rol family report

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  • 8/8/2019 Rol Family Report





    Rols Family

    Family Medicine Community Health I

    Section A

    Group 17

    Cada, Kristian

    Caeg, Anne Clarisse

    Calupig, Tiffany Grace

    Capacio, Diane Chloe

    October 7, 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Rol Family Report



    Family is the most pervasive and enduring context of human relatedness. There

    is no way to intervene in an individuals life and not affect his or her family. The family

    is not a potential source of problem but also a major source of resource in health care,

    especially because society expects families to have a sense of responsibility towards their



    Filipino Families typically consists of a father, mother and their children,

    categorized as a nuclear type of family. Often times or most probably seen in the context

    of relatedness, the close and knit ties of each family members that extends to its other

    generation, from primary family up to the relatives, and shares the same household and

    will then be categorized as an extended family type. In this manner, our group case is of

    very significant as to how will categorizing a family would place them, from nuclear to

    extended, and from extended to single parenting type of family.

    Our group handles the Rol Family, Mrs. Anastacia Rol our primary contact person

    is married to Mr. Augusto Rol, they had three children, Arnold being the eldest, followed

    by Anthony and the youngest is Ana Marie. Due to many circumstances their family

    structure was changed, from marital separation to the launching family years as her two

    sons have already had their own families.

    The family of Mrs. Anastacia Rol (56 years old) is now composed of her as the

    mother, her daughter Ana Marie Rol (19 years old) and her grandchild Anjenica (3 years

    old). We can classify their family structure basically not a typical nuclear family, as Mrs.

    Rol is already separated from her husband and lives now as a single parent rearing for her

    youngest daughter, Ana Marie and grandchild Anjenica. Their Family structure and

    function will be further discussed in the latter topics.

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    Mrs. Anastacia Rol, 56 is married to Mr. Augusto Rol, 55, in the year

    1973 but separated in 1999. They had three children, the eldest is Arnold Rol 36 years

    old married to Janet in the year and had 3 children, Arriane Jaze, 16, Alrriane Jake, 12

    and Alanize 15. Anthony Rol - 34 years old, second of the siblings was married to

    Rowena, 31, and had 3 children, namely, Anthoinette 6, Anthony Jr., 5 and Alleah, 2.

    Prior to Anthonys wife Rowena, he had a previous partner, Imelda, 35, but not married

    to her. They had 2 children, Mark Antony, 16 and Mark Aldrin, 14. The youngest of the

    children of Mrs. Anastacia is Ana Marie Rol- 19 years old. Ana Marie had a child a

    swell, named Anjenica, 3 years of age, but Ana Marie is not married to her daughters

    father which is Erza James 27.

    Only Mrs. Anastacia, Ana Marie and grandchild Anjenica live together in the

    same household. After her separation from Mr. Augusto Rol 10 years ago because Mr.

    Augusto Rol had a another partner, Indang, and lived in together then, leaving Mrs.

    Anastacia to rear for her 3 children, after her 1st son leaving the household for building

    his own family,year 1994, the second son followed,year 1995, leaving Mrs. Anastacia

    and the youngest daughter in the house hold. When Ana Marie, youngest child, entered

    college, age 16, she conceived a baby girl and had to stop schooling for her pregnancy.Ana Marie is not married to the father of her daughter since she was still a minor then.

    During this time, it was a very disappointing and depressing years for Mrs. Anastacia


    Such circumstances in the family may have contributed to the deteriorating health

    of Mrs. Anastacia Rol. She is the index patient in the family for having cervical cancer.

    She was diagnosed having stage 2 cervical cancer in 2008, was prompted for immediate

    treatment and cure. She had undergone treatment for almost 2 years and had survived it.

    Up until now, she is recovering from her sickness with the help of her children and

    relatives, supporting her financially and emotionally even if sustenance is difficult for

    them. One can say Mrs. Rols family had undergone many trials, emotionally, physically

    and psychologically but she was able to surpass these lifes tremors.

