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  • 8/14/2019 tambuli 2005 10


    Volume XXXI Issue No. 4 FALL 2005

    TambuliOfficial Publication of The Philippine-New York Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees), Inc


    Philippine New York Jaycees contributes $2,000 in Walk for Poverty

    Team Jaycees poses with Loudette Avelino Taking short break after walkingover 2 miles.

    Coming to the home stretch Loudette Avelino, Cristina Ramos,Arnold de Jesus and CDVP VivianVelasco

    Sept 17, 2005 Flushing Meadows Park, NY

    On July 26, Building Futures Together had a kick-off rally at the PhilippineConsulate to spread the word about this walkathon. In the previous fiveyears, the organizers were hard pressed to convince people who were willingto undertake this walk for poverty. This walkathon was lost among manyother high profile and high impact events happening in New York City tobenefit the causes such as breast cancer awareness, muscular dystrophy,HIV/AIDS, birth defects. With all that, who will be interested in helping theprovince of Samar when most people do not even know where Samar is inthe Philippines.

    The presentation by Loudette Avelino, President of Building FuturesTogether, touched upon the basics of the eventbut what drew most of us tosupport this event was the idea that together we can reach out to those who

    truly are in need, those who are forgotten and neglected and rejected bycountless others. In years past, Ms. Avelino would walk by herself or wasjoined by a handful of her friends. This year, the Jaycees decided to live upto our creed of service and adopt this walkathon as our special communityservice project for the month.

    On Sept 17th there was a possibility that the rains would wash out the day butthat did not stop the Jaycees from showing up at the Unisphere in FlushingMeadows Park. By 10 am, thirteen members of the chapter were registeredand raring to go. After some brief warm up exercises led by Cristina Ramos,the team and the rest of the walkers were underway for the roughly 3 milewalk around the park. We completed the walk in less than two hours. Andthe best part, the Jaycees had prepared a sumptuous picnic feast to

    celebrate our participation in this project and to celebrate the end of awonderful summer.

    Thanks to the following walkers for their participation: Florina Monroy,Arnold de Jesus, Alice Abasolo, Elaine Magalona-Dayoan, AlmorDayoan, Pres. Christina Corcuera, CDVP Vivian Velasco, RD WilliGamboa, PP Ner Martinez, PP Jocelyn Bernal, Joy Santos, JerichoLuna,and Adviser Cristina Ramos. Many of those who walked were alsoable to get sponsorships from family and friends.

    Additionally there were other donors (Ares Ebreo, Gary Abasolo, RayVillaflor, Lorii Abela, Joe Ramos, Vicky Chang, Jerrick Montanez, JoeValdez, Rose Tibayan and Jaime Torrejon) who were not able to walk withus but their contributions were included in our total collection.

    Special thanks also to Serge Estrada, Raul Estrellado and Ellen Fuentesfor their special financial incentives of $200 towards this walkathon .

    Collectively, Team Jaycees and our sponsors were able to raise $2000 forproject address the problem of poverty in Samar.

    An Embrace of Thanks

    My enthusiasm, my appreciation, my thanks, cannot be contained ina word or by a simple thank you. But until we come up with words

    that describe what is in my heart, Thank You is all I can say to eachand everyone of you for allowing us to have a truly successful SixthAnnual Walk for Poverty on September 17, 2005.

    On behalf of the members of the Board of Building Futures Together---- In particular, I thank Christina Corcuera, President of thePhilippine New York Jaycees for her leadership role in this effort.Without her support, or endorsement, this collaborative walk forpoverty would not have happened.

    In particular, I thank Vivian Velasco, Vice President of the Philippine-New York Jaycees (and a member of BFT board) not only forinitiating this linkage between two organizations, Building Futures

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 3 - Tambuli Summer 2005

    Together and Philippine New York Jaycees to work for a commoncause -the eradication of poverty in the Philippines, but for makingsuch collaboration more fun by incorporating the Philippine New YorkJaycees' Annual picnic to end the invigorating 3.1 miles Walk forPoverty. This I thought was more than a wonderful idea. It was a

    brilliant idea.

