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Page 1: The Healing Codes · Web viewThursday Night Q&A 04.24.2008. Tom Costello Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello. On behalf

The Healing Codes 04.24.2008 1Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

The Healing CodesThursday Night Q&A

04.24.2008.Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes question and answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello. On behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call.

Tonight in this hemisphere it is April 24, 2008. Everything on this call is being recorded. That recording is available as a download from our website:

This Q&A call is one of several ways we provide support. The recording is another. Having e-mail support is another. I would say that the use of The Healing Codes coaching that is included with The Healing Codes packages is probably the most important form of support that we provide to our clients. Using that coaching, using The Healing Codes during that timeframe pretty much guarantees a noticeable impact on whatever issue you’re working on. So I would certainly encourage you to use that, take advantage of that.

Tonight we ask any of you who are uncertain about any part of The Healing Codes process to ask questions about it. That uncertainty has a tendency to get us to put our foot on the brake. The foot on the brake, if you’re driving, is a good thing sometimes. However, it slows down our progress because we’re not sure. We’re thinking we’re not doing things correctly. Those kinds of thought processes we want to put to rest.

We like people to tell us of their experiences. We like the validation. It also serves as a form of encouragement to other people on this line. We’re definitely open to dealing with challenges and issues that are occurring. We’ll take those things on head first.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. In addition I like to say that the opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m pleased. If they don’t, just let them go flying by.

I want to deal with a couple of points before I ask Jodi to explain how to get into the queue. One of these fundamental points is the idea that self-disapproval is what I believe to be a step in the wrong direction. I may speak more about this. That tendency for us to be disapproving of ourselves, self critical, self judgmental literally slows down our progress. In fact it increases the threat level. If we’re not safe from ourselves, if we attack ourselves under the misunderstanding or misjudgment, erroneous assumption that the way to get a change out of me, the way to change my behavior, the way to improve is to beat myself, that’s erroneous. That’s not really workable in the long term. It may get

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us over a little hurdle once or twice, but as a steady diet beating ourselves up is going in the wrong direction.

Recognizing that takes me to the second point. Don’t worry so much about doing The Healing Codes perfectly. Doing The Healing Codes is a kind of wide boulevard. You can meander to the left, to the right. You can stroll. You can go faster. You can go slower. It’s not a tight-rope. Relax.

That’s the third point. Relaxation is the opposite of stress. The Healing Codes are designed to reduce stress. Thinking you’re going to add stress to speed up your progress is contrary to reality. In fact it will cause you to close up, to go into self protection. It will literally slow down the progress you are seeking. By relaxing, by being more open you allow things that no longer serve you, no longer belong to you, that is belief systems, other energy patterns to move, to shift, to heal. And you’ll allow new awareness, “Ah-ha!”, other experiences into your life. Presumably that’s what all of us are looking for.

In between lulls, if there are any, I will come back and fill in some other points of view that I think are important.

Jodi: (Gives technical directions)

Participant: (Laura, California) My question is about the e-mail we got this week about his new coaching program. In it he says he has this revolutionary new healing process. I wanted to know, first of all if there are any plans to make that available to more people than just the people who are paying the $2500 to work with him. I guess I’ll ask the next question after I get the answer to that one.

Tom Costello: In truth there is only person who knows what that program is really about and that’s Alex. None of the others of us have experienced it or are privy to it yet. So the first program is going to be starting in May. I know the second one is scheduled for July and that is already filling up. After that what happens is anybody’s guess. I don’t know that if this is so fantastic, so revolutionary, so results-producing that it has the capability of being widely provided, that is at a much smaller price-tag or what. Because I’m not familiar with what is going to be delivered in the tele-seminar or tele-class or during those coaching sessions that are part of it I can’t really say.

This is a brand new critter that Alex has been working on for some period of time. I don’t know what that is. I know just in the last week is when he wanted this e-mail sent out. I think two e-mails have gone out. I’ll bet this started 8 or 9 days ago. “This is the e-mail I would like….” So now all the scurrying to line up the fulfillment of that.

That’s a very ambiguous answer. Basically it says I don’t’ know the details of what’s being presented and I don’t know what the future is. Certainly May and July are going to be at this higher price tag of $2500. What takes place after that is anybody’s guess.

