xcbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which...

XCbe alestine a3ette jpublisbeb b!e Hutborits No. 1235 THURSDAY, 26 TH NOVEMBER, 1942 1289 CONTENTS Page BILL PUBLISHED FOR INFORMATION Intoxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) (Amendment) Bill, 1942 - - 1291 GOVERNMENT NOTICES Appointment of Consul of Greece at Haifa . . . - !293 Appointment of Commercial Attache" at the Turkish Legation, Baghdad - - 1293 Appointments, etc. !293 Medical Licence cancelled - 1293 Christmas and New Year Greetings Telegrams - - - - 1293 Correspondence addressed to Allied Prisoners of War in Italian Hands 1294 - ־Export of Foodstuff by Post prohibited - - - - 1294 Tenders - - 1294 ־- Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - 1 2 9 4 ׳. ־. ־Citation Orders 1295 - - - . . Court Notice - - - - - 1296 Notices of the Execution Office, Tel Aviv - - - - 1297 RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 1298 ־Persons changing their Names 1299 - Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1942, of the Kefar .Sava Local Council 1300 - - Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1942, of the Kefar Sava Local Council - - - - - - 1302 Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1942, of the Faluja Local Council - - - 1303 ־ ־Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1942, of the Faluja Local Council 1304 NOTICES R E G A R D I N G C O O P E R A T I V E SOCIETIES, BANKRUPTCIES, INCORPORATION OF COMPANIES, ETC - 1305 CORRIGENDUM - - - - ־- ־1311 (Continued) PRICE : 50 MILS.

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Page 1: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per


alestine a3ette jpublisbeb b!e Hutborits

N o . 1 2 3 5 THURSDAY, 2 6 T H NOVEMBER, 1 9 4 2 1289

C O N T E N T S Page


Intoxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) (Amendment) B i l l , 1942 - - 1291


Appointment of Consul of Greece at Haifa . . . - !293 Appointment of Commercial Attache" at the Turkish Legation, Baghdad - - 1293 Appointments, etc. !293 Medical Licence cancelled - 1293 Christmas and New Year Greetings Telegrams - - - - 1293 Correspondence addressed to All ied Prisoners of War in Italian Hands 1294 - ־ Export of Foodstuff by Post prohibited - - - - 1294 Tenders - - 1294 ־ - - ־ Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - • - 1 2 9 ׳ 4 . ־ ־ .Citation Orders 1295 - - - . . - ־ Court Notice - - - - - 1296 Notices of the Execution Office, Tel Aviv - - - - 1297


Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 1298 ־ Persons changing their Names 1299 - ־ - - ־ Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1942, of the Kefar

.Sava Local Council 1300 - - ־ ־ ־ Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1942, of the Kefar Sava Local

Council - - - - - - 1302 Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1942, of the Faluja

Local Council - - - 1303 ־ ־ Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1942, of the Faluja Local Council 1304

N O T I C E S R E G A R D I N G C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S , B A N K R U P T C I E S , I N C O R P O R A T I O N O F C O M P A N I E S , E T C - 1305

C O R R I G E N D U M - - - - ־ - ־ 1 3 1 1


P R I C E : 5 0 M I L S .

Page 2: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

C O N T E N T S Page

( C o n t i n u e d )

S U P P L E M E N T No. 2.

The f o l l o w i n g subsidiary legislation is published i n Supplement N o . 2 which forms part of this Gazette:—

Defence (Prevention of Profiteering) Regulations (No. 2) (Amendment) Regulations, 1942, under the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 - - - 1763

Defence (Control of Macaroni) (Amendment) Order (No. 5), 1942, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 - - - - - -

Vesting Order No. 71, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, vesting certain Properties in the Custodian of Enemy Property 1764 - ־

Road Transport (Amendment) Rules (No. 3), 1942, under the Road Transport Ordinance 1765 Bethlehem (Price Control of Foodstuffs) By-laws, 1942, under the Municipal Corpo­

rations Ordinance, 1934 - - - - - 1766 Notice of Deposit of Resolution to annul a Parcellation Scheme within the Haifa

Town Planning Area, under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936 - - 1768 Notice of Grant of a Permit to keep a Printing Press, under the Press Ordinance - 1768 Order No. 91 of 1942, under the Animal Diseases Ordinance, declaring the Sub-District

of Beisan to be, as regards Poultry, an Infected Area on Account of the Existence of Fowl Plague - 1768

Paper (Exemption from Restrictions on Sale) General Permit, 1942, under the Defence (Control of Paper, Office Machines, and Stationery and Office Equipment) Order, 1942 - 1769 - - ־ - ־

Paper (Prohibition of Removal of Grease-proof Paper) Directions, 1942f under the Defence (Control of Paper, Office Machines, and Stationery and Office Equip­ment) Order, 1942 - 1770 - - ־

Defence (Restriction on Use of Paper) Order, 1942, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 1771 Road Transport (Tariff for Public Motor Vehicles) (Jerusalem and Environs) Rules,

1942, under the Road Transport Ordinance - 1777 Haifa (Tariff of Charges for Public Motor Vehicles) By-laws, 1942, under the Road

Transport Ordinance 1779 ־ Road Transport (Tariff for Public Motor Vehicles) (Jaffa and Tel Aviv) Rules, 1942,

under the Road Transport Ordinance - 1784 Orders No. 92 and 93 of 1942, under the Palestine Orders in Council, 1922-1939,

converting certain Lands from the Category termed "Metrouke" into the Category termed " M i r i ־ ־ - - 1788 - - "

Defence (Amendment of Road Transport Ordinance) Regulations (No. 2), 1942, under the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 - 1790

Defence (Finance) (Amendment) Regulations (No. 5), 1942, under the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 1790 ־ ־ ־ - ־ ־

Defence (Control of Transmission Belting) Order, 1942, under the Defence Regulations, 1791 ־ - ־ ־ ־ - 1939

Defence (Control of Reclamation of Rubber) Order, 1942, under the Defence Regula­tions, 1939 - - 1793 ־ ־ ־ ־

Defence (Citrus Marketing Permits) (Fees) (Revocation) Order, 1942, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 1795 ־

Defence (Citrus Marketing) (Revocation) Order, 1942, under the Defence Regulations, 1795 ־ ־ ־ ־ ־ - 1939

Notice under the Palestine Volunteer Force Ordinance, appointing Officers in the Force 1796 Notice under the Defence (Control of Transmission Belting) Order, 1942, appointing

certain Persons to grant Permits on behalf of the Controller of Heavy Industries. under the said Order, and certain Persons to be Inspectors for the Purpose of Enforcing the Provisions of the Order - - - - 1797

Order No. 94 of 1942, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, varying the Boundaries of the Urban Area of Nazareth - - - - 1798

Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 16), 1942, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 - - 1798 ־

Notification of Intended Settlement in respect of the Lands of Maghar Village, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - 1799

Notice of Posting of Schedules of Claims to Land in Khirbat el Wa'ra es Sauda Village, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - 1800

Notice of Posting of Schedules of Claims to Land in Jaffa and Gev'at Village, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - 1801

Page 3: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per


N ־ O T I C E .

The f o l l o w i n g D R A F T O R D I N A N C E is made p u b l i c p r i o r t o enactment i n a c c o r d - , ance w i t h A r t i c l e 17(1)((?) of the P a l e s t i n e O r d e r i n C o u n c i l , 1922, as amended by A r t i c l e 3 of the P a l e s t i n e (Amendment) O r d e r i n C o u n c i l , 1923.

20th November, 1942. (C/61/42)

J . GUTC.H Clerk to the Advisory Council.

D E A F T .

A N O R D I N A N C E TO A M E N D T H E I N T O X I C A T I N G L I Q U O R S ( M A N U F A C T U R E A N D S A L E )

O R D I N A N C E .

B E IT E N A C T E D by the H i g h Commissioner for Palestine, wi th the advice of the Advisory Council thereof :—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Intoxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) (Amendment) Ordinance, 1912, and shall be read as one with the Intoxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) Ordinance, hereinafter referred to as the pincipal Ordinance.

2. Section 2 of the principal Ordinance shall be amended by the deletion of the definition of "beer" appearing therein and by the substitution of the following definition therefor :—

" "beer" includes ale, porter, stout, black beer and any other description of beer, and any liquor which is made or sold as a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con­tain more than two per cent, of a lcohol ;"

3. The following section shall be inserted in the principal Ordin­ance immediately after section 11A thereof:—

"Penalty on misclescribing substances as beer.