    In particular, I thank thePhilippine New YorkJaycees, as a body, not onlyfor stepping up to the platebut being a unique gemamong the tri-state Fil-Amorganizations with a sterlingability to transcend thebarrier that typically

    prevents Filipinos and organizations from working or collaboratingwith each other for a common good.

    The Philippine New York Jaycees were akin to the Doctors WithoutBorders in that they adopted a cause regardless of what region in

    the Philippines, what religion, what province was benefited. And forsomeone who has worked very closely and intimately with the Fil-Am community since 1986, I can say without equivocation, that whathappened between these two organizations was unique. And whathappened must be emulated by other organizations.

    The Philippine New York Jaycees worked very professionally withteamwork evident every step of the way - I enjoyed yourcamaraderie, your youth, your esprit de corps. You did a darn goodjob!

    I thank the many walkers and donors for the sacrifices, the

    effort, the resources expended to make this walk a truly successfulone.and reinvigorating us to just keep striving until the problem ofpoverty is fixed.

    A lot of you, individually and collectively, made the Walk for Povertya day that tickled hearts to keep to the course. -- And while I will notbe able to enumerate everyone let me start by thanking: Van Mejia,Chickie Alvir, Deputy Consul General Millie Thomaczek, Arnold deJesus, Krizteen Dulay, Hector Concepcion, Vicky Chang, RaulEstrellado and for the Samarnons who showed up and supported usincluding Fr. Molong, Carmelita Avisado, Bernadette Altarejos,Norma Bernate, JUDE TAN and of course to the members of my

    board who gave me the license to make them "kulit" [to bug them]incessantly: Mel, PJ, Dennis, Viv.

    I gather you all in an embrace of thanks,

    Loudette N.Avelino, Founder/PresidentBuilding Futures Together


    Building Futures Together, Inc. (BFT) is an IRS-recognized 501(3)charitable organization registered in the State of New York. Its sole thrust isto eradicate poverty wherever it exists in the poorest areas of the world, butparticularly in the Philippines and specifically in the province of Samar, itspoorest province.

    Its philosophy is to give the poor equity or entitlements in programs of helpand hope with a holistic approach. BFT applies three prong communitybased programs simultaneously, one community at a time. These programsare: (1) education, (2) livelihood and (3) health.

    There are myriad programs to turn the tide against poverty. However,programs are only as good as our ability to implement them effectively and

    efficiently. The money raised at the walkathon will help to support a SocialWorker and a Program Administrator in Samar to keep the focus, implementand oversee these programs to successful fruition.

    My co-chair experienceBy: Vicky Chang

    When CD VP Vivian Velasco asked me to co-chair the 6th Annual Walk forPovertywith Arnold DeJesus, my first thought was Oh, I dont know if I cantake on this responsibility. Admittedly, I thought of saying no. I certainlywas intimidated because Ive never taken on a real leadership role.

    During the first two committee meetings, I felt overwhelmed with all thestrategic planning and the meetings formal structure (i.e. following an

    agenda and conducting a meeting). Initially, I think I felt most uncomfortablewith the preparation that was necessary (i.e. writing a CPG, budget, etc) tomake the Walk-a-thon successful. This included publicizing the event, gettingsponsors and recruiting fellow Jaycees to be part of the various committees.

    Overall, I feel being a co-chair in this project was very beneficial. I learned somuch about teamwork and time management. Im proud that I was part of aproject that defined service to humanity is the best work in life.Many thanks to Arnold for being a great co-chair and to Vivian Velasco,Krizteen Dulay and Christina Corcuera for their invaluable guidance andpatience.

    Big thanks to the Phil-NY Jaycees for supporting the BenefitScreening of La Visa Locawhich was co-hosted by FanclubX.com and UPAA-NY!!!

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 2

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 3 - Tambuli Summer 2005

    Picnic in the ParkBy Krizteen Dulay

    Our chapters annual picnic was held last September 17, 2005 at FlushingMeadows Corona Park, right after Building Futures Together Sixth AnnualWalkathon. We were blessed with terrific weather and had over 60 peopleattend the event.

    Kids waiting their turn to hit the piata. Ares Ebreo tries to show them howit is done..

    Friends of Jaycees joined us for this day while Pres Christina and ArielMalabanan try their hand at kite flying..

