treaty washington. the courts. the - chronicling...

THE TREATY of WASHINGTON. DEBATE ED "- HOI BE OF LO__D6. I OF KARI <>n iii» v«»r¡iiN v.»! « or Tin. ntl \ r.,»i-i kui.» ,. . ii i LOBO v-MBY, \\i> I British !1 I j «.ids, on tin- lilli inst., J t«. riovc ali kag tina »li«' would not k.i'1, u.,n m iai fy uiiy i*4»n\« foi ih« eettleiaeato| ti -A any tondu-tins l,v whn li le, herwlâe lx-ciul than by the laws of il«'«! Kii.¿.dum at«,! dent place. " l tal».- m ''.¦ >' nf tlM "li' i it'.' «-.Til. «...i t,ititi» s«pT»olnt- «»f ton Ins t-, .m amioah'e qui stion at I think ihe » « nf it«.in lids country nas ! have in, olijc, linn whalcM r le l'n sol« nt of li««' Swiss («ni »tim bare i. -ii «-in si n us arbiters. On - liter '«.n-, 1 will not trouble your lordships On the oilier bud, I entertain the ti.t.isure pr-,.].»s< ,1 In lim Dil aft, Wai « nlitliniel -. partli foandi.1 on Hu-au lois, and partly deviating a..«.J,ti ii. lil proveu.enta in Hi» 111 «oil«.', It Was perfectly l-"tlip«'- 1 ! -, lui shon.ii hava a r tin- re .ii..; til- ping tim- liable fof en* dé¬ viât i,.n s, .uiuiiitt. din it-ail roi h ink« nadeln i»;). [Hear, r. :..i.- io is a gi «ass departure from ali « «li ii. g.iti.tiii>iis inn' bull- in.ti tmui mi rnk thal you apply IO lunn, st:,- altin s. hat would lie said I . o' . ¦ 11 w. re s«*nt np to the .«t I ». i..... I. 11 i ging a -.nikinim with in ".<".,', luniir au Ha ( i'i.s ««I in m- o' nu m.un objections to the I il-ni the gi« .', st ! mit with the minin-r In lin it. It 1-« stated Tn ttj that li« r Majesty"> («..vrniment r.'fiis«- to » ., mili ry to ihe law or natlmis. Hi } :.ii» Hint tiny re n««t ¡"it «f that I.«* What a nan , twa, that we should now to pai << nip, us non for acte which by their «wwn n. n ti e law of nation.» "at iii.* tine ii -, m.-si, i, A tuiti r « rrtir, 1 think, lia» tie, n -i iii. g l «lone with ii til 9 "t sthi nil c the trie: «Hy relations between thi two roni U.rashln to eonaid« i («- « Minn of this kimi will «arry in in any fa« ! «i m g..i.m otis." WIIDl MAU M M S, làttOm. Kusss 11 vr.-ul on to show how Germany n ight pi- »» -' « b an HdmirMi'ii, »*> h«g: -*n i lure is an» 1'hht iii the -HerlU wi!h vU.lili I cone, ive it Is the inter« »t of ¦-iiiitry to Im« on terms of friendly alliant«?, it la i.«¦rin.iiiy. (Hear.) Mi hie Mend (Earl ('¡-anvil!.-* would ¡,, in (tiling Count iicrti.simfT: ¦iuiU Huit- ti«.«i iiinnltr to streiigtheu Hie Ik lids 11« lull ¡P With till United .«-tatt» w us agu ed to after lan, and to agra to make m jr. dations, bul v t!i liei we har« no v su to strengthen the bond* of I lendahlp is iu«i.ft, nut t«« u.», and therefore i hal wli.i li »tus appl.«.« i-, the Cnited States Is not ap- ¡.li. al«;.- io ii-' Ai.o It r objection I feel to H e r. atan die UM Tl> et] it lo,>kr« lik. J> it lug isnrt ni ti bute «ii .;«i tn i. .. peace, How, there u nothing d ore ..hj..« tim..»Me than f»i a nation to reeort to mu h a i lei [Churb.J it was Hie course takeu by tin Oreel riu order to ion, r.iate the Turkish mi.tan. bul Mi HniaH.ii at the error of that poll boa Hu¦ hoeUllty ni Turkey waa only inflamed bj ihut annual tribute. laleuttiUM that It weaver] unwise to r aside our oh ward Canada and the mar- protin -»ni H. tish North Amerlea feheere], and It, Igt, l lil¿l ns of til.' are to be tom, aaated foi depredations committed hy allt ti ('«'lite..i nit. »laie-, jour own pro«! Im-«- end ill In nowa] I, «nuipcn-ate l, ly because ,-ei uni ;.l l toot tn j i) an.» ,,iu. Ion« Cn the ti-h« ii« s question, that nelng a point to th« ruliti allon ««f ti.« ('.n.nliali I" iillain« nt. I at dwell : bal «ii tide ibows In what a om "u- 'I n ai\ i fawn.bow everything has n >>n« salon on our Mil,, aul assert lou, I i gua « it, «>n ii«-' part of the in t< I our Commissioner* «lid not I tn«- Ann m ,u, 11 uti.,- loners to go into any argument ¡ ., ¡i« i i«.ni n.e pminc.-!-, accepted their .«Ii l!.. ! thry COUld li«'! ntert.iin the ipi.-stlou of n»atiiig the ( anaUians :<t the I-'cnluii outrag. », on from l.oij.ion they sh< uld ¦. .i.»iri«-«i upon >... i.«t. w .in regard to the Baberli ». mil. fu. nu wil. lui.l in tin- loreign Office nanny tot pi. »« ni .tioiis bl Chambers of Comme.oe and other a¡Mi «' a luteñatod the proeperitr «>l the I'nit. «I >« -, Hf«"' isiv« li sim.» mg ,i great hemtit was derlrod bj w11» i iiii««i .»taie» nom ti., inti...iuui. n of coal and otbev pr at:, » fi,.n .Si »« J: uiisw ii k. HOW. oin would baie I t »lim the I.«.it iiiuu i,t wer, «onshlering the I renewal "f ti«e Hiciprocltj Treat! they would nave li ». ried i lau»« ou n lins Treat? ; but, I he. Hi-u the L'iiit«««i Slate« OomiL-salonera urged tlie anl- I ninsity which prevailed during the late war, all th«as4> j « h i a«,. » wi i«- ibrowa awaj and i oi \og wa» done to ii. ,,.i.,ri «.- of :... l;. i.i'io« :\ Treaty, in .i.most mu jin,lit Unie w y iiMing on the pad «>f i »real Britain, whi.« ti.« r. was no yi« l.iii.g v imt vet try oiled staten la otim-ci to the fair and Just clain-i Wl.ili iiught lu- pre!« ri« ti by England.'' _M__U-9 AM, lill. NA VT. 1. ,rl Ku-s, ;. i Um Auk ii, un authority t«> show that M nation was «ailed ujkju to prevent the departure of uuv vessel except under circumstanoe« whuh tatt» it prot>a- that It was employed against a frit mlly Power. Tlie muí.' statement of the law had been made by Chief Bn> i ii Pollock In charging the jury lu the case of Ihe A!, \ hu,ira. Anti m Ila ia«e ol this it was certainly moat ex- ll.inl lllLliy that We Sho'llll iirtmlll lo a lilli* U»-t ml lltnl V of international law whuh hit out all ielereme t«> the«. iii,»! a vessel was to be einplon ti a tri. ii.Hy Pawer. It was ,mi«.»slide lan] how far our liability might be extend« d under such u rule. Let h,m i,stnit.Di:-hy niioili« r ms«-, 'lhere wasai.other Coii- I. lerate riuis.r, the sea King. Which -»ni. .1 tin- _aa_M «Althout at«! one knoVtllig ni sUspe. ting it of tu ii al i She sailed nominally for Hoiiitiav, but nully lor tlieAznr»«, win re she ..lit im t! her »rnmi Bve aeeka aii«-r she bad left Buff» la inI. I«, th li. anil Hi. I i. ii« d Mates M. n isicr. Mr. A-lum», i-..,\ed mili u.ation tbuwlng the nature of the eervloe na win. ii abe waa t>, i»*. employed. Befóte that lime, fa meter, uuwii' had anapaclied bar d. stinaiion, and yet (¡om ruinent liad BOW, ten yi ais afterward*, minio » Treat) by which this country would be made I m Me for Hie .t. prt'.l.ilimis oin ii, 111« ti liy her l«e, mis,- tube« i| li. lit f iiis have shown Hint »lie v.,u« lo cruise agaiiist I h<* ulled M.t«s. He concluded follows; "I have r li« «lav stating that Hil» Treaty has lower« I i> put.«um oi l.ii.'..iiiii more than anything that has ..i ne this Century. I um very much of the same . pinion. [Bear, beni-.] II rt-Mh-i to M wea what eonne I ,r,i*uivut Will take u|s«n the matt« r. In tin ign of U Anne a uiess-vge was i.t tn OOtt H«,u.»cs to de- »¦¦ li..ti H«r Muj. sly Mould eumiiuiiiuate to both II i. » of l'ariiauii ut the alii. i«s of the Tr.aly «'f t, wann Ilia Plenlpatent-arlea wara then aasem- ed, befen .u.y ti> ,i> »*,»s con« luded. I ha\e, there¬ to pio|«.-i Unit your lnid-hip» at this time should aiiii.r.« to the Crown »nth a view to procure b aa ali ration la ihe Treaty as vi 1 make Hie arlil- .;.,is'iai lu oaaM v«h«-re violation« of Int. na i "i, a iaw al <>! Um- minn. ,p.ii ,a\» of the United Kingdom !,«¦ ibown lo liai« m. urreil. 11>« lu ve that if ive liol -ho»«, that, li.ougli we mt willing to give |,iii|s-ns.t...i, I.T ,:i ju»t « li.iiur, we shall al the same i in ma... it « \ idt nt that we are not content« d to .mu ri- iiid rej.ut.itioii Of thi.-« country. In:!i. i". the tc;.!u-..\ there v»us a iori« np«.n- rriedou between Lura Ilawkesluuy and ihe I i- ¦:. ;. i,oven.mi nt to a ,r« gW -t in nle by ter that should lm teni out ot the on the part of His Majesty .. hin, nt, said that the«« opie must !>e regutletl aa our I ..Hill out be driven oat of th»- eonntrj vu' of tn. laws of hospitality. The French i «l i »anl: '. Vnu bal«-an Ahiii a, t vtliich v»il! enut.le :,,l tn« ni away." Dpouwbli h l^n.i ed, II \».isltu. «... had an Allen u t, hut It was not h ted for that punoaa, Ita object being to .»»tun- the j .< ..I Li.....inI. It vas i n ut« «I tCt our OWn domestic | .Ws Hi, I) tO OhligP a w«r. iiuakcsbury »eut ou (.. aay thai \. »bi ..ii» parting with the hi« s and Iii.« rti« - <>f En» rland :k t at tho dUtatmn m a foreign iii.itur.-»." Tilt TKIiATV HEJ-tMH Loti Orsnville. after a lirief resume of the policy -u .I iiy lil.« j,r« de« essors, »aid: \N'h« n I had the henel bt unworihily sucee-tnling Lord Clarendon I en- deantfi to Wtkra toa oen-ot aa had palattod out and [did this iiotviithstali.liug the fact that I was I.-Ii.'.h t. uns v»ipb Hie di»t.iigni-h«'tl mau of :. Moth») who lepreseiiUnl the Cm!« ti Mates I. ' lab i ni th« Autumn « li« un,-taints ii,a«leit deni »I«:«- t.. în.jiiire how our r.- ni m ,«,,!. country in th. woild, and when v h «. (.¦ the « a-, of the I'nlt.d Btntea ft waa liiiyuaal ;.. -a\ thal our n latu.ns vm on a iH-rfci Hy »»atisfai- liug- I « i««.« a\. ii-.i to obtain i-y iiii-ana of eon- and lett« rs trt.m gi. al un liants (whom i h h Earl Kerns to think utterly «aft to pronounce '. to the iiileiKs! or tlie n.itlonul ....). mein!., rs of Parliament, men to! ii..», i. r-, ull -]h T'king *Aith »H.uie author- i, 11.1 i ¡»its to tin* li.ile«! Matee or irmn lons with that country, what they berteredto Ih- tin Amen« aa peonle v.ith regard to the itlous l.ctween their eountr» and nur o-»* n. Th« ie was m ¡«ht opinion upon t His« j«>int. 'i boy s ii«l ia a great deal of thal aort of anita«, win, h th<- i II rhaueiniame, «nuple,I with a feeling of ron t nt the almost total «it stnn tiou of th« IT i ¦. Ilion, ¡«n«! Wbil li Hi« y ailiil'Uied 1«. us. Tlie re was also a singular d«*- «.ui|f, kiiniMi in al» lue ills« iissioiis oh Ila» -' nu ti,« re bad ¡.<>t >¦* « n one word of Ittendlv frei in regari! to a < alaiiiity great lu Us« fat >*hieb, bowaree it hujiiN-utrMl, wi-»«l_sj«»tiousl»i. tbeCniicii DliiU«, an «s a* cm n m n «ii sustrous to oui ives la several Indl- . v.,i»s j;.r! iti,ss*ll was undi lst«s«d tosay that such i- »r. t- wa i. over and omi again e* pressed to Mr A. «s .. In »a, lu this country HIE (.<>MI'I.AI*.TS. Tbe f'oniirrisslon «sent out and was n ,-eived lu a very friendly maun« r. I am not aware that my nobb- iii« ml SmmttaOaafOaá Kipou) and Mr. Fish swore eternal fr. udsh-p at the very outset of their pr*o«eedta^ «s bas led blntoritally by my imhle fnenn, but I know Hiat they met m the way that two great gentlein, n repre- UMitJjag two great .states ought lo me,A, umiuli willi fri lu,/- of a conciliator] < bara, 'liri, and »n h o neat and ,, I.« re« on« Tie. If js.sniM» lin lut« resta of two lo-iiirii» Kow tout» the «|U«-sti<m of how far, rthe. ircuiii-uii. t », tbe i'.'Uiinis-ii.n bas met «rar expaetaMeaa» The first «juesiiun niat.-s to nanala, aii-l pon Hiat hraiirb <«/ the »lillie« I Itie nohle Bali baa MM a tom rtrmig «,-nsure. J it» 1 Ib..I the Hniuniuii I an e.tii_i mt» i«j«l wuh t m Im » in the initini« u in« «jf Innndiy ulan..n- between Ungl-Jrd mini Ila«: I nile«! htaUs, ui.'i that, th. r«. w ought no! to continue toixiit. led te«llngs hitmen UM Iw a.-ii.l M Silly of gfH.,1 lllloiir Ik- Ii-' Inaili what, iuui. i" all the ein .in.t.i. .-, could I»»* fa»ir>r nid i tbau t«« nái l".b»i »-. jn of tins r«*Hi i the fisheries In order that a peei.n1.ry compensation might given for Iheint I am aw are that there sr« CHMuphtnit* all "Vii « .«niola, bul ure lhere no co...plaints of a similar character from America! Have no oom plaints been made by (.' n. Kui 1. r! IA laugh.) Well, I «I not si. !!uii «len. Holler Is righi, but time Isa tun appeairnaaa .«! plausibi liy m Hu* argumenta !.e s«l luces. There is one «juc tloii loniietted with «alinda lu regard to which 1 must ex¬ presa tn\ reflet. I regret W, were not .'>'.. to obtain a reco*mitioii of Hie Pentan claims. Ml« «r ] ii.- Majesty s Government, however, take upon Hiern* ms tee .thole responsibility of lilla. W.« did not pus.- these claima because, having arrived al « al --a« :. r. s ming, nu on all the numerous and om- pln-attii questions «al b*soe between «na and toe United Mate«, and ) luuvi.ig that the opinion of the High c, m> mission, r^, Including thal of hlr John Mao«luuald, was that, in th< present ateta of parin », ii would is i«. id,* to obtain from, the united fiat«- n recognition of llu'sc . i.'ilius, we had to consider wbethel wu ought, to ti« »tro. all Hie Irnits of (he High ( .ninnis..m, lind al!ow n third failure tobe tlie maali of Ihe negotiation. Al their .«-i ) ti -t meeting th«. American .... i the British ennuin ...loiieis i am«' lo au aore merni teal th'-y WOflld keep secret Hair discussions, und that, ti ugh aeoonnts of Hiern would lie eoin- !iiuiia*.i!< 1 to tenir r.siscilve «¡ovcrniiie.iils, .el (hey wen« to be coiisidi red cnlideiiiiiil and not Hi I* l'uh- iishtit. I may add thal I ha.e not tin slight, st «loubl of tee wisdom of the eoune pnraued hy tee Brittoh and,n Commissioners. Tin . had 37 hum sittings, aid 1 w.l, veiiti re lo sav Hutt if e.i ry « of Hie n Commission« rs, not to mel Uon the two aid« u n 'ii' -. Bad though! it iimimbcii upon them to show their patriotism and poWBT of debate for tie admin stratton ol ti .) two lu ii)i*-|ibeie-.. Hie .17 «innig» ****oiilii lia. multiplied by at leaat lu Utnea, while the result of the d< liberations would hare been ahaolutely nil. [Boar, hear.] Tlie repreaentativei td i««th emin- Iispla.ed grout aeai ability, pala in«', tem¬ per, und nn hoi a-t d -i;« t" come to lorne oompromlse m d th. ugh the dlfllcultics apis Brad at Ural sight to be ina .on, 1:., id. now« u thinks teni wnener« rtbe Amerleana nropoaod an. thing it »us Imme¬ diately accepte«!. This, however, Was by no BMBBB the 1 ne Aiuerii'sn», in Ml lect good lull li, hid din. '. .. grant many oonditiona whifh the British Commissioners at alike declined toaccede to, and even refused to refor !,,r coiishl' ration to the .eii.iii« ni at hoiue. Muni ««Hier propositions thal wiro in.nie wen referred beck to Her .M:\ic-ty s Qovrrninent, the Commlssl« is think¬ ing it th« lr duty t" Inform Her Majesty'a Uorern- m. nt thal upon their answer tee oonUnuanei of tee m i-otiaiions um:!! depend. In ronald nog several of ,,|. -1 loi S, il« r M .j. ty '- ,.,\i u Ul !. thero would b. agréai respon.lbilHy in breaking off the ii« g«t: liions, and Ililli iii BID -li an «.., lil kdlol.I , illuo-1, would be brought .pon tin- Comiuissiouers a: ii oui- selvea. Nevertheless, we al oHt-e declined i«> yield in .1 ry ease when veil.« nail it «mr «li.ty not to y,. Id. M it h regard, however, to other pointe, sneb ne tho* ro> lating to forma of expreaaton, aud whuli ubi not roufliol with the nut objects of the Treaty, wa willingly either aoqulaaeed in teepropoaala or «1-e made counter pro- poaala, wbi.-h were mel In th« same spun of tain the Am. 1 ii un 1 1 min is, nu, 1 -,v ho-, leeliligs. 1 alu bonni to any, ware moat admirably dem rlbedin the oriel though eloquent addrcaarecently delivered bj <.«-n ttehenckon owning to this eouiiii. ,1« tin roon tentative t»i iii« great finies beyond tea atlantic morder to oeuient, until i r. rjr lavin-,ibic 1 ,i-, uiii.*, ihtii us between the two loinitri« s. a rnofjT or the dOÉaiflBHJBBBI In reply to Earl BnaaelPataunta, Bari QrannBa weal on io .a} *Tt mo aOaware thal teeraan gre lobjoc teHU to tros; .a live législation. Bug it no: 1 I L.ibit Of this Ilmif.«' or of ihe English! lo Ig* S'il 1" it ; but Hi« re is a dlfft it nee lu I«, iii applying It to those whoapproTe 11 ami applying it to tho 1- wbore- tuoustrate against it. Ti .re »re exceptions to I erato iiio.\.:i ii- ni'-! limited aense Tha noble lord likened na to the Greeks and Ihe Turka, and ipoke of buring pi «. ; lit it he nu ali! to BOggCsl tia' r ii IJ soldi \ all! ige We hllil sa, lilli la! the bollol ¡1 Tl«l. |" d tels country, I ntierly and entirely répudiai« th. Ide», i im.«« rer, thal ghi we -li u d, bj hou .ra¬ il an.! fii concession on our part.arrive at a s ilk- sol o 11, m «>f di then 11 us. ai ht . oinp n m,* tea tarma «¦t the Tri it. with ti...-, agreed te by tee Bail ti 11 ) and the E rlof Clarendon, in order to show that the ft in 11« t ha«! the . i) «t "f la. In» down principles for Ihe future guidance of nations, wbJek wa no1 the ease with tlie lillie!, lu-I oialeil uni llu 6 piiueiub'S Wl i. nently favorabh to England, and I.« saldtlial slthin the last few daya be had r..ii.«-d from the United Ptatea a proís -di« a io coin ii, indi i',e these ml« s lo ethel Ptrwera, wltnavlea in «ditaln thrlr assmit He n,.i:ui inn ,l that tin adoption of the«« rutea would not pine England In a i-.- position ti .-m ni present with regard to tin peat, while It would materially improve her poaitloa li future, lb i on, indi ,1 as follows 1 " ii. Laid , h.t.iiit* much, I have little mon lo mid. I must, how- -, a v.-rv w a ords, and I pi*, ft r going m> in he absence of my noble Mond (Earl «le Urqy and Bipen) at this lnoni'iii. i do wish to tender ran emphni uksofUer Majesty'! Governmeul to mj noble fra in! ni «I !" los colle igu. -'. Mini I" tin t si, re ir>, lor i! Hey baie tal i n ¡n lids gie,ii n.i- i.ociaaion fCkeers,] I do not thank teeni much lui- the trouble ti«. 1 ,.-.¦ 1, ,1 ol two'ai I:« :..!¦ I can roneeive imthiig nore Intonating than tho opportunity ti... hare hag a aud lh:iii_> in the Unit, ii St.iU : hut 1 du thal,h them 1 i the the million.., tee ) uowl« dge te. y Lum shown dealing with thla snblect [hear, heal); and, above al!, I thank th,m for buying exhibited m their demeanor those cii,.r.u ti i;si¡(*h which I bell re wa ha. soma rlgbt to claim fur our public meu of all parties.namely, tee desire to »be peñteetly itraightforward« Bad »<» to r- f, lit im icst und ooijci.aioiy When Hie bon r and «dig- nits ol tea coimtrj are no1 «couipromlaed« My lordiul t'ilie.e til.s demeanor waa fell and appre lated bi the umlaalimen. 1 know it was perfectly re¬ ciprocated hy Hiern [hear, hear], anti I corni«!« r it ana V, î v gn al lulvi.titagi on Ihe UlOOlOsion of this 'Jriuty thal we have had the aaalstanee of ao distinguished a na in'er of the Conservative party as Pir Kiafloid North- eototofeelpaa la lins natema! work, and mut iu the United BtotoB teal Treat, was ratified. Whatever tee .me 01 Inconvenience of referring trentleato the Senate hy a majority wbloh tempi leed both parties te the Unite«! States, I cannot kelp thinking that jroor lordshii's will gtveareall) national character to an mi wini bl cannot doubt will bo prodtuttve of reallj >.o "I feeling between tels eountry and Iboae with whom are it-.i m lui.iiiaieh connected, [Hear, bear.] Aud If l muv add one word in tin hearing ol one who map poa» situ.- be now presen) .«iih'ii tiii-e walla.of ona «Aim a. ni a distinguished part, and Who, by bil «.«« ii Influence ami tin i nil «. i : his cou n n > nun, contributed largely to th, luppy lunc.iisioii ni tee ln'ois oi the Commis- woo has hat I) arrived among us emin« ntly ra u mis-ion of jK-.i« e, 1 should like to be ,.i !<. to say, on the nari ol Her .Viiji-iy-n Gorprnmeot,and l ma. add, of the count.\ nt large, tent wi do feel grateful tob n to tea American uoTernmeut for the dtopoettlon tiny have shown in tels matter. [H« ir, bear.] itrnst,aatee debate aoaa on. and aa la benn mon ol emlnenc« speak¬ ing on both sl«lea, be will obaerv« Hat In tell Bouse we t an take large, coiopicb. n-i.i -, und non pul. View* Of iii!« stioiis «A hcie gre ii national and colon,ii Int« n -is «are Involved, and that it ia not th. desire of partlea, unless supported by a ry peñere! ellng, te int. ip ne mbar- rnsainnnl inul didii mty when these can be avoided. I um Miiu he will bee that your lord-hlps ure Lot behind any class ol JOUX miiiitryiii« ti in tea hoiie-t and -liner«' «leslie to har« th. M great gUMtloni Settled in li fall illili prop, r sp,i it and iii i « inly genial fi-ellng towards that great naiiou inte whom we nave bean engaged in theae Important neguUaUona." [Loud ebai n ] oriMtiN9 oi utan BUBB. Lord Derby said 1 hut if the «loveruinent fu!l«*d in pr«*- veuting the escape of thtue raaaala H was quite wi should aatpaaai raaawl at harta* failed iodo that we confessedly tried sim erely to do. [Hi ur, to ¡ii ] It is not ii. n.i ti that Hie l. ¡ape Of Hi«: Al,iii.una Was a ngit table proceeding; but I thiuk quite enough was iIom- to show our willingness to «-pair ¡my real or suppoaad WTOBg when we agTeied ton-fir the wfeak faaettea to Hu- .)udg- nient of u thud put., w itliout makitig use of any fui at i apologetic expression, which, to any te« leaat, waa eat t.tiniy in my opinion anneceoaary. it leone Hung to priquise u retenm e, and anoteer thing topropoac ¦ ref- . r, ni-, in the terms contained In tino Treaty. Witb respect to tee retrospective rules, |i,e said: I ob|ect i ii prii.t-iple to pnicee«1ii:gs of this hind as being opp,.-ed to sound and just primiples, bec.ins«' when von yield lu one case it is no1 engy to resist In another. [Hear, hear.) 1 can only find one explanation why tee presen! inoilc of arbitration was ¡ulopted. Two jean ago the Ainerit an .*-'' ante refused ihe free and unfettered ¡mutra- Il"n then olt.-red to them, und they were not ..long in ii ot view in donn, so; because, undoubtedly, let. mi.' al! mai I-, Bl I Lad (loin in Hu hands of ¦ coui- jm t, nt in hi tra! or, tee raanll "t tb« se launs would hare lu en, s<> ti«r as America wns eoneemod, excoedtnglp un¬ certain; und it «ni. hard to conten e uni thing more indi, rous than the position in \.h:, h Hie and their ti lends would have Is ..., if, after an outcry of four or five feat», lln-ir own tirbitrators found the cas«, agniust them. They deciiued la Beeag! It until ii was made toieiaidy ture befoithaml that they would have, if I might use tho xp.'.-s. Um, a loa<l««d dl.-e, In which there would be BO poaatbUitr of ite faliiiL- In our f,nor-and her MiiH-'itv di'.-i rniii« nt considered it was not Banana» oiiable demand OB the part of Amorten. With regard lo tie prosper!:.«* issue «ords hu««' been «Bitted Which might point to awkward results. You ha.«* emitted tea winds .'reiisimal,h grounds (or Ixlievlng" that th, \. sel was tilled for warlike purposes, and lett ,1 in Issue whether tee Tesael waa Intended for wari*.- poxyoaea, who li » (_- lit be ah»oin« !.. out of the pow.rofan. go.- erumeiil to know anything about. [Hear,beor. 1 I have . mi dully avoided saying anything that can gira off'lice to ihe Am« iii an Government, m,,i i thii.k ti «v are ron iiniiKc «.hut I have alwaye taken teen to be if they feel particularly aggrieved on uns oeoaatoate being t«,ld tliey have gol the lieft of the bargain. (II« ar, hear.) 'i hey have ailed In this matter us thorough mi n of ii. -*.'. but ¡it tee same time p«-rf« tiy aware of win.t tbey wanted, and perfeetljr determined to get it. |Hear, heal J Bill I am U!i..1«le to congratulate oiirCoininissii n- i rs for the display of timr iamb lise Bwakaaai winch has caused tbetu to make greater «onus, inns than in forint r ytnrs. I am rutnir rttopoBQd to Hunk tlure Is not much ground for stating, as the noble Lord has done, teal gnat iriitaiion pre.alls ngainst this country in America with regard t«« teeaa urns, 'ihe other reason for tr..liig to Bettie this matter now. tim noble Earl stated, wu«, that the state of «.ur foreign relations made li eminently desirable t«. replace on i_"«"l tarma with Ike United Btntec it that nnaiis that it is necessar. to be on Mod t'-ruis with America in ord. r le have our hands free t«, tight «.«in« one else, Ido not ihink Hihn)wsaiij satisfai-tory light on the I at, of our !on*lgn nlatione, nor «lo I think «ni h a -t .to natinfactoi. !o w ni« h the noble Kal as« Hties mi much im¬ portance Tlie ral) I can s«-e given BD on ten «nie of America is the prepo«ter«m» demand thai vie shouid is held responsible f<" the orematni. recognition of the Routh, so hs to make us liable for the constructive damage that coiiid ans«! from the prolongation .