersplitting occurs. This produces hydrogen and hydroxyl ions that also migrate tothe membrane surface through the ion exchange beads. The presence of theseions maintains a high pH in the anion exchange beads and a low pH in thecation exchange beads. These extreme pHs enhance the ionization and removalof weakly ionized species such as carbon dioxide and silica that would otherwisebe difficult to remove. Such modified electrodialysis systems can reduce mostionizable solutes to below ppb levels.

Bipolar Membranes

Bipolar membranes consist of an anionic and a cationic membrane laminatedtogether [13]. When placed between two electrodes, as shown in Figure 10.19,the interface between the anionic and cationic membranes becomes depleted ofions. The only way a current can then be carried is by the water splitting reaction,which liberates hydrogen ions that migrate to the cathode and hydroxyl ions that

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− HCO3−

SO42− Cl− SO4

2− Cl− SO42− Cl−


Hard waterBrine



Soft waterSpent brine





Ca2+ Na+Ca2+ Na+Ca2+ Na+




Citrate3− OH−Citrate3− OH−Citrate3−


JuicePotassium hydroxide




Sweetened juiceSpent alkali





K+ K+ K+ K+ K+ K+

(b) Deacidification of Fruit Juice

(a) Water Softening System

Figure 10.17 Flow schematic of electrodialysis systems used to exchange target ions inthe feed solution. (a) An all-cation exchange membrane stack to exchange sodium ions forcalcium ions in water softening. (b) An all-anion exchange membrane stack to exchangehydroxyl ions for citrate ions in deacidification of fruit juice

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Concentratingcompartment Diluting
















Figure 10.18 Schematic of the electrodeionization process using mixed-bed ionexchange resin to increase the conduction of the dilute compartments of the electro-dialysis stack








M+ M+


X− X−


Figure 10.19 Schematic of a single bipolar membrane (not to scale) showing generationof hydroxyl and hydrogen ions by water splitting in the interior of the membrane. Electrol-ysis takes place in the thin interfacial region between the anodic and cathodic membranes

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Salt solutionSalt solution

Topositive pole

of rectifier


Anodeeffluent Base Acid Base Acid


Tonegative pole

of rectifier




Cl− Cl−Cl− Cl−






OH− H+ OH− H+ OH−


Figure 10.20 Schematic of a bipolar membrane process to split sodium chloride intosodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid

migrate to the anode. The mechanism of water splitting in these membraneshas been discussed in detail by Strathmann et al. [29]. The phenomenon can beutilized in an electrodialysis stack composed of a number of sets of three-chambercells between two electrodes, as shown in Figure 10.20. Salt solution flows intothe middle chamber; cations migrate to the chamber on the left and anions to thechamber on the right. Electrical neutrality is maintained in these chambers byhydroxyl and hydrogen ions provided by water splitting in the bipolar membranesthat bound each set of three chambers [30].

Several other arrangements of bipolar membranes can achieve the same overallresult, namely, dividing a neutral salt into the conjugate acid and base. Theprocess is limited to the generation of relatively dilute acid and base solutions.Also, the product acid and base are contaminated with 2–4 % salt. Neverthelessthe process is significantly more energy efficient than the conventional electrolysisprocess because no gases are involved. Total current efficiency is about 80 %and the system can often be integrated into the process generating the feed saltsolution. A process utilizing bipolar membranes was first reported by Liu in1977 [13]. Aquatech, originally a division of Allied Chemicals and now part ofGraver Water, has pursued commercialization of the process for almost 20 years,but only a handful of plants have been installed. The principal problem appears tohave been membrane instability, but these problems may now have been solved.Prospects for the process appear to be improving. A recent review of bipolarmembrane technology has been produced by Kemperman [31].

Three other processes using ion exchange membranes (Donnan dialysis, diffu-sion dialysis and piezodialysis) are covered in Chapter 13.

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Conclusions and Future DirectionsElectrodialysis is by far the largest use of ion exchange membranes, principallyto desalt brackish water or (in Japan) to produce concentrated brine. These twoprocesses are both well established, and major technical innovations that willchange the competitive position of the industry do not appear likely. Some newapplications of electrodialysis exist in the treatment of industrial process streams,food processing and wastewater treatment systems but the total market is small.Long-term major applications for ion exchange membranes may be in the non-separation areas such as fuel cells, electrochemical reactions and production ofacids and alkalis with bipolar membranes.

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16. E. Korngold, Electrodialysis—Membranes and Mass Transport, in Synthetic Mem-brane Processes, G. Belfort (ed.), Academic Press, Orlando, FL, pp. 191–220 (1984).

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20. J.J. Krol, M. Wessling and H. Strathmann, Concentration Polarization with Monopo-lar Ion Exchange Membranes: Current–Voltage Curves and Water Dissociation, J.Membr. Sci. 162, 145 (1999)

21. D.A. Cowan and J.H. Brown, Effects of Turbulence on Limiting Current in Electro-dialysis Cells, Ind. Eng. Chem. 51, 1445 (1959).

22. R. Rautenbach and R. Albrecht, Membrane Processes, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,Chichester (1989).

23. M. Hamada, Brackish Water Desalination by Electrodialysis, Desalination WaterReuse 2, 8 (1992).

24. L.H. Shaffer and M.S. Mintz, Electrodialysis, in Principles of Desalination,K.S. Spiegler (ed.), Academic Press, New York, pp. 200–289 (1966).

25. A.N. Rogers, Design and Operation of Desalting Systems Based on Membrane Pro-cesses, in Synthetic Membrane Processes, G. Belfort (ed.), Academic Press, Orlando,FL, pp. 437–476 (1984).

26. J.A. Zang, Sweetening Citrus Juice in Membrane Process for Industry, Proc. SouthernRes. Inst. Conf. 35 (1966).

27. W.R. Walters D.W. Weisner and L.J. Marek, Concentration of Radioactive AqueousWastes: Electromigration Through Ion-exchange Membranes, Ind. Eng. Chem. 47, 61(1955).

28. G.C. Ganzi, A.D. Jha, F. DiMascio and J.H. Wood, Electrodeionization: Theory andPractice of Continuous Electrodeionization, Ultrapure Water 14, 64 (1997).

29. H. Strathmann, J.J. Krol, H.-J. Rapp and G. Eigenberger, Limiting Current Densityand Water Dissociation in Bipolar Membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 125, 123 (1997).

30. C. Carmen, Bipolar Membrane Pilot Performance in Sodium Chloride Salt Splitting,Desalination Water Reuse 4, 46 (1994).

31. A.J.B. Kemperman (ed.), Handbook on Bipolar Membrane Technology, Twente Uni-versity Press, Twente (2000).

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Introduction and History

Carrier facilitated transport membranes incorporate a reactive carrier in the mem-brane. The carrier reacts with and helps to transport one of the components ofthe feed across the membrane. Much of the work on carrier facilitated transporthas employed liquid membranes containing a dissolved carrier agent held bycapillary action in the pores of a microporous film.

The types of transport that can occur in a liquid membrane are illustratedin Figure 11.1 Passive diffusion down a concentration gradient is the mostfamiliar—this process is usually relatively slow and nonselective. In facilitatedtransport, the liquid membrane phase contains a carrier agent that chemicallycombines with the permeant to be transported. In the example shown, the carrieris hemoglobin, which transports oxygen. On the upstream side of the membrane,hemoglobin reacts with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin, which then diffuses tothe downstream membrane interface. There, the reaction is reversed: oxygen isliberated to the permeate gas and hemoglobin is re-formed. The hemoglobin thendiffuses back to the feed side of the membrane to pick up more oxygen. In thisway, hemoglobin acts as a shuttle to selectively transport oxygen through themembrane. Other gases that do not react with hemoglobin, such as nitrogen, areleft behind.

Coupled transport resembles facilitated transport in that a carrier agent is incor-porated in the membrane. However, in coupled transport, the carrier agent couplesthe flow of two species. Because of this coupling, one of the species can bemoved against its concentration gradient, provided the concentration gradientof the second coupled species is sufficiently large. In the example shown inFigure 11.1, the carrier is an oxime that forms an organic-soluble complex withcopper ions. The reaction is reversed by hydrogen ions. On the feed side ofthe membrane two oxime carrier molecules pick up a copper ion, liberating twohydrogen ions to the feed solution. The copper–oxime complex then diffuses tothe downstream membrane interface, where the reaction is reversed because of

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

Page 435: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4


O2 O2

O2 + HEM [HEM O2] [HEM O2] HEM + O2


Coupled transport

Facilitated transport


High activityphase

Low activityphase

Cu++ + 2HR CuR2 + 2H+




[HEM O2]





CuR2 + 2H+ Cu++ + 2HR

Passive diffusion

Figure 11.1 Schematic examples of passive diffusion, facilitated transport and cou-pled transport. The facilitated transport example shows permeation of oxygen across amembrane using hemoglobin as the carrier agent. The coupled transport example showspermeation of copper and hydrogen ions across a membrane using a reactive oxime asthe carrier agent

the higher concentration of hydrogen ions in the permeate solution. The copperion is liberated to the permeate solution, and two hydrogen ions are picked up.The re-formed oxime molecules diffuse back to the feed side of the membrane.Because carrier facilitated transport has so often involved liquid membranes,the process is sometimes called liquid membrane transport, but this is a mis-nomer, because solid membranes containing carriers dispersed or dissolved inthe polymer matrix are being used increasingly.

Coupled transport was the first carrier facilitated process developed, originat-ing in early biological experiments involving natural carriers contained in cellwalls. As early as 1890, Pfeffer postulated that the transport in these membranesinvolved carriers. Perhaps the first coupled transport experiment was performedby Osterhout, who studied the transport of ammonia across algae cell walls [1]. Abiological explanation of the coupled transport mechanism in liquid membranesis shown in Figure 11.2 [2].

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Figure 11.2 Gliozzi’s biological model of coupled transport [2]

By the 1950s, the carrier concept was well established, and workers beganto develop synthetic analogs of the natural systems. For example, in the mid-1960s, Shean and Sollner [3] studied a number of coupled transport systemsusing inverted U-tube membranes. At the same time, Bloch and Vofsi pub-lished the first of several papers in which coupled transport was applied tohydrometallurgical separations, namely the separation of uranium using phos-phate ester carriers [4–6]. Because phosphate esters also plasticize poly(vinylchloride) (PVC), Bloch and Vofsi prepared immobilized liquid films by dissolv-ing the esters in a PVC matrix. The PVC/ester film, containing 60 wt% ester,was cast onto a paper support. Bloch and others actively pursued this work untilthe early 1970s. At that time, interest in this approach lagged, apparently becausethe fluxes obtained did not make the process competitive with conventional sep-aration techniques.

Following the work of Bloch and Vofsi, other methods of producing immo-bilized liquid films were introduced. In one approach, the liquid carrier phasewas held by capillarity within the pores of a microporous substrate, as shown inFigure 11.3(a). This approach was first used by Miyauchi [7] and by Largmanand Sifniades and others [8,9]. The principal objective of this early work wasto recover copper, uranium and other metals from hydrometallurgical solutions.Despite considerable effort on the laboratory scale, the first pilot plant was notinstalled until 1983 [10]. The main problem was instability of the liquid carrierphase held in the microporous membrane support.

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(a) Supported liquid membrane (b) Emulsion liquid membrane





carrierphase Microporous



Figure 11.3 Methods of forming liquid membranes

Another type of immobilized liquid carrier is the emulsion or ‘bubble’ mem-brane. This technique employs a surfactant-stabilized emulsion as shown inFigure 11.3(b). The organic carrier phase forms the wall of an emulsion dropletseparating the aqueous feed from the aqueous product solution. Metal ions areconcentrated in the interior of the droplets. When sufficient metal has beenextracted, the emulsion droplets are separated from the feed, and the emulsion isbroken to liberate a concentrated product solution and an organic carrier phase.The carrier phase is decanted from the product solution and recycled to makemore emulsion droplets. One technical problem is the stability of the liquid mem-brane. Ideally, the emulsion membrane would be completely stable during theextraction step to prevent the two aqueous phases mixing, but would be com-pletely broken and easily separated in the stripping step. Achieving this level ofcontrol over emulsion stability has proved difficult. The technique of emulsionmembranes was invented and popularized by Li and his co-workers at Exxon,starting in the late 1960s and continuing for more than 20 years [11–14]. Thefirst use of these membranes was as passive devices to extract phenol from water.In 1971–1973 Cussler used this technique with carriers to selectively transportmetal ions [15,16]. The Exxon group’s work led to the installation of a pilot plantin 1979 [17]. The process is still not commercial, although a number of pilotplants have been installed, principally on hydrometallurgical feed streams [18].

More recently the use of membrane contactors to solve the stability problemof liquid membranes has been proposed [19–21]. The concept is illustrated inFigure 11.4. Two membrane contactors are used, one to separate the organiccarrier phase from the feed and the other to separate the organic carrier phasefrom the permeate. In the first contactor metal ions in the feed solution diffuseacross the microporous membrane and react with the carrier, liberating hydrogencounter ions. The organic carrier solution is then pumped from the first to thesecond membrane contactor, where the reaction is reversed. The metal ions are

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Feedsolution Strip solution

Cu++ + 2RH



R2Cu + 2H+




Recirculating organic phasecontaining carrier RH

Cu++ + 2RHR2Cu + 2H+





Figure 11.4 Use of two contactors in a liquid membrane process

liberated to the permeate solution, and hydrogen ions are picked up. The re-formed carrier solution is then pumped back to the first membrane contactor.Sirkar [19,20] has used this system to separate metal ions. A similar processwas developed to the large demonstration plant scale by Davis et al. at BritishPetroleum for the separation of ethylene/ethane mixtures, using a silver nitratesolution as the carrier phase [21].

Carrier facilitated transport processes often achieve spectacular separationsbetween closely related species because of the selectivity of the carriers. How-ever, no coupled transport process has advanced to the commercial stage despitea steady stream of papers in the academic literature. The instability of the mem-branes is a major technical hurdle, but another issue has been the marginalimprovements in economics offered by coupled transport processes over con-ventional technology such as solvent extraction or ion exchange. Major break-throughs in performance are required to make coupled transport technologycommercially competitive.

Facilitated transport membranes are also a long way from the commercial stageand are plagued by many difficult technical problems. However, the economicrationale for developing facilitated transport membranes is at least clear. Practicalfacilitated transport membranes, able to separate gas mixtures for which poly-meric membranes have limited selectivity, would be adopted. Target applicationsmeeting this criterion are the separation of oxygen and nitrogen and the separa-tion of paraffin/olefin mixtures. The selectivities of current polymeric membranesare modest in both of these separations. Scholander [22] reported the first workon facilitated transport in 1960—he studied the transport of oxygen throughaqueous hemoglobin solutions. In the late 1960s through the early 1980s a great

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1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Pfeiffer first demonstratescoupled transport - 1890

Sollner and SheanTube experiments

- 1966Emulsion membranes

developed by Liat Exxon - 1968

Coupled transportwith emulsion

membranes demonstratedby Cussler - 1972

Exxon/Takumapilot demonstration ofemulsion technology

- 1979

Miyauchi, Largman and Sifniades(and others) develop coupled transport

in supported membranes -1978

Bloch et al.develop plasticizedPVC membranes

for uraniumseparation - 1963-1971

Supported hollow fibercoupled transportpilot plant installed

at Wyoming uraniummill - 1983

Coupled Transport

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Scholander firstdemonstrates facilitated transport

of oxygen with hemoglobinsolutions - 1960 Ward et al. at General

Electric produce high flux,CO2/H2S facilitated transport

membranes - 1967-1980

Nishide and Tsuchidashow covalently

bound carriers canfacilitate O2 transport andget O2/N2 selectivity >10


Steigelmann and Hughesdevelop olefin/paraffin

facilitated transport membrane;demonstrate process at the

pilot scale - 1980-1982Peinemann demonstratesdispersed solid Ag + saltscan facilitate olefins - 1992

Facilitated Transport

Figure 11.5 Milestones in the development of carrier facilitated transport

deal of work was performed by Ward and others at General Electric [23–26]and Steigelmann and Hughes [27] at Standard Oil. Ward’s work focused on car-bon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide separation, and some remarkable selectivitieswere obtained. However, the problems of membrane stability and scale-up werenever solved. This group eventually switched to the development of passivepolymeric gas separation membranes. Steigelmann and Hughes at Standard Oilconcentrated most of their efforts on propylene/propane and ethylene/ethane sep-aration, using concentrated silver salt solutions as carriers. Propylene/propaneselectivities of several hundred were obtained, and the process was developed to

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the pilot plant stage. The principal problem was instability of the silver–olefincomplex, which led to a decline in membrane flux and stability over 10–20 days.Although the membrane could be regenerated periodically, this was impracticalin an industrial plant.

Following the development of good quality polymeric gas separation mem-branes in the early 1980s, industrial interest in facilitated transport waned. How-ever, in the last few years, a number of workers have shown that facilitatedtransport membranes can be made by dispersing or complexing the carrier into asolid polymeric film. Such membranes are more stable than immobilized liquidfilm membranes, and formation of these membranes into thin, high-flux mem-branes by conventional techniques should be possible. Nishide, Tsuchida andothers in Japan, working with immobilized oxygen carriers [28–30] and Peine-mann in Germany [31] and Ho [32] and Pinnau [33] in the US, working withsilver salts for olefin separation, have reported promising results. Apparently,the carrier mechanism in these membranes involves the permeant gas moleculehopping from active site to active site.

A milestone chart showing the historical development of carrier facilitatedtransport membranes is given in Figure 11.5. Because of the differences betweencoupled and facilitated transport applications these processes are described sepa-rately. Reviews of carrier facilitated transport have been given by Ho et al. [18],Cussler, Noble and Way [34–37,39], Laciak [38] and Figoli et al. [40].

Coupled Transport


Carrier facilitated transport involves a combination of chemical reaction and dif-fusion. One way to model the process is to calculate the equilibrium between thevarious species in the membrane phase and to link them by the appropriate rateexpressions to the species in adjacent feed and permeate solutions. An expres-sion for the concentration gradient of each species across the membrane is thencalculated and can be solved to give the membrane flux in terms of the diffusioncoefficients, the distribution coefficients, and the rate constants for all the speciesinvolved in the process [41,42]. Unfortunately, the resulting expressions are toocomplex to be widely used.

An alternative approach is to make the simplification that the rate of chemicalreaction is fast compared to the rate of diffusion; that is, the membrane diffusionis rate controlling. This approximation is a good one for most coupled transportprocesses and can be easily verified by showing that flux is inversely propor-tional to membrane thickness. If interfacial reaction rates were rate controlling,the flux would be constant and independent of membrane thickness. Makingthe assumption that chemical equilibrium is reached at the membrane interfacesallows the coupled transport process to be modeled easily [9]. The process is

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nRH + Mn+ MRn + nH+ nRH + Mn+MRn + nH+

Mn+ Mn+




Low H+ concentrationmetal feed solution

High H+ concentrationmetal permeate




H+ H+

Figure 11.6 An illustration of the carrier agent concentration gradients that form incoupled transport membranes

shown schematically in Figure 11.6, in which the reaction of the carrier (RH)with the metal (Mn+) and hydrogen ion (H+) is given as

nRH + Mn+ −−−→←−−− MRn + nH+ (11.1)

This reaction is characterized by an equilibrium constant

K = [MRn][H]n


where the terms in square brackets represent the molar concentrations of the par-ticular chemical species. The equilibrium equation can be written for the organicphase or the aqueous phase. As in earlier chapters the subscripts o and rep-resent the position of the feed and permeate interfaces of the membrane. Thus

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the term [MRn]o represents the molar concentration of component MR in theaqueous solution at the feed/membrane interface. The subscript m is used to rep-resent the membrane phase. Thus, the term [MRn]o(m) is the molar concentrationof component MRn in the membrane at the feed interface (point o).

Only [MRn] and [RH] are measurable in the organic phase, where [H] and[M] are negligibly small. Similarly, only [H] and [M] are measurable in theaqueous phase, where [MRn] and [RH] are negligibly small. Equation (11.2)can, therefore, be written for the feed solution interface as

K ′ = [MRn]o(m)[H]no[RH]no(m)[M]o

= km


· K (11.3)

where km and ka are the partition coefficients of M and H between the aqueousand organic phases. This form of Equation (11.2) is preferred because all thequantities are easily accessible experimentally. For example, [MRn]o(m)/[M]o iseasily recognizable as the distribution coefficient of metal between the organicand aqueous phases.