11B.—(I) N o person shall —

( a ) for the purpose of selling any substance which contains two per cent, or less than two per cent, of alcohol, describe the sub­stance (whether in any notice or advertise­ment, or on any label, or in any other manner whatsoever) by any name or words which is or are calculated to indicate that

. the substance is, or is a substitute for, or bears any resemblance to, ale, beer, porter, or stout, or any description of ale, beer, porter or stout; or

(b) sell, or offer or expose for sale, or permit to be sold, or have in his possession for the purpose of sale, any such substance so des­cribed :

Provided that the name "ginger beer" or "g in ­ger ale" shall not in itself be taken to be calculated to give any such indication as aforesaid.

(2) Any person who acts in contravention of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall, in respect of each offence, be liable to a fine of one hundred pounds, and, on the conviction of a person under this section, any articles by means of or in relation to which the offence has been committed shall be forfeited."

Short title.

Cap. 71.

Amendment of section 2 of the principal Ordinance.

Insertion of new section in the principal Ordinance.

Page 4: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

1292 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 26th November, 1942.

Commencement. 4. This Ordinance shall come into operation upon a day to be fixed by the H i g h Commissioner by notice in the Gazette.

O B J E C T S A N D R E A S O N S .

Under the Intoxicating Liquors (Manufacture and Sale) Ordinance (Cap. 71) — the principal Ordinance — excise duty is collected on fermented or alcoholic liquors manufactured in Palestine if they contain •more than two per cent, of alcohol; no excise duty is collected on such liquors containing two per cent, or less than two per cent, of alcohol, if they are manufactured on premises at which other dutiable liquors are not also produced.

2. Several manufacturers in Palestine have in the last few years put on the market a liquor containing two per cent, or less than two per cent, ,of alcohol, in most cases under a name which includes the word "beer", which is manufactured on premises solely used for the manufacture of this liquor.

3. The sale of this so called "beer" is not only deceptive but also affects the Revenue. Clauses 2 and 3 of this draft Ordinance accordingly amend the principal Ordinance by replacing the definition of "beer" contained therein and by inserting a new section 11B SO as to make it an offence to describe as beer any liquor which contains two per cent, or less than two per cent, of alcohol. The new provisions are based on •similar legislation in force in the United Kingdom.

4. It is the intention to defer the coming into force of this Ordinance for such period as wi l l give the public an opportunity to dispose of any stocks of so called "beer" available on the enactment of the Ordinance, and clause 4 has been inserted

for this purpose.

20th November, 1942. (C/61/42)

W. J . F I T Z G E R A L D A ttorney G e n e r a l .

Page 5: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

26th. November, 1942. T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 1293

A P P O I N T M E N T O F C O N S U L .

N O T I C E .

The H i g h Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that M O N S I E U R P I E R R E D A S C A L O P O U L O S has been appointed by the Greek Government to act as Consul of Greece at Ha i fa , and that he has been recognised provisionally by H i s Excellency in that capacity pending the issue of H i s Majesty's Exequatur.

19th November, 1942. (N/7/41)

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N Chief Secretary.

A P P O I N T M E N T O F C O M M E R C I A L A T T A C H E .

N O T I C E .

The H i g h Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that B A Y N A C I A D A Y has been appointed by the Turkish Government as Commercial At taché at the Turkish Legation, Baghdad, and that his sphere of activity includes Palestine and Trans-Jordan. B A Y N A C I A D A Y has been recognised by H i s Excellency in that capacity.

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

21st November, 1942. (N/6/41)

J . S. M A C P H E R S O N Chief Secretry.

O B I T U A R Y .

The High Commissioner announces with = regret the death on the 19th November, | 1942, of M R . W. F O S T E R , O . B . E . , Chief g Censor. 1

A P P O I N T M E N T S , E T C . A P P O I N T M E N T S .

The High Commissioner has appointed: — D R . Y U S E F H A J J A R , M . B . E . , Medical Officer,

Grade K , Department of Health, to be Medical Officer, Grade H , with effect from the 1st A p r i l , 1942.

D R . M I K H A I L S H E D I D M A L O U F , Medical Officer, Grade K , Department of Health, to be Medical Officer, Grade H , with effect from the 1st A p r i l , 1942.

D R . N A I F A M I N H A M Z E H , Medical Officer, Grade K , Department of Health, to be Medical Officer, Grade H , with effect from the 1st A p r i l , 1942.

M R . J . ' D E O U E L L , Veterinary Officer, Grade K , Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, to be Assistant Senior Veterinary Officer, with effect from the 1st A p r i l , 1942.

M R . K . C. T O U R S , Personal Assistant to the Food Controller, to be Deputy Food Con­troller with effect from the 15th November, 1942.

M R . E . A . G A R D I N E R to be C iv i l Engineer, Office of the Controller of Heavy Industries, with effect from the 10th September, 1942.-

M R . A. G. N O R M A N to be Assistant Secretary, Palestine Railways, with effect from the 28th September, 1942.

A C T I N G A P P O I N T M E N T S .

The High Commissioner has appointed: — M R . C. L . H O R T O N , Chief Inspector, Depart­

ment of Land Registration, to act as Direc­tor of Land Registration, with effect from the 18th November, 1942, until further order.

M R . B . F I S H M A N , Land Officer, Department of Land Registration, to act as Chief Inspec­tor with effect from the 18th November, 1942, until further order.

N O T I C E . D E P A R T M E N T , O F H E A L T H .

Licence No. DR. 1108 dated the 7th June, 1932, to practise medicine granted to M E N D E L G I R S H O F F A N G E N I T Z K Y has been cancelled on account of the death of the holder.

W. J . V I C K E R S for Director,

Medical Services. 21st November, 1942.


N O T I C E . D E P A R T M E N T O F P O S T S A N D T E L E G R A P H S .

Christmas and New Year Greetings Telegrams.

It is notified for general information that Christmas and New Year Greetings telegrams ( X L T telegrams) at special rates wi l l not be accepted in Palestine for countries abroad dur­ing the forthcoming Christmas season.

18th November, 1942. (Gaz/4/40)

Page 6: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

1294 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 26th November, 1942.

N O T I C E .

D E P A R T M E N T O P P O S T S A N D T E L E G R A P H S .

Correspondence addressed to Allied Prisoners of War in Italian Hands.

It is notified for information that the Italian authorities have intimated that after the 31st January, 1943, letters received in Italy for prisoners of war, in their hands which incor­rectly bear the place names instead of, or in addition to, the number of the camps, will be confiscated and that parcels so addressed will be returned to the senders.

Relatives should always use the latest address given by the prisoner. If the prisoner is in hospital it is possible that the name of the place where the hospital is situated may sometimes form part of the address. Unless, however, the place name is included in the latest address furnished by the prisoner it should N O T be used. 18th November, 1942.



Export of Foodstuff by Post Prohibited. With reference to this Department's Public

Notice No. 34 of 1942, dated 20th October, 1942, concerning the prohibition of the exportation of foodstuff by parcel post, it is notified for in­formation that the restrictions referred to in the abovementioned public notice now apply to all classes of postal articles including articles prepaid at the letter or any other rate of postage.

22nd November, 1942. (Gaz/4/40)


F O O D C O N T R O L L E R ' S O F F I C E , J E R U S A L E M .

Tenders are invited for the purchase and distribution of lakerda, of Turkish origin, which Government expects to have at its dis­posal in the course of the next few months, and the sale of which Government is willing to con­sider at a price of £P,150.— per ton franco ex rail head Haifa.

2. Tenderers should submit to the Food Con­troller for consideration a contract/s with a wholesaler/s or a manufacturer/s of smoked fish for the supply of the lakerda in question at a fixed price and/or a contract/s between tend-erer/s and/or such wholesaler/s or manufac­turer/s of smoked fish and a retailer/s for the supply of the lakerda in question to the public at a fixed price.

3. The tenders should state clearly whether it is intended that the lakerda reaches the pub­lic in unsmoked or in smoked condition, and the contracts should show to which of these condi­tions the selling price to the public relates.

4. The distribution will have to be carried out over a period of approximately five months, according to the arrival of the commodity in Palestine.

5. Tenders should be submitted by registered post only and addressed to the Food Controller, Headquarters, P.O.B. 1248, Jerusalem, and must be received not later than the 3rd De­

cember, 1942. Envelopes must be sealed and marked "Tender for purchase and distri­bution of lakerda".

