milk mews goes astray; opejied vote aid bill finds …....mti on mt irobb 1 uy-r thi rted for b bvfl...

Mews From ttie Camps-Plans for Trainlnfj OIHccrs Mexican Consul Instructs Aid to Defy Draft Board "Only Way to Handle Ofn- cials Ia With Dynamitr," Says Burns Federal Action Likely Department of Juatice Will Be Notified if Martinez Ipnores Summons ' Burna, | York, ¦ loeal af cpen fliaaad three 1 4' ' nlrr)- ,1 Martmex i] that not n babi blsaaalt thal M alicn Bjllitai-j 4j mr* So. 148 t*a- | ;.« the .y way flf ' ham- to arrest aaybfld* K the draft. f. ... | Bet aa aa* arill irl, Thiy've tfl be Martinea I »ard \. ,. ljutaat IT ce. <o il H. lt. -. '°- "4B> Burns ( onfident of Immunity ent of Justice." said ,i ill be aaked to proceed - « *h aay other vio- bfl <¦¦ artment also lattil -'.«¦¦ lt may him, too.' eBflfll Gi naral ai.d his Hurr.s admitted that he did 8 itatui .i4Btativfl of rf, I .,.- a whal they are al r> do." Bil -bfljf can go itUiapl tfl humiliate -ji. BaBI it** Ke^peit roreifirier' VA ¦. »ord good -. ' .juntnr t-,,,.rteous treat- -. held up Lat to hii ? tl four iraey to the bb* .. I i l .: .tha , a ¦ Indifl- ¦ BA. Wood Asks Arrest Of Men Who Fail to Answer Draft Call ..:.... Bpaad tt. ba paid ay by ,.. ral Crowder. Hereto- t. roagh "h< ln BVfl ileiinquents Mr. Wi ' ""'" tr.but. .'.A."bra larda. Theflfl, .mti on mt irOBB 1 uy- r thi rted for b Bvfl at a '.. tha* <Ike flBtUfl ia-i aponaibiiilv. Mr Hughra declored, reala on the loial boords. th. glatement woa provoked by a de- hate aaaeag the board aaeoahore over the appeal on rhvaical gTounda of I-ouis William llerman. ef I""'"1 Board I2f, who had affldaMta from (hree leading orthopedie -penol ista to the effect that he had double flat feet. William W. Mille. who re partod on the cooe. recommended re verelBg ihe local board, but l.ouig Mar¬ ghal and George L lngraham pointed oul that the proToat marghal general . raloa requested thot all queationB of faet regarding phyaical diaqualincation ft to the army aurgeon. thia miitk»','>""1 N,r Ml11" rf't>,,f<': "There ia a wide gulf between practl cal army men ar.d theoretlcal men m the prevoel aaarahaft eaaee. we can gave the government mach money by areiBg the local board ln physical defeet ca«eg where it ig ahown eonelu that the loeal phyaician waa ln arroi l"he majority ef the board voted agaiaet Mr ntilla. Physician and Two Others Guilty of Plot To Defeat Draft Law lir gaiaa, B aruv .lacob- son and Natha & were eeavieted r .,, ;, .. the parpoeee Of the dra'"' law by B jury ln the i'nited Statei DiBtrict Court in Brooa yeatai ind were commltte.i te tha kayaaoad' Street Joil without ball. Ihe man were found guilty of plotting ta ahtaln the exemption of Joaeph i ev. v through Local Board al, a th whieh Dr. Seligman was aereiag as a .rer examlaiag phyaician I men will be aentenrcd ry Judge V,. M i.lay The maximum penalty uader the law is a prison two years or a $10,000 fino, The trial lasted geven days Jaeob- son wa> arregted after Levey is alleged to have c.ven him $75 Kiid'a polft wateh hie exemptioa. Jacobson is BCCUsed of acting al the time ag a go- betwaefl for Dr Seligman Levey, it was ahowa, wa* exematod by the board anyway because of a rupture. Lhrlich wag charged with being present on an- other occaeion when Dr. Seligman and .laeohson negotiated for the exemptlan of another mar. for $200. George Martin, counr-el for the phy¬ aician and Jacobson, charged that they were the victima of a congpiracy ha'.ched by government wltnesses. Aeaietaat Un ted Stateg Diatrict At eratey Hoarj Ward Beer concluded hig addresg b\ ¦' Bg that the "eye of every axempt ;. board Ifl the country" wag on the Jurore. Columbia Turns Over Hospital to Nation Univeraity Makea Preaentation to U. S. for Duration of the War The Columbia War Hospital. at Co¬ lumbia Oval, built and equipped by Columbia Uaiveraty and ita graduates, changed its r.amc yeaterday after- BOOa to United States Army General Hospital No. 1, and entered the service of the government for the duration of the wor. Cereaaoalea atteadlag the transfer w. re a-niple a«u brief. The eoaet ar- tillery band from Fort Bloeum played aeveral patrietle aira, ar.d then Preei' . irray Batlar of 'he univeraity delivered the preaentation traeed the gmwth of th. pital ... pf 'he work which it already .. rai. aid, bOd aiving theii ng there Many of them have aince k'one' I hia speech the Ameriean flag wa rua u] on the pole ln front of I aar, of the Medieal t'orps, aecepted the alf nf the Beeretary of Wi.-_ Men of Old 7th Dig Trenches in Shale Fourtecnth Regiment, of Brooklyn, Reachea Camp Wadaworth AJIP WAD8WORTH, B. ( Oet 3. Xo Carolioiaa ehi g ovei .v>ored thai men of the old 7th Regiment f thi eommand were, set to cor.^- ..... iday afterneoa is day amoag the eal Iv mai , ... . tha 7th began aloag ¦- Ige tha camp. rheraare be three linea th travereea and dugou--. b ..i «rhea the wort la ed thi c mmaada will lloe la the dlf- .. .. at a time. faea ef red ame upon a i,.-..utiful of ahale, aad te <ara. aia reet dowa through thii was a task for vet- - Sto| . ad ti.e.r atlrring band, Regiment, ef Brooklyn, ta earnp to-day. The regi- arnval wa- h ¦ irpriai Head them intil lata t ..'. to-morro* morning. ( olo-¦. aid tbe foui BOCtlOBB of hla troop traia had made a record nin. B la i camped clo.-ae to | Broohlya. Nol a man of 800 .n the nghting oatflt la an the a»ck . .. The arrival ef ihe 14th completed tne p, aad \ aad a few baUei fleld artillery arriae tne real woik action in '! nt run.j' that tiie 224 Lngmeers will be the tiif t to laave here. The eagiaeera, om- mandod uv » aloael Vanderbilt, ara fully and have beei hard .,. Loree, aon * 1 tha preei- Di :aware I Hadaoii Rail- r.uid. and whe is assUtant to Colonel Harry 9. Sternberger, dJviaienal quar* ifltar, from New York to ,. .^ heei ipen ¦ I BBapi ^'«' B of the troop- to camp. » Body of Navy Surgeon Arrives A\ A'l LAN II POR1 Ol d Gordon Allei d Stati - Navy, »«'¦ brought here to-da> on a Britiab iteam The body wag tirgt tagen to St. alichael'a, /aaen an AJMiicaa .i uiaei Cabla meeaagea of September I told | af a Di I nected %a th 'be Ameriean Hoapital Service m Klanders during a ri-id by German air- , raft . ed whether tne body brought here to-day ia that of the a ictim. Fire Record . b j«a Wofea I k -_. | i.,-i . B ifaartta; t.ifi.u haai .^ l 1'ikr f itovM - . « \' . Tlftll.f Mar ».i.e rt t'IL. f v. , «i.l I'PO . a I-.-. ... . '' .''* t r to.i;i Brawa ai ntuiu*. DarkiB. UUI114 Senate to Vote To-day on Bill for Insuring Soldiera Practically All Committee Amendments to House Measure Accepted Permanent Plan Urged Suggeation to Pay Rent for Officera' Familiea Ia Rejected WASHIM.TOW Oct. 8. An agree ment to vote on the loldlera' and aall* era' v.;.r r;ft -naurance bill **i amend- nol later than b r ¦»< tfl aiorraw via* fldaptfld to-day by the Senate. Practically all of ta-daj wai devoted; ,. ., of the bill b| Senator Wiiliama, who ifl in charge of the .,, r..d dehate ovar tba advlea- ntinuiag the laaaraaca plan .... war. Banator Weaba oppoaed ... .f the bill, BBd ^nator IntrodaCfld »n amendment pro- Viding for turning over to private rom- panlea all Inauranea polieifli hflld by enlifted men. the government paving the differenco in cost. Another amendment bf the UUh Sen ator would establisb the ai.i» family allowances aa were opera'ne nurmg the Spanish American War. The Senate derhned to accept an amendment Intri I'.ced by Senator New, of Indiana. appropriating $26.00<\noO with which to pay the rrnt of familiea and other dependents of officer* now on artlv ¦:. Committee \mendments \rrrpted All cotrr.nttee amendments to the Kou.e bill were accepted, except nne reuucinR the maximum amount of in- auraaca to a man from Jiu.'iOO to $7.r,oo, on whieh thrre will bi 1. vata to morrow The bi;!. '.vhich arill aboliih tho pres¬ ent prr,r -v tan Bfl ftr as this war II eaacarned, providea ti.e followiag four clafc.-f- ai bflfleBtl 1. Flwviaioil for ''ie pavment of com pu.sory allowances to dependents of soldiera and *ailors. il. Prov,.- pn for a suppienientary al- lowance by thfl jjvirnm'r.t to theaa dependents ' 3. PrOViaiOB f-.r thr pavment of ueath aml dieabllity compensation* by the govornn inl ;o loldien aad ia ^r* or their da| endenl 4. Provuion pormittiBg aaldiera and sailors. Ineluding .'ffieer-.. to purchaaal iaaaranca from tba gaverBBiaBl at al rate which probablj fl '' lf M ¦. tbflB- sar.d. I'nder *he bill aaldn r oa foreiga ferv.i', 1.¦ e 1 ^ 19 .1 month would allot nol l< than 116.60 I hia pay to his family. lf ha ft* <*¦ wif« aad two ehildren tne government would add ,' Bllowaaee, nink:1 r a total of $49 a foi t"1 ippart of hia family during hi* ibn 1 The ¦oataily compalacry allotment! by a aoldier tt, i. dependenti nat :<¦ exce.-tj onfl-half hi.* pay nor len than flf, a month. In addition t,< this he may voluntarilv allot ai much more of his pay aa he daairai For Soldiers Without O.pendents A aaldier havin.i no dependenti may be raquired t" ¦!* jm. :. a - rtam jar' t,f his nay, tt. be held on depoait 'or him by the goaarnment intil the end ot the war at 4 per CflBt iaterflfll In the ,... ent of his dtath thii mon*) woald go ta BB] bt:ie: -; .' loldioi rna;. hflVB riesignated, r, in ¦- \i oary baving been dealgnated, to his estate 8upplemi ntinj Bllowaaee, the gorarnmenl bj the termi of tba bill would pay aaothi r dopendeney allow* BBC4 during aei tarting from No- Vfmber 1. 1.U7, ai followi: "Class A. In the eaae of a man to wiffl lacluding ¦ farmer wife, divoreed) and u.¦¦. or ehil ln r.: Ai !f tbore ba h wife, bal .r" rhUd, $15. (B) lf there be a wlfe und one flbild, $2F. ' If there be u v. ifa and twc, ehildren. $32.60, with 15 a' month additionai for each additionai ihild. (C) (f thera ba no wife, but ona child, IS. E If there be no wife, but two ehildren, $12.60, F> If there ba no wife. but three ehildren, $20 (G If bfl 00 wife, but four cnildren. $30, with $6 11 month additionai for each ad-' ditio "Claai a, In tba fiire of man or woman, tt, a granuchlld, a parent, A If then bfl one parent, $10. " B) lf there he two aareata, $20. Par each grandrh.ld, brother,] I ter and add.tiona! parent, $6. .Ir. 'he case of a woman, to a chlld or childrel d. t o n 1 T. R. Deplores Lack Of Rifles for Army _ Colonel Takea Fling at What He Characterizes as "Broom- atick Preparedness" KAN8AJ ITT, Oet I. I nder the g, "Broomal eh Praparedi " Theodore Koosevelt eoatributfll -'rm following to "The Kaaai Btarf ti day: ordaaaca ban an of the Wur Dapartmanl admita that we have no* nfles for our National Army, tempti tfl txc.ise matter* by taj ng «' t of no conbequeni .., becauae all have riBai a ft-w month- our,- BBfld) to go abroad. corraet Tha i iee "Evi g il aim infantrymen each with the weapon ha li tfl asc i«''.; thai ... k va eath man r. k! tfl ir'.'.'.- evi -. f,..,r men aa .ntiquated r.f!-.-, which CBBBal be used :n senvce; and most of oar artll- lery raajiaaaati at praaent either have r.o guns or woodaB gBB4, or, in rather rare case*. old ityll >:.. wbiel BBfl not be matched againat aaj preaenl day artillarj llaraavar and thia 1* the 1 tal 1 aial we now ha^.e the time to prepare only becau.-e the Enghsh and Prancfa fleatl an.l armies protect us. "EiK'ht months hBVe pasaed s'.nco1 Germany openly went to war with ui. A- v 11 we have r.ot rirlei for our in- faatry. As yet we have not gun* for our artillery. lt will be at !es>t a yaar after wa are dragpe.) into thi war befare our army will have rece:ved the weapon 1 with which wa nr.