pp8 – open questions as of october 2010 considerations ... - coordinates the "circuit of...


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Page 1: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.






25/26 SEPTEMBER 2010

2/3 OCTOBER 2010

9/10 OCTOBER 2010

Page 2: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.



DESCRIPTION OF THE INITIATIVE .............................................................................................. 3

CONCEPTUAL IDEA AND PORPOUSE OF THE PROVINCE OF MODENA ........................................ 3

MAIN OBJECTIVES AND TOPICS PRIVILEGED ............................................................................. 5

SUBJECTS INVOLVED ................................................................................................................ 6

Entities participating in the initiative ................................................................................... 6

Institutions involved .................................................................................................................. 6

Cultural Associations ................................................................................................................ 6

Economic actors ......................................................................................................................... 6

Stakeholders in tourism ........................................................................................................... 7

THE PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................ 7

PROGRAM STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................ 9

THE COMMUNICATION OF THE EVENTS .................................................................................. 13

SPECIAL PROJECT WALKIN’N TALKIN ...................................................................................... 14

RESULT INDICATORS .............................................................................................................. 17


FINAL CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................................ 30

ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................... 32

ANNEX 1 - Curricula vitae of some relators .................................................................... 32

ANNEX 2 – COMMUNICATION PICTURES ................................................................ 35

ANNEX 3 - ARCHIVE PHOTOS ........................................................................................ 45

Page 3: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.



Transromanica - An amazing journey through the Middle Ages is a series of events

conceived and organized by the Province of Modena, within the Central Europe project

"CrossCulTour”: it is a great cultural event to promote and enhance the presence of

Romanesque and medieval art in the area of Modena.

Lectures, literary discussions, performances, excursions, thematic tours, tastings and

gourmet medieval dinners took turns during the weekends of 25-26 September, 2-3 and

9-10 October 2010, in the picturesque setting of basilicas, churches, abbeys, castles and

fortresses of Modena area.

The CC Event included 45 events (conferences, meetings with the general public,

readings by famous writers, guided tours to the Romanesque and Mediaeval sites such as

the Modena Cathedral, Ghirlandina Tower, Nonantola, churches, castles, excursion on the

pilgrims’ roads, projections, tastings and banquets inspired to Mediaeval cuisine) held in

17 different places, as programmed: Modena, Levizzano Rangone, Montefiorino,

Rubbiano, Montecuccolo, Sestola, Roncoscaglia, Carpi, Spilamberto, Formigine,

Colombaro, Fanano, Nonantola, Mirandola, Quarantoli, Montegibbio, Vignola.



What are the main purposes who drive the Province of Modena to organize a series of

events like these? What is the conceptual idea behind all the organization?

First of all we have to consider that the historical and artistic heritage and cultural

diversity is a value that the Province of Modena want to safe in order to promote

protection of the territory, in the interests of tourist attractiveness and environmental


The evidences of the Middle Ages, and especially of the Romanesque represent a factor

of excellence in the local system and the Province valorizes it in an integrated way, both

at national and European level.

Page 4: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


In particular, the Province aims at the recovery, protection and promotion of the various

Romanesque sites and their territories, enhancing their vocations, and specific

characteristics, so that they became a factor in the local attraction and a cornerstone for

the promotion of cultural tourism.

For these purposes the Province promotes the cooperation between public and private

sector, in a network synergy between the various local identities, with a view of

integrating the operations and actions of cross marketing planning.

For these reasons, but not only, the Province:

- participates in the UNESCO Working Group that valorize the Cathedral of

Modena, the Ghirlandina, its bell tower, and the adjacent Piazza Grande, in 1997

recognized World Heritage Site;

- coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion

of culture and tourism of 17 medieval castles and fortresses of the province;

- coordinates the network of 50 museums of the Museum System of the Modena


For the best achievement of those objectives, the Province of Modena has organized the

"Course for creative management of cultural sites” (25-3 / 12-6-2011).

The “Course for creative management of cultural sites” is placed within the framework

of the CrossCulTour project. In particular, it is part of Work Package 4 (W.P.A: 4.1.4;

4.2.4 and 4.2.5) of the Application Form.

The course of “Creative management of cultural sites” was a training course about the

management of cultural and artistic sites addressed to young people that are entering the

labour market.

It was in fact conceived in order to provide a valid instrument to those ones that are

interested in deepening their knowledge of and experience in the cultural and tourist

sector and in starting a management activity of new historic and architectonic

discoveries of the territory of Modena.

Page 5: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


The initiative "Transromanica - An amazing journey through the Middle Ages" was a

practical application of the methodologies that emerged from the "Course of creative

management of cultural sites".


The main objectives of the initiative are:

promote the sense of heritage and a sense of cultural tradition in the local


promote a sense of belonging to a European culture;

promote and invest in cultural tourism to create employment and income


promote coordinated planning of openings and events of the sites;

promote the sustainable use of cultural heritage;

adopt new ways of cognitive and emotional approach, including through the use

of new technologies of communication media (Facebook, YouTube and web tv).

Moreover with these types of events the Province of Modena wants to emphasize some

privileged topics in particular:

valorization of the UNESCO sites of Modena (Cathedral, Ghirlandina and

Piazza Grande, the Palazzo Comunale) and the adjacent road traffic routes of

the medieval city;

development of the idea of traveling, taking a cue from Transromanica, "Main

European Route", for the following reasons:

o the old paths are closely related to the birth and development of abbeys,

churches, homes, castles and palaces;

o travel is a concept common both to the pilgrims and to today's tourists;

o travel is an element that connects and unites different peoples and

geographic areas.

Various conferences and meetings have been devoted to the themes of

pilgrimage, the road and the culture of travel in the Middle Ages;

Page 6: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


promotion of local food, one of the top of the province of Modena, especially

for the traditional foods that have ancestry in the Middle Ages.


The organization of these series of events involved a lot of people, institutions,

associations, economic actors and stakeholders in tourism.

Entities participating in the initiative

The Province of Modena, the Municipalities of Modena, Carpi, Castelvetro, Fanano,

Formigine, Mirandola, Montefiorino, Nonantola, Pavullo nel Frignano, Sassuolo, Sestola,

Spilamberto, Vignola and the Foundation of Cassa di Risparmio of Vignola.

