prof derek clements-croome - challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st...

Professor Derek Clements-Croome Professor Derek Clements-Croome Intelligent Buildings Research Group Intelligent Buildings Research Group Challenges and Opportunities for Green Intelligent Buildings in the 21st Century 4 December 2008 Dundee University, School of Architecture

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Page 1: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Professor Derek Clements-CroomeProfessor Derek Clements-CroomeIntelligent Buildings Research GroupIntelligent Buildings Research Group

Challenges and Opportunities for Green Intelligent Buildings

in the 21st Century

4 December 2008Dundee University, School of Architecture

Page 2: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Changes in Living, Changes in Living, Innovation and GlobalisationInnovation and Globalisation

Page 3: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Source: Economic Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, Outlook 2004, IBM

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Source: Joseph Jacobsen, Organizational and Individual Innovation Diffusion Global Innovation Outlook 2004, IBM, p.6

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Wider cross sector collaboration is essential to Wider cross sector collaboration is essential to

innovation in many fields.innovation in many fields. Source: Dr. H. Fuchs, Wilhelm University of Munster in Westphalia. Courtesy: Lux Research Outlook 2004, IBM

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National Ecological Footprint National Ecological Footprint Relative to Nationally Available Relative to Nationally Available


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Ecological Footprint and Ecological Footprint and Human Development IndexHuman Development Index

HEAD. P., 2008, Entering the Ecological Age: THE ENGINEER’S ROLE, THE BRUNEL LECTURE for Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), Global Footprint Network:

Page 9: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Overall DriversOverall Drivers

NatureNature Population changePopulation change Political agendasPolitical agendas SocietySociety TechnologyTechnology

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Specific DriversSpecific Drivers

Quality of lifeQuality of life Demographic changesDemographic changes Work and Lifestyle changesWork and Lifestyle changes SustainabilitySustainability HealthHealth InnovationInnovation

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Some Technology DriversSome Technology Drivers

Sensory WorldSensory World New MaterialsNew Materials Nanotechnology Nanotechnology Information TechnologyInformation Technology CommunicationsCommunications RoboticsRobotics

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Observer / passer by

External environment


Internal environment

Buildings, Environment & Buildings, Environment & People People

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Climate Climate ChangeChange

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2001

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Source: CIBSE- Climate change and the indoor environment: impacts and adaptation. TM36:2005(UKCIP02 Scientific Report)

Global Carbon Dioxide IncreasesGlobal Carbon Dioxide Increases

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How Emissions How Emissions Savings Stack upSavings Stack up

Jim Watson, How emissions savings stack Jim Watson, How emissions savings stack up, The Guardian, Saturday 28 April,up, The Guardian, Saturday 28 April,

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Source: Bos etc al, 1992, World Energy Council 2005

Global Primary Energy Use, Historical Development from 1850 to 1990 in the three cases to 2100, in Gto.

Population Growth, 1850 to 1990 and Population Growth, 1850 to 1990 and projections to 2100, in billion peopleprojections to 2100, in billion people

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UN Contraction and UN Contraction and ConvergenceConvergence

HEAD. P., 2008, Entering the Ecological Age: THE ENGINEER’S ROLE, THE BRUNEL LECTURE for Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), Meyer, Aubrey, The fair choice for climate change, BBC News,, (May 18 2006).

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Humanity’s Ecological Humanity’s Ecological FootprintFootprint

Birk, Demographics as a driver of change, The Arup Journal, 2/2007 p37

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Global Renewable Energy Global Renewable Energy PotentialsPotentials

EJ thermal equivalent annual contributions (1 Exa Joule = 10EJ thermal equivalent annual contributions (1 Exa Joule = 1018 18 J)J)

Energy SourceEnergy Source 19901990 20252025 Long termLong term

Hydro-electricity*Hydro-electricity* 2121 35-5535-55 >130>130

GeothermalGeothermal <1<1 44 >20>20

WindWind -- 7-107-10 >130>130

OceanOcean -- 22 >20>20

SolarSolar -- 16-2216-22 >2,600>2,600

BiomassBiomass 5555 72-13772-137 >1.300>1.300

TotalTotal 7676 130-230130-230 >4,200>4,200

* Hydropower accounts for about 19% of the world electricity supply; largest producers are Canada, US and Brazil.

Kirkwood (1998)

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Source IEA, Financial Times, 2008, 7/8 June Green Technology, p7

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EU-25 2010 Renewable Energy TargetsEU-25 2010 Renewable Energy Targets

Lehman Brothers, Wind Energy (18 April 2007).

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Relative Costs of Energy Relative Costs of Energy ProductionProduction

BERR Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory ReformBERR Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform










Onshore Wind

Offshore Wind



NEC,17.01.08., Green monster, p15megawatt hourmegawatt hour

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The average price of a photovoltaic module divided by its peak power versus the total power generated by all the modules ever sold. The trend shows the cost of modules falling by about 20% each time that sales double. (Data from Strategies Unlimited.)

Terry Peterson, Brien Fies, Sloar Power to the people, Physics World, Energy Challenges for the 21st Century, Volume 15, No: 7, 2002

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Efficiency versus Cost for the Three Generations of Solar


Cartlidge E, July 2007, Bright outlook for solar cells, Physics World Vol 20 No 7

I First-generation cells: expensive single-crystal silicon wafers: about 85% of devices sold today.

