universidade federal do paranÁ · 1 universidade federal do paranÁ setor de ciÊncias humanas,...

PRESORT STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID Tucson, AZ PERMIT No. 1710 ECRWSS Postal Customer Serving southeast Tucson, Corona de Tucson and Vail [email protected] • (520) 490-0962 • An Epiphany Communications, Inc. Publication TM THE Vail Voice We Support Vail Pride Day! March 2020 cease. He is now creating a business with an economic development organization called Community Wealth Builders that focuses from the bottom up instead of the top down. The goal is to help the 93% of small businesses that overpay in taxes each year keep more money in their pockets, help households eliminate debt to include a mortgage, and help people build more wealth. To reach out to Tippett, you can contact him at [email protected] or call 520-861-5675. He will be holding a workshop on March 11, 6 pm at the Vail Chamber Connection entitled “Eight Money Principles You Were Never Taught, And Why It’s Costing Your Thousands.” Email or call to RSVP. Kimberly Crossland is a mom, a Vail resident, and the founder/ owner of the Vail-based marketing agency, Savvy Copywriters, LLC. hhhhhhhhhhhhh think the community as a whole was able to benefit,” Tippett commented. Now, Tippett is stepping down due to health reasons. In January 2016, he was diagnosed with Meniere’s disease, a condition of the inner ear that leaves him dizzy and nauseous every day. When he took the role of President and CEO, he thought the condition was under control. However, most of 2019 was a challenge. Tippet would push his body so hard during the Monday through Friday workdays and crash on the weekends to recuperate. Throughout the year, his symptoms got worse and more frequent. “I had to look at my life and my family and realize I couldn’t keep up the pace I was going.” Although he is stepping down, his dedication to seeing Vail continue to grow responsibly and thrive will not themselves and their resources to provide quality of life for our area,” Tippett said. During his time as President and CEO, Tippett created many wins for our area. He was instrumental in bringing awareness and interest in the growth of the Greater Vail Area. He also conceptualized the “Five Burroughs,” which encompass Civano, Rita Ranch, Sierra Marado, Del Lago, Corona and surrounding areas and embraced the unique attributes of each area while bringing them all together to work toward a common goal. Finally, he continued the tradition of VailFest with an impactful 2019 event. “Our community came together and had so much fun interacting with our business community. It was great for businesses and great for families. A lot of hard work went into it and I by Kimberly Crossland In 2017, MaRico Tippett retired from the Arizona Air National Guard after 21 years as an Air Force pilot. During that time, he received his Master’s of Science in Financial Planning and developed a strong passion for small businesses. Upon retiring, he launched himself into the world by building a financial planning practice. As part of that effort, he became more active in the Vail community by serving with the Vail Parent Network, the Board of the YMCA of Southern Arizona, and the Vail School District Foundation. His leadership skills stood out and when an opening formed at the Greater Vail Area Chamber of Commerce, he was approached to apply for the role of President and CEO. At first, he was hesitant to put his financial planning career on hold, but after some thought, that pause shifted. He realized a position with the Chamber meant his passion for small business and financial planning would collide with his personal mission to have an impact on the Vail community. “Every day I got to work in my community and support the business and organizations that have given of What’s Next for the Former Greater Vail Area Chamber of Commerce CEO, MaRico Tippett Special Vail Pride Day Coverage & Photos - Starting on Page 16

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Page 1: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANÁ · 1 universidade federal do paranÁ setor de ciÊncias humanas, letras e artes programa de pÓs-graduaÇÃo em antropologia - ppga / ufpr disciplina:






Disciplina: HA745– Teoria Arqueológica

Semestre: 1o sem / 2013

Curso: Mestrado em Antropologia Social

Carga Horária total: 60h

Professor: Laercio Loiola Brochier


Discussão sobre o processo de produção de conhecimento arqueológico a partir das diferentes perspectivas teóricas desenvolvidas pela Arqueologia para lidar com estudos de dinâmica cultural, tendo por referencia as teorias sociais e culturais, bem como, problemáticas específicas dessa ciência no contexto mundial e sulamericano.


Serão discutidos textos clássicos e complementares sobre Arqueologia e estudos de cultura material, em uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, considerando temas e conceitos centrais da disciplina, tais como cultura, cultura material, tempo, mudança, sistema e estrutura. Serão utilizadas referências mistas, com exemplos sulamericanos, visando discutir o lugar da arqueologia nas ciências sociais e suas relações com a antropologia, história, geografia, e outras ciências. Pretende-se uma revisão crítica das principais correntes teóricas que se desenvolveram ao longo do século XX e verificar seu alcance em contextos sulamericanos e brasileiros, atentando para temáticas transversais como as noções de agência, prática e fenomenologia; identidade, personificação, etnicidade, nacionalismo; corporalidade e gênero; memória, paisagem, lugar e materialidade.


1. Apresentação do curso e debates iniciais: a adoção acrítica de escolas teóricas no contexto da arqueologia na América do Sul;

2. Antropologia ecológica e neoevolucionismos: persistências e novas abrangências nos estudos de subsistência e complexidade.

Page 2: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARANÁ · 1 universidade federal do paranÁ setor de ciÊncias humanas, letras e artes programa de pÓs-graduaÇÃo em antropologia - ppga / ufpr disciplina:


3. As posições normativas e sistêmicas na história do pensamento arqueológico: cultura e informação, diversidades e discursos.

