note 4-5 me mral

NOTE 4: MORAL VALUES IN RELIGION ISLAM: CONCEPT OF ITS RELIGION WHAT ARE SIX FUNDAMENTAL S OF FAITH? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________ WHAT ARE THREE ELEMENTS IN ISLAM? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ TEACHINGS AND PRACTICES TAWHEED The oneness of God. For Muslims, there is one God who is the lord of the universe. People owe worship and obedience to God before any other thing. God is one, the creator, the all-knowing. In relations with humanity, God is the lawgiver, judge, and restorer of life after death. PROPHETS God has provided guidance for human beings in the teachings of prophets, who have appeared in many nations throughout history. God selects the prophets to urge people to worship God alone and to teach them to live according to God's commandments.

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____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________



The oneness of God. For Muslims, there is one God who is the lord of the universe. People owe worship and obedience to God before any other thing. God is one, the creator, the all-knowing. In relations with humanity, God is the lawgiver, judge, and restorer of life after death.


God has provided guidance for human beings in the teachings of prophets, who have appeared in many nations throughout history.

God selects the prophets to urge people to worship God alone and to teach them to live according to God's commandments.

According to tradition, God chose thousands of prophets beginning with Adam, the first prophet in Islam, and ending with Muhammad, the final prophet.


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Muslims believe that children are born without sin and that all people can lead themselves to salvation once God has shown them the way. Believers in Islam achieve salvation by following the revealed books of God's messengers. Muslims believe in heaven and hell, where people go after death based on their actions during life.


Every action performed in obedience to God is considered an act of worship in Islam. Most devout Muslims take care in their daily lives to respect their parents and elders, to be kind to animals and human beings, and to do their daily tasks to the best of their ability. The formal acts of worship called the Five Pillars of Islam provide the framework for all aspects of a Muslim's life. The pillars consist of (1) shahada, (2) prayer, (3) almsgiving, (4) fasting, and (5) pilgrimage.

______________ is the first pillar and is considered the basis of all other pillars of the faith. Shahada is an Arabic word that means an act of bearing witness. It consists of two statements: "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah," and "I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." The first statement declares that there is only one God and that God alone is worthy of worship. The second statement says that Muhammad is God's messenger.

________________. Muslims are required to pray five times a day-just before dawn, at midday, in midafternoon, just after sunset, and at night. Prayer, called salat.

Muslims believe that prayer reinforces belief in Islam because it reduces the likelihood of disobeying God by committing sins. A prayer's timing is determined by the movement of the sun.

Before making their prayers, Muslims must wash their hands, their face, parts of their arms and head, and their feet in a ritual manner.

_______________ is required as a way of assisting the poor. The Arabic term for almsgiving is zakat, which means purification. Muslims "purify" their wealth by giving a certain percentage of it to the needy and recognizing that all things ultimately belong to God.

Zakat is paid once a year, in the form of a tax. Most zakat donations go to mosques, Islamic centers, or welfare organizations.

___________________. The Quran instructs Muslims to fast from dawn to sunset during Ramadan. While fasting, Muslims do not eat any food, drink any beverages, smoke, or engage in sexual relations during daylight hours.

At night, they may eat, drink, and resume other normal activities. Muslims fast to practice spiritual reflection, self-restraint, concern for others, and obedience to God. Alms are normally given to

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the poor at the end of the fast. Because fasting can be physically demanding, some people are excused. Those excused include the sick, injured, elderly, and pregnant or nursing women.

_____________________. The Quran commands Muslims to make a hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if they are physically and financially able to make the journey.

The rites of the hajj commemorate the trials and sacrifices of the Prophet Abraham, his wife Hagar, and their son the Prophet Ishmael. Muslims believe that Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaaba as the first house of worship to God. The Kaaba is an empty cube-shaped building in the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca.


The Shari'ah.

Islam has two sources of authority. The first is the word of God given in the Quran. The second is the sunna, the body of traditions that preserves the words and conduct of Muhammad. It refers to the divinely revealed and inspired Islamic law that plays a central role in the lives of Muslims throughout the world. Scholars recognize four main sources for interpreting the Shari'a and applying it to daily life.

Ethics and morals.

Actions in Islamic law are judged on five values: (1) obligatory (required), (2) recommended, (3) neutral, (4) disapproved, and (5) forbidden. Most religious duties, such as the Five Pillars, are obligatory. Anyone who fails to perform them may be punished by God or the Islamic state.

For example, in many Muslim countries, refusal to fast during Ramadan may result in fines or imprisonment. In some Muslim countries, special organizations ensure that people make their five daily prayers at the proper time and follow accepted standards of dress and behavior.

