the way of knife

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  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    The Penguin PressPublished by the Penguin GroupPenguin Group (USA) Inc., 37 !udson Street,"e# $or%, "e# $or% &''&*, USA

    USA + -n-d- + U0 + Irel-nd + Austr-li- + "e# 1e-l-nd + Indi- + South A2ric- + hin-

    Penguin oo%s 4td, 5egistered 622ices 8' Str-nd, 4ondon 9:5 '54, ;ngl-ndisit

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    Photogr-ph credits -ppe-r



  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife



    P5646GU; T!; 9A5 ;$6"L

    & P;5@ISSI6" T6 0I44

    : A @A55IAG; A@6"G SPI;S

    3 46A0DA"LDLAGG;5 @;"

    * 5U@S

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    A0"694;LG@;"TSA "6T; 6" S6U5;S"6T;SI4I6G5AP!$P!6T6 5;LITSI"L;M

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    P5I"IPA4 !A5AT;5S

    T!; ;"T5A4 I"T;44IG;"; AG;"$ (IA)

    h-rles Allen, Assist-nt Lirector, ollection, &CC8O:''. o2er l-c%, Lirector, ounterterrorist enter (T), &CCCO:'':Lennis l-ir, Associ-te Lirector, @ilit-ry Support, &CCO&CCQ Lirector o2 "-tion-l

    Intelligence, :''CO:'&'5ich-rd lee, hie2, Alec St-tion (bin 4-den Unit o2 ounterterrorist enter),

    &CCCO:''&9illi-= -sey, Lirector, &C8&O&C87Lu-ne RLe#ey l-rridge, oper-tions o22icer -nd 2ounder o2 the ounterterrorist enter5-y=ond L->is, IA contr-ctor, -rrested in P-%ist-n in :'&&Porter Goss, Lirector, :''*O:''5obert Grenier, hie2 o2 St-tion, Isl-=-b-d, &CCCO:'':Q Lirector, ounterterroris=

    enter, :''*O:''@ich-el !-yden, Lirector, :''O:''CStephen 0-ppes, Leputy Lirector, :''O:'&'Art 0eller, oper-tions o22icer in P-%ist-n, :''@i%e, Lirector, ounterterroris= enter, :''O5oss "e#l-nd, oper-tions o22icer in 4-tin A=eric- -nd ;-stern ;uropeQ l-ter, top o22ici-l

    -t IA he-du-rters4eon P-nett-, Lirector, :''CO:'&&-=es P->itt, Leputy Lirector, 6per-tions, &CCCO:''*L->id Petr-eus, Lirector, :'&&O:'&:Q o==-nder, United St-tes entr-l o==-nd,

    :''8O:'&';nriue Pr-do, oper-tions o22icer #or%ing the ounterterrorist enter -nd l-ter -

    l-c%#-ter e=ployeeose 5odrigue, Lirector, ounterterrorist enter, :'':O:''*Q Leputy Lirector,

    6per-tions, :''*O:''7George Tenet, Lirector, &CC7O:''*

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    L;PA5T@;"T 6< L;

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    T!; 9!IT; !6US;

    ohn renn-n, Assist-nt to the President 2or !o=el-nd Security -nd ounterterroris=,:''CO:'&3

    5ich-rd l-r%e, ounterterroris= oordin-tor, &CC8O:''&

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife



    Sh-%il A2ridi, P-%ist-ni physici-n hired to spy 2or the IA4t. Gener-l @-h=ud Ah=ed, LirectorDGener-l, InterDSer>ices Intelligence (ISI),

    &CCCO:''&4t. Gener-l Ali -n Aur-%-i, P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry co==-nder responsible 2or oper-tions inices Intelligence,

    :''8O:'&:!-2i @uh-==-d S-eed, he-d o2 4-sh%-rDeDT-ib- (RAr=y o2 the Pure)"e% @uh-==-d 9-ir, P-%ist-ni T-lib-n le-der in trib-l -re-s

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife



    Ibr-hi= -lDAsiri, =-ster bo=b =-%er 2or -l W-ed- in the Ar-bi-n Peninsul- (AWAP)Abdulr-h=-n -lDA#l-%i, son o2 An#-r -lDA#l-%i

    An#-r -lDA#l-%i, r-dic-l pre-cher -nd =e=ber o2 AWAP #ho #-s -n A=eric-n citienAli Abdull-h S-leh, President, &CC'O:'&:

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife



    Aden !-shi ern=ent contr-ctorS-leh Ali S-leh "-bh-n, 0eny-n =e=ber o2 -l W-ed-Ks ;-st A2ric- cell %illed in :''CAlli-nce 2or the 5estor-tion o2 Pe-ce -nd ounterDTerroris= (A5PT), collection o2

    IAD2unded So=-li #-rlordsAl Sh-b--b (RThe $outh), -r=ed #ing o2 Isl-=ic ourts Union

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    P5646GU; T!; 9A5 ;$6"L

    RGood intelligence #or%, ontrol h-d -l#-ys pre-ched, #-s gr-du-l -nd rested on - %ind o2 gentleness. Thesc-lphunters #ere the eXception to his o#n rule. They #erenKt gr-du-l -nd they #erenKt gentle either. . . .

    \ohn le -rr], Tin%er, T-ilor, Soldier, Spy

    ;scorted by P-%ist-ni police=en, the burly A=eric-n spy #-s brought into -cro#ded interrog-tion roo=. A=id - cl-tter o2 ringing =obile phones -nd cross t-l%-=ong the cops spe-%ing - =ish=-sh o2 Urdu, PunV-bi, -nd ;nglish, the in>estig-tortried to decipher the 2-cts o2 the c-se.

    RA=eric-, you 2ro= A=eric-^R$es.

    R$ouKre 2ro= A=eric- -nd you belong to the A=eric-n e=b-ssy^R$es, the -nXious A=eric-n >oice boo=ed -bo>e the ch-tter. R@y p-ssport\-t thesite I sho#ed the police o22icer . . . ItKs so=e#here. ItKs lost.

    6n the Vu=py >ideo 2oot-ge o2 the interrog-tion, he re-ched bene-th his chec%ered2l-nnel shirt -nd produced - Vu=ble o2 identi2ic-tion b-dges 2ro= - l-ny-rd -round hisnec%. It #-s one o2 the 2e# things he h-d =-n-ged to hold on to -2ter the ch-otic scene-t the tr-22ic circle.

    RThis is -n old b-dge. This is Isl-=-b-d. !e sho#ed the b-dge to the =-n -crossthe des% -nd then 2lipped to - =ore recent b-dge pro>ing his e=ploy=ent in theA=eric-n consul-te in 4-hore.

    A telephone r-ng, -nd one o2 the o22icers in the cro#ded roo= disp-tched #ith the

    c-ll uic%ly. R9e -rrested -n e=b-ssy =-n. I #ill c-ll you b-c%. The interrog-tionresu=ed.R$ou -re #or%ing -t the consul-te gener-l in 4-hore^R$es.RAs - . . . ^RI, I Vust #or% -s - consult-nt there.Ronsult-nt^ The =-n behind the des% #-s s%eptic-l. !e p-used 2or - =o=ent

    -nd then shot - uestion in Urdu to -nother police=-n. RAnd #h-tKs the n-=e^R5-y=ond L->is, the o22icer responded.R5-y=ond L->is, the A=eric-n con2ir=ed. R-n I sit do#n^RPle-se do. Gi>e you #-ter^ the o22icer -s%ed.

    RLo you h->e - bottle^ A bottle o2 #-ter^ L->is -s%ed.Another o22icer in the roo= l-ughed. R$ou #-nt #-ter^ he -s%ed. R"o =oney, no

    #-ter.ehind the ch-ir #here L->is h-d t-%en - se-t, -nother police=-n #-l%ed into the

    roo= -nd -s%ed 2or -n upd-te.RIs he underst-nding e>erything^ And he Vust %illed t#o =en^5-y=ond Allen L->is\- 2or=er high school 2ootb-ll -nd #restling st-r 2ro=

    #estern Nirgini-, - retired Ar=y Green eret -nd oneti=e pri>-te soldier 2or l-c%#-terUSA, -nd no# - cl-ndestine IA oper-ti>e in P-%ist-n\h-d hours e-rlier been

    n->ig-ting dense tr-22ic in 4-hore, his thic% 2r-=e #edged into the dri>erKs se-t o2 -#hite !ond- i>ic. A city once ruled by @ugh-ls, Si%hs, -nd the ritish, 4-hore isP-%ist-nKs cultur-l -nd intellectu-l c-pit-l, -nd 2or ne-rly - dec-de h-d been on the

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    2ringes o2 A=eric-Ks secret #-r in P-%ist-n.ut by :'&&, the =-p o2 Isl-=ic =ilit-ncy inside P-%ist-n h-d been redr-#n, -nd

    2-ctions th-t once h-d little cont-ct #ith e-ch other h-d ce=ented ne# -lli-nces tosur>i>e the IAKs drone c-=p-ign in the #estern =ount-ins. Groups th-t h-d 2ocused=ost o2 their energies dre-=ing up bloody -tt-c%s -g-inst Indi- h-d begun -ligningthe=sel>es closer to -l W-ed- -nd other org-ni-tions #ith - thirst 2or glob-l Vih-d.

