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  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket


    The Dove

    RY 2012-13


    Vice President & PEChair - Health & Wellness

    Secretary & Chair - Youth Development

    Treasurer & Chair - Fund Generation


    Protocol Officer

    Chair - Club Administration & RI AssociateMembers Pilot Project

    Club Trainor & Chair - Membership Dev

    Chair - Service Projects

    Chair - The Rotary Foundation & RI Asso-ciate Members Pilot Project

    Chair - Public Relations

    Chair - Networking and Community Dev

    Chair - Sports


    Associate Members (RI Pilot Program)

    Honorary Members

    I s i t t h e T R U T H ? I s i t F A I R t o a l l c o n c e r n e d ? W i l l i t b u i l d G O O D W I L L

    a n d B E T T E R F R I E N D S H I P S ? W i l l i t b e B E N E F I C I A L t o a l l c o n c e r n e d ?

    Holy Spirit and 6 partner clubs hold youth forum to help achieve

    ZERO new incidence of drug-abuse and HIV/AIDS in Quezon City

    The Rotary Club of Holy Spirit D3780 is the only club in our District, one of only four in the Philippines, and oneof only 200 clubs of the worlds 34,100 Rotary clubs, chosen by Rotary International to participate in the 3 -yearassociate members pilot project that ends in RY 2013-14. Holy Spirit is the only club in D3780 authorized by

    RI to have associate members during the 3-year pilot period.

    The Dove resides in cyberspace. Click here to understand the basic issues surrounding the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.

    RC Holy Spirit D3780 with the Rotaract & InteractClubs of Holy Spirit organized and sponsored the2nd annual youth forum on Anti-Drug Abuse andHIV/AIDS Prevention last October 28, 2012 incooperation with the Quezon City Red Cross.

    The forum was attended by some 70 Rotaractors

    and Interactors, as well as by 17 Rotarians andguests. The very serious topics were ably pre-sented by the young, competent Red Cross facili-tators (called peer instructors) Mr Ruben Clara-vall, Jr and Ms Persian Rica Banggad who spicedup the forum with fun exercises that evokedlaughter and thought not only from the young at-tendees, but the Rotarians present as well.

    The outcome desired from the forum is to helpachieve ZERO new incidence of substance abuseand HIV/AIDS affliction among the youth in Que-zon City.

    Given the alarming rise of HIV infections in thecountry, the topics on HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuseare especially relevant. Per the latest data fromthe DOH (Department of Health), the number ofcases for the period January-August 2012 hasrisen to 2,150 (118 of which have progressedinto AIDS). In 2011, a total of 2,349 cases ofHIV/AIDS was recorded. The DOH is morealarmed due to the increasing number of injectingdrug users who contracted the infection.

    Our heartfelt thanks to RCs Camp Aguinaldo,Loyola Heights, New Manila East, Pag-asa, SFDMand Timog who co-hosted this important event.

    And to the other clubs who also share our com-mitment to help attain ZERO new incidence of thedreaded afflictions in Quezon City by sponsoringtheir Interactors and Rotaractors to the forum..

    In the discussions on dangerous drugs, the re-

    source persons spoke on -

    Top substances being used: Shabu; Marijuana;

    Corex-DM (Cough/Cold Medicine); and Rugby

    Proven ways to prevent drug abuse:

    Close family ties

    Choose your friends

    Community service projects

    Community vigilance & information

    The points emphasized in the HIV-AIDS session:

    HIV is a virus that infects people by getting insidetheir blood cells. To avoid getting HIV, a personmust prevent the blood, semen, vaginal fluids, orbreast milk of someone who is infected from en-tering the body through anatomical openings in-

    cluding mouth or breaks in ones skin.

    The resource persons reminded the youth and

    grown-ups of the time-tested rule:

    bstain from sex

    e faithful to your partner

    orrect use of condoms

    o not use illegal drugs

    ducate yourself

    requent voluntary testing

    uidance and counselling

    ealthy lifestyle

    AIDS sickness due to HIV virus is fatal for which no

    cure has yet been developed.

    In closing the forum, Holy Spirit President MarciaSalvador urged the attendees to share whattheyve learned with their relatives, friends and

    schoolmates to help attain ZERO new incidence!

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket



    Holy Spirit helps to introduce creative teaching in partner school

    To support the 2-day teacher training andassessment sessions at the Holy Spirit Na-tional High School organized by newly-installed principal, Dr. Anita Bohol, Presi-dent Marcia Salvador of RC Holy Spiritmade arrangements to have Prof. Albert M.Saldajeno, Jr., an expert pedagogical facili-

    tator, animator, and author, to conduct ahalf-day session on proven techniques on

    Creativity in Teaching last October 31,2012. Prof. Albert engaged the 80 teach-ers present in an enjoyable session on howto use innovative and creative strategiesand dynamics to inspire the schools 4,500

    students and improve their academic per-formance. As Prof. Albert says, there are

    no boring subjects, only boring teachers!

    Prof. Albert served as principal facilitatorduring the hugely successful Teacher Train-ing Seminar on Creativity in Teaching or-ganized by President Renzie Dizon and CPOyie Valarao of RC Pag-asa in cooperationwith 52 other clubs last October 27 th. HolySpirit National High School is a partner

    school of RC Holy Spirit and is home of theInteract Club of Holy Spirit.

    Teachers are introduced to creative teaching techniquesin large-scale seminar

    Last October 27, 2012 the Rotary Club of Pag-asa RI D3780 together with 52 part-ner clubs which included Holy Spirit conducted the grand Teacher Training Seminaron Creativity in Teaching at the Camp Crame Multi-purpose Hall. An innovative,large-scale effort conceptualized by educator & dedicated Rotarian CP GloriosaOyie Valarao, the event had about 800 attendees, including some 700 school

    teachers. The objective has been to encourage teachers to build creativity tech-niques into their communication process for more effective learning by their stu-dents.

    The top-notch seminar speakers included former Department of Education Secre-tary Fe Hidalgo, DepEd Undersecretary Alberto Muyot, Motivational Speaker Bro.

    Mike Lobrin, and Prof. Albert Saldajeno Jr. who served as main facilitator.

    Holy Spirit student sponsored by Holy Spirit hurdles first

    elimination round in impromptuspeaking contestMarie Stefanie Buenafe from the School ofthe Holy Spirit (and 2 other high schoolers)bested 8 other contestants during the 2ndbatch of the first elimination round of the12th National Impromptu Speaking Competi-tion called Voice of our Youth last October

    27, 2012. The 2nd elimination round willdetermine who will be sent as official repre-

    sentative to the District Level competition(semi-final round). The grand finals(national level competition) will be held inFebruary 2013, with a cash prize ofP50,000 for the National Champion. Theparticipation of Marie Stefanie has beensponsored by RC Holy Spirit.

    The competition is hosted by RC Mega Edsa.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket



    With support of District Simplified Grant, Holy Spirit begins health-protection project

    Updates on some upcoming events involving Holy Spirit . . .

    Orientation and launching of milk feedingprogram on November 9, 2012

    From an originally-planned feeding program for 400 Grade I pu-pils from Dona Juana Elementary School and Holy Spirit Elemen-tary School, RC Holy Spirit has been given milk allocation for only200 children to be fed at the BarangayHall covered court. These

    200 children have been identified by community health volun-teers who will also be responsible for de-worming them and moni-toring of the feeding progress.

    At President Marcias request, Cong Castelo approved to give an

    additional allocation for 60 pupils at the Dona Juana ElementarySchool.

    Launching and orientation wil be at 3:00 PM on Friday, November9, at the covered court of Barangay Holy Spirit.

    Medical mission sponsored by UST alumni tobe held on Sunday, November 11, in Payatas

    This years medical-dental mission in Barangay Payatas shall beheld on Sunday, November 11, from 8 AM to 12 Noon. The princi-

    pal sponsor shall be the UST high school alumni. Venue shall beat the Payatas campus of Elite Business and Technology Schoolowned by PP Linda Palattao.

    Golf invitational tournament on December 4

    The golf invitational tournament dubbed as the DGE Francis

    Rivera & the Presidents-Elect Golf Invitational will be held onDecember 4, 2012 at the Philippine Navy Golf Course at FortBonifacio in Makati City. This is the second collaborative fund-raising project of RC Holy Spirit with RC Timog QC.

    The Golf Invitational is a fund-raising pro-ject for the two clubs community and

    vocational service projects, as well as tohelp defray the training cost of Presi-dents-elect during their seminar in Febru-ary 2013 to be held in Cebu.

    Sponsorships to the tournament are asfollows: Major Sponsor P20,000; Mi-nor Sponsor P10,000; Hole Sponsor P5,000.

    The rehabilitation and improvement of the heretoforeinoperable students wash area at Holy Spirit National

    High School started yesterday, Nov 7. First suggestedby PP Linda Palattao and designed by IPP Ped Con-deno, this water & sanitation project will help protect

    the health of 4,500 students.

    The new principal, Dr Anita Bohol, expressed profuse

    appreciation to RCHS for the much needed project.

    Click on image to view more photos of the event.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket



    This page ofThe Dove serves as portal page of the virtual website of


    Rotary International District 3780



    RC Holy Spirit onRotary Club of Holy Spirit

    3 Don Senen St., Don Antonio Heights, Quezon City

    President RY 2012-13: Marcia C. Salvador

    Mobile: 0919-665-3430 Email: [email protected]

    Club meets every Thursday, 7 PM at the Don Antonio Heights Clubhouse


    Join Us in Our HistoricOpportunity to End PolioThanks to childhood vaccines, polio hasbeen reduced by 99% and we are on thethreshold of eradicating the second dis-ease in history. Stopping the fight now isnot an option. Together we can finish the

    job and end polio.

    otary Leader is a multimedia, online publication featuring practical information

    and links to help club and district officers meet the challenges they face every day.

