our west february 2014

our west brought to you by February 2014 For more information on The Trusts, visit our website www.thetrusts.co.nz or email us at [email protected] The Trusts adding even more value for money P4 Icon of the West - Paul Radisich P5 Waikumete Cemetary: perhaps our most historic place P6 The Trusts Arema VIP Club P8 Awesome hospitality career opportunities P10 Locally Brewed: Black Sands P3

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Page 1: Our West February 2014

our west

brought to you by





For more information on The Trusts, visit our website www.thetrusts.co.nzor email us at [email protected]

The Trusts adding even more value for money P4

Icon of the West - Paul Radisich P5

Waikumete Cemetary: perhaps our most historic place P6

The Trusts Arema VIP Club P8

Awesome hospitality career opportunities P10





: Bl



s P3

Page 2: Our West February 2014


The “first sod” was turned by Mayor Len Brown on 7 February.

In keeping with the philosophy at Hobsonville point, the 60 apartment project has high aesthetic and sustainability values and 12 of the apartments are lower cost, in line with the Government's requirement to create affordable housing for Auckland.

The 12 affordable apartments, at 20% of the total number, is twice the Government's original target of 10%.

The Brickworks will also incorporate the first retail hub for Hobsonville Point which will eventually become a new town centre of some 3,000 dwellings and 8,000 or so people.

Hobsonville Point was created after the Government decided in the year 2000, to close the Hobsonville air base (see separate story) and the Hobsonville Land Company (HLC) was created to oversee the creation of Hobsonville Point. It was to demonstrate the best in social and environmental sustainability and the number of lower cost dwellings was to make it one of the country's largest affordable housing developments.

Aimed principally at mid to high income buyer's, The Brickworks' name and brick and cedar design references the area's historic association with the brick and pipe industries that once dominated Hobsonville and West Auckland generally. R.O. Clark's, the first and the largest, began in Hobsonville in the mid 1800's and ended up as a major industrial operation. It also led to the lime burning business that is today commemorated in the historic Limeburner's Bay.

As the Merchants'

Quarter Condominiums

and Merchant Mews

near completion in the

heart of New Lynn, their

developers, Tasman

Cook, have launched

another prestige

development, this time

it is The Brickworks at

Hobsonville Point.

The Brickworks layout is of a four storey hollow square with car parking in the centre. There is a mix of single and double bedroom apartments with some single level, some maisonette (two storey). All have balconies and (including balcony) range from 53sq metres to 89sq metres and in price from $350,000 to $499,000. They come with a car park, fridge, dishwasher and microwave. The complex is secure and accessed electronically.

A proportion of the ground floor is reserved for shops and services. A medical centre and a café are already signed up.

The final style was arrived at after a detailed design process (including extensive overseas research) to ensure the complex met very stringent design and sustainability conditions imposed by HLC's design panel. Aesthetics aside, the design and materials also ensure against a repeat of the leaky building horror of the past.

The complex has its own grey-water collection system for capturing and treating used water from showers, hand basins, and dishwashers, so that it can be recycled for watering lawns and flowerbeds.

A high level of interest from buyers reflects the strong interest in Hobsonville, which is blessed with one of the more beautiful locations in Auckland, looking eastwards over the upper Waitemata Harbour to Auckland, and over even more of the harbour and Herald Island to the west. The former airbase boasts two hectares of waterfront and four kilometres of coastal walkway.

It will be a complete community with large parks and playgrounds, its own schools, shops, a farmers' market and ferry service.

The Brickworks apartments under way at Hobsonville Point

Needless to say, with a name like Black Sands they're a proudly West Auckland product, being made right here in Kelston and because we're keen to promote all things good about West Auckland, it's sold through West Liquor and other Trusts outlets. Both are brewed from New Zealand ingredients and are literally hand-made right down to the fact that the bottles are bottled and labelled one by one.

In reviewing the Pilsener, connoisseur blogger blogspot.co.nz said “beer this good should be chained up and made to only come out on weekends. This is more than a Pilsener; it's a Pilsener with a Pale Ale uncle that just gets better as it sits in the glass.”

The back story of this nectar of the gods started when Ian Hebblethwaite pioneered “pineapple beer” (“we weren't quite so discerning then”) and served it up to schoolmates at his boarding school at Pietermaritzburg, in South Africa. In the short term, this “led” to a welcome profit, then a severe caning and the destruction of his “brewery”. In the long term it planted the beginnings of a passion for well-made beer that would eventually come to full-flower in West Auckland.

