want: advertising rates w - chronicling america...

THE PENS ACOLA JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 5, 1913. w ADVERTISING RATES (24 words, or less-- 4 lines) One Time . ........i. ......... ............... .25 cents Six Times 50 cents Two Times .............................. ..30 cent Three Times ............................ .....35 cents Count six words of average length to a line. The reduction In rate Is for consecutive Insertion. Cash with order. No ad. taken 'or less than the cost of 4 lines. Want: FISHER-BROW- N Insurance Agency. General Insurance. Agents Thlesen Building. Office 2nd Floor. Phone 918. A Great Drive west on Garden street, through Barrancas boulevard. Note the great improvements in this section, then look and think. JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! On LaRua, ncrth side, just west of 14th avenue, a lot 55 feet front, by 137 deep, for $600. Easy terms. We would build a house to suit purchaser. No. 216 East Church Street at .: . ; $1350 This one-sto- ry dwelling has S LARGE ROOMS AND HALL. WITH GAS AND SEWERAGE CONNECTED, and Is well suited for one wishing a com. fortable. well-bui- lt home. In the down town section, being right upon. the' border of the residence and business section, near Seville square, car line and bay. This Is well worth your Inspection If Interested. See us for terms, , ' etc. ( - $2,500 for the ry, 7-ro- om house on Barrancas avenue. It cost more to build. "Do It Today Tomorrow Never Comes.' Leslie E. Brooks Company fOOTON & WATSO Fisher Real Estate Agency N "The Rental Atfent' (Incorporated.) ESTATE AND INSURANCE. The Rent Collectors. Private Branch Phone. 2C51. Pensacola. Fla. FOR SALE FOR SALE A push cart, as good as new. A gasoline stove, only been used a few times. Call phone 1S02. 410 Florida Blanca street 5mchlt FOR SALE Just received a large stock of seed corn, consisting of 10 varieties. Chufus. beans, peas, velvet beans, and a general line of garden seeds. High-grad- e cotton seed . meal and fertilizer of all kinds. J. E. Dubuisson & Bro. 3mchlm FOR SALE Good second-han- d soda fountain. Iceless style. Will sell cheap, including electric carbonator. Address "Cheapest," care Journal. 2mch FOR SALE: Groceries at reasonable prices. Cash register receipts get fine premiums. Peoples' Supply Store. Phone 973. ' . 2mch The Coe Floral Co. 113 West Greoorv Street. SHASTA DATSY PLANTS. 50c per doz. MARGUERITE DAISY PLANTS, 40c per doz. GOTnFN OT,OW PLANTS ROo ner doZ. FLORAL DESIGNS and OUT FLOWERS of all kinds. Phone 1128. 2mch6t FOR SALE The best paying grocery store and meat market in Pensacola. located In one of the best sections of the city, and enjoying hieh-clas- s ratronac. Books open for inspection. Owners wish to leave owing to Interests elsewhere. Address "Store." care Journal. 21feh2w FOR SALE F. S. Home's meat market and grocery, at 417 N. Tarragona St. Good established business and one of the best markettstanrls In city Reason for selling, now own two markets and cannot give attention to both. Apply 214 East Wright street. 16feb FOR HALE Nice flr atove wood: trim-min- es from klfn-rtrto- rt Inmhar 1 00 a I Toad: 4 00 a eord. Stearns Lbr. & Ernort I Co.. Phone 131S Snov R4TJOOCK BTTOOTER.- - nafes. Plrkln Oil Paints. "Powdrnaint." Paint without oil. Weatherproof. T'lrenrnof, sivlne of 75 ner cent. last for vears. Write for nrices. W. R Johnson Co. Ifeb IFOR SALE All kinds Florida curios. Live and stuffed alligators. Wart j Mountain stneiier canaries and eoldflph ; Florida Curio Stor. Mrs. L. J. MClure. Prop.. No. 6 East Garden street 221an3m FOR S LE TURPENTINE PL A CE i A small turpentine place, schedule , $6,000: twenty miles of Macon. Ga Good round timber for 10-ve- ar location E. L Vickers Realty Co.. Macon. Ga 22feh45t TRTTPSFS Fitted bv an expert Relief and satisfaction ruaranteed Mall or- ders have prompt attention. The Crvstal Pharmacy. Brent Building. 13Julvlyr PRAIRTE HAY Reduces your feed bills. Cheapest and best on the market. Phone 28. M. F. Gonzalez Co. 13feb FOR SALE Show cases and a wall case; a vacuum sweeper and light spring de- livery truck for one or two horses. The Clutter Music House. lSdeo FOR SALE Pure milk In sterilized bot- tles, delivered by white drivers in white uniforms. Everything clean and sani- tary. Pensacola Cream and Milk Denot. Phone 134. feb28 DFVre GROWN TREES. SHRUBS AND PLANTS Pecan. Satsumas. Pear and Ornamentals. Field-grow- n roses: cab- bage and sweet potato plants. Let us send you our catalog. Pensacola Seed & Nursery Co.. Cottage Hill, Fla. 27feblm FOR SALE One elsrhteen-inc- h Dixon engine, one seventeen-inc- h Rogers en- gine and one fourteen-inc- h Baldwin engine: just overhauled. Specifications on application. Valdosta Machinerv Co.. Valdosta. Ga. 9feblm CLEANLINESS forsale at The Empire. Phone 322 and cet our prices. FOR SALE The restaurant and fixtures of the Post Office Cafe. No. 123 South Palafox street. Including crockery, silver- ware, linen, cutlerv. etc. Original cost about $11.oor. Must be sold to satisfy creditors. Write or apply to Ftlo Mc- Allister, Assignee. feb7 OR SALE Franco-Americ- an Toilet Goods and Philadelphia 'Ri-- 1 Food, at Florida Curio Store, No. 6 East Garden "eet Mrs 1. T Prop. MTTSTCAL FOR SALE One FVIstcher Baritone Horn and a Cornet for sale at once. Phone 6?.? or apply E. F. Walton Tailor Shop. 237 West Government street. 23feblm TOUR PTANO can be made like new In tone, touch and looks by our three ex- pert piano builders and case finishers Low prices, and you can pay bv the week The Out-to- r Music TTotiba 1 4nov T?RAL ESTATE CITY. jp FOR SALE Three 'choice lots, south front, including corner, in good residence section of East HI1L Price for few days, $223 each. Easy terms. Address "TI." care Journal. 19feb FOR SALE Four lots in East Pensacola Heights, block 65. Cor. Chipley Ave., overlooking bay. on car line. $1000. A bargain. See or write R Bissett. East Pensacola Heights. P. O. Box 747 Pen- sacola. Fla- - lSfeblm WANTED To buy for cash a 7 or 8 -- room house, two stories preferred : or will buy vacant lots for building in citv. The price must he reasonable In either case. Address P. O. Box 103, Pensacola, Florida, giving description and location of prop- erty, and price. . 31jantf Blount Budding FOR RENT. EAST OF PALAFOX. Dwellings 120 E. Government. IS rooms. .. '.00 270 East Gregory. 8 rooms ff5'SS 23 E. Strong, 9 rooms.... " .$30.00 1320 N 15th avenue. 2 story. rooms ..$25.00 319 N. Gulllemarde, 2 story. H rooms .$30.00 Cor Gufllemarde and Desoto. 1 story, 1 rooms :C-fS-2- S E Government (np-etalr- s) J25.00 ?3 N. Havne. B rooms. 1303 E. Mallory. 1 -- story. 5 rooms. .$20.00 40 Kaat Zarragossa, 8... rooms 1305 N Davis. 1 "tory. rooms. . .$18.00 1118 N Aleanlz (store and dwell- - In? .$15.00 1400 P! He Soto, S rooms. .$15.00 A dwelling a Brentwood $15.00 417 E Tntendencla. 1 story, t rooms $14.00 419 East Intendencia. 1 story. 9 rooms $14.00 238 East Intendencia. 1 story. rooms IJ122 802 K Belmont. 