- ., wage the war. "This ia broaflMtici pieparednesi,' 4*nd there ia not the alightflflt uae in tryiag ta juitify or excuwe brogmstick preparedr.eif" Yaphank Company Goes Astray; Finds Itself Too Late for Mess tamp Upton Unit Finally Sita Dovvr. to Cold Rrai.a Aft«f Seveml Hours Spent in Climbm« TfCM IO I orate Barracks IBjaB CaoioaawaeoaaBl CAMP ITTdN, Long Island. Oet. 8. Thrre'o a lot to Camp I'pton healdaa what you oeo when you'ro juat off the troin Ihe row« of harrorks and aux lliary buildings, when you're travelling on foot among them, geem to gtrotch out without end Ag a matter of fart, they really do gome magnineen» alretching any kind of city bullt lo gcale for a 40,000 population con't help but'.- when two gtorieg ig as high aa it can ahoot. Hut II (ompany. of the llOfith Infan try, \. A . can tegfify with authonty that the bmlt up "horsct.oe" that neat- ly rings hcadqugrters bill is only a gpeck on tne i amp I'plun map, and a mlghty hard speck to fin.l a' tim.s. il Comaaay, led ay I aptaia Ruberi W. Eldred. started off on a hike this morning. The general direclion in which they movid wag north Since their barracka is on the northern curve of Ihe "horseshoe" it wag not long be¬ fore civilizatu.n guch civiliiatlon as BXleta in I'ptoiii was left behirid. Ntretehed in Single I'ilr Through partU elearid land the men marehed for a nule or so, and then they struck ports that hadn't been cleared at all. Column of gquads w^a narrowed to column af tWOI At lagt tho whole company was stretched out ln elagle Me. It wag great sport. The time riaOged'.y. f'aptam Kl.lrrd looked at his watch, at length. It was 11 o'clock. Get the men fojjelher, sergear,'," he directed. "Time to gtart baek " Ihe top aorgoaat'e whiatle ghrilled, and the company aasemblod in a little clearmg. Boldly the men gtrurk out to retraee their gteps. Well, a*. 11 o'clock gomebody elae back In camp looked at hlg watch. This uas llajot Hogeman Hultfer, to whoee battallon >I t ompany belong.a. At 1 o'clock two offlrero WON loofciag at wetchea. Oae w»s atajer Bulger, 10 Per Cent Raise In Navy Yard Pay Granted by U. S. Aaaiatant Secretary Roose¬ velt and Union Chiefa Reach Agreement WASHINGTON, Oet 3. An agree- ment on wage naleg virtually waa reached to-day between the Navy Da> partment and the preaidenta af the la ternatloaal rradea (Jaiea, repregentin^ nav> yard employea. While tigurea have not been finally decided, ll was anr.ounced ofticially that the conference had reached a point where Iho union BBOfl expected to Biga agreements ll moriow for the enaumg year. . The effect cf the gcale under consid eration arill he to ir.erease the eost of niivv yard labor to the govcrnme> . mora thaa 14 per cent over the scalc foa MU7. which expired September 24 Ihe point rerr.aining to be settleJ, according to Aaoistont Secretary Roosevelt, with whom the presider'a ore in conference, is whether the ln- creksn over the li»17 ocale shall be rived Ib pereeatage ef the old rate er on a def.nite number of cc-ntg per hour for each hranch of oach trade. Kquaiizatlon of pay within the trades I ropoaed. and tho effe.'L 11 waa ^ui.l, w.mld be to place all ef the nien aa the basig of pay of the top men of thal 'rado Th" actual ncreaee fur the high men would be gmall, in gome cases aet more than 2 per cent. For the rr.en Ifl lower ratlngs, however, the advaaee wouid be i!5 per cent or more \\ i.ile the War Departmenl did not partlelpate ia the conferences. it io et pected that, under the atandardiiatlor policy for eivil employes of the armv and na»y and of the Shipping Hoarf, men at tha arsenals nnd "ngaged on government Bhipbtttldiflg outgide the navj yardl ln many <*ges will benefit from ti.e new plan. . War Period Contract Holds Up Coal Wage Agreement WASHINGTON. «>ct. 3 A diiagree ment was reported to-day by a aub- (on.mittee of coal operatorg and miners of the Central competitive field, which is dlgcuasing here a readjuat- ment of the minera' wage scale. The Chief BOlnt of difference la aa to how long the now contrae'i shall run ~ Tho miners want a contract covering n two year period, beginning next April, but the operatorg want it to end aixty days after the war over. The subject will be taken up by the full conference of operators and min Denies Marinea Lack Socks Major General Barnett Re- greta Appeal of Navy League WASHINGTON. Oct I, Majet Gen- era' Harnett, eommandant of the I'nit¬ ed Stateg Manne (orpg. mdignantly Btl led te day that ti.e la France are m deaperate need of aock*. He took iaeue flatly with the eoaaforta committee of tne Navy league, whoee "emergencv call te knitters' was BOUt out from the New Vork headquart.r.- lagt Monday. The advtrtigemer.t of the comforts eaa aittee atatiag '.hut "an urgent call ¦- made for 1,000 pairs of heavy winter aerviee aoeha for the Uaitod States Mant:fs BOW Ifl Frar.ce, which are des- pcratfly needed " was ser.t by l.incoln Cremwall, cha:rman of the knj? goodg committee of the Council of National Defeace, to General Barnett, who wrote in reply: "To aay that I am astor.ished at thia advertiteirenti ia putting It mildly, for this off-ce ha^ ot aaBCtlOBOd any »ueh procedure on the part of the eomforto eommitUe of the Navy League, nor had it any knowledge of it pnor to tbe re- ceipt from you of the copy of tho ad- vertiaement. Ihe uso of tho name ..f the rr.arlr.e corps in this matter ia en- tirely unwarrar.ted and unauthorized, ai d I can only cxprea* my regret at ouch a mialeaaiag advertieemeat hav¬ ing been published " Spcaking l'or tho eomforto eommittee. Arthnr H. Dadrrun, of the Navy lyeague. deelares that tho informotion as to th» aood of tho aae/iaea for ^ockg "cam., aujiaS'hi from the aaariaea ai.eia»elvea." an.l he was Ifl front of H Company 1 empty barrarks The other waa « ap tain Eldrad, and he ilidn't know where he was. MaJ-.l Mulger WBfl ««" alone; Captain Kldred had lata r,f com pfl»y- t'ompany I'p a I ree Figuratively the caplain aiul II CBB1 pany were up a tree. I.lterally, Bfl Iflflfl than half the devoted company were up tree.*. Kver ~inre me.*s c»U hud echoed in its stomach the company had b<en trytag tfl Sad ¦ tra« tall BBOBgh to afford a viev. over its neigh bor trees. In monientn of panir it is always tne mualcian who turn* flflro. In this ca*e there was Tnhn Vtnpner. who used to pound the pian<> ifl " Rrooklyn rabaret. Wa,' didn't have, a plano with him, but he did ha'. B harmoalca. And the taae he played waa one the men of H Company knew well, and proud of to boot. F.ed bath, who used tfl be a se.nario editor before (Jaele Sam ealle.l upon h,m to turn hii deadly penril aicaim' the Kalser. had writtflfl it. and it hmi be. n adoptad us the ret<:men:«l lOBf. Tho title: "When the Moon li Bhin.Bf .S(,rnewhere ifl France." So th^ "habe* Ifl the woods" rang( about the Freneh moon eheerfully enough unt'l the right man found thfl right trre and aighted the buildings of far off (amp I'pton. At l a'alaah thia by the .-ook's watcfa fl Company sat itself down to Cflld bean*. And th-y hadn't bc-en Imlf way ln their travela, as f.u as the rv*erva tit.n goes. While H Company waa !»st, U 4B4- pany, of the ,107th Ir.tftntry. came through on the new Liberty bond issue I,. the tune of a bon.j a man. The battalion of nej;r<. Quardamen which haa been doing miliury police dntv, it was announced to-day, ifl soon .,, bfl trimhferretl. Some flf 'he New! Vork pohcemen and tlnin-Ti who are taking the loeal Boliefl |ob off their hands are alio to be transferrcd. Army and College Men to Fill Third Officer8, Camps 19,490 Will Be Ghosen for January - April Cour8e tte* .. rTP»r.' la ¦ WASHINGTON, Oai I The third aerfes flf officer-' tratninj, camps. which will run from Januarv I to April 6, will be attended hv 17,066 enliste I men and 6,496 graduata* and undt igrad uates of appravad eollagaa aml militaiv achools, accordina; to an announccnie'.t made by Adjutant General ller.rv P. Mriftin la-day. All jrraduutes of the appravad adacatloaal institutiuna will be eligible for commimons as second lieutenar.ts, and. following their train ing course, will be aammilflioflfld av rapidly as vacancies occur. Fnlisted men will be considered on detachfld while itudflfltfl. T'nev will recolvfl tne pay «¦ allowancaa ot" their grades while taking the training eouraa They will be aalaetad far tra'.ninj; on the baai.s ot" 'heir ethrienci racardfl as reported by examin- ing board* orgaalaad for 'he pi.rp. On completion of the course they will be eligiblo for appoJBtaflBt us second liflatflBaata. The new camps will be held at the r.ixteen National Army cantonments, the sixteen National (iuard catnia and at the ragalar aimy concentratior, pomt» af Fort Bliss aad Part Bam HouatOB, Texas, and Chichaauaga. Fx- cept for college graduatei and un-ier graduataa, civTliaaa aill be wholiy ex- cluded from the camps. ( ommar.ding general* ot' each divi* lioaal cun.p will be notitied to iofonn the men 'hat thty make apphcation f.r adnnssion to the camps. these applications the company com- man.ler will seiect candidates not 'o axceed 10 per cent <>f the aaliated strength of his unit A board of regular officer* will raabfl the final selections. The total numbel ot men from ea.-li divtajoaal eai ssgned to take the course will B< eflfld 1 7 per cent of the total strength of the division. By the me'hod of Mieetlon evi ry draftad man an.l every prtvate of the regular army or National C.uard will be permitted to hle his appliCBtiOR for entrance to tbe ofaeera' eaaap, Graduate.4 a'.1 undflrgradtiatCI who are eligible will Blfl their applicationi with the lastructor in mitf i tactl of the institulion of which they ar. Kraduales or student*. They will U "enulred. If leleeUd »M"n'1 ,h" canpa, . » anliflt for the daratlda flf the war, and lf, after romrleflng their aoarao, they ar. rrjeetad. they will ba raaairad to romalfl Ifl ,r>- MiwUaaaai nniah Whlla BlaalflnU they will reeaiva thfl allowanre >iii<1 pay 0f 4 pnvate, Inl llBBB, of !».. ».« food, lothlflg an.l <|iiarter« Rookies Bayonet 'Germana' Student Ofrkera Storm Trencheb at Fort Myer PORT MYFR. V;., Oflt 6. Ihe rear IfflMCBBfl at Kort Mver are strewn with dead Garmans dummies ai the re-, miI' of the viiforoue atUcbfl flrltl ealdJ itaal made ia .iay by thfl itadant of- tirers The .boys" were »aken out of tha trenchea the lit* of the week and started on a r.ew BCbfldBlfl. Thfl -cheduie eoaalata maialv or bayonet work. and tba itudent oilwn ».|ni.t ihat they are "goinic B0IB4. Charging through wira e.itanglementi thfl men were ordered to a'fack the dummies which had bflBJ "trung up IB , "line of defence" This work BBfl eaaafully aecompliahed, Ibey arara then ordered to eharga the rear -ranehei. Onee over the brmk of the hill, the men jun.ped la on top of the line of dummies aid proceeded to stab them, with th. ir bayaaati "lt wouldn't havi mad. a bit of iir-| ference to ua if they had all been real men, just so they were German*, re-1 raarhed one of thr men r.n bi* flrBl thfl mess hall. "We Wwald have stuck them Ju«t the »«m'." This bayonet work oaeapied the entire, thfl afternoon being pnnciaally taken up with drills atid the evening with study. U. S. Destroyer Badly Damaged in Collision Strikea British Naval Veaael, But Is Now in Active Service Again WASHINGTON, Oct. 9. An Ameri¬ can destroyder Ifl Furopaan waters re- cently was ln colltaion with a British naval veasel, after uking off the American crew, towed the duabled de- itroyer aafflly to port. la announcing the collision to-day the Navy Depart- raoBl said no ona, was ir.jured aboard the Amarleaa dafltrapar «nd that thfl veseel linee had been repa'r»d and restored to active dUtj Ari otf'cial lnquiry deve.oped that the collision was una*.otdable. the veeaeli having come together durng a heavy .,rm. Tle following official statement. was iaauad: , "An American destroyer, opera'ng ln Furopean w.,ters, was srfverely damaged ii, a night collision with a BritiBh naval vesiel After the aceident the Bntuh *hip stood by, took off a part of the 64- (troyar'l traw flBd '"*ed her into port. No on.' aboard either *hip was tnjure.l and thfl destroyer has s'.nre been re- palrad «nd returned to aetlvfl service "*.n inveatijfu'ing board of naval offi- ,-era found that the aceident was due fa«t that thfl deetroyer luddfltfly raergfld from a heavy rainstorm which hU almaat ap ta tne monunt of the collision. It WB4 there- for* dfleidfld that no bUme attache.l 14 ther vflaaal."