{ UM war ; h ii 1 nu.«I hi «-iuih-iI li 1 do no1 ulta« li mut li Un* iH-rtuiiie to it. I njobc with every one thai al hist, aiu-r so mmy year«, this misunderstanding is nt nu . ntl I hu.e bei li _.'!. <i to h-i.e allowed the Healy to pass lil ]M).I< < lilli i nilli"! sal tea 1*1 UUi lit tin- M lile mont are ¡» rfe« li. «ulisluclory, or ii,al tin I Willi oiidnt e to the «len llipmaill ol the n putatioti of the «io, tmun nu (iliui, h«-ai.| After hu «le «in. had di lentltHl the Tr at.v. Lord Camorrea sold; Tins question, .u. linn in-en already )>' lnli-d oil!, resoivi s His. If into I* o pal s. lo imperial and Iii/* ( Willi regard to tee llr.-i, 1 should In? gropatot io indorse nu- opt.,um sv. un uns bean generally I on HU- ente of Hie Hillls.. lunn, I. , teni Hi«) i-ieii upon maka h bau nrgala foi tels eonntry, ii m,iv itisiiiicaiioii for it thai I know ul is that n i. te m i«,oin ii apon a* an exceiilloaaJI uanna.- le I,, in vihlih. to w*« «li the Ililli! lu lolled . ...... eunoednd iu«,ie mau wowomdio »uy I other «people In the world. I wish I could think. In refer¬ mée lo to Hi. second j»art of the question, that the bar- «.iiiii n :vx g _«««Ml one for («tinada lint If I P«"t *'"' »rains nml losses against each oibei. the prwluct Is n«it salls- Hut, although I d<> not admiro the Treaty nor the t. im- lu which it wascsrrl.d, I .1" lu"*" that Caiia«bi will eierelae a wise and juillcrou" eourse. I believe Hiat she has the opportUldtl of shoviiig a «Teat dignity, and also a great pulitii al w'l««io~i. I. for one, have no appre¬ hension«, for tim future when the ousting «jiiestions have Ireen Battled.'' ,, _ . , Th.« M.muds of Pillshiiry said the question w is w*i if we ha.I gol by tin« Treat) . and m list we lind given Up Mr it I We had col aothliiÄ la«yon«l i|u> a.Ivanfitg.« of ouliit- lug the to nsit.iitti'-s of the Atneffiean people t «¡nut and iiuii:ii nulli«,na i«enp)c. as be believed.bul whom ll.r Mijesly's (¿overnnieut Would persist in treating as the »polled'child In the nursery «,f nations. To Kain this we hail sa« rill, m1 (bl lights of licntnl lialloiis. |('heers.| Tlie motion Waa tin D jint to the BOOM and ti -nu ii with¬ out a illusion. HOUSE OS COMMON'S. rTK.KCH 09 KB» lil.AHSTOSE. On tim 12th inst., in tin« lîritiali IIoii-c of rommons, Wr K. Palmer ask« ti li the aecond rule lu Art. VI. of the Treaty of Washington was understood as pro- lnIdling the use of neutral ports for the reuioval of military supplies or arm» to a heiliget« nt, only vthen those nets were don«« for the sen i. I («f a i. Ml 1 cruising Ugnllist liuotliir lüget, lit. uni lot e\'«ii.'l:ig to military supplies to a I.« lll.-er« nt from a utral por! In the ontlnary course of commerce. Mr. Olatlstone rt>- plled : With reference folhe first of th>*-iifs'lnns put liv my honorable i.nil li arm«! friend, I ol>s. \. th it it uses «or.Is which have been selected «.»id (treal care, and tbeee worda have been o__*r*fnllj iMM-rid, red by us, aoas to ena» lilemi lo liny details lu givitig ni» answer. I cm as¬ sure nu bonoi line uni learned friend by ¦ it-»* pie nf!,nu .UM' that the nnderatandlng be pttgonit. Ih at ««¦ li ¡'-ti Her Malest«, 's I iiitci ri.neiit um!« rstanils re¬ spe« ting lim s,. omt mi m ,\ri . ie VI. of th.- Treat) ol w i»!,iiiui,,ii. Uln n, to whether any itepa bad been 11 ki n t.. ..s m ii n whether Hu rale la n__er_t4>od by the Hulled Btatea Uorerament in tbe sam.' limited sense, I h ivo to »tate Hud we have had Hie oppor¬ tun} of eiuiiiiiiiniciiting with L«.iil De urey, "witI. my tight honorable fri« ml opposite, and vifli Mr. Ilernand, and Hi« v bat- all of them given the!, aataaaoraaoe.t only of their aa.lere-auding im ol the un rstandlna of ih«; Uorrnunent of Um i n it m State«. Pui ile i, .t ha-1 e n in our power to com- ii.nun ii« with the ,ii 'm .-iii-lie.l r. i.e. tuan «».li«) hum i«l sent4 the TJhlfed Hiato» m this cniinirv, anti «bo was a tm nillir ««f the Joint High Commission, Gen. Behene. has Infante«! Hei Majeety*. Ooverntnenl thal his und.-r.tfliiiliiig of tin« m1«'In fjuesti«.h was the same as theirs, \ turi h. r t.. lil lty (,«u. Sclu-Heli that Hie President of the Uulted Btntes understanils th. rule lu tiiat s ii». ; ¡uni if \te do no! mlscoTi true what Gen. Beben« im« in! I )'», the Preelit« ni tsould I"- tbe Bra! .' «i. > i«« aiimt and i<> allon, tun to eiuit- n«i for and inala! on ilii-i.iinllii. ti.HI «if !lu- nile. With r.lil r.-l, 8 !'. my honorable and I. arned hrli od'a ipie-t!,n ns i.« wh, tbi r ii is ¡¡it«-mil «I to addresa for« I, n (.nveriiments guanliiiK II, m aga ii»! a larger mut. -t .»ii lu. ir of the tu'.-. 1 am abletoaute that Kr. Flab, the Secretar)-ol Stat«, and waa was likewise a Commissioner, has txpi**àeed tbe i «inn i, ii thal when the two Goieraiuenti eotne to ]u> lent ralea to other iinvonnuonis for adoption they slu.ubi ¡iiiT- in some «I« 1 «rallón placing th* ronatruo II »ii beyond doubt. I believe I ma] also sai that there hm, boencommnnlcatlons betweeneaeaeol the Hntish ( is uni «.lin is, v.h«i weraaaecaberi ol the United bl ii«' ('nanni laion and disttnttulshed authorities in ti e ru t. .i Him. s, and the result his h«-en alwaya tbe sam tenriln to .«how thal wbotbar or nat tin* nords nut lie op n to lin.-ciiiistiui tii.n, liier«- in. possibility .i n isapj.ri nsion as t.. the mea nmg attnebed to thom by ihe ontracting i1 ¡tttt -. OFTNIOKfl OF TBE 1.0x1*1**, PBE8& Tlie 'Tutus of tlu.' IStfa inst, tajti 'I'lii- C(in- ctnalon to which wi mu-t «-.»ni«* after this full dlacntssitrn of tin Treaty Is thst Hie solid advaaHageo to he dartrod from it ir« ath overbalance Ita delicieuclea. Tbonabwo Uiagre« With Isml J>. 11¦ \ that the " g.-n end feeling of Irritation" prévalent In america maybe ral« li, anil 111 ugh We Willingly lulim thal it is not a wise policy to y n id csert ihlng in nrder toi OCX 111- ,-ite an oppom nt, yet v> d«> not rci ognize timt tin present Treaty has been unduly Infhience- bj tites.nshb ra- Is.ui «iraiiviiie and Lard Deurei »how that on Dany point the American Oonimlaalonera receded, und that this is the ca»<- may be asauraed from tbe r »« t Huit tbe Treaty Ins n eritlrlst-d imHi quite as lull« !l liiistiiit.,' in Ann ti. a ,i- li. re. With Kital- lo the li..., hu cry of urhiti.-ilinn. tin io s< eins in,Hung to onmplatn of. Idol only isiin- appUo itlon ..f tins principle lo the ttlernen) of ilies. importaunt qiieatlon* m liai li .i victory "f cn iii.* itiuii, imt m the bot <. ol tbe < hi« fs of Who ure io appoint the Ar'mir.itor.4 Uni,- Is a suf¬ fi, ¡cat pled.«' for iuip.H I it i Afl'l «lispllîts IO long lind tin- expression of opin U 0 in BCOni ad. it ilu- poaalhle that ant a_r. cment should fully satisfy citber party; »i«t n II. timi will, ve ihi-ik, oom Un anj Imp u- tlal crltli that the clalane growing mu of tbe civil war oonld hard i bl settled more .»in.«« »»full». .\rt.r tho »pt ex li "f I.« id ('. in it «a» tO be «¿i-« »ta Iii.11 th.- mu tfon abould be withdrawn. Tin iltaeñaslon baw no) been without ila uee, but tbe practical dcclainn was i.« i-essa- rilyaxalnal a résolution wbl ii In« ived noiiung loss I l.a ii a i onde n mat inn of the «. bole Ti*. Hy. ¡it Telegraph of Un »une «lay eays: E«rery V. |* tiki« li «ni al ii"' time felt that the eocape of the AJa ima waa a most unbappj pi codent, wbieb mi^rbt be turned U^uiiist us in the cm ni nf any future v..u; mid tliat it would be worth much if we < .mid get Amené i and other m.-.i it me Powi is to it-coL'.': /.. ihe neci .alt) o( adopting inten ¡«Mon..I iiL-reeiu. nts timt would for tbe future prevent ih, poaaibllity of such events, yet h ni WO gonn to the Ainfricans with su. h a pro p..»ai for the amendment of -nte-rnational law, ti.ey (rwonld h.ive naturally replied, "Tea», now thal y ou fear retaliation you cry o it p, n-e; um have bit na hard end befare can return tbi blow you cry * --Ink. li.i.Is." Now »«.«> hive obtained the niueini- ineni «A«* «I,'»ire, l.V saving, lis wed, in Hil» Ti. aly , We «,t only linn!» Hi«*.-« iule» good for the future,bal we i.lisent t., bat.. nur rondncl in the aJabatnaJudfedby iheir applic.-iHon." We thus gain au enoi mona sui« tial boon, nut for Kn.lan 1 alune, Lut for the eiiu-i- of i>« ,u¦>¦ ali over tbe world : and the priée we paj la tbe tonn.«ii/.itlon of ralea lit international ramlty which In spirit uni gili«!«- our (!ov< rniiient from til «t to last. j!A« Standard «nyti \\ n all i- saul, hoMiver, the . iii c1 is ai most to enable na to nndersl ind tbe motives ¡uni ¡t »pe« I (he jinlgnielit of tim-« Who ( oii«*lu«le.l the Treat] ; not to approve tbe Tnoty ttotlt It isaii«-ngag«- iii« nt wbli h ma] nave l" en ni oeaaary, but whli I, anuot -factory. But even were It aa nnneceeaary aa tnt- aatlafactory, wa oonld not approve Lord Una* U'a motion. It is no1, and we true! it in m \, iii be, tbe prwtll « .t a British Parliament to n-ii. re tbe Executive of the re¬ sponsibility Ol the t olid li« t nf ill«' lill lion,ii 11 Ion« With lor.-gn Powere, The lui i.hM-hieiii-e of the American -mi,m ii i>r icihe ima bean too apparent for na to wish t.. adopt ii ; alni It would, l^.r.l by ob« «. c1, in »p.. i.,it undesirable Chat tbe lions.. ..r ljonis should int. ri»ose between tin- eenelaaaon lind the r,ililliutiou of a treaty vntli an addtoai or r«-- iiinii-iiiiiii «, uni)* it w.-re Uki ¡y in lu- baebed bv Hie House of ('«milieus. If tb« Ti ealy is lo I.Bfteted, both the «li». 1111 > of UM Hi.use and the creilit of the country are damaged bj this Impotent protesl agalnsl it; if the protest ].re\ all« the M.m-ii »' am alaeod in ¦ posliiou. The discussion of tnnigu ntl.his lu tho li p, r House is always lab It-feat, t- mi» rat«, dlatln- ga le al i,y ihuiniigh knowleiig« und«' experience; and It baa a powerful, though alow ami gradna], tafln- ince upon tbe foreign policy of the country: hut that lnfluenoe would not bo atrencthened If the Bouae vm¡.* In the habit of lnterpa«u-c Before Hie ratification of a tr.aiy, \miIi itihn« to tbe Crown which is bj h*arery nature e«iuivaicnt lo u vote of tensuie on Hu- Ministry of the day. ihe Daily Neirs ray»; 'Ihe main provisions of the Treaty are, lo tact, rompromlaaa. it i* Doobtobore Kietted t!> ¡i the Canadian el,nins on -weowit of ¡tie Fenian raids are not included In the Treaty. Lord Uranvllk felt tbe diillcuity of laelu-Ung tbem, it la ¡m Doeaible to blaine cither Oovernmenl foi tbi lr omission. In I'.irli.iinentarv (¡ovei nnients soinethliiif must lie i*i. mt- ti t.. pol lu. ii in . .--in. », and even Bir John Mae- .ion.«id allowed thal li «as Impossible lu the praeent pallie- ililli.- I'tlited states to include those ela lins. The «|iu sti'.ti c.tii.e, ih« re foi e, in tin» ii.. \ f rm si.aii ve off tin- negotiatlona und mi third falltire, or shall we make this nat lillee I li, fore such nu alternativa healtafloa woald lum been «riminil. The Treah inu»t go on. it Is the st Ml« in« nt of a loiit'siitiui.iii.' ¡.ml li'iip.'accuii)iilatiiiK ii« » of disputes, which uii.lit any duv have ripened to an opt-*, «ju.iri«!. Aa Ita te, the Treaty ¿«oeaa that eeriea f«.nier. Bren If, as Lord Rnsaell supposes, Lord I><- Orej and Mr. Fin swore eternal friendship when tboy mot. It la happy for the WOfM that OWl of their mr« lim; su« h u Tiealy «>f ptl I Bil I liai au.lty slioul«! have come. \». have pur« baaed n by anne i oneeaslona, but tboy are all com -i »sioiis which, in the h lieh interest of freedom, of ciMiizutioii, and of peace, wi were bound to make. Tho tbree rules of International law on which we have agreed With the I'niti d Míales will he, on the part Of the two pi oui« -, urged on .«Hut oountriea, and will bl ¦ «¦ aluable addition t<> th ii l-.w of Ratlona «.«. bleb is th.- ( îiu-f gw_r> uiilce lui- the unod «.rdcr««! lue world. ANOTHER EMIGRANT HNTNDI.ED. Jolm (i( iis'cr, a ('(iiuii*., cain»? to thi« city from the West last Friday, ln!e«idlnjr to sail for (.er¬ While cro«siiiir from Jersey City on the fen-y- i.nat h. was c.t i osted hy a stranaer, who, upou learnliiK' lils «1« «.filiation nml thal li« «i»h«d to find the lifflie of <>« lu« hs Co., at No. «58 Broad-st., said that he Was coll¬ in -t.-, \s iib the olll« e, and would lake himthtie. He procured a carriage and drori to au oflBen la Oanal-at., whereOelrer was Introdneed lo Henry rmntt, ¦»bo au \ is« ii lum to have his ninney Obnand into »»old. Ho m .«'i'.liit«ly !;.».t hnn |llo, und waa t«>l«l tn t all t.n tim following «lay. He di«, so, ii ti. was (riven 16 ïd-fl'aiic piel «s ami 4 s.lvi I pic« ra, Wnrtll alinilt PS. He refus,d tu take tin in, say mg that it was liol euoua-h, hut M. li. mott told him timt ifh. refused to receive the money tt ml« red or m ide any <¡i.»tililiuin.c be Would « all a |m.1i. c- bbm and give him into caatody, neiger lieu took the iiioiny and wa» thrust Into Hu- street. Mi Dei mott waa >imated on Batutday ninlit and committed .. st« idaj bj jual ,, Bogan. Thin roaiplalnant wai ault to tbe llui-w oi "Un anon. mm miooKi.YN EBBoESSB Womens iiome.i Tin- Wo-iiiui'b Club of llnniklyn Lnê iijccíini- plirhed sonn ihiUK practical in the establlshtiu-iit at No. It Willoughby-at, of an iustltutloa for the aecomruoda- tioii of women, t»otb old and wounir, who have no js-r- rn.iii. nt ui.ode und wbo « ;.in llnii Iiveiiboo«! clerk», nui se», seamstresses, Ac. These aie r.«elve«l into Ihe Hihi«' ami lui nl.-lieil with fouifoitalil« tisiius and meal, at I««» rat« » th« eipOMI s Ol IiiuiiitalniliK the lli-dl- tulla,li Will all«IW. The aveia.e pavinenl is r We« S fur one isrtMjr. from t* IO b*. Toe handsome bmtOOOkorj l«ri< k l.iilUlinrf ni « u|«l« «I VI i '. t - nti.tllv in« at« d alni is nu louiitl.d t.y a larne nurd» u. It «ni a in» ten ¡ergti alrnplag ramm«, all ueaily farui«be«i. Th. parlor is taree, and a piano and pi'my of »......I booka nml perlodb als add to it» nina. Holt- ?¿together, tbe nome la awae II.ins' I«,i;g in ed. «I. alad althoogb It has I«.'ii hu! a few inonth» In operation, the nm-t « uioiua^iiiK aucceaabaa u'1'i...'l the ciiMiiiucnl. The «111« «is of the Hume al« I',« !>r», '»r». Vra. .»arah M. P.PMia srrr,tv- P.rrrti-r». Mr., llarr II »i h. « rrrnaa tlaa Hccraui M K»,» li.,,. I. K>».,r,ii«« i*«-i.i»i», »il« m,ii« ««ih«lia, li.«.»«-., Mi« a««» II. II. ki J ..I,«sr» a tmmyxio,-) «I lit II, .. jl. II I'm .ni -I r l'l,u«l,ul H,»»«,,..,., j.l M,..ia J. .,ii '\ -ti, J rim. j li .H», j_,>s si4. lUs. Ii.'.-l, .... .rai uuss-i ».» kara, ..' ,U l|»_i» >. lu. Laura Y I, THE COURTS. TiiK niiATH-noru) lïtication*. ¦Un MOTION POR DK.I.AT IH.NIKD.Mil. M/JTTR- MAT!) orKNS THE CA.SK. In tim Unitetl Stat«js Circuit Court, on Bat* tirdiiy, the case of lleuth and Raphael agt. Jay Ooiild, Iinples«le4l willi .lames Fisk, Jr.. P. A. Lord, and th»- Ml Ililli**.... Oiinpiiny, cume up oil a motion for nu teil i n quiring Jsy «iotild to show ram««, why lie shouhl not BBBkB good to the English stockholders the loss arts!m: from Ihs alhgid Dtogal ul'Strnctlon of 30.000 shares of Btoek from Hie re« 11. rshlp and nlso, on a motion for iib order restraining the Erle 'lallway Company from enlarging tea BOgllliallOB ii It* Mock at the Farmers' Loan and Trii-n Company, hy placing upon Its books certalu stock .«, us Is claimed, "fiituduleiitly Lsütiod In BOB noitlon with He iihstraetiouof tho Iltuth and Raphael stock." In ii-Uli.i.'for n postponement of the argument, Mr. Lea« h said, substantially: The orlrin.l order of the Court for the transfer |0 the Ma-tu of the " s of tee stock In question « Ml module 1 thal the toaster was liiVruete.l to nacerían, ami report i oncoming the validity of .«.mo «hines alleged to lia.cboeu issued by tea Lil«* Ballwa) Company, "and registered upon th.» I«.«si-"f tot 10,1)00 shares In the «iw- lody of the Receiver." The henrlm; before the Mn-t'T Is iinti. Isl,,,I ; but, on Tiii-s«luv list, the Invvstina- tloti li. la halt of Heath and lCiphacl was elnssd, An npp!l«.,«tioii to prove teal Heath and Raphael had M Im neill ian inter.«! In this stock win» then .«»fused. The present motion ia on papera whl« h them lion of the other side hu« no1 attardent lime for imihni ir. " All the merits of the Litigation* an inrolved In thal motton, and it is an "attempt to ferae Mr. Ooald to datteat up properly thal is his own." In nply, Mr. *-*«.iiiInnisyd snld : The inirinirt of the in«>t!ot. has not been correctly stab d ii i.s ni t . motion to compel Mr. Gould tod« liver nu property t.. win. h Im laya claim, but to compel bim I., h store M,000 shan s of Lue stock which he ub-liacted O III out !b<- «olor of au ..elise. I lure Í4 not IliliK la the-.* je, iri willi which Mr. «.oiild is uiilumilar, «and theru bo question belora the Court hut n«. aaked oatnga <»f the nbstrii« tton of thl« ti,, k fr.-m tea meet var. Mr. Oonld novar m realise ..... oftaee ha, ,1 until he brough! Into ourt for puniabm. nt. Mr Bonthmayd Hu d argued teal the papéis referred t«> by Mr. Beach simply re¬ lieved tba e. ídem e taken before the fiait' r, und suhl: " When Mr. (.oiild IlliiLn himself lu B tight I'll"'«' he ti:«« topnatpom the las* bal those who nave been robbed ban soma rights, and the Goori whoaa dignity is mit regid I- Is.und to take six-edy eoglI/am eof Ihe niiitter." Mr. Ile.ii li sal I thal no c«, Iden, e liad leen taken before th.- Mast« r to prove that Gould tia ever Interfered with tin -bins of Brie atoch which were in Um custody of im liicivr. Oonld nuniv need Pontt shares og tea slock the property ni Um Brie Railway Company.-"aa the basis of ter« gi* trat Ion for a i" » « rtiii« ale ;" and claimed that tea only «>i>l«*« t <«r th,* Company in j,.,>.,. dinga wa« t«, reston« Hie abaros »<» their true owners,... «1 !¦« en Heath und Raphael from lukins i b4 m to England "in defiance of tee îls-M-. «>f reaident American ownera. Plak and «Oonld ara torga anacía at ia very atook, and tkey aak aa opportantti te present tenir nu« i«« it. . i for earn rtlnn th i. rtohta they an de- la,ii,,11 .! is robbers and We ask for an u'l.airn I, ici, t io eil ib e ii- to lie el I tie motton I'd ipi ¦!'! \ n'l'l!') uirive ul the truth, und al the bottom of lota inventiga- ti..ii." Mr. Rtoiiphtoii ilaliiinl that Hie motion InTolvedthe liberty of Mr. Oonld, and that it bid Bo parallel Bl tea Co ii is of the eli íiiüeil win id. JuiU-e iiiaiclifonl dei bbd to hear the opening arcni- ineiii on ii,,- d .it «,f ii, stb and Raphael, and to give Mr. Brack until neil Thursday to reply to it. Mr. Boutkmayd read hu openteg piix-r«. in the case, um.! Mr. ii. .u h presauted atilda..tri uf flak, Uould, and Justin i». win' tu th« Bl c1 teal aa a item f Heath and Raplia had ni ide .... fer for the seHu-nu-ui of ti.«- Li le liiii_.,iion, lind taut, after som,* nenottatlona had taken pin« e, ihe proposed se 11 h-11 li nt w us Moke n off. Mi. Soutainayd.1 should like to know who the agent referred to w as t ¡jr. Beach The nmnoof tho ajiatltaioai was satofttBi li. it, motlvi s oi di '.- a \. Judge BUtch ord If the name |i n«d sfited In the au.- .la\ u the Court will poy no attention to it. Mr. I!, ad, lamil, .. infoi ned thal Hio naino of tho g. lifii-iiiaii Mr. Thompson. Judge Blatchford.The Court eau taku no notice of it nua-s- ii is mentioned In the agMavtt, Air. >uutlim.nd 1m f.'»u hi« aritiuiieut, in the cour-«- <*f wbirb he said: " What is the status of tanda placed lu the limul- of a receiver appointed by «tea Court 1 Ami what la OB to goan with a peraon who frnudnlently <>r iiijiiriotisiy ii al« wiih funds *,i placed 1" altar citing opinions ol Chancellor Wal worth to the eft t tent, when piopeit. la In possession of tea Conn tbroogh it. ofll- eera.itsi leoatempt of court to remove li, ha ton- ten,bil (hut tin. .o.-<j bluies of Li io stn« k which should bow be la tea ianda of the receiver were taken by Mr. Oonld to Hu Vannera* L ta and Trust Company, and Hore orrtified to "upon Hu» Mae I' presei tallon tint tia- m w obst k vv.i.s U«ued on Ita ina ibu be then put ii upon tee market und i.'"i iho piont ds. He a, o claimed tilla stock, "Hum n-dciit with" by UoBld, belonged to tin- re. < i.« isl,ip, uml win, therefore, under tim proie, tum «f tee « "urt ; that tins transaction took away, lu .ti. i. " Die market valia-"of tim .tuck Bad * invested it in ins (Ooald's) own fa!*, leane," ead Hutt ho waa paraaaallj raaponalble ter it Counael cloeed by attacking tea teeorr advanced hy tba Brie Ballwa/ Company thai. a., the registration of m stock at tho i u nu rs' Loan and I'rusi Company la looal it cannot et- fei t lu mai kit value lu Kur> is). Th" .u\oititfuliou waa uiljoui «1 till to-day ut 11 a. m. a ipmw wmmi Koran n law. T.orena CiirpeiiUT litis bagua a nuit in th«» Court of Common I'leas against hor, John Car- l>eiiter, for limited di),urie, on the ground of cruel treut- nn nt and ubini Uniment. The case caine up on ii motion made lu Special T,rin for alimony and council toe« while the action is pending. Mrs. Carpenter» according to hor complaint, Is .1 y ears of a,çe, of a delicate constitu¬ tion, und is obliged to work as a milliner t«. siippoit her¬ self and her t wo-year old child. Hi r hu-:,and Is in part¬ nership with his father, and carries on n very remuner tiva business, 'ihey wiro mairie I In kuguat, 106B,aud lived together one year, when he abandoned her. Mr, Carpenter denieeaHthi charges agalaal bim,and ..Mei;.-« thal Iii- v.u.- hit him. ind afterward refuse«! to live with bim outside of her mothar*! house- aih ma ml to winch he refused to submit, | the mothal -Hi iw ha« ali Uli).,«., ril- ni le tamper, The ¡*. iel forth thal bli fate, r had ti nil to r, concile Un m, and had told ln-r thut lu« »mi would pro. ide suitable ¡ipurtmi nts lor lui ; but she re- fu*. d Ho s, overtures, Baslgi lug, as her reason, teal she wanted "t brown-otona front and two servants." Jndre I. irr> more took the popan, r>marking Ihal he would e.t- ainin«' th«' « a-e. ami j. iiieos send u uetore u reteraa, to b.:U What Ui.-.iU. the iii ielid.lllt has. civn. vom Milton B. Curry, Pliilaiukr T. Moray, J. lb- naaaaa,andOardon UonBlia, Jr., wire ¡uljudicuted lu- volunlury bankrupts last week. In the Unit «ti States riet Court, on Sat¬ urday, in the collision case of Christopher .Meier and otlitTs ¡ik't. the s*e.iiii!ioat Ncwpoit, ¡nant lilutchford ¦Bl e u de« isiuu grunting an in!, run BtMJ de« ria- for tho l,o. 1,1,1-, u Ob ,.,sis. mai mi ,,r,|, r for referoin «* lu the coll!-:.a-«' of Tluuims Mi Nullv aft. Christopher .North, tLi.- cross libel was disuiisaed, with co-'s < IMMIN.W. 00UBT& Ihirius \V. Lawrence, of Lawrence. Uros, gi Co., hsahsiS a. N«> Hi V. » ..t v.--!« entern,* a «lag* in front of t!,-i,, !. amtiatmtiti ni«h> »»»»<. u-d lo K,lw»ri r. Bil« at B Bau« Nineteenth-»! »ho ,le.-'»re.i th». h* «iioul-J drink «Uti I I!.* refi_a>«i. uni K,>t «truck lera a liaient |,l,,w lo te I,,-che».I ,,,1- naru WHSily. 'Hie »«¦« l»i,'. »li» »a» intonrateil. wa« Iih k-.l a, .li' MS Um Iquartor« nul ilnriii|( the irnin^ »ra.»sls<i all iii. fursiluru n bj Crll. Ile ».« brill to Lui )e»t«ril»i li/ Ju»uoe lb,«in. At the Tombs 1'olice Court, yestenl.iv, Just im Jineta r.immlttsd H»i ,«h rmbmtm »t, sBag t «ilTi*r"» it«-!, fr,,n, _hs üislit of Oeorit« .S.-limCt of No. 16 Pwk-it.. on *.»turlâ» niKht_ K »nk Ilatler. for a^naultlug l'»tro!rnni 111Iderbrand uf tbe K.mrtwtitii Prrdncl. »bile Um Inter «u «tteuptinit tn «nut bun ...Irani K.l- w»nl» eiilorwl, «ml B»na. bl«, »I,,te, for «.