what are communication channels within an organization

Y6What Are Communication Channels Within an Organization? Communication channels are the means through which people in an organization communicate. Thought must be given to what channels are used to complete various tasks, because using an inappropriate channel for a task or interaction can lead to negative consequences. Complex messages require richer channels of communication that facilitate interaction to ensure clarity. Face-to-face or personal communication is one of the richest channels of communication that can be used within an organization. Physical presence, the tone of the speaker's voice and facial expressions help recipients of a message interpret that message as the speaker intends. This is the best channel to use for complex or emotionally charged messages, because it allows for interaction between speaker and recipients to clarify ambiguity. A speaker can evaluate whether an audience has received his message as intended and ask or answer follow-up questions. Broadcast Media TV, radio and loud speakers all fall within the broadcast media communication channel. These types of media should be used when addressing a mass audience. Businesses seeking to notify customers of a new product may advertise or do promotions using a broadcast channel. Similarly, a CEO may do a global company address by having a television feed broadcast across global sites. When a message intended for a mass audience can be enhanced by being presented in a visual or auditory format, a broadcast channel should be used.

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Ways acceptable to communicate in an organisation.


Page 1: What Are Communication Channels Within an Organization

Y6What Are Communication Channels Within an Organization?Communication channels are the means through which people in an organization communicate. Thought must be given to what channels are used to complete various tasks, because using an inappropriate channel for a task or interaction can lead to negative consequences. Complex messages require richer channels of communication that facilitate interaction to ensure clarity.

Face-to-face or personal communication is one of the richest channels of communication that can be used within an organization. Physical presence, the tone of the speaker's voice and facial expressions help recipients of a message interpret that message as the speaker intends. This is the best channel to use for complex or emotionally charged messages, because it allows for interaction between speaker and recipients to clarify ambiguity. A speaker can evaluate whether an audience has received his message as intended and ask or answer follow-up questions.

Broadcast Media

TV, radio and loud speakers all fall within the broadcast media communication channel. These types of media should be used when addressing a mass audience. Businesses seeking to notify customers of a new product may advertise or do promotions using a broadcast channel. Similarly, a CEO may do a global company address by having a television feed broadcast across global sites. When a message intended for a mass audience can be enhanced by being presented in a visual or auditory format, a broadcast channel should be used.


A mobile communication channel should be used when a private or more complex message needs to be relayed to an individual or small group. A mobile channel allows for an interactive exchange and gives the recipient the added benefit of interpreting the speaker's tone along with the message. Some within an organization may opt to use this channel versus a face-to-face channel to save on the time and effort it would take to coordinate a face-to-face meeting.


Electronic communication channels encompass email, Internet, intranet and social media platforms. This channel can be used for one-on-one, group or mass communication. It is a less personal method of communication but more efficient. When using this channel, care must be taken to craft messages with clarity and to avoid the use of sarcasm and innuendo unless the message specifically calls for it.

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Written communication should be used when a message that does not require interaction needs to be communicated to an employee or group. Policies, letters, memos, manuals, notices and announcements are all messages that work well for this channel. Recipients may follow up through an electronic or face-to-face channel if questions arise about a written message.

What Are Communication Channels?

In an organization, information flows forward, backwards and sideways. This flow of information is called communication. Communication channels refer to the way this information flows within the organization.

In this web known as communication, a manager becomes a link. Instructions or decisions flow upwards, downwards or sideways, depending on the position of the manager in the communication web. For example, a report from a lower-level manager will flow upwards to upper-level managers or directors. This upward flow of information can be face-to-face conversations, emails or interdepartmental memos.

Importance of Communication

A breakdown in the communication channel leads to an inefficient flow in information. For example, if employees are unaware of what the organization expects of them, this could cause employees to become suspicious of motives and changes in the company. This could negatively affect productivity in the workplace. If productivity decreases, eventually this will harm the organization as a whole.

Therefore, in order for an organization to run well, a good manager should be able to effectively communicate to employees what is expected of them, make sure they are fully aware of company policies and inform them of any upcoming changes. This should help to optimize employee productivity and ensure that the organization runs smoothly.

Companies spend a vast amount of time and money communicating with employees using a variety of

channels. But which tools achieve the best ROI? Answering this question is surprisingly difficult. Most communication channels don’t come equipped with metrics to help measure success. This leaves employers struggling to make informed decisions or to prove a return on investment (ROI) for communications spend.

