p.s.c. ky. no. - ky public service commission info/inactive or non-jurisdictional... ·...

FOR All Areas P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050,20 (6c) 1 Revision Sheet No. nnyrile Rural Electric Coop. Corp. Cancel 1 ing P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050,20(6c) Original Sheet No. - 1 RULES AND REGULATIONS POLICY OF THE PENNYRILE RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION P. 0. Box 551-2000 Harrison Street, Hopkinsville, Kentucky With Reqard to Underqround Facilities I n compl i ance wi th the Pub1 i c Service Commi ssion of the Commonweal th of Kentucky Is Administrative Case No. 146, the Pennyri le Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation submits this policy for the installation of underground electric facilities in subdivisions in i,ts service area. DEFINITION The following words and terms, when used in these rules, shall have the meaning indicated: Applicant - the developer, builder or other person, partnership, association, corporation or governmental agency applying for the installation of an underground electric distribution system. Bui 1 ding - a structure enclosed within exterior wall s or fire wall s bui 1 t, erected aad framed or component structural parts and designated for less than five (5) family occupancy. Mu1 tiple-Occupancy Bui ldinq - a structure enclosed within exterior walls or fire five (5) or more individual dwell ing units. secondary conductors, transformers, and necessary accessories the furnishing of electric power at utilization voltage. -, - D ISSUED BY

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FOR All Areas

P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050,20 (6c)

1 Revision Sheet No.

nnyrile Rural Electric Coop. Corp. Cancel 1 ing P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050,20(6c)

Original Sheet No.

- 1


POLICY OF THE PENNYRILE RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION P . 0. Box 551-2000 Harrison Street, Hopkinsville, Kentucky

With Reqard to Underqround Facilities

I n compl i ance wi th the Pub1 i c Servi ce Commi ssi on of the Commonweal th of Kentucky Is

Administrative Case No. 146, the Pennyri le Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation submits

this policy for the installation of underground electric facilities in subdivisions in

i,ts service area. DEFINITION

The following words and terms, when used in these rules, shall have the meaning


Applicant - the developer, builder or other person, partnership, association, corporation or governmental agency applying for the installation o f an underground

electric distribution system.

Bui 1 ding - a structure enclosed within exterior wall s or fire wall s bui 1 t, erected

aad framed or component structural parts and designated for less than five (5) family


Mu1 tiple-Occupancy Bui ldinq - a structure enclosed within exterior walls or fire

five (5 ) or more individual dwell ing units.

secondary conductors, transformers, and necessary accessories

the furnishing of electric power at utilization voltage.

-, - D


FOR A l l Areas

. 807KAR2: 050.20 (6c)

- n n y r i l e Rural E l e c t r i c Coop. Corp.

Or ig ina l Sheet No. 2


Subdiv is ion - the t r a c t o f land which i s d i v ided i n t o ten ( l o ) o r more l o t s f o r the

cons t ruc t i on of new r e s i d e n t i a l bu i ld ings , o r t h e land on which i s const ructed two (2) o r

more new mu1 t i p l e occupancy bui 1 dings.

U t i l i t y - the Pennyr i le Rural E l e c t r i c Cooperative Corporat ion


1. The u t i l i t y s h a l l const ruct , own, operate and main ta in d i s t r i b u t i o n l i n e s on ly

along easements, p u b l i c s t ree t , roads, and highways which are by l ega l r i g h t access ib le

t o the u t i l i t y ' s equipment and which the u t i l i t y has t h e l ega l r i g h t t o occupy, and on

t h e p u b l i c lands and p r i v a t e p roper ty across which r i g h t s o f way and easements s a t i s f a c t o r y

t o the u t i l i t y may be obta ined w i thout cost of condemnation by the u t i l i t y . 1

2. R ights o f way and easements s u i t a b l e t o t h e u t i l i t y f o r t h e underground

d i s t r i b u t i o n f a c i l i t i e s must be furn ished by t h e app l i can t i n reasonable t ime t o meet

serv ice requirements.