    So=e o2 these groups h-d deep roots in 4-hore, #hich #-s the >ery re-son #hy5-y=ond L->is -nd - IA te-= h-d set up oper-tions 2ro= - s-2e house in the city.ut no# L->is #-s sitting in - 4-hore police st-tion, h->ing shot t#o young =en

    #ho h-d -ppro-ched his c-r #ith guns dr-#n, #hile riding - bl-c% =otorcycle, -t -tr-22ic circle congested #ith c-rs, bicycles, -nd ric%sh-#s. L->is h-d t-%en hisse=i-uto=-tic Gloc% pistol -nd blo#n - h-nd2ul o2 bullets through the #indshield,sh-ttering the gl-ss -nd hitting one o2 the =en in the sto=-ch, -r=, -nd else#here onhis body. As the other =-n 2led, L->is got out o2 his !ond- -nd shot se>er-l rounds intohis b-c%.

    !e r-dioed the A=eric-n consul-te 2or help, -nd #ithin =inutes - Toyot- 4-ndruiser #-s in sight, c-reering in the #rong direction do#n - oneD#-y street. ut the c-r

    struc% -nd %illed - young P-%ist-ni =otorcyclist -nd then le2t #ith L->is still st-nding inthe =iddle o2 the ro-d.

    An -ssort=ent o2 bi-rre p-r-phern-li-#-s sc-ttered -t the scene, including - bl-c% =-s%, -pproXi=-tely one hundred

    bullets, -nd - piece o2 cloth #ith -n A=eric-n 2l-g. The cell phone inside L->isKs c-rcont-ined photos o2 P-%ist-ni =ilit-ry inst-ll-tions, t-%en surreptitiously.

    9ithin d-ys o2 the deb-cle -t the tr-22ic circle, the IA director #ould lie toP-%ist-nKs spy=-ster during - phone c-ll -nd pri>-te =eeting, denying th-t L->is#or%ed 2or the IA. President -r-c% 6b-=- #-s >-gue during - press con2erence-bout L->isKs role in the country, c-lling 2or the rele-se o2 R

    our diplo=-t in P-%ist-n. The IAKs st-tion chie2 in Isl-=-b-d, #ho h-d -rri>ed in the country Vust d-ys

    be2ore the shootings, 2ought openly #ith the A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor there, insisting th-tthe United St-tes gi>e no ground, -nd cut no de-ls, to secure L->isKs rele-se. Theg-=e in P-%ist-n h-d ch-nged, he s-id, -nd the ti=e o2 2riendly rel-tions bet#een theIA -nd P-%ist-nKs spy ser>ice h-d p-ssed.

    ing #-ys o2 spycr-2t pr-cticed bet#een ene=ies during the

    old 9-r.In -n inst-nt, the bloody -22-ir see=ed to con2ir= -ll the conspir-cies ginned up

    inside cro#ded b---rs -nd corridors o2 po#er in P-%ist-n th-t the United St-tes h-dsent - >-st secret -r=y to P-%ist-n, =en #ho so#ed ch-os -nd >iolence -s p-rt o2 -co>ert A=eric-n #-r in the country. The #i2e o2 one o2 L->isKs >icti=s, con>inced th-ther husb-ndKs %iller #ould ne>er be brought to Vustice, s#-llo#ed - leth-l -=ount o2 r-tpoison.

    ut the L->is -22-ir -lso told - bigger story. The 2or=er Green eret hired by theIA 2or - =-nhunt in P-%ist-n #-s the 2-ce o2 -n A=eric-n spy -gency th-t h-s beentr-ns2or=ed -2ter - dec-de o2 con2licts 2-r 2ro= decl-red #-r ones. "o longer -tr-dition-l espion-ge ser>ice de>oted to ste-ling the secrets o2 2oreign go>ern=ents, theentr-l Intelligence Agency h-s beco=e - %illing =-chine, -n org-ni-tion consu=ed#ith =-n hunting.

    And Vust -s the IA h-s co=e to t-%e on t-s%s tr-dition-lly -ssoci-ted #ith the=ilit-ry, #ith spies turned into soldiers, so h-s the opposite occurred. The A=eric-n=ilit-ry h-s been dispersed into the d-r% sp-ces o2 A=eric-n 2oreign policy, #ith

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    co==-ndo te-=s running spying =issions th-t 9-shington #ould ne>er h->e dre-=edo2 -ppro>ing in the ye-rs be2ore C_&&. Prior to the -tt-c%s o2 Septe=ber &&, thePent-gon did >ery little hu=-n spying, -nd the IA #-s not o22ici-lly per=itted to %ill. Inthe ye-rs since, e-ch h-s done - gre-t de-l o2 both, -nd - =ilit-ryDintelligence co=pleXh-s e=erged to c-rry out the ne# A=eric-n #-y o2 #-r.

    The historic-l contours o2 the #-rs in A2gh-nist-n -nd Ir- -re by no# #ell %no#n.

    ut 2or =ore th-n - dec-de - sep-r-te -nd p-r-llel #-r h-s been #-ged, - d-r%re2lection o2 the Rbig #-rs th-t A=eric- beg-n -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s. In -sh-do# #-r #-ged -cross the globe, A=eric- h-s pursued its ene=ies using %illerrobots -nd speci-lDoper-tions troops. It h-s p-id pri>-teers to set up cl-ndestine spyingnet#or%s -nd relied on =ercuri-l dict-tors, unreli-ble 2oreign intelligence ser>ices, -ndr-gt-g proXy -r=ies. In pl-ces #here the United St-tes couldnKt send ground troops,2ringe ch-r-cters =-teri-lied to pl-y outsie roles, including - ch-inDs=o%ing Pent-gono22ici-l #ho te-=ed up #ith - IA 2igure 2ro= the Ir-nOontr- sc-nd-l to run -n o22DtheDboo%s spying oper-tion in P-%ist-n, -nd -n heiress 2ro= the horse country o2 Nirgini-,#ho bec-=e obsessed #ith So=-li- -nd con>inced the Pent-gon to hire her to hunt -lW-ed- oper-ti>es there.

    The #-r h-s stretched -cross =ultiple continents, 2ro= the =ount-ins o2 P-%ist-n tothe deserts o2 $e=en -nd "orth A2ric-, 2ro= the si==ering cl-n #-rs o2 So=-li- to thedense Vungles o2 the Philippines. The 2ound-tions o2 the secret #-r #ere l-id by -conser>-ti>e 5epublic-n president -nd e=br-ced by - liber-l Le=ocr-tic one #hobec-=e en-=ored o2 #h-t he h-d inherited. President -r-c% 6b-=- c-=e to see it -s-n -ltern-ti>e to the =essy, costly #-rs th-t topple go>ern=ents -nd reuire ye-rs o2A=eric-n occup-tion. In the #ords o2 ohn renn-n, one o2 President 6b-=-Ks closest-d>isers #ho= 6b-=- e>entu-lly t-pped to run the IA, inste-d o2 the Rh-==erA=eric- no# relies on the Rsc-lpel.

    The -n-logy suggests th-t this ne# %ind o2 #-r is #ithout costs or blunders\-surgery #ithout co=plic-tions. This isnKt the c-se. The #-y o2 the %ni2e h-s cre-tedene=ies Vust -s it h-s obliter-ted the=. It h-s 2o=ented resent=ent -=ong 2or=er -llies-nd -t ti=es contributed to inst-bility e>en -s it h-s -tte=pted to bring order to ch-os. Ith-s shortDcircuited the nor=-l =ech-nis=s 2or ho# the United St-tes -s - n-tion goesto #-r, -nd turned the A=eric-n president into the 2in-l -rbiter o2 #hether speci2icpeople in 2-rDo22 l-nds li>e or die. This #-y o2 #-r h-s h-d =-ny successes, includingthe e>entu-l %illing o2 6s-=- bin 4-den -nd his =ost trusted 2ollo#ers. ut it h-s -lsolo#ered the b-r 2or #-ging #-r, -nd it is no# e-sier 2or the United St-tes to c-rry out%illing oper-tions -t the ends o2 the e-rth th-n -t -ny other ti=e in its history. 9h-t2ollo#s is - story -bout -n eXperi=ent th-t h-s l-sted =ore th-n - dec-de, -nd #h-th-s e=erged 2ro= the l-bor-tory.

    \SI5 5I!A5L L;A546N; SA9 - gli=pse o2 the 2uture Vust #ee%s -2ter the Septe=ber &&-tt-c%s. The he-d o2 the ritish Secret Intelligence Ser>ice, @I, Le-rlo>e c-=e to theUnited St-tes #ith other top ritish intelligence o22ici-ls to sho# solid-rity #ith theUnited 0ingdo=Ks closest -lly. Le-rlo>e -rri>ed -t IA he-du-rters in 4-ngley,Nirgini-, to deli>er the =ess-ge person-lly th-t ritish spies #ere opening up theirboo%s, gi>ing the IA r-re -ccess to -ll the @I 2iles on =e=bers o2 -l W-ed-.