    The Individual Development Project was chaired by new member HectorConcepcion who was very enthusiastic and came up with Kite-Rina, sellingof kites to fly during the picnic, all proceeds will be donated to the victims ofHurricane Katrina through the United States Jaycees. Kids and adults alikegathered around and flew their colorful kites. It was a fun-filled day for

    everyone - - from the sumptuous food that was brought by attendees toshare, the thrilling individual & team games that were held, and mostimportantly the fellowship and friendship that we have all made.

    We also celebrated the birthdays of our September celebrants!! Thank youto all for pitching in to make this event a successful one and for sharing yourJaycee experience to your family and friends who joined in the fun. Specialthanks to our Jaycees Picnic Committee Members: Hector Concepcion,Vivian Velasco, Arnold De Jesus, Vicky Chang, Ner Martinez, ChristinaCorcuera, Jocelyn Bernal, Jude Tan, Jericho Luna, Ares Ebreo, TomPanzone, and to the generous contribution of Sergs Estrada, LoudetteAvelino, Maria Dulay and Raul Estrellado.

    When my kite flew high

    By Elaine Magalona-Dayoan

    Sept 17, 2005 - In my whole life as a kid growing up in Manila with itsstreets as my playground, Ive always been thought of as a tomboy becauseI only have boys to play with. We played marbles, hide & seek and roughgames of tag. Ive always been with the boys in all their games but alwaysleft behind when its time to fly kites.

    On September 17 in Flushing Meadow Park during the Annual JayceesPicnic, I was able to fulfill this life long dream that I thought would be forever

    buried in my chest of Things I WantedTo Do But Never Had The ChanceTo I was able to fly, for the very firsttime, my kite! Err Almors little sisterskite!

    It was an awesome feeling and eventhough my kite kept on flying and

    crashing, I had the patience to hold onto it. Thank goodness, fellow memberHector Concepcion taught me how todo it properly, I was finally able to fly mykite. This time, it didnt crash anymore the string just got broken and itliterally went flying away!

    Totally Awesome Jaycees!By Elaine Magalona-Dayoan

    On July 30, 2005, the Jaycees spirit shone through the walls of Culture ClubClad in their 80s outfit, Jaycees friend, Raul Estrellado, Ner Martinez, Cri-CrRamos, Christina Corcuera, Tito Serge Estrada and Vivian Velasco breakdanced and electric slid to the songs of Madonna, Boy George, Tina Turner,Tears for Fears, Duran Duran and the Petshop Boys while celebrating thesurprise birthday/graduation party for member, Almor Dayoan!

    Truly, camaraderie and fun will always be a Jaycees trait!

    Birthday celebrant Almor posing with PP Ner, wife Elaine, Serge Estrada,Raul Estrellado, CDVP Vivian Velasco and Pres. Christina Corcuera.

    August happenings

    Senators Summer Get-together.

    August 5, 2005 The Senators of the chapter got together on Friday,August 5th at Mandarin Court for their annual summer get together. Thisyear was made more special since there were 4 new senators who joined theranks of the Senate Group. Past Presidents and chapter officers were alsoinvited to meet and mingle.

    During the business portion of the get together, the Senators led by RollieBalanza selected Jocelyn Bernal to serve as Senate President. TSenategroup revamp the composition of the Senate panel who shall approve futureSenate applications. From a committee of six senators (including 4 whowere triple crown winners having earned the Governorship,

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 3

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 3 - Tambuli Summer 2005

    Ambassadorship and Senatorship and two who served as NY StatePresidents),to a team of seven which comprised of the four Senators, twoother members from the ranks of Senator, Ambassador or governor, and thelast one being the current Chapter President. This new setup will beincluded in the amended chapter bylaws.

    Special thanks to Sen. Penn Baluyot for hosting our dinner. And of courseto the Senators group who donated our dinner payments to partially fund theAug 12 GMM of the chapter with the balance going into the savings accountfor future Senate expenses.

