sap srm mdm cat 30 mdd inst v1 0

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  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    0SAP Security and Authorization

    Installation of SRM_MDM catlog 3.0 on RHEL 5.2 and Oracle 10g

    15/0 /2010

    Doc!"ent #reated $%&'(!r)a Mistr%GPS2 Basis Team

  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    DO#*ME+, #O+,ROL

    -ersion Last *(dated Last *(dated $% Descri(tion of # ange

    1.0 15/04/2010 Apurva Mistry New Docu ent

    !PS 2.0 1

  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0



    IntroductionInstallation of SAP SRM MDM catalog 3.0 on Linux red hat -5 syste s.

    Syste Details!ostna e" sa#$

    IP Address" &0.'(.&3).*+

    Sidad " ddad

    ,rasid" ora ddSID" MDD

    D D

    5&03&)() ,racle &0g RD/MS

    5&03)+) 13 - ,RA2L RD/MS Patch &0.*.0.' Linux on x )1)' )'4it

    5&03(*)* SRM MDM 2atalog 3.0

    ,RA2L &0g Installation

    D D PA ! for oracle RD/MS

    6sa%d7d65&03&)()1&0g1RD/MS6 xtract the .SAR 8les to the sa e location.


    Please make new entry f r re!"at-# $n t"e %le ra&aram.$n$PAT': (sa&!)!(#*03*+,+ *0 RDBMS(!ata/ase($nstall

    !PS 2.0 2

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    ,nce you done #ith ,racle installation install the %atch set.

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  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    MDM Instillation

    Login as root and run .6sa%inst fro the MDM aster D D.

    6sa%d7d6SRMu%g65&03(*)*6Ser7er1Installation6Installation1Master6MDM1IM1LI9:;1; )1)'

    !PS 2.0 11

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    !PS 2.0 12

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    Select ,<

    Pass#ord = en're'i > en're'i?

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    2% %R

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  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    MDM Start 6 sto% %rocess

    &. Log in as the ddad user.

    *. Sto% the MDS instance and the instance ser7ice using the follo#ing co ands"

    sa%control -nr 05 -function Sto%

    sa%control -nr 05 -function Sto%Ser7ice

    sa%control -nr &0 -function Sto%

    sa%control -nr &0 -function Sto%Ser7ice

    MDM start %rocess

    &. Log in as the ddad user.

    *. Start the MDS instance and the instance ser7ice using the follo#ing co ands"

    sa%control -nr 05 -function StartSer7ice MDD

    sa%control -nr 05 -function Start

    !PS 2.0 22

  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    sa%control -nr &0 -function StartSer7ice MDD

    sa%control -nr &0 -function Start

    2reation of Data4ase

    2o%y l$stener. ra related 8les fro other syste and odify. @? FId" 664c6)'0-*6src6ins6SAPI9S 6i %l6t%ls6ora6ind6LIS 9 R.,RA@' F


    ADMI91R S RI2 I,9S1LIS 9 R = on

    LIS 9 R =

    >ADDR SS1LIS =

    >ADDR SS =

    >PR, ,2,L = IP2? >< G = MDD.H,RLD?


    >ADDR SS=

    >PR, ,2,L = IP2?

    >< G = MDD?


    >ADDR SS =

    >2,MM:9I G = SAP.H,RLD?

    >PR, ,2,L = 2P?

    >!,S = sa#$y?

    >P,R = &5*&?



    S AR :P1HAI 1 IM 1LIS 9 R = 0

    2,99 2 1 IM ,: 1LIS 9 R = &0

    RA2 1L L1LIS 9 R = ,

    SID1LIS 1LIS 9 R =

    >SID1LIS =

    >SID1D S2 =

    !PS 2.0 2"

  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    >SD: = 3*() ?

    >SID19AM = MDD?

    >,RA2L 1!,M = 6oracle6MDD6&0*1)'?

    2o%y init sid .ora fro other syste and odifys follo#ing

    MaJe the $o#ing changes in the 8le initMDD.ora

    2o%y tnsnames. ra related 8les fro other syste and odify. @? FId" 664c6)'0-*6src6ins6SAPI9S 6i %l6t%ls6ora6ind6 9S9AM S.,RA@' F


    MDD.H,RLD =

    >D S2RIP I,9 =

    >SD: = 3*() ?

    >ADDR SS1LIS =

    >ADDR SS =

    >2,MM:9I G = SAP.H,RLD?

    >PR, ,2,L = 2P?

    >!,S = sa#$y?

    >P,R = &5*&?



    >2,99 2 1DA A =

    >SID = MDD?

    >BL,/AL19AM = MDD.H,RLD?



    RMA9.H,RLD = >D S2RIP I,9 =

    >S,:R2 1R,: = yes?