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Over the last two years, we’ve helped our clients measure communication effectiveness across print and online channels. This works by embedding unique key words in each type of communication. When an employee sends the key word to H.Engage, they earn points and we know which communication triggered the interaction.While we’ve seen some variance from client to client, a consistent pattern has emerged. Here’s how the most common channels stack up, organized from highest to lowest ROI.For the purpose of this analysis, we’ve excluded H.Engage-specific game pieces, which typically generate much higher rates of engagement.#1 Videos-Engagement range: 40-69%Short, relevant videos have proven to be a great driver of engagement. Whether they feature a senior leader talking about their own wellness priorities, or an employee talking about their favorite benefit, videos engage employees by making the topic seem more personal and relatable. Videos don’t have to belong or fancy. Many of the best performing ones were filmed on an iPad with poor sound quality. Our data shows that videos longer than two minutes have a drastic drop in engagement. Keeping it short and to the point really pays off.#2 Posters-Engagement range: 18-48%Posters have produced pretty wide variance in engagement among our clients. The best performers are posters that are visually engaging and focus on one message. Our internal rule is if it wouldn’t fit in a Tweet, it probably doesn’t belong ona poster. Posters that perform the worst are those that are dense

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with information. They quickly get lost in the clutter of bulletin boards or relegated to rarely visited cafeteria corners where they aren’t able to attract much attention.#3 Newsletters-Engagement range: 10-19%Despite being one of the most expensive mediums to produce, newsletters haven’t surpassed 20% engagement. Employers often take a one-size-fits-all approach with newsletters, using them as a catchall for communicating a variety of topics to a broad audience. This means that employees have to sift through dense pages of content to find information that’s relevant to them. Plus, even when the content is relevant, taking the time to read an 8-12 page newsletter is a pretty daunting commitment that many employees just aren’t willing to make.

4 Postcards-Engagement range: 6-28%Postcards sent to the home are expensive and generally ineffective. While typically seen as a channel to engage employees and spouses at home, many seem to sufferthe same fate as junk mail and end up unread in the trash. Using other communication channels to alert employees to watch for a postcard has increased their participation rates, but with limited upside.#5 Table tents-Engagement range: 3-31%Similar to p

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ostcards, table tents consistently appear toward the lower end of the spectrum in terms of their success. Unless they’re widely distributed throughout the office, table tents can easily be missed due to their small size and the fact that many employees eatlunch at their desk. Plus they run the risk of being discarded by office cleaners.Based on the benchmarking data, we would recommend the following adjustments to most communication strategies:Less is more.Shorter videos, newsletters, posters all perform significantly better. Cut content whereverpossible. Try video, but keep it simple.Make sure to host it on a platform like Wistia so that you can gather metrics on utilization. Re-invest resources from postcards and table tents.They’re probably not making a very large impact and you could do morewith the money.Use targeted email. Personalized communications drastically improve response rates, and email is a simple way to communicate these.Texts are the new postcards. Postcards may not be effective, but texts certainly are. With 90% of employees under the age of 50 using text, it’s become the best way to deliver short bursts of content that people will actually read.

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another

The different categories of communication are:

Spoken or Verbal Communication: face-to-face, telephone, radio or television and other media.

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Non-Verbal Communication : body language, gestures, how we dress or act - even our scent.

Written Communication : letters, e-mails, books, magazines, the Internet or via other media.

Visualizations: graphs and charts, maps, logos and other visualizations can communicate messages.

What would be considered good or effective communication? It would be communication in which:

The sender and receiver of information are properly matched The message is communicated clearly – i.e. without misunderstanding or

misinterpretation Communication is made using an appropriate communication channel and/or method The receiver of the communication is able to pass on any relevant and appropriate

feedback (i.e. two-way communication)

There are many reasons why it is important for a business to achieve effective communication:

Motivates employees – helps them feel part of business Easier to control and coordinate business activity – prevents different parts of business

going in opposite directions Makes successful decision making easier – decisions are based on more complete and

accurate information Better communication with customers will increase sales Improve relationships with suppliers Improves chances of obtaining finance – e.g. keeping bank up-to-date about how business

is doing

The link between communication and motivation is particularly important. Good communication is an important part of motivating employees and the main motivational theorists recognised this:

Mayo emphasised importance of communication in meeting employees' social needs Maslow and Herzberg stressed importance of recognising employee's achievements and

self-esteem needs

Amongst the other reasons for using communication to boost motivation are:

Ensures that everyone is working towards same company goals Enables employees to be involved in decision-making Employees can offer feedback and give suggestions People are motivated by having clear targets set for them Recognise employee achievemen

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Communication EffectivenessCommunication is the process of sharing information, thoughts and feelings between people through speaking, writing or body language. This process requires a vast repertoire of skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, and evaluating. Use of these processes is developmental and transfers to all areas of life including home, school, community and work.

