order of service 5.15.11

First United Presbyterian Church 4th Sunday of Easter May 15, 2011 Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors (*Please stand in body or in spirit) Thought for Meditation: Jesus teaches his disciples what it means to be shepherd and sheep. Hearing his voice, they will follow. Trusting in him, they will be led to new pastures. Obeying him, they will be less prone to fight, even finding themselves abundantly sustained. With Jesus as the door, entrance into the faith is prepared. Do not flee from the quest, for the promise remains firm. We Gather In God’s Name PRELUDE Adagio from Toccata in G Major J.S. Bach Words of Welcome and Signing of Friendship Pads Please add your name to the pad you will find at the end of each pew and pass it along your row so that we can know each other by name. *Call to Worship From Psalm 23 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long. Let us worship God! *Hymn - #214 O Come and Sing Unto the Lord IRISH Verses 1, 2, & 4 A Litany of Assurance When you do right and suffer for it patiently, you have God’s approval. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. For to this you have been called, that you should follow in Christ’s steps. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. Thanks be to God; in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

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FUPC, Troy, NY 5/15/11 Worship Service Bulletin


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First United Presbyterian Church 4th Sunday of Easter

May 15, 2011 Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

(*Please stand in body or in spirit)

Thought for Meditation: Jesus teaches his disciples what it means to be shepherd and sheep.

Hearing his voice, they will follow. Trusting in him, they will be led to new pastures. Obeying him, they will be less prone to fight, even finding themselves abundantly sustained. With Jesus as the door,

entrance into the faith is prepared. Do not flee from the quest, for the promise remains firm.

We Gather In God’s Name PRELUDE Adagio from Toccata in G Major J.S. Bach Words of Welcome and Signing of Friendship Pads Please add your name to the pad you will find at the end of each pew and pass it along your row so that we

can know each other by name. *Call to Worship From Psalm 23 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long. Let us worship God! *Hymn - #214 O Come and Sing Unto the Lord IRISH Verses 1, 2, & 4 A Litany of Assurance When you do right and suffer for it patiently, you have God’s approval. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. For to this you have been called, that you should follow in Christ’s steps. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. We are healed by Christ’s wounds. Thanks be to God; in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

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*Peace Since God has forgiven us in Jesus Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of Christ be with you all. And also with you.

Worshippers are invited to greet one another with the words,

“The peace of Christ be with you.”

PCUSA’s Welcoming of all People to Ordination

We Proclaim God’s Word

Time for Children

Dedication of Wheeler Education Suite Love, Love, Love Love, love, love That’s what it’s all about ‘Cause God loves us, we love each other, All of us here are sisters and brothers Everybody sing and shout! ‘Cause that’s what it’s all about. It’s about love, love, love It’s about love, love, love Peace, peace,peace That’s what it’s all about ‘Cause God loves us, we love each other, All of us here are sisters and brothers Everybody sing and shout! ‘Cause that’s what it’s all about. It’s about peace, peace, peace It’s about love, love, love Joy, joy, joy That’s what it’s all about ‘Cause God loves us, we love each other, All of us here are sisters and brothers Everybody sing and shout! ‘Cause that’s what it’s all about. It’s about joy, joy, joy It’s about peace, peace, peace It’s about love, love, love Anthem Psalm 23 David Ashley White Florie Parmelee, Flute The Lord my God my shepherd is; how could I want or need? In pastures green, by streams serene, he safely does me lead.

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To wholeness he restores my soul and does in mercy bless, and helps me take for his Name’s sake the paths of righteousness. Yes, even when I must pass through the valley of death’s shade, I will not fear, for you are here, to comfort and to aid. You have in grace my table spread secure in all alarms, and filled my cup, and raised me up in everlasting arms. Then surely I can trust your love for all the days to come, that I may tell your praise, and dwell forever in your arms. Prayer of Illumination Scripture Lessons Lesson from the Acts of the Apostles Acts 2:42-47 N.T. page 120 Lesson from the Epistle 1 Peter 2:19-25 N.T. page 233 Lesson from the Gospels John 10:1-10 N.T. page 103 Sermon “Finding Pasture” *Hymn Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us BRADBURY * Affirmation of Faith THE SHORTER CATECHISM Q. 1. What is the chief end of man? A. Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. Q. 2. What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him? A. The Word of God which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy him. Q. 3. What do the Scriptures principally teach? A. The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man. Q. 4. What is God? A. God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. Q. 5. Are there more Gods than one? A. There is but one only, the living and true God. Q. 6. How many Persons are there in the Godhead? A. There are three Persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.