4 rnomi.;.1?M 0S E A rat-on- . 6 rooms. . .S12.00 HOB N Alcanla. 4 rooms. .$11.00 620 East Salamanca. S rooms ...$10.65 WEST OF PALAFOX. Dwellings 819 W Belmont. T rooms. $45.00 Cor Reus and Strong". S story. 8 rooms $30.00 tM N DeVIUIers. 2 story." 12 room . ............ .$20.00 223 North DeVIUIers. 2 story. T rooms ...$25.00 Stores, officii and halls for rent In all parts of the elty HOOTOM VTSON "THE RENTAL AGENCY." aiMmt Pnftrflna Phone 54. FOP RENT HOUSES. , ..vil FOR RENT Two-stor- y building and large stables at 334 and 336 East Inten- dencia street suitable for garage, liverv arables, storage warehousej or anr kind f business. Apply to Wooton A Watson, or J E Dubulsson A Bro. I2feb1m FOR RKVT Two-stor- y brick building. corner Chase and Baylen streets. Fine place for fruit stand or grocery. Living rooms tip stairs. See Hooton A sWton. ' " V 2mch FOR "RTTNT A lanre. two-sto- rv dwelline. on comer of, Soring" and Tackson Sts.. 8 . rooms, two bptfis. and Rleninc-- - court. Pricr M per month. Inouire Box citv. 1Sdee FOR RT7VT Dock Cafe. furnished: ood noentnr for r1.t nartv Worehoom r - , - . t ... ym . r n WANTED. WANTED To bny second-han- d fireproof Iron safe. In replvlng state size and price. P. O. Box 221. city. lmch WANTED Ton to save money by buying groceries at The Peoples' Supply Store. Cash register tickets get valuable prem- iums. Phone 973. 2mch WANTED To supplv your mlflt. De- livered bv white drivers In white uni- forms. Evervthlnar CLEAN. Pensacola Cream and Milk Depot. Phone 154. 28feb WANTED Toil to save money on gro- cery and market hills We sell cheaper and for cash. K & H Market & Grocery: 214 East Wright. Phone 1357. 23feb WANTED Ladles to know that they can have their hair made Into nice hafr switches. $1.00 to $1.75 Also all kind of hair goods switches, transform- ations, at low prices. Mrs. Nord Strom's Millinery. 11 and 13 East Intend-nd- a street 19feb WANTED Ton to bur Enslam camera films. We develon these films free If houht from us. Hannah's Pharmacy, phone 881.' llfeblm . wantfd sprtng gardfn fruit PARLOR Fresh Western Meats, Sta- ple and Fancv Groceries. Oyster in sea- son, fresh fruits of all kinds. Free de- livery. Phone 1788. - 12feh LEE LTTMBER CO. Sash, doors. Minds. shingles and posts. Mill, corner Greg- ory and 15th Avenue. Phone 310. llfeb WANTED Second-han- d grain sacks In any quantity bv F S Mellen A Co.. Pensacola. Fla. Phone 334. 9June WANTED TO KNOW Why all dairy- men, no matter what feed they may try, always fa.; back on Suerene Dairy Feed F 8 MeTIen A Co Phone SS4. Oft MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY loaned on real estate or personal - property In the City of Pensacola at the legal rate of Interest HAIL A CO., ISi E. Government street Phone 1162. Ssep MONET loaned on diamonds and high-cla- ss Jewelry at the legal rate of Inter- est HALL. & CO., 16 E. Government street Phone 1162.- Ssep SALARIES or wasres purchased: liberal discounts. HALL & CO.. 16 E. Gov- ernment street Phone 1162. Ssep Phone 54 FOR RENT. EAST OF PALAFOX. Dwellings " 214 East Zarragossa ..$40.00 ISth Street and 14th Avenue.. . .$35.00 Ill East Gregory ..$30.00 1911 North 10th Avenue. ..$30.00 80 East Brainard ,.25.00 1B02 North 9th Avenue . .$25.0 805 East Gadsden..;.-- . ..$25.00 Lloyd street and 15th avenue . ..$20.00 119 East Intendencia . .$20.00 106 East Intendencia. ..$20.00 19th Avenne and Cervantes... ,.20 no 1105 East Cervantes ........... ..$15.00 25 East Gregory ..$15.00 1620 North 15th avenue ....... ..$15.00 80S Kast Chase $15.00 91 North Davis... ..si; on B0 East Greeory ..$12.50 1622 North 7th avenue ..$12.TO 91K East LnRua . .$1- 0 1011 East Strong ..$12.50 16th Avenue and 17th Street.. 1o oo 813 North 7th avenue ......... I!$10.5 1211 East Cervantes . ,.$1f) fV 916 Enst DeSoto ..$10.00 ' 1309 TCast LnRut ..$10 00 6? V.t Tntendencla ........... ..$16 O 'ISofi Fast LeRna ..$10.00 918 North Davis....... ..$iono 819 North Wavne ..$10 00 117 East Strong . em B16 East DeTon ..$ 8.00 1528 East Wright ..$ 8.00 WEST OF PALAFOX. wellnos 200 West Jackson .............. ..$50 00 1A1K North P.Tv.'ona , . ,$v so 14fl North Palafox ..$30 00 F1hervf11e ...................... ,.?T.50 115 West Wrlht ..$? W Mormi and "F. ........... .... , 9,9 m 905 West Government ..$15.00 1??0 '. Wet Mae-nolt- a ..$1? o Trmt rKf(nfo 1l ee 623 West Romana .'.$10 00 K West "J"vmment , ..$ "TV and Me.Tforv ..$ eon 1414 West Jackson ..$ 8.00 The FisW "Rl Estate Agency. THE PFNT rot I FCTORS." PHONE w WANTED. WNTT A ffnt bottom host, suitable for elinet ftsMrte: woriid also hur a efinet If In gr.ofl condition and cheap. State nrlce and the kind of boat von have. Address Boat. Pensacola Journal. 4mch7t TVA-VTK- In good town 10 to 30 acres suitable for cutting Into lots for selHne. Ptate price. Address "A -- 20" care the McCaskffl Hotel Do. Funlak gnrlngs. Fla. 2march6t WA N '":f Tenant for two-sto- rv hr1k hijdnsr corner Chase arid Pavlen. Fine location for fruit stand or erorerv. Liv- ing rooms up stairs. See Hooton & Wat- son. ' 2mch W4NTWT Fvervboo'v to know that we have with ns a flrat-cla- ss furniture re-nal- and nnholterer. Ramnles sh on anniiatlon TToomes jrnltnre Co 9 irt wrl-h- t Phone 1995. . 291an Wvnrn To r-n-afr your watch nromntlv and ace Tatelv. "Whn Rui stnrts em. thev never stop. Will C '""nderfer." 10 South Palafox. Pen. cola. 2feh wavtvti TTxtra niece work bv evnert-epeo- d stenorrapher . Resrnlar work for n hom- - daily. Address "L B." tr Tonrnal. SHan WANTED Tonr Job Prlntlna- - and ordrs for Enrravlng of all kinds, carina-"rds- . wlw Invitations etc. M CO.. 24 West Government. Uuly WATET One thousand home owners and farmers, to plant fruit and nnt hearlnr trees and ornamental trees. Write for our catalog and make an Investment thst will grow Alvln .Tananese Niir Companv. TVfohfle. Alabama. 19dee T?OmvrR AND ROAT?D. TWO-ROO- M . APARTMENT, furnished for housekeeping. Also one room, suit- able for gentleman. Each has separate bath. Three blocks west of Pan Carlos hotel. 18 North Reus street. Phone 854. . 4mch FOR RENT Nice, furnished room, elec- tric lijrhts. bath and phone near car lire, on North Hill. Address P. O. Box S66. 2mchlw FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, 10S West Chase street , Phone 1346. 2marchlm FOR RENT Two rooms, completely fur- nished for r light housekeeping, gas range, bath and phone. No children. Ap- ply 801 West Chase 6treef, 2mch FOR RENT Large, newly furnished front room. . with privilege of light housekeeping. Close in. 61 East Chase street. 2mchlw FOR RENT Three connecting rooms un- furnished f suitable for famjly; 103 N. Alcanix street Reasonable terms to proper parties. . 28feblm NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS either with or without light housekeeping. Apply 1203 East Gadsden, or phone 2235. 25febl4t FOR RENT Centrally located furnished rooms, with privilege of light house- keeping. 43 East Gregory street. 25feb FOR RENT Front room to gentleman only. Private family. - North Hill Phone and bath. $10.00 per month. Box $74 or phane 12S7. 