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^$m *f? # k tj •> * •^•potctsA > Poles and ir Suits, VOL. VL - a s PVBRNBUR. MEMOHUL MftVICtS as. >*«jw should 112.75 ^t jour pat- h * n you have headquarter* Q CO. m LS! Mid Calf tton, in torn. ; variety m _• A ^ —-— by the ~ _ G . A . R Tbe day was lovetv one and all thai could hare mm Mired eo far ae the weather Many of the placet daocrated, and the ___ * holiday attire. Oar country cousins were here in mat number* and it wag estimated fcu 1,500people were on thestreeL Tbe member* of the post assembled it their headquarters and marched trom there in chance of Commander a W. Payne and the past command- snot the G. A. R. to the cemetery the following order: Dnua Corp*, Colore, Barne* Post, Woman's Relief Corps ID Cerr.****. Son* of Veteran*, QoQTeraeur Cornet Band, Flrt Oompevn>e*, Orator and Clergy ill Carriac-. Village Officers in Carriage*. Citizens Generally. The line of march was up Main to Gordon, Gordon to 8terling, Sterling ID Beckwith, Beck with tofiain, Main to tbe seminary and from the semi- nary to the cemetery. Upon arriv- ingat the cemetery the graves of their departed comrades were decked with the flowers of springtime. The ritual service of the order was read sad a salute fired. The possession then returned ix* tbe same order to tbe G. A. R hall where the Woman s Belief Corps served a sumptuous toner to about 400, including mem- bsnof the post, their families and invited guests. AtSo'clock, Barnes Post, acoom The MHignii set* iocs at the eft church last Sunday events* imaJidinabodvl^themsm: d Banes Ptsi G. A. R 9 Boos sd Woman's BsBsf _ _ w was a targe oangrsgev two. every seal being occupied. ft* church was also appropriately decor* f aled with bunting andf flowers. The seirioes were interesting and impras- save The pastor, Rev. D. D. Munro, deljverod an able and thoughtful discourse, of which the following is a brief synopsis: TEXT, Josac* *M.- M As Captain of the Lord an 1 now ootne." With all its so-called enlighten- ment this 19th century is much given to Hero worship. In Senpture, wor- ship rendered to any persons other than Divine is repelled as in the case of tbe Lystnana, who worshipped Paul and Barnabas, or of John, who fell down before tbe angel. But this mysterious stranger, who appeared to' Joshua, commanded adoration. Surely this is Christ. Agesjiefore -£•£25 HEftALD-Tlj^ES JUNE *•»<»••-.totS lk« -- » www in all __ *** & WCMVtUX of the OVtOf wm & Ae captain he msptres us for the ramie and furoishes suppbsa. This is no part of an earthly captains re- sponsibilities but Ovist as infinite holds all relations to his host in per* flection. He gives the power of the spirit and thus through this represen- tation he loads us personally unto the fray. How this inspires us with fire as Grant's presence inspired the forces at 8hiloh or 8fceridaat ptve eoce during his memorable ride trom the _ •_•,!#vi«, UC J ^»» to human appearance. We see Him in the history of the Hebrew fathers; we meet Him under the leafy shade of Mamre; we recognise Him in the history of Manonh, and in the fur- nace seven times heated. So here. Then does he not give us the strong motive power of his love ? It has been repeatedly said of Wellington and Napoleon that their forces would do anything, go anywhere or suffer all things for them so dearly did they love their leaders, but they are only feeble types of Jesus 1 followers' love for him. And be gives us the J strengthening food of his truth. Tbe m i n t a*.******v~»- w— -*- - MsEMHe sS5S£&&*£ View oirTubSct i . fcZLj 00 f*™- Wr 1 ? ™ • » <•* «> it till it ml*. V v* v</ y^» M loresnauowing a peculiar relationship which Christ holds to His people. Notice then : L— THX HOST: HIS FOLLOWERS. Israel was a type of the church, therefore, the church militant is the # 'host" to-day. 1. The church is God's hoet be- cause of her strife. Her advereeries are many, their weapons varied, their schemes vile, their stratagems subtle. Against these we fight, so are emphatically an "army." As K ah led said, " Our safety lies not in retreat, but in showing a bold front to the foe. M 2. She is Gods host because of her unity " Many members but one . w . v ^ w o u o v j uie trutn—K>ve is deepened by the truth. There are those fed on the whey of trashy liter- ature or the **skim milk" of second hand Bible truth, but only those are strong who carry the Bible in their knapsacks and feed on it till it enters a««vviwa, xxwrncs .TOST, aCCOm-1 ~.' ' aeaied by tho Woman's Relief Corps, J"H*J., ^ —- * ~r™~ " uv ™" tossed in a body to the park w h w ^ J ; JJ*? ^n^u^f^^ tbe exercises weteeamed^ut Dur- £EJg? 5 T*' ^ Wh ^J^ erf ' 5 tag tbe past week a grand «-uid was £2^ erected m the park, and which was filed with many of the prominent men ^'*. Y. sndclergy of the village. TheGouv- srneur quartette also occupied seats ia the grand stand and rendered various selections of patriotic songs, ~~ k to the deUght of the large Commander 8. W. Payne jver tbe exercises at the The exercises were commenced •to from the band, followed by ouartettev Prayer was offered Bey. D. D. Munro of the Baptist after which the quartette the old familiar song, "Those Old Comrades of Ours," Mr. Payne then introduced the orator of the day, Theodore H. Swift, of Potsdam. The speaker commenced his oration by paying a fine tribute to the Union soldiers. He spoke of the cauue tor which they had rendered tbe sacrifice. He related their experience in camp, on the march, in the prison pen and on the batttie fields. He reminded the G. A. R men that all the praise on such occasions as this is due not only to them but also to the loyal ladies i of tbe north for their heroic and I unswerving devotion to the cause of freedom. They had encouraged patriotism, promoted enlistments, cared for the men in the hospitals and on battle fields as women of no other country have ever done. Eng- land produced one Florence Nighten- gale, but tbe north sent a thousand Koreoce Nigbtengales to tbe south. Be spoke of the great battle of the nfceUkm. and m eloquent terms he described the crisis which came July 1 180, when Gettysburg wa#» won and Grant presented to the United Btates the stronghold of v ickbburg. The speaker then called to mind » e personal heroism of the great ••Ptains of the war. He gave a id word picture of tbe character h striking incidents from the life •ach. The devotion and the per- courage of the private soldier —;r".