    The ritish h-d tutored the A=eric-ns in the d-r% -rts during 9orld 9-r II but h-dlong -ppro-ched the spy g-=e di22erently. In &C*3, one =e=ber o2 9inston hurchillKsSpeci-l 6per-tions ;Xecuti>e co=pl-ined th-t the RA=eric-n te=per-=ent de=-nds

    uic% -nd spect-cul-r results, #hile the ritish policy is gener-lly spe-%ing longDter=-nd plodding. !e pointed out the d-ngers o2 the str-tegy c-rried out by the 622ice o2Str-tegic Ser>ices, the IAKs precursor, #hich relied on blo#ing up #e-pons depots,

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    cutting telephone lines, -nd l-ndD=ining ene=y supply lines. The A=eric-ns h-d =ore=oney th-n br-ins, he #-rned, -nd the 6SSKs Rh-n%ering -2ter pl-ying co#boys -ndred Indi-ns could only le-d to

    trouble 2or the -lli-nce.Le-rlo>e h-d gro#n up in the cl-ssic ritish spying tr-dition. !e gr-du-ted 2ro=

    WueensK ollege -t the Uni>ersity o2 -=bridge, - tr-dition-l recruiting ground 2or theritish secret ser>ices, -nd h-d ser>ed in 2oreign postings in A2ric-, ;urope, -nd9-shington. 4i%e his predecessors, -s the he-d o2 @I he signed -ll intern-l =e=os#ith his code n-=e, R\by tr-dition, -l#-ys in green in%.

    Shortly -2ter his pl-ne, c-rrying the c-ll sign AS6TD&, l-nded in 9-shington,Le-rlo>e 2ound hi=sel2 inside the ounterterrorist enter -t IA he-du-rters. 6n -l-rge screen, IA o22icers #ere #-tching >ideo o2 - #hite @itsubishi truc% dri>ing -long- ro-d in A2gh-nist-n. Le-rlo>e h-d %no#n th-t the United St-tes h-d de>eloped the-bility to #-ge #-r by re=ote control, but he h-d ne>er be2ore #-tched the Pred-tordrone in -ction.

    Se>er-l =inutes #ent by -s the @itsubishi #-s 2r-=ed by the crossh-irs -t the

    center o2 the >ideo =onitor, until - =issile bl-st #-shed the entire screen in #hite.Seconds l-ter, the picture cl-ri2ied to sho# the #rec%-ge o2 the truc%,

    t#isted -nd burning.Le-rlo>e turned to - group o2 IA o22icers, including 5oss "e#l-nd, -n -gency

    >eter-n #ho =onths e-rlier h-d t-%en - Vob -s p-rt o2 - group o>erseeing the Pred-torprogr-=. !e cr-c%ed - #ry s=ile.

    RIt -l=ost isnKt sporting, is it^

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    & P;5@ISSI6" T6 0I44


    $ou -re there to %ill terrorists

    , not =-%e ene=ies.

    \P-%ist-ni president Per>e @ush-rr-2 to U.S. -=b-ss-dor 9endy h-=berlin, Septe=ber &*, :''&

    The lights in the 9hite !ouse Situ-tion 5oo= di==ed, -nd the IA =en beg-n theslide sho#.

    The pictures h-d been t-%en in h-ste -nd #ere gr-iny -nd out o2 2ocus. So=e #ere

    o2 =en getting into - c-r, or #-l%ing do#n the street. The scene in the d-r%ened roo=rese=bled - =-2i- =o>ie, #here er, the i=-ges #ere o2 =en #ho the entr-lIntelligence Agency #-s proposing to %ill.

    G-thered -round the t-ble #ere -ll the >ice presidentKs =en, including leg-l -d>iserL->id Addington -nd chie2 o2 st-22 I. 4e#is 4ibby, -n old 9-shington h-nd %no#n -sRScooter. At the he-d o2 the t-ble, Nice President Lic% heney #-tched the roguesg-llery o2 slides #ith intense interest. It #-s - cold, l-teD2-ll d-y in :''&, Vust #ee%s -2terPresident George 9. ush h-d signed - secret order gi>ing the IA po#er it h-d lost inthe &C7's, -2ter - series o2 grisly -nd so=eti=es co=ic re>el-tions -bout IA-ss-ssin-tion -tte=pts h-d led the 9hite !ouse to b-n the spy -gency 2ro=eXter=in-ting A=eric-Ks ene=ies. 6n th-t d-y in the Situ-tion 5oo=, the IA #-sreporting b-c% to the 9hite !ouse on ho# it intended to use its ne#ly -cuired

    license to %ill.The t#o IA o22icers le-ding the present-tion, ose 5odrigue -nd ;nriue Pr-do,

    told the group th-t the ounterterrorist enter #-s recruiting IA o22icers 2or - highlycl-ssi2ied ne# progr-= - proVect to insert s=-ll te-=s o2 -ss-ssins into other countriesto hunt do#n -nd %ill the people th-t the ush -d=inistr-tion h-d =-r%ed 2or de-th.A=ong the photogr-phs #-s one o2 @-=oun L-r%--nli, - Syri-n #ho the IA belie>edh-d helped org-nie the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s -nd #-s li>ing in the open in Ger=-ny.

    There #-s -lso - picture o2 Lr. Abdul W-deer 0h-n, - hero in P-%ist-n 2or his #or%de>eloping its -to=ic bo=b but - >ill-in in the 9est 2or secretly tr-ns2erring nucle-rtechnology to Ir-n, 4iby-, -nd other p-ri-h st-tes. y shooting e-ch photogr-ph -t closer-nge, the IA #-s =-%ing -n eerie, un=ist-%-ble point 9e c-n get close enough tot-%e their pictures, so #e c-n get close enough to %ill.

    ut behind the br->-do #ere un-ns#ered uestions. !o# #ould IA hit su-ds slipunnoticed into Ger=-ny, P-%ist-n, -nd other countries^ ould - group o2 A=eric-n-ss-ssins re-lly set up - net o2 sur>eill-nce -nd then, -t the -ppointed ti=e, =-n-ge toput - bullet into the he-d o2 their t-rget^ The -gency h-d 2igured out none o2 thelogistics, but 5odrigue -nd Pr-do h-d not co=e to the 9hite !ouse prep-red to-ns#er det-iled uestions -bout the oper-tions. They #ere Vust loo%ing 2or per=ission.

    heney told the= to get to #or%.


  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    P5;SIL;"T G;65G; 9. US!, the son o2 - 2or=er director o2 centr-l intelligence2or #ho= the -gency h-d ren-=ed its he-du-rters in 4-ngley, inherited - shrun%en

    -nd dispirited spy ser>ice, - sh-de o2 #h-t it h-d been during the old 9-r. ut in the2in-l =onths o2 :''&, ush h-d put the IA in ch-rge o2 - glob-l =-nhunt, -nd itsper2or=-nce h-d bu22ed up the -gencyKs i=-ge o2 itsel2 -s ni=ble -nd responsi>e to the

    de=-nds o2 the co==-nderDinDchie2\the -ntithesis o2 the lu=bering, bure-ucr-ticPent-gon.The IA #-s no# running - secret #-r -t the direction o2 the 9hite !ouse, -nd the

    -gencyKs once ignored ounterterrorist enter h-d beco=e the #-rKs 2r-ntic co==-ndpost. The center h-d once been - b-c%#-ter #ithin the IA, >ie#ed by =-ny -t 4-ngley-s - collection o2 odd e-lots #ho h-d ended up there -2ter 2-iling -t =ore prestigious-ssign=ents. ut -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s the ounterterrorist enter beg-n the=ost dr-=-tic eXp-nsion in its history, -nd o>er the course o2 - dec-de it #ouldbeco=e the IAKs be-ting he-rt.

    !undreds o2 cl-ndestine o22icers -nd -n-lysts #ere t-%en o22 the Asi- -nd 5ussi-des%s -nd re-ssigned to the =-e o2 h-stily built cubicles V-==ed inside the TKs

    oper-tions hub. The l-yout bec-=e so co=pleX th-t people h-d di22iculty 2inding theircolle-gues. -rdbo-rd street signs #ere erected to help 2ind cubicles loc-ted -long R

    Us-=- in 4-ne -nd R1-#-hiri 9-y. A sign #-s e>entu-lly posted -bo>e the centerKs door\-

    const-nt, oppressi>e re=inder th-t -nother terror -tt-c% could be d-ys, or e>en=inutes, -#-y. The sign re-d, T6LA$ IS S;PT;@;5 &:, :''&.

    Lirecting the #hirl#ind in the #-rKs e-rly =onths #-s . o2er l-c%, - 2l-=boy-nto22icer #ho h-d been obsessed #ith hunting 6s-=- bin 4-den e>er since he r-n theIAKs st-tion in 0h-rtou=, the c-pit-l o2 Sud-n, #hen bin 4-den #-s li>ing in eXile inthe country. l-c% h-d culti>-ted -n i=-ge inside the IA -s so=ething o2 - crossbet#een - =-d scientist -nd Gener-l George P-tton. 6n Septe=ber &&, #hen so=e2e-red th-t the 2in-l hiV-c%ed -irpl-ne =ight be he-ded to#-rd 4-ngley, l-c% re2used to-llo# T o22icers to e>-cu-te IA he-du-rters -long #ith the rest o2 -gencypersonnel.

