
Practical Web Scraping with Web::Scraper Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [email protected] Six Apart, Ltd. / Shibuya Perl Mongers YAPC::Europe 2007 Vienna

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Page 1: Web::Scraper

Practical Web Scraping

with Web::Scraper

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa [email protected]

Six Apart, Ltd. / Shibuya Perl MongersYAPC::Europe 2007 Vienna

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

abbreviation Acme::Module::Authors Acme::Sneeze Acme::Sneeze::JP Apache::ACEProxy Apache::AntiSpam Apache::Clickable Apache::CustomKeywords

Apache::DefaultCharset Apache::GuessCharset Apache::JavaScript::DocumentWrite Apache::No404Proxy Apache::Profiler Apache::Session::CacheAny

Apache::Session::Generate::ModUniqueId Apache::Session::Generate::ModUsertrack Apache::Session::PHP Apache::Session::Serialize::YAML Apache::Singleton

Apache::StickyQuery Archive::Any::Create Attribute::Profiled Attribute::Protected Attribute::Unimplemented Bundle::Sledge capitalization Catalyst::Plugin::JSONRPC

Catalyst::View::Jemplate Catalyst::View::JSON CGI::Untaint::email Class::DBI::AbstractSearch Class::DBI::Extension Class::DBI::Pager

Class::DBI::Replication Class::DBI::SQLite Class::DBI::View Class::Trigger Convert::Base32 Convert::DUDE Convert::RACE Date::Japanese::Era

Date::Range::Birth Device::KeyStroke::Mobile Dunce::time Email::Find Email::Valid::Loose Encode::JavaScript::UCS Encode::JP::Mobile Encode::Punycode

File::Find::Rule::Digest Geo::Coder::Google HTML::Entities::ImodePictogram HTML::RelExtor HTML::ResolveLink HTML::XSSLint HTTP::MobileAgent

HTTP::ProxyPAC HTTP::Server::Simple::Authen IDNA::Punycode Inline::Basic Inline::TT JSON::Syck Kwiki::Emoticon Kwiki::Export Kwiki::Footnote

Kwiki::OpenSearch Kwiki::OpenSearch::Service Kwiki::TypeKey Kwiki::URLBL Log::Dispatch::Config Log::Dispatch::DBI Mac::Macbinary Mail::Address::MobileJp

Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Fml MSIE::MenuExt Net::DAAP::Server::AAC Net::IDN::Nameprep Net::IPAddr::Find Net::YahooMessenger NetAddr::IP::Find

PHP::Session plagger Plagger POE::Component::Client::AirTunes POE::Component::YahooMessenger Template::Plugin::Clickable

Template::Plugin::Comma Template::Plugin::FillInForm Template::Plugin::HTML::Template Template::Plugin::JavaScript

Template::Plugin::MobileAgent Template::Plugin::Shuffle Template::Provider::Encoding Term::Encoding Term::TtyRec Text::Emoticon

Text::Emoticon::GoogleTalk Text::Emoticon::MSN Text::Emoticon::Yahoo Text::MessageFormat Time::Duration::ja Time::Duration::Parse Web::Scrape

WebService::Bloglines WebService::ChangesXml WebService::Google::Suggest WWW::Baseball::NPB WWW::Blog::Metadata::MobileLinkDiscovery

WWW::Blog::Metadata::OpenID WWW::Blog::Metadata::OpenSearch WWW::Cache::Google WWW::OpenSearch XML::Atom XML::Atom::Lifeblog

XML::Atom::Stream XML::Liberal

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Practical Web Scraping

with Web::Scraper

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

Web pages are built using text-based mark-up languages (HTML and XHTML), and frequently contain a wealth of useful data in text form. However, most web pages are designed for human consumption, and frequently mix content with presentation. Thus, screen scrapers were reborn in the web era to extract machine-friendly data from HTML and other markup.


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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

Web pages are built using text-based mark-up languages (HTML and XHTML), and frequently contain a wealth of useful data in text form. However, most web pages are designed for human consumption, and frequently mix content with presentation. Thus, screen scrapers were reborn in the web era to extract machine-friendly data from HTML and other markup.


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"Screen-scrapingis so 1999!"

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RSS is a metadatanot a complete

HTML replacement

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Practical Web Scraping

with Web::Scraper

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What's wrong withLWP & Regexp?