    Then I realized.By Elaine Magalona-Dayoan

    After being a new member for three months, we were finally inducted into theJaycees membership on August 12, 2005 at the General MembershipMeeting held at the Kalayaan Hall of the Philippine Consulate. Watching andlistening to the presentation of PP Krizteen Dulay gave me the inspirationand sense of pride of being a Jaycee. I was amazed to see how big theorganization is and to learn about the great and famous people who havebeen members of our beloved Junior Chamber.

    After the presentation, President Christina Corcuera presented severalawards and recognition to a number of members and officers, which provesto motivate and inspire new members, old members and officers alike to givetheir best and to excel in this organization. Then I realized, after all the

    activities and Chairman Planning Guides have been done, it eventually boilsdown to one thing US.

    WE are the ones who make this happen. The great members are not calledgreat if they werent good members of the Junior Chamber and if theywerent good at what they do be it in politics, in the community or in thebusiness world. Our being active or being inactive will reflect how futuremembers will see us, our chapter and our organization as a whole; just thesame as how we see the earlier members. In the long run, it will not beabout the kind of activities we chaired, the awards we received or the failuresthat we experienced but the wholeness of ourselves that we willingly sharedwith this organization, which leaves the question that will remain unanswereduntil we realize.

    Globally speaking

    Tambuli editor, Jocelyn Bernal, was home in the Philippines for a familyevent and took the opportunity to meet up with several chapters in Manila.Firstly, she was able to deliver our $650 donation to the Manilena chapter forour share in the Toy Library that they built in the P, Burgos school. She wasentertained by members from the JCI-Pateros Balut chapter, JCI-San JuanPinaglabanan, JCI-Alabang chapter, and members from JCI-Manila, JCI-Angeles City Culiat, and the JCI-Perlas Pasay.chapter.

    Jocelyn Bernal also took the time out to renew our twinning agreement withthe Angeles City Culiat chapter . We had a successful Operation Gift- lift in1997 where we collected toys in the US and had them distributed in the cityof Angeles City. We hope that we will again be able to foster a deeperappreciation for each others chapters.

    ABOVE: JCI Sen Jocelyn Bernal presents a check for P36,000 or $650 to Anna Barrios(President of JCI Manilena Chapter_ for the Toy Library at the P. Burgos School in ManilaPhilippines. The donation were from our May 13 Funraiser event.

    BELOW: Posing with Globie who accompanied Jocelyn on this long trek to the Philippines aremembers of the Manilena (Philippines) Jaycees (from L to R) Rosalind Ngo, Jeanine De Jesus,JCI Sen. Jocelyn Bernal, President Anna Barrios, Eileen Esteban and Tadd Leusette

    Renewal of twinning agreement with the JCI-Angeles City Culiatchapter. The Twinning agreement was signed by Glenn So, 2005President.

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 4

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 3 - Tambuli Summer 2005

    With members of the JCI-Pateros With Past World President Crispin DyBalut Chapter

    With the 2005 Team of JCI-Alabang Courtesy call with Mayor JVChapter headed by Pres. DJ Batagsing Ejercito (Past JC Philippines Natl(on the right) with Alyssa Raval and President) along with members ofVP Leslie Lugtu. the JCI-San Juan chapter who

    Are now working as elected staff

    & councilors for the municipality.

    September happenings:Around the World and Back

    On Sept 26, Dir. Ares Ebreo, Pres.Christina Corcuera and Dir JocelynBernal entertained Anya Neubauerfrom the Colonge (Germany) chapter.From Times Square to Chinatown, weshowed her the best of NYC. Anya is alawyer who was on a dream visit to theUS. She is also a cancer

    survivor which makes this tripeven more cherished for her.With her warm personality, sheis one visitor we are not likelyto forget. We have an openinvitation to visit Cologne for itsannual Carnivale in February.As the city of New Orleansrebuilds, we can go to Colognefor their version of Mardi Gras.

    Featured members of the month:With past presidentsof the JCI-Alabanchapter: LourdesGuerrero (2nd pres),Ricky Ocampo(Charter President),John Rodriguez, ESQ,


    Jocelyn Bernal and

    Oscar Coscoluella (4thPres).