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The Healing Codes 04.24.2008 3Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Participant: I’m not talking about the whole program, but about the healing part. He’s doing a lot of different things. It’s the new healing protocol that I’m most interested in. Are you telling me you don’t know what that protocol is? You haven’t personally experienced it or you don’t know what it is?

Tom Costello: That’s correct. I don’t know what it is and I haven’t experienced it. However, the people participating in the program are going to be either the recipients or the beneficiaries of that process. That’s what this whole program is about, the delivery of that process to those people that signed up.

Participant: I see. He hasn’t, even it’s super amazing, he hasn’t told the staff. He hasn’t gotten it out.

Tom Costello: Exactly. We’re all eagerly waiting for the exposure of this. No coaches, nobody knows but Alex.

Participant: Thank you so much. It’s good to know that we don’t know. I appreciate it, Tom.

Participant: (Scott, California) I was wondering if as people are doing Q Codes, the combination of The Healing Codes piece and the corresponding infusing the positive, do people kind of create a grid around a single issue. Or do they make a list of these are my prayers for the healing piece and these are my best declarations of gratitude for infusing the positive?

Tom Costello: I think that varies all over the board. I do think there’s a tendency after a while, after a person has “cleaned the closet”, they spend more time emphasizing restocking the closet, that is infusing the positive.

Sometimes it seems to me when I have a conversation with someone and they want to deal with the problem – you know what? It seems like time to move into restocking the closet – infusing the positive and what it is. Those remaining doubts and fears, if there are any, and I presume if you’re human that you will have those, they’re going to come out of the woodwork. They’re going to pop into your awareness as, “No, no, no. Be careful. Don’t do this” or some other thing like that. At which point you can add them to your list and go back and see what they’re about if you’re so inclined. Or just shift your relationship with it.

Because I know you, Scott, I would suggest focusing more on the positive, on what you want, and then be alert for any counter intention. “I want to infuse X” and all of a sudden something else comes out, “No, no, no, don’t.” You capture that idea and deal with them one by one by one.

Participant: You run through the inhibitors and virtues focused on that specific topic?

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The Healing Codes 04.24.2008 4Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: If that were a major thing for me, if I knew…. I think, starting at the top, that is with Unforgiveness, is hugely important for people. To go and see if there’s another way to look at that situation as a blessing, as a positive… A superficial reaction to a situation is, “That really annoys me. I’m resenting. I’m angry. They’ve done me wrong.” If you start looking deeper and deeper you may say, “Wow, that was actually a blessing because it put me on the road to…” Now the resistance we had to that original situation changes. That resistance takes a lot of energy.

If I were dealing with a big issue, a career issue, a relationship issue, a health issue I would want to look at what I believe were contributory aspects of it in the inhibitors. Just boogie on through them and see what happens. Then I’d move on to the others if they were appropriate. Is that clear?

Participant: Yes. Focus on the ones that seem to have a direct relationship to the issue.

Tom Costello: Yes.

Participant: I’m really not focusing on a specific problem in doing these. You may know that from my e-mail to Mary Ann. I’m just kind of running through them twice a day. I may need to become more aware of problems that I have. They’re not that pressing for me, but some of the things you said earlier gave me some ideas on how to look for it.

On e-mail we talked about punching the A and B Codes all in sequence. Do you still recommend doing the A and B all at once and then doing the Q and Q2 Codes?

Tom Costello: When you sit down to do the Codes you can punch in the first set of Codes. Later in the day you can do the second Codes. You also can do it this way. Some people have said, “You know what I like? I like to use the first set of Codes to deal with the problem and the second set of Codes to infuse the positive. That makes me feel as though I’m staying in balance.” That’s OK. That’s cool. Or you could do them punch in A and then B or first set and second set and then just go right through them.

I would seek to avoid making it so structured that the boulevard is getting narrower and narrower and there’s only one right way to do it. “I feel like doing this now. I feel like doing that later.” I would go with that freedom to allow. Be open to awareness. Ultimately I think that’s what we’re looking for. I want to know some stuff. I think that Knowledge exists almost like an ocean of energy. The Source of all Knowledge is God. That’s another way to say it. If I want to know something I can access that information and tune into that if I can get open enough, if I can get receptive enough.