Institutions involved

Archdiocese of Modena and Nonantola, Metropolitan Chapter of the Cathedral of

Modena, the Diocese of Carpi, Galleria Estense, Museum of Duomo di Modena, Modena

Museum of Art, Modena Museum of Figurines; Superintendence of Artistic and Historic

Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Library "A. Loria,

Carpi Museum of Palazzo dei Pio, Carpi, Museum and Documentation Centre of the

Formigine Castle, Benedictine and Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art, Nonantola Parish

Levizzano Rangone Castelvetro of Modena; Quarantoli Parish, Mirandola; Montefiorino

Parish; Sestola Parish; Spilamberto Antiquarium.

Cultural Associations

FAI (Italian Environmental Fund) Delegation of Modena, Academy of Scoltenna, Slow

Food, Cantieri d'Arte, La Dama living in Castelvetro, Modena Theatre Company "Hic

sunt Istriones", "Fellowship of the donkey carrying the Cross”, Archers and crossbowmen

Formigine Tower, "Time Zones Travel & Experiences", “La Nostra Mirandola”, Modena

Study Group Low and the Garden Club of Modena.

Page 7: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


Economic actors

The Farm Il Poggio, Levizzano of Castelvetro of Modena, “La Sorgente”, Ca 'de Bocci,

Rubbiano of Montefiorino; Farm Serra Parenti, Montecuccolo of Pavullo; Aggazzotti

Farm, Colombaro of Formigine; Restaurant Calcagnini in Formigine; Coffee Pico of the

Mirandola and several eateries and a number of agencies catering for banquets and

tastings of local cuisine inspired by the Middle Ages.

Stakeholders in tourism

Modenatur, Pro Loco “Oltre il Castello” of Formigine; IAT of the Cimone; APT of

Fanano; information points such as travel agencies, even outside the province;

accommodations such as hotels and restaurants.


The definition of the program of the events was a long process that involved different


The main steps to define the program were:

- contacting the various institutions: at first through a specific meeting,

- targeted communication and the collection of adhesion form,

- subsequent meetings and contacts with each municipality involved in order to

define the various events,

- meetings with relevant institutions and tourist information points of the area to

inform them and involve them in the initiative.

In particular, we asked the authorities to provide for each event:

- a guided visit to Romanesque sites

- lectures by deepening

- conferences / performances related historical theme

- excursions and lectures pitches

Page 8: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- conversations on literary and historical

- tasting of food of the Mediaeval period, with the involvement of private operators

Moreover the Province of Modena in collaboration with the authorities manages the

evaluation phase in particular organizing the:

- evaluation of the target addressed by the initiative

- assessment of the characteristics of the hosting institution (museum, municipality,


- evaluation of the characteristics of the monuments or of the territory to be


- assessment of the type of initiative

- assessment of the various actors to be involved

- assessment of how to integrate in the event other interesting cultural or natural


- assessing whether there were other interesting initiatives to enhance the initiative

- assessment of the objectives: the constant link with the theme of the event, the

Romanesque, the Middle Ages, and above all the idea to go beyond the Italian

borders to underline the European roots of the Romanesque. We sought to provide

codes of interpretation to a wider and differentiated audience.

During the final realization of the events the Province of Modena closely collaborated

with the institutions involved.

The role of the Province of Modena was about:

o the advice on art history through the skills of the tourism and culture service.

This made it possible to better target the events;

o the coordination of various initiatives to ensure coherence and organic unity

of the program and avoid overlap and duplication;

o the development of the program for the press to maintain uniformity of

style, in the brochure, the poster, etc.;

Page 9: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


o the organizational support management, the Province managed the contacts

with the speakers, with associations, etc. on the basis of their experience and

of the relations it has with its territory;

o the administrative support, the Province of Modena took care of all actions

relating to the relationship with the speakers and with the various suppliers

involved in the events;

o providing a plan for the dissemination of advertising materials (brochures,

playbills, posters, radio spots).

The role of the institutions involved was required to:

o have meetings with the Province for the definition of events;

o collaborate in the development of the program;

o take contacts and manage the relations with the various stakeholders of

their own territory;

o directly organize and manage the events;

o cooperate to promote the event.


The events can be divided in two categories: the ones that took place inside Modena and

the ones that took place outside it. Moreover, another distinction can be made according

to the main theme of the event: the idea of the travel or the gastronomic tradition.

In Modena, the initiatives focused in particular on to the enhancement of the UNESCO


o itinerant conferences of Graziella Martinelli Braglia and Luca Silingardi to

illustrate the Cathedral of Ghirlandina, the Piazza Grande and the medieval city:

they represent a prototype / model of a tour aimed at an audience of even non-

professionals, providing interpretation code and suggestions that can also capture

the interest of young people flocked through word of mouth;

Page 10: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


o guided tour of the cathedral at night, by Renato Cavani;

o the Cathedral of Modena in tarot cards, Patricia Curti conference at the Museum

of Figurines;

o night in a UNESCO site, prepared by the Museum of Art:

guided tours of the Ghirlandina

guided tours of the medieval parts of the Palazzo Comunale with

technicians, professors and researchers at the University of Modena and

Reggio Emilia;

presentation of the book The Stones of Modena on the restauration and

reuse of space project in the medieval Palazzo Comunale.

In the whole territory the initiatives have focused on two issues: the idea of the travel

and the gastronomic tradition.

