pore fluid modeling approach to identify recent meltwater...

Article Volume 11, Number 6 29 June 2010 Q06017, doi:10.1029/2009GC002949 ISSN: 15252027 Click Here for Full Article Pore fluid modeling approach to identify recent meltwater signals on the west Antarctic Peninsula Zunli Lu and Rosalind E. M. Rickaby Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK ([email protected]) Julia Wellner Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204, USA Bastian Georg Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK Now at Worsfold Water Quality Center, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B8, Canada Norman Charnley Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK John B. Anderson Department of Earth Science, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA Christian Hensen LeibnizInstitut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel (IFMGEOMAR), D24148 Kiel, Germany [1] The sensitivity of sea level to melting from polar ice sheets and glaciers during recent natural and anthropogenic climate fluctuations is poorly constrained beyond the period of direct observation by satel- lite. We have investigated glacial meltwater events during the Anthropocene by adapting the pioneering approach of modeling trends in d 18 O in the pore waters of deepsea cores, previously used to constrain the size of ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum. We show that during recent warm periods, melt- water from glacier retreat drains into the coastal fjords, leaving a signature of depleted d 18 O values and low Cl concentrations in the pore water profiles of rapidly accumulating sediments. Here we model such pore water profiles in a piston core to constrain the timing and magnitude of an ice sheet retreat event at Caley Glacier on the west Antarctic Peninsula, and the result is compared with local ice front movement. This approach of pore water modeling was then applied in another kasten core and tested by a series of sensi- tivity analyses. The results suggest that our approach may be applied in fjords of different sedimentary set- tings to reconstruct the glacier history and allow insight into the sensitivity of polar glaciers to abrupt warming events. Components: 6800 words, 9 figures, 2 tables. Keywords: pore water modeling; Antarctic Peninsula; meltwater; ice sheet; glaciers. Index Terms: 1009 Geochemistry: Geochemical modeling (3610, 8410); 0720 Cryosphere: Glaciers; 0726 Cryosphere: Ice sheets. Received 10 November 2009; Revised 26 April 2010; Accepted 5 May 2010; Published 29 June 2010. Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union 1 of 14

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Volume 11, Number 6

29 June 2010

Q06017, doi:10.1029/2009GC002949

ISSN: 1525‐2027




Pore fluid modeling approach to identify recent meltwatersignals on the west Antarctic Peninsula

Zunli Lu and Rosalind E. M. RickabyDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK ([email protected])

Julia WellnerDepartment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204, USA

Bastian GeorgDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK

Now at Worsfold Water Quality Center, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B8, Canada

Norman CharnleyDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK

John B. AndersonDepartment of Earth Science, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA

Christian HensenLeibniz‐Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel (IFM‐GEOMAR), D‐24148 Kiel, Germany

[1] The sensitivity of sea level to melting from polar ice sheets and glaciers during recent natural andanthropogenic climate fluctuations is poorly constrained beyond the period of direct observation by satel-lite. We have investigated glacial meltwater events during the Anthropocene by adapting the pioneeringapproach of modeling trends in d18O in the pore waters of deep‐sea cores, previously used to constrainthe size of ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum. We show that during recent warm periods, melt-water from glacier retreat drains into the coastal fjords, leaving a signature of depleted d18O values and lowCl concentrations in the pore water profiles of rapidly accumulating sediments. Here we model such porewater profiles in a piston core to constrain the timing and magnitude of an ice sheet retreat event at CaleyGlacier on the west Antarctic Peninsula, and the result is compared with local ice front movement. Thisapproach of pore water modeling was then applied in another kasten core and tested by a series of sensi-tivity analyses. The results suggest that our approach may be applied in fjords of different sedimentary set-tings to reconstruct the glacier history and allow insight into the sensitivity of polar glaciers to abruptwarming events.

Components: 6800 words, 9 figures, 2 tables.

Keywords: pore water modeling; Antarctic Peninsula; meltwater; ice sheet; glaciers.

Index Terms: 1009 Geochemistry: Geochemical modeling (3610, 8410); 0720 Cryosphere: Glaciers; 0726 Cryosphere:Ice sheets.

Received 10 November 2009; Revised 26 April 2010; Accepted 5 May 2010; Published 29 June 2010.

Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union 1 of 14

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Lu, Z., R. E. M. Rickaby, J. Wellner, B. Georg, N. Charnley, J. B. Anderson, and C. Hensen (2010), Pore fluid modelingapproach to identify recent meltwater signals on the west Antarctic Peninsula, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 11, Q06017,doi:10.1029/2009GC002949.