_ Kingdon Gould Promoted Assigned to Headquartera Troop at Camp Dix CAMP DIX, N". J ,,ct- '¦'¦ kingdon Gould who is a pnvate in Company U, 211th>. 4\a*. to-day MfligBfld ta the diviaional haadqu4rt4ra troop Cap* u n Pranh Knox, of th 181* Diviilpfl, lUted that Could'l promotlnn, which puu him dlreetly in llBfl tn " nt- geaat, was dui to hia training as a linifuis', anginaer and horaaman. Bol lion of the Catholle falth will have their own worahip from now ofl it i amp Hix. Maaa arill be said rfl thfl Knightl of Coiumbus buildings, ore Ol which ii alraady coajplaUd and which will be dedicated OB Friday. ia following aaaignmenta for i hur.-n rapreecntattvei «-re made to-day: Pather John I. WaUh, of Bt Mary I tdral, Trenton, tt have ertars-e of thfl Kaighta "' Columbua parlah; Pather Edward Klrk. of Our Udy o Graec Chureh, Hoboken, ie tha .¦.i Artillerv Father OaorgO N. Muiphy, of ... [,UCy'i Chureh, Jeraey City, to the HIth lafaatry; Father Joseph S. Mc- Donald, ot St I'atrick's Chureh, Jer*.v to 1.1 Arti'.lery, *nd Pather Jihri Farrelly. of Bt Mary's 'liurch, The Hrorx, to the 3'i3d Fngineeri. How to Write to Soldiera Ma;l for soldiers or prospectlve offi .,,, trail lag ibfl lld be addres-ed ai follow .: joi n Batith, ( ompany X. Reaimetit, iDasignata Infantry. Cavalry, Artillery or EBjpJneera). American Expeditionary Forcea. John Smith, Company X. R 0. T. C, Plattsburg, N. Y. Jahfl Smith, Comnar.y \, Regiment. uap Wa.lsworth, Spartaaburg, S. C. John Smith, any X, Regiment, l amp Mill's, L L Juh' .Smith. ompaayX, Regiment, Camp Uj.'on, N. Y. CAk-BUYING TALKS "^pHAT," said the man who knows .*. cars, "is tcchnically the most correct brougham type which has ever been motor driven." He was referrir.,;. of course, to the Lib¬ erty Brougham. You have probably secn them on the avenue, and admired their compact grace, and the low linea which are poaaible on none but the Liberty chassis. So with the Sedan .a closcd car of seasonable interest to car owners who demand grace and comfort, with the wheelbase best adapted to city traffic. Beycnd a doubt your inspection of these smart closed cars will be worth your while. John F. Plummer, President Co'iomal Motora, Inc, 1748 Broadway, N.Y. Arr.old Wood, Vice Preoident *tdtat Biw.if haatt. Laadtulett. .. e Can. Boadatara. Milk Price Inquiiy Opejied by Swann; Subpoenas Issued - Officera of Dairymen'a League and Borden Com¬ pany Summoned Diatrict Attorney f-'wann iaaued «ub prenas yeaterday for gervico to-day on offlcore of the Dairjmen'o Leogue and .he H. rden'a Condenced Milk Company. They are oHotOi to appear before the Dtstriet Attorney for interrogation ro garding the reeent rlie in the price of milk. Th* offlcerg al the 'wn rorpora- tloaa- the former tho largeat milk pro- ducer and tho latt*r tho largoit milk dealer gupplying N'ew York City will be reejairod ta bring arill them their books, original minutas of meet.nfi, bark depogita and checkbooka and liata of offlcers ond gtockho.dera. II was intimatod that offlcera af »ha Uairymen'a f.eaprue would be ealled to- uay. Mr. Swann aaid nlne complalntg, charjring rhe Pairymen'a I/eague with violation of the Donnolly anti-truat act, had been filed by milk dealers. "The Dalryaaea'e LoBgBe haa Now Vork City by the throat," gaid Mr. Swonn. Tha committee appointed by Mayor liitehel t0 conducc an independer.r la reatigation ealled 'ipon K I*. Cooper, president of tha Uairymen'a I.eague; Albert, aecrefary, and F. H ThomeoB, n.^mber of the eXOOBtifO eommittee, 10 appear at tho offieea of the Board of Health at 10 o'clock to morrow morning. The comrnittoe, r»eaded by Dr. <'har!»i E. North, aecre- tiry af the rVational r'omrniaaion on Milk Standarda, la c..r.cerned only with gothertng data on tho coit of milk pro d'jction and digtribution for tha en- lightenment af the public. Loonord M. Wallstein, Commiiiioner of Accounto, will act as coungel for tho comrnittoe. Mr. r'ooner met the ru«h of lnveat!- ^at:on half wov by telegraphing (Jov- ornor W'hitmin a requ''*t that the newlv appointed State Food Control CammlaaloB, af which John Mitchell, the labor lealer, m chairman, inveati- gvt^ the miik situation at once. from heirg dowoeaet by the threat of proaecution, Mr. Cooper and other oftleerg of the riairymen'a Leagrue appcared yeaterday to be jubilant over 'he torn ef ... bi ta "We have always courted iBOeetiga- ;;on,' gaid Mr. Cooper. "Wo ara ready at any time to throw our booka wid* open to aay publle :r.vegtigator. I think the Dletriet Attornev'g omco ia uaing the milk gituation mootly for political purpose-. ' M r. Cooper produced hig recordg to refate thu .:harj;e of I'lgtriet Attorney .Swann that the lJairymen'g I.eague wa- a trugt. "The jcale of pricea charged by the farmers follows in a general way the same up and down XMOTO* vear af'.-r year," he oald. "Owlr.g to the high eoat of feed in the fall the farmer ig .'ompelled to rhurge most for hiM milk in Novemher and December. The firmer-a price begins to drop ir. .fanuary. and eoatiaaOB dropping tlll .lune, when it reaohoe Ita lowest llgure. Then the prlee BOgiBi to riae gradually a:(ain For years pagt the price of the dealers ha-. uorw up in the late gum- .."d fall, but it ha» not dropped again in January or the early apr.r.g INSTRLCTION \K\V VORK-M.«nhatt*n. BERKELEY-IRVING SCHOOL BerBotaj s--.'.t.i tmmAsA i»« [ntni loaaoYol 1*00 V rreparatory *. lu.ol for B«ja aiW lo 1K> Wfal aSnl Striel frimati to Coi'.eje" Allgrades. Thoroughwork. Small claeeee. Individual initructioii. Maaual tr,.iriing. New gymna- sium building, with large roof playground and swtm- ming pool. Outing classes and sport* in the afternoon. Building acceaatble by all line* of traaaportation. Eveiy room light. :Boaaawaoal aataiaewe aa app.wnrt.wt I.OIIS llWIl.MT RAV. Hi-admaoter roaHBhooe a ..j- laa txtt THE BROWN SCHOOL OF TUTORING Ml tveai Mth >t- Taaaae Oai aaai. - iaei PoalUvalj aaa *t a Hme ovieti toacher toachoo pupil how ... sti'Iiv and 'a lulra INOEPBN- OKNCE OIT THOt'OKT r«r. ant*«a ^r taaad In J uno axomtnoUoni » ,; , ... jirf. of .)th«r t iti :»o yaars' wcrk ln ¦A SVftaal with an Atmoanhara af Waf*." McBURNEY SCHOOL ¦,...rt .r 4iaaa a fot Ltfa , '.,.-,. a>!th dlf'.:.a-U.t na waa 57m st. WEST MQfc Y. M. C. A FRIENDS SLMINARY eaat leraj *t. aranaj vona. FRIENDS SCHOOL UO-lia M hrrmerhurn BB*. Uroa>WI>n. klM»» K«. Uil'I.N ABTD I'KtI'AKATOKT BCMOOUI rOI i.Utl.S AM) BO\«. aa>Inui *?fl|nul lll agaai rnbae IISI A ro- :»:'(, - ¦. Baro >. ur lataroofe ar a o oro falthfu arvi im ^ .: s boura, i to 1. oa. INSTITUT TISNC . aa.»it »»TM 0T -F0->.0t0 IB»3. . ..!¦>.:. Ifl J'" '' \". r .<.¦- ' '. .. iftlairr la a.1 FLOKKN'l. MOHT1NOA1.E 8CHOOI. VOR Hackward Children riOMUilMi HI'UOOl., ISBth 8t. a KlrrMale DIV H< IUIOL. 315 Wool B7 BlroaC WESTSIDEY.W.C.A 501k Sl., Cor. 10th A»e. ".. ti 1 Boaal 1 naaaaj Baaalal aoeaaijaaaaaBa ¦a- il ¦ Booklai a i''"" "¦">'¦". Mfl :JS flf. M), n*»r B'waj. fompliate l oura* B/13. nt. inil W EXPKKT GYMNASIUM UT0SCH001 oVravSr LANCUACES ..: Mi4.ii'- a.«nu* - aalaa elaooai ape.-'.o! ratoa II11KV | M%NN M BtOOli KIK BOTH \ ri. }¦. nea HoaOmaetaa eroaa J**th Str»*t, r.»-ar Broo4war, KeW Vork C.i>. Rr y^r.a \V-lr.ea<1aa Oei BOt Sr.1 THr \ P I V I V HfMOOl IOR ..IK1-. i*0 & Mi «a-al 741U Slw BT. 5. in praPflrtlan »o »he pncei of th* fim,. tn' milk John F. MeCauley, trflfliurer af ft, Model Geir. Comaany, and .".'.,h»re» rhe New York Mift I'-alers' ( anfflreaai Uoard, tald Assl.tant bis'.rict At<.rn|T ,'.,;./ reatarday of h i triali m d»»i ing with thfl I'airym' 'l U | H iaid that at ona flf tn» m««' rX, k# tween membera *4 tkfl Confereaci Board an.l th" Dsliyaaaa'a I.»*k i*. aa> fnte 'he prie« of miik w*s rn. -, I Jft t, ,;,rt, Ml Rf .' Bor- den tornpany, aaid ta "lion't you thiah II thhtg ta make thfl poor people of ia K.»*t Side pay for »he flaaau factara ef that Ifl no' worth within i bj ( hundred paaadfl of what paa are Bg * for-*" "If I remamber correc'v," l '.- MeCauley, refltfladay, "Mr Coopei r». plied that he had not taken the rier Ea I de people into eaflifltdfltatlaB.*1 4> Mitchcll to See Whitman John Mitche',1, chairman of .-,¦ .,w Sute Paad Caaitiwl Cobub ii bbM y.sterday that he would gfl to-day tfl aoflffll -vi'r. man on *-he dutiei of h he would probably 1 laa; of the commiaaioi ferenc- with ' 8 Gavflraar. "The princlpal hflBd^uartor., o' .-« eofllBllflfllafl will proban.y bfl I bany," aa.d Mt. Mitch*.:. "Bal 84*1 af our busmeii arill ao doabt te con- ducted in thii city. While I havi following the food aituation pratty eloaely, I don't want to aay anythiaa, about prices ur.'n I have booomi famiMar with tha i.tuaf.on. Wi no doubt laah lata tba mllh alti among other thinga. SINGERS WANTED Tha oratarle * B*aty ol BaB r«al 4a ii accepl a aa .m»»-« erlla a""'' eeteoe ai re,,-. at algBi Biai -tlaai Walter Damrosch ,-or-i ta* «« " 88 ."'- *" *' .""arrioa a Hai " Muate pftOOBAW 'er 'aa 46th 9e» Df i I'l/trnVs Zn» Cfclldra g4'p [-'. Jt. Haafl4ara ¦ lah Mar. 18, Ba:ha Ft. Kal -..« Volunteers Wanted . for Mitchel Will you help to re-elect Our Fighting Mayor. John Purroy Mitchel ? V'olunteerat once. Your help is needed ! Report immediately to Fusion Committee !ieadquarters, 2-MMad- i?on Avenue (Corner 38th St.) and you will be assigned to service. Fusion Committee ot 1917 ¦Ml >pv R Bl r.'a INSTRL'LTIU.N M.'.V ItiKK >!. . ^k U » '»».'. I' 4 'V ¦ !r» Mroaf nai 1 af*l_BB_ . A *'r.~l'i X I'rn I lolleoiate i ¦r-4, ""*! Si.p4,r> V*nAAI r -*i,ernoon c L* "»->¦ j iXllflUl Bojs mi -ii wT, ! ttwUti l.M I76ta asiawaawssw 6«fll I / 26?Y Cat*l A f W»rf»» H,p.' THE CUTLER SCHOOL 51 East 61st Street Nr>» Oprn. Brginninf lu.uiP'liately. Frimary Liepartrnant. OfltOflflf . Languages Jfjfs. KKlirt'KH RATES TO ARMS AM) >\»V NKW IOKK.KUerdalr-on ¦flBflBMB, KOHUT SCHOOl for BOYS A |i.,Ar,lui« »,'li.ol for Vo.,n«#r R.,». Blierdale on-Hudwa. fai 661 k,.|.i, ui«. lxi>0 UaLA.VBp.fltjflaBflB < "*-» ST. PAULftS Pgpav a. bael Bai . 11-181 </.ou»r geBaal ,fl.n 18*161 Itl fltewa.t Avi, t.»,ilin CttV. I..1.4 ».. »al nk\4 mikk raiijlaaa aa-taa-alflflfl. The Castle s<uee ' \ Huppv l,.mniiinii> ot llta!' r p » .. . .' 4. . 1 t.r .r j, m . a life .oetant-j * '. rt ira . - t 4 Ml**«« I 1. U IM>V I I M Boi W'S .irriloi... Bfl Hutt-. H f. M V\ /I K"*K\. T»ntx Irlli MM,*I I . M IIIIKl I OU IIOl - j. it can. :< 4 Kaaaa falli t. BP8ISCKM »i 1111UI s BooUreping, Shorthjnd. '-frf -lal, Typea,rili««, 1 hvD Srr>io» Slenotvpe Deparlinrnl!». ' ¦¦ - < .*.'. or wr.'.e I 3d St. 46V Lroov K\t, ACCOL'NTANCY and BLftlM-^S AD- M1NISTRA1I0N . PACt COURSO iinf. h r v v .. : p-- a ..',.. H lyn i ir Pm 6 Pid I 111 MIM.Ii.N BBI Kl.l \KI.\1. I til K-B rrv-jr ***** » * p»*^4- /l/fiJfff&x- ' -',lt'; .-l HOOL AGENCIfcS 6lltlfflfll ai.,1 I pfOlffl r--4fl,-'. S«'t ,. * Supptiaa Protaaaors * * GoveVnaaaea «.. t - ».« ra .." "Aaj i M. i 1 >traa> < ,,n Suuara DANCUSG DURYEA DANCES sa*VL thursday;i,vn,,7v Bl BS4-RIPTION 1 > 4: WhoT ?d *ik».i 1 Dlai l TiH iv n: J. ' 0ABCIN4 CABBIVAL. 0«Aaa CiaTBAL M«j >-"¦ > * ajaafflBBflflfl

