project plan uitm

A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Lirico Music School is a new musical learning centre located in Ipoh. Currently, the administration process of the organization for the music school is done manually via papers. Therefore, there are several problems which continuously to occur to the current administrative process that resulted in the increasing of the cost of the business management. The problems also lead to the complaints from the customers who are the parents and the students about the inefficiency of the current process. This consequently will reduce the income of the music school and can cause loss of profit to the organization. Lirico Music School has an opportunity to save operating cost and increase customer’s satisfaction by having better administration system for their organization. These opportunities align with Lirico Music School’s objective which is to grow efficiently to become a well-known musical learning centre in the west-coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Each Option or Alternative Analyzed There are several options and alternatives that have been analyzed in order to be used in developing this e- Administration System for Lirico Music School which are in- 1

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Project plan Uitm


Page 1: Project Plan Uitm

A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYLirico Music School is a new musical learning centre located in Ipoh. Currently, the

administration process of the organization for the music school is done manually via


Therefore, there are several problems which continuously to occur to the current

administrative process that resulted in the increasing of the cost of the business

management. The problems also lead to the complaints from the customers who are

the parents and the students about the inefficiency of the current process. This

consequently will reduce the income of the music school and can cause loss of profit

to the organization. 

Lirico Music School has an opportunity to save operating cost and increase

customer’s satisfaction by having better administration system for their organization.

These opportunities align with Lirico Music School’s objective which is to grow

efficiently to become a well-known musical learning centre in the west-coast of

Peninsular Malaysia.

Each Option or Alternative Analyzed

There are several options and alternatives that have been analyzed in order to be

used in developing this e-Administration System for Lirico Music School which are

in-house system development, right-source system development and out-source

system development.

In-house system development is where the information system will be

developed internally by the organization using resources such as system analyst,

system designer, as well as programmers within the organization itself.

Right source system development is meant by the mixing of external party

with the in-house development team to develop the information system while out-source system development is the process of contracting the job of the

information system development to the third party.

Which Alternative Is Being Recommended and Why


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It is recommended to use the right-source system development in order to

develop the e-Administration System.

By using this alternative, there are several benefits to the organization of I-Tech

World Sdn. Bhd. which may later on become the add-on value to the organization

itself. Some of the benefits are:

The technical oversight of the internal development team will be more

independent and they can gain a lot of knowledge which can be shared by

the external party.

The external party can learn something from the organization as the situation

for every organization is different. As a result, the external party may provide

the optimal strategy that can be used by the organization.

The internal development team is challenged to be able deliver the business

based on the objectives determined in more cost effective ways.

B. PROJECT STAKEHOLDERI nternal Stakeholder


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Roles Responsibilities

Project Manager Managing and controlling the project. Involves throughout the process of whole project and also

interacts with stakeholders, users and members.

System Analyst Done research related to the problem, plan the solution and recommends suitable software.

Coordinates development to meet the user requirements.

System Networking

Designing and planning the network. Setting up, maintaining and expanding the network.

System Programmer

Develop the information system using suitable programming language.

Technical Support

Work in the technical department of I-Tech World Sdn. Bhd.

System Owner Control and monitor the progress of project.

Sponsor Supplies necessary amount of money according to budget in order to complete the project within the time.

Staff Responsible to add/create, read/view, update and delete Lirico Music School student’s information.

External Stakeholder

Roles Responsibilities

Parent Can view their children performance grade and also current fees that is needed to pay.

Students Can view their examination result.



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Currently, there is no information system in administrating the organization of Lirico

Music School. The administration details that need to be organized include the type of

instruments that each of the students learnt, the courses or packages they take, their

current levels for each instrument, their monthly fees status and also the parents

suggestions and comments.

The current administration process is being done manually only via papers and

has become huge problems to the school as it involved high maintenance cost. The

costs include paper cost, stationary cost, labour cost and storage cost. Besides that,

there are always error occur when organizing the data about the students as it is done

manually and people often made mistakes. Consequent to that, many administrative

problems arise and there are many complaints and reports done either by the

administrative staff or the parents of the students.