t he underground d i s t r i b u t i o n f a c i l i t i e s are t o be loca ted access ib le t o t h e u t i l i t y ' s

equipment, remove a l l obs t ruc t i ons from such area, s take t o show proper ty l i n e s and f i n a l

grade, per form rough grading t o a reasonable approximation o f f i n a l grade, and main ta in

c l e a r i n g and grading du r ing cons t ruc t ion by t h e u t i l i t y .

s u i t a b l e land r i g h t s be granted to i t , o b l i g a t i n g the,appl icant and subsequent p roper ty

The u t i l i t y w i l l r e q u i r e t h a t t h e app l ican t make t h e area i n which

The u t i l i t y may -... requ i re _- t h a t

owners t o p rov ide cont inu ing access to the u t i l i t y for operation, maintenance o r

replacement o f i t s f a c i l i t i e s , and t o prevent any encro

easement or subs tan t i a l changes i n grade o r e l e v a t i o n t

' ( 2 i

?,$7 i

\ Y'

- I_

M d t h Day Year Month Year


FOR All Areas

P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20.(6~)

3 Revision Sheet No.

Cancelling P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~) c

Pennyrile Rural Electric Coop. Corp.

Original Sheet No, 3



I. Where appropriate contractual arrangements have been made, the utility shall

install within the subdivision an underground electric distribution system OF, sufficient

capacity and sui table materials which, in its judgement, wi 1 1 assure that the property

owners wi 1 1 receive safe and adequate--el ectr i c servi ee for the forseeabl e future.

2. Facilities required to be underground:

{a) All single phase conductors installed by the utility shall be underground.

Appurtenances such as transformers, pedestal-mounted terminals, switching

equipment, and meter cabinets will be placed above ground; the differential

cost of underground shall be borne by the applicant.

(b) Three ( 3 ) phase primary mains or feeders required within a subdivision

to supply local distribution or to serve individual three-phase loads may be

overhead unless underground is required by

by the applicant, in either of which case

3 . If the applicant has

uti 1 i ty ‘ s speci ficat

utility not less tha

compl i ed

ons on f

120 day

shall be borne by the applicant.

with the req

le with the

I( ’ written notice prior to the anticipated

date of completion (i.e., ready for occupancy) o f the first building in

subdivision, the utility shall complete the installation 30 days prior ’


to the estimated completion date.

and availability of materials and barring extraordinary or emergency

(Subject to weather and ground condi ions, t- 1978

- - DATE OF ISSUE October 26 1977 DATE EFFECTIVE Jaruary 1

Month Day Year


FOR All Areas

P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~)

Revision sheet No. 4

- Pennyrile Rural Electric Coop. Corp. Cancelling P,S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050-20(6~)

4 Original Sheet No.


circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the utility.)

regulations shall be interpreted to require the utility to extend service to portions of

the subdivisions not under active development.

However, nothing in these


1. The developer will pay the utility $2.00 per foot, representing the difference . in the cost of overhead and underground distribution primary facilities, non refundable.

2. Should it be the desire of the developer to develop the subdivision by sections,

it is recognized that the utility would be required to make expenditures (heavier conductor,

and in instances three-phase lines) in advance of their imnediate requirements to serve

the other portions of the subdivision at a future date, or until the developer desires

to complete the undeveloped area, under these conditions, the utility would charge an

amount not to exceed 31% cents per foot for three phase primary lines, and 21% cents

per foot for single phase primary lines installed initially. This amount will be paid

by the developer in advance of construction, and is not refundable.

3. When a subdivision consisting of 10 or more lots is developed at one time

(within 12 months), a deposit o f 31% cents per foot for three phase primary lines,

and 21% cents per foot for sing1 e phase 1 i nes shall be made by developer to be refunded

after 12 months' time, provided 70 percent of the lots in the subdivision have been

completed and are occupied by permanent residents. I

refund schedule would apply.