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Post on 27-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Milk Mews Goes Astray; Opejied Vote Aid Bill Finds …....mti on mt irOBB 1 uy-r thi rted for b Bvfl at a '.. tha*

Mews From ttie Camps-Plans for Trainlnfj OIHccrs

Mexican ConsulInstructs Aid to

Defy Draft Board

"Only Way to Handle Ofn-cials Ia With Dynamitr,"

Says Burns

Federal Action Likely

Department of Juatice Will Be

Notified if MartinezIpnores Summons

' Burna,| York,¦ loealaf cpen

fliaaad three1 4'

' nlrr)-

,1 Martmexi] that

not n babi blsaaaltthal M alicn


4j mr* So. 148 t*a-

|;.« the

.y way flf '

ham- to arrest aaybfld*K the draft.

f. ... | Bet aa aa* arillirl, Thiy've

tfl beMartinea

I »ard\. ,.

ljutaatIT ce. <o il

H. lt. -. '°- "4B>

Burns ( onfident of Immunityent of Justice." said

,i ill be aaked to proceed- « *h aay other vio-

bfl <¦¦ artment alsolattil -'.«¦¦ lt may

him, too.'eBflfll Gi naral ai.d his

Hurr.s admitted thathe did 8

itatui.i4Btativfl of


I .,.- a whal they are alr> do." Bil -bfljf can go

itUiapl tfl humiliate

-ji. BaBI it** Ke^peit roreifirier'VA ¦.

