public meeting agenda - council chamber

Public Meeting Agenda - Council Chamber Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 7:00 PM Page 1. OPENING OF THE MEETING 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA AND/OR AGENDA ADDITIONS 2.1. Agenda and Additions dated July 11, 2019. Recommendation: That the agenda and additions thereto be adopted. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 4. PUBLIC MEETINGS 4.1. Fowler Construction Company Ltd. OP-1/17 and Z-8/19 Proposed quarry expansion at Part Front Range Lot 40, Township of Ramara (formerly Township of Rama), known municipally as 7723 Rama Road EcoVue Report MHBC-Fowler Presentation 2019-07-11 Residents Presentation Handouts_Objections_Peer Review 2 - 46 5. CONFIRMATION BYLAW 6. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 46

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Page 1: Public Meeting Agenda - Council Chamber

Public Meeting Agenda - Council Chamber

Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 7:00 PM



2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA AND/OR AGENDA ADDITIONS 2.1. Agenda and Additions dated July 11, 2019.

Recommendation: That the agenda and additions thereto be adopted.


4. PUBLIC MEETINGS 4.1. Fowler Construction Company Ltd. OP-1/17 and Z-8/19

Proposed quarry expansion at Part Front Range Lot 40, Township of Ramara (formerly Township of Rama), known municipally as 7723 Rama Road

EcoVue Report

MHBC-Fowler Presentation

2019-07-11 Residents Presentation

Handouts_Objections_Peer Review

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1.0 Recommendation

That Council receive the report dated July 3, 2019 from EcoVue Consulting Services Inc., with respect to

the update on the applications from Fowler Construction Company Ltd. (OP-1/17 and Z-8/17) to expand

the Fowler (Fleming) Quarry.

2.0 Background

An application was received on November 17, 2017 by the Township of Ramara requesting an

amendment to the Township of Ramara Official Plan (2003) and the Township of Ramara Zoning By-law

2005-85. The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment application is to change the land use designation

on the subject lands from Rural to Mineral Aggregate Extraction Area, while the purpose of the Zoning

By-law Amendment application is to change the zone category on the subject lands from the Rural (RU)

Zone to the Mineral Aggregate Extraction (MAE) Zone. The site is currently vacant, and the intent of the

applications is to facilitate the expansion of the licensed area of the existing Fowler (Fleming) Quarry.

3.0 Update on Application Process

Below is a summary of events since the previous update provided to Council on December 21, 2018:

Planning Report To: Mayor and Council, Township of Ramara


Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Applicant: Fowler Construction Company Ltd. c/o MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson (MHBC) Planning Limited Part Lot 40, Concession Broken Front, Geographic Township of Rama 7723 Rama Road, Township of Ramara

Municipal File No.: OP-1/17, Z-8/17

EcoVue File No.: 17-1705-01

Date: July 3, 2019

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OP-1/17 and Z-8/17 Fowler Quarry Expansion

Township of Ramara July 3, 2019


1. Peer-Review Comments

The Township received a letter from its engineering peer review consultant, Tatham Engineering,

indicating that there were no further issues with the traffic analysis provided by the applicant’s consultant.

The review conducted by Tatham included traffic counts that were provided by local residents in addition

to the data provided by the applicant.

As noted in our report of December 21, 2018, the traffic comments were the only remaining outstanding

peer review comments that had not yet been resolved. As such, Township staff now consider the

technical peer review process to be complete.

2. Township ARA Objection

The Township formally objected to the application for a Licence and an application to amend the existing

Licence under the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) in Spring of 2019. The objection was submitted to

the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) on the basis that the applications do not

conform/comply with the Official Plan designation (Rural) and zone on the property (Rural (RU) Zone).

3. Applicant Response to MNRF Objection

The MNRF had previously objected to the Site Plans provided by the applicant in support of the ARA

Licence Applications. In response to this objection, the applicant provided revised Site Plans to MNRF

on February 5, 2019. A letter from MNRF, dated April 9, 2019, outlined outstanding concerns regarding

the rehabilitation plan. At the time of the writing of this report, the Township is not aware of any further

response provided by the applicant to MNRF regarding outstanding concerns.

4. Public Comments

The applicants provided a letter to Council on March 6, 2019 providing a summary of their response to

public concerns/comments related to the expansion and existing quarry operations.

It is anticipated that additional comments will be provided by members of the public at the second public

meeting on July 11, 2019. The applicant will be expected to provide a response to any new comments

that area received.