If this situation is keep maintain and there is no effort to overcome it, the school

may suffer from the diseconomies of scale. Lirico Music School will also face the high

cost and inefficiency in managing part. In addition, the school also needs to sacrifice and

wasted their funds to something which is not supposedly being funded. Instead, the

funds should be invested in something that may give benefits and profits to the school.

Therefore, an information system in organizing the administrative stuffs of the

school is proposed in order to make sure that the internal process of the school can be

run more effectively and efficiently.

Project Objectives

To improve the music school’s data management.

To reduce the administrative errors.

To facilitate parents surveillance their children performance in study.

To provide mutual platform for both parents and the administration of the

organizations to communicate through suggestion and comments.

To help the music school to have better documentation.

To offer mechanism for assisting the organization in financial



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Project Challenges

Getting data and information

o The process of getting data and information from stakeholders might

be difficult because the administrator is busy with their schedule and

therefore, need to find time when the he is available.

Organizing the student’s details in automated and organized system

o When using manual system, details that are necessary to be filled-in

can be fitted to the size of the paper. But to transform it into

automated system, it must be organized in proper structure to make

sure it is easily viewed and filled. This is to ensure that the automated

is in the form of user-friendly system. There are also many errors

occurred when organizing the data of student as it is done manually.

Project Opportunities

Increase customer satisfaction

The administration staff will become more effective in doing their work by

using the new information system and this will lead to the increasing of

customer’s satisfaction because there will be no more problems associated

with insufficient of student’s records.

Increase income

The performance of administration of Lirico Music School will also increase and

become more effective and thus, gives more advantages to the school in

increasing their incomes.

D. PROJECT SCOPE System : Build e-Administration System.

Timeframe : Start from 31 March 2014 until 6 February 2015.


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o IT Department of I-Tech World Sdn. Bhd.


o IT Department - involves during development phase until

implementation phase.

Technology : using web-based application.


Tasks Duration Start Date Finish Date Resource Names

e-Administration System 306 days

Mon - 31/3/14 Fri - 6/2/15

INITIATION PROJECT 40 days Mon - 31/3/14 Fri - 30/1/14


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Develop Business Case 40 days Mon - 31/3/14 Fri - 9/5/14o Define Scope 7 days Mon - 31/3/14 Sun - 6/4/14 Haziraho Define Requirements 9 days Mon - 7/4/14 Tue - 15/4/14 Haziraho Define Budget 9 days Wed - 16/4/14 Thu - 24/4/14 Haziraho Define Project

Objectives8 days Fri - 25/4/14 Fri - 2/5/14 Hazirah

o Define MOV 7 days Sat - 3/7/14 Fri - 9/5/14 Hazirah Milestone : Business Case Completed

0 days

PLAN PROJECT 30 days Sat - 10/5/14 Sun - 8/6/14 Develop Project Plan 24 days Sat - 10/5/14 Sun - 1/6/14

o Develop Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

4 days Sat - 10/5/14 Wed - 14/5/14 Mahirah, Anis

o Develop Project Schedule

7 days Thu - 15/5/14 Wed - 21/5/14 Hazirah

o Develop Project Budget 8 days Thu - 22/5/14 Thu - 29/5/14 Aniso Develop Project Control

Plan4 days Fri - 30/5/14 Mon - 2/6/14 Anis

Finalize Project Plan and Gain Approvals

6 days Tue - 3/6/14 Sun - 8/6/14 Anis, Mahirah

Milestone : Project Plan Completed

0 days

ANALYSE PROJECT 10 days Mon - 9/6/14 Wed - 18/6/14 Interviews 3 days Mon - 9/6/14 Wed - 11/6/14 Mahirah Document Review 3 days Thu - 12/6/14 Sat - 14/6/14 Mahirah Questionnaires and Surveys