II Second-generation cells: thin films of silicon and other semiconductors: cheaper but less efficient.

III Third-generation devices: advanced technologies and materials at an earlier stage of development but promise high efficiencies at low costs.

The dashed diagonal lines are loci of constant cost per unit power, measured in dollars per peak watts.

Average electrical power produced by a solar cell in a year is about 20% of its peak rating. A price of $1 per peak watt translates to a unit electrical cost of about $0.05 per kWh over the 30-year lifetime of a typical solar cell.

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Phovoltaic Solar CellsPhovoltaic Solar CellsSourceSource CostCost

($ per kWh)($ per kWh)

Solar PVSolar PV


Natural GasNatural Gas

0.30 (current)0.30 (current)

0.02 (25 years)0.02 (25 years)



GenerationGeneration CharacteristicCharacteristic




Single crystal of siliconSingle crystal of silicon

18% efficiency18% efficiency

Silicon thin filmsSilicon thin films

Other components such as cadmium Other components such as cadmium telluridetelluride

< 18% efficiency< 18% efficiency

Quantum dot or nano crystalsQuantum dot or nano crystals

Efficiency 48%Efficiency 48%

Quantum –well solar cell andQuantum –well solar cell and

Dye sanitised solar cell Dye sanitised solar cell

Cartlidge E, July 2007, Bright outlook for solar cells, Physics World Vol 20 No 7

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Nicholas S., etc. 2008, Catching the Rays, Going Places,

Institute for Solar Energy Institute for Solar Energy (ISE) in Freiburg A coloured (ISE) in Freiburg A coloured solar Modulesolar Module

Germany leads the would in the utilisation of solar power, Germany leads the would in the utilisation of solar power, piloting new materials, energy concepts and solar cells in piloting new materials, energy concepts and solar cells in state-of-the-art laboratories state-of-the-art laboratories

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Dr Macro Zobel with the prototype pf a micro fuel cell (power 50 watts)

Solar Absorber “fractherm” an arrangement of electricity canals based on a biological model

Inside ISE, scientist in protective suits perform a quality control check of silicon wafers before diffusion.

Nicholas S., etc. 2008,Catching the Rays, Going Places,

Page 28: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

World's Biggest Solar Farm World's Biggest Solar Farm Moura, PortugalMoura, Portugal

£250m farm, to supply 45MW of electricity each year, £250m farm, to supply 45MW of electricity each year, enough to power 30,000 homes.enough to power 30,000 homes.

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Solar Power Plant Serpa, Porto Salvo, PortugueseSolar Power Plant Serpa, Porto Salvo, Portuguese

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The Archimedes Plant, Syracuse, Sicily

The solar Energy will The solar Energy will heat up a mixture of heat up a mixture of molten salts running molten salts running through the tube, through the tube, which will than be which will than be used to heat water. used to heat water. The resulting steam The resulting steam will drive turbines in will drive turbines in an existing an existing conventional power conventional power plantplant

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Rules of Thumb for Solar Rules of Thumb for Solar DesignDesign

FormForm create sun spaces, lighting ducts, light shelvescreate sun spaces, lighting ducts, light shelves

Orientation:Orientation: main glazing to face 30 degrees either side of due southmain glazing to face 30 degrees either side of due south reduce north glazingreduce north glazing minimise tree over-shadowingminimise tree over-shadowing on housing estates build to a density of on housing estates build to a density of << 40 properties/ha 40 properties/ha design atriums/roof lighting in accordance with the position of the design atriums/roof lighting in accordance with the position of the

sun in both summer and wintersun in both summer and winter

Fabric:Fabric: fabric transmission losses may be reduced by improving insulation fabric transmission losses may be reduced by improving insulation

or by reducing the mean inside air temperature.or by reducing the mean inside air temperature.

Rawlings (1999)

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Combined Combined Heat and Heat and PowerPower

Site Energy Site Energy SavingsSavings

Cousins, Down to Zero, The Arup Journal, 2/2007 p23

Source Energy SavingsSource Energy Savings

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Airconditioning for the Airconditioning for the Betterment of Mankind?Betterment of Mankind?

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Cooling Only Systems Annual Energy Consumption Vs National Benchmarks for Office Energy Use







1 -




2 -




3 -




4 -




5 -




6 -




7 -




8 -






9 -







- Chi






- Chi






- Fan



te 1

3 - F





- Fan



te 1

5 - F





- Fan



te 1

7 - D





- DX





- DX



te 2

0 - D





- DX





- DX





- Uni



Note: Cooling energy consumption




Good Practice

Typical Practice

Dunn and Knight 2005

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Relation between PMV and PPD in summer for 29 Relation between PMV and PPD in summer for 29 air-conditioned buildings and for 32 buildings with air-conditioned buildings and for 32 buildings with individual temperature control and natural or individual temperature control and natural or mechanical ventilation.mechanical ventilation.