1. Introduction

[2] The stability of polar ice sheets in the face ofrecent climate warming is of great interest duringour current phase of anthropogenic change. Anyrapid decrease in ice volume due to recent climatewarmings are of particular interest for predictingfuture sea level and feedbacks contributing to cli-mate warming. Meltwater input may also have asignificant impact on freshwater and nutrient sup-ply to phytoplankton communities of the coastalregions [Hendry and Rickaby, 2008]. Currently, themass balance of ice sheets on a large scale is bestestimated using satellite data [Rignot et al., 2005,2008], but such direct observations only started inthe early 1990s. Detailed records of migration inthe ice sheet front derived from maps and aerialphotographs can be compiled for the past ∼60 years[Cook et al., 2005]. However, the record of ice frontadvancing/retreating cannot be related directly to thechanges of ice sheet volume, so reconstructingrecent ice loss remains challenging for times priorto the satellite era. A tool to trace both the timingand magnitude of recent ice loss might provide akey to understand glacier response to short‐termforcings such as the anthropogenic CO2 input.

[3] Variation in polar ice volume can affect sea-water salinity and stable oxygen isotope composi-tion both in deep‐sea basins and coastal regionslike fjords, leaving global and local signatures atdifferent time scales. An increase in d18O valuesand chloride concentrations associated with the lastglacial maximum is preserved in pore waters ofopen ocean sediments [Adkins and Schrag, 2001;Schrag and DePaolo, 1993]. This feature wasmodeled to reconstruct the salinity and d18O con-tent of the glacial ocean [Adkins et al., 2002].Compared to the global LGM signal in the deepocean, pore waters in shallow fjord sedimentsshould undergo a much stronger local influence ofchanging ice volume, as the fjords are small watermasses close to the ice shelves. We have found atrend of isotopically light d18O values and decreasedCl concentrations in pore waters extracted fromrapidly accumulating sediments at coastal WestAntarctica, during U.S. Antarctica Program cruiseNBP0703. In this paper, we model the meltwatersignal (MWS) which could lead to such pore water

chemistry changes. We are able to constrain thetiming and flux of meltwater, in comparison withthe movement of ice front and the flux of ice lossderived from satellite data in the Fleming andnearby glaciers. The applicability of the model indifferent sedimentary conditions is also investi-gated using sensitivity tests. Our results demon-strate that pore fluid modeling of the MWS is auseful method to extend our knowledge of modernglacier history beyond the last 20 years or so ofsatellite observations.

2. Study Area

[4] Samples used in this study were collected fromsix sites of the cruise NBP0703 to the AntarcticPeninsula region, which featured rapid sedimenta-tion. Accumulation rates in thirteen sites of thiscruise were determined by 210Pb dating and rangefrom 1.5 to 9.7 mm/yr (B. Hallet, unpublished data,2010). The lithology in most cores is characterizedby sandy to silty clay with occasional organic richlayers. Four of the six sites are located nearshore onthe west Antarctic Peninsula between 64°S and 66°S (Figure 1 and Table A1). Recent warming acrossthe peninsula has resulted in reducing ice sheetextent and the air temperature distribution indicatesthat themeteorological record of FaradayVernadskyStation is representative for the four sites [Vaughanand Doake, 1996]. These records have been pre-viously used to study ice sheet mass balance[Vaughan, 2006]. At the northern tip of the pen-insula (Figure 1), JPC24 was cored in the deepBransfield Basin at water depth of 1939 m and JPC2was taken in a narrow region at the northern tip ofthe peninsula, where the temperature is ∼3°C lowerthan all other sites [Vaughan and Doake, 1996].

3. Samples and Chemical Analyses

[5] Pore water samples were collected from 6 sitesat the Antarctic Peninsula region. The size of thesamples ranged from 1 to 15 ml. They wereextracted from core sediments by centrifugationand filtered through a 0.2 mm filter immediatelyafter the core recovery. The pore water was storedand transported in airtight containers for analysis atDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford.

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[6] Oxygen isotope analyses were performed on aThermo Finnigan Delta V Advantage isotope ratiomass spectrometer (IRMS) using a Gas Bench IIperipheral unit equipped with a PAL autosampler.The analyses were calibrated against water stan-dards from Iso‐Analytical. Half a mL of eachstandard and sample were flushed for 6 min with0.3% CO2 in He, then left to equilibrate at 25°C for18 h before being analyzed. Six repeating mea-surements on each samples typically reach a pre-cision better than ±0.1‰.

