the ingleburn informer · 2019. 9. 16. · school captain and vice-captain 2016. ... campbelltown...

The Ingleburn Informer Dates To Remember December: 1 st – Final Scripture lessons – 2016 Captains Elections 2 nd – Christmas Concert 5-7pm 3 rd – 3-6 NRL Clinic 4 th – Year 5 Excursion to CPAHS 7 th – P&C – Years 4-6 Soccer Clinic 8 th – Kinder Excursion to Wizard of Oz 9 th – 3-6 Presentation Assembly 9.30am 10 th – K-2 Celebration of Learning (Kinder 9.15-10am, Stage 1 10.15-11am) 11 th – 3-6 Sports Assembly 11.40am 13 th – Sunday Markets at IPS 14 th – Year 6 Farewell at Ingleburn RSL 16 th – Last Day for Students Congratulations Last week two of Ingleburn Public School’s longest serving teachers received recognition for their years of service with the Department of Education. Congratulations to Miss Irene Hrabica on 30 years service and Mrs Kerry Webb on 20 years service! Both teachers have spent these years serving the Ingleburn Public School community. We are lucky to have teachers who are so committed to our School. Congratulations Miss Hrabica and Mrs Webb. K-2 Athletics Carnival A wonderful morning was had by all at yesterday’s K-2 Athletics Carnival. Thank you to the many parents, carers and community members who came along to cheer the children on. Thank you also goes to Miss Thompson for her organisation of the day and to the K-2 teachers for their assistance. School Captains and Vice Captains 2016 Featured in this edition are the profiles for the candidates running for our School Captain and Vice-Captain 2016. We wish them all the best as they present their speeches to Years 2 to Year 5 next Tuesday. The elected candidates will be announced at Presentation Day Assembly. End of Year Christmas Concert The excitement is building as we fast approach next Wednesday’s End of Year Christmas Concert. We hope to see everyone there to celebrate the end of the year and to see the children perform. A friendly reminder that there will be no supervision of students between the end of school and the commencement of the concert and that during the concert parents and carers need to remain on school grounds with their child/ren. This is a family event and we encourage everyone in the Ingleburn Public School community to come along and join in the fun. Walk-a-Wheelathon On Monday, some of our Stage 3 students will be attending a Walk-a- Wheelathon, hosted by Broderick Gillawarna School, in support of the white ribbon awareness campaign against gendered violence. This is a great opportunity for the children to learn more about positive relationships as well as meet some new friends from BGS in support of an important cause. Year 7 2016, High School Orientation Next Thursday 3 December is a statewide High School Orientation Day for Year 6 students enrolling in public high schools next year. If you have a child in Year 6 and have not yet received advice about the arrangements for the this day from your child’s public high school, please contact them urgently. Road Safety It is pleasing to see an increase in the number of students riding bikes and scooters to school however, many are not wearing helmets. We strongly encourage all children to wear a correctly fitted helmet whilst riding bikes and scooters. We understand that it is a busy time of year and with so many things on that families are rushed but we ask that everyone slow down whilst driving and consider the safety of others, especially in the school zone. We have had a number of complaints about unsafe driving during school pick up times. Please take note of and adhere to signs indicating where stopping is not permitted- such as on or near a crossing. Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Auditions – Year 7 in 2017 Campbelltown Performing Arts High School is a specialist performing arts high school with an international and national reputation for expertise in C21st learning. Students who are currently in Year 5 wishing to audition for Campbelltown Performing Arts High School are required to submit an application by 26 February 2016 with the auditions being held in March 2016. Limited places are available in drama, dance, music – vocal and instrumental, circus arts. If you would like an audition application or require more information, please contact me via the school office. Mrs Sharon Galway Relieving Deputy Principal Proudly brought to you by the Journalism Club Term 4 Week 8 2015 2016 CAPTAIN ELECTIONS SPECIAL EDITION Check out student profiles on the inner page of this newsletter of the candidates for Captain and Vice Captain for next year. Speeches will be delivered to Years 2-5 next Tuesday. Wednesday 2 nd December 5.30-8pm To be held at our school on Rees Reserve (Middle Grass Area) Bring a picnic blanket, snacks or enjoy your ordered dinner pack. Listen to and sing along with your favourite Christmas songs as performed by our students. IPS CHRISTMAS CONCERT