««aultin« Lr»i Tbotna«, Bullo I. a B Iho ISSISl at No. 4ti Th,>in-« »t.. at. culla;* h.ISS Dm be«,l ».th a h»lch»t.Jiuie« «'.. ullin, an Iriih lilsirer. »»< c.nni, th ',. o *-atui.lir, f»r »stiinr Ure. while ilmnk, to a Iel ia the room of Ca«^« rise Kuilth, at No. Hutt it. At tho Knsex Murket PoUc« Coni-f, Elizabeth Wb te »a» roiumitted, »sateolar, for ateulicg 16 eu»u, worth i-M, fr.m ?linon Plaatnrk'» -loThing »tore, at Foi rteenlh »t. an,! Tliir,!»ir. Plaa- trirk iaformfd tbe officer »ho maila th» arre«l that »he had offer»! eil») I! he wouM mike no con..lain!, tint »lien qnratione<l in court conl.l ot remember th« cir-mntais-e-Maria Slattery of No l61 t)rcl,anl-»t. ««,,1 >l.r|i»ret t bn»ti»ii».,n sf No. Bower», kivper» of di»re|,iiul,io h,ai«e» wer» eonini ttrsi for trial Tbe Inmate. H in iiaml,er. »cn* ««-nt 1. n«_ kweil i lalmi.l f.r .lamnlerlj rondoel Niuet.Ure propr et.,r, ami inm»le. of ,>.,. in Qfteawich an All»:, r »is »i:--e,l |.,, ,, nu lit were take-, h. f,,p* Jq.tice Bans, »t the'Toinh« ,,n Satnrlsr. Tbs |iroj,r.etor» »en ..uimuted. lailM minite« »ere »eui to lite kui I-Louie. < >H'Hr < A-.hNl)A«i4-Tiii» Dar. Scrsfuisroi RT.«»Ks»Kii. J.Cileu.larcalUlit in» « M Usissds(l Bydsr, 111..... .* ,., ( ..,.. k PslUs 1«-. .-«.mil ir« >i« . it it .... li'J..|-«rer .,¡1. Unsklia Dall.. lib. .Hame »*,U Miue. BmJs llaiail Tskh.StTHitai«*«t). J.«»pen« al I()J ». m.«'»»* on. (,»*!«HAL TSH«.1.10HAIIAM. I'. J , llAKMKU abU I AKt'ot,, JJ . .nlarc.llclat H a m. .ill.Xatrr arl M. '»«la' aal «â let't* »r«. Pel^Ulne Urdan,» li. lan Co. of, NB..1BI i.«ean Nat. Bank »ut Ba'.Unwre. I Ttl.Xntrt »nt The W»wteni In«. Í47 bomb »ti. Ilorl. «, .,. n e t u, ,.f Hud« ¦,.. _u BsObsci set. g. _!____¦ Fir« t3t..Bamr*mnaaS Mel.b. Ii,« .. 2 1 ti:, eli »et II,,!'«., J II.. Tue Hank of Bilbah N Amcr 2.1,..ib« K<ii g i. seUsasisel * .. It. K Co »ki l-l,..'.re. |.».i... I, >-,( B,nk ,,.,_ ill .Bord »ti. SchVi»,n|(er. Hmallwissl. /ni llrjw a«!. Iluoeko. .'¿I. II .ui»iii. jr tft.ltxy. _JJ..l.a»reu,e »fi The :'l..Mi ¡1er ag> V ."l..l,e.lle IM, Util 2ÜI. ,B«nili*r,| »ft. s, /.na. .'".., -,|iii.-c« aft Al -bott. Bl.taM vi Buckl»rl'»m. .'¦'I Law lea» «^i. i) Mai,,ne Nat. Hal. 2IO..Tra«*T ajt. . ..Ile, jr. 241.. Hall ajt. It.,!,!.i. .' arl « oli.n. J11. .Bernhard as«. sr.:im ,a Ï44..Turner art tirr < tai t it. I'm II Vin Bat nr, l..irprnt 10| a «a. Ni..r«Mik« ait Tu« uti .. anl Na ^"4 ban. a»i. Uri», jr. iiuualll_i.k ICI l'uni »st. Am.,. Mat. Lif» IV, B. ¦!*.. i" 1 »»« I'el. la» « o Iwb. -'-'41. .Mckinley ijt. I.iuiU 6H..lli.lfuan »»t. Wagner « A.eian'ierm, l.>» i. 121HI .'1 i«< wt ,mn.err,»l l.'»re- 1411 he.ier a.t Bi"n ManuTloc honaelo of N. B. li'«,. lie. Smith »ft laraa II r , M t. tatt lilli..lU.lstrta, iur»i» r, he, l|t HI, Btinis SÇl PoSlMwS to"?* 1/1 li»K»na<t. Bower» Na! Bank. ÎRO.St Ni.bu.Mla» I«, Ht. Ular S \ .M« F. k M. Iua. « .. 124 v.. !,V' Firle» 141.. Bull agt. Ia«, tri. .lWa,:el «it Wilbania Va. Jta..i}vd.hand»tt. .. Tel IT!..KI. «d Connor. i , * 4. enea Pi «a.-T«i*l Tan« -Pa«t I.-J R »alt J -Opana at 11 a. m irt.I/eonarl t,\ Mark». «3 B»ni*,i« ri<t iii». H) lint!»»!,-! Ttiomann. Ii:. .Tu.ka «,<« (ahem (S2..V,»l,er| »<u Ure«» er tsi..MH'»«..r. a,un I ait ti««. »«« .«¿malan 14« i.iill,-are. Bal U0..K I 111 rilli 'u ''' 'V ro«.! ('«. Hr«r «¦ .boan «j* FII..I «r .Ooe<« »a ,». H'int,»Tin 3_X..P»«lt a^« Mail«»!! ,n Iii««',. : i! K.,t,..-r *^t .. »lah I'.Jl.s-k «gi I. |lie..t',ai TSI I)«».» ..! M a. K«'r «.3 ««lim L'«eli ISI..M, I'. ,: V«r.,',r I»« .krr.'U ,l| .-I I) ill eu -l. A<,,,. H.4.. Al. l«!WI 1.1» n..hraw«*t)aa|i. Wai li-1 M UMamatí trank mU .litrntLUkti't. 4.1 ¦...:.. ¿*.±l., Past II -r P Dur, C J n...., ^ Il a. «*. TI 0,i,»!»anat Marun. «tT. .N ï.tH». .BsS»«* Prirl'« f'o 9*1 IlernhaH aft H Kip, C tai Am T..'«''.* h V S I I . Urt.FfSBk »si liws-iislm'i. «M S»n«i. »et. J,*t-ti !«-.:l..smith »<!. ll-i«(I..Tert,. I 4SI <!.«., a_t. B«iA.''k. 9«4..MeFaH«a a»t I.e«w1<t. 1*4 (B, .ri. r) «Irrell eXt.Pal»«« '«-'... Karl« «k1 J* 4l!..w>kl. »ut II«« !««l. H.imi» ,*l - r- ser. «31. Qaiailo act IUi,,,ii». n»..(jill»__tii«i«t iattrelch. II ..:«« Ofi «T.<,"«_t«V Tunis.Arcan. CiTKTt«, ami Thaï t, JJ . l> sas ai lu . ni. 1 1,«w«on »!*? Pliilcr»»»!. 7. If«ur.l art. B--¿ 1.,1'erhnne «r beam I »« »»t V InoliM .1.. Hier «il Mi Ul Inslio. «..Ot,-«»»t. l'en. B. .Mas* ici. M 4..Uwi»»at u lay lo..K«liscg t«t. «i.ii..-. I..SII.I.IIV »St l'u.ssl,. 1]..' . r Imil. !'».!.« ¡«ki III .II»*« J.« «l-n- -ir ,-»li,J .i 11 t. m. 014..tin aft lloln,-«. tü¿*.I..An»»_ell aj'* hü-M-nu. BUB. Immaara »ft. la. »nee. < .««i or liiuikiuii, rnnuiM»..Befen Kec.dtr Hacssrr..Opaut at . . ll**ra- 1. .Un A, Midió 'mr|!«rr. j 5. .«Tiirle« Ilnut, gT«n«1 larreoj (3 _..( «ric« « ni! n. «T«n.l lareetir.| rum). atusj.Msr'.hatt,grand lucen». (..Oeorfe II tirrt-Xh, faite pre* «..TbaSSSS B«ru»H cratFllireeiV. te le» ||,n «,. t',. ht "f «»TSK «»i> T«u«iMi'k.-«ràtwi.»ii, J. -O at H*} a. m. Wilton, muller I..W1II un D'Mcili, (isiiii i«rr< ¡17 GES. RUTLER DEFENDS TUE COMMUNE. The faUaarteg is a quofatinn from n upo«-«.! of It«n|. 9. Untier delivered hist Th.irs'i.y, at «.bun es¬ ter, Mas..., .lining Hie Uciliciitory Mnrtoea ti tka Town Hull: The' rcsson why lllï»rfy Ita« never found u Bra loot- hold In the obi worM lan want ««r «town er mnnlrlpol ornan!/, itlon. We have nil In «rd with honor, .li-u/iist, and ladifnatlon ol tho treat Kraaata wi.l. h has io,, ntly luKeii louee in France between tbe Commune and tlie Vatanflles Got« rnment. We have all .na«!.' our minils np upon It with more or less InteTHaenee, because we hare uly beard the itory of that conJU t threngb tbe mouths of the enen,les of the «'. luuiiiii«*. Whai waa that «Com- miine I It nu rn'le.tvor of Um people of Ihe olly of Parla to bare a town govaraamal aaeh aa wa anjoy here. or a iiy govimm« nt lu one woid, .1 municipol form of government; Hint th«)y shonhl not be ruled acama! th«.ir cotm-nt hy th" general nuv- crûment of ¿'ranee. TBef wished to secure that v bli ii wa do more appreciate than the air we hreatM «r the wafer we drink a town povenimeiif. That terrible striiaifle waa the -triiKKl.« of a city of two millions of'peo- pla iHatotlna «poa " tiaht «*«. »li enjojr.thal «>r self« rovcmiiic.i'. H was iho straggle of the workingman, he stmifKio of tho laborer, of tu«* mi-ldie « la« !«>r self- government, winch sli..ubi !>«. th" ir«rni««f a future n«'. Hm.- dreadfully and f.-arfully that struggle wa.« carried «m we lu.o h. .u,i, uiui how areadfuJ lu re- laltoweaU know, except that none of ni can foret«-ll what ha)« been the result on the future liUitleri of mun- hinii by Hu- crushing outof the Commune. Ti e crashing ont of a i'.ople striu'L'llnif for auch a government ha«. I bur, rolled back the Ode of repwBHcaa tibeity In Euruye for reara uu«i reara, li na! forever. Ti.u thought tim hardly yet obtained a place in ino 11.M of tlie Mm ra :m people We hive 01 ty heel) lold that tiny Htteinplid lo sel Ure with Ix'troleiun IO th«. great structures bulli hy kings and princes; that Wey pulled down the column erected to commemorate the gtemt doods of ihe «1-1 Napoleon, in the Place Vendome. Tin- tirst wa.! lion«, u. the neerea or the cn. Government. why 1 «ipi.u what ti..or. waa that done 1 are told wa must execrate Um men who did Ik They enid ni. column eio«ted us an emblem of UM mllllary glory .>f.-. di spot, io i-, unlit« uiuiati- hi- 'ice,is. The Brat act of a fn*«« people was lo i<-.,r it down and lovel it to the K-i.Miii«!, uilhatlKii the> m.^-lit destroy a Work of mt i:i M iloliuí. WaaBOl that iu a. 1 orJiiti« o with tho spirit of free Institution« I We hear that the Versailles government overpowered them, aud they offerod t«> delirar tia meelvea up and bo- coii¡e, wnai 1 Beooma prisoners ol mir. The» arara ana«erad. "Nothing but extermination." Ami then we ure tolil tiny saul, "If v.«* aro t«. be exterminated then all tim 1iu.11 naaenta of human despotism shall fall .iii!' 11s; UM Hal.hi* of the 'lilli« ric«, tka I.-uivr«-, Bil the irreat puhiio luiihiiiigs erected hy the sweat ana toll of unrequited labor, ni.nil ooma down if we are to ri-h." In the iix'.ny "f Meperatiou.and it «ni an i_t des- p,r,ilion, no1 hy any iniii.ini of lucan« to be J unfflTi al or deiandad, bnt sitapur to speak the truth to fon,tt waa th.* mt of deaperatc nicli.they ti:.ii their own <'it\* What couldmuke wi li tinbin wonii a,well-Instructed me 1, leave theil' homes .uni III' llieir 0WI1 lill«! til' li' lu i/h'")l I* bonana, bat .1« sp« ration i What waa that t Lui the turn¬ ing of the worm ..hen li waa trodd« u up n D >. - it li.« In tlie mouth of the lover of Ann Than llbertv to ^ay thal tau labor,ok men of Parla should no1 pull down the pula, ea of klnita. raise.i by doepotlam and wrong, bj mi* iet|uitt<*d l.ilx.r, will« li never in anv fieo Government ,,1.1,1 bora been ma,!, t j),, refore, I thought tit on tbla occasion to call to your attention tlie struggle of a peo¬ ple, Binddeaed, infuriated, wronged, In ilio hope and ..ali the ci,le.i.or to obtain ui.lch .,«* kOjOJ.k municipal OovernnMBt. Tout wai Um itniggle of the French Commune. Ii waa the «if .1 wronged people ariaing in ita wrath nud its martanaa But, }"U r.ty, they wera hut Um working men, and jron i.«,iiit io their daoda, the t.aiing «lowii oi temples and the liurniu^ of buildluga. Wh it dhl UM Vci- naili« s oc tho Thiers Gorarnment «lo winn ti,, y o..taiii.d Hu- toast« o «>f the «it} ! Iliey marched them oui -'> BfUeaaudhnndnda, the tendar women mdatill m erer ihiitlr. u of ia oí- ii, mannell d together, and shot them by nun in.-.'ry. Because men were no1 found cruel enough to «lo Um act, tborefore um mitraUlttite, a gun that works i,y nuihiiu ry i>. limply turning a crank, n a*i need to mow them down bj plBtooss. Foi tue purposo of oi.tuii.uii; u ii ia ni» ¡pal goTeranMnl ni,ti libertj nnder the !.im, tins r, sti Ogg! tia* gone on aii'l I pr.ty .on, oil«' Ula! illl, to lent It With till-. V.e'V, tilT UM purpose of atreiigtLeiilugiuurlovu for the lustitnUooi ol jour own Go. ei iiuii'iit ,uul tor the appreciation Of the hem lils of a lion.!. , Ko.eli,mont. A WOMAN THHOW.V VBOM A WIXDuW. Eliza Elliott wiis found yiHti-nlay in front of No. id i-mili.,tu nt., suffering from serious iuj.u.e« of the hack and hea.l. feh«* saul she hail becu lo« ked up In a room on the Hurd floor of the rear tenement, by üri-liret ¦tanatear, and whoa she attempted to mt out of the win¬ dow iuiiirei bad entered and poshed h.-r oat, tka Ml o:it!ie ralUlM lieioath, and recti.eil tin: iiijuiie.« <1e- s. rilied. llriilv'i't was anesteil and locked up la the Oreenwiob-st. FulleeBtaUon. The injure.i woiuuu was removed to Ballal aa H.opiui. DRPARTORR OF FOREIGN MAILS. MONDAY. J tn 26. Ka Ste«!i.»Lip M»..«. TUB-DAT, JrKP 27. Mill f,.r »'il'lmciitli si 1 Ussbaf*, per itettn.'n'r, «f*ile*,!j1 fr,,m fis.t I'l.iol it., HuiM.ken. slsss aita*: t'lwt-Ortx-e at ,, JJ a. mi at Sta'uin A, li a. io. ; 1), I«:'«) a iii. MeAiiitliii' at 1 p. iii. A hu|.|.le i.aaUri M ni, f,ir ,|.ml,le (i.i.ii letter« «ni», isaje up gn tLe l*isr at li ...'a, saaeloM «t a p m. M...» fur ll«l fix N | au! Kfwfo,in,!liti«t. ria Halifci. N. S.. per it.aiuil.lp Cit. of Beta ,rc, i:,,,,, par 4^ S. K., c'.uas al Ihe l'.»t- Oic« at li a in. Ht'»ui-!ap aail« at 1 p. m. anuaraaa anurin San rim«. 4.30 Sun «cu. Ii3t[ Hoon »el«..12.28 lIli.H «ITS» Tüll Dit. S«n,l; Hook... 1:27 , Oot'i lilind.. 2:lliHel)0aU . 4:00 Pi IM ENG ERS AIR11 ED. FROM N1!.V-OKLK.tN.-i-Iii BasSMHy Mi-»i«»!,*,p!, Jnne Ît-Tipt. Osft. aickmaa, J ..'»Ilace. Dan. .Neil, Mr». Annie Y. Hanna and daujliter, Mi». Ilaanefu Dre.fii«, /. J .Ve«»er »n,l wife, Illa» Klnra *¦! Lottie VW,.»tr..o, Blasid Fenner, Yr.nk Kenner, Mi»« Manon Nujeot, Mum Kit« Tilib«*tti. J McKlrov, t.rru» Tift, Hierre Mmieret, J. beru. O. K. Ka|«r, « summir», Mil Jennie St. Clan«, Mia Beti« i.P.OaMmkam, J. BsSSM, Janie» Pabssss, li,-i>;s M.*a.le, Aten Usäsa, Mr an,: _!r«. .., ¡lanuaon an.1 aervant, Mi». William AU.ioii au! ilaugikr, Bill UoiehiM Wiuler«, Min Auuie ¡mutti, Joiiu it. IS i Uoa. Sllll'i'JSG INTELLIGENCE. PORT OK .\Krt-Y0KK.Jc.\s 24. < LKAKK1). Ste»m«hi|' fl.-rmani) IM. O). KeicLinaa, Ilr'-men. Oelricfa« kVo. Bteam.l.ip »Ita«, .'. li.In,an, Ne»-Or!.». ». II. II Ct.eil li Co. ,sie»iu«bip Moii'itoas.T. lal-cloth. Bsviaaah, Bal rt l..,vs lieu. t.te«inil.ip M»i L.u«n, .V..slh ,11, Charle.teii, II. h. M..i|r,ii k Va. St.a«i,»tiip K11* - i, r. ,,,in Ne»liern. Murra,, 1er ¦« * Co. .St. »m.liip Wni.>Ve, «ouch, Norlolk, City l\iin:, an.i BBBSSSSB, BM llui. r on BtsaMabis Ve, Meainalilp J.iia «i.bioii. Winter«, Oeor<eto«m and Alexaiklria, Geo. II. Merrici. Bu-auiihip Volunteer, Howe, Philadelphia. LonlUrd 8t.«ni.«!ii(, Co. Bt«an«liip Ann Ku-i BMutti«, 1'. ii«..-.pla«, Wu. Y. Gym kCa\ Hteamilnp A. V Bil SWS. Llavi».«lrlphia. Ste-iiu»l,i[i .t'U.'iia*:, BcStsr. Ne* Ii., Hsr^rnoa It Woo<l. S-.*.,i!i»l.:|, .N.plnne. Baker. B.wlon, li. Y Dimsel - .lap ...»tirn Melr.poli«, ymck Newt)r>«n«, Pre,), II,1er. f-t«*-.,in - ii. ;> ..r _, n- I't-uiiin^ton, (aaiiaeion and Kn/ «A tit, I. li. Mil¬ ler, k « .,. ht.-aui-hip AiliUn.l, Msore D ram wick «ni Fernxndina. Ja». Hand. Me»in»liip san Salv«,.ur, >ii-».-r*',n. saianiuti, W. H. .>arri«.,n. Me.iuil.ip I«" II. C|t,,n Keiiert«. Ki, !i_.,i.l lo-.j .Vaahiuu.un li fo. Steam»bip Con, oel, N-,. mau, Pbllsdi Ipi ia, li. Y Bhip (ii.lcuia, Atkiniou, .st. Juin, B. u., Basa k Baipaa flap Villafrtnc«. MurjtAn, London, B B. Meryon» Bou Vail Dr. C. Tupiar,« hunier«. Iha.tenlani, H J lieW'olf k Co, «ark Nor« (Ur BsStSf, 1'ai.m. N B, li. Mc) a!. liark iuiull (N. I. ). lieu*. liaitniierr. licruotm Koop i. Vi. Har« 4'ol.inM Au n w«. Sv.iiiey. «'. B .. m. luiralU. Bark Min let (!4.r ) Hru»K»ar,i. Harre. Kui cb Y.-kVo. l;«r. Pisada BsaSsU (Br.l, Bsaasr, Iirfkotn, 0. P. Huh,.. . luid (lh.J, l o..», yuecn»'.o*n or Kaim.iuth. fur .n!..- ti. K. Bu: | Hark Miiyire« J. Weir (Br.), Kiwheu, Monte»! ho ind Bueno« Atrri, J Ni.rtou. jr.. li Sou«. linn Jaie-, C « lark,, Cilharlen. Tl.iinp'on li Hunter. Bits Hsfits. Cam, Brdatj, C. P., baili, llmckeu. M.!k Nell.« Muan. J, Hr«,i-»»ir«, Brett Bss 1 0 ¦. lin. I'h.,11,»« t)«f-n (.uptill. HaTAiia. n.p.m kl!«n.t,r. linn T.ber ( Br Keatins StiIu- ,. I '. U.. Kennion It t u. tit r. Ki»nk IUasi.1. benimm l'.ir», «'. I.uduuren i. I',,. ^, lo. K.Be J Bl.sss HsiilsgWa. Isslsssillh II I on I ', Sehr. I IMS, X1 ¦.- I M «Al -r. ¦« li., Ju B»I ISS ¦. i Ca. h,-l.r. Cl«[« .. o«sli.ouae, Mouui, Urn,«, Wou^houic, S.ulhiuiid It Bato *>. hr. I.anr» A .. -le.. Webb. Peer !.'e H J .«'. nlo-f Sehr. J.-.l Kr.e. I.nnKler. J»rk».niire. KI« ..'.rrc.i K,r i I',,. t*. bul Almuj. Mu. St. J.,lui. N. II.. Pi tri Sr, \ tarnt Nl,r. « anieUI, r.| (lir Jame», yuré »I, » r l-,..l»tou. ., Y ¿ulle». lett, mamari Bill Wu.,«,r N B. c.u.i.ll. Bsrtsauk Ma Kain,, Keeling, Kaue. Alexandria, Va., II. .. hood k lo. AHK1VKI). Sinteihip Malo (V (!.) V.n tlt*r, n«l.,r;,. Prernen June li!, «is ,s..iti,^,uin.,ii «ti,, «it, mim tai -. t... .- eel .»hip MlMl»-lp|.|. ile.a,, Ne*-I III. al.., Juue i.', I»ith Uli»». «_d s I tab risk luker. sie.ii »i,.:- eurie-1. .i, Berri Char'.eatou June .1. aith m.!»e. »nd pan. W Heat) li. Mur«* sie«n,^,lu Bsgalstot Kreemtn, Wilinlugton, IU b.mrs. with natal a!«T«, lie t. lonlUrd !«te»iu«iii|, Co. STe.iMhip Km .nu, llr»cv Por.I»n«l »Uh n.!«e..4.c lo J P. Anea. Mi p N .«lo.her «of WlaBSr, N. BL) Mo.her Nmpoit. bnu., Jl taft, »lili rnlroAil iron t>, ,,r<!er Map II» 1.,,_ (of llthf.i). Aittiour. Newport, Kng M day a, *dtk mi- non to onl.T U»rk I «ma (of Truro, N. S.). PurtMU. HiBPar«. 44 .Uri, mill ui.lie. to II J. He Wolf \ ... link K! uuul'irker (of Tirsontk. S .S . Brown Mata.iuJk 14 dar», wu!. u ,| ...e. to nr.\rr. Hark J..h»nue M.i.e |X. li t. Ilerk****. Bremen Mi. :M\ «rlth n|»M. »n a«» Is Ktin.-b. I-.,!», k «" Uri« ¡Urta All« u H s|>rl «wa«, N H.), Allen, Marx-illei. IO d»t». »Uh n l-e to Bon! k Ihuiken. Hint Baals(MBssjet Wmmm B I.).Cssfciaa WeMwoiUi, st. ».,» .li i. vita sUaSer W >'i.iatiA,l t\ \ . ,, llrifhuol, liru«u. « ajMenia. a J«., «uh molíais» to B II li,,well fc .s,,n. Br | Cire'ms Edle (of n«»««) «iciii, «J ,ree, W V. A Jil du». »Ilk peAiint« «.> B I!. V-, ,n.* li I'o. Brig Bsstwa BBw Is« Baa Ueema) K.<:er, Ilenerara, IS da,«, wuk n _¦.». lo II I r««liri » .-..a,i. bint II. r. k Anare, (of Paaassb, N. I I Bitas, llnlnd,-», IS din, r «lui luoi.wi.» lo r. 1 VK A I).,»,it -,l.r l«»»riii,,.i Panie.,. I ape Hall- la», lud».., »Uli V'»« v. kio .«.la,\. Iii«.. Cal Maud, I iaft. »Ill J. - ,*!. Karn*. latani teem [at kmkum.1), Pisss, Bsiasss yd« . , I k !-¦ »r»»ll. ¦.« Bl, .lohn, N. it .' i. «).g _-&_w_ V ___?_! fc_ "*"*-*Î t'*,n"' ."!--»«.»», ¦ d«"». i>n£¿ ^.0;M,'U^'--^ '«"." *-. fr:;"w,^r;r,_i^N-"''' ""'^ K,-ih«.-' *-« ¦*¦ (.«-T. I.n.rtt. 1 , ,;,,,,.., p.. .. . .«,,,;, ,.,,., ¥_\l\*hrmm\?vïT '' J.ha 4 (.rta» Hilo.», .. Kl., « r»r»|t.r. Halt .,,.,». ,,,.. Hrw»»ra,a ii Ag.t0.1'r,.uU-atx. I- , , Ama M . -> ".l '' ' I'tr t-eo. Mai.. J-I.B O-asf.^l N ,. l«a ah I- I ..).», Pie » i Y. I. t «el < V ». J I. A I' Air' ll.f-._.rr. f.» .I I' »nrr h. M.r i-, I- J I»'.)- A , . , |». Freak I'ierre. I'ru«!'err- it I .«. Pr»»k Ki ara I'.-.'. -I* em. M. J (i II. ii. !.¦« Pr-vWesas it 1rs lill« rtn.l»»«». Brhr 4' I Mnrf A Mo« l'is,Tirtr»it«. I-arl ¡j Itennetta Paftlaad t .on. M.« I'rsll«.» I'naa: ». I' II Í. I. II lli.pki-i«. ..«, II. <' » Karri« Ne- i «ele. 1». I* rtl ' uimm. M»n>«i» H»»l, Prenti.a«r«. l> .in' « -UlS I'lirl.U ii I laka Loriar, Pm« i*n»» i' . 4 (¦-__ JaMr]ib Hi», (,!*'H|.,|t J. It. S.. r . V ¦» .1 «»« IT rl. L M.r n « Rorkporl .Vf' > n Marr Tim». Na** !Ui-ea. K.«|rB, -M «,t r I. 1 I i- un .**». Harm. lxHititut: tti-rt.uA, Va. M , \| Em 1 Mill», hi i ', A 1 A. T. 11 mor, I'n.fid' mern. A. (J. -.«<.. 111 SAII.l.D. .4'samatilp« H-rmao, f-.r «aj (Varnda fcr I . .'.r .if Par. »r>: Fra-e», I ,' rni M -Wiall » »n.l ('..rtea, for Ki » Ol A «lil«n I, 1/1.-:- Kar. f Msiiliaitsii, fur Ckarl Musi W,s.«_a »oi li niuiwi. ATII'IVKI».- , j **tr;«rrnrilp I.a.r I;. . WAit mir* an |.««s. I«. HU lioniln <>n «'rinii ,ip .,» rit t ro.ui.rli, i'i ; __ , , arfas « gam ta H. B rawwi turnorI i, I. t K ii «.. J'.... -..., ',..-»,-.. i. »It« ¦«.. «J .. Ii. Harrick. t aC ii Msrsball M trebal tiren I Mi mV «si *«a pas« i.e. ii Msi-liall - Co ,rt (.«( (j.,, (j ii«., l.rcmen «U d,r«, « to I i.k .r; I ^~* ii V. f r . !«¦«! K-r.-a -i I >.ih »«4 cor»..»»! I». I. K. A«. « ne« k « u. tamlmtatmemiWlmamt.g «4 Ii ',»»« CoiHg v, ,r i-, » rL). ,, ,»nlrr ataaal «.II. j. II Bal. PlaW (N«r I, Jobas« a. Port Talbot dara, ... , toi.rVr Mat-frarathe (af Ht loba*., « ¥) r.ov-, fit. J ta if ,'.., »! « I , g K ..-i ¦¦( 'I i " f C p, K <_,-. w tu i. b Hvaia a Han. IM. «-a-i-a, (br.)-, S.uler, C. B. IT «lar», with -at] io C. I raia à ««.ri hr,.F. J Tro.)p(nr.) Terrio, f4i,io.*r. C. B. ««di}*, »libro, ad B B-ala . Hon. Jl. id Hu, dir " . » u .lew to ( rsadi-, ii. .t. » i It «... », II ..MTH». «Itl-R SWS a,.-T«\i«B. J II. Ka wir, M I Muí KI,'ra'»-,, YA. It »»r. I U in >!»!.. un Roekl A .If ,'. Chati » «i.l «.*. Empar». Nr*-I» n ... i A»ui..: .... Belfast \ i. ."»»w-ll»,ro. i . ii k1 lii'.n M ir, Pr-SvUsa ». 0 I I...» ... -. Lill«-, Prorl Ballwiakla, Koeklatxl 0 -ilii-t. H ii -, i «lal«. ( sr« li .... W. I! I r«. «". .. i. Pro« Si. Jabe, N i) K. I, '.r»..r, .\»»ll««e_. A. ra ti, Ne» Harro. K. M . i SB. E«riiri J,u», Pra-M »..«. Ckaa «-aub. aa.i » sa i'. i.r 1,84. N li. '.» r .. Bob*, »in. h. Pi Vrna Iii.,n. 1*.' li N. I-. M r ..'. I- .. i»nre. Eba « «r-oiit, r l'r«,ti n r. Irin > ..r ljur.'ùr»i»r S.D. J -, li '"tacra. .4. M II. 1" Ulli», ('«lal«. M. A. J 'tri,.«. N'.,r« .li. Jin.« li. .f ii. 1- .-IS» _l»r» L.J..1S», i 1' IBKIGSI PORTS. I,tvi,.,«r. J.irs ;|._-'',. i| -, .. ,. Cape Waar tana N.w-1. rk. Jan. u t.«. aptos it.« aras, ...r li.a-Wtfg. TI «A« i i ' . t '1 Ü ., .t.f li,« Cuiiarl »t-)«'ii-l.-. » (»it. Mil JuaS 14 tu.Li.C.1 ot H .. _ Gnmmcr Uttxeats._ AT Pnultiirv, ^'r., Ki v. ,f. N.nninn, J). I)., Pr>» ant ol atasatW oi a HOatl Ima Jess 1 ta Ott. I at low rat» i«t ¡tu...'.», aaa in- rtsaifol _ M«j, L..», -Msaua» ¡ «...««--»1. StuJ fur lera.« »_ BOAR'S HEAD HOTEL, Hampton I>.*.n*h, X. I!., ike most «lelnilitfiil Irai rr...rt .,- I'..- Atl«:.t.r CaaaS.JfOW OPI.t. Brcrj f.i-l.ta Ha« b«:b.. tr. ti-,,n^. -»ii./, l-bag, a«, iris. Ír»ph «n.l 1' «.' : tey, lj-(*re» »«al II imiioa. l.a_»L«. m»el «,1 Ira.', a.-i Ki-t»»- K. K »I llsm|atoB .»titi,,«._M. H. DU-1.4s, I'ropnetur. nONTINENTAL HOTEL, I.« INO BRANCH. W. B. 1îO*î:!OW"S, _Lsl* of Errrs-t House, 5. T. _ COZZKNS'*» WEST POINT HOTEL IS HO«, «ii EM. Uo,! »t (.._>«_», Duck. Fur urn-., T..l.:re.«_ _BriAANTS T. COZZXKfl, Writ Point, !.. T. tpoi^TKY BOAHD-At Worth", V^ W a-UiBirton Coinit», N Y .I. .r^» iaal '.¦ lint, koo««; eonun., lo.ia r.oTT.j bealth, lora'.i «i; pleasant »r. [aod ,!riv«r«, arrrji war «la- r" p.r».rk. -*.[.; I-. tojnllX liLís-J 11 Will .T., N f. ( .( M »PEE i ( »TTAI. E, opporita the D.-iiot, Loug V> lira-cj- lions«. flra;-».l_->, _i' Y. Hi..NH'Ii'KSO**. Prorarietor. HEALTH. Comfort, and ('oiivcnicncc.Ily- inn.ic ISOAKD on lirrtr»D I! ii'its: ae,-,.ii.n..«!a!i,.n. lu-ulu,,,, ."ni »nrr-.un ..ii^-a am -.1 aan.trM«as out,,- boar«! as abor« b. a.Tdres»n,g 1. 1C »., Box 16, Hu'«, I'. P. Q., .\. J. At Y house will be OPEN for BEACH J.V1. BOARL) KUM »frr th» 1'thof Jun«. It I. near the P, a: -Dice, mr. t n_ l.on.e» »u,l ,lruot, »__ will IhiipI mt \ t'r,« l.t of Anrät for Iras money ilum .-1-twUera. l'AVIl) BKOW N. «r llsia,'t»o, N H. MANSION* HOUSE, LoBf Bnuii'»!. N. .1.. kt now tur tie nrjeftoo of _ur«t.. Tli» M TU» 1 , I hil BOTEL will ope» Jtt-e IO. sAMX LAIBU Pr-priat«.. YEW BUMMER R_vSORT. li OVtRI.(l"K Mm Ni.llN" nOC.tB, ti« Ki.a_sU>n. N'»»-l.rk. TM« nsw and e!e,»nt I!..;.. li n.-e. 1800 feet ai,,»» t..» watar, opcaa J all Hie mo,!». romeni»nr>«, indu, n.- U i reii'lit-ii by bastar rail lo Kosdoat; li. sad «> í¡. i. i BarlSTj laasea ali tall«. ra, racniajr n..- i with »II train«. P.m». Isarlaf S»w-l.,r« atïj .»n,» asaalaa 1-ur trims sppl> to Juli.«, I- L__>I1KK, Pr, Wood «toe k, N', Ï. QÚMMEB HOAT.D fur"a"Tainily S Ure or lis bj person«, ^»n s-tsla«. »' » plssaasl Í». I Saaaa, ¦ ¦:. n ona mile of \V««| lUnijiton Ue).<t. on lbs fog (Urbar Unir il . . 1.1 bathiaa, t- ....- v,. 1 .,r .'IN (¡. UDIIlN's.iy. «A'e-t U.rapton, L. I. Kef.r« to W. .-. Il l 1 Lt.. it t'ourt«-, Br»M.kirn. CÜRF HOTEL PIRE ISLAND BEACH, ia VJ now ore!,»U i.r « ,e»is. raara, lisa k.»\ c'.o-e ,,! tie cul nar«, le-iar-n e.t. " l'«r'.*r Hoa-i." Bostaa »n.l lata " Wettaiaater Hotel.'1 Kaw ten «Vr. « ,l snaai . r.ntr>,l,,f -j« .',,1.111» . fil ;. i, Mi tor elie le.l io botet Tr-i-i l ;_, »no 3 » |i. m. _ I) s » IMMIr» J (20UTHOLD HOTEL.-Exeellent bot-nl7i|ôo3 bj Chin«-, alrliilitfol «ih.iitr, Une ,|r ir». or.i t.. I. HhNJlMlN Oit, Ti pi .: L I.,»«w Volk. _l»sie« Mhp tis ',-, »i« a. i... t. I CUMMER HF.soiM'.-'l'i,«. m,,,t «l.liclitnîl loi- 17 raioili-e «ni .ii.iivi.iii»!» ile M-.H' JKK.»hl MIUTAU1 IN.»1I- ICTK, os tiia IJaUaraia Kitrar, .:,.., Y j. A rj-HB OCEAN H0Ü8E, NKwror.T ri.. i Oper,, on lb« ill'., ot tem. Ererj dep»rtm«t of tbr bon»e bas en ll|.)R.)t'i.I!LV IlKNOVATIiD A.VL) IIU'Al I'!». tit stIW -JjjTrVKKagK aaa WAT-Xt-4'U)SBTS_ ^PHE VALLEY HOUSE, ruceotlj opened, in 1 ., . .,«..«. OiA« L>» boan i-ïork e ' I. Il HAN«««M Pi npOWER III!.I- ÎÏOUè'K,|._';iii.« tt II A NarrJii,usr-,t I». I b:i u««a »u.i lai»: illa « J '_ Tills FAVORITE RÏÏMME1. KKSoIiT. I tKK Ill'N'.' UOI SB.« ' . 1 .. ».ta _ w n '; iVOOIisbOrg pan n.i.nN.' M no .|.»i Uli lUM'EAWAY.i M ia baa« ... CI «4-1. H». (JAM «no »A « . a » «o. »«iKl»l 1 »t II M KI.I. ,.., Il e .¦<« ., »'. * I.I.I.I I'»_ lVACCAmTCHOUSE--Li»v. \\:i,«¦.lï .V tu Bl LI 1. M. R. MUD, l'...-i»t..r. iUioccllancoiis. |*|t{. MILLER" TUTB-ISH BATHS, o pi_n m an m i re lill lllh l.Alli.Ksl' AM. ni _ . IN 'IHK l'Hï _ l.Ml N IAIN PEN-NO illk.Mtaii.l i..|iiii«(l. I -i.:.-« 1.. L..ur. I.) i_«.i e- «»'.UWk. m ttotitn-A. Sr« \.rk.__ î* KOCKIÍS no1 liai t.» ».-.- the new S »...,; n«. n tn lu :..»-__ ELÎEF tom THE I K1.1. Mr» L H. MTOMI, «I rp nprnol uew »nil il..«ni ri.a.u... N., ;nr f' i. «li o »li- « irai lim, ou- «M lii.r:r.l N, .7 \ CENTS. i ty n »k coNsVis ra bini>er, I «>K All'ii »s » JOURNAL. lill » . n » .r U. ,,,.«. ANT (, .»«u.i II. 1.' li ( II