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    Who lives in your home? List the persons Check the column that best describes

    according to their relationship to you. how you now get along with each member

    of the family listed. (for example, spouse,

    significant other, child or friend)

    Relationship Age SexDaughter 19 F

    Grand daughter 3 F

    ** We evaluate this there is no presence of conflict between them and the communication

    is still open even if they fairly get along with each other


    Economic SCREEM - Resources SCREEM PathologyEconomic stability is sufficient to provide

    both reasonable satisfaction with financial

    status and an ability to meet economic

    demands of normative life events


    Economic deficiency

    Inappropriate economic plan

    Economic SCREEM Resources

    - A small business, which is Bingo


    - Mrs. Anastacia owns a small business, which is bingo, in their community. Thecollected income is one of the ways wherein she gets her money for the daily

    expenses of the family. And with this kind of socioeconomical way of living, she

    is prone to different kind of diseases because of close contact to the people around

    Well Fairly Poorly

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    her. And due to this fact, she became dependent on the small income that they get

    in their business, and she never think of going back to her work again.


    The Mrs. Anastacia Rol family structure is based on Single Parent Family

    composed of Mrs. Anastacia, the mother, her daughter, Ana Marie and her grand

    daughter, Anjenica. This is due to the fact that Mr. Augusto and Mrs. Anastacia got

    separated 10 years ago. Their functional unit of family is based on Family of Procreation

    wherein family is established by means of marriage. And based on authority, Mrs.

    Anastacia may be classified as Matricentric due to absence of Mr. Augusto which makes

    Mrs. Anastacia in a dominant position.

    One problem that we focus on Mrs. Anastacia is the time when she was diagnosed

    to have Cervical Cancer in November 5, 2009, which the family started to experienced

    crisis when they learned about it. The good thing about Rols family is that they still

    manage to be optimistic individuals towards the situation. Her relatives and her 2 sons

    helped her in the all the expenses regarding with her treatment, especially Anthony, who

    is working in Qatar. While her daughter supports and tends to all her needs and the one

    whos with her in check up. On this year, 2010 of August 24, the doctor said that Mrs.

    Anastacia is cured for Cervical CA but still need to undergo monthly check up. After that

    crisis, you will see that the family stays intact and we can say that the family is back to its

    equilibrium state.

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    The family life cycle represents composite of individual development changes of

    family members. It shows the evolution of the marital relationship and thus represents

    cyclic development of the evolving family unit.

    It is important to study the family life cycle of the index patient or the family

    itself because the events in their family life cycle can be related to clinical events and to

    their health maintenance. The two levels of orders of magnitude of changes are first

    order changes which involve increments of mastery and adaptation. It is a need to DO

    something new which involve tasks that must be accomplished by the family and family

    members. The second level of order id the second order changes which involve

    transformation of an individuals status and meaning. It is a need to BE something new

    to which there are specific goals to be attained in a particular stage of family life cycle.


    Second Order Changes:

    Young Anastacia wents to be a Secretary. She usually volunteered to write

    on the blackboard in her class.

    Shes the eldest sister in the family. She had many responsibilities like

    taking good care of her brothers and sisters as well as being a good

    daughter to her parents. On the latter years, she feels like tied-on-the-neck

    with her parents thus to escape that life, she married Mr. Augusto.

    First Order Changes:

    Mrs. Anastacia went on schooling up to third year high in Arellano High School.

    When she was still young, her neighbor asks her to buy palabok in the market, he

    gave extra money to her so that she can ride on the Calesa for fast transportation.

    But instead of spending that extra money she got, she went on the market by

    running and walking fast. The extra money she got will then be her allowance for

    schooling on the next day ahead.

    She served as a second mother to her brothers and sisters. Mrs. Anastacia also

    reminisce her Simbang Gabi together with her young brothers and sister. They

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    regularly attended masses, so one night she woke up all his brothers and sisters to

    prepare for the mass. When they came to the church, they were confused about

    the time to start the mass because the church was still close. One individual told

    them that it was only 12 oclock in the midnight. The reason behind this was that

    they dont have a clock in their house. Young Anastacia decided to sleep her

    brothers and sisters in the lobby of the church and wait for the mass in the dawn.

