role of ioos in fisheries science and management? power of ioos data models of fish distribution...

Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abu Models useful for management Future applications

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications

Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management?

Power of IOOS data

Models of fish distribution & abundance

Models useful for management

Future applications

Page 2: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications

What can we measure without going to sea that fish “care” about?

Page 3: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications


Depth (log-transformed)Profile curvatureSlope (residuals vs. depth)Sediment grain size


SST488 nm reflectance551 nm reflectance (residuals vs. 488 nm)Cross-shore velocityVariance in cross-shore velocityDivergence trend

Mixed-layer depthSimpson’s PE (limited to top 30 m)Bottom tempBottom salinity (residuals vs. depth)


Multivariate AnalysisFinal Environmental Variables Used

Page 4: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications


551 nm resids

Page 5: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications

Statistical models of fish-habitat association

Benthic Depth (log-transformed)

Profile curvatureSlope (residuals vs. depth)Sediment grain size

IOOSSST488 nm reflectance551 nm reflectance (residuals vs. 488 nm)Cross-shore velocityVariance in cross-shore velocityDivergence trend

CTDMixed-layer depthSimpson’s PE (limited to top 30 m)Bottom tempBottom salinity (residuals vs. depth)


Habitat data

Example: Longfin squid (live one year) Prey for fish, seabirds, sharks, seals, whales Predator of young stages of fish & crabs (eat ~500,000 tons of prey yr; ~33 x annual production of Fluke)

Page 6: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications

CPUE= bottom temperature + sediment grain size + current divergence + N488 radiance +(depth x SST) + (cross x along shelf current v)

Preliminary squid model (adjusted R2 = 0.85)IOOS Increased model power ~12-20%

Page 7: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications


HF radarDivergence potential

Longfin squid

Test in IOOS informed studies of habitat on movement, growth, mortality & reproductive rates

Hypothesis: Upwelling & 1’+2’ production => high squid growth & size dependent survival?



HF radar divergence & upwelling-downwelling potentialUpwelling

Down welling

Page 8: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications

Models useful for Fisheries Management, stock assessement, spatial planning?

• Need natural (& fishing) mortalities for stock assessments– Spiny dogfish may eat 25,000 to 120,000 tons of squid a year.

(Fishery harvest in 2007: 12,300 tons) – IOOS informed models of dogfish, squid distributions & habitat specific encounter rates. Where/when is natural mortality likely to be high?

• Bycatch of butterfish in squid fishery– Under what habitat conditions do squid & butterfish co-occur? – Use IOOS to tell squid fisherman where to fish

avoid large butterfish bycatch.

Two examples:

Page 9: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications



Optical backscatterbb532

Ecosystem Monitoring:Cold pool dynamics, Climate change &

Fish Recruitment

Recruitment of some species in MAB tied to Cold Pool Dynamics (e.g. yellowtail flounder, surf clams)

Timing of Cold Pool turnover & bottom warming may affect survival of early stages of some MAB species.What are the mechanisms?

Page 10: Role of IOOS in fisheries science and management? Power of IOOS data Models of fish distribution & abundance Models useful for management Future applications

• Online survey (43 Atlantic coast scientists & managers)

• Presentation to MAFMC (June 2009)

• Coordination with SSC

• Interviews about current research needs

Relevance to Resource Management?