salud cuerpo

There are the re ports of lemon balm and the effects it has on longevity such as John Hussey of Sydenham, England, who lived to the age of 116 , breakfasted for 50 years on balm tea sweetened with honey.  : Spotlight on Balm Nectarines (an Extract) by Bernadette Geyer The afternoon is surreal with lemon balm and lotus blossoms, punctuated with a too- distinct clarity of tangled Kudzu, and you in a hammock. Latin name - Melissa officinalis aka - sweet balm, lemon balm, honey plant, cure all. Family - Lamiaceae Parts used - Leaves (fresh and dried) Purported actions - Carminative, Diaphoretic, Febrifuge Methods of use - infusion, oil Constituents - rich in essential oil containing citral, citronella, geraniol and linalol; bitter  principles; flavones; resin Origins - Eastern Mediterranean, West Asia and North Africa. Balm is also native to mountainous areas of southern Europe. Description - Balm is a perennial plant with ovea l or heart-shaped leaves and white or yellow flowers. Attributed medicinal qualities - It is said to be useful against colds and fevers, influenza and catarrhal conditions as it induces perspiration, it has also been used against sleep disorders, nervous stomaches, migraine, hysteria and depression. It is often used in combination with other herbs and was thought to be beneficial for cleaning sores and for 

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There are the reports of lemon balm and the effects it has on longevity such as John Hussey of 

Sydenham, England, who lived to the age of 116, breakfasted for 50 years on balm tea sweetened

with honey. :

Spotlight on Balm


(an Extract)

by Bernadette Geyer 

The afternoon is surreal with lemon balm and lotus blossoms, punctuated with a too-

distinct clarity of tangled Kudzu, and you in a hammock.

Latin name - Melissa officinalis aka - sweet balm, lemon balm, honey plant, cure all.

Family - Lamiaceae

Parts used - Leaves (fresh and dried)

Purported actions - Carminative, Diaphoretic, Febrifuge 

Methods of use - infusion, oil

Constituents - rich in essential oil containing citral, citronella, geraniol and linalol; bitter 

 principles; flavones; resin

Origins - Eastern Mediterranean, West Asia and North Africa. Balm is also native to

mountainous areas of southern Europe.

Description - Balm is a perennial plant with oveal or heart-shaped leaves and white or 

yellow flowers.

Attributed medicinal qualities - It is said to be useful against colds and fevers, influenzaand catarrhal conditions as it induces perspiration, it has also been used against sleep

disorders, nervous stomaches, migraine, hysteria and depression. It is often used in

combination with other herbs and was thought to be beneficial for cleaning sores and for 

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alleviating pain from gout. It is often used as a soothing, calming tea, made from the fresh

or dried leaves.

History - The generic name Melissa comes from the Greek word for bee. The Greeks

 believed a sprig of balm in a hive would attract a swarm and planting nearby the hive

would mean the swarm would never leave. It was also used medicinally and dedicated toDiana. In medieval times it was used to dress wounds and cure all forms of ailment from

crooked necks to morning sickness. The Arabs are thought to have brought the plant to

Europe in the 10th Century.

The great Paracelsus called this herb "The elixir of life", and combined it with carbonate of 

 potash in a mixture known as Primum Ens Melissae. Allegedly one of Louis XIV's physicians, Lesebure, tried this out on an elderly chicken, which within a few days lost its

tattered plumage, grew fresh feathers and started to lay eggs again. Prince Llewellyn of 

Glamorgan claimed he drank Lemon Balm tea everyday of his 108 years of life and it was

the reason he lived so long. It is recorded that Carmelite monks used the plant for the firsttime in 'Carmelite tea' in 1611. John Hussey of Sydenham, England, who lived to the age of 

116, breakfasted for 50 years on balm tea sweetened with honey.

Eau de Carmes, a fashionable 17th century perfume, was a distillation of balm leaves and

spirits of wine, to which were added lemon peel, nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon.

Cultivation - Balm is a perennial plant and relatively easy to grow from seed or by

dividing existing plants in the spring or autumn. Sew the seeds in April or May, and keep

them well watered. The plants grow best in a compost rich moist soil in a sunny position. Itcan grow 2-3 feet high. Plants should be cut back after flowering to encourage new growth.

It will spread unless kept in check and therefore is ideal in a container garden.

Harvesting, preparation and storage - Pick the leaves before blooming and in the

morning after the dew has disappeared. That's when they are at their most aromatic. The

fresh leaves will keep for 3-4 days in a plastic bag in the fridge. To dry the leaves, hangsmall bunches of the stalks in a dark, airy place soon after cutting, the room should be nowarmer than 35

oC. Crumble the dried leaves and store in an airtight container. The dried

leaves should keep their flavour for 5-6 months.

Culinary Uses - The young, fresh leaves can be used in fruit and milk puddings or a fruit

salad. It also goes well with fish, chicken and game. Lemon balm compliments basil,

chives, parsley, mint and dill. The flavour will be better if the leaves are added near the endof the cooking process. It is also used as a flavouring in many drinks (recipe here).

Magical Uses - As a love charm. 

Other Uses 

As an ingredient in the liqueurs Benedictine and Chartreuse.

Balm is widely used in herbal drinks and tonics.

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For bathing - Put 50 - 60 g of the leaves with 1 litre of cold water and heat it through, add

the liquid to your bath water.

To attract bees.

To repel ants and flies (contains Citronella).Against insect bites.

As a furniture polish.Balm oil is still a favorite scent throughout the Middle East.


 John Evelyn "Balm is sovereign for the brain, strengthening the memory, and powerfully

chasing melancholy".Gerard 'The juice of Balm glueth together greene wounds."

