post office box 511 millbrae, california 94030

Millbrae Historical Society Post Office Box 511 Millbrae, California 94030 A NON PROFIT CORPORATION John Muniz President Millbrae Historical Society Post Office Box 511 Millbrae, Ca. 94030 650 455-3472 Millbrae Historical Society Proposed Carriage House History Introduction This is a project description of the proposed Millbrae Historical Society (MHS) Carriage House to be constructed on the south side (in the rear, see photo below) of the MHS museum. The Carriage House project would be completely funded by the MHS, without the use of public funds. The Carriage House would be operated and managed by the Millbrae Historical Society, just like the Millbrae Museum. The proposed Carriage House would be constructed with materials to match the exterior of the Millbrae Museum (same colors, shingles and hip roof). The Carriage House would be 750 square feet, 25’ wide by 30’ long. Purpose 1. To enhance the total visitor learning experience of the MSH Museum and Library square. 2. To house a 1931 Southern Pacific Fire Engine (owned by the MHS), and an 1890’s Larkin’s Surrey. The Carriage House would be an enhancement to the Millbrae Museum, which will allow the Millbrae Historical Society to house more artifacts representing the history of Millbrae and surrounding areas. 3. To beautify an under used, dried out, weed ridden parcel of land in the southern end of the MHS museum; with a building reminiscent of the 1890’s style carriage house. See photo above for Carriage House location.

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Millbrae Historical Society Post Office Box 511

Millbrae, California 94030


John Muniz

President Millbrae Historical Society

Post Office Box 511

Millbrae, Ca. 94030

650 455-3472

Millbrae Historical Society Proposed Carriage House History


This is a project description of the proposed Millbrae Historical Society (MHS) Carriage House to be

constructed on the south side (in the rear, see photo below) of the MHS museum. The Carriage House

project would be completely funded by the MHS, without the use of public funds. The Carriage

House would be operated and managed by the Millbrae Historical Society, just like the Millbrae

Museum. The proposed Carriage House would be constructed with materials to match the exterior of

the Millbrae Museum (same colors, shingles and hip roof). The Carriage House would be 750 square

feet, 25’ wide by 30’ long.


1. To enhance the total visitor

learning experience of the

MSH Museum and Library


2. To house a 1931 Southern

Pacific Fire Engine (owned

by the MHS), and an 1890’s

Larkin’s Surrey. The

Carriage House would be an

enhancement to the Millbrae

Museum, which will allow

the Millbrae Historical

Society to house more

artifacts representing the

history of Millbrae and

surrounding areas.

3. To beautify an under used, dried out, weed ridden parcel of land in the southern end of the

MHS museum; with a building reminiscent of the 1890’s style carriage house. See photo

above for Carriage House location.



In 1985, with a collaboration of MHS, City of Millbrae and County of San Mateo the MHS obtained

the structure located on the corner of Lawman Lane and Broadway (formerly owned and occupied by

the Spring Valley Water Company) for a museum. The original MHS museum site was 150, west of

the current museum site close to Poplar street. At the original site, the MHS (via an agreement ie

lease with the City of Millbrae) had the land to build a carriage house because the current parking lot

was a vast area of grass, which also housed the gazebo which is now in the rear of the Millbrae Park

and Recreation building. It was the intent of the MHS to build a carriage house to store the two

Larkin’s surreys which were owned by the MHS. In 2004 when the Millbrae Library bond passed, the

City of Millbrae moved the MHS museum to its current location 150 feet to the west. The grassy area

was lost to the current library parking lot. With the loss of the grassy area, the City of Millbrae and

MHS entered into an agreement to relinquish part of the current parking lot when the MHS was ready

and had the financial resource to construct a carriage house. We all know that will never happen,

therefore the next best scenario would be to build the proposed carriage house in the unused land in

the rear of the museum. Photo above left was taken in1984 of the garage on the property (adjacent to

the Spring Valley Water Company House which became the MHS Museum) which would have been

used as a Carriage House. Photo above right is the interior of the garage interior showing the types of

lighting fixtures use in the period. In the Carriage house, we would us the same type of lamps (using

Edison Bulbs) in keeping with the period.


