the progressive movement · 2020-05-13 · the progressive movement chapter 13 guided notes section...

The Progressive Movement Chapter 13 Guided Notes Section 1: I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418420) A. The _________ in American history from about ________ to _________ is known as the __________________ _________. _____________________ was a collection of different ___________ and _________________ about how to ________ the ________________ within American __________. _______________ _____________ among themselves on the _______________, but __________ that the ________________ should take a _________ _____________ role in solving society’s problems caused by _____________________ and ______________________. B. _________________ believed that _________ the _________________ needed to be ___________ and made more ________________ to __________ before other problems could be _______________. Progressives also __________________ that they could ________ society’s problems by _______________ ________________ principles to society. C. The _______________ were a group of _________________ who ___________________ social ___________________ and _______________ ______________. Their articles _________ to public ___________ on ____________ and _______________ problems and put ______________ on _____________________ to introduce ______________. Muckraker _____________ ___________ focused on ____________ problems in his book How

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Page 1: The Progressive Movement · 2020-05-13 · The Progressive Movement Chapter 13 Guided Notes Section 1: I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418–420) A. The _____ in American history

The Progressive Movement

Chapter 13 Guided Notes

Section 1:

I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418–420)

A. The _________ in American history from about ________ to _________ is known as the

__________________ _________. _____________________ was a collection of different

___________ and _________________ about how to ________ the ________________ within

American __________. _______________ _____________ among themselves on the

_______________, but __________ that the ________________ should take a _________

_____________ role in solving society’s problems caused by _____________________ and


B. _________________ believed that _________ the _________________ needed to be

___________ and made more ________________ to __________ before other problems could

be _______________. Progressives also __________________ that they could ________

society’s problems by _______________ ________________ principles to society.

C. The _______________ were a group of _________________ who ___________________

social ___________________ and _______________ ______________. Their articles

_________ to public ___________ on ____________ and _______________ problems

and put ______________ on _____________________ to introduce ______________.

Muckraker _____________ ___________ focused on ____________ problems in his book How

Page 2: The Progressive Movement · 2020-05-13 · The Progressive Movement Chapter 13 Guided Notes Section 1: I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418–420) A. The _____ in American history

the Other Half Lives, published in 1890. The book described ______________,

________________, and ____________ in many ________________ neighborhoods in

New York City.

II. Making Government Efficient (page 420)

A. There were many __________ of _______________. Progressives often took _____________

sides on ____________ and on how to ____________ the problems.

B. One ___________ of progressives ________________ that ______________ in

______________ could be _____________ if ___________________ was ________________.

They _________ that _________________ could become _________________ by

____________________ the _______________ of __________________

____________________. They thought that ___________________ a city required

_________________, not elected _________________. They wanted to ______________ the

_______________ system with a ___________________ ______________ where a

______________ of ____________________ or a ____________ ______________ with

expertise in ________ services would ____________ and hire ________________ to run city


C. In __________ _______________, Texas, was the __________ to adopt the

_________________ system. Many cities followed shortly after.

III. Democracy and Progressivism (page 421)

A. Many __________________ wanted more ________________ in society. The

________________ of Wisconsin, Robert La _____________, criticized how political

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________________ ran their ________________. He pressured the __________ legislature to

require each party to hold a ____________ ______________, a party election in

which ________ party members _________ for a _______________ to run in the

_____________ election.

B. ___________ new __________ were introduced by progressives to ____________ state

legislators to ______________ to _____________ concerns. The _____________ allowed a

group of _______________ to ________________ legislation and ______________ the

legislature to __________ on it. The ___________________ allowed proposed

legislation to be ________________ to the ____________ for _________________. The

________________ allowed _______________ to _______________ a _____________ election

to _____________ an elected _______________ from office.

C. To stop Senate _________________, progressives wanted the ______________

______________ of _______________ by ______ state ____________. In _________ Congress

_______________ the ______________-election ___________________. In ___________ it

was ______________, becoming the __________________ Amendment to the Constitution.

IV. The Suffrage Movement (pages 421–423)

A. The movement for _____________ voting ___________ was known as the ______________

movement. ______________ is the _________ to _________. In July _________,

______________ Cady ____________ and Lucretia ____________ organized the first

____________ rights __________________. Many progressives ______________ the suffrage

__________________ in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Page 4: The Progressive Movement · 2020-05-13 · The Progressive Movement Chapter 13 Guided Notes Section 1: I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418–420) A. The _____ in American history

B. After the ____________ War, the _________________ in Congress introduced the

_________________ and ________________ Amendments, which ______________ the

_____________ rights of _____________ Americans. The woman suffrage movement had

wanted these amendments to ___________ to women as well. Republicans _______________.