    Arnold de Jesus, Co-Chairman ofthe Walkathon project

    Arnold is a father of two and is married to Ma. Cynthia C.De Jesus. He is a hotelier by trade, having been in thehotel business since 1998. Arnold started off as front

    office clerk to night auditor, A/R clerk, A/R Mgr (construction co), staffaccountant, and is currently a Chief Accountant in the same industry at theCarlyle Hotel at 76th St, Manhattan. Arnold is a full-blooded alumnus of SanBeda College in Manila (from elementary '90, HS '94, to college of arts &sciences '98, Undergraduate Studies in Accountancy).

    When asked about his chairing his first event, he replied To God be theglory for this wonderful event... I honestly thought there won't be enoughpeople to walk, but thank God it turned out just fine. I am gradually graspingJaycees' idea of "service" as the best work of life.

    Hector Concepcion, Chairman of the SeptPicnic

    Hector Concepcion is a new member of the chapter,although he and his brother Eric had been long timeJaycee supporters and DJs during several chapterprojects, namely, the annual Distinguished ServiceAward and Officers Installation Banquet. Hectorgraduated from San Beda High school and received hisBS Degree in Civil Engineering from Central Colleges ofthe Philippines. He is Project Manager for HausmannCorporation, a construction company based in New Jersey. He recentlychaired his first project, the Jaycee Summer Picnic.

    September GMMThe Art of Communication

    Sept 6 - We were privileged to have Mr. Edwin Tang as our guest speakerduring our Individual Development Topic on the Art of Public Speaking lastSeptember 6, 2005 during our General Membership Meeting at PeoplesLounge.

    Mr. Tang is a former president of the Pacers Toastmasters, a non-profitorganization providing service to the community by helping men and womenlearn the arts of speaking, listening and thinking vital skills that promote

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 5

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 3 - Tambuli Summer 2005

    self actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understandingand contribute the betterment of mankind. He is an experienced publicspeaker and coaches beginners in the art form of public speaking, whilecontinuing to improve his own skills as well.

    During the evening, Mr. Tang taught us the types and elements of publicspeaking. He shared with us his experiences as a public speaker, and alsoanswered interesting questions that attendees had.

    Afterwards, Impromptu PublicSpeaking was practiced and hadmembers Gary Abasolo andVicky Chang deliver a two-minute speech on the HurricaneKatrina tragedy. It was a fruitfullearning experience for all andspecial thanks goes out to MSVPJerrick Montanez for inviting Mr.Tang to join us.

    Picture on the left: Krizteen Dulay, Jocelyn Bernal, Hector Concepcion,Vicky Chang, Cristina Ramos and RD Willi Gamboa enjoys a couple ofdrinks.Picture on the right: Willi Gamboa, Ner Martinez, (seated) Pres ChristinaCorcuera, Jocelyn Bernal, Ares Ebreo, Joe Valedez, Cristina Ramos andGeorge Daco pose for a group pic.

    Book Signing with past World President

    Bruce Rector

    Sept 27 Region South comprised of the Philippine New York, NY KoreanAmerican, Hispanic, New York City, White Plains and Long Island chapte co-

    hosted a book signing for Bruce Rector, a past JCI World President at thePeople Lounge in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

    Bruce shared with us some of his experiences within the Jaycees and in dayto day life. Some key lessons that he shared centered around emotionalintelligence, verbal and non-verbal signals to people around us, theimportance of the words of affirmation, praising in public.

    At the end of the evening, our guest speaker and the rest of the attendeespresented our Region Director Willi Gamboa with a cake to celebrate hisbirthday.

    _____________________Bruce Rectors book, Monday Morning Messages, Teaching,

    Inspiring and Motivating to Lead is available at your localbookstores. You can also sign up to receive Monday MorningMessages via email. www.mondaymorningmessages.com

    October upcoming events

    Chapter elections, Thursday Oct 13TRS Suites, New York, NY

    For the past 43 years, the Philippine New York Jaycees has elected intooffice, men and women who have taken a chance at leading for one year.Only one person has served in the capacity as President for two non-consecutive years. For others stepping up to a leadership position is one ofthe biggest decisions a member has to make and one that will take anenormous leap of faith..As a leader, you are asked to take a chance toperform a role that you have never done.a chance to implement ideas thatyou want to realize while getting people to listen to you and agree that it is agreat and worthwhile endeavor

    What exactly is the essence of leadership? From the One Year to Leadmanual comes this leadership is the process of persuasion orexample by which an individual induces a group to pursue objectives

    held or shared by the leader and his/her followers. Simply put,leadership is the ability to influence other people toward the attainmentof goals.