The construction contractor is Tuff Shed of Millipedes Ca. We chose Tuff Shed because it

would be economically feasible then to hire an architect and builder to construct the Carriage

House. Engineering and revolutionary materials allow Tuff Shed to provide building of

superior design, lasting quality and one-of-kind features. See Preliminary Drawings A1 - A3

supplied by Tuff Shed. Engineering drawings will follow.

DBA Associate Concrete, of Burlingame, CA license # 5968265 will provide the excavation

and foundation work.


110 – 220 Electric Co of Millbrae will provide the plans and wiring for the Carriage House.

Total Automatic Sprinkler of Millbrae will provide the fire sprinkler system

Caccia Plumbing will provide the plumbing to support the fire sprinkler system

Carriage House garage door style

provided by Tuff Shed 10’ wide by

9’ high would be used

Hip Roof system & back asphalt

shingles, same as Millbrae Historical

Society Museum

Five 3’ X 5 ‘ double hung widows will be

provided by Tuff Shed, MHS will provide

shutters for each window to match the

museum. Rear exit door

One ADA rear entrance door

provided by Tuff Shed, with outdoor

lighting and indoor exit light.


Three vintage exterior lights,

one on each side of garage door

and one over rear exit door

Vintage interior rope lighting

with Edison Bulbs

Exterior shingles same

color as Museum building

Interior electric exit sign with

battery backup

Page 1 of 8


AGENDA REPORT 621 Magnolia Avenue

Millbrae, CA 94030

SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW for a proposed new garage for the

Millbrae Historical Society Museum located at 420 Poplar

Avenue. (Public Hearing)

Report No. 7d

For Agenda of: June 6, 2016

Address: 420 Poplar Avenue

Property Owner: Millbrae Historical


Applicant: John Muniz

Originator: Sam Fielding, Senior Planner


Project Description

Project Plans

Additional Specification Sheets

Color and Materials Board (at meeting)

Application submittal date:

January 4, 2016

Application deemed complete date:

February 24, 2016





Staff recommends that the Commission review the project, consider the public testimony and the Findings,

and consider adopting the attached Resolution approving the application for Design Review to allow a

new garage for the Millbrae Historical Society Museum located at 420 Poplar Avenue, subject to the

attached Conditions of Approval.


Project Address: 420 Poplar Avenue (Millbrae Historical Society Museum)

Site North South East West

General Plan Utility and

Public Facility

Utility and

Public Facility

Low Density


Utilities and

Public Facility

Medium Density


Zoning PF PF R-1 PF R-2

The project is located adjacent to the Millbrae Historical Society (MHS) Museum, located southeast of

the City of Millbrae Library and parking lot at 1 Library Avenue. The project site is located on the south

side of the MHS museum, within an approximately 3,600 square foot (sf), open space area. Currently,

this vacant grassy area is bordered to the east by a chain link fence and the back of the Millbrae Fire

Department’s parking lot and maintenance area and to the south by the backyard fence line for residences

located on Taylor Boulevard.

Page 2 of 8

The Millbrae Historical Society, a non-profit organization, in collaboration with the City of Millbrae and

the County of San Mateo, created the Millbrae Historical Museum. The building housing the Millbrae

Historical Museum was originally a residence used by managers of the Spring Valley Water Company,

the precursor to the San Francisco Water Department (Built in 1898, the residential building was located

on Broadway near Ludeman Lane and had a garage to store two historic vehicles). By the mid 1980’s,

the structure had fallen into disrepair and was slated to be demolished to make way for the Green Hills

Retirement Center. The Millbrae Historical Society membership and the entire community worked to

save the building from the demolition.

