"the chosen" episode 103 "white pigeon"

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  • 8/9/2019 "The Chosen" episode 103 "White Pigeon"


    *Best if read along with casting sheet for Episode 3.


    Written by Jeremy Hudack

    Previous On The Chosen:

    1) The Benefactor recruiting our 10 Chosen.

    2) Nick Tesla stating he is single for a reason to Casey.

    3) Jeremy being arrested in Pittsburgh for 1st

    Degree Murder because of Cassandra switching the rap sheets.

    4) Agent Adrian Rezek finding out that Yvette Nikilov was involved in the Black Dahlia murder as well as JFKs Assassination.

    5) Adrians flash to the destruction of Hong Kong.

    6) Benefactor Eric Jan Hanussen telling Adrian that this is all about what happened in 2012.

    7) Adrian making a deal that Eric will donate money to presidential candidate Arthur Kensington for info on the JFK case.

    8) Adrian being shut out of the JFK files by FBI Director General Snider.

    9) Cassandra collecting blood from the team and finding out one of them has a very deadly disease.

    10) Matthew Tagalog being shot in the end of the previous episode by someone with the Symbol on their gun.

    11) Nicks flash to potentially being responsible for the events of 2012.

    1) Int. Cathedral of St. John the Divine. 110th

    Street, NYC, NY. Morning.

    The camera opens on the back of a man as he is kneeling in the front pew of the cathedral looking

    forward at the pulpit. The air in the church is old and you can see the dust in the rays of light streaming

    through the stained glass windows. The camera cuts to the mans face and we see that it is Nicholas

    Tesla and he looks like hell. The camera cuts to his hands that he is wringing and there is dried blood on

    them and as the camera pans up to his face we see that there is blood all over his shirt and neck as well.

    The blood belongs to Matthew Tagalog who was shot the night before. The non-religious scientist has

    reverted to praying as we hear his cell phone ringing and echoing in the church. He looks around and

    realizes he is the only one there and he answers.



    Its Casey and we see this through the video screen on the phone.


    Dr. Tesla, its Casey Christina.


    I see that.


  • 8/9/2019 "The Chosen" episode 103 "White Pigeon"


    Abby has tracked down Yvette Nikilov so Agent Rezek and I are going to see her. Velmas coming along

    to translate for us, but we thought it may be a good idea for you to come along to get your mind off of



    No, thanks.


    Nick you cant


    Im not interested, Ms. Christina

    Nick abruptly hangs up and puts his phone into his pocket. He then looks at the statue of Jesus to his

    right and the look he gives it isnt one of compassion, kindness or good will. Its one of contempt. Nickstands up and he walks down the middle of the church as the camera does a wide shot of Nick walking

    out of the massive cathedral. As Nick walks down the steps outside of the Cathedral and he walks down

    the path to 110th

    Street, he passes a small stone monument that has a bronze plaque on it with a list of

    names of notable people put to rest in this cathedral. The camera stays on the plaque for a while and

    scrolls down the names until we see Nikola Tesla 12 January, 1943.The camera holds on that name

    until the camera quick cuts to:

    2) FLASH. Interior. Long Hallway. Midnight.

    The lights in the hallway are flickering on and off until we see a figure struggling to walk down the white

    hallway, but he keeps falling against the walls. He makes it half way down the hall before he completely

    falls to the floor. The camera cuts to the floor and as the man lifts his head off of the ground we see that

    it is Nick. He rolls over onto his side and looks down at his shoulder which is covered with blood. He pulls

    off his white lab coat and we see that he has been wounded in his shoulder quite badly. He hears shouts

    coming from down the hall behind him, so he picks himself up and manages to make it down the rest of

    the hallway all the while smearing blood on the wall in his trail. He makes it to the end of the hallway

    and there is a set of heavy steel doors. Nick opens a metal box on the wall next to the doors and enters a

    code into the keypad. The code is 3327. He looks down at his watch which reads 12:09 a.m. and then he

    presses a button. There is a timer that starts counting down from: 33 seconds. Nick forces the doors open

    and he manages to get outside. Once outside he begins to close the heavy doors and we see two men

    running down the hall behind him also wearing white lab coats.

    Man 1:

    Dr. Tesla! Stop, please dont do this!!!

    Man 2:

  • 8/9/2019 "The Chosen" episode 103 "White Pigeon"


    Nick you cant do this to us!!!

    Nick pauses and looks at the two men who hurriedly run towards the door in a panic. He looks hesitant,

    but then begins pushing the doors closed again.

    Man 2:

    You bastard! Youll burn in hell!

    Nick looks through the remaining crack in the door and says in a low voice almost to himself:


    I know

    With that, Nick closes the doors and once he does there is a pressurized sound of an airlock. He is in near

    darkness as he crawls to a set of boulders across from the doors and rests against them. He looks at his

    watch and it counts down 5,4,3,2,1. He looks up at the doors and we see they are embedded in the sideof a mountain/cliff. Suddenly, small pieces of rock fall from the mountainside and dust forces its way out

    of the frame around the door. He sits there for a few moments and then eventually picks himself up and

    he looks out over the valley below. His face looks blank, yet emotionally devastated as the camera pans

    around and we see that in the valley below is a town and it is set ablaze. He looks up at the moon and we

    see that it is a full moon, but there is a red haze over it. This resembles the sky and the red haze in it from

    Adrians initial flash in the first episode. Nick looks back down at his shoulder and he is bleeding

    profusely. The camera cuts to a vehicle that drives up the small dirt road next to where he is sitting. Its a

    Hummer-like vehicle and it is completely black. Nick walks to the window and it rolls down, but we cant

    see who is in it. Nick says in a regretful way:


    Its done.

    The camera from the passenger seat in the car shows the back of a man as he shakes his head in an

    approving manner.


    My wife is she safe, did she?

    The man hands Nick a video player and Nick takes it in an unsure manner as he looks back up at the manin the car. He then looks down at it and the camera cuts to what he is viewing. Its a live video feed of

    l'Htel du Soleil.The hotel is ablaze with what appears to be Paris burning in the background. Nick

    stares at the video feed in disbelief as the man rolls up his window and drives off. Nick stumbles

    backwards as he watches the hotel smolder. He falls against the boulders he was leaning against before

    and he slides downwards and just sits there watching the video. Just then, in the background, we see

    headlights coming closer and we see that the vehicle turned around. Nick looks up as the passengers

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    side window begins to roll down and we see massive gunfire from the car at Nick! Nick drops the device

    and quickly rolls over dodging them as he dives towards the very steep hillside and rolls down extremely

    quickly hitting small brush as he goes. The car stops and we see a set of legs get out and walk to the

    hillside. The camera cuts behind the unknown subject as they pick up the video device and then throw it

    down the hillside that Nick just rolled down. Shrill music builds as the camera cuts to:



    3) Int. Hospital. Klaipeda, Lithuania.Afternoon.

    Subtitled: Klaipeda University Hospital, Lithuania

    The camera opens on Agent Adrian Rezek, Velma Logan and Casey Christina walking down a hospital

    hallway. Velma stops and walks to the reception desk where she speaks in Lithuanian to the nurse and

    Casey turns to Adrian and says:


    What time is it?

    Adrian looks at his watch, very high tech, and we see that it is 8:21a.m. in New York City, but he hits a

    button and the time converts to Local Time: 3:21p.m., May 15th, 2020.



    Adrian looks around at his surroundings and Casey notices his obvious amount of unease.


    Calm down.


    How can I calm down when Im going out of my way to violate every oath Ive taken under service of the

    United States government?


    Do you think youre being watched?

    Adrian:I dont doubt it for a minute this is incredibly insane, you know that?


    Which part? The part that we caught an assassin involved in JFKs assassination or that we are in

    extreme danger according to the Benefactor?


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    First of all, we dont know her involvement and I was thinking more along the lines of how and mind

    you, this could just be my self-centered ass talking, but I could be fired for this.