- *."^nS J!? Q s I -he triump] ^seestbei^v»W^of dtT ^ ^ hope, eta Illustrations of ^^ mK 0 f j[ t iciwe are h*A in * •**- ~* * to thy day so shall thy strength be. 4. Another grand consequence is that he leads us to victory and glory. How truly has it been said that the call "go where glory waits thee," baa lured many men to enlistment who are now poverty stricken and strug- gling hard to keep life in. It ended not in glory for them. Where are now the names of those thousands who perished /or our dear land ? What history records the names and deeds of the 60,000 who perished at Waterloo ? But sure as each follower of Jesus has now a cross emblasoned upon his shield, he shall yet wear immortal laurels upon his brow. We *re not on the loosing side. Victory is se- cured already and soon we shall join the triumph above as we enter tbe May JO. _ quHl for our first SO t b e T a i B l 5K-HKR of new* —-rs. Away 'uZJZST tovitation of MRiai ws samuouisd oar kfforta and emtinned until ~ i. absorbed by the 1 Wlowahip with the Herald Upon the launching of the TmiBura unDmit<Hl tpace as lor our verbose letter* nH^ur^«?^ d *e t«pting bait, S£f » is a peeasurs to note that our 2£if!? « o « - » s back to u« and woaaU the event of these "thre* m and promiss our loyal tupjort. "^^ Spooner ft Wiser, hardware iMkve dissolved partnership. Wiser continues the busing a m has already instituted a r of things and will hereafter ^gyj^^y^liag worker* at the hSTr g n°{ ^ Tbo ^_P- ivies'new ogjion 8aturdav. Tbe buildini? >» fJtW feet, with n foot post* andcW A Ught work and the timbers were » Place. After labor came re nrsaad the well laden table* rkf d «!% h «ttllv pleasant daJwLl noid tnecnorial exsreiiss. The Luther eraJ members of the G. A R from ^ ? J^ to W tribntm to those ^%Ti^^ I %*»r -tertainmsnt fully decorated., a nd^'S ftE ^ Z " * $ ^ 15 cheese per day are now made the 8pragueville factory. Mr. and Mrs. & W Foster, are soiourning at Ogdeosborg* Ladioa aid soeiety will meet at the M. £. church, Wednesday a. m. June, g y n e n t s a n d the well laden ubles IBIS Jennie L. Gardner is makinc a S5KL,T? kf, 7 Wttofri « ldl inAdsis ande^iher nofnt* In ImW***** T7T fully decorated, ana arter the grav ia tbe several cemeteries bad had floral offerings the Post proceeded to the basement of the M. £. church where dinner was served them by tbe ladies. At two o'clock they marched to the town hall where the clergy of t b is place and Norwood gave addresses. Revs, 8bort and Eldred of Norfolk, Revs. Abbott, Pogson and Fitzgerald of Norwood. While all united with many tender words to speak of the dead soldiers. Father Fitzgerald spoke of the war, its cause*, tbe issues from it, and its results, dwelling upon those point* in his usual eloquent manner and at the close of his speech wait greet- ed with enthusiastic applause. Mr. McNulty of Norwood, *poke of the SOUK of Veterans and their work; a glee clab from Norwood and one of Norfolk sang selections appropriate to the day and closed by the singers, members of the post and the audi- ence uniting in singing "America. 41 The ladies of the M E. church of ^ iZ*i«^ttoMsnds^7Ad^ M , R <*ur «*#iher points in Jefferson « o ^ J E ^ W nave an . Tm nnion esrvfc* at the Ranri;;IJ!^i^.™V. thr 7.. w »« ^rve dinner ? ean8, t *i! h ^ arriTr'i "il^^r to the martial strains of her one hope, etc Iuustrateoos of "&HX* 0 f Moses and the lamb." this principle are had in a ray of I Now ^ ooocfaeion let me say to r r*^ _,, HSM MM* ray of light which is a unit, yet is made up of seven different colors—in the hu- man body—in the U. S. army which is made up of •different regiment but is one armf. So with the church militant, which has sworn allegience to one head. 3. She is His host because of her order and discipline. The very term implies a community under-martial order,-such as might lead the inspired witness to exclaim, "Who is this that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun and terri- ble as an army with banner*." The devil's plan of campaign is first to devide and rout then to ruin. He works as the troops of the First Caliph did against the 100,000 trained forces of Heroclius. Let us stand to our standard. **As the Lord hath called every man so let him walk.*' II—THE CAPTAI5. As we saw in the introduction this tbe you my friends of the G. A. R, that there is more glory shining from your struggle between '60 and '65 than from any other struggle the world has known. The motive is the moral quality of every action. What motives prompted the wars of Alex- ander, Napoleon, Charlemagne, Ac t You know enough of their history to know that they were anything but pure. Tours was pure for you fought for the freedom of others. Therefore. I hail you as the veterans of a war that has incomparable lus- tre! But there is a higher and better freedom—The perfect liberty of tbe children of God/ 1 To fight for this most glorious of all causes, enlist now under the colors of King Im- manuel 'whose banner over us is love." w _„w..~~ county. nnion service at the Baptist last Sunday morningwas tolly Rice post, G. A R. 468 was it in a body. The devotional ei- ,.^ P ^ W - were conducted by Revs. Pavtst and Cross, after which Rev. G. W. Iferoes gave an interesting talk froaathe text found in Deut. $M 7th. A select choir under the leadership of £,J|» White, furnished inspiring inn- sftejir the occasion. H i r e was a temperance mas* meet* ragSfct the Congregational church Sab- b*** eyeoipg. under the auspice* of r. C. T, U. Recitations were by Misses Helen L. Heodrick da Walker and Master Curtis A select reading by Miss Cross i address of the evening by the Etev. D a v i s a and Mrs, Henry E. Ells are a few days in Ogdensburg at of their sister. Mo. J. W. w Mrs. Hall is in the city for extended visit Good Templars announce a "C" at their lodge rooms next 8at- evening, to which the public is Uy invited. Supper will be at ^S cents per couple. Tbe isa novel one and those who fathom tbe mysteries of the rnent will do well to "come 8. The Good Templars will give a literary entertainment at their rooms Friday evening June 3. Admission 15 cents. Proceeds to apply on an organ. Ootne one, come all. Childrena day will be appropriately observed, by tbe children of the M. E. Sunday school* June 11 Wm. Marsh, passed away Sunday morning at the borne of his daughter Mrs. Wm. Bhooo, aged 36 years. Remains were taken to North East Penna,, for burial on