partnerships with impact in higher education wayne johnson vice-president of university relations...

Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February 13, 2007

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Page 1: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education

Wayne JohnsonVice-President of University Relations WorldwideHewlett-Packard Company

World Bank Forum

February 13, 2007

Page 2: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February


• Models for Public Private Partnership in Higher Education

• Perspectives that Matter

• HP’s Response from University Relations

• Thoughts for Consideration

Page 3: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Models that Work

Think Globally,

Act Locally

Think Locally,

Act Globally


Industry GovernmentSabato’s Triangle


Enlightened Self-Interest

National System of Innovation

Page 4: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Perspectives that Matter

~ Who We Are ~

~ The State of the World ~

~ The State of Business ~

Page 5: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Perspectives that Matter

~ Who We Are ~

~ The State of the World ~

~ The State of Business ~

Page 6: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Who We Are

Page 7: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Who We Are

• HP Represents the Realization of Sabato’s Triangle

• A Culture of Change, Planning, and Investment

• Values of Social Improvement and the Greater Good

Page 8: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Perspectives that Matter

~ Who We Are ~

~ The State of the World ~

~ The State of Business ~

Page 9: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

The State of the World

Globalization is here to stay,Driving Changes of Equilibrium in…

• Standards of Living

• Economic Performance

Page 10: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February








0 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01

Taiwan HSIP Growth of CompaniesTaiwan HSIP Growth of Companies








17 2637

44 5059


Page 11: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Singapore Science ParkGrowth of Companies

1 2 7 9 1225

40 4667 75 85



226 214










82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 2000







Page 12: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

The State of the World

Globalization is here to stay,Driving Changes of Equilibrium in…

• Standards of Living

• Economic Performance

• Educational Success

Page 13: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Intellectual PowerEngineering Graduates (2004)

Region/Location Number of Engineering Graduates

China 300,000

India 200,000

Japan 104,478

Russia 82,409

United States 59,536

South Korea 56,508

Taiwan 26,587

Mexico 24,184

Germany 23,196

Brazil 18,072

Romania 6,632

Source: NRC Science and Engineering Indicators - 2004

Worldwide Intellectual Equilibrium is Changing

Page 14: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

The State of the World

Globalization is here to stay,Driving Changes of Equilibrium in…

• Standards of Living

• Economic Performance

• Educational Success

… vs. the US…

Page 15: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Perspectives that Matter

~ Who We Are ~

~ The State of the World ~

~ The State of Business ~

Page 16: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

The State of Business

Unrelenting Change

• Downsizing• Rightsizing• Rebalancing• Offshoring• Onshoring• Outsourcing• Insourcing• Resources…

Page 17: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Business Strategies

US jobs are fleeing overseas...US jobs are fleeing overseas... United StatesUnited States

GDP per capita GDP per capita $35,060$35,060Unemployment rate Unemployment rate 5.8%5.8%Labor force Labor force 141.8 million141.8 million

Population below the poverty line Population below the poverty line 13%13%Typical salary for a programmer Typical salary for a programmer $70,000$70,000

IndiaIndiaGDP per capita GDP per capita $480 $480

Unemployment rate Unemployment rate 8.8%8.8%Labor force Labor force 406 million406 million

Population below the poverty line Population below the poverty line 25%25%Typical salary for a programmer Typical salary for a programmer $8,000 $8,000

Top 5 US Top 5 US Employers in Employers in


General ElectricGeneral Electric 17,800 employees17,800 employees

Hewlett-PackardHewlett-Packard 11,000 employees11,000 employees

IBMIBM 6,000 6,000 employeesemployees

American ExpressAmerican Express 4,000 employees4,000 employees

DellDell 3,800 3,800 employeesemployees

Source: Wired Magazine Feb 2004Source: Wired Magazine Feb 2004




…Shareholder Value…

Page 18: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

University Relations Mission

To deliver talent, technology and sales opportunities to HP by fostering university relationships worldwide that integrate investments in research, recruiting, philanthropy and public advocacy.

Page 19: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

The Knowledge Process of the Future

Source: Knowledge Supply Chains; A Next-Generation Manufacturing Project







New KnowledgeTo Satisfy Society

Competence &Ability to Learn

•Joint Research•Customer Solutions•New knowledge•Knowledge Application•Best Practices•Customer Needs•Customer Feedback

•Faculty•New Talent•Curriculum•Stakeholder Needs•Talent Specification•Industrial Teacher

•Integrated Enterprises•Integrated Product/Process Dev•Learning Organizations•Enterprise-Wide Supply Chains

New KnowledgeNew Talent

Page 20: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

UR Foci

Page 21: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Technology Engagement

ChinaGrid review meetingDeveloping an adaptive infrastructure Kurchatov Institute dedication

A primary aim of UR Technology Programs is to facilitate HP R&D with universities and public research institutes.

• Digital Publishing• Next-Generation Data Center• Business Intelligence• Content and Media Management• Mobility• Security

Page 22: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Key HP Labs strategies

Disruptive/EmergingDevices, Software, Markets

Digital EntertainmentDistributed media devices, Consumer experience, Business models

Technologies for Service Delivery Service Delivery productivity, HP business process improvement

Industry SolutionsMobility and Rich Media, Wellness, Sensors, Security

Re-inventing the Economics of IT Adaptive Enterprise, Grid, Linux

Printing & Imaging growthDigital Printing and Publishing, Digital Imaging

Page 23: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Community Building

University community on digital publishingConference on Tablet PCsGelato membership in early 2006

Communities formed by UR programs build intellectual capital and advance HP market position.