4 days Sun - 15/6/14 Wed - 18/6/14 Mahirah

Milestone : Analysis Completed

0 days

DESIGN PROJECT 40 days Thu - 19/6/14 Mon - 4/8/14 Web server setup 15 days Thu - 19/6/14 Wed - 2/7/14

o Install server hardware 4 days Thu - 3/7/14 Sun - 6/7/14 Zarimano Install software on

server4 days Mon - 7/7/14 Thu - 10/7/14 Zariman

o Install network 4 days Fri - 11/7/14 Mon - 14/7/14 Zarimano Test server 3 days Tue - 15/7/14 Thu - 17/7/14 Zariman

Design web pages 12 days Fri - 18/7/14 Tue - 29/7/14 Anis Design database 13 days Wed - 30/7/14 Mon - 4/8/14 Zariman Milestone : Design Completed

0 days

EXECUTION PROJECT 90 days Tue - 5/8/14 Sun - 2/11/14

Build Web Tool Prototype 90 days Tue - 5/8/14 Fri - 3/10/14

o Develop Coding 60 days Tue - 5/8/14 Fri - 3/10/14 Zariman


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o Update Database 30 days Sat - 4/10/14 Sun - 2/11/14 Zariman

Milestone : Execution Completed 0 days

TESTING PROJECT 40 days Mon - 3/11/14 Fri - 12/12/14

Unit Testing 12 days Mon - 3/11/14 Fri - 14/11/14 Zariman

Integration Testing 10 days Sat - 15/11/14 Mon - 24/11/14 Zariman

Hardware and System Testing 11 days Tue - 25/11/14 Fri - 5/12/14 Zariman

Acceptance Testing 7 days Sat - 6/11/14 Fri - 12/12/14 Zariman

Milestone : Testing Completed 0 days

IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT 40 days Sat - 13/12/14 Wed - 21/1/15

Training Program 9 days Sat - 13/12/14 Sun - 21/12/14 Zariman

Prepare final report 16 days Mon - 22/12/14 Tue - 6/1/15 Anis, Mahirah

Installation 15 days Wed - 7/1/15 Wed - 21/1/15 Zariman

Milestone : Implementation Completed 0 days

CLOSE PROJECT 16 days Thu - 22/1/15 Fri - 6/2/15

Conduct Post Project Review 6 days Thu - 22/1/15 Tue - 27/1/15 Hazirah

Prepare final presentation 10 days Wed - 28/1/15 Fri - 6/2/15 Hazirah

Milestone : Close Project Completed 0 days

F. PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARYNo. Details Quantity Cost (RM)1. Laptop 3 9,000.00

2. Printer 1 350.00

3. CD or DVD drive 1 50.00


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4. Data Traveller (4GB) 1 40.00

5. Server 2 80,000.00

6. Installer/Software 20,000.00

7. Printing Service 200.00

8. Electricity 100.00

9. Reserve (system down) 3,000.00

Total (RM) 102,740.00

G. QUALITY ISSUEThe personal information of students in the system must follow the form that is given

by Lirico Music School. The details of students must consists of type of instruments

that each of the students learnt, the courses or packages they take, their current

levels for each instrument, and their monthly fees status. This system will help Lirico

Music School in managing and organizing their administrating stuff. This will also

ensure that all student’s information will be updated.


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H. RESOURCES REQUIREDIn developing this e-Administration System, there are three resources that have

been identified useful for the project. These resources are necessary in order to

complete the project. The three resources that will be used in this project are :

1. People Lirico Music School administrator

o The administrator will provide the official form that always be used in

filling student detail for their training purpose. Despite that, industrial

training supervisor also will explain the flow of manual industrial

training process. This will help the project team in developing the

system more structured and fulfil the requirement.

2. Facilities

Personal Computer or Notebook

o This is necessary in order to develop the system. These resources

can be provided by the project team itself. Having this resource can


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help in design, develop and evaluate the system before been

implement and use by faculty.

Internet Access

o Internet access is needed for each of project team in helping them in

find the information and knowledge about the programming language

will be used in developing this system when there is an error

regarding the coding. This resource can be retrieve from the

company wireless network that provided by company.

3. Technology

Programming software

o Licensed software are needed to ensure that the development

process of the project will not face any illegal problem.

I. ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS1. Some of team members may not have the necessary IT skills. However, this

problem can be solve by others team member that have IT skill.