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The Ingleburn Informer

Dates To Remember December:



Last week two of Ingleburn Public School’s longest serving teachersreceived recognition for their years of service with the Department ofEducation. Congratulations toMiss IreneHrabica on 30 years service andMrsKerryWebbon20yearsservice!Bothteachershavespenttheseyearsserving the Ingleburn Public School community. We are lucky to haveteacherswhoaresocommittedtoourSchool.CongratulationsMissHrabicaandMrsWebb.K-2AthleticsCarnival

Awonderfulmorningwas hadby all at yesterday’s K-2 AthleticsCarnival.Thankyoutothemanyparents,carersandcommunitymemberswhocamealongtocheerthechildrenon.ThankyoualsogoestoMissThompsonforherorganisationofthedayandtotheK-2teachersfortheirassistance.SchoolCaptainsandViceCaptains2016

Featured inthiseditionaretheprofilesforthecandidatesrunningforourSchoolCaptainandVice-Captain2016.Wewish themall thebestas theypresent their speeches to Years 2 to Year 5 next Tuesday. The electedcandidateswillbeannouncedatPresentationDayAssembly.EndofYearChristmasConcert

The excitement is building aswe fast approach nextWednesday’s End ofYearChristmas Concert.We hope to see everyone there to celebrate theendof theyearand tosee thechildrenperform.A friendlyreminder thattherewillbenosupervisionofstudentsbetweentheendofschoolandthecommencement of the concert and that during the concert parents andcarers need to remain on school grounds with their child/ren. This is afamily event and we encourage everyone in the Ingleburn Public Schoolcommunitytocomealongandjoininthefun.Walk-a-Wheelathon

On Monday, some of our Stage 3 students will be attending a Walk-a-Wheelathon,hostedbyBroderickGillawarnaSchool,insupportofthewhiteribbon awareness campaign against gendered violence. This is a greatopportunity for the children to learnmore aboutpositive relationships aswellasmeetsomenewfriendsfromBGSinsupportofanimportantcause.Year72016,HighSchoolOrientation

NextThursday3December isa statewideHighSchoolOrientationDay forYear6studentsenrollinginpublichighschoolsnextyear.IfyouhaveachildinYear6andhavenotyetreceivedadviceaboutthearrangementsforthethisdayfromyourchild’spublichighschool,pleasecontactthemurgently.RoadSafety

It ispleasingtoseeanincreaseinthenumberofstudentsridingbikesandscooters to school however, many are not wearing helmets.We stronglyencourageallchildrentowearacorrectly fittedhelmetwhilstridingbikesandscooters.Weunderstand that it is a busy time of yearandwith somany thingsonthatfamiliesarerushedbutweaskthateveryoneslowdownwhilstdrivingandconsider the safety of others,especially in the school zone.We havehad a number of complaints about unsafe driving during school pick uptimes.Pleasetakenoteofandadheretosignsindicatingwherestoppingisnotpermitted-suchasonornearacrossing.CampbelltownPerformingArtsHighSchoolAuditions–Year7in2017

Campbelltown Performing Arts High School is a specialist performing artshigh school with an international and national reputation for expertise inC21stlearning.StudentswhoarecurrentlyinYear5wishingtoauditionforCampbelltown Performing Arts High School are required to submit anapplication by 26 February 2016 with the auditions being held in March2016. Limited places are available in drama, dance, music – vocal andinstrumental,circusarts.Ifyouwouldlikeanauditionapplicationorrequiremoreinformation,pleasecontactmeviatheschooloffice.


Proudly brought to you by the Journalism Club

Term 4 Week 8 2015


Check out student profiles on the innerpage of this newsletter of the candidatesforCaptainandViceCaptainfornextyear.SpeecheswillbedeliveredtoYears2-5nextTuesday.