    In the =onths th-t 2ollo#ed, IA director George Tenet r-rely #ent to the 9hite!ouse #ithout l-c% -t his side, -nd - =ythology de>eloped -bout l-c%Ksdeter=in-tion

    to %ill o22 -s =-ny -l W-ed- oper-ti>es -s possible. Luring -n 6>-l 622ice =eeting t#o d-ys -2ter the -tt-c%s, ush -s%ed l-c%

    #hether the IA #-s up to h-ndling its ne# -ssign=ent, #hich in>ol>ed insertingp-r-=ilit-ry te-=s into A2gh-nist-n to -lly the=sel>es #ith A2gh-n #-rlords -nd 2ight

    the T-lib-n. In ghoulish hyperbole, l-c% cl-i=ed th-t by the ti=e the IA #-s done#ith -l W-ed-, bin 4-den -nd his brethren #ould Rh->e 2lies #-l%ing -cross their eyeb-lls. Th-t #-s the %ind o2 t-l% ush #-nted to he-r, -nd he too% -n i==edi-te li%ing to

    the bo=b-stic counterterroris= chie2. ut so=e o2 the presidentKs #-r c-binet cringed -tthe =-cho t-l% -nd beg-n re2erring to l-c% -s R

    the 2liesDonDtheDeyeb-lls guy.l-c%Ks eX-lted st-tus #ith those #ho counted in the 9hite !ouse led to 2riction

    inside the IA -nd const-nt b-ttles #ith his boss, -=es P->itt, #ho= he considered#e-% -nd uni=-gin-ti>e. P->itt he-ded the Lirector-te o2 6per-tions, the br-nch o2 the

    -gency responsible 2or -ll 2oreign espion-ge -nd co>ert -ction =issions, -nd thoughtl-c% #-s - sho#bo-t -nd - co#boy. !e belie>ed th-t l-c% #-s 2-r too e-ger to getthe IA in>ol>ed in the %ind o2 o>erse-s eXploits th-t h-d been - const-nt source o2

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    trouble 2or the -gency, -nd in the ye-rs be2ore the C_&& -tt-c%s they h-d 2ought bitterlyo>er #hether the IA should e=br-ce the -r=ed Pred-tor to hunt -nd %ill bin 4-den inA2gh-nist-n.

    ut the success o2 the IAKs initi-l str-tegy in A2gh-nist-n in l-te :''& #-s - >ictory2or l-c% -nd the ounterterrorist enter, -nd it see=ed to pro>e to the IAKs detr-ctorsth-t there #ere >irtues to - s=-ll c-dre o2 o22icers -t the IA running - c-=p-ign

    -g-inst - di22use org-ni-tion li%e -l W-ed-. Te-=s o2 IA p-r-=ilit-ry o22icers, l-terVoined by Ar=y Green erets, h-d turned - r-gged collection o2 A2gh-n =iliti-s into -conuering -r=y. 5iding on horses -nd in rusted So>ietDer- -r=ored >ehicles, theA2gh-ns h-d dri>en the T-lib-n 2ro= 0-bul -nd 0-nd-h-r.

    The str-nge ne# con2lict h-d -lso upended ho# the United St-tes #-ged #-r. Thetr-dition-l #-rti=e ch-in o2 co==-nd\p-ssing 2ro= the 9hite !ouse to the secret-ryo2 de2ense to - 2ourDst-r co==-nder #ith - st-22 o2 hundreds to build -nd eXecute - #-rpl-n\h-d uietly been circu=>ented. The IA director #-s no# - =ilit-ry co==-nderrunning - cl-ndestine, glob-l #-r #ith - s%eleton st-22 -nd >ery little o>ersight. Tenetbeg-n pushing -ggressi>ely to bul% up the IAKs p-r-=ilit-ry te-=s in A2gh-nist-n, -ndhe sold the 9hite !ouse on - progr-= to c-pture terrorists, hide the= in secret V-ils,

    -nd subVect the= to -n 6r#elli-n regi=en o2 brut-l interrog-tion =ethods. 6nly ush,heney, -nd - s=-ll group -t the 9hite !ouse #ere o>erseeing decisions -bout

    #ho should be c-ptured, #ho should be %illed, -nd #ho should be sp-red.This #-s -n -brupt ch-nge 2or Tenet, #ho in the ye-rs be2ore the Septe=ber &&

    -tt-c%s h-d li%ed to tell his bosses -t the 9hite !ouse th-t IA o22icers should st-yre=o>ed 2ro= the process o2 =-%ing policy. !e e>o%ed -n -l=ost =on-stic i=-ge o2the spies -t 4-ngley producing intelligence -ssess=ents, #hile those R-cross the ri>er,-t the 9hite !ouse -nd in ongress, =-de decisions b-sed on these -ssess=ents.-=es P->itt #ould l-ter tell in>estig-tors 2ro= the C_&& o==ission th-t one lesson2ro= the Ir-nOontr- sc-nd-l o2 the &C8's #-s th-t R

    #e donKt do policy 2ro= `4-ngleya . . . -nd you donKt #-nt us to.I2 th-t ide- h-d -lre-dy been so=ething o2 - use2ul =yth, cert-inly by l-te :''& the

    IA could no longer cl-i= th-t it stood -p-rt 2ro= =essy decisions -bout #-r -ndpe-ce. ush de=-nded th-t Tenet co=e to the 6>-l 622ice e-ch d-y 2or the presidentKsd-ily brie2\it #-s the 2irst ti=e since the -gencyKs 2ounding th-t the IA director, r-therth-n - lo#erDle>el -n-lyst, pro>ided the regul-r =orning brie2ing -t the 9hite !ouse.4i%e his IA predecessors, Tenet #-s e-ger 2or the -ccess to the president, -nd e>ery=orning he -nd o2er l-c% -rri>ed -t the 9hite !ouse #ith the c-t-logue o2 terroristplots -nd plotters to tell - r-pt -udience -bout the steps th-t the IA #-s t-%ing to

    protect the country. The d-ily -udiences #ith the president =-de Tenet -nd the IAindispens-ble to the 9hite !ouse, #hich h-d -n ins-ti-ble -ppetite 2or in2or=-tion-bout -ny thre-ts.

    ut such highDle>el -ttention #-s -lso beginning to h->e - distorting e22ect on the-n-lysis th-t the IA #-s producing\=-%ing it n-rro#er, =ore t-ctic-l. !undreds o2IA -n-lysts #ere no# #or%ing on terroris=, #hich #-s underst-nd-ble in the-2ter=-th o2 -n -tt-c% th-t %illed ne-rly three thous-nd A=eric-ns. ut it bec-=ei==edi-tely ob>ious to the -n-lysts th-t the p-th to c-reer -d>-nce=ent -t the IA #-sto st-rt #or%ing on terroris=, #ith the go-l o2 producing so=ething th-t =ight be re-d tothe president e-rly one =orning inside the 6>-l 622ice. And #h-t the 9hite !ouse #-s=ost interested in #ere le-ds -bout the #here-bouts o2 speci2ic -l W-ed- oper-tors, not

    bro-der subVects li%e the le>el o2 support -l W-ed- h-d in the @usli= #orld or thei=p-ct th-t A=eric-n =ilit-ry -nd intelligence oper-tions =ight h->e on r-dic-liing -ne# gener-tion o2 =ilit-nts. The IA 2ocused its e22orts -ccordingly.

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    ;>en the l-ngu-ge o2 spycr-2t #-s gr-du-lly ch-nging. IA c-se o22icers -nd-n-lysts h-d once used the ter= Rt-rgeting -s they =-de decisions -bout #hich 2oreigngo>ern=ent o22ici-l should be t-rgeted 2or in2or=-tion or #hich 2oreign n-tion-l could beturned into - IA in2or=-nt. ;>entu-lly, Rt-rgeting c-=e to =e-n so=ething uitedi22erent 2or the -n-lysts #ho =o>ed into the ounterterrorist enter. It =e-nt tr-c%ingdo#n so=eone dee=ed - thre-t to the United St-tes, -nd c-pturing or %illing hi=.

    The 2ights bet#een o2er l-c% -nd -=es P->itt intensi2ied, -nd by e-rly :'':l-c% h-d decided to le->e the cl-ndestine ser>ice -ndt-%e - Vob -t the St-te Lep-rt=ent. !is repl-ce=ent #-s ose 5odrigue, #ho h-d been one o2 the ounterterrorist

    enterKs top o22icers -nd the hu=ble counterpoint to l-c%. o2er l-c% h-d @iddle ;-steXperience -nd #-s one o2 - h-nd2ul o2 IA o22icers #ith inti=-te %no#ledge -bout theterror net#or% led by 6s-=- bin 4-denQ 5odrigue h-d ne>er ser>ed in the @usli=#orld -nd spo%e no Ar-bic. ut he #-s close to P->itt, -nd so=e cl-ndestine o22icerssuspected th-t 5odrigue initi-lly h-d been inst-lled -t the center so th-t P->itt could%eep t-bs on l-c%. A n-ti>e o2 Puerto 5ico -nd the son o2 t#o te-chers, 5odrigue h-dVoined the intelligence -gency in the =idse>enties -2ter gr-du-ting 2ro= the Uni>ersity o2

    er c-reer h-d been spent =ostly inside the 4-tinA=eric- di>ision, the ho=e o2 the IAKs -d>entures in "ic-r-gu-, ;l S-l>-dor, -nd!ondur-s during the &C8's. ut -t th-t ti=e 5odrigue #-s still Vunior enough to ->oidbeing en=eshed in the Ir-nOontr- in>estig-tions th-t #ould cripple the di>ision 2orye-rs. 5odrigue #-s #ell li%ed inside the cl-ndestine ser>ice but h-d ne>erdistinguished hi=sel2 -s one o2 the best c-se o22icers in his IA peer group. !e ser>edin - nu=ber o2 IA st-tions in 4-tin A=eric-, including oli>i- -nd @eXico, -nd 2ostered-n i=-ge -s - =->eric% #ho li%ed to stic% it to bure-ucr-ts -t 4-ngley #ho he thought#ere =icro=-n-ging 2ield oper-tions. !e #-s -n ->id horseb-c% rider, -nd #hile he#-s st-tion chie2 in @eXico ity he n-=ed his 2->orite horse usiness, instructingsubordin-tes th-t i2 one o2 the bosses -t 4-ngley c-lled to inuire -bout his#here-bouts they should be told th-t 5odrigue #-s R

    out on usiness.9hen he too% o>er the 4-tin A=eric- di>ision, in &CC, it #-s once -g-in in tur=oil.

