
Topic: What do oneness Pentecostals believe about the Trinity? How do you evaluate their claims? Shay L. Askew Systematic Theology TH601

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Topic: What do oneness Pentecostals believe about the Trinity?How do you evaluate their claims? Shay L. Askew Systematic Theology TH601

2. T H E S I S S TAT E M E N TTHE ROLE OF THE ONENESS OF T H E FAT H E R , S O N , A N D H O LY S P I R I T A R E R E L E VA N T, T H E I RC O M B I N E D W O R K SA R E N O TA B L E , AND THEIR ONENESS IS I N D I S P U TA B L E . 3. HISTORYOneness Pentecostal there is only one God Jesus Christ is that God. commitment to baptism in Jesus name rather thanin the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit A rejection of the traditional Trinitarian doctrineheld by the historic Christian churches; rejection of the pre-existence of the Son of God. United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI). Gregory Boyd, David Bernard, Robert Weeks 4. MY POSITION Agreement That There Is One God Errors With Trinitarian Theology My Personal Experience 5. OBJECTIONS Anthony Buzzard David Bernard Gregory Boyd 6. CONCLUSIONWHO GOT IT RIGHT?