Islamic virtues.

Islam teaches respect for parents, protection for orphans and widows, and charity to the poor. It also teaches the virtues of faith in God, kindness, honesty, hard work, honor, courage, cleanliness, and generosity. Heads of families must treat household members kindly and fairly. A wife has rights against her husband and may sue for divorce in cases of physical abuse, lack of financial support, or the inability to produce a child. Islam also teaches that a person must not refuse requests for help, even if they seem unnecessary.

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The Sikh religion was founded by Guru Nanak 1 (1469-1539) and succeeded by a group of 10 Teachers. Their teaching was later put together in a Holy Book called the ________________. The teachings of these Sikh Teachers are the way of life leading to an objective complete with various theories.

The explanation of God in Sikhism is quite similar to Islam, I.e. the idea of only one God. Sikhism also has elements similar to Hinduism, e.g. no beginning and no end to life (_______________). This is not accidental because the history of Sikhism shows that formation of the religion was influenced by Islam and Hinduism practiced in Nothern India (near present day Pakistan)

A child at birth is not yet considered a _________________ even though its parents are Sikh. It is only when that child grows up, understands the rules and regulations and receives the Amrit (sugar water) that he become a Khalsa. To be a member of the Khalsa community, a person has to understand and conform to the laws of the Sikh religion. He must :

1. Believe that there is only one Mighty God. There are ten teachers, I.e. from Guru Nanak to Gobind Singh.

2. Always read or listen to the words of Guru Granth Sahib Ji to perform your religious service.

3. Train to control yourself and promise to wear the five symbols of the Sikhs which bear the letter K, which is Kesh (uncut hair), Kanggha (comb), Kara (steel bangle worn on the wrist), Kashehra (white shorts usually worn under the trousers), and Kirpan (sword).When the person has practiced the discipline of the Khalsa community he should apply toreceive the Amrit from the Five Religious Members (Panj Piare).

4. Abolish feelings about castes, stop worshipping idols and others practices opposed to Sikhism


Apart from the eight important matters of the Sikh religion contained in the Holy Book Guru Granth Sahib Ji (also called Adi Grandth), one can also detect elements of morality in it. The Holy Book of Sikhism is written in a poetic form with three important Components, viz.

1) ___________________________________

2) ____________________________________

3) ______________________________________

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The Holy Book States that in the real world, the thinking of human beings is always narrow and limited (houmai or egoistic). Morally, man should open up his mind so that he can adapt himself to conditions around him. This will make him think more widely and wisely. He will become a person who will act more justly and moderately (sachiara). According to Guru Nanak, it is important and moral for an individual to distance himself Form houmai and try to acquire sachiara

Sikhism also teaches its followers to reject five aspects that are negative and morally incorrect, viz.

1) _______________ : desire

2) _________________ : greed or covetousness

3) ______________ : believe in or worshipped something that is false

4) _________________ : anger

5) ________________ : arrogance, conceit

Sikh Reading the Adi Granth

A Sikh man sits on the ground to read the Adi Granth, the Sikh holy book, which is also known as the Guru Granth Sahib. Any room in which the Adi Granth is placed becomes a gurdwara, or place of worship. When entering the room during worship, both Sikhs and non-Sikhs are required to bow respectfully.

Golden Temple

Located in Amritsar, a city in the Punjab state of northwestern India, the Golden Temple serves as the most important house of worship for the Sikhs. The temple sits on a small island and connects with land on the west by way of a marble causeway, foreground.


The founder of the religion is ____________________. Anno Domini (AD) or the year of the birth of Jesus Christ, is used in dates in the non-Muslim world to indicate the number of the years or centuries that have passed since the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Christian faith is connected to Jesus Christ. Christ, which means ‘deliverer’ was sent by God to save the world. The earliest Christians were Jews who believed that Jesus was a prophet who came from the Jewish community.

After Jesus Christ’s death, his closer followers worshipped God through him. This explains why the Christian church ends a prayer service with the phrase “Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Christianity has undergone great changes. It has broken up into five main denominations; each of which has achieved stability and possesses its own ethical and doctrinal pattern.These denominations are :

a) ____________________ – mainly in Eastern Europe and Russia.

b) _________________________ – the largest denomination.

c) _________________________ – supporters and followers of Martin Luther.The Protestant church in Germany.

d)_______________________________ Church – followers of John Calvin of the Protestant sect. Followers come from English-speaking environment in Presbyterian,Congregations or Baptist form.

e) ______________________________ – Church of England or associated churches like the Methodist.