Let me point this out to you, Scott, because you and I have worked together. I think this will be interesting for other people, too. There is a renaissance man, an American who died in 1964 or something of that sort. His name was Walter Russell. I never heard of him until two months ago when I heard somebody’s glowing comments about him.

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The Healing Codes 04.24.2008 5Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Walter Russell dropped out of school when he was 10 years old to help support the family. But by the time he died he was a world-famous philosopher, author, lecturer, painter, sculptor, scientist, real-estate mogul. He’s the one who invented co-operative housing, like co-ops. He’s the one that did that in New York City although he came from a small town in the mid west. This guy believes that all of us are born with the gift of Genius (I spell it with a capital “G” to represent the source of that). He thought “All you need in order to access this is desire, will, and turning to the Source. It comes from the Source.”

If you’re looking up in a tree or buying it in a drug store, that’s not where it’s coming from. It’s coming from Source. I think because we have The Healing Codes we can get settled as we do the Codes and open ourselves to that experience and connect to that Source. You may go, “I’d be willing to express my Genius, whatever that means. I’m not sure.” But as we start to add specificity to it, that Light within, that spark that is our connection to our Creator, I want to know that and I want to show that in the way I live my life.

I think that’s available to us. We do that not so much by scurrying around and working, working, working, busy, busy, busy. In fact it’s by becoming still and becoming aware we contain it, we already have it, that’s what we’re trying to do. If we’re looking “out there” we’re not really looking where it is. I think we are in a great position for that.

Google Walter Russell. There’s a book about him and a couple of books that he’s written. Amazing person.

Participant: That’s great. Another question, hands touching the head or not, obviously on Q 2. I know when we were talking about The Healing Codes we were not touching when doing the Code. You are letting the energy flow through.

Tom Costello: You can notice that there are two sets of positions. We call one the resting position and the other the normal position. The normal position we liken to almost being like a spark plug with the gap between the electrode and the body of the plug. As you are pointing your fingers at the healing center you have that gap. Another way to think of that is if your fingertips are like flashlights they are covering a broader area if you pull back those little flashlights as compared to having them pressed against the healing center itself. Alex seems to think there is a more powerful impact with that gap.

Now if you’re stimulating your scalp or have another hand over another part of your body that’s a direct contact stimulation.

Participant: For the head stuff it’s all direct contact?

Tom Costello: Yep.

Participant: Can you give me a couple of examples of declarations of gratitude?

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The Healing Codes 04.24.2008 6Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: I like to start like this is really fundamental. I’m grateful for knowing that gratitude is so important. That, as a connective energy – I’m looking around. I’m looking at a glass of water. Just being grateful that this is available to me and I appreciate it. It’s alkaline water. I think that’s a big deal. I’m looking at a couple of books and my glasses on top of them. Having access to all this stuff, using every opportunity, being grateful and recognizing how important gratitude is, is actually an extention….

If you’re sitting now, Scott, or you’re standing – I was under the impression you lived in the Midwest.

Participant: I do. I’m just on a trip to California.

Tom Costello: There you are. You’re in a hotel room in California. Now you’re going to think of your wife and your children. “I am grateful for my wife and children.” You ought to be able with very little practice and you may instantly be there, your energy almost like a cloud, a shape that extends out from you to the Midwest and encompasses them and the house or the car. If the kids are in bed at this hour it just encompasses that. You pull your energy back. You know that’s a good thing that you just experienced that you could extend your gratitude 1500 miles to your wife and children.

You think, “Wow, I’m in California.” You’re conducting business there. You expect it to be successful. “I am so grateful to be here and to be able to reach back and love my wife and children 1500 miles away. I’m grateful to be able to do that because I understand how to do that and I understand that it’s powerful and it’s important to do that.” You literally pick up the phone after this call and call your wife and express sweet nothings and wish her good night and so on. You can do that wherever you happen to be with no telephone involved. “I’m grateful for knowing this energy connection that exists. I’m grateful for knowing that I can touch people even though they are thousands of miles away.”

