unit 9 task 2 and 3

Unit 9: Photography Techniques Task 2

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Unit 9: Photography TechniquesTask 2

Page 2: Unit 9 task 2 and 3

Image 1:http://www.magnumphotos.com/C.aspx?VP3=CMS3&VF=MAGO31_4&VBID=2K1HZOQ8FP3TIR&IID=2K1HRGBQD518&PN=2

Task 2

Topic:This photograph is photojournalism with an aspect of portrait.Type:The shot type is a medium close-up at an eye-level, allowing the audience to see the man’s expression.Event:IRAN. Isfahan. 1962. A peasant kisses the foot of Reza PAHLAVI, the Shah of Iran, as he distributes land deeds in a ceremony.Photographer:Thomas HoepkerWhy I chose it:As I looked through the album this one caught my as it clearly shows the ‘peasant’s’ expression and emotion. This allows people viewing the photo to almost relive the moment.

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Image 2:http://life.time.com/curiosities/a-squirrels-guide-to-fashion/?iid=lf%7Clatest#end

Task 2

Topic:Although this could be classed as many topics I feel as if it is best suited to abstract.Type:A long shot, enabling you to see the whole squirrel.Event:In the early 1940s, LIFE magazine reported that a Mrs. Mark Bullis of Washington, D.C. had adopted a squirrel. This is one photo of a whole shoot.Photographer:Nina Leen—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images.Why I chose it:I chose this photo because it is so unique, it takes an animal but shows that they share similar qualities to humans. But each person can interpret the photo differently, they may see it as art or as cruelty.

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Image 3:http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-tips/macro-photo-tips/#/small-reptile-macro_26207_600x450.jpg

Task 2

Topic:Macro photography.Type:Extreme close-up shot.Event:A project about how fragile and how important are all the living species that surround us.Photographer:Ivan NavaWhy I chose it:This picture on the initial viewing the photo is actually very mind-blowing as it captures the true size of the reptile. It really shows that animals and other living species are delicate and it is important to look after them and stop being so selfish by destroying the earth we share with them. It is a brilliant photo as it really does achieve the intended message.

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Image 4:http://www.magnumphotos.com/C.aspx?VP3=CMS3&VF=MAGO31_10_VForm&ERID=24KL53ZKDJ

Task 2

Topic:Abstract/ Photojournalism.Type:Eye-level long shot.Event:USA. 1967 Film: “Planet of the Apes.” Photographer: Dennis Stock.Why I chose it:When I first saw this photograph I thought it was just a photo of and American road but then the ape in the foreground caught my eye. The fact the ape is sat on a bench advertising funeral directors and his sincere facial expression makes the whole ambience of the photo very dark in an initially innocent appearing setting.

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Image 5:http://www.magnumphotos.com/C.aspx?VP3=CMS3&VF=MAGO31_10_VForm&ERID=24KL53Y_H

Topic:Photojournalism Type:This photo is captured by using a long shot.Event:HAITI. Port-au-Prince. 1987. A memorial for victims of army violence.Photographer:Alex Webb.Why I chose it:I was really moved by this as before reading the event behind the photograph it appears that they are carrying coffins, the size of which a small child would fit. But even after knowing the story behind it the feelings remain similar, it definitely serves the victims of army violence a bit of justice.

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Unit 9: Photography TechniquesTask 3

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Ivan NavaExamples of Work

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Ivan NavaWhen and where he was born?Ivan Nava was born in the United States in 1983 and raised in Venezuela.Where does he work?Ivan Nava has quickly become a native to the Miami photography scene and is taking it by storm. He attended the Institute of Digital Design in Caracas, which is a Parsons School of Design associate, receiving his BA with honours in Visual Communication (Specialized in Digital and Interactive content).

LocationMiami, FL, United States

[email protected]