[7] Chloride concentrations were analyzed on anautomated Metrohm© IC 861 ion chromatographusing conductivity detection. Automated sample

injection was accomplished via a fixed 20 ml injectionloop. Anions were analyzed using a sequentialsuppression consisting of a MSM‐II chemicalsuppressor followed by a Metrohm© 853‐MCSCO2 suppressor. The analytical column used foranions was a Metrohm© Asupp5 (250 × 4 mm)using a mobile phase of 3.2 mM Na2CO3/2.0 mMNaHCO3/5% Acetone at a flow rate of 1.0 mlmin−1. The ion chromatography was calibratedagainst a series of standards with known concen-tration prior to each session. The repeatability(1RSD) is usually better than 1.5%, with no drift inbaseline observed.

4. Meltwater Signal and End‐Membersof Water Masses

[8] The measured d18O compositions consistentlydecrease in the shallow part of the cores, reachingminimum values at depths between 1 and 3 m(Figure 2 and Table A2). JPC2 and JPC24 providean exception and show little to no observablechange. KC41, JPC30 and JPC62 (KC stands forkasten cores and JPC represent jumbo piston cores)recovered to more positive values at greater depthand show a peak of negative change. The peak ismost pronounced at JPC 62 compared to othersites. The most depleted value (−1.44) was found atthe bottom of the shortest core KC48. The possibleloss of core top material is known for piston coring(JPC62 and JPC30), while kasten cores (KC41 andKC48) likely preserve the top better. However, thesimilar d18O signals in both kasten and piston coresimplies that sediment loss for the top of JPC 62 is

Figure 1. Site map of NBP0703. Dashed lines showmean annual temperature across the area [Vaughanand Doake, 1996]. All of the sites, except for JPC2and JPC24, are in the same temperature zone withFaraday Vernadsky Station, and its summer temperaturerecord is used in the model calibration.

Figure 2. Oxygen isotope composition and chloride concentrations of the pore water samples.

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probably insignificant (Figure 2). The consistentd18O signals at similar depths in different sites alsoindicate that they were unlikely to be contaminatedby freshwater during coring.

[9] The d18O decrease cannot be explained bydiagenetic features such as clay transformation andgas hydrate dissociation, because they wereobserved at shallow depths (<5 m) above the sul-fate methane transition, and at temperatures wellbelow the window (60°C–120°C) for clay dehy-dration [Bekins et al., 1995]. Since these sites arelocated in fjords, the negative peaks in measuredpore water d18O compositions most likely reflectchanges in the water isotope composition as a resultof melt input influencing or mixing to the bottomof the entire fjord.

[10] The absence of a meltwater signal (MWS) atthe two exceptional sites, JPC2 and JPC24, is mostlikely a result of their contrasting geographic loca-tions. JPC 24 is located in the deep BransfieldBasin where any MWS is too dilute to detect. JPC 2lies in a zone, ∼3°C cooler than all other MWS sites(Figure 1). The highest summer temperature in theFaraday station and MWS sites is about 2°C. Anyrecent warming during the summer at JPC2 maystill not cross the threshold of 0°C and result in anymajor glacier retreat.

[11] Chloride concentrations (Figure 2 and Table A2)display a MWS identical to the d18O profiles insites JPC62 and KC48. No depth trend was foundfor the Cl concentrations in JPC2 and JPC24.However, the decoupling between the Cl and d18Ois noticeable in JPC30, indicating the presence ofdifferent water masses. A crossplot of Cl versusd18O illustrates the mixing between main end‐members and their influence at each individual site(Figure 3). The end‐members include the Circum-polar Deep Water (CDW), sea ice melt, precipita-tion, glacial melt and brines with various salinities.Their chemical compositions are taken from a studyof freshwater balance along the Antarctic Peninsulamargin [Meredith et al., 2008] and the mixingtrends calculated accordingly are adequate toexplain the measured values in our sites. The porewaters with positive d18O values are mixtures ofthree end‐members including CDW, sea ice meltsand brines concentrated to different degrees byseawater freezing.

[12] The strong MWS in JPC62, KC41 and KC48reflect the mixing dominantly between the CDWand glacial melts/meteoric water, with very minorinfluence of the sea ice melt and brines (Figure 3).No lithological changes indicate that the MWS inall of these three sites are related to freshwaterinput within sediment column. Such sources, ifresponsible for the MWS, must be located at thedepth with minimum d18O value (∼1–2m, Figure 2).Within this interval, JPC62 contains homogeneoussilty clay and KC41 contains sandy silty mud withfew clay rich layers. KC48 has relatively lowsample recovery and did not reach deep enough tocatch the minima in pore water profiles as in JPC62and KC41. Therefore the d18O and Cl profiles ofJPC62 and KC41 were chosen as the best candi-dates for modeling the meltwater input.