    Interact clubs celebrate the programsgolden anniversaryBy Daniela GarciaRotary News -- 5 November 2012

    The very first Interact club, formed at Melbourne High School inMelbourne, Florida, USA is joining Interact clubs and theirsponsors around the globe in celebrating the programs 50th

    anniversary during World Interact Week, 5-11 November.

    The Melbourne club received its charter in November 1962,

    under the guidance and sponsorship of the Rotary Club of Mel-bourne, Florida, USA. In celebration of the golden anniversary,charter members of the club joined current Interactors andRotarians from District 6930 for a night of reflection and fel-lowship.

    What makes Rotary great is what makes Interact great, saysMichael Welch, president of the Rotary Club of Melbourne, whohelped plan the anniversary event. For a person -- especially a

    young person, an Interactor -- to appreciate the concept of Ser-

    vice Above Self, and then put it to work on their own time, its a

    special experience that can change a lot of lives.

    (based on Rotary International Online Directory October 19, 2012)

    Agham R

    Ayala Heights IBagong Silangan I

    Balintawak I R

    Batasan Hills I R

    Camp Aguinaldo R

    Capitol Hills I R

    Commonwealth I

    Cosmo Cubao R

    Cubao Bus. Ctr I

    Cubao Central R

    Cubao Edsa I

    Cubao Kamias I

    Cubao I R

    Cubao South R

    Cubao West I R

    Diliman Central R

    Diliman North R

    Diliman I R

    Eastwood R

    Greenmeadows R


    Kagitingang Cubao R

    Kamuning I R

    Kamuning East I

    Kamuning West R

    Loyola Heights I RMega Edsa I R

    Metro Diliman I R

    Metro SFDM R

    Murphy R

    Neo Fairview I R

    New Manila East I R

    New Manila Heights I R

    New Manila R

    North Balintawak I

    North Edsa R

    Pag-asa R

    Paraiso I R

    QC Circle I

    QC Southwest R

    Quirino I R

    SFDM I R

    Sto. Domingo I

    South Triangle I RTimog R

    University District I

    Uptown Cubao R

    Uptown Novaliches I R

    VisMin R




  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket



    The Rotary Club of Hobart organized a 10-day voyage in April onthe brigantine Windeward Bound for teenagers who had experi-enced war in their home countries. The eight students one fromSudan and seven from Nepal were paired with mentors theirown age. The trip aimed to bring together teens from differentbackgrounds to promote tolerance and cultural understandingand to teach ways to build peace in their communities. The Ro-tary clubs of Huon Valley, Queenstown, Smithton, and UlverstoneWest and the Rotaract Club of Central Coast provided funds.

    Rotarians in Egypt and the United States are helping doctors at apediatric hospital in Cairo to save hundreds of premature babieseach year. Through the $23,000 project, which received supportfrom a Rotary Foundation Matching Grant, the Rotary clubs ofHeliopolis and Minneapolis purchased equipment for the inten-

    sive care unit of the Abou El Reesh Childrens Hospital. The hospi-

    tal treats one million patients annually, most of whom are frompoor families. The Rotarians also advised hospital staff on usingand maintaining the equipment, and plan to conduct monthlysessions on sanitation and nutrition.

    The Rotary clubs of Calgary Heritage Park and Calgary Olympic,Alta., Canada, raised about US$18,000 for a project that in-cluded installing 50 bio-sand water filters and 50 fuel-efficientstoves in the community of Quiacquix. The Rotarians worked withAsociacin Ajpu, a local nonprofit, and Help for the Highlands ofGuatemala, a project launched in 2010 by Calgary Heritage Parkclub member Bill Skinner and fellow Calgary native Alan Sitter tobring clean-water technology to the country.

    The literacy rate in India is 61 percent. The Rotary clubs of PuneParvati and Culver City, Calif., USA, are working together to im-prove education in rural parts of the country by providing potable

    water, sanitation facilities, furniture and other materials, andteacher training to 18 schools around Pune. The Health, Hungerand Humanity Grant project, which launched in 2008, is expectedto help 8,000 students every year.

    Every year, Rotary clubs in Nairobi and the nearby towns ofMachakos and Thika organize a rally for children with physicaland mental disabilities. In February, a record 3,500 kids partici-pated in the event, which was hosted by the Rotary clubs of Nai-robi-East and Nairobi Parklands and featured music, entertainers,and rally cars and dirt bikes. The children also performed songs.Local Rotaractors helped out, and Henry Wanyoike, a visually im-paired runner and three-time Paralympic gold medalist, spoke

    about overcoming lifes challenges.

    Members of the Rotary clubs of Edinburgh, Scotland, and Peter-borough, England, recently returned from Sierra Leone, wherethey provided support for the David School. Founded by David

    Wallwork, a member of the Rotary Club of Ramsey, England, in2005, the school is located in a rural area near Freetown thatwas devastated by countrys 11-year civil war. The Edinburgh andPeterborough club members helped build an additional class-room, and the Edinburgh Rotarians also assisted with medicalcheckups, planting crops, and teaching sewing and basket-weaving.

    At the Lemon Creek Correctional Center, the Rotary Club of Jun-eau, Alaska, has built a greenhouse within the prison yard. In-mates will be able to learn gardening skills as they grow toma-toes, cucumbers, peppers, herbs, and other plants in the 40-by-15-foot greenhouse a necessity in a climate too cool and rainy

    for many varieties. The Juneau club funded the $13,000 struc-ture.

    In December 2010, the Rotary Club of St. Thomas gave 49 virtualbabies to four schools as part of Baby Think It Over, a programthat aims to demonstrate the pressures and responsibilities ofparenthood. The club raised more than $28,000 to provide thebabies, which come equipped with computer chips that recordhow the students care for them over several days. The effort,which the St. Thomas club has sponsored since 1996, has re-ceived credit for helping to reduce the teen pregnancy rate in theU.S. Virgin Islands.

    Rotary news in brief from around the globeThe Rotarian -- November 2012

    Rotary clubs around the globe have manythings in common, including a commitmentto service. All year long, clubs are taking ac-tion to make a difference in their communi-

    ties. Heres a roundup of recent club activi-ties.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket



    S i l v e r P r e s i d e n tGeorge Uy of RC NewManila South reportedto us that the 20-volume Groliers TheBook of Knowledgeencyclopaedia set theclub received from RCHoly Spirit has beenturned over to their adopted school, San Martin High School, last Sep-tember 7.

    The Judge Feliciano Belmonte SrHigh School, a four-year old Que-zon City public school in Baran-gay Holy Spirit, was the benefici-

    ary of a 2-volume Readers DigestIllustrated Encyclopedic Diction-ary turned over by RC Holy Spiriton September 25, 2012. Thebooks were received by Dr

    Agapito T Lera, Principal.

    To further strengthen the existingpartnership with its adopted

    schools, RC Holy Spirit installed 4-way test markers at the DonaJuana Elementary School and HolySpirit National High School on Sep-

    tember 12, 2012.

    The markers have been installed atstrategic places along the mainentranceway in both schools. .

    On September 12, 2012, RCHoly Spirit D3780 turned overto sister club RC MarikinaNorth D3800 the food dona-tions earlier received fromDasom Korean PresbyterianChurch through Rtn David Kim.The donations were receivedby 180 habagatvictims in SitioIbayo, San Mateo, Rizal.

    Officers of Interact

    Club of Holy SpiritNational High withclub adviser andPres Marcia Salva-dor proudly raiseInteract bannersdur ing schoolfoundation day

    Sept 22, 2012.

    Last September 23, 2012 PE DrEui Bong Jung and his team ofvolunteers served 73 patients whowere then suffering from colds,skin problems and other ailments.One of them was administeredacupuncture procedure. The pa-tients underwent free medicaldiagnosis and provided medicinesand vitamins

    Books to upgrade literacy level of 1600high school students in Sapang Palay

    Books to upgrade literacy level of 4400students of Judge Belmonte High

    Installation of 4-Way Test markers to helpimbue high ethical norms in 2 schools

    Cheering up of Interactors & schoolmatesin their schools 9th founding anniversary

    Turnover of relief goods to habagatvic-tims through RC Marikina North D3800

    Medical relief for 73 poor patients in BrgyPayatasby volunteers led by PE Dr Bong

    RC Holy Spirit D3780 - Synopses of service-above-self projects & activities in September 2012

    After the successful operation on the cleft harel ip of Baby TJ by a teamof ENT surgeons led by Dr Adrian T Adraneda, the stitches were re-moved on September 3, 2012. Baby TJ was also given vaccine shots

    against diphtheria as recommended

    by the pediatrician.

    Dr Debbie Sales, HOLY SPIRITSMILES Project principal sponsor,and Dr Adraneda will check up onBaby TJ within the next several


    Holy Spirit SMILES Project induces unforget-table glee for baby and his parents

    Leopoldo dela Cruz, 60, had been the breadwinner ofhis family until October 2011 when he suffered astroke that rendered him disabled and confined to asmall corner of their home in Veterans Village ofBarangay Holy Spirit. His wife, their 7 children and 4grandchildren always had a difficult time bringing himaround to get some fresh air and sunlight or to goplaces within the community. Last September 25,2012 Mr Dela Cruz could not hide his emotion andcried unabashedly upon receiving a wheelchair from

    RC Holy Spirit.