The holy book of the Christians is called the Bible.

The Bible consists of two parts : the Old Testament which was written before the birth of Jesus Christ, and the New Testament which was written by the followers of Jesus Christ

1) The Old Testament

2) The New Testament


1. _____________________________________________________________

2. Thou not make unto thee a graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

3. __________________________________________________________.

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

5. ______________________________________________.

6. Thou shalt not kill.


8.Thou shalt not steal.


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10.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house; then shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour’s.


The founder of ____________________________ (563-483 BC). Buddha was the title given to a prince when he attained ‘___________________’, I.e. obtained inspiration and deep consciousness. Buddha's real name name Siddharta and his family name Gautama.

Siddharta Gautama’s was a king of the state of Sakyas in North India (now known as Nepal). Siddharta left the palace at age of 29 years and became an ascetic (someone who leads a simple and strict way of life because of his religious beliefs). Various social issues, like the ;

a) _______________________,

b) _______________________,

c) the power struggle among the major kings, disturbed the young prince.

However, Siddharta was more concerned with the perennial problems that plagued mankind such as sickness, suffering, life and death.


The followers of Buddhism are called ___________. Buddha emphasizes ethics in the Social Dimension. He also sees ethics as a requirement of the individual in bringing about a way of life that is valuable and virtuous and that practices meditation.

Meditation exercise calls for full concentration on what one is doing, without being disturbed by others thoughts. The development of meditation influences daily life and improves the individual’s morality.


Existence was a continuing cycle of death and rebirth.

Each person's position and well-being in life was ________________________________________________________________________________

For example, good deeds may lead to rebirth as a wise and wealthy person or as a being in heaven. A person's evil deeds may lead to rebirth as a poor and sickly person or even in hell.

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As long as individuals remain within the cycle of death and rebirth, they can never be completely free from pain and suffering.

People could break out of the cycle by eliminating any attachment to worldly things.

By ridding themselves of such attachment, people would gain a kind of perfect peace and happiness. Buddha called this state of peace and happiness nirvana.

To understand Buddhist ethics, we need to focus on the Four Noble Truths which are Buddha’s basic message.


First, suffering or dukkha (also meaning cannot be satisfactory) is a normal things. Three aspects in this Noble Truths is :

1. ___________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ___________________________

Suffering or dukkha is birth, become old and sick, separation with person who is loved and doesn’t receive something that is required.

Second, person’s suffering stem from desire to obtain wealth and pleasure that there is no end. Three aspects in this Noble Truth are :

1. ________________________________

2. _______________________________


This desire includes the desire for pleasure, desire to make something, desire to get rid of something

Third, to avoid suffering, person must get rid of or overcoming its desire. Three aspects in this Noble Truths are;-

1. Existence of dukkha’s erasure

2. Dukkha’s erasure should be realized

3. Dukkha’s erasure was realized

Fourth, to get rid of or overcome the suffering, person must follow the Noble Eigthfold Path, i.e. right understanding, right speech, true behaviuor, right bodily action etc.Three aspects in these Noble Truth are :

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1. Existence of the Noble Eightfold Path

2. This path should be developed

3.This path was completely developed

The Noble Eightfold

1. Right _____________________

2. Right ______________________

3. Right ______________________

4. Right __________________________

5. Right livelihood

6. Right effort

7. Right mindfulness

8. Right concentration

Theravada- Buddhist teaching do not specifically explain or from human development theories, but they contain records of Buddhha’s own views about human behavior and how behavior can be improved.

This has given rise to wide views about the characteristics of human beings. Studies of the main ideologies in religious teachings have shown that great emphasis has been placed on the upbringing and moral education of children.

A Buddha’s follower’s obligation is ____________(concession) to whoever that is poor and need assistance because with this method the individual will receive merit.

Hence, the most important value in Buddha’s religion is kindhearted to all creatures.

The meaning is individual must love and respect other creatures because all creatures have the right to live. Kindhearted practice will bring individual to honorable life.


-It means _________________. The Theravada school is the only one of the early Buddhist schools that has survived. Today, it is the dominant religious tradition in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.

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Emphasize the importance of Buddha as a historical figure, the virtues of the monastic life, and the authority of the Trip taka. The ideal Buddhist is a kind of saint called an arhat.


-It means ___________________.

-Emphasize the existence of many Buddhas.

-Focus attention on Buddhas in heaven and on people who will become Buddhas in the future.

-Believe that these present and future Buddhas are able to save people through grace and compassion.