The act of communication begins with internal processing about information or feelings you want to share with someone else. This process is known as encoding. After encoding, the message is sent through either spoken or written words, which completes encoding. At the other end of communication is receiving and interpreting what was sent – a process, called decoding. The recipient can and should confirm receipt to the sender to close the communication loop.

Effective communication extends the concept of communication to require that transmitted content is received and understood by someone in the way it was intended. This communication involves verbal, nonverbal, and paraverbal components.

The verbal component refers to the content of the message. Words that are critical, blaming, judgmental or accusatory usually create a resistant and defensive mindset, while words that normalize the issues and problems reduce resistance. Effective verbal messages are short and clear.

Body language, also called nonverbal communication, includes posture, position of hands and arms, eye contact and facial expression. In some cases nonverbal communication is more important and conveying than verbal. Some studies show that it accounts for 55% of what others understand. Nonverbal messages enhance intent, meaning and subtlety in communication through the presence, stance and eye contact of the sender of a message.

Body language that is inconsistent with content creates a question in the mind of the listener about the real message. Effective communication requires that content and body language give the same message.

Paraverbal communication refers to the messages that we transmit through the tone, pitch, and pacing of voice. The paraverbal message accounts for approximately 38% of what is communicated. What is heard is usually how something is said, not what is being said. Something that has one meaning can have a totally different meaning, depending on which words are emphasized.

Several other factors should be considered in order to achieve effective communication, including the context and the emotions. The context in which people communicate includes their age, region, sex and the intellectual abilities of the recipient of message. It is also useful to assess receptivity and the emotional state of the sender and receiver at the time of communication.

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Emotions can also influence the effective communication. If the sender is angry, his ability to send effective messages may decrease. In the same way, if the recipient is upset or disagrees with the message or the sender, he may hear something different that what was intended by the sender.

In every communication, the message sender attempts to send consistent verbal, paraverbal and nonverbal messages. When the message is inconsistent, the listener may become confused. When a person sends a message with conflicting verbal, paraverbal and nonverbal information, the nonverbal information tends to be believed.

Good listening is essential to effective communication. Listening is a combination of hearing what another person says and psychological involvement with the person who is talking. Active listening includes asking clarifying questions or restating what the speaker has said. Restating is a way for the message receiver to assure that the intent of the message was correctly received. Active listening becomes particularly important when the communication includes emotional content.

Cultural differences can affect communication too. The choices of communication styles depend on cognitive differences due to cultural diversity. The in?uence of cultural diversity on communication becomes more serious in computer-based communication, which refers to a wide variety of communication systems, ranging from electronic mail to the international conferences distributed over the Internet.

Although computer-based communication shortens time spans and abridges geographical distances, it exacerbates the ambiguity and misunderstanding among communication parties with different cultural backgrounds.

Several psychocultural factors can affect communication, among them ethnocentrism, prejudice and stereotypes. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to view the values and norms of one's culture as superior to other cultures. Prejudice involves making a prejudgment based on previous decisions, experiences or on membership in a social category. Stereotyping is an exaggerated set of expectations and beliefs about the attributes of a group membership category. A stereotype is an overgeneralization of an identity group without any attempt to perceive individual variations within this group.

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One of the most common forms of marketing communications is advertising, which involves a paid message you create and place in a specific media. Examples include running ads on TV or radio stations, in magazines and newspapers, using outdoor media such as billboards or vehicles

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or placing banners or pay-per-click displays on websites. If you are launching a product, your ads attempt to create awareness. Retail ads try to generate sales, while image advertising reinforces your brand message.

