social complexity and the need for order. a people’s unique way of life common practices= work,...

First Civilizations: Social Complexity and The Need for Order

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Page 1: Social Complexity and The Need for Order.  A people’s unique way of life  Common Practices= work, food, clothing, tools, technology, sports, customs

First Civilizations:

Social Complexity and The Need for Order

Page 2: Social Complexity and The Need for Order.  A people’s unique way of life  Common Practices= work, food, clothing, tools, technology, sports, customs


A people’s unique way of life Common Practices= work, food,

clothing, tools, technology, sports, customs

Shared Understanding= language symbols, religion, values, art, political beliefs

Social Organization= family, class and caste, Relationships, economics, government, view of authority

Page 3: Social Complexity and The Need for Order.  A people’s unique way of life  Common Practices= work, food, clothing, tools, technology, sports, customs

Humans Interact with Nature

Nomads- mobile people who moved from place to place in search of food.

Hunter-Gatherers- nomads whose food supply depended on plants

Agricultural Revolution A.K.A. Neolithic revolution Shift from gathering to food-producing

one of the greatest achievements in human history)

grow crops (cultivation) raise animals (domestication) ******** this led to the development of


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Civilization Develops

Five Characteristics: Advanced Cities Specialized workers Complex Institutions Record Keeping Improved Technology

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Ancient River CivilizationsFertile Crescent, Indus River Valley, China, and Africa

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Sumer Becomes the Babylonian Empire

Where- Mesopotamian Region between the Tigris and Euphrates River “Fertile Crescent”

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Characteristics of Mesopotamian societies:


King was an absolute monarch-

Based on Agriculture and Trade

Slavery was common

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Babylonian Empire

Most important ruler= Hammurabi Hammurabi’s Code= first written

system of law (an eye for an eye)- Applied to everyone, but

punishments were based on social class

Why would Hammurabi want a written code of laws?

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Preamble to Hammurabi’s Code

“…to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak…”

What does this say about the role of government?

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Nubia down


Ancient Egypt

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Egyptian Society

Pharaohs= Egyptian “god” kings Government= Theocracy Pyramids= tombs for their pharaohs Religion= polytheistic Women could own property Contributions= hieroglyphics

(writing), papyrus (paper) calendar, math, medicine

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Mediterranean TradersMinoans, Phoenicians, and Development of Writing

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Minoans2000-1400 BC

Known for art and culture Influenced Ancient Greece Relatively peaceful Women seem to have held high

ranks Sacrifices to gods were common Ended (probably) due to natural

disasters that weakened their defenses

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Powerful Mediterranean Traders- city states & colonies connected through trade routes

Traded wine, weapons, metals, ivory and slaves, dye

Alphabets- symbols to represent sounds

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Importance of Writing

Cave paintings Earliest form of

writingPrimarily based on

religionRecorded events of

daily life

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Importance of Writing

HieroglyphicsEgyptSymbols stand for words or soundsRosetta Stone

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Importance of Writing

Cuneiform Syrians and

Babylonians“wedge”- shaped

tool used on soft clay

Few artifacts have survived

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Importance of Writing

Phoenician alphabetSymbols represent

soundsEasier to learn-

increased literacyAdopted by the

GreeksLater the Arabic (our


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The HebrewsReligion and Development

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Polytheism & Monotheism

Poly- many

Mono- one

Zoroastrians- first group to practice monotheism

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Zoroaster- Persian philosopher

? = Why should so much pain and suffering exist in the world?▪ Zoroastrianism- monotheistic religion▪ Earth is a battle ground between good and evil▪ People take place in the struggle▪ Their god will judge people at the end of time▪ Ideas of Satan and angels are found in

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam▪ Some in Iran and India still follow this faith

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Hebrews: Terms to know

Monotheism- belief in one God Canaan- location of Hebrew

settlement between the Jordan River and Med. Sea first settled in 1800 B.C.

Torah- 1st 5 books of the Hebrew Bible

Abraham- “father” of Hebrew people- wandered between Canaan and Egypt

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The Covenants

First= Abraham promised to obey God and God promised to protect him and his descendants

Second= The Ten commandments The basis of civil and religious laws of Judaism

Exodus- Hebrews fled Egypt under the direction of Moses, wandered for 40 years, then settled in Canaan into 12 tribes

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1020 BC – 922 BC

United under three kings: Saul, David, and Solomon

Solomon was most powerful Beautified Jerusalem Built a temple to hold the Ark of the Covenant

(held the Ten commandments)

Problem= high taxes and forced labor led to division after his death

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Captivity and Invasions

Tribute- taxes paid by a weaker nation to a stronger in the hopes on ensuring that the stronger would not attack Assyria conquered Israel’s capital

(Samaria) Babylonians conquered Judah’s capital

(Jerusalem) Empires- Persians, Greeks and Romans

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Changes on the Indian SubcontinentAryan Invasion, Religion, and the Golden Age

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Natural barriers for protection Largest Mountains (Himalayan

Mountains ) to the north Large desert to the east

River Valleys Ganges flows into the Bay of Bengal and

the Indus flows into the Arabian Sea Carry water for irrigation and silt for


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Indus Valley Maps


is it!