23nov Romana. Just West of Palafox. ROOMS AND BOARD. I FOR RENT Furnished rooms, convenient I to business section. 240 West Garden. : Phone 707. 4mchtf FOR RENT Desirable rooms at 118 West Gadsden street References ex- -; changed. Inquire at above address. 16feb TOR RENT Furnished room at very reasonable rate. Apply 421 East Zar- ragossa street 12feb HELP WANTED. ft EE 'iai 3B as,;,.. er at iisnwt4ff SALESMEN Experienced specialty men wanted. Sell to Merchants Auto and Piano Contests, guaranteeing Increase In business or refund. Easy seller. $5,000 annually. Howard Company. Atlantic Ave.. Brooklyn. Jf.-T- . 2mch FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK tells of about 800.000 vacancies every year. There is a big chance here for you. sure and generouf pay. lifetime employment. Just ask for booklet T-45- 5. No obliga- tion. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. . sunandwedmch FARMER Experienced, steady man to work 2 and 3 -- mule implements. Good home for right man. Address Chas. A. Dexter. Dexland. Gonzales P. O.. Fla. 5mch5t LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. No canvassing or soliciting required. Good Income assured. Address National Realty Co.. V-87- 4. Marden Building. Washington. D. C. sunandwedmch WANTED Office assistant Must write a fast, legible hand and understand operation of electric. Duplex Burroughs. State salary expected. Address Auditor. Lock Box 289. Pensacola. Fla. 4mch7t WANTED 50 boys and 50 girls, 8:30, Brawner-Rier- a ' feb 28 Big Sale. WANTED Two boys, with bicycles, to deliver milk. .Apply 329 East Garden street. Pensacola Cream and Milk De- pot 3mch3t BIG PROFITS Open a dyeing and clean- ing establishment, little capital needed. We teach by mall. Write for booklet Ben-Von- de System. Dept. 339. Charlotte. N. C. 2mch YOUNG MAN. BE A BARBER I teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly, and furnish tools. I give you actual shop work and vou keep half the receipts. Write me for catalogue. A. B. Moler. Pres. Moler College. New Orleans. La. Imch7t WANTED White men for surfacing work on railroad. Wages, $l.f0 per dav. Apply H. Roe. Supt, Bagdad, Florida. Imch7t WANTED First-clas- s combination book- keeper and stenographer. Young lady of experience preferred. Good salary. Address "F. A. R." care Journal. 2mch WANTED 50 boys and 50 girls, 8:30, Brawner-Riera- ! TJ feb 28 ONE of the oldest woolen mills In Ameri- ca, heretofore selling only to Jobbers, offers an unusual opportunity to a few men or women to establish a profitable business of their own. A splendid chance to increase your income by easy, pleas- ant work, whole or spare time or even- ings. No capital required, but satisfac- tory references necessary. For full par- ticulars, address Suite tlO. Evenlnsr Post Building. New York. 28feh WANTED Ten laboring men- - highest wages. Apply at once. L. P. Dowda. Robinson Point. Fla. 23febl0t WANTED Boys to sell The Journal. An-pl- y Circulation Department 2feb $25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust- worthy people, to travel and distribute samDles for big wholesale nouse. E:nery, Chicago. 2mch RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED for parcels post. $90 month. Thous- ands needed. Pensacola examinations May 3rd. Sample questions and coaching sent free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 57 B. Rochester, N. Y. toAprt HEI P WANTED Female WANTED An experienced single woman for general housework. Good wages. Apply 1620 E. Jackson street. 5mch WasnTED An experienced cook. Apply 434 East Zarragossa street lmchTt WANTED Colored woman for general housework. . Apply at" ' once. 216 East Government street 5mch3t Use "The Journal's Want Ad. Way." FURNITURE. FOR SALE Ice box suitable for meat market. Very cheap. Inquire at once. 16 East Garden street 2Sfeblw FOR SALE: One fine grade bookkeepers standing desk, cheap. Apply 38 South Palafox. Phone 774. 4Jan Live Stock and Poultry. i n w. hUJi li ti- -J m is We. EGGS from the best Barred Rocks and White Leghorns to be had. W. L. Eggs. $1.50. and Barred Rock. $2,50 for 15. Jno. Baumeister, Quintette. Fla. 28feb2w ROUP REDUCES POULTRY PROFITS Pratt's Roup Cure prevents, cures colds, catarrh and roup; guaranteed. Sold and guaranteed by our Pensacola dealers. 6mch7t FOR SALE Buff Orpington eggs for hatching. Prize .winning stock. Good layers. $1.25 per setting. Clarence Green. Box 53. Cantonment. Fla. 4mch7t FOR SALE Eleven white yearling Leg- horn hens and one cockerel; bred from first cock and first hen Interstate Fair. $12. W. F. Reed, Jr.. phone 170. 28feb INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS, fawn and wnite uook s quality, ana large, wnur Vrrtrm 0 Art nor It TtaV.oM ducklings. 25c each. Unfertile eergs re- placed. "Indian Runner." Box 751. Pen sacola. mcniw- - BTTP ORPINGTON. Black Laneshan. Runner Ducks eggs. $1.00 per 15. B. Langshan chicks. 25c each. Clark Chavers. Century. Fla. 4meh7t FOR SALE Choice S. C. R. I. Reds-E- ggs $1.25 per 15. English strain L R. ducks egos $1.00 per 12 prepaid. Duroc Jersey sow pigs, farrowed Jan. 17. Eligi- ble to registration. Good stock at rea- sonable prices. Magnolia Sprinif .Farm Eastpoint. Fla. 4mchlm BARRED ROCKS and slnele-eom- b Rhode Tsland Reds from prize wlnnine strains: Fees. $1.00 ner 15: $1.50 ner 30: also Red's e?gs at $1.E0 per 15- - $2.23 per 30 C R Vaughn. Muscogee. Fla. 23feblm FOR SALE Pure white S C. Leghorn eggs. $1 00 per 15. John Robert Bradley. Century. Fla. 14feb1m HOGS. COWS AND WORSES do better - when regularly given Pratt's Animal Reerulator. The greatest conditioner. Guaranteed P"M and guaranteed v our Pensacola dealers. Iffeb14t FrtG? for hatching. White Lea-hor- and TChlte Wvvdotfes. 1 jnd 1 50 per 15 fi and 8 ner 10. E. M Graves Re-iob- !e Poultry Farm. R. I. ' ppxwpnia. Fla. lofeblm ""OR SALE XVhtte Leom Fees for hatehlner. 50c a flown My hens are th Mnd that lav everv day. J. C Tfnrn 410 East Gadsden street, phone 1SJ7. 4fn FOR CAT.F Vine, rood 1ooV1nr. comhl-natio- huere-- v and saddle hore Sever veara old. Can he hfl at a bareain '""lyl J Stuart DeRllva. Phones 11 r 107. 10dee FOR RALF Tnp Comb Rhort Island Red and Ruff Leehorn Cockerels: both fro- - nrle-wlnl- s' tock. Adf- - A. Rvrne. Baedad. Fla. 211an1t RlPWri vT WOTTTTT ROOK rres. Im- perial Rtneleta attain, eeea 1 50 tc 3 00 per 1". also WTiIte Tnlan Runner Ducks. $15 00 fo S?".00 pr pnlr: ee-s-- M 00 to $5 no per setting. W. D. Taliaferro. Loekhart. Ala. 7feb1m FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE At $10.00 per acre. 279 acres land in Conecuh County. Alabama. 110 acres In cultivation: 2 dwellings: 169 acres pine hardwood. Address T A. Shell. Box 14. Mulat. Fla. llfeblm FOR SALE A few choice tracts of farm land at bargain prices and terms. W S. Reeve, owner. Phone 1205. 1012 East Cert-ante- s street. 