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I OF KARI <>n iii» v«»r¡iiN v.»!« or Tin. ntl \ r.,»i-i kui.»

,. . ii i LOBO v-MBY, \\i>

I British !1 I j «.ids, on tin- lilli inst., Jt«. riovc ali

kag tina »li«' would not k.i'1, u.,n

m iai fy uiiy i*4»n\« foi ih« eettleiaeato| ti-A any tondu-tins l,v whn li le, herwlâe lx-ciul than by the laws ofil«'«! Kii.¿.dum at«,!dent i» place. " l tal».- m.¦ ''.¦ >' nf tlM "li'

i it'.' «-.Til. «...i t,ititi» s«pT»olnt-v« «»f ton Ins t-, .m amioah'e

qui stion at I think ihe» « nf it«.in lids country nas

! have in, olijc, linn whalcM rle l'n sol« nt of li««' Swiss («ni

»tim bare i. -ii «-in si n us arbiters. On- liter '«.n-, 1 will not trouble your lordships

On the oilier bud, I entertainthe ti.t.isure pr-,.].»s< ,1 In lim

Dil aft, Wai « nlitliniel-. partli foandi.1 on

Hu-au lois, and partly deviatinga..«.J,ti ii. lil

proveu.enta in Hi»111 «oil«.', It Was perfectly l-"tlip«'-

1 ! -, lui shon.ii havaa r tin-re .ii..; til- ping tim- liable fof en* dé¬

viât i,.n s, .uiuiiitt. din it-ail roi h ink« nadeln i»;). [Hear,r. :..i.- io is a gi «ass departure from ali

« «li ii. g.iti.tiii>iis inn' bull-in.ti tmui mi rnk thal

you apply IO lunn, st:,- altin s. V« hat would liesaid I . o' . ¦ 11 w. re s«*nt np to the

.«t I ». i..... I. 11 i ging a -.nikinim with in".<".,', luniir au Ha ( i'i.s ««I in

m- o' nu m.un objections to theI il-ni the gi« .', st ! mit with the minin-r In

lin it. It 1-« statedTn ttj that li« r Majesty"> («..vrniment r.'fiis«- to

» ., mili ry to ihe law or natlmis.Hi} :.ii» Hint tiny W« re n««t ¡"it «f thatI.«* What a nan , twa, that we should now

to pai << nip, us non for acte which by their «wwnn. n ti e law of nation.» "at iii.* tine

ii -, m.-si, i, A tuiti r « rrtir, 1 think, lia» tie, n-i iii. g l «lone with ii til 9 "t

sthi nil c the trie: «Hy relations between thi tworoni U.rashln to eonaid« i («- «

Minn of this kimi will «arry in in any fa«! «i m g..i.m otis."