The idea of the travel

- Montefiorino, Romanesque church of Santa Maria Assunta of Rubbiano (former

hospice for pilgrims on the medieval Via Bibulca): guided tour and lecture by

Luciano Ruggi Kalak of Matthew;

- Montefiorino, hiking along the Bibulca and stop at the Romanesque church of

Sant'Andrea Vitriola;

- Pavullo in Frignano: guided walks along the ancient route that led from Pavullo

Montecuccolo castle and its medieval castle;

- Sestola, Roncoscaglia: Roman Oratory of San Biagio: guided tour by Mario

Bartoli, T-TUBE installation of the artist Sabrina Bastai and performance of

contemporary art;

- Presentation of the restauration of the painting Presentation in the Temple, by

Daniela Ferriani of Superintendence for Artistic and Historical Heritage of

Modena and Reggio Emilia;

- Sestola, Borgo del Castello: guided tour of the Romanesque church of San Nicola;

Page 11: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Carpi (according to tradition, founded by King of the Lombards Astolfo, as a

garrison in the plain of Modena on the way to the river Po and Mantua):

• Romanesque church of Santa Maria in Castello "The Feast" conference

Frugoni Chiara and Paolo Golinelli, guided tours;

• Courtyard of the Castle / Palace Pio: women and dramatic representation

of the Countess Matilda, text by Paolo Golinelli;

• Traces of the Middle Ages in Carpi, edited by Fabio Bonvicini;

• Castello dei Pio: guided tours and themed itineraries for adults and

children in medieval sites;

• Castello dei Pio: The Warrior, The ancient towers, workshops for children

(5-10 years);

• Castello dei Pio: special openings of medieval towers, with guides

(Passerino Tower, Tower of the Spanish);

- Formigine Colombaro, Romanesque church of San Giacomo, former hospital of

the pilgrims route led by Luca Silingardi;

- Fanano (founded by the Lombards in the garrison of the Passo Croce Arcana in

the Modena along the Via Romea):

• Guided walk along the Via Romea;

• Parish Church of San Silvestro, guided historical path;

• Presentation of the book by Claudio Visentin Travels with a donkey;

- Nonantola, former refectory of the Abbey: Arturo Carlo Quintavalle conference

and visit to Romanesque sites;

- Mirandola (ancient road that connected the Modena area in Ostiglia and the River


- Quarantoli, Romanesque church of Santa Maria della Neve: guided tour in

costume, conferences Tusini Gianluca Calzolari, Mauro;

- Vignola (garrison Nonantola Abbey on the ancient Via Romea), Fortress Against:

lecture-performance by Stefano Masi and Luca Catanzaro.

Page 12: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


In Modena, inorder to develop the theme of travel in the Middle Ages, were held the

following initiatives:

- University of Modena and Reggio Emilia:

o On the path of pilgrims. Archaeobotany medieval conference by Marta


o On the path of pilgrims. Roads in the Middle Ages, Milena Bertacchini


o On the path of pilgrims. The scallop, Paolo Serventi conference.

- Museo Civico d'Arte: Knights of the pilgrimage on the streets, meeting with

Franco Cardini;

- Time Zones Travel & Experience (business frequented by many young people

which candidated itself for an event able to focus the interest on the major

communication roads): Vale, viator. Walking in the footsteps of the twenty-first

century travelers and pilgrims, a conversation with the writer Enrico Brizzi.

The gastronomic tradition

Medieval banquets were set up inspired by the medieval kitchen and tasting at the

following locations:

Levizzano: walk in the vineyards of Lambrusco Grasparossa of the farm Il Poggio

and tasting;

Rubbiano at Montefiorino: dinner Old tastes on the Bibulca way;

Montefiorino: after-dinner drink with berries to metato La Sorgente at Ca 'de


Montecuccolo Pavullo: Dinner at Agriturismo Serra Parenti and stories around the


Sestola, Castle: the 'Accogliente Convivio" with medieval cakes;

Modena, Palazzo dei Musei: tasting of medieval food;

Carpi, Courtyard of the Castle-Palace of Pio: medieval banquet with

entertainment in medieval costume;

Page 13: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


Spilamberto, Rocca Rangoni: Conference “Stories and flavors of the Middle

Ages”, with Bruno Andreolli and chef Paolo Reggiani inspired by the medieval

kitchen and tasting;

Colombaro (Formigine): tasting at the Agriturismo Aggazzotti;

Formigine, Calcagnini Restaurant in the Castle: Medieval Banquet with a

brochure describing the various foods;

Fanano: tasting of local food;

Mirandola, near the church of Quarantoli: tasting of local foods;

Sassuolo, Castle of Montegibbio: illustration of medicinal plants, construction of

a medieval kitchen, animation of old shops and tasting of Middle Ages food.

Matching culture with food and wine has been particularly appreciated by the public and

has increased considerably the number of audience that attended the events.


The communication organization was really important for series of events like these. The

Province of Modena has used almost all types of communication tools: from the classic

use of local newspapers to generic or more specific websites, from magazines to ne media

tools such as social networks, blogs, YouTube, …, etc.

In the communication of the events a particular role was played by a special project

named Wankin’n Talking that has used the new 2.0 tools such as Facebook, the blog,

twitter, YouTube (see the following paragraph “SPECIAL PROJECT WALKIN’N

TALKIN”) to promote the events.

The Province of Modena supported by Heidi Comunicazione also organized official press

releases and managed the publication of articles on newspapers, magazines and websites.

Please see ANNEX 2 – COMMUNICATION for the complete series of communication

tools employed. Below some examples.

Page 14: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Publication on newspaper “L’informazione” -

- Publication on newspaper “Resto del Carlino”-

- Website: http://www.beniculturali.it (Ministry of National Heritage and Culture) -

Page 15: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.



The project Walkin'n Talkin - Tour Transromanica in 2.0 was born out the Course

"Creative management of cultural sites" promoted by the Province of Modena and the

European Project CrossCulTour-Transromanica.

It foresaw the integration of new technologies of communication media, Facebook,

YouTube and Web TV with the heritage of the Middle Ages Modena. A group of girls

with different cultural skills, with photo-cameras and viedo-cameras, traveled with a

camper through places and events of the initiative.

Through the metaphor of the journey, an information and promotion system of the

festival was developed. Thanks to it, we have reached a broader public otherwise distant

from the traditional cultural circuit, as young people.

The use of a diverse range of social networks has allowed the development of the action

of communication and promotion of Transromanica with maximum efficiency and


They made interviews to the protagonists of the event, known speakers but also to

ordinary people and young people, interpreting feelings, giving voice to thoughts,

impressions, words. The project "Walkin'n Talkin - Transromanica tour" led to create a

media product with audio-video recordings of the highlights of this event. Among the

video interviews, we can underline the one to Enrico Brizzi, reportage on Claudio

Visentin Fanano, shooting archery and dancing at the age of Formigine Castle, the

medieval kitchen with serving on the Andreolli Bruno Rocca Rangoni Spilamberto, visit

Guided Modena medieval Graziella Martinelli Braglia and the Cathedral of Modena Luca


FACEBOOK Walkin Talkin

411 friends after 4 weeks (now is growing).