13feb FOR SALF. 659 acres pine land, known as the Peter Sands grant, lying south of railroad, near Mulat, about 3-- 4 mile water front Timber will make 5000 to 10.000 turnentlne boxes. Good truck and farming land. Several fine groves Sat-su- ma cranges growing on adlacent land. Will grow any crop of fruit known to West Florida. Bargain for some one. Address T. J. Pryor. Mary Esther, Fla 15Jan FOR SALE Some of the best farming lands In Escambia County. Improved and unimproved. Prices right: terms reasonable. Address A. K. HInman. Century. Fla. 24mch FOR SALE HOMES. SsBSssibii'' FOR SALE One nine-roo- m dweTTTng and store room combined. Stock General merchandise; five acres land; thre.iu fruit. Address Mrs. W. Philip Hardin. Cottage Hill. Fla. 4mch FOR SALE A model home, practically new. with S or 9 lots, block 78. Ney City Apply to Jas McHugb, lljct" FOR SALE BY OWNER New eight-roo- m residence: two-stor- y, large halls and porches: furnished or unfurnished; beautiful mantels, etc., and everything complete and te. Lots 100 feet front and 132H feet rear. Next to car line A nice bay view. Guaranteed not a summer night in which cover is not needed. In most excellent neighborhood. Most convenient house and every con- venience. Gas and electricity. Very rea- sonable figures, cash or credit Just to suit purchaser. Address "W." care Jour nal. lOfeb FOR SALF Very desirable East Oadsden street two-sto- ry residence Modern Ira. provements. Corner lot 80x137. On block from car line. Owner anxious to sell. Rare bargain. Call at 1102 East uaasaen sireet, or pnone Z8. isreoy MISCELLANEOUS. TOUR CASH REGISTER RECEIPTS get valuable premiums at The Peoples'. Sup- ply Store. Phone 973. for groceries. Rea- sonably priced. 2mch SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS Suits made to your measure. $15 and up. Work- manship and fit guaranteed. C. Abt. IS East Garden street. lmch FRESH, CLEAN LINE of all kinds of ponular ciirars and tobaccos to be bad at Mallorv Court Cigar Store. Makf1t your headquarters. Lobby Blount i x. C. W. Belrae. 57feb H H MARKET ft GROCERY 214 E. Wright street, sells for cash and sells cheaper than others. Try us. Phona 1357. 2Sfeb F. W. JONES. JEWELER Cash or i creait. itepairing careruiiy ana promptly done. 103 North Palafox street. 22feb GENERAL ELECTRIC REPAIRING at reasonable prices. Electric supplies, etc. Agents Schwab Safes. BAROCO ft CO.. Phone 619. 15 E. Garden St lof eb BURNETT SUIT CLEANING CO. $1.00 per month club rates. 502 North De- Vllllers. Phone 889. Suits called for and delivered free. llfeblm LEE LUMBER CO. Building materials. Mill and office, corner Gregory and 15th Avenue. Phone 310. llfeb TENTS AND TARPAULINS all sizes for sale or rent Correspondence solic- ited. A. H. McLeod & Co., Manufactur- ers. 6044-6081- 4 South Palafox. Phone 1176. 25feb STORAGE MOVING t.tRRISS WAREHOUSE A STORAGE t'O. Furniture stored, floor space for rent, carload lots any kind of merchan- dise taken for distribution. Furniture packed for shipping. Phone 1812. Cor. Chase and Alcanlz streets. 15fcb BINGHAM TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 63. Warehouse men. hauling, packing and storing. 9feb MERCHANTS TRANSFER CO.. Thor B. Thorsen. Prop., solicits all kinds of moving and hauling. Furniture packed for shipment. Furniture stored. OfHc phone 978. Depot phone 704. June21tl BINGHAM TRANSFER COMPANY Hauling, packing and storing of furni- ture. Phone 63. ffcfc WANTED POSITION. WANTED Position as buyer and man- ager of commissary. At present em- ployed by large wholesale dry goods house as traveling salesman, covering this territory; fifteen years' experience; good reasons for change. Address Man- ager Commissary, care Journal. 6mch3t WANTED Expert commercial stenog rapher desires position. At pret employed. Can leave on short not,.. Address "C. A. L.." care Journal. 6mch6t WANTED Position as companion ti middle-age- d or old lady. Age 20. Can give reference. Address Miss "R. L ' care Journal. . Smch?t WANTED Position as bookkeeper offi- - assistant or shipping clerk by an ex- perienced young man. . Address P b Box 4. Cora, Fla. lmch6t If you miss your paper, phone (1500) before ten o'clock, and one will be de-livere- d you by special carrier March up and let me sell you house and lot some vacant lots, a onnn knma or r nonl v- - utlll y illHIV. ui . guuu machine. J. N. ANDREWS 101 N. Palafox. ATTTOMOTTS. FOR SALE 40 h. p., Cadillac automobile. In good condition. $700. Just the car for large family or hack ser- vice. Can be seen at Bagdad, Fla. Apply Allen Ditmars. or Capt. C: E. Mason, steamer City of Tampa. ' 5mchlot W. E. SPITZER Gat my prices on cov- ering your automobile top. Cushions, top covers, slip linings, etc. 214 East Romana. Phone 923. V 14feblm LOST, and FOUND. LOST OR STRAYED White and black spotted hound, with tail cut off. Male. Reward for return to Howard Kitt 23 North "G" street 4mch3t IF YOU do not patronize the Empire Laundry we both Jose money. Phone 322. SALESMEN WANTED. AMBITIOUS SALESMEN Neat appear- ance. all on merchants in their terri- tory; elegant sideline, convenient to carry; good cimmissions, prompt remit- tance. Belmont Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati. O. 2march ONE to FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS per month paid salesmen selling our Paints and specialties. Twenty-flv- e years the standard of quality. The Carrara Paint, Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. 2mch SALESMEN $100 to $600 per month sell- ing our oils, greases and paints. Do not be satisfied, get our proposition. Sal- ary or commission. Inland Oil Works Company. Cleveland, Ohio. 2meh SALESMEN to call on grocers, confec- tioners, general stores. $150 monthly and expenses; yearlv contract. Manager. 17 S. Main street. St. Louis, Mo. 2mch AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS Make $5.00 to $10.00 a day easy. No experience or capital re- quired. Write at once. Big free propo- sition. P. W. Goodman, president. 525 Regal Bldg., Chicago. 2mch AGENTS $25 a week for two hours' work a dav. A brand new hosiery prop- osition that beats them alt Write for terms and sample. If vou mean business. Guaranteed Hosiery Co.. 1024 Hopper St.. Dayton. Ohio. 2m oh VACUUM CLEANER AGENTS Exclu- sive, new design, $7.50. wheel operated, bellows type cleaner. Without clumsy-bo- or dirty dust bag. Big profits. Write Doty Company. Dayton. Ohio. 2mch AGENTS for article needed by every- body. No coaxing for sales. Large dally profits. Answer and be convinced. Home Specialty Co.. Green Cove Springs, Fla. - lmch WANTEQ Men and women to make big profits. If you need the money we can show you how to get it calling at every residence and accepting money for Wonder Cloth. Write Gulf Speclaltv Co.. Bex 151. Panama City. Fla 28feb7t FOR LADIES. SPIRELLA CORSETS French designs of latest styles. Have your corset made to order. Measures and orders taken by Mrs. W. C. Wood. Phone 175S. Iruchlm VETERINARY. A. L. RETTING ER. Veterinary Surgeon. All calls promptly answered. 41 - East Chase street. Office phone, 710. House phone- - 981, Pensacola, Fla. 12feblm