5. Model Setup

[13] A solute transport model was written inMathematica for simulating the depth profiles ofd18O and Cl compositions. Partial differentialequations were set up following the establishedmethod [Berner, 1980; Boudreau, 1997], and thesame as the method used for LGM d18O andsalinity modeling [Adkins and Schrag, 2003;Adkins et al., 2002].


@t¼ @

@z� � D � @C


� �� @

@z� � v � Cð Þ þ � � R ð1Þ

Figure 3. End‐members andmixing processes affectingthe pore water compositions. CDW stands for Circumpo-lar Deep Water, and brine (2CDW) stands for brineswith 2 times of the salinity of CDW. The end‐membercompositions are CDW (−0.08‰, 544 mM), sea ice melt(+2‰, 110 mM), precipitation (−13‰, 0 mM), and gla-cial melt (−20‰, 0 mM) [Meredith et al., 2008].

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where z is depth, t is time, ’ is porosity, D is thediffusion coefficients, C is the concentration ofdissolved species in pore water, v is the advectionvelocity of solutes and R is the reaction rates. Themodel considers the decrease in porosity withsediment depth, steady state compaction, advectivetransport of solutes, and molecular diffusion ofdissolved species. Details about how these pro-cesses are modeled, including the constitutiveequations, can be found in [Wallmann et al., 2008,and references therein]. The reaction term (R) is notconsidered in this model.

[14] Previous studies suggested that results of suchmodel are sensitive to the diffusion coefficients[Adkins and Schrag, 2003; Schrag and DePaolo,1993]. In these studies, the experimentally deter-mined Do values in seawater [Li and Gregory,1974] were first corrected (Dcorr) by temperature,porosity and tortuosity and then the Dcorr wasadjusted to obtain the effective diffusion coeffi-cients (Deff). The Deff used to produce final resultswas chosen by adjusting k values (0.3–1 differentfor each site) with advection rates to obtain the bestfit between the measured data and modeled pro-files. Because the MWS modeled here is a muchshallower feature (1–2 m) compared with the sig-nature of the LGM (20–50 m), the processesresponsible for the difference between Deff andDcorr, like electrical gradients and bioturbation[Adkins and Schrag, 2003], should have much lesscumulative influence in our sites. The same set ofDcorr values [Boudreau, 1997], instead of Deff, areused for the sites modeled here and the sensitivityof modeling results to the Dcorr is discussed later.

[15] Top and bottom of the core are represented bythe upper and lower boundary conditions, respec-

tively. The lower boundary uses a Dirichletboundary condition when calculating the temporalevolution of the model. Variations in the bottomwater composition (upper boundary) due to melt-water or brine injection are simulated using thefollowing form:

�18O t½ � ¼ �18Ot max � S1 � e tp1�tð Þ2=wi1½ � � S2 � e tp2�tð Þ2=wi2½ � � � � �ð2Þ

where d18O [t] stands for the bottom water com-position at time t, tmax for the length of modeledtime period, d18Otmax for the composition at the endof the model run, S as a scaling factor to adjust thevariation in the composition during each meltingevent, tp to adjust the time when the compositionreaches the largest change during each meltingevent, wi to change the duration of each meltingevent (Figure 4, for example).

[16] Finite difference techniques (the method‐of‐lines code) are used to solve the model [Boudreau,1996; Hensen and Wallmann, 2005; Lu et al.,2008; Wallmann et al., 2008]. The partial differ-ential equations defining each species in the modelare converted into a large number of ordinary dif-ferential equations (ODE) for the temporal varia-tion of concentration at each depth interval. TheODE system is set up on an uneven grid withincreasing resolution toward the core top. It issolved using the NDSolve object of MathematicaVersion 5.

[17] A preliminary model run, assuming somehypothetical changes in the bottom water compo-sition, was first used to roughly simulate theobserved pore water trend and test the pore water

Figure 4. Pore water evolution/relaxation from 50 years ago to present, after a hypothetical perturbation of bottomwater compositions (60–80 years B.P.).

