the rivalry of nonverbal cues on the perceptions of politicians by television viewers

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  • 8/3/2019 The Rivalry of Nonverbal Cues on the Perceptions of Politicians by Television Viewers


    Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/June 2009

    The Rivalry of Nonverbal Cueson the Perception of Politicians

    by Television Viewers

    Florian Haumer and Wolfgang Donsbach

    The current study examines how a politicians active or passive nonverbal

    behavior can influence recipients perception of his/her image in TV talk

    shows. In addition, the effects of different host and studio audience reaction

    shots towards the politician were analyzed. To do so, an experiment with a2 3 3 factorial design was conducted (n D 356). The stimulus material

    was produced in a TV studio. The results indicate a clear influence of a

    politicians nonverbal behavior style and the TV hosts nonverbal reactions

    on the recipients image-perception.

    The growing popularity of television has changed the way electoral campaigns

    and candidates are fundamentally portrayed. Personalization, negativism, deauthen-

    tification, and more interpretative coverage are all consequences that emerged

    with the rise of television (Reinemann & Wilke, 2007). In the era of television

    politics, there is a growing trend of style over substance, personality over issues,

    and emotion over information, (Coleman & Banning, 2006, p. 313). In the United

    States, the average length of verbal quotations of political candidates in the press,

    and the sound bites of their statements in classical television news has decreased

    significantly since the 1960s (Adatto, 1990; Patterson, 1993). Similar results exist

    for Germany (Wilke & Reinemann, 2000). This is an issue in many respects.

    First of all, it is important for a democracy that : : : a substantial part of political

    media content is based on political figures because this is the only way the voters

    can get to know what they really have to say (Patterson, 1995, p. 330). Furthermore,

    deauthentification is also seen as an important reason for negative attitudes towards

    politicians (Donsbach & Jandura, 2003). In that respect, modern political television

    might have led to negative outcomes like voter decline because of its focus on

    interpretive coverage. On the other hand, modern television formats also provide

    new opportunities for authentic political communication. Especially Live TV settings

    Florian Haumer(M.A., University of Dresden) is a doctoral candidate in Communication at the Universityof Dresden. His research interests include political communication, corporate communication, media effectsand new media.

    Wolfgang Donsbach (Ph.D., Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz) is a Professor of Communications atthe University of Dresden. His research interests include journalism, political communication, public opinionand media effects

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    Haumer and Donsbach/RIVALRY OF NONVERBAL CUES 263

    like political talk shows, a common format all over the world since the 1970s, seem

    to be useful platforms for politicians to directly address voters. During the 1992 elec-

    tion campaign, presidential candidates Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Ross Perot

    appeared more than 90 times in shows like CBS-Morning, Good Morning America,

    The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Arsenio Hall Show and Larry King Live! (Diamond,

    McKay, & Silverman, 1993). That was the birth of the so-called talk show cam-

    paign (Cavanaugh, 1995, p. 158) because the candidates not only saved money

    when addressing the voters via free media, but also managed to bypass the evalu-

    ative tenor of the national press corps (Bucy & Newhagen, 1999). Some even say

    that Bill Clinton turned his stalled campaign around with his legendary appearance

    on the Arsenio Hall Show when he played his saxophone to a cheering audience

    (Newman, 1994). In the 2000 election, major party presidential candidates again

    addressed their voters on the Oprah Winfrey, Rosie ODonnell, and Regis Philbin

    shows. Nielsen ratings indicate that political TV talk show audiences tuned in to can-

    didate appearances in large numbers. For instance, 8.7 million households watched

    Al Gores September 11, 2000 appearance on the season premier ofThe Oprah Win-

    frey Show, well above the programs average of 7.5 million households during the

    prior (19981999) season, and up 27% from Oprahs 19992000 premier episode.