Personal Selling

When you sell face-to-face, you use personal selling. This includes phone calls, sales visits and in-store sales staff. You can hire independent sales reps or a telemarketing firm or hire your own inside or outside or sales staff. Some personal sales calls are preceded by sales letters, emails or collateral materials such as brochures or media kits.

Sales Promotion

A promotion is a temporary activity aimed at boosting sales and revenue. These include discounts, sales, rebate programs, buyer and birthday clubs, coupons, buy-one-get-one-free deals and contests. Promotions often aim to help you move slow-selling inventory, get customers to try new products and services or get new customers to try your product or service. Promoting one of your core products might backfire if customers get the message you have to discount it to sell it, sending up a red flag in their minds regarding quality.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing occurs when you give customers an opportunity to respond using information in the ad, rather than heading to a store. This might include a TV ad that tells customers to “Call now!,” and provides a phone number. A radio ad might tell listeners that if they call in the next 30 minutes, they receive a discounted price. Many catalogs and websites include toll-free numbers on each page to encourage direct sales. Placing an order form with a self-addressed, stamped envelope in a direct mail catalog is another example of direct selling.

Public Relations

Public relations involves getting others to talk about you without being paid. The most traditional form of public relations is the press release, sent to media outlets with newsworthy information the outlet feels will benefit its readers. A magazine probably won’t run a free announcement about a sale you’re having but might let readers know about the sale if you are donating a portion of the proceeds to a local charity. Some marketers consider social media campaigns public relations because they encourage the public to recommend you to their peers. Others put social media tools into the promotions category, since your messages are often sales-oriented.

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When you pay to support another organization’s activities, you create a sponsorship. This might include taking the title sponsorship of a 5K race, becoming a supporting sponsor of a concert or becoming a partner or official product sponsor of a charity. The goal of sponsorships is to get your message to the organization’s or activity’s audience without having to do all of the work or bear all of the expense yourse

noun1. the act or process of communicating; fact of being communicated. 2. the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs. 3. something imparted, interchanged, or transmitted. 4. a document or message imparting news, views, information, etc. 5. passage, or an opportunity or means of passage, between places. 6. communications.

1. means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, telegraph, radio, and television.

2. routes and transportation for moving troops and supplies from a base to an area of operations.

7. Biology.

1. activity by one organism that changes or has the potential to change the behavior of other organisms.

2. transfer of information from one cell or molecule to another, as by chemical or electrical signals.

What are barriers in communication?There are many barriers in communication. Language can be a barrier. If the receiver does not understand the language of the sender, it is a barrier. In electronic communications, such as radio or television, static or a weak signal can be a barrier. A bad receiver antenna can be a barrier as well. Emotions can cause people to not be receptive to the words of another person, even if the words are understood. That is a barrier. In short, anything that interferes with a signal sent to a receiver is a barrier to communication.

The essential elements of communication are as follows:

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1. A sender 2. with a message 3. through a medium 4. to a receiver 5. with understanding

Anything that interferes with any of these elements is a barrier to communication.

Cultural differences/languages and sex of people Miscommunication

Semantic communications - oral and given Psychological communications - mental behavior Physical - involves body

Noise is the term used to refers the barriers to the effective communication. The barriers will reduce productivity within a firm. There are many factors that might cause the failure of successful communication. For example, it depends on the ability of the sender, how much the sender understands of the message they are trying to send. If the sender makes the receiver misunderstanding what he or she is trying to send, then this can be a barrier. Technological breakdowns also raise the barrier such as computer failure, viruses and crashes. Another barrier can be the use of jargon. Jargon is the technical language that is used to speed up communication. However, when non-specialists used jargon, this can cause the communication problems when the managers fail to identify the situations when it is important. If that happens, it will not speed up communication but actually slow down.

Barriers of CommunicationBarriers of Communication,Types of Barriers in Communication,1.Physical barriers,2.Physiological barriers,Example for psychological,PSYCHOLOGICALBARRIERS,Selectiveperception,Message related barrier,4.Organizational barrier,Organizationalbarriers,Cross-cultural barrier,Different languages And cultures,Learning about other cultures,Discrimination,Dealing with Discrimination in the Workplace,Types Of Discrimination,Overcomingbarriers,Personalbarriers,Barriers related to the communicator

Transcript of "Barriers of Communication"

1. 1. Barriers of Communication Chapter-3 By Venkatesh.NKoshys Institute of Management Studies