Ganges River

Indus River

FertileRiver Valley

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More about the Indus Valley

Sometimes called Harappan civilizations

Very advanced cities (grid plans, raised land, plumbing system)

Language= over 400 symbols- hard to decipher

Trade and religion are believed to have been important

Probably ended due to drought or damaged soil and Aryan invasions

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The Indo-Europeans

Nomads from between the Black and Caspian seas-

Horses, Chariots, animal herders Divided into different language

groups English, Sanskrit, Persian, Spanish,

German Why might they have migrated???

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The Aryans

Migrated into and shaped modern day India

Vedas- volumes of sacred literature including prayers, hymns, spells and ritual instructions

Pastoral people- counted their wealth in cows

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Aryans:The Caste/Varna System

Social structure Very strict- no upward movement Three original social classes

Brahmins- priests Warriors Peasants and traders

Interaction with others led to more Shudras- laborers who did work the Aryans did

not want to do Varna= skin color

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Aryans: Epics and Religion

Epic= long narrative poems

Mahabharata- retell struggles Aryans encountered as they migrated southward


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Terms to know about Hinduism

Moksha- Hindu belief in release from this world

Reincarnation- rebirth of a soul or spirit until moksha is achieved

Karma- good or bad deeds

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Terms to know about Buddhism Buddha- Enlightened one Enlightenment- wisdom Nirvana- release of selfishness and pain Four Noble Truths

Suffering and sorrow Selfish desires cause the suffering End desires will end suffering Follow the eight fold path

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Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions develop

Workbook page 9: Complete the chart for Hinduism and Buddhism

focusing on Origin Key beliefs Societal beliefs Leader or founder (may not be available) “view” of death or “after-life”

Use the text-book to complete the chart- finish for homework

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Warm-up Activity

You are a merchant selling cloth in a market. A customer walks into your shop and you fear he is one of the emperor’s inspectors or tax collectors. He whispers to you, “will you spy on other weavers and report if they are paying the proper taxes or selling inferior cloth?” You contemplate your options knowing that you will be paid four years’ earnings for your service.

1. What will you do?2. Is it right for the government to spy on its

own people3. What kinds of tensions might exist in this

society- where neighbor spies on neighbor?

4. Is there a time when spying is ethical?

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India’s First Empire

Mauryan Ancient India- area was divided

into small kingdoms Chandragupta Maurya was a

great military general who seized power and began the Mauryan Empire.

Chandragupta fought the Greek general Seleucus I (Alexander’s general who inherited this land) and defeated him.

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Chandragupta’s Accomplishments

Raised a great army600,000 foot soldiers30,000 cavalry9,000 elephants (ancient tanks)

How did he pay for this stuff…TAXES- extremely high taxes

Farmers paid up to ½ the value of their crops to the king

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Chandragupta’s Government

Relied on his adviser to assist him

Tough policies to hold the empire togetherSpying on the peoplePolitical assassinationLarge bureaucracyDivided the empire

4 provinces- headed by a royal prince

Local districts- officials assessed taxes and enforced laws

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Chandragupta’s Successor

His son ruled for 32 years and then his grandson, Ashoka, ruled.

Characteristics of Ashoka’s ruleFirst- followed grand-dad’s

ideasAdopted Buddha's ideas of

peace to all beingsReligious toleration and

nonviolenceImproved communication-


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India’s Second Empire

Gupta EmpireLeaders-

Chandra Gupta- rose through marriage

Samudra Gupta- expanded through 40 years of conquest

Chandra Gupta II- spread of arts, religion and science

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Daily Life in the Gupta Empire

Most lived in small villages and were farmersExtended families worked

together to grow cropsDrought was common- tax on

water and required 1 day work to maintain irrigation for the village

Craftspeople and merchants lived in towns above their shops

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Trade Spreads Indian Religions and Culture

BuddhismFocus in past= strive for NirvanaBuddha did not desire to be worshipped-

this was after his deathNew focus= good works in place of

Nirvan- this offered salvation to all Hinduism

Focus in past= polytheism, priests had contact with the gods

New focus= trend toward monotheism, which helped it have growth and more appeal

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Achievements: Art & Literature