Monday. Wm. & Thomas Bvrns left Monday for Park City, Utah, to seek their fortune. We note the following guests in town the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Brown Mrs. Chas Brown and Mrs. Frank Hull Hailesboro, Miss Cora Carpenter, Antwerp, Will Gill and daughter, Georgia*, Benjamin Kirkbride, Philadelphia, Justus Barnes, Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bowman ot Gouverneor were called to this place- Sunday bv the sudden ill news of their little son Leon, who was visiting hfo grandparent* Mr. and Mrs. A. _ Cro«. ~" -*" 1 -*"• *• B - Saturday evening, June 4, a straw berry festival will be held in the town hall for aiding a fund for repairs upon Grace church. Bishop Doane appointed a lay read- er for tne parishes of Norwood and Norfolk to assist the rector in his duties. GXRALDIXX. MEUViLTON. BRASHER FALLS, Hendrick leaves todav for __ to attend the Provisional Convention and toss his cap for ~ ** He is accompanied by Mrs. and Master Stevie. ^ev- r- C NORTH LAWRENCE. is Christ He is captain by sovereign choice. However ignorant we are of the internal relations of tbe Infinite One, however much at a loss to ex- plain how the Son is identical with the Father, yet subordinate to Him, we know from abundant assertions of hoi v writ that Christ was commis- sioned by that will that gives law to all creation. He did not assume this office ultroneously—was appointed as Gideon, Moses. Joshua. "Behold I have given him for a leader to the people: as a leader and commander or tbe peoples/' 2. He is Captain by suffrages of the host also. 'Then shall the children of Judah be gathered together and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come out of the land for great shall be the day of Jezreal." Thus Hosea cart christian thought in the mould of Jewish language, as if he saw that the appointment of with tbe —raj uvea vu tn j-he hospitals and prisons. His "•«•• was enlivened by apt classi- w-aions and quotations from - wurwge or toe private soldier! ir he saw that the appointme attested by the 400.000. who laid ! the sovereign would meet witt to their lives on the battle fields. 1 intelligent approval of the host, 'he bosoitaJ* mid riMinr.t w « 3 He is a captain for ail time. i As the opening bud at breaking dawn the beauty and ^lory of tbe title claimed by*Christ filled out with the light of each successive age., t —T T MM W«N» uM«uru wu Scripture also adds splendor to it, J«b much pleasure. After the ora-! from the martial strains of the pro- Bn the benediction was pronounced i pbet to the grand splendor of revela- ^d thus another Decoration dav | tion. to an end. .*V««t*0rt and a masterly and was listened to >. wm Jug tA&tt *S> INSTITUTE. in-RB5TLT8 OF THIS RaXATlO*. 1 They are important and varied. for the first of St. Law- will be held at Morria- the week hegmning 13 Dr.i E Albro. C T. Bams will All who are or intend to area: Ant places before T. R MACKXT LL As our captain ' Be leads to war fare. Once he stood as our cham- pion fighting alone for us: now that he has emancipated us from satan s thraldom we enlist under bis banner to fight with him in the good fight of faith. Borne say "It is an easy thing to be a christian." This is only a half truth. We get our weapons tL. use them as the "Pilgrim" did will j ^ to*** thamup m sacred i _ p_^i""py*w,fr f isas beauty as decorationa. Ours is FnL l not the raiigio are called to a that of ease. Tben the severity of tbeattufi^eis increased by the"fact lhat ocr foe»i are un«eeci. xaamir they cast no shadow, ieave r*o foos- TM prtnta. r?tf -— 2. As capCaiD be req aires obedi- Ialaad. ***** Cocra«» we p r w fcucnly. A It WM *i«t>- **&**'* ^ocrare M roaraere uader Wt r^vtnsi <i * r oarf c>beT * ^hKhsr in the, - J trench, or camp, or shade, orfieidor J to the terrihie baabcr. T^s We wish all success in ment of vour new enters « Rev. f. W. Thompson. Miss Lila Foster. Mrs. F. Pelton and Mrs. W. Stone have gone to Watertown as del- egates to the Y. P. 8. C. E. conven tion. Ronie Jennie has gone to Tnpper's Lake. Miss Laura Ferris, of Alexandria Bay. has been visiting friends here recently. The band played some fine selec- tion* on the street Saturday night Memorial dav was duly observed by tbe Rice post. The children decorated the graves and a basket dinner was) enjoyed by all, the Silver H01 drum eorpt iDeluded; after which the post went to Hermoo to assist is| the ser- vice there. Mrs. Anna Jaques has gone to Clay- ton. Mrs. J. Jones, of Hertnon, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mr* D. Zellar. Quite a number from here went to Hertnon Sundav to attend memorial j service at tbe M. E. church. Mrs. W VanVaikenburg, of Canton, visited her brother. & K. Miles, re- cently. l>r. Allen and wile, of Hermon, vis- ited friends here last week. Miss Mary Gibbons has returned from Waiertowa. The Methodiet Aid society mot week wfth Mra Dr. Hatch, Ia evening the yonag peopis rsadeVM a AsTISetihasssesrsd A pisrios of eight dollars a month, and gaOO p*y. May 30. With regret we announce the death of Mrs. Rachel Withen 11, widow of the late James Witherill, who died Wednesday, May 25th. The funeral services were held at the resi dence of the deceased. Rev. Mr. Har- mon, of Lawreoeeville, officiating. The remains were intered In Maple Grove cemetery in this village. The deceased was a loving wife, a kind mother and neighbor, and highly es- teemed by all who knew her. She Mav 30 I k* Te * two sons and four daughters to may ov. j QKmm ^ r j OM ^ wtiQ bave the sympa- *ssm the manage- Ufay of our village in their sad bereave- enterprise. n^nt lompson. Miss Lilal We learn that Walter Malakie. of this place, has a position in tbe rail * - at Mad] * "~ RUSSELL The Japanese stock of goods was bought by O. P. Stearns and Herbert San ford. The price paid was said to be 00 yer cent, of the inventory made by H. W. Steams, assignee. Dodds, of the COBTHXR* TRIBES, was in town looking after tbe inter- ests of the paper last week. People are expressing general satis- faction with the change made in this paper from the Herald-Times to the NORTHERN TRIBCXS. Success to the editor and staff. Disbaw & Kennsbaw have put into their shop a force pump wfth hose to submerge any part of their building { in ease of fire. Quarterly meeting at the M. E. church last Sunday. A sermon was preached by Rev. Bennell, P. E. A A Bafdin has put into his house the past week a fine piano, purchased