    ohn Leutch, President lintonKs second IA director, h-d Vust 2ired - nu=ber o2 c-seo22icers 2or #h-t the IA euphe=istic-lly c-lls Rclose -nd continuing cont-cts #ith2oreign n-tion-ls. In other #ords, the =en do#n in 4-tin A=eric- #ere h->ing illicit-22-irs, -nd there #ere concerns th-t their pro=iscuity could =-%e the= >ulner-ble tobl-c%=-il. 5odrigue soon 2ound trouble o2 his o#n. 9hen - childhood 2riend #-s-rrested in the Lo=inic-n 5epublic on - drug ch-rge, 5odrigue inter>ened to stop

    Lo=inic-n police 2ro= be-ting his 2riend #hile in prison. It #-s - cle-r con2lict o2 interest2or the he-d o2 the IAKs 4-tin A=eric- di>ision to inter>ene #ith - 2oreign go>ern=enton beh-l2 o2 - 2riend, -nd the spy -gencyKs inspector gener-l repri=-nded 5odrigue 2orsho#ing R- re=-r%-ble l-c% o2 Vudg=ent.

    !e #-s re=o>ed 2ro= the Vob.ut by :''& his c-reer h-d rebounded, -nd 5odrigue 2ound hi=sel2 -=ong -

    nu=ber o2 4-tin A=eric-n h-nds\including his 2riend ;nriue Pr-do\helping to runthe IAKs ne# #-r. !e bec-=e - regul-r -t the d-ily P.@. =eetings -round TenetKscon2erence t-ble, #here senior IA o22ici-ls recei>ed d-ily b-ttle2ield upd-tes -boutoper-tions in A2gh-nist-n -nd else#here. It #-s during one o2 those sessions th-t

    5odrigue =-de -n o22h-nd suggestion th-t #ould le-d to one o2 the =ost 2-te2uldecisions o2 the ush -d=inistr-tion.The uestion be2ore the group #-s #h-t to do #ith -ll the T-lib-n 2ighters th-t

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    A=eric-n troops -nd IA o22icers #ere pic%ing up in A2gh-nist-n. 9here could they beheld o>er the long ter=^ The =eeting turned into - br-instor=ing session, #ith >-riousIA o22icers suggesting countries th-t =ight be #illing to -ccept the det-inees. 6neo22icer suggested the Ushu-i- prison, on Argentin-Ks Tierr- del ered in #oodDp-neled o22ices on the top 2loors o2 the Pent-gon. y e-rly :'':,A2gh-nist-n #-s neither - d-ily shooting #-r nor - hope2ul pe-ce but - t#ilight con2lictbeset by co=petition -nd =istrust bet#een soldiers -nd spies. A=eric-n =issions #ereo2ten b-sed on sh-rds o2 intelligence 2ro= unreli-ble sources, -s #hen doens o2 "->yS;A4s -nd @-rines spent eight d-ys digging up gr->es -t - c->e co=pleX -t 1h-#-r0ili, in e-stern A2gh-nist-n, b-sed on intelligence th-t 6s-=- bin 4-den =ight h->ebeen %illed in - recent -irstri%e on the b-se. They #ere hoping to eXhu=e bin 4-denKsbody -nd pro>ide - re-son to end the A2gh-n #-r -2ter Vust three =onths.They dug up - h-nd2ul o2 bodiesbut didnKt 2ind #h-t they #ere loo%ing 2or.

    So=eti=es, poor co==unic-tion bet#een the IA -nd the =ilit-ry h-d de-dly

    results. 6n -nu-ry :3, - te-= o2 Ar=y Green erets l-unched - r-id in the d-r% o2night on t#o co=pounds -t !--r W-d-=, - hundred =iles northe-st o2 0-nd-h-r. Theco=pounds consisted o2 se>er-l buildings perched on the side o2 - hill. As -n AD&3'gunship circled o>erhe-d,

    t#o te-=s stor=ed the co=pounds si=ult-neously.St-cc-to bursts o2 A0D*7 gun2ire erupted 2ro= the buildings -s the te-=s ble# -

    hole in the outer #-lls. The A=eric-ns returned 2ire -nd beg-n =o>ing 2ro= roo= toroo= -s so=e 2ought h-nd to h-nd #ith the suspected T-lib-n gun=en. y =issionKsend, the A=eric-ns h-d %illed =ore th-n 2orty people inside the co=pounds, -nd theAD&3' h-d reduced the structures to rubble.

    ut #h-t the soldiers le-rned #hen they returned to their b-se #-s th-t, d-yse-rlier, the IA h-d turned the =en inside the t#o co=pounds -#-y 2ro= the T-lib-n-nd con>inced the= to 2ight 2or the other side. !-nging in one o2 the buildings th-t night

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    #-s the 2l-g o2 the ne# go>ern=ent o2 A2gh-nist-n, led by !-=id 0-r-i. The IA h-dne>er told the speci-lDoper-tions t-s% 2orce th-t the doens o2 A2gh-n =en li>ing in theco=pounds #ere no# their -llies.

    The con2usion in A2gh-nist-n #-s p-rtly the result o2 nor=-l b-ttle2ield tur=oil, but it-lso h-d its origins in the Voc%eying bet#een the Pent-gon -nd IA 2or supre=-cy in thene# A=eric-n con2lict. Secret-ry o2 Le2ense Lon-ld 5u=s2eld h-d 2elt stung th-t IA

    p-r-=ilit-ry te-=s h-d been 2irst into A2gh-nist-n. It #-snKt Vust - =-tter o2 logistics,though it #-s true th-t the pl-toons o2 Green erets h-d been del-yed by b-d #e-ther-nd proble=s getting -ccess to b-ses -round A2gh-nist-n. It #-s th-t the in>-sion #-s,-t its inception, concei>ed -nd led by the IA #ith the U.S. =ilit-ry in - supporting role.The -bility o2 the IA to =o>e =ore s#i2tly th-n the =ilit-ry #ith Vust - 2r-ction o2 thePent-gonKs budget -nd =-npo#er gn-#ed -t 5u=s2eld. !e beg-n o>erh-uling thePent-gonKs bure-ucr-cy to ensure it didnKt h-ppen -g-in.

    5u=s2eld h-d been struggling in his e22orts to re>-=p - Le2ense Lep-rt=ent hes-# -s hidebound -nd controlled too =uch by p-rochi-l =ilit-ry ser>ices consu=ed#ith protecting their pried #e-pons syste=s. A 2or=er de2ense secret-ry during theed 2ro= -rious =ilit-ry ser>icesthe R9heee 0ids. y the ti=e th-t A=eric-n Airlines e, old 9-rOer- #e-pons. There #-s open specul-tion in 9-shington th-t5u=s2eld =ight be the 2irst top =e=ber o2 the ush -d=inistr-tion to step do#n. uto>er the neXt ye-r he soon turned into the =ost >isible -nd popul-r =e=ber o2President ushKs c-binet. The United St-tes pushed the T-lib-n out o2 A2gh-nist-nKscities by Lece=ber :''&, using -n inno>-ti>e #-r pl-n 2or #hich 5u=s2eld recei>edpublic credit, -nd his blunt, highDpro2ile press brie2ings =-de hi= the public 2-ce o2 the

    ush -d=inistr-tionKs ret-li-tion 2or the terrorist -tt-c%s th-t h-d %illed ne-rly threethous-nd A=eric-ns. 5u=s2eld didnKt =ince #ords or l-pse into =ilit-ryspe-% #hent-l%ing -bout the -i=s o2 the #-r. !e t-l%ed -bout R%illing T-lib-n.

    5u=s2eld -lso s-# e-rly on th-t =uch o2 the ne# #-r #ould be #-ged in d-r%corners o2 the #orld, -#-y 2ro= decl-red #-r ones. It #ould loo% nothing li%e thein2-ntry s%ir=ishes o2 the nineteenth century, the trench #-r2-re o2 the

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    -n entirely ne# org-ni-tionth-t =ight gi>e the Pent-gon control o2 the ne# #-r.

    e its -i=.

    The Pent-gon did not yet h->e the =-chinery in pl-ce to c-rry out such - #-r, -nd5u=s2eld %ne# it -s #ell -s -nyone. There #-s =uch to do.

