sacred self newletter holistic health

Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter Sacred Self is a Newsletter dedicated to sharing information about Holistic and Natural Health and Wellness. Today’s Issue we will look at: 1) Choosing the Right Supplement Brand 2) Multi-vitamin vs Several Vitamins 3) Natural Help for Acid Reflux 4) Reiki Healing Thank you for joining us on this Journey!

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Post on 19-Mar-2016




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This week we look at supplements and vitamins, natural acid reflux remedies and Reiki~


Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter

Sacred Self is a Newsletter dedicated to sharing information

about Holistic and Natural Health and Wellness.

Today’s Issue we will look at:

1) Choosing the Right Supplement Brand

2) Multi-vitamin vs Several Vitamins

3) Natural Help for Acid Reflux

4) Reiki Healing

Thank you for joining us on this Journey!

Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter

Choosing the Right Supplement Brand

There's alot of talk about supplements, many people are taking at least

one even if it’s just taking a multi-vitamin. But how do we know that

supplement is right for us? How do we know this is the best product for

our bodies?

Natural supplements are not a regulated product in Canada, the

manufacturers are required to have a drug identification number (DIN) this

implies that they are complying with conventional regulations but how do

you the consumer know this is true? What do you want to look for?

It is a good idea to check with a professional about supplements and what

your body may need, but you can do independent research. It is important

to look at what your body may need based on your nutritional intake and

what you are feeling. Don't start a supplement regime because it works for

your best friends sister, each of us have a unique body that requires

different things to be healthy and happy.

Once you know what type of supplement you will be taking, how do you

choose a product? You may feel tempted to purchase them from your local

grocery store or pharmacy but it is best to visit a natural health clinic

or you local health store, they carry a variety of brands and have

knowledgeable staff, some have an on staff homeopath or naturopath

these are great places to go for advice.

You are looking at rows and rows of supplements on the wall and not sure

which one is best, what do you look at. The label is a great place to start.

You want to see things like




These are your safeguards. This is the industry standard to follow. This

will narrow your search significantly! Now you want to ensure that the

products are all natural without additives, this means looking at everything

that is in the tablets or capsules you have to be wary as legally a label can

say "all natural" or "100% natural" and only have 4% of the total product


Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter

There should be a 1800 number on the label just in case you do have a

reaction. Also your best company is one that promotes independent

testing. Independent testing allows for a less bias testing of the product, it

shows that they are not hiding anything from you.

Choosing a supplement requires some work, but it is your body, your

health and there is nothing more important. You want to give yourself the

best to ensure a balanced healthy life. Do your research before you go

out, choose a brand that provides the most information: a company that is

open about their product information and that does proper testing and

provides you with dosage info, contact info, expiration dates etc is


Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter

Does One Size Fit All?

So you have decided to take a supplement to help ensure you are getting

the proper vitamins and minerals in your body and/or to supplement

deficits in your diet, you have researched the companies and know what

brand you want to go with but now the decision.....Does one size fit all?

Should you buy the multi-vitamin or should you try and mix and match

your supplements yourself?

The MultiThe MultiThe MultiThe Multi----vitaminvitaminvitaminvitamin

They can be very convenient; and if produced by a good company, they

are a balance of several nutrients in one and take out the guess work of

supplementation. These are pre-balanced to help you get the extra

nutrients and minerals that are deficit in our daily diets. They offer a good

balance of all vitamins so that you don't have to worry about taking too

much of one or the other and prevent one from taking too much of the

fat soluble vitamins that can become toxic in the body if you have too

much. Multi-vitamins should be taken as directed by the manufacturer,

being aware of the daily intake of all that is put in the body is very

important. On the flip-side you must be careful with the multivitamin you

choose because often they can be ingested and pass right through you

without offering the nutrition to your body.

Fat soluble? What's that?

There are several vitamins that are "fat soluble" these store in adipose

(fat) tissue if there are high levels and hang out in the body. This can

cause toxicity in the body that can lead to issues. Which vitamins are

considered” fat soluble"? These are your vitamins A, D, E and K.

Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter

Individual SupplementsIndividual SupplementsIndividual SupplementsIndividual Supplements

Taking several individual supplements allows you to have more control

over which vitamins and minerals you are including in your daily diet. This

is a great option if you are very aware of what deficits are in your diet

and you feel that a multi-vitamin may be offering more than what you

need. Taking individual supplements allows you to be choosier in the type

of capsule. Gel capsules that are easily dissolved by the stomach help to

allow for better integration of the particular nutrients to the body without

that concern of it pass through and making the supplementation pointless.