-2 -1,5 -1 -0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2

Mean Vote




e o

f d




Natural ventilation

Mechanical ventilation


Mechanical ventilation (11 buildings)

Natural ventilation(21 buildings)


Airconditioning(29 buildings)

K van der Linden at al, Energy and Buildings, 1411, 2002, 1-8

Predicted Mean Vote



ge o

f D



ed P


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The COThe CO2 2 Cooling Alternative Cooling Alternative

COCO22 based cooling systems to extract based cooling systems to extract the heat. Trox AITCS COthe heat. Trox AITCS CO22OL desk is OL desk is designed to take heat from desk designed to take heat from desk based computers using liquid CObased computers using liquid CO22

BSJ Future Technologies 13

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Low Energy/Low Carbon Low Energy/Low Carbon SolutionsSolutions

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Key Elements of a Short Key Elements of a Short Carbon Cycle SystemCarbon Cycle System

HEAD. P., 2008, Entering the Ecological Age: THE ENGINEER’S ROLE, THE BRUNEL LECTURE for Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE)

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Sustainability in PracticeSustainability in Practice

Hillier, Graham. “Construction Products for a Sustainable Society” Sustainability - Steel and the Environment Conference. 2 November 2004

HEAD. P., 2008, Entering the Ecological Age: THE ENGINEER’S ROLE, THE BRUNEL LECTURE for Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE)

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Principles for Earth Bio Principles for Earth Bio BalanceBalance

Use waste as a resourceUse waste as a resource Diversify and cooperateDiversify and cooperate Gather and use energy efficientlyGather and use energy efficiently Optimise not maximiseOptimise not maximise Use materials sparinglyUse materials sparingly Clean up not polluteClean up not pollute Do not draw down resourcesDo not draw down resources Remain in balance with the biosphereRemain in balance with the biosphere Run on informationRun on information Use local resourcesUse local resources

I Bengles 1997, Biomimicry

HEAD. P., 2008, Entering the Ecological Age: THE ENGINEER’S ROLE, THE BRUNEL LECTURE for Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE)

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Clean Up Not PolluteClean Up Not Pollute

Department for Environment, Food and Foreign Affairs, Future Water; The Governments Strategy for water in England, sourced from pdf.

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Green HomesGreen Homes

World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Policy Directions to 2050,, (2007).

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Future Water HomeFuture Water Home

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Bedzed Energy Bedzed Energy DevelopmentDevelopment

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Bedzed Bedzed Zero Carbon Zero Carbon Home Home

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ZedFactory Bath Eco HouseZedFactory Bath Eco House

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How the Zed System Works

Gasified wood technology provides heat and electricity to the entire site with zero net CO2 emissions

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The Lighthouse is the most environmentally friendly home built in the UK

Photograph Peter White BR

Zero Carbon Zero Carbon HomeHome

Simon Lambert, This is Money, 9 December 2006

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Green Buildings are designed to have less impact on the environment, be healthier, boost the productivity of workers within, and have lower overhead costs. They also yield a greater return on investment.

Lockwood, C., 2006, Building the Green Way, Harvard Business REview

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Thermal Mass

Conventional masonry houses with thermal mass can save significant amounts of energy compared to lightweight structures. These savings can offset the slightly higher level of embodied CO2 in a masonry house in as little as ten years and ultimately lead to the lowest whole life CO2 emissions. This is achieved by the thermal mass of a dwelling enabling it to store more heat and remain cooler than lightweight structures. The result is that the dwelling remains warmer for longer in the winter and stays cooler in the summer.

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Natural Ventilation

Hanson EcoHouseM includes a ventilating roof lantern. Wind operated to enhance ‘stack’ effect. Low level cooler bedrooms on ground floor; other rooms on warmer firstfloor.

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Swedish Standard for Passive Houses

Maximum power for heating, 10/14 W/m2

Maximum total energy, 45/55 kWh/m2 (excluding electricity)

Maximum air leakage, 0.3 l/s m2 Energy efficient windows, 0.9 W/m2K

ECBCS news 46 Oct 07

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Innovation TrendsInnovation Trends

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Control of solar Control of solar radiation radiation transmitting transmitting though the though the building envelopebuilding envelope

Spectral absorptivity / Spectral absorptivity / transmission of envelope transmission of envelope materialsmaterials

Suspended particle panelsSuspended particle panels

Liquid crystal panelsLiquid crystal panels



Relative position of envelope Relative position of envelope materialmaterial

Louver on panel systemsLouver on panel systems

-exterior and exterior -exterior and exterior radiation (light) sensors- radiation (light) sensors- photovolvaics, photovolvaics, photoelectrics-controld/acphotoelectrics-controld/actuators- shape memory tuators- shape memory alloys, electro and alloys, electro and magnetorestrictivemagnetorestrictive

Control of Control of conductive heat conductive heat transfer through transfer through the building the building envelopeenvelope

Thermal conductivity of envelope Thermal conductivity of envelope materialsmaterials

Thermotropics, phase-Thermotropics, phase-change materialschange materials

Mapping of Typical Building System Mapping of Typical Building System Design needs in Relation to Potentially Design needs in Relation to Potentially Applicable Smart MaterialsApplicable Smart Materials

*Many high performance materials (e.g., diochroics, view directional films, and *Many high performance materials (e.g., diochroics, view directional films, and others) may be applicable as well others) may be applicable as well

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Control of Control of interior heat interior heat generationgeneration