The same equilibrium applies at the permeate-solution interface, and Equa-tion (11.3) can be recast to

K ′ = [MRn](m)[H]n[RH]n(m)[M]


Consider now the situation when a counter ion concentration gradient thatexactly balances the metal ion concentration gradient is established, so no fluxof either ion across the membrane occurs. Under this condition, [MRn]o(m) =[MRn](m) and [RH]no(m) = [RH]n(m), producing the expression






Thus, the maximum concentration factor of metal ion that can be establishedacross the membrane varies with the counter ion (hydrogen ion) concentrationratio (in the same direction) raised to the nth power.

This development, of course, says nothing about the metal ion flux across themembrane under non-equilibrium conditions; this is described by Fick’s law. Atsteady state, the flux jMRn

, in mol/cm2 · s, of metal complex MRn across theliquid membrane is given by

jMRn= DMRn

([MRn]o(m) − [MRn](m))


where DMRnis the mean diffusion coefficient of the complex in the membrane of

thickness . To put Equation (11.6) into a more useful form, the terms in [MRn]are eliminated by introduction of Equation (11.3). This results in a complex

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expression involving the desired quantities [M] and [H], but also involving [RH].However, mass balance provides the following relationship

n[MRn](m) + [RH](m) = [R](m)tot (11.7)

where [R](m)tot is the total concentration of R in the membrane.Substitution of Equations (11.3) and (11.4) into (11.6) gives an expression for

the metal ion flux in terms of only constants and the concentrations of metal andcounter ion in the aqueous solutions on the two sides of the membrane [9]. Thesolution is simple only for n = 1, in which case

jMRn= DMRn



[H]o/[M]oK ′ + 1



[H]/[M]K ′ + 1


This equation shows the coupling effect between the metal ion [M] and thehydrogen ion [H] because both appear in the concentration term of the Fick’slaw expression linked by the equilibrium reaction constant K ′. Thus, there willbe a positive ‘uphill’ flux of metal ion from the downstream to the upstreamsolution (that is, in the direction → o) as long as




When the inequality is opposite, the metal ion flux is in the conventional or‘downhill’ direction. The maximum concentration factor, that is, the point atwhich metal ion flux ceases, can be determined in terms of the hydrogen ionconcentration in the two aqueous phases


= [H]o[H]


This expression is identical to Equation (11.5) for the case of a monovalentmetal ion.

Characteristics of Coupled Transport Membranes

Concentration Effects

Equations (11.1)–(11.10) provide a basis for rationalizing the principal featuresof coupled transport membranes. It follows from Equation (11.8) that coupledtransport membranes can move metal ions from a dilute to a concentrated solutionagainst the metal ion concentration gradient, provided the gradient in the secondcoupled ion concentration is sufficient. A typical experimental result demon-strating this unique feature of coupled transport is shown in Figure 11.7. Theprocess is counter-transport of copper driven by hydrogen ions, as described inEquation (11.1). In this particular experiment, a pH difference of 1.5 units is

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Time (103 min)













n (p


21 3

Feed solution

Product solution

4 5 6

Feed solution1000 ppm Cu++

at pH 2.5

Product solution2000 ppm Cu++

at pH 1.0




Microporous Celgardmembrane containing a solution

of LIX64N, an oxime carrier agent

Figure 11.7 Demonstration of coupled transport. In a two-compartment cell, copperflows from the dilute (feed) solution into the concentrated (product) solution, driven bya gradient in hydrogen ion concentration [9]. Membrane, microporous Celgard 2400/LIX64N; feed, pH 2.5; product, pH 1.0

maintained across the membrane. The initial product solution copper concentra-tion is higher than the feed solution concentration. Nonetheless, copper diffusesagainst its concentration gradient from the feed to the product side of the mem-brane. The ratio of the counter hydrogen ions between the solutions on eitherside of the membrane is about 32 to 1 which, according to the appropriate formof Equation (11.5), should give a copper concentration ratio of





= (32)2 ≈ 1000 (11.11)

In the experiment shown in Figure 11.7, this means that the feed solution copperconcentration should drop to just a few ppm, and this is the case.

A more convenient method of measuring the copper concentration factor is tomaintain the product solution at some high copper concentration and to allowthe feed solution copper concentration to reach a measurable steady-state value.

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Feed solution0 or 100 ppm Cu++

at pH 2.5

Product solution9.3 wt% Cu++

at pH 1.0


H+Microporous Celgardmembrane containing a solution

of LIX64N, an oxime carrier agent

Time (103 min)

Initial feed solution100 ppm Cu++

Initial feed solution0 ppm Cu








Feedcopper ion


21 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 11.8 Experiments to demonstrate the maximum achievable concentration factor.Membrane, microporous Celgard 2400/LIX 64N; feed, pH 2.5, copper ion concentration,0 or 100 ppm; product, pH 1.0, 9.3 wt% copper [9]. The concentration in the feed solutionmoves to a plateau value of 40 ppm at which the copper concentration gradient acrossthe membrane is balanced by the hydrogen ion gradient in the other direction

Figure 11.8 shows the feed copper concentration in such an experiment, in whichthe steady-state feed solution concentration was about 40 ppm. The feed solutionwas allowed to approach steady state from both directions, that is, with initialcopper concentrations higher and lower than the predicted value for the givenpH gradient. As Figure 11.8 shows, regardless of the starting point, the copperconcentration factors measured by this method are in reasonable agreement withthe predictions of Equation (11.11).

Feed and Product Metal Ion Concentration Effects

A second characteristic of coupled transport membranes is that the membraneflux usually increases with increasing metal concentration in the feed solution,but is usually independent of the metal concentration in the product solution. Thisbehavior follows from the flux Equations (11.6) and (11.8). In typical coupled

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transport experiments, the concentration of the driving ion (H+) in the productsolution is very high. For example, in coupled transport of copper, the drivingions are hydrogen ions, and 100 g/L sulfuric acid is often used as the productsolution. As a result, on the product side of the membrane the carrier is in theprotonated form, the term [MRn](m) is very small compared to [MRn]o(m), andEquation (11.8) reduces to

jMRn= DMRn


· 1

[H]o/[M]oK ′ + 1(11.12)

The permeate solution metal ion concentration, [M], does not appear in theflux equation, which means that the membrane metal ion flux is independent ofthe concentration of metal on the permeate side. However, the flux does dependon the concentration of metal ions, [M]o, on the feed solution side. At low valuesof [M]o, the flux will increase linearly with [M]o, but at higher concentrations theflux reaches a plateau value as the term [H]o/[M]oK ′ becomes small comparedto 1. At this point all of the available carrier molecules are complexed and nofurther increase in transport rate across the membrane is possible. The formof this dependence is illustrated for the feed and product solution metal ionconcentrations in Figure 11.9.

pH and Metal Ion Effects

It follows from flux Equation (11.12) that the concentration of the counter hydro-gen ion and the equilibrium coefficient K ′ for a particular metal ion will affectthe metal ion flux. The effect of these factors can best be understood by lookingat curves of metal ion extraction versus pH. Examples are shown in Figure 11.10for copper and other metals using the carrier LIX 64N [43]. The counter ion

Feed copper concentration (ppm)








00 500 1000 1500 2000





cm2 •m


Product copper concentration (wt%)0 4321 5

Figure 11.9 Effect of metal concentration in the feed and product solution on flux.Membrane, microporous Celgard 2400/30 % Kelex 100 in Kermac 470B; feed, pH 2.5;product, 100 g/L H2SO4 [9]

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al e





2 4 6 8 10




Figure 11.10 Metal extraction curves for four metal ions by LIX 64N. The aqueousphase initially contained 1000 ppm metal as the sulfate salt [43]

is hydrogen and the metal ions are extracted by reactions of the type shown inEquation (11.1).

The pH at which metal ions are extracted depends on the distribution coefficientfor the particular metal and complexing agent. As a result, the pH at which themetal ions are extracted varies, as shown by the results in Figure 11.10. Thisbehavior allows one metal to be separated from another. For example, considerthe separation of copper and iron with LIX 64N. As Figure 11.10 shows, LIX64N extracts copper at pH 1.5–2.0, but iron is not extracted until above pH 2.5.The separations obtained when 0.2 % solutions of copper and iron are tested witha LIX 64N membrane at various pHs are shown in Figure 11.11. The copper fluxis approximately 100 times higher than the iron flux at a feed pH of 2.5.

Carrier Agent

In the examples given in Figures 11.9–11.11 to illustrate coupled transport, thetwo oxime carriers used for copper were LIX 64N and Kelex 100, which havethe structures:






LIX 64N Kelex 100

C12H25 N

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pH of feed solution

Iron flux

Copper flux









0.0 0.01.0 2.0 3.0 4.0





cm2 •m






2 •min


Figure 11.11 Copper and iron fluxes as a function of feed pH [9]. Membrane, Celgard2400/LIX 64N; feed, 0.2 % metal; product, pH 1.0

However, a large number of complexing agents of all kinds with chemistriesdesigned for specific metal ions have been reported in the literature. The tertiaryamine Alamine 336 is widely used to transport anions such as UO2(SO4)

4− andCr2O2−

7 [44–46]. The macrocyclic crown ether family has also been used totransport alkali and rare earth metals [47,48]:

R = C8H17 or C10H21n = 1: 18 • Crown • 6 (18C6)n = 2: 21 • Crown • 7 (21C7)








Alamine 336 Macrocyclic crown ethers



Coupled Transport Membranes

Supported Liquid Membranes

In supported liquid membranes, a microporous support impregnated with theliquid complexing agent separates the feed and product solutions. In coupled

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transport, the fluid on both sides of the membrane must be circulated to avoidconcentration polarization, which is much more significant on the feed sidethan on the permeate side. In the laboratory, concentration polarization is easilyavoided by using flat sheet membranes in a simple permeation cell with stirredsolutions on both sides of the membrane. On a larger scale, hollow-fiber systemswith the feed solution circulated down the bore of the fibers have been the mostcommon form of membrane.

Large-scale processes require many modules to remove most of the metalfrom a continuous feed stream. In general, a multistage system operating in afeed-and-bleed mode is the most efficient design; a schematic representation of athree-stage system is shown in Figure 11.12 [49]. A fixed feed volume circulatesthrough each module at a high rate to control concentration polarization; thisflow is indicated by the solid lines in the figure. Feed solution is continuouslyintroduced into the circulating volume of the first stage and is bled off at the



Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3




Product solution



Figure 11.12 Schematic of a three-stage feed-and-bleed hollow fiber coupled transportconcentrator [49]

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Time (days)

Module reloaded







10 20 30 40





cm2 •m


Figure 11.13 The effect of replenishing a hollow fiber coupled transport module withfresh complexing agent. Membrane, polysulfone, hollow fiber/Kelex 100; feed, 0.2 %copper, pH 2.5; product, 2 % copper, 100 g/L H2SO4 [49]

same rate. The bleed from the first stage constitutes the feed for the second, andthe bleed from the second stage constitutes the feed for the third. In operation,the concentration of metal in the feed solution decreases as it flows from stage 1to stage 3, with the final raffinate concentration depending on the feed-and-bleedflow rate. The product solution flows in series through the stages. The advantageof this multistage design over a single-stage system is that only the final stageoperates on feed solution depleted of metal.

Liquid membranes supported by hollow fibers are relatively easy to make andoperate, and the membrane fluxes can be high. However, membrane stability isa problem. The variation in coupled transport flux during long-term tests is illus-trated in Figure 11.13 [49]. The detailed mechanism for this flux instability isnot completely established but appears to be related to loss of the organic com-plexing agent phase from the support membrane [49–51]. Although membranefluxes could be restored to their original values by reloading the membrane withfresh complexing agent for copper-coupled transport, this is not practical in acommercial system.

Emulsion Liquid Membranes

A form of liquid membrane that received a great deal of attention in the 1970sand 1980s was the bubble or emulsion membrane, first developed by Li atExxon [11–13]. Figure 11.14 is a schematic illustration of an emulsion liquidmembrane process, which comprises four main operations. First, fresh prod-uct solution is emulsified in the liquid organic membrane phase. This water/oilemulsion then enters a large mixer vessel, where it is again emulsified to forma water/oil/water emulsion. Metal ions in the feed solution permeate by coupled

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Fresh productsolution

Feed solution




Figure 11.14 Flow diagram of a liquid emulsion membrane process

transport through the walls of the emulsion to the product solution. The mixturethen passes to a settler tank where the oil droplets separate the metal-depletedraffinate solution. A single mixer/settler step is shown in Figure 11.14, but inpractice a series of mixer/settlers may be used to extract the metal completely.The emulsion concentrate then passes to a de-emulsifier where the organic andconcentrated product solutions are separated. The regenerated organic solution isrecycled to the first emulsifier.

The optimum operating conditions for this type of process vary a great deal.The first water/oil emulsion is typically an approximately 50/50 mixture, whichis then mixed with the aqueous feed solution phase at a ratio of 1 part emulsionphase to 5–20 parts feed solution phase. Typical extraction curves for copperusing LIX 64N are shown in Figure 11.15. The extraction rate generally follows afirst order expression [52]. The slope of the curve in Figure 11.15 is proportionalto the loading of complexing agent in the organic phase and the rate of agitationin the mixer vessel.

Figure 11.15 also illustrates one of the problems of emulsion membrane sys-tems, namely, degradation of the emulsion on prolonged contact with the feedsolution and high-speed mixing of the product and feed solutions. Prolongedstirring of the emulsion with the feed solution causes the copper concentrationto rise as some of the emulsion droplets break. Careful tailoring of the stir-ring rate and surfactant composition is required to minimize premature emulsionbreakdown [52,53].

Although emulsion degradation must be avoided in the mixer and settler tanks,complete and rapid breakdown is required in the de-emulsifier in which the

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Time (min)










n (p


20 40 60

5 vol% LIX64N in kerosene

10 vol% LIX64N in kerosene

20 vol% LIX64N in kerosene

80 100

Figure 11.15 Copper extraction by a liquid emulsion membrane process [52]. Feed,200 ml, pH 2.0, 300 ppm Cu2+; membrane, 15 mL LIX 64N in kerosene, 3 % Span80; stripping solution, 15 mL H2SO4. Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci. 6, W. Volkel,W. Halwachs and K. Schugerl, Copper Extraction by Means of a Liquid Surfactant Mem-brane Process, p. 19, Copyright 1980, with permission from Elsevier

product solution is separated from the organic complexing agent. Currently, elec-trostatic coalescers seem to be the best method of breaking these emulsions. Eventhen, some of the organic phase is lost with the feed raffinate.


The best application of coupled transport is removal and recovery of metalsfrom large, dilute feed solutions such as contaminated ground water or dilutehydrometallurgical process streams. Treatment of such streams by chemical pre-cipitation, conventional solvent extraction with liquid ion exchange reagents, orextraction with ion exchange resins is often uneconomical. The ability of coupledtransport to treat large-volume, dilute streams with relatively small amounts ofthe expensive carrier agent is an advantage.

An application that has received a good deal of attention is the recovery of cop-per from dilute hydrometallurgical process streams. Such streams are producedby extraction of low-grade copper ores with dilute sulfuric acid. Typically, theleach stream contains 500–5000 ppm copper and various amounts of other metalions, principally iron. Currently, copper is removed from these streams by precip-itation with iron or by solvent extraction. A scheme for recovering the copper bycoupled transport is shown in Figure 11.16. The dilute copper solution from thedump forms the feed solution; concentrated sulfuric acid from the electrowinningoperation forms the product solution. Copper from the feed solution permeatesthe membrane, producing a raffinate solution containing 50–100 ppm copper,

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Dilute Cu++ solutioncontaminated

with iron







+ −

Figure 11.16 Schematic of copper recovery by coupled transport from dump leachstreams. The concentrated copper solution produced by coupled transport separation ofthe dump leach liquid is sent to an electrolysis cell where copper sulfate is electrolyzedto copper metal and sulfuric acid

which is returned to the dump. The product solution, which contains 2–5 %copper, is sent to the electrowinning tankhouse. Many papers have describedthis application of coupled transport with supported [9,49] and emulsion [13,52]membranes. Membrane stability was a problem and, although the economicsappeared promising, the advantage was insufficient to encourage adoption of thisnew process.

Facilitated Transport


The transport equations used for facilitated transport parallel those derived forcoupled transport [27]. The major difference is that only one species is trans-ported across the membrane by the carrier. The carrier-species equilibrium in themembrane is

R + A −−−→←−−− RA (11.13)

where R is the carrier, A is the permeant transported by the carrier and RA isthe permeant-carrier complex. Examples of reactions used in facilitated transportprocesses are shown in Table 11.1.

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Table 11.1 Facilitated transport carrier reactions

CO2 CO2 + H2O + Na2CO3 −−−→←−−− 2NaHCO3

O2 O2 + CoSchiffs base −−−→←−−− CoSchiffs base(O2)

SO2 SO2 + H2O + Na2SO3 −−−→←−−− 2NaHSO3

H2S H2S + Na2CO3 −−−→←−−− NaHS + NaHCO3

CO CO + CuCl2 −−−→←−−− CuCl2(CO)

C2H4 C2H4 + AgNO3−−−→←−−− AgNO3(C2H4)

As with coupled transport, two assumptions are made to simplify the treatment:first, that the rate of chemical reaction is fast compared to the rate of diffusionacross the membrane, and second, that the amount of material transported bycarrier facilitated transport is much larger than that transported by normal pas-sive diffusion, which is ignored. The facilitated transport process can then berepresented schematically as shown in Figure 11.17.





High concentrationA feed

Low concentrationA permeate



Figure 11.17 Illustration of the facilitated transport process

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The carrier–permeate reaction within the membrane is described by the equi-librium constant

K = [RA](m)



The concentration of permeant, [A](m), within the membrane phase can be linkedto the concentration (pressure) of permeant A in the adjacent gas phase, [A], bythe Henry’s law expression

[A](m) = k[A] (11.15)

Hence Equation (11.14) can be written


[R](m)[A]= K · k = K ′ (11.16)

The components [R](m) and [RA](m) can be linked by a simple mass balanceexpression to the total concentration of carrier [R](m)tot within the membranephase, so Equation (11.16) can be rearranged to

[RA](m) = [R](m)tot

1 + 1/[A]K ′ (11.17)

Equation (11.17) shows the fraction of the carrier that reacts to form a car-rier complex. At very large values of the term [A]K ′, all the carrier is com-plexed, and [RA](m) → [R](m)tot. At low values, [A]K ′ → 0, none of the carrieris complexed ([RA](m) → 0). Equation (11.17) allows the concentration of thecarrier–permeant complex at each side of the membrane to be calculated in termsof the equilibrium constant between the carrier and the permeant, and the con-centration (pressure) of the permeant in the adjacent feed and permeant fluids.This allows transport through the membrane to be calculated using Fick’s law.The flux, jRA, of RA through the membrane is given by

jRA = DRA([RA]o(m) − [RA](m))


Substituting Equation (11.17) into Equation (11.18) yields

jRA = DRA[RA](m)tot


1 + 1/[A]oK ′ − 1

1 + 1/[A]K ′


To illustrate the dependence of the membrane flux on the equilibrium constant K ′and the pressure gradient across the membrane, the flux, jRA, when the permeantpressure is close to zero, that is, [A] ≈ 0, can be written as

jRA = DRA[R](m)tot


1 + 1/[A]oK ′


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Feed pressure (atm)






00 2

K ′ = 10 atm−1

K ′ = 1 atm−1

K ′ = 0.1 atm−1

K ′ = 0.01 atm−1

4 6 8 10



e flu

x, j




2 •s)

Figure 11.18 Flux through a facilitated transport membrane calculated using Equa-tion (11.20) ([A] ≈ 0 and DRA[R](m)tot/ ≈ 1)

This expression is plotted in Figure 11.18 as flux as a function of feed pressure fordifferent values of the equilibrium constant, K ′. In this example, at an equilibriumconstant K ′ of 0.01 atm−1, very little of carrier R reacts with permeant A even at afeed pressure of 10 atm, so the flux is low. As the equilibrium constant increases,the fraction of carrier reacting with permeant at the feed side of the membraneincreases, so the flux increases. This result would suggest that, to achieve themaximum flux, a carrier with the highest possible equilibrium constant shouldbe used. For example, the calculations shown in Figure 11.18 indicate a carrierwith an equilibrium constant of 10 atm−1 or more.