“I’m grateful for knowing my attitude, my energetic positioning impacts the sales call, the meetings I’m going to be in tomorrow in California.” You absolutely influence what’s going to happen tomorrow in that meeting because of your energetic alignment. A lot of people walk in there with their fingers crossed, “Oh boy, oh boy, I hope this is good. Oh boy, oh boy….” You know you can influence it. That knowingness is a great strength. I would be grateful for that.

I can choose my thoughts at any one moment. I’m grateful for that. I can make a choice at any one moment of a thought that is going to resonate and make me feel good and one that’s going to make me feel less good. I’m aware of that and I’m grateful for that awareness.

And I’m grateful for the skill that I’m developing so that in the smorgasbord of life I can choose the things that are at the highest vibration. When there’s a big spread in front of

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me of business decisions and personal relationships and conversations to have I can perceive the highest vibration and I gravitate toward that. I’m grateful for it.

Whew, I can actually see my path unfold in any one of these things, both a physical path I’m now walking as well as business decisions and personnel decisions that you’ll make. You’re always looking for the highest vibration step to take. You’re on this and you’ll attract it into your experience because that’s what you’ve magnetized. “For that, I’m grateful.”

Participant: That’s an awesome answer. Thank you.

Tom Costello: Okay, Scott. Good talking to you.

Participant: (Marla, Seattle) I’m a fallen away practitioner, coming back after about a year and a half. I was homesick for you guys.

Tom Costello: Welcome back.

Participant: Thank you. I have to start back at the beginning again. I don’t have a computer, so these Thursday Night calls are the only contact I have. I’m very grateful for them. Thank you. I really don’t have any question.

Tom Costello: This is the time I would say go find somebody who has a computer and say, “How about downloading those mp3 files and burning them to a CD for me. Or if you have an iPod that’s even better. Get somebody to put them on your iPod.

Participant: No iPod. No modern technology.

Tom Costello: That iPod is a great invention. But you could have somebody burn those to a CD for you. Then there’s no reason you couldn’t have multiple CD’s that you could share with a couple of friends. You might be able to enlist somebody in that, “I’ll buy the CD’s. You download and burn them and then we’ll share them.”

Participant: How would this person access those?

Tom Costello: On the front page of our website: “Thursday Night Q&A” is right there. You can click and choose and download them to a computer. Then you can copy them to a CD.

Participant: Thank you, Tom.

Tom Costello: You’re welcome. Welcome back.

Tom Costello: Since there are no questioners at this time I’m going to jump to the end of the comment I wanted to make. The other day we had a friend in town. We went to a church that I’ve been wanting to go to, a new church that opened. Part of the service

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involved showing the Lord’s Prayer on the wall like a Power Point presentation. We all recited the Lord’s Prayer. Now most of us are familiar with it I would guess. However, it was the “lead us not into temptation”. I’m a journaler. I journal every morning. I find it really valuable, and entertaining and a whole bunch of other things. I was thinking “Lead us not into temptation.” What is temptation? I thought back to my little kid’s point of view. When I was a child in a large family if I saw two pieces of cake on the table, one was mine and one belonged to a sister or brother, temptation would have been eating both of those and leaving none. That would have been temptation. “Boy that cake looks mighty good. I sure want two pieces. I’m a growing boy.” That’s temptation.

But today I’m a lot older and a little bit more mature. That’s not really temptation to me. Temptation is a step in the direction of darkness, a step in the direction of negativity. That’s really temptation to me. Temptation would be the idea that using a dark tool; anger, fear, criticism, meanness, cruelty, a weapon like that, a tool like that to produce light is not workable. I don’t think you produce light by using dark. I think you produce light by using light.

Last night I saw a story on the internet. It was of a guy who in New York City was walking home – I guess he got on the subway. A teenager with a knife came up to him and was going to rob him. He said, “Give me your wallet.” The guy said, “Okay” and gave him the wallet instead of fighting and risking damage. He turned around and said, “Look, if you’re going to be out robbing people tonight and you’re going to risk your life doing that, you don’t want to be cold. Why don’t you take my coat as well?”

The teen with the knife goes, “What are you doing? What are you trying to do?” He said, “Nothing, you’re risking everything. You’re risking your whole future robbing people. It doesn’t make sense that you’re going to do it being cold. If you think it’s important enough to do, you ought to have a coat on.”