Bring a picnic blanket, snacks or enjoy your ordered dinner pack.

Listen to and sing along with your favourite Christmas songs as performed by our



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Teacher Spotlight

Miss DeGeorgio





Start Smart Banking Program

Haveyoueverwonderedwhatacreditorkeycard is? Well a key card is your moneytransferred to a special type of account,accessedbycard.Insteadofspendingitinrealcash you spend it on a card, it’s all doneelectronically. A credit card is the bank’smoneyonanothertypeofspecial card,whichyouhave topayback,withextra feeson top,which is not good. Remember to always savesomemoney.CoachCashsays:


andsavesometoo!”Thanks to theCommonwealthBank for thesesessions. ByAdeeba

Game Review Sploder is a website where you can creategames or play other children’s that havealreadybeencreated.Thetypesofgamesthatcan be created are categorised as platformgamesandcombatgamessuchasSuperMarioBros. You can also create pixel art and makeyour artwork move in the game, which youhave created. There are also classic shootergames that you can make, but there is noextremeviolence in it.Anotherfeature isthatyou can share your creations online andhopefullymakenew friends. The CodingClubhavehadgreatfuncreatingandsharinggamesduring lunch times in the Maker Room eachMondayandTuesday.


K-2 Athletics Carnival Yesterday morning children in Years K-2 enjoyed a fun morningbefore the heat kicked in. There were running races, parachutegames,beanbagtosses,goalkicking,tunnelballrelaysandotherfungames such as ‘rob the nest’. ‘Itwas great fun’ reported Lucian of1HPT.Griffin ofYear2 saidhewasglad itwasoverbefore thedaygottoohot.



Return Me Please!

Page 3: The Ingleburn Informer · 2019. 9. 16. · School Captain and Vice-Captain 2016. ... Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Auditions – Year 7 in 2017 ... cash you spend it on

Drama Club Excursion AgroupofYear5studentswerefortunatetoattendCasulaPowerhouseyesterdaytoparticipatein someworkshops.Thanks MrsWebb.

Drama Club Performance SomeofyoumayhaveheardaboutDramaClubandsomemaynothave. In case you have not, this group meets at lunchtime torehearseplays.OnTuesdaytheyputonaspecialperformanceforK-2 students at lunch time, then an encore performance for someYears3-5students.Their performanceswere ‘Taxi the Turtle’, ‘Shapes in the City’ and‘Northwind and the Sun’. Each story had a moral appropriate forstudentstolearn.Congratulations to the students involved for their wonderfulperformances,andtoMrsSouthamforgivinguphertimetomentorthegroup.


A Look Inside with JC:

The Drama Room


Recognition of Service

Wewould like to congratulateMrsWebb forreaching20yearsofservice,andMissHrabicafor 30 years of service. Thank you for yourcommitment to public education andIngleburnPublicSchool.

BGS and IPS Dance Group

On the 2nd of December IPS will be doing adance with BGS as part of the ChristmasConcert. The will be doing a ‘pop’ MerryChristmassong.Ourstudentsinthisgroupwillalso be joining BGS at their presentation andperformance day, which will be on the 8th ofDecember. Iamhonoured tobeapartof thedance group alongwith several ofmy Year 4peers.


Page 4: The Ingleburn Informer · 2019. 9. 16. · School Captain and Vice-Captain 2016. ... Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Auditions – Year 7 in 2017 ... cash you spend it on

Fun Friday Haveyoueverwonderedwhyteachersdressupon Friday?Well that’s because every Friday fortheteachersitisFunFriday.MrsWestcottgivesthe teachers a letter and they can choose todressupassomethingwiththatletter.On Fun Friday, Stage 2 teachers have beguncompleting STEAM activities related to thatletter. Building bridges during B week andconstructingcatapultsduringCweek.


The Hottest Day!