Ian, now a passionate Westie (“West Auckland gets under your skin”) got together, some years later, with keen West Auckland beer drinker Peter Osborne (yes he was called ‘Ozzie” at school). They bought a 50 litre micro-brewery and more as a hobby initially, set about making the beers that they liked. Over two years they may have produced something like a hundred recipes and thousands of beers before settling on the rich, full bodied, beers they personally liked best.

It may be that some things are meant to happen. Just when the friends were deciding that they had a good product to take to market on a commercial basis, the 600 litre Scotts Brewery came on the market in Westech Place, Kelston. They bought it lock, stock and barrel and released the first two Black Sands brews in October last year.

The Pilsener is a “SMASH” (single malt and single hop), while the India Pale Ale includes five malts and three different hops.

Both are unfiltered (filtering reduces taste) and fined by natural sedimentation, unpasteurised and bottle conditioned. All the constituents are finest quality and apart from the yeast, all are products of New Zealand.

Ian and Peter describe their product as “Artisan” beers. There are three broad genera of craft beers: “gateway” (or entry level) which are generally similar to the major factory produced beers. At the other end of the scale are “cult beers” where the brewers go to extremes to achieve a “different taste.” Extremes can include anything, even bacon and wine gums. Sitting in the middle are the “artisan” beers that are hand-crafted, generally small volume and like the beers of old, with intense and complex flavours derived from the mix of malt and hops, the yeast, the temperature control and conditioning. Apparently the West Auckland water also contributes.

Ian and Peter are serious about having fun brewing first class beers that serious beer drinkers want to drink.

“We can't be all things to all people, so we brew beers that we like,” says Ian. Because we know what a good beer tastes like, we were confident the market would like them too.”

First results show that this confidence was fully justified and the two Black Sands beers currently available have already developed a loyal fan club (and accolades from connoisseurs). Interestingly, the principal market is among younger adults, including a significant proportion of women.

Next under the Black Sands label, will be a hoppy red ale and a black ale which, like their predecessors, will be lovingly sculpted into an exact flavour and texture in the original microbrewery and then released onto what will probably be a very receptive market.

Black Sands beers are available in bottles and kegs of various capacities, and as a result, can be dispensed at Growler filling stations. Look for Black Sands in West Liquor outlets because we are proud to support great products that help ensure that “the West is best”.


An artists' aerial view of The Brickworks apartments and retail hub at Hobsonville Point.

Ian Hebblethwaite and Peter Osborne at Black Sands Brewery in Kelston.

Maybe you've never heard of Black Sands beer but that's about to change with the launch of two hand-made craft beers, Black Sands Pilsener and Black Sands India Pale Ale, that already have the beer connoisseurs blogging their praises.

Locally Brewed: Black Sands

Because we know what a good beer tastes like, we were confident

the market would like them too.

Page 3: Our West February 2014


Inside is West Auckland motor-racing legend Paul Radisich and his infamous Bathurst hoodoo has struck again as it has done 10 times, before in 16 starts in the internationally famous Bathurst 1000. The car is screaming and the throttle is stuck. In the split second before slamming into the concrete barrier, Paul “The Rat” Radisich can do nothing to avoid catastrophe. He lifts his feet from the pedals to stop them being driven through the firewall.

The crash, his second in two years at Mt Panorama, ends an outstanding professional career that spanned more than two decades and saw him become a world champion two years in succession, rub shoulders with legends of the Formula 1 circuit, and show an outstanding ability in all forms of motorsport.

Some birthday present! The crash came one day after his 46th birthday and left him with two broken ankles, a broken back and damaged chest. He spent three months lying flat in hospital as his back healed and it took him three years to recover properly. Thus ended the racing career of a driver who was good enough to rank with the best in the world but who, like Chris Amon, before him was bedevilled with more than his share of mechanical bad luck.

Paul came from motor-racing roots. His father Frank, who still lives in West Auckland, was a big name in the 1960's and 70's era and, Paul says, he was driving cars by the age of six on a race track on the Radisich property in Henderson. A founding student at Liston College, he wasn't particularly suited to other sports and anyway, having spent his childhood immersed in motor-racing as Frank competed up and down the country, Paul's sporting future was pretty much pre-destined.