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relaxation (Figure 4). During the model run of100 years, the upper boundary was forced tochange in opposite directions in two separateevents, negative d18O around 60 years B.P. andpositive d18O for 80 years B.P. Immediately afterthese two events (50 years B.P.), a strong shifttoward negative values was found between 0 and100 cm below seafloor and a positive shift ataround 200 cm in the depth profile, similar to thetrends observed in the cores from the AntarcticPeninsula studied here. This relaxation test sug-gests that the relatively recent event is much betterpreserved in the pore water profile, even though theprevious event has the same magnitude and dura-tion. The MWS in pore water profiles graduallymoves to deeper depths over time and its signalweakens. Furthermore, this relaxation test suggeststhat the observed MWS is a short‐lived featurewhich was produced by a recent meltwater pulseand will be smoothed out by diffusion after roughly50–100 years depending on the scale of the pulse.

6. Modeling the MWS

[18] JPC62 has pore water profiles with the mostclearly defined MWS and only show minor influ-ence of the brines and sea ice (Figure 3), making itthe best candidate for the model calibration. Wefirst calibrate the model to determine the timing ofthe event at JPC62, using upper boundary functionslinked to the instrumental temperature record fromFaraday Vernadsky Station. We then estimate the

flux and total volume of meltwater during the event.Finally, we also model KC41 and use the results ofsensitivity tests to show the applicability of themodel in different sedimentary conditions. Overall,the MWS shape is sensitive to the timing, durationof the meltwater event and the bottom water com-position, but insensitive to sedimentary settings.The model provides relatively good constraints onthe timing, while multiple solutions can be obtainedfor the bottom water composition without inde-pendent constraint on sea ice and brine dynamics.

6.1. Calibrating the Timing of MeltwaterInjection

[19] Both the temperature record and the ice frontmovement are useful for constraining the timing ofmelt events at JPC62. The summer temperaturesrecorded at Faraday Vernadsky Station extend backto 1945 (Figure 5a), showing relatively coldersummer before 1970 and several periods of warmingwith similar magnitude after 1970. A compilation ofaerial photos of the Antarctic Peninsula yield arecord for the movement of the ice front (Figure 5b)[Ferrigno et al., 2006]. JPC62 is located in theBrialmont Cove of Hughes Fjord, a drainage fjordof Cayley Glacier, Mouillard Glacier, and LilienthalGlacier. The local ice front advanced between the1950 to 1970 and then retreated between the 1970 to1990, coinciding with the cold and warm periodbefore 1990. However, the ice front appears to haveremained stable since 1990, rather unresponsive tothe most recent warming.

Figure 5. (a) The summer temperature record from Faraday Vernadsky and (b) local ice front movement since 1950.

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[20] We constructed three upper boundary func-tions (based on temperature) to represent threescenarios of bottom water conditions, with anincreasing number of factors which have a non-linear relationship to the temperature: (1) bottomwater compositional changes linearly depending onsummer temperature, (2) incorporating the ice frontmovement into upper boundary conditions, and(3) bottom water composition nonlinearly depen-dent on summer temperature during brine forma-tion and taking into account sea ice melt. Weassume that glacial melts are triggered by summertemperatures climbing above 0°C, causing adecrease in bottomwater chlorinity and d18O values.On the other hand, seawater freezing (brine for-mation) occurs at temperatures below 0°C andcauses increase in the chlorinity but negligiblechanges in d18O. The upper boundary functionsare, therefore, constructed according to thesecompositional changes, with the duration of eachevent (melting or freezing) fixed based on thetemperature fluctuation (Figure 6).

[21] For scenario 1, the changes in bottom waterchlorinity and d18O were scaled to match thechanges in temperature in the entire modeledperiod (Figure 6), except for holding d18O valuesunchanged during seawater freezing. Minima in themodeled MWS of Cl and d18O are shallower thanthose in the measured profiles. It suggests that thelatest melting event adopted in this scenario isyounger than the event responsible for the MWSseen in our cores. Alternatively, the values of dif-fusion coefficient used in the model, if too small,could potentially delay the downward propagationof bottom water changes in the model and result inshallow MWS. However, the effective diffusioncoefficients estimated for DSDP/ODP sites (e.g.,208 cm2/yr for 18O at core top [Schrag andDePaolo,1993]) were all lower than the values used in thismodel (273 cm2/yr for 18O at core top, see section 5).So the shallowMWS should not be an artifact of themodeling procedure related to underestimated dif-fusion coefficients. It is more likely related to recentdecreases in fresh water input, coinciding with theobserved stabilization of ice front since 1990.