    George W. Bushs appearance on the program 8 days later earned even higher

    ratings (Baum, 2005). Similar figures can be observed for political talk shows in Ger-

    many, where up to 6 million households watch one of the two major shows every

    week. (Zubayr & Gerhard, 2007). In election campaigns, the performance of a can-didate in one of these shows might be critical regarding voting decisions (Kepplinger,

    Brosius, & Dahlem, 1994). Hence, it is of particular interest for political communica-

    tion practitioners to understand the mechanism of person perception via television.

    Person Perception via Television

    Television focuses on the visual aspects of political communication (Maurer

    & Kepplinger, 2003). Political talk shows often use close-ups of the speaker, ornonverbal reaction shots of the TV host, or focus on the studio audience, or others,

    to illustrate emotions or interpretations. Editors or producers decide what is being

    shown (Kepplinger, 1980). Sometimes, it seems to be more important how politi-

    cians appear, what they wear, or how they behave nonverbally more than what they

    talk about. It is believed that these visual aspects play a major role in a persons per-

    ception via television. In general, it is supposed that audiences associate politicians

    nonverbal behavior with their attitudes (Mehrabian & Ferris, 1967), or lean on non-

    verbal cues in person perception (DePaulo & Friedman, 1997). More recent research

    indicates that public perception of politicians character traits and personalitiescorrelate with exposure to the media portrayals of their nonverbal communication

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    264 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/June 2009

    reduce the cognitive effort of forming impressions of other people (Conover, 1981;

    Granberg, Kasmer & Nanneman, 1988). The idea that political cues guide the cogni-

    tive process of perception and judgment received empirical support by the research

    of Kahneman, Slovic and Tversky (1982). The authors conducted a series of exper-

    iments to analyze heuristic information processing. Heuristics are strategies to

    reduce the cognitive effort in building judgments about social issues. One heuristic

    is availability heuristic (Tversky & Kahnemann, 1973, p. 207) where information

    that is easily available at the time of judgment building becomes the dominant basis

    of judgment. Information about a politicians nonverbal behavior is readily available

    to recipients of TV talk shows as they watch the screen. Thus, heuristic information

    processing, and accordingly, availability heuristic explains the eminent role of

    nonverbal behavior in conjunction with person perception very well.

    The model of heuristic information processing could also be applied to support

    this studys assumption that nonverbal reaction shots also affect impressions of a

    politicians image. However, more specific approaches are available. According to

    Festinger (1954), individuals learn about and assess themselves by comparison with

    other people (Social Comparison Theory). While this original work had a rather

    restricted focus on the choice of comparison targets and on the concept of

    contrast to others, social comparison theory has undergone various transitions

    and reformulations over the past decades (see, e.g., Suls & Wheeler, 2000). The

    shift of scientific attention towards the effects of social comparison that originated

    from the work of Wills (1981) is especially remarkable. Subsequent studies showthat social comparison with other people might not only induce contrast with the

    comparison target, but also assimilation (e.g., Brown, Novick, & Kelley; 1992; Stapel

    & Koomen, 2000). This means that when individuals do not know how to behave

    or what to believe, they often copy other people or assimilate group opinions. Since

    individuals assume that the people know what they are doing, they serve as a pro-

    totype for how to behave. As they care what others think of them, it provides a safe

    course of action because they cannot be criticized for their actions or opinions if they

    adopted the majority position. Early social psychological research reveals that indi-

    viduals tend to lean stronger towards assimilation in situations that are ambiguous(Asch, 1955; Kelley, 1952). The authors argue that in the case of person perception

    via television, many attributes are ambiguous because there is no objective criterion

    by which, for example, the competence of a speaker (politician) can be reliably

    judged. Thus, viewers of political talk shows might compare their own impressions

    of a speaker (politician) with impressions of the studio audience or the TV host that

    are conveyed through nonverbal reaction shots and adopt the perceived opinion.

    Studies of Nonverbal Behavior

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    Haumer and Donsbach/RIVALRY OF NONVERBAL CUES 265

    bian, 2007, pp. 1415). These are (1) positiveness dimension, (2) responsiveness

    dimension, and (3) potency or status dimension. Concrete behaviors within these

    dimensions emerge in several nonverbal communication channels. Burgoon, Birk,

    and Pfau (1990) identify vocalic, kinesic, and proxemic channels of non-

    verbal communication. According to this, politicians can use their voice, gestures,

    or body movements to be perceived as friendly, interested, or superior, etc.

