the crusades how the muslims learned to hate the west

The Crusades The Crusades How the Muslims learned to

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Page 1: The Crusades How the Muslims learned to hate the West

The CrusadesThe Crusades

How the Muslims

learned to hate the West

Page 2: The Crusades How the Muslims learned to hate the West

The Start of the Crusades• In 1070 AD, Pope Urban

II told his European that they needed to liberate Israel from the Turks and Muslims.

• The Crusaders marched all the way to Israel, killing almost 70,000 Muslims.

• This was the first Crusade.

Pope Urban II addresses the European people

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A Map of the Crusades

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The Third, Most Brutal Crusade

• Salah-al-Din (Saladin) was a Muslim leader.

• Salahdin vs. King Richard.

• King Richard kills many Muslims.

King Richard I

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Richard Vs. Salahdin

• Battles were fierce, but both men respected each other.

• Fought as equals.• Something the

Muslims didn’t experience since.

• 1193, Richard went back to England.

• Salahdin had won.

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The End of the Crusades• Salahdin died that

same year• He left a huge empire.• After a total of 8, the

Crusades ended in 1291.

• The Muslims looked on the Christians as infidels.

• Still trusted the Jews.

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“Entry of the Crusaders into Constantinople on 12 April 1204”by Eugene Delacroix


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The Crusades’ Everlasting Affect On the Muslims

• Became isolated from “West.”

• Believe that Europe ended their “Golden Age.”

• The Crusades is a faded event for the West, but it still lives in the minds of the Muslims to this day.

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How the English and the French denied the Muslims of their



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Napoleon and the French Invasion

• Napoleon Bonaparte wanted his empire bigger than England’s.

• Decided to conquer Middle East.

• Was kind to Muslims.

• But they still did not like him because of his use of technology.

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The Revolt In Cairo• The Muslims of Cairo

revolted against the French.

• Napoleon was surprised.

• He ordered his troops to shoot any Egyptian who carried a weapon.

• After being in control for 3 years, Napoleon went back to Europe.

Napoleon rides his horse in battle

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From Ottoman to England

• During WWI, England promised to give an independent Arab state if they helped defeat the Ottoman Turks.

• Unaware to the Muslims, Sykes-Picot Agreement did opposite.

• Arab revolt against Turks.

Arabs Revolt Against Ottomans

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T.E. Lawrence & Faisal Hussein• T.E. Lawrence, aka Lawrence of Arabia,

sent to bring order to Arab revolt.

• Met Faisal Hussein, son of Sharif Hussein.

• Successfully fought Turks.

• Guerilla war tactics.

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The Fate of the Middle East• January 18, 1919, both went to

Paris Peace Conference.• Interest was in territory, not

peace.• Rather than Arab independence,

Middle East divided into small territories by Europeans.

• Changed masters from Muslim Turks to European Christians.

An Arabian Desert

Versailles Peace Conference

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Zionism• Threat to Fallahin, Arab

peasants in Palestine.• Jews bought up their land for

prices they could not pay.• Balfour Declaration promised

a Jewish homeland.• Palestinians rioted.• White Paper in 1939 promised

Palestine to Arabs now.• In 1948, UN voted to make

Palestine a Jewish state, not an Arab one.

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Foreign Office

The Balfour DeclarationNovember 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,Arthur James Balfour

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Muslims Vs. West• Muslims countries colonized by Europeans.• France brought ideas of Western development to backward

Muslims.• Britain promised an independent state to Arabs but gave it to

the Jews in 1948.• Muslims say West plots to get their oil but won’t not share

better technology.• Say holy religion of Islam disrespected.• Result is feelings of resentment and hostility towards West.

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