Network of friends selected between young, citizens of Modena and Province of

Modena, cultural organizations and other actors close to project topics.

Thanks to this first network it was possible to select the public of Transromanica 2.0,

the official fan page of the Festival.

Page 16: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


Transromanica in 2.0: fan page

179 fan

Weekly production of report to official Crosscultour Festival.

Production of short extending and sharing of link to take alive the interest on the



Facebook has emerged as one of the most valuable tools to get in touch with the public

before and after the events proposed by the festival. Through it indeed was possible not

only to inform but also to respond quickly to public curiosity. (For example technical

information have been given to those who request and was able to interact with the public

directly from the scene).

TWITTER WalkinTalking

14 follower


Tool to be improved in the future especially for the many possibilities of expansion on

the Italian territory and the live streaming.


The channel WalkinTalking proved to be an incredibly effective promotional tool.

Visualizzation channel: 257

Total Visualizzation: 1309

About 25 video of the event Crosscultour.

The channel is an archive of the event and a place of possible investigation on

Modena cultural system and also on the topics analyzed.

The contributions that make up the channel are interviews, short skits and

presentations that have been highly successful. (For example have been included

along with the blog in the mailing list of culture office of Formigine).

Page 17: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


The videos have been simultaneously loaded on the channel as well as on other social

media that make up the communication network Walkin'n Talkin.


http://walkinnandtalking.blogspot.com : 46 post.

The blog was the best way to describe the actual experience of Transromanica 2.0. In

addition to promoting the various events through in-depth post on speakers and in-depth

historical testimony to the fervent activity of our group through travel stories



Realization of the broadcasting Transromanica 2.0 on the channel Ustream.


Ustream is without doubt one of the tools we need to know and to improve. It was

nevertheless shown a challenging experiment. Some events, as the meeting with

Professor Enrico Brizzi Andreolli, were followed through the live stream from home.

This medium also allowed the recording of the conference and feedback directly with

users through web chat and Twitter.


Below are reported the series of results indicators.

Awareness raising: No 8 meetings

Cultural events included in the program: No 45

The public bodies involved: 14 municipalities and the Province of Modena

The associations involved: No 12

The institutions involved: No 9

Lecturers, teachers, scholars participated: No 45

Page 18: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


Private operators, suppliers directly involved: No 23

Printed advertising material distributed: No 20000 programs, No 1000 posters

Participants in events on the basis of data provided by various contacts: No estimate


Site visitors during the period, during the special opening: No estimate 8,000.

Facebook, Project Walkin'n Talkin "friends" in 4 weeks: 411 friends and 179 fans in the

fan page.

Sites, before closed, that were opened during the Transromanica initiative: No 9

1. Roman Oratory of San Michele, Levizzano Rangone, City of Castelvetro;

2. Castle Levizzano Rangone, City of Castelvetro;

3. Romanesque church of Santa Maria Assunta, and his "Old Rectory", recently

restored, Rubbiano, City of Montefiorino;

4. Romanesque church of Sant'Andrea, Vitriola, City of Montefiorino;

5. Roman Oratory of San Biagio, Roncoscaglia, Sestola;

6. Romanesque church of San Nicola at the Castle, Sestola;

7. Spaces and rooms in the Castello di Carpi usually closed, including the Tower and

the Tower of Passerino the Spaniards;

8. Pieve di San Giacomo, Colombaro, Formigine;

9. Castle Montegibbio, Sassuolo.

These sites have been opened for this special occasion, hosted events and were presented

with guided tours.

Socio-cultural-psychological result profile

There has certainly been a permanent increase in the level of interest and participation of

local residents in activities associated with the event and the strengthening of the values

of local traditions.

Growth of social pride and of community spirit.

The experience has offered many opportunities for citizens to learn more about medieval

civilization, places where they live and their historical and artistic values.

Page 19: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


It has strengthened the role of cultural and voluntary associations.

Political result profile

Increased international recognition of the area and of its values and spread of political

values of the government of the local population.

Results in terms of tourist attraction

Increased awareness of the area as a tourist destination as well as increase of the

potentialities in terms of investment and commercial activities in the area.

Economic result profile

Usually, in the cultural sector it is difficult to collect reliable economic data that can be

shared, compared and useful, assessing the economic impact.

It is difficult to reduce the result to a mathematical formula. The event has certainly

generated an “upstream” value (it has supported the employment, income, quality of

skills of operators, generated savings, with a waterfall also reflected in the sectors linked

to it: bar, pizzerias, restaurants, shops open during the event etc..) but also generated a

“downstream” value consisting of the series of social benefits irreplaceable, which are

difficult to be obtained through other types of investment: the improvement of quality of

life individuals, stimulation of private involvement in public interest activities, increase

the attractiveness of an area as a whole, in a virtuous cycle that increases the level of

cohesion, identity, and social - in a word – of “well-being” of the community.

Physical result

It should be noted that in this respect there has been a joint effort in terms of supply of

services, through coordinated planning of the openings of the sites, especially the most

distant ones which are often excluded from the normal tourists flow (some have just

opened for the occasion) and the concerted management for major sites.

In this context it is worth highlighting an important control activities, maintenance and

management of access areas to places where events were held.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


Result as experience a of "good practice" between the agencies involved

It should be stressed that the overall work has paved the way to build a "network" of

Romanesque sites in the Modena area able to communicate with other "network" systems

of the Romanesque in Italy and Europe

The logic of the cultural system, also based on the return of tourists from one point to

another through a designed circuit taking into account the multiple plots and links with

the surrounding area, to which the cultural property belonging to it is strictly bound,

respond to the current characteristics of the local tourism industry, by setting up the

system as consistent and responsive to the needs expressed by the demand.



In assessing the performance indicators that the event “Transromanica - An amazing

journey through the Middle Ages” has produced, it is tried to apply to this area of cultural

productivity the rules used for the valuation of standards output in any other field of

public action.

So we tried to pull over to mere quantifiable results in terms of numbers (not easily

identifiable) to those quantified for the promotion and cultural development, of course,

the latter quantified with greater accuracy.

In fact, the examination of the relationship established between the territory and a special

cultural event that takes place in it, in relation to the event in question, it must not only

recognize the financial benefits that such an event tends to generate. It is necessary to

take proper account the intangible benefits, such as the sense of belonging, socialization,

enhancing the cultural literacy.

