napa cabbage water kimchi

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  • 8/13/2019 Napa Cabbage Water Kimchi


    Napa Cabbage Water Kimchi

    , NaBakGimChi

    There are many types of water kimchi in Korea. Today, I will make one made with Napa cabbage and a Korea

    radish called nabak kimchi !"# in Korean. This is so delicio$s and refreshing. This also does not ha%e

    any fish sa$ce or seafood in it, so this can be a good kimchi for %egetarians too. Try it someday.

    &ield' ( Gallon

    )ain Ingredients

    * C$ps Napa Cabbage !( lb"

    + C$ps Korean adish !( lb"

    - Tbsp Coarse ea alt( C$p Green /nion

    ( C$p 0sian 1ear

    2 C$p Carrot3 C$p ed 4ot 1epper

    Kimchi Broth Ingredients

    (5 C$ps Water3 C$p 4ot 1epper 1owder

    + Tbsp $gar

    ( Tbsp alt( C$p 0sian 1ear

    2 C$p /nion

    3 C$p Garlic2 Tbsp 6resh Ginger

    - Tbsp weet ice 6lo$r !(2 C$ps Water"


  • 8/13/2019 Napa Cabbage Water Kimchi


    Combine (5 c$ps of water, 3 c$p of hot pepper powder, + Tbsp of s$gar, and ( Tbsp of salt in a large mi8ing

    bowl. )i8 e%erything $ntil the s$gar and salt dissol%es. et it aside for a co$ple min$tes. I will call this kimchi

    broth# from now on.

    /btain ( lb of Napa cabbage and ( lb of Korean radish. emo%e the skin and any bad parts from the radish. Was

    both of them.

    C$t both of them into (9inch s:$ares.

    1$t the cabbage and radish in a large bowl. prinkle - Tbsp of coarse sea salt on top. Toss them gently. et it

    aside for a co$ple min$tes.

    It is time to make a sweet rice mi8t$re. )i8 - Tbsp of sweet rice flo$r into (2 c$ps water. Cook it on medi$m9

    high. Keep stirring it. /nce it starts to b$bble, cook for +5 seconds and then t$rn off the heat. et it aside to cool

    Ne8t, we will grind some %eggies to add to the kimchi broth. /btain ( c$p worth of c$bed 0sian pear, 2 c$p

    worth of c$bed onion, 3 c$p worth of garlic, and 2 Tbsp worth of fresh ginger.

    Grind the 0sian pear, onion, garlic, and ginger together for abo$t a min$te in a mi8er on high speed.

  • 8/13/2019 Napa Cabbage Water Kimchi


    Chop the rest of the %eggies from the main ingredients' ( c$p worth of 0sian pear, ( c$p worth of green onions

    2 c$p worth of carrot, and 3 c$p worth of red hot peppers.

    1o$r the gro$nd %eggies into the kimchi broth that yo$ made first.

    Then po$r the cooled sweet rice mi8t$re to the kimchi broth. )i8 e%erything well.

    0dd the chopped %eggies into the salted Napa cabbage and radish bowl.

    train the kimchi broth into the bowl with the %eggies. 7iscard any pieces that remain in the strainer. This will

    help the kimchi broth to remain clear later.

    )i8 e%erything gently and keep the water kimchi in a glass ;ar or container.