We Respond to God’s Word Offering Our Gifts and Ourselves Offertory *Response – # 591 Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow OLD HUNDRETH

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*Prayer of Dedication We hear the voice of Jesus the Shepherd, O God, and seek to follow his course for our lives. We bring our gifts now before you as results of our search. Accept them and use them so that others may join in the quest. Bring others to the gates of your promised land, and let them hear you calling them to come, enter in. Amen.

The Eucharist The Invitation Great Prayer of Thanksgiving & The Lord’s Prayer The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. It is truly right… Our Father … Distribution of the Elements Communion Hymn Communion Hymn: Alleluia HONDURAN TRADITIONAL Verses 1 through 4

Verse 2: Alleluia. Alleluia. (3x) Christ, the first-fruits from the grave.

Verse 4: Alleluia. Alleluia. (3x) Glory, love, and praise to God.

Verse 3: Alleluia. Alleluia. (3x) Christ has given us new life.

Text & Music: Honduras; Arr. John L. Bell Arr. © 1995, WGRG the Iona Community (Scotland) Admin. GIA Publications, Inc.

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Prayer after Communion Great Lamb of God, you have nourished us in this meal. We thank you for your hospitality and now as we leave this table, help us to show hospitality to those we meet today and everyday. Amen.

We Go in God’s Name *Hymn - #5 Ev’ry morning is Easter morning From: Hymns, Songs, and Worship Music *Charge and Blessing Postlude

All are invited to remain for a time of fellowship and refreshment.

The flowers this morning are provided by Bill Jaffarian given to the glory of God and in and in celebration of the lives of Helen Borthwick, Arthur (Ab) Burr, Ephronia Jaffarian, and Madalyn Lehman. Today’s reader: David Lanoue

Upcoming Readers: May 22 – Karen Harpe May 29 – Sue Steele

June 5 – Chandlee Gill June 12 – Dale Golden

Next Week’s Sermon Topic: May 22 – Guest Preacher Al Siegel Scripture Readings: Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-45 Prayers of the People – May 8, 2011

• From the Castro Family – This is a very special mother’s day for our family – we wish to

announce that we are expecting a new addition to our family in November! • Prayers for Shirley Hinkamp who is undergoing an endoscopy this Monday. • From Bonnie McCaig – Joy for the outstanding performance of our own Carla Fisk, as the

featured soloist at last evening’s Pro Musica Concert at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Albany.

• Thanksgiving for the return of Nick from Afghanistan. • Prayers for Brandon and Louis whose mothers died within the year and for John whose mother

doesn’t love him.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome To First United! It is a joy that you have chosen to enrich this worshipping community with your presence this morning. We hope you find a spiritual home here, a place of love, support and service. Following worship, you are cordially invited to gather with the community for a time of refreshment and conversation in Fellowship Hall. Special Thanks to our Coffee Hour Hosts for May!!! May 15 – Joan Rogers May 29 – Bonnie Kerr May 22 – Sue Steele Please sign up and share in creating our fellowship time. Questions? Call Don Lutz – 283-6920 AROUND TOWN AND AT FUPC!