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<td>Current <strong>UTC</strong> (or GMT/Zulu)-time used: <strong id="ctu">Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:49:46</strong> <br />

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<td>Current <strong>UTC</strong> (or GMT/Zulu)-time used: <strong id="ctu">Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:49:46</strong> <br />

> perl -MLWP::Simple -le '$c = get("http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/"); $c =~ m@<strong id="ctu">(.*?)</strong>@ and print $1'Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:49:46

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

It works!

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

WWW::MySpace 0.70

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WWW::Search::Ebay 2.231

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WWW::Mixi 0.50

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It works …

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There are3 problems(at least)

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Easy to break even with slight HTML changes(like newlines, order of attributes etc.)

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

(2)Hard to maintain

Regular expression based scrapers are good Only when they're used in write-only scripts

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HTML & encodinghandling

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

<span class="message">I &hearts; Vienna</span>

> perl –e '$c =~ m@<span class="message">(.*?)</span>@ and print $1'I &hearts; Vienna

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

<span class="message">I &hearts; Vienna</span>

> perl –MHTML::Entities –e '$c =~ m@<span class="message">(.*?)</span>@ and print decode_entities($1)'I ♥ Vienna

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

<span class="message"> ウィーンが大好き! </span>

> perl –MHTML::Entities –MEncode –e '$c =~ m@<span class="message">(.*?)</span>@ and print decode_entities(decode_utf8($1))'Wide character in print at –e line 1.ウィーンが大好き!

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The "right" wayof screen-scraping

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(1), (2)MaintainableLess fragile

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

Use XPathand CSS Selectors

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<td>Current <strong>UTC</strong> (or GMT/Zulu)-time used: <strong id="ctu">Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:49:46</strong> <br />

use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_content($content);print $tree->findnodes('//strong[@id="ctu"]')->shift->as_text;

# Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:49:46

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

CSS Selectors

"XPath for HTML coders""XPath for people who hates XML"

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

CSS Selectors

body { font-size: 12px; }

div.article { padding: 1em }

span#count { color: #fff }

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

XPath: //strong[@id="ctu"]

CSS Selector: strong#ctu

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CSS Selectors

<td>Current <strong>UTC</strong> (or GMT/Zulu)-time used: <strong id="ctu">Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:49:46</strong> <br />

use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;use HTML::Selector::XPath qw(selector_to_xpath);

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_content($content);my $xpath = selector_to_xpath "strong#ctu";print $tree->findnodes($xpath)->shift->as_text;

# Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:49:46

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

Complete Script#!/usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;use Encode;use LWP::UserAgent;use HTTP::Response::Encoding;use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;use HTML::Selector::XPath qw(selector_to_xpath);

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;my $res = $ua->get("http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/");if ($res->is_error) { die "HTTP GET error: ", $res->status_line;}my $content = decode $res->encoding, $res->content;

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_content($content);my $xpath = selector_to_xpath("strong#ctu");my $node = $tree->findnodes($xpath)->shift;print $node->as_text;

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andSane character


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Exmaple (before)

<td>Current <strong>UTC</strong> (or GMT/Zulu)-time used: <strong id="ctu">Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:49:46</strong> <br />

> perl -MLWP::Simple -le '$c = get("http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/"); $c =~ m@<strong id="ctu">(.*?)</strong>@ and print $1'Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:49:46

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Example (after)#!/usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;use Encode;use LWP::UserAgent;use HTTP::Response::Encoding;use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;use HTML::Selector::XPath qw(selector_to_xpath);

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;my $res = $ua->get("http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/");if ($res->is_error) { die "HTTP GET error: ", $res->status_line;}my $content = decode $res->encoding, $res->content;

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_content($content);my $xpath = selector_to_xpath("strong#ctu");my $node = $tree->findnodes($xpath)->shift;print $node->as_text;

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but …long and boring

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Practical Web Scraping

with Web::Scraper

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Web scraping toolkitinspired by scrapi.rb


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Example (before)#!/usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;use Encode;use LWP::UserAgent;use HTTP::Response::Encoding;use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;use HTML::Selector::XPath qw(selector_to_xpath);

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;my $res = $ua->get("http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/");if ($res->is_error) { die "HTTP GET error: ", $res->status_line;}my $content = decode $res->encoding, $res->content;

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_content($content);my $xpath = selector_to_xpath("strong#ctu");my $node = $tree->findnodes($xpath)->shift;print $node->as_text;

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Example (after)


use strict;

use warnings;

use Web::Scraper;

use URI;

my $s = scraper {

process "strong#ctu", time => 'TEXT';

result 'time';


my $uri = URI->new("http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/");

print $s->scrape($uri);