    >ADDR SS = >PR, ,2,L = tc%?>!,S = *&3.&53.&*'.&)'?>P,R = &)30??

    >ADDR SS = >PR, ,2,L = tc%?>!,S = *&3.&53.&*'.&)'?>P,R = &5*&??

    >2,99 2 1DA A =

    >S R I2 19AM = RMA9???

    2o%y $n$t s$!1. ra related 8les fro other syste and odify

    !PS 2.0 24

  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    $n$tMDD. ra d41na e = MDD 4acJground1du %1dest = 6oracle6MDD6sa%trace64acJground user1du %1dest = 6oracle6MDD6sa%trace6usertrace core1du %1dest = 6oracle6MDD6sa%trace64acJground

    log1archi7e1dest = 6oracle6MDD6oraarch6MDDarch control18les = >6oracle6MDD6origlogA6cntrl6cntrlMDD.d4fC6oracle6MDD6sa%data&6syste 1&6cntrl6cntrlMDD.d4fC6oracle6MDD6sa%arch6cntrl6cntrlMDD.d4f?


    Please make s2re all t"e f l!er an! s2/f l!er are reate! /ef re r2nn$nt"e s r$&ts

    Login #ith ora dd 2reate and scri%t 8le create1d4.sKl in desired %ath.

    He used 6oracle6MDD6

    S2RIPIL H :S D , 2R A D/ MDD

    create data4ase MDD

    :S R SGS ID 9 I I D /G en're'i

    :S R SGS M ID 9 I I D /G en're'ilog8le grou% & > 6oracle6MDD6origlogA6log1g&.d4f ? siNe &00MC

    grou% * > 6oracle6MDD6origlog/6log1g*.d4f ? siNe &00M

    MA;L,B IL S *55

    MA;L,BM M/ RS 3

    MA;DA A IL S *5'

    MA;I9S A92 S 50

    MA;L,B!IS ,RG &&)

    character set utfnational character set utf

    data8le 6oracle6MDD6sa%data&6sys1&6syste .d4f siNe 500M autoextend on next &0MaxsiNe unli ited extent anage ent local sysaux data8le6oracle6MDD6sa%data&6sys1aux6sysaux.d4f siNe &00M autoextend on next &0MaxsiNe unli ited undo ta4les%ace PSAP:9D, data8le6oracle6MDD6sa%data&6undo1&6undot4s&.d4f siNe &00M default te %orary ta4les%ace

    %sa%te % te %8le 6oracle6MDD6sa%data&6te %1&6te %0&.d4f siNe &00MO

    !PS 2.0 25

  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    S L startu% no ount

    ,RA2L instance started.

    otal Syste Blo4al Area * 0&(+50(* 4ytes

    ixed SiNe *0 )5() 4ytes

    aria4le SiNe &'0+* 5* 4ytes

    Data4ase /uQers &3(5(3&(&* 4ytes

    Redo /uQers &') *5) 4ytes

    S L s%ool oQ

    not s%ooling currently

    S L s%ool create1d4

    S L E6oracle6MDD6create1d4.sKl

    Data4ase created.

    Run catalog.sKl and cat%roc.sKl Run sKl%lus fro d sid ad user. :ser syste user and it should 4e a4le

    to connect. run sKl%lus syste 6 %ass#ord EMDD #ith ddad user and it should

    connect to D/.

    9o# use MDM console on the desJto% and connect MDM D/

    Install the MDM console the exe for #indo#s is a7aila4le in the SRM MDMcatalog d7d.

    Right clicJ on the SAP MDM Ser7er and select ount MDM Ser7erTand follo#the screens as sho#n 4elo#.

    !PS 2.0 2#

  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    !PS 2.0 2$

  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0



    Please checJ and con8r 4elo# entries in the .4ash1%ro8le of the sid dd user>e.g. ddad ?


    4 ./as" &r %le

    4 Get t"e al$ases an! f2n t$ ns

    $f 5 -f 6(./as"r 78 t"en

    . 6(./as"r


    4 9ser s&e $% en)$r nment an! start2& &r rams

    PAT' ;PAT':;'OM +?(/$n:( ra le(MDD(*0> +?

    !PS 2.0 2%

  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    e=& rt PAT'

    ORACL< 'OM< ( ra le(MDD(*0> +?

    e=& rt ORACL< 'OMP 0?.SCA fro the MDM installationdirectory to 6usr6sa%6trans6 PS6in

    !PS 2.0 "&

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    2licJ 9 ;

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    2licJ 9 ;

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  • 8/10/2019 Sap Srm Mdm Cat 30 Mdd Inst v1 0


    his .S2A 8le #as already de%loyed #ith the sa e or the higher 7ersion.

    !ence continued #ith SRM1MDM12A de%loy ent.

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