2. Project in on budget and right on schedule.

All the team members need to do their work according to the estimated time

so that the project will continuously on-track and there will be no budget


3. All project stakeholders will abide by the guidelines identified within this plan.

They should alert about the planned to produce project in time.

4. Project manager will identify and ensure that all project team members are

available when needed in order to complete the project tasks and objectives.

5. The system user support can afford 300 logged-on users per 6 month. This

included the parents and students that will use this system per semester.

6. The communication between Lirico Music School’s administrator with the

parents and students will become more efficient.


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List of Possible Risk ProbabilityH/M/L


What are we already doing about it? (mitigating


What more can we do about it?

Reviewed Level of Risk

1. Difficult to adapt the new technology Technology


H H Identify



that can be

run the


Choose the



and use



The level is


because the


is very


for the



2. Miscommunication Lack of top- level

management support

Lack of staff skill Absence of

Commitment Level or Attitude of Management

H M Identify

which team


that can be


and have

skill to help




Assigned a


leader that

have skill and



with each


The level is



this problem

can be

solved by




3. Budget Cost overrun

M M Identify


part of the

project that

can be

factor of

overrun the


Find others

alternative to

cover the

overrun cost

The level is



this problem

can be

solved by

just follow



Page 13: Project Plan Uitm



Communications is by far the most important driver in project management and

more often than not it is the least adequately planned part of the project and least

effectively carried out. Communications planning involves planning for all the

communications with project stakeholders. A useful tool is the reporting schedule.  It

can help you identify the frequency and types of information required by different


Communication Purpose Audience Author Method Frequency

Initiation Meeting Collect the require

information for

initiation plan





Meeting Before the

project start



Project Initiation


Deliver plan to

notify the

stakeholders of

project scope







distributed via





Project Kickoff Assign the role

and the

All Project Meeting At or near


Page 14: Project Plan Uitm

responsibilities of

the stakeholders

Stakeholders Manager project date

Status Report Update the project

progress to the









and post via




Team Meeting Review detailed


Entire project




Meeting Regularly


Sponsor Meeting Update sponsor

on project status

Sponsors Project


Meeting Regularly


Post Project


Review the project




and sponsor



Meeting End of the


Quarterly Project


Review overall

progress of the

project and focus

on area that need






Meeting and






criticality of

the project



To gain comment

from special group

and keep them

aware of the

project status





Presentation Once

product has

complete all



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Project scope management includes the processes required to ensure that the

project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the

project successfully. Managing the project scope is primarily concerned with defining

and controlling what is and is not included in the project.

1. Collect Requirement

Defining and documenting the customers, sponsor, all stakeholders need

and expectation of the project.

Stakeholders Requirements

Lirico Music School Easy to monitor the students


Manage the student information

Parents Monitor and give comment about the

performance of their children and

Lirico Music School

Students Updated to the latest information


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2. Define Scope

A detailed description of the project to be designed built and implemented. A

detailed scope statement defines what work will and will not be part of the

project and will serve as a basis for all future project decision.

3. Create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

The decomposition or dividing of the major project deliverables into smaller

and more manageable components.

Role Responsibility

Project Manager Developing scope management


Developing a clear description of

how scope changes will be

identified and classified

Identifying and evaluating scope

change request and estimating

impact to scope, schedule and


Communicating scope change

impacts and decision to


Project Team Developing scope management


Identifying and evaluating scope

change request and estimating

impact to scope, schedule and


Lirico Music School Approving scope management


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4. Verify Scope

Confirmation and formal acceptance that the project’s scope is accurate, complete

and supports the project’s Measurable Organizational Value (MOV). The project

team and sponsor must agree to all deliverables. This step is the process of

obtaining the stakeholders formal acceptance of the completed project scope and

associated deliverables .Though quite confused with quality control, project scope

verification deals with the actual formal acceptance of the finished product. Quality

control usually precedes project scope verification and sometimes occurs

simultaneously. The main activity under this step is inspection. Deliverables are

measured, examined, and verified in order to ascertain whether they meet the

product acceptance criteria. Other terms for this step are reviews, audits, and

walkthroughs. The outputs are:

(1) Accepted Deliverables-these documents contain acknowledgements and

proofs that the stakeholders accept the project deliverables and if they are

not accepted, the reasons must also be stated

(2) Requested changes

(3) Recommended Corrective Actions.