The calculations shown in Figure 11.18 assume that a hard vacuum is main-tained on the permeate side of the membrane. The operating and capital costs ofvacuum and compression equipment prohibit these conditions in practical sys-tems. More realistically, a carrier facilitated process would be operated eitherwith a compressed gas feed and atmospheric pressure on the permeate side ofthe membrane, or with an ambient-pressure feed gas and a vacuum of about0.1 atm on the permeate side. By substitution of specific values for the feed andpermeate pressures into Equation (11.19), the optimum values of the equilibriumconstant can be calculated. A plot illustrating this calculation for compressionand vacuum operation is shown in Figure 11.19.

Under the assumptions of this calculation, the optimum equilibrium constant is0.3 atm−1 for compression operation (feed pressure, 10 atm; permeate pressure,

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Vacuum operationFeed pressure 1 atm

Permeate pressure 0.1 atmM







m2 •s


Equilibrium constant, K ′(atm−1)







00.01 0.1 1 10 100

Compression operationFeed pressure 10 atm

Permeate pressure 1 atm

Figure 11.19 Illustration of the effect of feed and permeate pressure on the optimumcarrier equilibrium constant. DRA[R](m)tot/ ≈ 1; vacuum operation, feed pressure 1 atm,permeate pressure 0.1 atm; compression operation, feed pressure 10 atm, permeate pres-sure 1 atm

1 atm) and 3 atm−1 for vacuum operation (feed pressure, 1 atm; permeate pres-sure, 0.1 atm). The results show that rather precise control of the equilibrium con-stant is required to achieve a useful facilitated transport process. In this examplecalculation, although carriers with equilibrium constants less than 0.3 atm−1 orgreater than 3 atm−1 can transport the permeant across the membrane, obtainingthe maximum flux for the process would require operation at feed and permeatepressures likely to make the process uneconomical.

Process Designs

Until quite recently, most of the facilitated transport results reported in the lit-erature were obtained with supported liquid membranes held by capillarity inmicroporous films. The instability of these membranes has inhibited commercialapplication of the process. Three factors contribute to this instability and theconsequent loss of membrane performance over time:

1. Evaporation of the solvent used to prepare the liquid membrane, leading tomembrane failure.

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2. Expulsion of liquid held by capillarity within the microporous membranepores. The membrane must always be operated well below the average bubblepoint of the membrane, because liquid expulsion from even a few larger-than-average pores can cause unacceptable leakage of gas.

3. Degradation of the carrier agent by the permeant gas or by minor componentssuch as water, carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide in the feed gas.

Significant progress has been made in alleviating the first two physical causesof membrane instability. The magnitude of the long-term chemical stability prob-lem depends on the process. It is a major issue for carriers used to transportoxygen and olefins, but for carriers used to transport carbon dioxide, chemicalstability is a lesser problem.

Several techniques can minimize the pressure difference across supported liq-uid membranes to improve membrane stability. In the laboratory, flow of aninert sweep gas such as helium on the permeate side can be used to maintain lowpartial pressure of the permeating component, while the hydrostatic pressure isabout equal to that of the feed. A variation on this approach proposed by Wardis to use a condensable sweep gas such as steam. The permeate-steam mixtureis cooled and condensed, separating the permeate gas from the condensed water,which is then sent to a boiler to regenerate the steam [25,26]. A simplified flowscheme of this process is shown in Figure 11.20(a). An alternative approach isto sweep the permeate side of the membrane with an absorbent liquid in whichthe permeate gas dissolves. Hughes et al. [27], for example, used liquid hexaneto sweep the permeate side of their propylene/propane separating membrane, asillustrated in Figure 11.20(b). The hexane/propylene mixture leaving the mem-brane permeator is sent to a small distillation column to recover the hexane liquidand a concentrated propylene gas stream.

Both techniques shown in Figure 11.20 increase the complexity of the sepa-ration process significantly, and neither has advanced to a commercial process.The focus of much of the recent work on facilitated transport has been to pro-duce membranes that are inherently stable and can be used in conventional gasseparation systems. Laciak has recently reviewed this work [38].

One approach used with ionic carriers is to impregnate ion exchange mem-branes with the carrier feed solution. Ion exchange sites in the membrane areion-paired to the facilitated transport carrier [54–56]. The membrane is swollenwith a solvent, usually water but sometimes glycerol, so that the carrier ionshave some mobility. These membranes are, in effect, swollen polymeric gels, sothe problem of carrier fluid displacement from the membrane pores if the bub-ble pressure is exceeded does not occur. Evaporation of the solvent remains aproblem, and addition of solvent vapor to the feed gas is generally required.

Another method of solving the solvent evaporation problem was devised byPez, Laciak and others [38,57–60] at Air Products, using carriers in the form

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Liquid hexane sweep







/feed gasC3

= C3o




Steam sweep


CO2 containingfeed gas




Figure 11.20 Flow schematics of (a) a steam sweep configuration used in the facilitatedtransport of carbon dioxide [25,26] and (b) a liquid hexane sweep used in the transportof propylene [27]

of organic salts that become liquids (molten salts) at ambient temperatures.Examples of such salts are:

• triethyl ammonium chlorocuprate (C2H5)3 · NHCuCl2, a carrier for carbonmonoxide;

• tetrahexyl ammonium benzoate (C6H13)4 · N+C6H5CO2−, a carrier for car-

bon dioxide;

• tetrahexyl ammonium fluoride tetrahydrate (C6H13)4 · NF · 4H2O, a carrier forcarbon dioxide.

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Under the membrane test conditions, these carrier salts are liquids with essentiallyno vapor pressure, so the solvent evaporation problem is eliminated.

Yet another approach to stabilizing facilitated transport membranes is to formmultilayer structures in which the supported liquid-selective membrane is encap-sulated between thin layers of very permeable but nonselective dense polymerlayers. The coating layers must be very permeable to avoid reducing the gas fluxthrough the membrane; materials such as silicone rubber or poly(trimethylsilox-ane) are usually used [26].

Despite many years of effort, none of these methods of stabilizing liquid mem-branes has had real success. For this reason, a number of workers are trying todevelop solid carrier facilitated membranes. Two approaches are being tried.One is to covalently link the carrier complex to the matrix polymer. So far theimprovement in selectivity obtained by this approach has been modest. This maybe due to the difficulty of obtaining high loadings of the carrier in the polymermatrix. The second approach, which has been more successful, is to produce facil-itated transport membranes in which the polymer matrix acts as a partial solventfor the carrier. For example, poly(ethylene oxide) or ethylene oxide copolymerscan dissolve covalent salts such as silver tetrafluoroborate (AgBF4), a facilitatedtransport carrier for olefins [31–33,61–63]. Significant facilitation of some gaseshas been achieved with these membranes.

Examples of the best results obtained are shown in Figure 11.21 [33,61]. Thecomposite membranes with which these data were obtained were formed by cast-ing a solution of 80 wt% silver tetrafluoroborate in a propylene oxide copolymermatrix onto a microporous support. When subjected to a 40-day test with a gas

Permeation time (days)






0 10



20 30 40 50








3 /cm

2 •s•c



Figure 11.21 Long-term performance of a composite solid polymer electrolyte mem-brane consisting of 80 wt% AgBF4 dissolved in a propylene oxide copolymer matrix. Feedgas, 70 vol% ethylene/30 vol% ethane at 50 psig; permeate pressure, atmospheric [33,61]

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AgBF4 concentration (wt%)







00 20 40 60 80 100







Figure 11.22 Mixed-gas ethylene/ethane selectivity of a solid polymer electrolyte mem-brane as a function of AgBF4 concentration in the polyamide-polyether matrix [62]

mixture of 70 vol% ethylene/30 vol% ethane, the membrane produced a perme-ate containing 98.7–99.4 % ethylene over the entire test period. Conventionalwisdom suggests that these immobilized carriers would lose their facilitationability, but this does not appear to be the case. The exact transport mechanismis not clear but appears to involve the permeable gas molecules moving betweenfixed sites through the polymer [28–30,34]. These solid matrix membranes oftenshow clear evidence of a percolation threshold. At low carrier loadings, little orno facilitation is observed until, at a certain critical loading, facilitation occurs,and thereafter increases rapidly [62,64]. Some results illustrating this effect areshown in Figure 11.22. At loadings below 70 wt% AgBF4, essentially no facili-tation is seen; at loadings greater than this threshold value, facilitation occurs. Itis believed that the percolation threshold level is the point at which carrier sitesare close enough that the permeating complex molecule can hop from carrier siteto carrier site through the membrane.


Over the last 30 years a variety of facilitated transport carriers have been studiedfor a number of important separation problems, reviewed briefly below.

Carbon Dioxide/Hydrogen Sulfide Separation

From the late 1960s to the early 1980s, Ward and others at General Electricstudied facilitated transport membranes, particularly for separation of the acidgases carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from methane and hydrogen [23–26].

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This work was finally abandoned after the development of selective polymericmembranes in the 1980s.

Although many carriers are available for carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfidetransport, one of the most studied chemistries uses aqueous carbonate/bicarbonatesolutions. Four principal reactions occur in the film

CO2 + H2O −−−→←−−− H+ + HCO3− (11.21)

CO2 + OH− −−−→←−−− HCO3− (11.22)

HCO3− −−−→←−−− H+ + CO3

2− (11.23)

H+ + OH− −−−→←−−− H2O (11.24)

Equations (11.21) and (11.22) are measurably slow reactions; Reactions (11.23)and (11.24) are essentially instantaneous. All four reactions determine the equi-librium concentrations, but the process can be illustrated in simple form byFigure 11.23 [25].

At the feed side of the membrane, carbon dioxide dissolves in the aqueouscarbonate/bicarbonate solution and reacts with water and carbonate ions accordingto Equations (11.21) and (11.23).

CO2 + H2O −−−→←−−− H+ + HCO3−

H+ + CO32− −−−→←−−− HCO3

CO2 + H2O + CO32− −−−→←−−− 2HCO3


CO2 + H2O + CO3=

2 HCO3−




Immobilized carbonate solution


2 HCO3−






2 HCO3−

Figure 11.23 Facilitated transport of carbon dioxide through an immobilized carbon-ate/bicarbonate solution [25]. Reprinted with permission from S.G. Kimura, S.L. Matsonand W.J. Ward III, Industrial Applications of Facilitated Transport, in Recent Develop-ments in Separation Science, N.N. Li, J.S. Dranoff, J.S. Schultz and P. Somasundaran(eds) (1979). Copyright CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL

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H2S + CO3=





Immobilized carbonate solution





HS− + HCO3−


H2S H2SH2S++



Figure 11.24 Facilitated transport of hydrogen sulfide through an immobilized carbon-ate/bicarbonate solution [26]. Reprinted with permission from S.L. Matson, C.S. Herrickand W.J. Ward III, Progress on the Selective Removal of H2S from Gasified Coal Usingan Immobilized Liquid Membrane, Ind. Eng. Chem., Prod. Res. Dev. 16, 370. Copyright1977, American Chemical Society and American Pharmaceutical Association

At the permeate side of the membrane the reaction is reversed, and bicarbonateions form carbon dioxide, water, and carbonate ions.

Coupled transport of hydrogen sulfide through the same carbonate/bicarbonatemembrane is shown in Figure 11.24 [26]. The overall reaction is simple

H2S + CO32− −−−→←−−− HS− + HCO3

− (11.26)

but, again, a number of reactions occur simultaneously to establish the equilibriumconcentrations.

Because some of the reactions involved in establishing equilibrium at the mem-brane surface are slow compared to diffusion, the calculated concentration gra-dients formed in the liquid membrane do not have a simple form. The equationsfor partial reaction rate control have been derived by Ward and Robb [23].

The transport rates of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide through these car-bonate membranes can be significantly increased by adding catalysts to increasethe rates of the slow reactions of Equations (11.21) and (11.22). A variety ofmaterials can be used, but the anions of the weak acids such as arsenite, seleniteand hypochlorite have been found to be the most effective. Small concentrationsof these components increase permeation rates three- to five-fold.

Membranes selective to carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide have been con-sidered for removal of these gases from natural gas and various synthetic gasstreams. Again, the main problem has been instability of available supportedliquid membranes under the typical pressure gradients of several hundred psi.Because the membranes are generally more permeable to hydrogen sulfide thanto carbon dioxide, their use to selectively remove hydrogen sulfide from streamscontaminated with both gases has also been studied.

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Olefin Separation

Concurrently with the work on carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide at GeneralElectric, Steigelmann and Hughes [27] and others at Standard Oil were devel-oping facilitated transport membranes for olefin separations. The principal targetwas the separation of ethylene/ethane and propylene/propane mixtures. Both sepa-rations are performed on a massive scale by distillation, but the relative volatilitiesof the olefins and paraffins are so small that large columns with up to 200 traysare required. In the facilitated transport process, concentrated aqueous silver saltsolutions, held in microporous cellulose acetate flat sheets or hollow fibers, wereused as the carrier.

Silver ions react readily with olefins, forming a silver–olefin complex accord-ing to the reaction:

Ag+ + olefin −−−→←−−− Ag+(olefin) (11.27)

Hughes and Steigelmann used silver nitrate solutions mainly because of thelow cost and relatively good stability compared to other silver salts. Silvertetrafluoroborate (AgBF4) has been used by others. The absorption isothermobtained with a 4 M silver nitrate solution equilibrated with ethylene is shownin Figure 11.25 [26].

The propylene isotherm is reported to be very similar. Based on these data,silver salt membranes are best used with pressurized ethylene feed streams; pres-sures of 3–6 atm are generally used. The Standard Oil work was continued fora number of years and was taken to the pilot-plant stage using hollow fiber

Ethylene partial pressure (atm)









e so


n/ m

ol A



) (m



4 8 12 16 20 24 28

Figure 11.25 Solubility of ethylene in a 4 M silver nitrate solution [26]. Reprinted withpermission from S.L. Matson, C.S. Herrick and W.J. Ward III, Progress on the Selec-tive Removal of H2S from Gasified Coal Using an Immobilized Liquid Membrane, Ind.Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 16, 370. Copyright 1977, American Chemical Society andAmerican Pharmaceutical Association

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Days on stream

Membrane regeneration



























3 (S



2 ·m



Figure 11.26 Performance of a 37 m2 hollow fiber silver-nitrate-impregnated facilitatedtransport membrane for the separation of propylene/propane mixtures. The feed pressurewas 5–13 atm; the permeate was a hexane liquid sweep stream. The vertical dottedlines show when the membrane was regenerated with fresh silver nitrate solution [27].Reprinted with permission from R.D. Hughes, J.A. Mahoney and E.F. Steigelmann, OlefinSeparation by Facilitated Transport Membranes, in Recent Developments in SeparationScience, N.N. Li and J.M. Calo (eds) (1986). Copyright CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL

modules containing almost 40 m2 membrane area. Some typical data are shownin Figure 11.26 [27]. In these experiments, the feed pressure was maintained at5–13 atm with liquid hexane circulated on the permeate side of the fibers. Inlaboratory tests propylene/propane selectivities of more than 100 were obtainedroutinely; in the large pilot system the initial selectivity was not quite as highbut was still very good. Unfortunately, the selectivity and flux deteriorated overa period of a few weeks, partly due to loss of water from the fibers, which couldnot be prevented even when the feed gas was humidified. Periodic regenerationby pumping fresh silver nitrate solution through the fibers partially restored theirproperties. However, this technique is not practical in an industrial plant. Theseinstability problems caused Standard Oil to halt the program, which remains thelargest facilitated transport trial to date.

The best hope for olefin/paraffin facilitated membrane separations seems tobe the solid polymer electrolyte membranes discussed earlier, the results ofwhich are shown in Figures 11.21 and 11.22. If stable membranes with theseproperties can be produced on an industrial scale, significant applications coulddevelop in treating gases from steam crackers that manufacture ethylene and frompolyolefin plants.

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Oxygen/Nitrogen Separations

The first demonstration of facilitated transport of oxygen was performed byScholander [22] using thin films of cellulose acetate impregnated with aqueoushemoglobin solutions. Later Bassett and Schultz [65] demonstrated the processwith cobalt dihistidine, a synthetic carrier. The enhancements obtained in these








Co(3-MeOsaltmen) Co(SalPr)











(CH2)H3 (CH2)H3


Figure 11.27 Examples of cobalt-based facilitated transport oxygen carriers [66]

Oxygen permeability (Barrer)










1.00.001 0.01 10 0001 00010010

Upper bound

- Glass- Rubber









Figure 11.28 The oxygen/nitrogen selectivity plotted against oxygen permeability forpolymeric membranes [68] and Co(3-MeOsaltmen)-based facilitated transport mem-branes [66]

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experiments were low, but Johnson and others [66,67] demonstrated very largeenhancements using a series of cobalt-based metal chelate carriers. The chemicalstructures of two typical cobalt Schiffs-base carriers of the type used in this studyand in most later work are shown in Figure 11.27. All of these compounds havea central cobalt (II) ion with four coordinating atoms in a planar array. The oxy-gen molecule coordinates with the cobalt ion from one side of the plane whileanother coordinating atom, usually a nitrogen group, acts as an electron-donatingaxial base. In compound I, referred to as Co(3-MeOsaltmen), the coordinatingbase is usually an imidazole or pyridine group, which must be present for oxygencomplexation to occur. In compound II, referred to as Co(SalPr), the coordinatingbase group is provided by a donor nitrogen atom that is part of the structure.



















(a) An oxygen carrier chemically bonded to the polymer backbone


x 1-xC















(b) An oxygen carrier chemically bonded to the polymer backbonethrough a donor base




Figure 11.29 Methods of forming bound oxygen carriers

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Using carriers of this type, high degrees of facilitation can be achieved. Somedata from Johnson’s work plotted on the Robeson plot [68] for the polymericoxygen/nitrogen separating materials described in Chapter 8 are shown in Fig-ure 11.28. This figure shows the promise of facilitated transport membranes andwhy, even after many failures, interest in this topic has not waned. If stable,thin membranes with these permeabilities and selectivities could be made, majorreductions in the cost of membrane-produced oxygen and nitrogen—the secondand third largest volume industrial chemicals—would result.

One promising approach to facilitated transport pioneered by Nishide and co-workers at Wasada University is to chemically bind the oxygen carrier to thepolymer backbone, which is then used to form a dense polymer film containingno solvent [28]. In some examples, the carrier species is covalently bonded to thepolymer matrix as shown in Figure 11.29(a). In other cases, the polymer matrixcontains base liquids which complex with the carrier molecule through the basegroup as shown in Figure 11.29(b). Because these films contain no liquid solvent,they are inherently more stable than liquid membranes and also could be formedinto thin films of the selective material in composite membrane form. So far theselectivities and fluxes of these membranes have been moderate.

Conclusions and Future Directions

Carrier facilitated transport membranes have been the subject of serious study formore than 30 years, but no commercial process has resulted. These membranesare a popular topic with academic researchers, because spectacular separationscan be achieved with simple laboratory equipment. Unfortunately, convertingthese laboratory results into practical processes requires the solution of a numberof intractable technological problems.

Coupled transport with supported and emulsion liquid membranes has madevery little real progress towards commercialization in the last 15 years. In addi-tion, it is now apparent that only a few important separation problems existfor which coupled transport offers clear technical and economic advantagesover conventional technology. Unless some completely unexpected breakthroughoccurs, it is difficult to imagine that coupled transport will be used on a sig-nificant commercial scale within the next 10–20 years. The future prospects forcoupled transport are, therefore, dim.

The prospects for facilitated transport membranes for gas separation are betterbecause these membranes offer clear potential economic and technical advan-tages for a number of important separation problems. Nevertheless, the technicalproblems that must be solved to develop these membranes to an industrial scaleare daunting. Industrial processes require high-performance membranes able tooperate reliably without replacement for at least one and preferably several years.No current facilitated transport membrane approaches this target, although someof the solid polymer electrolyte and bound-carrier membranes show promise.

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Development of industrial-scale facilitated transport membranes and systemsrequires access to membrane technology not generally available in universities,and a commitment to a long-term development program that few companies arewilling to undertake.

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62. A. Morisato, Z. He, I. Pinnau and T.C. Merkel, Transport Properties of PA12-PTMO/AgBF4 Solid Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Olefin/Paraffin Separation, Desali-nation 145, 347 (2002).

63. S.U. Hong, C.K. Kim and Y.S. Kang, Measurement and Analysis of Propylene Sol-ubility in Polymer Electrolytes Containing Silver Salts, Macromolecules 33, 7918(2000).

64. K.M. White, B.D. Smith, P.J. Duggan, S.L. Sheahan and E.M. Tyndall, Mechanismof Facilitated Saccharide Transport through Plasticized Cellulose Triacetate Mem-branes, J. Membr. Sci. 194, 165 (2001).