    Holy Spirit WHEELS OF HOPE shares happi-ness with paralyzed breadwinner & family

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket



    One of few truly community-based clubs in District 3780: almost all members reside orwork in and around BarangayHoly Spiritthat serves both as host community and venue &

    beneficiary of most of the clubs service projects.

    Become the club most admired by the communities it serves, by partners in service, by

    hosts, sponsors & donors, by its members, and by others in Rotary.

    (Sept 1, 2012):

    22 Active members 9 ladies & 13 gentlemen6 Associate Members under the 3-year associate membership pilot program of Ro-

    tary International. RC Holy Spirit is one of 200 clubs out of 34,000 Rotary clubsworldwide, and the only club in the district, selected by Rotary International to par-

    ticipate in this pilot program covering the years 2011-2014.

    5 Honorary members

    Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit - Best Rotaract Club RY 2011-12

    Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School - Best Interact Club RY 2011-12

    Rotary Community Corps ofKaligtasan

    RC Marikina North D3800

    Team of Rotary Clubs of Seoul Baeksang, Seoul Onnuri, and Seoul Harmony D3650


    The club publishes , the first web-linked e-bulletin in the district that providesready online access to hundreds of pages of Rotary information, news and entertainment

    and that now serves as portal to the virtual website of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit.

    Registered as a non-stock, non-profit corporation with the Securities & Exchange Commis-sion . with a corporate life of 50 years (47 years re-


    RC Holy Spirit meets every Thursday, 7-9 PM at the clubhouse of Don Antonio Heights Homeowners Asso-

    ciation in Don Antonio Heights, QC.


    Rotary International District 3780

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket



    Rotary Club of Holy SpiritRI District 3780

    AGENDA for November 8, 2012 18th Meeting

    7:00 PM Assembly-Dinner-Fellowship

    Call to Order Pres Marcia Salvador

    Opening Rites


    National Anthem

    Rotarians Pledge

    Introduction of Guests

    Highlights of last weeks meeting

    Club business:

    Debrief on recently completed service projects

    Teacher training seminar organized by RC Pag-asa with 52 partner clubs (Oct 27)

    Creativity in Teachingsession for 80 teachers of Holy Spirit National High (Oct 31)

    2nd Youth forum on anti-drug abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention (Oct 28)

    Service projects on the launch pad Rehab/improvement of students wash area at Holy Spirit National High through approved

    District Simplified Grant of TRF

    120-day Milk-feeding program at BarangayHoly Spirit; Nov 9 Orientation & launch

    Medical-dental mission at BarangayPayatas (sponsored by UST alumni)

    Cooperation project with other Rotary clubs

    Golf tournament Dec 4, hosts are RC Timog and RCHS

    Other matters

    Presidents Time Pres Marcia

    Adjournment Pres Marcia

    PP Beth Sy

    Night Chair

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket





    breadbasketSINCE 1999 . NOVEMBER 2012

    November is


    Rotians in Chicago with past chairs Ron Nethercutt and Art McCollough

    2009-2012 chairSteve Sokol, USA

    Past chairs Doug Vincent and Philip Merritt with PRIP Frank Devlyn inSan Antonio

    Past chairs Letty Parra & Ron Nethercutt

    IThe Breadbasket is a mo nthly pu bl ication

    of th e Rotar ians On The Internet.

    Editor: PP Glo A. Nethercut t

    Rotary Club of Petersf ieldDistr ict 1110 England

    Web Publ isher:PDG M ark Howison

    Rotary Club of Perr isDistr ict 5330, USA


    Applying informationtechnology to enhance

    Rotary service, fellowship,and knowledge

    2009-2012 chair Steve Sokol and 2005-07 chair Chris Wilks

    Steve and grandchildren

    First Breadbasket editor Chip Ross with award, Chicago

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket



    November 2012Page 2



    The Rotary Foundation

    Future Vi ion Plan

    Simplify Foundation programs andprocesses consistent with the mission

    Focus Rotarian services effort where theywill have the greatest impact byaddressing priority world needs that arerelevant to Rotarians.

    Offer funding options to help achieveboth global and local goals.

    Advance understanding of theFoundations work and enhance Rotaryspublic image.

    The mission of the Rotary Foundation isto enable Rotarians to advance worldunderstanding, goodwill, and peacethrough the improvement of health, thesupport of education, and the alleviationof poverty.

    Increase the sense of ownership at thedistrict and club levels by transferringmore decisions to the districts and theirmember clubs. funding options to helpachieve both global and local goals.

    Peace and conflictprevention/resolution

    Disease preventionand treatment

    Water andsanitation

    Maternal and childhealth

    Basic educationand literacy

    Economic andcommunitydevelopment


  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket



    Distr ict qu al i f icat ion n ow avai lable onl ine

    Onl ine distr ict qual i f ication is now avai lable to those who wi l l serve as 2013-14governors, governors-elect, and Rotary Foundation chairs for al l distr icts. Distr ictqual i f ication ensures that distr icts have th e f inancial and stewardship cont rols that arenecessary for m anaging thei r grant fun ds. Distr icts must be qual i f ied in order t o applyfor d istr ict grants, global grants, or packaged grants.

    To start the process, distr ict o ff icers

    Log in to M em ber Access.Select Rotar y Foundatio n Grant s (2013-14).Select Distr ict Qu al i f ication.

    Inform ation helps distr ict off icers th rough t he steps of t he process, including agreeingto t he d ist r i c t qua l i f i ca t ion m emo randum of und erstand ing (M OU), and exp lains theM OU requ i rement s , how t o implem ent them , and how t o manage Rotary Foundat iongrants under the new m odel . As o f 11 October, 83 d ist r i c ts had qua l i f i ed . Of t hat 83, 14wer e pi lot distr icts and 69 were no n-pi lot d istr ict s. Also, 185 addi t ionaldistr icts had begun th e qual i f ication pro cess.Distr ict grants go l ive on 31 October

    The 2013-14 distr ict grant app l ication wi l l be avai lable via M em ber Access on 31

    October, and app l i ca t ions may be submi t t ed a t any t ime u nt i l 15 M ay 2014. Com pletedappl ications must include the total distr ict designated fund al location requested, adistr ict grant spending plan, and auth orizations by those wh o w i l l serve as th e 2013-14distr ict governor, distr ict Rotary Foundation chair, and distr ict grant subcommitteechair. Al though al l Rotar ians w i l l be able to see the distr ict grant h om e page, only theseoff icers wi l l be able to enter t he appl ication. Your d istr ict mu st be qual i f ied to apply for ad ist r i c t g rant . Learn m ore about how to qua l i fy w i th the D ist r i c t Qual i f i ca t ion tu t or ia l .Distr ict grants and report ing

    In order to rece ive a 2013-14 d ist r i c t g rant , d ist r i c ts mu st be current on repo r t ing for a l ldistr ict-sponsored grants. For nonpi lot distr icts, this also means submitt ing completeand accurate repor ts for at least 50 percent o f a previously awarded Distr ict Simp l i f iedGrant . The Foundat ion w i l l no t pay the 2013-14 d is t r i ct g rant unt i l th i s requ i rement hasbeen me t .

    Beginning 1 July, standard repo rt in g and payment requirem ents wi l l apply. In order t oreceive payment for new distr ict grants, distr icts are required to close thei r previousyears distr ict grant.Avai lable 2012-13 packaged grants

    Packaged grants enable Rotary clubs to work wi th The Rotary Foundations strategicpar tners on predesigned pro jec ts and act i v i t i es funded ent i re ly by t he W or ld Fund.Grants w i t h t he fo l low ing par tn ers are current l y ava ilab le and w i l l be awarded to p i lo tdistr icts on a f i rst-com e, f i rst-served basis:Aga Khan Universi ty v ocat io nal t ra in in g tea m s in m at er nal and ch il d h ea lt hM ercy Ships v ocat io nal t rai n in g tea m s in d ise ase p rev en t io n and t rea t m en tOikocredit h um an it ar ia n p ro je ct s in eco nom ic and co m m un it y dev el opm en t

    Addi t ional packaged grant op por tun i t ies wi l l be avai lable to al l Rotar y clubs in 2013-14.Club qu al i f icat ion correct ion

    The sta tem ent in Septem ber Future V ision New s about c lub qua l i f i ca t ion requ i rem entsfor a global or packaged grant should instead read:To be q ual i f ied and app ly for a global or p ackaged grant, a club m ust: Agree to and s ign the c lub m emo randum of unders tand ing (M OU) prov ided by the

    Foundat ion. (The 2013-14 c lub p resident and pres ident-e lect mu st s ign the M OU forthe 2013-14 Rotary year.)

    Send at least one club member to the distr ict s grant management seminar. (SeeFoun dation Grants FAQsfor u pdated m aterials.)

    T h e n e w D i s t r i c t R o t a r y F o u n d a t i o n Commit tee Manual is available on the RIweb si te in al l Rotar y languages.Distr ict Qual i f icat ion tut or ial

    Use the to learnhow to use the new on l ine qua l i f icat ion system .

    Grant term s and condi t ions

    Check out t he,

    which become effective on 1 July, the ful ll aunch o f the new grant m odel .Transit ion t im el ines

    Nonp i lot distr icts and clubs are encouraged toreview

    LearnRotarys new learning management system,, o f fe rs t ra i n i ng resou rces to he l p

    Rotar ians w i th every th ing f rom runn ing asuccessful c lub to applying for Foundationgrants. A shor t tu t or ia l show s how to brow secourses and materials, track your progress,p r i n t ce r t i f i ca tes fo r comp l e ted cou rses ,commun i ca te and co l l abo ra te w i th o the rR o t a r i a n s , a n d m o r e . G e t s t a r t e d a t l ea rn . ro ta ry .o rg . I f you have ques t i ons ,contact [email protected].