Heat capacity of interior materialHeat capacity of interior material Phase-change materialsPhase-change materials

Relative location of heat sourceRelative location of heat source ThermoelectricsThermoelectrics

Lumanwatt energy conversationLumanwatt energy conversation PhotoluminescentsPhotoluminescents


Light emitting diodesLight emitting diodes

Energy deliveryEnergy delivery Conversion of ambient energy to Conversion of ambient energy to electrical energyelectrical energy

Photovoltaics, micro-and Photovoltaics, micro-and meso energy systems meso energy systems (thermoelectrics, fuel (thermoelectrics, fuel cels)cels)

Optimisation of Optimisation of lighting systemslighting systems

Daylight sensingDaylight sensing

Illuminance measurementsIlluminance measurements

Occupancy sensingOccupancy sensing




Optimisation of Optimisation of HVAC systemsHVAC systems

Temperature sensingTemperature sensing

Humidity sensingHumidity sensing

Occupancy sensingOccupancy sensing

CO2 and chemicaldetectionCO2 and chemicaldetection

Thermoelectrics, Thermoelectrics, pyroelectrics, biosensors, pyroelectrics, biosensors, chemical sensors, optical chemical sensors, optical MEMSMEMS

Control of Control of structural structural systemssystems

Stress and deformation monitoringStress and deformation monitoring

Crack monitoringCrack monitoring

Stress and deformation controlStress and deformation control

Vibration monitoring and controlVibration monitoring and control

Euler buckling and controlEuler buckling and control

Fiber-optics, Fiber-optics, piezoeroelectrics, piezoeroelectrics, electrorheologicals (ERs), electrorheologicals (ERs), magnetorheologicals, magnetorheologicals, shape memory alloysshape memory alloysAddington M, Schodek D, 2005, Smart Materials and Technologies,

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Colour-Changing Smart MaterialsColour-Changing Smart Materials

PhotochromicsPhotochromics -materials exposed to light -materials exposed to light Thermochromics Thermochromics -materials respond to -materials respond to

temperature changes.temperature changes. MechanochromicsMechanochromics -materials react to imposed -materials react to imposed

stresses and/or deformations.stresses and/or deformations. ChemochromicsChemochromics -materials exposed to -materials exposed to

specific chemical environments.specific chemical environments. ElectrochromicsElectrochromics -materials respond to -materials respond to

voltage. voltage. Related technologiesRelated technologies – electrically active – electrically active

liquid crystals and suspended particle devicesliquid crystals and suspended particle devices

Addington M, Schodek D, 2005, smart Materials and Technologies,

Page 57: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Smart Window FeaturesSmart Window FeaturesSystem TypeSystem Type Spectral response Spectral response

(bleaced to (bleaced to coloured)coloured)

Interior result Interior result visualvisual

Interior resultInterior result

thermalthermalInput energyInput energy

PhotochromicPhotochromic Specular to Specular to specular specular transmission at transmission at high UV levelshigh UV levels

Reduction in Reduction in intensity but still intensity but still transparenttransparent

Reduction in Reduction in transmitted transmitted radiationradiation

UV radiationUV radiation


Specular to Specular to specular specular transmission at transmission at high IR levelshigh IR levels

Reduction in Reduction in intensity but still intensity but still transparenttransparent

Reduction in Reduction in transmitted transmitted radiationradiation

Heat (high Heat (high surface surface temperature)temperature)


Specular to Specular to specular specular transmission at transmission at high and low high and low temperaturestemperatures

Reduction in Reduction in intensity and intensity and visibility, becomes visibility, becomes diffusediffuse

Reduction in Reduction in transmitted transmitted radiation, emitted radiation, emitted radiation, and radiation, and conductivityconductivity

Heat (high Heat (high and/or low and/or low surface surface temperature)temperature)


Specular to Specular to specular specular transmission transmission toward short toward short wavelength region wavelength region (blue)(blue)

Reduction in Reduction in intensityintensity

Proportional Proportional reduction in reduction in transmitted transmitted radiationradiation

Voltage or Voltage or current pulsecurrent pulse

Liquid Liquid Crystals*Crystals*

Specular to diffuse Specular to diffuse transmissiontransmission

Minimal reduction Minimal reduction in intensity, in intensity, reduction in reduction in visibility, becomes visibility, becomes diffusediffuse

Minimal impact on Minimal impact on transmitted transmitted radiationradiation


Suspended Suspended particleparticle

Specular to diffuse Specular to diffuse transmissiontransmission

Reduction in Reduction in intensity and intensity and visibility, becomes visibility, becomes diffusediffuse

Minimal impact on Minimal impact on transmitted transmitted radiationradiation


*indicates that a control system and associated *indicates that a control system and associated electrical supply are requiredelectrical supply are required Addington M, Schodek D, 2005, Smart Materials and Technologies,

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Titanium dioxide nanoparticles with a smooth surface may be used as an anti-adhesive coating for windows or spectacle lenses

Annabelle Hett, Small matter many unknowns, Ingenia, march 2005, issue 22,

Page 59: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Carbon Nanotubes Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical carbon molecules with novel properties that make them potentially useful in a wide variety of applications. They exhibit extraordinary strength and unique electrical properties, and are efficient conductors of heat.