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OP-1/17 and Z-8/17 Fowler Quarry Expansion

Township of Ramara July 3, 2019


4.0 Summary

The Township’s peer review process is now complete. Staff and the undersigned will review comments

received at the second public meeting and provide a recommendation to Council at a later date.

Respectfully Submitted,


J. Kent Randall B.E.S. MCIP RPP Manager and Senior Planner

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Township of Ramara Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment

Second Public Meeting

Thursday, July 11, 2019 Brian Zeman, BES, MCIP, RPP

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Submitted Applications

Proposed Extension (OPA, ZBA & New Licence Application)• 8.7 ha is proposed to be designated and zoned

Mineral Aggregate Extraction Area • Of which 6.9 ha is proposed for extraction • Approval authorities: County of Simcoe, Township

of Ramara and MNRF


Modification to Existing Quarry (ARA Site Plan Amendment) • Increase extraction area by 1.4 ha • Deepen quarry by 15 m • Approval authority: MNRF

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Process Leading up to May 28, 2018 Public Meeting


2015 – Background field surveys and water assessment commenced

2016 – Agency Pre-Consultation began

June 24, 2017 – Fowler hosted Open House

November 16, 2017 – OPA and ZBA applications submitted to Township

November 17, 2017 – Township deemed application complete

January 2018 – Township commissioned peer review of technical reports

April 27, 2018 – Fowler hosted ARA Public Open House

May 28, 2018 – Township OPA and ZBA Public Meeting

Fowler has posted all technical reports and a summary of the application on their website

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Process Since May 28, 2018 Public Meeting


June 20, 2018 and July 23, 2018 – MECP submitted comments on ARA applications

October 11, 2018 – Sign-off from Township’s Blasting and Noise peer reviewer

October 29, 2018 – Sign-off from County of Simcoe’s D4 peer reviewer

November 22, 2018 – Sign-off from Township’s Natural Environment, Water Resources and D4 peer reviewer

March 06, 2019 – Fowler submitted letter to Township responding to Residents Traffic Concerns along Switch Road

March 06, 2019 – Fowler submitted response to May 28, 2018 Public Meeting resident and council questions

April 04, 2019 – MECP provided sign-off on their comments from June 20 and July 23, 2018

July 03 and 04, 2019 – Fowler submitted a response to Township’s traffic peer reviewer and MNRF to address the only outstanding technical issues

Fowler has posted all technical reports and a summary of the application on their website

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Switch Road Traffic Concerns• In February 2019, Residents

made a deputation to Council regarding speed limit concerns on Switch Road.

• Fowler does not object to a reduction in the speed limit.

• Fowler prepared and sent a letter to all truck drivers, customers and contractors regarding truck traffic safety concerns.


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Next StepsFowler is working to:- Address the remaining comments from the Township’s

traffic peer reviewer and MNRF. - Submit a written response to each ARA objector in

August. - ARA objectors will have 20 days after receipt of the letter to

respond. - If no response is received within 20 days, the objection is

deemed to be withdrawn by MNRF.- If continued objections are received within 20 days, MNRF can

dismiss the objection and decide to issue the licence once the zoning is approved or refer the ARA application to LPAT for a hearing.

Township planning staff will prepare a report to Council with a recommendation on the application.


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Thursday, July 11, 2019 Brian Zeman, BES, MCIP, RPP

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A Quarry Should Not Be This Close to a Community

Please vote no to the rezoning of Fowler property from Rural (RU) to Mineral Aggregate Extraction (MAE)

Presented by Ramara Legacy Alliance Inc.Ramara Township Public Meeting

Thursday, July 11th, 2019

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This is our community, in relation to the quarry● The blue area is the existing quarry● The red area is the proposed

expansion area● There is a closed landfill site within

this radius● Fowler intends to push the western

boundary of both sites 22 metres closer to Rama Road

● The cluster of properties to the west of the quarry are represented by many of the residents here tonight. The closest lakefront property is 140m away

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Here is the potential impact to the Township:If the proposed quarry extension property is re-zoned for Mineral Aggregate Extraction….

● Council will lose the support of many voters. As candidates, everybody who was asked had indicated they would not support this quarry’s expansion.

