newslettergreetings! - p. 1 many thanks! - p. 1 new products developed in 2018-2019 - p. 1-4 end of...

Newsletter March 2019 • Volume 10 Table of Contents Note - p. 1 Greetings! - p. 1 Many thanks! - p. 1 New products developed in 2018-2019 - p. 1-4 End of Fiscal Year News - p. 4 Yes friends, March is here and Spring is at our door (finally!). Therefore, let’s soak in those mid rays of sunshine and appreciate the fact that we survived yet another winter! Congratulaons to those of you who decided to make the most of our flash sale! Centre FORA is glad to provide quality tools that learners will surely appreciate. We are very pleased that so many of you took advantage of this opportunity! Greetings! New products developed in 2018-2019 Two new Mode: emploi booklets Serveurs/serveuses d’aliments et de boissons (Waiter/Waitress) Plombiers/plombières (Plumber) The Mode: emploi collecon presents trades found in the Naonal Occupaonal Classificaon Bank. These French language documents aim to increase learners’ reading skills, their knowledge of the workforce and their soſt skills through the use of tools developed specifically for weaker readers, including newcomers. The booklets have been developed in clear wring and explain the skills required for the aforemenoned trades. Professionals have also been consulted and have validated the informaon found in the booklets. The booklets include the following components: → A lexicon → Quizzes Explanaons from a person working in the presented trade → A list of required skills → A quick descripon of the trade → Potenal work environments → Required qualificaons Other trades a person could also explore We have also developed accompanying materials for every booklet. The three tasks we propose are based on level 1 of the OALC Framework and encompass four of the six competencies developed in this framework. The Centre FORA team would like to thank everyone who parcipated in the producon of quality resources for learners throughout the year. Many thanks to praconers for taking the me to complete our surveys and evaluaon forms or to parcipate in our group discussions, thus providing precious wrien and oral feedback. Many thanks also to all the learners who have wrien beauful texts for our three edions of Expressions. Thanks to all the praconers who assisted those learners in these wring projects. Together, you have produced treasures that people throughout the country—and maybe even in other countries!— will certainly appreciate. Many thanks! Forget the past, may it be simple or complicated, and participate in your present so that your future may be more than perfect! .../2 Note: All Centre FORA resources are developed in French only. This bullen has been translated into English to inform you about are current acvies; however, since our products are available in French only, their tles and some descripons have not been translated.

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Page 1: NewsletterGreetings! - p. 1 Many thanks! - p. 1 New products developed in 2018-2019 - p. 1-4 End of Fiscal Year News - p. 4 Yes friends, March is here and Spring is at our door (finally!)

Newsletter March 2019 • Volume 10

Table of Contents

Note - p. 1

Greetings! - p. 1

Many thanks! - p. 1

New products developed in 2018-2019 - p. 1-4

End of Fiscal Year News - p. 4

Yes friends, March is here and Spring is at our door (finally!). Therefore, let’s soak in those timid rays of sunshine and appreciate the fact that we survived yet another winter! Congratulations to those of you who decided to make the most of our flash sale! Centre FORA is glad to provide quality tools that learners will surely appreciate. We are very pleased that so many of you took advantage of this opportunity!


New products developed in 2018-2019

Two new Mode: emploi booklets❶ Serveurs/serveuses d’aliments et de boissons (Waiter/Waitress) ❷ Plombiers/plombières (Plumber) The Mode: emploi collection presents trades found in the National Occupational Classification Bank. These French language documents aim to increase learners’ reading skills, their knowledge of the workforce and their soft skills through the use of tools developed specifically for weaker readers, including newcomers. The booklets have been developed in clear writing and explain the skills required for the aforementioned trades. Professionals have also been consulted and have validated the information found in the booklets.

The booklets include the following components: → A lexicon → Quizzes → Explanations from a person working in the presented trade → A list of required skills → A quick description of the trade → Potential work environments → Required qualifications → Other trades a person could also explore

We have also developed accompanying materials for every booklet. The three tasks we propose are based on level 1 of the OALC Framework and encompass four of the six competencies developed in this framework.

The Centre FORA team would like to thank everyone who participated in the production of quality resources for learners throughout the year. Many thanks to practitioners for taking the time to complete our surveys and evaluation forms or to participate in our group discussions, thus providing precious written and oral feedback.

Many thanks also to all the learners who have written beautiful texts for our three editions of Expressions. Thanks to all the practitioners who assisted those learners in these writing projects. Together, you have produced treasures that people throughout the country—and maybe even in other countries!—will certainly appreciate.

Many thanks!

Forget the past, may it be simple or complicated, and participate in your present so that your future may be

more than perfect! .../2

Note: All Centre FORA resources are developed in French only. This bulletin has been translated into English to inform you about are current activities; however, since our products are available in French only, their titles and some descriptions have not been translated.

Page 2: NewsletterGreetings! - p. 1 Many thanks! - p. 1 New products developed in 2018-2019 - p. 1-4 End of Fiscal Year News - p. 4 Yes friends, March is here and Spring is at our door (finally!)

Newsletter page 2

March 2019 • Volume 10.../3

New products developed in 2018-2019 (continued) Two (2) New Webinars to Learn about our New ProductsThese new training webinars have been developed by Centre FORA in order to explain some of our products, and how they can be utilized. Each training session will help the users better understand our products and how they can be applied within the OALC Framework.