WIIDl MAU M M S, làttOm.Kusss 11 vr.-ul on to show how Germany n ight

pi- »» -' « b an HdmirMi'ii, »*> h«g: -*n ilure is an» 1'hhtiii the -HerlU wi!h vU.lili I cone, ive it Is the inter« »t of

¦-iiiitry to Im« on terms of friendly alliant«?, it lai.«¦rin.iiiy. (Hear.) Mi n« hie Mend (Earl ('¡-anvil!.-*

would ¡,, in (tiling Count iicrti.simfT:¦iuiU Huit- ti«.«i iiinnltr to streiigtheu Hie Ik lids11« lull ¡P With till United .«-tatt» w us agu ed to after

lan, and to agra to makei« m jr. dations, bul v t!i liei

we har« no v su to strengthen the bond* of Ilendahlp is iu«i.ft, nut t«« u.», and therefore

i hal wli.i li »tus appl.«.« 1« i-, the Cnited States Is not ap-¡.li. al«;.- io y« ii-' Ai.o It r objection I feel to H e r. atan

die UM Tl> et] it lo,>kr« lik. J> it lug isnrt niti bute u« «ii .;«i tn i. .. peace, How, there u nothing d ore..hj..« tim..»Me than f»i a nation to reeort to mu h a i lei

[Churb.J it was Hie course takeu by tin Oreelriu order to ion, r.iate the Turkish mi.tan. bul

Mi HniaH.ii at the error of that pollboa Hu¦ hoeUllty ni Turkey waa only inflamed bj ihutannual tribute. laleuttiUM that It weaver] unwise to

r aside our oh ward Canada and the mar-protin -»ni H. tish North Amerlea feheere], and

It, Igt, l lil¿l ns of til.'are to be tom, aaated foi depredations committed hy

allt ti ('«'lite..i nit. »laie-, jour own pro«! Im-«- end-¦ ill In nowa] I, «nuipcn-ate l, m« r« ly because

,-ei uni ;.l l toot tn j i) an.» ,,iu.

Ion« Cn the ti-h« ii« s question, that nelng a pointto th« ruliti allon ««f ti.« ('.n.nliali I" iillain« nt. I

at dwell : bal «ii tide ibows In what a om"u- 'I n ai\ i fawn.bow everything has

t» n >>n« salon on our Mil,, aul assert lou, I i

gua « it, «>n ii«-' part of the in t< Iour Commissioner* «lid not I

tn«- Ann m ,u, 11 uti.,- loners to go into any argument ¡., ¡i« i i«.ni n.e pminc.-!-, accepted their

.«Ii l!.. ! thry COUld li«'! ntert.iin the ipi.-stlou ofn»atiiig the ( anaUians :<t the I-'cnluii outrag. », on

from l.oij.ion they sh< uld¦. .i.»iri«-«i upon >... i.«t. w .in regard to the Baberli ».

M» mil. fu. nu wil. lui.l in tin- loreign Office nannytot i« pi. »« ni .tioiis bl Chambers of Comme.oe and othera¡Mi «' a luteñatod I» the proeperitr «>l the I'nit. «I >« -,

Hf«"' isiv« li sim.» mg t« ,i great hemtit was derlrod bjw11» i iiii««i .»taie» nom ti., inti...iuui. n of coal and otbevpr at:, » fi,.n .Si »« J: uiisw ii k. HOW. oin would baie

I t »lim the I.«.it iiiuu i,t wer, «onshlering the Irenewal "f ti«e Hiciprocltj Treat! they would naveli ». ried i lau»« ou n lins Treat? ; but, Ihe. Hi-u the L'iiit«««i Slate« OomiL-salonera urged tlie anl- Ininsity which prevailed during the late war, all th«as4> j

i» « h i a«,. » wi i«- ibrowa awaj and i oi \og wa» done toii. ,,.i.,ri «.- of :... l;. i.i'io« :\ Treaty, in

.i.most mu jin,lit Unie w t» y iiMing on the pad «>fi »real Britain, whi.« ti.« r. was no yi« l.iii.g v imt vet try

oiled staten la otim-ci to the fair and Just clain-iWl.ili iiught lu- pre!« ri« ti by England.''

_M__U-9 AM, lill. NA VT.1. ,rl Ku-s, ;. i Um Auk ii, un authority t«> show that M

nation was «ailed ujkju to prevent the departure of uuv

vessel except under circumstanoe« whuh tatt» it prot>a-that It was employed against a frit mlly Power. Tlie

muí.' statement of the law had been made by Chief Bn>i ii Pollock In charging the jury lu the case of Ihe A!, \

hu,ira. Anti m Ila ia«e ol this it was certainly moat ex-ll.inl lllLliy that We Sho'llll iirtmlll lo a lilli* U»-t ml lltnl V

of international law whuh hit out all ielereme t«>«. iii,»! a vessel was to be einplon ti atri. ii.Hy Pawer. It was ,mi«.»slide lan] how far our

liability might be extend« d under such u rule. Let h,mi,stnit.Di:-hy niioili« r ms«-, 'lhere wasai.other Coii-

I. lerate riuis.r, the sea King. Which -»ni. .1 tin-_aa_M «Althout at«! one knoVtllig ni sUspe. ting

it of tu ii al i She sailed nominally forHoiiitiav, but nully lor tlieAznr»«, win re she ..lit im t!her »rnmi Bve aeeka aii«-r she bad leftBuff»la inI. I«, th li. anil Hi. I i. ii« d Mates M. n isicr. Mr. A-lum»,i-..,\ed mili u.ation tbuwlng the nature of the eervloena win. ii abe waa t>, i»*. employed. Befóte that lime,fa meter, uuwii' had anapaclied bar d. stinaiion, andyet

(¡om ruinent liad BOW, ten yi ais afterward*, minio »

Treat) by which this country would be made ImMe forHie .t. prt'.l.ilimis oin ii, 111« ti liy her l«e, mis,- tube« i| li. litf iiis have shown Hint »lie v.,u« lo cruise agaiiist

I h<* ulled M.t«s. He concluded a» follows; "I haver li« «lav stating that Hil» Treaty has lower« .« I

i> put.«um oi l.ii.'..iiiii more than anything that has..i ne this Century. I um very much of the same

. pinion. [Bear, beni-.] II rt-Mh-i toMwea what eonneI ,r,i*uivut Will take u|s«n the matt« r. In tin r« ign of

U Anne a uiess-vge was s» i.t tn OOtt H«,u.»cs to de-»¦¦ li..ti H«r Muj. sly Mould eumiiuiiiuate to both

II i. » of l'ariiauii ut the alii. i«s of the Tr.aly «'ft, wann Ilia Plenlpatent-arlea wara then aasem-

ed, befen .u.y ti> ,i> »*,»s con« luded. I ha\e, there¬to pio|«.-i Unit your lnid-hip» at this time should

aiiii.r.« to the Crown »nth a view to procureb aa ali ration la ihe Treaty as vi 1 make Hie arlil-

.;.,is'iai lu oaaM v«h«-re violation« of Int. nai "i, a iaw al <>! Um- minn. ,p.ii ,a\» of the United Kingdom

!,«¦ ibown lo liai« m. urreil. 11>« lu ve that if ive

liol -ho»«, that, li.ougli we mt willing to give|,iii|s-ns.t...i, I.T ,:i ju»t « li.iiur, we shall al the same

i in ma... it « \ idt nt that we are not content« d to .mu ri-iiid rej.ut.itioii Of thi.-« country.

In:!i. i". the tc;.!u-..\ there v»us a iori« np«.n-rriedou between Lura Ilawkesluuy and ihe

I i- ¦:. ;. i,oven.mi nt to a ,r« gW -t in nle byter that should lm teni out ot the on the part of His Majesty '»

.. hin, nt, said that the«« i» opie must !>e regutletl aaour I ..Hill out be driven oat of th»- eonntrj

vu' of tn. laws of hospitality. The Frenchi «l i »anl: '. Vnu bal«-an Ahiii a, t vtliich v»il! enut.le

:,,l tn« ni away." Dpouwbli h l^n.i, II \».isltu. «... had an Allen u t, hut It was not

h ted for that punoaa, Ita object being to .»»tun- thej .< ..I Li.....inI. It vas i n ut« «I tCt our OWn domestic

| .Ws Hi, 1« I) tO OhligP aw«r. iiuakcsbury »eut ou (.. aay thai

\. »bi ..ii» parting with the hi« s and Iii.« rti« - <>f En»rland :k t at tho dUtatmn m a foreign

iii.itur.-»."Tilt TKIiATV HEJ-tMH I»

Loti Orsnville. after a lirief resume of the policy-u .I iiy lil.« j,r« de« essors, »aid: \N'h« n I had the

henel bt unworihily sucee-tnling Lord Clarendon I en-

deantfi to Wtkra toa oen-ot aa had palattod out and[did this iiotviithstali.liug the fact that I was

I.-Ii.'.h t. uns v»ipb Hie di»t.iigni-h«'tl mau of:. Moth») who lepreseiiUnl the Cm!« ti Mates

I. ' lab i ni th« Autumn « li« un,-taintsii,a«leit deni »I«:«- t.. în.jiiire how our r.-

ni m ,«,,!. country in th. woild, and whenv h «. (.¦ the « a-, of the I'nlt.d Btntea ftwaa liiiyuaal

;.. -a\ thal our n latu.ns vm r« on a iH-rfci Hy »»atisfai-liug- I « i««.« a\. ii-.i to obtain i-y iiii-ana of eon-

and lett« rs trt.m gi. al un r« liants (whomi h h Earl Kerns to think utterly «aft to pronounce

'. to the iiileiKs! or tlie n.itlonul....). mein!., rs of Parliament, men

to! ii..», i. r-, ull -]h T'king *Aith »H.uie author-i, 11.1 i ¡»its to tin* li.ile«! Matee or irmn

lons with that country, what they berteredtoIh- tin Amen« aa peonle v.ith regard to the

itlous l.ctween their eountr» and nur o-»* n. Th« ie was

m ¡«ht opinion upon t His« j«>int. 'i boy s ii«lia a great deal of thal aort of anita«, win, h th<-

i II rhaueiniame, «nuple,I with a feeling of ront nt the almost total «it stnn tiou of th« IT

i ¦. Ilion, ¡«n«! Wbil li Hi« yailiil'Uied 1«. us. Tlie re was also a singular d«*-«.ui|f, kiiniMi in al» lue ills« iissioiis oh Ila»

-' nu ti,« re bad ¡.<>t >¦* « n one word of Ittendlv r« freiin regari! to a < alaiiiity great lu Us« fat >*hieb,

bowaree it hujiiN-utrMl, wi-»«l_sj«»tiousl»i. tbeCniicii DliiU«,an «s a* cm n m n «ii sustrous to oui s« ives la several Indl-. v.,i»s j;.r! iti,ss*ll was undi lst«s«d tosay that suchi- »r. t- wa i. over and omi again e* pressed to Mr A.«s .. In »a, lu this country

HIE (.<>MI'I.AI*.TS.Tbe f'oniirrisslon «sent out and was n ,-eived lu a very

friendly maun« r. I am not aware that my nobb- iii« ml

SmmttaOaafOaá Kipou) and Mr. Fish swore eternalfr. udsh-p at the very outset of their pr*o«eedta^ «s bas

led blntoritally by my imhle fnenn, but I know

Hiat they met m the way that two great gentlein, n repre-UMitJjag two great .states ought lo me,A, umiuli willifri lu,/- of a conciliator] < bara, 'liri, and »n honeat and

,, I.« re« on« Tie. If js.sniM» lin lut« resta oftwo lo-iiirii» Kow tout» the «|U«-sti<m of how far,rthe. ircuiii-uii. t », tbe i'.'Uiinis-ii.n bas met «rar

expaetaMeaa» The first «juesiiun niat.-s to nanala,aii-l pon Hiat hraiirb <«/ the »lillie« I Itie nohle Bali baaMM a tom rtrmig «,-nsure. J it» 1 Ib..I the HniuniuiiI a« an e.tii_i mt» i«j«l wuh t m -» Im » in the initini« u in«

«jf Innndiy ulan..n- between Ungl-Jrd mini Ila«: I nile«!htaUs, ui.'i that, th. i« t« r«. w ought no! to continue

toixiit. led te«llngs hitmen UM Iw a.-ii.l M

Silly of gfH.,1 I« lllloiir Ik- Ii-' Inailiwhat, iuui. i" all the ein .in.t.i. .-, could

I»»* fa»ir>r nid i tbau t«« náil".b»i »-. jn of tins r«*Hi i

the fisheries In order that a peei.n1.ry compensationmight h« given for Iheint I am aw are that there sr«

CHMuphtnit* all "Vii « .«niola, bul ure lhere no co...plaintsof a similar character from America! Have no oomplaints been made by (.' n. Kui 1. r! IA laugh.) Well, I«I not si. !!uii «len. Holler Is righi, but time Isa e»

tun appeairnaaa .«! plausibi liy m Hu* argumenta!.e s«l luces. There is one «juc tloii loniiettedwith «alinda lu regard to which 1 must ex¬presa tn\ reflet. I regret W, were not.'>'.. to obtain a reco*mitioii of Hie Pentan claims.Ml« «r ] ii.- Majesty s Government, however, takeupon Hiern* ms tee .thole responsibility of lilla. W.«did not pus.- these claima because, having arrived al «

al --a« :. r. sming, nu on all the numerous and om-pln-attii questions «al b*soe between «na and toe UnitedMate«, and ) luuvi.ig that the opinion of the High c, m>mission, r^, Including thal of hlr John Mao«luuald, wasthat, in th< present ateta of parin », ii would is i«.id,* to obtain from, the united fiat«- n recognition ofllu'sc . i.'ilius, we had to consider wbethel wu ought, toti« »tro. all Hie Irnits of (he High ( .ninnis..m, lind al!own third failure tobe tlie maali of Ihe negotiation. Altheir .«-i ) ti -t meeting th«. American .... i the Britishennuin ...loiieis i am«' lo au aoremerni tealth'-y WOflld keep secret Hair discussions, undthat, ti ugh aeoonnts of Hiern would lie eoin-!iiuiia*.i!< 1 to tenir r.siscilve «¡ovcrniiie.iils, .el (heywen« to be coiisidi red n« cnlideiiiiiil and not Hi I* l'uh-iishtit. I may add thal I ha.e not tin slight, st «loubl oftee wisdom of the eoune pnraued hy tee Brittoh,n Commissioners. Tin . had 37 hum sittings,aid 1 w.l, veiiti re lo sav Hutt if e.i ry « u« of Hie i« n

Commission« rs, not to mel Uon the two aid« u n 'ii' -.

Bad though! it iimimbcii upon them to show theirpatriotism andpoWBT of debate for tie admin strattonol ti .) two lu ii)i*-|ibeie-.. Hie .17 «innig» ****oiilii lia.multiplied by at leaat lu Utnea, while the result of thed< liberations would hare been ahaolutely nil.[Boar, hear.] Tlie repreaentativei td i««th emin-

Iispla.ed grout aeai ability, pala in«', tem¬per, und nn hoia-t d -i;« t" come to lorne

oompromlse m d th. ugh the dlfllcultics apis Brad at Uralsight to be ina .on, 1:., id. now« u thinks teniwnener« rtbe Amerleana nropoaod an. thing it »us Imme¬diately accepte«!. This, however, Was by no BMBBB the

1 ne Aiuerii'sn», in Ml lect good lull li, hid din. '. ..

grant many oonditiona whifh the British Commissionersat alike declined toaccede to, and even refused to refor!,,r coiishl' ration to the C« .eii.iii« ni at hoiue. Muni««Hier propositions thal wiro in.nie wen referred beckto Her .M:\ic-ty s Qovrrninent, the Commlssl« n« is think¬ing it th« lr duty t" Inform Her Majesty'a Uorern-m. nt thal upon their answer tee oonUnuanei of teem i-otiaiions um:!! depend. In ronald nog several of

,,|. -1 loi S, il« r M .j. ty '- ,.,\i u Ul !.therowould b. agréai respon.lbilHy in breaking offtheii« g«t: liions, and Ililli iii BID -li an «.., lil kdlol.I , illuo-1,would be brought .pon tin- Comiuissiouers a: ii oui-selvea. Nevertheless, we al oHt-e declined i«> yield in.1 ry ease when veil.« nail it «mr «li.ty not to y,. Id.M it h regard, however, to other pointe, sneb ne tho* ro>lating to forma of expreaaton, aud whuli ubi not roufliolwith the nut objects of the Treaty, wa willingly eitheraoqulaaeed in teepropoaala or «1-e made counter pro-poaala, wbi.-h were mel In th« same spun of tainthe Am. 1 ii un 1 1 min is, nu, 1 -,v ho-, leeliligs. 1 alu bonnito any, ware moat admirably dem rlbedin the oriel thougheloquent addrcaarecently delivered bj <.«-n ttehenckonowning to this eouiiii. ,1« tin roon tentative t»i iii« greatfinies beyond tea atlantic morder to oeuient, until i r. rjrlavin-,ibic 1 ,i-, uiii.*, ihtii us betweenthe two loinitri« s.

a rnofjT or the dOÉaiflBHJBBBIIn reply to Earl BnaaelPataunta, Bari QrannBa weal

on io .a} *Tt mo aOaware thal teeraan gre lobjocteHU to I« tros; .a live législation. Bug it i« no: 1 IL.ibit Of this Ilmif.«' or of ihe English! lo Ig*S'il 1" it ; but Hi« re is a dlfft it nee lu I«, iii applying It

to those whoapproTe 11 ami applying it to tho 1- wbore-tuoustrate against it. Ti .re »re exceptions to I eratoiiio.\.:i ii- ni'-! limited aense Tha noble lord likenedna to the Greeks and Ihe Turka, and ipoke of buringpi a« «. ; lit it he nu ali! to BOggCsl tia' '« r ii IJ soldi\ all! ige We hllil sa, lilli la! the bollol ¡1 Tl«l. |" dtels country, I ntierly and entirely répudiai« th. Ide», i

im.«« rer, thal ghi we -li u d, bj hou .ra¬il an.! fii concession on our part.arrive at a s ilk-sol o 11,m «>f di then 11 us. ai ht . oinp n m,* tea tarma

«¦t the Tri it. with ti...-, agreed te by tee Bail ti I» 11 )and the E rlof Clarendon, in order to show that theft in 11«t ha«! the . i) «t "f la. In» down principles for Ihefuture guidance of nations, wbJek wa no1 theease withtlie lillie!, lu-I oialeil uni llu 6 piiueiub'S Wl i.

nently favorabh to England, and I.« saldtlial slthin thelast few daya be had r..ii.«-d from the United Ptatea aproís -di« a io coin ii, indi i',e these ml« s lo ethel Ptrwera,wltnavlea in «ditaln thrlr assmit He n,.i:ui inn ,l thattin adoption of the«« rutea would not pine England Ina i-.- position ti .-m ni present with regard to tin peat,while It would materially improve her poaitloa lifuture, lb i on, indi ,1 as follows 1 " ii. Laid , h.t.iiit*

much, I have little mon lo mid. I must, how--, a v.-rv f« w a ords, and I pi*, ft r going m> in he

absence of my noble Mond (Earl «le Urqy and Bipen) atthis lnoni'iii. i do wish to tender ran emphni

uksofUer Majesty'! Governmeul to mj noblefra in! ni «I !" los colle igu. -'. Mini I" tin t si, re ir>, lor

i! Hey baie tal i n ¡n lids gie,ii n.i-

i.ociaaion fCkeers,] I do not thank teeni muchlui- the trouble ti«. 1 ,.-.¦ 1, ,1 ol two'ai I:«

:..!¦ I can roneeive imthiig nore Intonatingthan tho opportunity ti... hare hag a audlh:iii_> in the Unit, ii St.iU : hut 1 du thal,h them 1 i the

the million.., tee ) uowl« dge te. y Lum showndealing with thla snblect [hear, heal); and, above al!, Ithank th,m for buying exhibited m their demeanorthose cii,.r.u ti i;si¡(*h which I bell re wa ha. .¦ soma rlgbtto claim fur our public meu of all parties.namely, teedesire to »be peñteetly itraightforward« Bad »<» to 1» r-f, lit im icst und ooijci.aioiy When Hie bon r and «dig-nits ol tea coimtrj are no1 «couipromlaed« My lordiult'ilie.e til.s demeanor waa fell and appre lated bi the

umlaalimen. 1 know it was perfectly re¬ciprocated hy Hiern [hear, hear], anti I corni«!« r it ana

V, î v gn al lulvi.titagi on Ihe UlOOlOsion of this 'Jriutythal we have had the aaalstanee of ao distinguished ana in'er of the Conservative party as Pir Kiafloid North-eototofeelpaa la lins natema! work, and mut iu theUnited BtotoB teal Treat, was ratified. Whatever tee

.me 01 Inconvenience of referring trentleatothe Senate hy a majority wbloh tempileed both partieste the Unite«! States, I cannot kelp thinking that jroorlordshii's will gtveareall) national character to an miwini bl cannot doubt will bo prodtuttve of reallj >.o "Ifeeling between tels eountry and Iboae with whom areit-.i m lui.iiiaieh connected, [Hear, bear.] Aud If lmuv add one word in tin hearing ol one who map poa»situ.- be now presen) .«iih'ii tiii-e walla.of ona «Aima. ni a distinguished part, and Who, by bil «.«« ii Influenceami tin i nil i« o« «. i : his counn > nun, contributed largelyto th, luppy lunc.iisioii ni tee ln'ois oi the woo has hat I) arrived among us emin« ntly rau mis-ion of jK-.i« e, 1 should like to be ,.i !<. to say, on thenari ol Her .Viiji-iy-n Gorprnmeot,and l ma. add, ofthe count.\ nt large, tent wi do feel grateful tob nto tea American uoTernmeut for the dtopoettlon tinyhave shown in tels matter. [H« ir, bear.] itrnst,aateedebate aoaa on. and aa la benn mon ol emlnenc« speak¬ingon both sl«lea, be will obaerv« Hat In tell Bouse wet an take large, coiopicb. n-i.i -, und non pul. View* Ofiii!« stioiis «A hcie gre ii national and colon,ii Int« n -is «areInvolved, and that it ia not th. desire of partlea, unlesssupported by a .« ry peñere! i« ellng, te int. ip ne mbar-rnsainnnl inul didii mty when these can be avoided. Ium Miiu he will bee that your lord-hlps ure Lot behindany class ol JOUX miiiitryiii« ti in tea hoiie-t and -liner«'