6. Tender forms and contract forms (which may be adapted by the tenderers to the circum­stances attaching to this tender) are obtainable from the Food Controller, Headquarters, and from the offices of the Assistant Food Control­lers in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Na­zareth, Nablus, Gaza. Applications for forms to be delivered by post will not be considered.

7. I m p o r t a n t : No tender will be considered unless : — (a) the offer made therein is firm and bind­

ing (offers "subject to fluctuations of the market" or the like will not be considered) ;

(b) the tender shows clearly what total quan­tity of the lakerda in question the tenderer wishes to purchase; and at what price/s thé lakerda is to be sold to wholesaler/s and/or manufacturer/s of smoked fish and/or re­tailer/ s and/or the public.

8. The Food Controller does not bind him­self to accept the lowest or any tender.

G. WALSH F o o d Controller.


F O O D C O N T R O L L E R ' S O F F I C E , J E R U S A L E M .

With reference to my notice inviting tenders for the purchase and distribution of 150 tons of kraft cheese, which was published at page 1272 of the Gazette No. 1234 of 19th November, 1942, merchants are advised that the said notice should be read to relate to American kraft cheese (instead of to Australian kraft cheese as stated in the said notice).

G . WALSH 23rd November, 1942 F o o d Controller.

PALESTINE CURRENCY NOTES. Payment of the value of the following mutil­

ated currency notes has been claimed by the persons named. Any other person wishing to submit a claim in respect of any of these notes should communicate at once with the Currency Officer, Jerusalem.

N u m b e r of N o t e V a l u e N a m e of C l a i m a n t

G.659689 L P . l Mr. Hussein Irfai, c/o Post Office, Tel Aviv

L.094419 L P . l Mr. Shmuel Eivlin, Beth Israel, Jerusalem

C. 472075/ D. 489209

500 Mils Bank Atid, 42, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv

D.283174/ C.680315

500 Mils Officer i/o Accounts, Middle East Area, Northern

B.090331 L P . l Joseph M. Tawil, Haifa G.917152 L P . l Barclays Bank (D.O. & 0.),

Jerusalem D.761009 L P . l Bajab Mohd. Salem, Jaffa D.135266 500 Mils David Yasmineh, Jaffa C. 706083/ D. 671011

500 Mils "Hefzi-Bah" Standard Ar­ticles Co. Ltd., Tel Aviv

M.647562 M.715439

L P . l L P . l

| Messrs. Jacob Japhet & Co. 1 Ltd., Jerusalem

20th November, 1942. (Gaz/14/40)

A. L. PETERS Currency Officer.

Page 7: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

26th November, 1942. T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 1295

C I T A T I O N F O R A N O R D E R O F S U C C E S S I O N .


Successio?i Case N o . 157/42.

In the matter of the succession of late A D I B A M I N F A R I S of Jerusalem, deceased.

Petitioner: M R S . K A T T U R A K H A L I L M A T T A , widow of late A D I B A M I N F A R I S of Jeru­salem, through her attorney N A G I B B E Y A B U S H A A R , Armenian Building, op­posite Barclays Bank, Jerusalem.

Let all persons take notice that M R S . K A T T U R A K H A L I L M A T T A , widow of late A D I B A M I N F A R I S , has applied to the District Court of Jerusalem for an order declaring the succession to A D I B A M I N F A R I S , deceased, and that the said ap­plication will be heard at this Court on the 7th day of December, 1942, at 9 a.m.

All persons claiming interest must appear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right.

Dated this 21st day of November, 1942.

A. NASE Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, Jerusalem. (Guz/39/40)

C I T A T I O N S F O R O R D E R S O F A D M I N I S T R A T I O N .


P.P. 74/42.

In the matter of the succession to L E I B L I V -

S H I T Z , deceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court on the 14th December, 1942, at 9 a.m., and show cause, if any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights and credits of the said L E I B L I V S I I I T Z , deceased, should not be granted unto Messrs. J O S E P H E R D S T E I N and S I M -

H A G O L D B E R G , as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. Dated this 19th day of November, 1942.

K . SHEHADEH Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, H a i f a . (Gaz/37/10)


Probate f i l e N o . 280/42.

In the matter of F R I T Z W O L F S O N , deceased. In virtue of an order of the District Court

of Tel Aviv, •bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date of pub­lication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of administration of the miri property of F R I T Z W O L F S O N should not be granted unto D O R A M E L I T T A W O L F S O N , as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Dated this 19th day of November, 1942.

SH. MUHTADIE Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv. (Gaz/18/40)


Probate Case N o . 282/42.

In the matter of R U T H F R A E N K E L , deceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from date of pub­lication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of interim administration of all and singular the movable property and miri immovable property of R U T H F R A E N K E L , de­ceased, should not be granted unto D R . G E O R G S A N D L E R and W A L T E R S C H I D O R S K Y or either of them, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Dated this 22nd day of November, 1942.

SH. MUHTADIE Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv. (Gaz/18/40)


Probate Case N o . 288/42.

In the matter of A D O L F R O T H , deceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court sitting at Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights and credits of A D O L F R O T H , deceased, should not be granted unto J E A N E T T E R O T H , as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Dated this 22nd day of November, 1942.

SH. MUHTADIE Registrar,

(Gaz/18/40) D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.


Estate Case N o . 291/42.

In the matter of A Z I Z E H N I S S A N ( C O H E N ) , de­ceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights, credits and mulk immovable property and miri immovable prop­erty of A Z I Z E H N I S S A N ( C O H E N ) should not be granted unto J A W H A R A ( M A R G A L I T ) N I S S A N C O ­H E N and F R E I H A ( A H U V A ) N I S S A N C O H E N , as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

S H . M U H T A D I E Registrar,

(Gaz/18/40) D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.

Page 8: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

1296 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 26th November, 1942.

V I .


Prob. 293/42.

In the matter of J O U S I F H A K H A M I S A A C , de­ceased, of Tel Aviv.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights and credits of the said deceased should not be gran­ted unto S A L I M J U S U F H A K H A M I S A A C , as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

SH. MUHTADIE Registrar,

(Gaz/18/40) D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.

C I T A T I O N S F O R O R D E R S O F G U A R D I A N S H I P .


Probate Case N o . 158/42.

In the matter of the appointment of a guardian over the minors L A Y L A A D I B A M I N F A R I S and A M I N A D I B A M I N F A R I S , of Jerusalem.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of guardianship over the minors L A Y L A A D I B F A R I S and A M I N A D I B F A R I S , daughter and son of the late A D I B A M I N F A R I S , should not be granted unto their mother K A T T U R A A D I B F A R I S (born K A T T U R A K H A L I L M A T T A ) of Jerusalem, as, default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accord­ingly.

Dated this 21st day of November, 1942.

A. NASR Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, Jerusalem. (Gaz/39/40)

I I .


C i v i l Case N o , 259/42.

In the matter of the appointment of a guardian over the minors E L I Y A , L O U I S and G E O R ­G E T T E , children of M A R O U N N A S R , deceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court on the 12th of December, 1942, at 9 a.m., and to show couse, if any they have, why an order appointing E U G E N I E , widow of M A R O U N N A S R , of Haifa, as guardian over the persons and property of the minors E L I Y A , L O U I S and G E O R G E T T E M A R O U N N A S R , should not

be granted, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Dated this 19th day of November, 1942.

K . S H E H A D E H Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, H a i f a . (Gaz/37/40)


Pr. 289/42.

In the matter of the petition for guardianship over the minor E L I E Z E R B I C H O W S K Y .

Petitioner : M R . Z A L M A N B E C H O V S K Y of Haifa, represented by by Z . F E L L E R , advocate, 13, Ahad Haam Street, Tel Aviv.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby

! cite all and all manner of persons to appear in | the said Court in ten days from the date of

publication hereof, and show cause, if any they i have, why an order appointing M R . Z A L M A N | B E C H O V S K Y as guardian over the person and | property of the minor should not be made, as,

in default thereof, such order will be made as to the Court seems right.

Dated this 22nd clay of November, 1942.

SH. MUHTADIE Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv. ! (Gaz/18/40)

C I T A T I O N F O R A N O R D E R O F P R O B A T E .


Probate Case N o . 290/42.

