yoga for scoliosis_ new research supports the benefits of side plank _ yoga international

Yoga > Yoga Therapy Yoga for Scoliosis: New Research Supports the Benefits of Side Plank BY Kathryn Ashworth ON November 26, 2014 Scoliosis aects 6 million Americans. Chances are you or someone you know has it. Either way, it’s likely you’ve heard of it. And if you’re an asana teacher, you’ve probably encountered this condition in at least one of your students. In fact, you may have spent countless hours trying to understand scoliosis in order to help empower your students to alleviate their symptoms. But if you’re not familiar with it, light online research will provide a wealth of information. )e Mayo Clinic's website states that “Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. While scoliosis can be caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most scoliosis is unknown.” Scoliosis aects 6 million Americans. Yoga for Scoliosis: New Research Supports the Benefits of Side Plank |... 1 de 8 31/01/2015 10:18

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Yoga > Yoga Therapy

Yoga for Scoliosis: New Research Supports the Benefits ofSide PlankBY Kathryn Ashworth ON November 26, 2014

Scoliosis a�ects 6 million Americans. Chances are you or someone you know

has it. Either way, it’s likely you’ve heard of it. And if you’re an asana teacher,

you’ve probably encountered this condition in at least one of your students.

In fact, you may have spent countless hours trying to understand scoliosis in

order to help empower your students to alleviate their symptoms. But if

you’re not familiar with it, light online research will provide a wealth of

information. )e Mayo Clinic's website states that “Scoliosis is a sideways

curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just

before puberty. While scoliosis can be caused by conditions such as cerebral

palsy and muscular dystrophy, the cause of most scoliosis is unknown.”

Scoliosis aects 6 million Americans.

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According to )e National Scoliosis Foundation, scoliosis a�ects both

genders, and its onset typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 15.

Treatment includes bracing, and in more advanced cases, surgery. )ough

mild scoliosis often presents few symptoms, severe forms may limit lung

capacity, place pressure on the heart, and reduce overall range and quality of

physical movement.

When I was asked to write an article about a recent scoliosis study for Yoga

International (more on that later), I immediately thought of my friend

Amanda. Amanda was diagnosed with a 45-degree S-shaped curve when she

was 14. Her doctors concluded that much of her growth was finished, and

that bracing was not an option. As she puts it, “My movement would be

severely compromised from the base of my neck all the way down.” )e

conclusion she and her family drew was to hold o� on surgery for the time

being. “We decided to wait," she says, "but there's a lingering fear that my ribs

could eventually collapse into my lungs."

Amanda has since developed a regular asana practice. And when I asked her

for her personal reflections on what it's like to live with scoliosis and how

yoga aids her symptoms, this is what she had to say:

“Everything is crooked when the spine is crooked. And it requires

mindfulness to pull it together. I find that asana alleviates pain in nooks that

would otherwise hold it. And when I'm not practicing, I feel the pain return

to certain parts of my back that feel pressure (the uneven jutting of my spine

into muscle, and that muscle pain not being alleviated). Eventually I become

used to the pain, and it becomes less noticeable over time. But in many ways

that’s worse, as it gradually builds and stores itself within my body."

“Everything is crooked when the spine is crooked. And it

requires mindfulness to pull it together. I find that

asana alleviates pain in nooks that would otherwise

hold it."

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For 19 of the 25

participants, the

reduction of curvature

averaged 40.9%.

Many of us can relate to Amanda’s story in our own way. We too came to

asana and wanted to alleviate a little pain, whether emotional or physical,

and we stick around because it works. Yet, while yoga has been a valuable

therapeutic resource for thousands of years, it’s only within the past several

decades that scientific studies have been conducted to measure its e=cacy.

And the more I read the findings of these reports, the more I see that our

intuitive inclination to the mat is spot-on.

Side Plank for Scoliosis

In one of the most recent studies, published in “Global Advances in Health

and Medicine,” (

/gahmj.2013.064?journalCode=gahmj&) a team of researchers set out to

study the side e�ects of side plank on reducing spinal curvature in scoliosis

patients. )e study, conducted by Dr. Loren Fishman and the Columbia

College of Physicians and Surgeons in NYC, included 25 participants, each

diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis. "Idiopathic" refers to the fact that the

causes of the scoliosis are unknown—which is often (85% of the time) the


)e study was conducted to demonstrate the e�ects of asymmetrical

strengthening, and appears to focus primarily on C-curve scoliosis (a C curve

refers to a single curve, as opposed to an S shape where there is an upper

curve and a lower curve facing in opposite directions). Each participant was

instructed to hold the posture on the convex side of their spine—the side

that's rounded outward—daily, and for as long as possible. According to the

study, this averaged about 1.5 minutes a day for 6.1 days a week.

)e results of their practice were

measured in three ways: individual

reports, radiographic assessment

(taken before and after), and Cobb

measurements (Cobb Angle


/cobb-angle) is a standard

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What about S-curve

scoliosis? And why are

we focusing on


strengthening alone?

measurement used to gauge the development of scoliosis). Over a 6.8-month

period, pre- and post-Cobb measurements indicated an overall significant

reduction within primary scoliotic curves. Furthermore, for 19 of the 25

participants, the reduction of curvature averaged 40.9%.