    \6" A 4;A5 "IG!T in e-rly ed their

    h-nds #ildly -s - group o2 co==-ndos -ppro-ched the=#ith gun b-rrels pointed 2or#-rd.

    ideo 2eed pro>ided by - IA drone. The speci-lDoper-tionsco==-nder, "->y c-pt-in 5obert !-r#-rd, pic%ed up - secure phone -nd c-lled hisbosses in 0u#-it to tell the= -bout the c-pti>es. @ull-h 0h-irull-h 0h-ir%h#-, theT-lib-n le-der e>eryone h-d been hunting, he s-id, #-s no# in custody.

    There #-s - long p-use -t the other end o2 the phone. ed into - helicopter -nd #ere 2lying b-c% to the 0-nd-h-rb-se could\i2 necess-ry\be returned to the pl-ce #here they h-d been -rrested.

    9h-t @i%ol-she% h-d Vust le-rned, but !-r#-rd still didnKt %no#, #-s th-t it #-s not@ull-h 0h-ir%h#- -nd his -ides inside the helicopter. 0h-ir%h#-, the T-lib-n interior=inister, #-s dri>ing in - di22erent #hite truc% th-t h-d Vust crossed the border intoP-%ist-n. And the IA %ne# it.

    It #-s the 2ourth =onth o2 the A2gh-n #-r, -nd A=eric-n troops #ere pouring intothe country in gre-ter nu=bers. A ne# go>ern=ent h-d Vust been inst-lled in 0-bul, -nd

    @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- h-d spent d-ys negoti-ting #ith the ne# A2gh-n presidentKs h-l2brother, Ah=ed 9-li 0-r-i, -bout surrendering -nd beco=ing - IA in2or=-nt. Ah=ed9-li hi=sel2 #-s on the IAKs p-yroll\-n -lli-nce th-t ye-rs l-ter #ould be - source o2tension bet#een the IA -nd the =ilit-ry in 0-bul\-nd A=eric-n spies rel-yed the=ess-ge to @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- th-t he could ->oid -rrest -nd - long stint in the ne#lybuilt prison -t Gu-ntn-=o -y.

    ut -2ter se>er-l d-ys o2 negoti-tions, @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- #-snKt sure he could trustthe A=eric-ns. !e phoned -nother T-lib-n co==-nder to tell hi= he #-s pl-nning toesc-pe to P-%ist-nQ the c-ll #-s intercepted by A=eric-n =ilit-ry spies. The intelligenceo22icers #-rned @i%ol-she%, #ho told -pt-in !-r#-rd, in 0-nd-h-r, to c-pture theT-lib-n =inister be2ore he =-de it o>er the border. The helicopters too% o22 -nd he-ded

    south to gr-b 0h-ir%h#-, #ith the IA Pred-tor th-t #-s tr-c%ing his #hite truc% le-dingthe #-y.

    ut the IA h-d - di22erent pl-n. The #-r in A2gh-nist-n h-d 2orced the spy -gency

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    into - tight e=br-ce #ith P-%ist-nKs spy -gency, the Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>icesIntelligence (ISI), -nd IA o22icers thought they =ight be -ble to get P-%ist-ni spies toc-pture @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- -nd encour-ge hi= to beco=e -n in2or=-nt. 6r, -t le-st, -highDpro2ile -rrest o2 - T-lib-n le-der in P-%ist-n =ight e-rn Isl-=-b-d so=e good#illin 9-shington.

    Shortly -2ter the =ilit-ry helicopters li2ted o22 2ro= 0-nd-h-r, the IA drone pulled

    o22 2ro= tr-c%ing 0h-ir%h#-Ks truc%, le->ing the troops in the helicopter blind -bout theloc-tion o2 their t-rget. Intelligence o22icers inside the speci-lDoper-tions co==-nd postbeg-n scre-=ing into their phones to resu=e the Pred-tor sur>eill-nce. It #-s se>er-l=inutes be2ore - second IA Pred-tor -rri>ed\-nd beg-n tr-c%ing -n entirely di22erent#hite truc%.

    The IA #-s no# le-ding the co==-ndos in the helicopter to the #rong t-rget,#hile @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- -nd his entour-ge sped o>er the desert border -t Spin old-%-nd into P-%ist-n. L-ys l-ter, -2ter se>er-l =ore 2ruitless rounds o2 negoti-tion to turn0h-ir%h#- into -n in2or=-nt, P-%ist-ni security 2orces closed in on the house #here he#-s hiding, in the >ill-ge o2 h-=-n. P-%ist-ni spies h-nded the T-lib-n le-der o>er toIA o22icers in Wuett-, P-%ist-n, -nd @ull-h 0h-ir%h#- beg-n his long Vourney to

    Gu-ntn-=o -y, ub-. !e bec-=eone o2 the isl-nd prisonKs 2irst in=-tes.As 2or the three =en -nd the young boy #ho h-d been -rrested -nd brought to -

    detention 2-cility in 0-nd-h-r, they #ere lo-ded b-c% into helicopters -nd 2lo#n 2orty=iles south, #here their truc% #-s in the s-=e spot it h-d been be2ore theyKd been-=bushed by the A=eric-n helicopters. The A2gh-ns #ere sent on their #-y #ithse>er-l boXes o2 =ilit-ry @e-ls 5e-dyDtoD;-t. 6ut o2 respect 2or the det-ineesK 2-ith, the=e-ls cont-ining por% h-d been re=o>ed.

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    : A @A55IAG; A@6"G SPI;S


    P-%ist-n h-s -l#-ys seen

    such =-tters in bl-c% -nd #hite.

    \4t. Gener-l @-h=ud Ah=ed, he-d o2 P-%ist-nKs Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence, Septe=ber &:,:''&

    Gener-tions o2 IA o22icers h->e gr-du-ted 2ro= RThe ing le-rned the 2irst lesson o2 spycr-2t There is no

    such thing -s - 2riendly intelligence ser>ice. The spy ser>ices o2 other n-tions -re =e-ntto be penetr-ted, their o22icers Rturned to #or% 2or the United St-tes by spying on theiro#n countries. ices =-y be use2ul 2or Voint oper-tions but ne>er2ully trusted. The gre-ter the reli-nce on li-ison ser>ices 2or -n oper-tion, the gre-terthe d-nger th-t the oper-tion gets blo#n.

    It #-s - philosophy th-t #or%ed #ell enough during the old 9-r, #hen the IAKspri=-ry =ission #-s ste-ling the secrets o2 the So>iet Union -nd its clientst-tes\tr-dition-l 2oreign espion-ge. osses -t 4-ngley %ne# th-t the So>iets #eretrying to do the eX-ct s-=e thing to the United St-tes -nd %ne# th-t @osco# h-dpl-nted its o#n spies in 2oreign intelligence ser>ices to position itsel2 2or gre-ter -ccessto A=eric-n secrets. The pri=-ry re-son 2or getting close to 2oreign spies #-s 2or

    counterintelligence purposes 2iguring out ho# deeply -nother 2oreign spy ser>ice h-dpenetr-ted the IA -nd c-tching the =oles be2ore they burro#ed too deeply.

    ut the dict-tes o2 - ne# #-r uic%ly ch-nged the rules o2 the spying g-=e. TheIAKs top priority #-s no longer g-thering intelligence on 2oreign go>ern=ents -nd theircountries, but =-n hunting. The ne# =ission put - pre=iu= on getting det-iledintelligence -bout speci2ic indi>idu-ls, -nd it =-ttered little ho# th-t in2or=-tion #-scollected. As - result, the IA i==edi-tely bec-=e =ore reli-nt on the 2oreign spyser>ices th-t h-d spent ye-rs building dossiers on terror org-ni-tions. Lesper-te 2orin2or=-tion to stop the neXt -tt-c%, the IA #-snKt pic%y -bout choosing its 2riends.Luring the e-rly ye-rs -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s, the IAKs rel-tionship #ith spyser>ices #ith uns->ory histories o2 brut-lity\;gyptKs @u%h-b-r-t, ord-nKs Gener-lIntelligence Lirector-te, e>en the intelligence ser>ice o2 @u-==-r G-dd-2iKs 4iby-np-ri-h st-te\gre# =uch closer.

    So=e le-ders o2 these countries relished the ide- o2 lecturing the United St-tes-bout the gritty business o2 terrorist hunting. 6>er dinner in -iro in e-rly 6ctober :''&,;gypti-n president !osni @ub-r-% -d>ised Lon-ld 5u=s2eld th-t bo=bs #ould do littlegood in A=eric-Ks ne# #-r -nd th-t the United St-tes should Rput your =oney intobuying -llies on the ground in A2gh-nist-n. @ub-r-%, - =odernDd-y ph-r-oh #ho h-dconsolid-ted his po#er p-rtly by crushing Isl-=ist =o>e=ents in his country, no doubts-# he h-d =uch to g-in 2ro= - =uscul-r p-rtnership #ith - United St-tes th-t #-sgroping 2or - ne# str-tegy -g-inst terrorists. 9ith - rhetoric-l 2lourish, he told 5u=s2eld

    th-t the 2ight -g-inst terroris= #-s necess-ry Rto s->e the pl-net.

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    ut 2or - IA no# -t #-r, there #-s no rel-tionship =ore i=port-nt th-n th-t #ithP-%ist-nKs Lirector-te 2or InterDSer>ices Intelligence. er splitting up.