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CROP Walk Results - The Rensselaer County CROP walk had about 120 walkers and raised not quite thirteen thousand dollars! Thank you to Dana Parker, Gavin and Breanne, Miriam Parmelee, Jennifer Nelson and Seneca and Everest for walking! And thank you so much to all the First United people who pledged so generously. Joseph’s House Meals - FUPC will be providing meals for Joseph's House the weekend of June 4 and 5. If you are interested in donating money or food, or helping out in the kitchen, please see Martha Juenger. There will be a shopping list to follow for those who would like to purchase food items. Thanks to all for your help on this. Special Care Members Concert - The Board of Deacons invite you to join us on Friday, May 27th at 11AM in the fellowship hall to greet our Senior Members and Guests from the Eddy. It will be a time to sing along music of favorite songs from the Broadway hits of the past. It will be an opportunity to visit with our special care members who look forward to being back in their church and seeing familiar faces. A light lunch will be served. Please RSVP to Carla by calling the church office at 272-2771 or emailing [email protected] by Tuesday, May 24th. Our dearly beloved Robin Wheeler organized the first gathering in 2004 and it is a joyful gathering with our “Special Care Time Members.” This is truly a wonderful gathering to participate in. NO BIBLE STUDY - Wednesday the 18th and Wednesday the 25th MUSIC NEWS! A Troy Night Out Event: Katelyn Steele in Concert. Friday, May 27, 7 pm. Ms. Steele will present a variety of selections, repeating her senior recital as a voice major at the College of St. Rose. Her clear, full tones fill our space, making this a concert not to be missed! Admission is free with donations accepted. Festival Celebration Choir in Concert: The Magic of Mendelssohn, St. Pius X Church, Loudonville, (23 Crumitie Rd.), June 5, 3:00 pm. Mendelssohn’s String Quartet No. 2 in a minor, Hear My Prayer, and cantata portion of Symphony No. 2 (Lobgesang), accompanied by Andrew Krystopolski, organ and the Hyperion String Quartet. Soloists: Seiji Akera, Michael Lister, Paula McNulty, Claire Louise Stadtmueller. Conducted by Maury A. Castro. Come hear several of your church choir members in this mass choir event! $15/$10. www.festivalcelebrationchoir.org Troy Children's Chorus Spring Finale. Saturday, June 11, 6:30 pm. This concert will take place at Bush Memorial Auditorium, Sage College (65 1st St.). The final concert of the year, this is sure to be a moving evening! Performing in the resonant and historic Bush Memorial Hall on the Campus of Sage College, the chorus will present a variety of selections including classical, folk, and world music. Reception to follow. Concert is free with donations accepted. www.troychildrenschorus.org 3nd Annual Troy Music Day Camp. Do you want to introduce your child to the world of music in a fun-filled environment? Or perhaps you want to strengthen your child’s already-developed musical foundation? Troy Music Day Camp is for you! This camp, which runs at First United from June 27 – July 8 (two weeks this year!), will give your child a variety of fun-filled learning experiences associated with music such as singing, dancing, introductions to a variety of instruments and composers, field trips, guest musicians, and more. The camp is open to children entering grades 1-6. The program day runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with extensions to 7:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. If you are interested in registering, please pick up a registration brochure at church or go to www.unitedprestroy.org to find a downloadable form there.

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CHILDREN’S FAITH ED No Classes today, please join us upstairs for an Open House after the service. May 22 – Classes will be held after the children’s message during worship time. This will be the last formal day of classes for this school year. June 5 – Recognition of students and teachers during service. SAVE THE DATES – Vacation Bible School, August 1-4, 5:30-8:00pm (open to children entering K-6 in the Fall) Adult Education May 22 – Please join us after worship for a presentation by the Sustainable Living Group that meets here at the church. They will share some of the many environmentally friendly ways to get along with everything! Mission Opportunity – North Parish Housing Ministry (NPHM) – A Ministry of Mission at the Eastward Presbyterian Church (Farmington, ME). Volunteers provide labor for home repairs and renovations in this beautiful but economically depressed area of western Maine. “Our mission today continues what began over a half century ago – to reach the last house on the last road.” Projects range from very basic carpentry, as in building a new set of front steps to major home additions. NPHM requests a fee of $195 per volunteer to help cover cost of materials and staff. Rev. Donna Elia is trying to put together a group of young people for this mission. If interested please contact Leslie Kelly. GENERAL NEWS FUPC Remains a NUT FREE FACILITY: First United has been a Nut Free Building for quite some time. It is especially important as a new child has joined Unity Sunshine Pre-School that has an AIRBORNE NUT ALLERGY TO ALL TYPES OF NUTS. Please continue to be mindful that the pre-school uses our kitchen. Thank you for your support in keeping the building a safe environment for the children who use our facility. Prayers of the People There is a prayer journal at the back of the sanctuary where you may record prayer requests to be included during the prayers of the people. Wear A Name Tag as a sign of warm welcome for newcomers. If you do not have one, or need a replacement, please make a note on one of the bright orange flyers at the rear of the sanctuary. Devotional Booklets - Current Issue of “THESE DAYS” devotional booklets are available in the display booklet holder in the front foyer at the entrances for the church offices.

The Deacons thank those who are contributing $1 each week to the work of the Deacons. It is greatly appreciated as we work to help others. You can either use the gold & white envelope on the credenza in the back of the fellowship hall or make a special designation in your pledge envelope for this important Deacons fund. Parking for Worship is available in the large lot behind the Gurley Building at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street or in the small lot on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Fulton Street and also along Fifth Avenue. Please note: The parking spaces in the alley on the Grand Street side of the sanctuary are private parking spaces that belong to Franklin Plaza. Please do not park there. FUPC’s parking lot (Monday – Friday) – if you visit the church during business hours, please do NOT park in the parking lot! Our parking spaces are reserved for the staff of FUPC and its tenants from 8:30 am until 5 pm Mon. through Thurs.

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For families with children: Childcare during worship for children through age 4 is available in the nursery located between the sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. Please pick your child up as you leave the sanctuary for fellowship and refreshments. Food Donations for the Troy Larger Parish: There is always a basket for food donations for the Troy Larger Parish Food Pantry on your way into church. And if you would rather, cash buys more food from the Regional Food bank. Empty your change into the jars at either sanctuary door.