Having started out on two wheels, mainly competing in motocross, Paul progressed to the Formula Atlantic single seaters that were the premier formula in this country

in the early 1980s. In 1983 he finished runner-up in the series and like some brilliant names before him, he won the Driver to Europe award in 1985. The following year he found himself team-mates with Damon Hill in the British Formula 3 team.

Hill was a form of F1 aristocracy, being the son of twice former world champion (the late) Graeme Hill. Damon Hill later went on to win the World Championship, himself, gaining the unique distinction of being the only son, so far, to have followed his father to the title. Paul and Damon became friends and Paul found himself rubbing shoulders with legends like (the late) Ayrton Senna and others.

Paul remembers that there were times when he out-qualified Hill, a future world champ, suggesting he was good enough to be the F1 king himself. However while Hill went on to F1, circumstances dictated that Paul would take a different path. He came back to claim the 1988 NZ Grand Prix title and turned his attention to Indy Lights and American Super Vee, before returning to Britain to race “tin tops” in the British Touring Car Championship. This led, in turn, to back-to-back world titles, in the 1993 and 1994 Touring Car World Cups, beating the best touring car drivers from around the world and some F1 drivers as well.

In 1999, he returned “down-under” for good, focussing on the Australian V8 supercars, first with the legendary Dick Johnson's team where a nickname was mandatory. It was then that “The Rat” was born.

In 2011, Paul was recruited to be CEO of the New Zealand V8 SuperTourer Class which launched successfully in 2012 and he is now owner and managing director of Aegis Oil, the wholly New Zealand owned oil company, founded by his father, Frank, 25 years ago.

Paul Radisich

Paul Radisich, Icon of the West: The West salutes you.

The Trusts will be adding even more value for money, this year

This year we will push forward with our store refurbishments which are transforming the liquor retailing scene in West Auckland. West Liquor is our biggest new type of store, offering an excellent range of products while the Village Wine and Spirits stores are fewer in number but are able to specialise in various ways.

As we have said many times, we are spending more than $5 million on the renewal of our stores, and the new style was built around the research we did in our community. These are your businesses, we surveyed West Aucklander's and the resulting stores are delivering what you asked for. It was gratifying at the end of last year to get survey results that show a whopping 92% of you approve what we have done with West Liquor. It proves that we listen to what you, our owners, want from us.

This year we are doing even more in two areas in particular; price perceptions and staff training.

I said price perceptions. We have an excellent range of choice and price options, our prices across the entire product range mean that we offer very competitive value for money and our specials are as good or better than any (responsible) competitor's. Nevertheless, the perception remains among some people that we're more expensive than competitors, and we plan to change that. We want West Aucklanders to be able to know, as a given, that they can buy as well or better at West Liquor or Village Wine and Spirits, as from anyone and we will be doing everything we can this year to add value to your purchasing experience.

I keep using the word responsible for a reason. Our community has voted to keep Licensing Trusts because you want liquor sold and used responsibly in West Auckland. So, we're not going to engage in price wars or irresponsible pricing. We'll sell at a fair price and we'll special fairly, but we'll not use excessively low prices as an inducement to get people to drink, or drink more. That sort of pricing leads to social harm and we won't go there.

Another priority for us this year will be even more staff training. We're already among the best in the business, indeed in the world, for staff engagement and training but we're going to do even more in the year to come. That's exciting for us as a company and exciting for our staff, most of whom join us looking for a career, not a job, and welcome all the professional training they can get.

So, the economy is poised to improve and we're poised to capitalise on the efficiency we created over the last year. It should be an excellent year for you and for us; for the West Auckland we all know and love.

Happy New Year and welcome to 2014!

Hopefully we're seeing the end of the global financial crisis at long last and 2014 will be a prosperous year for all of us. For us at The Trusts, the greater the profit we make, the more we can give back to the West Auckland community - our owners to whom we owe responsible trading, an even more valuable asset and as much giving back as possible.


October 10, 2008 and the orange, black and silver Holden Race car wearing number 15 comes over the top of McPhillamy Park corner at the fabled Mt Panorama race track at Bathurst, and screams straight off the track at 200 kmh.

iconswestof the

Page 4: Our West February 2014

Mausoleums at Waikumete Cemetery some dating to early last century.