He said, “What are you going to do?” The man said, “I was on my way to the little restaurant around the corner to have dinner. But now that I don’t have any money, since you have my wallet, why don’t we go to dinner together. You can buy me dinner.” They teen said, “Okay.”

He walks into this restaurant. Everybody is being pleasant to the man, “Hello. Good to see you.” The dishwasher walked by and they got into a conversation. The mugger was taken aback that this person had pleasant relationships with the owner of the restaurant, the waitress and the dishwasher as well as other people in there. He was like, “Ahhh, I’ve heard about this idea of being nice to people but I’ve never really seen it in action where you’re nice to everybody without trying to get something.” He says, “Oh.”

When the check came the man said, “You’re going to have to pick up the tab because I don’t have any money now.” “Okay” and the kid paid for the meal and gave back the wallet. The man said, “Wait a second. Let me give you a $20 bill, but I need to have your knife.” So the mugger gave him the knife. The guy gave him the $20 so he could do whatever. He got his coat back. The kid walked out a new person.

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When you really think of the possibilities of something like that, to me that’s meeting a need with light. Whereas the temptation nowadays would be “What would Jackie Chan do?” Karate chop, kick him, call the cops, smack him, break his arm all those options are available. This guy opted for another approach. He wasn’t lead into temptation. He was a light. I thought that was so powerful.

Two people’s lives changed, maybe more because many people read that story. I wasn’t the only one to see it on the internet. “That’s a possibility. I never thought of that. I thought I should get a gun and go hunt that guy.” Nope. There’s a “lead us not into temptation.” There is a higher vibration way of dealing with that.

Participant: (Scott, California) I think that’s interesting. There’s a book called, “Change, Problem Formation and Problem Solution” which is written by a gentleman. That’s called second order change. If you have a lot of resistance to trying to drive change in an organization which is how most business books are written, there are really much more subtle approaches which can be more powerful. That’s a great example of it.

Tom Costello: Give me the title again.

Participant: “Change – Problem Formation and Resolution”. It’s a pretty tough book to read. There are mathematical concepts in it. I could send you an e-mail with the author. It deals with the concept that very often there is a simple and elegant solution to transforming yourself or transforming other people. It doesn’t involve pushing, trying to hold people accountable, etc, that makes them want to opt in. You have to be open to seeing it. You have to be alert to the choice.

Tom Costello: I would say when you look at some of this stuff you can see that the absence of resistance in these situations. It’s very difficult to have a fight with somebody who is not resisting you. Clearly Gandhi would be an excellent example of what you can… It’s world changing. “Nope. I’m not going to resist that way. That is a very disempowered way of doing it. In fact I’m opting for another way to do that.”

When we’re looking to change ourselves – I had this conversation with a client earlier today from Ireland. We’re talking about correcting a physical condition almost as if getting rid of the condition was the goal. “I have something. I don’t want it. I want to get rid of it.” You could almost hear, although I just exaggerated it, that is going to solidify the thing we’re trying to get rid of. It’s almost as if we’re feeding it.

I talk about watering the weeds. “I’m watering the weeds. Gee, I don’t know how do I have more weeds?” Frankly, I’ve lost sight of flowers because I’m so involved with the weeds, the weeds, the weeds, the problem, the problem. I’ve given all my power away to the problem, as compared to “I didn’t need to invest this way.”

Participant: I think another powerful enforcer is depicted in the movie “The peaceful warrior.” There is something in there very similar to what you just described. They get

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mugged. The dementor in that movie, they ask for the wallet. He gives it. He says, “You look like you’re about my size. You want my coat?” They end up in skivvies before it’s done. It’s a lesson for the people.

Tom Costello: I do recall seeing that now. Thanks.

To be able to look at a given situation – and frankly my belief system says “It is all good.” Now, is that true or is it false? I don’t know. I think if I invest it with energy it’s true. Another person could come along and say, “That’s way wrong and I can prove it.” Frankly I don’t think anyone wants to prove that not to be true. We’re better off if it is true.

