sasm launch newsletter i2

to directly experience the pain inflicted on their victim. The virtual invasion of the home and spread of the tar- geting that these technolo- gies allow is also signifi- cantly concerning. Often outside of legal bounds & difficult for the schools to manage, the ubiquitous na- ture of these medias means that the refuge of ones bed- room even, is no longer safe for kids today. Worst still, what appears to be the most commonly reported concern by many, particularly those involved with the school, is the obliviousness of the par- ents about these issues in many cases. With recent news head- lines regularly covering the topic of bullying in schools and among youth, it is sur- prising we do not address the issue of “cyber-bullying” at all really, at least among media anyway… Ongoing reports have emphasized and reinforced this apparent ignorance , especially on the behalves of many parents. One report stated that some- thing like 91% of kids, under the age of 18, had at some point or another been the victim of “cyberbullying”. Yet shock- ingly, only 11% of parents re- ported to have ever heard the term… In this day and age, it is not enough for a parent to ig- nore or avoid conversations about behavior online when it comes to their kids.. And we need to re- member, more than technol- ogy– what we are really talk- ing about boils down to be  just another way for kids & adults alike to communicate. WHAT IS CYBER BULLY- ING? Cyber Bullying is not unlike normal bullying, yet instead of occurring just in person, technologies & web- sites can now facilitate bully- ing from a distance for some kids. Technology now means that bullying not only occurs in the playground but after school and even sometimes into the bedroom with the child being victimized. WHAT MAKES CYBER BULLYING ANY DIFFER- ENT? There are a number of reasons which seem to make the context of Cyber Bullying much more con- cerning than traditional con- cepts of bullies. Cyber bully- ing is hard to escape, it can also be anonymous & imper- sonal and bullies don't have Cyber Bullying.. could it be the elephant in New Zealand’s classroom’s ??  Community courses will com- mence this month, with the first scheduled to be held on the 19th of May from 6.30pm— 8.30pm at Massey Community House, 385 Don Buck Rd. Tick- ets are priced at $25pp. We oper- ate on a “Pay It Forward” system, we aim to provide participants not only materials through collaborate with national providers of similar, related or relevant content, such as NetSafe & “Cool Schools” and local businesses in each commu- nity we operate, supporting sense of community growth. In these courses, we provide a brief overview of the technologies & assess the level of confidence & experience of the parents on each course, before exploring the com- mon risks and best strategies for monitoring them in respectful & appropriate ways. We will explore the most common issues of cyber bullying, sexting, privacy and downloads online and in the end, hope to enable parents to feel better equipped to protect their kids in this digital age. Limited spaces are avail- able, register online to secure your place today .. h t t p : / / user/sweetassocial T H E H E H E H E L L L L AUNCH AUNCH AUNCH AUNCH O F OF OF O F  OUR OUR OUR OUR N N E W E W E W E W C OMMUNITY  OMMUNITY  OMMUNITY  OMMUNITY   A A A A WARENESS WARENESS WARENESS WARENESS & E & E & E & E DUCATION DUCATION DUCATION DUCATION P P P P ROJECT ROJECT ROJECT ROJECT  | W o r k i n g i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h A s s i s t N Z L t d V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 2 | M a y , 2 0 1 1  Plan of Attack: Launch a viral YouTube cam- paign, where by we get NZ celebrities and public both to be recording themselves read script, edit the collection into several advertising campaigns for radio & television and then pressure the media agency to provide air time while still pushing the message on social media streams - “Be Nice Online” (see over page) Facilitate a workshop for par- ents around Auckland, starting first at our local community venue in Massey, we have a series of workshops planned around Auckland to build the awareness & confidence of parents & caregivers . Titled, “Parenting in a Digital World: Kids & Social Media”, our two hour workshop aims to shift the focus & perception of parents from the technology to the fact its just a new way that their kids are talking. Standardizing and distributing workshops & course resources online is important to our ob-  jectives of all participants “Paying Forward” the lessons & message from our work- shops with them. Further more in-depth training may be done online by participants if they wish. Providing an online support base and way for kids to con- nect with each other and share what works and what doesn’t— using Facebook as they al- ready use it, we plan to de- velop an app (similar to re- cently released MTV app– Over the line?) SWEET AS SOCIAL MEDIA CHARITABLE TRUST  Parenting in a Digital World: Kids & Social “Bullied kids need to know that bullies are cowards & that what goes around, comes around.“ Deborah Coddington, NZ Herald (10.4.11) “In 2008, 1 in 3 Kiwi High School Students reported to being cyber bullied” - James Ihaka, NZ Herald  “Awareness & Education are the key preventions to cyber  W W W. SWEETSAS  SOCIALMEDIA .C O M 

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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8/6/2019 Sasm Launch Newsletter i2 2/2