The residential building moved down the street to its current location next to the Millbrae Library in

January 1985. After over two years of restoration and exhibit installation by community volunteers, the

Millbrae Historical Museum opened to the public in April 1987. In 2004, when the Millbrae Library bond

passed, the City of Millbrae moved the MHS museum to its current location, 150 feet to the west of Poplar

Avenue. It was the intent of the MHS to build a new garage to store a 1931 Southern Pacific Fire Engine

and an 1890’s Larkin’s Surrey when the MHS had the financial resources and location to construct it.

The Millbrae Historical Museum provides displays depicting the history of Millbrae and the surrounding

area and includes numerous photos, artifacts, period furniture, and historical documents. The museum

currently is operated by volunteer docents and is open to the public from 12:00 am to 4:00 pm on



The proposed project is to construct a new garage on the south side of the MHS Museum to house two

historic vehicles, a 1931 Southern Pacific Fire Engine and an 1890’s Larkin’s Surrey. The new garage

would be 750 sf, 25 feet wide by 30 feet long and 16 feet high.

The project is designed to be consistent with the “Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for New Additions

to Historic Buildings.” These standards include: designing a new addition in a manner that makes clear

what is historic and what is new, (differentiating the new addition from the historic building) and the new

construction should be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and proportion, and

massing to protect the integrity of the historic property and its environment.

The new garage will be constructed with materials to differentiate from the exterior of the existing historic

adjacent Millbrae museum house.

The new garage will be differentiated from the Museum House style and design. The exterior materials

will include: a hip roof with black asphalt shingles, five 3’ X 5’ double hung, single pane, vinyl clad, one

over one, windows, white (“Acoustic White”) trim color, and the shingle siding will be painted a light

blue (“Pacific Bliss”) color. The garage door will be painted white.


There will be three exterior lights on each side of the garage door and above the exit door. The lighting

will project downwards thus avoiding light glare at night.

Page 3 of 8


Design Review

The proposed garage design will be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for New

Additions to Historic Buildings and be differentiated from the 1898 historic style of the MHS museum

house. The exterior shingle siding of the garage will be painted a light blue, with white trim on windows

and a black asphalt shingle roof. The light fixtures and garage door windows will be different from the

historic house yet complementary. The garage door windows will be vinyl clad, single pane, one over one

window, with no shutters, in order to distinguish as different from the historic house. The new garage will

be limited in size and scale as well as be set back from the existing historic house.

In addition, the proposed project is compatible with the following Millbrae General Plan Goals and

Policies to require new development complement the character of nearby historic structures (LU2.5) and

identify public facility land uses to provide for recreational and public institutional purposes that are public

serving in nature to meet the needs of Millbrae (LU3 and LU3.3)


The existing Millbrae Library parking lot provides 94 parking spaces, (including 4 two hour parking

spaces, 8 twenty minute parking spaces and 5 ADA accessible spaces). There are sufficient parking spaces

for visitors to the MHS museum to park in the library parking lot during visitor hours on Saturday. The

existing parking lot curb in front of the proposed carriage house (garage) would remain and a temporary

platform to allow the historic vehicles to travel over the curb would be used for the historical vehicles to

exit from the garage to the parking lot during special events. The vehicles would be taken out of the

carriage house for special educational events on weekends to share with the public. The MHS museum

would coordinate with the Millbrae Public Library for the temporary use of two parking spaces to park

the historic vehicles during special events. There would be no loss of parking spaces from the Millbrae

Public Library parking lot as a result of the proposed new carriage house (garage).

ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15303 (e) of the

California Environmental Quality Act in that the request is for the construction of a new, small accessory

structure including garages.