In the matter of Seniora (known also as G E N I A )

M I Z R A H I , deceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from date of pub­lication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why the last will of the said Seniora M I Z R A H I , deceased, should not be proved, ap­proved and registered and probate thereof granted to A L B E R T M I Z R A H I , her son, as, in de­fault thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

SH. MUHTADIE Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv. (Gaz/18/40)


In the matter of P A L E S T I N E C O P P E R I N D U S T R Y " N E C H U S H T A N " L T D . , the incorporation of which was published in the Palestine Ga­zette No. 261 of the 16th June, 1930.

Whereas at an extraordinary general meet­ing held on the 8th November, 1942, the com-

Page 9: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

•26th November, 1942. T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 1297

parry resolved to reduce its issued share capital from 29300 fully paid ordinary shares, 1236 fully paid preference shares and 2 fully paid management shares of £P.l .— each to 9300 ordinary shares, 1236 preference shares and 2 management shares of £P.l.— each, by paying off the capital paid upon the ordinary shares numbered from 100 001—110 000 inclusive and from 200 001—210 000 inclusive to their respect­ive holders;

And whereas the company has applied to this Court in File No. 341/42 for the confirma­tion of the said resolution for reduction in accordance with section 46 of the Companies Ordinance;

Now, therefore, and in accordance with sec­tion 47(2) of the Companies Ordinance, notice is hereby given to the creditors of the said com­pany and to anybody desiring to object to the said confirmation, to appear in Court either by himself or through his lawful attorney with­in 21 days from the publication of this notice and to lodge .his opposition together with the documents entitling him to lodge such op­position, as otherwise, the Court will make such order as it will deem fit.

Dated this 23th day of November, 1942.

SH. MUHTADIE Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.


I .


Execution F i l e N o . 246/41.


P R O P E R T Y .

The property described hereto of Michael Dov Shteinman, the mortgagor, is offered for sale in satisfaction of a debt of £P.500.— together with costs and interest owing to Mr. Shalom Labunsky, represented by M. Zeiger, advocate, the mortgagee. The sale will be held at the Execution Office, Tel Aviv, during 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Bids will be accepted on every Tuesday, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon, after depositing 10% of the value of the property.

S C H E D U L E .

1. Locality: Rishon Le Zion, corner Dror and Levontin Sti־eets.

2. Class of ,property: Miri, Wakf Sinan Pasha.

3. Description: A building of 2 floors. The ground floor consists of four rooms (2 apartments), 2 kitchens, l water closet, 1 bathroom and 2 closed terraces. The upper floor consists of 5 rooms (1 apartment), 1 kitchen, 1 water-closet and a bathroom. At the yard there is a small building used for 2 water-closets, 2 small store-rooms of wood and tin and 14 trees of various kinds.

4. A r e a : 668 sq. ms. 5. Boundaries: Settled area. 6. P a r t i c u l a r s of registration: Block No.

3936, parcel No. 61.

7. Shares: In whole. 8. Other incumbrances : An additional mort­

gage for the sum of £P.500.— in favour of Mr. Shalom Labunsky.

9. V a l u e assessed: £P.1,160. 10. P r i c e offered: £P.900.—.

SH. MUHTADIE Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.

I I .


Execution F i l e N o . 321/41.

S E C O N D N O T I F I C A T I O N O F S A L E O F I M M O V A B L E P R O P E R T Y .

The property described hereunder of Israel Weinman, the mortgagor, is offered for sale in satisfaction of a mortgage-debt of £P.400.— together with cost and interest owing to Bezalel Kaminsky, the mortgagee, through his attorneys Messrs. E. Livay & G. Minkowitch, advocates of Tel Aviv. The sale will be held at the Execu­tion Office, Tel Aviv, during 15 days from the date of publication hereof. Bids will be ac­cepted on every Tuesday, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon, after depositing 10% of the value of the property.

S C H E D U L E .

1. Locality : Ramat hash Sharon. 2. Glass of property: Miri. 3. Description: A citrus grove comprising

about 1000 orange trees and about 50 grape­fruit trees planted 12 years ago. The plan­tation is 4x4.5 metres, slightly neglected. The irrigation is through iron pipes and approximately 250 metres of cement pipes. Water from a co-operative well of the colony. In the grove there is a pit for manure 6 x 8 and 1^ metre deep and a hut of 3 x 4 sq. metres with a tin roof. The grove is fenced on the side of the road with a net and barbed wire and about 80 cypress trees are planted near the fence.

4. A r e a of L a n d : 18.281 dunums. 5. P a r t i c u l a r s of registration: Block 6417,

parcel 43. 6. Boundaries: Settled area. 7. Shares: In whole. 8. V a l u e assessed: £P.1,188. 9. P r i c e offered: £P.600.—.

Z. HARAKABI Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.

Page 10: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

1298 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 26th November, 1942.

I I I .


Execution F i l e N o . 40/42.


P R O P E R T Y .

The property described hereto of Mita, Dvora, Mir iam and Israel Rosenbaum and Mordechai Kirschenberg, the mortgagors, is offered for sale in satisfaction of 2 mortgage-debts for £P.2,450.—, together with costs and interest owing to the Central Bank of Cooperative In­stitutions in Palestine Ltd. , the mortgagees. The sale wil l be held at the Execution Office of Tel Aviv during 15 days from the date of pub­lication hereof. Bids wi l l be accepted on every Tuesday, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon, on payment of a deposit of 10% of the property.

S C H E D U L E .

1. Locality: The property consists of 3 par­cels in Rehovot: (a) Block 3695(8), parcel 6, near the Rai l ­

way Station on the main road. (1) Description: Barley sown land (up­

rooted grove) with an old building of 2 rooms, with remnants of the walls and a dry well.

(2) A r e a : 33.994 dunums. (b) Block 3696(9), parcel 4, opposite the

aforementioned parcel on the other side of the road.

(1) Description: Barley sown land. (2) A r e a : 8.714 dunums.

(c) Block 3703(16), parcel 128. (1) Description: A building plot

situated in Eisenberg Street and thereon a 2 storey building consisting in 1st storey of one room, kitchen, water closet and 2 terraces. In 2nd storey there are 3 rooms, a bathroom together with a water-closet and 2 terraces. The yard is fenced towards the frontage with a wire net. Several trees in the yard.

(2) A r e a : 2.666 dunums.

2. Shares: In whole.

3. Class of property : M i r i .

4. Boundaries: Settled area.

5. Other incumbrances: 1st mortgage for £P.400 in favour of Dr. Golovziner on par­cel 4, Block 3696. 1st mortgage for £P.350 in favour of the Palestine Mortgages & Credit Bank ;Ltd. on parcel 128, Block 3703, and 1st mortgage in favour of Pal­estine Corporation Ltd. on parcel 4, Block 3695, as well as third, fourth and fifth mortgages in favour of various creditors.

6. V a l u e : Block 3695, parcel 6 — £ P . 1,530; Block 3696, parcel 4—£P.352.—; Block 3703, parcel 128—£P. 1,350.—; Total: £P.3,232.—.

7. Price offered: £P.1,312.—, £P.306.—, £P.1,182.—, respectively. Total: £P.2,800.

S H . M U H T A D I E Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.


For week ending midnight 21.11.42

1. Quarantine Restrictions.

The following restrictions are at present in force:—

D a t e A g a i n s t P o r t restrictions


Cholera Arrivais from Calcutta by air routes 9.9.36

Cholera Arrivais from Allahabad by air routes 13.6.41

Smallpox Arrivais from Calcutta by air and sea routes 19.2.38

Smallpox Arrivais from Iraq by land and air routes 11.11.40

Smallpox Arrivais from Bombay by air routes 9.2.40

Smallpox Arrivais from Iran by air and land routes 1.7.42

Plague Arrivais from Madagascar by air and sea routes 1.6.42

Plague Arrivais from Port Said by air, sea and rail routes 24.7.42

2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine.

P l a c e S m a l l Pox Typhus

C e r e b r o ­s p i n a l

M e n i n ­gitis

R e l a p ­sing

F e v e r

D a t e n o t i f i e d

Nazareth, Haifa S/D

la 16.11.42

Haifa 1 1 17.11.42 Jerusalem 1 16.1142 Safad lb 20.11.42 Haifa 1 21.11.42 Beersheba 2 19.11.42

(a) 1 case imported from Arrabeh el Bahul, Acre Sub-District.

(b) 1 case imported from Abil, Safad Sub-District.

Page 11: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

26th November, 1942. T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 1299

P E E S O N S C H A N G I N G T H E I E N A M E S . The following changes of names have been registered at the office of the Commissioner

for Migration and Statistics.