    As a leader of our chapter, you will learn to enhance areas of yourpersonality that will allow you to better deal with people, situations andissues. Do consider taking a leadership role. It will be an investment inyourself. Good luck to all!

    Strides Against Breast CancerSunday, October 16, 2005

    Today, there is more hope than ever for people touched by breast cancer.However, there is still much work to be done to promote early detection andhelp those impacted by the disease. And youcan make a difference.

    Making Strides is a noncompetitive walk supporting the American CancerSociety's unique mission to fight cancer on four fronts: research, education,advocacy, and patient services. Hope Starts Here.

    What:The American Cancer Societys Making Strides Against Breast Cancerbrings together breast cancer survivors and their families, friends, and co-workers, and many others who want to join the fight against breast cancer.

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 6

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 3 - Tambuli Summer 2005

    Held in 55 US cities, this 5-mile non-competitive walk/family fun day is thefastest growing breast cancer fundraising and awareness event in thecountry.

    Why: Making Strides Against Breast Cancersupports American CancerSocietys breast cancer awareness, screening, and treatment programs forall women, as well as critical legislation that has been effective in fighting thisdisease. Additionally, with the proceeds of this event, the American Cancer

    Society is the nations leading non-governmental supporter of breast cancerresearch. ACS currently funds more than 179 breast cancer grants totalingover $54.3 million.

    Dear Friends,

    Most of us, if not all of us, know someone who has battled breastcancer. It is a disease that does not discriminate; it affects everyone insome way. Thankfully, there is more hope now than ever. Earlydetection and new treatments are turning the tide on this disease. Weknow that the American Cancer Society is searching for a cure and thatit is nurturing and supporting patients and survivors. THE PHILIPPINE -NEW YORK JAYCEES supports the Societys fight against cancer, andthats why weve formed a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer teamto raise money that will support this lifesaving work and more

    importantly to raise awareness. We hope you will join our team Philippine NY Jaycees as a walker or contributor, and together, wecan help stride towards keeping this disease from taking the lives ofthose we love.Thank you. Ares Ebreo, Chairperson

    November upcoming events

    Marathon Team 1997 Marathon Team 1998

    Mile 17 Water Station- Sunday, November 6The ING New York City MarathonThe premier event ofNew York Road Runners, the ING New York CityMarathon is one of the world's great road races, drawing more than 85,000applicants. The race attracts many world-class professional athletes, not onlyfor the more than $500,000 in prize money, but also for the chance to excelin the media capital of the world before two million cheering spectators and260 million worldwide television viewers. As any one of the 635,000 pastparticipants will attest, crossing the finish line in Central Park is one of thegreat thrills of a lifetime.

    2005 Volunteer OpportunitiesIt takes thousands of volunteers to make the race happen, and your help isgreatly appreciated by the marathoners as well as the race organizers. Allvolunteers receive an ASICS souvenir t-shirt and ASICS poncho.

    Please contact CDVP Vivian Velasco to sign up.

    December upcoming eventsJoin the Philippine New York Jaycees on Friday,Dec 16 for the 2ndday of Simbang Gabi.

    The tradition of Simbang Gabi

    Simbang Gabi lasts for nine consecutive days beginning December 16.Traditionally, it is held at dawn, but some parishes offer anticipated massesone night in advance. This religious event dates back to the time whenMiguel Lopez de Legazpi celebrated the first feast of the Nativity in 1565 inthe archipelago.

    Simbang Gabi traces its roots in Mexico when, in 1587, Fray Diego de Soria,friar of the convent of San Agustin Acolman, petitioned the Pope forpermission to hold Christmastide masses outdoors because the church couldnot accommodate the multitude that attended the dawn services. When therequest was granted, the masses became known as Misa de Aguinaldo.It was in the 16th century when Pope Sixtus V decreed that these pre-dawnmasses be also held in the Philippines starting every December 16. Thedecree was in keeping with the nine-day traditional festivals of Filipinos incelebrating auspicious occasions like harvest time. It was also meant to give

    farmers a chance to hear mass before setting out for the fields. RuralFilipinos were used to starting the day two hours before sunrise.