Design Review

The following findings are required under Section 10.05.2500.C.2.of the Millbrae Municipal Code in

order for the Planning Commission to approve the requested Design Review:

The architectural, landscaping, and general appearance of the proposed building or

structure and grounds are in keeping with the character of the neighborhood;

The subject site is located within a Public Facility zone and is located adjacent to an

existing public facility (Millbrae City Hall) to the north, (Millbrae Public Library and

parking lot) to the north west, (Fire Department) to the east and (single family residential)

to the south. The proposed construction of a new garage next to the MHS museum will be

Page 4 of 8

differentiated from the existing historic museum house architecture and the general

appearance and changes to the landscape will be complementary to the surrounding area

buildings. Permeable pavers will be installed for the driveway entrance to the garage. The

garage colors, windows and materials will be differentiated from the existing MHS

museum house.

The project complies with all applicable development regulations and design guidelines;

The project complies with the intent of the adopted General Plan and Millbrae Municipal

Code intent to accommodate community centers and educational facilities and accessory

uses including parking structures.

The project will not cause a significant visual impact to neighboring views because the adjacent properties are a parking lot and library located to the west of the project and Millbrae City Hall is located to the north east of the property at a lower elevation than the MHS museum and proposed garage. There are no view blockage issues given that the project site is located within a low-lying part of the city. The single family residential homes located south of the propose garage site will not have any view or shadow issues as the proposed new garage will be setback 18 feet from the fence and property line of the residences backyards and 20 feet from the library parking lot curb.

The proposal is not detrimental to the orderly, harmonious, and safe development of the City and will not impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood in which the building or structure is proposed to be erected.

The proposal will result in a new garage to store two historic vehicles to enhance the

educational experience of visitors to the MHS museum in a Public Facility zoned area. The project complies with all standards as identified in the Zoning Code, and will be required to comply with all applicable building and fire safety codes. The new garage will contribute to the publics’ educational and recreation needs, is compatible with the Millbrae Public Library in the immediate vicinity and will not decrease the desirability of the surrounding area or disrupt the orderly development of the City.

RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission review the project, consider the public testimony and the Findings,

and approve the project as proposed, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval.


Conduct a public hearing and consider adopting a Resolution approving the application of the Millbrae

Historical Society for Design Review for the construction of a new garage located adjacent to the existing

MHS museum house at 420 Poplar Avenue, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval.

Page 5 of 8







WHEREAS, the applicant has filed PA 1510-001 to request Design Review for a proposed new

garage for the Millbrae Historical Society Museum located at 420 Poplar Avenue; and

WHEREAS, the proposal will consist of a new garage with a light blue paint color palette, and

architectural design and lighting differentiated from the Millbrae History Museum; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission found that this project is designed to be consistent with the

Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for New Additions to Historic Buildings and the City’s General Plan

Goals and Policies to require new development in historic areas to differentiate yet complement the

character of nearby historic structures (LU2.5) and that Public Facility land use serves the public and

community recreational and educational needs by enhancing the educational experience for visitors to

learn about Millbrae’s history (LU3.3).

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined this project is categorically exempt per

Section 15303(e) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines; and

WHEREAS, this Planning Commission, having considered the evidence received at the public

hearing duly noticed, desires to recommend approval of the project in the manner proposed and referenced

above and in accordance with the following findings:

Design Review:

1. The architectural, landscaping, and general appearance of the proposed building or structure

and grounds are in keeping with the character of the neighborhood;

The subject site is located within a Public Facility zone and is located adjacent to an existing

public facility (Millbrae City Hall) to the north, (Millbrae Public Library and parking lot) to

the north west, (Fire Department) to the east and (single family residential) to the south. The

proposed construction of a new garage next to the MHS museum will be differentiated from

the existing historic museum house architecture and the general appearance and changes to

the landscape will be complementary to the surrounding area buildings. Permeable pavers

will be installed for the driveway entrance to the garage. The garage colors, windows and

materials will be differentiated from the existing MHS museum house.

2. The plans comply with the intent of adopted design guidelines and regulations;

The project complies with the intent of the adopted General Plan and Millbrae Municipal Code

to accommodate community centers and educational facilities and accessory uses including

parking structures.