65. R.J. Bassett and J.S. Schultz, Nonequilibrium Facilitated Diffusion of Oxygen Thro-ugh Membranes of Aqueous Cobalt Dihistidine, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 211, 194(1970).

66. B.M. Johnson, R.W. Baker, S.L. Matson, K.L. Smith, I.C. Roman, M.E. Tuttle andH.K. Lonsdale, Liquid Membranes for the Production of Oxygen-enriched Air–II.Facilitated Transport Membranes, J. Membr. Sci. 31, 31 (1987).

67. R.W. Baker, I.C. Roman and H.K. Lonsdale, Liquid Membranes for the Productionof Oxygen-Enriched Air–I. Introduction and Passive Liquid Membranes, J. Membr.Sci. 31, 15 (1987).

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IntroductionIn this chapter, the use of membranes in medical devices is reviewed briefly.In terms of total membrane area produced, medical applications are at leastequivalent to all industrial membrane applications combined. In terms of dollarvalue of the products, the market is far larger. In spite of this, little communi-cation between these two membrane areas has occurred over the years. Medicaland industrial membrane developers each have their own journals, societies andmeetings, and rarely look over the fence to see what the other is doing. Thisbook cannot reverse 50 years of history, but every industrial membrane tech-nologist should at least be aware of the main features of medical applicationsof membranes. Therefore, in this chapter, the three most important applica-tions—hemodialysis (the artificial kidney), blood oxygenation (the artificial lung)and controlled release pharmaceuticals—are briefly reviewed.

HemodialysisThe kidney is a key component of the body’s waste disposal and acid–baseregulation mechanisms. Each year approximately one person in ten thousandsuffers irreversible kidney failure. Before 1960, this condition was universallyfatal [1] but now a number of treatment methods can maintain these patients.Of these, hemodialysis is by far the most important, and approximately 800 000patients worldwide benefit from the process. Each patient is dialyzed approxi-mately three times per week with a dialyzer containing about 1 m2 of membranearea. Economies of scale allow these devices to be produced for about US$15each; the devices are generally discarded after one or two uses. As a result themarket for dialyzers alone is about US$1.3 billion [2,3].

The operation of the human kidney simulated by hemodialyzers is illustratedin Figure 12.1. The process begins in the glomerulus, a network of tiny capillar-ies surrounding spaces called Bowman’s capsules. Blood flowing through these

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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Distal tubule


Bowman's capsule

Proximal tubule

Arcuate artery

Arcuate vein

Loop of Henle

Collecting tubule

Figure 12.1 Schematic of a single nephron, the functional unit of the kidney. Micro-solutes are filtered from blood cells in Bowman’s capsules. As the filtrate passes towardsthe collection tubule most of the microsolutes and water are reabsorbed by a type offacilitated transport process. The fluid finally entering the collecting tubule contains thenitrogenous wastes from the body and is excreted as urine. There are about 1 millionnephrons in the normal kidney [1]

capillaries is at a higher pressure than the fluid in Bowman’s capsules, and thewalls of the capillaries are finely microporous. As a result, water, salts and othermicrosolutes in the blood are ultrafiltered into the capsule while blood cells staybehind. Each Bowman’s capsule is connected by a relatively long, thin duct tothe collecting tubule, ultimately forming urine, which is sent via the urethra tothe bladder. The average kidney has approximately 1 million tubules and manyBowman’s capsules are connected to each tubule. As the fluid that permeates

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into Bowman’s capsules from the blood travels down the collection duct to thecentral tubule, more than 99 % of the water and almost all of the salts, sugars andproteins are reabsorbed into the blood by a process similar to facilitated trans-port. The remaining concentrated fluid ultimately forms urine and is rich in ureaand creatinine. This is the principal method by which these nitrogen-containingmetabolites are discharged from the body. The acid–base balance of the body isalso controlled by the bicarbonate level of urine, and many drugs and toxins areexcreted from the body this way.

The first successful hemodialyzer was constructed by Kolf and Berk in TheNetherlands in 1945 [4,5]. Kolf’s device used dialysis to remove urea and otherwaste products directly from blood. A flat cellophane (cellulose) tube formedthe dialysis membrane; the tube was wound around a rotating drum immersedin a bath of saline. As blood was pumped through the tube, urea and other lowmolecular weight metabolites diffused across the membrane to the dialysate downa concentration gradient. The cellophane tubing did not allow diffusion of largercomponents in the blood such as proteins or blood cells. By maintaining the salt,potassium and calcium levels in the dialysate solution at the same levels as inthe blood, loss of these components from the blood was prevented.

Kolf’s early devices were used for patients who had suffered acute kidneyfailure as a result of trauma or poisoning and needed dialysis only a few times.Such emergency treatment was the main application of hemodialysis until theearly 1960s, because patients suffering from chronic kidney disease require dial-ysis two to three times per week for several years, which was not practical withthese early devices. However, application of hemodialysis to this class of patientwas made possible by improvements in the dialyzer design in the 1960s. Thedevelopment of a plastic shunt that could be permanently fitted to the patient toallow easy access to their blood supply was also important. This shunt, developedby Scribner et al. [6], allowed dialysis without the need for surgery to connectthe patient’s blood vessels to the dialysis machine for each treatment.

Kolf’s first tubular dialyzer, shown in Figure 12.2, required several liters ofblood to prime the system, a major operational problem. In the 1950s, tubulardialyzers were replaced with coil (spiral) devices, also developed by Kolf andcoworkers. This coil system was the basis for the first disposable dialyzer pro-duced commercially in the early 1960s. The blood volume required to prime thedevice was still excessive, however, and during the 1960s the plate-and-frame andhollow fiber devices shown in Figure 12.3 were developed. In the US in 1975,about 65 % of all dialyzers were coil, 20 % hollow fiber systems and 15 % plate-and-frame. Within 10 years the coil dialyzer had essentially disappeared, and themarket was divided two-thirds hollow fibers and one-third plate-and-frame. By1996, hollow fiber dialyzers had more than 95 % of the market.

Hollow fiber dialyzers typically contain 1–2 m2 of membrane in the formof fibers 0.1–0.2 mm in diameter. A typical dialyzer module may contain sev-eral thousand fibers housed in a 2-in.-diameter tube, 1–2 ft long. Approximately

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Dialysate solution






Clot andbubble trap



Figure 12.2 Schematic of an early tubular hemodialyzer based on the design of Kolf’soriginal device. The device required several liters of blood to fill the tubing and minorsurgery to connect to the patient. Nonetheless, it saved the lives of patients suffering fromacute kidney failure [1]

Hollow-fiber Dialyzer

Plate-and-Frame Dialyzer


Dialysate Blood




Figure 12.3 Schematic of hollow fiber and plate-and-frame dialyzers

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100 million hemodialysis procedures are performed annually worldwide. Becausehollow fiber dialyzers are produced in such large numbers, prices are very low.Today a 1–2 m2 hollow fiber dialyzer sells for about US$15, which is well belowthe module costs of any other membrane technology. These low costs have beenachieved by the use of high speed machines able to spin several hundred fiberssimultaneously around the clock. The entire spinning, cutting, module pottingand testing process is automated.

In a hollow fiber dialyzer the blood flows down the bore of the fiber, provid-ing good fluid flow hydrodynamics. An advantage of the hollow fiber design isthat only 60–100 mL of blood is required to fill the dialyzer. At the end of adialysis procedure hollow fiber dialyzers can also be easily drained, flushed withsterilizing agent, and reused. Dialyzer reuse is widely practiced, in part for eco-nomic reasons, but also because the biocompatibility of the membrane appearsto improve after exposure to blood.

The regenerated cellulose membranes used in Kolf’s first dialyzer are stillin use in some dialyzers. Cellulose membranes are isotropic hydrogels gener-ally about 10 µm thick and, although very water swollen, they have a high wetstrength. The hydraulic permeability of cellulose is relatively low, and the mem-brane has a molecular weight cut-off of about 2000 dalton. The permeabilityof cellulose hydrogel membranes compared to the calculated permeability of anaqueous film of equal thickness is shown in Figure 12.4.

Although cellulose has been used successfully in hemodialyzers for manyyears, there is some concern about the ability of the free hydroxyl groups on the

Test solute molecular weight (dalton)








e pe



y m










1 000 10 000



Angiotensin I

Peptide APeptide B Peptide CPeptide D

Vitamin B-12Insulin

Figure 12.4 Solute permeability relative to the permeability of a film of water for varioussolutes in a regenerated cellulose membrane (Cuprophan 150). This type of membrane isstill widely used in hemodialysis devices

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Solute molecular weight (dalton)







ce (




Synthetic polymermembrane dialyzer




10010 1000











10 000 100 000

Figure 12.5 Clearance, a measure of membrane permeability, as a function of molecularweight for hemodialyzers and the normal kidney [7]

membrane surface to activate the blood clotting process. When cellulose-baseddialyzers are reused, the membrane’s blood compatibility improves because acoating of protein has formed on the membrane surface. Recently, synthetic poly-mers have begun to replace cellulose. These membrane materials are substitutedcellulose derivatives, specifically cellulose acetate or polymers such as polyacry-lonitrile, polysulfone, polycarbonate, polyamide and poly(methyl methacrylate).These synthetic fiber membranes are generally microporous with a finely microp-orous skin layer on the inside, blood-contacting surface of the fiber. The hydraulicpermeability of these fibers is up to 10 times that of cellulose membranes, andthey can be tailored to achieve a range of molecular weight cut-offs using differentpreparation procedures. The blood compatibility of the synthetic polymer mem-branes is good, and these membranes are likely to largely replace unsubstitutedcellulose membranes over the next few years.

One attractive feature of some of the new synthetic polymer membranes istheir ability to remove some of the middle molecular weight metabolites inblood. This improvement in performance is illustrated by Figure 12.5. Cellu-lose membranes efficiently remove the major metabolites, urea and creatinine,from blood, but metabolites with molecular weights between 1000 and 10 000 areremoved poorly. Patients on long-term dialysis are believed to accumulate thesemetabolites, which are associated with a number of health issues. The new syn-thetic polymer membranes appear to simulate the function of the normal kidneymore closely.

Blood OxygenatorsBlood oxygenators are used during surgery when the patient’s lungs cannot func-tion normally. Pioneering work on these devices was carried out in the 1930s

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and 1940s by J.H. Gibbon [8,9], leading to the first successful open heart surgeryon a human patient in 1953. Gibbon’s heart–lung machine used a small towerfilled with stainless steel screens to contact blood with counter-flowing oxygen.Direct oxygenation of the blood was used in all such devices until the early1980s. Screen oxygenators of the type devised by Gibbon were first replacedwith a disk oxygenator, which consisted of 20–100 rotating disks in a closedcylinder containing 1–2 L of blood. Later, bubble oxygenators were developed,in which blood was oxygenated in a packed plastic tower through which bloodflowed. Because these direct-contact oxygenators required rather large volumesof blood to prime the device and, more importantly, damaged some of the bloodcomponents, they were used in only a few thousand operations per year in the1980s. The introduction of indirect-contact membrane oxygenators resulted insignificantly less blood damage and lower blood priming volumes. The deviceswere rapidly accepted, and the total number of procedures performed followingtheir introduction expanded rapidly. The first membrane oxygenators were intro-duced in 1980, and by 1985 represented more than half of the oxygenators in use.This percentage had risen to 70 % by 1990; now, only membrane oxygenatorsare used. Over the same period, the number of procedures using blood oxygena-tors has risen to approximately 1 million per year worldwide. Each device costsaround US$500–600, so the total annual market is about US$500 million.

The function of a membrane blood oxygenator is shown schematically inFigure 12.6. In the human lung, the total exchange membrane area between

O2 250 cm3(STP)/min

CO2 200 cm3(STP)/min

Oxygenated blood(partial pressure100 mmHg O240 mmHg CO2)


2 - 4 L/min(partial pressure

40 mmHg O246 mmHg CO2)


Carbon dioxide/oxygen

2 - 10 m2 of membrane,commonly microporous

polyolefin fiber

Figure 12.6 Flow schematic of a membrane blood oxygenator

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the blood capillaries and the air drawn in and out is about 80 m2. The humanlung membrane is estimated to be about 1 µm thick, and the total exchangecapacity of the lung is far larger than is normally required. This allows peo-ple with impaired lung capacity to lead relatively normal lives. A successfulheart–lung machine must deliver about 250 cm3(STP)/ min oxygen and removeabout 200 cm3(STP)/ min carbon dioxide [10]. Because of the limited solubilityof these gases in the blood, relatively large blood flows through the device arerequired, typically 2–4 L/min, which is approximately 10 times the blood flowthrough a kidney dialyzer. The first membrane oxygenators used silicone rubbermembranes, but now microporous polyolefin fibers are used. To maintain goodmass transfer with minimal pressure drop through the device, blood is generallycirculated on the outside of the fibers.

Controlled Drug Delivery

In controlled drug delivery systems a membrane is used to moderate the rateof delivery of drug to the body. In some devices the membrane controls per-meation of the drug from a reservoir to achieve the drug delivery rate required.Other devices use the osmotic pressure produced by diffusion of water across amembrane to power miniature pumps. In yet other devices the drug is impreg-nated into the membrane material, which then slowly dissolves or degrades inthe body. Drug delivery is then controlled by a combination of diffusion andbiodegradation.

The objective of all of these devices is to deliver a drug to the body at arate predetermined by the design of the device and independent of the changingenvironment of the body. In conventional medications, only the total mass ofdrug delivered to a patient is controlled. In controlled drug delivery, both themass and the rate at which the drug is delivered can be controlled, providingthree important therapeutic benefits:

1. The drug is metered to the body slowly over a long period; therefore, theproblem of overdosing and underdosing associated with conventional periodicmedication is avoided.

2. The drug is given locally, ideally to the affected organ directly, rather thansystemically as an injection or tablet. Localized delivery results in high con-centrations of the drug at the site of action, but low concentrations and hencefewer side effects elsewhere.

3. As a consequence of metered, localized drug delivery, controlled releasedevices generally equal or improve the therapeutic effects of conventionalmedications, while using a fraction of the drug. Thus, the problems of drug-related side effects are correspondingly lower.

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The concept of controlled delivery is not limited to drugs. Similar principlesare used to control the delivery of agrochemicals, fertilizers and pesticides, forexample, and in many household products. However, most of the technologydevelopment in the past 30 years has focused on drug delivery; only this aspectof the topic is covered here.

The origins of controlled release drug delivery can be traced to the 1950s.Rose and Nelson [11], for example, described the first miniature osmotic pumpin 1955. A key early publication was the paper of Folkman and Long [12] in1964 describing the use of silicone rubber membranes to control the release ofanesthetics and cardiovascular drugs. Concurrent discoveries in the field of hor-mone regulation of female fertility quickly led to the development of controlledrelease systems to release steroids for contraception [13–15]. The founding ofAlza Corporation by Alex Zaffaroni in the late 1960s gave the entire technologya decisive thrust. Alza was dedicated to developing novel controlled release drugdelivery systems [16]. The products developed by Alza during the subsequent25 years stimulated the entire pharmaceutical industry. The first pharmaceuticalproduct in which the drug registration document specified both the total amountof drug in the device and the delivery rate was an Alza product, the Ocusert,launched in 1974. This device, shown in Figure 12.7, consisted of a three-layerlaminate with the drug sandwiched between two rate-controlling polymer mem-branes. The device is an ellipse about 1 mm thick and 1 cm in diameter. Thedevice is placed in a cul de sac of the eye where it delivers the drug (pilocarpine)at a constant rate for 7 days, after which it is removed and replaced. The Ocusertwas a technical tour de force, although only a limited marketing success. Alzalater developed a number of more widely used products, including multilayertransdermal patches designed to deliver drugs through the skin [17]. The drugsinclude scopolamine (for motion sickness), nitroglycerine (for angina), estradiol(for hormone replacement), and nicotine (for control of smoking addiction). Manyimitators have followed Alza’s success, and more than 20 transdermal productsdelivering a variety of drugs are now available.

Membrane Diffusion-controlled Systems

In membrane diffusion-controlled systems, a drug is released from a device bypermeation from its interior reservoir to the surrounding medium. The rate of dif-fusion of the drug through the membrane governs its rate of release. The reservoirdevice illustrated in Figure 12.8 is the simplest diffusion-controlled system. Aninert membrane encloses the drug to be released; the drug diffuses through themembrane at a finite, controllable rate. If the concentration (or thermodynamicactivity) of the material in equilibrium with the inner surface of the enclos-ing membrane is constant then the concentration gradient, the driving force for

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13.4 mm

5.7 mm









Time (days)















2 31

40 µg/h

5 64 7

Release rate curve

Pilocarpine concentration in theaqueous humor of the eye

Time (hours)











n (p


Concentratedeye drop



Figure 12.7 The Ocusert pilocarpine system is a thin multilayer membrane device. Thecentral sandwich consists of a core containing the drug pilocarpine. The device is placedin the eye, where it releases the drug at a continuous rate for 7 days. Devices with releaserates of 20 or 40 µg/h are used. Controlled release of the drug eliminates the over- andunder-dosing observed with conventional eyedrop formulations, which must be deliveredevery 4–6 h to maintain therapeutic levels of the drug in the eye tissue [18]



Figure 12.8 Reservoir device

diffusional release of the drug, is constant. This occurs when the inner reservoircontains a saturated solution of the material, providing a constant release ratefor as long as excess solid is maintained in the solution. This is called zero-order release. If, however, the active drug within the device is initially present as

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an unsaturated solution, its concentration falls as it is released. The release ratedeclines exponentially, producing a first-order release profile.

For a device containing a saturated solution of drug, and excess solid drug,Fick’s law

J = −DKdcs


can be restated for a slab or sandwich geometry as


dt= AJ

l= ADKcs


where Mt is the mass of drug released at any time t , and hence dMt/dt is thesteady-state release rate at time t ; A is the total surface area of the device (edgeeffects being ignored); cs is the saturation solubility of the drug in the reservoirlayer; and J is the membrane-limiting flux.

The Ocusert system illustrated in Figure 12.7 is one example of a diffusion-controlled reservoir device. Another is the steroid-releasing intrauterine device(IUD) shown in Figure 12.9. Inert IUDs of various shapes were widely used for

Progesterone in reservoir

Rate-controllingpoly(ethylene vinyl acetate)


Time (days)










e re


e ra





In-vitro rate (±SD)

In-utero rate


Figure 12.9 Progestasert intrauterine device (IUD) designed to deliver progesteronefor contraception at 65 µg/day for 1 year [19]

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birth control in the 1950s and 1960s. The contraceptive effect of these IUDswas based on physical irritation of the uterus. Thus, the devices resulting in thelowest pregnancy rate were often associated with unacceptable levels of pain andbleeding, whereas more comfortable devices were associated with unacceptablyhigh pregnancy rates. Researchers tried a large number of different IUD shapes inan attempt to produce a device that combined a low pregnancy rate with minimalpain and bleeding, but without real success.

Steroid-releasing IUDs, in which the contraceptive effect of the device comeslargely from the steroid, offer a solution to the discomfort caused by inert IUDs.Such devices can use IUDs with a low pain and bleeding level as a platform forthe steroid-releasing system. Scommegna et al. performed the first clinical trialsto test this concept [15]. The commercial embodiment of these ideas is shownin Figure 12.9, together with the drug release rate curve [19]. Inspection of thiscurve shows an initial high drug release during the first 30–40 days, representingdrug that has migrated into the polymer during storage of the device and whichis released as an initial burst. Thereafter, the device maintains an almost constantdrug release rate until it is exhausted at about 400 days. Later versions of thisdevice contained enough drug to last 2 years or more.

The second common category of diffusion-controlled devices is the monolithicsystem, in which the agent to be released is dispersed uniformly throughout therate-controlling polymer medium, as shown in Figure 12.10. The release profile isthen determined by the loading of dispersed agent, the nature of the components,and the geometry of the device. Thin spots, pinholes, and other similar defects,which can be problems with reservoir systems, do not substantially alter therelease rate from monolithic devices. This, together with the ease with whichdispersions can be compounded (by milling and extruding, for example), resultsin low production costs. These advantages often outweigh the less desirablefeature of the declining release rate with time characteristic of these systems.

There are two principal types of monolithic device. If the active agent isdissolved in the polymer medium, the device is called a monolithic solution.Examples of this type of device are pesticide-containing cat and dog collars tocontrol ticks and fleas. Such devices are often used when the active agent is aliquid; some polymers [for example, poly(vinyl chloride)] can easily sorb up to20 % or more of these liquids. However, if the solubility of the active agent in the



Figure 12.10 Monolithic device

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polymer medium is more limited, then only a portion of the agent is dissolved andthe remainder is dispersed as small particles throughout the polymer. A deviceof this type is called a monolithic dispersion.