«leslie to har« th. M great gUMtloni Settled in li fall illiliprop, r sp,i it and iii i « inly genial fi-ellng towards that

great naiiou inte whom we nave bean engaged in theaeImportant neguUaUona." [Loud ebai n ]

oriMtiN9 oi utan BUBB.Lord Derby said 1 hut if the «loveruinent fu!l«*d in pr«*-

veuting the escape of thtue raaaala H was quite iihtnr.ilwi should aatpaaai raaawl at harta* failed iodo that weconfessedly tried sim erely to do. [Hi ur, to ¡ii ] It is notii. n.i ti that Hie l. ¡ape Of Hi«: Al,iii.una Was a ngit table

proceeding; but I thiuk quite enough was iIom- to showour willingness to «-pair ¡my real or suppoaad WTOBgwhen we agTeied ton-fir the wfeak faaettea to Hu- .)udg-nient of u thud put., w itliout makitig use of any fui at i

apologetic expression, which, to any te« leaat, waa eatt.tiniy in my opinion anneceoaary. it leone Hung topriquise u retenm e, and anoteer thing topropoac ¦ ref-. r, ni-, in the terms contained In tino Treaty. Witbrespect to tee retrospective rules, |i,e said: I ob|ecti ii prii.t-iple to pnicee«1ii:gs of this hind as being opp,.-edto sound and just primiples, bec.ins«' when von yieldlu one case it is no1 engy to resist In another. [Hear,hear.) 1 can only find one explanation why tee presen!inoilc of arbitration was ¡ulopted. Two jean ago theAinerit an .*-'' ante refused ihe free and unfettered ¡mutra-Il"n then olt.-red to them, und they were not ..long in

ii ot view in donn, so; because, undoubtedly,let. mi.' al! mai I-, Bl I Lad (loin in Hu hands of ¦ coui-

jm t, nt in hitra! or, tee raanll "t tb« se launs would harelu en, s<> ti«r as America wns eoneemod, excoedtnglp un¬

certain; und it «ni. hard to conten e uni thing moreindi, rous than the position in \.h:, h Hie andtheir ti lends would have Is ..., if, after an outcry of fouror five feat», lln-ir own tirbitrators found thecas«, agniust them. They deciiued la Beeag! Ituntil ii was made toieiaidy ture befoithamlthat they would have, if I might use thoxp.'.-s. Um, a loa<l««d dl.-e, In which there would beBO poaatbUitr of ite faliiiL- In our f,nor-and herMiiH-'itv di'.-i rniii« nt considered it was not Banana»oiiable demand OB the part of Amorten. With regard lotie prosper!:.«* issue «ords hu««' been «Bitted Whichmight point to awkward results. You ha.«* emitted teawinds .'reiisimal,h grounds (or Ixlievlng" that th, \.

sel was tilled for warlike purposes, and lett ,1 in Issuewhether tee Tesael waa Intended for wari*.- poxyoaea,who li » (_- lit be ah»oin« !.. out of the pow.rofan. go.-erumeiil to know anything about. [Hear,beor.1 I have. mi dully avoided saying anything that can gira off'liceto ihe Am« iii an Government, m,,i i thii.k ti «v are roniiniiKc «.hut I have alwaye taken teen to be if they feelparticularly aggrieved on uns oeoaatoate being t«,ldtliey have gol the lieft of the bargain. (II« ar, hear.)'i hey have ailed In this matter us thorough mi n of -*.'. but ¡it tee same time p«-rf« tiy aware of win.t tbeywanted, and perfeetljr determined to get it. |Hear,heal J Bill I am U!i..1«le to congratulate oiirCoininissii n-

i rs for the display of timr iamb lise Bwakaaai winchhas caused tbetu to make greater «onus, inns

than in forint r ytnrs. I am rutnir rttopoBQd toHunk tlure Is not much ground for stating, as thenoble Lord has done, teal gnat iriitaiion pre.allsngainst this country in America with regard t«« teeaa

urns, 'ihe other reason for tr..liig to Bettie this matternow. tim noble Earl stated, wu«, that the state of «.ur

foreign relations made li eminently desirable t«. on i_"«"l tarma with Ike United Btntec it thatnnaiis that it is necessar. to be on Mod t'-ruis withAmerica in ord. r le have our hands free t«, tight «.«in« one

else, Ido not ihink Hihn)wsaiij satisfai-tory light on theI at, of our !on*lgn nlatione, nor «lo I think «ni h a -t .to

natinfactoi. !o w ni« h the noble Kal as« Hties mi much im¬

portance Tlie ral) I can s«-e given BD on ten«nie of America is the prepo«ter«m» demand thai vie

shouid is held responsible f<" the orematni. recognitionof the Routh, so hs to make us liable for the constructivedamage that coiiid ans«! from the prolongation .{ UMwar ; h ii 1 nu.«I hi «-iuih-iI li 1 do no1 ulta« li mut li Un*iH-rtuiiie to it. I njobc with every one thai al hist,aiu-r so mmy year«, this misunderstanding is nt nu

. ntl I hu.e bei li _.'!. <i to h-i.e allowed the Healyto pass lil ]M).I< < lilli i nilli"! sal tea 1*1 UUi lit tin- M lile

mont are ¡» rfe« li. «ulisluclory, or ii,al tin I Willi oiidnt e

to the «len llipmaill ol the n putatioti of the «io, tmun nu

(iliui, h«-ai.|After hu «le «in. had di lentltHl the Tr at.v. Lord

Camorrea sold; Tins question, .u. linn in-en already)>' lnli-d oil!, resoivi s His. If into I* o pal s. lo imperialand Iii/* ( Willi regard to tee llr.-i, 1 should In?

gropatot io indorse nu- opt.,um sv. un uns bean generallyI on HU- ente of Hie Hillls.. lunn, I. , teni Hi«)i-ieii upon maka h bau nrgala foi tels eonntry,

ii m,iv itisiiiicaiioii for it thai I know ul is thatn i. te m i«,oin ii apon a* an exceiilloaaJI uanna.-

le I,, in vihlih. to w*« «li the Ililli! lu lolled. ...... eunoednd iu«,ie mau wowomdio »uy I

other «people In the world. I wish I could think. In refer¬mée lo to Hi. second j»art of the question, that the bar-«.iiiii n :vx g _«««Ml one for («tinada lint If I P«"t *'"' »rainsnml losses against each oibei. the prwluct Is n«it Hut, although I d<> not admiro the Treaty nor

the t. im- lu which it wascsrrl.d, I .1" lu"*" that Caiia«biwill eierelae a wise and juillcrou" eourse. I believe Hiatshe has the opportUldtl of shoviiig a «Teat dignity, andalso a great pulitii al w'l««io~i. I. for one, have no appre¬hension«, for tim future when the ousting «jiiestions haveIreen Battled.'' ,, _


Th.« M.muds of Pillshiiry said the question w is w*i if

we ha.I gol by tin« Treat) . and m list we lind given Up Mr

it I We had col aothliiÄ la«yon«l i|u> a.Ivanfitg.« of ouliit-lug the to nsit.iitti'-s of the Atneffiean people t «¡nut andiiuii:ii nulli«,na i«enp)c. as be believed.bul whom ll.r

Mijesly's (¿overnnieut Would persist in treating as the

»polled'child In the nursery «,f nations. To Kain this we

hail sa« rill, m1 (bl lights of licntnl lialloiis. |('heers.|Tlie motion Waa tin D jint to the BOOM and ti -nu ii with¬out a illusion.


On tim 12th inst., in tin« lîritiali IIoii-c ofrommons, Wr K. Palmer ask« ti li the aecond rule lu Art.VI. of the Treaty of Washington was understood as pro-lnIdling the use of neutral ports for the reuioval ofmilitary supplies or arm» to a heiliget« nt, only vthenthose nets were don«« for the sen i. I («f a i. Ml 1 cruisingUgnllist liuotliir h« lüget, lit. uni lot e\'«ii.'l:ig to

military supplies to a I.« lll.-er« nt from a n« utral por! Inthe ontlnary course of commerce. Mr. Olatlstone rt>-

plled :With reference folhe first of th>*-iifs'lnns put liv my

honorable i.nil li arm«! friend, I ol>s. \. th it it uses «or.Iswhich have been selected «.»id (treal care, and tbeeeworda have been o__*r*fnllj iMM-rid, red by us, ao as toena»lilemi lo liny details lu givitig ni» answer. I cm as¬sure nu bonoi line uni learned friend by ¦ it-»*pie nf!,nu .UM' that the nnderatandlng be pttgonit.i» Ih at ««¦ li ¡'-ti Her Malest«, 's I iiitci ri.neiit um!« rstanils re¬

spe« ting lim s,. omt mi m ,\ri . ie VI. of th.- Treat) olw i»!,iiiui,,ii. Uln n, a» to whether any itepa bad been11 ki n t.. ..s m ii n whether Hu rale la n__er_t4>odby theHulled Btatea Uorerament in tbe sam.' limited sense,I h ivo to »tate Hud we have had Hie oppor¬tun} of eiuiiiiiiiniciiting with L«.iil De urey,"witI. my tight honorable fri« ml opposite, and vifliMr. Ilernand, and Hi« v bat- all of them giventhe!, aataaaoraaoe.t only of their aa.lere-audingim ol the un i« rstandlna of ih«; Uorrnunent of Umi n it m State«. Pui ile i, .t ha-1 e n in our power to com-ii.nun ii« with the ,ii 'm .-iii-lie.l r. i.e. tuan «».li«) hum

i«l r« sent4 the TJhlfed Hiato» m this cniinirv, anti «bowas a tm nillir ««f the Joint High Commission, Gen.Behene. has Infante«! Hei Majeety*. Ooverntnenl thalhis und.-r.tfliiiliiig of tin« m1«'In fjuesti«.h was the sameas theirs, \ turi h. r t.. lil lty (,«u. Sclu-Heli that HiePresident of the Uulted Btntes understanils th. rule lutiiat s ii». ; ¡uni if \te do no! mlscoTi true what Gen.Beben« l» im« in! I )'», the Preelit« ni tsould I"- tbe Bra! .'

«i. > i«« aiimt and i<> allon, tun to eiuit- n«i for and inala!on ilii-i.iinllii. ti.HI «if !lu- nile. With r.lil r.-l, 8 !'. myhonorable and I. arned hrli od'a ipie-t!,n ns i.« wh, tbi r iiis ¡¡it«-mil «I to addresa for« I, n (.nveriiments guanliiiKII, m aga ii»! a larger mut. -t .»ii lu. ir of the tu'.-. 1 amabletoaute that Kr. Flab, the Secretar)-ol Stat«, andwaa was likewise a Commissioner, has txpi**àeed tbei «inn i, ii thal when the two Goieraiuenti eotne to ]u> lent

ralea to other iinvonnuonis for adoption theyslu.ubi ¡iiiT- in some «I« 1 «rallón placing th* ronatruoII »ii beyond doubt. I believe I ma] also sai that therehm, boencommnnlcatlons betweeneaeaeol the Hntish( is uni «.lin is, v.h«i weraaaecaberi ol theUnited bl ii«' ('nanni laion and disttnttulshed authoritiesin ti e ru t. .i Him. s, and the result his h«-en alwaya tbesam tenriln to .«how thal wbotbar or nat tin* nordsnut lie op n to lin.-ciiiistiui tii.n, liier«- i« in. possibility.i n isapj.ri h« nsion as t.. the meanmg attnebed to thomby ihe ontracting i1 ¡tttt -.

OFTNIOKfl OF TBE 1.0x1*1**, PBE8&Tlie 'Tutus of tlu.' IStfa inst, tajti 'I'lii- C(in-

ctnalon to which wi mu-t «-.»ni«* after this full dlacntssitrnof tin Treaty Is thst Hie solid advaaHageo to he dartrodfrom it ir« ath overbalance Ita delicieuclea. Tbonabwo

Uiagre« With Isml J>. 11¦ \ that the " g.-nend feeling of Irritation" prévalent In america maybe

ral« li, anil 111 ugh We Willingly lulim thal it is

not a wise policy to y n id csert ihlng in nrder toi OCX 111-,-ite an oppom nt, yet v> d«> not rci ognize timt tin presentTreaty has been unduly Infhience- bj tites.nshb ra-

Is.ui «iraiiviiie and Lard Deurei »how that on

Dany point the American Oonimlaalonera receded, undthat this is the ca»<- may be asauraed from tbe r »« tHuit tbe Treaty Ins l» n eritlrlst-d imHi quite as

lull« !l liiistiiit.,' in Ann ti. a ,i- li. re. With Kital- lo theli..., hu cry of urhiti.-ilinn. tin io s< eins in,Hung toonmplatn of. Idol only isiin- appUo itlon ..f tins principlelo the s» ttlernen) of ilies. importaunt qiieatlon* m liai li .i

victory "f cn iii.* itiuii, imt m the bot <. ol tbe < hi« fs ofWho ure io appoint the Ar'mir.itor.4 Uni,- Is a suf¬

fi, ¡cat pled.«' for iuip.H I it i Afl'l «lispllîts IO longlind tin- expression of opin U 0 in BCOni ad. it I» ilu-

poaalhle that ant a_r. cment should fully satisfy citberparty; »i«t n II. timi will, ve ihi-ik, oom Un anj Imp u-

tlal crltli that the clalane growing mu of tbe civil waroonld hard i bl settled more .»in.«« »»full». .\rt.r tho»pt ex li "f I.« id ('. in it «a» tO be «¿i-« »ta Iii.11 th.- mutfon abould be withdrawn. Tin iltaeñaslon baw no) beenwithout ila uee, but tbe practical dcclainn was i.« i-essa-

rilyaxalnal a résolution wbl ii In« ived noiiung lossI l.a ii a i onde n mat inn of the «. bole Ti*. Hy.

¡it Telegraph of Un »une «lay eays: E«rery V. |*tiki« li «ni al ii"' time felt that the eocape of the AJa imawaa a most unbappj pi codent, wbieb mi^rbt be turnedU^uiiist us in the cm ni nf any future v..u; mid tliat itwould be worth much if we < .mid get Amené i and otherm.-.i it me Powi is to it-coL'.': /.. ihe neci .alt) o( adoptinginten ¡«Mon..I iiL-reeiu. nts timt would for tbe futureprevent ih, poaaibllity of such events, yet h niWO gonn to the Ainfricans with su. h a prop..»ai for the amendment of -nte-rnational law,ti.ey (rwonld h.ive naturally replied, "Tea», now

thal you fear retaliation you cry o it p, n-e; um havebit na hard end befare w« can return tbi blow you cry* --Ink. li.i.Is." Now »«.«> hive obtained the niueini-ineni «A«* «I,'»ire, l.V saving, lis wed, in Hil» Ti. aly ,

'¦ We«,t only linn!» Hi«*.-« iule» good for the future,bal wei.lisent t., bat.. nur rondncl in the aJabatnaJudfedby

iheir applic.-iHon." We thus gain au enoi mona sui« boon, nut for Kn.lan 1 alune, Lut for the eiiu-i- ofi>« ,u¦>¦ ali over tbe world : and the priée we paj la tbetonn.«ii/.itlon of ralea lit international ramlty which Inspirit uni gili«!«- our (!ov< rniiient from til «t to last.

j!A« Standard «nyti \\ 1« n all i- saul, hoMiver, the. iii c1 is ai most to enable na to nndersl ind tbe motives¡uni ¡t »pe« I (he jinlgnielit of tim-« Who ( oii«*lu«le.l theTreat] ; not to approve tbe Tnoty ttotlt It isaii«-ngag«-iii« nt wbli h ma] nave l" en ni oeaaary, but whli I, anuot

-factory. But even were It aa nnneceeaary aa tnt-aatlafactory, wa oonld not approve Lord Una* U'a motion.It is no1, and we true! it in m \, iii be, tbe prwtll « .t a

British Parliament to n-ii. re tbe Executive of the re¬sponsibility Ol the t olid li« t nf ill«' lill lion,ii 11 Ion« Withlor.-gn Powere, The lui i.hM-hieiii-e of the American

-mi,m ii i>r icihe ima bean too apparent for na towish t.. adopt ii ; alni It would, a« l^.r.l 1» by ob« «. c1,in »p.. i.,it undesirable Chat tbe lions.. ..rljonis should int. ri»ose between tin- eenelaaaonlind the r,ililliutiou of a treaty vntli an addtoai or r«--

iiinii-iiiiiii «, uni)* .« it w.-re Uki ¡y in lu- baebed bv HieHouse of ('«milieus. If tb« Ti ealy is lo I.Bfteted,both the «li». 1111 > of UM Hi.use and the creilit of thecountry are damaged bj this Impotent protesl agalnslit; if the protest ].re\ all« the M.m-ii »' am alaeod in ¦ posliiou. The discussion of tnnigu ntl.his lu tholi p, r House is always lab It-feat, t- mi» rat«, dlatln-ga le al i,y ihuiniigh knowleiig« und«' experience;and It baa a powerful, though alow ami gradna], tafln-ince upon tbe foreign policy of the country: hut thatlnfluenoe would not bo atrencthened If the Bouae vm¡.*

In the habit of lnterpa«u-c Before Hie ratification of a

tr.aiy, \miIi itihn« to tbe Crown which is bj h*arerynature e«iuivaicnt lo u vote of tensuie on Hu- Ministry ofthe day.

ihe Daily Neirs ray»; 'Ihe main provisions of theTreaty are, lo tact, rompromlaaa. it i* DoobtoboreKietted t!> ¡i the Canadian el,nins on -weowit of ¡tieFenian raids are not included In the Treaty. A» LordUranvllk felt tbe diillcuity of laelu-Ung tbem, it la ¡mDoeaible to blaine cither Oovernmenl foi tbi lr omission.In I'.irli.iinentarv (¡ovei nnients soinethliiif must liei* ti t.. pol lu. ii in . .--in. », and even BirJohn Mae-.ion.«id allowed thal li «as Impossible lu the pallie- ililli.- I'tlited states to include thoseela lins. The «|iu sti'.ti c.tii.e, ih« re foi e, in tin» ii.. \ f rm

si.aii ve off tin- negotiatlona und mithird falltire, or shall we make this nat lillee Ili, fore such nu alternativa healtafloa woald lumbeen «riminil. The Treah inu»t go on. it Is thest Ml« in« nt of a loiit'siitiui.iii.' ¡.ml li'iip.'accuii)iilatiiiKs« ii« » of disputes, which uii.lit any duv have ripened toan opt-*, «ju.iri«!. Aa Ita te, the Treaty ¿«oeaa that eerieaf«.nier. Bren If, as Lord Rnsaell supposes, Lord I><-Orej and Mr. Fin swore eternal friendship when tboymot. It la happy for the WOfM that OWl of their mr« lim;su« h u Tiealy «>f ptl I Bil I liai au.lty slioul«! have come. \». .¦

have pur« baaed n by anne i oneeaslona, but tboy are allcom -i »sioiis which, in the h lieh interest of freedom, ofciMiizutioii, and of peace, wi were bound to make. Thotbree rules of International law on which we have agreedWith the I'niti d Míales will he, on the part Of the two

pi oui« -, urged on .«Hut oountriea, and will bl ¦ «¦ aluableaddition t<> th ii l-.w of Ratlona «.«. bleb is th.- ( îiu-f gw_r>uiilce lui- the unod «.rdcr««! lue world.


Jolm (i( iis'cr, a ('(iiuii*., cain»? to thi« cityfrom the West last Friday, ln!e«idlnjr to sail for (.er¬ While cro«siiiir from Jersey City on the fen-y-i.nat h. was c.t i osted hy a stranaer, who, upou learnliiK'lils «1« «.filiation nml thal li« «i»h«d to find the lifflie of<>« lu« hs a» Co., at No. «58 Broad-st., said that he Was coll¬in -t.-, \s iib the olll« e, and would lake himthtie. Heprocured a carriage and drori to au oflBen la Oanal-at.,whereOelrer was Introdneed lo Henry M« D« rmntt, ¦»boau \ is« ii lum to have his ninney Obnand into »»old. Hom .«'i'.liit«ly !;.».t hnn |llo, und waa t«>l«l tn t all t.n timfollowing «lay. He di«, so, ii ti. was (riven 16 ïd-fl'aiicpiel «s ami 4 s.lvi I pic« ra, Wnrtll alinilt PS. He refus,dtu take tin in, say mg that it was liol euoua-h, hut M. li.mott told him timt ifh. refused to receive the moneytt ml« red or m ide any <¡i.»tililiuin.c be Would « all a |m.1i. c-

bbm and give him into caatody, neiger lieu took theiiioiny and wa» thrust Into Hu- street. Mi Dei mott waa>imated on Batutday ninlit and committed .. st« idaj bjjual ,, Bogan. Thin roaiplalnant wai ault to tbe llui-woi "Un t« anon.


miooKi.YN EBBoESSB Womens iiome.iTin- Wo-iiiui'b Club of llnniklyn Lnê iijccíini-

plirhed sonn ihiUK practical in the establlshtiu-iit at No.

It Willoughby-at, of an iustltutloa for the aecomruoda-tioii of women, t»otb old and wounir, who have no js-r-rn.iii. nt ui.ode und wbo « ;.in llnii Iiveiiboo«! a« clerk»,nui se», seamstresses, Ac. These aie r.«elve«l into IheHihi«' ami lui nl.-lieil with fouifoitalil« tisiius and meal,at a» I««» rat« » u» th« eipOMI s Ol IiiuiiitalniliK the lli-dl-tulla,li Will all«IW. The aveia.e pavinenl is r We« S furone isrtMjr. i» from t* IO b*. Toe handsome bmtOOOkorjl«ri< k l.iilUlinrf ni « u|«l« «I I« VI i '. t - nti.tllv in« at« d alni is

nu louiitl.d t.y a larne nurd» u. It «ni a in» ten ¡ergtialrnplag ramm«, all ueaily farui«be«i. Th. parlor is taree,and a piano and pi'my of »......I booka nml perlodb alsadd to it» nina. Holt- ?¿together, tbe nome la awaeII.ins' I«,i;g in ed. «I. alad althoogb It has I«.'ii hu! a fewinonth» In operation, the nm-t « uioiua^iiiK aucceaabaau'1'i...'l the ciiMiiiucnl. The «111« «is of the Humeal«

I',« !>r», '»r». Vra. .»arah M. P.PMia srrr,tv- P.rrrti-r». Mr., llarrII »i h. « rrrnaa tlaa Hccraui M .« K»,» li.,,. I. K>».,r,ii««i*«-i.i»i», »il« m,ii« ««ih«lia, li.«.»«-., Mi« a««» II. J ..I,«sr» a tmmyxio,-) «I lit II, .. jl. II I'm .ni -I r'l,u«l,ul H,»»«,,..,., j.l M,..ia J. .,ii '\ -ti, J rim. j li .H»,

j_,>s si4. lUs. Ii.'.-l, .... .rai uuss-i».» kara, ..' ,U l|»_i» >. lu. Laura Y I,

THE COURTS.TiiK niiATH-noru) lïtication*.