    Join t he Future Vision LinkedIn group.Visi t th e .

    your stor y on t he Rotar y Voices blog.Register fo r .

    to The Rotar y Foun dation .

    Cont act UsThe Rotar y Foun dationOne Rotary Center1560 Sherm an AvenueEvansto n, IL 60201-36 98 USAPhone (RI Wor ld Headquat ers):+1-847-866-3000Fax: +1-847 -556-2177

    Email: [email protected] .org / fu turev is ion

    Distr ict Qual i f ication tutorial

    Term s and Cond i t ions for Rotar yFoundation Distr ict Grants and Global Grants

    Preparing Your Distr ict for RotaryFound ation Grants in 2013and Preparing YourClub for Rotary Foundat ion Grants in 2013.


    Subscribe to this new slett er.

    global grants websi te


    M emb er Access

    Contr ibute




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    M r. RandY RawrszerPresidentRotar y Club of Sanford2260 Dum as DriveDel tona, FL 32738

    Dear RandY:

    Enclosed is a check for $416, w hich pays my last Rotar y bi l ls- in ful l ' Nancy overloo ked th e f i rst one an d Iapo log ized to you and t o t he c lub for t he overs ight .

    I havededucted f rom the second b i l l the $ l00 for Susta in ing mem bersh ip , ' ,and w i l l no longer suppor t

    this in our club or any ot her. Two years ago' w hen -The.Rotar y Foun dation ram m ed so-cal led Fut ureVision ' , down ou r throats , I made i t c lear that t h is wo uld be my po si t ion i f the program w as inst i tu t ed inour d istr ict. I t is not obviou s th at th is is going to happen .

    Before im plement rng ap rogram that w i l l u l t im ate ly k i ll GSE, hasddef in i te lyddone away w i t h M atch ingGrants, and to tal ly changes th e way th e Foun dation does business, only 1.16% of Rotar ians w eresurveyed as to w hat t hey th ought the d i rection of TRF should be. Any statist ic ian wi l l tel l that 1.16% ofanythin g is not a mean ingful statist ical sam ple.

    Then The Rotar y Foun dation "val idated" so-cal led "Future Vision" in 100 pi lot distr icts over a tw o yearper iod.After ward s, TRF conduct ed an "exhaustive survey" t o deter m ine the effect iveness of so-called "Futurev ision" and repof t ed i t successfu l i n wel l over 90% of t he p i lo t d ist r i c ts . W hat they d id not both er to t e l l

    any one w as they on ly asked t he op in ion o f t he D ist r i c t Governor and t he D ist r i c t Rotary Foundat ioncha ir in each o f the p i lo t d ist r i c t . No c lubs or o ther Rotar ians were a l lowed the op por t un i ty to vo ice the i ropinions.

    Since it i s the pos i t ion o f t he board t hat w e are a mandatory susta in ing m embersh ip c lub, they m ay askfor m y res ignat ion,a nd i f so , it w i l l be rendered. However, I w i l l fo rewarn you th at you are go ing to f indthat you h ave o ther m emb ers wh o are no longer w i l l ing to contr ibute t o The Foundat ion.


    Christoph er B. Stu bbs


    unhappyabout fvp

    about fvp

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket


    Dear Rotary District Leader,On behal f of th e Rotar y Internat ional Secretariat, we w ant to up date you on t he Fut ure Vision ReadinessSurvey and t hank everyone w ho p ar t i c ipated.This M ay 1,570 distr ict leaders from 89 Rotar y countr ies responded t o th e survey w i th a 45% respon se rate.Survey t rends have been shared w i th t he Future V ision Com m i t tee and t he Future V ision t ra iners who w i l lbe atten ding th e upcom ing GETS and Zone Insti t ute s. They wi l l use the feedback received from th is surveyto t ai lor th e trainings and resources to add ress regional needs.Key survey f indings include: 90% of distr ict leaders surveyed suppo rt t he Future Vision Plan At the t im e of the survey, M ay 2012, almo st 60% of distr icts had already included Fut ure Vision training

    at d is t r i ct meet ings or in d ist r i c t com m unicat ions 50% of non pi lot c lubs have reached ou t to a pi lot distr ict The majori t y of distr icts are eager for or see oppor tu ni t ies in distr ict grant s (80%) and global grants

    (67%) 54% of d ist r i c ts fe lt t hey had some unders tand ing o f the new grant m odel , wh i le the rem ain ing 46% fe lt

    i nsuf f i c ient l y in formedIn order t o suppor t you in t he t rans i t ion to Future V ision, be low are key resources to he lp you prepare yourclub and distr ict leaders:D ist r i c t Rotary Foundat ion Comm i t tee M anual (h t tp : / / ww w.ro tary .org / RIdocuments /en_pdf / 300en.zip) A

    key, compr ehensive resource on t he distr ict Rotary Foun dation com m ittees roles and responsibi l i t ies,Rotar y Foun dation grants and program s, distr ict qual i f ication, and fu ndraising.D ist r i c t Rotary Foundat ion Seminar M anual (h t tp : / / ww w.ro tary.org /RIdocum ents /en_pdf / 438en.zip) Aseries of suggested Pow erPoint presentat ions and session o ut l ines for use at distr ict Rotary Foundatio nseminars or oth er zone or distr ict level training for club-level Rot arians wh o need t o und erstand th e basics.G ran t M anagemen t M anual(h t tp : / /www.ro tary .org /RIdocuments /en_pdf /grant_management_manual_en.z ip) An impor tantresource for clubs and distr icts that w ant t o apply for a global grant; should also be used as a resource atgrant m anagement seminars .

    Grant M anagement Leaders Guide(ht tp : / /www.ro tary .org /RIdocuments /en_pdf /grant_management_ leaders_guide_en.z ip)

    Please not e that yo u m ay be asked to com plete addi t ional surveys regarding your distr ict s preparat ions forthe launch o f the new grant m odel . For q uest ions p lease contact fu t urev ision@rotary .org

    Sincerely,Joseph Brow nleeFuture Vision Global Launch M anagerRotary International







    November 2012Page 6

    Rotar y Leader : helping clu bs and distri cts achieve success.

    Th i s mu l t i med i a , on l i ne pub l i ca t i on fea tu res p rac t i ca lin format ion and l inks to h e lp c lub and d ist r i c t o f f i cers meet t hechal lenges th ey face every d ay. Rotar y Leader regularly coverstop ics inc lud ing m embersh ip deve lopm ent, how to ru n a c lubor distr ict, and best practices for effective pro jects. Each issue ispacked wi th helpful l inks to onl ine resources and club anddistr ict deadl ine reminders. Publ ished bimonthly, RotaryLeader is distr ibuted to al l current and incoming club anddistr ict off icers in addi t ion to o th er groups. There is no cost tosubscribe to Rotar y Leader.



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    Under the Future Vision Plan, the distr ict Rotary Foundation subcommittees are simpl i f ied to reflect activ i t ies related toimplem entat ion o f t he Foundat ion s new grants. Depending on the in terests o f t he d ist r i c t , o ther subcomm i t tees can be added.

    Subcomm i t tee cha i rs, appo in ted by t he governor for the year , autom at ica l ly become m embers o f t he d is t r i ct Rotary Foundat ion

    comm i t tee. These appoin tm ents shou ld be based on th e cha irs comm i tm ent t o The Rotary Foundat ion as demo nstra ted throughprogram par t i cipat ion and f inanc ial contr ibut ions. The governor a lso appoin ts m embers to open po s it ions on t he subcomm i t tees.

    District Rotary Foundation Subcommitees



    The distr ict grants subcommittee manages, promotes and encourages implementation of Rotary Foundation grants, andpart ic ipation in th e Rotar y Peace Centers program . The subcom m ittee h elps clubs part ic ipate in education al , vocational , andhumani tarian activ i t ies.

    Responsibi l i t ies

    Serve as a distr ict expert and resource on al l Rotar y Foun dation grants. Fol low and enforce the terms and condi t ions of grant awards for distr ict and global grants; disseminate and conduct club

    educat ion on the t erm s and condi t ions. Create and imp lement a d ist r i c t po l i cy that o ut l i nes the d ist r ibut ion o f grant f unds for c lubs and t he d is t r i ct . Work w i th the d ist r i c t Rotary Foundat ion comm i t tee cha i r to d isburse grant funds and to ensure th at proper records o f grant

    act i v i ty are m ain ta ined for repor t ing pur poses. Ensure implementation of proper stewardship and grant management practices for al l c lub- and distr ict-sponsored grants,

    including report ing to The Rotar y Foun dation o n al l grants. Establ ish and maint ain appropriate grant m anagement recordkeeping systems. Distr ibut e appl ications to po tent ial Rotar y Peace Fel lows and select qual i f ied appl icants Conduct orientation (at the mul t idistr ict level , when possible) for al l Rotary Peace fel lowship, scholarship, and vocational

    t ra in ing team rec ip ients before the i r depar t ure or upon the i r ar r i va l. Coord inate distr ictw ide Rotar y Found ation alum ni activ i t ies. Provide input on Distr ict Designated Fund distr ibut ion.


    The grants subcom m i t tee m ay be organ ized in severa l ways. For example, you m a ywant to appoin t add i t iona l subcomm i t tees fordistr ict grant s, global grant s, Rotar y Peace Fellow s, and alum ni .