Poetry- most famous poet was Kalidasa

Writing schools- famous for Tamil poetry

Drama- especially in southern India

Dance- still survive today

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Advancement: Trade

Rich in resources- spices, gems, woods, pearls, etc to trade with others

Land-trade= built trading posts along the silk roads and acted as middle-men between the east and west

Sea trade= traveled to the east, brought back spices and goods, met Roman traders in India AND traded African goods with the east

Increased trade led to the rise of banking and charging of interest rates

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Achievements: Astronomy

Sparked by the expansion of trade

Stars were used for navigation

Borrowed calendar- seven day week based on the sun from the Greeks

Time- divided days into hours (also from the Greeks)

Believed the earth was round (eclipse showed this)

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Advancements: Mathematics

Invented modern numerals, decimal and zero

Calculated pi to 4 decimal places

Calculated the length of the solar year to close to accurate measure

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Advancements: Medicine

Medical guide= descriptions of more than 1,000 diseases

Medicinal guide= 500 plants used as medicines

Performed surgeriesPossible gave injections of


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Chinese River CivilizationsUnification, Culture, Dynasties and Empires

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Grew along rivers

Challenges= disastrous floods, lack of trade due to geographic location

natural barriers (mountains, deserts, etc) offered some protection from invasions

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Ancient Chinese Culture

Writing= 50,000 characters Family= center of Chinese society Society was divided into nobles and

peasants Ancestor worship= ancestors could

bring good fortune or disaster to the family

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Governmental Organization Mandate of Heaven= belief that a

ruler had the right to rule granted by the gods (divine approval), unless he did something evil or wicked

Dynastic cycle= used to justify conquests or overthrow of poor leaders when they lost the mandate

Feudalism= king gives some leadership to nobles in areas as a way to control and unify the large empire

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The Unification of China

Confucius- lived during the decline of the Zhou dynasty

(disorder and violence) Desired a return to peace and morality Social order, harmony and government

could exist if society was organized and regulated by a code of conduct between:▪ Ruler and subject▪ Father and son▪ Husband and wife▪ Older and younger brothers▪ Friend and friend

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More about Confucianism and other systems

Filial Piety= respect for parents or ancestors- devoting self to parents for your lifetime

Legalism- believed that order could be restored by a highly efficient and powerful government Believed in controlling ideas and actions Stressed rewards for obedient followers and harsh

punishment for the disobedient

Yin and Yang- search for harmony in nature and relationships Yin- cold, dark, soft and mysterious Yang- warm, bright, hard and clear

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Qin Dynasty

Emerged and used legalism to subdue warring states and control nobles

Government Autocracy- government with unlimited power

that uses it in an arbitrary manner forced noble families to serve in the

government and seizing their land Completed the Great Wall of China- forced


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Down fall of the Quin Dynasty

Beliefs Strengthen the trunk, weaken the

branches under the Qin Confucian ideals were crushed, millions of their followers were murdered, books were burned

Weaknesses Fell to the Han (peasants) who revolted

due to the hatred they had because of the forced labor required by the dynasty on the Great Wall of China

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China: The Han Emperors

Unrest, ineffective leaders and civil war- small kingdoms trying to get more land and power

Military leader: Liu Bang came to power and restored order and began the Han Dynasty that lasted more than 400 years.

The most influential dynasty in china- today some people call themselves: People of the Han.

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Society Under the Han

Emperor- strong central governmentKing- GovernorState officials- noble scholarsPeasantsArtisans- MerchantsSoldiersSlavesWhat is different about this when

compared to other societal structures?

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Beliefs and Government

The emperor: semi-divine had connections to heavenServed as a link between heaven

and earth (mandate of heaven)Government Policies

levied BIG taxes forced labor for 1 month forced military service for 1


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Confucius and the Government

Why: 130,000 govt employees What: “Gentlemen should practice,

reverence, respect, generosity, truthfulness, diligence and kindness.”

How: To apply for a job you had to pass a test

about Confucius’ teachingsTo pass you had to study ConfuciusAnyone could do this- stayed in effect until


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Han Technology

Main invention- paper around 105 ADResults of paper= improved

education, more books, accurate govt records

Agriculture- important b/c of populationCollar harness- horse became more

productiveDouble-bladed plowOther stuff: wheelbarrow, hydro-

power mills to grind corn

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Han Commerce & Culture

Government created monopoliesSalt mining, forging iron, minting coins,

brewing alcoholSilk mills- most valuable commodity

was SILK Silk Roads- started in China- went

through Asia to India- went on to Rome.

Role of Women- Devoted to families, mostly uneducated- some wealthy women did receive educations, others became nuns

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The Fall of the Han Dynasty

The Han ruled for 200 years, had a brief interruption for 23 years then ruled for another 200 years.