O l d N a m e New N a m e

S u r n a m e O i h e r ñames S u r n a m e 1 Other ñames N a t i o n a l i t y Address

Back Alexander . Judeikin Alexander Palestinian Te l A v i v Bader Ya i r Levy Y a i r Palestinian Haifa Bi lanski Itzhak L i v n o n i Itshaq Palestinian Borokhov

Quarter Bi lanski Devora L ivnon i Devora Palestinian Borokhov

Quarter Bi lanski Emanan L ivnon i E lhänan Palestinian Borokhov

Quarter Bilanski Ester L i v n o n i Ester Palestinian Borokhov

Quarter Cahn Heinr ich Cahn Naftali Palestinian Tiberias Dornet Luise Thomas Louise Palestinian J erusalem

Charlotte Charlotte E m m a E m m a

Hess Aharon Chet Aharon Palestinian Haifa Hess Sheina Chet Yafa Palestinian Hai fa Hess Yedidya Chet Yedidya Palestinian Hai fa Hess Han Chet I lan Palestinian Hai fa Hobareh Yehye Hobareh Yehie l Palestinian Tiberias Israel Ernst Israel-Eye Ernest E m i l Palestinian Hai fa Israel Alice Israel-Eye Alice Palestinian Hai fa Kaufman Dina Migdal D ina Palestinian Te l Av iv Kestenbojm Szmul Armoni Shemuel Palestinian Te l Av iv Kestenbojm Dina Armoni Dina Palestinian Te l A v i v Kestenbojm Yi tzhaq Armoni Yitshaq Palestinian Te l Av iv Khamis Nicolas Christopoulos Nicolas Palestinian Jerusalem

Christo Christou Khamis Yoanna Christopoulos Jeanette Palestinian J erusalem

Christou Klisas Le iba Kina r t i Arye. Palestinian M . E . F . Klisas Joche Kina r t i Yokheved Palestinian M . E . F . Kr imer Eeuven Izraeli Eeuven Palestinian Te l A v i v Kr imer Sima Izraeli Sima Palestinian Te l A v i v L i t v i n L e a L i t v i n M a y a L e a Palestinian Te l A v i v Manachem Pelta Manachem Palt iel Palestinian T e l Av iv Michaelis Hans Werner Michaels H a n an David Palestinian Shaar han

Negev Michelen Emi l i o El ias Musallam J a m i l El ias Palestinian Bethlehem Nebenzahl Mojzecz Nebenzahl Mikhael Palestinian T e l Av iv Mojzecz

Moshe Preiser Feiga E i v k a Preiser Ziporah Palestinian Jerusalem Keich Leibisz Ee ich Arve Palestinian J erusalem Schidlow Helena Schidlow Hadassa Palestinian T e l Av iv

Helena Skolnikas Juozas Shkolnik Joseph Palestinian T e l Av iv Skolnikas Ida Shkolnik Ida Palestinian Te l A v i v Teitler Bernhard Tamari Dov Palestinian Motsa Vegr in l i j a -E l i j a Vegr in E l i e Palestinian Jerusalem Weintraub E a h m i l Carmi Eahmiel Palestinian Natanya Weintraub Adelina Carmi Adelina Palestinian Natanya Zebba Eli jas Sebba E l iyahu Palestinian Te l Av iv Zebba Esther Sebba Esther Palestinian T e l A v i v Zebba Yoram Sebba Yoram Palestinian T e l Av iv Hasan E z r a Dawood Hason E z r a David Bri t i sh Natanya Mallard Louis John Dolivera Louis John Br i t i sh Enab

Page 12: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

1300 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 26th November, 1942.




1. Rates, Licences, Taxes

2. Receipts from Specific Services

3. Miscellaneous

4. Grant-in-Aid from Government for School Building

5. Government Loan for School Building

6. Grant-in •Aid for School Building :-1) from Parents Committee £P . 345 2) from Kefar Sava Water Supply £P. 12

7. Grant-in־Aid from Vaad Leumi for Education

8. Loan from Kupat Milveh

Deposits:- L P • M i l s

1. Sundries 1,752.235 2. Grant-in-Aid 1,537.266 8. Government Loan 899.600 4. Kupat Milve Loan 200.000

Advances:-1. Sundries 339.336 2. In anticipation of Government

Loan for School Building 2,179.209

Balance on 1.4.41


Approved Estimates

Actual Receipts

Over the Estimates

L P . Mils












£ P . Mils L P . Mils



225.669 79.669

















20th July, 1942. E L I A H U S C H N E I D E R

Secretary and Accountant. A B R A H A M K I R C H N E R


Page 13: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

26th November, 1942. T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 1301


F O R T H E Y E A R E N D E D 3 1 S T M A R C H , 1 9 4 2 .

H E A D O F E S T I M A T E S Approved Estimates

Actual Payments

Over the Estimates

Under the Estimates

dCP. Mils £P. Mils £V. Mils £ P . Mils

1. General Administration 1,045.178 1,054.325 9.147 .—

2. Health Services 622.704 626.101 8.397 — 3. Public Security 168.000 212.365 59.365 — 4. Public Works Recurrent 178.000 181.287 3.287 —

5. Education and Culture 1,369.146 1,909.935 540.789 — 6. Miscellaneous 422.317 489.187 16.820 —

3,790.345 4,423.150 682.805 —

7. Public Works Extraordinary 1,909.810 2,484.237 524.427 ־ —

8. Loan Account 488.568 378.224 — 60.344

9. Soldiers Accomodation 19.675 19.873 0.198

6,158.898 7,255.484 1,157.430 60.344

Deposits:-1. Sundries


1,867.282 2. Grants-in-Aid 1,587.266 3. Government Loan 899.600 4. Kupat Milve Loan 20.348 4,324.496

Advances :־ 1. Sundries 200.518 2. In anticipation of Government

Loan for School Building 2,111.491 2,812.009


Balance on 81.8.42 179.652

T O T A L 14,071.641

19th October, 1942.


W. D . C H A R L T O N M u n i c i p a l Auditor.

Page 14: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

L O C A L C O U N C I L O F K E F A R S A V A .

S T A T E M E N T O P A S S E T S A N D L I A B I L I T I E S A S A T 31st M A R C H , 1942.


£ P . Mils £ P . Mils


Kupat Milve Loan




Cash in hand


Excess of Liabilities over Assets




Total 453.018 Total 453.018

The Council has a further liabilities totalling £P . 2,173.812 mils and Arrears of Revenue of £P . 5,531.


E L I A H U S C H N E I D E R A B R A H A M K I R C H N E R W. D. C H A R L T O N 20th July, 1942. Secretary and Accountant. President. 19st October, 1942. M u n i c i p a l Auditor.

Page 15: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

L O C A L COUNCIL OF F A L U J A . S U M M A R Y O F R E C E I P T S A N D P A Y M E N T S F O R T H E Y E A R E N D E D 8 1 S T M A I T C H , 1 9 4 2 .

R E C E I P T S Approved Estimates

Actual Eeceipts

Over the Estimates

Under the Estimates

P A Y M E N T S Approved Estimates

Eevised Estimates

Actual Payments

Under the Estimates

£ P . Mils £ P . Mils £P .Mi l s £ P . Mils -£P. £ P . Mils £ P . Müs £ P . Mils

1. Rates, Licences and Taxes 1,515.000 1,812.018 297.018 — 1. General Administration 399 409.000 377.618 31.382

2. Receipts from Specific Services

and Reimbursement

3. Miscellaneous

4. Government Grants-in־Aid

5. Government Loan

6. Water Supply-










184.254 32.754



2. Pensions and Gratuities

3. Health Services

4. Public Security

5. Public Works

6. Miscellaneous

7. Public Works Extraordinary

8. Water Supply

























3,611.050 3,898.960 329.772 41.862 4,214 4,214.000 3,835.692 378.308

Deposits Advances

39.000 880.000

Deposits Advances

20.000 880.000

Balance on 1st April, 1941 4,817.960

442.467 Cash:- £ p ־ M i I s

In hand 6.901 At Bank 517.884



Total 5,260.427 Total 5,260.427

M O H D . H A J H A S S A N A B U S I D E G H A c c o u n t a n t ,

S H E I K H M O H D . H A S S A N A W A D President. 17th October, 1942


W. D. C H A R L T O N M u n i c i p a l Auditor.

Page 16: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per



L O C A L C O U N C I L O F F A L U J A .




