setting goals that stick

SETTING GOALS THAT STICK presented by: Tisha Morris

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A recent study showed that when doctors tell heart patients they will die if they don’t change their habits, only 1 in 7 will be able to follow through successfully.

-Immunity to Change by Kegan and Lahey

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Why do we resist


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How Our Brain Works

• 83% of our brain is our subconscious mind and it controls 96-98% of perception and behavior.

• The conscious brain processes 2000 bits of information per second; subconscious processes 400 billion/second

• 50% of our thoughts are genetic-based.

• 96-98% of all your behaviors are automatic. This is why we set goals, but do not reach them!

• Beliefs will trump desires every time!

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How the Subconscious Mind Works

• It knows no difference between past, future, present.

• Will give the same emotional response until re-programmed, i.e. push same buttons.

• Will protect itself from change through emotional responses, to the point of war. Survival!

• Constantly working in the present.

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How to Change the Subconscious Mind

Trainable like a puppy!

• It cannot re-program itself. It needs its master -- the conscious mind.

• Does not respond to reasoning.

• Responds only to…

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Positive Reinforcement

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Do you know what you want to train your puppy to do?

In other words, what do you want to accomplish (or change) in 2011?

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The Wheel of LifeTake a look at each piece of the pie. Do any of them jump out at you as current challenges in your life? Are any of your pieces missing? Is your pie round, jagged, or have chunks out of it? Rate each piece of the pie on a scale from 1-10.

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How Change Works

• For ‘change’ to happen, you must be willing to let go of something!

• Want vs. Willing: Want is to want change without changing; Willing is taking action to change

• The change must first take place on the inner in order to change the outer.

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Process of Creating Change

Belief Attitude Feel Action Results

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Your Immunity to Change

Goals Doing/Not Doing Instead

Hidden Competing Beliefs




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Your Immunity to Change

Goals Doing/Not Doing Instead (External)

Hidden Competing Beliefs (Internal)

GOAL 1 To finish manuscriptfor fiction book by end of 2011.

Working on moreimmediate projects, not managing time to fit it in, i.e. wasting time on FB, email, etc.

Even if I finish it, it will take forever to find a publisher, if at all. I won’t make any money after all the time I put in.



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My S.M.A.R.T Goals 2011

S = SpecificM= MeasurableA= AttainableR= RealisticT= Time Specific

GOAL 1:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

More Specific Goal: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Affirmation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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My S.M.A.R.T Goals 2011

S = SpecificM= MeasurableA= AttainableR= RealisticT= Time Specific

GOAL 1:To finish a manuscript for a fiction book by the end of 2011.

More Specific Goal : To write 8000 words per month on My Charmed Life, which averages 2000 words per week. I will dedicate the hours of 5:00-7:00p to writing on days I don’t have clients scheduled.

Affirmation: I am a talented and gifted writer.

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• Always state positively. Do not use “not”, “won’t”, or a negative word.• State in the present tense.• State as simple as possible (remember, you are training a puppy)• Make cards, signs, etc. in YOUR handwriting. • Repeat out loud or to yourself as much as possible.• Fake it ‘till you make it!

Career & Life Purpose:My life is purposeful and fulfilling.I love my job.I have valuable talents and skills to offer the world.

Health & Wellbeing:I am happy, healthy, and full of life.I love my body.I listen intuitively to what my body needs to be healthy.

Love & Relationships:All my relationships are harmonious.I communicate clearly and listen lovingly to my partner.I love myself.

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Questions? Comments?


[email protected]

All materials copyright 2010 Tisha Morris