The cultural tourism has now ceased to be a niche, becoming a mass phenomenon marked

by a large number of specific segments that has, as its main content, the experience of

culture and the desire to experience different lifestyles from their own.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


The critical acclaim and audience about the show, was collected during several events

through specific questions to the participants, from visits to the website that had the

program for the event and subsequent comments made by users on the internet, the

satisfaction expressed by participants to the organizers at the event, the request to know

and be informed about future initiatives related to the theme of the Romanesque. A

judgment that was largely positive. It is worth in this regard a particularly strong interest

and attendance to the guided tours to sites, especially by young people.

Compared to the economic and tourism indicators should be noted that there was the

opening of restaurants, pizzerias, bars, trading during the period, while it was not possible

to quantify the presence in the hotels.

It has also been produced and consumed more tourist information material, increased

contacts on tourism websites and there were more requests for visits to individual

initiatives and art venues.

Below we report place by place the activities and the number of participants to each event.



In the three events on Saturday with the historical-artistic The cathedral of Modena: a

fascinating book of stone, Luca Silingardi led the visitors to discover one of the most

exemplary of Roman civilization. Were presented with great skill so the lanfranchiana

innovative packaging solutions, as the amazing inventions of sculptural Wiligelmo and

his followers, against a very attentive and sympathetic audience, which included an

important youth audience. The cathedral of Modena, in the story of Silingardi, proved to

be really a "book of stone" in which you can read many of the symbolic and theological

content of the age in which it was made.

Number of participants: it was calculated a total of about 430 participants in the journey

in three days.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.



Graziella Martinelli Braglia accompanied a result, characterized by the presence of

numerous youth, in a fascinating journey back in time through a "champion" medieval

city of Modena. The route crossed Corso Duomo, Via S. Euphemia, by Carter and via S.

James. The illustration of the aspects of urban-architecture has been combined in an

exemplary way with the narration of the events of the city through the Middle Ages.

Number of participants: it was calculated a total of about 430 participants in the journey

in three days.

Dwell in the house of San Gemini (October 2)

The guided tour of the Cathedral behind closed doors, by Renato Cavani, an appointment

was particularly appreciated by the audience participating for both the picturesque

evening atmosphere, and for the skillful narration of the aspects of medieval piety. The

rediscovery of the architectural beauty of the cathedral was accompanied by a fascinating

story about how they perceived and inhabited the great "house Geminiano" by men of the

Middle Ages Modena.

Number of visitors: there were about 250 admissions

BOTANICAL GARDEN-University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Sunday, 26


The conference Archaeobotany medieval, curated by Marta Mazzanti and dedicated

exclusively to the Middle Ages, following the thread of the journey of the pilgrims, was

followed by a particularly public investment, which packed the hall of the University.

After the meeting, was offered an original cocktail "medieval" with samples of plants that

have been discussed in the conference (pomegranate, dogwood, elder), much appreciated

by those present.

Number of spectators were occupied all 40 seats, the maximum capacity of the


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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


POWER 'OF HUMANITIES - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Saturday,

October 2)

Milena Bertacchini and Paul Crews have led viewers into the amazing journey of the

pilgrims through a fascinating story in two voices. An attentive audience and participant

has filled the room, showing great interest in the topic, one of the strands of the initiative,

and then congratulating the rapporteurs at the end of their intervention.

Number of spectators were filled all 65 seats, many people have also assisted to his feet.

MUSEUM OF ART (Sunday, 3 October)

More than 150 people listened in "religious silence" the intervention of the Knights on

the path of pilgrimage Franco Cardini, one of the most popular Italian medievalists in the

world. His story on the door of the Fish has provided new and fascinating questions about

the great "stone book" which is the cathedral of Modena. The convivial meeting offered

by the "Lady Living" Castelvetro, has been the perfect backdrop to the end of the visit to

the medieval works of the Museum of Art, bringing together an audience that has

expressed keen interest and great appreciation for the event.

Number of visitors attending the events: about 150 people.

MUSEUM FIGURINE (Saturday, October 9)

The presentation of Patrick Curtis and Walter Martinelli Arcana Stone won an audience

of over 70 people, despite having in place an afternoon full of cultural events, even within

the same Palazzo Margherita. There was great curiosity for the "1099 Domus Clara

Geminiani, card game inspired by the construction of the Cathedral of Modena, which

was shown at the end of the presentation of the project and documented by the girls

walkin 'n talkin with photos uploaded to Facebook.

Number of visitors: about 70 people.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


NIGHT IN THE SITE UNESCO. Between towers and palaces. (Saturday 9 October)

The opening night of the Tower Ghirlandina and the archaeological site of the Town Hall

has been one of the most awaited and appreciated in view of Modena. It was possible to

visit the Tower in groups of about 20 people, led by municipal technicians, researchers

and students from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, in an evocative

atmosphere "by candlelight." The visit ended on the fifth floor in the hall of Torres, with

a brief interlude of medieval music live by the cultural association "Cantieri d'art."

Number of participants in the initiative: 150 visitors were welcomed, the maximum

number expected.

TIME ZONE - Conversation with Enrico Brizzi (Sunday, 10 October)

Travel, experience, personal stories and more are stranded in the tale Vale, viator writer

Enrico Brizzi. What it means to be pilgrims in the days of social networks? The

conversation centered on the philosophy of walking and figures on travelers, has had a

large and heterogeneous audience, who did not leave the square until the evening.

Number of spectators: the number of spectators is around 100.


CASTELVETRO (Saturday 25 and Sunday, September 26)

An audience of up to 40 reservations a few days earlier collections, participated in the

charming animated visit Winegrowers, troubadours and apothecaries in the vineyards of

Lambrusco Grasparossa, which ended at the castle of Levizzano with an impressive

banquet medieval style, described as "a masterpiece of Restaurant "by the people.

Sunday 26, an engaging reading of Boiardo and Ariosto Women, love, jealousy in the

Poetry Festival, has entertained many audiences with a particularly fine show, featuring a

wonderful performance by Marco Santagata, Sonia Bergamasco and Fabrizio Gifuni.