Excess of Assets over Liabilities


£P. Mils £P . Mils

Cash £P.Mils 19.000

In hand 6.901 505.735

At Bank 517.884 524.785

524.735 Total 524.785

The Council has a Government Loan liability of £P . 250 and Arrears of Revenue of £¥ . 693.

M O H D . H A J H A S S A N A B U S I D E G H Accountant.

S H E I K H M O H D . H A S S A N A W A D President. 17th October, 1942.

Examined W. D. C H A R L T O N M u n i c i p a l Auditor.

Page 17: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

26th November, 1942. T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1235. 1305

C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S O R D I N A N C E .

N O T I C E O F R E G I S T R A T I O N O F C O O P E R A T I V E S O ­C I E T I E S .

T h e particulars given below correspond with the following headings:—

1 . Name of Society. 2. Registered Office. 8. Date of Registration. 4. Glass of Society.

1. The Second Jerusalem C i v i l Servants' Con­sumers' Society Limited.

2. Jerusalem. 3. 31st October, 1942. 4. Consumers' society.

1. Aguda Tzarchanit Shetufit Shel Ovdei Mos-dot Hahistadrut Hahaklait be Tel Aviv Limited.

2. Tel Aviv. 3. 5th November, 1942. 4. Consumers' society

1. Government Officials' Consumers' Coopera­tive Society Limited Tel Aviv District.

2. Tel Aviv. 3. 10th November, 1942. 4. Consumers' society.

1. Aguda Tzarchanit Yatzranit Shetufit be Shkhunat Poalim "Ono" Limited.

2. Shkhunat Poalim "Ono". 3. 10th November, 1942. 4. Consumers' society.

1. Hahotrim Kvutzat Hanoar Haoved Lehit-yashvut Shetufit Limited.

2. Ki rya t Haim, near Haifa, 3. 11th November, 1942. 4. Collective setttlement.


B A N K R U P T C Y O R D I N A N C E , 1936.

R E S C I N D I N G O R D E R .

Debtor's Name: Ahmad el Haj Khaled Abdul Rahman E l Azzeh.

Address: Tel Es Safi (Hebron Sub-District). Description: Landowner. Court: District Court of Jerusalem. Number of Matter: 60/42. N a t u r e and Date of Order Rescinded: Receiv­

ing Order dated 31st day of May, 1942. Date of Rescission Order: 19th November, 1942. Grounds of Rescission: Satisfaction of claims.

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Official Receiver.

Administration General. (Gaz/33/40)

B A N K R U P T C Y O R D I N A N C E , 1936.

A D J U D I C A T I O N O R D E R A N D A P P O I N T M E N T O F T R U S T E E .

Debtor's Name: Moshe Mordechai Dushinsky. Address : 12, Nehemia Street, Jerusalem. Description: Formerly timber merchant. Court : Chief Magistrate's Court of Jerusalem. Number of M a t t e r : 103/42.

Date of Order of Adjudication: 13th Novem­ber, 1942.

Trustee's Name : Official Receiver. Address : Mizpah Building, Jaffa Road, P.O.B.

1254, Jerusalem.

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Official Receiver.

Administrator General. (Gaz/33/40)

B A N K R U P T C Y O R D I N A N C E , 1936.

R E S C I S S I O N O F R E C E I V I N G O R D E R .

Debtor's Name: Yehuda Hak. Address: 1, Tabor Street, Haifa. Court: District Court of Haifa. Number of M a t t e r : 165/41. N a t u r e and Date of Order Rescinded: Receiv­

ing Order made on 15.9.42. Date of Rescission: 1st November, 1942. Grounds of Rescission: Receiving Order ought

not have been made.

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Official Receiver.

Administrator General. (Gaz/33/40)


P A N I E S O R D I N A N C E .

T h e particulars given below correspond with the following headings : —

1 . Name of Company. 2. Date of Incorporation. S. Objects of the Company. 4• Share Capital.

1. "Nezer" Diamonds Ltd. 2. 28th September, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of trading, im­

porting, exporting, buying, selling and dealing in diamonds, gems, precious stones and jewels of every description.

4. £ P . 12,000.— divided into 12,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(F i l e No. P.O. 1284)

1. Daga Ltd. 2. 7th October, 1942. 3. To manufacture and/or cause to be manu­

factured, textiles, jerseys and cloth, and to do all acts and things and carry on all busi­nesses and trades commonly undertaken by manufacturers, merchants, traders, commis­sion agents, concessionaires, investors, finan­ciers and investment trusts.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P.O. 1290)

1. B a i t Hess 25 Ltd. 2. 9th October, 1942. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of the prop­

erty known as No. 25 Hess Street, Tel Aviv, and registered under Block No. 6913, Parcel No. 24, and to control and manage same.

4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .—each.

(File No P.O. 1291)

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1306 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1235. 26th November, 1942.

1. Haifa Engineering Co. Ltd . 2. 11th October, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of engineers, found­

ers, builders, manufacturers, tool-makers, metal workers, machinists, iron and steel converters, smiths, woodworkers and paint­ers and to buy, own, sell, manufacture, re­pair, convert, alter, let on hire and deal in goods, merchandise and property of any description.

4. £P.10,000.— divided into 10,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P.O. 1292).

1. Orbis Ltd . 2. 11th October, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of restaurant, cafe,

bar, buffet, beer-house, tea-shop, coffee, tavern and refreshment room.

4. £P.2,800.— divided into 126 preference shares of £P.20.— each and 14 ordinary shares of £P.20.— each.

(File No. P .C . 1293)

1. Ramet Ltd. 2. 12th October, 1942. 3. To acquire and take over as a going con­

cern the business now carried on under the style of Ramet, and to construct, execute, carry out, work, develop, improve, manage and control public or private works of all kinds.

4. £ P . 10,000.— divided into 1,998 8 per cent, cumulative preference shares of £P.5.— each, 100 ordinary " A " shares of 70 mils each and 100 ordinary " B " shares of 30 mils each.

(File No. P .C . 1295).

1. Nakhshon-Levant Shipping Co. Ltd . 2. 12th October, 1942. 3. To carry on al l kinds of marine business. 4. £P.20,000.— divided into 2 founders' shares

of £P.500.— each and 19,000 ordinary shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1296)

1. Spindel and Ijha Co. Ltd . 2. 14th October, 1942. 3. Contractors, building and road construction,

manufacture and supply of building mater­ials, supply of civil services and of all art­icles ordered by the army.

4. £ P . 1,000 — divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .—each.

(File No. P .C. 1297)

1. Nahalath Zvi Ltd . 2. 15th October, 1942. 3. To purchase, receive or otherwise acquire

the immovable property belonging to Clara Chapman, Fanya Chapman, Belle Bloom and Adela Chapman, known as Parcel No. 35, Block No. 3799, and to cultivate and develop same.

4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1298)

1. "Ipsco" Industrial Producers and Suppliers Co. Ltd .

2. 15th October, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of mechanical,

electrical and water supply engineers, iron founders and manufacturers of agricultural

implements and other machinery, tool-makers, brass-founders, metal workers, mil l ­wrights, machinists, iron and steel convert­ers, smiths, woodworkers, builders, painters, printers and carriers.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 100 shares of £ P . 10.— each.

(File No. P .C . 1299)

1. Teleprint Ltd . 2. 18th October, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of manufacturers

of, and dealers in, Teleprint paper and generally in all kinds of paper.

4. £P . 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1300)

1. Gretanatan Ltd . 2. 18th October, 1942. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of the

property registered at the Land Registry of Tel Aviv under Block No. 6902, Parcel No. 234, and to control and manage same.

4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1301)

1. Sharkal Ltd. 2. 19th October, 1942. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of the

property registered at the Land Registry of Tel Aviv under Block No. 6918, Parcel No. 37, and to control and manage same.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1302)

1. Nveh Hain Ltd . 2. 19th October, 1942. 3. To acquire by way of purchase, lease, ex­

change or otherwise a plot of land with a house thereon, registered in the Land Re­gistry of Tel Aviv under Block No. 6902, Parcel No. 672, and to maintain •and turn same to account.

4. £P.9,000.— divided into 9,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1303)

1. Juros Ltd . 2. 19th October, 1942. 3. To carry on the trades or businesses of iron

masters, steel makers, steel converters, smelters, engineers, tin-plate makers and iron and metal founders in a l l their branches.