Reasons for the fall: Political instability- the poor were overtaxed

and overworked Political instability- the people were trying to

gain power Economic instability- large land owners had to

pay little taxes- land was divided up among generations.

The empire broke into three rival kingdoms

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The Tang Dynasty

1. Lasted from 618-9072. Empress Wu Zhao named herself

emperor and expanded the empire into the rest of China and Korea- regained land lost after the fall of the Han Dynasty

3. She is the only woman in Chinese history to do this!

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Tang Accomplishments

Strong Central Government Expanded Roads and the Grand

Canal Promoted Trade Improvements in agriculture Revived the Confucian Civil Service

examination system

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The Fall of the Tang Dynasty

1. Taxes were increased due to the large government around 700

2. Invading Muslim Armies3. Border attacks and internal

rebellions4. China was divided into separate

kingdoms ruled by warlords

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Taizu Reunites China- the Song Dynasty

1. Lasted about 3 centuries (960 – 1279)

2. Never able to reunite all of China, but set up a government in southern china

3. Accomplishments: Strong economy and large economic growth

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Prosperity and Innovation During the Tang and Song Dynasties

1. Science & Technology- Block printing (Tang) then movable type (Song), gunpowder- first used to scare away evil spirits, magnetic compass- allowed for more sea trade, porcelain

2. Agriculture- rice cultivation (two crops each year)

3. Trade and Foreign Contacts- Guarded silk roads, built large port cities, and influenced other groups

4. Poetry & Art- paintings of nature5. Acupuncture6. Paper Currency

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Changes in Society

1. A new upper class, gentry, emerged who achieved status through education and civil service

2. Status and role of womenWere always subservient to menTreatment was worse in citiesCustom of foot binding- display of wealth and status

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The Americas and AfricaSocieties, Achievements and Migration

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Geography of the African Continent Second largest in the world- 4,600 miles

from east to west and 5,000 miles from north to south

Narrow coastline, plateau, water falls, rapids, few harbors or natural ports

Sahara Desert- Stretches from the Red Sea to the Atlantic Ocean- Covers an area ½ the size of the US- Unsuitable to sustain human life- Hampers movement

*** This kept them isolated from Europeans.

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Africa’s Early Inhabitants

Nomadic, hunter-gatherers (Pastoralists)

Agriculture improved the way people lived:

Growing food allowed permanent shelters

Increased food supplies allowed settlements to form complex societies

Primary family groups= parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins

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Religion- Animist believe in one creator, spirits are present in plants, animals or natural forces

Griots helped keep traditions alive and recorded history through story-telling and passing from parent to child

Syncretism- blending of Christian, Muslim and Traditional beliefs.

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International Culture- Religion

Traditional beliefs= one god- kings were descendents of and Animists

New religion= Christianity adopted by King Ezana

New religion= Islam spread to the coasts through trade

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The Bantu Migrations

Migration= permanent move of people from one country or region to another

People migrate for various reasons which fit into three categories

Political Economic Environmental

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The Push-Pull Factors

Causes of migration also fit into two groups

Push- reasons why people leave a region- usually negative- drought, unemployment, persecution

Pull- reasons why people go to a region- usually positive- abundant resources, job opportunities, religious freedoms.

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Effects of Migration

May be positive: cultural blending, shared ideas or technology, improved quality of life

May be negative: clashes between groups, depletion of resources, unemployment, poverty, etc.

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Historical Migration- The Bantu One way experts trace migration is

through language The Bantu languages (more than

900) are spoken by 1/3 of all Africans Swahili- blending of African-Bantu

and Arabic languages Bantu means “the people”

Page 84: Social Complexity and The Need for Order.  A people’s unique way of life  Common Practices= work, food, clothing, tools, technology, sports, customs

Bantu Migrations, cont.

Reason they migrated (probably) due to slash and burn agriculture- depletion of soil or drought

Migration route- South-east from the center of Africa along the Congo River

Spread the use of slash and burn agriculture and iron tools

Page 85: Social Complexity and The Need for Order.  A people’s unique way of life  Common Practices= work, food, clothing, tools, technology, sports, customs

Early Mesoamerican Civilizations

Mesoamerica stretches from central Mexico to northern Honduras.

Olmec- first civilization builders; 1200 B.C. in southern Mexico

Built pyramids, statues, and monuments to worship a variety of nature gods

Established trade network in Mesoamerica

Olmec civilization fell by 400 B.C.

Page 86: Social Complexity and The Need for Order.  A people’s unique way of life  Common Practices= work, food, clothing, tools, technology, sports, customs

Culture of the Americas

Maya Inca Aztec Government Economy Religion Art Rise and Fall

*Mini-Project Break- Mesoamerican Scrapbook