[22] Scenario 2 was designed to test the possibilityof limited fresh water input between 1990 and 2005by disabling the recent melting events (Figure 6).The modeling results are significantly improved forboth Cl and d18O as indicated by the R values.There are also good matches between the depth ofmodeled and measured MWS center, suggesting

that the two warming periods around 1975 and1985 are responsible for the observed MWS inJPC62. Furthermore, if we consider the possibilityof a ∼0.5–1 m sediment loss during coring, in orderto produce a MWS deeper than the measured pro-file at JPC62, the melting would have to happen>10 years earlier. Such a melt input is inconsistentwith the best knowledge of the ice front record.

[23] In scenario 2, the modeled d18O values arelower than the measured values at 200–300 cm andthe Cl minimum is also underestimated even withthe bottom water forced to pure fresh water at thestrongest melt input (Figure 6). Both of thesemisfits are probably caused by the nonlinear cor-relation between the bottom water composition andsummer temperature, related to the sea ice andbrines. We consider these nonlinear factors inscenario 3. The positive d18O values around 200–300 cm (right beneath the MWS) suggest that seaice melt, the only end‐member with positive d18Ovalues (Figure 3), almost certainly was injectedbefore the main glacial melt in the 1970s. Inscenario 3, we model the influence of sea ice meltby forcing the d18O to positive values (<+3‰) inthe upper boundary during warm periods before1970 (Figure 6). Such an upper boundary conditionfurther improved the model results for the d18Oprofile (Figure 6). The underestimated Cl minimumin the modeled downcore trend of scenario 2 is dueto overshooting of brine formation (Cl > 544 mM)in the upper boundary before 1970, which coun-terbalanced part of the glacial melt signal. Becausethe brine generation is dominantly controlled by thewinter temperature, not the summer temperature,the Cl increase during brine formation was thenallowed to be nonlinear with the summer temper-ature and was gradually reduced to find the bestmodel result. The effect of brine in scenario 3 isabout one third of that in scenario 2 and such anupper boundary well reproduced the MWS in theCl profile.

[24] To summarize, the observed MWS was mainlyproduced by the glacial melt between 1970 and1990, the first prolonged warming period since1945. Any significant melting after 1990 wouldresult in a MWS shallower than those in the mea-sured pore water profiles. These modeling resultsare consistent with the ice front record. The influ-ence of sea ice melt and brine formation can beconsidered in the model. They further improve themodel fit, but do not change the calibration of thetiming for the major glacial melting event and theyare not central to the aim of this study.

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Figure 6. The upper boundary conditions used for three scenarios and the model results of JPC62. Temperatures areplotted on reverse scale.

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6.2. Approximation of the Meltwater InputUsing the Cl Profile

[25] Although both the d18O and Cl profiles pro-vide equally good constraints on the timing of themelt event, the d18O profile alone cannot be used tocalculate the volume of meltwater input. The MWSof JPC62 is mainly caused by a mixture of glacialmelt (−20‰) and precipitation (−13‰) (Figure 3).Because of the different d18O values in these end‐members, the precision of the volume estimatewould suffer from lack of information about theirrelative contributions. On the other hand, bothglacial melt and precipitation contains negligibleCl, compared to seawater and sea ice, making Cl amore sensitive proxy for the volume of meltwaterinput.

[26] A mass balance calculation can be used toestimate the flux and total meltwater volume usingthe Cl upper boundary function. The mass balanceof Cl during the mixing between the meltwater andfjord water can be considered stepwise:

Cl t½ � � Vbay þ 0 � FluxMW ¼ Cl t þ 1½ � � Vbay þ FluxMW

� � ð3Þ

Cl[t], Cl[t + 1] are the Cl concentration of bottomwater at year t and t + 1. Vbay is the volume of thefjord. FluxMW is the volume of meltwater addedeach year. The ratio of FluxMW/Vbay can be derivedfor each year and the ratio between cumulativemeltwater volume and the fjord volume (Vtotal MW/Vbay) was also calculated (Figure 7). The chlorinityat the strongest melt input (around 1975 and 1985)was close to that of fresh water in scenario 3 (blackcurves, Figure 7). Such an upper boundary is usedto derive a maximum estimate for meltwater vol-ume. A minimum estimate for meltwater volumecan be calculated by disabling brine formationbefore 1970 (red curves, Figure 7). Both upperboundaries produce identical modeled Cl depthprofiles. The total volumes of meltwater are verysimilar to each other during two glacial melt eventsin the 1970s and 1980s, about twice the size of thefjord. The shorter melting event in the 1980s hashigher annual meltwater flux at the time of stron-gest melt input. Assuming the volume of the fjordto be 4–5 km3 (Figure 5b), the highest annual flux(at 1984) calculated here corresponds to 8.2–10.3 km3/yr of ice, comparable to the recent(1995–2004) discharge rate of Wordie Ice Shelf(6.8 km3/yr), further south of the west AntarcticPeninsula [Rignot et al., 2005]. Our flux calculationfalls into a reasonable range compared to the sat-ellite data, but we will discuss the uncertainties ofthis approach in section 6.3.