    The distr ict stew ardship subcom m ittee is responsible for ensuring the careful man agement o f Rotar y Foun dation grant fu nds andfor educat ing Rotar ians on proper and e f fec t i ve grant m anagement .

    Responsibil it ies

    Ass is t w i th implementat ion o f the d is t r i c t memorandum of unders tand ing, inc lud ing deve lopment o f the f inanc ia lm anagement p lan.

    Help qual i fy clubs, including assist ing wi th grant m anagement seminars. Ensure implementation of proper stewardship and grant management practices for al l c lub- and distr ict-sponsored grants,

    inc lud ing repor ts to The Rotary Foundat ion on the grants . M onit or and evaluate stew ardship and grant m anagement practices for al l c lub and distr ict-sponsored grants, including report s

    to The Rotary Foundat ion on the grants . Ensure that everyone involved in a grant avoids any actu al or perceived confl ict of int erest. Create a system to resolve any misuse or i rregulari t ies in grant-related activ i ty, report any m isuse or i r regulari t ies to The Rotar y

    Found ation, and condu ct ini t ia l local investigations into repo rt s of m isuse. Appro ve the annu al f inancial assessment of t he f inancial managemen t plan and ensure th at i t is prop erly distr ibuted to clubs in


    The stewardship subcommittee may be organized in several ways. For example, you may want to appoint addi t ionalsubcomm ittees for rep ort ing, misuse investigation, requ irem ents of local laws, and annu al f inancial assessm ent .


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    The distr ict Pol ioPlus subcomm ittee edu cates Rotarians and the com m uni t y about t he Found ations pol io eradication effo rt s, andorganizes fu ndr aisers.

    Encourage don ations for Pol ioPlus from Rotar ians, clubs, th e distr ict, and t he Distr ict Designated Fund.Organize at least one Pol ioPlus distr ict fu ndraiser dur ing th e year.Work w i th the Foundat ion cha i r, d i st r i c t pub l i c re lat ions comm i t tee, and the governor to ensure appropr ia te recognit ion o fexemplary club and distr ict activ i t ies related t o pol io eradication.

    Help the governor and t he distr ict trainer w i th Pol ioPlus presentatio ns during Rotar y Found ation t raining at distr ict m eetings.Coord inate w i th nat iona l and reg iona l Po l ioPlus com m i t tees and governm enta l and o th er agencies in the implem entat ion o fpol io eradication activ i t ies.Provide inpu t on Distr ict Designated Fund distr ibu tion .


    Pol ioPlus subcom m ittees are organized according to th e statu s of the disease in your distr ict. You m ay want t o appo int addi t ionalsubcom mi t t ees to fo cus on prom ot ing Rotary s po l io erad icat ion w ork and on fundra ising. Subcomm i t tees in endem ic countr iesmay work more closely wi th national Pol ioPlus committees. Encourage club presidents to appoint a club Pol ioPlus committeesimi lar to the distr ict Pol ioPlus subcom m ittee.

    Responsibi l i t ies


    November 2012Page 8

    The d ist r i c t f undra ising subcom mi t t ee m anages and m oni tors Foundat ion fundra ising and recogni t ion e f for ts in the d ist r i c t .

    Responsibil it ies

    Assist an d advise clubs on sett ing fu ndraising goals and on strategies for achieving t hem . Organize club and distr ict fu ndraising activ i t ies. M otivate, prom ote, and advise clubs on al l Rotar y Foun dation f undr aising ini t iat ives. Coord inate distr ict donor appr eciation events. Provide inpu t on Distr ict Designated Fund distr ibu tion .


    The fundraising subcom m ittee al low s for f lexibi l ity in you r distr ict s fundraising efforts. Based on your d istr ict s needs, you m aywant to appoin t add i t iona l subcom m i t tees for annual g iv ing and the Permanent Fund or inc lude responsib i li ty fo r mo re speci f i c

    tasks l ike a Foun dation dinner. Consider your d istr ict s goals and th e areas your distr ict w ould l ike to strength en to d eterm ine howmany subcomm i t tee mem bers to appoin t

    D ist r i c ts m ay appoin t add i t iona l subcomm i t tee cha i rs. The fo l low ing add i t iona l subcomm i t tees w i l l be l i sted in M emb er Accessbased on support provided by the Foundation, and can be reported by the distr ict governor. Potential responsibi l i t ies for thesesubcom mi t t ees, l i sted b e low, would be taken f rom the fo ur s tand ing subcomm i t tees. M odi fy th e responsib i li t i es as appropr iate . I ti s a lso up t o th e d ist r i c t to determ ine how a l l subcomm i t tees would coord inate and wo rk together . Chai rs o f t hese subcomm i t teesw i l l be the Foun dation s contacts on th ei r respective topics.

    M aintain a l ist of Foun dation p rogram p art ic ipants sponsored by or residing in the distr ict, and advise the Foun dation o fchanges.

    Track alum ni wh o are good speakers for part ic ipation at t raining meet ings. Obta in nom inat ions for t he d is t r i ct s endorsement for the G loba l A lumni Serv ice to Humani ty Award. Ensure that al l alumn i make presentation s in the distr ict. Encourage alumni to remain involved wi th Rotary by becoming Rotarians, identi fy ing future program part ic ipants, making

    contr ibut ions to the Foundation , and part ic ipating in service projects. M anage a distr ict alum ni association.

    Help clubs set Annu al Fund goals. Publ icize club and distr ict m ont hly goal achievem ents. Encourage contr ibu tion s in support of c lub goals. Encourage part ic ipation in fu ndraising events. Promo te special giv ing oppo rt uni t ies such as the Paul Harris Society, Rotar y Foun dation Sustaining M em ber gi ft s,

    cha llenge/ leverage g i f ts , corporate match ing g i f ts , and corporate and comm uni ty Foundat ion suppor t . Coord inate e f for ts w i th t he Perm anent Fund subcom mi t t ee cha ir.

    Establ ish d istr ict Benefactor, Bequest Society, and m ajor gi ft goals. In form Rotar ians o f p lanned g iv ing oppor t un i t ies. Wo rk w i th club presidents to recognize current Benefactors and Bequest Society m em bers. Coord inate e f for t s w i th the Annual Fund subcomm i t tee cha i r. Coord inate the ident i f ication, cul t ivation, and sol ic i tat ion of po tent ial don ors in support o f the Permane nt Fund; involve distr ict

    leadership, regional Rotar y Foun dation coordinat ors, Trustees and Directors, alum ni , and M ajor Dono rs in planning andsol ici t ing m ajor gi ft pro spects, as approp riate.

    Thank Benefactors , Bequest Soc iety m embers , and M ajor Donors , and cont inue to nur t ure re la t ionsh ips w i th them .

    Alumni Subcomm it tee

    Annual Fund Subcomm it tee

    Permanent Fund Subcomm it tee



  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 12 Plus ROTI Nov2012 Breadbasket


    Rotary Peace Fel low ships Subcom mit tee

    Scholarship Subcom m ittee

    Vocational Training Team Subcom m ittee

    Distr ibute app l ication m aterials to clubs. Establ ish a selection com m ittee. Select q ual i f ied candidat es. Condu ct orientat ion for fel lowship recipients. Provide training and guidance to sponsor and host counselors. Connect recipient s wi t h the distr ict alum ni chair.

    Coord inate orient ation for scholarship recipients. Conf i rm par t i c ipat ion by th e host d is t r i c t and det ermine wh ether t ra in ing or gu idance i s necessary for t he host counse lor. Ensure that Rotarians in the host distr ict are inform ed th at a scholarship recipient w i l l be studying ther e. M aintain contact w i th scholarship recipients during the study year.

    Interview candidates and choose a leader, m em bers, and al tern ates. Ident i fy par t ner d ist r i c ts . Ensure fu l f i l lment o f a l l p rogram requ i rements . Coord inate local i t iner aries. Coord inate team or ientatio n and language training needs.

    Distr icts part ic ipating in the Future Vision pi lot have a di rect role in managing Rotar y Foun dation grant fun ds. In order t o prep are forthis responsibi l ity and b e el igible to r eceive distr ict and global grants, distr icts must f i rst com plete t he on l ine qual i f ication process inM emb er Access where they w i l l read and agree to im plement a d ist r i c t m emo randum of und erstand ing (MOU), prov ide payeeinformation for a distr ict grant account, and establ ish an annual f inancial oversight system. A distr ict can be qual i f ied beforeimplem ent ing the M OU; however, the d ist r i c t M OU must be imp lemented before t he d ist r i c t can rece ive grant fun ds. M eet ingthese requirem ent s ensures th at your distr ict has the basic tools for implem entin g appro priate stewardship, f inancial , and grantmanagement pract i ces.

    The distr ict Rotar y Foun dation com m ittee chair is responsible for m anaging the distr ict s qual i f ication pr ocess and m aking sure th edistr ict M OU is being imp lemen ted. The chair is th e prim ary contact for distr ict grant s and auth orizes global grant appl icationsbefore t he Foun dation review s th em . By autho riz ing global grants, the distr ict Rot ary Found ation com m ittee can track the Distr ictDesignated Fund amo unt s being requested and assure th e Foun dation t hat t he club applying for the global grant is qual i f ied.

    Distr ict qual i f ication m ust be reaut horized every year. To reaut hor ize qual i f ication, the distr ict govern or, distr ict governor -elect,and d is t r i ct Rotary Foundat ion com mi t t ee cha i r ( if new ), log in to the Future V ision P i lo t Si te th rough M emb er Access, conf i rm thatpar ts tw o and three are correc t , and auth or i ze the i r agreement to par ts one and four o f t he qua l i f i ca t ion process. A qua li f i ed d ist r i c tkeeps i ts statu s as long as reaut hor ization is com pleted by 31 July.