Waikumete Cemetery: perhaps our most historic place

Waikumete is the largest war graves cemetery in New Zealand. Row upon row of memorials pay silent tribute to the heroism of 10,000 men who fell in battle in every war since the Boer War, or died afterwards from their wounds or who served, survived and later slipped away from natural causes - a number of VCs included.

Most “famously unknown” buried here is undoubtedly Corporal Dick Henderson. Richard Alexander Henderson was the subject of perhaps the most iconic ANZAC portrait from World War 1. The painting by New Zealand war artist Horace Moore shows a stretcher bearer using a donkey to take a wounded man from the Gallipoli killing fields. By a twist of fate it has always been misnamed “Simpson and his Donkey”. The most unusual ex servicemen are American Civil War veteran, Corporal A. St John Andrews of the 141st Pennsylvania Volunteers and Captain William John Newby, veteran of Garibaldi campaign that created modern Italy in the 1840's. Most poignant is the tall obelisk to the five brothers Browne, four of whom died in World War 1.

Here too, is a mass grave of Aucklander's who died in the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, and the unidentified passengers who died when Air New Zealand flight 901 crashed on the slopes of Mt Erebus, in Antarctica.

Francisco Rodrigues Figuera, better known to history as the legendary Don Buck lies here as does exotic dancer Freda Stark and the legendary Bruce McLaren. There is a small “village” of grand and elegant mausoleums, the first of which was built for Assid Abraham Corban, the family patriarch and founder of both Corban Wines and the Corban family dynasty. Indeed Waikumete, or Waikomiti as it was first called, is a chronicle of generations of Aucklander's,

the great and good, it's most infamous villains and thousands in-between, from the oldest to the youngest and of every race and creed.

Among the villains are John Caffrey and William Penn, hung for murder in 1887 and reputedly buried standing up.

Waikumete may also be the last place on earth to have heard an echo from the Nazi Holocaust (see separate story).

Waikumete is today, one of our most beautiful, tranquil and best loved places, which is a far cry from its beginnings. In the 1870's the original Auckland cemetery in Symonds Street was filling rapidly and after looking at various options, the council decided on Waikomiti.

Why, is something of a mystery. Waikomiti, half a day's journey from Auckland in the raw and barren west described three years later as a “howling wilderness”. The soon to be built Kaipara Railway was going to pass within a few metres of the chosen site, but even so it was a long way from Auckland.

There were regular funeral trains with special wagons for the coffins and carriages for the mourners, which was acceptable for burials but on a good day it was a five hour return journey by rail for families to care for graves. Nor was it cheap. A first class ticket cost two shillings, second class one shilling and sixpence and children half price.

There was a certain amount of uproar in the press over the choice, but the new cemetery received 14 month old Florence Lena Bell on 19 March 1886, and by the end of its first year in operation, 299 Aucklander's were buried there. Waikomiti was here to stay, the opponents fell away and Waikomiti went on to take its place in history and to grow from a bleak and howling wilderness to a beautiful sanctuary whose wildflowers are a national treasure enjoyed by hundreds who take the guided walks, and whose records are one of the most valuable genealogical resources in the country.

To be continued next month…

The indignity of it allGetting to the new cemetery by train wasn't either cheap or elegant.

There were two types of funeral train, the ordinary train with a special carriage for passengers and a van for the coffins or a special train just for the funeral.

The Government regulations covering the operation of funeral trains (published in 1886) stated that the city treasurer had to give notice in writing to the Railways District Traffic Manager when funeral trains were required and, he had to pay all the charges, which the council charged on to the mourners. If a special train was needed, no less than 12 hours notice had to be given.

In the indelicate language of the day: “Corpses must be loaded at Auckland, Newmarket and Mt Eden, 20 minutes before the time of departure of the train.” According to the Auckland Star of 19 March 1886, the regulations said: “The charge for a special train for the corpse will be eight pounds five shillings. The charge per corpse (on the ordinary train) will be 10 shillings.”

For one body and one mourner, the cost of transportation alone would have been about one third of the weekly wage. Then there would be the cost of getting the body to the departure station while at Waikomiti, the sexton would probably turn up with a wheelbarrow to help move coffins into the cemetery.

It's not surprising that at least some letters to the editor of the day thundered outrage by this arrangement and its costs.