6.3. Potential Applications, LimitingFactors, and Caveats

[27] Profiles of KC41 are also modeled (Figure 8)to demonstrate that the approach can be applied todifferent sites. Core KC41 was taken close toFaraday station, but even forcing the upper bound-ary completely by temperature (like scenario 1 ofJPC62) still produced a MWS shallower than thatin the measured data (better represented by theCl profiles, gray lines in Figure 8). Cl concentra-tions decrease toward the top of KC41, likelyindicating a developing MWS from the most recentperiod. A small freshwater input starting at 2005(marked by gray bars) is added to the upperboundary forcing similar to scenario 3 in JPC62and such a bottom water composition is sufficientto model the measured profiles. Comparing thed18O profile with the Cl profile in KC41, dataresolution and precision appear to be importantfactors influencing the uncertainty of model cali-bration. High‐resolution and high‐precision pore

Figure 7. (bottom) Meltwater flux of JPC62 calculatedfrom (top) the Cl upper boundary functions. Blackcurves are for scenario 3, and red curves are for theupper boundary excluding the brine generation.

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water measurements particularly in the upper 5 mof the core can significantly facilitate the modelcalibration of the recent MWS. The location of thecores is also important for application of thisapproach. Since water depth, distance to glacierand sea ice play a role in the bottom water com-position, nearshore sites in shallow fjords withoutobvious influence of sea ice are more likely torecord the MWS better, although the brine signal(e.g., high Cl concentrations in JPC30) may also bemodeled to constrain sea ice dynamics.

[28] Figure 4 demonstrates how the meltwater peakwould broaden and deepen in older events, indi-cating that the model could be calibrated to simu-late major melting input of at least 40–50 yearsago. The pore water modeling approach providesan opportunity to reconstruct ice sheet melting fortime slices before satellite data are available. Aseries of sensitivity analyses of fluid rate, porosity

sedimentation rate and diffusivity are applied to theCl profile of JPC62 (Figure 9) to show the potentialof applying this pore water modeling approach indifferent sedimentary environments. The MWS atsuch shallow depths are dominated by the bottomwater conditions and relatively insensitive to thedifference in sedimentary settings. Varying flowrates between 0 and 0.1 cm/yr, the typical range ofcompaction driven advection at nonseep sites, didnot produce any visible changes in the modelresults (Figure 9a). It is not surprising becauseadvection within ∼20–30 years at such rates prob-ably cannot move the MWS beyond a few cm inthe core. Changes in the porosity also affect theMWS in only a very small way (Figure 9b). Withthe same bottom water boundary condition, highersedimentation rate helps to preserve the MWS, i.e.,lower values at the Cl minimum, and the MWS wasnot shifted vertically in the profile (Figure 9c).Similar to flow rates, the very recent MWS

Figure 8. Meltwater input since 2005 is added to the upper boundaries of scenario 3 for JPC62. Such upper bound-aries are sufficient to model the profiles in site KC41 (red lines). Gray lines are the modeling results obtained withupper boundary linearly forced by temperature, similar to scenario 1 for JPC62.

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(20 years) modeled here should not be significantlyaffected by sedimentation rates found in this area(∼1–10 mm/yr). In contrast, the LGM model of amuch older signal (20 kyr) should be more sensi-tive to the sedimentation regime. When the diffu-sivity was varied by ±50% (149–288 cm2/yr for Clat core top), the center of the MWS shifted slightlybut the width of MWS responded more strongly(Figure 9d). In order to check the influence ofeffective diffusivity, nonelectrical species likesilicic acid and boric acid might be useful tomeasure and incorporate into the model in a futurestudy, although large changes in diffusivity are notlikely in shallow pore waters. Based on thesesensitivity analyses, the modeling approach pre-sented here has potential application to fjords ofvarious sedimentary settings to study recent glacierhistory.

[29] Pore water profiles record changes in bottomwater composition for periods of centennial scale.