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THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH The Westminster Confession affirms God's work from its beginning in creation to its end in resurrection and last judgment. God is first, last, and preeminent in all things. God's people are to understand and bring their lives into accord with God's wondrous ways and magnificent will. The confession begins with God's self-revelation in Scripture: God is the ``one living and true God, infinite in being and perfection, invisible, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute.'' Out of nothing, God created all that is, including humans, whom God upholds, directs, and governs. Humans, however, did not remain in blessed harmony with God's will. Sin's intervention, which God permitted but did not cause, resulted in corruption of the human condition and of humans' relationship to God. Yet, God has made a covenant of grace with humans; through Christ, relationship to God is restored. The Christian life nurtured by prayer, preaching, and the sacraments, and lived in grace and glory prepares for God`s predetermined end of mercy (salvation of the elect) and of justice (damnation of the reprobate).

THE WESTMINSTER CATECHISMS The Larger Catechism, written primarily by Dr. Anthony Tuckney, professor of divinity and vice-chancellor of Cambridge University, was designed for public exposition from the pulpit. The Shorter Catechism, primarily the work of the Reverend John Wallis, an eminent mathematician who later became professor of geometry at Oxford University, was written for the education of children. Both deal with questions of God, Christ, the Christian life, the Ten Commandments, the sacraments, and the Lord's Prayer; unlike most earlier catechisms, neither contains a section on the Apostles' Creed. Especially famous are the first question and answer of the Shorter Catechism. "What is the chief end of man? Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."

From the Book of Order Directory for Worship

One of the meanings of Communion W-2.4005 Invocation As the people of God bless and thank God the Father and remember Jesus Christ the Son, they call upon the Holy Spirit a. to lift them into Christ’s presence; b. to accept their offering of bread and wine; c. to make breaking bread and sharing the cup a participation in the body and blood of Christ; d. to bind them with Christ and with one another; e. to unite them in communion with all the faithful in heaven and on earth; f. to nourish them with Christ’s body and blood that they may mature into the fullness of Christ; g. to keep them faithful as Christ’s body, representing Christ and doing God’s work in the world.

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Faith Education Open House and Dedication

Sunday, May 15th there will be a plaque dedication ceremony during worship in memory of Robin J. Wheeler. After the service and refreshment time, a plaque donated by Jean Miller will be placed on the second floor naming it the Robin J. Wheeler Faith Education Suite. The large balcony room has been refurbished and all the faith education rooms, including the nursery will be open for viewing at that time. Robin was a professional counselor, educator, and strong supporter of our faith education program. She was also a 50 year member of the congregation whose positive energy and faithful service inspired us all. All are welcome. Joan Rogers will be hosting the refreshment time after worship. Robin J. Wheeler (March 29, 1945-June 2, 2010)

A CHANGE IN ORDINATION STANDARDS Barbara Wheeler, an elder in Bethel Peniel Church who has been involved in national church issues for many years, has prepared a brief summary of the change in ordination standards that is likely to occur next week. With her permission, I reprint it here in bulletin insert format for your own use, and follow with my own comments. Cass Shaw, General Presbyter

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Within the next two weeks, the Presbyterian Church will be in the news. Its presbyteries are voting on whether to change the ordination standards in the church’s Constitution. If the proposed change is adopted, as now seems certain, the section intended to bar the ordination of gay and lesbian ministers and elders (members of local church sessions) will be removed. That change will make headlines. Replacing it will be a more general requirement that will go unnoticed: all those ordained must submit “joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.” Though the media will almost certainly proclaim that “The Presbyterian Church votes to ordain gays,” that is not what is happening. Here is what the decision means:

• Local churches and presbyteries that choose to do so will be free to ordain gay and lesbian persons in committed relationships to the offices of deacon, ruling elder and minister. Gay and lesbian persons who have partners will no longer be automatically barred from consideration.

• The change in the Constitution does not, however, give anyone the right to be ordained. All officers must meet the standards of submission to the Lordship of Christ and “a life that demonstrates the Gospel.” The church or presbytery must make case-by-case judgments about who is qualified under these standards.

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• No church or presbytery is required to ordain anyone they judge to be unqualified. That means that churches and presbyteries that believe that same-sex relationships are deeply sinful may choose not to ordain partnered gay persons.