The kinetics of release from a monolithic solution system have been derived fora number of geometries by Crank [20]. For a slab geometry, the release kineticscan be expressed by either of two series, both given here for completeness


M0= 1 −


8 exp[−D(2n + 1)2π2t/ l2]

(2n + 1)2π2(12.3)


M0= 4



)1/2[π−1/2 +







where M0 is the total amount of drug sorbed, Mt is the amount desorbed at timet and l is the thickness of the device.

Fortunately, these complex expressions reduce to two approximations, reliableto better than 1 %, valid for different parts of the desorption curve. The earlytime approximation, which holds for the initial portion of the curve, derived fromEquation (12.4), is


M0= 4




for 0 ≤ Mt

M0≤ 0.6 (12.5)

The late time approximation, which holds for the final portion of the desorptioncurve, derived from Equation (12.3), is


M0= 1 − 8




)for 0.4 ≤ Mt

M0≤ 1.0 (12.6)

These approximations are plotted in Figure 12.11, which illustrates their differentregions of validity.

In general, the rate of release at any particular time is of more interest thanthe accumulated total release. This rate is easily obtained by differentiatingEquations (12.5) and (12.6) to give


dt= 2M0





for the early time approximation and


dt= 8DM0





for the late time approximation. These two approximations are plotted againsttime in Figure 12.12. Again, for simplicity, M0 and D/l2 have been set at unity.

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00 0.1

Early timeapproximation

Early timeapproximation

Late timeapproximation

0.2 0.3


g de


ed (



Figure 12.11 The fraction of drug desorbed from a slab as a function of time using theearly time and late time approximations. The solid line shows the portion of the curveover which the approximations are valid (D/l2 = 1) [21]






Early timeapproximation

Late timeapproximation


g re


e ra

te [d




Figure 12.12 The release rate of drug initially dissolved in a slab as a function of time,using the early time and late time approximations. The solid line shows the portion of thecurve over which the approximations are valid (D/l2 = 1)

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The release rate falls off in proportion to t−1/2 until 60 % of the agent has beendesorbed; thereafter, it decays exponentially.

The expressions (12.5)–(12.8) are also convenient ways of measuring diffusioncoefficients in polymers. A permeant is contacted with a film of material ofknown geometry until equilibrium is reached. The film is then removed fromthe permeant solution, washed free of contaminants, and the rate of release ofthe permeant is measured. From the release curves, the diffusion coefficient andpermeant sorption can be obtained.

A monolithic dispersion system consists of a dispersion of solid active drug ina rate-limiting polymer matrix. As with monolithic solution systems, the releaserate varies with the geometry of the device; it also varies with drug loading. Thestarting point for release of drug from these systems can be described by a simplemodel due to Higuchi [22] and is shown schematically in Figure 12.13.

Higuchi’s model assumes that solid drug in the surface layer of the devicedissolves in the polymer matrix and diffuses from the device first. When thesurface layer becomes exhausted of drug, the next layer begins to be depleted.Thus, the interface between the region containing dispersed drug and the regioncontaining only dissolved drug moves into the interior as a front. The validityof Higuchi’s model has been demonstrated experimentally numerous times bycomparing the predicted release rate calculated from the model with the actualrelease rate. In addition, the movement of a dissolving front can be monitoreddirectly by sectioning and examining monolithic devices that have been releasingagent for various lengths of time [23]. The proof of Higuchi is straightforward



Dispersedand dissolved







Figure 12.13 Schematic representation of a cross-section through a polymer matrixinitially containing dispersed solid drug. The interface between the region containingdispersed drug and the region containing only dissolved drug has moved a distance xfrom the surface [22]

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and leads to the equation

Mt = A[DKtcs(2c0 − cs)]1/2

A(2DKtcsc0)1/2 for c0 cs


The release rate at any time is then given by


dt= A



t(2c0 − cs)







for c0 cs


The Higuchi model is an approximate solution in that it assumes a ‘pseu-dosteady state’, in which the concentration profile from the dispersed drug frontto the outer surface is linear. Paul and McSpadden [24] have shown that thecorrect expression can be written as:

Mt = A[2DKtcs(c0 − Kcs)]1/2 (12.11)

which is almost identical to Equation (12.9), and reduces to it when c0 cs .Clearly the release rate is proportional to the square root of the loading; thus, itcan be easily varied by incorporating more or less agent. Furthermore, althoughthe release rate is by no means constant, the range of variation is narrower thanwould be the case if the agent were merely dissolved, rather than dispersed,in the matrix. An example of the release rate of the drug from an ethylene-vinyl acetate slab containing dispersed antibiotic chloramphenicol is shown inFigure 12.14. The drug release rate decreases in proportion to the square root oftime in accordance with Equation (12.10).

Biodegradable Systems

The diffusion-controlled devices outlined so far are permanent, in that the mem-brane or matrix of the device remains implanted after its delivery role is com-pleted. In some applications, particularly in the medical field, this is undesirable;such applications require a device that degrades during or subsequent to its deliv-ery role.

Many polymer-based devices that slowly biodegrade when implanted in thebody have been developed; the most important are based on polylactic acid,polyglycolic acid and their copolymers. In principle, the release of an active agentcan be programmed by dispersing the material within such polymers, with erosionof the polymer effecting release of the agent [25,26]. One class of biodegradablepolymers is surface eroding; the surface area of such polymers decreases withtime as the conventionally cylindrical- or spherical-shaped device erodes. This

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Time (h)


















e (µ



of drug


Figure 12.14 Release of the antibiotic drug chloramphenicol dispersed in a matrix ofpoly(ethylene-vinyl acetate). The solid line is calculated from Equation (12.10) [21]

results in a decreasing release rate unless the geometry of the device is appro-priately manipulated or the device is designed to contain a higher concentrationof the agent in the interior than in the surface layers. In a more common classof biodegradable polymer, the initial period of degradation occurs very slowly,after which the degradation rate increases rapidly. The bulk of the polymer thenerodes over a comparatively short period. In the initial period of exposure tothe body, the polymer chains are being cleaved but the molecular weight is stillhigh, so the polymer’s mechanical properties are not seriously affected. As chaincleavage continues, a point is reached at which the polymer fragments becomeswollen or soluble in water. At this point the polymer begins to dissolve. Thistype of polymer can be used to make reservoir or monolithic diffusion-controlledsystems that degrade after their delivery role is over. A final category of poly-mer has the active agent covalently attached by a labile bond to the backboneof a matrix polymer. When placed at the site of action the labile bonds slowlydegrade, releasing the active agent and forming a soluble polymer. The meth-ods by which these concepts can be formulated into actual practical systems areillustrated in Figure 12.15.

Osmotic Systems

Osmotic effects are often a problem in diffusion-controlled systems because imbi-bition of water swells the device or dilutes the drug. However, several devices

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(d) Erodable Polyagent System

(c) Diffusion-controlled Reservoir System

(b) Diffusion-controlled Monolithic System

(a) Degradation-controlled Monolithic System

Figure 12.15 Methods of using biodegradable polymers in controlled release implantabledevices to release the active agent, A

have been developed that actually use osmotic effects to control the release ofdrugs. These devices, called osmotic pumps, use the osmotic pressure developedby diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane into a salt solution topush a solution of the active agent from the device. Osmotic pumps of variousdesigns are applied widely in the pharmaceutical area, particularly in oral tabletformulations [27].

The forerunner of modern osmotic devices was the Rose–Nelson pump. Roseand Nelson were two Australian physiologists interested in the delivery of drugsto the gut of sheep and cattle [11]. Their pump, illustrated in Figure 12.16,

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Elastic diaphragm


Salt chamber

Drug chamber

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Figure 12.16 Principle of the three-chamber Rose–Nelson osmotic pump first describedin 1955 [11]

consists of three chambers: a drug chamber, a salt chamber containing excesssolid salt and a water chamber. The salt and water chambers are separated bya rigid semipermeable membrane. The difference in osmotic pressure across themembrane moves water from the water chamber into the salt chamber. Thevolume of the salt chamber increases because of this water flow, which distendsthe latex diaphragm separating the salt and drug chambers, thereby pumping drugout of the device.

The pumping rate of the Rose–Nelson pump is given by the equation


dt= dV

dtc (12.12)

where dMt/dt is the drug release rate, dV/dt is the volume flow of water intothe salt chamber and c is the concentration of drug in the drug chamber. Theosmotic water flow across a membrane is given by the equation


dt= Aθ∆π


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where dV/dt is a water flow across the membrane of area A, thickness l, andosmotic permeability θ (cm3 · cm/cm2 · h · atm), and ∆π is the osmotic pressuredifference between the solutions on either side of the membrane. This equationis only strictly true for completely selective membranes—that is, membranespermeable to water but completely impermeable to the osmotic agent. However,this is a good approximation for most membranes. Substituting Equation (12.13)for the flux across the membrane gives


dt= Aθ∆πc


The osmotic pressure of the saturated salt solution is high, on the order oftens of atmospheres, and the small pressure required to pump the suspension ofactive agent is insignificant in comparison. Therefore, the rate of water permeationacross the semipermeable membrane remains constant as long as sufficient solidsalt is present in the salt chamber to maintain a saturated solution and hence aconstant osmotic pressure driving force.

The Higuchi–Leeper pump designs represent the first of a series of simplifica-tions of the Rose–Nelson pump made by Alza Corporation beginning in the early1970s. An example of one of these designs [28] is shown in Figure 12.17. The

Dispensing headwith orifice

Active agentformulation



Porous membranesupportSaturated solution

of magnesium sulfatecontaining excess solid



Rigid housing

Figure 12.17 The Higuchi–Leeper osmotic pump design [28]. This device has no waterchamber and can be stored in a sealed foil pouch indefinitely. However, once removedfrom the pouch and placed in an aqueous environment, for example, by an animal swal-lowing the device, the pumping action begins. The active agent is pumped at a constantrate according to Equation (12.14)

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Higuchi–Leeper pump has no water chamber; the device is activated by waterimbibed from the surrounding environment. This means that the drug-laden pumpcan be prepared and then stored for weeks or months prior to use. The pump isonly activated when it is swallowed or implanted in the body. Higuchi–Leeperpumps contain a rigid housing, and the semipermeable membrane is supportedon a perforated frame. This type of pump usually has a salt chamber containing afluid solution with excess solid salt. The target application of this device was thedelivery of antibiotics and growth hormones to animals because repeated deliv-ery of oral medications to animals is difficult. The problem is solved by thesedevices, which are designed to be swallowed by the animal and then to reside inthe rumen, delivering a full course of medication over a period of days to weeks.

In the early 1970s, Higuchi and Theeuwes developed another, even simplervariant of the Rose–Nelson pump [29,30]. One such device is illustratedin Figure 12.18. As with the Higuchi–Leeper pump, water to activate theosmotic action of the pump comes from the surrounding environment. TheHiguchi–Theeuwes device, however, has no rigid housing—the membrane actsas the outer casing of the pump. This membrane is quite sturdy and is strongenough to withstand the pumping pressure developed inside the device. Thedevice is loaded with the desired drug prior to use. When the device is placedin an aqueous environment, release of the drug follows a time course set by thesalt used in the salt chamber and the permeability of the outer membrane casing.

The principal application of these small osmotic pumps has been as implantablecontrolled release delivery systems in experimental studies on the effect of contin-uous administration of drugs. The devices are made with volumes of 0.2–2 mL.Figure 12.18 shows one such device being implanted in a laboratory rat. Thedelivery pattern obtained with the device is constant and independent of the siteof implantation, as shown by the data in Figure 12.19.

The development that made osmotic delivery a major method of achievingcontrolled drug release was the invention of the elementary osmotic pump byTheeuwes in 1974 [31]. The concept behind this invention is illustrated inFigure 12.20. The device is a further simplification of the Higuchi–Theeuwespump, and eliminates the separate salt chamber by using the drug itself as theosmotic agent. The device is formed by compressing a drug having a suitableosmotic pressure into a tablet using a tableting machine. The tablet is then coatedwith a semipermeable membrane, usually cellulose acetate, and a small hole isdrilled through the membrane coating. When the tablet is placed in an aqueousenvironment, the osmotic pressure of the soluble drug inside the tablet drawswater through the semipermeable coating, forming a saturated aqueous solutioninside the device. The membrane does not expand, so the increase in volumecaused by the imbibition of water raises the hydrostatic pressure inside the tabletslightly. This pressure is relieved by a flow of saturated drug solution out of thedevice through the small orifice. Thus, the tablet acts as a small pump, in whichwater is drawn osmotically into the tablet through the membrane wall and then

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er in

1 cm


id o



id to






p F








p in

















id s



































































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Time (h)








y ra

te (




Theoretical curve


Normal salineSubcutaneous space of mouseSubcutaneous space of ratNormal salineStandard deviation

Figure 12.19 Drug delivery curves obtained with an implantable osmotic pump [30].Reprinted from F. Theeuwes and S.I. Yum, Principles of the Design and Operation ofGeneric Osmotic Pumps for the Delivery of Semisolid or Liquid Drug Formulations,Ann. Biomed. Eng. 4, 343, 1976, with permission of Biomedical Engineering Society





Saturateddrug solution


Figure 12.20 The Theeuwes elementary osmotic pump [31]. Reprinted with permissionfrom F. Theeuwes, Elementary Osmotic Pump, J. Pharm. Sci. 64, 1987. Copyright 1975,American Chemical Society and American Pharmaceutical Association

leaves as a saturated drug solution through the orifice. This process continues ata constant rate until all the solid drug inside the tablet has been dissolved andonly a solution-filled shell remains. This residual dissolved drug continues to bedelivered, but at a declining rate, until the osmotic pressures inside and outsidethe tablet are equal. The driving force that draws water into the device is thedifference in osmotic pressure between the outside environment and a saturated

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Rose−Nelson pump(Figure 12.16)

Higuchi−Leeper pump(Figure 12.17)

Higuchi−Theeuwes pump(Figure 12.18)



(Figure 12.20)

Scale:1 cm




Theeuwes elementaryosmotic pump

Approximate volume (cm3) 80 35 3 < 1

Components Rigid housing Rigid housingWater chamberSalt chamber Salt chamber Salt chamberDrug chamber Drug chamber Drug chamber Drug chamberElastic diaphragm Elastic diaphragm Elastic diaphragmMembrane Membrane Membrane Membrane

Number ofcomponents 6 5 4 2

Figure 12.21 The main types of osmotic pump drawn to scale

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drug solution. Therefore, the osmotic pressure of the dissolved drug solution hasto be relatively high to overcome the osmotic pressure of the body, but for drugswith solubilities greater than 5–10 wt% these devices function very well. Latervariations on the simple osmotic tablet design have been made to overcome thesolubility limitation. The elementary osmotic pump was developed by Alza underthe name OROS, and is commercially available for a number of drugs.

The four types of osmotic pump described above are interesting examplesof how true innovation is sometimes achieved by leaving things out. The firstosmotic pump produced by Rose and Nelson contained six critical components,had a volume of 80 cm3, and was little more than a research tool. In the early1980s, Felix Theeuwes and others progressively simplified and refined the con-cept, leading in the end to the elementary osmotic pump, a device that looksalmost trivially simple. It has been described as a tablet with a hole, but is,in fact, a truly elegant invention having a volume of less than 1 cm3, contain-ing only two components, achieving almost constant drug delivery, and allowingmanufacture on an enormous scale at minimal cost. Figure 12.21 shows examplesof the four main types of osmotic pumps taken from the patent drawings. Thepumps are drawn to scale to illustrate the progression that occurred as the designwas simplified.

References1. J.P. Merrill, The Artificial Kidney, Sci. Am. 205, 56 (1961).2. M.J. Lysaght, D.R. Boggs and M.H. Taimisto, Membranes in Artificial Organs, in

Synthetic Membranes, M.B. Chenoweth (ed.), Hardwood Academic Publishers, Chur,Switzerland, pp. 100–117 (1986).

3. J.C. Van Stowe, Hemodialysis Apparatus, in Handbook of Dialysis, 2nd Edn, J.T. Dau-girdas and T.S. Ing (eds), Lippincott-Raven Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 30–49(1994).

4. W.J. Kolf and H.T. Berk, The Artificial Kidney: A Dialyzer with a Great Area, ActaMed. Scan 117, 121 (1944).

5. W.J. Kolf, New Ways of Treating Uremia, J. and A. Churchill, London (1947).6. W. Quinton, D. Dilpard and B.H. Scribner, Cannulation of Blood Vessels for Pro-

longed Hemodialysis, Trans. Am. Soc. Artif. Inter. Organs 6, 104 (1960).7. M.L. Keen and F.A. Gotch, Dialyzers and Delivery Systems in Introduction to Dial-

ysis, M.C. Cogan, P. Schoenfeld and F.A. Gotch (eds) Churchill Livingston, NewYork, NY, pp. 1–7 (1991).

8. J.H. Gibbon, Jr, Artificial Maintenance of Circulation During Experimental Occlu-sions of Pulmonary Artery, Arch. Surg. Chicago 34, 1105 (1937).

9. J.H. Gibbon, Jr, Application of a Mechanical Heart and Lung Apparatus to CardiacSurgery, Minn. Med. 37, 171 (1954).

10. P.M. Galletti and G.A. Brecher, Heart–Lung Bypass, Grun and Stratton, New York,NY (1962).

11. S. Rose and J.F. Nelson, A Continuous Long-term Injector, Aust. J. Exp. Biol. 33,415 (1955).

12. J.M. Folkman and D.M. Long, The Use of Silicone Rubber as a Carrier for ProlongedDrug Therapy, J. Surg. Res. 4, 139 (1964).

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13. P.J. Dziuk and B. Cook, Passage of Steroids Through Silicone Rubber, Endocrinology78, 208 (1966).

14. H.B. Croxatto, S. Diaz, R. Vera, M. Etchart and P. Atria, Fertility Control in Womenwith a Progestagen Released in Microquantities from Subcutaneous Capsules, Am. J.Obstet. Gynecol. 105, 1135 (1969).

15. A. Scommegna, G.N. Pandya, M. Christ, A.W. Lee and M.R. Cohen, IntrauterineAdministration of Progesterone by a Slow Releasing Device, Fert. Steril. 21, 201(1970).

16. A. Zaffaroni, Applications of Polymers in Rate-controlled Drug Delivery, Polym. Sci.Tech. 14, 293 (1981).

17. J. Shaw, Development of Transdermal Therapeutic Systems, Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm.9, 579 (1983).

18. The Ocusert (pilocarpine) Pilo-20/Pilo-40 Ocular Therapeutic System, Alza Corpora-tion, Palo Alto, CA (1974).

19. B.B. Pharriss, R. Erickson, J. Bashaw, S. Hoff, V.A. Place and A. Zaffaroni, Proges-tasert: A Uterine Therapeutic System for Long-term Contraception, Fert. Steril. 25,915 (1974).

20. J. Crank, The Mathematics of Diffusion, Oxford University Press, London (1956).21. R.W. Baker, Controlled Release of Biologically Active Agents, Wiley, New York, NY

(1987).22. T. Higuchi, Rate of Release of Medicaments from Ointment Bases Containing Drugs

in Suspension, J. Pharm. Sci. 50, 874 (1961).23. T.J. Roseman and W.I. Higuchi, Release of Medroxprogesterone Acetate from a Sil-

icone Polymer, J. Pharm. Sci. 59, 353 (1970).24. D.R. Paul and S.K. McSpadden, Diffusional Release of a Solute from a Polymer

Matrix, J. Membr. Sci. 1, 33 (1976).25. J. Heller, Controlled Release of Biologically Active Compounds from Bioerodible

Polymers, Biomaterials 1, 51 (1980).26. C.G. Pitt and A. Schindler, The Design of Controlled Drug Delivery Systems Based

on Biodegradable Polymers, in Biodegradables and Delivery Systems for Contra-ception, E.S.E. Hafez and W.A.A. van Os (eds), MTP Press, Lancaster, pp. 17–46(1980).

27. G. Santus and R.W. Baker, Osmotic Drug Delivery: A Review of the Patent Litera-ture, J. Controlled Release 35, 1 (1995).

28. T. Higuchi and H.M. Leeper, Improved Osmotic Dispenser Employing MagnesiumSulfate and Magnesium Chloride, US Patent 3,760,804 (September, 1973).