Elika’s Cartoon


Page 5: The Ingleburn Informer · 2019. 9. 16. · School Captain and Vice-Captain 2016. ... Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Auditions – Year 7 in 2017 ... cash you spend it on

2016 Captain Elections

CJ YearsatIPS:5Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Iwanttomakeachangeinourschool.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Friendlystudentsandteachers.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?Sport,Maths,ArtandMusic.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Ispreadfriendshipandwanttomakeourschoolabetterplace.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Make our playground a safer place so students do notgetbullied.Whoareyourrolemodels?SonnyBillWilliamsandDwayneJohnsonWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Footyplayer/NFL/Actor

DYLLAN YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Mymuminspiredme,shealsoranforcaptainwhenshewasmyage.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?My favourite thing about IPS is the music and literacyprograms.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?ArtanddrummingWhydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?IthinkI’llbeagoodcaptainbecauseIalwaysliketohelpmy other school mates when they are sad and I am agoodrolemodel.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Iwouldmakethebreezewayandmusicroomsopeoplecouldplaymusicduringrecessandlunch.Whoareyourrolemodels?BuddyRich(afamousdrummer)Whatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?MusicianorMusicTeacher

AKRIVI YearsatIPS:2Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Myfamilyandsupportivefriends.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Thatitisaniceplace.Theteachersarehelpful.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?Maths and Genius Time. Drama, Music and Roller-skatingaremyhobbies.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Because I am respectful, reliable, trustworthy, helpful,caringandarolemodel.Ifollowschoolrules.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Iwouldmakemoreclubs.Whoareyourrolemodels?MyfamilyWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Adoctorwhoworkswithchildren.

ZOE YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?TheopportunitytohelpchangetheschoolandIliketohelpotherstudents.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Thelearningenvironments,studentsandteachers.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?My hobbies are singing and performing arts. MyfavouritesubjectsareWritingandEnglish.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?I have the ability to help others, I listen and I am aconfidentspeaker.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Moreoutdoorlearningspaces.Whoareyourrolemodels?MyfamilyWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Teacheroraperformer.

Page 6: The Ingleburn Informer · 2019. 9. 16. · School Captain and Vice-Captain 2016. ... Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Auditions – Year 7 in 2017 ... cash you spend it on

2016 Captain Elections

KARANBIR YearsatIPS:5½Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Iwanttheresponsibilityofhelpingthisschoolbecomeabetterplaceandhelpkidsimprovesportandeducation.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Galadaysandschoolwork.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?Myhobbiesareplayingcricketandwatchingsports.MyfavouritesubjectsareMaths,EnglishandSpelling.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?I’mnice,sporty,hilariousandwillhelpIPS.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?I want mini sports grounds; cricket pitch and soccergroundsothereislessfighting.Whoareyourrolemodels?A.BDevilliers(Cricketplayer)Whatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?IwanttoplayfortheAustralianCricketTeam.

ENOCH YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?IwanttotakeontheresponsibilityandIthinkIcanhandleit.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Thatitisclosetomyhouse,lotsofplaygroundsandalotoflearninghappeninghere.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?Studyinggeneralabilityandlearningtechnology.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Icanhelpimprovelearning.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Better toiletswithmore lightingandmore regular soaprefills.Whoareyourrolemodels?PreviousschoolcaptainsWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Teacher,builderorfarmer.

LEANNE YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Tohelpotherchildren,bearolemodelandtomakemyfamilyproud.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Makingnewfriendsandlearningnewthings,andgettingtoknowtheteachers.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?My hobbies are singing, art and playing sport. MyfavouritesubjectsareArt,ChoirandGeniusTime.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?I am sensible and a good example. I can help otherchildren.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Torenovatethetoiletsandimprovehygiene.Whoareyourrolemodels?MybrotherIvanandmyteachers.Whatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Abaker,singerorateacher.