 Pliny 'It is of so great virtue that though it be but tied to his sword that hath given the

wound it stauncheth the blood.'

Gerard "It is profitably planted where bees are kept. The hives of bees being rubbed withthe leaves of bawme, causeth the bees to keep together, and causeth others to come with


 Pliny 'When they (the bees) are strayed away, they do find their way home by it.'



I suppose one of the obvious things is to avoid the amount of toxins your liver has to process -

have a look at :

A kind of rejuvenation : the Gallbladder/liver cleansing

of stones.

-Article from my Blog

I came to this process after an advertissement in my @mail box of Amazon, telling me that this

book : "The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush A Powerful Do-It-Yourself Tool To Optimize Your

Health And Wellbeing By Andreas Moritz " could be an interesting reading for me. It was, for sure !

It is a month now that I have this book, and I was very intersted in the process described. So I tried


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I bough the plants for the kidney and heptatic herbal teas, I made the week of apple juice, and

then the cleansing by itself.

Here is a photography of the excreted gallstones : 

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The little orange things are from the grapefruit juice.

I drank the Epsom salt solution with two lemons in it, and the taste was good. This salt is laxative,

and keep open the liver and GB channels open for the Gstones.

I was sick during the night, feeling very nauseus by times (after 4 hours of the ingestion of 

grapefuirt + olive oil), in the book it is said that it is when the gallbladder is purging strongly, and

that toxins are released. I had vomiting spams - but my stomac was empty, and several diarrheas,

also strong and long diarrheas releasing these gallstones.

This is not in his process, but in the process of the Doctor Clark, that it is said to use a tincture

against paratistes living in the liver, and that could be released during the process, so I made a

tincture of walnut that I mixed with the grapefuirt + olive oil (approx a ml).

It is said, and I believe it, that this process can heal a lot of illnesses, give you more staminas, well

being, at all levels, more mental clarity, a more peaceful emotional life. Everybody, even babies

have such gallstones blocking the function of liver and gallbladder.

If you make a google image research with the following keyword : gallbladder liver flush, you'll

have other images of these "green stones", sometime, having an enormous size !

I recommend to do such a program of purification.

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Gallbladders full of gallstones.

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-Hi Salazius.

I was reading about this just the other week.

I believe I read that it can put quite a strain on your this the case?

I ask this as I was not sure if you posted this for the benefit of Aleilius.

His system may be too weak to cope with such a purge.

In the past I tried a cup of olive oil with half a cup of pure lemon juice. That was quite a good


I am going to try this with the empsom salts now.

I will let you know what happens.

Just two long do you need for the complete process?

as I would not like to get caught short of feel unwell at work.

and how did you collect those stones?

-  Hi,

One should do this cleanse in good health. Even with a cold it is not good to do it.

I didn't posted it for Aleilius, even if I told him about yesterday.

You collect the stones with a spoon for example, because they float in the water of the


The entire process takes a week, but the flush takes a night and a day.

Be well,

Thank you Salazius! Just tried the olive oil and lemon cleanse, as Ghislain wrote about it:In the past I tried a cup of olive oil with half a cup of pure lemon juice.

-  and was surprised to observe some floating stones (even without using epsom salt or 

apple juice).

I think epsom salt is used to make the bowels move quickly, it is a magnesium salt.

Without it, it took me about 12 hours to pass the stones.

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I'm sure there are more stones still left inside and the cleanse must be repeated in

the proper way.

Thanks again, I know this is not enough to say for the help you have given. 

-  I've started the apple juice portion of this cleanse. I don't want to manifest a stone the

hard way. Thank you Salazius for posting this- my future self is grateful.

-  I looked into this a few months ago (late March, early April I believe). I felt I was having

gallbladder pains. I never did carry through with the procedure though. Probably should

have considering what happened just recently.

I need to give my system a rest before I attempt this cleansing. It would put way too much

shock on my liver right now.

- I don't want to manifest a stone the hard way.

Yep, I hear it's pretty painful!

I can't imagine how inefficient the gallbladder system really is for it to build up with

stones like this. Is it our diet? Were our bodies not made to handle certain kinds of 

fat? I think gallstones are mostly cholesterol.

In the US many individuals have their gallbladders removed because it's full of 

stones. I think this kind of practice is abhorrent. There's a reason the gallbladder 

exists! Let's not remove it just because it needs to be cleansed.

-  Hi guys,

You're welcome Karl

Don't worry the process of flush is not painful, since the stones can move easely in the

channels because they are soft, sometime they can be as a golf ball...

It's important that the gallstones do not stay in the intestine, they can create toxemy, and

infections, since they carry with them a lot of toxins.

Yes they are made of cholesterols and gallbladder pigments. Sometime liver uses them in

order to wrap the toxins and heavy metals etc, that he cannot "transmute".

If you don't bear apple juice, you can buy directly malic acid in a chem store.

Yes Aleilius you are right, your system is too weak by now, wait a moment, and do it when

you are in good vitality/health.

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-  Some suspected that. But the fact is that when you make several time the flush, at the end

you don't have at all 'stones'. Mine hardened with air, and didn't dissolved as an oil. How

then can you explain the calcified stones ?

These stones are mostly bladder pigments and cholesterol, so, it's an oil obviously ....

Some suspected that. But the fact is that when you make several time the flush, at the end

you don't have at all 'stones'. Mine hardened with air, and didn't dissolved as an oil. How

then can you explain the calcified stones ?

These stones are mostly bladder pigments and cholesterol, so, it's an oil obviously ....

Thanks for the answer Salazius, I guess you 're right.