29. F. Theeuwes and T. Higuchi, Osmotic Dispensing Agent for Releasing BeneficialAgent, US Patent 3,845,770 (November, 1974).

30. F. Theeuwes and S.I. Yum, Principles of the Design and Operation of Generic OsmoticPumps for the Delivery of Semisolid or Liquid Drug Formulations, Ann. Biomed. Eng.4, 343 (1976).

31. F. Theeuwes, Elementary Osmotic Pump, J. Pharm. Sci. 64, 1987 (1975).

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IntroductionAny book must leave something out, and this one has left out a good deal; itdoes not cover membranes used in packaging materials, sensors, ion-selectiveelectrodes, fuel cells, battery separators, electrophoresis and thermal diffusion. Inthis final chapter, five processes that come under the general title of ‘other’ arecovered briefly.

DialysisDialysis was the first membrane process to be used on an industrial scale, withthe development of the Cerini dialyzer in Italy [1]. The production of rayonfrom cellulose expanded rapidly in the 1930s, resulting in a need for technologyto recover sodium hydroxide from the large volumes of hemicellulose-sodiumhydroxide by-product solutions. The hemicellulose was of little value, but the17–18 wt% sodium hydroxide, if separated, could be reused directly in the pro-cess. Hemicellulose has a much higher molecular weight than sodium hydroxide,so parchmentized woven fabric or impregnated cotton cloth made an adequatedialysis membrane. The Cerini dialyzer, illustrated in Figure 13.1, consisted ofa large tank containing 50 membrane bags. Feed liquid passed through the tankwhile the dialysate solution passed countercurrently through each bag in parallel.The product dialysate solution typically contained 7.5–9.5 % sodium hydroxideand was essentially free of hemicellulose. About 90 % of the sodium hydroxidein the original feed solution was recovered. The economics of the process werevery good, and the Cerini dialyzer was widely adopted. Later, improved mem-branes and improved dialyzer designs, mostly of the plate-and-frame type, wereproduced. A description of these early industrial dialyzers is given in Tuwiner’sbook [2].

Dialysis was also used in the laboratory in the 1950s and 1960s, mainly topurify biological solutions or to fractionate macromolecules. A drawing of the

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

Page 500: MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS · p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-470-85445-6 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Membranes (Technology) I. Title. TP159.M4




17−18% NaOH2% hemicellulose

7.5−9.5% NaOH0.025% hemicellulose

to process

2% NaOH2% hemicellulose

Fresh water

Fresh water in Contaminatedcaustic in







Figure 13.1 Elevation, plan drawing and flow scheme of the Cerini dialyzer, the firstsuccessful industrial dialyzer used to recover sodium hydroxide from waste streams result-ing from the production of rayon [2]

laboratory dialyzer used by Craig and described in a series of papers in the 1960sis shown in Figure 13.2 [3,4]. Until ultrafiltration membranes became availablein the late 1960s, this device was the only way to separate many large-volumebiological solutions.

Now the major application of dialysis is the artificial kidney and, as describedin Chapter 12, more than 100 million of these devices are used annually. Apartfrom this one important application, dialysis has essentially been abandoned as aseparation technique, because it relies on diffusion, which is inherently unselec-tive and slow, to achieve a separation. Thus, most potential dialysis separationsare better handled by ultrafiltration or electrodialysis, in both of which an outsideforce and more selective membranes provide better, faster separations. The onlythree exceptions—Donnan dialysis, diffusion dialysis and piezodialysis—aredescribed in the following sections.

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Clamp PumpKel







Bearing Bearing


17 mm

Bearing Bearing




Inside spacer tubeMembrane

Outside tube (rotates)

90 mm

Figure 13.2 Schematic drawing of laboratory dialyzer developed by Craig [4] to separatelow-molecular-weight impurities from biological solutions. This was the best method ofperforming this separation until ultrafiltration membranes became available in the late1960s. The feed solution was circulated through the inside of the membrane tube; solventsolution was circulated on the outside. Boundary layer formation was overcome by rotatingthe outer shell with a small motor

Donnan Dialysis and Diffusion Dialysis

One dialysis process for which the membrane does have sufficient selectivity toachieve useful separations is Donnan dialysis. If salt solutions are separated bya membrane permeable only to ions of one charge, such as a cation exchangemembrane containing fixed negatively charged groups, then distribution of twodifferent cations M+ and N+ across the membrane can be expressed by theDonnan expression


= [N]o[N]


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where [M]o and [N]o are the concentrations of the two ions in the feed solution,and [M] and [N] are the concentrations of the two ions in the product solution.The derivation of the expression is given in Chapter 10. This equation has thesame form as Equation (11.10) derived for coupled transport in Chapter 11, inwhich a cation-permeable, anion-impermeable membrane separates the two solu-tions. The difference between coupled transport and Donnan dialysis lies in howthe membrane performs the separation.

Donnan dialysis was first described as a separation technique in 1967 by Wal-lace [5,6], who was interested in concentrating small amounts of radioactive metalions. He used cation exchange membranes to treat a large volume of nearly neu-tral feed solution containing small amounts of metal salts such as uranyl nitrateUO2(NO3)2. A small volume of 2 M nitric acid was used as the receiving solu-tion. Because the membrane contained fixed negative charges, negative ions fromthe surrounding solutions were essentially excluded from the membrane, and onlyhydrogen ions (H+) and uranyl ions (UO2

++) could permeate the membrane. Thevery large difference in hydrogen ion concentration across the membrane meantthat a large driving force was generated for hydrogen ions to diffuse to the dilutefeed solution. To maintain electrical neutrality, an equal number of uranyl ionshad to diffuse to the receiving solution. Wallace’s apparatus and the results ofone of his experiments are shown in Figure 13.3. In this experiment, 98 % of the

Feed0.01 M UO2(NO3)2

No HNO35 mL/min

Product0.28 M UO2(NO3)2

Strip2 M HNO3

0.04 mL/min


0.002 M UO2(NO3)2



Figure 13.3 Illustration of a Donnan dialysis experiment to separate and concentrateuranyl nitrate, UO2(NO3)2, after Wallace [5]

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uranyl ions were stripped from the feed solution and concentrated 28-fold in theproduct nitric acid strip solution.

Like coupled transport, Donnan dialysis can concentrate metal ions manyfold. The process is usually driven by an appropriate pH gradient. Becausethe membranes are normal cation or anion exchange membranes, the stabilityproblems that plague the liquid membranes used in coupled transport are avoided.On the other hand, coupled transport uses carriers selective for one particu-lar ion, excluding others. This property allows coupled transport membranesto selectively transport one particular ion across the membrane, both concen-trating and separating the target ion from similar ions in the feed solution.Donnan dialysis membranes are essentially nonselective—all ions of the samecharge in the feed solution are transported to the product solution at about thesame rate.

Donnan dialysis can be made more selective if a complexing agent specificto one of the ions being transported across the membrane is added to the stripsolution. For example, Huang et al. [7] used cation exchange membranes drivenby sodium ions to transport copper and nickel ions across the membrane. Additionof complexing agents specific for nickel ions, such as oxalic acid or glycine,to the strip solution increased the selectivity of the membrane for nickel overcopper dramatically. By removing nickel ions from the receiving solution, thecomplexing agent maintained a high driving force for nickel transport even whenthe copper ion concentration had reached equilibrium.

Although Donnan dialysis membranes can perform interesting separations,these membranes are a solution to few industrially important applications. Con-sequently, Donnan dialysis remains a solution in search of a problem.

A related dialysis process, diffusion dialysis, has found an application, mostlyto recover acids from spent metal pickling agents such as sulfuric acid, hydrochlo-ric acid or nitric–hydrofluoric acids [8]. These pickling chemicals remove scalefrom metal parts and become contaminated over time with iron, chromium,copper, nickel, zinc and other heavy metals. Acid recovery by electrodialy-sis is possible but diffusion-dialysis—a completely passive process—is oftenpreferred because of its simplicity. The process utilizes the difference in per-meability of hydrogen ions and multivalent metal ions through anion exchangemembranes. A flow schematic is shown in Figure 13.4. The feed solution, con-taining heavy metal salts and acid, flows countercurrent to water, from which it isseparated by an anion exchange membrane. The membrane, which is freely per-meable to anions, also preferentially permeates hydrogen ions over heavy-metalcations. As a result, the acids in the feed solution, sulfuric acid in the exampleof Figure 13.4, are removed from the spent liquor and metal ions remain behind.Recovery of 70–80 % acid, contaminated with only a few percent of the metalions, is possible.

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Metal salts(FeSO4)

Spent pickle liquor(FeSO4; H2SO4)

Recovered acid(H2SO4)




Figure 13.4 Schematic of a diffusion dialysis process to separate acids from heavymetal/acid mixtures

Charge Mosaic Membranes and PiezodialysisDonnan dialysis, described in the previous section, is a type of ion exchangeprocess. Ions of the same charge are redistributed across the membrane, butno net flow of salt from one side of the membrane to the other occurs. Thisis because ion exchange membranes are quite impermeable to salts. Althoughcounter-ions to the fixed charge groups in the membrane can easily permeate themembrane, ions with the same charge as the fixed charge groups are excluded anddo not permeate. Sollner [9] proposed that, if ion exchange membranes consistingof separated small domains of anionic and cationic membranes could be made,they would be permeable to both anions and cations. These membranes are nowcalled charge mosaic membranes; the concept is illustrated in Figure 13.5. Cationspermeate the cationic membrane domain; anions permeate the anionic domain.

Charge mosaic membranes can preferentially permeate salts from water. This isbecause the principle of electroneutrality requires that the counter-ion concentra-tion inside the ion exchange regions be at least as great as the fixed charge density.Because the fixed charge density of ion exchange membranes is typically greaterthan 1 M, dilute counter-ions present in the feed solution are concentrated 10- to100-fold in the membrane phase. The large concentration gradient that forms inthe membrane leads to high ion permeabilities. Water and neutral solutes are notconcentrated in the membrane and permeate at low rates. When used as dialysismembranes, therefore, these charged mosaic membranes are permeable to saltsbut relatively impermeable to non-ionized solutes.

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Domain with fixednegative groups

permeable to cations

Domain with fixedpositive groups

permeable to anions



SO4= SO4

























Figure 13.5 Charge mosaic membranes, consisting of finely dispersed domains contain-ing fixed negatively and fixed positively charged groups, are salt permeable [15]

For charge mosaic membranes to work most efficiently, the cationic and anionicdomains in the membrane must be close together to minimize charge separationeffects [10–12]. The first charge mosaic membranes were made by distributingvery small ion exchange beads in an impermeable support matrix of siliconerubber [13,14]. A second approach, used by Platt and Schindler [15], was touse the mutual incompatibility of most polymers that occurs when a solutioncontaining a mixture of two different polymers is evaporated. Figure 13.6 shows aphotomicrograph of a film cast from poly(styrene-co-butadiene) and poly(2-vinylpyridine-co-butadiene). The co-butadiene fraction makes these two polymersmutually soluble in tetrahydrofuran but, on evaporation of the solvent, a two-phase-domain structure extending completely through the membrane layer forms.Once formed, the poly(2-vinyl pyridine-co-butadiene) portion of the membraneis quaternarized to form fixed positive groups, and the poly(styrene-co-butadiene)portion of the membrane is sulfonated to form fixed negative groups.

Miyaki and Fujimoto and co-workers [16,17] have obtained an even finerdistribution of fixed charge groups by casting films from multicomponent blockcopolymers such as poly(isoprene-b-styrene-b-butadiene-b-(4-vinyl benzyl)dime-thylamine- b-isoprene). These films show a very regular domain structure with a200–500 A spacing. After casting the polymer film, the (4-vinyl benzyl) dimethy-lamine blocks were quaternarized with methyl iodide vapor, and the styreneblocks were sulfonated with chlorosulfuric acid.

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1 mm

Figure 13.6 Film cast from a 1:2 mixture of poly(styrene-co-butadiene) and poly(2-vinylpyridine-co-butadiene) with about 15 mol% butadiene content (10 wt% solution of thecopolymers in tetrahydrofuran). Dark areas, poly(styrene-co-butadiene); light areas, poly(2-vinyl pyridine-co-butadiene) [15]. Courtesy of Dr A. Schindler

Table 13.1 Solute flux measured in well-stirred dialysis cells at 25 C using 0.1 M feedsolutions [17]. Reprinted with permission from K. Hirahara, S.-I. Takahashi, M. Iwata,T. Fujimoto and Y. Miyaki, Artificial Membranes from Multiblock Copolymers (5), Ind.Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev. 305, 25. Copyright 1986, American Chemical Society andAmerican Pharmaceutical Association

Solute Flux(10−8 mol/cm2 · s)

Sodium chloride 7.5Potassium chloride 9Hydrochloric acid 18Sodium hydroxide 10Glucose 0.08Sucrose 0.04

Using the block copolymer membranes described above, significant selectivi-ties for electrolytes over non-electrolytes have been observed. Some data reportedby Hirahara et al. [17] are shown in Table 13.1. The ionizable electrolytes were100 times more permeable than non-ionized solutes such as glucose and sucrose,suggesting a number of potential applications in which deionization of mixedsolutions is desirable. The permeabilities of salts in these membranes are also

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orders of magnitude higher than values measured for normal ion exchange mem-branes. In principle then, these membranes can be used in deionization processes,for example, to remove salts from sucrose solutions in the sugar industry.

A second potential application is pressure-driven desalination. When a pressuredifference is applied across the membrane, the concentrated ionic groups in theion exchange domains are swept through the membrane, producing a salt-enrichedpermeate on the low-pressure side. This process, usually called piezodialysis,has a number of conceptual advantages over the alternative, conventional reverseosmosis, because the minor component (salt), not the major component (water),permeates the membrane.

Piezodialysis has been the subject of sporadic research for a number of yearsbut so far has met with little success. It was originally hoped that the flow of waterand salt through charge mosaic membranes would be strongly coupled. If thiswere the case, the 100-fold enrichment of ions within the charged regions of themembrane would provide substantial enrichment of salt in the permeate solution.In practice, the enrichment obtained is relatively small, and the salt fluxes arelow even at high pressures. The salt enrichment also decreases substantially asthe salt concentration in the feed increases, limiting the potential applicationsof the process to desalination of low concentration solutions. Some results ofpiezodialysis experiments with block copolymer membranes and a potassiumchloride solution are shown in Figure 13.7.

Applied pressure (atm)











00 20


t enr


ent (


40 60 80


x (L



Figure 13.7 Piezodialysis of 0.02 M potassium chloride solution with block copolymercharge mosaic membranes [14]. Enrichment is calculated using the expression:

enrichment = 100

(concentration permeate

concentration feed− 1


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Membrane Contactors and Membrane Distillation

In the membrane processes discussed elsewhere in this book, the membraneacts as a selective barrier, allowing relatively free passage of one componentwhile retaining another. In membrane contactors, the membrane functions asan interface between two phases but does not control the rate of passage ofpermeants across the membrane. The use of a membrane as a contactor in aprocess to deoxygenate water is shown in Figure 13.8. Typically the membraneis a microporous hollow fiber that separates oxygen-containing water from anitrogen sweep gas. Dissolved oxygen in the water diffuses to the nitrogen sweepgas. Even though the dissolved oxygen concentration in the water is very low,its equilibrium concentration in the gas phase in contact with the water is severalthousand times higher. This means that oxygen permeation through the membranedown the concentration gradient to the nitrogen sweep gas is high. The functionof the membrane in this application is to provide a high surface area for contactbetween the water and the nitrogen sweep gas. The relative permeabilities ofoxygen and water vapor through the membrane are not a factor; exactly the sameseparation could be achieved by running the water and nitrogen countercurrentto each other in a packed tower. However, as shown later, membrane contactorscan offer useful advantages over packed towers.

Membrane contactors are typically shell-and-tube devices containing micro-porous capillary hollow fiber membranes. The membrane pores are sufficientlysmall that capillary forces prevent direct mixing of the phases on either side ofthe membrane. The membrane contactor shown in Figure 13.8 separates a liq-uid and a gas phase: this is a liquid/gas contactor [18]. Membrane contactors


Nitrogensweep gas


O2 + H2O vapor


Figure 13.8 Application of a membrane contactor to remove dissolved oxygen from water

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can also be used to separate two immiscible liquids (liquid/liquid contactors) ortwo miscible liquids (usually called membrane distillation). Contactors can alsobe used to selectively absorb one component from a gas mixture into a liquid(gas/liquid contactors). The various types of membrane contactors that have beenused are illustrated in Figure 13.9.

Contactors have a number of advantages compared to simple liquid/gas absorb-er/strippers or liquid/liquid extractors. Perhaps the most important advantage is highsurface area per volume. The contact area of membrane contactors compared to tra-ditional contactor columns is shown in Table 13.2. Membrane contactors provide10-fold higher contactor areas than equivalent-sized towers. This makes membrane

H2O vapor




Liquid-gas contactor: to removedissolved gases from liquids (19,24,25)

Gas-liquid contactor: to separateolefin/paraffin mixtures (21,27−29)

Liquid-liquid contactor with two miscible liquids(membrane distillation): to remove pure waterfrom a salt solution (31-33)


DissolvedVOCs in






Liquid-liquid contactor with twoimmiscible liquids: to remove dissolved VOCs from water (23)









Figure 13.9 Examples of membrane contactors and their applications

Table 13.2 The specific surface areas of different contactors [20]

Contactor Surface area per volume(cm2/cm3)

Free dispersion columns 0.03–0.3Packed/trayed columns 0.3–3Mechanically agitated columns 2–5Membranes 10–50

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contactors small and light, sometimes an important advantage. Blood oxygenatorswere not widely used for open heart surgery until the membrane blood oxygenatorwas developed, reducing the volume of blood required to operate the device to amanageable level. Similarly, the principal motivation to develop membrane con-tactors for offshore dehydration and carbon dioxide removal from natural gas is thereduction in weight and footprint possible. Kvaerner have shown that membranecontactors for this service have one-fourth of the footprint and one-tenth of theweight of conventional absorber/strippers [19].

A second advantage of membrane contactors is the physical separation of thecounter-flowing phases by the membrane. The membrane area between the twophases is independent of their relative flow rates, so large flow ratio differencescan be used without producing channeling or flooding or poor phase contact, andmaximum advantage can be taken of the ability of counter-flow to separate andconcentrate the components crossing the membrane. Small volumes of high costextractants can be used to treat large volumes of low value feed. Separation ofthe two phases also eliminates entrainment of one phase by the other, as wellas foaming. Finally, unlike traditional contactors, fluids of equal density can beused for the two phases.

The main disadvantages of contactors are related to the nature of the mem-brane interface. The membrane acts as an additional barrier to transport betweenthe two phases that can slow the rate of separation. Over time, the membranescan foul, reducing the permeation rate further, or develop leaks, allowing directmixing of the two phases. Finally, the polymeric membranes are necessarily thin(to maximize their permeation rate) and consequently cannot withstand largepressure differences across the membrane or exposure to harsh solvents andchemicals. In many industrial settings, this lack of robustness prohibits the useof membrane contactors.

Despite these caveats, the use of membrane contactors is growing rapidly.Positive reviews are given by Reed et al. [20], Qi and Cussler [21], Gabelmanand Hwang [22] and Prasad and Sirkar [23].

Table 13.3 shows the dimensions of a series of industrial hollow fiber con-tactors produced by Hoechst Celanese under the trade name Liqui-Cel. The

Table 13.3 Details of Liqui-Cel hollow fiber membrane contactor modules

Module dimensions Number of Membrane Area/unitfibers area volume

Diameter Length (×1000) (m2) (cm2/cm3)(cm) (cm)

8 28 8 1.4 2910 71 45 19 3625 71 300 130 39

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contact area per unit volume (cm2/cm3) is between 25 and 40. This high surface-to-volume ratio is achieved by making the fluid space between the membranessmall—in the case of Liqui-Cel devices, between 200 and 400 µm. This meansthat the fluids passed through these devices must be particulate-free to avoidrapid plugging with retained particulates.

Applications of Membrane Contactors

Gas Exchange Contactors

Delivery or removal of gases from liquids is currently the largest commer-cial application of membrane contactors. One example is blood oxygenators,described in Chapter 12. Industrial applications of similar devices include deoxy-genation of ultrapure water for the electronics industry or boiler feed water [24]and the adjustment of carbonation levels in beverages. [25] The performanceof an industrial-scale oxygen removal system is shown in Figure 13.10. Thisunit consists of a 10-in.-diameter, rather short, capillary device containing about135 m2 of contactor area. The aqueous phase is circulated on the outer, shell-sideof the fibers to avoid the excessive pressure required to circulate fluid at a highvelocity down the fiber bore. The major resistance to mass transfer is in the liquidboundary on the outside of the fiber, so a baffled hollow fiber membrane moduledesign [26] is used to cause radial flow of the fluid across the membrane from acentral fluid distribution tube. Nitrogen sweep gas flows down the inside of thefibers. This design produces good turbulent mixing in the contactor at moderatepressure drops.