»ord good-.'


t-,,,.rteous treat--. held up


to hii? tl four

iraey tothe bb*

.. I




, a ¦ Indifl-



Wood Asks ArrestOf Men Who Fail to

Answer Draft Call..:.... Bpaad tt.

ba paid

ay by,..

ral Crowder. Hereto-t. roagh "h<


BVfl ileiinquents

Mr. Wi ' ""'"

tr.but. .'.A."bra larda. Theflfl,

.mti on mt

irOBB 1 uy-

r thi

rted forb Bvfl

at a'.. tha*

<Ike flBtUfl ia-i

aponaibiiilv. Mr Hughra declored, realaon the loial boords.

th. glatement woa provoked by a de-

hate aaaeag the board aaeoahore over

the appeal on rhvaical gToundaof I-ouis William llerman. ef I""'"1Board I2f, who had affldaMta from(hree leading orthopedie -penolista to the effect that he had doubleflat feet. William W. Mille. who re

partod on the cooe. recommended re

verelBg ihe local board, but l.ouig Mar¬ghal and George L lngraham pointedoul that the proToat marghal general .

raloa requested thot all queationB offaet regarding phyaical diaqualincation

ft to the army aurgeon.thia miitk»','>""1 N,r Ml11" rf't>,,f<':

"There ia a wide gulf between practlcal army men ar.d theoretlcal men m

the prevoel aaarahaft eaaee. we can

gave the government mach money byareiBg the local board ln physical

defeet ca«eg where it ig ahown eoneluthat the loeal phyaician waa ln

arroi l"he majority ef the boardvoted agaiaet Mr ntilla.

Physician and TwoOthers Guilty of Plot

To Defeat Draft Lawlir gaiaa, B aruv .lacob-

son and Natha & were eeavietedr .,, ;, .. the parpoeee

Of the dra'"' law by B jury ln thei'nited Statei DiBtrict Court in Brooa|« yeatai ind were commltte.i tetha kayaaoad' Street Joil without ball.Ihe man were found guilty of plottingta ahtaln the exemption of Joaephi ev. v through Local Board al, a thwhieh Dr. Seligman was aereiag as a

.rer examlaiag phyaicianI men will be aentenrcd ry Judge

V,. M i.lay The maximum

penalty uader the law is a prisontwo years or a $10,000 fino,

The trial lasted geven days Jaeob-son wa> arregted after Levey is allegedto have c.ven him $75 Kiid'a polft wateh

hie exemptioa. Jacobson isBCCUsed of acting al the time ag a go-betwaefl for Dr Seligman Levey, itwas ahowa, wa* exematod by the boardanyway because of a rupture. Lhrlichwag charged with being present on an-

other occaeion when Dr. Seligman and.laeohson negotiated for the exemptlanof another mar. for $200.George Martin, counr-el for the phy¬

aician and Jacobson, charged that theywere the victima of a congpiracyha'.ched by government wltnesses.

Aeaietaat Un ted Stateg Diatrict Ateratey Hoarj Ward Beer concluded higaddresg b\ ¦' Bg that the "eye ofevery axempt ;. board Ifl the country"wag on the Jurore.

Columbia Turns OverHospital to Nation

Univeraity Makea Preaentationto U. S. for Duration

of the WarThe Columbia War Hospital. at Co¬

lumbia Oval, built and equipped byColumbia Uaiveraty and ita graduates,changed its r.amc yeaterday after-BOOa to United States Army GeneralHospital No. 1, and entered the serviceof the government for the duration ofthe wor.

Cereaaoalea atteadlag the transferw. re a-niple a«u brief. The eoaet ar-

tillery band from Fort Bloeum playedaeveral patrietle aira, ar.d then Preei'


irray Batlar of 'heuniveraity delivered the preaentation

R« traeed the gmwth of th. pital... pf 'he work which it already

.. rai. aid, bOdaiving theii ng

there Many of them have aince k'one'

I hia speech the Amerieanflag wa rua u] on the pole ln front of

Iaar, of the Medieal t'orps, aecepted the

alf nf the Beeretary of

Wi.-_Men of Old 7th Dig

Trenches in Shale

Fourtecnth Regiment, ofBrooklyn, Reachea Camp

WadaworthAJIP WAD8WORTH, B. ( Oet 3.

Xo Carolioiaa ehi g ovei .v>oredthai men of the old 7th

Regimentf thi eommand were,

set to cor.^- .....

iday afterneoa is

day amoag theeal

Iv mai , ... .

tha 7th beganaloag ¦- Ige

tha camp. rheraare be threelinea th travereea anddugou--. b ..i «rhea the wort la thi c mmaada will lloe la the dlf-

.. .. at a time.faea ef red

ame upon a i,.-..utifulof ahale, aad te <ara. aia reet

dowa through thii was a task for vet--

Sto| . ad ti.e.r atlrring band,Regiment, ef Brooklyn,

ta earnp to-day. The regi-arnval wa- h ¦ irpriai *¦ Head

them intil latat ..'. to-morro* morning. ( olo-¦.

aid tbe foui BOCtlOBBof hla troop traia had made a recordnin. B '¦ la i camped clo.-ae to

| Broohlya. Nol a man of800 .n the nghting oatflt la an the

a»ck . ..

The arrival ef ihe 14th completed tnep, aad

\ aad a few baUeifleld artillery arriae tne real woik

action in'! nt run.j'

that tiie 224 Lngmeers will be the tiif tto laave here. The eagiaeera, om-

mandod uv » aloael Vanderbilt, ara fullyand have beei hard

.,. Loree, aon * 1 tha preei-Di :aware I Hadaoii Rail-

r.uid. and whe is assUtant to ColonelHarry 9. Sternberger, dJviaienal quar*

ifltar, from New York to,. .^ heei ipen ¦

I BBapi ^'«' B of the troop- to


Body of Navy Surgeon ArrivesA\ A'l LAN II POR1 Ol

d Gordon Allei.¦ d Stati - Navy, »«'¦

brought here to-da> on a Britiab iteamThe body wag tirgt tagen to St.

alichael'a, /aaen an AJMiicaa.i uiaei

Cabla meeaagea of September I told| af a Di I nected

%a th 'be Ameriean Hoapital Service m

Klanders during a ri-id by German air-, raft . ed whethertne body brought here to-day ia thatof the a ictim.

Fire Record. b j«a Wofea I

k -_. | i.,-i . B ifaartta; t.ifi.uhaai .^ l 1'ikr f itovM


« \' . Tlftll.fMar ».i.e rt t'IL. f

v. , «i.l I'PO. a I-.-. ... . '' .''* t

r to.i;i Brawa ai ntuiu*. DarkiB. UUI114

Senate to VoteTo-day on Bill for

Insuring Soldiera

Practically All CommitteeAmendments to HouseMeasure Accepted

Permanent Plan Urged

Suggeation to Pay Rent for

Officera' FamilieaIa Rejected

WASHIM.TOW Oct. 8. An agree

ment to vote on the loldlera' and aall*era' v.;.r r;ft -naurance bill **i amend-

nol later than b r ¦»< tfl aiorraw

via* fldaptfld to-day by the Senate.

Practically all of ta-daj wai devoted;,. ., of the bill b| Senator

Wiiliama, who ifl in charge of the

.,, r..d dehate ovar tba advlea-ntinuiag the laaaraaca plan

.... war. Banator Weaba oppoaed... .f the bill, BBd ^nator

IntrodaCfld »n amendment pro-

Viding for turning over to private rom-

panlea all Inauranea polieifli hflld byenlifted men. the government paving

the differenco in cost.Another amendment bf the UUh Sen

ator would establisb the ai.i» familyallowances aa were opera'ne nurmgthe Spanish American War.The Senate derhned to accept an

amendment Intri I'.ced by Senator New,of Indiana. appropriating $26.00<\noOwith which to pay the rrnt of familieaand other dependents of officer* now

on artlv ¦:.

Committee \mendments \rrrptedAll cotrr.nttee amendments to the

Kou.e bill were accepted, except nne

reuucinR the maximum amount of in-

auraaca to a man from Jiu.'iOO to $7.r,oo,on whieh thrre will bi 1. vata tomorrowThe bi;!. '.vhich arill aboliih tho pres¬

ent prr,r -v tan Bfl ftr as this war

II eaacarned, providea ti.e followiagfour clafc.-f- ai bflfleBtl

1. Flwviaioil for ''ie pavment of com

pu.sory allowances to dependents ofsoldiera and *ailors.

il. Prov,.- pn for a suppienientary al-lowance by thfl jjvirnm'r.t to theaadependents '

3. PrOViaiOB f-.r thr pavment ofueath aml dieabllity compensation* bythe govornn inl ;o loldien aad ia ^r*

or their da| endenl4. Provuion pormittiBg aaldiera and

sailors. Ineluding .'ffieer-.. to purchaaaliaaaranca from tba gaverBBiaBl at alrate which probablj fl

'' lf M ¦. tbflB-sar.d.