5. Control Scope

Ensuring that controls are in place to manage proposed scope changes once

the project’s scope is set. The Project Manager and the project team will

work together to control of the scope of the project. The project team will

leverage the WBS Dictionary by using it as a statement of work for each

WBS element. The project team will ensure that they perform only the work

described in the WBS dictionary and generate the defined deliverables for

each WBS element. The Project Manager will oversee the project team and

the progression of the project to ensure that this scope control process if



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Quality management is performed throughout the project lifecycle with special

attention to quality planning, quality assurance and quality control.

1. Quality Planning

Quality is the degree to which the project fulfills requirements. Quality

management planning determines quality policies and procedures relevant to

the project for both project deliverables and project processes, defines who

is responsible for what, and documents compliance.

2. Quality Assurance

The focus of quality assurance is on the processes used in the project.

Quality assurance ensures that project processes are used effectively to

produce quality project deliverables. It involves following and meeting

standards, continuously improving project work, and correcting project


Project Process

Process Quality Standard

Quality Assurance Activity


Develop or Compliance with Audit plan content and Once per project


Page 19: Project Plan Uitm

Refine Project Plan

framework updates, project priorities,

and task estimation


Execute and Control Project Plan

Compliance with


Audit the following project


i. Quality

ii. Communications

iii. Project progress


Approve Each Project Stage

Compliance with


Audit stage checkpoints Once per project


Close Project With Post Project Review

Compliance with


Audit project reviews by


Once per project


3. Quality Control

The focus of quality control is on the deliverables of the project. Quality control

monitors project deliverables to verify that the deliverables are of acceptable quality

and the customer is satisfied.

Project Deliverable

Deliverable Quality


Quality Control Activity

Frequency Who Is Responsible

Project Management

Meet ease of

use criteria

Establish and




Weekly during





Software application Netbeans that performs some desirable

End user does

not experience

errors or


Testing done

by none


Before moves

to production


Project Team


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Project Management



correctness of

Web linking







Project team


The Change Management approach for the project will ensure that all proposed

changes are defined, reviewed, and agreed upon so they can be properly

implemented and communicated to all stakeholders. This approach will also ensure

that only changes within the scope of this project are approved and implemented.

The Change Management approach is not to be confused with the Change

Management Process which will be detailed later in this plan. The Change

Management approach consists of three areas:

Ensure changes are within scope and beneficial to the project

Determine how the change will be implemented

Manage the change as it is implemented

The Change Management process has been designed to make sure this approach

is followed for all changes. By using this approach methodology, the project team

will prevent unnecessary change from occurring and focus its resources only on

beneficial changes within the project scope.

Definitions of Change

This section of the Change Management Plan defines the different types of changes

that may be requested and considered for the project. These changes may include

schedule change, budget change, scope change, or project document changes.


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Most changes will impact at least one of these areas and it is important to consider

these impacts and how they will affect the project.

There are several types of changes which may be requested and considered for the

project. Depending on the extent and type of proposed changes, changes project

documentation and the communication of these changes will be required to include

any approved changes into the project plan and ensure all stakeholders are notified.

Types of changes include:

Scheduling Changes: changes which will impact the approved project schedule.

These changes may require fast tracking, crashing, or re-baselining the schedule

depending on the significance of the impact.

Budget Changes: changes which will impact the approved project budget. These

changes may require requesting additional funding, releasing funding which would

no longer be required, or adding to project or management reserves. May require

changes to the cost baseline.

Scope Changes: changes which are necessary and impact the project’s scope

which may be the result of unforeseen requirements which were not initially planned

for. These changes may also impact budget and schedule. These changes may

require revision to WBS, project scope statement, and other project documentation

as necessary.