    For instance, one can demonstrate sympathy towards another person on the posi-

    tiveness dimension by smiling or touching that person. Secondly responsiveness

    dimension is related to nonverbal communication that demonstrates the others

    salience for him or her. Nodding or keeping eye contact for example is concrete

    behavior within this dimension. Finally, nonverbal behavior of potency or status

    dimension is used to demonstrate social control. People expand themselves and

    take up a lot of space by using gestures or body movements in this dimension.

    Ostertag (1991) finds out by doing a content analysis of German politicians TV

    appearances, that nonverbal signals of potency or status dimension (active vs.

    passive nonverbal behavior styles) are most common in political reality. Therefore,

    this dimension is of particular interest in the present study.

    In a review of empirical studies concerning effects of nonverbal behavior on per-

    son perception in general, Burgoon et al., (1990) point out that nonverbal behavior

    styles related to Mehrabians potency or status dimension are supposed to influ-

    ence only certain traits such as competence, dynamism, and composure. Ac-

    cording to that, perceptions of a persons character and sociability cannot be in-fluenced by active or passive nonverbal behavior styles (Burgoon et al., 1990).

    Other researchers show that even slight body movements or facial expressions affect

    peoples view of their interaction partners in various ways (Argyle, 2002; DePaulo &

    Friedmann, 1998). More recent studies, especially in social psychology, demonstrate

    that movements of ones head and trunk play an important role when people are

    forming impressions of that person (Kempter & Mller, 2000). The authors report

    that minimal modifications of nonverbal behavior affects impressions of various

    personal traits, such as competence, sympathy, attractiveness, honesty, or

    dynamism. In an earlier study, Kepplinger, Brosius and Heine (1987) also reportedsignificant effects of nonverbal behavior styles related to the potency or status

    dimension on perceptions of a persons character. Although these studies differ

    in the measured dependent variable and the method of measurement, it becomes

    quite obvious that nonverbal behavior of potency or status dimension seems

    capable of influencing any dimensions of person perception. The research design

    will test this assumption by measuring a politicians image perception as it has been

    described by Brettschneider (2002).

    Studies of Nonverbal Reaction Shots

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    266 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/June 2009

    (1975), and Hylton (1971), analyzed the effects of positive vs. negative nonverbal

    reaction shots of the studio audience on the perception of the speakers expertise

    and personal qualities. As a result, both studies found significant positive effects of

    positive nonverbal reaction shots on person perception. Nevertheless, later studies

    could not reproduce these results (Davis, 1999; Nabi & Hendriks, 2003). This might

    be partly due to methodological deficits regarding the functionality of the treatment

    used in Davis (1999) experimental study. However, Nabi and Hendriks (2003) did

    not report problems of this kind. Therefore, the actual effects of positive nonverbal

    reaction shots of a studio audience remain unclear.

    Other researchers put their focus on studying effects of other politicians (espe-

    cially opponents) nonverbal reaction shots on person perception. These studies

    found significant effects of neutral vs. negative reaction shots on judgments of

    a speakers credibility or veracity (Seiter, 1999, 2001; Seiter, Abraham &

    Nakagama, 1998). Especially remarkable in that context is the result that strong

    negative nonverbal reactions led to better judgments of the speakers credibility,

    while moderate negative reactions had a negative effect on credibility judgments

    (Seiter, 1999). Thus, negative nonverbal reaction shots have quite different effects

    depending on their intensity. Similar effects have already been described by Schrott

    and Lanoue (1992) who argue that attack strategies in political communication

    often are perceived as inappropriate by an audience, and therefore lead to better

    judgments of the attacked person in order to show solidarity. The third potential

    source of nonverbal reactions on a speakers performance in TV shows is thehost of the show. Nabi and Hendriks (2003) analyzed the potential effects of an

    interviewers (host) nonverbal reaction shots. Their design tested neutral vs. positive

    reaction shots as independent variables, and trustworthiness, expertise, and

    likeability of a speaker as dependent variables. Significant effects could only be

    found on the trustworthiness dimension. Positive nonverbal reaction shots of the

    interviewer improved perception of this dimension significantly.