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wADVERTISING RATES (24 words, or less--4 lines)One Time . ........i. ......... ............... .25 cents Six Times 50 centsTwo Times .............................. ..30 centThree Times ............................ .....35 cents Count six words of average length to a line.

The reduction In rate Is for consecutive Insertion. Cash with order. No ad. taken 'or less than the cost of 4 lines.Want:FISHER-BROW- N

Insurance Agency.General Insurance.

Agents Thlesen Building.Office 2nd Floor.

Phone 918.

A Great Drivewest on Garden street, through Barrancas boulevard.Note the great improvements in this section, thenlook and think.


On LaRua, ncrth side, just west of 14th avenue,a lot 55 feet front, by 137 deep, for $600. Easyterms. We would build a house to suit purchaser.

No. 216 East Church Street at.: . ; $1350

This one-sto- ry dwelling has S LARGE ROOMS AND HALL. WITH GASAND SEWERAGE CONNECTED, and Is well suited for one wishing a com.fortable. well-bui- lt home. In the down town section, being right upon. the'border of the residence and business section, near Seville square, car lineand bay. This Is well worth your Inspection If Interested. See us for terms,

, 'etc. ( - $2,500for the ry,

7-ro- om houseon Barrancas avenue. It costmore to build.

"Do It Today Tomorrow Never Comes.'

Leslie E. Brooks CompanyfOOTON & WATSO Fisher Real Estate AgencyN"The Rental Atfent' (Incorporated.)ESTATE AND INSURANCE. The Rent Collectors.

Private Branch Phone. 2C51.Pensacola. Fla.

FOR SALEFOR SALE A push cart, as good as new.

A gasoline stove, only beenused a few times. Call phone 1S02. 410Florida Blanca street 5mchlt

FOR SALE Just received a large stockof seed corn, consisting of 10 varieties.

Chufus. beans, peas, velvet beans, and ageneral line of garden seeds. High-grad- e

cotton seed . meal and fertilizer of allkinds. J. E. Dubuisson & Bro. 3mchlm

FOR SALE Good second-han- d sodafountain. Iceless style. Will sell cheap,

including electric carbonator. Address"Cheapest," care Journal. 2mch

FOR SALE: Groceries at reasonableprices. Cash register receipts get fine

premiums. Peoples' Supply Store. Phone973. ' . 2mch

The Coe Floral Co.113 West Greoorv Street.



of all kinds. Phone 1128. 2mch6tFOR SALE The best paying grocery

store and meat market in Pensacola.located In one of the best sections of thecity, and enjoying hieh-clas- s ratronac.Books open for inspection. Owners wishto leave owing to Interests elsewhere.Address "Store." care Journal. 21feh2w

FOR SALE F. S. Home's meat marketand grocery, at 417 N. Tarragona St.

Good established business and one of thebest markettstanrls In city Reason forselling, now own two markets and cannotgive attention to both. Apply 214 EastWright street. 16feb

FOR HALE Nice flr atove wood: trim-min- es

from klfn-rtrto- rt Inmhar 1 00 aI Toad: 4 00 a eord. Stearns Lbr. & ErnortI Co.. Phone 131S Snov

R4TJOOCK BTTOOTER.- - nafes. Plrkln OilPaints. "Powdrnaint." Paint without

oil. Weatherproof. T'lrenrnof, sivlne of75 ner cent. last for vears. Write fornrices. W. R Johnson Co. Ifeb

IFOR SALE All kinds Florida curios.Live and stuffed alligators. Wart

j Mountain stneiier canaries and eoldflph; Florida Curio Stor. Mrs. L. J. MClure.Prop.. No. 6 East Garden street 221an3m

FOR S LE TURPENTINE PL A CEi A small turpentine place, schedule, $6,000: twenty miles of Macon. Ga Goodround timber for 10-ve- ar location E. LVickers Realty Co.. Macon. Ga 22feh45t

TRTTPSFS Fitted bv an expert Reliefand satisfaction ruaranteed Mall or-

ders have prompt attention. The CrvstalPharmacy. Brent Building. 13Julvlyr

PRAIRTE HAY Reducesyour feed bills. Cheapest

and best on the market.Phone 28. M. F. GonzalezCo. 13feb

FOR SALE Show cases and a wall case;a vacuum sweeper and light spring de-livery truck for one or two horses. TheClutter Music House. lSdeoFOR SALE Pure milk In sterilized bot-

tles, delivered by white drivers in whiteuniforms. Everything clean and sani-tary. Pensacola Cream and Milk Denot.Phone 134. feb28


Ornamentals. Field-grow- n roses: cab-bage and sweet potato plants. Let ussend you our catalog. Pensacola Seed &Nursery Co.. Cottage Hill, Fla. 27feblmFOR SALE One elsrhteen-inc- h Dixon

engine, one seventeen-inc- h Rogers en-gine and one fourteen-inc- h Baldwinengine: just overhauled. Specificationson application. Valdosta Machinerv Co..Valdosta. Ga. 9feblm

CLEANLINESS forsale atThe Empire. Phone 322

and cet our prices.FOR SALE The restaurant and fixtures

of the Post Office Cafe. No. 123 SouthPalafox street. Including crockery, silver-ware, linen, cutlerv. etc. Original costabout $11.oor. Must be sold to satisfycreditors. Write or apply to Ftlo Mc-Allister, Assignee. feb7

OR SALE Franco-Americ- an ToiletGoods and Philadelphia 'Ri-- 1 Food, at

Florida Curio Store, No. 6 East Garden"eet Mrs 1. T Prop.


FOR SALE One FVIstcher BaritoneHorn and a Cornet for sale at once.Phone 6?.? or apply E. F. Walton TailorShop. 237 West Government street.

23feblmTOUR PTANO can be made like new In

tone, touch and looks by our three ex-pert piano builders and case finishersLow prices, and you can pay bv the weekThe Out-to- r Music TTotiba 1 4nov


jpFOR SALE Three 'choice lots, southfront, including corner, in good residence

section of East HI1L Price for few days,$223 each. Easy terms. Address "TI."care Journal. 19feb

FOR SALE Four lots in East PensacolaHeights, block 65. Cor. Chipley Ave.,

overlooking bay. on car line. $1000. Abargain. See or write R Bissett. EastPensacola Heights. P. O. Box 747 Pen-sacola. Fla-- lSfeblmWANTED To buy for cash a 7 or 8 -- room

house, two stories preferred : or will buyvacant lots for building in citv. Theprice must he reasonable In either case.Address P. O. Box 103, Pensacola, Florida,giving description and location of prop-erty, and price. . 31jantf

Blount Budding


Dwellings120 E. Government. IS rooms. .. '.00270 East Gregory. 8 rooms ff5'SS23 E. Strong, 9 rooms.... ".$30.001320 N 15th avenue. 2 story.

rooms ..$25.00319 N. Gulllemarde, 2 story. H

rooms .$30.00Cor Gufllemarde and Desoto. 1

story, 1 rooms :C-fS-2-S

E Government (np-etalr- s) J25.00?3 N. Havne. B rooms.

1303 E. Mallory. 1 -- story. 5 rooms. .$20.0040 Kaat Zarragossa, 8...

rooms1305 N Davis. 1 "tory. rooms. . .$18.001118 N Aleanlz (store and dwell- -

In? .$15.001400 P! He Soto, S rooms. .$15.00A dwelling a

Brentwood $15.00417 E Tntendencla. 1 story, t

rooms $14.00419 East Intendencia. 1 story. 9

rooms $14.00238 East Intendencia. 1 story.rooms IJ122802 K Belmont. 4 rnomi.;.1?M

0S E A rat-on- . 6 rooms. . .S12.00HOB N Alcanla. 4 rooms. .$11.00620 East Salamanca. S

rooms ...$10.65WEST OF PALAFOX.