Initial write-ups on the reports have circulated across social media and the

yoga biosphere, with glowing reviews from the yoga community. For the

most part, many are simply glad that a study was conducted at all.

For Roger Cole, a Stanford-educated scientist and certified Iyengar yoga

teacher, the research is validating. “)is is exciting work because it provides

the best scientific evidence I know of to date that a simple yoga technique

may provide a powerful means to help correct scoliosis. Up until now, we

have had to rely on anecdotal success stories." He adds that, “While the study

does not definitively prove that yoga is an e�ective treatment for scoliosis, it

looks promising and should certainly grab the attention of the medical

community. It justifies larger clinical trials that could one day put yoga

treatment of scoliosis squarely in the mainstream of modern, evidence-based


It’s true. Studies such as this prove

that we no longer have to rely on our

hunches, though that’s not to say

that a lack of scientific research

would have deterred most of us from

our practices. Perhaps the most

powerful draw to yoga is the feeling

of the practice. We just know it

works. Again, we feel it. Yet evidence such as this provides direction for

practitioners—in this case, a specific pose. But there are a few lingering

questions which arise after reading the study: What about S-curve scoliosis?

And why are we focusing on asymmetrical strengthening alone?

Yoga teacher Ellen Saltonstall, who has collaborated with Dr. Fishman on two

books (“Yoga for Arthritis” and “Yoga for Osteoporosis”), puts the intricate

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nature of scoliosis into context: "I have been using this technique in my

scoliosis protocol and I find it to be very helpful. Educating the student or

patient is crucial, since each person's scoliosis is very specific and often

confusing to them. It is important to know whether the curve is a C curve or

an S curve, which was not addressed in this study. Students need to identify

(either on their own or with professional eyes) exactly where their curvature

is convex (rounded outward) and where it is concave (hollowed inward), and

whether they have multiple curves, which is common. Once they know that,

they can do the appropriate actions on the appropriate side in this pose."

And as for asymmetrical strengthening, Cole brings up another valid point:

"An important question left unanswered is whether people should also

practice the pose on the other side. Yoga technique generally seeks symmetry,

and it is possible that working one side to the complete exclusion of the

other over the long term could lead to new imbalances (at the very least, an

imbalance in shoulder strength, but perhaps also other complex imbalances

between spinal muscles). On the other hand," he adds, "practicing the pose on

the second side could theoretically slow or even negate therapeutic benefits

on the first side. Only further study can resolve the issue."

I contacted Dr. Fishman for his expertise about these quandaries, but also, I

couldn’t help but wonder: Out of over 8,000 yoga postures known to asana,

why did he choose side plank as the point of focus?

He also confirmed that practicing asymmetrically could

pose a few risks, but that practicing side plank on both

sides would negate its therapeutic eects.

In regard to Cole’s statement, Fishman agreed that further study was needed,

and expressed sincere interest in conducting further research. He also

confirmed that practicing asymmetrically could pose a few risks, but that

practicing side plank on both sides would negate its therapeutic

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e�ects. “Reversing this asymmetrical condition requires an asymmetrical

means. Muscle strength seems to be the key. It is true that doing the side

plank on one side only could cause new or other asymmetrical problems to

develop in the wrist and the shoulder or rarely in the sacroiliac joint. But

doing the pose on both sides would utterly nullify the process of

asymmetrical strengthening thatvasisthasana (side plank) initiates. )e side

plank should be done daily on one side, only with the convex side of the

lumbar curve downward, for as long as possible each time.”

As for specific practices for S-curve scoliosis, Fishman had this to say:

“)at depends on the individual. Sometimes the upper curve is

compensatory, and by straightening the lower part of the spine, the upper

part straightens itself. I’ve seen that happen. Sometimes the upper curve may

be independent or may even have come first. With the help of other yoga

experts I’ve figured out a number of other e�ective asanas for reducing and

correcting the upper curve, including, but not limited to, ardha

chandrasana (half moon pose).”

So why did Dr. Fishman choose side plank after all? He expressed that in

many ways, the pose chose him—that it was through trial and error, and

noticing how e�ective the pose was within his own practice. But for those

who want to try these methods for themselves, Fishman cautions that certain

measures are necessary for safety. “I believe the people practicing this

method must be monitored every month or so because the process is so

strong that if unmonitored and done too long, it may actually reverse the

process and produce a curve on the other side. When the curve gets down

near zero or is negligible, then the pose should be done on both sides to keep

the spine straight.”

Fishman concluded our interview stating that he truly believes this

treatment could help patients forego braces (which are sometimes worn for as

much as 23 hours a day) and better yet, surgery, which is often extremely

painful and debilitating.

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Would you try side

plank as a treatment for

your scoliosis?

How do you feel about the study?

Many have thought scoliosis to be

incurable. However, research such as

this certainly leaves one wondering.

Based on the results of Dr. Fishman’s

research, would you try side plank as a treatment for your scoliosis, or

suggest it to your friends? Please leave your comments below.

ABOUT Kathryn Ashworth (

Kathryn Ashworth has a BA in Anthropology and is an assistant producer at

Yoga International. She is currently receiving her 200-hour yoga teacher

training through the Himalayan Institute tradition.

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