    Nevertheless, the literature review shows that any kind of nonverbal reaction

    shots might influence the perception of a politicians image. Because of the growing

    popularity of political talk shows, the potential influence of nonverbal reaction shotsof talk show hosts is of particular interest in the present study. Although broadcast

    journalists are expected to appear calm, detached, and unemotional (Coleman &

    Wu, 2006), some are clearly partisan and might constitute a persuasive force with

    their nonverbal reaction shots (Babad, 1999).

    Research Questions and Hypotheses

    The body of research analyzing effects of nonverbal cues on person perceptionis quite comprehensive. However, none of the reviewed studies combined the

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    role in the process of image-perception. Single-factor research designs do not give

    consideration to the complexity of this process. Hence, the authors developed a

    research design which allowed them to measure effects of the politicians nonverbal

    behavior, and the effects of nonverbal reaction shots simultaneously. This provided

    them an opportunity to analyze to what extent politicians can influence impressions

    of their image with their own nonverbal behavior, and to what extent nonverbal

    reaction shots of others inflict image-perception. Regarding the discussion about

    deauthentification of political communication and the growing power of TV hosts,

    it is also the question about the chances of authenticity in political TV talk shows.

    Thus, three different research questions were postulated, dealing with the main

    effects of a politicians (RQ1) and TV hosts (RQ2) nonverbal behavior, as well as

    for interaction effects (RQ3) between the two sources of nonverbal cues.

    RQ1: What are the effects of politicians different nonverbal behavior styles

    (active vs. passive) on the perception of their image?

    Based on the literature review, a set of hypotheses regarding potential effects

    of active and passive nonverbal behavior styles were proposed. Nonverbal

    behavior was expected to influence perceptions of all image dimensions as de-

    scribed by Brettschneider (2002). Furthermore, it was supposed that recipients draw

    different inferences from both kinds of nonverbal behavior styles on a politicians

    image. In that context, it was proposed that active nonverbal behavior leads tobetter judgments of problem solving competence and leadership abilities of a

    politician, while passive nonverbal behavior improves judgments of a politicians

    integrity and personal qualities. These predictions are captured in the following


    H1: The judgement of the politicians problem solving competence will be

    higher when he or she shows an active nonverbal behavior style as

    compared to when he or she shows a passive nonverbal behavior style.

    H2: The judgement of the politicians leadership abilities will be higher whenhe or she shows an active nonverbal behavior style as compared to when

    he or she shows a passive nonverbal behavior style.

    H3: The judgement of the politicians integrity will be higher when he or she

    shows a passive nonverbal behavior style as compared to when he or

    she shows an active nonverbal behavior style.

    H4: The judgement of the politicians personal qualities will be higher when

    he or she shows a passive nonverbal behavior style as compared to when

    he or she shows an active nonverbal behavior style.

    RQ2: What are the effects of different nonverbal reaction shots on the perceptionof a politicians image?

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    268 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/June 2009

    contrarily, depending on the intensity of these reactions. The negative nonverbal

    reaction shots were rated in the stimulus material to be of moderate intensity,1

    and therefore supposed that they would influence all image dimensions negatively.

    Furthermore, it was predicted that positive nonverbal reaction shots have a positive

    influence on all image dimensions. Thus, the following hypotheses were developed:

    H5: Negative nonverbal reaction shots of the TV shows host and the TV shows

    audience both have a negative effect on the perception of the politicians (a)

    problem solving competence, (b) leadership abilities, (c) integrity,

    and (d) personal qualities.

    H6: Positive nonverbal reaction shots of the TV shows host and the TV shows

    audience both have a positive effect on the perception of the politicians (a)problem solving competence, (b) leadership abilities, (c) integrity,

    and (d) personal qualities.