from Prof. 8ims. of Canton. A Good Templars lodge was organ- ised at Helena last week with 28 char- ter members. a Memorial services was held at the Union 8ebool hall Monday evening, consisting of patriotic declamations,) reading and singing. The ball was I draped in flags and the entertainment was greatly enjoyed bv all. Ths sing- Memorial services were held in the M. E church last Sunday. Both churches united. Miss Lawerv, of Ogdensburg, ia visiting at Mra John Rlliora We understand J. H. Donald, of Hammond, and W. G. Bell, of this place bave purchased the undertaking business of J. F. WoodrkL Our telephone and telegraph man- ager is attending the convention at Watertown this week. Prof. Baker has a large class in music here. He will give a concert Tuesday evening at the M. E. church. Dr. Best, of Potsdam, was in town last week. Rev. Mr. Cheeseman, of Rensselaer Falls, preached in tbe Methodist church last Sunday evening. Mrs. George Hayden is coosj much better by her attending^ cians. Will Dollar and wife, of Goaver- near, spent Decoration day with friends here. Lxr. HAMMOND. ladnd. We wi»h him road station sueesss. J. H, Sargeant, our enterprising miller, lias commenced the foundation for a large starch factory. We need more each men in our village. Wm. Dodds, agent for tbe NORTH- ERJt Tfcnron, was in town the past week looking after the interests of that valuable paper. We wish him, as well as the paper, success. Tbe hour of services in the M. E. ehurch has been changed, and also in the Union ehurch, and* hereafter will be as follows: At the M. E. church 10:30 A. X., and in the Union church at 2 P. JC Nix. ing by Miss Bertha an'd Master Chas. McCarthy called forprolonged encore, and not until Prof. Perry excused the little ones would tbe cheering cease. David Nevine and wife, of Helena, were in town Monday. Work begins on the road this week. The Presbyterian choir took part in the decoration services at tbe depot last Sunday. Master Leon Dishaw is fast regain ing his good health. OSCR A WKKK. RENSSELAER FALLS. SOMERVtLLE. May XL ROSS1E. May 30. "Very bad roads and pienty of rain. The foot bridge across the race-way was carried down stream yesterday by high water. Mm Geo, V. Webster is cm tbe sick Ustaiain- It is reported that the Rossis Iron Works WflJ change hands and that r these will yet be some industry in this j Aid soeiety met at week. There t and all report - rho is attend- is spending a house is will young ( we hatieve to be AtwwIL has Pnlptt of the i . JL . - -, «* Carthage « ^Z 6 ^^!^ * • P-rata _*^ Aruhie -BelTi oew ove maatt> Mr. Dsfl I W i of Hsnassd, was in town Saturday, esilexf to May 31. Memorial services were held in the M. E. church Sunday evening. Rev Mr. Seymour, of Heavelton, adrssssd tbe veterans, all of whom were seated in a body after inarching in from the session room. A number from here spent Decora- tion day at DeKalb. Helen Craig is visiting relatives in New York. Mrs, C. Bowen, of Norwood, visited { at Dr. Bay ley s last week. Ed. McKee, of Ogdensburg, was in town last week on nis way to Staten , Island, to attend the wedding of Lida McKee and Mr. Sneeden. I Mrs. Duane Thompson friends here. Prof. Baker organized a class in music here, and to-nigbt he will give a concert in the Congregational church. Will McKelvey, of DeKalb, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Myron MaJooey. who has been on the sick list, is gaining. Mra Dr. Bay ley and Mrs. Bowen visited Jean Topper ar^De&alb Junc- tion. A young son at Mra Blodgett't, Worcester. Mass. Dr. 5. D. McMoaegaJ was called to Prseeott. Out., to ears for his brother. Dr.ILR. MeMtmwai, who is very ill Dr. C C VaaWaters JMM into his new hoaas on the was C. A. M May 80. Two more weeks of school. A number of young people are at* tending the convention this weak in Watertown. , Mr. and Mrs. Seltesk, of Syracuse, are in town visiting friends. Special meetings are being bald in the Methodist church conducted try Mr. 8teeL Ittoto be hoped his labors may be crowned with sdeeess. A new meat market in town. Geo. Franklin' is the proprietor and is ready to wait on customers. Frank Gregor spent a few days last week visiting parents and friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buss have re- turned from the sunny south, whera they have been spending the winter. Mr. Buss'health is not much improved. L M. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL T»ON, CONVEN* Round trip tickets to Minneapolis, Minn., and return, on account of the' Republican National Convention, commencing June 7, 1892, will 6e sold at one lowest first-class fare for the round trip. Tickets may be sold at R. W. A: O. stations June 1, 2, 3 and 4th, and pas- sengers must reach Chicago not later than June 6th, and make con- nections with trains leaving Chicago on that date. Tickets will be limited to continuous passage in each direction and good for return passage until June £tv visited 1892. Tickets will not be accepted I for going passage west of Oiicago later than for trains leaving Chicago JuneTBth, and will not be bowsorod for return passage from Minneapo- lis prior to June 10th. The rate will be one limited first- class rate to Minneapolis, shown in Through Rates of Fare, Tariff No. 2» published April L 1SH THBO. ~ this see- The elaim it is made of flood Sarsaparfila is for it which is not fully There is more Catarrh In tion of ths country than all other di ssssss put together, and until ths last few years was supposed to be oia. For a great many it a local cxzn as AFTER *A*lV VEAJtS Experience with 1 am giad to say ttet HilTs Ptte a lonrtett vast I T OQXAMSE THE SV5"£y w --*c aoslrrt *°°d ** import •ct-'y cure ha- te avaken the a bea-thy artiT- Of tfel^-r^ aoeds or DEKALB JUNCTiOA. May tl SeveraJ from this nhwesattsedsd ths Deccratwoc day sis iluss at Harmon Rrr. James Grahasti oceupeed the the M. & porpit km Sunday morning andevewiae MHL H. W. Howard, of Fort Cov. mwton. viattsd frisads here lawt week Mr a»d Mra E F Lew* tpmnt Sun- ; dav out of town. The Saber mem. who wee: to K-arx Lake Friday east* borne Saturday Miss Refie Tacpan ha# bees a war thenskst wwk v**tiag frteod^ F.J orty ket. It is _ f*on» IS drops _ diwjaly oa tbs beood Wws of ths systsk kuAdred doHan lor any offer ;: faiis and testimomiaia Add F. J. Clnnrrr k Co.. tjrSowd by Droggista r*^ to cure. Send for circulars nomieJa Addreaa Toledo, a The *kz5 ssilmr thes»aons A doae of Ayer'i during