The project manager must ensure that any approved changes are communicated to

the project stakeholders. Additionally, as changes are approved, the project

manager must ensure that the changes are captured in the project documentation

where necessary. These document updates must then be communicated to the

project team and stakeholders as well.

Change Control Board

Here the Change Management Plan describes the Change Control Board, the

purpose of the board, and the members and their roles on the board. The change

control board is the approval authority for all proposed project changes. If a change

is not approved by the control board then it will not be implemented with the project.


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The size and function of change control boards may vary depending on the

organization but their purpose and the roles and responsibilities are consistent.

The Change Control Board (CCB) is the approval authority for all proposed change

requests pertaining to the project. The purpose of the CCB is to review all change

requests, determine their impacts on the project risk, scope, cost, and schedule, and

to approve or deny each change request. The following chart provides a list of the

CCB members.

As change requests are submitted to the Project Manager by the project

team/stakeholders, the Project Manager will log the requests in the change log and

the CCB will gather every other Friday to review all change requests. For a change

request to be approved, all CCB members must vote in favor. In the event more

information is needed for a particular change request, the request will be postponed

and sent back to the requestor for more information or clarification. If a change is

believed critical, an ad hoc CCB meeting can be called in order to review the change

prior to the next scheduled bi-weekly CCB meeting.

Roles and Responsibilities

This section of the Change Management Plan describes the roles and

responsibilities of project team members in regards to the change management

process. It is important that everyone understands these roles and responsibilities

as they work through the change management process. These roles and

responsibilities must be communicated as part of the change management plan to

all project stakeholders.

The following are the roles and responsibilities for all change management efforts

related to the project:

Project Sponsor:


Position CCB Role

Project Sponsor CCB Chair

Project Manager CCB Member

Technical Support CCB Co-Chair

Page 23: Project Plan Uitm

Approve all changes to budget/funding allocations

Approve all changes to schedule baseline

Approve any changes in project scope

Chair the CCB

Project Manager:

Receive and log all change requests from project stakeholders

Conduct preliminary risk, cost, schedule, scope analysis of change prior to


Seek clarification from change requestors on any open issues or concerns

Make documentation revisions/edits as necessary for all approved changes

Participate on CCB

Project Team / Stakeholders

Submit all change requests on standard organizational change request forms

Provide all applicable information and detail on change request forms

Be prepared to address questions regarding any submitted change requests

Provide feedback as necessary on impact of proposed changes

Change Control Process

This part of the Change Management Plan should describe the change control

process from beginning to end. Typically, a change control process should be an

organizational standard and repeatable. This process is the tool which is used to

ensure adherence to the organization’s change management approach which was

discussed in an earlier section. By following all of the steps, the project team can

successfully incorporate approved changes, communicate the changes, and update

project documentation.

The Change Control Process for the project will follow the organizational standard

change process for all projects. The project manager has overall responsibility for

executing the change management process for each change request.

1. Identify the need for a change (Stakeholders) – Change requestor will submit

a completed change request form to the project manager.


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2. Log change in the change request register (Project Manager) – The project

manager will keep a log of all submitted change requests throughout the

project’s lifecycle.

3. Evaluate the change (Project Manager, Team, Requestor) – The project

manager will conduct a preliminary analysis on the impact of the change to

risk, cost, schedule, and scope and seek clarification from team members

and the change requestor.

4. Submit change request to CCB (Project Manager) – The project manager will

submit the change request, as well as the preliminary analysis, to the CCB

for review.

5. Obtain Decision on change request (CCB) – The CCB will discuss the

proposed change and decide whether or not it will be approved based on all

submitted information.

6. Implement change (Project Manager) – If a change is approved by the CCB,

the project manager will update and re-baseline project documentation as



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Human resources management is an important part of the project. The human

resources management plan is a tool which will aid in the management of this

project’s human resource activities throughout the project until closure. The human

resources management plan includes:

Roles and Responsibilities of Team Members Throughout the Project

Project Organization Charts

Staffing Management Plan to Include:

How resources will be acquired

How performance reviews will be conducted

The purpose of the human resources management plan is to achieve project

success by ensuring the appropriate human resources are acquired with the

necessary skills, resources are trained if any gaps in skills are identified, team

building strategies are clearly defines, and team activities are effectively managed.