Page 6 of 8

3. The project will not cause a significant visual impact to neighboring views from principal rooms of a residence (unless it is proven by the applicant that there is no other viable or cost-effective alternative);

There are no view blockage issues given that the project site is relatively flat and located within a low-lying part of the city. The single family residential homes located south of the propose project site will not have any view or shadow issues as the proposed new garage will be setback 18 feet from the fence and property line of the residences backyards and 20 feet from the library parking lot curb.

4. The proposal is not detrimental to the orderly, harmonious, and safe development of the City

and will not impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood in which the building or structure is proposed to be erected.

The proposal will result in a new garage to store two historic vehicles to enhance the educational experience of visitors to the MHS museum in a Public Facility zoned area. The project complies with all standards as identified in the Zoning Code, and will be required to comply with all applicable building and fire safety codes. The new garage will contribute to the publics’ educational and recreation needs, is compatible with the Millbrae Public Library in the immediate vicinity and will not decrease the desirability of the surrounding area or disrupt the orderly development of the City.



1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference

and full set forth in their entirety.

2. The adoption of the Design Review will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general


4. This resolution shall be effective immediately.

PASSED AND ADOPTED as a Resolution of the City of Millbrae Planning Commission at the public

meeting held on the 6th day of June, 2016, by the following vote:










Page 7 of 8


Project: 420 Poplar Avenue Garage Date: June 6, 2016 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:

1. This approval and all rights hereunder shall be effective for a period of one (1) year from the date of approval. The Planning Commission may extend this approval period if a written request is made and submitted by the property owner prior to the expiration of the approval period and a notice of a public hearing has been made pursuant to Section 10.05.1150 (D) of the Millbrae Municipal Code. Applicant shall photocopy these Conditions of Approval onto the building permit application, at time of submittal, to the Building Division.

2. Violation of any of the conditions of this permit shall be cause for the issuance of an infraction or citation, prosecution, and/or revocation and termination of all rights under the permit, by the City of Millbrae.

3. In the event of transfer of ownership of the property involved in this application, the new

owner shall be fully informed of the use and development of said property as set forth by this permit together with all conditions, which are a part thereof. These specific requirements must be recorded with all title conveyance documents at time of closing escrow.

4. Site development, including landscaping, shall conform to the approved plans on file in

the City of Millbrae Community Development Department. No significant changes shall be made to the approved plans without prior review and approval by the Planning Division.

5. All landscaped areas must be maintained in a neat, healthy, and growing condition,

including public parkways and street trees. 6. The property shall be developed and maintained in a neat, quiet, and orderly condition

and in a manner so as not to be detrimental to adjacent properties and occupants. This shall encompass the maintenance of the exterior facades of the building and all landscaping surrounding the building.

7. All structures shall conform to California Building Code requirements and all required

permits from the City of Millbrae Building Division must be secured prior to initiating development under the terms of this permit.

8. Any off-site improvements found to be damaged shall be repaired and/or replaced as

required by the City of Millbrae Director of Public Works. 9. All required utility easements shall be provided as indicated by the department or agency

having jurisdiction.

Page 8 of 8


A. Any proposed deviation from the Planning Commission approved plans/exhibits shall be shown to City staff for a determination of significance. All such deviations deemed significant by City staff shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and reflected in revised building plans prior to construction.

B. All exterior colors and materials shall match those submitted by the applicant, approved by the Planning Division, and on file with the Community Development Department.

C. Prior to final inspection the applicant shall work with the Park Superintendent for final approval on landscape and hardscape options at the site.

D. At the time of utility construction the applicant shall contact underground utility services and the Public Works Department prior to any trenching, excavation, or ground disturbance.

E. All necessary Building Permits are required prior to the start of any construction activity.

....... 47








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Millbrae Historical Society Carriage House





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Millbrae Museum

Proposed Carriage House

30’ 25’



H 18’