    Distr icts m ust also qual i fy th ei r mem ber clubs each year. This includes holding one or m ore grant m anagement seminars for al l c lubs

    interested in app lying for global grants and assist ing clubs wi th im plem entin g the steward ship and f inancial practices outl ined inthe c lub m emo randum of unders tand ing. The grants subcomm i t tee i s respons ib le for oversee ing the qu a l if i cat ion o f c lubs. Use t heGrant M anagement Seminar Leaders Guide to p lan a grant m anagement seminar and prom ote t he Grant M anagement M anual asa resource to your clubs.

    Determine w hether your d ist r i c t needs to add requ i rem ents to t he c lub M OU to increase stewardsh ip and adhere to loca l laws. Anyaddi t iona l requ i rements shou ld be reasonable for a l l clubs to a t ta in and for t he d is t r i ct to m anage.

    Addit ional distr ict requirem ents for clubs might include:

    Clubs must share grant pro posals w i th t he distr ict grants subcom m ittee. Al l grants must comply w i th repor t ing. Clubs mu st be qual i f ied to r eceive distr ict grant fun ds.

    Distr ict Qual i f icat ion

    Club Quali f icat ion


    November 2012Page 9

    Rotary Foundation Grants

    Under the Future Vision Plan, there are two grant types: distr ict and global . There are two options for global grants: c lub- anddistr ict-developed grant s and packaged grants. Distr ict s w i l l need to becom e qual i f ied and qual i fy any clubs that w ish to apply forglobal grants.

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    November 2012Page 10


    Learn how to b ecom e a

    100% Ever y Rotar ian, Ever y Year clu b

    Four years ago, Richard Zegar, a mem ber o f t he Rotary Club o f Hon oluluSunset, Hawaii, USA, decided to serve as his clubs Rotary Foundation

    director. Wit h th e help of past club president Chuck Harris, he start edto regu lar l y remind c lub m emb ers what th e Foundat ion accompl i shes.Club members improve, and in many cases, save l ives through thei rgenerous Foundat ion support , says Zegar. His strat egy w orked. Theclub has averaged $803 in pe r capi ta giving over the past four years.Before I took over the club was averaging about $300 per capi ta,Zegar says. In 2011-12, th e f igure w as $946, and the club attained 100percent p art ic ipation in Ann ual Fund giving.

    Select comm itted Rotarians to serve in fundraising posi t ionsfor several years in a ro w. This consistency con tr ib utes t o anat m osphere of giving.

    M eet one-on-one w i th m embers to d iscuss The RotaryFoundat ion s work . Then ask them to jo in you in suppor t ingthe Foundat ion.

    Recognize new m embers by m ak ing a donat ion in t he i r nameto the Foundat ion. Not on ly w i l l you in t roduce them toi nd i v i dua l recogn i t i on oppo r tun i t i es , bu t you l l a l soencourage the i r cont inued suppor t .

    Use Foundat ion repor t s to in form mem bers o f th e i r currentrecogni t ion levels, and encourage them to reach the next

    leve l . Acknow ledge c lub m embers who a t ta in h igher g iv inglevels.

    Explain how effective and eff ic ient The Rotary Foun dation iscompared w i th o t her char i t i es. For example, te l l m embersthat 100 percent o f t he i r donat ion funds programs.

    Here are f ive o f Zegars top t ips for in creasing club


    Glen Bailey, aka Dr. Magic, of the Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunset, Hawaii,USA, entertains children at the Aloha Medical Mission in Silay, Philippines.

    The mission is partially funded by the club. Photo courtesy of Lorenza Bailey






    Taking th e long view

    As the clock t icks down to 1 July, we are in the f inal stages ofpreparin g for th e ful l rol lout of t he Future Vision Plan. Our goal iss imp le : enab l ing our Foundat ion t o cont inue Doing Good in th eWor ld , and ensur ing that w e m ake the best use o f every do l la r,euro , yen, and peso th at w e have.

    In every th ing we do in Rotary , we s t r i ve for the greatest impact .This m eans focusing on sustainabi l i ty on p rojects wh ose effects

    w i l l go on for years , and on w ork t hat w i l l cont inue t o change l iveseven a f ter Rotar ians ' i nvo lvement has ended. When po l io i serad icated, every ch ild w ho w i l l ever be b orn w i l l benef i t , l ong a f terth e last dro p of vaccine has been put int o a chi ld 's m out h. Pol ioPlusis, o f course, a un ique Rotary program but i t i s t ime t o br ing th atk ind o f long- term p erspect i ve to a l l our serv ice.

    Part of our goal in Fut ure Vision is making sure t hat w e focus on thelong v iew in every th ing w e do. Accord ingly, par t o f t hat m indset i smaking sure that we make i t a pr io r i ty to suppor t The RotaryFoun dation and i t s Annual Fund. Our goal is Every Rotarian, EveryYear: for every Rotarian t o give a gi ft each year to th e Annual Fund,w i th an average donat ion o f US$100. M eet ing that goa l wou ldmean $120 m i l li on per year for Rotary serv ice. I t w ould a lso m eanan organization in w hich every single mem ber is supp ort ing, and isinvested in, the Foundation's success making The RotaryFoundat ion t ru ly Our Foundat ion.

    W i l fr id J. Wi lk insonFoun dation Trustee Chair


    Joan (deceased) and Past RI President Wilks Wilkinson

    Using social med ia as a recrui t ing too l , Hal Stevens and M ichel leSchaefer quickly attracted members for the new Rotary Club ofEdm ond Boulevard, Oklahom a, USA. Chart er board m em bers (fromleft): Stevens, president; Jermaine Harrison, president-elect;M ichel le Gee, vice president; Tracey Rom ano, secretary; Lisa

    Hodson, t reasurer; and Schaefer, sergeant-at -arm s.

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    November 2012Page 11




    Find new members through social media

    i th the he lp o f soc ia l media , i t took less than two

    months for the Rotary C lub o f Edmond Boulevard,

    W Oklahoma, USA, to become a chartered, active club.Rot arians M ichel le Schaefer and Hal Stevens m et early in Apri l todevelop th ei r social m edia strat egy, and by late M ay the new Rotaryclub w as off ic ial ly chartered. The tw o used Facebook and LinkedInto recru i t mem bers.

    We had m ore than 25 people emai l us w i th s igned char ter fo rm swithin two weeks of posting and sending messages on Facebookand LinkedIn, says Stevens, th e clubs charter president.

    They found pot ential mem bers by looking at Facebook prof i les andinteracting w i th p eople on LinkedIn m essage boards. Schaefer and

    Stevens were int erested in creating a mul t i -generational c lub usingal l the techno logy avai lable. I knew i t w as possible to start a newclub quickly th rough social med ia, says Stevens, who had startedthr ee Rotaract clubs in his distr ictw i th the he lp o f Facebook.

    Social media helps us engage a diverse audience who might notknow anyth ing about Rotary , get t he i r feedback, and respond toquestions im m ediately, says Schaefer, w ho is 2014-15 governo r-nom inee for D ist r i c t 5750 (Ok lahoma).

    Learn how one new Rotary club used sites to get up andrunning fast

    DEADLINES 5 Novem ber For Rotarians to subm it breakout session

    prop osals for t he 2013 RI Convent ion 15 Novem ber For Rotar ians to submi t nom inat ions for The

    Rotar y Found ation Distinguished Service Aw ardFor U.S. clubsto subm i t Form 990 or 990-N and possib ly 990-T to theIntern al Revenue Service

    3 December For In teract c lubs to subm i t entr ies for t he 2012Interact Video Cont est

    7 Decemb er To requ est changes or cancel lat ions wi th outpenal ty for group room s booked thro ugh Exper ient fo r the2013 Rotar y Convent ionFor fu l l prepaymen t to be receivedby the ho te l

    15 Decemb er To register fo r th e 2013 Rotar y Convent ion inLisbon, Portugal , at th e early rate o f US$265

    31 December For clubs to pay thei r semiann ual dues. Forc lubs term inated on 1 January 2012 to subm i t re insta tem entappl ications and pay outstanding dues. For clubs to electo f f i cers (whose names should be repor ted t hrough M emb erAccess as soon as p ossible)

    1 January For the second semiannual repor t of c lubmembersh ip

    1 Februar y For Rotarians to subm it 2013 RI Convent ion bo ot happl ications

    Find m ore deadl ines in t he Rotary calendar.


    New on l ine mem bersh ip app l i ca t ions make i t easy to forw arddeta i led in form at ion about prospect i ve mem bers c lubpreferences to distr ict and club leaders. Go onl ine to day tore fer a mem ber.

    Peace Wit hout Borders, the f i rst Global Peace Foru m , wi l l behe ld 30 No vember-2 December in Ber l in . Register now toat tend.

    Shop.ro tary.org is your source for Rotary gi fts th is hol idayseason. New th is year: The ABCs of Rotary (revised), M y Rot aryM om ent b ook, and Rotar ys Areas of Focus bag.


    Dear fel low Rotar ians,

    There are m any ways to descr ibe our Rotary Foundat ion. But I th ink o f ourFound ation l i teral ly as the fo und ation fo r al l of Rotar y.

    We do no t o f ten th i nk abou t the g round beneath ou r feet . We do no t o f tenth ink about the wal l s that are ho ld ing up our house. We take them forgranted. We th ink about them on ly when they are not there .