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Assessing Human behaviour Assessing Human behaviour and Its Impact on Energy and Its Impact on Energy


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Occupants lifestyle affect Occupants lifestyle affect energy consumptionenergy consumption

Embedded sensors help Embedded sensors help occupants to save money and occupants to save money and society save energysociety save energy

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Energy Consumption per mEnergy Consumption per m33 for for 964 Dwellings: Human 964 Dwellings: Human

Behaviour Impacts on Energy Behaviour Impacts on Energy ConsumptionConsumption







0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2

Specific transmission losses per unit of volume (W/(m3.K))



y fo

r h





it o

f vo




(m3 .a


H. Hens., et al, 2007, Energy Consumption and Rebound Effects, Civil Engineering, K U Leuven

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Systems Performance and Systems Performance and Human ReactionHuman Reaction

Building and Environmental Systems People

Physiological Judgement(Sense diary)

Objective Data


Profiling Differences

Facilities Management Systems

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BSN architecture with wirelessly linked context-aware “on body” (external) sensors and integration with home, working, and hospital environments.

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Body Parameters - ArmbandBody Parameters - Armband

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Body Parameters – Ears’ Body Parameters – Ears’ ClipClip

SenTec Digital Monitoring System from Artemis Medical

Real time monitoring of • Carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2), • Oxygen saturation (SpO2) • Pulse

Page 67: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Body Parameters - PlastersBody Parameters - PlastersToumaz Wireless Body Monitoring SystemDevelopment phase, ready end of 2007

Real time monitoring of • Skin Temperature• Breathing activity• ECG heartbeat• Blood PH• Blood CO2

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Body Parameters - HeadsetBody Parameters - Headset

Emotiv Systems Project EPOCProduced for computer gamesHeadset uses set of sensors

• Receive electric signals produced by the brain • Monitors emotional state • Monitors facial expressions

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BrainbarBrainbar mixes mixes drinks adapted to the drinks adapted to the visitor's brainwaves. visitor's brainwaves. The customer wears a The customer wears a sensor-studded sensor-studded headband and the headband and the robot bartender reads robot bartender reads the brain frequencies the brain frequencies in the alpha and beta in the alpha and beta wavelengths. wavelengths.

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ObjectivesObjectives To identify the behaviour patterns To identify the behaviour patterns

associated with the use of the building. associated with the use of the building.

To establish a relationship between the To establish a relationship between the behaviour patterns and the consumption behaviour patterns and the consumption of energy.of energy.

To develop an intelligent sensor system.To develop an intelligent sensor system.

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Programming Automatic Manual10:38 24oC 22oC

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun





Touch sense mode for recording judgement

For setting thetime and date

To select the automatic mode

Day of the weekTouch display

The actual room condition

Room conditionSense Mode

Time, and date record

Sense Diary

Evaluation of Environmental Conditions by Occupants

Clements-Croome, Inaugural Lecture 1989

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Sense Diary

Sensor Network

HVAC, power meters

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The Functional Architecture ofMulti-Agent System for Building cOntrol (MASBO)



Central Agent(Decision Aggregation)

Local Agent(Mediator and

Information provider)Assessment

Monitor & Control Agent (Processes data and achieve an environmental state according to Local Agent)

Personal Agent(Manages User Profile)

Wireless Sensor


Wireless Sensor



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Agent SystemAgent System



Agent System



manager etc









Prof Kecheng Liu, Dr Penny Noy

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What is the “virtual What is the “virtual building”?building”?

A concept in which all design, construction and A concept in which all design, construction and environmental performance, and operational environmental performance, and operational problems are visualised, solved and optimised problems are visualised, solved and optimised using integrated computer simulation. The virtual using integrated computer simulation. The virtual building is intended to support stakeholders building is intended to support stakeholders throughout the projects lifetime in the following throughout the projects lifetime in the following areas:areas:– ExplorationExploration:: a constantly evolving tool for exploring a constantly evolving tool for exploring

new directions in design and constructionnew directions in design and construction– CommunicationCommunication:: enabling project teams to quickly and enabling project teams to quickly and

accurately communicate design forms, functions, and accurately communicate design forms, functions, and behaviours to other team members and the broader behaviours to other team members and the broader collection of stakeholderscollection of stakeholders

– Integration:Integration: providing an environment where design providing an environment where design and facility team members can share and coordinate and facility team members can share and coordinate project information quickly and efficiently.project information quickly and efficiently.

– Optimisation: Optimisation: facilitating analysis tools that are facilitating analysis tools that are capable of optimising performance, sustainability and capable of optimising performance, sustainability and costs to meet both short-term and long-term goals.costs to meet both short-term and long-term goals.

Bailey P, et al, 2008, The Virtual Building, The Arup Journal, 2, p15-25

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Virtual building processes Virtual building processes cover the full cycle of a cover the full cycle of a

building lifebuilding life

Bailey P, et al, 2008, The Virtual Building, The Arup Journal, 2, p15-25

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Latest Trends in InnovationLatest Trends in Innovation

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Auxetic Materials - Get fatter when they Auxetic Materials - Get fatter when they are stretched.are stretched.