Water flow rate (L/min)

Water flow rate (gal/min)












200 400

50 100 150 200

600 800

N2 sweep

Figure 13.10 Oxygen removal from water with a 10-in.-diameter membrane contactor(135 m2 membrane area) [24]

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In Europe, the TNO [27] and Kvaerner [19] are both developing contactorsto remove water and carbon dioxide from natural gas. Glycol or amines areused as the absorbent fluid. The goal is to reduce the size and weight of theunit to allow use on offshore platforms, so oftentimes only the absorber, thelargest piece of equipment in a traditional absorber/stripper, is replaced with amembrane contactor. Kvaerner has taken this technology to the demonstrationphase and commercial units are expected to be introduced soon.

Another type of gas exchange process, developed to the pilot plant stage, is sep-aration of gaseous olefin/paraffin mixtures by absorption of the olefin into silvernitrate solution. This process is related to the separation of olefin/paraffin mix-tures by facilitated transport membranes described in Chapter 11. A membranecontactor provides a gas–liquid interface for gas absorption to take place; a flowschematic of the process is shown in Figure 13.11 [28,29]. The olefin/paraffin gasmixture is circulated on the outside of a hollow fiber membrane contactor, while a1–5 M silver nitrate solution is circulated countercurrently down the fiber bores.Hydrophilic hollow fiber membranes, which are wetted by the aqueous silvernitrate solution, are used.

The olefin fraction of the feed gas crosses the membrane and reacts reversiblywith silver ions to form a soluble silver–olefin complex

Ag+ + olefin −−−→←−−− Ag+(olefin) (13.2)

The olefin-laden silver solution is then pumped to a flash tank, where the pressureis lowered and the temperature raised sufficiently to reverse the complexationreaction and liberate pure ethylene. The regenerated silver nitrate solution isreturned to the contactor. In this process, the high cost of the silver nitrate carrier






AgNO3 solutionrecirculation pump

Figure 13.11 Flow schematic of the membrane contactor process developed by BritishPetroleum to separate ethylene/ethane mixtures by absorption into silver nitrate solu-tion [28,29]

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must be balanced against the cost of the membrane contactor. If the silver solutionis circulated through the contactor at a very high rate, high fluxes are obtained,but the silver utilization calculated from the silver ion amount complexed in thecontactor is low compared to the maximum possible complexation achievableunder the condition of the test.

Absorption of olefin from olefin/paraffin mixtures has been scaled up to thepilot plant scale, and a number of successful trials were performed in the early1990s. Separation factors of 200 or more were obtained, producing 99.7 % pureethylene. However, slow degradation of the silver nitrate solution is a problem,and a portion of the recirculating degraded silver nitrate solution must be bledoff and replaced with fresh solution continuously. Boundary layer problems onthe liquid side of the membrane are also a serious issue in these devices [21].

To reduce the relatively large volume of silver nitrate solution held in the flashtank portion of the plant shown in Figure 13.11, Bessarabov et al. [30] haveproposed using two membrane contactors in series, as shown in Figure 13.12.One contactor functions as an absorber, the other as a stripper. The first contactorremoves ethylene from the pressurized feed gas into cold silver nitrate solution.The solution is then warmed and pumped to the second contactor where ethyleneis desorbed from the silver nitrate solution into a low-pressure product ethylenegas stream. The regenerated silver nitrate solution is cooled and returned to thefirst contactor.

Bessarabov’s devices use composite membranes consisting of a thin siliconerubber polymer layer coated onto a microporous poly(vinylidene fluoride) sup-port layer. These membranes have high fluxes and minimal selectivities forthe hydrocarbon gases, but the dense silicone layer provides a more positivebarrier to bleed-through of liquid than do capillary effects with simple micro-porous membranes.






High-pressure feedethylene/ethane



Low-pressure ethylene product

Figure 13.12 Flow schematic of process using two membrane contactors for the sepa-ration of ethylene/ethane mixtures proposed by Bessarabov et al. [30]

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Liquid/Liquid Membrane Contactors (Membrane Distillation)

The most important example of liquid/liquid membrane contactors is membranedistillation, shown schematically in Figure 13.13. In this process, a warm, salt-containing solution is maintained on one side of the membrane and a cool puredistillate on the other. The hydrophobic microporous membrane is not wettedby either solution and forms a vapor gap between the two solutions. Becausethe solutions are at different temperatures, their vapor pressures are different;as a result, water vapor flows across the membrane. The water vapor flux isproportional to the vapor pressure difference between the warm feed and the coldpermeate. Because of the exponential rise in vapor pressure with temperature, theflux increases dramatically as the temperature difference across the membrane isincreased. Dissolved salts in the feed solution decrease the vapor pressure drivingforce, but this effect is small unless the salt concentration is very high. Sometypical results illustrating the dependence of flux on the temperature and vaporpressure difference across a membrane are shown in Figure 13.14.









Figure 13.13 A schematic illustration of the membrane distillation process showingtemperature and water vapor pressure gradients that drive the process

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Vapor pressure difference, ∆p (cmHg)





00 10 20 30 40 50

Temperature difference, ∆t (°C)




er fl

ux (




Figure 13.14 Water flux across a microporous membrane as a function of temperatureand vapor pressure difference (distillate temperature, 18–38 C; feed solution temperature,50–90 C). Taken from the data of Schneider et al. [31]

Membrane distillation offers a number of advantages over alternative pressure-driven processes such as reverse osmosis. Because the process is driven bytemperature gradients, low-grade waste heat can be used and expensive high-pressure pumps are not required. Membrane fluxes are comparable to reverseosmosis fluxes, so membrane areas are not excessive. Finally, the process is stilleffective with slightly reduced fluxes even for very concentrated solutions. Thisis an advantage over reverse osmosis, in which the feed solution osmotic pres-sure places a practical limit on the concentration of a salt in the feed solution tobe processed.

The principal application proposed for the technique is the separation of waterfrom salt solutions. In the 1980s Enka, a division of Akzo, developed membranedistillation to the commercial scale using microporous polypropylene capillarymembrane modules. The design and performance of their process are shown inFigure 13.15 [31]. The condensed distillate produced is almost salt free, whereasthe salt concentration on the warm brine side of the membrane increases from0.05 % to more than 20 %. At very high salt concentrations the flux across themembrane decreases slightly. Essentially all the power to drive the process is pro-vided as low-grade heat. Despite the technical success of the device, a significantmarket did not develop. For large applications such as seawater desalination,

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Feed solution NaCl concentration (%)



0.1 1 3 10 30









Conductivity ofthe distillate




Distillate product



58°CDistillate feed

Figure 13.15 Flow scheme and performance data for a membrane distillation process forthe production of water from salt solutions [31]. Feed salt solution is heated to 100 C andpassed counter-current to cool distillate that enters at 42 C. The distillate product is almostsalt-free as shown by its low conductivity. The distillate flux is almost constant up to saltconcentrations as high as 20 % NaCl. Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci. 39, K. Schneider,W. Holz, R. Wollbeck and S. Ripperger, Membranes and Modules for TransmembraneDistillation, p. 25. Copyright 1988, with permission from Elsevier

for which the potential energy savings were significant, the capillary membranecontactor modules were too expensive compared to low-cost, reliable reverseosmosis modules. For smaller applications on chemical process streams, theenergy savings were not important, so cost and reliability compared to sim-ple evaporation were an issue. Currently there are no commercial producers ofmembrane distillation systems, although the process is still the subject of aca-demic interest [32,33].

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Membrane Reactors

By the early 1980s membrane technology had developed to the point at whicha number of industrial groups began to consider using membranes to controlthe products of chemical reactions. Two properties of membranes are used;the first is the membrane as a contactor, as illustrated in Figure 13.16(a). Themembrane separates the reaction medium in one chamber from a second chambercontaining a catalyst, enzymes or a cell culture. This type of application hasa long history in fermentation processes involving so-called bioreactors [34].More recently, membrane reactors are being developed for conventional chemical

Organic processstream


Immobilized organicliquid membrane

Organic/aqueousphase boundary

Enzyme-activated membrane

Product inaqueous solution

Aqueous processstream



Pectinase enzymes

Pectin galacturonic acid





(a) Membrane as a contactor


n-butane butadiene

Noble metalcatalyst



(b) Membrane as a separating barrier

(c) Membrane as a contacting and separating barrier

n-butane butadiene + hydrogen





Figure 13.16 Examples of the three types of membrane reactor

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separations [35]. As the reaction medium flows through the first chamber,membrane reactants diffuse through the membrane, react in the second chamber,and then diffuse back out to be collected as a product stream. The membraneprovides a large exchange area between the catalytic material and the reactionmedium but performs no separation function. In the example shown, the reactantis pectin, a high molecular weight polysaccharide present in citrus juice thatcauses an undesirable haze in the juice. Degradation of the pectin to galacturonicacid by the enzyme pectinase eliminates the haze [36].

The second type of membrane reactor, illustrated in Figure 13.16(b), uses theseparative properties of a membrane. In this example, the membrane shifts theequilibrium of a chemical reaction by selectively removing one of the componentsof the reaction. The example illustrated is the important dehydrogenation reactionconverting n-butane to butadiene and hydrogen

C4H10 −−−→←−−− C4H6 + 2H2 (13.3)

Removing hydrogen from the reaction chamber by permeation through the mem-brane causes the chemical equilibrium to shift to the right, and the conversion ofbutane to butadiene increases [37].

A third type of membrane reactor combines the functions of contactor andseparator. An example of this combination membrane reactor is shown in Fig-ure 13.16(c), in which the membrane is a multilayer composite. The layer facingthe organic feed stream is an immobilized organic liquid membrane; the layerfacing the aqueous product solution contains an enzyme catalyst for the de-esterification reaction

H2O + R − COOR′ −−−→←−−− RCOOH + R′OH (13.4)

Organic-soluble ester is brought to the reactor with the organic feed solution andfreely permeates the immobilized organic liquid membrane to reach the catalystenzyme. The ester is then hydrolyzed. The alcohol and acid products of hydrolysisare much more polar than the ester and, as such, are water soluble but relativelyorganic insoluble. These products diffuse to the aqueous permeate solution. Themembrane both provides an active site for the reaction and separates the productsof reaction from the feed [38].

In the membrane reactor shown in Figure 13.16(c), the chemical reaction andthe separation step use the same membrane. However, in some processes it isdesirable to separate reaction and separation into two distinct operations. If the netresult of the process is to change the products of the chemical reaction, the processis still classified under the broad heading of membrane reactor. Two examplesin which chemical reaction and separation are physically separated are shownin Figure 13.17. Figure 13.17(a) shows the use of a pervaporation membrane toshift the equilibrium of the de-esterification reaction [39,40]. A portion of theorganic solution in the esterification reactor is continuously circulated past the

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n-butane butadiene + hydrogen



Noble metalcatalytic reactors


(a) Removal of the water of reaction from batch esterification processes to drive the reaction to completion

(b) Removal of hydrogen in the dehydrogenation of n-butane






Figure 13.17 Examples of membrane reactors used to change the products of chemicalreaction in which the membrane separation step is physically separated from the chemicalreaction step

surface of a water-permeable membrane. Water produced in the esterificationreaction is removed through the membrane. By removing the water, the reactioncan be driven to completion.

Figure 13.17(b) shows the use of a hydrogen-permeable membrane to shiftthe equilibrium of the n-butane dehydrogenation reaction. The catalytic reactoris divided into steps, and the hydrogen-permeable membrane placed betweeneach step. Because the hydrogen is removed from the reactor in two discretesteps, some inefficiency results, but separating the membrane separation stepfrom the catalytic reactor allows the gas to be cooled before being sent to themembrane separator. Polymeric membranes can then be used for the gas separa-tion operation [37]. Such membranes can remove hydrogen very efficiently from

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the butane–butadiene/hydrogen mixture but cannot be used at the 400–500 Coperating temperature of the catalytic reactor.

Applications of Membrane Reactors

Membrane reactors are being considered for many processes, and some arealready being used on an industrial scale. A detailed description of this work isbeyond the scope of this book; the three main application categories are describedbriefly below.

Cell Culture and Fermentation Processes

The traditional, and still the most common, fermentation process involves theaddition of microbial cell cultures to the reaction medium in a batch reactor. Thistype of batch process is inherently slow, and microbial cells are lost with eachbatch of product. Recently there has been a great deal of interest in developingcontinuous fermentation processes using membrane bioreactors [34,41,42]. Muchof this work has concentrated on fermentation of ethanol or acetone/butanol fromlow-grade food processing waste such as cheese whey, using a recycle membranereactor design as shown in Figure 13.18. The principal advantages of the reactorare its continuous operation, the high cell densities that are maintained, and thelack of build-up of reaction products that inhibit the reaction.

Another type of microbiological reactor is the hollow fiber membrane biore-actor shown in Figure 13.19. In this device, the microbial cells are trapped on





Figure 13.18 Continuous recycle fermentor membrane reactor. An ultrafiltration moduleremoves the liquid products of fermentation as a clean product. This system is being devel-oped for production of ethanol, acetone and butanol by fermentation of food processingwaste streams

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Hollow fibermembrane reactor

Feed (S)


Figure 13.19 A hollow fiber membrane reactor. Nutrients (S) diffuse to the microbialcells on the shell side of the reactor and undergo reaction to form products (P) such asmonoclonal antibodies [31]. Reprinted from J. Membr. Sci. 39, K. Schneider, W. Holz,R. Wollbeck and S. Ripperger, Membranes and Modules for Transmembrane Distillation,p. 38. Copyright 1988, with permission from Elsevier

the shell side of a capillary hollow fiber module. The feed solution, containingsubstrate and the products of microbial reaction, is circulated down the boreof the fibers [43,44]. This device has proved particularly useful in producingprotein antibodies by genetically engineered mammalian cells. By manipulat-ing the molecular weight cut-off of the fiber, the flux of molecules of differentmolecular weights across the filter can be controlled. Very high cell densities canbe achieved in these hollow fiber cartridges, which have been used to producemonoclonal antibodies.

Light Hydrocarbon Gas-phase Catalytic Reactions

Several important refinery and chemical feedstock reactions appear to be goodcandidates for membrane reactor systems; some such reactions are listed inTable 13.4. Because of the high temperatures involved, developing the appropriate

Table 13.4 Petrochemical reactions being considered as applications for membranereactors

C4H10 −−−→←−−− C4H8 + H2

C6H11CH3 −−−→←−−− C6H5CH3 + 3H2

C6H12 −−−→←−−− C6H6 + 3H2

H2S −−−→←−−− H2 + S

2CH4 + O2 −−−→←−−− C2H4 + 2H2O

2CH4 + O2 −−−→←−−− 2CO + 4H2

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Temperature (°C)











ne c



n to





320 350


With 0.1 mmthick Pd/Agmembrane



380 410

Figure 13.20 Methylcyclohexane conversion to toluene as a function of reactor temper-ature in a membrane and a nonmembrane reactor [45]. Reprinted with permission fromJ.K. Ali and D.W.T. Rippin, Comparing Mono and Bimetallic Noble Metal Catalysts in aCatalytic Membrane Reactor for Methyl-cyclohexane Dehydrogenation, Ind. Eng. Chem.Res. 34, 722. Copyright 1995, American Chemical Society and American PharmaceuticalAssociation

selective membranes is difficult, and this type of membrane reactor has not movedbeyond the laboratory stage.

The first four reactions listed in Table 13.4 are dehydrogenation reactions inwhich one of the reaction products is hydrogen. By removing hydrogen, the reac-tion equilibrium can be driven to completion, increasing the degree of conversionof the dehydrogenated product significantly. An example of the improvement inconversion that is possible is shown in Figure 13.20 [45]. In this figure, thefractional conversion of methylcyclohexane to toluene in a simple tube reactoris compared to that in a reactor with hydrogen-permeable, palladium-silver-alloy walls. Without the membrane, the degree of conversion is limited to theequilibrium value of the reaction. By removing the hydrogen, higher degreesof conversion can be achieved. Figure 13.20 also illustrates the problem thathas inhibited widespread use of membrane reactors—the high temperature ofthe reactions. The reactions listed in Table 13.4 are all normally performed at300–500 C. These temperatures are far above the normal operating range of

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polymeric membranes, so hydrogen-permeable metal membranes, microporouscarbon membranes, or ceramic membranes must be used. A review of mem-branes used in this application is given by Hsieh [46]. Currently metal or ceramicmembranes are too expensive and too unreliable to be used in a commercialprocess. Rezac et al. [37,47] have tried to circumvent the problem by usingreactors in series and cooling the gas between the reactor stages to the pointthat a high-temperature, polyimide-based polymer can be used to remove thehydrogen. Improved conversions are obtained by this process, and in the targetdehydrogenation reaction studied, dehydrogenation of butane to butene and buta-diene, good conversions can be obtained at relatively low reactor temperatures.Low-temperature reactor operations have a number of process benefits, so thisapproach may be developed further.

Another membrane application that could become a business is the use ofion-conducting membranes in membrane reactors. In the past 3 years, morethan 70 US patents have appeared on this topic, as well as many papers. Theoverall concept is to use ceramic membranes that conduct oxygen or hydrogenions at high temperatures. Materials that can conduct both ions and electronsare called mixed-conducting matrices. Several important early papers describingthese materials were published by Teraoka et al. in the 1980s [48,49]. Variouscomplex metal oxide compositions, including some better known for their prop-erties as superconductors, have mixed-conducting properties; recent efforts inthe field focus on these materials. Examples are perovskites having the structureLaxA1−xCoyFe1−yO3−z, where A is barium, strontium, or calcium; x and y are0–1; and the value of z makes the overall material charge neutral. Passage ofoxygen ions and electrons is related to the defect structure of these materials;at temperatures of 800–1000 C, disks of these materials have shown extraordi-nary permeabilities to oxygen. Similar mixed-oxide membranes can also conductprotons [50].

Two large consortia, one headed by Air Products [51] and the other by Prax-air/BP [52], are developing the membranes. At the appropriate high operatingtemperatures, the membranes are perfectly selective for oxygen over nitrogen,and oxygen permeabilities of 10 000 Barrer can be obtained. This means that, ifthe membrane thickness can be reduced to 1 µm, pressure-normalized fluxes of10 000 × 106 cm3(STP)/cm2 · s · cmHg are possible. On this basis, for a plant toproduce 1 MMscfh of oxygen, about 4000 m2 of membrane tube area will berequired—a large, but not inconceivably large, membrane area.

The most practical application, and the principal driving force behind thedevelopment of these membranes, is membrane reactor processes, such as theproduction of synthesis gas (syngas) by partial oxidation of methane or theoligomerization of methane to produce ethylene. Both processes are illustrated inFigure 13.21. In syngas production, oxygen ions diffusing through the membranereact with methane to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen. This gas can thenbe used without further separation to form methanol or other petrochemicals.

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(a)N2 + O2 (air)

2O2−2O2 + 4e−


CH4 + O2−


CO + 2H2 + 2e−

CO + 2H2

Oxidation of methane to syngas

CO + 2H21/2 O2 + CH4





(b)N2 + O2 (air)


N2 + H2O

1/2 O2 + 2e− + 2H+ 2CH4


C2H4 + 4H+ + 4e−


Oligomerization of methane to ethylene

2H2O + C2H42CH4 + O2





Figure 13.21 Use of ion-conducting ceramic membranes in a membrane reactor to pro-duce (a) syngas (CO + H2) and (b) ethylene

In ethylene production, methane is catalytically reacted to produce ethylene andhydrogen. The hydrogen permeates the membrane and then reacts with the oxy-gen in air to produce water. This second reaction produces the energy necessaryto heat the process. Many large natural gas fields are not currently exploitedbecause they are too far from the end-users. If this technology were developed, itwould allow these fields to be developed, and so change the basis of the chemicaland refining industries.

The membrane areas needed in these plants are not huge, but the technical chal-lenges are substantial. Defect-free, anisotropic composite ceramic membranes thatare 1–5 µm thick, able to operate continuously at 800–1000 C, nonpoisoning,nonfouling and low-cost are required—not impossible, but difficult. Conceptualdesigns of the type of reactor required are beginning to appear.