2. 2. Barriers of Communication No matter how good the communication system in an organization is, unfortunately barriers can and do often occur . These barriers are: (or) Communication of barriers are the difficulties involved in the process of communication which distort the message being properly understand by the receiver “barriers prevent the communication from being effective”

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3. 3. Types of Barriers in Communication:- 1. Physical 2. Psychological 3Language/semantic 4.Organizational structure barrier 5.Cross-cultural Barriers 6.Overcoming barriers

4. 4. 1.Physical barriers are often due to the nature of the environment. Thus, for example, the natural barrier which exists, if staff are located in different buildings or on different sites. Likewise, poor or outdated equipment, particularly the failure of management to introduce new technology, may also cause problems. Ex:-Defects in media (letters,courier,fax,) Noise in Environment(Air vibration, people talking, in factory bcoz of noise the oral communication is difficult) Information overload(in Advertisment&sales information is an example of overload)

5. 5. 2.Physiological barriers may result from individuals' personal discomfort, caused, for example, by ill health, poor eye sight or hearing difficulties One meaning of the term psychological barriers is the self limiting beliefs a person may have which in turn affects their behavior - that is ....what they do or don't do as a result of having a self limiting belief.

6. 6. Example for psychological A person might have a belief that they can't ride a bicycle and carry this belief with them through their life, and as such they would never attempt to ride a bicycle. This belief will usually have been developed as a result of their past experience - they may have tried to ride a bicycle as a young child, perhaps they started to ride but fell off - hurting themselves in the process. If they tried to ride again shortly after the first accident, and subsequently fell off again, hurting themselves, they would perhaps begin to believe that they can't ride a bicycle. And they will hold this belief or psychological barrier until they receive sufficiently strong evidence to change this belief.

7. 7. PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS The difference in background is overlooked Economic background Social background Upbringing

8. 8. PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS Self-Centred attitude Group identification Self image Selective perception Defensiveness Filtering Status block Resistance to change Closed mind Poor communication skills State of health

9. 9. Self Centered attitude In this the individual persons show their attitude or behavior of each persons. In self centered attitude we pay attention to message which is useful or related to us,-if it is not for us than we do not pay enough attention to that message The person who is highly self centered he is fails to build up good relation with others(here we cannot learn more)

10. 10. Group Identification In organization our ideas suggestions& opinions are influenced in some matters by the group to which we belong. In family there is different groups that is an the basis of age. There is a conflicts B/W husband& wife because of their age difference as well as different culture.(both are from different culture) In family father says something the children's mayntlizn that word becoz of the age difference.

11. 11. Self image Self image is nothing but portray(showing about your self to others Like what your Our own identification with in the organization that is what exactly your. This barriers shows both your +ve(knowingly the work) as well as –ve(if you do not know that but acting like that) thing in the organization

12. 12. Selective perception This psychological barriers sometime we fail to get the complete message which is sent to us. After getting that message we project our expectation in to the communication as we explain the message Proper media we have to select to send message to the right person(without fail)

13. 13. Defensiveness Defensive is nothing but serving for defense. If we feel threatened by a message we become defensive and respond in such ways that reduce understanding. Example:- In organization the sales manager gives threatened(decleared intention to injure) message to his team to reach target than the

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team will perform well to be safe. This is mainly harmful barrier in handling complaints & grievances(painful or oppressive) in resolving conflicts

14. 14. Filtering Filtering is the process of reducing the details (or) unwanted things of a message If sender send the information that we have to change or edit all unwanted information than finally we have to get the actual information to boss he wants results.

15. 15. Status block This is the main reason to break information or because of this status barriers occurs in the organization. Here the sine our manager never lizn to the junior than the subordinate he connote express his new ideas than the barriers starts in the organization.

16. 16. Resistance in change This is the serious psychological barrier Some peoples strongly resist new ideas which are against their established opinion(or)treditions (or)social customs. They may avoid the new ideas because the feel insecure or afraid of changes in methods or situations The peoples are maintain their own emotions attitudes, standards. They are not ready to accept anything new changes.

17. 17. Close mind This is also main barrier of each and every organization Close minded seniors are narrow minded peoples they cannot implement new ideas. And they are not allowing to young employees to perform well & to implement to ideas for growth of organization

18. 18. Poor communication skills Lack of skill in writing& in speaking prevents a persons from framing the message properly. Lack of understanding Because of nervousness the person cannot communication orally with audience Because of excitement about on achievement or new idea may make a person speech incoherent. Lack of listening, poor reading habits.