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> Poles and ir Suits,



as. >*«jw should

112.75 ^t jour pat-h*n you have headquarter*

Q CO. m


Mid Calf

tton, in torn.

; variety


_• A ^ — - — by the ~ _ G . A . R Tbe day was

lovetv one and all thai could hare mm M i r e d eo far ae the weather

Many of the placet daocrated, and the

_ _ _ * holiday attire. Oar country cousins were here in m a t number* and it wag estimated fcu 1,500people were on thestreeL

Tbe member* of the post assembled i t their headquarters and marched trom there in chance of Commander

• a W. Payne and the past command-s n o t the G. A. R. to the cemetery the following order:

Dnua Corp*, Colore,

Barne* Post, Woman's Relief Corps ID Cerr.****.

Son* of Veteran*, QoQTeraeur Cornet Band,

Flrt Oompevn>e*, Orator and Clergy ill Carriac-.

Village Officers in Carriage*. Citizens Generally.

The line of march was up Main to Gordon, Gordon to 8terling, Sterling ID Beckwith, Beck with tof ia in , Main to tbe seminary and from the semi­nary to the cemetery. Upon arriv-i n g a t the cemetery the graves of their departed comrades were decked with the flowers of springtime. The ritual service of the order was read sad a salute fired. The possession then returned ix* tbe same order to tbe G. A. R hall where the Woman s Belief Corps served a sumptuous toner to about 400, including mem-bsnof the post, their families and invited guests.

AtSo'clock, Barnes Post, acoom

The M H i g n i i set* iocs at the eft church last Sunday events* i m a J i d i n a b o d v l ^ t h e m s m : d B a n e s P t s i G. A. R 9 Boos

sd Woman's BsBsf _ _ w was a targe oangrsgev

two. every seal being occupied. ft* church was also appropriately decor*

faled with bunting andf flowers. The seirioes were interesting and impras-save The pastor, Rev. D. D. Munro, deljverod an able and thoughtful discourse, of which the following is a brief synopsis:

TEXT, Josac* *M.-MAs Captain of the Lord an 1 now ootne." With all its so-called enlighten­

ment this 19th century is much given to Hero worship. In Senpture, wor­ship rendered to any persons other than Divine is repelled as in the case of tbe Lystnana, who worshipped Paul and Barnabas, or of John, who fell down before tbe angel. But this mysterious stranger, who appeared to' Joshua, commanded adoration. Surely this is Christ. Agesjiefore



* •»<»• • - . to tS l k « - - » www

in all __ * * *


of the

OVtOf wm & Ae captain he msptres us for the ramie and furoishes suppbsa. This

is no part of an earthly captains re­sponsibilities but O v i s t as infinite holds all relations to his host in per* flection. He gives the power of the spirit and thus through this represen­tation he loads us personally unto the fray. How this inspires us with fire as Grant's presence inspired the forces at 8hiloh or 8fceridaat ptve eoce during his memorable ride trom

t h e _ •_•,!#vi«, U C J ^»» to human appearance. We see Him in the history of the Hebrew fathers; we meet Him under the leafy shade of Mamre; we recognise Him in the history of Manonh, and in the fur­nace seven times heated. So here.

Then does he not give us the strong motive power of his love ? It has been repeatedly said of Wellington and Napoleon that their forces would do anything, go anywhere or suffer all things for them so dearly did they love their leaders, but they are only feeble types of Jesus1 followers' love for him. And be gives us the J strengthening food of his truth. Tbe m i n t a*.******v~»- w— -*- -MsEMHe sS5S£&&*£

View o irTubSct i . fcZLj00 f*™- W r 1 ? ™ • » < • * «> it till it ml*. — Vv*v</y^» M loresnauowing a peculiar relationship which Christ holds to His people. Notice then :

L— THX HOST: HIS FOLLOWERS. Israel was a type of the church,

therefore, the church militant is the #'host" to-day.

1. The church is God's hoet be­cause of her strife. Her advereeries are many, their weapons varied, their schemes vile, their stratagems subtle. Against these we fight, so are emphatically an "army." As K ah led said, " Our safety lies not in retreat, but in showing a bold front to the foe.M

2. She is Gods host because of her unity " Many members but one

.w . v ^ w o u o v j uie trutn—K>ve is deepened by the truth. There are those fed on the whey of trashy liter­ature or the **skim milk" of second hand Bible truth, but only those are strong who carry the Bible in their knapsacks and feed on it till it enters

a « « v v i w a , xxwrncs .TOST, aCCOm-1 ~.' ' aeaied by t h o Woman's Relief Corps, J"H*J., ^ — - * — ~ r ™ ~ " u v ™" tossed in a body to the park w h w ^ J ; JJ*? ^n^u^f^^ tbe exercises w e t e e a m e d ^ u t Dur- £EJg? 5 T * ' Wh^J^erf' 5 tag tbe past week a grand «-uid was £ 2 ^ erected m the park, and which was filed with many of the prominent men

^'*. Y.

sndclergy of the village. TheGouv-srneur quartette also occupied seats ia the grand stand and rendered various selections of patriotic songs, ~ ~ k to the deUght of the large

Commander 8. W. Payne — j v e r tbe exercises at the The exercises were commenced

• t o from the band, followed by ouartettev Prayer was offered Bey. D. D. Munro of the Baptist

after which the quartette — „ the old familiar song, "Those Old Comrades of Ours," Mr. Payne then introduced the orator of the day, Theodore H. Swift, of Potsdam.

The speaker commenced his oration by paying a fine tribute to the Union soldiers. He spoke of the cauue tor which they had rendered tbe sacrifice. He related their experience in camp, on the march, in the prison pen and on the batttie fields. He reminded the G. A. R men that all the praise on such occasions as this is due not only to them but also to the loyal ladies i of tbe north for their heroic and I unswerving devotion to the cause of freedom. They had encouraged patriotism, promoted enlistments, cared for the men in the hospitals and on battle fields as women of no other country have ever done. Eng­land produced one Florence Nighten­gale, but tbe north sent a thousand Koreoce Nigbtengales to tbe south. Be spoke of the great battle of the nfceUkm. and m eloquent terms he described the crisis which came July 1 180, when Gettysburg wa#» won and Grant presented to the United Btates the stronghold of v ickbburg.

The speaker then called to mind » e personal heroism of the great ••Ptains of the war. He gave a

id word picture of tbe character h striking incidents from the life •ach. The devotion and the per-

courage of the private soldier

— ; r " . - *."^nS J!?Qs I -he triump] ^ s e e s t b e i ^ v » W ^ o f d t T ^ ^ hope, e ta Illustrations of ^^mK 0 f j [ t iciwe are h*A in * •**- ~* *

to thy day so shall thy strength be. 4. Another grand consequence is

that he leads us to victory and glory. How truly has it been said that the call "go where glory waits thee," baa lured many men to enlistment who are now poverty stricken and strug­gling hard to keep life in.