Smarter Windows Smarter Windows Smart PaintsSmart Paints Smarter Walls –a “breathing wall” that Smarter Walls –a “breathing wall” that

uses the principles of counter current heat uses the principles of counter current heat

Solar WallSolar Wall Nanotube lightsNanotube lights Miniature RobotsMiniature Robots Smart metersSmart meters Smart SensorsSmart Sensors

BSJ Future Technologies 13

New Technologies

Page 79: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Human Skin as Human Skin as a Network a Network Conduit Conduit

NTT's Red Tacton NTT's Red Tacton has created a has created a "human area "human area network" that network" that uses electrical uses electrical signals present on signals present on the surface of the the surface of the body to create a body to create a network within network within the human bodythe human body. .

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Light Transmitting ConcreteLight Transmitting Concrete

A wall made of “LitraCon” has the strength of traditional concrete but by using embedded array of glass fibers, it can display a view of the outside world, such as the silhouette of a tree. “Thousands of optical glass fibers form a matrix and run parallel to each other between the two main surfaces of every block,” “Shadows on the lighter side will appear with sharp outlines on the darker one. This special effect creates the general impression that the thickness and weight of a concrete wall will disappear.”Áron Losonczi. Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm, Sweden.

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A flexible sheet containing pentacene transistors, intended to create a layer of “skin” sensitive to pressure.

The flexible sheet is wrapped around the robot’s hand and gives it ability to touch and sense pressure.

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A flexible electronic book made of organic transistors constructed from polymeric material. Adapted from the homepage of Plastic Logic co.

Small television screen made of PLED on a watch.

Physics World July 2008 vol 21 No 7

Page 83: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

An example of coloured light emitted from polymers in response to being illuminated by white light, with no source of electricity. Each polymer has its own characteristic colour.

Physics World July 2008 vol 21 No 7

Page 84: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Robot ChoresRobot Chores

Miniature robots will revolutionise Miniature robots will revolutionise many of our everyday tasks. These many of our everyday tasks. These robots, or nanobots would be ideal robots, or nanobots would be ideal for tasks such as cleaning out for tasks such as cleaning out pipework and ductwork.pipework and ductwork.

BSJ Future Technologies 13

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Benefits of POEBenefits of POE

Measuring project success Measuring project success determining the business benefits determining the business benefits and whether quality and value have and whether quality and value have been achieved been achieved

Feedback and feed-forward – Feedback and feed-forward – informing the project team of the informing the project team of the successes and failures and to support successes and failures and to support continuous improvement continuous improvement

BCO Guide to Post Occupancy Evaluation

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Passive and Active Sustainable Passive and Active Sustainable Environmental Building DesignEnvironmental Building Design

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Case 3 - A house typical of existing stock. High heating input required, sending bars off the scale, (red) because of large losses through uninsulated walls and floors and single glazed windows (brown). There are large ventilation losses due to poor draughtproofing and risk of overheating in summer (dark blue) due to poor solar design (yellow).

Dunster B, Simmons C Gilbert B, 2008, The ZEDbook , Taylor and Francis

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Comparison of Thermal Comparison of Thermal Performance for Three UK Performance for Three UK


Case 1 - A typical Building Regulations house. Notice heat losses through trickle ventilation (mid blue). Also the solar shading has been poorly thought out, resulting in high solar gains in summer and low gains in winter (yellow). Heating input is moderate (red). The suggestion that cooling is necessary (dark blue) indicates that there would be an overheating risk in the free running building which should be investigated in more detail.

Dunster B, Simmons C Gilbert B, 2008, The ZEDbook , Taylor and Francis

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Case 2 - A well operated ZED home with very little additional energy input beyond that used for equipment (cooking, electrical equipment, etc.). The solar gain is spread more evenly through the year. The ventilation is via passive heat recovery systems based on wind cowls, so ventilation losses are minimised (mid blue). The sunspace will be acting as a buffer, reducing the losses through the fabric (brown) in winter. In summer the ventilated sunspace can be used to provide night cooling for the heavyweight material of the building (mid blue) resulting in almost no overheating risk unless the building is left sealed up.

Dunster B, Simmons C Gilbert B, 2008, The ZEDbook , Taylor and Francis

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Refurbishment of Victorian House at 17 Refurbishment of Victorian House at 17 St Augustine’s Road, Camden, LondonSt Augustine’s Road, Camden, London

Double glazed windowsDouble glazed windows 1.5W/m1.5W/m22KK

Floors Floors 0.20 W/m0.20 W/m22K K

Sloping RoofSloping Roof 0.11 W/m0.11 W/m22KK

Flat roofFlat roof 0.20 W/m0.20 W/m22K K

Wall insulation to Wall insulation to 0.20W/m0.20W/m22KK

6m6m2 2 Solar ThermalSolar Thermal

3.5 KWp Solar PV3.5 KWp Solar PV

Localised Heat Exchange VentilationLocalised Heat Exchange Ventilation

Reducing Energy Use - ProposalsReducing Energy Use - Proposals

Page 91: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Cost of Refurbishment of Victorian Cost of Refurbishment of Victorian House at 17 St Augustine’s Road, House at 17 St Augustine’s Road,