C. The debate over the ____________________ and _________________ Amendments

_________ the suffrage movement into _________ groups and _______________ its

effectiveness. By 1900 only _______________, ______________, ____________, and

_________________ had _____________ voting rights to ____________.

D. In 1890 the __________ groups __________ to form the ______________ ______________

Woman _____________ Association (_____________). The ___________ of the NAWSA’s

congressional ______________, ____________ ____________, a Quaker social worker, used

_______________ to force President _______________ to take _____________ on

woman suffrage. After the NAWSA became _________________ at ___________ activities, she

___________ and _______________ the ____________ Woman’s Party. This group

__________________ the White House and went on _______________ strikes if


E. In ___________ the House of Representatives ____________ a woman suffrage

__________________. The amendment _____________ by _______ votes. In June

____________, the Senate finally passed the _________________ Amendment. On August 26,

____________, the states _______________ the amendment _____________________

________________ the __________ to ____________.

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V. Social Welfare Progressivism (pages 423–425)

A. Social ___________ progressives __________ _____________ to help the ___________ and

_____________________, and ___________ for __________ to help ________ social problems.

B. In ___________over ______ million children under the age of ________ worked __________

the home. The National Child __________ Committee _____________ to _________ child


C. Many ___________ workers ___________ in _______________ and ______________

conditions. With the _________________ of building _____________, workers’

__________________ laws, ________________ laws, and _____________ codes, the

work environment was made _______________ for workers.

D. Some progressives favored ____________ laws and ______________ codes to regulate how

the ____________ and _________________ could be used.

E. The ___________________ movement called for the ___________________ or

_________________ of ________________. Many progressives believed ________________

was the ______________ of many of ________________ problems. In 1874 the Women’s

Christian _________________ Union (______________) was formed. At ______________ the

temperance movement worked to _____________ alcohol _____________, but ____________

it pushed for _________________—laws __________________ the __________________,

___________, and ____________________ of _________________.

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VI. Progressives Versus Big Business (page 425)

A. A group of progressives ______________ on ________________ big ______________, but

they _________________ on the ________________. _________ side believed

____________________ should __________ up big companies to restore ________________.

The ___________ group wanted the ______________ of government ________________ to

_________________ big _________________ and prevent them from ______________ their


B. _____________, the idea that the ___________________ should ___________ and operate

_________________ for the community as a ______________, was an idea shared by a small

______________________ of progressives.

C. ________________ ___________ led the American _______________ Party and was the

party’s candidate for ___________________ in the election of __________.

D. Most progressives and most Americans _________________ in the American system of

_____________ _________________.

Section 2:

I. Roosevelt Revives the Presidency (pages 427–430)

A. During his _____________ term, Theodore Roosevelt’s ______________ program was

known as the _________________ _____________. As a _______________ and a

_______________ _______________, he felt the _________________ should try to

___________________ the _____________ of __________ the groups in American society. He

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believed that the U.S. ___________ progressive ________________ to remain an

__________________ society that could _______________ successfully with other _________.

B. The fight for control of the _________________Railroad erupted on the New York

___________ Exchange. E.H. ______________ of the _____________ Pacific Railroad and

James J. ____________ and J. P. ______________ of the Great __________________ and

Northern _________________ Railroads ____________ over _______________, which could

have led to a _________________. The three men _____________________ by creating a new

_____________ company called __________________ Securities.

C. _______________ felt Northern Securities ________________ the Sherman

_______________ Act, and he ordered a _________________ filed. In 1904 the

______________ Court ruled that _________________ Securities had

_____________________ the ________________ Antitrust Act.

D. The United __________ Workers (_________) union called a _____________ of the miners

who dug _____________. About _____________ workers from the ______________ of eastern

________________ demanded a _________ increase, __________________ in work

_______________, and ___________________ for their _________________. The strike went

on for _____________, threatening a coal ______________. Roosevelt urged the

____________ and ________________ to accept ____________________, a settlement

imposed by an __________________ party. The union _______________, but

the _______________ did ___________. Mine owners finally __________ after Roosevelt

_________________ to have the ___________ run the ______________.

Page 8: The Progressive Movement · 2020-05-13 · The Progressive Movement Chapter 13 Guided Notes Section 1: I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418–420) A. The _____ in American history

E. In 1903 Congress _____________ the Department of __________________ and

________________. Within the ___________________ was the ______________ of

________________ that had the ________________ to ___________________

corporations and issue ______________ on their ________________________.

