task 2 & 3

Analysis of covers, contents and double page spreads

Upload: mimwood

Post on 14-May-2015




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Analysis of covers, contents and double page spreads

Page 2: Task 2 & 3


Main Image




Main cover line

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Target audienceThe readers of NME magazine are into mainstream music. The magazine cover shows a picture of the Arctic Monkeys which shows that the magazine is going to have information about them and the rest of the cover reflects that. The target audience is young males (also females, however more males). The audience is mainly 16 – 24 year old males and I think the cover attracts these people well.

The price of the magazine is £2.40 which is an average amount for a music magazine. The social class of the target audience is middle class and the price of the magazine reflects this.

Page 5: Task 2 & 3

The readers of Music Magazine are into Classical music. The magazine cover shows a picture of the Sarah Chang which shows that the magazine is going to have information about her and the rest of the cover reflects that. The target audience is The audience is mainly women and I think the cover attracts these people well.

The price of the magazine is £2.40 which is an average amount for a music magazine. The social class of the target audience is middle class and the price of the magazine reflects this.

Target audience

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BarcodeMain Image

Main cover line

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Top of the pops is about pop music so the readers of this magazine will typically be young girls. The cover shows the popular boy band the wanted which will attract the target audience the editors want. The colours pink and yellow work well to attract the target audience because they are girly and stand out.

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This contents page for Q magazine i think is effective because even though there is alot of text on the page it somehow looks simple and easy to read. I think this is important for a contents page because the reader should feel like they can find there way around the magazine quickly and turn to the articles or features they would prefer to read.

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I also think that this contents works well but in a different way. This contents page for Mojo magazine has much less text which makes it look simple and easy to read. The main image is also effective because it gives you a feel of the type of music the magazine is about because pete Doherty looks quite scruffy which represents his music.

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Unlike the other contents pages I don’t think this contents page is as effective. I think this because there is too much text and looks like it is hard to find what you are looking for. I also think the main image is too small and this contents page could be improved if it was bigger and less text.

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I think that this double page spread is good because of the style and how it all links in to the genre of music. The title of the articles font is messy and so is the picture of pete which reflects his personality and how he is portrayed throughout the double page spread.

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I think that the image of mcfly on this double page spread is good because it reflects their fun side and it is what the readers of this girly pop magazine are interested in. There is not much text on this which is effective because the target audience will probably be more interested in the pictures of the boyband than reading.

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In my opinion this double page spread is the least effective because there is too much text. However this magazine is aimed at older people who are probably more interested in the word and text than anything else so works well. I do however think the columns could be arranged in a different way to make the article more exciting to read.