three kingdoms powerpoint

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013 Get a textbook and sit down. Look at the picture of the Narmer Palette on page 75 of your book. Notice that the different parts of it are labeled and correspond to the caption. Narmer wears a different crown on the other side of the tablet. What crown do you think he wears?

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  • 1. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013 Get a textbook and sitdown. Look at the picture ofthe Narmer Palette onpage 75 of your book.Notice that thedifferent parts of it arelabeled andcorrespond to thecaption. Narmerwears a differentcrown on the otherside of the tablet.What crown do youthink he wears?

2. TAKE OUT YOUR SOCIAL STUDIES BOOKOpen to page 74. 3. PHARAOHThe title ofthe kings ofancientEgypt 4. DYNASTYA series ofrulers fromthe samefamily orethnic group 5. ABSOLUTE POWERCompletecontrol oversomeone or something 6. REGENTSomeone who rules for a child until the child is old enough to rule 7. HATSHEPSUT She seized control of Egypts throne and made herself pharaoh, the title used by the kings of Egypt. Hatshepsut was not the only woman to rule Egypt. But the title of pharaoh was traditionally held by men. 8. HATSHEPSUT Hatshepsut took on allthe responsibilities ofpharaoh. Sometimesshe even wore thefalse beardtraditionally worn bypharaohs. Like allEgyptian pharaohs,Hatshepsut controlledthe wealth and powerof a great civilization. 9. EGYPTIAN KINGSHIP We will be reading We will be usingabout EgyptianReciprocal Questioningkingship on pages 74- as we read.76 in order to meet the Mr. Morin will havefirst learning target for questions for you on thethis lesson.odd numbered I can tell about thesubsections.history of Egyptian You will createkingship. questions for Mr. Morinon the even numberedsubsections. 10. WHO WAS HATSHEPSUT? Hatshepsut was one of the few femalepharaohs in Egyptian history. She beganruling as the regent to her step-son, buteventually became the pharaoh. 11. EGYPTIAN KINGSHIP: SUBSECTION ONEWhatdidEgypts Egyptsfortunes fortunes rested on thestrength of rest on?the pharaoh. 12. FROM DYNASTY TO DYNASTY: SUBSECTION TWO Egyptian history is broken down into 31different dynasties. Each dynasty took place during a time periodknown as a kingdom. The three major kingdoms are known as theOld Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and NewKingdom. 13. EGYPT IS UNIFIED: SUBSECTION THREE Menes (also known as Narmer) united upper and lower Egypt and began the first dynasty. 14. THE CROWNS OF EGYPT 15. ALL-POWERFUL PHARAOHS: SUBSECTION FOURThePharaoh had absolute power over all of Egypt.His decisions were rarely questioned because it was believed that he was a god living on Earth. 16. THE THREE KINGDOMSContinue to take notes on your Three Kingdomsnotesheet. 17. INTRODUCTIONImportant events and achievements marked each of Egypts three kingdoms. The Old Kingdom was noted for its well-run system of government. 18. THE OLD KINGDOM The Old Kingdompharaohs kept the peaceand traded withNubia, with onlyoccasional conflicts. Theysent merchants to theeastern coast of theMediterranean to findtimber, or trees used forbuilding. The timber wasused to makehouses, boats, andfurniture. Merchants mayhave traveled north acrossthe Mediterranean insearch of trade items. 19. THE OLD KINGDOM Toward the end of theOldKingdom, governors inthe provinces began tochallenge the power ofthe pharaohsgovernment. Egyptsunity crumbled, and thedynasties grew weak. 20. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18,2013As soon as you enter Old Kingdomthe room, class hasstarted for you. SitMiddledown, be silent, andwrite the warm-up Kingdomand answer in yourNewjournal.What were the threeKingdommajor time periods inEgyptian history? 21. THE MIDDLE KINGDOM The early rulers of theMiddle Kingdom restoredorder and reunited thecountry. Pharaohs spentthe nations wealth onpublic works instead of onwars. For example, theyconstructed buildings andirrigation projects. Egyptgrew even richer.However, weaker and lessable rulers followed. Intime, they lost control ofthe country to foreigninvaders. 22. THE NEW KINGDOM Egyptian princesbecame strongenough to drive outthe foreign invaders.This event marksthe start of the NewKingdom, whichbegan in 1567 B.C.The first pharaohs ofthe New Kingdomwanted to build anempire. 23. THE NEW KINGDOM 24. THE NEW KINGDOM They created huge armies of foot soldiers, mounted warriors, and charioteers. Bronze swords and body armor made the Egyptians nearly 25. THE NEW KINGDOM One New Kingdompharaoh is of specialinterest to scholars.King Tutankhamenbecame ruler of Egyptwhile he was still achild. 26. THE NEW KINGDOM At about age 18 hedied and was buriedwith many preciousobjects. Anarchaeologistdiscovered his tomb in1922. Since then,Tutankhamensfuneral treasures havetaught us a great dealabout the ancientEgyptians. 27. RULE DURING THE NEW KINGDOM In 1504 BC, a childnamed Thutmose IIIbegan his reign.Because he was ayouth, his stepmotherwas appointed regent.A regent is someonewho rules for a childuntil the child is oldenough to rule. 28. RULE DURING THE NEW KINGDOM His stepmother was Hatshepsut, whom you heard about at the beginning of this lesson. Not content to be regent, Hatshepsut had herself proclaimed pharaoh. She was Egypts supreme ruler for about 15 years. 29. THE PHARAOH QUEEN Hatshepsuts reignwas good for Egypt.She was a bold leaderwho is most known forcreating a time of greatpeace and economicsuccess. 30. THE PHARAOH QUEEN She encouraged tradewith faraway places,sending a famousexpedition to the land ofPunt on the east coastof Africa. 31. THE PHARAOH QUEEN Egyptian traders returned with shiploads of ivory, leopard skins, and special trees used to make incense, a substance burned for its fragrance. 32. THE PHARAOH QUEEN When Thutmose grewup, Hatshepsut refusedto yield the throne tohim. After her death,Thutmose becamepharaoh and destroyedall her statues. Wedont know if Thutmoseplayed a part inHatshepsuts death. 33. THUTMOSE III RULES Thutmose IIIbecame one ofthe greatestpharaohs of theNew Kingdom.He led his armyin wars againstSyria andPhoenicia, inSouthwestAsia. 34. THUTMOSE III RULES His troops advanced as far east as the Euphrates River and south into Nubia. 35. THUTMOSE III RULES Yet Thutmosewas more than aconqueror. Hewas an educatedman who loved tostudy plants.Unlike mostrulers of his time,he treated thosehe defeated withmercy. 36. ANCIENT EGYPT AFTER THE NEW KINGDOM Toward the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt declined. Civil war left Egypt weak and poorly defended. In 332 BC, long after the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt fell to Alexander the Great of Macedonia. The Macedonians continued to rule Egypt for about 300 years. 37. ANCIENT EGYPT AFTER THE NEW KINGDOM In 51 BC, QueenCleopatra VII becamethe last Macedonian torule Egypt. Sheshared the throne withother members of herfamily until Egypt wasconquered by theRomans. 38. ANCIENT EGYPT AFTER THE NEW KINGDOM Cleopatra suspected that the Romans would parade her through Egypt to celebrate their victory. To avoid this humiliation, she committed suicide. Egypt would not govern itself again for almost 2,000 years. 39. THE THREE KINGDOMS TIMELINEUseyour notes and the timeline on page 76 of your book to complete the timeline assignment.