My Creator is a creator of good – it is all good. Now the question is how quickly can I recognize the good in a situation? All of us know that we happen to be standing some place geographically. Scott’s in California. I’m in Florida. Patricia is in Oklahoma. Marla is in Seattle. We’re in different locations. We pretty much can get to another location. We can all get to New York. But you know what, we’re not going to get to New York the same way. In fact each one of us has multiple paths to get to New York. We literally could get to New York by going in the opposite direction, flying to Hawaii, then to Asia and all the way around the other direction. That is a way.

Now those of us who have been brought up on right/wrong, good/bad, error-mistake orientation would find fault with that. But it’s just a question of effectiveness. It’s not right or wrong it’s effective or less effective. Depending on our intention, if anybody has ever looked at a trip-tic from AAA, for instance, if you want to take that trip from where you are to New York, there are a couple of questions they’ll ask you. “Did you want the scenic route? Did you want the fast route? Did you want the most stops or the least stops?” You make those decisions.

So as we’re making our way, they’re all good, it’s just a question of us appreciating. “I need to get there for a meeting. I’m interested in the fast way with the least number of stops.” Somebody else says, “I’ve got plenty of time. I want to experience the United States on my journey. I want the most scenic. I want the most rustic. I want the one with the most museums.” That’s the best way. They are all good.

When we have a particular experience or event in our lives it’s like “Ah, that was really annoying.” Woop, wait a minute. That’s old time thinking. What good is in there? Let me look deeper. Look deeper. “I don’t see it.” Keep looking. “Still don’t see it.” We keep drilling down. “Wow, you know what, that really was a bump in the road that changed my trajectory, my direction. It put wonderful people into my life, my experience. It made me see or experience stuff that was absolutely essential to later on in my life.”

With practice you can learn and find lots of examples of it being “all good” even though at the time it seemed annoying or painful or traumatic or distressing or expensive. Later on you go, “Wow, that event, way, way, way back saved me. It’s a good thing I had that

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experience. The value of it, the good of it has come to me. It’s obvious to me. I could have saved myself 10 years, 5 years, 50 years of complaining about it if I had realized it is all good. I know that’s going to produce fruit at some point in the future that is going to be sweet.”

Participant: (Joe, New Hampshire) I’d like to get your opinion on something that Trish and I wonder about form time to time. With all the people that Dr. Alex and Dr. Ben and yourself and all the coaches have been able to reach with The Healing Codes and Q Codes and all of the prayer groups world wide, more and more people seem to want to be reminded of their spiritual nature. Do you see more evidence for yourself that the planet is turning away from physical and material things and more towards spiritual?

Tom Costello: Not necessarily. I do have this sense though. This, to me is even more important. This awareness of interconnectedness that what I do is connected to what you experience there in New Hampshire. That is then connected to what somebody experiences in South Africa which is connected to what somebody experiences in Singapore and so on. If somebody is grounded and peaceful in Moscow it is better for me in Florida, just like it would be true in Beijing or any other place.

I think it is recognition of our connectedness, the way I put it, as if we’re cells in the same body, “Then I really don’t need to kill those others who are different from me?” They are cells in the same body. It doesn’t really pay to be at war with ourselves. I think we are in a lot of places and have been for centuries. There are some very clear examples of that still ongoing. Now with the internet, which to me is a fantastic form of connectivity – I think the media distorts stuff. Dealing with stuff that has no real value. It serves more the dark side than it does the light side. It creates more fear and less harmony. They’re trying to put greater distance – “They’re the enemy.” “No, they’re the enemy.” “You’re the enemy.” “I’m the enemy.”

The green conversation is easier for an American to have although it’s a very common concept in a lot of countries, Ireland comes to mind. They just recently put a tax on plastic bags at grocery stores. You want one you can have it and you’ve got to pay for it. Why? Because those things show up in the environment about a million years from now because they haven’t been degraded biologically. That sensitivity, I think, is really good.

In our case we can say we basically have everything that we need. Now I want everybody else to be green. Other people are going, “We don’t have roads yet. We don’t have plumbing and other things.” Well, you guys, that’s not a priority. Yeah! I think what we need to do is level the playing field. When that starts to happen more readily, the politics of subsidies and “I only think about us. I don’t want to think about them.” They are us. I think that’s the part that is starting to come home to people.