P.S.C, Ky. No._ 807KAR2:050.20(6~)

Pennyrile Rural Electric Coop. Corp. Cancel 1 ing PpS.C, Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~)



1 Year = 70% Permanent Occupancy = 100% Refund

2 Years= 80% Permanent Occupancy = 60% Refund

3 Years= 90% Permanent Occupancy = 40% Refund

4 Years= 95% Permanent Occupancy = 20% Refund

5 Years= 97% Permanent Occupancy = 10% Refund

4* The developermay open and back fill all trenches to the utility's

specifications a t his expense.

5 . In cases where vacant: lots are sold to individuals, the developer will

'-corporate in his restrictions, or will otherwise make it known to the purchaser

that the cost of trenching and hack filling to the utility'S specifications, the

service drop will be borne by the individual, or the developer, and that there

w i l l be a charge per service by the utility for the installation of the secondary

voltage serving line, with the individual or developer doing

back fil.ling according to the utilityss specificationso

- - - _ _ _.--

6 . A t the request of the developer, or a municipality,

subdivision might be situated, street lighting with its underground lines would

be installed with the developer or municipality opening the trench and back

filling it to the utility's specifications, without charge by the utility for

the installations, provided there is assurence that stem

w i l l remain in service f o r ten or more years.

Year Month Day Year

P. 0. Box $51, Hopkinsvilie, Ky. ~ ,<XL- i4,a n a ge r

A ... - * ! - - - - / I T i t l e Address

FOR All Areas

P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~1,

Revision sheet N ~ . 6

Pennyrile Rural Electric Cow. Corn. Cancelling P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050-20(6c) - 6 Original Sheet No.



1. The developer will be required to open all tmnches and back f i l l all trenches

within P.R.E.C.C. specifications and without cost to P.R.E.C.C. Trenches are to be

48 inches in depth from finish to grade.

2. The developer is to provide a 10 foot easement on all front property lines.

Before an easement is designated, all utilities involved should agree on the required

easement needed.

of attachment on the individual lots.

Also, easements should be stated to include the service to the poiin$

3. All the primary underground cables will be in front of the lots within the

designated easements.

4. All transformers will be pad mounts located above ground and within the

designated easements.

5. Pennyrile will not allow any other utility


6 . The crossings of other utilities are to me

806, January, 1975.

7. All crossings of public streets and privat e made-

in either rigid conduit or PVC Spec 40 conduit whic nd instal led

by the developer. The size conduit wi 1 1 be deterrni ned by Pennyri le in accordance with

the size cable used. A pull rope is to be provided for use in pulling the cable.

8. In the event that any rock, solid or loose, is encountered, the developer

is to furnish either rigid conduit or PVC Spec 40 conduit and is to be installed

1977 DATE EFFECT I VE Month Year


FOR A l l Areas

p.S,C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050*20(6c)

Revis ion Sheet Noo 7

I Pennyr i le Rural E l e c t r i c Coop. Corp. Cancel 1 ing P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~)

I . . Or ig ina l Sheet No. 7


by the developer.


A p u l l rope i s t o be provided by developer f o r use i n p u l l i n g the

Size o f condui t w i 11 be determined by Pennyri le .

9. A l l areas where cable i s t o be i n s t a l l e d sha l l have a l l excavat ion work done

and s h a l l be a t f i n i s h grade before any work i s star ted.

l o e Trenching sha l l be i n a s t r a i g h t l i n e from p o i n t t o p o i n t .

11. Any special i n s t a l l a t i o n s requi red s h a l l conform t o Pennyr i le Rural E l e c t r i c ’ s

s p e c i f i c a t i o n s and R.E.A. Form 806, January 1975.


March 21, 1977

Below i s the p o l i c y of Pennyr i le Rural E l e c t r i c i n regard t o underground service. I

1. The minimum s i z e entrance t h a t w i l l be served underground i s 200 ampere

and the maximum i s 800 ampere under t h i s po l i c y . A1 1 o ther s i z e and arrangements

w i l l be considered special i n s t a l l a t i o n s and are to be worked ou t on t h e i r own

i n d i v i d u a l s i t u a t i o n s by Pennyr i le Rural E l e c t r i c .

2.,The customer w i l l be requi red t o pay t h e fo l l ow ing cons t ruc t i on charges.