• Digital Publishing• PlanetLab• Tablet PCs in Education• DSpace• Gelato Federation (Linux on Itanium)

Page 24: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

UC Berkeley, LLNL, NASA

AmesHP, Intel, SGI




TsinghuaUPeking U, ICT









Karlsruhe SSCLRZ



BP (sponsor)U of Houston





GA Tech



U Copenhagen


Gelato Membership Gelato Membership

~35,000 Itanium processors at member locations~35,000 Itanium processors at member locations









U Buenos Aires

U Chile

U Bristol

U SarajevoU Split




Osaka U


U Carlos III

U Mancheste



U Tromso

Page 25: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Campus Relations

Queens University, BelfastSJSU students with HP products

Dr. Eduardo Moreno of the University of Chile

UR campus relationships are an interface between HP and higher education on topics critical to our interests.

• University Partnerships Worldwide

Page 26: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February





Strategic Partner

•Career Fairs1


•EDU Account2

•Industry Affiliates/Advisory Program3

•Research Grants3


•Software Grants3

•Student Consultant4

•Hardware Grants3,5

•Curriculum Dev/ABETSupport & Fundraising3


•Support Contract3

•Student OrganizationsSponsorships3

•Philanthropic Support6


•University InitiativeSponsorship3

•Undergraduate ResearchProgram Support3

•Graduate Fellowships5

•Collaborative ResearchProgram Report5,3

•Outreach Programs6

•Support for Proposals forEducation (NSF, NASA,etc.) 3,5

•BETA Programs3


•Joint Partnership3,5,6

•State EducationLobbying3

•Major Gifts3,5,6


Phase One Phase Two Phase Three Phase Four Phase Five

Holistic EngagementTraditional Engagement

Levels ofEngagementActivities


2•Education Sales

3•UR Account Managers

4•UR Programs

5•UR Research

6•Other (Philanthropy,Alumni, Executive)


The Partnership Continuum

Page 27: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Thought Leadership

Conference on distance learningNew approaches for research collaboration Partnering for the knowledge society

UR brings together industry, government and academia to improve collaboration and knowledge transfer.

• National Academies• Glion Colloquium• World Summit on the Information Society• Bay Area Science and Innovation Consortium• Engineering for the Americas

Page 28: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

World Bank – The Four Pillars of The Knowledge Economy• Education & Training

An educated and skilled population is needed to create, share and use knowledge.

• Information InfrastructureA dynamic information infrastructure-ranging from radio to the internet-is required to facilitate the effective communication, dissemination and processing of information.

• Economic Incentive & Institutional RegimeA regulatory and economic environment that enables the free flow of knowledge, supports investment in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), and encourages entrepreneurship is central to the knowledge economy.

• Innovation SystemsA network of research centers, universities, think tanks, private enterprises and community groups is necessary to tap into the growing stock of global knowledge, assimilate and adapt it to local needs,and create new knowledge.

Page 29: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Engineering for the Americas

Developing countries will likely remain mired in poverty unless they can do what developed countries have done to achieve sustainable growth: incorporate science, technology and innovation into their economic strategies.

UN Millenium ProjectTaskforce on Science & Technology and Innovation, 2005

Page 30: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

• Build capacity of engineering talent in order to improve hemispheric competitiveness

• Contribute to creating holistic, entrepreneurial skills needed to face the multidimensional challenges of the global economy

• Enable mobility of both people and work

• Foster effective partnership between industry, government, academia, professional associations, and others to advance engineering capacity, quality and integration throughout the Americas

EftA Mission

Page 31: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Engineering for the Americas

A Comprehensive Partnership

• The Organization of American States (OAS)• The U.S. Trade and Development Agency

(USTDA)• The World Federation of Engineering

Organizations (WFEO); Panamerican Union of Engineering Associations (UPADI), American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

• Inter American Development Bank (IDB)• Societies and Associations: LACCEI, ASIBEI,

ISTEC, IEEE• Accreditation Agencies: ABET, CEAB, CASAI• University Experts from across the Americas• Industry


Page 32: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Engineering Africa!Engineering Africa!

Page 33: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Stakeholder AnalysisStakeholder Analysis

• Emergent professional academic association leadership insufficent to convene stakeholders (AEEA, NES, WFEO CCB Africa)– Fractured: black/white, personality & agendas; and

national lines– Not consistently top tier academically

• Opportunity for government, corporate & multilateral convening power to convene and build emergent academic leadership

Page 34: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

• Industry Exists to Serve Shareholders−So shareholders must hold industry accountable

• There are Truly Global Problems to Solve−Water, Energy, Health, Agriculture, Biodiversity

• Engineers are Critical to Solving All Problems−Must be seen as a critical national resource

• Public Policy Directs Society’s Investments−Advancing Public Private Partnership is key to sustainable results

• Public Advocacy is Needed−Around educational excellence and national competitiveness

”It’s time to panic!” Rick Rashid, Microsoft Research, CRA Conference, June 2006

Some Thoughts to Take Home…

Page 35: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Some Thoughts to Take Home…

Invention, Creativity, Innovation…

… that’s what the future’s about.

Page 36: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February

Thank You

[email protected]

Page 37: Partnerships with Impact in Higher Education Wayne Johnson Vice-President of University Relations Worldwide Hewlett-Packard Company World Bank Forum February