renal trauma bua finish

A 17-year-old male presented with stab wound at left flank. He was sent for evaluation.

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A 17-year-old male presented with stab wound at left flank. He was sent

for evaluation.

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A crescentic shape fluid, measuring about 55 HU, around left kidney which could be perinephric hematoma.

Arterial phase Venous phase Delayed KUB

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Wedge shape hypodensity lesion at left kidney

Delayed KUB : Extravasation of contrast to pelvocaliceal system

Renal parenchymal laceration extending through cortex,medulla and pelvocaliceal system

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Air bubble at retroperitoneal space along stab wound track

Delayed KUB : Extravasation of contrast to pelvocaliceal system

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Ureter without extravasation of contrast media

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Laceration at upper pole of the left kidney in posterior aspect

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Findings• Penetrated tract with subcutaneous

emphysema at the left flank through upper to mid pole of the left kidney.

• Extravasation of contrast from pelvocaliceal system

• Renal parenchymal laceration extending through cortex,medulla and pelvocaliceal system

• Crescentic shape fluid, which could be perinephric hematoma of the left kidney.AAST grading category IV

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Pornprom Thungkatikajonkit ,MD.

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Renal trauma

• Blunt trauma 90% – Motor vehicle accidents , fall.– Vehicle collision at high speed : Deceleration injury

-> major vascular injury.• Penetrating trauma 10% – Gunshot wounds– Stab wounds

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Indication for radiological evaluation

• Gross hematuria.• Microscopic hematuria with hypotension.• Penetrating trauma with any degree of hematuria• Children (<16 years)• Injuries associated with renal injury – Direct contusion– Hematoma of flank soft tissue– Fractures of lumbar spine, lower ribs and transverse


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Imaging modality

• Contrast-enhanced CT• Single-shot intraoperative Intravenous

urography(IVU)• Ultrasonography• Angiogram

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Imaging modality

• Contrast-enhanced CT Scan: Modality of choice – Parenchymal lacerations– Vascular injuries– Perinephric hematomas– Extravasation of contrast-enhanced urine– Associated injuries

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Imaging modality

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American Association for surgery of trauma injury scale

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American Association for surgery of trauma injury scale

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Grade IV : lacerations

- Deep lacerations extendingthrough the kidney into the collecting system.

- Extravasation of urine and urinary contrast in delayed phase axial CT

Diagnostic radiology genitourinary imaging 3rd edition

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Grade V : Shattered kidney

Gross renal parenchymal disruption secondary to multiple renal lacerations show non enhancing devitalized areas due to renal infarction(vascular injuries)

Diagnostic radiology genitourinary imaging 3rd edition

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Grade V : Devascularized kidney

- No ehnacement of the left renal parenchyma. - Vascular pedicle injury that disrupted the renal artery resulting in a totally avascular left kidney.

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Grade V : UPJ injury

Contrast enhanced (left) and delayed (right) CT scans demonstrating stranding and fluid around the mid left ureter, and a left UPJ injury respectively

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• Stable grade I-III injuries– Managed non-operatively.

• Severe grade IV-V– Required careful selection based on• Hemodynamic stability• Mechanism – penetrating injury• Associated non-renal injuries

• Isolated penetrating renal injury in stable patient can be managed conservatively

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• Therapeutic angiographic interventions for transcatheter embolization of ongoing hemorrhage in renal trauma in hemodynamically stable patients.

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References• Niranjan Khandelwal MD, editors. Diagnostic radiology genitourinary imaging 3rd

edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd;2009.• Raquel Cano Alonso, MD. Kidney in Danger: CT Findings of Blunt and Penetrating

Renal Trauma. Radiographics. November 2009;volume29 , issue7.•••••

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Further reading

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