Dwellings819 W Belmont. T rooms. $45.00Cor Reus and Strong". S story. 8

rooms $30.00tM N DeVIUIers. 2 story." 12

room . ............ .$20.00223 North DeVIUIers. 2 story. T

rooms ...$25.00Stores, officii and halls for rent In all

parts of the elty


aiMmt Pnftrflna Phone 54.


, ..vilFOR RENT Two-stor- y building and

large stables at 334 and 336 East Inten-dencia street suitable for garage, livervarables, storage warehousej or anr kindf business. Apply to Wooton A Watson,

or J E Dubulsson A Bro. I2feb1m

FOR RKVT Two-stor- y brick building.corner Chase and Baylen streets. Fineplace for fruit stand or grocery. Livingrooms tip stairs. See Hooton A sWton.' " V 2mch

FOR "RTTNT A lanre. two-sto- rv

dwelline. on comerof, Soring" and Tackson Sts..8 . rooms, two bptfis.and Rleninc-- - court. Pricr Mper month. Inouire Boxcitv. 1Sdee

FOR RT7VT Dock Cafe. furnished: oodnoentnr for r1.t nartv Worehoomr - , - . t ... ym .r n

WANTED.WANTED To bny second-han- d fireproof

Iron safe. In replvlng state size andprice. P. O. Box 221. city. lmchWANTED Ton to save money by buying

groceries at The Peoples' Supply Store.Cash register tickets get valuable prem-iums. Phone 973. 2mch

WANTED To supplv your mlflt. De-livered bv white drivers In white uni-

forms. Evervthlnar CLEAN. PensacolaCream and Milk Depot. Phone 154. 28feb

WANTED Toil to save money on gro-cery and market hills We sell cheaper

and for cash. K & H Market & Grocery:214 East Wright. Phone 1357. 23feb

WANTED Ladles to know that they canhave their hair made Into

nice hafr switches. $1.00 to $1.75 Also allkind of hair goods switches, transform-ations, at low prices. Mrs. Nord Strom'sMillinery. 11 and 13 East Intend-nd- astreet 19feb

WANTED Ton to bur Enslam camerafilms. We develon these films free If

houht from us. Hannah's Pharmacy,phone 881.' llfeblm .

wantfd sprtng gardfn fruitPARLOR Fresh Western Meats, Sta-ple and Fancv Groceries. Oyster in sea-son, fresh fruits of all kinds. Free de-

livery. Phone 1788. - 12feh

LEE LTTMBER CO. Sash, doors. Minds.shingles and posts. Mill, corner Greg-

ory and 15th Avenue. Phone 310. llfebWANTED Second-han- d grain sacks In

any quantity bv F S Mellen A Co..Pensacola. Fla. Phone 334. 9JuneWANTED TO KNOW Why all dairy-

men, no matter what feed they maytry, always fa.; back on Suerene DairyFeed F 8 MeTIen A Co Phone SS4.


MONEY TO LOAN.MONEY loaned on real estate or personal

- property In the City of Pensacola at thelegal rate of Interest HAIL A CO., ISiE. Government street Phone 1162. Ssep

MONET loaned on diamonds and high-cla- ss

Jewelry at the legal rate of Inter-est HALL. & CO., 16 E. Governmentstreet Phone 1162.- SsepSALARIES or wasres purchased: liberal

discounts. HALL & CO.. 16 E. Gov-ernment street Phone 1162. Ssep

Phone 54



214 East Zarragossa ..$40.00ISth Street and 14th Avenue.. . .$35.00Ill East Gregory ..$30.001911 North 10th Avenue. ..$30.0080 East Brainard ,.25.001B02 North 9th Avenue . .$25.0805 East Gadsden..;.-- . ..$25.00Lloyd street and 15th avenue . ..$20.00119 East Intendencia . .$20.00106 East Intendencia. ..$20.0019th Avenne and Cervantes... ,.20 no1105 East Cervantes ........... ..$15.0025 East Gregory ..$15.001620 North 15th avenue ....... ..$15.0080S Kast Chase $15.0091 North Davis... ..si; onB0 East Greeory ..$12.501622 North 7th avenue ..$12.TO91K East LnRua . .$1- 01011 East Strong ..$12.5016th Avenue and 17th Street.. 1o oo813 North 7th avenue ......... I!$10.51211 East Cervantes . ,.$1f) fV

916 Enst DeSoto ..$10.00' 1309 TCast LnRut ..$10 006? V.t Tntendencla ........... ..$16 O

'ISofi Fast LeRna ..$10.00918 North Davis....... ..$iono819 North Wavne ..$10 00117 East Strong . emB16 East DeTon ..$ 8.001528 East Wright ..$ 8.00

WEST OF PALAFOX.wellnos200 West Jackson .............. ..$50 001A1K North P.Tv.'ona , . ,$v so14fl North Palafox ..$30 00F1hervf11e ...................... ,.?T.50115 West Wrlht ..$? WMormi and "F. ........... .... , 9,9 m905 West Government ..$15.001??0 '. Wet Mae-nolt- a ..$1? o

Trmt rKf(nfo 1l ee623 West Romana .'.$10 00

K West "J"vmment , ..$"TV and Me.Tforv ..$ eon1414 West Jackson ..$ 8.00

The FisW "Rl EstateAgency.


WANTED.WNTT A ffnt bottom host, suitable

for elinet ftsMrte: woriid also hur aefinet If In gr.ofl condition and cheap.State nrlce and the kind of boat von have.Address Boat. Pensacola Journal.

4mch7tTVA-VTK- In good town

10 to 30 acres suitable for cutting Intolots for selHne. Ptate price. Address"A -- 20" care the McCaskffl Hotel Do.Funlak gnrlngs. Fla. 2march6tWA N '":f Tenant for two-sto- rv hr1k

hijdnsr corner Chase arid Pavlen. Finelocation for fruit stand or erorerv. Liv-ing rooms up stairs. See Hooton & Wat-son. ' 2mchW4NTWT Fvervboo'v to know that we

have with ns a flrat-cla- ss furniture re-nal-

and nnholterer. Ramnles shon anniiatlon TToomes jrnltnre Co 9irt wrl-h- t Phone 1995. . 291an

Wvnrn To r-n-afr your watchnromntlv and ace Tatelv. "Whn Rui

stnrts em. thev never stop. Will C'""nderfer." 10 South Palafox. Pen.cola. 2feh

wavtvti TTxtra niece work bv evnert-epeo- d

stenorrapher . Resrnlar work forn hom-- daily. Address "L B." trTonrnal. SHan

WANTED Tonr Job Prlntlna- - and ordrsfor Enrravlng of all kinds, carina-"rds-.

wlw Invitations etc. MCO.. 24 West Government.

UulyWATET One thousand home owners

and farmers, to plant fruit and nnthearlnr trees and ornamental trees. Writefor our catalog and make an Investmentthst will grow Alvln .Tananese NiirCompanv. TVfohfle. Alabama. 19dee


TWO-ROO- M . APARTMENT, furnishedfor housekeeping. Also one room, suit-

able for gentleman. Each has separatebath. Three blocks west of Pan Carloshotel. 18 North Reus street. Phone 854.

. 4mch

FOR RENT Nice, furnished room, elec-tric lijrhts. bath and phone near car

lire, on North Hill. Address P. O. BoxS66. 2mchlw

FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, 10SWest Chase street , Phone 1346.

2marchlmFOR RENT Two rooms, completely fur-

nished for r light housekeeping, gasrange, bath and phone. No children. Ap-ply 801 West Chase 6treef, 2mchFOR RENT Large, newly furnished

front room. . with privilege of lighthousekeeping. Close in. 61 East Chasestreet. 2mchlwFOR RENT Three connecting rooms un-

furnished f suitable for famjly; 103 N.Alcanix street Reasonable terms toproper parties. . 28feblm

NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS eitherwith or without light housekeeping.