19. 19. State of health The human health condition can affect communication efficiency pain or fever certainly makes a persons disinclined to engage in communication. Perception is low when the state of health is poor.

20. 20. Continued lack of concentration Attitude and bias Lack of self discipline Low emotional state Equally, if someone has personal problems like worries about their health or marriage, then this will probably affect them.

21. 21. 3.Language/semantic Semantics, or code noise, occurs when the meaning of a message to the sender differs from its meaning to the recipient. Too often, this may be the result of “jargon,” involving pretentious terminology or language specific to a particular profession or group. Unclear message Faulty translation Specialists language Unclassified assumptions

22. 22. Message related barrier If your message is too lengthy, disorganized, or contains errors, you can expect the message to be misunderstood and misinterpreted. Use of poor verbal and body language can also confuse the message.

23. 23. 4.Organizational barrier In organization the manager sends information through circular,notice,letter etc…. In organization many of the employees they may not understand the lengthy messages if they ask the senior persons will never answer properly out of 100/20% of information only they will get. in organizations the senior peoples will not give much interest to the circular and all.

24. 24. Contd….. In downward communication the subordinate may not get exact information. Because of superior carelessness. In upward communication the subordinates passes information to the superior but that(100%) information will not moves to superior the managers will edit the unwanted information than finally they will send the exact message.

25. 25. Organizational barriers: Status relationship One way flow Organization structure Rules and regulations Distance barriers Physical barriers Mechanical barriers

26. 26. 5. Cross-cultural barrier We communicate the way we do because we are raised in particular culture and learn its language, rules, and norms. Different cultures (and sub

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cultures)may have different rules and norms. Understanding the other's culture facilitates cross-cultural communication

27. 27. Different languages And cultures Different languages and cultures represent national barrier which is particularly important for organizations involved in overseas (Proper usage and pronunciation) business. Staff shortages are another factor which frequently causes communication difficulties for an organization

28. 28. CULTURAL CONFLICTS IN WORK PLACE Cultural conflicts arise because of the differences in values and norms of behavior of people from different cultures. A person acts according to the values and norms of his or her culture; another person holding a different worldview might interpret his or her behavior from an opposite standpoint. This situation creates misunderstanding and can lead to conflicts

29. 29. Learning about other cultures. People can prevent cross-cultural conflicts by learning about cultures that they come in contact with. This knowledge can be obtained through training programs, general reading, talking to people from different cultures, and learning from past experience.

30. 30. Discrimination Cultural conflicts lead to Discrimination toward or against a person or group is the prejudicial treatment of them based on certain characteristics.

31. 31. Dealing with Discrimination in the Workplace In the last few years, charges of gender discrimination (man vs. woman) in the workplace have increased. Racial bias, while no longer the most common complaint among employees, remains a problem, as does age discrimination.

32. 32. Dealing With Discrimination At Workplace Dealing effectively with discrimination is atwo fold process: Become knowledgeable with regard to anti discrimination laws, Pay close attention to what's happening in your company

33. 33. Types Of Discrimination 1.Gender discrimination Socially, sexual differences have been used to justify different roles for men and women, in some cases giving rise to claims of primary and secondary roles.

34. 34. Gender Stereo Typing The united nations had concluded that women often experience a "glass ceiling" and that there are no societies in which women enjoy the same opportunities as men. The term "glass ceiling" is used to describe a perceived barrier to advancement in employment based on discrimination, especially sex discrimination

35. 35. Language discrimination Diversity of language is protected and respected by most nations who value cultural diversity. However, people are sometimes subjected to different treatment because their preferred language is associated with a particular group, class or category. Discrimination exists if there is prejudicial treatment against a person or a group of people who speak a particular language or dialect.

36. 36. Disability Discrimination People with disabilities face discrimination in all levels of society. The attitude that disabled individuals are inferior to non- disabled individuals is called ableism

37. 37. 6.Overcoming barriers Constant organizational efforts is need to overcome the barriers which are unconsciously built up by different people in the organization. Health Centers:- many organizations provide medical aid, gymnasium and recreation for the staff in an effort to keep down stress level. Regulation like compulsory vacation after a certain number of months/years are also meant to ensure that employees avoid stress and fatigue.