Poignant reminder of the HolocaustOf all the history associated with this 128 year old taonga, surely none is more awe inspiring than the event commemorated by a small plaque at the foot of the Holocaust Memorial. Beneath the plaque lie something utterly sacred; ashes from a cremator at Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

The Memorial itself, an imposing slab of black granite is polished to a mirror shine on one side and remains rough hewn on the back, with the grooves for the explosive sticks used to break it from its parent rock, clearly evident. While horizontal, these grooves are fittingly, reminiscent of jail bars and captivity. It is a powerfully moving sentinel dedicated to ensuring there will never be a repeat.

At its foot is the plaque that sits over a small casket with the ashes from Auschwitz. They were buried there on 23 November 1997.

Auschwitz survivors Armin Glanz and Karel Beran returned to their native Prague after being released from the death camp. Because so many bodies were cremated at any given time, it wasn't possible to know who's ashes were who's, and so Karel and Armin were sent back by the Czech government to gather a casket of ashes to be buried at Prague to represent all the victims. This was a variation on the traditional “Tomb of the Unknown Warrior”.

It was only after his release that Karel discovered his own mother and father had been murdered at Auschwitz and so he gathered a second casket of ashes and kept it with him for the next 52 years. By now an Auckland resident and knowing that he himself was not going to live forever, he decided to place the ashes into the care of people who would care for them as reverently as he had, the Jewish community of Auckland.

And so it was that on a brilliantly sunny day in 1997, Karel placed the small casket into a specially made recess at the foot of the memorial, to remain safe and sacred, hopefully forever.

A capital ideaIf New Zealand's founding governor had gone with his first instinct, sleepy semi-rural Hobsonville could have been the new nation's first capital.

When Captain Hobson first stepped ashore here on his mission from Queen Victoria to sign a treaty with Maori and create a British Crown Colony, he thought what is now called Hobsonville would literally be a “capital place” to be the seat of Government.

As events turned out, Colonial Surveyor Felton Matthew persuaded the man destined to draft the Treaty of Waitangi and become first Governor of the world's newest country, to think again. Ultimately the honour went first to Russell in the Bay of Islands, then briefly to Auckland before finally settling in Wellington.

Hobsonville instead became the centre of the massive brick and pipe industry that dominated West Auckland until, in 1924, the Government cast envious eyes on its adjacent sheltered deep water and flat land and decided to build the Hobsonville Airbase here for the fledgling RNZAF.

The deep water was ideal for the air-force's seaplanes and jetties, slipways and hangars were built at the water's edge during 1928 and 1929. In the 1930's depression years, men laboured with picks, shovels and horse-drawn earthmoving machinery to construct an airfield for land-planes.

But aircraft design was changing rapidly and by the time Hobsonville's field was completed it was already too small for the new larger, faster, aircraft, such as Wellington bombers, then on order. And so, Whenuapai Airbase was built.

Hobsonville remained as a seaplane base for the World War 2 era Sunderland's operated by the RNZAF for maritime surveillance, until 1967 when they were replaced by the Lockheed Orion P4s still flying out of Whenuapai today.

The Hobsonville base was closed in 2000 and later slated to become the new town of Hobsonville Point.

The last resting place of the legendary Don Buck.

The Holocaust Memorial with plaque for Auschwitz ashes at its foot

A view over a small segment of this sprawling cemetery with chapels and crematorium

nestled amongst trees in the distance.

Memorial to identified victims of the Erebus tragedy laid to rest here.

Waikumete Cemetery could be New Zealand's most historic place, if that is measured by all the historic events that have happened there and the historic people buried here. It is certainly the second largest park in Auckland, the largest cemetery in New Zealand and the second largest in Australasia.

"Most famously unknown buried here is undoubtedly Corporal Dick Henderson. Richard Alexander Henderson was the subject of perhaps the most iconic ANZAC portrait from World War 1."

Page 5: Our West February 2014

A limited offer of exclusive VIP Club memberships at The Trusts Arena for

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• Themembershipistransferableamongstfamilyandfriends(excludingtheArenaFitnessmembership).


Numbers are strictly limited so act fast!

Join now at www.thetrustsarena.co.nz/vip

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21:28 ENJOYING Huntaway Reserve Central Otago Pinot Noir with Winnie's Venison Pizza