40 f e e t w i l l be added t o the l i n e a r footage f o r footage t o go up p o l e and up i n t o

meter base w i t h service. _ -

Size Entrance

200 ampere 400 ampere 600 ampere 800 ampere

. . . . . .. v . 1 - w r UK

Revi sion sheet N ~ . 8

'' -7yrile Rural Electric Coop. Corpo -


Three Phase _Io__

Size Entrance Construction Charge Plus Charge per foot (cornpl ete 1 enqth)

200 ampere 400 ampere 600 ampere 800 ampere

$ 80.00 $150.00 $355 * 00 $355.00

$ J?? $1.00 a

$2.00 $2.00

3. In no case will an underground service be so long that it sacrificies I .

good design practices.

4. The customer may be required to open a trench and install conduit as

f0l lows:

(a) The trench i s to be opened by the customer and is to be 30 inches y" deep and wide enough to accomodate the below required PVC, Schedule 40 conduit

required sizes for the respective entrance sizes.

Sinqle Phase Size Entrance Size Required PVC

Schedule 40, Condui t

2 inch 3 inch

, Arrangement worked out for each i ndivi dual servi ce Arrangement.-wor-ked-aut for each

,J i ndivi dual servi ce

400 200 ampere ampere ,r 600 ampere

800 ampere -

-_ ,

200 ampere 400 ampere 600 ampere

800 ampere

Arrangement worked out for each i ndi vi dual customer Arrangement worked out for each i ndi vi dual customer

FOR All Areas

P.S.C. Kye NO. 807KAR2:050.20(6~)

Revi si on Sheet No. 9

- Pennyrile Rural Electric Coop. Corp. Cancel 1 ing P,S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050,.20(6c)


(b) The above conduit is to be continuous from the meter base or switchbox

where applicable to the base of Pennyrile's pole.

40 elbow turned toward the top of the pole will be required.

be installed in the conduit so that Pennyrile can pull its cable through the conduit,

At the pole a 90° PVC Schedule

A wire or rope i s to

The turns at the pQle base and at the entrance are to be PVC, sweeping ELL'S conduit

fittings and not plumbing fittings.


ground level.


ABS, Schedule 40 conduit can be used instead of PVC, Schedule 40 for below

It cannot be used above ground level such as continuing into a meter

(d) Where road crossings are necessary the customer will be required to meet

any special instal lation requirements designated by Pennyri le.

(e) The trench is to be closed by the customer but not before Pennyrile has

installed its cable in the conduit. .

( f ) The location of the trench will be designated by Pennyrile. The trench is to

be a straight line from the pole to the entrance location.

5 . The entrance and meter location wi 1 1 be desi 1 9


6. The entrance and meter base will be inst

above 400- ampere that are to be metered with C.

instal led. 7. No other utility is to be in the same t


FOR All Areas

P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~)

Pennyrile Rural Electric Coop. Corp. - Revision Sheet No. 10

Cancelling P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~)


8. The entrance and meter base will be installed in accordance to the National

Electrical Code and Pennyrile Rural Electric specificationso

9. A customer requesting underground service and also a temporary service will

pay the usual $25.00 temporary service fee. This fee will not be refunded. This

i ndl udes a1 1 el ectri c homes.

10. The underground service will not be run until the release and ready card

had been turned in and the trench is dug, conduit in place, and permanent connection

can be made. In the event that Pennyrile had been told by customer that everything

i s ready and the line crew finds it is not when they get to the job, the customer

will be billed for all additional time, mileage and overhead after the first trip.


/ For

MOBILE HOME PARKS (Trailer Courts) I February 16, 1973 (

Requirements: 1. To qualify for electric service under&% Underground Policy

for Mobile Home Parks; the proposed park must consist of four

or more mobile homes. A plat o

all lots, lot numbers, and dime _- Pennyri le Rural Electric.

2. This policy applies only to sec

A1 1 required primary 1 ines and

cost: 1. The Mobile Home Park developer will purchase the meter pedestals

from Pennyrile Rural Electric at a cost of $75.00 per pedestal. This cost is to be paid in advance. -


DATE OF ISSUE-26 1977 DATE EFFECTIVE January 1 1978 Month Year


FOR All Areas

P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~)

1 1 Revision Sheet N ~ .