    Adrian smirks, but Casey seems to be rather serious and doesnt smile.


    Captain Tagalog was shot last night and were standing outside the door of a woman who was part of

    the most controversial assassination in the past century and youre thinking about your job? I think

    weve left the realm of selfishness and moved on to something potentially greater than either of us.

    Just then Velma walks over with a nurse.


    She said visiting hours are close to over so we better get a move on.


    Visiting hours? Youre kidding right? She likely shot a president in the head; Ill say when theyre over.

    With that, Adrian walks away towards the room in a bit of a huff and the nurse follows. Velma looks at

    Casey and says:


    What did you say to him?


    I told him to take his head out of his ass.


    From my experience with the FBI, and that is based on television shows, they dont like that.


    Hes worried about his job more than anything else.


    I would be too, but I dont have a job... Lets go honey

    Velma walks towards the room and Casey follows. They get to the doorway where the nurse opens the

    door and the three of them walk in. Thats when we see her, Yvette Nikilov (played by Angela Lansbury)

    lying in her hospital bed hooked up to all kinds of machinery not looking so good. She turns her head to

    the three of them and says in a very raspy voice:


    You finally caught me, huh?

    Casey turns to Adrian, who exchanges the same expression of disbelief. The camera cuts to:

    4) Int. New Yorker Hotel Restaurant. New York City, New York. Morning.

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    The camera focuses on the outside of the hotel then cuts to the inside restaurant and we see someone

    viciously dipping toast into their sunny-side up eggs. Suddenly we overhear a conversation from the next

    table. The older woman says:


    Did you hear about Eric Jan Hanussen?


    No, what?


    The news just reported that he donated 18 million dollars to the Arthur Kensington campaign.


    I thought Hanussen was a Republican.


    He is thats why hes a fool. He attempted to donate it anonymously, but was caught. Everyones

    saying that Kensington must have done him some favors.


    Ah, politics are a bunch of garbage anyway everyone buys off everyone

    The camera pans up from the eggs and we see it is Jeremy Kozlak eating his breakfast. He smiles to

    himself as he turns to the couple and says:


    Eric Jan Hanussen may be a lot of things, but he isnt a fool, lady

    Jeremy turns back to his eggs as the old woman looks at him a little stunned he said anything. He smiles

    to himself again as he looks up and he sees a young attractive woman across the restaurant at the

    hostess stand waiting to be seated (Played by Mila Kunis). He kind of just stares at her until we see Nick

    walk in and plop down in the seat across from Jeremy. Jeremy doesnt even seem to notice and Nick sees



    (Clears throat) Good morning to you too, Jeremy.

    Jeremy snaps out of it and glances at Nick and says:


    Oh, sorry man, good morning


    Who is she?


    I dont know

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    Jeremy is still in a trance and keeps glancing at the woman as she is being seated.


    Ah, young love I hate it.

    Jeremy, not paying attention mindlessly says:


    Me too.

    Nick, getting irritated, says:


    I shot Matthew last night.

    Jeremy snaps out of it and looks at Nick and says:


    What?! Dude, you have blood all over you, what the hell are you talking about?!


    I may as well have its my fault he was even there.


    How do you mean?


    I talked him into staying a part of the team he wanted out because he knew something was wrong,but I talked him into staying.


    Oh you cant beat yourself up over that, man You didnt know what was gonna happen. It coulda

    been any of us.


    but it wasnt. Ive caused enough death in my lifetime you should actually steer clear of me. In fact,

    run away as fast as you can.

    Jeremy looks at Nick and seems a little confused. He bends over the table and looks directly at Nick and

    compassionately says:


    I know what its like to be the cause of someone elses well, their not being here anymore



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    At least, I think. I dont

    Jeremy fumbles over his words and gets flustered. He changes the topic by looking at the girl again and



    Any advice about women?


    Yeah, stay away from them, theyre nothing but trouble.


    Look man, you need to clear your mind I suggest you start with a shower and a clean change of



    (Sarcastically)Oh yeah, a shower and a new blazer should take my guilt of getting someone shot rightaway.

    Jeremy, for the first time, takes a hard line and slightly raises his voice to Nick as he says:


    If youre going to be a total pussy and keep blaming yourself for this, then go to the damn hospital and

    visit him tell him, not me, all of this.

    Nick is slightly taken back by this and he looks at Jeremy with something of a glimmer of respect.

    Nick:Youre right


    Sorry man I didnt mean to


    No, youre absolutely right


    Im trying to quit drinking and its just that its Cinco de Mayo and I feel like Im doing Mexico a

    disservice for not pounding down some tequila or something

    Nick kind of drops that glimmer of respect for Jeremy as he says:


    Um, Cinco de Mayo was 10 days ago and its 8:30 in the morning


    Its May 15th

    15 is cinco, dude.

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    Nick just stares at Jeremy like no.


    Thats not right, is it?


    (Shaking his head no) Ill talk to you later Jeremy

    Nick gets up and starts to walk out as he turns back to Jeremy and sees him finally make eye contact

    with the girl. Jeremy does a somewhat pathetic little wave to her with one finger as Nick smiles shaking

    his head and says:


    Poor bastard

    The camera follows Nick as he turns to walk out and the quick cut red tone cut begins:

    5) FLASHBACK. Exterior. Football Field. Night.

    The camera cuts to an aerial view of a football field and then focuses on a set of bleachers where a

    young girl (played by Danika Stewart) and a young guy (played by Daniel Reese Thompson) are laying on

    the bleachers looking up at the stars.

    Young Guy:

    You ever think about how we were once a star?

    Young Girl:

    What are you talking about?

    Young Guy:

    Were all made of stars trillions and trillions of years ago, we were part of a star.

    The girl thinks for a moment and then sits up on the bleacher and looks at the guy as she says:

    Young Girl:

    Youre such a nerd, Nick.

    Young Nick sits up and looks at her and says:

    Young Nick:

    Youre still a star to me, Dannie you always will be.

    She smiles and the two of them kiss as she backs off and says:


    and a massive lame-o

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    They both smile as Nick gets up like hes going to pounce on her. She jumps up and runs down the

    bleachers with him following as she playfully screams and the two of them reach the football field where

    he catches her. He grabs her, spins her around and he is going in for a kiss, but she manages to get out:


    Im pregnant.

    He pauses in mid air and opens his eyes and just stares at her.

    Young Nick:



    Im pregnant, Nick.

    Suddenly they are both very serious and Nick lets go of her.

    Young Nick: but we were careful. I dont understand


    Im about a month late Three tests say that I am.

    Nick takes a step back and turns his back to her. A tear forms in her eye as there is silence. The look on

    his face shows hes thinking very hard when suddenly he turns around and looks right at her and says:

    Young Nick:

    Marry me.

    She smiles and walks to him. She takes his hand as a tear falls down her face and she says:


    Im moving away, Nick. Thats why I wanted to meet you here tonight we leave Saturday.

    Nick stares at her and pauses. Suddenly he starts laughing as he says:


    Dannie, shut up you arent going anywhere.

    She lets go of him and suddenly looks a bit angry.


    Seriously?! Get married?! Youre 16 years old, Nick youre gonna take care of me?!What, Ill move in

    with you and your parents? Listen to yourself besides; you are leaving for college in August.


    Ill wait! Ill postpone it to when I turn 18, like normal kids!

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    You got into college 2 years early cause you are a genius you really think your psycho father is gonna

    let you put that off?! Me leaving is the best thing for both of us, Nick if your father even found out

    about this, hed kill you My parents said theyd help me raise the baby, Nick, but they said they refuse

    to let their good reputation (said in a mocking tone) be ruined by me having this baby at 17. Im going,

    Nick dont make this harder than it has to be.


    Ill follow you; Ill leave my family I cant lose you, Dannie.