In tim Unitetl Stat«js Circuit Court, on Bat*tirdiiy, the case of lleuth and Raphael agt. Jay Ooiild,Iinples«le4l willi .lames Fisk, Jr.. P. A. Lord, and th»- MlIlilli**.... Oiinpiiny, cume up oil a motion for nu teil i n

quiring Jsy «iotild to show ram««, why lie shouhl not BBBkBgood to the English stockholders the loss arts!m: fromIhs alhgid Dtogal ul'Strnctlon of 30.000 shares of Btoekfrom Hie re« 11. rshlp and nlso, on a motion for iib order

restraining the Erle 'lallway Company from enlargingtea BOgllliallOB ii It* Mock at the Farmers' Loan andTrii-n Company, hy placing upon Its books certalu stock.«, us Is claimed, "fiituduleiitly Lsütiod In BOBnoitlon with He iihstraetiouof tho Iltuth and Raphaelstock." In ii-Uli.i.'for n postponement of the argument,Mr. Lea« h said, substantially:The orlrin.l order of the Court for the transfer |0 the

Ma-tu of the " s of tee stock In question « Mlmodule 1 thal the toaster was liiVruete.l to nacerían, amireport i oncoming the validity of .«.mo «hines alleged tolia.cboeu issued by tea Lil«* Ballwa) Company, "andregistered upon th.» I«.«si-"f tot 10,1)00 shares In the «iw-

lody of the Receiver." The henrlm; before the Mn-t'TIs iinti. Isl,,,I ; but, on Tiii-s«luv list, the Invvstina-tloti li. la halt of Heath and lCiphacl was elnssd, An

npp!l«.,«tioii to prove teal Heath and Raphael had MIm neill ian inter.«! In this stock win» then .«»fused. Thepresent motion ia on papera whl« h them lion of the otherside hu« no1 attardent lime for imihni ir. " All themerits of the Litigation* an inrolved In thal motton,and it is an "attempt to ferae Mr. Ooald to datteat upproperly thal is his own."In nply, Mr. *-*«.iiiInnisyd snld :

The inirinirt of the in«>t!ot. has not been correctlystab d ii i.s ni t . motion to compel Mr. Gould tod« livernu property t.. win. h Im laya claim, but to compel bimI., h store M,000 shan s of Lue stock which he ub-liactedO III out !b<- «olor of au ..elise. I lure Í4 not IliliK la the-.*j« je, iri willi which Mr. «.oiild is uiilumilar, «andtheru 1« bo question belora the Court hutn«. aaked oatnga <»f the nbstrii« tton of thl«ti,, k fr.-m tea meetvar. Mr. Oonld novar mrealise ..... oftaee ha, ,1 until he i« brough!Into ourt for puniabm. nt. Mr Bonthmayd Hu d arguedteal the papéis referred t«> by Mr. Beach simply re¬

lieved tba e. ídem e taken before the fiait' r, und suhl:" When Mr. (.oiild IlliiLn himself lu B tight I'll"'«' he ti:««

topnatpom the las* bal those who nave been robbedban soma rights, and the Goori whoaa dignity is mitregid I- Is.und to take six-edy eoglI/am eof Ihe niiitter."Mr. Ile.ii li sal I thal no c«, Iden, e liad leen taken before

th.- Mast« r to prove that Gould tia ever Interfered withtin -bins of Brie atoch which were in Um custody ofim liicivr. Oonld nuniv need Pontt shares og teaslock the property ni Um Brie Railway Company.-"aathe basis of ter« gi*trat Ion for a i" » « rtiii« ale ;" andclaimed that tea only «>i>l«*« t <«r th,* Company in th.sej,.,>.,. dinga wa« t«, reston« Hie abaros »<» their trueowners,... «1 !¦« k« en Heath und Raphael from lukins i b4 mto England "in defiance of tee îls-M-. «>f reaidentAmerican ownera. Plak and «Oonld ara torga anacía atia very atook, and tkey aak aa opportantti te present

tenir nu« i«« it. . i for earn rtlnn th i. rtohta they an de-la,ii,,11 .! is robbers and We ask for an u'l.airnI, ici, t io eil ib e ii- to lie el I tie motton I'd ipi ¦!'! \ n'l'l!')uirive ul the truth, und al the bottom of lota inventiga-ti..ii."Mr. Rtoiiphtoii ilaliiinl that Hie motion InTolvedthe

liberty of Mr. Oonld, and that it bid Bo parallel Bl teaCo ii is of the eli íiiüeil win id.JuiU-e iiiaiclifonl dei bbd to hear the opening arcni-

ineiii on ii,,- d .it «,f ii, stb and Raphael, and to give Mr.Brack until neil Thursday to reply to it.Mr. Boutkmayd read hu openteg piix-r«. in the case,

um.! Mr. ii. .u h presauted atilda..tri uf flak, Uould, andJustin i». win' tu th« Bl c1 teal aa a item f Heath andRaplia had ni ide .... fer for the seHu-nu-ui of ti.«- Li leliiii_.,iion, lind taut, after som,* nenottatlona had takenpin« e, ihe proposed se 11 h-11 li nt w us Moke n off.Mi. Soutainayd.1 should like to know who the agent

referred to w as t¡jr. Beach The nmnoof tho ajiatltaioai was satofttBi

li. it, motlvi s oi di '.- a \.

Judge BUtch ord If the name |i n«d sfited In the\ u the Court will poy no attention to it.Mr. I!, ad, lamil, .. infoi ned thal Hio naino of tho

g. lifii-iiiaii i« Mr. Thompson.Judge Blatchford.The Court eau taku no notice of it

nua-s- ii is mentioned In the agMavtt,Air. >uutlim.nd 1m f.'»u hi« aritiuiieut, in the cour-«- <*f

wbirb he said: " What is the status of tanda placed luthe limul- of a receiver appointed by «tea Court 1 Amiwhat la OB to goan with a peraon who frnudnlently <>r

iiijiiriotisiy ii al« wiih funds *,i placed1" altar citingopinions ol Chancellor Wal worth to the eft t tent, whenpiopeit. la In possession of tea Conn tbroogh it. ofll-eera.itsi leoatempt of court to remove li, ha ton-ten,bil (hut tin. .o.-<j bluies of Li io stn« kwhich should bow be la tea ianda of thereceiver were taken by Mr. Oonld to Hu Vannera*L taand Trust Company, and Hore orrtified to "upon Hu»Mae I' presei tallon tint tia- m w obst k vv.i.s U«ued on Ita

ina ibu be then put ii upon tee market undi.'"i iho piont ds. He a, o claimed tilla stock,"Hum n-dciit with" by UoBld, belonged totin- re. < i.« isl,ip, uml win, therefore, under timproie, tum «f tee « "urt ; that tins transactiontook away, lu .ti. i. " Die market valia-"of tim .tuckBad * invested it in ins (Ooald's) own fa!*, leane," eadHutt ho waa paraaaallj raaponalble ter it Counael cloeedby attacking tea teeorr advanced hy tba Brie Ballwa/Company thai. a., the registration of m stock at thoi u nu rs' Loan and I'rusi Company la looal it cannot et-fei t lu mai kit value lu Kur> is). Th" .u\oititfuliou waa

uiljoui u« «1 till to-day ut 11 a. m.

a ipmwwmmi Koran n law.T.orena CiirpeiiUT litis bagua a nuit in th«»

Court of Common I'leas against hor, John Car-

l>eiiter, for limited di),urie, on the ground of cruel treut-nn nt and ubini Uniment. The case caine up on ii motionmade lu Special T,rin for alimony and council toe«while the action is pending. Mrs. Carpenter» accordingto hor complaint, Is .1 y ears of a,çe, of a delicate constitu¬

tion, und is obliged to work as a milliner t«. siippoit her¬self and her t wo-year old child. Hi r hu-:,and Is in part¬nership with his father, and carries on n very remuner

tiva business, 'ihey wiro mairie I In kuguat, 106B,audlived together one year, when he abandoned her. Mr,Carpenter denieeaHthi charges agalaal bim,and ..Mei;.-«thal Iii- v.u.- hit him. ind afterward refuse«! to live withbim outside of her mothar*! house- aih maml to winch herefused to submit, | the mothal -Hi iw ha« ali Uli).,«., ril-ni le tamper, The ¡*. iel forth thal bli fate, r hadtinil to r, concile Un m, and had told ln-r thut lu« »miwould pro. ide suitable ¡ipurtmi nts lor lui ; but she re-fu*. d Ho s, overtures, Baslgi lug, as her reason, teal shewanted "t brown-otona front and two servants." JndreI. irr> more took the popan, r>marking Ihal he would e.t-ainin«' th«' « a-e. ami j. iiieos send u uetore u reteraa, tob.:U What Ui.-.iU. the iii ielid.lllt has.

civn. vomMilton B. Curry, Pliilaiukr T. Moray, J. lb-

naaaaa,andOardon UonBlia, Jr., wire ¡uljudicuted lu-volunlury bankrupts last week.In the Unit «ti States riet Court, on Sat¬

urday, in the collision case of Christopher .Meier andotlitTs ¡ik't. the s*e.iiii!ioat Ncwpoit, ¡nant lilutchford¦Bl e u de« isiuu grunting an in!, run BtMJ de« ria- for thol,o. 1,1,1-, u Ob ,.,sis. mai mi ,,r,|, r for referoin «* luthe coll!-:.a-«' of Tluuims Mi Nullv aft. Christopher.North, tLi.- cross libel was disuiisaed, with co-'s

< IMMIN.W. 00UBT&Ihirius \V. Lawrence, of Lawrence. Uros, gi Co.,

hsahsiS a. N«> Hi V. » ..t v.--!« entern,* a «lag* in front of t!,-i,,!. amtiatmtiti ni«h> »»»»<. u-d lo K,lw»ri r. Bil« at B

I« Bau« Nineteenth-»! »ho ,le.-'»re.i th». h* «iioul-J drink «Uti I I!.*refi_a>«i. uni K,>t «truck lera a liaient |,l,,w lo te I,,-che».I ,,,1- naruWHSily. 'Hie »«¦« l»i,'. »li» »a» intonrateil. wa« Iih k-.l a, .li' MSUm Iquartor« nul ilnriii|( the irnin^ »ra.»sls<i all iii. fursiluru n bjCrll. Ile ».« brill to Lui )e»t«ril»i li/ Ju»uoe lb,«in.At the Tombs 1'olice Court, yestenl.iv, Just im

Jineta r.immlttsd H»i ,«h rmbmtm »t, sBag t «ilTi*r"» it«-!, fr,,n, _hsüislit of Oeorit« .S.-limCt of No. 16 Pwk-it.. on *.»turlâ» niKht_K »nk Ilatler. for a^naultlug l'»tro!rnni 111Iderbrand uf tbe K.mrtwtitiiPrrdncl. »bile Um Inter «u «tteuptinit tn «nut bun ...Irani K.l-w»nl» eiilorwl, «ml B»na. bl«, »I,,te, for «.««aultin« Lr»i Tbotna«,Bullo I. a B Iho ISSISl at No. 4ti Th,>in-« »t.. at. culla;* h.ISS Dmbe«,l ».th a h»lch»t.Jiuie« «'.. ullin, an Iriih lilsirer. »»< c.nni, th ',.o *-atui.lir, f»r »stiinr Ure. while ilmnk, to a Iel ia the room of Ca«^«rise Kuilth, at No. 1« Hutt it.

At tho Knsex Murket PoUc« Coni-f, ElizabethWb te »a» roiumitted, »sateolar, for ateulicg 16 eu»u, worth i-M, fr.m?linon Plaatnrk'» -loThing »tore, at Foi rteenlh »t. an,! Tliir,!»ir. Plaa-trirk iaformfd tbe officer »ho maila th» arre«l that »he had offer»! eil»)I! he wouM mike no con..lain!, tint »lien qnratione<l in court conl.l otremember th« cir-mntais-e-Maria Slattery of No l61 t)rcl,anl-»t.««,,1 >l.r|i»ret t bn»ti»ii».,n sf No. 1» Bower», kivper» of di»re|,iiul,ioh,ai«e» wer» eonini ttrsi for trial Tbe Inmate. H in iiaml,er. »cn* ««-nt1. n«_ kweil i lalmi.l f.r .lamnlerlj rondoel Niuet.Ure propr et.,r,ami inm»le. of ,>.,. in Qfteawich an All»:, r »is »i:--e,l |.,, ,,

nu lit were take-, h. f,,p* Jq.tice Bans, »t the'Toinh« ,,n Satnrlsr. Tbs|iroj,r.etor» »en ..uimuted. lailM minite« »ere »eui to lite kui I-Louie.

< >H'Hr < A-.hNl)A«i4-Tiii» Dar.Scrsfuisroi RT.«»Ks»Kii. J.Cileu.larcalUlit in» «M Usissds(l Bydsr, 111..... .* ,., ( ..,.. k PslUs

1«-. .-«.mil ir« >i« . .« it it'J..|-«rer .,¡1. Unsklia Dall.. lib. .Hame »*,U Miue.

BmJsllaiail Tskh.StTHitai«*«t). J.«»pen« al I()J ». m.«'»»* on.(,»*!«HAL TSH«.1.10HAIIAM. I'. J , llAKMKU abU I AKt'ot,, J J .

.nlarc.llclat H a m.

.ill.Xatrr arl M. '»«la' aal «â let't* »r«. Pel^UlneUrdan,» li. lan Co. of, NB..1BI i.«ean Nat. Bank »utBa'.Unwre. I

Ttl.Xntrt »nt The W»wteni In«. Í47 bomb »ti. Ilorl.«, .,. n e t u, ,.f Hud« ¦,.. _u BsObsci set. g. _!____¦ Fir«

t3t..Bamr*mnaaS Mel.b. Ii,« ..

2 1 ti:, eli »et II,,!'«., J II.. Tue Hank of Bilbah N Amcr2.1,..ib« K<ii g i. seUsasisel * ..

It. K Co »ki l-l,..'.re. |.».i... I, >-,( B,nk ,,.,_ill .Bord »ti. SchVi»,n|(er. Hmallwissl./ni llrjw a«!. Iluoeko. .'¿I. II .ui»iii. jr tft.ltxy._JJ..l.a»reu,e »fi The :'l..Mi ¡1er ag> V

."l..l,e.lle IM, Util2ÜI. ,B«nili*r,| »ft. s, /.na..'".., -,|iii.-c« aft Al -bott.Bl.taM vi Buckl»rl'»m..'¦'I Law lea» «^i. i) Mai,,ne

Nat. Hal.2IO..Tra«*T ajt. . ..Ile, jr.241.. Hall ajt. It.,!,!.i..' arl « oli.n.J11. .Bernhard as«. sr.:im ,a

Ï44..Turner art tirr< tai t it.I'm II Vin Bat nr, l..irprnt a« 10| a «a.

Ni..r«Mik« ait Tu« uti .. anl Na ^"4 ban. a»i. Uri», jr.iiuualll_i.k ICI l'uni »st. Am.,. Mat. Lif»IV, B. ¦!*.. i" 1 »»« I'el. la» « o

Iwb. -'-'41. .Mckinley ijt. I.iuiU6H..lli.lfuan »»t. Wagner « A.eian'ierm, l.>» i.

121HI .'1 i«< wt ,mn.err,»l l.'»re- 1411 he.ier a.t Bi"n ManuTlochonaelo of N. B. li'«,.

lie. Smith »ft laraa II r , M t. tattlilli..lU.lstrta, iur»i» r, he, l|t HI, Btinis SÇl PoSlMwS

to"?* 1/1 li»K»na<t. Bower» Na! Bank.ÎRO.St Ni.bu.Mla» I«, Ht. Ular S \

.M« F. k M. Iua. « .. 124 v.. !,V' Firle»141.. Bull agt. Ia«, tri. .lWa,:el «it Wilbania

Va. Jta..i}vd.hand»tt. .. TelIT!..KI. «d Connor. i ,


4. enea Pi «a.-T«i*l Tan« -Pa«t I.-J R »alt J -Opana at 11a. m

irt.I/eonarl t,\ Mark». «3 B»ni*,i« ri<t iii».H) lint!»»!,-! Ttiomann. Ii:. .Tu.ka «,<« (ahem(S2..V,»l,er| »<u Ure«» er tsi..MH'»«..r. a,un I ait ti««.»«« .«¿malan 14« i.iill,-are. Bal U0..K I 111 rilli 'u ''' 'V

ro«.! ('«. Hr«r«¦ .boan «j* FII..I «r .Ooe<« »a ,». H'int,»Tin

3_X..P»«lt a^« Mail«»!! ,n Iii««',. : i! K.,t,..-r *^t .. »lahI'.Jl.s-k «gi I. |lie..t',ai TSI I)«».» ..! M a. K«'r

«.3 ««lim L'«eli ISI..M, I'. ,: V«r.,',rI»« .krr.'U ,l| .-I I) ill eu -l. A<,,,.H.4.. Al. l«!WI 1.1»u« n..hraw«*t)aa|i. Waili-1 M UMamatí trankmU .litrntLUkti't. 4.1 ¦...:.. ¿*.±l.,

Past II -r P Dur, C J n...., ^ Il a. «*.

TI 0,i,»!»anat Marun. «tT. .N ï.tH». .BsS»«* Prirl'« f'o9*1 IlernhaH aft H Kip, C tai Am T..'«''.* h V S I I .

Urt.FfSBk »si liws-iislm'i. «M S»n«i. »et. J,*t-ti!«-.:l..smith »<!. ll-i«(I..Tert,. I 4SI <!.«., a_t. B«iA.''k.9«4..MeFaH«a a»t I.e«w1<t. 1*4 (B, .ri. r) «Irrell eXt.Pal»««'«-'... Karl« «k1J* 4l!..w>kl. »ut II«« !««l.

H.imi» ,*l - r- ser. «31. Qaiailo act IUi,,,ii».n»..(jill»__tii«i«t iattrelch.

II ..:«« Ofi «T.<,"«_t«V Tunis.Arcan. CiTKTt«, ami Thaï t, JJ .l> sas ai lu . ni.

1 1,«w«on »!*? Pliilcr»»»!. 7. If«ur.l art. B--¿1.,1'erhnne «r beam I »« »»tV InoliM.1..Hier «il Mi Ul Inslio.

«..Ot,-«»»t. l'en. B. .Mas* ici. M4..Uwi»»at u lay lo..K«liscg t«t. «i.ii..-.I..SII.I.IIV »St l'u.ssl,. 1]..' . r

Imil. !'».!.« ¡«ki III .II»*« J.« «l-n- -ir ,-»li,J .i 11 t. m.

014..tin aft lloln,-«. tü¿*.I..An»»_ell aj'* hü-M-nu.BUB. Immaara »ft. la. »nee.< .««i or liiuikiuii, rnnuiM»..Befen Kec.dtr Hacssrr..Opaut at

. .ll**ra-

1. .Un A, Midió 'mr|!«rr. j 5. .«Tiirle« Ilnut, gT«n«1 larreoj (3_..( «ric« « ni! n. «T«n.l lareetir.| rum).

atusj.Msr'.hatt,grand lucen». (..Oeorfe II tirrt-Xh, faite pre*«..TbaSSSS B«ru»H cratFllireeiV. te le» ||,n «,.

t',. ht "f «»TSK «»i> T«u«iMi'k.-«ràtwi.»ii, J. -O n« at H*} a. m. Wilton, muller I..W1II un D'Mcili, (isiiii i«rr< ¡17


The faUaarteg is a quofatinn from n upo«-«.!of It«n|. 9. Untier delivered hist Th.irs'i.y, at «.bun es¬

ter, Mas..., .lining Hie Uciliciitory Mnrtoea ti tka TownHull:The' rcsson why lllï»rfy Ita« never found u Bra loot-

hold In the obi worM lan want ««r «town er mnnlrlpolornan!/, itlon. We have nil In «rd with honor, .li-u/iist,and ladifnatlon ol tho treat Kraaata wi.l. h has io,, ntlyluKeii louee in France between tbe Commune and tlieVatanflles Got« rnment. We have all .na«!.' our minils npupon It with more or less InteTHaenee, because we hareuly beard the itory of that conJU t threngb tbe mouths

of the enen,les of the «'. luuiiiii«*. Whai waa that «Com-miine I It nu rn'le.tvor of Um people of Ihe olly ofParla to bare a town govaraamal aaeh aa wa anjoy here.or a iiy govimm« nt lu one woid, .1 municipolform of government; Hint th«)y shonhl not beruled acama! th«.ir cotm-nt hy th" general nuv-

crûment of ¿'ranee. TBef wished to secure thatv bli ii wa do more appreciate than the air we hreatM «r

the wafer we drink a town povenimeiif. That terriblestriiaifle waa the -triiKKl.« of a city of two millions of'peo-pla iHatotlna «poa " tiaht «*«. »li enjojr.thal «>r self«

rovcmiiic.i'. H was iho straggle of the workingman,he stmifKio of tho laborer, of tu«* mi-ldie « la« !«>r self-

government, winch sli..ubi !>«. th" ir«rni««f a futuren«'. Hm.- dreadfully and f.-arfully that strugglewa.« carried «m we lu.o h. .u,i, uiui how areadfuJ lu re-

laltoweaU know, except that none of ni can foret«-llwhat ha)« been the result on the future liUitleri of mun-

hinii by Hu- crushing outof theCommune. Ti e crashingont of a i'.ople striu'L'llnif for auch a government ha«. I

bur, rolled back the Ode of repwBHcaa tibeity In Euruyefor reara uu«i reara, li na! forever.Ti.u thought tim hardly yet obtained a place in ino

11.M of tlie Mm ra :m people We hive 01 ty heel) loldthat tiny Htteinplid lo sel Ure with Ix'troleiun IO th«.

great structures bulli hy kings and princes; that Weypulled down the column erected to commemorate the

gtemt doods of ihe «1-1 Napoleon, in the Place Vendome.Tin- tirst wa.! lion«, u. the neerea or the cn. Government.why 1 «ipi.u what ti..or. waa that done 1 W« are toldwa must execrate Um men who did Ik They enid ni.column eio«ted us an emblem of UM mllllary glory.>f.-. di spot, io i-, unlit« uiuiati- hi- 'ice,is. The Brat act ofa fn*«« people was lo i<-.,r it down and lovel it to theK-i.Miii«!, uilhatlKii the> m.^-lit destroy a Work of mt i:i M

iloliuí. WaaBOl that iu a. 1 orJiiti« o with tho spirit offree Institution« IWe hear that the Versailles government overpowered

them, aud they offerod t«> delirar tia meelvea up and bo-coii¡e, wnai 1 Beooma prisoners ol mir. The» araraana«erad. "Nothing but extermination." Ami then we

ure tolil tiny saul, "If v.«* aro t«. be exterminatedthen all tim 1iu.11 naaenta of human despotism shall fall.iii!' 11s; UM Hal.hi* of the 'lilli« ric«, tka I.-uivr«-, Bil theirreat puhiio luiihiiiigs erected hy the sweat ana toll ofunrequited labor, ni.nil ooma down if we are to p« ri-h."In the iix'.ny "f Meperatiou.and it «ni an n« i_t des-p,r,ilion, no1 hy any iniii.ini of lucan« to be J unfflTi al or

deiandad, bnt sitapur to speak the truth to fon,tt waath.* mt of deaperatc nicli.they ti:.ii their own <'it\*

What couldmuke wi li tinbin wonii a,well-Instructed me 1,leave theil' homes .uni III' llieir 0WI1 lill«! til' li' lu i/h'")l I*bonana, bat .1« sp« ration i What waathat a« t Lui the turn¬

ing of the worm ..hen li waa trodd« u up n D >. - it li.«In tlie mouth of the lover of AnnThan llbertv to ^aythal tau labor,ok men of Parla should no1 pull down thepula, ea of klnita. raise.i by doepotlam and wrong, bj mi*

iet|uitt<*d l.ilx.r, will« li never in anv fieo Government,,1.1,1 bora been ma,!, t j),, refore, I thought tit on tbla

occasion to call to your attention tlie struggle of a peo¬ple, Binddeaed, infuriated, wronged, In ilio hope and..ali the ci,le.i.or to obtain ui.lch .,«* kOjOJ.kmunicipal OovernnMBt. Tout wai Um itniggle of theFrench Commune. Ii waa the «if .1 wrongedpeople ariaing in ita wrath nud its martanaa But, }"Ur.ty, they wera hut Um working men, and jron i.«,iiitio their daoda, the t.aiing «lowii oi temples andthe liurniu^ of buildluga. Wh it dhl UM Vci-naili« s oc tho Thiers Gorarnment «lo winn ti,, yo..taiii.d Hu- toast«o «>f the «it} ! Iliey marched themoui -'> BfUeaaudhnndnda, the tendar women mdatillt« m erer ihiitlr. u of ia oí- ii, mannell d together, and shotthem by nun in.-.'ry. Because men were no1 found cruelenough to «loUm act, tborefore um mitraUlttite, a gunthat works i,y nuihiiu ry i>. limply turning a crank, n a*i

need to mow them down bj plBtooss. Foi tue purposoof oi.tuii.uii; u ii ia ni» ¡pal goTeranMnl ni,ti libertj nnderthe !.im, tins r, sti Ogg! tia* gone on aii'l I pr.ty .on,oil«' Ula! illl, to lent It With till-. V.e'V, tilT UM purpose ofatreiigtLeiilugiuurlovu for the lustitnUooi ol jour ownGo. ei iiuii'iit ,uul tor the appreciation Of the hem lils of alion.!. , Ko.eli,mont.