    Not long ago in Japan, the grou nd fel l out from under our feet . On Friday, 11

    M arch 2011, a magni tude 9 ear th quake shook Japan to i ts very core . Morethan 15,000 people d ied, near ly 6 ,000 were in jured, and anoth er 4 ,000 aresti l l missing. The t otal losses of t he disaster are estimat ed at over US$300bi l l ion.

    In a mat t er o f ho urs , ha l f a mi l l i on people in one o f t he w or ld 's weal th iestand m ost deve loped countr ies los t every th ing. They w ent f ro m l i ving incomfor t and secur i ty t o fac ing an uncer ta in fu ture in school gym nasiums,tent s, and ruined bu i ldings.

    In Japan, we are used to ear thquakes. We thought we were ready foranythin g. But n o one ever expected anyth ing l ike this.

    W hat happened on t hat day changed Japan, and everyone w ho l i ves there .It has mad e us real ize how fragi le our l ives are. And i t has made m e real izehow l i t t l e separates me f rom the peop le I he lp th rough Rotary .

    I t i s easy to look a t the peop le we he lp t hrough our Foundat ion as som ehowdi fferent from ourselves. They l ive far away. We do n ot kn ow t heir languageor th e i r cu lture . We do not know wh at i t i s li ke to have no runn ing w ater, nosani tat ion, no heal th care, no education. We look at pictu res, and w e readstories in the new s abou t po verty, wars, and disasters. We see, from so faraway, the peop le who are l i ving through such ter r ib le t im es. But i t i s hard toput ourselves in th ei r place.

    Today, I tel l you that t here is nothin g at al l separating us from th e people w ehelp. We are al l the same. Only the ci rcumstances surrounding us are

    d i f fe rent .

    Through our Foundat ion, we have the power to l i ve the words o f ourFoundat ion 's mo t to : Do ing Good in the Wor ld . Through i t , we can do somu ch more good t han we cou ld ever do a lone. And i t mat t ers so much topeop le just l ike us.

    Saku ji Tanak a

    President, Rot ary Internat ional




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    Steve Sokol


    November 2012Page 12

    re your arrangem ents made for Convention ?? I bet you are saying i t istoo early to d ecide, since i t is st i l l e ight m ont hs off. Wel l , you areA w rong. In addi t ion to t he RI Convent ion, there is a major festival in

    tow n and room s are scarce and the pr i ces cont inue to c l imb. You do need togo to t his convent ion because of the discussions on Fut ure Vision t hat w i l l bepresented and the d ramat ic e f fec t on Rotary that m ay com e f rom the pendingchanges. The Rotar y Foun dation is facing a very di fferent paradigm and yourc lub and D ist r i c t need t o know as much about the sh i f t as possib le .


    We have no m ore eFlash/ROTI room s to of fer. We did a lot of research onhou sing in Lisbon and we wi l l g ladly share that info rm ation w i th anyone. Forthe m ost par t , your best bets for a room are th ose he ld by RI . That w i l l becostly, but a viable al ternative to wai t ing to see i f rooms free up closer toConvent ion t ime. I wou ld not want to have t ranspor ta t ion arrangement notmade and n ot h ave a room in which to stay.

    Beyond the valuable information avai lable on Rotary plans and efforts, youwi l l f ind Lisbon a del ight ful c i ty to vis it . Lisbon has a unique cul tur e wi t h anin terest ing b lend o f in f luences rang ing f rom m odern t o very h istor i c . The ci tyhas long been a center for mar i t im e e f for ts . Th is has prov ided the i r ow ncuisine, oriented to seafood wi th various effects from the being a leader inin ternat iona l exp lora t ion.

    To prov ide you w i th more in format ion on the joys o f L isbon, we w i l l beinc lud ing ar t i c les in the BreadBasket , fo r the next few months, on the

    fel lowship opp ort uni t ies in Lisboa (as th e natives spel l i t) . We w i l l start w i th al i t t le general background in th is issue.


    A major point of discussion on the ROTI l ists this month has been thepro jec ted e f fects o f Future V ision. I t star ted w i th a concern about t he fu tureof GSE, but has expanded to VTT and the general di rection of RotaryFoundat ion. The top ic s low ly migrated to qu est ions on the p lann ing forRotar y's fut ure and wher e cont rol of di rection should reside. (This was not ad iscuss ion o f leadersh ip , but one o f how the goa ls are determined for theleadership to pursue.) I have my ow n feel ings, and do not want to discussth em w hen I am w ri t ing as ROTI Chair. I can tel l you t hat t here are m any off l istdiscussions going on, both private and pu bl ic, and fol low ing them provides an

    insight as to what a Rotar ian is. (There is no on e answer t o that .) I f you havenot been fo l low ing th e d iscussion you can rev iew th em on t he Yahoo pages forth e respective lists. You can also track th em o n m ul t ip le LinkedIn groups andFacebook pages. The other social m edia hosts also have discussionsavailable. This is very l ikely the f ut ure of Rotary un folding pub l ic view.


    There were tw o good th reads discussing Rotar y rules. The f i rst involved th evary ing types o f m embersh ip and the use o f th em m ade by clubs. The m ostspeci f i c comm ents in the thread w ere per ta in ing to Corporate M embersh ips.There wer e stro ng opinions on bot h sides. The second involved them echanism for suspension of clubs. The discussion was more on w hat th eapproach should be taken to the prob lems of the c lub, ra ther than thespecif ics of revoking t he chart er.

    There w as a lengthy t hread discussing M alala Yousafzai , the young Pakistanigi r l that w as shot by a Tal iban gunman . There was no resolut ion as to w hatROTI could speci f ical ly do ot her th an to cont inue th e search for wo rld peace. Iwas pleased that the discussion focused on the act and did not involvequestions of rel igious bel iefs.

    In a l i gh ter m ood, th ere was a lengthy d iscussion o f how to obta in your RInum ber. There were qui te a few suggestion s, but I bel ieve only one personsuggested asking the club secretary, which is the natural and mostapprop riate approach. Several peop le, including me, suggested going tom ember access. Luck i ly, not on e thought to em barrass us w i th the fac t thatyou m ust know you RI num ber to in i t i al l y sign up for M emb er Access.

    I want to alerteveryone that it isagain time to elect aROTI chair. I let it slip

    up on me, but we willcatch up. The mostcritical deadline ishaving ballots out byDecember 1, with astatement from eachcandidate describingtheir qualifications.The voting will close

    December 16. Pleasegive thought to whoyou would like tonominate for the Chair.The requirement is thathe/she has to be:1) a past officer, or2) a past boardmember, or 3) a

    committee chair. TheChair cannot succeedhim(her) self.

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    November 2012Page 13

    Al l of the discussions of varying threads have an impor tant place. There is aweal t h of Rotar y m aterial being passed across the ROTI l ists. Take advantageof i t . Yes, reading al l wo uld take a lot of t im e, but at least read the to pics. Also,p lease fee l f ree to contr ibute . The contr ibut ions seem t o come f rom a verysmal l por t ion o f the membersh ip , but the broader the spectrum ofop in ions/ in terpre ta t ions, the m ore va luab le out l i sts w i l l be .

    Final ly, I want t o alert ever yone t hat i t is again t im e to elect a ROTI Chair. I let i ts lip up on m e, but w e wi l l catch up. The most cri t ical deadl ine is having bal lot sout by Decemb er 1 , w i th a sta tem ent f rom each candidate descr ib ing the i rqual i f ications. The votin g w i l l c lose Decemb er 16. Please give th ought t owh o you wou ld l ike to nom inate for the Chai r. The requ i rement i s that theyhave to be e i ther : 1) a past o f f i cer, 2) a past bo ard m ember, or 3) a comm i t teechair. The Chair canno t succeed him (her)sel f. [The by-laws do not p rohib i t apast chair serving again, so lon g as there is an interm ediate Chair.

    I would l ike to close wi th a paraphrase from a prayer in my rel igion: Grant uspeace, and le t us be i ts messenger unto the w or ld !


    n the r ight hand side of the Tagus (thelongest r iver in th e Iberian Peninsula),Lisbon is a major European ci ty, w i th aO

    m etropo l i tan area conta in ing up to 2 .5 mi l li onpeople (which means that 1 in 4 Por tuguesepeop le l ive in t he Lisbon area). Lisbon has justlywo n three o f t he 2009 Wor ld t rave l Awards forEurope: Europe's Leading City Break Destination,Europe's Leading Cruise

    Destinat ion and Europ e's Leading Destinat ion.These are just some o f t he reasonswhy you s imply cannot m iss one o f the mo st charming c i t i es in th e w or ld : L ISBON!It seems that t he ci ty 's name stem s from a Phoenician expression, Al is-Ubbo,wh ich means serene harbour . In fac t , Lisbon w as bu i l t a round the imm enseTagus' m outh. A l tho ugh the r i ver 's mo uth i s qu i te large towards the west , i t has alarge gul f t hat gives i t a somew hat oceanic qual i ty. I t was always a good por t and i tst i l l i s one o f the m ost impor tant o nes in Europe today, but i t i s also good for agreat variety of nautical sports. Lisbon is connected to the south by two verycharacterist ic bridges, engineering masterpieces which give the capi tal apar t i cu lar charm .

    Lisbon has a dozen di fferent faces, of d i fferent urban landscapes, each and everyone w i th i ts ow n urban r hy thm s and l ifesty les. Wi th an undula t ing topography,

    m any o f i ts mo num ents are seen f rom afar on top o f t he i r h i l l s. I t has seven h i l ls ,al l of t hem densely urbanised. Som e say that Lisbon is, archi tectur al ly speaking, aw hi te ci ty, w hich gives i t i ts markedly M edi ter ranean character.