It ended not in glory for them. Where are now the names of those thousands who perished /or our dear land ? What history records the names and deeds of the 60,000 who perished at Waterloo ?

But sure as each follower of Jesus has now a cross emblasoned upon his shield, he shall y e t wear immortal laurels upon his brow. We *re not on the loosing side. Victory is se­cured already and soon we shall join the triumph above as we enter tbe

May JO. _ quHl for our first SO t b e T a i B l 5K-HKR

of new* —-rs. Away

'uZJZST tovitation of M R i a i ws samuouisd oar kfforta and emtinned until ~ i. absorbed by the1

Wlowahip with the Herald Upon the launching of the

TmiBura unDmit<Hl tpace as lor our verbose letter*

nH^ur^«?^d * e t « p t i n g bait, S £ f » is a peeasurs to note that our 2 £ i f ! ? « o « - » s back to u« and woaaU the event of these "thre* m

and promiss our loyal tupjort. "^^ Spooner ft Wiser, hardware

iMkve dissolved partnership. Wiser continues the b u s i n g a m has already instituted a r of things and will hereafter

^ g y j ^ ^ y ^ l i a g worker* at the h S T r g n°{ ^ Tbo^_P- i v i e s ' n e w o g j i o n 8aturdav. Tbe buildini? >» f J t W feet, with n foot post* a n d c W

A Ught work and the timbers were » Place. After labor came re

nrsaad the well laden table*

rkf d«!%h«ttllv pleasant d a J w L l

noid tnecnorial exsreiiss. The Luther

eraJ members of the G. A R from

^ ? J ^ to W tribntm to those

^ % T i ^ ^ I %*»r - tertainmsnt fully decorated., a n d ^ ' S ftE ^ Z " * $ ^ ™

15 cheese per day are now made the 8pragueville factory.

Mr. and Mrs. & W Foster, are soiourning at Ogdeosborg*

Ladioa aid soeiety will meet at the M. £. church, Wednesday a. m. June,

g y n e n t s a n d the well laden ub les

IBIS Jennie L. Gardner is makinc a S5KL,T?kf,7Wttofri«ldl inAdsis ande^iher nofnt* In ImW***** T7T

fully decorated, ana arter the grav ia tbe several cemeteries bad had floral offerings the Post proceeded to the basement of the M. £ . church where dinner was served them by tbe ladies. At two o'clock they marched to the town hall where the clergy of t b is place and Norwood gave addresses. Revs, 8bort and Eldred of Norfolk, Revs. Abbott, Pogson and Fitzgerald of Norwood. While all united with many tender words to speak of the dead soldiers. Father Fitzgerald spoke of the war, its cause*, tbe issues from it, and its results, dwelling upon those point* in his usual eloquent manner and at the close of his speech wait greet­ed with enthusiastic applause. Mr. McNulty of Norwood, *poke of the SOUK of Veterans and their work; a glee clab from Norwood and one of Norfolk sang selections appropriate to the day and closed by the singers, members of the post and the audi­ence uniting in singing "America.41

The ladies of the M E. church of ^ i Z * i « ^ t t o M s n d s ^ 7 A d ^ M, R <*ur

«*#iher points in Jefferson « o ^ J E ^ W nave an . Tm nnion esrvfc* at the R a n r i ; ; I J ! ^ i ^ . ™ V . t h r 7 . . w » « ^rve dinner

? e a n 8 , t*i!h ^ arriTr'i "il^^r to the martial strains of her one hope, e t c Iuustrateoos of "&HX* 0 f Moses and the lamb." this principle are had in a ray of I N o w ^ ooocfaeion let me say to r r*^ _ , , HSM MM* • ray of light which is a unit, yet is made up of seven different colors—in the hu­man body—in the U. S. army which is made up of •different regiment but is one armf. So with the church militant, which has sworn allegience to one head.

3. She is His host because of her order and discipline. The very term implies a community under-martial order,-such as might lead the inspired witness to exclaim, "Who is this that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun and terri­ble as an army with banner*."

The devil's plan of campaign is first to devide and rout then to ruin. He works as the troops of the First Caliph did against the 100,000 trained forces of Heroclius. Let us stand to our standard. **As the Lord hath called every man so let him walk.*'

II—THE CAPTAI5. As we saw in the introduction this


you my friends of the G. A. R , that there is more glory shining from your struggle between '60 and '65 than from any other struggle the world has known. The motive is the moral quality of every action. What motives prompted the wars of Alex­ander, Napoleon, Charlemagne, Ac t You know enough of their history to know that they were anything but pure. Tours was pure for you fought for the freedom of others. Therefore. I hail you as the veterans of a war that has incomparable lus­tre!

But there is a higher and better freedom—The perfect liberty of tbe children of God/1 To fight for this most glorious of all causes, enlist now under the colors of King Im-manuel 'whose banner over us is love."

w _ „ w . . ~ ~ county. nnion service at the Baptist last Sunday morningwas tolly

J± Rice post, G. A R. 468 was it in a body. The devotional ei-

,.^P^W- were conducted by Revs. Pavtst and Cross, after which Rev. G. W. Iferoes gave an interesting talk froaathe text found in Deut. $M 7th. A select choir under the leadership of £,J|» White, furnished inspiring inn-sftejir the occasion.

H i r e was a temperance mas* meet* ragSfct the Congregational church Sab-b*** eyeoipg. under the auspice* of

r. C. T, U. Recitations were by Misses Helen L. Heodrick

da Walker and Master Curtis A select reading by Miss Cross i address of the evening by the Etev. Davisa

and Mrs, Henry E. Ells are a few days in Ogdensburg at of their sister. Mo. J. W.

w Mrs. Hall is in the city for extended visit

Good Templars announce a "C" at their lodge rooms next 8at-evening, to which the public is Uy invited. Supper will be at ^S cents per couple. Tbe

i s a novel one and those who fathom tbe mysteries of the

rnent will do well to "come

8. The Good Templars will give a

literary entertainment at their rooms Friday evening June 3. Admission 15 cents. Proceeds to apply on an organ. Ootne one, come all.

Childrena day will be appropriately observed, by tbe children of the M. E. Sunday school* June 11

Wm. Marsh, passed away Sunday morning at the borne of his daughter Mrs. Wm. Bhooo, aged 36 years. Remains were taken to North East Penna,, for burial on Monday.

Wm. & Thomas Bvrns left Monday for Park City, Utah, to seek their fortune.