4. £P.2,500.— divided into 30 " A " shares of £P. l .— each and 247 " B " shares of £P.10 — each.

(File No. P .C. 1304)

1. The Palestine Salted Fish Traders Associa­tion L t d .

2. 21st October, 1942. 3. To carry on business of trading, importing,

purchasing, selling, distributing and deal­ing in all kinds of salted fish.

4. £ P . 1,013.— divided into 13 founders' shares of £P. l .— each and 1,000 ordinary shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C . 1305).

Page 19: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

26th November, 1942. T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1235. 1 3 0 7

1. Meshek Eisenstaedt Ltd . 2. 22nd October, 1942. 3. To invest money for acquiring a plot of

land and a house thereon in Pardes Hanna, registered in the Land Registry of Haifa under Block No. 10104, Parcel No. 145.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 100 shares of £ P . 10.— each.

(File No. P .C . 1306).

1. Steel Wire Industry Ltd. 2. 25th October, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of manufacturing,

repairing, preparing for market or use, trading, importing, exporting, buying, sel­l ing and dealing in steel wire and other metal products of every description.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 98 ordinary shares of £P.10.— each and 2 founders' shares of £P.10.— each.

(File No. P .C. 1307)

1. Techno-Milling Ltd. 2. 25th October, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of grinders, manu­

facturers, importers and exporters of, and dealers in, agricultural, chemical, industrial and other products, articles and prepara­tions.

4. £P.1,000 — divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C . 1308)

1. Schwarzhuber Co. Ltd . 2. 25th October, 1942. 3. To carry on the business of manufacturers

of precision instruments for drawing, sur­veying and engineering.

4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1309)

1. The Merchant Ltd . 2. 25th October, 1942. 3. To carry on business as millers, grinders,

merchants and dealers, importers, export­ers, transporters, manufacturers and sup­pliers of flour, fodder, grain, fruit, veget­ables, sugar, tea, coffee, colonial goods, grocery and any other goods, merchandise, products, ware and produce.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 100 shares of £ P . 10.— each.

(File No. P .C. 1310)

1. Palestine Industrial Undertakings Ltd . 2. 25th October, 1942. 3. To receive from the Tel Aviv Municipality

as well as from other municipalities, town­ships, local councils and public institutions of Palestine al l the rubbish, garbage and refuse collected by the same out of the streets, yards, houses and other places.

4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 ordinary shares of £P. l .— each. .

(File No. P .C. 1311)

1. Georg Tintner Ltd. 2. 25th October, 1942. 3. To acquire and take over as a going concern

the business now carried on at Tel Aviv as a restaurant and sausagery, at 8, Ben

Yehuda Street, and to carry on the business of hotel, restaurant, cafe, tavern, beer­house, refreshment room, licensed victual­lers and wine, beer and spirit merchants.

4. £P.600. divided into 600 shares of £ P . l — each.

(File No. P .C. 1312)

1. Korat Ruakh Ltd. 2. 26th October, 1942. 3. To establish and carry on the business of a

land development company in Jerusalem, Palestine, i n respect of land situate in Block No. 6623, Sheikh Muwannis, Lydda District, Palestine.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 1,000 ordinary shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C 1313)

1. Sakal Textiles, Ltd . 2. 28th October, 1942. 3. To carry on al l or any of the businesses of

manufacturers, importers, exporters of, and wholesale and retail dealers in , textile fabrics of al l kinds.

4. £P.1,000— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l— each.

(File No. P .C. 1314)

1. Kaete Dan Hotel Ltd . 2. 4th November, 1942. 3. To acquire and take over as a going concern

the business now carried on at Tel Aviv under the style or firm of "Kaete Dan Hotel" and to carry on the business of prop­rietors or managers of same and any affili­ated business.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided • into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1315)

1. Rozmo Ltd. 2. 4th November, 1942. 3. To carry on all or any of the businesses of

manufacturers of, and merchants in, al l kinds of textile goods.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each. ־

(File No. P .C . 1316)

1. Konas and Waisbord Ltd . 2. 4th November, 1942. 3. To establish, maintain and manage in Pal­

estine any kinds of workshops, factories, garages, and al l kinds of undertakings con­nected with mechanical works and produc­tion and other treatment in tins and metals for sale and delivery.

4. £P.5,020.—. divided into 500 ordinary " A " shares of £P.10.— each and 4 preference shares of £P.5.— each.

(File No. P .C. 1317)

1. E . D. I. Ltd . 2. 4th November, 1942. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of the prop­

erty registered at the Land Registry of Tel Aviv under Block No. 6903, Parcel No. 654, and to control and manage same.

4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1318)

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1308 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1235. 26th November, 1942.

1. Grabov Ltd. 2. 4th November, 1942. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of the prop­

erty known as Parcel No. 44, Block No. 6217, Massudiya, registered at the Land Re­gistry of Tel Aviv, and to control and man­age same.

4. £P.600.— divided into 600 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C . 1319)

1. Shunit Ltd. 2. 4th November, 1942. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of the prop­

erty known as Parcel No. 41, Block No. 6217, Massudiya, registered at the Land Registry of Tel Aviv, and to control and manage same.

4. £P .divided into 600 shares of £P —־.600. l .— each.

(File No. P .C . 1320)

1. Helen Ltd. 2. 4th November, 1942. 3. To purchase and obtain transfer of the prop­

erty, registered at the Land Registry of Tel Aviv in Folio 181, Volume 65, and to control and manage same.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P.l .—each.

(File No. P .C. 1321)

1. Jehoshua Ltd. 2. 4th November, 1942. 3. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange or

otherwise acquire and hold any lands, buildings or other immovable property in any part of Palestine.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1322)

1. Tikvati Ltd . 2. 5th November, 1942. 3. To acquire by purchase, lease, exchange or

otherwise, partly or wholly, the property, registered in the Land Registry of Tel Aviv under Block No. 6205, Parcel No. 18, and the property, registered in the Land Registry of Jaffa under Block No. 6109, Parcel No. 65.

4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 ordinary shares of £P. l .— each.

(File No. P .C. 1323)

1. The Pardess Rabbi Akiba Ltd. 2. 6th November, 1942. 3. To acquire, take over and develop six plots

of land. 4. £P.1,000.— divided into 999 ordinary shares

of £ P . L — each and 1 " A " share of £ P . l — . (File No. P .C. 1324)

1. Mitzaron Ltd. 2. 6th November, 1942. 3. To establish, maintain and develop indus­

tries of articles in the manufacture of which citrus fruit is or may be used.

4. £ P . 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £ P . 1.— each.

(File No. P .C . 1325) (Gaz/31/40)

N O T I C E .

A M E R I C A N P O R C E L A I N T O O T H Co. L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the above-named company was on the 11th day of October, One thousand nine hundred and forty-two, regis­tered as a private company, pursuant to section 255 of the Companies Ordinance.

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator G e n e r a l . Registrar of Companies.

13th November, 1942. (File No. P . C . 1294).


N O T I C E S .


M I D D L E E A S T S U P P L I E S C O . L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the M I D D L E E A S T S U P P L I E S C O . L T D . has on the 23rd October, 1942, changed its name in accordance with section 25 of the Companies Ordinance to: —

M I D D L E E A S T S U P P L Y Co. L T D .

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator G e n e r a l .

Registrar of Companies. 13th November, 1942.

(File No. P .C. 895).

I I .

P A L E S T I N E D I A M O N D M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O . L T D .

Notice is hereby given that P A L E S T I N E : D I A M O N D M A N U F A C T U R I N G C O . L T D . has on the 23rd October, 1942, changed its name in accord­ance with section 25 of the Companies Ordinance to: —

P A L E S T I N E D I A M O N D M A N U F A C T U R I N G L T D .

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator G e n e r a l .

Registrar of Companies. 13th November, 1942.

(File No. P . C . 1281)

I I I .

" M E L A I " C O . L T D .

Notice is hereby given that " M E L A I " C O . L T D . has on the 9th October, 1942, changed its name in accordance with section 25 of the Companies Ordinance to: —

P A L E S T I N E I M P O R T E R S A N D F O O D S U P P L I E S L T D .

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator G e n e r a l .

Registrar of Companies. 13th November, 1942.

(File No. 1228)

Page 21: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

25th November, 1942. T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1235. 1309

I V .