● Minimal development to take place here, which means less development charges, or new property tax revenue

● Potential lawsuits and liability:

- dangerous future “Lake Fleming” with sheer drop, vertically-faced sides

- foreseeable traffic accidents involving quarry trucks vs pedestrian/cyclist/school bus/passenger vehicle

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Money talks

Note that property tax accounts for 64.9% of township revenues.

Aggregate -represented by 9 pits and 14 quarries in Ramara Township combined- accounts for only 1% of revenues

Bakertilly, Independent Auditor’s Report Year End Dec.31st, 2018 submitted this chart to Ramara Council May 13th, 2019

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The Issues:

1. Decreased quality and quantity of our drinking water2. Structural damage to our properties and foundations, windows etc.3. The risk of flyrock to residents, vehicles, and homes4. Unacceptable noise levels to a cottage area and sensitive wildlife habitat5. The constant thundering of massive hauling truck traffic, and the danger they

pose to our community, and local cars, cyclists, pedestrians, school buses etc.6. Concern for the biodiversity-rich wetlands surrounding the quarry, which is

habitat to 6 endangered and threatened species7. The decline in property values, as well as the inability to sell our properties or

attract new buyers8. The unacceptable risk of exposure to carcinogenic silica dust, which is a by-

product of granite crushing

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Waterfront Designation

There is a need for protection of waterfronts e.g. Waterfront Designation, like in other communities, such as Muskoka Lakes.

We would like Council to study the problem before making any decisions on voting for the rezoning.

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Our water The quarry has already exposed the water table, and they are proposing to go even deeper. Fowler also just received approval for a Permit To Take Water (PTTW) in the amount of just under 2 million litres (1,940,000) of water per day. To give perspective, the community well that services the 35 homes on nearby Davy Drive has a PTTW for 75 thousand litres per day.

Given the blast-induced vibration, is there any risk of toxins leaching from the abandoned landfill east of the wetland into the water supply? Our community is protected from this risk under Bill 139.

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To quote from page 5 of Golder’s hydro-geological study, granite is porous:

“Unweathered and unfractured metamorphic rocks (such as the quartzo-feldspathic gneiss or mafic gneiss seen at the site) have primary porosities (i.e. natural volume of void space) that are typically less than two percent, and primary permeabilities close to zero. Secondary porosity and permeability are commonly developed through fracturing and weathering of the rock. Fractured metamorphic rocks may exhibit secondary porosities up to ten percent (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). Groundwater flow within such bedrock aquifers is primarily through secondary porosity from fractures that have developed.”

This would indicate that not only is seepage already occurring naturally at 2%, but is made worse by the quarry activity that would create the secondary porosity via fractures, resulting in a 10% leakage.

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FlyrockThis is how close our community is to the quarry. The closest home is within the length of a football field.

Consulting mining engineer William Hill has written a peer review for us (available on request) that demonstrates the quarry is detonating much too close to our community. Among other recommendations, he states that:

The increased explosives load would require a setback in the range of at least 600m – 700m.

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Unreasonable & excessive noiseOn Monday June 17th, and Tuesday June 18th, 2019, dump trucks were seen and heard driving up the ridge at the northeast corner of Rama and Switch Roads.

After dumping their load at the top of the ridge, one dump truck slammed its tailgate on the truck an average of approximately 15 times.

On Tuesday June 18th, 2019, at 12:31pm, a dump truck slammed its tailgate approximately 29 times.

Numerous complaints came from the neighbourhood. One neighbour called the OPP at approximately 1pm that day to complain about the noise. They did not hear back from the OPP. Our local councillor contacted Moreen Miller of Fowler Construction regarding excessive noise.

This is in addition to the constant noise from processing, drilling, grinding that occur on a regular basis.

On several occasions both in 2018 and this year, we believe processing began well before the mandatory 7am scheduled processing time. In particular, June 17th, 2019, 6:40am, alleged rock-chiselling noises could be heard. Video documentation available.

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What is wrong with this picture?

This school bus has just pulled away from the bus stop on Rama Road, about 15 metres north of Switch Road, after letting a child off. This child then crosses the road in front of the bus, to get home. We have video evidence of many trucks failing to stop for the stop sign at the end of Switch Road at Rama Road.

We get that quarries are necessary, but not this close to a community.

September 14th, 2018 3:48pm

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Fowler now owns the property surrounding the wetlands, and discharges their sump water into it. Water quality aside, fluctuations in the water levels can have dramatic effects on spawning, nesting, and hibernating.