Camden, LondonCamden, Londoncostcost tonnes CO2tonnes CO2

Solar PVSolar PV £25,000£25,000 1.41.4

Solar ThermalSolar Thermal £8,000£8,000 0.50.5

Double glazingDouble glazing £24,000£24,000 1.31.3

Roof InsulationRoof Insulation £6,600£6,600 3.43.4

Wall insulationWall insulation £11,000£11,000 3.33.3

Leakage reductionLeakage reduction £2,666£2,666 1.01.0

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Zero Carbon multi-generation solar cooled home in Sehnzen, China

Dunster B, Simmons C Gilbert B, 2008, The ZEDbook , Taylor and Francis

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A mixed-use A mixed-use regeneration scheme regeneration scheme combining a company combining a company headquarters, retail, a headquarters, retail, a hotel and residential hotel and residential apartments complete apartments complete with building with building integrated biomass integrated biomass CHP and carpool. CHP and carpool. Reconciles high Reconciles high density with high land density with high land values while staying values while staying within the national within the national biomass quota and biomass quota and achieving overall achieving overall carbon neutrality carbon neutrality

Dunster B, Simmons C Gilbert B, 2008, The ZEDbook , Taylor and Francis

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Dunster B, Simmons C Gilbert B, 2008, The ZEDbook, Taylor and Francis

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Innovation Case Study: The Innovation Case Study: The BurjBurj The Worlds tallest free standing The Worlds tallest free standing structure.structure.

DetailsDetailsOpening:Opening: September 2009 September 2009Height/SizeHeight/SizeAntennal/Spine Antennal/Spine 2,683.9 ft(818 metres)2,683.9 ft(818 metres)Floor count:Floor count: 164 floors 164 floorsFloor Area:Floor Area: 1,128.664 metres) 1,128.664 metres)Building TeamBuilding TeamArchitectArchitect: Skidmore, Owings and Mernil : Skidmore, Owings and Mernil

(USA)(USA)Contractor:Contractor: Samsung (South Korea) Samsung (South Korea) Besix (Belgium)Besix (Belgium) Arabtec (UAE)Arabtec (UAE)Developer : Emaan UAE)Developer : Emaan UAE)

Innovation:Innovation: Vertical concrete pumping to a height Vertical concrete pumping to a height of 588 m.of 588 m.Worlds fastest elevator and a total of Worlds fastest elevator and a total of 56 elevators that can carry 42 people 56 elevators that can carry 42 people at a time. at a time.

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World's first revolving World's first revolving tower Dubai tower Dubai

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Lighting and Ventilation Strategies Lighting and Ventilation Strategies Attempt to Minimise Energy Attempt to Minimise Energy

ConsumptionConsumptionNikken Sekkei, Cool City Dubai

Architecture Review Feb 2008

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201 Bishopsgate and The Broadgate Tower, LondonArch. Kohn Pederson Fox

The Leadenhall Building, London

Arch. Richard Rogers

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Dome House by Charles McBride Dome House by Charles McBride Ryan Ryan

Hawthorn Hawthorn

Photo: John Gollings

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Norman Foster Norman Foster

Pyramid of Peace, In Kazakhstan.

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Gazprom City Tower, Gazprom City Tower, St PetersburgSt Petersburg

Crystal Island, the World’s Biggest Building by Foster Moscow

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The Chicago Spire, The Chicago Spire, FosterFoster

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Panel installation at the Sage CentrePanel installation at the Sage Centre

Rectilinear panels at the Sage Centre

Mesh Match, Jan, 08, Society of Facade Engineering

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Santiago Calatrava

Valencia Opera House - SpainTenerife Opera House - Spain

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Frank GeFrank Gehhry ry Walt Disney Concert Hall LAWalt Disney Concert Hall LA

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Schule Unterensingen Schule Unterensingen

Unterensingen Primary and Secondary School, Germany

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Acros Fukuoka, JapanJapan Office, Retail, Government Office, Office, Retail, Government Office, Concert Hall, Convention CentreConcert Hall, Convention Centre

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Swiss RSwiss Ré Headquarters é Headquarters LondonLondon

Page 110: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

• First class office building

• Involvement with the planners

• Create a public plaza

• Cylindrical tower concept

• Slimming profile at base

• More daylight to public plaza

• Tapers at the top

• London skyline symmetry

• Maximise the view for surrounding buildings

• Cigar shape (gherkin, bullet, air ship)

• 500,000ft² nett.


T. Abbas, Hilson Moran, MSc IB Lecture Notes,

Page 111: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

• Environmentally progressive design

• Low energy/low carbon emission targets

• 50W/m2 casual load

• Consider occupant comfort and well being

• Mixed mode ventilation

• Utilises natural ventilation

• Uses air conditioning for peak periods only


T. Abbas, Hilson Moran, MSc IB Lecture Notes,

Page 112: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Natural Ventilation

Solar Protection

Daylight Optimisation Views Out



T. Abbas, Hilson Moran, MSc IB Lecture Notes,

Page 113: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century






20 Fresh air left over

Temp °C

Blinds intelligently automatically controlled by BMS

Predicted performance:

85% solar protection

50% light transmission

0.8 W/m2K thermal insulation

40.0 39.0 38.0 37.0 36.0 35.0 34.0 33.0 32.0 31.0 30.0 29.0 28.0 27.0 26.0 25.0 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0