• This resolution—permitting each church and presbytery to decide about how same-sex relationships affect eligibility for ordination—reflects the fact that the church is almost evenly divided on the ordination question. The previous prohibition was supported by a bare majority, and a large minority voted against the change. Therefore, it is more accurate to say that the Presbyterian Church has adopted a neutral stance on gay ordination than that it has “voted to ordain gays.” Each congregation and presbytery is free to decide the matter for itself every time it considers someone for ordination.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Brothers and sisters, I’m aware that even in Albany, where the majority has always sought this change, there remains a diversity of views. I trust that we will remain a presbytery where the consciences of all our members are respected. I am preparing a press release that will quote from several members of Albany Presbytery who represent that rich diversity of views. My hope is to get out ahead of the sensational headlines that are likely to come and to provide a thoughtful and accurate report of what our denomination is doing. Let’s be in prayer for one another as we all continue to answer God’s call to “be a sign in and for the world of the new reality which God has made available to people in Jesus Christ.” (G-3.0200a) Thank you all for your faithful witness and service to our Lord. In Christ, Cass Amendment 10-A and Ordination Standards Office of the General Assembly of the PCUSA What will change? The following provision that is currently in the Book of Order (G-6.0106b) will be changed: Those who are called to office in the church are to lead a life in obedience to Scripture and in conformity to the historical confessional standards of the church. Among these standards is the requirement to live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman (W-4.9001), or chastity in singleness. Persons refusing to repent of any self-acknowledgement practice which the confessions call sin shall not be ordained and/or installed as deacons, elders, or ministers of the Word and Sacrament. The New Language (Amendment 10-A) will read: Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (G-1.0000). The governing body responsible for ordination and/or installation (G.14.0240; G-14.0450) shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities in office. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.4003). Governing bodies shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.

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WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, May 15 9:00 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal Fellowship Hall 10:00 AM Worship Fellowship Hall 11:00 AM Refreshments Fellowship Hall 11:30 PM Wheeler Room Dedication Wheeler Room 7:30 PM NA Group Meeting Fellowship Hall Monday, May 16 7:00 PM Membercare & Outreach Meeting Dan’s Office Tuesday, May 17 3:45 PM Troy Children’s Chorus Rose Room 4:00 PM Presbyterian Rainbow Meeting Copy Room Wednesday, May 18 NO BIBLE STUDY Thursday, May 19 4:00 PM Fa-Fin-Stew Fellowship Hall 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal Rose Room Saturday, May 21

10:00 AM AA Meeting 2nd Floor Sunday, May 22 9:00 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal Fellowship Hall 10:00 AM Worship Fellowship Hall 11:00 AM Refreshments Fellowship Hall 11:30 AM Adult Education Rose Room 4:00 PM Presbyterian Rainbow Fellowship Hall 7:30 PM NA Group Meeting Fellowship Hall

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The First United Presbyterian Church of Troy 1915 Fifth Avenue, Troy, New York 12180

Phone: (518) 272-2771 / Fax: (518) 266-9483 E-mail: [email protected] / www.unitedprestroy.org

Office hours Monday thru Thursday, 9 AM to 2 PM

Where People with Differences Unite in Christ Our Mission Statement

Together, we worship God through Christ and explore all dimensions of life in the Spirit; To demonstrate God’s inclusive love, we seek to heal wounds and care for God’s creation;

To serve God in the world, we work for peace and justice.

Our Statement of Inclusive Ministry We invite all people of every background, condition, and orientation

into the full fellowship, ministry and mission of God’s Good News in Jesus Christ. All who join the church are extended the full privileges of membership,

are challenged to lead lives of Christian discipleship, and are eligible to be considered for church office.

First United Presbyterian Church Officers for 2011, 2012 & 2013

The Session Moderator - The Reverend Jacquelyn Pinkowski

Class of 2011: Debbie Brown, Sue Steele, Courtney Savaria, Karen Harpe Class of 2012: John Buckley, Pat Carlson, Peg Drew, Chandlee Gill

Class of 2013: David Lanoue, Bonnie McCaig, Dan Rogers, Trudi Wybourn

The Board of Deacons Class of 2011: Martha Juenger, Don Lutz,

Marsha Mintz-Botsford, Pat Rudebush Class of 2012: Bob Harrington, Bonnie Kerr, Carol Harrington, Claudia Schwendeman

Class of 2013: Shirley Bowes, Steven Paul Bowes II, Dana Parker, Shirley Street Pastor: Jacquelyn Pinkowski

Minister of Music: Maury A. Castro Coordinator of Educational Ministries: Leslie M. Kelly

Financial Analyst: Carlie D’Annunzio Administrative Assistant: Carla Fisk

Troy Children’s Chorus Accompanist Intern: Maria Elmer

For pastoral emergencies call (518) 279-7401 or (406)794-9360 or email [email protected]