I'nder *he bill aaldn r oa foreigaferv.i', 1.¦ e 1 ^ 19 .1 month wouldallot nol l< than 116.60 I hia pay tohis family. lf ha ft* <*¦ wif« aad twoehildren tne government would add

,' Bllowaaee, nink:1 r a totalof $49 a foi t"1 ippart of hiafamily during hi* ibn 1The ¦oataily compalacry allotment!

by a aoldier tt, i. dependenti nat:<¦ exce.-tj onfl-half hi.* pay nor lenthan flf, a month. In addition t,< thishe may voluntarilv allot ai much moreof his pay aa he daairai

For Soldiers Without O.pendentsA aaldier havin.i no dependenti may

be raquired t" ¦!* jm. :. a - rtam jar' t,fhis nay, tt. be held on depoait 'or himby the goaarnment intil the end ot thewar at 4 per CflBt iaterflfll In the ,... entof his dtath thii mon*) woald go taBB] bt:ie: -; .' loldioi rna;. hflVBriesignated, r, in ¦- \i oarybaving been dealgnated, to his estate

8upplemi ntinj Bllowaaee, thegorarnmenl bj the termi of tba billwould pay aaothi r dopendeney allow*BBC4 during aei tarting from No-Vfmber 1. 1.U7, ai followi:"Class A. In the eaae of a man to

wiffl lacluding ¦ farmer wife,divoreed) and u.¦¦. or ehil ln r.:Ai !f tbore ba h wife, bal .r" rhUd,

$15. (B) lf there be a wlfe undone flbild, $2F. ' If there be u v. ifaand twc, ehildren. $32.60, with 15 a'month additionai for each additionaiihild. (C) (f thera ba no wife, but onachild, IS. E If there be no wife, buttwo ehildren, $12.60, F> If there ba nowife. but three ehildren, $20 (G If

bfl 00 wife, but four cnildren. $30,with $6 11 month additionai for each ad-'ditio

"Claai a, In tba fiire of man orwoman, tt, a granuchlld, a parent,

A If then bfl one parent, $10." B) lf there he two aareata, $20.

Par each grandrh.ld, brother,]I ter and add.tiona! parent, $6..Ir. 'he case of a woman, to a chlld or


d. t o n 1

T. R. Deplores LackOf Rifles for Army_

Colonel Takea Fling at WhatHe Characterizes as "Broom-

atick Preparedness"KAN8AJ ITT, Oet I. I nder the

g, "Broomal eh Praparedi "

Theodore Koosevelt eoatributfll -'rmfollowing to "The Kaaai Btarfti day:

ordaaaca ban an of the WurDapartmanl admita that we have no*nfles for our National Army,tempti tfl txc.ise matter* by taj ng

«' t i« of no conbequeni .., becauaeall have riBai a ft-w month-,- BBfld) to go abroad.

corraet Tha i iee

"Evi g ilaiminfantrymen each with the weapon hali tfl asc i«''.; thai ... k va eath man

r. k! tfl ir'.'.'.- evi -. f,..,r menaa .ntiquated r.f!-.-, which CBBBal beused :n senvce; and most of oar artll-lery raajiaaaati at praaent either haver.o guns or woodaB gBB4, or, in ratherrare case*. old ityll >:.. wbiel BBflnot be matched againat aaj preaenl dayartillarj llaraavar and thia 1* the1 tal 1 aial we now ha^.e the time toprepare only becau.-e the Enghsh andPrancfa fleatl an.l armies protect us.

"EiK'ht months hBVe pasaed s'.nco1Germany openly went to war with ui.A- v 11 we have r.ot rirlei for our in-faatry. As yet we have not gun* forour artillery. lt will be at !es>t a

yaar after wa are dragpe.) into thi warbefare our army will have rece:ved theweapon1 with which wa nr.- ., wagethe war.

"This ia broaflMtici pieparednesi,'4*nd there ia not the alightflflt uae intryiag ta juitify or excuwe brogmstickpreparedr.eif"

Yaphank Company Goes Astray;Finds Itself Too Late for Mess

tamp Upton Unit Finally Sita Dovvr. to Cold Rrai.a Aft«fSeveml Hours Spent in Climbm« TfCM IO

I orate Barracks

IBjaB CaoioaawaeoaaBlCAMP ITTdN, Long Island. Oet. 8.

Thrre'o a lot to Camp I'pton healdaawhat you oeo when you'ro juat off the

troin Ihe row« of harrorks and aux

lliary buildings, when you're travellingon foot among them, geem to gtrotchout without end Ag a matter of fart,they really do gome magnineen»alretching any kind of city bullt logcale for a 40,000 population con't helpbut'.- when two gtorieg ig as

high aa it can ahoot.Hut II (ompany. of the llOfith Infan

try, \. A . can tegfify with authontythat the bmlt up "horsct.oe" that neat-ly rings hcadqugrters bill is only a gpeckon tne i amp I'plun map, and a mlghtyhard speck to fin.l a' tim.s.

il Comaaay, led ay I aptaia RuberiW. Eldred. started off on a hike thismorning. The general direclion inwhich they movid wag north Sincetheir barracka is on the northern curveof Ihe "horseshoe" it wag not long be¬fore civilizatu.n guch civiliiatlon as

BXleta in I'ptoiii was left behirid.Ntretehed in Single I'ilr

Through partU elearid land the menmarehed for a nule or so, and then theystruck ports that hadn't been clearedat all. Column of gquads w^a narrowedto column af tWOI At lagt tho wholecompany was stretched out ln elagleMe.

It wag great sport. The time'.y. f'aptam Kl.lrrd looked at hiswatch, at length. It was 11 o'clock.

Get the men fojjelher, sergear,',"he directed. "Time to gtart baek "

Ihe top aorgoaat'e whiatle ghrilled,and the company aasemblod in a littleclearmg. Boldly the men gtrurk out toretraee their gteps.

Well, a*. 11 o'clock gomebody elaeback In camp looked at hlg watch.This uas llajot Hogeman Hultfer, towhoee battallon >I t ompany belong.a.

At 1 o'clock two offlrero WON loofciagat wetchea. Oae w»s atajer Bulger,

10 Per Cent RaiseIn Navy Yard PayGranted by U. S.

Aaaiatant Secretary Roose¬velt and Union ChiefaReach Agreement

WASHINGTON, Oet 3. An agree-ment on wage naleg virtually waa

reached to-day between the Navy Da>partment and the preaidenta af the laternatloaal rradea (Jaiea, repregentin^nav> yard employea. While tigureahave not been finally decided, ll was

anr.ounced ofticially that the conferencehad reached a point where Iho union

BBOfl expected to Biga agreements llmoriow for the enaumg year.. The effect cf the gcale under consideration arill he to ir.erease the eost ofniivv yard labor to the govcrnme> .

mora thaa 14 per cent over the scalcfoa MU7. which expired September 24

Ihe point rerr.aining to be settleJ,according to Aaoistont SecretaryRoosevelt, with whom the presider'aore in conference, is whether the ln-creksn over the li»17 ocale shall berived Ib pereeatage ef the old rate eron a def.nite number of cc-ntg per hourfor each hranch of oach trade.

Kquaiizatlon of pay within the tradesI ropoaed. and tho effe.'L 11 waa

^ui.l, w.mld be to place all ef the nien

aa the basig of pay of the top men ofthal 'rado Th" actual ncreaee furthe high men would be gmall, in gomecases aet more than 2 per cent. Forthe rr.en Ifl lower ratlngs, however, theadvaaee wouid be i!5 per cent or more

\\ i.ile the War Departmenl did not

partlelpate ia the conferences. it io et

pected that, under the atandardiiatlorpolicy for eivil employes of the armvand na»y and of the Shipping Hoarf,men at tha arsenals nnd "ngaged on

government Bhipbtttldiflg outgide thenavj yardl ln many <*ges will benefitfrom ti.e new plan. .

War Period Contract HoldsUp Coal Wage AgreementWASHINGTON. «>ct. 3 A diiagree

ment was reported to-day by a aub-(on.mittee of coal operatorg andminers of the Central competitive field,which is dlgcuasing here a readjuat-ment of the minera' wage scale. TheChief BOlnt of difference la aa to how

long the now contrae'i shall run~

Tho miners want a contract coveringn two year period, beginning next April,but the operatorg want it to end aixtydays after the war i« over.

The subject will be taken up by the

full conference of operators and min

Denies Marinea Lack Socks

Major General Barnett Re-

greta Appeal of Navy LeagueWASHINGTON. Oct I, Majet Gen-

era' Harnett, eommandant of the I'nit¬ed Stateg Manne (orpg. mdignantlyBtl led te day that ti.e laFrance are m deaperate need of aock*.He took iaeue flatly with the eoaafortacommittee of tne Navy league, whoee"emergencv call te knitters' was BOUtout from the New Vork headquart.r.-lagt Monday.The advtrtigemer.t of the comforts

eaa aittee atatiag '.hut "an urgent call¦- made for 1,000 pairs of heavy winteraerviee aoeha for the Uaitod StatesMant:fs BOW Ifl Frar.ce, which are des-pcratfly needed " was ser.t by l.incolnCremwall, cha:rman of the knj? goodgcommittee of the Council of NationalDefeace, to General Barnett, who wrotein reply:"To aay that I am astor.ished at thia

advertiteirenti ia putting It mildly, forthis off-ce ha^ ot aaBCtlOBOd any »uehprocedure on the part of the eomfortoeommitUe of the Navy League, nor hadit any knowledge of it pnor to tbe re-

ceipt from you of the copy of tho ad-vertiaement. Ihe uso of tho name ..fthe rr.arlr.e corps in this matter ia en-

tirely unwarrar.ted and unauthorized,ai d I can only cxprea* my regret atouch a mialeaaiag advertieemeat hav¬ing been published "

Spcaking l'or tho eomforto eommittee.Arthnr H. Dadrrun, of the Navy lyeague.deelares that tho informotion as to th»aood of tho aae/iaea for ^ockg "cam.,aujiaS'hi from the aaariaea ai.eia»elvea."

an.l he was Ifl front of H Company 1

empty barrarks The other waa « aptain Eldrad, and he ilidn't know where

he was. MaJ-.l Mulger WBfl ««"alone; Captain Kldred had lata r,f compfl»y-

t'ompany I'p a I ree

Figuratively the caplain aiul II CBB1pany were up a tree. I.lterally, Bfl Iflflflthan half the devoted company were

up tree.*. Kver ~inre me.*s c»U hud

echoed in its stomach the companyhad b<en trytag tfl Sad ¦ tra« tallBBOBgh to afford a viev. over its neighbor trees.

In monientn of panir it is always tne

mualcian who turn* flflro.In this ca*e there was Tnhn Vtnpner.

who used to pound the pian<> ifl "

Rrooklyn rabaret. Wa,' didn't have,a plano with him, but he did ha'. Bharmoalca. And the taae he playedwaa one the men of H Company knewwell, and proud of to boot. F.edbath, who used tfl be a se.nario editorbefore (Jaele Sam ealle.l upon h,m to

turn hii deadly penril aicaim' theKalser. had writtflfl it. and it hmi be. n

adoptad us the ret<:men:«l lOBf. Thotitle: "When the Moon li Bhin.Bf.S(,rnewhere ifl France."