    Lisbon has a very good transport network, especial ly i ts underground l ines,abundant l y decorated w i th ar tw orks : each sta t ion has i ts own co lour scheme andthem e. Lisbon i s a lso dot ted w i th t he p ic turesque ye llow e lectr i c t ram s, wh osetrajecto ries are of great tourist interest.

    This is a very sophisticated, com plex and cosmo pol i tanci ty. I t has always been l ike this, wi th people from al la round the wor ld walk ing i ts s t reets . I t has anunre lent ing appet i te for cu l ture , host ing a mul t i tude o fevents, and dozens of attractions, theatres, night- l i fespots, footbal l stadiums, churches and museums. Youhave no t im e to get bored in L isbon.M oreover, there i s atyp ical cul tural expression th at w as bor n in Lisbon : the

    Fado, a nostalgic, mysteriou s type of song th at ent hralsand awes a ll those who hear i t .

    Lisbon is m ade up of m any di fferent bo roughs. In Lisbon- Al fama, Baixa and Bairro Al to you can f ind the hustleand bustle of an historic ci ty. Lisbon - Belm, by theriverside, pays homage to the Portuguese Discoveries,w i th i ts great and renowned monuments . I f you fancymodern acrchi tecture, you shouldn' t miss Lisbon -Eastern Lisbon w here t he Parque das Naes boasts avariety o f faci l i t ies as wel l as cul tural and leisure areas.Lisbon - Estrela, Lapa and Doca de Alcntara is acharming, quiet area of the ci ty. By Lisbon- GreaterL isbon i t i s meant the w ider area o f the Por tuguese

    capi tal .

    LISBONRegister now.

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    'm present l y in Lou is iana and t ry ing to s tay away f rom thewitches, gobl ins, ghosts, vampires, and voodoo practi t ioners.I New Or leans was named The Mo st Haunted C ity in the Uni t ed


    According to TopTenz.net, New Orleans, has truly embraced i tsreputation as a center of al l things paranormal . The ci ty is ful l ofhaunt ed m ansions, taverns, and graveyards. You can' t go far w i tho uthearing stories of cursed pi rate ships, Civi l War-era spi r i ts, andvoodoo hexes. Those o f you that a t tended t he Rotary In ternat iona l

    convent ion in NOLA two years ago probably saw many o f theVoodoo and o ther shops in t he French Quarter .

    Dur ing the end o f October and the f i rs t few days o f Novemberhow ever, th e city takes on a new dim ension. The ships docking andtrave ling f rom the Por t o f New Or leans o f fer Vampi re cru ises, thebeauti ful Ci ty Park features Voodoo experiences, and many of thehote ls o f fer specia l haunted room s in add i t ion t o Bourbon st reetbeing f i l led wi th strangely costumed revelers patrol l ing the festivearea and offering devi l ishly named alcohol ic beverages to thecustomers.

    Of course there are always th e cem eteries. The above-groundtom bs in New Or leans cemeter ies are o f ten re ferred t o as "c i t i es o fthe d ead." Enter t he cemetery gates, and you w i l l be greeted byrusty decorat i ve i ronwork and b l inded by sun-b leached tombs.Crosses and statues jutt ing from tomb surfaces cast contrastingshadows, adding to the sense of mystery. There are regular tou rs ofthe cemeter ies , o f w h ich three are Catho l i c . Here are comm ents o fDan f rom Cal ifo rn ia that t ook a tou r o f t he cemeter ies.

    Th is tour w as pre t ty f un and s tar ted in f ro nt o f Reverend Zom bie 'sShop on St . Peter S treet . We w alked to the cem etery and on the w aylearned lots of fun facts about t he burial process and changes to t hecemeter ies over the centur ies. W hen we got to th e graveyard weimm ediately went to M arie Laveau's site. People had left al l sorts ofth ings at t he foot o f her grave for luck. Our gu ide seemed p re t ty

    certain M arie Laveau was inside th e 2nd level of t he 3 level spot . Wealso saw th e grave of Hom er Plessy, who m ade history in th e courtcase Plessy vs. Ferguson. Rem em ber, the one that led t o separatebut equal segregat ion? Pret ty am azing to see the m onum ent.

    New Orleans is one of the most magical and mysterious ci t ies onear th , in add i t ion to be ing one the most occu l t ac t i ve c i t i es inAmer ica. Home not on ly to i ts own brand o f Voodoo, and i tsderivatives, but a hom e to Europ ean Wit chcraft as wel l ! I t s m agicalamb iance has attr acted a mel t ing pot of m agical bel iefs and cul tu resfrom l i te ral l y a l l over the w or ld . I t i s that same m el t ing pot that hascreated i ts un ique m usic and i ts mem orab le foods.

    RON NETHERCUTTROTI Chair 2007-2009


    November 2012Page 14


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    Kal i la Smi th wrote in Wi tchcra f t In New Or leans & New Or leansVoodoo wrot e , Through the years, I have spent t ime w i th d i f fe rentpract i t i oners, as wel l as ventured dow n num erous paths. A l thoughNew Or leans Voodoo f lour i shed in t he c i ty, a growing num ber o fpract i t i oners began to re turn the purer Hai t ian form of Voodoo.M any a book had been pub l i shed on the re l ig ious aspect o f Voodoo.Few concentra ted on the im por tance o f the contr ibut ions m ade bythose who evo lved the spec if i c brand o f Voodoo t hat had becomefami l iar t o New Or leans.

    In New Orleans, Voodoo raised such fear and supersti t ion that thechurch u l t imate ly banned i t f rom be ing pract i ced w i th in the c i tyl imi ts. Throughout the 1800's, the church and ci ty off ic ials wagedwar o n t he Voodoos that r i valed the W i tch t r ia l s o f Sa lem. Therewere count less newspaper accounts o f ar rests m ade on t hose whopracticed t his rel igion. Unl ike th e al leged w i tches of Salem, ho wever,t h e V o o d o o s a l w a y s s e e m e d t o m y s t e r i o u s l y e s c a p eju dgm en t .

    Voodoo m eans "Spir i t o f God." It 's a system o f bel iefs originating inAfr i ca . I t i s est im ated th at Voodoo has over f i f t y m i l li on fo l lowersworldwide. Voodoo f lourishes in Brazi l , Trinidad, Jamaica, Cuba,Hait i , New Or leans and in pr i va te hom es in every country in the

    wo rld. Today, a signi f icant per cent of t he pop ulation o f New Or leanspartake in Voodoo r i tuals. The practice of Voodoo involves theblessing of a Voodoo dol l by an experienced practi t ioner whichal lows the possessor of the dol l to contact the spi r i ts di rectly -requesting ful f i l lment in love, f inance, career, fam i ly matt ers, etc.

    So next t ime you w ant to spend Hal loween in a un ique p lace, whynot t ry New Or leans; the # 1 m ost haunted c i ty in the Un i ted Sta tes .Of course those ROTIans that reside in ot her part s of t he w orld m ightw ish to nam e the i r favor i te p lace to be spooked. In the m eant ime I ' l lp repare to fend o f f the monsters w i th my grandch i ld ren onHalloween. Excuse me now wh i le I get my costum e ready! ! !

    My halloween grandkids Sawyer and Parker


    November 2012Page 15

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    November 2012Page 16


    Each m ont h, a special Rotar ian is selected b y ROTI, in recogni t ion o fthe i r com mi t ment and ded icat ion t o Rotary serv ice.

    This m ont h, ROTI is pleased to ho nour


    A Chip Ross Production

    odd Lindley's f i rst po st on t he current Yahoo archive ofROTI m essages was m ade on Febru ary 29, 2000 andT since then he has made o ver 3,500 posts, many having to

    do w i th M atch ing Grant m at ters. Todd has wr i t t en and m anagedover 130 Rotar y Found ation Grant pr ojects taking place in mo rethan th i r ty countr ies .

    He has becom e the M G guru o f ROTI. I t is in recogni t ion of t hewor k that h e i s do ing on t he ROTI-brokered M G pro ject o fprov id ing he lp to t he hear ing impai red o f Chennai , Ind ia that he

    has been selected as ROTIan of th e M ont h for No vem ber.

    Todd has been a m em ber of ROTI since 1999, serving asDirector, Secretary and Vice-Chairm an.

    Thanks, Todd , for al l you d o fo r, Rotar y and ROTI and forChenn ai 's Hearing Im paired

    Tod d Lind ley D DS FAGD

    Rotary Foundat ion A lum niCoord inator, Zone 3 1

    Past Distr ict Govern orDistr ict 6060, 2010-2011

    9553 Lackland Road, Suit e 4Over land M O 63114-3640

    voice: 314-440-5607fax: 206-309-9482

    [email protected] ict 6060's web si te:

    h t tp : / /www.missour i ro tary .orgOverland Rotary Club's web p age:

    h t tp : / /w w w .ove r l and ro ta ry .o rgRot ary Zones 30-31 web site:

    h t tp : / /www.r i zones30-31.org

    At NOLA, Steve, JohnB, Stahn, Todd, Mark

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    November 2012Page 17


    PP Lawrence TristramAssistant Editor, ROTI BreadbasketRotary Club of Petersfield, District 1110, [email protected]

    Rtn Viji as wife and Rotarian

    Please f ind attached t he club bu l let in of th e Rotar y Club of Jubi lee Hi l ls, Hyderabad,India. This is not very pr ofessional , but w as of t he opin ion t hat you could possiblyf ind someth ing o f in terest