This risk is unacceptable if all wetlands on Fowler property are to be treated as Provincially Significant.

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Property values

There is a pattern of decreased property values within the affected quarry radius (assessed higher in 2012 than in 2016) but not as evident in other neighbourhoods not close to a quarry, according to the township tax roll records. Interestingly the Fleming quarry was still dormant in 2012.

The Township is hurting its own pocketbook by continuing to allow the quarry to be a “site influence” regarding property values in terms of property tax revenue.

This will discourage further development or people wanting to buy here, let alone negatively affect residents wanting to sell their properties.

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Silica dust - not your average dust

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC), silica dust falls under Group 1, the most lethal category of carcinogens known to cause cancer in humans. Asbestos is in this same category.

Silica dust is a by-product of crushed granite. It stands to reason that a granite quarry also involved in the processing (grinding, crushing, screening) along with the blasting, would emit large amounts of dust in the air that could contain silica.

While a dust analysis was suggested by the Simcoe County planner, Fowler’s planning consultants quickly responded that the Aggregate Resource Act (ARA) did not require them to complete such a study.

Our health should not be at risk because of a piece of legislation.

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Dust is often stirred up by the trucks exiting the quarry. There does not appear to be any sign of the required dust mitigation.

This is only one of many videos we have depicting quarry trucks disobeying the stop sign, as well as other infractions near the Fleming Quarry.

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Vote NO to the rezoning

We respectfully request that Council votes no to the rezoning that would allow this quarry to expand. There are a multitude of reasons to support our position, but the main one is that it is simply too close to our community.

Thank you for your consideration.

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ID Name Address Date Traffic Dust Noise Flying Rock Property Value Structural Damage Drawdown Well Wetland Pedestrian Danger Other Comment