Apply 1203 East Gadsden, or phone 2235.25febl4t

FOR RENT Centrally located furnishedrooms, with privilege of light house-

keeping. 43 East Gregory street. 25feb

FOR RENT Front room to gentlemanonly. Private family. - North Hill

Phone and bath. $10.00 per month. Box$74 or phane 12S7. 23nov

Romana. Just West of Palafox.

ROOMS AND BOARD.I FOR RENT Furnished rooms, convenientI to business section. 240 West Garden.: Phone 707. 4mchtf

FOR RENT Desirable rooms at 118West Gadsden street References ex- -;

changed. Inquire at above address. 16feb

TOR RENT Furnished room at veryreasonable rate. Apply 421 East Zar-

ragossa street 12feb


ft EE 'iai 3B as,;,.. er at iisnwt4ff

SALESMEN Experienced specialty menwanted. Sell to Merchants Auto and

Piano Contests, guaranteeing IncreaseIn business or refund. Easy seller. $5,000annually. Howard Company. AtlanticAve.. Brooklyn. Jf.-T- . 2mch

FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK tells ofabout 800.000 vacancies every year.

There is a big chance here for you. sureand generouf pay. lifetime employment.Just ask for booklet T-45- 5. No obliga-tion. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C.

. sunandwedmch

FARMER Experienced, steady man towork 2 and 3 -- mule implements. Good

home for right man. Address Chas. A.Dexter. Dexland. Gonzales P. O.. Fla.


LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED.No canvassing or soliciting required.

Good Income assured. Address NationalRealty Co.. V-87- 4. Marden

Building. Washington. D. C.sunandwedmch

WANTED Office assistant Must writea fast, legible hand and understand

operation of electric. Duplex Burroughs.State salary expected. Address Auditor.Lock Box 289. Pensacola. Fla. 4mch7t

WANTED 50 boys and 50girls, 8:30, Brawner-Rier- a

' feb 28Big Sale.WANTED Two boys, with bicycles, to

deliver milk. .Apply 329 East Gardenstreet. Pensacola Cream and Milk De-

pot 3mch3t

BIG PROFITS Open a dyeing and clean-ing establishment, little capital needed.

We teach by mall. Write for bookletBen-Von- de System. Dept. 339. Charlotte.N. C. 2mch

YOUNG MAN. BE A BARBER I teachyou quickly, cheaply, thoroughly, and

furnish tools. I give you actual shopwork and vou keep half the receipts.Write me for catalogue. A. B. Moler.Pres. Moler College. New Orleans. La.


WANTED White men for surfacingwork on railroad. Wages, $l.f0 per

dav. Apply H. Roe. Supt, Bagdad,Florida. Imch7tWANTED First-clas- s combination book-

keeper and stenographer. Young ladyof experience preferred. Good salary.Address "F. A. R." care Journal. 2mch

WANTED 50 boys and 50girls, 8:30, Brawner-Riera- !

TJ feb 28

ONE of the oldest woolen mills In Ameri-ca, heretofore selling only to Jobbers,

offers an unusual opportunity to a fewmen or women to establish a profitablebusiness of their own. A splendid chanceto increase your income by easy, pleas-ant work, whole or spare time or even-ings. No capital required, but satisfac-tory references necessary. For full par-ticulars, address Suite tlO. Evenlnsr PostBuilding. New York. 28feh

WANTED Ten laboring men- - highestwages. Apply at once. L. P. Dowda.

Robinson Point. Fla. 23febl0t

WANTED Boys to sell The Journal. An-pl- y

Circulation Department 2feb

$25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust-worthy people, to travel and distribute

samDles for big wholesale nouse.E:nery, Chicago. 2mch

RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTEDfor parcels post. $90 month. Thous-

ands needed. Pensacola examinationsMay 3rd. Sample questions and coachingsent free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 57 B.Rochester, N. Y. toAprt


WANTED An experienced single womanfor general housework. Good wages.

Apply 1620 E. Jackson street. 5mch

WasnTED An experienced cook. Apply434 East Zarragossa street lmchTt

WANTED Colored woman for generalhousework. . Apply at" ' once. 216 EastGovernment street 5mch3t

Use "The Journal's WantAd. Way."


FOR SALE Ice box suitable for meatmarket. Very cheap. Inquire at once.

16 East Garden street 2Sfeblw

FOR SALE: One fine grade bookkeepersstanding desk, cheap. Apply 38 SouthPalafox. Phone 774. 4Jan

Live Stock and Poultry.

i n w.

hUJi li ti--J

m isWe.EGGS from the best Barred Rocks and

White Leghorns to be had. W. L.Eggs. $1.50. and Barred Rock. $2,50 for15. Jno. Baumeister, Quintette. Fla.


ROUP REDUCES POULTRY PROFITSPratt's Roup Cure prevents, cures colds,

catarrh and roup; guaranteed. Sold andguaranteed by our Pensacola dealers.


FOR SALE Buff Orpington eggs forhatching. Prize .winning stock. Good

layers. $1.25 per setting. Clarence Green.Box 53. Cantonment. Fla. 4mch7t

FOR SALE Eleven white yearling Leg-horn hens and one cockerel; bred from

first cock and first hen Interstate Fair.$12. W. F. Reed, Jr.. phone 170. 28feb

INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS, fawn andwnite uook s quality, ana large, wnur

Vrrtrm 0 Art nor It TtaV.oMducklings. 25c each. Unfertile eergs re-

placed. "Indian Runner." Box 751. Pensacola. mcniw- -

BTTP ORPINGTON. Black Laneshan.Runner Ducks eggs. $1.00 per 15. B.

Langshan chicks. 25c each. ClarkChavers. Century. Fla. 4meh7t

FOR SALE Choice S. C. R. I. Reds-E- ggs

$1.25 per 15. English strain L R.ducks egos $1.00 per 12 prepaid. DurocJersey sow pigs, farrowed Jan. 17. Eligi-ble to registration. Good stock at rea-sonable prices. Magnolia Sprinif .FarmEastpoint. Fla. 4mchlm

BARRED ROCKS and slnele-eom- b RhodeTsland Reds from prize wlnnine strains:

Fees. $1.00 ner 15: $1.50 ner 30: also Red'se?gs at $1.E0 per 15- - $2.23 per 30 C RVaughn. Muscogee. Fla. 23feblm

FOR SALE Pure white S C. Leghorneggs. $1 00 per 15. John Robert Bradley.

Century. Fla. 14feb1m

HOGS. COWS AND WORSES do better- when regularly given Pratt's AnimalReerulator. The greatest conditioner.Guaranteed P"M and guaranteed v ourPensacola dealers. Iffeb14t

FrtG? for hatching. White Lea-hor- andTChlte Wvvdotfes. 1 jnd 1 50 per 15

fi and 8 ner 10. E. M Graves Re-iob- !e

Poultry Farm. R. I. ' ppxwpnia.Fla. lofeblm""OR SALE XVhtte Leom Fees forhatehlner. 50c a flown My hens are thMnd that lav everv day. J. C Tfnrn410 East Gadsden street, phone 1SJ7. 4fnFOR CAT.F Vine, rood 1ooV1nr. comhl-natio-

huere--v and saddle hore Severveara old. Can he hfl at a bareain'""lyl J Stuart DeRllva. Phones 11 r107. 10dee

FOR RALF Tnp Comb Rhort IslandRed and Ruff Leehorn Cockerels: both

fro- - nrle-wlnl- s' tock. Adf- -A. Rvrne. Baedad. Fla. 211an1t

RlPWri vT WOTTTTT ROOK rres. Im-perial Rtneleta attain, eeea 1 50 tc

3 00 per 1". also WTiIte Tnlan RunnerDucks. $15 00 fo S?".00 pr pnlr: ee-s-- M 00to $5 no per setting. W. D. Taliaferro.Loekhart. Ala. 7feb1m