F. In 1906 the _________________ Act was _________________ to _________________ the

_______________ Commerce Commission (__________) by giving it the ____________ to set

railroad ______________. Over time, ___________________ realized they could

_____________ with the ___________ to set _________ and _________________ that limited

__________________ and _________________ new _______________ from

_________________ the industry.

II. Social Welfare Action (page 430)

A. By 1905 ________________ ________________ became a ______________ issue.

___________ ______________ and _________ consumption became ___________ threats to

Americans, forcing new __________________.

B. In 1906 ________________ ________________ The _____________ described his

observations of Chicago _______________________________.

As a result, _____________ legislation was passed. The ____________ _________________ Act

required federal _________________ of meat __________ and set ________________ of

_______________________ in ____________________ plants. The _________ ________ and

__________ Act _________________ the _______________, _____________, or

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_____________________ of ___________ or ____________ labeled ___________ and


III. Conservation (pages 430–431)

A. President Theodore Roosevelt ___________ Americans to _____________ ______________

_______________. In 1902 Roosevelt ________________ the passage of the _______________

___________________ Act, which authorized the ________ of federal _________ from

___________ land _________ to pay for __________________ and land _________________


B. Roosevelt appointed Gifford ________________ to head the United States __________

______ to carefully ____________ the _____________ resources in the ____________. Pinchot

and his department created ______________ controlling ________________ on federal lands.

C. Roosevelt’s _______________ during his presidency caused Americans to

_________________ look to the federal _______________ to ____________ the nation’s

________________ and ____________ problems. The ______________ branch of government

greatly __________________ in ______________.

Section 3

I. Taft Becomes President (pages 434–437)

A. Endorsed by Theodore __________________, the Republican candidate, William Howard

__________,easily ________________ the Democratic candidate, William Jennings

___________, in the election of ___________. Taft, a skillful ___________________ and

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______________, had a ____________ approach to problem ______________ that led to

______________ with the progressives.

B. __________, like many progressives, felt high _____________ limited competition,

__________ consumers, and protected ___________. Taft called _____________ into session

to ______________ tariff rates.

C. Speaker of the House Joseph G. ______________had the _____________ to _________ bills

through without ___________________. Many progressives wanted to ___________ him

because he ________________ their legislation. Taft ______________ the Republican

campaign ______________ Cannon, and in ______________ Cannon pushed the ___________

bill through the House. These actions ________________ many progressives.

D. With the _______________ of the ___________-Aldrich Tariff, which ____________ some

tariffs ____________ of ______________ them, Taft had further _________________

progressives. Gifford ______________, along with other progressives, felt _________________

and ______________ with Taft.

E. Taft’s _____________ with Republicans took a final turn for the ____________ with the

hiring of Richard _____________ as secretary of the ________________. Gifford Pinchot

charged that __________________ had tried to turn ____________ valuable ___________

lands in _____________ to a private _______________, or business _____________, for his

own ___________. The charges were __________________, but ________________ leaked the

____________ to the ____________. Taft ___________ Pinchot for __________________, or


Page 11: The Progressive Movement · 2020-05-13 · The Progressive Movement Chapter 13 Guided Notes Section 1: I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418–420) A. The _____ in American history

F. The progressives’ feeling that Taft had “__________ the Square __________ down the

______________” resulted in a 1910 _________________ victory, with _________________

taking the __________________ in the ________________ and Democrats and Progressive

Republicans gaining _______________ of the Senate from the ______________________.

II. Taft’s Progressive Reforms (page 437)

A. Taft brought ___________ as many ______________ cases as __________________ and

established the ___________________ Bureau to fight child _____________. He was a

______________________ who _________________ the activities of the _______________

companies, ______________ national _________________, and _________________

___________________ sites from private development.

B. Theodore _______________ refused to _____________ Taft’s actions as president until Taft

brought an _____________ lawsuit against ________ ___________—a ____________

Roosevelt had ______________. Progressives convinced __________________ to

____________ politics and ______________ to replace ____________ as the Republican

nominee for __________________ in the election of 1912.

Section 4:

I. The Election of 1912 (pages 438–439)

A. Republican _______________ supported William __________ in the election of 1912. Most

Republican _______________ supported Theodore ____________________. ___________

gained the Republican nomination.