1 Andy Zupan 7110 Beach 6/19/2019

2 Oscar Lukach 7304 Glen Ellen 6/20/2019

3 Tim and Doreen Lett 7342 Glen Ellen 6/19/2019

4 Lynn Zupan 7110 Beach 6/19/2019

5 Jeanne Hardman 7364 Glen Ellen 6/19/2019

6 Noah Woodman 7412 Rama Rd 6/25/2019

7 Laurence and Michelle Wood 3724 Portage Bay Rd 6/18/2019

8 Susan an Curt Tansley 7348 Glen Ellen 6/18/2019

9 Ellen Sheepway 727 Glen Ellen 6/24/2019

10 John Sheepway 7272 Glen Ellen 6/24/2019

11 Eric and Luanne Husman 7394 Rama Rd 6/25/2019

12 Linda and Peter Weiland 3460 Bedford Lane 6/25/2019

13 William and Yvonne Bromley 7292 Gle Ellen 6/25/2019

14 Paula Hardman 7364 Glen Ellen 6/24/2019

15 Allen Hardman 7364 Glen Ellen 6/24/2019

16 Susan Creighton 7090 Beach 6/26/2019

17 Vivian Nicholson 7148 Beach 6/24/2019

18 Frederick Manuage 8227 Rama 6/27/2019

19 Mary Laszlo 7198 Beach 6/28/2019

20 Martin Laszlo 7198 Beach 6/28/2019

21 Jo Ellen Marshall 7069 Beach 6/28/2019

22 Lynette Davis 7162 Beach 6/28/2019

23 Linda May 7264 Glen Ellen 6/28/2019

24 Robert Clarke 7046 Beach 6/28/2019

25 Margaret and Robert Peters 7163 Beach 7/2/2019

26 Geof Smith 7360 Glen Ellen 7/2/2019

27 Irene Smith 7360 Glen Ellen 7/2/2019

28 Cynthia and Manual Palo 7500 Baldwin 7/3/2019

29 Matthew Hardman 7364 Glen Ellen 7/3/2019

30 Maurice McMillan 6956 McMillan Sideroad 7/3/2019

31 Tricia Migus 7280 Glen Ellen 7/3/2019

32 May Beth Dowling 7338 Glen Ellen 7/3/2019

33 Virginia Marshall 3129 Switch 7/3/2019

34 Karen Switzer 7333 Davy 7/3/2019

35 Bruce Creighton 7090 Beach 7/3/2019

36 James Hardman 7364 Glen Ellen 7/3/2019

37 Doreen Lett 7342 and 7344 Glen Ellen 7/3/2019

38 Cliff England 7/3/2019

39 Jan Pringle 2423 Housey Rapids RD 7/3/2019

40 Paul Shilling and Evelyn Lotfy 2801 Switch 7/3/2019

41 Terry Rockall 7293 7/3/2019

42 Cameron Houston 7318 Glen Ellen 7/3/2019

43 Mark Houston 7318 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

44 Kelly Mitchell 7/4/2019

45 Kelly Houston 7318 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

46 Jackie Trimble 7004 Oakland Beach 7/4/2019

47 Patti Sanderson 7332 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

48 Joan Mizzi-Fry 7324 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

49 Tom Place Sr 3557 Dock 7/4/2019

50 Scotty Ritchie 3560 Dock 7/4/2019

51 Greg Armstrong 7131 Beach 7/4/2019

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ID Name Address Date Traffic Dust Noise Flying Rock Property Value Structural Damage Drawdown Well Wetland Pedestrian Danger Other Comment

52 Chris Armstrong Armstrong 7131 Beach 7/4/2019

53 Kayla Higginbottom 7131 Beach 7/4/2019

54 Sean Taylor 7154 Beach 7/4/2019

55 Carol Norman 7357 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

56 Ryan Hardman 7364 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

57 Catherine Hardman 7364 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

58 Melinda Williams 7158 Beach 7/4/2019

59 Bill Williams 7158 Beach 7/4/2019

60 Steve Taylor 7154 Beach 7/4/2019

61 Leanne Rice 7160 Beach 7/4/2019

62 Catherine Banks 7144 Beach 7/4/2019

63 Lynda Allock 7144 Beach 7/4/2019

64 Mike Bentha 7158 Beach 7/4/2019

65 Susanne Armstrong 7131 Beach 7/4/2019

66 Cheryl Taylor 7154 Beach 7/4/2019

67 Thomas Place Jr 3557 Dock 7/4/2019

68 Laurie Place 3557 Dock 7/4/2019

69 Elizabeth Kivitis 7358 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

70 Jessica Williams 7158 Beach 7/4/2019

71 Sara Bentham 7158 Beach 7/4/2019

72 Cathy Cacheiro 7112 Beach 7/4/2019

73 Celso Cacheiro 7112 Beach 7/4/2019

74 Liz Deir 7112 Beach 7/4/2019

75 Andy Deir 7112 Beach 7/4/2019

76 Marilyn Armstrong 7112 Beach 7/4/2019

77 William Armstrong 7112 Beach 7/4/2019

78 Brian Young 7149 Beach 7/4/2019 disturbing dump

79 Heather Ritchie 3560 Dock 7/4/2019

80 Nancy Rzeszutko 7138 Beach 7/4/2019

81 Walter Rzeszutko 7138 Beach 7/4/2019

82 Rebekah Norman 7357 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

83 Mike Norman 7357 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

84 Michael Norman 7357 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

85 Tomislav Dedovic 7158 Beach 7/4/2019

86 Samuel Norman 7357 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

87 Shirley Ann Benson 7086 Beach 7/4/2019

88 James Brydon Benson 7086 Beach 7/4/2019

89 Maddalena Galante 7384 Glen Ellen 7/4/2016

90 Rob Deir 7112 Beach 7/4/2019

91 Melissa Kivitis 7358 Glen Ellen 7/4/2019

92 Linda Atkinson 7868 Rama 7/4/2019

93 Robert and Jane Valiquette 3657 Portage Bay Rd 7/4/2019

94 Bryan Clark 7192 Beach 7/4/2019

95 Julie Fujimoto 7192 Beach 7/4/2019

96 Laurel McCallum 7104 Beach 7/4/2019

97 John M. King 7100 Beach 7/4/2019

98 Robert King 7100 Beach 7/4/2019

99 Thomas Turcottie 7104 Beach 7/4/2019

100 Dana Tuju 7368 Glen Ellen 7/5/2019

101 Carole Tuju 7368 Glen Ellen 7/5/2019

102 Ronald Fry 7324 Glen Ellen 7/5/2019

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ID Name Address Date Traffic Dust Noise Flying Rock Property Value Structural Damage Drawdown Well Wetland Pedestrian Danger Other Comment

103 Jean Harnden 7/5/2019

104 Edward Duarte 7386 Glen Ellen 7/8/2019

105 Judy Kazimer 7386 Glen Ellen 7/8/2019

106 Michael Douglas 3905 County Rd 47 7/8/2019

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