So th^ "habe* Ifl the woods" rang(about the Freneh moon eheerfullyenough unt'l the right man found thflright trre and aighted the buildings offar off (amp I'pton.At l a'alaah thia by the .-ook's watcfafl Company sat itself down to Cflld

bean*. And th-y hadn't bc-en Imlf wayln their travela, as f.u as the rv*erva

tit.n goes.While H Company waa !»st, U 4B4-

pany, of the ,107th Ir.tftntry. came

through on the new Liberty bond issue

I,. the tune of a bon.j a man.

The battalion of nej;r<. Quardamenwhich haa been doing miliury policedntv, it was announced to-day, ifl soon.,, bfl trimhferretl. Some flf 'he New!Vork pohcemen and tlnin-Ti who are

taking the loeal Boliefl |ob off theirhands are alio to be transferrcd.

Army and CollegeMen to Fill Third

Officer8, Camps19,490 Will Be Ghosen for

January - AprilCour8e

tte* .. rTP»r.' la ¦WASHINGTON, Oai I The third

aerfes flf officer-' tratninj, camps. which

will run from Januarv I to April 6,will be attended hv 17,066 enliste I menand 6,496 graduata* and undt igraduates of appravad eollagaa aml militaivachools, accordina; to an announccnie'.tmade by Adjutant General ller.rv P.Mriftin la-day. All jrraduutes of theappravad adacatloaal institutiuna willbe eligible for commimons as secondlieutenar.ts, and. following their training course, will be aammilflioflfld av

rapidly as vacancies occur.

Fnlisted men will be considered on

detachfld while itudflfltfl. T'nevwill recolvfl tne pay «¦ allowancaa ot"their grades while taking the trainingeouraa They will be aalaetad fartra'.ninj; on the baai.s ot" 'heir ethrienciracardfl as reported by examin-

ing board* orgaalaad for 'he pi.rp.On completion of the course they willbe eligiblo for appoJBtaflBt us secondliflatflBaata.

The new camps will be held at ther.ixteen National Army cantonments,the sixteen National (iuard catnia andat the ragalar aimy concentratior,

pomt» af Fort Bliss aad Part BamHouatOB, Texas, and Chichaauaga. Fx-cept for college graduatei and un-iergraduataa, civTliaaa aill be wholiy ex-

cluded from the camps.( ommar.ding general* ot' each divi*

lioaal cun.p will be notitied to iofonnthe men 'hat thty make apphcationf.r adnnssion to the camps.these applications the company com-

man.ler will seiect candidates not 'o

axceed 10 per cent <>f the aaliatedstrength of his unitA board of regular officer* will raabfl

the final selections. The total numbelot men from ea.-li divtajoaal eai

ssgned to take the course will B<eflfld 1 7 per cent of the total strengthof the division.

By the me'hod of Mieetlon evi rydraftad man an.l every prtvate of theregular army or National C.uard willbe permitted to hle his appliCBtiOR forentrance to tbe ofaeera' eaaap,

Graduate.4 a'.1 undflrgradtiatCI whoare eligible will Blfl their applicationiwith the lastructor in mitf i tactlof the institulion of which they ar.

Kraduales or student*. They will U"enulred. If leleeUd ?« »M"n'1 ,h"

canpa, . » anliflt for the daratlda flfthe war, and lf, after romrleflng their

aoarao, they ar. rrjeetad. they will ba

raaairad to romalfl Ifl ,r>- MiwUaaaainniah Whlla BlaalflnUthey will reeaiva thfl allowanre >iii<1 pay0f 4 pnvate, Inl llBBB, of !».. ».«

food, lothlflg an.l <|iiarter«

Rookies Bayonet 'Germana'Student Ofrkera Storm Trencheb

at Fort MyerPORT MYFR. V;., Oflt 6. Ihe rear

IfflMCBBfl at Kort Mver are strewn with

dead Garmans dummies ai the re-,miI' of the viiforoue atUcbfl flrltl ealdJitaal made ia .iay by thfl itadant of-tirers The .boys" were »aken out of

tha trenchea the lit* of the week and

started on a r.ew BCbfldBlfl.Thfl -cheduie eoaalata maialv or

bayonet work. and tba itudent oilwn».|ni.t ihat they are "goinic B0IB4.

Charging through wira e.itanglementithfl men were ordered to a'fack the

dummies which had bflBJ "trung up IB, "line of defence" This work BBfl

eaaafully aecompliahed, Ibey arara then

ordered to eharga the rear -ranehei.Onee over the brmk of the hill, the

men jun.ped la on top of the line of

dummies aid proceeded to stab them,with th. ir bayaaati

"lt wouldn't havi mad. a bit of iir-|ference to ua if they had all been real

men, just so they were German*, re-1raarhed one of thr men r.n bi* flrBl U»thfl mess hall. "We Wwald have stuckthem Ju«t the »«m'." This bayonetwork oaeapied the entire, thflafternoon being pnnciaally taken upwith drills atid the evening with study.

U. S. Destroyer BadlyDamaged in Collision

Strikea British Naval Veaael,But Is Now in Active

Service AgainWASHINGTON, Oct. 9. An Ameri¬

can destroyder Ifl Furopaan waters re-

cently was ln colltaion with a Britishnaval veasel, after uking off the

American crew, towed the duabled de-

itroyer aafflly to port. la announcingthe collision to-day the Navy Depart-raoBl said no ona, was ir.jured aboard the

Amarleaa dafltrapar «nd that thfl veseellinee had been repa'r»d and restored to

active dUtjAri otf'cial lnquiry deve.oped that the

collision was una*.otdable. the veeaelihaving come together durng a heavy

.,rm.Tle following official statement. was

iaauad: ,

"An American destroyer, opera'ng ln

Furopean w.,ters, was srfverely damagedii, a night collision with a BritiBh navalvesiel After the aceident the Bntuh*hip stood by, took off a part of the 64-(troyar'l traw flBd '"*ed her into port.No on.' aboard either *hip was thfl destroyer has s'.nre been re-

palrad «nd returned to aetlvfl service

"*.n inveatijfu'ing board of naval offi-

,-era found that the aceident was duefa«t that thfl deetroyer luddfltfly

raergfld from a heavy rainstorm whichhU almaat ap ta tne

monunt of the collision. It WB4 there-for* dfleidfld that no bUme attache.l 14ther vflaaal."_

Kingdon Gould Promoted

Assigned to HeadquarteraTroop at Camp Dix

CAMP DIX, N". J ,,ct- '¦'¦ kingdonGould who is a pnvate in Company U,211th>. 4\a*. to-day MfligBfld tathe diviaional haadqu4rt4ra troop Cap*u n Pranh Knox, of th 181* Diviilpfl,lUted that Could'l promotlnn, which

puu him dlreetly in llBfl tn " nt-

geaat, was dui to hia training as a

linifuis', anginaer and horaaman.Bol lion of the Catholle falth will

have their own worahip from now ofl

it i amp Hix. Maaa arill be said rfl thflKnightl of Coiumbus buildings, ore Ol

which ii alraady coajplaUd and whichwill be dedicated OB Friday.

ia following aaaignmenta for i hur.-n

rapreecntattvei «-re made to-day:Pather John I. WaUh, of Bt Mary I

tdral, Trenton, tt have ertars-e of

thfl Kaighta "' Columbua parlah;Pather Edward Klrk. of Our Udy o

Graec Chureh, Hoboken, ie tha .¦.i

Artillerv Father OaorgO N. Muiphy, of... [,UCy'i Chureh, Jeraey City, to theHIth lafaatry; Father Joseph S. Mc-Donald, ot St I'atrick's Chureh, Jer*.v

to1.1 Arti'.lery, *nd PatherJihri Farrelly. of Bt Mary's 'liurch,The Hrorx, to the 3'i3d Fngineeri.-»

How to Write to SoldieraMa;l for soldiers or prospectlve offi

.,,, trail lag ibfl lld be addres-ed ai

follow .:

joi n Batith,( ompany X. Reaimetit,

iDasignata Infantry. Cavalry, Artilleryor EBjpJneera).

American Expeditionary Forcea.John Smith,Company X. R 0. T. C,

Plattsburg, N. Y.Jahfl Smith,

Comnar.y \, Regiment.uap Wa.lsworth,Spartaaburg, S. C.

John Smith,any X, Regiment,

l amp Mill's, L LJuh' .Smith.

ompaayX, Regiment,Camp Uj.'on, N. Y.

CAk-BUYING TALKS"^pHAT," said the man who knows

.*. cars, "is tcchnically the most correct

brougham type which has ever been motor


He was referrir.,;. of course, to the Lib¬

erty Brougham. You have probably secn

them on the avenue, and admired theircompact grace, and the low linea whichare poaaible on none but the Libertychassis.

So with the Sedan .a closcd car ofseasonable interest to car owners whodemand grace and comfort, with thewheelbase best adapted to city traffic.

Beycnd a doubt your inspection of thesesmart closed cars will be worth your while.

John F. Plummer, PresidentCo'iomal Motora, Inc, 1748 Broadway, N.Y.

Arr.old Wood, Vice Preoident

*tdtat Biw.if haatt. Laadtulett. .. e Can. Boadatara.

Milk Price InquiiyOpejied by Swann;Subpoenas Issued-

Officera of Dairymen'aLeague and Borden Com¬

pany Summoned

Diatrict Attorney f-'wann iaaued «ubprenas yeaterday for gervico to-day on

offlcore of the Dairjmen'o Leogue and.he H. rden'a Condenced Milk Company.They are oHotOi to appear before the

Dtstriet Attorney for interrogation ro

garding the reeent rlie in the price ofmilk. Th* offlcerg al the 'wn rorpora-tloaa- the former tho largeat milk pro-ducer and tho latt*r tho largoit milkdealer gupplying N'ew York City willbe reejairod ta bring arill them their

books, original minutas of meet.nfi,bark depogita and checkbooka and liataof offlcers ond gtockho.dera.