Page 12: The Progressive Movement · 2020-05-13 · The Progressive Movement Chapter 13 Guided Notes Section 1: I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418–420) A. The _____ in American history

B. Roosevelt ran as an _________________ for the ______________ Party. In the end, the

contest came down to the _______ progressives: ________________ and _______________

candidate Woodrow ______________. As __________________ of New Jersey, Wilson had

made his _____________ a ____________ of Progressive _______________.

C. ________________ New ___________________ was a ________________ line of

_________________ that favored _______________ to protect ______________ and

________________ in the _________________ and workers’ compensation for those

______________ on the job. He also wanted a ____________ trade ________________ to

regulate ________________.

D. _______________ plan, the New ______________, supported ________ enterprise and

______________ Roosevelt for a ________________ that ____________ felt supported


E. ______________ and ____________ ___________ the Republican vote,

giving______________ the ______________ College _____________.

It was the ____________ time since _____________ that a _______________ had been

____________________ of the United States.

II. Regulating the Economy (pages 439–441)

A. During Wilson’s _____________ years as ______________, he issued ______________ that

affected ________________, the _____________ system, the ______________, and workers’


Page 13: The Progressive Movement · 2020-05-13 · The Progressive Movement Chapter 13 Guided Notes Section 1: I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418–420) A. The _____ in American history

B. In 1913 the ________________ Tariff ______________ the _____________ tariff on

______________ goods to about ___________ of what it had been in the 1890s. An important

____________ of the Underwood Tariff was the ___________________ for _____________ an

________________ __________________, or a _______________ tax on the

_________________ of ___________________ and __________________________.

C. There had ___________ been a _____________ ______________ since the 1830s, when

economic __________________ had ____________ small ______________ to ____________,

____________ out customers’ _______________. Wilson __________________ the

________________ ______________ system where the ____________ would have to

___________ some of their _______________ in a _____________ to _________________

customers’ money.

D. In 1914 _______________ asked Congress to create the _____________ _____________

Commission (_________) to _______________ American ______________. The ____________

___________________ companies and issued “________________ and ______________”

orders against companies involved in _____________ ____________ practices. Progressives in

Congress _______________ by passing the ________________ _______________ Act that put

a _________ on tying ______________ and _____________ discrimination.

III. Federal Aid and Social Welfare (pages 441–442)

A. Wilson _______________ supporting ____________, believing that his New

___________________ program was _____________. After a ____________ congressional

________________ in 1914, _____________ began to ______________ reforms again.

Page 14: The Progressive Movement · 2020-05-13 · The Progressive Movement Chapter 13 Guided Notes Section 1: I. The Rise of Progressivism (pages 418–420) A. The _____ in American history

B. In 1916 Wilson _____________ the ______________-Owen ___________ Labor Act, which

________________ children ____________ the age of _______ from ______________ in

factories. He also signed the ______________ Act, which ______________ an ________-hour

workday for _____________ workers. He _______________ the Federal ___________

__________ Act, which provided ______________ with ____________-term ____________ at

___________ interest rates.

IV. The Legacy of Progressivism (page 442)

A. By the _________ of the _______________ era, Americans ______________ to the

__________________ to play an _____________ role in _______________________ the

____________________ and solving ______________ problems.

B. In 1905 African American ____________ met to ____________ full ________________ rights

and _____________________ and an ____________ to _____________

____________________ for African Americans. In 1909 the ____________________

Association for the _____________________ of Colored People (_____________) was


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I Can Statements and Bellringers

Chapter 13, the Progressive Movement

Section1: The Roots of Progressivism 1. Discuss the rise of the Progressive movement.

2. Evaluate the impact of initiative, referendum, and recall, and of the 17th Amendment. Section 2: Roosevelt in Office 3. Describe various efforts to regulate concentrated corporate power.

4. Discuss Theodore Roosevelt’s interest in environmental conservation.

Section 3: The Taft Administration 5. Explain how Theodore Roosevelt helped Taft get elected.

6. Discuss why progressives were disappointed with Taft as president. Section 4: The Wilson Years 7. Describe Wilson’s economic and social reforms.

8. Evaluate the legacy of the Progressive movement.

Bellringer 1: __________________________________________________________________________


Bellringer 2:___________________________________________________________________________


Bellringer 3:___________________________________________________________________________


Bellringer 4:___________________________________________________________________________


Bellringer 5:___________________________________________________________________________