We note the following guests in town the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Brown Mrs. Chas Brown and Mrs. Frank Hull Hailesboro, Miss Cora Carpenter, Antwerp, Will Gill and daughter, Georgia*, Benjamin Kirkbride, Philadelphia, Justus Barnes, Fowler.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bowman ot Gouverneor were called to this place-Sunday bv the sudden ill news of their little son Leon, who was visiting hfo grandparent* Mr. and Mrs. A.

_ Cro«. ~ " -*"1 -*"• * • B -

Saturday evening, June 4, a straw berry festival will be held in the town hall for aiding a fund for repairs upon Grace church.

Bishop Doane appointed a lay read­er for tne parishes of Norwood and Norfolk to assist the rector in his duties. GXRALDIXX.



Hendrick leaves t o d a v for _ _ to attend the Provisional Convention and toss his cap for ~ ** He is accompanied by Mrs.

and Master Stevie. ^ev- r- C


is Christ He is captain by sovereign choice. However ignorant we are of the internal relations of tbe Infinite One, however much at a loss to ex­plain how the Son is identical with the Father, yet subordinate to Him, we know from abundant assertions of hoi v writ that Christ was commis­sioned by that will that gives law to all creation. He did not assume this office ultroneously—was appointed as Gideon, Moses. Joshua. "Behold I have given him for a leader to the people: as a leader and commander or tbe peoples/'

2. He is Captain by suffrages of the host also. 'Then shall the children of Judah be gathered together and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come out of the land for great shall be the day of Jezreal." Thus Hosea cart christian thought in the mould of Jewish language, as if he saw that the appointment of

with tbe — —raj uvea vu tn

j-he hospitals and prisons. His "•«•• was enlivened by apt classi-

w - a i o n s and quotations from

- wurwge or toe private soldier! ir he saw that the appointme attested by the 400.000. who laid ! the sovereign would meet witt to their lives on the battle fields. 1 intelligent approval of the host, 'he bosoitaJ* mid riMinr.t w « 3 He is a captain for ail time.

i As the opening bud at breaking dawn the beauty and ^lory of tbe title claimed by*Christ filled out with the light of each successive age.,

t — T T M M W«N» uM«uru wu Scripture also adds splendor to it, J « b much pleasure. After the ora-! from the martial strains of the pro-• B n the benediction was pronounced i pbet to the grand splendor of revela-

^ d thus another Decoration dav | tion. to an end.

. * V « « t * 0 r t and a masterly and was listened to

> .

wm Jug

t A & t t *S> INSTITUTE.

in-RB5TLT8 OF THIS RaXATlO*. 1 They are important and varied.

for the first of St. Law-

will be held at Morria-the week hegmning 13 D r . i E Albro.

C T. B a m s will All who are or intend to


A n t places before T. R MACKXT


As our captain ' Be leads to war fare. Once he stood as our cham­pion fighting alone for us: now that he has emancipated us from satan s thraldom we enlist under bis banner to fight with him in the good fight of faith.

Borne say "It is an easy thing to be a christian." This is only a half truth. We get our weapons tL. use them as the "Pilgrim" did

will j to*** thamup m sacred i _ p_ i""py*w,fr f isas beauty as decorationa. Ours is FnL ™ l • not the raiigio

are called to a that of ease. Tben the severity of tbeattuf i^eis increased by the"fact lhat ocr foe»i are un«eeci. xaamir they cast no shadow, ieave r*o foos-

T M prtnta. r ? t f -— 2. As capCaiD be req aires obedi-

Ialaad. ***** Cocra«» we p r w fcucnly. A It W M *i«t>- **&**'* ^ocrare M roaraere uader

W t r^vtnsi <i*r o a r f *° c>beT* ^hKhsr in the, - J trench, or camp, or shade, or fieid orJ

to the terrihie baabcr. T^s

We wish all success in ment of vour new e n t e r s «

Rev. f. W. Thompson. Miss Lila Foster. Mrs. F. Pelton and Mrs. W. Stone have gone to Watertown as del­egates to the Y. P. 8. C. E. conven tion.

Ronie Jennie has gone to Tnpper's Lake.

Miss Laura Ferris, of Alexandria Bay. has been visiting friends here recently.

The band played some fine selec­tion* on the street Saturday night

Memorial dav was duly observed by tbe Rice post. The children decorated the graves and a basket dinner was) enjoyed by all, the Silver H01 drum eorpt iDeluded; after which the post went to Hermoo to assist is| the ser­vice there.

Mrs. Anna Jaques has gone to Clay­ton.

Mrs. J. Jones, of Hertnon, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mr* D. Zellar.

Quite a number from here went to Hertnon Sundav to attend memorial j service at tbe M. E. church.

Mrs. W VanVaikenburg, of Canton, visited her brother. & K. Miles, re­cently.

l>r. Allen and wile, of Hermon, vis­ited friends here last week.

Miss Mary Gibbons has returned from Waiertowa.

The Methodiet Aid society mot week wfth Mra Dr. Hatch, Ia evening the yonag peopis rsadeVM a

AsTISet ihasssesrsd A pisrios of eight dollars a month, and gaOO p*y.

May 30. With regret we announce the death

of Mrs. Rachel Withen 11, widow of the late James Witherill, who died Wednesday, May 25th. The funeral services were held at the resi dence of the deceased. Rev. Mr. Har­mon, of Lawreoeeville, officiating. The remains were intered In Maple Grove cemetery in this village. The deceased was a loving wife, a kind mother and neighbor, and highly es­teemed by all who knew her. She

Mav 30 I k*Te* two sons and four daughters to may ov. j Q K m m ^ r j O M ^ w t i Q bave the sympa-

* s s m the manage- Ufay of our village in their sad bereave-enterprise. n^nt

lompson. Miss Lilal We learn that Walter Malakie. of this place, has a position in tbe rail — * — - at Mad] * "~


The Japanese stock of goods was bought by O. P. Stearns and Herbert San ford. The price paid was said to be 00 yer cent, of the inventory made by H. W. Steams, assignee.

Dodds, of the COBTHXR* T R I B E S , was in town looking after tbe inter­ests of the paper last week.

People are expressing general satis­faction with the change made in this paper from the Herald-Times to the NORTHERN T R I B C X S . Success to the editor and staff.

Disbaw & Kennsbaw have put into their shop a force pump wfth hose to submerge any part of their building { in ease of fire.

Quarterly meeting at the M. E. church last Sunday. A sermon was preached by Rev. Bennell, P. E.

A A Bafdin has put into his house the past week a fine piano, purchased from Prof. 8ims. of Canton.