Pennyrile Rural Electric Coop. Corp. Cancelling P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~) - Original Sheet No. 1 1


3 . The meter pedestals will be owned by the developer and it will be his

responsibi 1 i ty to maintain the pedestal and associated equipment with

the exception of the meter base, meter, and point of connection. These

will be Pennyrile's responsibility.

Specification: 1. All pedestals will have one 200 ampere main breaker, 100 ampere

sub-breaker, 50 ampere sub-breaker wi th 50 Smpere receptacle.

installation: 1. The developer will be required to open and close a 30 inch deep

trench at his expense. At each pedestal location, the developer will

be required to provide a 30 inch deep, 18 inch by 6 inch opening for the

pedestal. The location of the trench and pedestal will be designated by

Pennyri le.

2. In the event that rock is encountered a 4 inch conduit with a

pull rope will have to be provided by the developer. The 4 inch conduit

can be either rigid or PVC Grade 40. Special requirements will be met

where there is rock at the pedestal location

Any location where the cable will 3 .

will have to be provided by the developer.

4. Only Pennyrile's cable can be in

other utilities there must be one foot separ

utility and Pennyrile's cable with Pennyrile's cable on the bottom.

5. The developer will be required to install a copperweld ground

rod 8 foot by 5/8 inch and properly ground pedestal in accordance with

Month 'fear

FOR All Areas

P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:05O920(6c)

12 Revi s i on Sheet No.

Cancel 1 ing P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050.20(6~) - Pennyrile Rural Electric Coop. Corp.

12 Original Sheet No.


6. Pennyrile will install the cable and meter pedestal.

to the site at the time o f installation.

The pedestal will be brought

Inspection: 1. The installation will be required to be inspected by the electrical


will have to be ready before they will be inspected.

All electric services will be subject to the rules and regulations of

Pennyrile Rural Electric in addition to the above requirements.

The inspection fee will be $2.00. At least ten installations

Other: 1 .



1978 DATE OF ISSUE October 26, 1977 DATE EFFECTIVE January 1

Day Year Month


FOR A l l Areas

P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050,20(6C)

Revi s i on Sheet No. 1 3

- e n n y r i l e Rural E l e c t r i c Coop. Corp. Cance l l ing P.S.C. Ky. No. 807KAR2:050,20(6C)

Or ig ina l sheet No. 13


Under (Def i n i t i on)

T r a i l e r Park - An area cons is t i ng o f a l o t l a rge enough, and meeting the Department o f Heal th standards, t o accommodate four ( 4 ) or more mobi le homes.


When a developer des i res underground serv ice t o a mobi le home park, i t sha l l be

h i s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o open and back f i l l the t rench f o r the secondary conductors, t o

be furn ished and i n s t a l l e d by the u t i l i t y . I t i s understood t h a t when rock o r gravel

are encountered i n the trench, o r a t road crossings and other d r i v i n g areas, the

'eveloper w i l l p rov ide p r o t e c t i o n f o r t he u t i l i t y ' s conductors, i n accordance w i t h

lhei r speci f i cat ions . The developer w i l l purchase from the u t i l i t y a meter pedestal which includes-

p r o t e c t i v e equipment, l ess the cost o f the meter socket, t o be i n s t a l l e d an9 ;./3 t i I connected by the u t i l i t y . ' ' - 1

I n cases where mobi le home parks are la rge enough t o requ i re pr imary l ine5

i n t o the park, and the developer request them underground, the developer w i l l p rov ide

the necessary t renching, w i t h p r o t e c t i v e equipment where requ i red i n rock-and - - gravel, -

o r a t road crossings and o ther d r i v i n g areas, and wi11.pay the u t i l i t y $2.00 per

f o o t f o r a l l pr imary conductor i n s t a l l e d , represent ing the d i f f e r e n c e i n the cost

o f overhead and underground const ruct ion.

t ransformers w i l l be s i t u a t e d above ground.

I t i s f u r t h e r

Month Year