II was intimatod that offlcera af »ha

Uairymen'a f.eaprue would be ealled to-

uay. Mr. Swann aaid nlne complalntg,charjring rhe Pairymen'a I/eague withviolation of the Donnolly anti-truat act,had been filed by milk dealers."The Dalryaaea'e LoBgBe haa Now

Vork City by the throat," gaid Mr.Swonn.Tha committee appointed by Mayor

liitehel t0 conducc an independer.r lareatigation ealled 'ipon K I*. Cooper,president of tha Uairymen'a I.eague;Albert, aecrefary, and F. HThomeoB, n.^mber of the eXOOBtifOeommittee, 10 appear at tho offieea ofthe Board of Health at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. The comrnittoe,r»eaded by Dr. <'har!»i E. North, aecre-tiry af the rVational r'omrniaaion onMilk Standarda, la c..r.cerned only withgothertng data on tho coit of milk prod'jction and digtribution for tha en-lightenment af the public. Loonord M.Wallstein, Commiiiioner of Accounto,will act as coungel for tho comrnittoe.

Mr. r'ooner met the ru«h of lnveat!-^at:on half wov by telegraphing (Jov-ornor W'hitmin a requ''*t that thenewlv appointed State Food ControlCammlaaloB, af which John Mitchell,the labor lealer, m chairman, inveati-gvt^ the miik situation at once.

from heirg dowoeaet by thethreat of proaecution, Mr. Cooper andother oftleerg of the riairymen'a Leagrueappcared yeaterday to be jubilant over'he torn ef ... bi ta"We have always courted iBOeetiga-

;;on,' gaid Mr. Cooper. "Wo ara readyat any time to throw our booka wid*open to aay publle :r.vegtigator. I thinkthe Dletriet Attornev'g omco ia uaingthe milk gituation mootly for politicalpurpose-.


M r. Cooper produced hig recordg torefate thu .:harj;e of I'lgtriet Attorney.Swann that the lJairymen'g I.eague wa-a trugt. "The jcale of pricea chargedby the farmers follows in a generalway the same up and down XMOTO*vear af'.-r year," he oald. "Owlr.g tothe high eoat of feed in the fall thefarmer ig .'ompelled to rhurge most forhiM milk in Novemher and December.The firmer-a price begins to drop ir..fanuary. and eoatiaaOB dropping tlll.lune, when it reaohoe Ita lowest llgure.Then the prlee BOgiBi to riae graduallya:(ain For years pagt the price of thedealers ha-. uorw up in the late gum-

.."d fall, but it ha» not droppedagain in January or the early apr.r.g



BerBotaj s--.'.t.i tmmAsA i»«[ntni loaaoYol 1*00

V rreparatory *. lu.ol for B«jaaiW lo 1K> Wfal aSnl Striel

frimati to Coi'.eje"

Allgrades. Thoroughwork. Smallclaeeee. Individual initructioii.Maaual tr,.iriing. New gymna-sium building, with largeroof playground and swtm-

ming pool. Outing classesand sport* in the afternoon.Building acceaatble by all line* oftraaaportation. Eveiy room light.

:Boaaawaoal aataiaewe aa app.wnrt.wt

I.OIIS llWIl.MT RAV. Hi-admaoterroaHBhooe a ..j- laa txtt


Ml tveai Mth >t- Taaaae Oai aaai.- iaei PoalUvalj aaa *t a

Hme ovieti toacher toachoo pupil how... sti'Iiv and '¦ 'a lulra INOEPBN-OKNCE OIT THOt'OKT r«r. ant*«a ^r

taaad In J uno axomtnoUoni» ,; , ... jirf. of .)th«r t iti

:»o yaars' wcrk ln

¦A SVftaal with an Atmoanhara af Waf*."

McBURNEY SCHOOL¦,...rt .r 4iaaa a fot Ltfa

, '.,.-,. a>!th dlf'.:.a-U.t

na waa 57m st.WEST MQfc Y. M. C. A

FRIENDS eaat leraj *t. aranaj vona.

FRIENDS SCHOOLUO-lia M hrrmerhurn BB*. Uroa>WI>n.


aa>Inui *?fl|nullll agaai rnbae IISI A ro-

:»:'(, - ¦. Baro >. ur lataroofear a o oro falthfu arvi im

^ .: s boura, i to 1. oa.

INSTITUT TISNC. aa.»it »»TM 0T -F0->.0t0 IB»3.

. ..!¦>.:. Ifl J'" ''

,¦ \". r .<.¦- ' '.

.. iftlairr la a.1


Hackward ChildrenriOMUilMi HI'UOOl., ISBth 8t. a KlrrMaleDIV H< IUIOL. 315 Wool B7 BlroaC

WESTSIDEY.W.C.A501k Sl., Cor. 10th A»e.

".. ti 1 Boaal 1 naaaaj Baaalal aoeaaijaaaaaBa¦a- il ¦ Booklai a i''"" "¦">'¦". Mfl

:JS flf. M), n*»r B'waj.fompliate l oura* B/13.nt. inil W EXPKKT



..: Mi4.ii'- a.«nu* - aalaa elaooai ape.-'.o! ratoa

II11KV | M%NN M BtOOli KIK BOTH\ ri. }¦. nea HoaOmaetaa eroaa J**th

Str»*t, r.»-ar Broo4war, KeW Vork C.i>.

Rr y^r.a \V-lr.ea<1aa Oei BOt Sr.1THr \ P I V I V HfMOOl IOR ..IK1-.

i*0 & Mi «a-al 741U Slw BT. 5.

in praPflrtlan »o »he pncei of th* fim,.tn' milkJohn F. MeCauley, trflfliurer af ft,

Model Geir. Comaany, and .".'.,h»re»rhe New York Mift I'-alers' ( anfflreaaiUoard, tald Assl.tant bis'.rict At<.rn|T,'.,;./ reatarday of h i triali m d»»iing with thfl I'airym' 'l U | Hiaid that at ona flf tn» m««' rX, k#tween membera *4 tkfl ConfereaciBoard an.l th" Dsliyaaaa'a I.»*k i*. aa>fnte 'he prie« of miik w*s rn. -, I Jft

t, ,;,rt, Ml Rf .' Bor-den tornpany, aaid ta M»

"lion't you thiah II thhtgta make thfl poor people of ia K.»*tSide pay for »he flaaaufactara efthat Ifl no' worth within i bj (

hundred paaadfl of what paa are * for-*""If I remamber correc'v," l '.-

MeCauley, refltfladay, "Mr Coopei r».

plied that he had not taken the rierEa I de people into eaflifltdfltatlaB.*1


Mitchcll to See Whitman

John Mitche',1, chairman of .-,¦ .,w

Sute Paad Caaitiwl Cobub ii bbMy.sterday that he would gflto-day tfl aoflffll -vi' on *-he dutiei of hhe would probably 1

laa; of the commiaaioiferenc- with ' 8 Gavflraar."The princlpal hflBd^uartor., o' .-«

eofllBllflfllafl will proban.y bfl Ibany," aa.d Mt. Mitch*.:. "Bal 84*1af our busmeii arill ao doabt te con-

ducted in thii city. While I havifollowing the food aituation prattyeloaely, I don't want to aay anythiaa,about prices ur.'n I have booomifamiMar with tha i.tuaf.on. Wino doubt laah lata tba mllh altiamong other thinga.

SINGERS WANTEDTha oratarle * B*aty ol BaB r«al4a ii accepl a aa.m»»-« erlla a""'' eeteoe ai

re,,-. at algBi Biai -tlaai

Walter Damrosch,-or-i ta* ««

" 88 ."'- *" *'

.""arrioa a Hai " MuatepftOOBAW 'er 'aa 46th 9e»Df i I'l/trnVs Zn» Cfclldrag4'p [-'. Jt. Haafl4ara¦ lah Mar. 18, Ba:ha Ft. Kal -..«

VolunteersWanted.for MitchelWill you help to re-electOur Fighting Mayor.John Purroy Mitchel ?V'olunteerat once. Yourhelp is needed !Report immediately toFusion Committee!ieadquarters, 2-MMad-i?on Avenue (Corner38th St.) and you willbe assigned to service.Fusion Committee ot 1917

¦Ml >pv R Blr.'a


^k U » '»».'. I' 4'V ¦ !r» Mroaf nai 1

af*l_BB_ . A *'r.~l'i X I'rn Ilolleoiate i¦r-4,""*! Si.p4,r>

V*nAAI r -*i,ernoon c L* "»->¦ jiXllflUl Bojs mi -ii wT, !

ttwUti l.M I76ta asiawaawssw 6«fll I

/ 26?Y Cat*lA f W»rf»» H,p.'

THE CUTLER SCHOOL51 East 61st Street

Nr>» Oprn. Brginninf lu.uiP'liately.Frimary Liepartrnant. OfltOflflf . *»

Languages Jfjfs.KKlirt'KH RATES TO ARMS AM) >\»V

NKW IOKK.KUerdalr-on ¦flBflBMB,

KOHUT SCHOOl for BOYSA |i.,Ar,lui« »,'li.ol for Vo.,n«#r R.,».

Blierdale on-Hudwa. fai 661 k,.|.i, ui«.

lxi>0 UaLA.VBp.fltjflaBflB < "*-»

ST. PAULftSPgpav a. bael Bai . 11-181

</.ou»r geBaal ,fl.n 18*161Itl fltewa.t Avi, t.»,ilin CttV. I..1.4 ».. »al

nk\4 mikk raiijlaaa aa-taa-alflflfl.

The Castle s<uee'

\ Huppv l,.mniiinii> ot llta!'r p » .. .

.' 4. .

1 t.r .r j, m .

a life .oetant-j * '.

rt ira . - t 4

Ml**«« I 1. U IM>V I I MBoi W'S .irriloi... Bfl Hutt-. H f.

M V\ /I K"*K\.T»ntx Irlli


j. it can. :< 4 Kaaaa falli t.

BP8ISCKM »i 1111UI s

BooUreping, Shorthjnd. '-frf-lal, Typea,rili««, 1 hvD Srr>io»Slenotvpe Deparlinrnl!».

' ¦¦ - <.*.'. or wr.'.e I

3d St. 46V Lroov K\t,


iinf. h r

v v .. : p-- a..',.. Hlyn i ir Pm 6 Pid I

111 MIM.Ii.N BBI Kl.l \KI.\1. I til K-Brrv-jr ***** » * p»*^4-/l/fiJfff&x- .¦ ' -',lt';


6lltlfflfll ai.,1 I pfOlffl r--4fl,-'. S«'t ,. *

Supptiaa Protaaaors * *

GoveVnaaaea «.. t - ».«ra .." "Aaj i M. i 1 >traa>

< ,,n Suuara


DURYEA DANCESsa*VL thursday;i,vn,,7v


4: WhoT ?d *ik».i 1Dlai l TiHiv n: J. '

0ABCIN4 CABBIVAL. 0«Aaa CiaTBAL M«j>-"¦ > * ajaafflBBflflfl