❶ Programme de formation en apprentissage:

❷ Module en numératie pour les jeunes francophones:

Three (3) New Interactive BitesThis year, the Petites bouchées interactives were developed in order to assist learners self-assess three specific soft skills. :

❶ Développer sa débrouillardise (Developing resourcefulness):

❷ Cultiver sa persévérance (Cultivating perseverance):

❸ Maitriser son intelligence émotionnelle (Mastering emotional intelligence):

Each bite-sized unit has been developed following the Guide sur les compétences génériques (Soft Skill Guide); each one is also based on practical tasks. Practitioners may use these in conjunction with learners learning plans.

Every Petite bouchée interactive is comprised of:

→ A video clip explaining how to navigate the tool

→ A definition of the soft skill in question

→ A self-assessment task

→ Self-assessment questions

→ A conclusion

→ Results

Capsules technosWhen meeting practitioners throughout the province, Centre FORA discovered a need for tools designed to assist learners in using technology. People with limited reading abilities particularly needed these tools, so Centre FORA rose to the challenge and developed technological “capsules.”

This easily accessible tool was developed using simple terminology, graphics and brief videos in clear and simple language. The content was organized in small, bite-sized portions so that learners can learn at their own pace.

Page 3: NewsletterGreetings! - p. 1 Many thanks! - p. 1 New products developed in 2018-2019 - p. 1-4 End of Fiscal Year News - p. 4 Yes friends, March is here and Spring is at our door (finally!)

Newsletter page 3

March 2019 • Volume 10

New products developed in 2018-2019 (continued)

Numeracy Modules for Young FrancophonesModules 3 and 4—Time Management. Part of the Numeracy Modules Series.

The Numeracy Modules Series aims to increase numeracy competency for young Francophones enrolled in adult education.

Modules 3 and 4 focusses on time management skills, exploring the terms, the basic notions and the required skills to better manage one’s time when planning a project. They propose three types of tools to create a schedule: grid paper, Word and Excel. The main character, Malika, chooses the latter. Learners follow Malika as she acquires basic Excel notions in order to plan her project. Learners are then invited to follow the same steps, first using an Excel simulation exercise. Following this simulation, they may venture to use the program itself, following clear and precise directives.

Based on essential skills, these two modules include two tasks and a variety of activities based on five of the OALC Framework competencies: A, B, C, D and E. The group of in-depth tasks include A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C2 and level 1 of competency D.

Managing time includes Essential Skills C — Understand and Use Numbers (C2: Manage Time) and D — Use Digital Technology (Level 1: Perform simple digital tasks according to a set procedure) by default. It also calls for Essential Skill E — Manage Learning and four generic skills: resourcefulness, self-confidence, organizational skills and analytical capabilities.

The modules include a PowerPoint® presentation for the practitioner. Learners have access to an instructional booklet guiding them through activities completed in their workbook, using a variety of learning strategies to make sure they understand the material. Finally, two consolidation tasks assist in verifying that the notions have been mastered.

Mon Journal and Mon Journal interactif — Volume 85This year, Centre FORA spent a great deal of time and effort in developing accessible and easy to use tools to help learns master technology. The last issue of Mon journal and Mon journal interactif include troves of information about internal and external computer components. These tools will assist learners wanting to better understand how their computer works and what to keep in mind should they want to purchase a new one.

❶ Mon Journal — hiver 2019

❷ Mon Journal interactif — hiver 2019

Expressions Many questions have been raised recently about this country’s bilingualism and the role French language and culture should play in our lives. This debate inspired this issue of Expressions. We invite you to discover how important French language and culture truly is to our learners! Again, many thanks to all of those who participated in this creative exercise.


Page 4: NewsletterGreetings! - p. 1 Many thanks! - p. 1 New products developed in 2018-2019 - p. 1-4 End of Fiscal Year News - p. 4 Yes friends, March is here and Spring is at our door (finally!)

Newsletter page 4

March 2019 • Volume 10

Projects for the New Fiscal Year and Invitation!

[email protected] 705 524-8569 (888 524-8569 toll free)

P. O. Box 56 STN MAIN Hanmer (Ontario) P3P

Centre FORA thanks the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities for its financial support.

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the ministry.

Throughout 2018–2019, Centre FORA has been reflecting about where to concentrate its efforts in the future. Following this exercise, it will publish its 2019–2023 Strategic Plan. Many thanks to all who willingly answered many questions, participated in discussion sessions or simply provided good, sound advice. All of these comments have allowed the team to reflect, analyze and better understand the needs of its clients.

Here are some of the avenues will plan to pursue:

1) Assisting practitioners in accessing resources and expertise

2) Providing more reading materials for learners of all levels

3) Amplifying our communications and marketing strategies

4) Developing more tools for learners planning to enter the workforce.

These avenues are very promising; we very much look forward to starting the work! Actually, if you look at some of the resources we have developed in the past year, you may notice that we have already started this work!

Finally, Centre FORA’s big project, this year, was the transformation of its website. We are so excited to share this with you (soon!) Stay tuned!

Have yourselves a GREAT SPRING AND SUMMER! And make sure you follow us on Facebook because next year, the Centre FORA news will be available on those platforms only! Social media is it!

End of Fiscal Year News

Jacqueline Gauthier, Executive Director1 888 524-8569, ext. [email protected]

Centre FORA

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