    She forces a smile as she leans over and kisses him on the lips gently. Tears stream down her face as she



    Goodbye, Nick

    She turns and walks away down the field as Nick falls to his knees. The camera cuts back to the aerial

    view as we see him in the middle of the field and her walking off as it quick cut red tone cuts to:

    6) END OF FLASHBACK. Interior. Jan Hanussen Enterprises. New York City. Morning.

    The camera cuts to Eric Jan Hanussen as he sits at his desk looking over an electronic newspaper thats

    headline reads: Financial Philanthropist Donates 18Mill not so Anonymously.Eric throws the plastic

    paper into the fire and as it melts he says:


    Damned media

    We hear a voice from the doorway and then we see its Cassandra Millerick as she says:


    You really need to stop throwing those in the fire theyre not made of paper or cheap.


    (Stubbornly, but comically) Im old, I forget.


    Simon Draven is here to see you should I send him in?


    Yes, yes send him in


    (She whispers to him) I dont care if you throw him in the fire.

    She smiles big as she walks out of the room and shortly after Draven walks in. Eric turns to him and

    smiles as Draven takes a seat across from him at the fireplace. Draven is stern-faced as he says:


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    You wanted to see me?


    Yes Mr. Tagalog was shot last night. Hes in critical condition at St. Vincents right now.


    Im not a detective, Mr. Jan Hanussen, Im just the man you call to take care of the problem.


    Thats why Conor Vith will be helping you find out who did this and Mr. Draven, I dont want you to kill

    anyone you are there to protect Conor.


    Got it. You have any idea who would do this?


    Not a clue, but apparently someone isnt too happy that were digging around in the JFK files. It was

    either someone from LA who was following Casey and Cynthia or its someone connected to AgentRezek. Either way, the rest of the team isnt to know what youre up to.


    Has it occurred to you that it could be someone who isnt terribly thrilled you donated 18 million dollars

    to your opposing parties candidate?


    Pish-Posh, youre ruled by KingWilliam over in jolly good England.What would you know about

    American politics?

    Draven smiles and then laughs as he says:


    Well, I know that you should hide your checkbook from Agent Rezek so that he doesnt go making

    backroom deals with Kensington anymore I can say that much.


    Point taken.

    Draven gets up to leave the office, but before he exits the door Eric says:


    I mean it, Simon find out who did this, but dont harm them. Well need them to talk.

    Draven nods and walks out as Eric goes and pokes the fire and the plastic paper burns. Cut to:

    7) Int. New Yorker Hotel. New York City. Morning.

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    Nick Tesla walks up to his hotel room door and we see it is Room 3327, like the code he entered in the

    first flash of the episode. He fumbles in his pockets and looks pissed off as the camera cuts to him in the

    lobby walking to the concierge desk. A grey haired older gentleman comes to help him.


    Can I help you, sir?


    Yeah, Im in room 3327, I seem to have lost my key card.




    Nicolas Tesla.

    The concierge pauses and looks at him strangely then types something on his computer. He then looks

    surprised and says:


    Mr. Tesla, this isnt some sort of joke?

    Nick, looking as serious as ever with his day old clothes and dried blood on him says:


    Does it look like Im joking?


    No, sir, but its the strangest thing You see, that room has historical significance.


    Look, I really dont


    (Interrupts) Have you ever heard of Nikola Tesla, the scientist inventor?


    Yeah, no relation, can I just get my key?


    Mr. Tesla, were you aware that for the last 10 years of his life, Nikola Tesla lived in that room? Until



    What? Seriously, can I just get my damn key?

    The concierge, who is still surprised by the coincidence, says:

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    Of course, Mr. Tesla

    The concierge gives him one last strange glance as he hands Nick another key. Nick takes the key and

    turns back to the elevator and hits the 33rd

    floor. He looks at the key and the number 3327 and appears a

    bit dazed and in thought as his cell phone rings. The doors open and he walks down the hall to his room

    as he answers it. Its Adrian.



    The camera cuts to Adrian in the hospital room with Yvette Nikilov in the background in her bed with

    Casey and Velma talking to her. Adrian looks back at Yvette and then to his phone as he says in a weird



    Weve talked to Yvette have you I dont know how to say this, but have you ever met her?


    What? Of course not (Irritated) Whats this about?


    I was hoping youd tell me She gave us a name of someone. Nikola Tesla. Are you known by anyone as


    The camera cuts back to the hotel hallway as Nick kind of just stares at the phone and then looks up to

    his rooms door and the number 3327. He looks away as if in thought and a little lost as he looks back to

    the phone with one eyebrow raised like hes confused. Quick cut to:


    8) Int. Hospital. Klaipeda, Lithuania.Afternoon.

    Subtitled: An Hour Earlier

    Adrian, Casey and Velma are standing in the doorway when they first entered Yvettes room. Yvette

    spots them and says:


    You finally caught me, huh?

    Adrian and Casey exchange a glance and then walk to the side of the womans bed. Velma takes a seat

    next to the bed as Adrian looks at Yvette and says:


    Yvette Nikilov?


    Yes. I am Yvette Nikilov, the one and only. (She smiles, though its obvious shes in pain).

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    What did you mean when you said we caught you?


    I know by your type, you are a Federal Agent


    I am.


    I suppose you are here because of what happened in Dallas, 1963.

    Casey chimes in and quickly cuts Adrian off and says:


    No, were here because of Los Angeles, 1947 the murder of Elizabeth Short, the Black Dahlia

    Casey gives Adrian a look as if to back off. He complies and steps aside letting Casey talk. Yvette looks a

    bit taken back as she says:


    Oh my, how did you figure that out?


    You had a mutual friend with Red Manley OrsonWelles.


    Ah, yesO

    rson. How is he anyway?

    Casey looks confused that shed ask that.


    Hes dead.


    Oh, thats a shame


    Why did you kill Ms. Short?What could she have possibly done?


    Im afraid that would take (coughs) much more time than I have to offer.


    What did you mean by 1963, Dallas?


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    (Smiling) I think we both know.


    You shot President Kennedy, didnt you?


    It wasnt one of my finest moments, but of course I did that Oswald fellow wasnt the marksman he

    claimed to be, but I suppose it could have been nerves.

    Adrian seems shocked that she is being so forthcoming. He looks at her very sternly as he says:




    He didnt want to comply with what needed to be done. (Coughs) If he would have lost the election like

    agreed upon, he could have saved himself.


    Complied with what?


    Complied with the cause


    Who else knows about you, Ms. Nikilov?


    My involvement was no secret to your government they know Im here.


    Then why havent you been arrested?


    It was the ColdWar, dear a Russian spy shooting your president would have caused the nuclear

    holocaust. (She begins to cough very hard)


    What cause, what group were you part of?


    I cant say because I dont know all the details. They only kept us in the loop when we were involved

    with something.


    and Elizabeth Short was she part of the group?


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    Oh my, yes but she didnt know it. She delivered information between factions, but she never knew

    she was doing anything until


    Until what?


    Until she read something she shouldnt have. Thats when Red was sent in to take care of her.


    Red Manley killed Elizabeth?




    And thats what drove him to insanity


    Yes. The way they said to do it it was too much for him.


    You mean cutting her in half and giving her a Glasgow Smile. Cutting her face open.

    Yvette looks confused at that statement.


    Red didnt cut her face, but he did bisect her to complicate the investigation.


    To throw the police off and bring national attention to the case




    What else can you tell us?


    I can tell you to drop this right now. Youre going somewhere you shouldnt but no, like any other

    agent, I had limited knowledge.


    Is the organization you worked for still active?

    Yvette begins to laugh very hard which causes her to cough just as hard. She looks at Casey almost

    patronizingly as she says:

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    Dear, theyll always be around.


    Why are you telling us this?


    why, because your government already knows all of this

    Adrian is taken back by that statement and looks upset. Velma steps up and says:


    Can you give us any names? Can you tell us anyone else you know who is involved?