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities of team members and stakeholders must be clearly

defined in any project. Depending on the organizational structure, project team

members may represent many different groups/departments and act in the interest

of different functional managers. Additionally, team members may have varying

degrees of authority and responsibility. When listing roles and responsibilities the

following should be included:

Role - description of the portion of the project for which the member is


Authority - the level at which the member may make decisions, apply project

resources, or make approvals


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Responsibility - the work a team member must perform to complete assigned

work activities

Competency - the skill(s) required to complete assigned project activities

The roles and responsibilities for the project are essential to project success. All

team members must clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in order to

successfully perform their portion of the project.

Project Organizational Charts

In this section the Human Resource Plan provides a graphic display of the project

tasks and team members. The purpose of this is to illustrate the responsibilities of

team members as they relate to the project tasks. Tools such as responsible,

accountable, consult, inform (RACI) or responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) may

be used to aid in communicating roles and responsibilities for the project team.

Additionally, organizational or resource breakdown structures may be used to show

how responsibilities are assigned by department or by type of resource respectively.

It should be noted that the level of detail may vary depending on project complexity.

Staffing Management

This part of the Human Resource Plan contains information on several areas

including: when and how human resource requirements will be acquired, the

timeline for when resources are needed and may be released, training for any

resources with identified gaps in skills required, how performance reviews will be

performed, and the rewards and recognition system to be used. It is important to

note that depending on the scope of the project there may be other items included in

staffing management (government and/or regulatory compliance, organizational

health and safety, etc).

1. Staff Acquisition:

For the project the project staff will consist entirely of internal resources. There will

be no outsourcing/contracting performed within the scope of this project. The Project

Manager will negotiate with System Owner in order to identify and assign resources


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in accordance with the project organizational structure. All resources must be

approved by the appropriate functional/department manager before the resource

may begin any project work. The project team will not be co-located for this project

and all resources will remain in their current workspace.

2. Performance Reviews

The project manager will review each team member’s assigned work activities at the

onset of the project and communicate all expectations of work to be performed. The

project manager will then evaluate each team member throughout the project to

evaluate their performance and how effectively they are completing their assigned

work. Prior to releasing project resources, the project manager will meet with the

appropriate functional manager and provide feedback on employee project



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Project close-out process means finalization for the e-Administration project and any

related sub-projects. Project close-out is the series of activities that are carried out

to bring an orderly closure to the project and ensuring that any metrics and lessons

learned are captured for future reference. For close-out plan, we will do the project

post-mortem meeting and project personnel reviews to close-out the project. Finally,

we will make preparation of a final report or project plan to include lessons learned

and archived all project related documents.

1. Lessons Learned

Even the most successful projects have lessons from which we can learn. An

effective Project Manager will documents and analyzes the lessons learned from his

project and applies them to future projects throughout the organization.

2. Post Project Review

It's good practice to review all projects at their completion. A Post Project Review

should be performed in addition to a Lessons Learned. Reviewing your project to

see how actual it is accomplished compared to planned gives you a good view of

the project's performance. The post project review along with Lessons Learned

provides meaningful input to future projects.

3. Project Acceptance

Formal Project Acceptance requires a signature by the Project Sponsor or customer.

Before a project can be closed out, Project Manager needs formal acceptance of the

project by the Project Sponsor or customer. Formal acceptance is one step of the

close out process and doesn't release the Project Manager or resources from the


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Project. It is the Project Manager's responsibility to release resources during the

closing process and ensure that all closing tasks are completed.

K. ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVALProject Name: E-Administration System

Project Manager

_______________________________________ __________________

(Signature) (Date)

Name - Nurhazirah Husna binti Hamidan

I-Tech World Sdn. Bhd.

Project Sponsor

_______________________________________ __________________

(Signature) (Date)

Name - Mrs Shirley Sam

Administration Department

Lirico Music School

Executive Sponsor


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_______________________________________ __________________

(Signature) (Date)

Name - Mr Richard Lee

Lirico Music School Organization





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