4. O mapeamento teórico das abordagens etnoarqueológicas: o potencial dos estudos ameríndios

5. Técnica, corpo, atividades e interações

6. Espaços, lugares e paisagens

7. A dimensão simbólica na arqueologia: rituais e sistemas de crenças

8. Temporalidade e o Perspectivismo do Tempo

9. Prática e agencia: indivíduos, instituições e estrutura na pesquisa arqueológica

10. Arqueologia, etnicidade e abordagens simétricas

Procedimentos didáticos

Aulas expositivas

Trabalhos e seminários de alunos

Aula de campo (1)

Formas de Avaliação

Participação em sala

Apresentação de seminários

Produção de trabalho escrito

Bibliografia Básica

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Bailey, G. Time perspectives, palimpsests and the archaeology of time. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 26 (2007) 198–223

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Meneses, U. B. A cultura material no estudo das sociedades antigas. Revista de História, n.15:103-117. 1983

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Pluciennik, Mark. Archaeology, Anthropology and Subsistence. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Dec., 2001), pp. 741-758

Politis, Gustavo.– Arqueología de la infancia: una perspectiva etnoarqueológica. Trabajos de Prehistoria. 55, n. 2, 1998, pp. 5 a 19

Ritzer, George, and P. Gindoff Agency–structure, micro–macro, individualism–holism–relationism: A metatheoretical explanation of theoretical convergence between the United States and Europe. In Agency and structure: Reorienting social theory, edited by Piotr Sztompka, pp. 3–23. 1994 Gordon and Breach, Yverdon Switz.

Sanjuán, L.G,. Introdución al reconocimiento y análisis arqueológico Del território. Ariel: Barcelona, 2005

Schiffer M. B. The Structure of Archaeological Theory American Antiquity, Vol. 53, No. 3. (Jul., 1988), pp. 461-485.

Schiffer, Michael B; SKIBO, James M. 1997. “The explanation of artifact variability”. American Antiquity 62(1): 27-50.

Shanks, M. Symmetrical archaeology. World Archaeology Vol. 39(4): 589–596. Debates in World Archaeology. Taylor & Francis, 2007

Suárez, C. E. P. Arqueología, Espacio y Tiempo: uma Mirada desde Latinoamérica. Arqueología Suramericana / Arqueologia Sul-americana 2(1):3-25, 2006

Taylor, W. 1983 (1948). A Study of Archaeology. Carbondale: Center for Archaeological Investigations.

Thomas, J. 1996. Time, Culture and Identity: an interpretative archaeology. London: Routledge.

Thomas, J. Archaeologies of Place and Landscape. In: Hodder, I. (Ed.) Archaeological Theory Today. Cambridge: Polity Press. 2001, p. 165-186

Trigger, B. História do Pensamento Arqueológico. São Paulo: Odysseus. 2004

Watson, P. 1995. Archaeology, Anthropology, and the Culture Concept. American Anthropologist 97(4): 683-694.

Witmore, Christopher L. Symmetrical archaeology: excerpts of a manifesto', World Archaeology,39:4, 546 -562. 2007.

Zedeno, M.I. Landscapes, land use, and the history of territory formation: an example from puebloan southwest. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 4(1):63-103. 1997

Bibliografia Complementar

Araujo, A.G.M. As Geociências e suas implicações em teoria e métodos arqueológicos. Rev. do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, São Paulo, Suplemento 3: 35-45, 1999.

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Arcuri, M. M. Tribos, Cacicados ou Estados? A dualidade e centralização da chefia na organização social da América pré-colombina. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, São Paulo, 17: 305-320, 2007.

Binford, Lewis. 1962. Archaeology as Anthropology. American Antiquity 28: 217-225.

De Blasis, P., Kneip, A., Scheel-Ybert, R., Giannini, P., Gaspar, M. 2007 Sambaquis e Paisagem. Dinâmica natural e arqueologia regional no litoral do sul de Santa Catarina. Arqueologia Sul-Americana. 3:29-61.

Fausto, C.; Heckenberger, M. (ed) Time and Memory in Indigenous. Amazonia. Anthropological Perspectives. University Press of Florida, 2007.

Gil, L. P. Cuerpos en transformación: sobre La noción de persona y el control alimentar entre los Yaminawa Bodies in transformation: on the notion of the person and food control among the Yaminawa. Tellus, ano 10, n. 19, p. 53-82, jul./dez. Campo Grande – MS . 2010

Guimarães, M. S. Do lixo ao luxo: as premissas teórico-metodológicas e a noção de sambaqui. boletim do museu nacional, antropologia no 63 18 de novembro de 2003

Heckenberger, Michael. Forma do espaço, língua do corpo e história xinguana. In: Bruna Franchetto (org). Alto Xingu : uma sociedade multilíngüe. Rio de Janeiro : Museu do Indio - FUNAI, pp.235-279. 2011 .

Heckenberger, M.. Estrutura, História e transformação: a cultura xinguana na longue durée, 1000-2000 d.C. In.: Franchetto, Bruna e Heckenberger, M.(Org.) Os povos do Alto Xingu. História e Cultura. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 2001.

Meneses, U. 1983 A cultura material no estudo das sociedades antigas. Revista de História, n.15:103-117.

Neves, W. Evolução Darwiniana e Ciências Sociais. Texto disponível em www.iea.usp.br/artigos, em 05/03/2013.

Silva, Fabíola A. A variabilidade dos trançados dos Asurini do Xingu: uma reflexão etnoarqueológica sobre função, estilo e frequência dos artefatos. Revista de Arqueologia, v.22, n.2, (ago-dez.2009): 17- 34, 2009

Trigger, B. Monumental Architecture: a thermodynamic explanation of symbolic behaviour, World Archaeology,22,2, 1990,pp.119-132

Velho, O. De Bateson a Ingold: passos na constituição de um paradigma ecológico Mana vol.7 no.2 Rio de Janeiro Oct. 2001.