30 l/s/m Extract


60 l/s/m Extract



T. Abbas, Hilson Moran, MSc IB Lecture Notes,

Page 114: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Courtesy: Atkins

Burj Al Arab 7 Star Hotel

Sheth Tower

Iris Bay Iris Bay DubaiDubai

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Jean Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre, New Caledonia

Jean Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre, New Caledonia

Renzo Piano, 1998

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The J.M Tjibaou Cultural Center (Museum of Noumea) designed by Renzo Piano The J.M Tjibaou Cultural Center (Museum of Noumea) designed by Renzo Piano (Winner of 1998 Pritzker prize), is a harmonious alliance of modern and traditional (Winner of 1998 Pritzker prize), is a harmonious alliance of modern and traditional Kanak architecture. Traditional thatch huts, native to the Kanak people, inspired Kanak architecture. Traditional thatch huts, native to the Kanak people, inspired the design. the design.

Piano learnt from local culture, buildings and nature. Tall thin curved laminated Piano learnt from local culture, buildings and nature. Tall thin curved laminated iroko wood ribbed structures supported by steel ties resist cyclones and iroko wood ribbed structures supported by steel ties resist cyclones and earthquakes. The ribs have horizontal slats which allow passive environmental earthquakes. The ribs have horizontal slats which allow passive environmental control to occur. The slats open and close according to wind strength and direction control to occur. The slats open and close according to wind strength and direction and admit air to a cavity which is linked to the glazed façade of the museum.and admit air to a cavity which is linked to the glazed façade of the museum.

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Herzog, 1996

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Louvres for interior environment control are mounted in Louvres for interior environment control are mounted in the glass facade of the low-rise volume.the glass facade of the low-rise volume.

Melet 1999

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Melet 1999

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Page 121: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Earthship, New Mexico, US

Earthship Biotecture creates buildings that heat and cool themselves naturally via solar/thermal dynamics, collect their own power from the sun and wind, harvest their own water from rain and snow melt, produce food in significant quantities, and utilize materials that are byproducts of modern society, like cans, bottles and tires. Earthships demonstrate a way to live in harmony with the planet by encountering natural resources without depleting them.

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Lilypad, a prototype of auto-Lilypad, a prototype of auto-sufficient amphibious city sufficient amphibious city

Architect Vincent Callebaut

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Singapore's Singapore's Floating Floating Football Football Pitch (PICS) Pitch (PICS)

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An amphibian aquatic/terrestial city, for 50,000 An amphibian aquatic/terrestial city, for 50,000 inhabitants develops fauna and flora around a inhabitants develops fauna and flora around a central lagoon of soft water by collecting and central lagoon of soft water by collecting and purifying the rain water. The floating structure purifying the rain water. The floating structure inspired by the highly ribbed leave of the great inspired by the highly ribbed leave of the great lilypad of Amazonia Victoria Regia increased 250 lilypad of Amazonia Victoria Regia increased 250 times. times.

Lilypad takes up the four main challenges Lilypad takes up the four main challenges launched by the OECD in March 2008: launched by the OECD in March 2008: climate, climate, biodiversity, waterbiodiversity, water and and health health. It reached zero . It reached zero carbon emission by the integration of all the carbon emission by the integration of all the renewable energies (solar, thermal and renewable energies (solar, thermal and photovoltaic, wind, hydraulic, tidal power station, photovoltaic, wind, hydraulic, tidal power station, osmotic energies, phytopurification, biomass) osmotic energies, phytopurification, biomass) producing more energy that it consumes! producing more energy that it consumes!

The floating Ecopolis recycles the CO2 and the The floating Ecopolis recycles the CO2 and the waste, by purifying and softening biologically the waste, by purifying and softening biologically the used waters and by integrating ecological niches, used waters and by integrating ecological niches, aquaculture fields and biotic corridors on and aquaculture fields and biotic corridors on and under its body to meet its own food needs. under its body to meet its own food needs.

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PersonalisationPersonalisation ConnectivityConnectivity Healthy conditionsHealthy conditions SustainabilitySustainability

InnovationInnovation Value for moneyValue for money Systems thinkingSystems thinking


Central controlCentral control FragmentationFragmentation Asthma, BSSAsthma, BSS Less emissions/Less emissions/

consumptionconsumption Closed visionClosed vision Capital cost outlookCapital cost outlook DiscontinuityDiscontinuity


Page 126: Prof Derek Clements-Croome - Challenges and opportunities for intelligent buildings in the 21st century

Meeting the ChallengesMeeting the Challenges Processes, Products (Systems), People Processes, Products (Systems), People

IntegrationIntegration Whole Life ValueWhole Life Value Cross-Sectoral LearningCross-Sectoral Learning Design for Sustainable Healthy EnvironmentsDesign for Sustainable Healthy Environments Consider Environmental, Economic and Social Consider Environmental, Economic and Social

ValuesValues Use Innovation as an EnablerUse Innovation as an Enabler Use Smart Materials and Biomimetic PrinciplesUse Smart Materials and Biomimetic Principles Use of Embedded Sensor TechnologyUse of Embedded Sensor Technology Interdisciplinary Education for Architects and Interdisciplinary Education for Architects and

Engineers plus Social Scientists and OthersEngineers plus Social Scientists and Others