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The magnitude of the engineering task involved is indicated by the assumptionsfor the calculations [53]: a sealed vessel, containing 1000 1-in. diameter tubes,each 31 ft long, coated inside with perovskite membrane, in which the tubes are1.5 in. apart, with a lower preheated section of 6 ft, a central reaction section of18 ft, and an upper cooling section of 7 ft. The construction of such a vessel isneither simple nor cheap.

Chiral Drug Separation

Many drugs are produced as racemic mixtures of two mirror-image isomers.Often only one of these enantiomers has a beneficial pharmaceutical effect andthe second enantiomer is much less active or, even worse, produces toxic sideeffects. For this reason many drugs must be resolved into their component enan-tiomers before being used. A number of techniques are available, but most arecomplex and costly. Resolution of racemic mixtures using stereoselective enzy-matic reactions in a membrane bioreactor was pioneered by Sepracor and hasbeen applied on an industrial scale for a number of important drugs [54,55]. Sev-eral ingenious process schemes have been proposed, one of which is illustratedin Figure 13.22.

The process shown in Figure 13.22 uses the stereospecific, enzymatically cat-alyzed hydrolysis of the ethyl ester of naproxen to the free acid to perform achiral separation:



Lipase enzyme

NaproxenNaproxen ethyl ester








The lipase enzyme stereospecifically hydrolyzes the (+) isomer of naproxen ester.The enzyme is immobilized in the wall of an inside-skinned hollow fiber mem-brane. The racemic d and l naproxen ester mixture, dissolved in methyl isobutylketone, is introduced on the shell side of the fiber and an aqueous buffer solutionis circulated through the fiber lumen. The lipase enzyme hydrolyzes the d form ofnaproxen ester, forming ethanol and naproxen d . Naproxen d is a carboxylic acidsoluble in aqueous buffer but insoluble in methyl isobutyl ketone. Consequentlynaproxen d is removed from the reactor with the buffer solution. The naproxenl ester remains in the methyl isobutyl ketone solution. This technique achievesan essentially complete separation of the d and l forms. In a clever final step

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(d ) Naproxenin buffer


Active esterase inmicroporous fiber

Organic process stream

Aqueous processstream



Asymmetrichydrophilichollow fiber

Aqueous/organicphase boundary

Water-wet spongybiocatalyst matrix

Biocatalyst-impermeable‘skin’ layer

(l ) Naproxen ethyl ester(d ) Naproxen ethyl ester

in solvent

(l ) Naproxen ethyl ester(d ) Naproxen ethyl ester

in solvent(l ) Naproxen ethyl esterin solvent

Figure 13.22 Application of a membrane bioreactor to separate chiral drug mixtures

the naproxen l ester is racemized to a d and l racemic mixture and recirculatedto the membrane reactor. In this way all of the original mixture is eventuallyconverted to the pure, pharmaceutically active d form. This technology has beenapplied to the chiral resolution of a number of drugs. A full-scale plant for thechiral separation of diltiazem intermediates, developed by Tanabe/Sepracor engi-neers, contains 1440 m2 of hollow fiber membrane and produces 75 tons/year ofresolved diltiazem intermediate [54].

Conclusions and Future Directions

Of the processes described in this chapter, membrane contactors and membranereactors have the greatest potential to develop into large-scale commercial pro-cesses. Both technologies are already used on a small scale in niche applications,and both are being developed for much larger and more important processes.Membrane contactors are currently most widely used to deaerate liquids, but the

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best long-term application may be in the natural gas industry to replace amineabsorber-strippers to remove carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. Similarly,membrane reactors are currently used only in a few specialized biotech applica-tions. However, long-term, this type of device will be used in the petrochemicalindustry, with very different membranes, for dehydrogenation processes or thepartial oxidation of methane. Such applications could be much more important,but the development of suitable membranes poses a number of very challengingtechnical problems.

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40. A. Dams and J. King, Pervaporation Aided Esterification—Alternative in Plant Exten-sion for an Existing Chemical Process, in Proc. Fifth International Conference onPervaporation Process in the Chemical Industry, Heidelburg, Germany, R. Bakish(ed.), Bakish Materials Corp., Englewood, NJ, pp. 338–348 (1991).

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Table A1 Constants


e = 2.71828 . . .

ln 10 = 2.30259 . . .

π = 3.14159 . . .

Gas law constant, R

1.987 cal/g-mol · K

82.05 cm3 · atm/g-mol · K

8.314 × 107 g · cm2/s2 · g-mol · K

8.314 × 103 kg · m2/s2 · kg-mol · K

Standard acceleration of gravity

980.665 cm/s2

32.1740 ft/s2

Avogadro’s number

6.023 × 1023 molecules/g-mol

Faraday’s constant, F9.652 × 104 abs-coulombs/g-equivalent

STP (standard temperature and pressure)

273.15 K and 1 atm pressure

Volume of 1 mol of ideal gas at STP = 22.41 L

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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Table A2 Conversion factors for weight and volume

Given a quantityin these units

Multiply by To convert quantityto these units

Pounds 453.59 GramsKilograms 2.2046 PoundsTon, short (US) 2000 PoundsTon, long (UK) 2240 PoundsTon, metric 1000 KilogramsGallons (US) 3.7853 LitersGallons (US) 231.00 Cubic inchesGallons (US) 0.13368 Cubic feetCubic feet 28.316 LitersCubic meters 264.17 Gallons (US)

Table A3 Conversion factors—other

Given a quantityin these units

Multiply by To convert quantityto these units

Inches 2.54 CentimetersMeters 39.37 InchesMils 25.4 MicronsSquare meters 10.764 Square feetDynes 1 g · cm/sCentipoises 10−3 kg/m · s

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g· c




· m2/s2



















· h)




























































































































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2· h

( Lm















· day















cm2· s












cm2· m










2· d












2· d































































































































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/m2· d






















· h8.



















/m2· s
















2· s
















2· s
















































2· s

· cm






2· h

· bar




2· m




2· m




2· s

· Pa


/m2· h

· bar





































































































A1 -




















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2· s

· cm








2· s

· bar





2· s

· Pa



· m/

m2· s

· Pa


· m/

m2· s

· Pa







2· s

· cm



















s· b














































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p.( C







( C)






p.( C







( C)






p.( C










































































































































































































































































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Table A12 Composition of air

Component Concentration (vol%) Concentration (wt%)

Nitrogen 78.09 75.52Oxygen 20.95 23.15Argon 0.933 1.28Carbon dioxide 0.030 0.046Neon 0.0018 0.0012Helium 0.0005 0.00007Krypton 0.0001 0.0003Hydrogen 0.0005 0.00003Xenon 0.000003 0.00004

Table A13 Typical osmotic pressures at 25 C

Compound Concentration(mg/L)


Osmotic pressure(psi)

NaCl 35 000 0.60 398Seawater 32 000 — 340NaCl 2000 0.0342 22.8Brackish water 2000–5000 — 15–40NaHCO3 1000 0.0119 12.8Na2SO4 1000 0.00705 6.0MgSO4 1000 0.00831 3.6MgCl2 1000 0.0105 9.7CaCl2 1000 0.009 8.3Sucrose 1000 0.00292 1.05Dextrose 1000 0.0055 2.0

Table A14 Mean free path of gases (25 C)

Gas λ (A)

Argon 1017Hydrogen 1775Helium 2809Nitrogen 947Neon 2005Oxygen 1039UF6 279

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Table A15 Estimated diameter of common gas molecules

Gas molecule Kinetic diameter (A) Lennard–Jones diameter (A)

Helium 2.60 2.55Neon 2.75 2.82Hydrogen 2.89 2.83Nitrous oxide 3.17 3.49Carbon dioxide 3.30 3.94Acetylene 3.30 4.03Argon 3.40 3.54Oxygen 3.46 3.47Nitrogen 3.64 3.80Carbon monoxide 3.76 3.69Methane 3.80 3.76Ethylene 3.90 4.16Propane 4.30 5.12Propylene 4.50 4.68

Gas diameters can be determined as kinetic diameter based on molecular sieve measurements orestimated as Lennard–Jones diameters based on viscosity measurements. The absolute magnitudeof the estimated diameters is not important, but the ratio of diameters can give a good estimate ofthe relative diffusion coefficients of different gas pairs [see Equation (8.4)]. On this basis the kineticdiameters do a better job of predicting the relative diffusion coefficients of carbon dioxide/methane(always greater than 1 and often as high as 5–10 in glassy polymers). However, the Lennard–Jonesdiameter does a better job of predicting the relative diffusion coefficients of propylene/propane(always greater than 1 and often as high as 5 in glassy polymers).

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Table A16 Experimental diffusion coefficient of water in organic liquids at 20–25 Cat infinite dilution

Liquid Temperature ( C) Viscosity cm2/s × 105

Methanol 20 — 2.2Ethanol 25 1.15 1.21-Propanol 20 — 0.52-Propanol 20 — 0.51-Butanol 25 2.60 0.56Isobutanol 20 — 0.36Benzyl alcohol 20 6.5 0.37Ethylene glycol 25 — 0.24Triethylene glycol 30 30 0.19Propane-1,2-diol 20 56 0.0752-Ethylhexane-1,3-diol 20 320 0.019Glycerol 20 1500 0.008Acetone 25 0.33 4.6Furfuraldehyde 20 1.64 0.90Ethyl acetate 20 0.47 3.20Aniline 20 4.4 0.70n-Hexadecane 20 3.45 3.8n-Butyl acetate 25 0.67 2.9n-Butyric acid 25 1.41 0.79Toluene 25 0.55 6.2Methylene chloride 25 0.41 6.51,1,1-Trichloroethylene 25 0.78 4.6Trichloroethylene 25 0.55 8.81,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 25 1.63 3.82-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,

1-trifluoroethane25 0.61 8.9

Nitrobenzene 25 1.84 2.8Pyridine 25 0.88 2.7

Source: F.P. Lees and P. Sarram, J. Chem. Eng. Data 16, 41 (1971).

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Table A17 Diffusion coefficient of saltsin water at 25 C at infinite dilution

Salt Diffusion coefficient(cm2/s × 105)

NH4Cl 1.99BaCl2 1.39CaCl2 1.34Ca(NO3)2 1.10CuSO4 0.63LiCl 1.37LiNO3 1.34MgCl2 1.25Mg(NO3)2 1.60MgSO4 0.85KCl 1.99KNO3 1.89K2SO4 1.95Glycerol 0.94NaCl 0.61NaNO3 1.57Na2SO4 1.23Sucrose 0.52Urea 1.38

Source: Data correlated by Sourirajan fromvarious sources in Reverse Osmosis, AcademicPress, New York (1970).

Table A18 Interdiffusion of gases and vapors intoair at 20 C

Gas or vapor Diffusion coefficient (cm2/s)

O2-Air 0.18CO2-Air 0.14H2-Air 0.61H2O-Air 0.22n-Propyl alcohol 0.085Ethyl acetate 0.072Toluene 0.071n-Octane 0.051

Source: Selected values from International Critical Tables,W.P. Boynton and W.H. Brattain.

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Table A19 Interdiffusion of vapors into air, carbondioxide or hydrogen

Diffusion coefficient (cm2/s)

Gas/vapor Air CO2 H2

Oxygen 0.18 0.14 0.70Water 0.22 0.14 0.75Ethyl acetate 0.072 0.049 0.27n-Propyl alcohol 0.085 0.058 0.32Propyl butyrate 0.053 0.036 0.21

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anisotropic membranes 5, 96–126artificial kidney (see hemodialyzer)artificial lung (see blood oxygenators)

backflushing 252–254, 292–295Barrer, R.M. 301, 304batch systems 258–260, 380–381bioreactors 512–513blood oxygenators 470–472Bondi method 56–57brackish water desalination 223–224Brownian diffusion 72–73bubble point 282–286

Cadotte, John 191–192capillary condensation 77–80carbon dioxide separation 302, 340–342,

452–454carbon membranes 77–80, 132carrier facilitated transport 425–463

coupled transport applications443–444

coupled transport characteristics434–439

emulsion liquid membranes 428–429,441–443

facilitated transport applications452–459

facilitated transport process design448–452

facilitated transport theory 444–448Giozzi’s biological model 427liquid membranes 132, 426–429supported liquid membranes 427–428,

439–441ceramic membranes 6, 129–132,

314–317co-flow 185–186

composite membranes (solution coated)119–122, 313–314

concentration polarization 161–190boundary layer model 164–172,

241–251in electrodialysis 404–409in gases 178–181in liquids 176–178in pervaporation 177–178, 278–279in ultrafiltration 177, 241–251gel layer model 241–251Peclet number 171–175Peclet number measurement 172–175Wilson plot 174

continuous systems 260–262controlled drug delivery 472–489

biodegradable systems 480–482diffusion-controlled systems 473–480osmotic systems 481–489Rose-Nelson osmotic pump 482–483Theeuwes elementary osmotic pump

485–489counter-flow 182–188cross-flow 182–188

Darcy’s law 16depth filter 69–72, 74, 277–279dialysis 27–30, 491–493

Cerini dialyzer 491–492charge mosaic membranes 496–499theory 27–30diffusion dialysis 493–496Donnan dialysis 493–496Piezodialysis 496–499

diffusion coefficients 50–58diffusion of gases in polymers 49,

53–54, 305–306diffusion in liquid 51–53

Membrane Technology and Applications R. W. Baker 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85445-6

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Donnan equation 397–400, 493Donnan dialysis 493–496dual sorption model 63–66dynamically formed membranes


electrodialysis 393–423bipolar membranes 418–421brackish water desalination 415coupled transport theory 431–434Cowan-Brown plot 407–408Donnan exclusion 397–400, 493applications 415–421current efficiency 409–411system design 411–415theory 397–400transport mechanism 404–409ion exchange membranes 400–402limiting current density 404–409Nafion membranes 402–403salt from seawater 415–417ultrapure water 225–226, 418–420

emulsion liquid membranes 428–429,443–444

expanded film membranes 94–96

feed-and-bleed design 260–262,270–271, 440

Ferry model 69–71Ferry-Renkin equation 71Fick’s law 16Flory-Huggins theory 61–63flux paradox 249free volume 56–58, 80

gas permeabilities 38–39, 308–309,329, 332

gas separation 301–353Robeson plot 331–332, 338, 457

gas separation applicationscarbon dioxide/hydrogen sulfide

340–342, 452–454dehydration of air 342–343status 349–350hydrogen separation 327–330natural gas dehydration 342–343natural gas dew point adjustment

343–345natural gas separations 338–345olefin separations 347–348, 451–452,


oxygen/nitrogen 331–338, 457–459vapor/gas 325–327, 345–347

gas solubility 48–50, 58–66, 305–307in liquids 59–61in polymers 48–50, 58–66, 305–307

Gibbon, J.H. 471glass (microporous) membranes 76–79,

132glass transition temperature 53–58,

305–306Graham’s Law of Diffusion

75, 302–303Graham, Thomas 74, 302

hemodialyzer 465–470Henry’s law 42, 304history of membrane technology 1–3

carrier facilitated transport 425–431electrodialysis 393–396gas separation 301–303microfiltration 275–278pervaporation 355–357reverse osmosis 191–193ultrafiltration 237–238

hollow-fiber membranes 133–139melt spinning 133–134membrane recipes 137solvent spinning 133–139

hollow-fiber modules (see membranemodules)

hyperfiltration 209–211, 229–231

inertial capture 72–74interfacial polymerization membranes

116–119, 201–204ion-conducting membranes

516–517isotropic membranes 4–5, 190–196

dense membranes 5, 90–92microporous membranes 4–5, 92–96

Knudsen diffusion 74–76, 303Kolf kidney 467–468

liquid membranes (see carrier facilitatedtransport)

Loeb-Sourirajan membranes 96–109,312–313

membrane formation theory 102–109membrane recipes 102

lube oil separation 229–231

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Manhattan project 74, 301melt extruded film 91–92membrane cleaning 220–221, 251–523membrane concentration gradients

22–26membrane contactors 429, 500–508

gas exchange 503–505membrane distillation 501, 506–508

membrane defects 126–128, 312–313membrane distillation 501, 506–508membrane fouling 215–220, 241–243,

292–295membrane modules 139–154

hollow fiber 143–150, 253–254plate-and-frame 139–141, 151–154,

256–257, 287, 368, 375, 413–414,467–468

spiral-wound 141–143, 151–154,213–215

tubular 140, 151–154, 256, 292vibrating 150–151

membrane preparation 89–139anisotropic membranes 96–128carbon membranes 77–80, 132ceramic membranes 129–132expanded film membranes 94–96formation by absorption of water vapor

114–116formation by solvent evaporation

112–114formation by thermal gelation

109–112glass (microporous) membranes

76–79, 132ion exchange membranes 400–404Loeb-Sourirajan membranes 96–109,

312–313melt extruded film 91–92metal membranes 6, 128Nafion membranes 402–403nucleation track membranes 73, 92–94slip cast ceramic membranes 129sol gel ceramic membranes 129–132solution cast membranes 90–91

membrane porosity 66–68membrane pressure gradients 21–26membrane reactors 509–518

applications 512–519bioreactors 512–513Chiral drug separations 517–518Fermentation 512–513

gas-phase catalytic reactions 511,513–517

membrane surface treatment 125–126membrane tortuosity 67–68metal membranes 6, 128, 309–312,

514–515microfiltration 275–299

applications 295–299bacterial challenge test 281–282,

285–286bubble test 282–286cross-flow filtration 292–295,

298–299depth filters 68–74, 277–279inline filtration 276, 289–291,

296–299latex challenge test 282membranes 277–278, 287screen filters 69–72, 277sterile filtration 296–298pleated cartridge 288–289prefilters 289–291ultrapure water 298

microporous membranes 66–82, 92–96,132

mixed-matrix membranes 314–317molecular dynamic simulations 18–21,

83molecular radius 51–52molecular sieving (of gases) 76–78, 303multistep-multistage processes 323–325,

328, 334, 341, 346municipal water treatment 298–299

nanofiltration 82–83, 208–210, 229nucleation track membranes 73, 92–94

Office of Saline Water (OSW) 2olefin/paraffin separation 347–348, 430,

450–452, 455–456osmotic pressure 25–26, 31–32,

194–195, 225

palladium membranes (see metalmembranes)

pervaporation 355–392applications 372–388GFT 3, 355–356membrane materials 363–368modules 368process design 369–372

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pervaporation (continued )organic/organic mixtures 383–388organics from water 378–383solvent dehydration 372–378theory 39–44, 357–362

phase diagrams 105–109phase separation membranes 97–116piezodialysis 496–499plasma polymerization membranes

122–125plate-and-frame modules (see membrane

modules)Poiseuille flow 74–76, 303poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) [PTMSP]

57–58, 80–82pore flow membranes 66–82pore flow model 16–18, 69–72pressure ratio 317–321

recycle designs 325–327, 345–347rejection coefficient 33, 71reverse osmosis 191–235

applications 221–231brackish water desalination 223–224cellulosic membranes 197–200furfuryl alcohol membranes 204–206hyperfiltration 209–211, 229–231interfacial composite 201–204Jiddah plant 191, 203membrane cleaning 220–221membrane fouling 215–220membrane selectivity 206, 212–213membranes 196–212modules 213–215municipal water treatment 298–299nanofiltration membrane 82–83,

208–210, 229noncellulosic membranes 200–201PEC-1000 membrane 204–205, 206Pretreatment 215–220Scale 216–217seawater desalination 224–225silt density index 217–219theory 30–36, 193–196ultrapure water 225–226wastewater treatment 226–229

salt permeability constant 33, 193–194screen filter 69–72, 277–279seawater desalination 205–206,

224–225slip cast ceramic membranes 129–132sol gel ceramic membranes 129–132solution cast membranes 90–91solution-diffusion model 18–48solvent dewaxing 229–231sorption coefficients in polymers 58–66spiral-wound modules (see membrane

modules)stage-cut 318, 322–323Stokes-Einstein equation 51–52surface diffusion 74–80, 303sweep 182–188, 348, 369–371,


template leaching 96track etch membranes (see nucleation

track)transdermal patch 13–14, 473tubular membranes (see membrane


ultrafiltration 237–274cheese production 265–267electrocoat paint 264–265fruit juice 267–268gel layer model 241–251membrane characterization 72,

238–241membrane cleaning 251–253membrane fouling 241–243membrane modules 255–258membranes 3, 253–255oil-water emulsions 268–269PVA recovery 270–271system design 258–262

ultrapure water 418–420

vibrating modules 150–151

water permeability constant 32water purification 298–299

Zaffaroni, Alex 3, 473