    Yvette thinks.


    One name comes to mind, but I believe he is dead. In my early days, I was an informant and heard hisname often


    Who is it?


    Nikola Tesla he was involved in something in Philadelphia in 1943.

    The group all looks at each other as Adrian begins to take his phone out to make the call we saw earlier.

    He dials Nick. The camera cuts to:

    9) Int. New Yorker Hotel. New York City. Morning.

    Subtitled: Present Time

    Nick is knocking on a hotel room door and we see Jeremy answer it. Without so much as a hello, Nick

    says to him:


    Get your coat, were going to Philadelphia.

    Jeremy looks confused, but rushes back into his room to get his coat, the camera cuts to:

    10) Int. Nicks Car. New Jersey Turnpike. Noon.

    Nick is driving as Jeremy is looking at the dashboard computer (a new technology in 2020). Jeremy says:


    It doesnt make sense. Nikola Tesla died in January of 1943. The Philadelphia Experiment, or Project

    Rainbow, didnt allegedly take place until October of 1943. He was dead.


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    This Yvette woman said Nikola Tesla and Philadelphia. Its the only thing that makes any sense.

    Conspiracy theorists claim he was heavily involved along with Einstein.

    Just then, Nicks phone rings and he hits a button that projects Abby Mercers face onto the windshield.


    I got some information you wanted. The Philadelphia Experiment took place onOctober 17th or 18th of

    1943, or so they say. Its said that scientists were developing a technology that would make naval ships

    appear invisible to radar and sonar of the enemy, Germany, inWorldWar 2. This was meant to deter

    undersea mines and torpedoes.

    As Abby continues, we see a grayscale flash of the events that she describes. As she talks, the following is

    shown to the audience:

    1a) Abby: According to eye witness and personnel accounts, they wired the outside of the USS Eldridge

    with miles of a metallic wire and then, without warning, they started the experiment with several men

    still on board.

    1b) As she says that, we see a naval ship at port (at night) in the Philadelphia Harbor with wires all

    around the outside hull of the ship and men rigging more wires on deck. As the men are doing this, we

    see the wires seemingly brighten up and the men that are touching the wires are electrocuted.

    2a) Abby: After a few moments, people standing on the docks claim that the ship emitted a greenish

    glow and then simply vanished with most of the men still on board. Some accounts state that some of

    the men who were on board the ship didnt actually vanish with the ship, which left them hanging in

    mid-air and then eventually falling into the water below.

    2b) We see exactly what she just said above. The camera shows onlookers covering their eyes as a

    greenish glow (only color in the grayscale scene) covers the ship and then it is gone and 3 men who wereon board are in mid-air and then fall into the water.

    3a) Abby: Now, heres where it gets weird.


    This is where it gets weird?

    3a cont.) Abby: Some people say the ship was only gone for seconds, but some state it was gone for as

    long as 15 or more minutes. At the same time in Norfolk Harbor in Virginia, men aboard the SS Furuseth,

    who were on deck, say that one minute there was no ship near them, but in a blink of an eye the USS

    Eldridge was suddenly there.

    3b) The camera is on some men doing work on the SS Furuseth when suddenly we see the USS Eldridge

    appear in the water close by. The men on the SS Furuseth all rush to the port side of the ship to look at

    this. Moments later, the USS Eldridge disappears again from the Norfolk Harbor.

    4a) Abby:When the ship reappeared in Philadelphia.Well, it wasnt pretty. Some accounts of

    personnel claim that when they boarded the USS Eldridge they found their hairs standing on end and

    found the crew that was transported either passed out, were disoriented or simply never came back

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    4b) We see the ship reappear in Philadelphia and some officers running on board. One looks at his arm

    and the hairs are on end. He then spots some of the crew and helps them up. He then turns and thats

    where he sees one of the crewmen sticking out of the deck of the ship. Half of his body is above deck and

    the other half below. He appears fused into the deck.

    5a) Abby: They also found some of the crew fused, stuck in the ship.When the ship disappeared and

    reappeared their matter didnt successfully transfer correctly. The ship was later sold to the Greek navy

    and was decommissioned in 1999 when it was sold for scrap metal


    Organic and metallic matter would, in theory, not transfer in the same manner, no.What youre talking

    about is Einsteins Unified Field Theory. Electromagnetic radiation would be created by generators and

    used to bend light and distort gravity to make it appear as the ship vanished. It wouldnt have actually

    vanished this has been tested over and over again, but never successfully.What you described is just

    wishful thinking, Abby. Not a reality.

    Abby:Well, I found someone who would sincerely disagree with you, Dr. Tesla. Hes waiting for you in

    Philadelphia and what he has to say well, its frightening, to say the least.

    Nick looks at Jeremy who is in thought, then looks at Nick and flashes an excited smile. The camera cuts


    11) Int. Hospital. Klaipeda, Lithuania. Evening.

    Adrian and Casey are getting coffee in the hospital cafeteria. They sit down at a table and Casey says:

    Casey:So, what are you going to do?


    What do you mean?


    Well, you heard what she said your government knows all about this they were involved in the cover-



    What can I do? If I bring it up, theyll know I was here talking to her.


    You think they already know that? I mean, do you think they had anything to do with Matts shooting?

    Adrian doesnt answer, he just looks at Casey like he isnt sure or that its possible. Casey looks away, and

    then we see her expression turn to one of surprise and urgency. The camera pans to what shes looking

    at and down the corridor we see a man dressed in a black suit, tie and shoes. Its the same man she

    spotted on the flight from NY to San Francisco in episode 1. She grabs Adrians arm and says:

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    Adrian, look that guy

    Adrian turns and looks.


    Hes been following me since the day of our first meeting with the Benefactor he was on the flight to

    San Francisco when we went to meet Abby!


    Are you sure?


    Im positive.

    Adrian turns and looks at the man who is now turning around and walking away. Adrian gets up and

    begins to walk towards him and this is when the man beings to run. Adrian turns back to Casey who

    jumps up and then he takes off after the guy. Adrian runs down the hall and screams:


    FBI, stop!

    The man doesnt stop; instead he turns into a stairwell and runs down. Adrian pulls out his gun as he runs

    down the steps after him. The man turns and looks up at Adrian, then bolts out a door. Adrian follows

    and once hes in a lower floors hallway he looks around, but the man is nowhere to be seen. He then

    hears a nurse scream and he runs in the direction of her. Once he gets to her she looks at Adrian and

    points to a window that has been broken. Adrian runs to the window and looks out. It is a 2 story drop

    and there is glass all over the ground below. Adrian looks around outside and thats when we see the

    man run to an alleyway. He stops and looks up at Adrian. The two of them stare at each other until theman turns and walks down the alley. Adrian catches his breath and puts his gun in its holster. He turns

    around to walk back and this is where we see the nurse again. She hands Adrian something and says:


    Jis atsisak io. Drop.

    Adrian looks down at what she has handed him. It appears to be some sort of badge, but its very

    different than any badge weve ever seen. It is in the shape of an upside-down red triangle and has a

    black star in the middle of it. Adrian just looks at it as the camera cuts to:


    12) FLASHBACK. Tesla Household. Philadelphia, Pa. Evening.

    The scene opens with Young Nick in his bedroom watching the news on television. On the time-bar at the

    bottom of the screen we see that it is 6:36pm March 17th, 1990. Suddenly, we hear a CRASH! Nick jumps

    up from his bed and leaves his room. He is walking down the hallway when he hears arguing coming

    from the kitchen. He gets to the doorway and he pokes his head in and we see his parents fighting. His

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    father (played by James Woods) and his mother (played by Judith Light) both are in make-up and wigs

    to appear in their 40sare screaming at each other.


    Who is she?!


    There isnt anyone, Meredith damn it, how many times do I have to say that?!


    So, what is it then, Nick? Youre work?! After all, the lab has always been your number one priority

    How many times have you used that one?!