    Church bells resound to call the faithful to Simbang Gabi. In some provinces,brass bands play traditional Christmas music and parish priests would go asfar as knocking on the doors of every home. After the nine-day SimbangGabi, follows the Misa de Gallo (Mass of the Rooster). This is held midnightof December 24 to welcome the birth of the Savior. In some churches, thepanunuluyan, depicting Mary and Joseph's efforts to find a suitablebirthplace, is reenacted and the baby Jesus first makes his appearance inthe manger of the Belen, the Nativity Scene.

    Congratulations Award Winners

    Willi Gamboa, our Past President and 2005 Chapter Treasurer and servingconcurrently as our Region Director was recently recognized as # 4 in theranking of the top Region Directors in the country. This is the first indivualnational recognition for Willi and is the second national honor for the chapterDistrict Director Jonathan Kim was also recognized as # 4 in the country.

    During the 2nd Quarter convention, the Tambuli was judged as the mostoutstanding newsletter in the State.

    Birthday Greetings to Aug/Sept/Oct

    celebrantsSeptember: October

    Jocelyn Bernal Willi Gamboa Cristina Ramos Arnil Neri Tom PanzoneSerge Estrada Ted MartinezJude Tan (FOJ)

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 7

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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 3 - Tambuli Summer 2005

    2005 Calendar of events

    Oct 8 SaturdayRegion Swing and Future Officer TrainingLocation: Residence of IDVP Gina M. Pellettieri35-06 169th Street, Apt. C4,Flushing, New York 11358 (917) 270-0253

    Time: 1 to 6 pmSponsored by the Long Island ChapterContact: Region Director Willi Gamboa for more [email protected]

    Oct 8 SaturdayKaraoke fun and Membership driveTime: 6 pm and onwardLocation: President Christina Corcueras house at 47-50 59th Street,

    Apt 6C, Woodside, NY 11377Email: [email protected]: 718-507-2086

    October 13, 2005 ThursdayPhil NY Annual Election MeetingLocation: TRS Suites 44 E.32nd St. (11th floor) New York, New York10016Time: 6:30 pm 9:30 pmContact: MDVP Joe Valdez [email protected] for more information

    October 14-16 WeekendNYS Government Affairs Leadership Seminar (GALS) and ElectionconventionLocation: Sai Bless Inn, 65 Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13905888-996-6835Registration under NYS JAYCEES - $69 / nightFull late registration - $80 which includes reg fee, Friday night party,Sat breakfast buffet, lunch buffet, banquet and party.Costume is requested for the Sat. night partyContact Jocelyn Bernal before Oct 4 for more information 347-612-1389

    October 16, 2005 Sunday"Making Strides Against Breast Cancer"Contact Ares Ebreo for more information 516-607-5522

    November 6, 2005, SundayNEW York City Marathon Mile 17 Water Station71st Street and 1st AvenueTeam meeting 7 am, Setup: 8-9 am, Race begins: 10 am,

    Projected clean up time: 4 pmContact: CDVP Vivian Velasco to sign up

    November 19, 2005 SaturdayDress for SuccessTo learn how you can be part of the dashing committee that puts thisevent together, contact IDVP Ted Martinez [email protected] ID Director Krizteen Dulay [email protected]\

    November 26, 2005, Saturday (Alternate date: December 3, 2005Saturday)Post Thanksgiving University Soup Kitchen2nd Avenue, Between 2nd St and 3rd St, New York, NY8:30am to 11:45 am time slot11:45 am to 3:30 pm time slot

    Contact: CDVP Vivian Velasco for more information

    December 9, 2005 FridayDistinguished Service Awards Banquet and Presidential Gala DinnerCrowne Plaza, Laguardia (Queens, NY)For more information, contact MDVP Joe Valdez

    December 16, 2005 FridaySimbang GabiLocation: Philippine Consulate 556 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY (between45th and 46th St)Contact: CVDP Vivian Velasco for more information.