We just can’t think only about ourselves. They are us even if they’re thousands of miles away and are different colors and they speak different languages. They are us.

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These spiritual traditions that exist in every single country and every single culture that say connecting to Spirit, with a capital “S”, is more important than material goods provided the basics are in place like water, heat, food, shelter, clothing, education, that sort of thing. Then I’ll feel much more reassured. Right now the powers promote consumption, promote conflict.

War is a very profitable thing unless you’re the one that dies in it or your family member dies in it. Other people are making tons of money at it. “This is good business.” No, it’s not. It’s dark.

Participant: You’re saying there’s still a good amount of the population of the world that is trying to survive. When you are surviving you don’t always have time to think higher philosophical or spiritual thoughts.

Tom Costello: Yes. And I think when you’re busy surviving it’s very easy by demogogues – “Guys, let me tell you why you’re starving. Don’t notice the fact that I can’t get on a scale because I’m 400 pounds, but let me tell you why you’re starving. It’s those guys over there.” We point at them. We point at the oil countries and the oil companies. Other places point at America. We say, “That’s the reason. That’s the reason.” I think the reason is greed. It’s an unlevel playing field.

If you live in a gated community that has armed guards and stuff like that, that looks like it provides safety. In fact it is just a prison. The prisoners are inside and they’re the ones that hired the guards. I don’t think that’s the solution. I think the solution is to make it safe to not have the gates, the walls, the barbed wire. How do you do that? By providing an opportunity to get education, running water and some of these other basics. Oftentimes those people who own all the land go, “No, no, no, if those people want any of my million acres, that makes them a threat to me. I have to enlist other people who own millions of acres to help me defend my millions from people who want to have a quarter of an acre to raise food for their children.”

We go, “Let’s help the million-acre owners.” That problematic. That’s what is coming home to roost in a lot of places.

So that’s pretty political!

Participant: Yes it is. It’s all connected.

Tom Costello: I was in the Army in Latin America for four years. I dealt with training teams that went around Latin America. It became very clear to me that if you were a power in Latin America and you said the word, “Communist”, Washington would throw money at you by the bails. No matter what you were doing to your countrymen, what harm you were wreaking on people in your country. I can recall the Ambassador, Robert White in El Salvador, he was going, “What we do is crazy. We are breeding our enemies by supporting people who are out of control with greed and insanity.” In Nicaragua, Samosa was that kind of a guy. We’ve made our enemies.

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But, we individually affect thousands of other cells in the body. By us individually being healthy, that’s where health comes from as a world-wide organism. You and Trish being in the highest vibrational state you can outweigh other netagives. Think of it almost like candles. You two are candles. Two brightly burning candles in New Hampshire can affect a huge area of darkness, area where there are insufficient candles. It’s not one to one. One ounce of candle equals one ounce of darkness – not at all. I’m walking into a room that’s 12 X 30 X 12. A couple of candles would light this huge space. That’s the power of light. Light is so much more powerful.

The high vibration of one or two people will counteract, will balance, the negative vibration of literally hundreds of people. Wow! It’s not one to one; it’s more like one to hundreds. There is hope for us. As we keep adding a person and a person and another doing their best to eliminate these internal wars within our own spiritual selves, within our own bodies, within our own families, now we tilt this whole planet toward one of having respect for the other cells in the body.

That’s the reassuring part as compared to looking what’s going on in any one place. That’s like watching the 6 o’clock news. Oh man!

Participant: You need a Healing Code right after that!

Tom Costello: Yes. Wow, I think it would be much more efficient just to get a hammer and hit myself with it. That only takes about 5 seconds. I’ve got the other 29 minutes and 55 seconds to do something else.

Participant: Thank you for your feedback.

Tom Costello: Okay, Joe.

Participant: (Patricia, Oklahoma) I just would like to make a comment about Joe’s comment. This is a part of my belief system. With The Healing Codes and Q Codes and Q2 and Power to Peace and all the Success Codes and all those that are out there we are all working on, and we start those off with a prayer. We talk to a higher power or God or what we call it in each of our hearts. Then we work from one of the core of the 9 core categories that come from the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. It’s kind of like a spiritual thing for me that the Spirit is guiding me. It’s a thing that is inside of me to change my mind from the dark to the light.