MAHIMA YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Becauseitisabigresponsibility.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Hangingoutwithfriends.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?Art,history,soccer,leaguetaganddancing.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Iamasafe,respectfullearner.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Moreclubsandevents.Whoareyourrolemodels?MyteachersWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Teacher

Page 7: The Ingleburn Informer · 2019. 9. 16. · School Captain and Vice-Captain 2016. ... Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Auditions – Year 7 in 2017 ... cash you spend it on

2016 Captain Elections

MARCEL YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?IwasinspiredbyaTVshowcalled‘KingoftheNerds’.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Howtheschoolisgrowingandchanging.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?My favourite subjects are Science and English. Myhobbiesarevideogames,watchingYouTubeandwriting.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Icaninspirechildrenandhelppreventbullying.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?A farming area to learn about growing fruits andvegetables. A Science Club to learn about andexperimentingwithdifferentareasinscience.Whoareyourrolemodels?Mybrother,Iwouldliketofollowinhisfootsteps.Whatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Scientistorgamedeveloper

SAQIB YearsatIPS:4Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Iwanttomakeourschoolabetterplaceandmakemorepeopleenjoyschool.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Everyoneisniceandhelpseachother.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?IloveScience,MathsandSports.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Ihelpeveryone in needandhelp reduce litter,keepingourschoolclean.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Iwouldchangeandaddmoretechnologyandpencilssoeveryonehasmoreaccesstotechnologyatalltimes.Whoareyourrolemodels?MyparentsWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Rocketscientist,astronomerorengineer.

FREYA YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Myfamily,mainlymybigsisterandfriends.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Theteachersarereallymotivating,inspiringandhelpful.Thestudentsarecaringandsweet.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?My hobbies are debating, tennis and cricket. Myfavouritesubjectsaredramaandmusic.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?BecauseIamagoodrolemodeltoyoungerstudents.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Iwouldaddpapertowelstothetoiletstodryyourhandswith.Whoareyourrolemodels?MymumbecauseshemotivatesmeinMaths.Whatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Iwanttobeadoctor.

JADELYN YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Iwanttorepresentthisschoolinthebestwaypossible.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Thepeoplearoundtheschoolarereallynice.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?Myhobbies includedoingsport.Myfavouritesubject isMaths.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Iamreallyhelpfulandcareabouttheschool.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?To have fun activities because it is important to makeschoolfun.Whoareyourrolemodels?MissOverellandtheCaptainsWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Azookeeper

Page 8: The Ingleburn Informer · 2019. 9. 16. · School Captain and Vice-Captain 2016. ... Campbelltown Performing Arts High School Auditions – Year 7 in 2017 ... cash you spend it on

2016 Captain Elections

NOAH YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Helpingyoungstudents.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Beingfriendswitheachother.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?MathsandsportWhydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Stopyoungerkidsfrombeingbullied.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Get sports grounds so children can enjoy it. Moretechnologysoeveryonegetsachance.Whoareyourrolemodels?CooperandSarahWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Teacher

KAYLA YearsatIPS:6Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Iwanttobesomeonekidscanlookupto.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?ThelearningspacesWhatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?Dancing,choir,drama,writingandsports.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?BecauseIliketohelppeople.If you couldmake one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Moreclubsforpeoplewhodon’thaveanythingtodoatlunchorrecess.Whoareyourrolemodels?Year6studentsandmyteachers.Whatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Workwithwildlife.

CANDICE YearsatIPS:6monthsWhatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?DadwasvicecaptainandMumwasschoolcaptainattheirschools.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Newopportunities.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?Favourite subject isEnglish,myhobbiesareplaying thepianoanddrawing.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Iamresponsible,trustworthyandagoodrolemodel.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Improvehygienewithmoresoaprefills.Whoareyourrolemodels?ParentsandfriendsWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Animator/Author/Actor

VERA YearsatIPS:1Whatinspiredyoutorunforcaptain?Becauseitischallengingandmotivatesme.Inyouropinion,whatisthebestthingaboutIPS?Learninghereisfun.Whatareyourhobbiesandfavouriteschoolsubjects?PEandArt.Myhobbiesaresinging,dancingandsports.Whydoyouthinkyouwillbeagoodcaptain?Because I will help the environment and I like to helpyoungerchildrenbesafe,respectfullearners.If you could make one change/addition to the school,whatwoulditbeandwhy?Changethetoiletsandmakeitmorehygienic.Whoareyourrolemodels?MymotherandMartinLutherKingWhatareyourfuturecareeraspirations?Singeroranetballplayer.

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