the last cannon

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Post on 01-Mar-2016




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A short story about music.


Part A of the Property register the freehold land shown edged in red on the plan of the above titled filed at the registry and being Iglesia Ni Christo Vicarage, Parkgate Road London (SW11 4NT)

Staring at the ceiling, lying on her bed, thinking about so many things . . . and then, tears will just rollv from her eyes. . (Tears are cascading down on her cheeks and she just let the tears fall where they may.) Shes been like this for months already. She cant help but think a lot of used-to-bes Its been more than a year.. but still, everythings not like the way it was before. Its hurt for Samantha because everyone knows that everything will never be normal again. Shes been trying to move on, trying to forget.The wild and scary screams from the nearest cell woke Samantha up.`No! please dont!The guards were everywhere and some policemen were taking orders and trying to calm everyone down Samantha, really dont care about others, shes different. She lives for herself. Being super blissful and content, she went out with her friends and eventually drunk. Truly, shes becoming more and more outgoing. Wild, even. Her young mind do lunatic and dangerous things, just to satisfy herself for something. Sounds pathetic, isnt it? Cool. Its Samanthas aim: to talk cool, and be cool. But whats cool for her is quite different than expected. Whats cool in unique. . . Whats cool is bizarre. . . Whats cool is precarious . . . and whats cool is taboo. Drinking, smoking, and doing perilous sports are only few of crazy things Samantha do .These things are the reasons why she get hurt, get into trouble, and the reason why she and her very understandable father had cold wars and week-long quarrels. But then her father ends up telling sorry and promises that hell never hurt her again. Her father is a man full of great dreams, a man whose mind is always settled. He was a great man and her father has the magic of music. She wondered how he performs his charm, how he manages to transform a gloomy day into a wonderful one, how he changes the atmosphere when shes sad and how he makes so many friends with his music. She started to think that he is her great rival. She thought that she cannot get the spotlight away from her dad. She believed that when hes there, she cannot make her own name. Shell live her whole life behind her fathers shadow. She wanted to surpass him. She wanted to teach her the style he uses so that she may be as good as him, but he wont let her. His father never teaches her with his great style in playing piano and excellent strategies that really makes you feel deliriously happy, because it sounded pretty amazing! With that she thought a silly idea, an idea which came true one cold Friday Night.Whereve you been, Dad? she asked her father entered their cozy living room. To a friend.. he replied. His voice still shaking because of the blizzard outside. Sam stopped playing her favorite piece, the cannonand helped him get his shoes off.Wow Sammy, youre acting weird tonight, huh? her father said, with a smile displayed on his face. Dont you want me to help you? I know youre style darling, now, tell me what you want, her dad said, still smiling. Sam pulled something beside the piano and cleaned with that gesture and smile on her face. He knew what she means. He took his gloves off and sat on the chair then started to play The Cannon. He knows that it is indeed his favorite.While playing, she drew nearer to him and kiss him, then whispered,I love you dad Her father flashed her a curious and startled look but he didnt stop playing. Samantha stepped backwards and groped on the table behind her. She stopped probing when she felt a sharp and pointy thing. She clutched it and the next thing she knew, she was standing behind her father. He looked at her and saw the knife she was holding, high on his head. His eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open but before he can speak, Sam did the first moveshe thrust the knife on his chest. She did it thrice. She saw the blood on her palm, drenched in blood, and knuckles when she came back to her senses. Sweat and tears started to mix with the blood on her face. Im sorry Dad, Im really sorry! I thought it was the only way! she kept on shouting. But its too late. The lifeless face that stared back at her could not say any word. She embraced her father but his body was as cold as the blizzard. She spent the next night behind the cold bars. And until then she never realized what she did. The next day, a lawyer and family friend come to visit her. The lawyer said, he wanted to read her the last will of her father. Though she didnt want any visitor, she tried her best to attend to him. Even though he knew exactly that Sam wasnt listening, he started reading.First of all, I want to let my daughter know how much I love her. She is my only family. Though I never talk to her that much, like other Dads do, I really, really care for her. And so, Ill leave her my all belongingsthe House, the farmland, the cars, ad my savings so that she may live well when Im gone. I know they dont mean anything to her. I know what she wants; Music. And so, I shall teach her my style when shes at the right agethat is 25 years old. I want her to do what she wants to do be a great Doctor, an intelligent Lawyer, a good teacher, or a loyal politician. I want her to finish school. I dont want her to commit the same mistakes that I did. I stopped schooling when I was 17 and started playing the piano. I love doing that, but in the end, I realized that I would never have a good future with playing music alone. My wife left me for I am not a rich man. I followed my dream, but never thought it would end this way. I love my daughter, Samantha. She can continue playing the piano, but she should think of her future too. When the lawyer was through reading the last will, it was as if the whole jail were flooded with Samanthas tears. She murdered an innocent man, a man who loved her very much, a man who cherished and cared for her, her life was close to perfection then. It was almost complete; but that was before. She was living delight and satisfaction until a particular night altered the whole thing. She was such an idiot. She wished she could turn back time, But it was too late. She messed everything upher future and her Dads dreams. She knew that this memory will haunt her forever.I believe this is yours, the lawyer gave Sam her Dads recorder. She pressed it and the music started. It was the Cannon played by his father. Before she thought that the Cannon brought peace and love, but now as it continued to play, she started to play, she started to think that it is a music of terror and fury. Sam threw the recorder and started sobbing again. She swore that, that would be the last Cannon she would ever listen to.That night I lost him, it was the most painful thing that ever happened to me. And the worst part? I knew he was not coming back. No more sweet smiles that used to approach me whenever I come home.No one could ever understand how I truly feel.When will I ever see him again? When will I ever hear him again playing piano? SAM in the midst of all the hopelessness and alone in the darkness.