    Problems Encountered:

    The life at that time is hard and many things are not achievable in a limited time

    frame like no electrical supply, no water supply, financial support for schooling,


    Young Anastacia stopped schooling because his elder brother Eliseo who was

    supporting her schooling was fired in the Casino he was working with.

    When they transferred in Valenzuela, it was hard for her to walk to ride a Jeepney

    just to go for schooling. She did not know that there is a local school near their



    Second Order Changes:

    She eloped with Mr. Augusto.

    Mrs. Anastacia married Mr. Augusto on November 16, 1973 in Civil. She was 19

    at that time while Mr. Augusto was one year younger to her.

    Mrs. Anastacia lived with her husbands family.

    Mrs. Anastacia has no problem with her in-laws.

    First Order Changes:

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    Mrs. Anastacia worked in the canning worker in a local sardine factory.

    Mr. Augusto worked as a painter and still does painting at the present. But before

    she married Mr. Augusto, Mr Augusto was waiter in a local restaurant.

    Mrs. Anastacia is already pregnant before she married Mr. Augusto.


    Second Order Changes:

    Mrs. Anastacia gave birth to her eldest son, Arnold Rol, July 21, 1974 eight

    months after her wedding.

    She gave birth to her second son, Anthony Rol, April 6, 1976, two years younger

    form the eldest son.

    She gave birth to her youngest sibling, Ana Marie at the age of 37. It was fourteen

    years before from the last time she gave birth.

    She delivered all of her siblings normal.

    First Order Changes:

    The couple worked hard so that they can provide the daily needs of their family.

    She took contraceptives for ten years after her birth to her second son.


    Second Order Changes: When Arnold was still courting Janet, they usually brought Ana Marie in their

    dates. Ana Marie and Arnold has wide year gap, thus people thinks that Ana

    Marie was Arnold and Janets daughter.

    Anthony, second son, had his first intimate relationship with Imelda.

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    First Order Changes:

    The couple worked hard for the schooling of their two sons and for providing

    necessary needs to their youngest sibling Ana Marie.


    Second Order Changes:

    Arnold, the eldest son, eloped with his girlfriend Janet and in latter decided to

    marry her because she was already pregnant. Arnold was 19 when he married


    Several months after Arnold marriage, Anthony also wants to marry his girlfriend

    Imelda because his girlfriend was also pregnant.

    Imelda, the pregnant girlfriend of Anthony at that time, did not marry Anthony

    but they had two sons named Mark Anthony, 16 and Mark Aldrin, 14.

    Anthony is now married to Rowena on 2003. They have three siblings at the

    present. They were Anthoinette, Anthony Jr. and Alleah with ages are 6, 5, and 2


    When Ana Marie was 16 and a freshman in Fatima University, she had her

    boyfriend Erza James, more than 10 years older than her and got pregnant.

    Ana Marie and her daughter Anjenica are living with Mrs. Anastacia until now.

    First Order Changes:

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    Mrs. Anastacia took the responsibilities for the nuptial of her eldest son. During

    the nuptial of her eldest son Arnold, she cried out because her son was still young

    and had not finished college degree.

    Arnold and his wife lived for a while with his wifes family.

    Mrs. Anastacia wants her second son to continue his study in replace to the eldest

    son who already got married. But unfortunately, Anthony had pregnant his

    girlfriend and eventually stopped studying to support his own family.

    Mr. Augusto had his new relationship with his common law wife, Indang, They

    do not have siblings.

    Problems Encountered:

    Arnold has no job and cannot sustain the needs of his new family.

    Anthony needs to support his girlfriend because she is pregnant. He has also no

    job at that time because he was supposed to still be studying.

    Anthony wants to marry Imelda but Mrs. Anastacia cannot financially support

    them because she already spent her money in Arnolds nuptial.

    Ana Marie is still young to have a baby. She eventually stopped schooling

    because she needs to take good care of her growing child.

    Mr. Augusto developed a new relationship.


    Second Order Changes:

    Mrs. Anastacia and Mr. Augusto has a good relationship eventhough her partner

    has a new partner in life.