FOR SALE At $10.00 per acre. 279 acresland in Conecuh County. Alabama. 110

acres In cultivation: 2 dwellings: 169acres pine hardwood. Address T A.Shell. Box 14. Mulat. Fla. llfeblmFOR SALE A few choice tracts of farm

land at bargain prices and terms. W S.Reeve, owner. Phone 1205. 1012 EastCert-ante- s street. 13feb

FOR SALF. 659 acres pine land, knownas the Peter Sands grant, lying south

of railroad, near Mulat, about 3-- 4 milewater front Timber will make 5000 to10.000 turnentlne boxes. Good truck andfarming land. Several fine groves Sat-su- ma

cranges growing on adlacent land.Will grow any crop of fruit known toWest Florida. Bargain for some one.Address T. J. Pryor. Mary Esther, Fla


FOR SALE Some of the best farminglands In Escambia County. Improvedand unimproved. Prices right: termsreasonable. Address A. K. HInman.Century. Fla. 24mch


SsBSssibii''FOR SALE One nine-roo- m dweTTTng and

store room combined. Stock Generalmerchandise; five acres land; thre.iufruit. Address Mrs. W. Philip Hardin.Cottage Hill. Fla. 4mchFOR SALE A model home, practicallynew. with S or 9 lots, block 78. NeyCity Apply to Jas McHugb, lljct"FOR SALE BY OWNER New eight-roo- m

residence: two-stor- y, large hallsand porches: furnished or unfurnished;beautiful mantels, etc., and everythingcomplete and te. Lots 100 feetfront and 132H feet rear. Next to carline A nice bay view. Guaranteed nota summer night in which cover is notneeded. In most excellent neighborhood.Most convenient house and every con-venience. Gas and electricity. Very rea-sonable figures, cash or credit Just tosuit purchaser. Address "W." care Journal. lOfeb

FOR SALF Very desirable East Oadsdenstreet two-sto- ry residence Modern Ira.

provements. Corner lot 80x137. Onblock from car line. Owner anxious tosell. Rare bargain. Call at 1102 Eastuaasaen sireet, or pnone Z8. isreoy


valuable premiums at The Peoples'. Sup-ply Store. Phone 973. for groceries. Rea-sonably priced. 2mch

SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS Suits madeto your measure. $15 and up. Work-

manship and fit guaranteed. C. Abt. ISEast Garden street. lmchFRESH, CLEAN LINE of all kinds of

ponular ciirars and tobaccos to be badat Mallorv Court Cigar Store. Makf1tyour headquarters. Lobby Blount ix.C. W. Belrae. 57feb

H H MARKET ft GROCERY 214 E.Wright street, sells for cash and sells

cheaper than others. Try us. Phona1357. 2Sfeb

F. W. JONES. JEWELER Cash or icreait. itepairing careruiiy ana promptlydone. 103 North Palafox street. 22feb

GENERAL ELECTRIC REPAIRING atreasonable prices. Electric supplies,

etc. Agents Schwab Safes. BAROCO ftCO.. Phone 619. 15 E. Garden St lof eb

BURNETT SUIT CLEANING CO. $1.00per month club rates. 502 North De-

Vllllers. Phone 889. Suits called for anddelivered free. llfeblmLEE LUMBER CO. Building materials.

Mill and office, corner Gregory and 15thAvenue. Phone 310. llfebTENTS AND TARPAULINS all sizes

for sale or rent Correspondence solic-ited. A. H. McLeod & Co., Manufactur-ers. 6044-6081- 4 South Palafox. Phone1176. 25feb


t.tRRISS WAREHOUSE A STORAGEt'O. Furniture stored, floor space for

rent, carload lots any kind of merchan-dise taken for distribution. Furniturepacked for shipping. Phone 1812. Cor.Chase and Alcanlz streets. 15fcb

BINGHAM TRANSFER COMPANYPhone 63. Warehouse men. hauling,

packing and storing. 9febMERCHANTS TRANSFER CO.. Thor B.

Thorsen. Prop., solicits all kinds ofmoving and hauling. Furniture packedfor shipment. Furniture stored. OfHcphone 978. Depot phone 704. June21tlBINGHAM TRANSFER COMPANY

Hauling, packing and storing of furni-ture. Phone 63. ffcfc

WANTED POSITION.WANTED Position as buyer and man-

ager of commissary. At present em-ployed by large wholesale dry goodshouse as traveling salesman, coveringthis territory; fifteen years' experience;good reasons for change. Address Man-ager Commissary, care Journal. 6mch3tWANTED Expert commercial stenog

rapher desires position. At pretemployed. Can leave on short not,..Address "C. A. L.." care Journal. 6mch6tWANTED Position as companion ti

middle-age- d or old lady. Age 20. Cangive reference. Address Miss "R. L '

care Journal. . Smch?tWANTED Position as bookkeeper offi- -

assistant or shipping clerk by an ex-perienced young man. . Address P bBox 4. Cora, Fla. lmch6t

If you miss your paper,phone (1500) before teno'clock, and one will be de-livere-


you by special carrier

Marchup and let me sell you houseand lot some vacant lots,a onnn knma or r nonlv- - utlll y illHIV. ui . guuumachine.

J. N. ANDREWS101 N. Palafox.


FOR SALE 40 h. p., Cadillacautomobile. In good condition. $700.

Just the car for large family or hack ser-vice. Can be seen at Bagdad, Fla. ApplyAllen Ditmars. or Capt. C: E. Mason,steamer City of Tampa. ' 5mchlot

W. E. SPITZER Gat my prices on cov-ering your automobile top. Cushions,top covers, slip linings, etc. 214 East

Romana. Phone 923. V 14feblm


LOST OR STRAYED White and blackspotted hound, with tail cut off. Male.

Reward for return to Howard Kitt 23North "G" street 4mch3t

IF YOU do not patronize theEmpire Laundry we both

Jose money. Phone 322.


AMBITIOUS SALESMEN Neat appear-ance. all on merchants in their terri-tory; elegant sideline, convenient tocarry; good cimmissions, prompt remit-tance. Belmont Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati. O.


per month paid salesmen selling ourPaints and specialties. Twenty-flv- e yearsthe standard of quality. The CarraraPaint, Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. 2mchSALESMEN $100 to $600 per month sell-

ing our oils, greases and paints. Donot be satisfied, get our proposition. Sal-ary or commission. Inland Oil WorksCompany. Cleveland, Ohio. 2meh

SALESMEN to call on grocers, confec-tioners, general stores. $150 monthlyand expenses; yearlv contract. Manager.

17 S. Main street. St. Louis, Mo. 2mch

AGENTS WANTED.AGENTS Make $5.00 to $10.00 a day

easy. No experience or capital re-

quired. Write at once. Big free propo-sition. P. W. Goodman, president. 525Regal Bldg., Chicago. 2mch

AGENTS $25 a week for two hours'work a dav. A brand new hosiery prop-

osition that beats them alt Write forterms and sample. If vou mean business.Guaranteed Hosiery Co.. 1024 Hopper St..Dayton. Ohio. 2m oh

VACUUM CLEANER AGENTS Exclu-sive, new design, $7.50. wheel operated,

bellows type cleaner. Without clumsy-bo-or dirty dust bag. Big profits. Write

Doty Company. Dayton. Ohio. 2mch

AGENTS for article needed by every-body. No coaxing for sales. Large

dally profits. Answer and be convinced.Home Specialty Co.. Green Cove Springs,Fla. - lmchWANTEQ Men and women to make big

profits. If you need the money we canshow you how to get it calling at everyresidence and accepting money forWonder Cloth. Write Gulf Speclaltv Co..Bex 151. Panama City. Fla 28feb7t


latest styles. Have your corset madeto order. Measures and orders taken byMrs. W. C. Wood. Phone 175S. Iruchlm

VETERINARY.A. L. RETTING ER. Veterinary Surgeon.

All calls promptly answered. 41 - EastChase street. Office phone, 710. Housephone- - 981, Pensacola, Fla. 12feblm