-Encourage everyone to follow the ideal of the bodhisattva. A bodhisattva is a person who vows ________________________________________________________________. At the highest level, a bodhisattva is one who postpones entering into nirvana in order to work to relieve suffering through acts of love and compassion.

BUDDHIST SCHOOL: The Mantrayana.

-Means __________________________________.

-Mongolia, and in Japan.

-The Japanese call it Shingon. Mantrayana Buddhism accepts most Mahayanan doctrines.

-But it also emphasizes a close relationship between a spiritual leader, sometimes called a guru, and a small group of disciples.

The disciples spend much time reciting spells called mantras, performing sacred dances and gestures, and meditating. Many followers of Mantrayana Buddhism believe in terrifying devils, goblins, and other deities.


The celebration of Buddha’s religion that is the most important Wesak Day, to celebrate the birth, achievement of noble teaching, and Gautama Buddha’s die. In Malaysia, Wesak Day is announced as general official leave since____________. On Wesak Day, Buddha’s religious follower gives their respect to the religious founder in the temple with hold the religious ceremony through holy words reading by holy man to blessing prayer to all creatures. A practice on Wesak Day is a wax light presentation, flowers and ‘gaharu’ to the religion’s founder and dana concession to holy man and a person who needs assistance

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Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. This religion doesn’t have the founder or specific holy book. The book or early taeching that is written in Sanskrit’s language is in the Four Veda that is ____________, ______________, _____________ and ____________________.


Hinduism has several resources as guide for its follower understanding and practicing its teaching. These resources include holy books, books, epics or story of warriors to be role models

Hinduism is considered as the world’s oldest religion. It took a very long time, through several ages, for the religion to evolve. Consequently, Hinduism does not have a Single holy book containing the scriptures or a single founder of the religion. The Following are three concrete situations about early Brahmanical society :

1. The Vedas or collections of Hindu texts are ultimate authority of the religion. The contents of the Vedas are simply ‘seen’ or ‘____________’ (shruti). The principles in them are embodied in the Gods who are models for human conduct.

2. A special principal of social order organizes the society into a function division of four classes called ‘________________’ (colour), viz.

________________ : religious people, educators

________________:administrators, defence officials

________________:farmers, economists

________________:slaves, menial labourers

• Despite its overall ritualistic image, the Vedic hymns do praise certain humanistic virtues and moral ideas like truthfulness, giving, restraint, austerity, affection and gratitude, fidelity forgiveness, non-thieving,non-cheating, giving others what they justly deserve, and avoiding injury or himsa to all creatures.

• There are various inter-related branches of Brahmanical Hindu ethics, e.g. Classical Hindu ethics, Upanishadic ethics and Smarta ethics.

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Hindu Gods and Deities

Hindu ethics is usually associated with Brahman and is known as ________________ ethics. Hindu believes in the greatness of their gods; the greatest being Brahman. God Brahman is assisted by deities who have their respective duties of looking after the welfare of every creature of thing in the world.

These deities are given names like Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu. This implies that the God Brahma can appear in various forms and assume various names according to what devotees call him.


There are approximately 24 celebration of Hindu’s religion that is celebrated by its follower in this world. 2 of them are celebrated on a large scale in Malaysia.

First, _________________. Fulfilling one’s vows is an important part of the Thaipusam ceremony. This practice is the way showing one’s gratitude since human beings cannot return God’s love which is so enormous. Special rites and prayers are carried out in large gatherings to obtain blessing. Hindu also believes that on this day, their God can drive away mankind’s ignorance.

Another Hindu festival which is important is ________________. Deepavali is a public holiday in Malaysia. The word comes from ‘deepam’ (light) and ‘vali’ rows a light. Hence, Deepavali means ‘_____________________’ which replace darkness. It symbolizes God protecting

Human beings from sickness and harm. On Deepavali day, Hindu devotees reassess their behaviour and actions in order to improve themselves. The day also marks the victory of good and noble over the bad and the cruel

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Among religion or belief that is practiced by the Chinese today is Taoism . Taoism is the system of philosophy and religion of China. Taoism had become the official religion of China in the 5 th century in _______________ administration time. Taoism influence spreads over the world.

It "refers to a power which envelops surrounds and flows through all things, living and non-living. The Tao regulates natural processes and nourishes balance in the Universe. It embodies the harmony of opposites (i.e. there would be no love without hate, no light without dark, no male without female.)"

Taoism originates from word Tao means ‘_________________. As a philosophy system, Taoism teaches its follower to achieve life calmness, thought peace and emotional harmony.