    Nick Senior:

    For Gods sake, Meredith, get over it.We havent been happy for a year now.


    Dont you dare blame this on him again, Nick if you werent so hard on him maybe this wouldnt havehappened!

    Nick Senior:

    Blame me, not him I guess Im the one that had sex with the girl to knock her up

    Young Nick is in the doorway and he turns back to the hallway and puts his back against the wall

    knowing they are talking about him.

    Nick Senior:

    I didnt think so I have to leave, Meredith, I cant take this environment anymore.


    If you leave, dont you dare ever come back I want you out of both our lives. Do you understand that?!

    Nick Senior:

    You know what, thats perfectly fine with me In fact, Ill never show my face in Philly again, hows that

    for you?!


    Get the hell out of my house GET OUT!!!

    Meredith throws a plate at him. Nick Senior looks like hes going to hit her, but he composes himself and

    walks out of the kitchen past Nick. He looks at Nick sitting on the floor and he gives him a dirty look. Nick

    Senior then walks down the steps and out the front door leaving Nick sitting there against the wall with a

    blank look on his face. The camera red tone quick cuts to:

    13) END OF FLASHBACK. Int. Nicks Car. Outside ofPhiladelphia, Pa. Evening.

    Nick and Jeremy pass a sign that says Welcome to Philadelphia.Jeremy turns to Nick and says:

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    So, you grew up here, right?


    Yeah, I did a lot of growing here Keep an eye out for Naval Yard signs.


    Why would this guy want to meet you there? Think he has proof of something?


    I doubt he has anything, Abbys report on him shows that he has a history of mental illness.


    So did that Red Manley guy they found in LA he was insane, but they found out he was involved with

    the Black Dahlia. I see a reoccurring pattern here.

    Nick gives Jeremy a strange look with a condescending smirk as he says:


    Thank you detective Kozlak how many years you been on the force?

    Jeremy rolls his eyes and turns back to the road and the camera cuts to:

    14) Int. Jan Hanussens Boardroom. New York City, NY. Evening.

    Cynthia is sitting at the boardroom table with Eric in his seat at the end. We see that she has Adrian and

    Casey on a conference call with them being projected on the wall as seen with Abby in the first episode.

    Theyve all been talking already as Cynthia says:


    From what Ive found in the archives about Nikola Tesla well, the man was more insane than I first

    thought. He was born in 1856 and died at the age of 86 in 1943. In his lifetime, he dealt mainly with

    electricity. He wasnt well liked by his peers like Edison or Einstein because he claimed they stole many

    of his ideas He also had a lot of experiments with energy and energy transmission. Its documented

    that within his lab on Houston Street, here in the city, he managed to actually wirelessly transfer

    electricity from a generator coil and light up everything within a blocks radius.


    Very interesting.Were still having trouble doing that today.


    Any connection to Nick, our Nick?


    No Nikola had no children or siblings so Nick isnt directly related. On a personal note, Nikola was

    OCD. He was obsessed with the number 3 and would only do things in multiples of 3. Towards the end

    of his life, he apparently developed a death-ray. This isnt known or not because the he was

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    commissioned by the US government to develop it and any evidence of the device has been confiscated

    by the government.


    Thats not surprising


    Well, he called it a direct energy weapon where he would vacuum energy into a single beam and then

    release it a high powered acceleration. Teleforce weapons it isnt farfetched, actually. If he actually

    managed to create this in the 30s or not is debatable I mean, the last 10 years of his life he claimed

    that he talked to a white pigeon that would fly to his hotel room window each night crazy.


    A white pigeon, really?Odd.


    Its a strange coincidence about Nick though


    Mr. Jan Hanussen, any luck finding out who shot Matthew?


    I have my best men working on that right now Anything else from Yvette?


    Shes very ill the medication she takes leaves her coming in and out Velmas staying with her in case

    she wakes up.


    Well, I have a suspicion that the same man that was following us has something to do with who shot

    Matt. Let me know of any developments.


    Will do, good luck.

    Cynthia ends the phone/video conversation and turns to Eric.


    I need to get back to Rhode Island Im trying to sell my home and buy a new one.


    Cassandra squared everything away with your husband then?


    Ex-husband, thanks to her.

    Eric smiles at Cynthia, who as usual doesnt return the smile. The camera cuts to:

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    15) Ext. 8th

    Avenue where Matthew was shot. New York, NY. Evening.

    The camera opens on Draven and Conor Vith as they stand in the spot where Matt was shot. They are

    looking around, but seem to be a bit lost.


    What are you looking for?


    Security cameras there has to be one aimed in the direction that the bullet was fired from. Ever since

    2012, the Public Awareness Act came into effect leaving a camera on every street corner.


    The UK had that since the 1990s.


    Well, here in the states we value our privacy Look, over there, that boutique has one aimed in the rightdirection lets go.

    Conor and Draven head towards the boutique. The camera cuts to the two of them with the shop owner

    sitting in a back room of the store looking at a video screen. Conor is fast forwarding the tape.


    It happened at 4am.


    Do you think well actually find anything?

    Shop Owner:

    If he was shot at 4, then youll see it by law, I can never turn the cameras off they live feed to the

    CVA building downtown.




    Central Video Archives. Every region has a central place where all surveillance goes. This is it!

    The camera cuts to the monitor and we see Nick and Matthew being thrown out of the bar the night

    before. We see them stumbling around and then we see Matthew fall to the ground. Conor connects a

    device to the shop owners computer and the video is now playing on Conors device as well.


    Over there look. (He points) Someones over there, where the bullet woulda came from.

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    He zooms in on his device, but something odd happens when he does it. Everything is very clear as he

    zooms to the suspect, except that the suspect is blurred out. Everything else is clear as a bell except for

    the suspect. Conor looks intrigued. Draven looks confused.


    Thats very very strange.


    Why is it blurry?


    Theres only one explanation. Someone at the CVA intentionally blurred it out.


    Why?...Why would they do it?


    Its an inside job, smart guy they couldnt remove the video from the archives or it would have beenflagged instead, they altered the video.


    Can you clear up the image?


    Ill send it to Abby; see what she can do

    The shop owner looks at Draven who exchanges the same confused look as the camera cuts to:

    16) Ext. Navy Yard. Philadelphia, PA. Evening.

    Nick and Jeremy are walking from their car to an embankment that overlooks the harbor. We see several

    decommissioned navy ships at port. Its very industrial looking. Jeremy turns to Nick and says:


    What if this is some sort of a trap you know by whoever shot Matthew.


    I expect it to be.

    Jeremy turns to Nick and doesnt look happy about the answer. They spot a man sitting on a bench next

    to the water. Nick turns to Jeremy and says:


    Maybe you should stay back, in case the guy tries something. Go back to the car.



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    Just do it, I got enough people shot in the past 24 hours go!

    Jeremy turns back and Nick continues down to the man (played by Terry Kinney) sitting on the bench.

    Nick sits down next to him and we see the man is extremely frazzled looking. He is balding, seems to

    have small tremors and very thick glasses. We then see that the man is missing an arm. Nick says to him:


    Are you Henry Galveston?


    Y-y-y-yes I am

    The man speaks with a stutter. Nick gives him a once-over and says:


    I understand you have information on the Philadelphia Experiment.


    I d-d-do. Shhhhhhh (he puts his finger over his mouth) Call it the F-f-flower Event they listen and they

    watch us theyre everywhere


    Who is everywhere?



    Nick doesnt look amused, but he looks around and there is no one in sight.


    My friend said she found you through a network of conspiracy nuts

    The man gives Nick a darting look at the word nut. Nick quickly catches himself and continues:


    conspiracy group about the Phila Flower Event.Why do you want to talk to me?


    Because theyre d-d-d-doing it again.


    Doing what?


    Transp-p-porting people through time.