I’m on a treadmill. I sound winded.

Tom Costello: Thank you, Patricia.

I don’t know who the quote comes from but it’s related to the idea that, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” It’s really easy for us to go, “I want those people over there to clean up their act, to do things better, to do things this way.” Nope. Be the

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change. Clearly anybody who can connect to those 9 core categories – love, joy, peace, patience and so on – has to go, “I’m a brighter light and a healthier one and a happier one. I’m a better role model and a source of peace just by walking into an environment – business meeting or social setting – it changes the whole place.” It’s a different ingredient in a social environment.

Patricia, anything else?

Participant: It is a step-up level. It can radiate and permeate a whole room when you walk in like you say. Joy is really, really big. There is so much sadness going on. There’s no peace. The love – not loving our neighbors as we’re commanded and so forth. You’re right on, Tom. Thanks.

Tom Costello: Thanks, Patricia.

I’ve made mention of this a couple of times in the last month or so. It goes back maybe 15 or 20 years when there was a self-help guy on TV named Leo Bescallia. He was a very popular warm and touchy kind of guy. He was very effective. He told a story of a young girl, a teenager who committed suicide. They were going through her pockets to see if they could identify her. There was a note in there, “If anybody smiles at me by the time I walk to the bridge I will not jump.” Clearly nobody smiled at her.

One of the most saddening aspects of that was the lack of recognition and maybe the lack of training that we get that says you can cause what you want. You can create what you want. You can attract what you want. You can manifest what you want. You can make what you want happen. Nobody on this call would dispute that the fastest way to get somebody to smile at you is to smile at them. That is so clear to us. I can cause a smile by smiling.

Wow, if I want it, why don’t I plant the seed? If I want it, why don’t I prime the pump? I don’t have to stand here or sit here going “I have to do without. I have to do without.” Because I don’t know how to get what I want. I can cause it by giving energy to whatever I want.

People say, “I want to be loved.” I wonder how you would get love? I wonder how you would get a smile? I wonder how you would get anything – that’s what you would give. It is to connect to that causative power that we have in almost all circumstances, if not all.

You go, I can add my energy to a given situation. Which energy am I going to give? We go back to the thought of making it the highest vibration energy that you have, the one that would fall under the category of Light. Add that energy to a situation and watch what happens. Add Light and see what happens. Add this into a business discussion. Add this into a family discussion with a teenager. Add this to any other discussion – you’re in a retail store standing in line. Add light to that and see what happens.

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It is for us to recognize that we have that power. We have that creative capacity. If I can cause things, if I can make things better, if I can improve things I guess I can’t really be a victim, right? Right.

Years ago I was a business owner in California. I hired a gal and she said, “Could you give me some fundamentals of what you expect from me?” I said, “Here’s the ground rule. Angie, I want you to make things go right. You can always fall back on that as your North Star.” Then we talked about other duties and responsibilities and how she was going to fit into the organization and so on. She said to me years later, “You know what? That is the best instruction anybody has ever given me. I always knew what to do. If I had any doubt I accessed that guideline and I acted.” Make things go right. She was very helpful in the office, helpful with customers, took on all kinds of responsibility. She never was in doubt about what she should do with her Light. She shined it on situations. She shined it on people and made things go right, improved them ever single time. She had a very high level of confidence and gratitude at being part of a team because she knew how to play the game. She was superb at it.

Bring your light to bear on every situation and this world will be a different world. Our lives will be different. Our bodies will be different. Our families will be different. That’s not small stuff. That’s huge stuff.

Since there are no others in the queue I’m going to bring the call to a close. We are the Light, folks. We are the Light. You and you and you and I are the hope of our families and our families are the hope of our communities and the communities of the states and provinces and so on. We’re the hope of the world. We’re the candles.

It’s gratifying. It’s overwhelming. It’s important. It’s significant. I think it’s a great purpose. Light our own paths and serve as a light to those who are also seeking to bring Light to the world.

Thanks for being on this journey with us, all. Jodi, thanks for your help tonight. Good night.