Number of visitors attending the events: about 50 participants of the animated Saturday

25 and about 400 spectators at the performance on Sunday 26.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


Montefiorino (Saturday 25 and Sunday, September 26)

On Saturday afternoon 25, the guided tour of the Romanesque church of Rubbiano by

Luciano Ruggie, meeting with Matt at Kalak, Celestial Beasts, monsters and symbols of

the Romanesque, were both highly appreciated. The audience in the hall, coming from

various parts of the region, proved to be very observant and has expressed interest for the

topics to Rubbia, in general, the program implemented in the province. Even the

appreciation of the work of the project girls walkin 'n talkin, which broadcast an

interview with Al Kalak, has shown interest in a new and "young" on cultural issues in

thickness and quality.

The medieval dinner in the rectory of the church provided the evening of Saturday has

been postponed, with no disruption to Friday, October 1 for health reasons of the cook,

and has proved a great success, however, both the novel and attractive setting for both the

delicious menu.

On Sunday morning 26, the mild and sunny climate has contributed to the excellent

success of the excursion to the Romanesque church of Sant'Andrea Vitriola along a path

that led up to the Church of Rubbiano, and then ended with a lunch and a digestif made

from local products.

Number of visitors attending the events: there were about 40 spectators at the conference

on Saturday, 15 people on a Sunday excursion, and 30 people at a medieval dinner

Friday, Oct. 1.

SESTOLA (Sunday, 26 September)

The impressive event T-Tube, Roncoscaglia to a conference-performance-installation

designed by Sabrina Bastai, saw a participation of more than 200 people were gathered in

groups in order to allow everyone the enjoyment of the initiative. The varied audience,

some of which coming from other provinces, he stayed until late afternoon, I particularly

welcome the approach of the original and fascinating artists, which has made this one of

the most exciting initiative in Transromanica.

The illustration of the restoration of the painting Presentation in the Temple by Daniela

Bursa, Livio Best and Danielle Ferrigno, in the setting of the Sala della Vecchia Osteria

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


del Borgo del Castello, was followed by an audience of about 40 people, and a similar

number of participants took part in the guided tour of the Romanesque church of San


Number of visitors attending the events: there was a total of some 315 participants.

Carpi (Saturday 2nd, Sunday, Oct. 3)

What Carpi was a weekend full of events, with a turnout above expectations. On

Saturday afternoon two very interesting it was found for the pills from medieval

iconography Chiara Frugoni and Paolo Golinelli, who have shown skill with the themes

of religion and unbelief of the Middle Ages, in the picturesque setting of the Courtyard of

Palazzo dei Pio. As part of the Feast of the story, the theater company Hic sunt istriones

has delighted audiences with the show ladies and the Countess Matilda, with text and

theatrical presentation by Paolo Golinelli.

On Saturday night ended with the medieval palace, with guided tours and themed

itineraries for adults and children in places of the medieval castle, in search of open

spaces to the public for the occasion, by Cristina Bend.

Worth noting is the special opening, the two days of the Church of Santa Maria in

Castello, the Tower of Passerino, and the Tower of the Spaniards. The tours to these

architectural treasures of the area have attracted many visitors.

Number of visitors attending the initiatives have been calculated about a hundred

appearances in the events of Saturday, while the data of the visits amounted to 80

participants on Medieval Night, 548 visitors and 25 participants in the tour for The

Festival, 670 visitors Tower of Passerino and 120 of the Spanish visitors to the Tower.

SPILAMBERTO (Saturday, October 2)

Alla Rocca Rangoni has spent a beautiful Saturday to the discovery of ancient tastes.

Andreolli Bruno, professor of medieval history, and chef Paolo Reggiani, told with

passion, as part of the meeting at the table with the barbarians, the eating habits of our

lands between high and late Middle Ages. After the conference, and Reggiani Andreolli

were interviewed by the girls walkin 'n talkin on stories, tastes and sights of medieval

Page 27: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


cuisine. It is in the medieval kitchen, late afternoon, was inspired by the tastings invited

to the banquet, very welcome initiative by the participants.

Number of participants in action: there were about 60 and about 50 attended the

conference to the tasting.

FORMIGINE (Sunday, 3 October)

There was a large influx of participants for the itinerary atmosphere of the era, led by

Luca Silingardi, so that you are not able to accommodate all bookings. The route led

participants through the streets of the medieval pilgrims retracing ancient paths off the

beaten. The significant appreciation of the visit he witnessed the public interest in the

unique approach to the sites visited.

In the center was held instead in the late afternoon, the event period atmosphere, with

dancing and games-at-arms in commemoration of costume, by the Pro Loco of

Formigine, who has entertained and thrilled audiences of all age.

Particularly appreciated was also impressive in strict medieval style banquet prepared by

the restaurant "Il Calcagnini," which was an exceptional event for an audience coming

from outside the province.

Of note is also devoted to the opening of the Castle, which hosted over 230 visitors in

the two slots in the morning and afternoon.

Number of visitors attending the events: There were 52 participants drove the route,

medieval dinner at 28, 100 spectators and 236 visitors to the historic commemoration

dedicated to the opening of the Castle.

MIRANDOLA (Saturday 9 and Sunday, October 10)

In the afternoon of Saturday 10, at the Church of Quarantoli, the original costume in a

tour organized by the Association "Our Mirandola" has been a significant success, and

involved a rather large audience. Equally appreciated was the next conference, with

assistance of Gianluca Tosini and Mauro Shoemaker, who led the audience to discover

evidence of medieval enclosed in the "Romanesque gem" that is the Church of


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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


On Sunday 10, the tour in costume led visitors into the downtown streets of Mirandola.

Luca Gherardi has instead kept the charming aperitif literary Lectura Dantis Farinata

degli Uberti, a politically influential even in death, which has seen a significant


Number of visitors attending the initiatives were recorded in total, about 70 people to

action on Saturday 9, and 50 people to action on Sunday.

SASSUOLO (Sunday, 10 October)

The attractive two-way street heading Between history and legend: a journey of scent

and perfume, Vincenzo Vandelli led the visitors to explore the castle, and Rosalba Caffo

Dallari narrated the story of the use of herbs and spices to the kitchen aromas. The

initiative was a success significantly higher than expected: In addition to record bookings

70 days prior to the event, have submitted more than 100 people. Were then organized

into more than two visits to the two provided in order to accommodate all visitors.