    In Loving Memory

    Please rememberPast President & Board AdviserNer Martinez for the loss of his brother, Gil Martinez.May he and his family find comfort and support from us,their Jaycee family.

    Celebrating Love!

    Congratulations to ournewly wedded couple. PasPresident/AmbassadorRichard Aguinaldo

    married past JayceememberKhristineSarmiento on Sept 3, 2005in Union, New Jersey. Wewish them all the best!

    Congratulations also to Past President/GovernorKrizteen Dulay who was recently engaged to newmemberHector Concepcion. They are planninga 2007 wedding date!

    Editorial StaffJocelyn Bernal, Editor, Contributors: Elaine Magalona-Dayaon, Vicky Chang,Christina Corcuera, Ner Martinez,Ted Martinez, Vivian Velasco, Krizteen Dulay, Arnold de

    Jesus, Ares Ebreo (photos), Jude Tan (photos)

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 8

    http://us.f305.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected]://us.f305.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected]://us.f305.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]\mailto:[email protected]\mailto:[email protected]://us.f305.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected]://us.f305.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected]://us.f305.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[email protected]
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    Volume XXXI Issue No. 3 - Tambuli Summer 2005

    Lesson for the month:

    Running A Meeting

    Running a meeting means more than just moving the group through theagenda. Running meetings is a SKILL, not something you are born knowinghow to do. Just as with any skill, you will get better with practice--and more

    confident, too! Planning for the meeting (Agenda and goals)

    Setting up the meeting (Logistics)

    Running the meeting (Facilitating)

    Following up (After the meeting ends...)


    Decide the goal of the meeting. Come up with a clear goal and theagenda becomes your road map to getting there.

    Do your homework!If you need information or research for the meeting,better have it done before the meeting starts.

    Decide who needs to be there. When people come to a meeting wherethey don't care about the agenda, they usually don't come back!

    Plan with others. This is a great way to develop new leaders AND getother people more invested in the work of your group! Just get three orfour interested folks together and hash out the agenda--it won't takemore than an hour!

    Good agendas count!List the amount of time you plan for each item.Let everyone know what's going to be discussed; don't keep it a secret!


    Start and end on time. It's disrespectful to abuse members' time andabout the biggest turn-off there is! If you must start late because onlythree people are in the room when you're supposed to start, at leastapologize! Better yet, get into the habit of starting on time EVEN if thereare only three people in the room.

    Sign them in. Be sure to include name, email, and phone number! Meeting spaces should be comfortable and convenient. Get there early

    to set up and try to use a space where you can make a circle, not sit inrows like an auditorium.

    All work and no play is no good!Have informal time before and afterthe meeting for people to talk and socialize. That's a big reason peoplejoined your group in the first place, and it's where you can recruitvolunteers. Remember, you want people to be attached to the group.

    A regular cycle If you have a regular meeting cycle, people will start tosave the date but DON'T HAVE A MEETING JUST TO MEET!


    The facilitator's role is to help a group make progress. Good

    facilitating keeps a meeting on track and moving forward. Themore people who learn to facilitate the better. If you accept therole of facilitator you must be neutral. You should also try to: Do introductions Don't forget how good icebreakers can be

    to loosen everyone up! Get agreement on agenda and rules. Remember, it's

    everyone's meeting, so everyone needs to "buy in" to theagenda.

    Keep the discussion on track. If someone's going off theagenda or is speaking too long, pull them back in! Be gentlebut firm: people respect a meeting that's run well.

    Watch the time!Remember about starting and ending!Honor agenda time limits.

    Summarize what you hear. Wrap-up each agenda item bysummarizing any conclusions out loud.

    Use the power of your position wiselyDon't take sides, and

    be fair to everyone.






    TThhaatteeaarrtthhssggrreeaattttrreeaassuurreelliieessiinnhhuummaannppeerrssoonnaalliittyyAnd that service to humanityis the best work of life

    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 9

  • 8/14/2019 tambuli 2005 10


    Volume XXXI Issue No. 3 - Tambuli Summer 2005


    CHAPTER MISSION The Philippine New York Jaycees is an international leadership and personal development organization for young individuals providing training through businessprograms, community projects and social interaction CHAPTER VISION The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs

    that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments. Page 10