A Good Templars lodge was organ­ised at Helena last week with 28 char­ter members. a

Memorial services was held at the Union 8ebool hall Monday evening, consisting of patriotic declamations,) reading and singing. The ball was I draped in flags and the entertainment was greatly enjoyed bv all. Ths sing-

Memorial services were held in the M. E church last Sunday. Both churches united.

Miss Lawerv, of Ogdensburg, ia visiting at Mra John Rlliora

We understand J. H. Donald, of Hammond, and W. G. Bell, of this place bave purchased the undertaking business of J. F. WoodrkL

Our telephone and telegraph man­ager is attending the convention a t Watertown this week.

Prof. Baker has a large class in music here. He will give a concert Tuesday evening at the M. E. church.

Dr. Best, of Potsdam, was in town last week.

Rev. Mr. Cheeseman, of Rensselaer Falls, preached in tbe Methodist church last Sunday evening.

Mrs. George Hayden is coosj much better by her attending^ cians.

Will Dollar and wife, of Goaver-near, spent Decoration day with friends here. L x r .


ladnd. We wi»h him road station sueesss.

J. H, Sargeant, our enterprising miller, l ias commenced the foundation for a large starch factory. We need more each men in our village.

Wm. Dodds, agent for tbe NORTH-ERJt Tfcnron , was in town the past week looking after the interests of that valuable paper. We wish him, as well as the paper, success.

Tbe hour of services in the M. E. ehurch has been changed, and also in the Union ehurch, and* hereafter will be as follows: At the M. E. church 10:30 A. X., and in the Union church at 2 P. JC Nix.

ing by Miss Bertha an'd Master Chas. McCarthy called forprolonged encore, and not until Prof. Perry excused the little ones would tbe cheering cease.

David Nevine and wife, of Helena, were in town Monday.

Work begins on the road this week. The Presbyterian choir took part

in the decoration services at tbe depot last Sunday.

Master Leon Dishaw is fast regain ing his good health. OSCR A WKKK.



May XL


May 30. "Very bad roads and pienty of rain. The foot bridge across the race-way

was carried down stream yesterday by high water.

Mm Geo, V. Webster is cm tbe sick Ustaiain-

It is reported that the Rossis Iron Works WflJ change hands and that r these will yet be some industry in this j

Aid soeiety met at week. There

t and all report -

rho is attend-is spending a

house is will

young ( we hatieve to be AtwwIL has

Pnlptt of the i . JL

. - -, «* Carthage « ^Z6^^!^ * • P - r a t a _ * ^ Aruhie -BelTi oew

ove maatt> Mr. Dsfl I W i „ of H s n a s s d , was

in town Saturday, esilexf to

May 31. Memorial services were held in the

M. E. church Sunday evening. Rev Mr. Seymour, of Heavelton, adrssssd tbe veterans, all of whom were seated in a body after inarching in from the session room.

A number from here spent Decora­tion day at DeKalb.

Helen Craig is visiting relatives in New York.

Mrs, C. Bowen, of Norwood, visited {at Dr. Bay ley s last week.

Ed. McKee, of Ogdensburg, was in town last week on nis way to Staten , Island, to attend the wedding of Lida McKee and Mr. Sneeden. I

Mrs. Duane Thompson friends here.

Prof. Baker organized a class in music here, and to-nigbt he will give a concert in the Congregational church.

Will McKelvey, of DeKalb, spent Sunday in town.

Mrs. Myron MaJooey. who has been on the sick list, is gaining.

Mra Dr. Bay ley and Mrs. Bowen visited Jean Topper ar^De&alb Junc­tion.

A young son at Mra Blodgett't, Worcester. Mass.

Dr. 5 . D. McMoaegaJ was called to Prseeott. Out., to ears for his brother. D r . I L R . MeMtmwai, who is very i l l

Dr. C C VaaWaters JMM into his new hoaas on the was

C. A. M

May 80. Two more weeks of school. A number of young people are at*

tending the convention this weak in Watertown. , Mr. and Mrs. Seltesk, of Syracuse,

are in town visiting friends. Special meetings are being bald in

the Methodist church conducted try Mr. 8teeL It to to be hoped his labors may be crowned with sdeeess.

A new meat market in town. Geo. Franklin' is the proprietor and is ready to wait on customers.

Frank Gregor spent a few days last week visiting parents and friends in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buss have re­turned from the sunny south, whera they have been spending the winter. Mr. Buss'health is not much improved.



Round trip tickets to Minneapolis, Minn., and return, on account of t h e ' Republican National Convention, commencing June 7, 1892, will 6 e sold at one lowest first-class fare for the round trip.

Tickets may be sold at R. W. A: O. stations June 1, 2, 3 and 4th, and pas­sengers must reach Chicago not later than June 6th, and make con­nections with trains leaving Chicago on that date.

Tickets will be limited to continuous passage in each direction and good for return passage until June £tv

visited 1892. Tickets will not be accepted I for going passage west of Oi i cago later than for trains leaving Chicago JuneTBth, and will not be bowsorod for return passage from Minneapo­lis prior to June 10th.

The rate will be one limited first-class rate to Minneapolis, shown in Through Rates of Fare, Tariff No. 2» published April L 1SH


this see-


elaim it

is made

of flood • Sarsaparfila is

for it which is not fully

There is more Catarrh In tion of ths country than all other di ssssss put together, and until ths last few years was supposed to be oia. For a great many

it a local

cxzn as

AFTER *A*lV VEAJtS Experience with 1 am giad to say t t e t HilTs Ptte

a lonrtett v a s t I


w--*c aoslrrt *°°d ** import •ct-'y cure ha­

te avaken the a bea-thy artiT-

Of t f e l ^ - r ^ aoeds or


May tl SeveraJ from this nhwesattsedsd ths

Deccratwoc day sis iluss at Harmon Rrr. James Grahasti oceupeed the

the M. & porpit km Sunday morning andevewiae

MHL H. W. Howard, of Fort Cov. mwton. viattsd frisads here lawt week

Mr a»d Mra E F Lew* tpmnt Sun-; dav out of town.

The Saber mem. who wee: to K-arx Lake Friday east* borne Saturday

Miss Refie Tacpan ha# bees a war thenskst wwk v**tiag frteod^

F.J orty ket. I t is _ f*on» IS drops _

diwjaly oa tbs beood Wws of ths s y s t s k kuAdred doHan lor any

offer ; : faiis and testimomiaia Add

F. J. Clnnrrr k Co.. tjrSowd by Droggista r*^

to cure. Send for circulars nomieJa Addreaa

Toledo, a

The *kz5 ss i lmr t h e s » a o n s

A doae of Ayer'i during