Notice is hereby given that JERUSALEM TRAD­I N G AND REAL ESTATE Co. L T D . has on the 16th October, 1942, changed its name in accordance with section 25 of the Companies Ordinance to:


H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator General.

Registrar of Companies. 13th November, 1942.

(File No. 1304) <Gaz/31/40)

N O T I C E S .



Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of SADAN L T D . has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P,490.— divided into 49 ordinary shares of £P.10.— each beyond the registered capital of £P.11,500 divided into 1,150 shares of £P.10.— each.

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator General.

Registrar of Companies. 13th November, 1942.

(File No. P.O. 555).

I I .


Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of CLUSON STEEL W O R K S L T D . has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.10,000.— divided into 10,000 " A " ordinary shares of £P. l .— each beyond the registered capital of £ P . 10,000.— divided into 9,997 " A " ordinary shares of £P. l .— each and 3 preference shares of £ P . l . each.

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator General.

Registrar of Companies. 13th November, 1942.

(File No. P.O. 556).

I I I .


Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of T H E SHARON WATER CO. L T D . has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.5,000.— divided into 5,000 ordinary shares of £ P . l . — each beyond the registered capital of £ P . 30,000.— divided into 30,000 shares of £ P . l . — each.

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator General.

Registrar of Companies. 13th November, 1942.

(File No. P . O . 565).



Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of T H E LIEBER C O . L T D . has been in­creased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.10,000.— divided into 10,000 cumulative pre­ference shares of £P. l .— each beyond the re­gistered capital of £P.10,000.— divided into 12 founders' shares of £P.25.— each and 97 ordin­ary shares of £P.100.— each.

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator General.

13th November, 1942. Registrar of Companies. (File No. P.O. 886).

V .


Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of T H E MA'ADAN COLD STORAGE CO. L T D . has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.39,000.— divided into 39,000 ordinary shares of £P. l .— each beyond the re­gistered capital of £P.9,000.— divided into 4 founders' shares of £P. l .— each and 8,996 ordinary shares of £P. l .— each.

H . K A N T R O V I T C H Administrator General.

13th November, 1942. Registrar of Companies. (File No. P.O. 1202).

V I .

E L L E R N ' S B A N K , L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of E L L E R N ' S B A N K , L T D . has been in­creased by the addition thereto of the sum of £P.25,000.— divided into 2,500 ordinary shares of £P .10.— each beyond the registered capital of £P.50,000.— divided into 50,000 ordinary shares of £ P . l . — each.

H. KANTROVITCH Administrator General.

13th November, 1942. Registrar of Companies, (File No. 431).

V I I .

P R I M A N L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the nominal capital of P R I M A N L T D . has been increased by the addition thereto of the sum of £ P . 15.000.— divided into 15,000 shares "Class A " of £ P . l . - ־each beyond the registered capital of £ P . 15,000.— divided into 200 founders' shares of £ P . l . — each, 14,794 ordinary shares "Class A" of £ P . l . — each and 6 ordinary shares "Class B " of £ P . l . — each.

H. KANTROVITCH Administrator General.

13th November, 1942. Registrar of Companies. (File No. 1314). (Gaz/31/40)

Page 22: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

1310 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E No. 1235. 26th November, 1942..



N a m e of Company: Trans-Yarkon Public Ser­vice Corporation Ltd.

Bate of I n c o r p o r a t i o n : 7th October, 1942. Objects of the Company: To manage, super­

vise and direct the conduct of the affairs of the quarter or settlement known as "The Trans-Yarkon Lands" situate near Tel Aviv, and to develop and encourage the development thereof.

Share C a p i t a l : £P.10,000.— divided into 4,000 founders' shares of 50 mils each and 980 ordinary shares of £P.10.— each.

(File No. 1361).



N a m e of Partnership: Daoud Dadis and Sons. D a t e of Registration: 1st October, 1942. Objects of the Partnership: Wholesale and re­

tail merchants in colonial goods and cereals, general merchants and commis­sion, agents.

C a p i t a l Contributed by L i m i t e d P a r t n e r : £P.2,000.—.

Names of G e n e r a l Partners: Costandi Dadis, Daoud Al Khoury Asyriani.

N a m e of L i m i t e d P a r t n e r : Nairn Shehadeh. D u r a t i o n of Partnership: Three years as from

the date of registration. (File No. 42/P).



The f o l l o w i n g notices a r e published at the risk of the advertisers and their publication does not imply any certificate as to correctness or authority.


L A M I Z R A H C O . L T D .

Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the shareholders of the Lamizrah Co. Ltd. which was held on 30th September, 1942, at the re­gistered office of the company, Mr. I. Halperin has been elected sole Director who will serve in that capacity one complete year.

It was resolved that Mr. I. Halperin alone shall be empowered to sign on behalf of the com­pany, namely, that his sole signature shall bind the company in all its transactions.

Mrs. Bat-Sheva Halperin and Mr. I. Hal­perin attended at the meeting.


P A L E S T I N E C O L O U R S M A N U F A C T U R I N G ( P A L C O L ) C O . L T D .

Notice is hereby given that the directors of the above company are :

Mr. Pinhas Niry (formerly Pincu Blumenfeld)

Mrs. Rachel Niry.

The sole signature of Mr. Pinhas Niry shall be binding upon the company.


P A L E S T I N E S T O R A G E L I M I T E D .

Notice is hereby given that the following per­sons are the directors of the company :

S A U L F I N K E L S T E I N Z E E V D U B I N S K I H E R M A N S E G A L .

The signature of any two of the above men­tioned directors shall bind the company in all matters.

I V .

H A L V A A V E H I S A C H O N , P E T A H T I Q V A C O O P E R A T I V E -S O C I E T Y L I M I T E D I N L I Q U I D A T I O N .

Notice to creditors and contributories of Intention to apply for Release.

Take notice that an order was given to me, the undersigned liquidator of the above-named society, from the District Court, Tel Aviv, to close the liquidation and I intend to apply to the Official Receiver for my release, and further take notice that any objection you may have to the granting of my release must be notified to the Official Receiver within twenty one days of the date hereof.

R. FEINSTEIN L i q u i d a t o r .

V .

H I R S C H L I M I T E D .

Notice is hereby given that at the extra-! ordinary general meeting of Hirsch Limited, duly held on 5th November, 1942, i t was re­solved :

1. To wind up the company voluntarily, and 2. To appoint Messrs. Fellman, Livay & Co.,

certified accountants, 7, Levontin Street, Tel Aviv (P.O.Box 1054), as the liquid­ators of the company for the purpose of such winding-up.

All claims should be submitted to the l iquidr ators within 21 days from to-day.

FELLMAN, LIVAY & C O . Liquidators.


K O N A S & W A I S B O R D L T D .

M E T A L A N D T I N W O R K S F A C T O R Y , R A M A T G A N .

Notice is hereby given that the first elected Directors of the above-mentioned company are:

Abraham Eisen Mordechai David Waisbord Rudolph Konas.

Page 23: XCbe alestine a3ette - nevo.co.il · a description of beer, or as a substitute for beer, and which on analysis of a sample thereof at any time is found to con tain more than two per

•26th November, 1942. T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E N o . 1235. 1311

The signatures of all three Directors together are necessary to bind the company in connec­tion with all financial transactions.

In al l other transactions, the signatures of Mr. Abraham Eisen and one of the two other Directors wi l l suffice to bind the company.

C O R R I G E N D U M .

Palestine Gazette No. 1233 of 12th November, 1942, page 1261, Notice re Daniel Cohen in Bankruptcy.

Item "Court" :

For 1 ' D i s t r i c t C o u r t of Jerusalem" read " D i s t r i c t C o u r t of T e l Aviv".

N O T I C E .

S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E S .

The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, at current prices, through all booksellers and news-agents in Palestine or from the Govern­ment Printing and Stationery Office, P. O. B . 293, Jei-usalem. The subscription rates are as follows: —

Abroad Palestine

H a l f - y e a r l y £P.1.750 mils

£P.1.200 mils

Yearly £P.3.000 mils.

£P.2.000 mils.

Applications accompanied by remittances (Cash, Postal or Money Orders only) should be made to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem.

A D V E R T I S E M E N T S .

The following are the authorised publication rates for notices and advertisements in the Palestine Gazette: —

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Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc.

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P R I N T E D A T T H E G O V E R N M E N T P R I N T I N G P R E S S , J E R U S A L E M .