    Henry hands Nick a folder, but doesnt let it go until he says:

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    D-d-dont open this until you leave. (He points upwards to the sky) They watch us with satellites.

    Nick is very skeptical about this guy and you can tell.


    What can you tell me about the Flower Event?


    It happened right over there.


    Do you have proof?


    Yes I was t-t-there.

    Nick, now obviously frustrated, looks directly at the man and says:


    What are you, like 50? That happened over 50 years ago! You couldnt have been there!


    You see my arm?


    What about it?

    Henry:They had to c-c-c-cut it off.




    When I came back, half of it was on one side of the w-w-wall and the other half was on the other.


    Youre saying you were fused to the ship? Its not possible. Besides your age still doesnt fit the

    timeframe thanks for wasting my time.

    Nick throws the folder back at the man and walks towards his car. The man stands up and says:


    Dr. T-T-T-Tesla told me about the death-ray in Montauk.

    Nick stops and turns around. The man continues:

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    I d-disappeared in 1943. I was p-part of the team who designed the p-project. I was on the ship when it

    vanished. I v-v-vanished and came back in 1999. I was t-thirty three when I disappeared.When I c-c-

    came back, it was 1999 and I was in Greeceon the ship with my arm s-s-stuck in the wall... still t-t-

    thirty three.

    Nick swallows hard.


    Thats impossible.

    The man suddenly becomes very antsy and he looks around everywhere. He grabs his left ear with his

    hand and tries to bury the right ear into his left shoulder as if something is hurting his ears. He turns and

    runs up to Nick where he says:


    The f-f-folder. Theyre c-c-coming!!!

    With that, the man turns and runs up the embankment to an old car where he rummages for his keys stilllooking like he is in pain from a noise or something. Nick stands there and watches. Jeremy is about 60

    feet away from Henrys car as he gets out of Nicks car. Jeremy turns to Nick and yells:


    Whats going on?!

    Nick just looks at Jeremy as Henry gets into his car and starts it. Then BANG!!!! There is a massive

    explosion as Henry and his car explode!!! Jeremy is thrown against Nicks car and falls to the ground, but

    manages to get up as Nick shields his eyes from the explosion. Jeremy looks at Nick who is obviously

    stunned. Nick watches the flames, then starts towards his car, but then stops. He turns back and runs to

    the bench where he threw the folder at Henry. As he is picking up the papers, he sees a birth certificatefor a Henry Galveston. It states he was born on October 9

    th, 1910. That would make him 33 at the time of

    the Philadelphia Experiment. Nick looks back at the car and his expression shows he isnt as skeptical

    anymore. The camera cuts to:


    17) Int. New Yorker Hotel Lobby. New York, NY. Late Evening.

    Nick and Jeremy walk into the hotel lobby doors, both blatantly exhausted. They reach the elevators and

    Jeremy says:


    What now?


    I dont know, but but lets keep what happened in Philadelphia tonight between us for now.


    We really should tell them

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    No just let me think on it for a night. Well tell them in the morning.

    Jeremy nods and looks down. Nick, somewhat intuitively, looks at Jeremy and says:


    Dont do it, Jeremy.


    Do what?


    Go to the hotel bar. Just go on up to your room.

    Jeremy nods. Nick pats him on the back and then gets onto an elevator. Jeremy stays behind and the

    doors close. Jeremy turns around and looks at the bar entrance through the lobby. He starts to walk

    towards it, but then stops and turns around. He turns and looks back towards the bar and he sees her

    again, the cute girl he was infatuated with at breakfast. He smiles and then starts towards the bar. Hewalks in and takes a seat next to her at the bar. He smiles at her and she smiles at him. He looks down

    and sees that she has a dog with her, a Scottish Terrier.


    Cute dog.


    Thank you, her name is Foxy Brown.

    Jeremy laughs.


    Foxy Brown as in the old rapper from when we were kids?


    Foxy Brown as in the old classic movie from the 70s she was kind of a spy who sought out revenge for

    her boyfriends killers


    Well, thats not something you want to hear from a beautiful woman youve just met.

    She laughs and says:


    Well, first off, thank you but I named her that because I rescued her from a man who abused her and

    her boy-dog companion he also owned. He kicked him to death Anyway, I found it fitting because she

    went crazy and attacked the guy who did it.


    Wow. I have to say, this maybe the strangest opening conversation Ive ever had with a girl at a bar.

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    Well, lets start over then my name is Beth.


    Im Jeremy. Pleasure to meet you, Beth and Foxy Brown of course

    Beth smiles at Jeremy as he bends down and shakes Foxy Browns paw.


    So, what are ya drinking?

    Jeremy looks at the bar then back at Beth who does a sexy hair flip type flirty thing. He sighs and the

    camera cuts to:

    18) Int. Nicks Hotel Room. New Yorker Hotel. New York, NY. Late Evening.

    Nick is sitting in a chair in his room staring at the folder that Henry gave him thats sitting on the bed. He

    then looks at his key card to the room and the number 3327. He throws the key card across the room andthen he gets up and flips his chair over. He knocks a lamp off of the desk and then punches the wall. To

    his surprise, his fist goes right through the plaster. When he pulls his hand out, he takes a big chunk of

    the wall with him. He knocks the plaster off of his hands and he falls back onto his bed. He screams out



    What does it all mean?!!?

    After lying in bed staring at the ceiling, he sits up and looks at the hole in the wall and at the top of the

    hole he sees something red. Intrigued, he walks over and looks up into the hole. It looks like a box. He

    reaches in and pulls out the box knocking whatever plaster that is in the way off of the wall. He pulls thebox out and he looks at it. You need a key to open it. He tries to pry it open, but is unsuccessful. Finally he

    goes into the marble bathroom and put the lock part of the box on the marble countertop. He then grabs

    a bronze statue from the shelf and starts to beat the lock. Finally, it pops open. He slowly opens it and

    inside is nothing but a key and a notebook. He flips through the notebook and its nothing but equations

    and ramblings. He looks at the key and tosses the notebook to the side. When he does this, a drawing

    falls out of it. He picks it up and it appears to be some sort of mock-up of a large device (See casting

    sheet). He looks at it and says:


    Youve got to be kidding me.

    Nick puts the drawing back and then looks at the notebook again and he sees Houston Street.Nick

    jumps up and runs out of the hotel room.

    19) Int. Hospital. Klaipeda, Lithuania. Dawn.

    The camera opens on Velma as she wakes up and looks out the window as the morning sun peeks

    through. She begins to sit up in the chair that she fell asleep in, but she notices that Yvette is on the

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    phone speaking to someone. Velma sits back and closes her eyes again as Yvette looks over at her.

    Seemingly reassured, Yvette turns back to the phone and says:


    A labai atsipraau generalinis direktorius. Ne, a nesakiau nieko apie jus. A atsisakyti papildom


    Velmas eyes shoot open as the camera cuts to:

    20) Int. Hotel Room. Klaipeda, Lithuania. Dawn.

    Adrian is sitting in the darkness of his room looking at the badge that the mysterious man left behind at

    the hospital the day before. He throws it on his bed and he gets up. His phone rings and he answers it.

    Its Velma from the hospital rooms bathroom. She says to Adrian:


    I think you need to get here right now.


    What happened, is Yvette ok?


    Shes more ok, but I dont want to say anything over the phone.


    Ill grab Casey and well be there right away.

    Adrian hangs up the phone and he leaves his room and walks down the hall to Caseys room. He taps on

    the door, but there is no answer. He tries the knob and the door is open, so he opens it and walks in. Hesays:


    Casey, rise and shine, we got to get to the

    Thats when Adrian spots him. There is a man in Caseys room and hes going through her bags! The man

    shoots a look at Adrian and reaches for his gun. Adrian reaches down and grabs his gun and aims at the

    man, but the man shoots his gun at Adrian first!!! Casey jumps up from the bed and screams. She looks

    around and sees whats going on and Adrian yells:


    Get down!