Taking individual supplements means doing your research! Many

supplements require a second supplement to help with its effectiveness

such as calcium and vitamin D, or magnesium and calcium also to consider

is which ones should be taken with food and which ones need to be taken

on an empty stomach; this requires you to workout a schedule of taking

your supplements at the optimal conditions to ensure you are getting the

best effectiveness.

Can you mix multivitamins and individual supplements?

Yes you can, but do this with caution. You need to make sure that you are

not taking too much of something which can have adverse effects on the

body. Know your fat soluble vitamins so that you do not over take these

and risk toxicity in the body.

The ScoreThe ScoreThe ScoreThe Score

Both options are good ones, as long as you do your research. It is up to

you to decide what you can fit into your life! Always do your research,

read the labels on the bottles to ensure effectiveness and if you are in

doubt consult with your doctor or natural health practitioner to help you

make your decision.

Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter

Natural Help for Acid Reflux

Many people suffer with acid reflux every day, this is a painful experience

that often leaves a person with feelings of a burning sensation in the

throat caused by a back up of stomach acid. This burning occurs behind

the breastbone and can radiate further up the neck and the jaw. Other

symptoms can include: asthma, chest pain, food regurgitation, a hoarse

throat/voice and dental pain.

Some common causes of this disease include: smoking, alcohol, poor

nutrition (i.e. lots of fast food), pregnancy, lots of carbonated beverages

and more.

Although it may seem insignificant, a little pain once in a while for some,

this disease can cause long-term effects that include: difficulties

swallowing, or bleeding ulcers.

What can you do to prevent this? By eating well balanced and nutritious

meals, quitting smoking (if you do smoke), regular exercise, eating smaller

meals more frequently etc

If you are experiencing acid reflux what can you do other than


Some ideas on how to soothe acid reflux naturally include:

Apple Cider Vinegar is an amazing remedy for Acid Reflux. It may sound

bizarre to drink an acid as a cure for an acid problem, but there are good

acids and bad acids and Apple Cider Vinegar is among the good ones.

• Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to 1/2 glass of water.

• Sip this glass of water while eating your dinner.

Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter

Ginger Root is an amazing natural herb that is known to absorb stomach

acid and have the secondary effect of calming the nerves. For an effective

natural remedy from the symptoms of acid reflux, try the following:

• Purchase ginger root capsules from a natural health food or

nutritional store.

• Regularly take one capsule immediately after dinner.

Fennel seed is an aromatic but powerful herb that helps in digestive

conditions and has many other benefits. Fennel seeds contain a compound

known as Anethole, which is known to suppress spasms of the stomach or

gastrointestinal tract spasms. Therefore, it is considered to be an

effective remedy for Acid Reflux.

• Take half a tea spoon of Fennel Seeds and chew them slowly after

your meals.

Here is a tea that you can make to help relieve the symptoms of

heartburn, since it reduces the amount of acid you have in your stomach.

Note: that some variants of this remedy suggest adding peppermint, but

this is NOT recommended since peppermint is known to relax the LES

(described earlier), which is exactly what you don't want to do.

• Mix together equal amounts of aniseed and lavender.

• Boil 2 1/2 cups of distilled water.

• Pour the boiling water over a teaspoon of the herbal mixture.

• Let this tea sit for 3 to 5 minutes.

• Strain the tea and add a little bit of honey as a natural sweetener.

• Drink up to 8 oz of this tea in the morning and 8 oz in the evening to

get relief from acid reflux or heartburn. ****Always check with your health care practitioner before stopping medications, these are simply suggestions to help and do not replace medical advice or a diagnosis

Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter

A Note on Reiki and Healing

When we are faced with negative emotions or situations they build up in

the mind, our energy becomes blocked or tangled in the negativity,

emotions/situations that block our natural energy flow include: emotional

or physical trauma, injury, negative thoughts and feelings, including fear,

worry, doubt, anger, anxiety, negative self-talk, toxicity, nutritional

depletion and more.

Reiki sessions help the body to balance the body’s energies which in turn

allows for a feeling of wholeness and a return to the natural healing

processes of the body as well as natural detoxification, better sleep and

an increase in energy.

Reiki is a compliment to any and all forms of therapy western and eastern,

medical and holistic.

Your body and health are so important; it is up to you to find the

right healing modalities that will work for you.

Sacred Self Holistic Health Newsletter

Sacred Self is brought to you by Danielle Hughes Reiki

Master/Teacher, Holistic Health Practitioner.

Danielle teaches and offers services at Let it Heal Cambridge

and writes this newsletter series to help bring her knowledge to

everyone. Her hope is to share with everyone their innate

ability to heal themselves.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions or Topics? Contact Danielle

[email protected]

Let it Heal Cambridge

26 Swastika Trail Cambridge ON Canada