Taoism’s two famous philosophers are:

1. ______________________ ( 6 th BC ) – he writes the book concerning Taoism’s philosophy title Tao-te ching. The book contains the Taoism’ teaching principle and become one of the influential book in China. He was searching for a way that would avoid the constant feudal warfare and other conflicts that disrupted society during his lifetime. The result was his book: Tao-te-Ching (a.k.a. Daodejing).

2. _____________________ ( 4-3 th BC) – He introduced the equality doctrine towards all matters.

3. Taoism currently has about 20 million followers, and is primarily centered in Taiwan. About 30,000 Taoists live in North America; 1,720 in Canada (1991 census). Taoism has had a significant impact on North American culture in areas of "acupuncture, herbalism, holistic medicine, meditation and martial arts..."


Taoism has provided an alternative to the Confucian tradition in China. The two traditions have coexisted in the country, region and generally within the same individual.

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Tao is the first-cause of the universe. It is a force that flows through all life. "The Tao surrounds everyone and therefore everyone must listen to find enlightenment."

Each believer's goal is to become one with the Tao.

The priesthood views the many gods as manifestations of the one Dao, "which could not be represented as an image or a particular thing." The concept of a personified deity is foreign to them, as is the concept of the creation of the universe.

Thus, they do not pray and they seek answers to life's problems through inner meditation and outer observation.

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Confucius (551-479 BC) is an influential educationalist and philosopher in this history and culture of Chinese society. His original name is K’ung Ch’iu (Kong Chiu) or K’ung Fu’tze (Kong-Fu-Ze) which means K’ung the Master. He is the founder of Confucianism.

The teaching of Confucius is not really a religious story. It is more like an educational philosophy of the Chinese people that was promulgated 2500 years ago. However, the philosophy came to be ‘worshipped’ by the Chinese people from generation to other generation.

The theory of human development was thought by Confucius himself. His teaching Is based on what was written in four books. The titled are ‘____________, ‘____________’, ‘Da Xue’ and ‘Zhong Yong’. The four books were written at different periods by Confucius and his students. The _____________ contains four major aspects:

1. Organization of human personality

2. Objectives of human development

3. Theories of human learning

4. Theories of children’s upbringing and education

These aspects were related to human development during Confucius’ time, but his teachings are very orderly, and much of these have been practiced by the Chinese even today.

In Confucius's ethics there are eight virtuous values which influenced the way of life The Chinese race.

First, ren or _____________________which means the attitude who loves everyone, humanity,welfare, willingness and generous towards others. Ren value is most important and should be promoted among individual because this value is the principle to the other virtuous value such as chung, shu, li, xiou, ming and zhi. For instance, individual who has ren will love, dedicate andrespect to their parents (xiou), doesn’t oppress, and make the duty as best as possible. (zhi)

Second, ___________which includes generous, tolerance and compassion and involve the individual’s itself with others. For instance, don’t do something towards others if you don’t want the person do something to you.

Third, chung means ___________________ in doing something good for himself and others. This value involve individual does something towards others such as the individual will do something for himself. For example, if the individual would like to succeed, he must also assist others to succeed.

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Fourth,______________involves manner, courteous, polite and custom in ceremony, speech and behaviour’s person. This value is assumed important for social harmony of society. This value will bring prosperity to everyone if individual implements each person’s responsibility. For example, a father must become ‘a father’ and a child becomes' a child’.

Fifth, ____________ that is doing something with correct method in specific situation that motive of one action is more important than the results. For instance, a person is assumed morals Doesn’t consider whether he succeeds or failing in duty given to him.

Sixth, _____________ which the individual should carry out all duties to the maximum limit by not heeding its result because the person cannot avoid presence mandate of God. Hence, When individuals gives the most best in carrying out duty, he is freedom from concern, If he was succeeding or fearful if failing.

Seventh, ____________ are obedience to parents that is appraising and sincerely emphasise their emotion and lives. In other words, a child has to study how to become a child by respecting, treat and take care of parents.

Eight, _____________means forbid and sincerity in behaviour. Individual who appreciates this value cannot cheat him of others, i.e. he must give true declaration in all of its behaviour. For example, how we can state Wei –sheng Koa is sincere? When a person request something for him, he appeal to his neighbour, later give something as though it is a gift from him

The Eight Virtuous Values is important in social relation among Chinese race, i.e. Individuals relation with family member and his society. For instance, obedience or ____________ which is implemented by Chinese involves parents are taken care of and are respected. This race try to avoid itself from polluting good name of the family. Each of the Chinese children is also taught the method respects to the older person since they are young. Grandmother’s soul adoration is also implemented.