    Casey rolls off the bed onto the floor and Adrian opens the bathroom door and uses it as a shield against

    incoming bullets. The man continues to fire at Adrian non-stop as he tries to make his way to the hotel

    room door. Adrian shoots back rapidly, but this man has an advanced gun that seemingly fires off rounds

    at an incredible speed not allowing Adrian to come out from behind the door. The man makes his way

    past the bed and as he is nearing his exit we hear Velmas voice and then see her across the room! The

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    gunman turns and fires at Velma, but thats when we realize that its just her projection on the wall

    coming from Caseys phone under the bed.


    Hello? Hello?

    As the man is focused on Velmas projection shooting her in the projected head, Adrian comes out from

    behind the door and shoots the guy in the leg! The man falls to the ground and his gun flies across the

    room. Adrian stands over the guy who is screaming in pain and he turns to Casey as she gets out from

    under the bed. She looks at her phone and says:


    Sorry, Velma.

    She hangs up. Adrian looks at her and says:


    That was some serious quick thinking


    What can I say? The man rudely woke me up he had it coming.


    Ill definitely keep that in mind

    Adrian walks to the man and looks down. The man is conscious, but with one swift kick to the head from

    Adrian, he isnt. The camera cuts to black then to:

    21) Ext. SoHo Billiard Sports Center. Houston Street, New York City, NY. Late Night.

    Nick gets out of his cab and looks around. He spots several addresses, but finally he finds the one he is

    looking for. It is 46 E. Houston Street. He looks above the address and sees that the building is now a Pool

    Hall. He sighs very disheartened and shakes his head. He looks down and in the window he sees a neon

    sign that resembles a cocktail glass and he looks up into the sky and says:


    Thank you.

    Nick walks into the bar/pool hall and takes a seat at the bar. He looks very depressed as the female

    bartender walks up and says:


    What can I get ya?


    Well, a time machine would be nice, but Ill take a dirty martini.

    She smiles and says:

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    I hear that, brotha (As she makes the drink) Lady troubles? Lord knows I got em.

    Nick smiles and shakes his head.


    No, more like ghost troubles.




    Not actual ghosts, just my past... and someone elses past I guess I was just hoping to find something

    here that I knew wouldnt be here.

    She sits down his drink.

    Nick:But this this is definitely here (he points to the drink), thank you.


    Whatd you think youd find here?


    I dont know answers a mad scientists lab a death ray something. (He says comically)


    Oh, you mean the old Tesla lab?

    Nick chokes as he takes a drink of his martini. He looks up at her and says:


    What the hell whatd you just say?!


    What, you one of those history nuts?We get em all the time. Im sorry, but I cant let you into the

    basement, my father would kill me you know, insurance reasons.

    Thinking rather quickly, Nick whips out his drivers license and slides it across the bar to her. She looks at

    it and she looks back up at Nick who is smiling at her.


    Well, Ill be a son of a bitch

    The camera cuts to the two of them walking down into the basement of the billiard hall.


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    Im so glad you have decided to drop by tonight.


    Im sorry, do I know you?


    No, but Im that lovely bartenders grandfather. She said you were here.


    Oh, nice to meet you thanks for letting me see the old lab


    I know you came here to find answers Im surprised your grandfather or father never came.

    Nick:Excuse me?


    Well, weve owned this place since Nikola Tesla died, so I had a firsthand look at his contraptions and

    documents I had no use for any of them, so I gave everything to museums well, what the

    government didnt take, anyway. But, there was one thing that I thought Tesla wouldnt want to be

    public knowledge. Only his family should know this.

    The man hands Nick an old envelope. Nick takes it. The man smiles at Nick and Nick forces a smile back.

    The man then wheels himself back towards the bar. Nick looks at the envelope and walks out of the bar.

    Its now storming outside as Nick hails a cab and gets in. Once inside the cab he says to the cabbie:


    The New Yorker

    The cabbie pulls away. Nick opens the envelope and looks through the papers. It looks like memoirs. He

    reaches a page that intrigues him and his expression changes. First its awe and it slowly transforms to a

    smile. The camera cuts to the page and we see a line in a paragraph that reads, Iwouldnt have been a

    good father andEstelle knew that. Seeing the baby for the first time was when Ihad the greatest

    epiphany of all. Nicolas was more brilliant than any energy fieldIve ever laid my eyes on. Ifelt love

    for the first time in my life and it was truly my best invention to date, but an invention Icould never

    take credit forNick reads on with a grin on his face and for the first time in the episode, looks like hes

    at peace. The camera fades to black.


    22) FLASHBACK. Ext. Graveyard. Stormy Morning.

    The camera opens on Nick standing in front of a group of people who are all wearing black. It is raining,

    so everyone has umbrellas, everyone except for Nick. The camera pulls back and we see it is a funeral in a

  • 8/9/2019 "The Chosen" episode 103 "White Pigeon"


    graveyard with a photo of Nicks father over the casket. Nick looks much younger (makeup and wig and

    whatnot). People are walking to the casket and putting flowers on it. When it is Nicks turn he looks up at

    his fathers photo above the casket and simply turns around and walks away. His mother runs after him

    and says:


    Nick, please were in public. You cant


    I can, mother. The man was a bastard. He vanishes for nearly 10 years and were expected to grieve? I

    dont think so. The only thing he has ever given me is science


    Believe it or not, Nick your father was a compassionate man. Very capable of love.


    Like I said, the only thing I got from him was science.


    You are a very caring man, Nick dont sell yourself short.

    Nick looks down then back at his mother.


    Ill see you around.

    Nick walks towards the road as his mother just watches him go. Nick reaches his car and we see a

    woman leaning against it and shes wearing a black veil over her face. He says to her:


    Excuse me, youre on my car.

    She turns around and looks at him and smiles as she says:


    Hey, Nick.


    Do I know you?


    Every time I look up at the stars, I still think about you.

    Nicks mouth drops open.



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    She lifts her veil and Danni is now obviously older (played by Cynthia Watros and shes made up to look

    in her 20s). She smiles at him. He doesnt share the sentiment.


    What are you doing here?


    I knew youd be here. Ive tried to find you, but no one ever knows where you are.


    What do you want, Danni?

    Nick really wants nothing to do with her and she can see that.


    Leaving the way I did 10 years ago it wasnt right. Every single day, I feel guilt.

    Nick:So youre here to clear your conscious. Save it, Danni, I dont care anymore.


    This was a mistake.

    Danni walks away down the road and Nick gets in his car. He starts it and drives up past her and doesnt

    even look at her as he passes. He shuts his eyes, stops the car and slams it into reverse. He pulls up next

    to her and rolls down the passenger window. He looks at her and says:


    Whatd you have?


    Im sorry?


    The baby, what was it?

    Danni looks down, sad. She looks up at Nick as she puts her hands on the car door and looks in. She softly



    I didnt, Nick my parent made me

    Nick looks straight forward and then slams the car into drive and takes off down the road leaving Danni

    standing in the middle of the road in the rain as the car speeds away. The camera red toned quick cuts


    23) END OF FLASH. Ext. Colonial Home. Dawn.

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    Nick is standing outside of an old beautiful colonial home knocking on the red front door. After a few

    moments, a woman answers. It is Meredith Tesla and shes in her bathrobe. She looks surprised as she

    looks at Nick and hugs him tightly as she says:


    Nicky! Youve come home!

    She is ecstatic as she hugs him. He doesnt hug back and his face shows he isnt as happy, but then he

    lets out a little grin and puts his arms around her. The camera cuts to the kitchen where she is brewing

    some fresh coffee and has a spring in her step as she is bombarding him with questions:


    so work is good then?


    Its fine.

    Meredith:You always did love to work where are you working now?


    New York City


    Oh, how exciting!... (Pause) Any women


    No, mother. Look, I came to ask you something.