A WOMAN THHOW.V VBOM A WIXDuW.Eliza Elliott wiis found yiHti-nlay in front

of No. id i-mili.,tu nt., suffering from serious iuj.u.e« ofthe hack and hea.l. feh«* saul she hail becu lo« ked up In aroom on the Hurd floor of the rear tenement, by üri-liret¦tanatear, and whoa she attempted to mt out of the win¬dow iuiiirei bad entered and poshed h.-r oat, tka Mlo:it!ie ralUlM lieioath, and recti.eil tin: iiijuiie.« <1e-s. rilied. llriilv'i't was anesteil and locked up la theOreenwiob-st. FulleeBtaUon. The injure.i woiuuu wasremoved to Ballal aa H.opiui.


MONDAY. J tn 26.Ka Ste«!i.»Lip M»..«.

TUB-DAT, JrKP 27.Mill f,.r »'il'lmciitli si 1 Ussbaf*, per itettn.'n'r, «f*ile*,!j1

fr,,m fis.t .Í I'l.iol it., HuiM.ken. slsss aita*: t'lwt-Ortx-e at ,, JJ a. miat Sta'uin A, li a. io. ; 1), I«:'«) a iii. MeAiiitliii' at 1 p. iii. Ahu|.|.le i.aaUri M ni, f,ir ,|.ml,le (i.i.ii letter« «ni», isaje up gn tLe l*isr atli ...'a, saaeloM «t a p m.

M...» fur ll«l fix N | au! Kfwfo,in,!liti«t. ria Halifci. N. S.. perit.aiuil.lp Cit. of Beta ,rc, i:,,,,, par 4^ S. K., c'.uas al Ihe l'.»t-Oic« at li a in. Ht'»ui-!ap aail« at 1 p. m.

anuaraaa anurinSan rim«. 4.30 Sun «cu. Ii3t[ Hoon »el«..12.28

lIli.H «ITS» Tüll Dit.

S«n,l; Hook... 1:27 , Oot'i lilind.. 2:lliHel)0aU . 4:00

Pi IMENG ERS AIR11 ED.FROM N1!.V-OKLK.tN.-i-Iii BasSMHy Mi-»i«»!,*,p!, Jnne Ît-Tipt.

OsfS» t. aickmaa, J ..'»Ilace. Dan. .Neil, Mr». Annie Y. Hanna anddaujliter, Mi». Ilaanefu Dre.fii«, /. J .Ve«»er »n,l wife, Illa» Klnra d«

*¦! -» Lottie VW,.»tr..o, Blasid Fenner, Yr.nk Kenner, Mi»« ManonNujeot, Mum Kit« Tilib«*tti. J McKlrov, t.rru» Tift, Hierre Mmieret,J. beru. O. K. Ka|«r, « summir», Mil Jennie St. Clan«, Mia Beti«

i.P.OaMmkam, J. BsSSM, Janie» Pabssss, li,-i>;s M.*a.le,Aten Usäsa, Mr an,: _!r«. .., ¡lanuaon an.1 aervant, Mi». WilliamAU.ioii au! ilaugikr, Bill UoiehiM Wiuler«, Min Auuie ¡mutti, Joiiuit. IS i Uoa.


< LKAKK1).Ste»m«hi|' fl.-rmani) IM. O). KeicLinaa, Ilr'-men. Oelricfa« kVo.Bteam.l.ip »Ita«, .'. li.In,an, Ne»-Or!.». ». II. II Ct.eil li Co.,sie»iu«bip Moii'itoas.T. lal-cloth. Bsviaaah, Bal rt l..,vs lieu.t.te«inil.ip M»i L.u«n, .V..slh ,11, Charle.teii, II. h. M..i|r,ii k Va.St.a«i,»tiip K11* - i, r. ,,,in Ne»liern. Murra,, 1er ¦« * Co..St. »m.liip Wni.>Ve, «ouch, Norlolk, City l\iin:, an.i BBBSSSSB, BM

llui. r on BtsaMabis Ve,Meainalilp J.iia «i.bioii. Winter«, Oeor<eto«m and Alexaiklria, Geo. II.

Merrici.Bu-auiihip Volunteer, Howe, Philadelphia. LonlUrd 8t.«ni.«!ii(, Co.Bt«an«liip Ann Ku-i BMutti«, 1'. ii«..-.pla«, Wu. Y. Gym kCa\Hteamilnp A. V BilSWS. Llavi».«lrlphia.Ste-iiu»l,i[i .t'U.'iia*:, BcStsr. Ne* Ii., Hsr^rnoa It Woo<l.S-.*.,i!i»l.:|, .N.plnne. Baker. B.wlon, li. Y Dimsel- .lap ...»tirn Melr.poli«, ymck Newt)r>«n«, Pre,), II,1er.f-t« *-.,in - ii. ;> ..r _, n- I't-uiiin^ton, (aaiiaeion and Kn/ «A tit, I. li. Mil¬

ler, k « .,.

ht.-aui-hip AiliUn.l, Msore Dramwick «ni Fernxndina. Ja». Hand.Me»in»liip san Salv«,.ur, >ii-».-r*',n. saianiuti, W. H. .>arri«.,n.

Me.iuil.ip I«" II. C|t,,n Keiiert«. Ki, !i_.,i.l lo-.j .Vaahiuu.un li fo.Steam»bip Con, oel, N-,. mau, Pbllsdi Ipi ia, li. Y

Bhip (ii.lcuia, Atkiniou, .st. Juin, B. u., Basa k Baipaaflap Villafrtnc«. MurjtAn, London, B B. Meryon» BouVail Dr. C. Tupiar,« hunier«. Iha.tenlani, H J lieW'olf k Co,«ark Nor« (Ur BsStSf, 1'ai.m. N B, li. Mc) a!.liark iuiull (N. I. ). lieu*. liaitniierr. licruotm Koop i. Vi.Har« 4'ol.inM Au n w«. Sv.iiiey. «'. B .. m. luiralU.Bark Min let (!4.r ) Hru»K»ar,i. Harre. Kui cb Y.-kVo.l;«r. Pisada BsaSsU (Br.l, Bsaasr, Iirfkotn, 0. P. Huh, . luid (lh.J, l o..», yuecn»'.o*n or Kaim.iuth. fur .n!..- ti. K.

Bu: |Hark Miiyire« J. Weir (Br.), Kiwheu, Monte»! ho ind Bueno« Atrri,

J Ni.rtou. jr.. li Sou«.linn Jaie-, C « lark,, Cilharlen. Tl.iinp'on li Hunter.Bits Hsfits. Cam, Brdatj, C. P., baili, llmckeu.M.!k Nell.« Muan. J, Hr«,i-»»ir«, Brett Bss 1 0 ¦.

lin. I'h.,11,»« t)«f-n (.uptill. HaTAiia. n.p.m kl!«n.t,r.linn T.ber ( Br Keatins StiIu- ,. I '. U.. Kennion It t u.

tit r. Ki»nk IUasi.1. benimm l'.ir», «'. I.uduuren i. I',,.^, lo. K.Be J Bl.sss HsiilsgWa. Isslsssillh II I on I ',

Sehr. I IMS, X1 ¦.- I M «Al -r. ¦« li., Ju B»I ISS ¦. i Ca.h,-l.r. Cl«[« .. o«sli.ouae, Mouui, Urn,«, Wou^houic, S.ulhiuiid It

Bato*>. hr. I.anr» A .. -le.. Webb. Peer !.'e H J .«'. nlo-fSehr. J.-.l Kr.e. I.nnKler. J»rk».niire. KI« ..'.rrc.i K,r i I',,.t*. bul Almuj. Mu. i« St. J.,lui. N. II.. Pi tri Sr, o» \ tarntNl,r. « anieUI, r.| (lir Jame», yuré »I, » r l-,..l»tou. ., Y ¿ulle».lett, mamari Bill Wu.,«,r N B. c.u.i.ll. Bsrtsauk V«Ma Kain,, Keeling, Kaue. Alexandria, Va., II. .. hood k lo.

AHK1VKI).Sinteihip Malo (V (!.) V.n tlt*r, n«l.,r;,. Prernen June li!, «is

,s..iti,^,uin.,ii «ti,, «it, mim tai-.t....-eel.»hipMlMl»-lp|.|. ile.a,, Ne*-I III. al.., Juue i.', I»ith Uli»».«_d

s I tab risk luker.sie.ii »i,.:- eurie-1. .i, Berri Char'.eatou June .1. aith m.!»e. »nd pan.

W Heat) li. Mur«*sie«n,^,lu Bsgalstot Kreemtn, Wilinlugton, IU b.mrs. with natal a!«T«,

lie t. lonlUrd !«te»iu«iii|, Co.STe.iMhip Km .nu, llr»cv Por.I»n«l »Uh n.!«e..4.c lo J P. Anea.Mi p N .«lo.her «of WlaBSr, N. BL) Mo.her Nmpoit. bnu., Jl taft,

»lili rnlroAil iron t>, ,,r<!erMap II» 1.,,_ (of llthf.i). Aittiour. Newport, Kng M day a, *dtk mi- non to onl.TU»rk I «ma (of Truro, N. S.). PurtMU. HiBPar«. 44 .Uri, mill ui.lie.

to II J. He Wolf \ ...

link K! uuul'irker (of Tirsontk. S .S . Brown Mata.iuJk 14 dar»,wu!. u ,| ...e. to nr.\rr.Hark J..h»nue M.i.e |X. li t. Ilerk****. Bremen Mi. :M\ «rlth n|»M.

»n a«» Is Ktin.-b. I-.,!», k «"

Uri« ¡Urta All« u H s|>rl «wa«, N H.), Allen, Marx-illei. IO d»t». »Uhn l-e to Bon! k Ihuiken.

Hint Baals(MBssjet Wmmm B I.).Cssfciaa WeMwoiUi, st. ».,».li i. vita sUaSerW >'i.iatiA,l t\ \ . ,,

llrifhuol, liru«u. « ajMenia. a J«., «uh molíais» to B II li,,well fc.s,,n.Br | Cire'ms Edle (of n«»««) «iciii, «J ,ree, W V. A Jil du». »Ilk

peAiint« «.> B I!. V-, ,n.* li I'o.Brig Bsstwa BBw Is« Baa Ueema) K.<:er, Ilenerara, IS da,«, wuk

n _¦.». lo II I r««liri (» » .-..a,i.

bint II. r. k Anare, (of Paaassb, N. I I Bitas, llnlnd,-», IS din,r «lui luoi.wi.» lo r. 1 VK A I).,»,it

-,l.r l«»»riii,,.i Panie.,. I ape Hall- la», lud».., »Uli V'»«v. kio

.«.la,\. Iii«.. Cal Maud, I iaft. »IllJ. - ,*!. Karn*.

latani teem [at kmkum.1), Pisss, Bsiasss yd« . ,

I k !-¦ »r»»ll.¦.« Bl, .lohn, N. it

.' i. «).g

_-&_w_ V ___?_! fc_ "*"*-*Î t'*,n"' ."!--»«.»», ¦ d«"».

i>n£¿ ^.0;M,'U^'--^'«"." *-.

fr:;"w,^r;r,_i^N-"''' ""'^ K,-ih«.-' *-« ¦*¦(.«-T. I.n.rtt. 1 , ,;,,,,.., p.. .. . .«,,,;, ,.,,.,

¥_\l\*hrmm\?vïT ''J.ha 4 (.rta» Hilo.», .. Kl., «r»r»|t.r. Halt .,,.,». ,,,..

Hrw»»ra,a iiAg.t0.1'r,.uU-atx. I- ,


Ama M . -> .«".l '' 'I'tr t-eo.

Mai..J-I.B O-asf.^l N ,.

l«a ah I- I ..).», Pie »iY. I. t «el < V

». J I.A I' Air' ll.f-._.rr.f.» .I I' »nrr

h. M.r i-, I- a« JI»'.)- A , . , |».Freak I'ierre. I'ru«!'err- it I .«.

Pr»»k Ki ara I'.- .'. -I* em. M.J (i II. ii. !.¦« Pr-vWesas it1rs lill« rtn.l»»«».Brhr 4' IMnrf A Mo« l'is,Tirtr»it«. I-arl ¡jItennetta Paftlaad t .on. M.«I'rsll«.» I'naa: !» ». I' II Í.I. II lli.pki-i«. ..«, II. <' »

Karri« Ne- i«ele. 1». I* rtl 'uimm.M»n>«i» H»»l, Prenti.a«r«. l>.in' « -UlS I'lirl.U ii Ilaka Loriar, Pm« i*n»» i' . 4 (¦-__JaMr]ib Hi», (,!*'H|.,|tJ. It. S.. r . V ¦» .1 «»« ITrl. L M.r n « Rorkporl .Vf' > .« n

Marr Tim». Na** !Ui-ea.K.«|rB, -M «,t r I. 1 Ii- .**». Harm.lxHititut: tti-rt.uA, Va. M , \|Em 1Mill», hi i ', A 1A. T. 11 mor, I'n.fid' mern. A. (J. -.«<.. 111

SAII.l.D..4'samatilp« H-rmao, f-.r .¦ «aj (Varnda fcr I .

.'.r .if Par. »r>: Fra-e», I,'rni M -Wiall » »n.l ('..rtea, for Ki » OlA «lil«n I, 1/1.-:- Kar. fMsiiliaitsii, fur Ckarl Musi W,s.«_a »oi liniuiwi.

ATII'IVKI».-, j**tr;«rrnrilp I.a.r I;. .

WAit mir* an |.««s. I«. HU lioniln <>n

«'rinii ,ip .,» rit t ro.ui.rli, i'i ; __ , , .«

arfas « gam ta H. B rawwiturnor I i, I. t K ii «.. J'.... -..., ',..-»,-.. i. »It« ¦«.. «J

.. Ii. Harrick.t aC ii Msrsball M trebal tiren I Mi mV «si *«a

pas« i.e. ii Msi-liall - Co,rt (.«( (j.,, (j ii«., l.rcmen «U d,r«, «

to I i.k .r; I^~*

ii i« V. f r . !«¦«! K-r.-a -i I >.ih »«4cor»..»»! I». I. K. A«. « ne« k « u.

tamlmtatmemiWlmamt.g «4 Ii ',»»« CoiHg v, ,r i-, » rL).,, ,»nlrr ataaal «.II. j. II

Bal. PlaW (N«r I, Jobas« a. Port Talbot *» dara, ... ,

toi.rVrMat-frarathe (af Ht loba*., « ¥) r.ov-, fit. J ta if ,'.., »!


I , g K ..-i ¦¦( 'I i" f C p, K <_,-. w

tu i. b Hvaia a Han.IM. «-a-i-a, (br.)-, S.uler, C. B. IT «lar», with -at] io C. I raia

à ««.rihr,.F. J Tro.)p(nr.) Terrio, f4i,io.*r. C. B. ««di}*, »libro, ad

B B-ala . Jl. idHu, dir "

. » u .lewto ( rsadi-, ii. .t. » i It «...

», II ..MTH». «Itl-R SWS a,.-T«\i«B.J II. Ka wir, M IMuí KI,'ra'»-,, YA. It »»r. IU in >!»!.. un Roekl A .If ,'.

Chati » «i.l «.*.Empar». Nr*-I» n ... i A»ui..: .... Belfast

\ i. ."»»w-ll»,ro. i

. ii k1lii'.n M ir, Pr-SvUsa ». 0 II...» ... -. .»Lill«-, Prorl

Ballwiakla, Koeklatxl 0 -ilii-t.H ii -, i «lal«. ( sr« li(¡.... W. I! I r«. «". .. i. Pro«

Si. Jabe, N i)K. I, '.r»..r, .\»»ll««e_. A. ra

ti, Ne» Harro. K. M. iSB.

E«riiri J,u», Pra-M »..«.Ckaa «-aub. aa.i »

sa i'. i.r 1,84. J« N li. '.» r ..

Bob*, »in. h.Pi

Vrna Iii.,n. 1*.'liN. I-. M r ..'. I- .. i»nre. Eba «

«r-oiit, r l'r«,ti n r. Irin >..r ljur.'ùr»i»r S.D. J -, li '"tacra.

.4. MII. 1" Ulli», ('«lal«. M. A. J

'tri,.«. N'.,r« .li. Jin.«li. .f ii. 1- .-IS»_l»r» L.J..1S», i

1' IBKIGSI PORTS.I,tvi,.,«r. J.irs ;|._-'',. i| -, .. ,.

Cape Waar tana N.w-1. rk. Jan. u t.«. aptos it.« aras,...r li.a-Wtfg. TI «A« i i ' . t

'1 Ü ., .t.fli,« Cuiiarl »t-)«'ii-l.-. J» » (»it. Mil r» JuaS 14tu.Li.C.1 ot H ..

_Gnmmcr Uttxeats._

AT Pnultiirv, ^'r., Ki v. ,f. N.nninn, J). I).,Pr>» ant ol atasatW

oi a HOatl Ima Jess 1 ta Ott. I at low rat»i«t ¡tu...'.», aaa in- rtsaifol _ M«j, L..», -Msaua» ¡ «...««--»1.StuJ fur lera.« »_

BOAR'S HEAD HOTEL, Hampton I>.*.n*h, X.I!., ike most «lelnilitfiil Irai I« rr...rt .,- I'..- Atl«:.t.r CaaaS.JfOW

OPI.t. Brcrj f.i-l.ta Ha« b«:b.. tr. ti-,,n^. -»ii./, l-bag, a«, iris.

Ír»ph «n.l 1' .» «.' : tey, lj-(*re» »«al II imiioa. l.a_»L«. m»el «,1 Ira.', a.-i Ki-t»»- K. K »Illsm|atoB .»titi,,«._M. H. DU-1.4s, I'ropnetur.


W. B. 1îO*î:!OW"S,

_Lsl* of Errrs-t House, 5. T._

COZZKNS'*» WEST POINT HOTELIS HO«, «ii EM. Uo,! »t (.._>«_», Duck.

Fur urn-., T..l.:re.«__BriAANTS T. COZZXKfl, Writ Point, !.. T.

tpoi^TKY BOAHD-At Worth",V^ W a-UiBirton Coinit», N Y .I. .r^» iaal '.¦ lint, koo««; eonun., lo.ia

r.oTT.j bealth, lora'.i «i; pleasant k» »r. [aod ,!riv«r«, arrrji war «la-r" p.r».rk. -*.[.; I-. tojnllX liLís-J 11 Will .T., N f.

( .( M »PEE i ( »TTAI. E, opporita the D.-iiot, LougV> lira-cj- lions«. flra;-».l_->,

_i' Y. Hi..NH'Ii'KSO**. Prorarietor.

HEALTH. Comfort, and ('oiivcnicncc.Ily-inn.ic ISOAKD on lirrtr»D I! ii'its: ae,-,.ii.n..«!a!i,.n. lu-ulu,,,, ."ni

»nrr-.un..ii^-a am -.1 aan.trM«as out,,- boar«! asabor« b. a.Tdres»n,g 1. 1C »., Box 16, Hu'«, I'. P. Q., .\. J.

At Y house will be OPEN for BEACHJ.V1. BOARL)KUM »frr th» 1'thof Jun«. It I. near the P, a: -Dice,mr. t n_ l.on.e» »u,l ,lruot, »__ will IhiipI mt \ t'r,« l.t of Anrät for Irasmoney ilum .-1-twUera. l'AVIl) BKOW N. «r llsia,'t»o, N H.

MANSION* HOUSE, LoBf Bnuii'»!. N. .1.. ktnow tur tie nrjeftoo of _ur«t.. Tli» M TU» I» 1 , I hil

BOTEL will ope» Jtt-e IO. sAMX LAIBU Pr-priat«..YEW BUMMER OVtRI.(l"K Mm Ni.llN" nOC.tB,

ti« Ki.a_sU>n. N'»»-l.rk.TM« nsw and e!e,»nt I!..;.. li n.-e.

1800 feet ai,,»» t..» watar, opcaa Jall Hie mo,!». romeni»nr>«, indu, n.- U i

reii'lit-ii by bastar rail lo Kosdoat; li. sad «> í¡. i. i

BarlSTj laasea ali tall«. ra, racniajr n..- i

with »II train«. P.m». Isarlaf S»w-l.,r« atïj.»n,» asaalaa 1-ur trims sppl> to Juli.«, I- L__>I1KK, Pr,Wood «toe k, N', Ï.QÚMMEB HOAT.D fur"a"Tainily S Ure or lisbj person«, ^»n !» s-tsla«. »' » plssaasl Í». I Saaaa, ¦ ¦:. n ona

mile of \V««| lUnijiton Ue).<t. on lbs fog (Urbar Unir il. .

1.1 bathiaa, t- ....- v,. 1 .,r .'IN (¡.UDIIlN's.iy. «A'e-t U.rapton, L. I. Kef.r« to W. .-. Il l 1 Lt.. itt'ourt«-, Br»M.kirn.

CÜRF HOTEL PIRE ISLAND BEACH, iaVJ now ore!,»U i.r « ,e»is. raara, lisak.»\ c'.o-e ,,! tie cul nar«, le-iar-n e.t. " l'«r'.*r Hoa-i." Bostaa »n.llata " Wettaiaater Hotel.'1 Kaw ten «Vr. « ,l snaai . r.ntr>,l,,f -j«.',,1.111» . fil ;. i, Mi torelie le.l io botet Tr-i-i l ;_,»no 3 » |i. m.

_I) s » IMMIr» J

(20UTHOLD HOTEL.-Exeellent bot-nl7i|ôo3bj Chin«-, alrliilitfol «ih.iitr, Une ,|r ir». or.i t..

I. HhNJlMlN Oit, Ti pi .: L I.,»«w Volk._l»sie« Mhp tis ',-, »i« a. i... t. I

CUMMER HF.soiM'.-'l'i,«. m,,,t «l.liclitnîl loi-17 raioili-e «ni .ii.iivi.iii»!» i» ile M-.H' JKK.»hl MIUTAU1 IN.»1I-ICTK, os tiia IJaUaraia Kitrar, r« .:,.., Y j. A

rj-HB OCEAN H0Ü8E,NKwror.T ri.. i

Oper,, on lb« ill'., ot tem.Ererj dep»rtm«t of tbr bon»e bas b» en

ll|.)R.)t'i.I!LV IlKNOVATIiD A.VL) IIU'Al I'!».

tit stIW -JjjTrVKKagK aaa WAT-Xt-4'U)SBTS_^PHE VALLEY HOUSE, ruceotlj opened, in

1 .,. .,«..«.

OiA« L>» boan i-ïorke' I. Il HAN«««M Pi

npOWER III!.I- ÎÏOUè'K,|._';iii.« tt IIA NarrJii,usr-,t I». I b:i u««a »u.i lai»: illa _» « J

'_Tills FAVORITE RÏÏMME1. KKSoIiT.I tKK Ill'N'.' UOI SB.«' . 1

.. ».ta_

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iVOOIisbOrg pan n.i.nN.'M no .|.»i Uli lUM'EAWAY.iM ia baa« ... CI «4-1.

H». (JAM «no »A « .

a » «o. »«iKl»l 1 »t IIM t« KI.I. ,.., Il e .¦<« ., »'. *

I.I.I.I I'»_lVACCAmTCHOUSE--Li»v. \\:i,«¦.lï tu Bl LI 1.

M. R. MUD, l'...-i»t..r.


|*|t{. MILLER" TUTB-ISH BATHS,o pi_n m an m i re

lill lllh l.Alli.Ksl' AM. ni_

. IN 'IHK l'Hï_

l.Ml N IAIN PEN-NO illk.Mtaii.l i..|iiii«(l.I -i.:.-« 1.. L..ur. I.) i_«.i e- «»'.UWk.

m ttotitn-A. Sr« \.rk.__î* KOCKIÍS no1 liai t.» ».-.- the newS »...,; n«. n m» a» tn lu :..»-__ELÎEF tom THE I K1.1.

Mr» L H. MTOMI, « I rpnprnol uew »nil il..«ni ri.a.u... N., ;nr f'

i. «li o »li- « irailim, ou- «M lii.r:r.l N,

.7 \ CENTS.i tyn »k coNsVis ra bini>er,

I «>K All'ii i» »s » JOURNAL.lill » . n » .r

U. ,,,.«.ANT (, .»«u.i II. 1.' li