    First Order Changes:

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    Mrs. Anastacia regularly attends symposium, seminars, etc. in their Barangay.

    When she has available time and money to spend with, she visits her grandson

    and granddaughters.

    Arnold and his family family regularly visit Mrs. Anastacia. They are now

    permanently living in Marilao, Bulacan.

    Anthony is now in Qatar. He is a painter there.

    Mr. Augusto gave regular financial support to Mrs. Anastacia.

    Mrs. Anastacia owns a small BINGO game outside of her house for extra income.

    Problems Encountered:

    Mrs. Anastacia found out that she has a cervical cancer last 2009. Luckily she is

    already cured and was released in the Jose Reyes Medical Center last August


    Now, she is attending regular monthly check-up.


    1. Lower Socioeconomic Group- the Rol family could be classified in this type of

    group. They depend primarily on the day to day survival and enjoyment. Theirhouse is not made of concrete materials; instead it is only made of wooden


    2. Lower Social Class- like the above statement, they are more concerned with

    pragmatic or practical issues of day to day survival and enjoyment.

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    3. Cultural Factors- Mrs. Anastacia has a good value about life. She is already

    contented in whatever she has at the moment. She is not a smoke use. Her

    younger brother Dominador is a cigarette smoker. She always wake up early

    because that was the training of her parents when was still young. They should

    woke up early and start cleaning the house, fetching water for their water supply,

    etc. The reason of her father is that whenever they wake up late in the morning

    that is a sign of being lazy. At early morning when she woke up, she regularly

    clean their backyard and their house.

    a. Food- Mrs. Anastacias favorite fruit is banana, and she even eats it solely

    during lunch of dinner whenever she did not like the food serve in their house.

    She is now regularly eating vegetables in served. She did not cook for their

    food. Her sisters Aida or Jocelyn regularly shares food to them. Mrs.

    Anastacia usually buys food for her familys meal.

    b. Exercise- Mrs. Anastacias exercise is the daily cleaning of their house and

    fetching water in the water pump outside their house.

    c. Faith- before Mrs. Anastacia was regularly attending masses. Now she only

    requires Ana Marie and her young daughter to attend mass every Sunday in

    Fatima Church. Mrs. Anastacia only attends mass during Christmas or in

    special occasions in her life.

    d. Lifestyles- Mrs. Anastacia is now so fun with traveling and leisures in life.

    She treats her house as a refuge for safety and comfortability because she is

    living near her brothers and sisters houses.


    Preventive Medicine is a science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life

    and promoting physical and mental health and efficiency for groups and communities,

    individuals and families by organized mass action and private patient care.

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    The family exercises different ways to prevent certain diseases such as, practicing

    a healthy diet, having a clean environment and a water supply that is safe enough to drink

    for the family.

    Mrs. Anastacia is very compliant when it comes to her medications and her

    monthly check-ups with her physician. She is cooperative in taking vitamins and

    supplements like Caltrate, Ferrous Sulfate, and Ascorbic Acid for her body. In their

    barangay, she constantly attends in the daily seminars prepared by the health workers in

    the barangay health canter.


    The goal of primary health care is to improve the state of health and quality of life

    for all people thru self-reliance and self-determination.

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    When Mrs. Anastacia was diagnosed to have a stage 2 Cervical Cancer, Arnold,

    her son, together with his wife accompanied her. All throughout the diagnosis,

    medication and recovery her children was always there to support her and never failed to

    uplift her every time she was losing hope. Anthony who is in Qatar and Mr. Augusto

    helped her financially for the hospital expenses and medications.

    Meanwhile, Ana Marie took over the household responsibilities while Mrs.

    Anastacia is having her chemotherapy and recovering in her Cervical Cancer treatment.

    She sometimes took over her eldest brother Arnold in seeing her mother in the hospital.

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    Rols Family

    Family Medicine Community Health I

    Section A

    Group 17

    Cada, Kristian

    Caeg, Anne Clarisse

    Calupig, Tiffany Grace

    Capacio, Diane Chloe

    October 7, 2010


  • 8/8/2019 Rol Family Report