    In this #-y, the r-pport bet#een the spy ser>ices #-s Vust the U.S.OP-%ist-nirel-tionship in =ini-ture. The close bonds bet#een the IA -nd ISI during the &C8's,

    #hen A=eric-n -nd P-%ist-ni spies r-n guns into A2gh-nist-n -nd tr-ined =uV-hedeento shoot do#n So>iet helicopters, h-d 2r-yed during the &CC's. 9-shington h-d lostinterest in postDSo>iet A2gh-nist-n -nd i=posed h-rsh s-nctions on Isl-=-b-d -spunish=ent 2or the countryKs cl-ndestine nucle-r progr-=. P-%ist-n beg-n nurturing theT-lib-n, - group o2 se=iliter-te P-shtun tribes=en 2ro= the southern p-rt o2A2gh-nist-n, -s - counter#eight to the 2-ctions th-t co=prised the "orthern Alli-nce,#hich h-d long recei>ed support 2ro= Indi-.

    The ISI h-d >ie#ed the T-lib-n-s P-shtun -llies #ho, #hile str-nge -nd 2-n-tic-l,could %eep the "orthern Alli-nce 2ro= t-%ing o>er A2gh-nist-n -nd setting up #h-tIsl-=-b-d 2e-red #ould be -n Indi-n proXy st-te -long its #estern border. P-%ist-ni=ilit-ry o22ici-ls -lso 2igured th-t 2or -ll they h-d done to eXpel the So>iet Union 2ro=

    A2gh-nist-n, they h-d e-rned the right to hold the strings o2 the go>ern=ent in 0-bul.9ith P-%ist-ni intelligence pro>iding succor to the T-lib-n #ith both =oney -nd

    -d>ice on =ilit-ry str-tegy, -nd #ith the spigot o2 =oney 2ro= 9-shington to Isl-=-b-dshut o22, A=eric-n o22ici-ls st-tioned in Isl-=-b-d during the &CC's 2ound they h-d nole>er-ge #ith the ISI #hen they de=-nded th-t P-%ist-ni spies push the T-lib-ngo>ern=ent in 0-bul to h-nd o>er 6s-=- bin 4-den. The United St-tes turned up thepressure in l-te &CC8, -2ter -l W-ed- si=ult-neously bo=bed the A=eric-n e=b-ssiesin 0eny- -nd T-n-ni-, but P-%ist-nKs spy ser>ice #-s un=o>ed. The A=eric-ns inP-%ist-n sent - string o2 c-bles to 9-shington det-iling their 2rustr-tions. 6ne St-teLep-rt=ent c-ble 2ro= Isl-=-b-d in Lece=ber &CC8 c-rried - dry, underst-ted subVecthe-ding R

    Us-=- bin 4-din P-%ist-n see=s to be le-ning -g-inst being help2ul. 9hen one A=eric-n diplo=-t

    brought up bin 4-denKs n-=e during - =eeting #ith Gener-l ;hs-n ul !-, - 2uture ISIchie2, the P-%ist-ni gener-l gre# testy.

    RI c-nnot underst-nd #hy you A=eric-ns

    -re so concerned -bout A2gh-nist-n, he sn-pped.6n the =orning o2 Septe=ber &&, :''&, Gener-l @-h=ud Ah=ed, the he-d o2 the

    ISI, h-ppened to be in 9-shington =eeting #ith l-#=-%ers inside - secure ch-=ber o2the !ouse Per=-nent Select o==ittee on Intelligence. A short, stoc%y =-n #ith -

    bushy #hite =ust-che eXtending -cross the =iddle o2 both chee%s, Ah=ed h-d t-%eno>er the ISI -2ter the &CCC =ilit-ry coup th-t inst-lled Gener-l Per>e @ush-rr-2 -spresident, -nd he did little to hide his sy=p-thies 2or the T-lib-n. !e once scolded -P-%ist-n =ilit-ry -n-lyst #ho h-d told President @ush-rr-2 th-t P-%ist-nKs policy to#-rdthe T-lib-n #-s hurting its st-nding #ith other n-tions. RThe T-lib-n, the ISI chie2 s-id, R

    is the 2uture o2 A2gh-nist-n.6n th-t =orning on -pitol !ill, Ah=ed #-s h->ing - 2riendly eXch-nge #ith

    5epresent-ti>e Porter Goss, the co==itteeKs top 5epublic-n, reg-ling the congress=-n#ith his %no#ledge o2 obscure 2-cts -bout the A=eric-n i>il 9-r. Goss h-d #r-pped -boo% -bout the i>il 9-r to gi>e to Ah=ed -s - gi2t, but the ple-s-ntries #ere cut short

    #hen co==ittee st-22ers r-ced into the =eeting roo= to tell the l-#=-%ers -nd the ISIchie2 th-t the second pl-ne h-d Vust hit the 9orld Tr-de enter. R@-h=udKs 2-ce turned-shen, rec-lls Goss. The P-%ist-ni spy=-ster uic%ly eXcused hi=sel2 2ro= the

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    =eeting -nd Vu=ped intothe e=b-ssy c-r #-iting 2or hi=. The boo%, still #r-pped, #-s le2t inside the roo=.The 2ollo#ing =orning, Gener-l Ah=ed #-s c-lled to the o22ice o2 5ich-rd Ar=it-ge,

    the deputy secret-ry o2 st-te, #ho #-s in no =ood 2or diplo=-tic correctness. Presidentush h-d -nnounced the night be2ore th-t the United St-tes #ould tre-t both the

    terrorists -nd their p-trons eu-lly, -nd Ar=it-ge presented the ISIKs dile==- in@-niche-n ter=s.RP-%ist-n 2-ces - st-r% choiceQ either it is #ith us or it is not, Ar=it-ge told the

    P-%ist-ni spy chie2, s-ying the decision #-s bl-c% -nd #hite, #ith no gr-y.Insulted by Ar=it-geKs bluntness, Ah=ed responded th-t -lthough P-%ist-n h-d

    long been -ccused o2 Rbeing in bed #ith terrorists, nothing could be 2urther 2ro= thetruth. !is country #ould b-c% the United St-tes #ithout hesit-tion, he s-id, -ssuringAr=it-ge th-t RP-%ist-n h-s -l#-ys seen such =-tters in bl-c% -nd #hite. Ar=it-ge#-rned th-t the United St-tes #-s prep-ring - l-undry list o2 de=-nds 2or P-%ist-n th-t#ere li%ely to c-use R

    deep introspection in Isl-=-b-d

    .The ter=s o2 the IAOISI =-rri-ge #ere discussed the neXt d-y. Ar=it-ge told

    Gener-l Ah=ed th-t the United St-tes #-nted un2ettered -ccess to P-%ist-ni -irsp-ce-nd the -bility to c-rry out =ilit-ry -nd intelligence oper-tions inside P-%ist-n. A=eric--lso #-nted -ccess to P-%ist-ni ports, -irstrips, -nd b-ses in the =ount-ins -long theborder #ith A2gh-nist-n. er to the IA

    -ll the intelligence it h-d -bout -l W-ed-.Ah=ed -ssured Ar=it-ge he #ould p-ss the list o2 de=-nds to @ush-rr-2. ut, he

    s-id, P-%ist-n #-nted so=ething in return -ssur-nce th-t it #ould be rei=bursed 2or itssupport in the c-=p-ign -g-inst -l W-ed-. I2 P-%ist-n #-s going to turn -g-inst theT-lib-n -nd -gree to - #-r on its #estern border, it #ould need to be re#-rded 2or it.

    The p-r-=eters o2 A=eric-Ks dys2unction-l rel-tionship #ith P-%ist-n in the postDC_&& er- h-d been set The United St-tes insisted on the right to #-ge - secret #-rinside P-%ist-n, -nd Isl-=-b-d eXtr-cted =oney in return. President @ush-rr-2 h-d-cceded to =ost, but not -ll, o2 9-shingtonKs reuire=ents. eill-nce 2lights o>er P-%ist-ni nucle-r sites. !e -lso denied theUnited St-tes -ccess to =ost =ilit-ry b-ses, -llo#ing the A=eric-n =ilit-ry to st-tionpersonnel -t only t#o -ir b-ses Sh-=si, in the south#estern region o2 -lochist-n, -nd-cob-b-d, in

    the northern pro>ince o2 Sindh. In the end, 9-shington -nd Isl-=-b-dKs rene#-l o2 their >o#s le2t both sidesbelie>ing they h-d gi>en up =ore th-n they #ere getting, cre-ting recri=in-tions -ndresent=ent th-t #ould boil o>er ye-rs l-ter.