Number of visitors attending the initiatives have been calculated about 200 admissions.

PAVULLO IN FRIGNANO (Saturday 25 and Sunday, September 26)

On Saturday afternoon 26, the unfavorable weather conditions did not deter the

participants in the lively promenade between light and shadow at the foot of the castle,

which, despite the rain in flashes in the late afternoon, they completed the journey along

the ancient road, until to the magnificent Castle Montecuccolo. The dinner at the farm

Serra Parenti has been a perfect conclusion of morning walk and was also highly


Which path the Indre, the proposed location Querciagrossa Sunday, was on a journey

back in the uses and traditions of the area, with visits to some villages near Montecuccolo

fascinating to discover the rural culture of the Apennines. The morning ended with a visit

to the Castle, which involved about 40 participants in the path.

Number of participants in the initiatives: the matter of participation in the initiatives of

the two days is around 55 appearances.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


Fanano (Saturday, October 9)

The theme of the trip has characterized the efforts to Fanano Saturday 9: The day started

with a guided walk along the Via Romea, the discovery of the rock inscriptions in La

Sega Hospitable, followed by a fun treasure hunt, designed to adults and children. In the

afternoon, the inauguration of the historical path led to the Church of San Silvestro, it was

possible to lay the tiles and taste typical local delicacies.

The Town Hall has hosted the speech instead of Claudio Visentin who presented his

book Travels with a donkey, written with Andrea Bocconi: a travel writer and a

university professor and two children lead their donkey along the ancient paths of

'Abruzzo, Tagliacozzo in Celano. In the car on the highway that runs beside it would take

up half an hour. Arriving at their destination after a week of low, very low speed, with

stops, detours, unexpected encounters between mountains, forests, villages, churches and

ruins: an Italy 'minor' unknown to most, but where he prepares an important part of our

futuro.Gli viewers have expressed great interest in the approach SlowFoot of the authors,

and the magic of this story on the slow journey with children and animals.

Number of participants in the initiatives has been calculated a total of 50 participants in

the events the day.

NONANTOLA (Saturday, October 9)

The splendid frescoes of the Room of City Hall hosted the conference by Arturo Carlo

Quintavalle, one of the most eminent scholars of medieval art history. The surgery was

followed by a large audience, varied, and with an important presence of young people,

who listened carefully to the exposure to the Romanesque frescoes of the city. The tour

has been a significant success and represented a valuable opportunity for the discovery of

sites of interest are not always open to visitors. It is also noted the influx of many visitors

from outside Nonantola.

Number of participants in the initiatives: About 100 people attended the conference and

about 50 people took part in the tour.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


Vignola (Sunday, 10 October)

Great success for the Conference play-The Dragon and the Mermaid by Stefano Masi

and Luca Catanzaro, held in the hall against the Rock on Sunday afternoon. The

spectators have been fascinated by the evocative projections and readings from medieval

texts, and many have held to congratulate the authors for the extreme sophistication of the

show. There was also the presence of a significant part of the audience coming from

outside the council, and presumably has followed many of the initiatives of the event.

Number of spectators were calculated about 90 spectators


The network of Roman sites certainly appears as a new tourist segment to be attached to

those already known to targeted groups or individual visitors, valid for one trip out of

town for a holiday of longer duration in a European dimension.

The awareness of the value of these historical sites, as well as representing a moral

wealth to the local population and for external visitors, also determine the economic

growth if combined with elements of excellence that live in the Modena area, increasing

the attractiveness and dialogue with different target audiences.

The uncertainty of public resources, the increase of services for the leisure time, the

greater involvement of private individuals on cultural projects, the growth of

management skills of cultural workers and consumption of art and culture as a

differentiating factor in the life styles and the construction of a new collective identity

have imposed a more open attitude towards the target audience and their needs,

particularly as regards the "paths" of cultural consumption. Pathways - such as is offered

on the sites of Roman in Modena - revealed synergies between new artistic realities on

the same territory and users open to different and diverse cultural consumption.

The awareness of cultural operators that they are not working in an isolated and

uncontaminated area, but moving in a well-defined territory, peopled by a variety of

Page 31: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


social and cultural actors, is primarily a cultural achievement as well as an effective

marketing tool.

The "cooperation" between institutions, in a specific territory planning, was one of the

strengths for the success of the events.

The problem is not so much to bring tourists and visitors to the Roman site as more or

less passive spectator of a cultural experience, but create the "opportunity" to

spontaneously return after finishing and this is particularly true for the public of young


In this sense, it must be also included the choice of the information channels in relation

to new technologies and in particular the use of newsletters, mailing lists of a public

already stored, the interventions on the social networks, targeted projects such as

"walking talking" where are the young people themselves to build the proposal to become

the protagonists of the promotion of the event and then to intercept the user segments of

youth with appropriate language but also to establish a virtuous and inspiring dialogue

with the other user segments.

Be informed, seek, acquire, download, customize, make the voice heard, express

opinions, participate in cultural event allow to be "emotionally" involved.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.




Bruno Andreolli, professor at the University of Bologna, is currently teaching subjects

within medieval studies at the Faculty of Preservation of Cultural Heritage and

Humanities of the same University, also teaches courses in SSIS and master's degree in

History and Culture Food. He is the author of several essays on medieval agrarian


Milena Bertacchini is from 1990 at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of

Modena and Reggio Emilia, where he teaches undergraduate courses in Geology, Natural

Science and Cultural Heritage, Curator of the Museum of the Department of Earth

Sciences "Gemma 1786 ", the author of research and scientific papers of Geoarchaeology,

engaged in teaching and dissemination.

Enrico Brizzi not yet twenty debut with his first novel, Jack Frusciante left the group,

translated into twenty-four countries and now film in 1996. His bibliography includes

seven novels, a collection of stories written for four hands, unauthorized autobiography

of 1999, a critical study of 2006, three for writing stories and pictures and one for


Franco Cardini has taught at several universities, such as, for example, those of

Middlebury and Barcelona. He became full professor, from 85 to 89 has taught Medieval

History at the University of Bari and since 1989 has been the chair of the Teaching of

History at the University of Florence. E 'Directeur d'Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes

Etudes en Sciences Sociales and Yellow at Harvard University. He is currently seconded

Page 33: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


to the 'Istituto of Human Sciences, Center of Excellence at the University of Florence.