    RQ3: How do nonverbal reaction shots of the TV host influence the politicians

    image perception in relation to his/her nonverbal behavior?

    Early studies show that effects of nonverbal reaction shots of a TV host on

    image perception depend on the politicians nonverbal behavior at the same time

    (Kepplinger et al., 1987). As a result, the predictions about the effects of negative

    and positive nonverbal reaction shots might occur only under certain circumstances(e.g., active nonverbal behavior of the politician). On the basis of the reviewed

    literature, the authors additionally test the assumption that, (a) negative nonverbal

    reaction shots improve judgments of all image dimensions when the politicians

    nonverbal behavior style is passive. In the case of active nonverbal behavior,

    negative nonverbal reaction shots might decrease ratings of the different image

    dimensions. Analogically, they expect (b) positive nonverbal reaction shots to im-

    prove judgments of image dimensions, when the politicians nonverbal behavior is

    active, and to decrease ratings in case of passive nonverbal behavior. So the

    following hypotheses are proposed additionally:

    H7: When the politicians nonverbal behavior is active, negative nonver-

    bal reaction shotscompared to neutral reaction shotsof the host will

    decrease ratings of (a) problem solving competence, (b) leadership

    abilities, (c) integrity, and (d) personal qualities.

    H8: When the politicians nonverbal behavior is passive, negative nonver-

    bal reaction shotscompared to neutral reaction shotsof the host will

    increase ratings of (a) problem solving competence, (b) leadership abil-

    ities, (c) integrity, and (d) personal qualities.H9: When the politicians nonverbal behavior is passive, positive nonver-

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    H10: When the politicians nonverbal behavior is active, positive nonverbal re-

    action shotscompared to neutral reaction shotsof the host will increase

    ratings of (a) problem solving competence, (b) leadership abilities,

    (c) integrity, and (d) personal qualities.



    This study is a 2 (nonverbal behavior of politician) 3 (nonverbal reaction shots

    of TV host)

    3 (nonverbal reaction shots of studio audience) experimental design.To test their assumptions, the authors produced 18 video segments of a political

    TV interview, each with a length of about 3 minutes. Both the actor (representing

    the politician) and the TV show host were instructed to behave either nonverbally

    active vs. passive, or positive vs. negative vs. neutral. Then each version

    of the political interview with two different cameras (one on the whole scene,

    and the other on the hosts face to capture nonverbal reaction shots) were filmed.

    When cutting the film material, additional nonverbal reaction shots of the studio

    audience (positive vs. negative vs. neutral) were inserted. All other factors such as

    verbal content or camera angle were not changed. The production took place ina TV studio of a German local television station. To make the test as ecologically

    representative as possible, a professional TV journalist (as TV host) and a professional

    actor (as politician) were used for this production. Furthermore, the interviews used

    transcripts from a German television talk show (Berlin Mitte). Employment policy

    was the topic of this show.

    Treatment Check

    A treatment check was conducted to test whether the experimental manipulationof the three factors, nonverbal behavior nonverbal reaction shots (host) nonver-

    bal reaction shots (audience), worked as intended. To do so, the perceptions of six

    versions of the stimulus material were tested. These versions differed regarding the

    politicians nonverbal behavior (active vs. passive) as well as nonverbal reac-

    tion shots of TV host and the studio audience (positive, negative, or neutral).

    Each of the 6 versions was presented to a group of 10 students of a large German

    university and a German military officer school. To measure perceptions of the three

    experimental factors, a questionnaire was developed with three items regarding the

    perception of the politicians nonverbal behavior, and four items for the TV hostsand the studio audiences nonverbal reaction shots. Each measurement used an 11-

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    for the studio audience was found. Independent samples t tests showed that not all of

    these items were significantly different under all conditions. Nevertheless, significant

    differences were found in perceptions of important items such as intrusive vs.

    retentive in all tested groups that differ in the politicians nonverbal behavior (p