    The rhetoric 2ro= 9-shington h-d been un-=biguous, -nd @ush-rr-2 %ne# it. A=-n #ho h-d spent his c-reer in the =ilit-ry, he considered his options -s i2 this #ere -#-r g-=e. !e l-ter #rote in his =e=oir th-t i2 he h-d chosen to protect the T-lib-n, theUnited St-tes #ould consider P-%ist-n - terrorist st-te -nd, 2or -ll he %ne#, #ould-tt-c% P-%ist-n, e>iscer-te P-%ist-nKs =ilit-ry, -nd seie the countryKs nucle-r -rsen-l.Indi- h-d -lre-dy o22ered its b-ses 2or the A2gh-n #-r, -nd @ush-rr-2 2igured th-t soonenough the United St-tes could be 2lying co=b-t =issions 2ro= - b-se in A=rits-r, in

    north#estern Indi-. The bo=bers #ould stre-% o>er P-%ist-ni territory on their #-y intoA2gh-nist-n, -nd b-c% -g-in -2ter they h-d deli>ered their de-dly p-ylo-ds. ;>en#orse, the Indi-ns could seie the opportunity to open -n o22ensi>e in 0-sh=ir, #ith

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    A=eric-Ks blessing. The str-tegic b-l-nce in South Asi-, #hich h-d long -lignedP-%ist-n #ith the United St-tes -g-inst Indi- -nd its historic -lly 5ussi-, #ould ch-ngeper=-nently. P-%ist-n #ould be

    - crushed, i=po>erished outc-st.6n the e>ening o2 Septe=ber &C, @ush-rr-2 told the people o2 P-%ist-n ho# he h-d

    -ns#ered 9-shingtonKs de=-nds. !e #-s dressed in - crisp =ilit-ry uni2or=, but his2-ce #-s h-gg-rd -nd dr-#n, the toll o2 endless =eetings #ith his gener-ls, ci>ili-npolitici-ns, religious le-ders, -nd A=eric-n diplo=-ts. !is tele>ised speech #-s not -denunci-tion o2 -l W-ed- or the T-lib-n, -nd -t no ti=e did @ush-rr-2 conde=n the-tt-c%s on the 9orld Tr-de enter -nd the Pent-gon. !e inste-d 2r-=ed his decision tohelp A=eric- in n-rro#, n-tion-listic ter=s. Indi- h-d -lre-dy pledged its 2ull support to9-shington, he s-id, -nd "e# Lelhi #-s deter=ined to ensure th-t R

    i2 -nd #hen the go>ern=entin A2gh-nist-n ch-nges, it sh-ll be -n -ntiDP-%ist-n go>ern=ent. !e s-id th-t

    P-%ist-n h-d 2our priorities the security o2 its bordersQ the 0-sh=ir c-useQ the re>i>-l o2its econo=yQ -nd, 2in-lly, the protection o2 its Rstr-tegic -ssets.

    Th-t 2in-l ite= on the list #-s not Vust - re2erence to the nucle-r -rsen-l th-tP-%ist-n h-d built to destroy Indi-. P-%ist-nKs =ilit-ry h-d other Rstr-tegic -ssets toconsider. y :''&, groups li%e the A2gh-n T-lib-n -nd the =iliti- net#or% run by=uV-hedeen le-der -l-luddin !--ni #ere considered critic-l ele=ents o2 P-%ist-nKsde2enses, -nd @ush-rr-2 =-de it cle-r in the speech th-t night th-t he still reg-rded theT-lib-n -s -n i=port-nt bul#-r% -g-inst Indi-. ;>en -s he #-s le-ning on @ull-h 6=-rto gi>e up bin 4-den, he told the country th-t the t-ctic #-s - #-y to e=erge 2ro= thecrisis R#ithout -ny d-=-ge to A2gh-nist-n -nd the T-lib-n.

    Things #erenKt, in 2-ct, bl-c% -nd #hite. 6ne #ee% -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s,-nd one night be2ore President ush in 2ront o2 - Voint session o2 ongress -ccused theT-lib-n o2 R-iding -nd -betting =urder, @ush-rr-2 #-s still hoping th-t the T-lib-ncould re=-in in po#er. 9-shington h-d been co=2orted by the belie2 th-t @ush-rr-2h-d pushed -ll o2 his po%er chips to the center o2 the t-ble on - bet on the ush-d=inistr-tion. In 2-ct, he -dopted - 2-r =ore nu-nced str-tegy\- str-tegy th-t e>en-2ter =ore th-n - dec-de o2 #-r in A2gh-nist-n, =-ny A=eric-n o22ici-ls #ould still h->edi22iculty discerning.

    The ISI #-s still hoping th-t -nother bloody A2gh-n #-r could be ->oided, especi-llyone th-t =ight repl-ce the T-lib-n #ith the T-Vi%s -nd Ube%s o2 the "orthern Alli-nce.A2ter Gener-l Ah=ed returned to Isl-=-b-d, he i=plored A=eric-n -=b-ss-dor 9endyh-=berlin not to st-rt - #-r out o2 re>enge. A true >ictory in A2gh-nist-n, Ah=ed s-id,#ould co=e only by negoti-ting. RI2 the T-lib-n -re eli=in-ted, he s-id, R

    A2gh-nist-n #ill re>ert to #-rlordis=.To try to con>ince T-lib-n le-der @ull-h @oh-==ed 6=-r to gi>e up bin 4-den,

    Gener-l Ah=ed 2le# to 0-nd-h-r on - pl-ne lo-ned by the IA. 6=-r, - 2or=er=uV-hedeen co==-nder #ho h-d lost one eye during the So>iet #-r, =oc%ed theP-%ist-ni gener-l -s the ush -d=inistr-tionKs err-nd boy -nd reVected the de=-nds.!e issued - stinging rebu%e to his longti=e ISI bene2-ctor. R

    $ou #-nt to ple-se the A=eric-ns, -nd I #-nt to ple-se God, he s-id.

    \T!; Aisions in the IA 2ro= the beginning, #ith ri2tsopening bet#een o22icers -t 4-ngley -nd those posted -t the IA st-tion in Isl-=-b-d.o2er l-c%, the T chie2, pressed to i==edi-tely -r= the "orthern Alli-nce -nd begin

  • 8/12/2019 The Way of Knife


    - push south to#-rd 0-bul. ut 5obert Grenier, the Isl-=-b-d st-tion chie2, 2ought-g-inst the pl-n. !e #-rned th-t -ny =o>e to -r= - =iliti- b-c%ed by Indi- -nd 5ussi-could i==edi-tely destroy rel-tions #ith P-%ist-n Vust -s they #ere th-#ing-2ter ye-rs o2 =istrust. These intern-l 2ights got - #ider -udience three #ee%s -2ter the Septe=ber && -tt-c%s,#hen IA o22icers #ent to the Pent-gon 2or - telecon2erence bet#een 9-shington,

    Isl-=-b-d, -nd United St-tes entr-l o==-nd he-du-rters, in T-=p-.Luring the c-ll, Grenier s-id th-t -ny ground o22ensi>e using the "orthern Alli-nceought to be put on hold to gi>e the ISI =ore ti=e to pressure the T-lib-n to rele-se bin4-den. -c%ing the "orthern Alli-nce could le-d to -nother bloody A2gh-n ci>il #-r,Grenier s-id, -dding th-t -n -ir c-=p-ign could be enough 2or the ti=e being to bringthe T-lib-n to negoti-tions. ut !-n% ru=pton, - T o22icer #ho h-d beendesign-ted by o2er l-c% to run the IAKs #-r in A2gh-nist-n, thought Grenier #-sbeing n-i>e. !e #-s =erely re2lecting the ISIKs position, ru=pton thought, -nd #-sdispl-ying - b-d c-se o2 Rclientitis. A2ter the =eeting, ru=pton told 5u=s2eld hethought th-t

    Grenier #-s de-d #rong

    .Grenier =-y h->e been ch-nneling the concerns o2 the ISI, but they #ere h-rdly

    unre-son-ble #orries. en le-ding Indi- -ndP-%ist-n to#-rd - 2ullDblo#n proXy #-r inside A2gh-nist-n.

    As the negoti-tions dr-gged on -nd Septe=ber turned to 6ctober, the IA uietlybeg-n inserting p-r-=ilit-ry te-=s into A2gh-nist-n to =-%e cont-ct #ith the #-rlordco==-nders #ho 2ought under the "orthern Alli-nce b-nner. @e-n#hile, - torrent o2thre-t in2or=-tion continued to co=e into the -gencyKs ounterterrorist enter 2ro= IAst-tions in the @iddle ;-st -nd South Asi-. 6n 6ctober , t#o d-ys be2ore the UnitedSt-tes dropped the 2irst bo=bs on A2gh-nist-n, Ar=it-ge sent -n eyesDonly c-ble toA=b-ss-dor h-=berlin de=-nding th-t she =eet i==edi-tely #ith Gener-l Ah=ed.!e #-nted - si=ple =ess-ge deli>ered to @ull-h 6=-r, -nd he #-nted Ah=ed todeli>er it. I2 -nother -tt-c% #-s tr-ced b-c% to A2gh-nist-n, Ar=it-ge #rote, theA=eric-n response #ould be de>-st-ting

    R;>ery pill-r o2 the T-lib-n regi=e #ill be destroyed.The d-y -2ter A=eric-Ks #-r in A2gh-nist-n beg-n, @ush-rr-2 repl-ced Gener-l

    Ah=ed -t the ISI. IA le-ders in 9-shington h-d been pressing 2or Gener-l Ah=ed to

    be s-c%ed, -nd his repl-ce=ent #-s -n uncontro>ersi-l choice. Gener-l ;hs-n ul !-,-n urb-ne co==-nder #ho -t the ti=e #-s le-ding the -r=yKs corps in Pesh-#-r, h-dbeen p-rt o2 the c-b-l o2 =ilit-ry le-ders #ho inst-lled @ush-rr-2 in po#er in &CCC, -ndunli%e Ah=ed, he h-d no ob>ious loy-lties to the T-lib-n.9i