However, bottom water composition may decouplefrom glacial mass balance due to processes like seaice dynamics and water stratification in the fjord,which cannot be addressed satisfactorily in thisstudy with the available information. In both JPC62and KC41, warming in the 90s did not cause sig-nificant freshening of the bottom water (Figures 6and 8). In addition to the possibility of decreasedglacier melting during that period, alternativeexplanations might include the possibility thatstrong stratification prevented meltwater reachingthe bottom of the fjord. The flux (Figure 7) derivedfrom the upper boundary only provides a first‐order approximation to the meltwater volume andthe uncertainty in this type of estimation clearlyneeds to be further tested in fjords where glacialfreshwater input has been derived independently byother methods. Furthermore, summer temperaturesare chosen to constrain the upper boundary in themodel, whereas local glacial mass balance might be

Figure 9. Sensitivity tests for various flow and sedimentation conditions. These parameters were not measured forJPC62, and the range of values were taken for the typical settings around the Antarctic Peninsula. The red lines rep-resent the parameterization actually adopted in the model runs in Figures 4 and 6–8. The porosity data are from JPC2[Michalchuk et al., 2009].

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affected by warming in other seasons [Stammerjohnet al., 2008], atmospheric positive degree days[Vaughan, 2006], and melting of the marine termi-nus by warm water masses [Martinson et al., 2008].The upper boundary function can be easily modifiedif detailed time series are available for thesepotential controlling factors.

7. Conclusions

[30] The history of glacier retreat and ice loss in thepolar regions due to climate warming is critical inpredicting sea level changes and understandingsensitivity of polar ice to short‐term warming.Meltwater that drained into glacier fjords leaves asignature in pore water chemical profiles. Themeltwater signals of depleted d18O values and lowCl concentrations found at the west AntarcticPeninsula have been modeled to constrain thetiming and volume of meltwater input. Meltwaterinjection between 1970 and 1990 produces the bestfit to the measured d18O profile, consistent with theice front retreating at the same time. The Cl upperboundary was then used to calculate ice flux duringsuch an event and yielded maximum flux of about8.2–10.3 km3/yr, comparable to the publishedvalue at a nearby fjord. This kind of flux estimatecan be achieved by the model to at least ∼1940.Because the meltwater signals are controlled bybottom water chemistry and are insensitive to dif-ferent sedimentary conditions, this pore fluid modelmight be applied in various fjords to derive a recordof major glacial melting events before the satelliteera.

Appendix A

[31] Table A1 provides site locations. Table A2gives Cl concentrations and oxygen isotope com-positions of pore waters.

Table A1. Site Locations

Sites Longitude Latitude

JPC2 −55°53′ −63°21′JPC24 −57°39′ −62°16′JPC30 −63°06′ −65°03′KC41 −65°21′ −65°21′KC48 −65°21′ −65°21′JPC62 −60°60′ −64°17′

Table A2. The d18O and Cl Concentrations of the PoreWater Samples

Depth (cm) Cl (mM) d18O (‰)

JPC620 570 0.4250 566 0.0075 571 0.51103 535 −0.33128 520 −0.45153 515 −0.40178 523 −0.56255 545 −0.11372 539409 530 0.13459 525 −0.08511 539 −0.21561 532 −0.03606 536 −0.23656 530 −0.24733 536 −0.33835 531 −0.35939 531 −0.191051 531 −0.251116 533 −0.141210 535 −0.14

KC410 52425 544 0.1350 553 0.0675 553 −0.11100 550125 547 −0.09150 549 −0.18175 533200 554 −0.02250 559 −0.02

KC480 555 0.1025 551 −0.1850 538 −0.4175 477 −0.90100 453 −1.44

JPC300 554 0.8525 61350 544 0.3775 580 0.40100 627 0.16125 648 0.26146 632196 588 0.05294 588 0.24369 601 0.24434 607 0.13512 573 0.24577 606 0.22

JPC2410 564 −0.30101 569 −0.39202 570 −0.39

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[32] We are grateful to the scientific party and crew membersof NBP0703. We thank Bernie Boudreau and John Higgins fordiscussing the idea and helping the model setup. The manu-script benefited greatly from thorough and constructive re-views by Robert McKay, Matthew O’Regan, an anonymousreviewer and comments by Editor Vincent Salters. This workis supported by Natural Environment Research Council(NERC award NE/E014801/1 to R. E. M. Rickaby).


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Table A2. (continued)

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305 579 −0.37457 573 −0.31557 573 −0.40659 581 −0.30763 551 −0.50859 574 −0.31960 576 −0.341060 584 −0.41

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