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World Kidney Day is a joint initiative

10 :

Each kidney is about the size of your own clenched fist or a computer mouse.They have an unusual shape -kidney beans are named after them because they have the same shape. 2

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The kidney has 2 main blood vessels, one that takes the blood to be cleaned from the body into the kidney and then another that returns the cleaned blood to the rest of the body. There are thousands and thousands of tiny filters and blood vessels inside the kidney that do the blood cleaning and make urine. The filters produce urine that collects in the drainage system of the kidney.



After the kidneys make the urine, it drains down tubes called ureters to the bladder. Urine collects in the bladder and, when enough urine fills the bladder, you get the urge to go to the toilet. As you empty your bladder, urine leaves the body through a tube called the urethra.


Each kidney is about the size of your own clenched fist or a computer mouse.They have an unusual shape -kidney beans are named after them because they have the same shape. 7

World Kidney Day is a joint initiative

Kidneys purify blood by removing waste products produced by normal body functions what the body doesnt need.


The kidneys are on clean-up duty every minute of every day. In order to stay healthy, your body needs the right amount of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins and all the other things that our body needs to function well). You get nutrients from the different foods that you eat. Kidneys check and control the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that you get from your food and send anything that is not needed off into the urine (wee/pee). The urine made by your kidneys travels down to the bladder through tubes called the ureters, and when the bladder feels full enough, it sends a message to the brain that tells you to go to the toilet to get rid of the urine. 10

The kidneys get rid of waste created from the digestion of food and other chemical reactions in the body.


Kidneys control fluid balance by eliminating extra amounts of water that accumulate in your body but keep the necessary amount of water in the body. So the kidney maintains exactly the right amount of water in the body.


Along with water, kidneys regulate minerals and chemicals and maintain a normal composition of body fluids. This function is extremely important as it allows the body to work properly and be healthy.



Hormones are chemical substances (molecules) that act like messengers in the body - they help control how cells and organs do their work. The kidneys make a hormone called renin that causes blood pressure to rise as needed to make sure that the right amount of blood gets delivered to all parts of your body.



The kidneys make a hormone that tells the body when to make more red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen around your body, which keeps your body working. 15

Vitamins are substances that your body needs so that it can work properly. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium from dairy products (food produced from milk) and some other foods that you eat. Calcium is a mineral that you need to keep your bones and teeth strong. 16


Vitamin D is a vitamin that is produced when you are exposed to sunlight by special cells in your skin. Kidneys convert vitamin D from the foods you eat into its active form, which helps with the absorption of calcium from food, growth of the bones and teeth, and to keep bone healthy and strong.


Each kidney is about the size of your own clenched fist or a computer mouse.They have an unusual shape -kidney beans are named after them because they have the same shape. 18


1700 20%

Did you know that every minute 1200 ml (40.6 Oz) of blood enters in both kidneys for purification, which is 20% of the total blood pumped by the heart? So in one day 1700 liters (3592.7 pints) of blood is purified!


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Adults have around 7-8 liters (14-16 pints) of blood, and this is constantly filtered by the kidneys, as much as 400 times per day!



Your body can still work quite well with only one kidney, as long as that kidney is healthy. 23

Your body can work normally with only a single kidney.


If both kidneys are badly damaged, they may stop being able to do their job. If this happens, a person will need a special treatment to stay alivedialysis or a new kidney.


Some people don't have healthy kidneys, and sometimes their kidneys stop working.Kidney disease means that the kidneys are damaged and can't filter blood like they should. This damage can cause wastes to build up in the body and other problems that can harm your health.Early kidney disease has no signs or symptoms.A person may not feel any different until his or her kidney disease is very advanced. Blood and urine tests are the only way to know if you have kidney disease.


There are blood tests to check how well your kidneys are filtering and therefore how well they are doing their job. A urine test can check for albumin in your urine. Albumin is a protein that passes into the urine in increased amounts when the kidneys are damaged. 27


If a persons kidneys are so severely damaged that they function at less than 10% of normal, he or she has what is called end stage kidney disease. When kidneys no longer function at all, special treatments are needed--dialysis or transplantation.


If both kidneys are badly damaged, they may stop being able to do their job. If this happens, a person will need a special treatment to stay alivedialysis or a new kidney.


Dialysis takes the place of what the kidneys do and remove water and chemical waste from the body. There are two kinds. In one kind, called hemodialysis, the patient with kidney problems need to be hooked up to a special machine that acts like a kidney to wash and clean the blood. In the other form of dialysis, called peritoneal dialysis, fluid is moved in and out of the belly through a tube, and the waste products that have accumulated in the body are exchanged through the fluid.


Dialysis takes waste products and unwanted water and removes them from the body LIKE A WASHING MACHINE! There are two dialysis methods: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.


Hemodialysisuses a filtering machine to remove waste and extra fluid from your blood 32

In the second type, calledperitonealdialysis, the actual filtering is done by the lining of the person's belly! Dialysis is a lifesaving kidney replacement therapy for patients with severe kidney disease.Dialysis is a treatment that does not make your kidneys become healthy again. Successful kidney transplantation is the most effective treatment for end stage kidney disease.


Kidney transplantation is an operation in which a healthy kidney (from a living donor or deceased donor) is placed into the body of a person suffering from end-stage kidney disease (recipient).


Each kidney is about the size of your own clenched fist or a computer mouse.They have an unusual shape -kidney beans are named after them because they have the same shape. 35

Physical exercise, practicing a sport, going for walks with your family and friends, going for a swim, etc., are all good habits that will help keep your kidneys in top shape!


Eat healthy food that does not contain too much sugar. Too much is too much! Eating fruit and vegetables will help your kidneys too (and keep your parents happy!) ;)


Dont eat foods with too much salt this increases your blood pressure and damages the kidney. 40

World Kidney Day 2016 'Move your feet' campaign urges everyone around the globe, from all cultures and ages, to keep fit and active. This campaign is a symbol to encourage people to maintain a minimum level of physical activity in any way they can, with their own means and frequency, regardless of their physical condition. Small steps can make a difference to keep healthy kidneys and we value every single effort.Join WKD and Move your Feet!


Reduce your salt intake. Salt is also too much when its too much! Eat freshly prepared foods and try to limit the amount of processed (packaged food that you buy at the supermarket) and restaurant food, and do not add salt to food.


Each kidney is about the size of your own clenched fist or a computer mouse.They have an unusual shape -kidney beans are named after them because they have the same shape. 47

!World Kidney Day is a joint initiative

World Kidney Day 2016 'Move your feet' campaign urges everyone around the globe, from all cultures and ages, to keep fit and active. This campaign is a symbol to encourage people to maintain a minimum level of physical activity in any way they can, with their own means and frequency, regardless of their physical condition. Small steps can make a difference to keep healthy kidneys and we value every single effort.Join WKD and Move your Feet!