38. 38. Contd…… Semantic and language barriers can be overcome only by being careful with the use of language & by using words which have clear meaning, by using short and simple sentence, and also by using visual aid whenever possible.

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39. 39. 7.Personal barriers: Attitude of superiors Lack of confidence in subordinates Insistence of proper channel Ignoring comm. Filtering of information Message overload

40. 40. 8.Barriers related to the communicator Unwillingness to say things differently Unwillingness to relate to others differently Unwillingness to learn new approaches Lack of self -confidence Lack of enthusiasm Voice quality

41. 41. Continued Prejudice Badly expressed message Loss in transmission Semantic problem Over/under communication attitude

42. 42. Basic Components 43. 43. The End Thank you all the best my dear friends

The Importance of Business Communication in an OrganizationBusiness communication defines most organizations, resulting in effective marketing campaigns, productive interpersonal relationships among co-workers and successful customer service resolutions. Because audiences demand different kinds of communications in different situations and settings, effective business communication professionals understand how to tailor messages for maximum results.


Though most casual observers of corporate behavior focus on a company’s external marketing, business communication happens throughout every organization, using multiple channels for many kinds of desired results. Asha Kaul of the Management Development Institute in India writes that effective business communication includes a two-way cycle of messaging and feedback designed to achieve a specific reaction. Efficient, appropriate, thoughtful messages often correlate to successful companies staffed by engaged professionals.


The feedback cycles required for effective business communication can take different forms, especially when aided by modern technology. In addition to speech and written text, business professionals must understand how to communicate effectively via e-mail, text message and even social media status update. New tools allow business professionals to combine personal messages with automated responses, such as vacation auto-responder messages, to help process large amounts of information. Many effective communicators find ways to cut through the clutter of overflowing inboxes with handwritten notes or direct phone calls.

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Messages must take on the characteristics of the medium chosen for communication, making it more challenging when team members speak, read and learn differently from each other. For instance, a manager with a highly visual learning style may not respond as intended to a dense report from an employee with strong writing skills. Likewise, a company director accustomed to highly analytical spreadsheets may not appreciate the lack of density inherent in a text message.


Despite a cultural trend toward casual communication, studies indicate that spelling and grammar still play major roles in how audiences evaluate business professionals. Critics of “millennials,” workers born between 1977 and 1998, often advise younger professionals to double-check their communication for tone, relevance and especially presentation. Older decision-makers may refuse to conduct business with young representatives using unprofessional communication.


In most organizations, effective communication offers the best opportunity to make an outstanding first impression. Using powerful words, images and messages, business professionals can craft strong internal partnerships while developing the foundation of a solid client base. However, the second half of the feedback cycle can really cement interpersonal relationships. By building a reputation as an engaged listener, a professional can set up next actions that solidify her commitment to acting on requests or adjusting after responses.

Importance of Good Communication in Businessby Kristie Lorette, Demand Media

Communication is an aid used in everyday lifeâ??be it personal or business. In the business world, good communication is important for the daily operation of the company, but can also affect sales and profitability. Without good business communication, the internal and external structure of a business can face numerous challenges that can ultimately lead to its demise.


The two primary forms of communication are one-way communication and two-way communication. One-way communication in business is when the business sends out a message to its customers or employees, but doesnâ??t accept responses from the customers or employees. One-way communication is important because it allows the business to share information with the customers who can benefit from the companyâ??s products or services. One of the most

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common forms of one-way communications in business is advertising, such as print ads in newspapers and magazines on billboards are examples. Two-way communication occurs when customers can also respond to the company in business communication. Social media marketing is a form of two-way communication has gained in popularity because it not only allows businesses to communicate with its prospects and customers, but it also allows the prospects and customers to respond.


When communication lines are open between a business and its customers, it can directly affect the sales of the business. When a business effectively communicates to prospects and customers how its products and services can benefit them, it converts prospects into customers. Good communication ultimately boosts the bottom line of a business.

1. Small Business >2. Business Communications & Etiquette >3. Importance of Business Communication

Importance of Good Communication in Businessby Kristie Lorette, Demand Media

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Learn how communication can be beneficial or harmful to a business.