His output is vast literature and fundamental studies of medieval history.

Daniela Ferriani is an art historian of the Superintendency for the Artistic, Historical

and Ethno-anthropological Heritage of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He has a wealth of

essay writing and production collaborations with numerous exhibitions and cultural

events. She is specializing in the protection and restoration of cultural heritage. She

collaborates with various universities.

Chiara Frugoni, former professor of Medieval History at the University of Pisa and

Rome II, major contributor to periodicals, has a fertile business writer. Among his books:

Life of a Man: Francis of Assisi with an introduction by Jacques Le Goff (1995);

Thousand and not more than a thousand. Travel between the fears of the millennium with

Georges Duby (1999); Middle Ages on the nose. Glasses, buttons and other medieval

inventions (2001), from star to star, memoirs of a country farmer (2003). She is an expert

on medieval iconography, she must be fundamental iconographic interpretations of the

findings Wiligelmo del Duomo di Modena.

Paolo Golinelli is Associate Professor of Medieval History at the University of Verona.

Known internationally, focuses on the relationship between religion and society in the

Middle Ages through the hagiographic sources and some of the most emblematic figures

of the time, as Matilde di Canossa and Celestine V. He has edited with great Giuliano

Muzzioli Illustrated History of Modena.

Arturo Carlo Quintavalle, former inspector in the Superintendents, who teaches art

history at several American universities and since 1964 at the University of Parma, is the

founder and director of the Center for Communication Studies and Archives (CSAC), the

greatest collection of Italian design project , photography, comics, graphic and fashion

design. He is 'the most famous scholars of medieval art history, with fundamental studies

of Roman culture and the tracks of the pilgrims.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


Paolo Reggiani is an expert on food history that has active collaboration with consortia

food - is Vice President of the Consorzio Modena at the table "- and with museums in the

Modena area, particularly with the Museum of balance Campogalliano, speeches at

conferences and lectures on the topic.

Marco Santagata graduated from the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in Italian

literature. Over the years become a university teacher of international reputation, has

published many scientific studies and several novels. By Italians and scholar he is and

one of the leading experts on Italian classical opera, Dante and Petrarch and Petrarch. For

several years is part of the Jury of the narrative section of the National Literary Award


Silingardi Luca, an art historian and journalist, honorary inspector of the Superintendent

of Modena and Reggio E., is the curator of the Collections of the City of Sassuolo.

Author of numerous essays, he has worked with the Superintendent and the Museo

Civico di Modena in numerous exhibitions.

Claudio Visentin is Professor of History of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Interpretation

at the University of Italian Switzerland in Lugano, former Professor of Sociology of

Tourism, Catholic University of Milan and the Sociology of Tourism and History of

International Relations at the Bergamo University.

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.



- Img.1,2: Poster and playbill of the events -

- Img 3: Cover of the program leaflet -

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Img 4: Magazine: Itinerari e Luoghi -

- Img 5: Publication on newspaper “L’informazione” -

- Img 6: Publication on newspaper “Resto del Carlino” -

Page 37: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Img 7,8,9: Publications on newspapers “Sole24Ore”, “L’informazione” and “La gazzetta di Modena”-

- Img 10: Publication on newspaper “L’informazione” -

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Img 11: Publication on newspaper “Gazzetta di Modena”-

- Img 12: Publication on newspaper “L’informazione” -

- Img 13,14: Publications on newspapers “Gazzetta di Modena” and “Resto del Carlino”-

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Img 15,16: Publication on newspaper “L’informazione” and on magazine “Medioevo”-

- Img 17: Publication on newspaper “L’informazione” -

- Img 18: Publication on magazine “Mese Modena”-

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The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Img 19: website www.itinerarieluoghi.it -

- Img 20: website www.taccuinodiviaggio.it -

- Img 21: website www.marketpress.info -

Page 41: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Img 22: website: http://www.beniculturali.it (Ministry of National Heritage and Culture) -

- Img 23: website: www.modena2000.it -

- Img 24: website: http://www.turismo-attualita.it/ -

Page 42: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Img 25: website: www.virgilio.it -

- Img 26: website: http://www.archeorivista.it/ -

- Img 27: website: http://www.matildedicanossa.it/ -

Page 43: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Img 28: website: http://www.bondeno.com/ -

- Img 29: website: http://www.circuitocittadarte.it/ -

- Img 30: website: http://www.emiliaromagnaturismo.it/ (Emila Romagna Region Tourism website).-

Page 44: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Img 31: website: www.liquida.it –

- Img 32: website: http://www.quotidianoarte.it -

Page 45: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.



- Photo 1: Conference of Prof. Franco Cardini, Palazzo dei Musei, Modena, 3 October 2010 -

- Photo 2: Conference of Prof. Franco Cardini near the Councilor for Culture of the Province Prof. Elena Malaguti –

- Photo 3: Guided tours of the Duomo of Modena with Luca Silingardi -

Page 46: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Photo 4: Guided tours of the Duomo of Modena with Luca Silingardi -

- Photo 5: Guided tour of the Duomo of Modena -

- Photo 6: Duomo of Modena, relief of Genesis, Wiligelmo -

Page 47: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Photo 7: Guided tours of the Medieval Modena,

Graziella Martinelli Braglia -

- Photo 8,9: Guided tours of the Medieval Modena, Graziella Martinelli Braglia

and Conversation with Enrico Brizzi "Vale, viator, " Time Zones, Modena, 10 October 2011 -

Page 48: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Photo 10: Re-enactment of games in arms at the Castle of Formigine, October 3, 2011 -

- Photo 11,12: Re-enactment of games in arms at the Castle of Formigine, October 3, 2011 -

Page 49: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Photo 13: Medieval dances in Formigine Castle, October 3, 2011 -

- Photo 14,15: Theatre performance of “Matilde Donna e Contessa”, Carpi Castle; 2 October 2010 -

Page 50: PP8 – open questions as of October 2010 CONSIDERATIONS ... - coordinates the "Circuit of Modena Castles”, project development and promotion of culture and tourism of 17 medieval

The project CrossCulTour is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.


- Photo 16,17: Medieval archaeobotany workshop for children. Botanical Garden of the University of

Modena, September 26 -