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use Web::Scraper;

my $s = scraper {

# DSL goes here


my $res = $s->scrape($uri);

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process $selector,

$key => $what,


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CSS Selectoror

XPath (start with /)

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$key:key for the result

hashappend "[]" for


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Web::Scrapersub { … }

Hash reference

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<ul class="sites"><li><a href="http://vienna.openguides.org/">OpenGuides</a></li><li><a href="http://vienna.yapceurope.org/">YAPC::Europe</a></li></ul>

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Tatsuhiko MiyagawaTatsuhiko Miyagawa 2007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 20072007/08/28 YAPC::Europe 2007

process "ul.sites > li > a",

'urls[]' => '@href';

# { urls => [ … ] }

<ul class="sites"><li><a href="http://vienna.openguides.org/">OpenGuides</a></li><li><a href="http://vienna.yapceurope.org/">YAPC::Europe</a></li></ul>

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process '//ul[@class="sites"]/li/a',

'names[]' => 'TEXT';

# { names => [ 'OpenGuides', … ] }

<ul class="sites"><li><a href="http://vienna.openguides.org/">OpenGuides</a></li><li><a href="http://vienna.yapceurope.org/">YAPC::Europe</a></li></ul>

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process "ul.sites > li",

'sites[]' => scraper {

process 'a',

link => '@href', name => 'TEXT';


# { sites => [ { link => …, name => … },

# { link => …, name => … } ] };

<ul class="sites"><li><a href="http://vienna.openguides.org/">OpenGuides</a></li><li><a href="http://vienna.yapceurope.org/">YAPC::Europe</a></li></ul>

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process "ul.sites > li > a",

'sites[]' => sub {

# $_ is HTML::Element

+{ link => $_->attr('href'), name => $_->as_text };


# { sites => [ { link => …, name => … },

# { link => …, name => … } ] };

<ul class="sites"><li><a href="http://vienna.openguides.org/">OpenGuides</a></li><li><a href="http://vienna.yapceurope.org/">YAPC::Europe</a></li></ul>

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process "ul.sites > li > a",

'sites[]' => {

link => '@href', name => 'TEXT';


# { sites => [ { link => …, name => … },

# { link => …, name => … } ] };

<ul class="sites"><li><a href="http://vienna.openguides.org/">OpenGuides</a></li><li><a href="http://vienna.yapceurope.org/">YAPC::Europe</a></li></ul>

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result; # get stash as hashref (default)result @keys; # get stash as hashref containing @keysresult $key; # get value of stash $key;

my $s = scraper { process …; process …; result 'foo', 'bar';};

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More Examples

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Thumbnail URLs on Flickr set


use strict;

use Data::Dumper;

use Web::Scraper;

use URI;

my $url = "http://flickr.com/photos/bulknews/sets/72157601700510359/";

my $s = scraper {

process "a.image_link img", "thumbs[]" => '@src';


warn Dumper $s->scrape( URI->new($url) );

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<span class="vcard"> <a href="http://twitter.com/iamcal" class="url" rel="contact" title="Cal Henderson"> <img alt="Cal Henderson" class="photo fn" height="24" id="profile-image" src="http://assets0.twitter.com/…/mini/buddyicon.gif" width="24" /></a></span>

<span class="vcard">…</span>

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Twitter Friends


use strict;

use Web::Scraper;

use URI;

use Data::Dumper;

my $url = "http://twitter.com/miyagawa";

my $s = scraper {

process "span.vcard a", "people[]" => '@title';


warn Dumper $s->scrape( URI->new($url) ) ;

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Twitter Friends (complex)


use strict;

use Web::Scraper;

use URI;

use Data::Dumper;

my $url = "http://twitter.com/miyagawa";

my $s = scraper {

process "span.vcard", "people[]" => scraper {

process "a", link => '@href', name => '@title';

process "img", thumb => '@src';



warn Dumper $s->scrape( URI->new($url) ) ;

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> cpan Web::Scraper

comes with 'scraper' CLI

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> scraper http://example.com/

scraper> process "a", "links[]" => '@href';

scraper> d

$VAR1 = {

links => [





scraper> y



- http://example.org/

- http://example.net/

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> scraper /path/to/foo.html

> GET http://example.com/ | scraper

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Web::ScraperNeeds documentation

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More examplesto put in eg/ directory

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integrate withWWW::Mechanize

and Test::WWW::Declare

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XPath Auto-suggestion

off of DOM + element

DOM + XPath => ElementDOM + Element => XPath?


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Thank you