Communication is an aid used in everyday lifeâ??be it personal or business. In the business world, good communication is important for the daily operation of the company, but can also affect sales and profitability. Without good business communication, the internal and external structure of a business can face numerous challenges that can ultimately lead to its demise.

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The two primary forms of communication are one-way communication and two-way communication. One-way communication in business is when the business sends out a message to its customers or employees, but doesnâ??t accept responses from the customers or employees. One-way communication is important because it allows the business to share information with the customers who can benefit from the companyâ??s products or services. One of the most common forms of one-way communications in business is advertising, such as print ads in newspapers and magazines on billboards are examples. Two-way communication occurs when customers can also respond to the company in business communication. Social media marketing is a form of two-way communication has gained in popularity because it not only allows businesses to communicate with its prospects and customers, but it also allows the prospects and customers to respond.


When communication lines are open between a business and its customers, it can directly affect the sales of the business. When a business effectively communicates to prospects and customers how its products and services can benefit them, it converts prospects into customers. Good communication ultimately boosts the bottom line of a business.

Related Reading:The Importance of the Grapevine in Internal Business Communications


Good communication can take on several different forms. The three primary forms of communication are verbal, written and expressed (body language). All three forms of communication are used internally and externally in conducting business. Since each person processes information differently, it is wise to communicate with a combination of these forms of communication. For example, some people take in and process information better when they hear it (verbal) while others process things better when they can see and read it

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(written).rnrnForthis reason, many businesses send out information to their employees and their customers in several different ways. A business owner may conduct an employee meeting where an item is announced verbally so employees can hear the information and watch the body language of the presenter. In addition, an email memo may go out to the employees as a follow-up to the announcement. In promoting its product, a business may follow a similar pattern with its marketing communication to its prospects and customers.rnrnAn email may go out that contains a video of the business owner making the announcement and offering a special to buyersâ??customers can see and hear the announcement. A written sales letter may be sent in the mail to the same audience a few weeks later and weekly ads may also be printed in the local newspaper to cover reaching those who need to see the information in writing.


When the internal forces of a business are working toward communicating the same message to vendors, suppliers and customers, good communication can also lead to a boost in sales for the business. Essentially, good communication creates a win-win situation. The customers who can benefit from the company receive the messages they need to make them aware of the company and to make a purchase, which in turn boosts the sales of the company.


Perception plays a pivotal role in good communication. Communication may only be beneficial when the message the business is sending is the same as the one received by its customers. If customers misinterpret the message, it can have detrimental effects on a companyâ??s sales.

Importance of Effective Business CommunicationbyBusiness Article on March 9, 2014

Communications play a vital role in all business areas, everything from Business Development to Sales & Marketing. In business it is crucial and very important to have excellent communications skills. Lack of effective communications may lead to misunderstandings, lack of information, lower performance and more employee rotation. When managers cannot communicate with their employees there are always gaps and lower performance. The same is true when employees cannot communicate with their managers and supervisors, lack of trust will lead to lower performance too.

Ineffective communication is frustrating for employees and becomes a source of conflict and crisis. Managers that cannot communicate their ideas and demands properly will lead to employee’s inability to perform at their job. Employees will certainly communicate among each other and managers will be misunderstood and not followed.

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There are many benefits of effective communication at the workplace. If a leader is able to express his or her ideas clearly, team members will know what is expected of them and consequently will perform at their jobs. Clear communication at the workplace ensures that team members and leaders understand each other and are more effective and efficient at what they do. Communications makes it clear of what is expected and how to get there. It is also a way of engaging in best practices and being more efficient.

Effective communication skills will provide a clear understanding of what is expected, what to do and when to do it. Communication increases performance, increases customer loyalty and profits. Only through clear communication an employee can understand the goals, the mission and the vision of a company.

Here are some tips for effective business communication

Communication style has to be positive and effective. Employees should communicate challenges and problems to their supervisor in order for

the company to take measures for turning problems into solutions. Problems should be communicated to both employees and managers. Companies should encourage effective communication all the time. By doing so

employees will understand the importance of communication. Communication is a two-way process, employees should not only listen they should also

have the chance and be encouraged to ask questions, discuss, and express their own ideas.

Feedback is an essential part of an organization’s performance. Share ideas, best practices and feedback with team members.

Effective communication will help companies increase productivity and help avoiding delays. Effective communication leads to an efficient style of management and to successful business practices.

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