    Nick says that with complete seriousness as she goes to grab some toast he says:


    Stop it! Please, mom please just sit down, I need to talk.

    She drops the bread and sits down across from him at the breakfast table. She looks concerned.


    When dad was alive did he ever say anything about his grandfather?


    No, not that Im aware of he didnt talk much about his family.Why?


    Have you ever heard of Nikola Tesla? The famous well, somewhat famous inventor.


    I read things, but no.Why?

  • 8/9/2019 "The Chosen" episode 103 "White Pigeon"



    I think he maybe my great-great grandfather.


    Where would you get an idea like that?


    Strange things have been happening lately coincidences. I came across something that leads me to

    believe were related.


    You dont believe in coincidence, Nick you never have.

    She takes his hands.


    Nicky, whats this all about? After all of these years you dont come around, then suddenly you come

    here with this?What would a relationship with Nikola Tesla matter?

    Nick looks down and then away.


    It doesnt sorry mom, I need to get going

    Upset, she shakes her head ok. Nick gets up from the table and hugs her. The camera cuts to him

    pulling out of the driveway as Meredith goes to the kitchen phone and dials. She has a very serious look

    on her face and she boldly says:

    Meredith:Your son was just here. Hes asking questions about Nikola Tesla.

    The camera cuts to a man on the other line. The camera pans up and we see it is Nicolas Senior, hes not

    dead! He doesnt show any emotion as he says:

    Nicolas Senior:

    I was afraid of that has he asked any questions about the other thing?


    Other thing?! You mean my grandson?

    Nicolas Senior:

    (Annoyed) Yes, Meredith his son.


    No. If he knew, I would have been able to tell.

    Nicolas Senior:

    Good. Lets keep it that way.

  • 8/9/2019 "The Chosen" episode 103 "White Pigeon"


    Danni lied about the abortion. The camera cuts to:

    24) The rest of the show is just the following images with the song SpiesbyColdplay(found here:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iku5Ki2z7p8) dubbed over. The appropriate times noted correlate to

    the scene at hand:

    1. Lyrics:

    I awake to find no peace of mind.

    I said how do you live

    1) :15-:34 We see Nick walking down 6th

    Avenue in NYC with the rain pouring down. He doesnt have an

    umbrella as he walks soaking wet with his hands in his pockets looking deep and thought and a little sad.

    2. Lyrics:

    As a fugitive?

    Down here, where I cannot see so clear

    2) :35-:44 We see Draven sitting next to a window with the rain streaming down as he looks through his

    wallet and takes out a photo of Charles Banks, the roommate he murdered in cold blood in episode 1. Helooks extremely upset as he looks at the photo.

    3. Lyrics:

    I said what do I know?

    Show me the right way to go.

    And the spies came out of the water,

    But you're feeling so bad 'coz you know

    3):45-1:04 The camera cuts to Conor as he is in a windowless room and he is putting paste on the back of

    a piece of paper. He flips it over and its a photo of the un-blurred suspect who shot Matthew, but we

    only see the gun with the symbol on it. The camera pans to a wall with photos of all our characters on itwith lines connecting them. He puts it on the wall next to the photo of Adrian.

    4. Lyrics:

    And the spies hide out in every corner.

    But you can't touch them no,

    'Coz they're all spies.

    They're all spies.

    4) 1:05-1:34Adrian, Casey and Velma are looking at the gunman slumped over in his chair all tied up and

    still passed out. Adrian walks to the window (night outside) and notices a red beam of light coming

    through the window, he turns quickly and see a red dot move across the room and it ends up on Velmas

    head. He dives at her pushing her out of the way and we see the window shatter and a bullet hit the

    gunman in the head. Adrian looks up and then down disappointed.

    5. Instrumental

    5)1:35-1:44 The camera cuts to Nick as he enters his hotel, goes to the elevator, then to room 3327. He

    opens the door and goes in and throws his notebook onto the bed where the files from Henry are. The

    camera zooms in on Montauk.

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    6. Lyrics:

    I awake to see that no one is free.

    We're all fugitives - look at the way we live

    6)1:45-1:58 The camera cuts to Abby as she has a solemn look on her face. The camera slowly pulls back

    to reveal she is in the Patton State hospital visiting her sister. Her sister has no expression and is

    vegetative as Abby takes her hand and a tear falls down her face.

    7. Lyrics:

    Down here, I cannot sleep from fear. no

    I said which way do I turn?

    Oh I forget everything I learn.

    7)1:59-2:11 Cut to Cynthia as she is packing boxes in her living room where she looks at a framed photo

    of her and her ex-husband. She stares at it for a moment then throws it against the wall shattering it.

    8. Lyrics:

    And the spies came out of the water.But you're feeling so bad 'coz you know

    And the spies hide out in every corner.

    8)2:12-2:30 Cut to a hotel room where we see Jeremy lying in bed staring at the ceiling with his eyes

    wide open. The camera pans over to reveal Beth lying in bed with him as she rolls over and puts her arm

    around him. He looks over at the dresser and we see an empty bottle of whisky sitting there and he

    closes his eyes.

    9. Lyrics:

    But you can't touch them no,

    'Coz they're all spies.

    9)2:31-2:45 Cut to the Benefactors face as he rubs his eyes. The camera pulls back and we see hes in a

    hospital room and Matthew Tagalog is lying in the bed. The Benefactor puts his head down in shame.

    10. Lyrics:

    They're all spies.

    10)2:46-3:00 Cut to Cassandra as she is sitting at her desk. She moves some files and she looks down to

    see the Medical Report from the Scientist in episode 2. The file says Blood TestResultsand Cassandra

    opens the file and picks up a sheet that says TerminalIllnessand the name next to it is Jeremy Kozlak.

    11. Lyrics:

    And if we don't hide here,

    They're gonna find us.

    And if we don't hide now,

    They're gonna catch us when we sleep.

    And if we don't hide here,

    They're gonna find us.

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    11)3:01-3:42 Cut back to Nick as he stands over the bed with all the files, notebooks, death-ray sketch

    and the key he found sitting there. He rubs his eyes and turns back to the window where he sits down in

    a chair and looks out. Just then, a white pigeon flies onto the ledge and looks in at Nick. Nick looks at it

    and gently puts his finger out and strokes the birds head and it doesnt fly away. Nick smiles and then

    pulls a letter out of his pocket that says, To Mr. Jan Hanussen: Iquit.He puts the letter on his desk and

    walks out of the room. As the door closes, the camera cuts to:



    Adrian Rezek: -----Nestor Carbonell

    Hal Holbrook: -----Eric Jan Hanussen

    Phylicia Rashad: -----Velma Logan

    Melissa George:-----Casey Christina

    Jensen Ackles: -----Conor Vith

    Katey Sagal: -----Cynthia Brand

    Beth Price: -----Mila Kunis

    Seth Gabel: -----Jeremy Kozlak

    James Scott: -----Simon Draven

    James P. Stuart: -----Nicolas Tesla

    Carey Mulligan: -----Abby Mercer

    DietherOcampo: ---Matthew Tagalog

    Denise Vasi: -----Cassandra Millerick


    Nick Tesla Sr. -----JamesWoodsMeredith Tesla -----Judith Light

    Young Danni: -----Danika Stewart

    Young Nick: -----Daniel Reese Thompson

    Older Danni: -----CynthiaWatros

    Henry Galveston:---Terry Kinney

    Bartenders Dad:---George Morfogen

    April Matson: -----April Mercer

    Paul Lieber: -----Martin Brand

    To Be Casted: -----Scientist 1

    To Be Casted: -----Scientist 2

    To Be Casted: -----Old Man At Breakfast

    To Be Casted: -----OldWoman At Breakfast

    To Be Casted: -----Concierge

    To Be Casted: -----Shop Owner

    To Be Casted: -----Bartender

    And: Angela Lansbury as Yvette Nikilov